#grimdark future
bfleuter · 5 months
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Made some symbols for me and my partner @cryngeisdead's grimdark armies.
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swedebeast · 9 days
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Okay... this works. Project M113 Rhino APC kitbash is complete.
Do I call it a success? Well, the little vomit is done, isn't it? I didn't learn so many lessons, as I did more get an affirmation on how tricky superglue is to work with. But this sucker is done, I will prime it... and I will decide on how to paint it.
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hadrians-wall95 · 22 days
Today, something a little different! Because Votann aren't. Good. In 10e, and Games Workshop are kinda lame anyway. A game of One Page Rules! The Reach Industrial Conglomerate (RIC) has deployed the Hekaton Fortress Noble-6 to extract resources that happen to be in the middle of a City on Harvest World Marwick. The Sanguine Knights dispatch a Calvary Detachment to Shoo them off:
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The Sanguine Melta ATVs are the most immediate threat to Noble-6, thus it trundles forward, immediately destroying one.
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The other one gets a chance to respond, and takes off 3 of Noble-6's *18* hit points. I love One Page Rules. The Lone Champion, the Hammer Chief, goes to claim the objective. He will sit. there all game. With his 4 inch move. But he did his job. The Khal of the RIC and his Veteran 10-man squad drop out the right door of the fortress, to set up against a bike advacne.
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The right Flank has more issues. The Techmarine can heal basically anything in my opponents list, and the Baal Predator puts out. So many shots. The RIC bikes duck behind the bridge, waiting for the right moment to take the crossroads objective. (One page Rules has no victory points. It's battlefront rules. You own it until an opponent steps on it. If you both have minis within the outer hazard circle, it's contested. Shaken units can't hold objectives. This is going to become. *Very* important)
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This quickly turns into a battle of the bridge. Whoever holds it will end up taking this battle.
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Both tanks trundle onto the bridge. It groans in protest. The Death Company Bikers are shot down by the Magma Guns on the RIC. (Splasers, Baby!). The Baals Machine Guns Whirr, it's Hunter-Killer Missle Sings .. and yet it all plinks off Noble-6's Hull (I would not roll below a 5. That thing could've easily taken down the Hekaton. And each of his characters has fusion pistols. There's no *strength* in One Page Rules. Just a roll to hit a roll to defend. He was throwing a lot of AP 1 and 2, which work like tenth.).
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Finally, the battle for the crossroads begins. The bikers move in, and are able to fight the RIC off point with Morale Checks and Charges. The Rich had left too little, and the biker squad in full (the machine gun bikes are separate activations). Was too late to respond. Although they, too, would quickly break (a 4+ is brutal for this. Morale fucking matters in this game). It's looking like an RIC Loss..
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Untill the last moment. The other Trike was able to capture the now unattended objective 4. A tank charge from the Baal Predator Induces a failed moral check on the Hekaton, meaning that this day ends in a draw. As the sun sets and artillery roars, both sides are ordered to fall back... This isnt over though....
(overall I had a lot of fun, my opponent seemed to as well. This was a learning game, so I'm sure we both made mistakes rules wise (even with a single sheet) and tactical. Today, we told a tale of combined arms versus bikes. I think next time it may be more Iron Vs Iron....)
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creature-unlimited · 1 year
Been getting into painting minis, not bad for a first try! My precious ourple son 💖
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ishdaj · 2 days
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I got into Grimdark Future Firefight (rules-light wargame) late last year. I'm mostly in it because it has a pretty low barrier to entry, it's fun, and because it's cute imagining little rat guys running around wielding flamethrowers and rocket launchers against *checks notes* genetically modified soldiers and fungi-looking hiveminds.
Anyway this is a visualization of what it feels like every time I team up with my (significantly more competent) friend who has an angel-themed Blessed Sisters army.
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therealfelicia · 1 year
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The Filth army for Grimdark Future
Onepage Rules had the brilliant idea of releasing rules for a zombie faction. I don't know if the Infected Colonies faction is based on an existing Warhammer army, or OPR wanted people to use their zombicide miniatures, but what matters is that I have a stash of Secret World stuff on TTS and now I also have an excuse to use them.
Models Source:
-Secret World models from BOSS Asset Library by Bright Corvid. -Left 4 Dead models from Common Infected and Special Infected, both by CougarMagnum.
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Wife and I gave One Page Rules a try this weekend, Grimdark Future: Firefight specifically.
