#Silver was in a mood y'all
silveringofrose · 1 year
A Comedy of Egg-pic Proportions
Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Wordville, there lived a self-proclaimed literary genius named Bartholomew Bumptious. He had an ego the size of Mount Everest and an attitude as sour as pickled lemons. Especially when someone called him Barty, which unfortunately for him, everyone did.
Now, dear reader, I must tread lightly as I describe him, for he was a man who believed himself to be exceptional in every conceivable way. So of course, he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him about anything ever (even though everyone did, and often at that).
Incensed by the audacity of these uneducated buffoons (his words, not mine), he would head off into hours-long repetitive rants affirming his own superiority over anyone foolish enough to try. His demeanour (and his mouth) demanded respect, and by golly, he would get it if it was the last thing he did (not to spoiler the ending or anything, but it would never be a thing he did).
So let us begin this tale of absurdity and ridiculousness by delving deeper into the intricacies of Bartholomew's peculiarly unremarkable existence. Picture, if you will, a man of middling height, his dumpy figure clothed in garish suits that clashed with the vividness of his imagination (and everything else to be honest).
But despite the glaring faux pax that was Barty’s dress sense, this was not in fact, the most remarkable thing about his appearance. For you see, dear reader, Barty was possessed of a head as bald as the moon, polished to a gleaming perfection that could rival the most lustrous of hard-boiled eggs.
His oddly shiny pate was the epitome of his misguided confidence, a beacon of narcissism that invited mockery. Though he remained blissfully unaware of the laughter that so often followed in his wake (or rather, he remained blissfully unaware of the true reason for the laughter).
You have to understand, dear reader, that his baldness was indeed a thing of marvel. Many would spend hours in front of a mirror, wrestling with hair products and styling tools, in a desperate attempt