Her Osha Compliance Squad suffered a close defeat at the claws of Hive Fleet Leviathan before claiming an overwhelming victory over the Eridium Enclave.
The rules really were refreshingly simple compared to 40k (just like everyone says), and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of nuance in the activation/stun/wound economy. The gameplay felt really engaging without being needlessly cluttered. I was also impressed by how much mechanical identity each model had despite the streamlined special rules. Definitely looking forward to playing some more.
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sylvianasart · 11 months
Not art, but related. I know I've mentioned briefly I haven't had much chance to play, but I finally got around to going to a nearby wargaming club, and I've now had a few games of.. well not actual Warhammer yet, but close!
Been playing some One-page Rules: Grimdark Future. Just 1000 points (which is near 500 points in 40k) with 3 games over a couple of visits.
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First game against some ancient robots. Regeneration is annoying, I didn't have enough AP, made some wonderfully bad tactical decisions, getting my walker with 3' range waaaay too close, so it could be easily attacked and pinned. And those little bugs were so annoying xD I won... But by model kill count, and I'm not sure if that was the best way to decide.
Next two games were against a plague heretic player, and now I'm convinced all other factions have regeneration xD
Unfortunately I set up the second game terrain myself, and didn't favour myself at all. This is the game with the red pipes. I made some better decisions, got some points. But was picked off a lot, and couldn't possibly catch up in points with what remained, and lost horribly.
Third game had the green crystals, much better terrain placement. I could use the terrain more effectively, to avoid getting my powerful units in los of their powerful guns. And it all came down to some careful tactics and tense rolls in the last turn. Very exciting, very fun. I managed to secure the win, and was really proud of some of the tactical decisions made.
All in all, I've had fun. The club has an OPR doubles tournament coming up so I'm keen to give that a go. And I've got some model painting going so I will hopefully have enough for a 1k Warhammer game soon to see how that plays differently.
Good times. That's all :)
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stonegearstudios · 2 months
I need to get back on the megadungeon but I've been distracted by wargames and things 😅
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
ooh, bombshell is working on rules for their tentacle monsters in grimdark future!
might buy a few next time I need bubble helmets, I think they’re cool
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corvidous · 1 year
A second standard bearer for the Irregulars!
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This was my first time ever using a paper flag, this one came from the Perry Miniatures Afghan Tribesmen box that I’ve been using the bodies and heads for my conversions, I’m stoked it came out so well.
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Also stoked that the Perry box just...came with a flag that almost exactly matched the color scheme I had already chosen for my flag! It’s basically perfect! 
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bfleuter · 13 days
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Some quick terrain pieces to help fill out my wargames table.
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mikailborg · 2 years
@mikailborg: Decided to see how close the latest HeroForge update could get me to a Catgirl of Battle figure. Super close.
Once a punishment detail sent to literally clean up loot after battles, the Catgirls now proudly wear the Furmother’s armored apron as some of her fiercest troops.
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snackugaki · 1 year
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soft apocalypse 3
training is basically bonding, right? ft. future!venus
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nicollekidman · 1 year
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i keep seeing takes on either side of this and i don’t disagree with any of them because the whole point is that We’ll Never Know and it really could go either way BUT! i do think it’s like. important that the way that kendall differs the MOST from logan is his relationship with his siblings and the love he has for them/needs from them. kendall thinks he’s only built to run waystar but really he’s built to be part of a trio!! he’s a love sponge, they’re all love sponges!!! the three of them are bound together in a way that logan and ewan never were bc logan is the big evil and the big love that built them! not to mention the fact that roman and shiv are not ewan. shiv will probably hold out longest because her pride and her rage and her exhaustion is what brought them to this point but. roman is blowing up kendall’s phone 48 hours later MAX. kendall is getting invites via roman to family events he wasn’t invited to and bringing squiggle beats to his nephew’s christening…. shiv is calling ken to leave five minute voicemails about how pathetic he is and how she beat him…
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ishdaj · 4 days
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I got into Grimdark Future Firefight (rules-light wargame) late last year. I'm mostly in it because it has a pretty low barrier to entry, it's fun, and because it's cute imagining little rat guys running around wielding flamethrowers and rocket launchers against *checks notes* genetically modified soldiers and fungi-looking hiveminds.
Anyway this is a visualization of what it feels like every time I team up with my (significantly more competent) friend who has an angel-themed Blessed Sisters army.
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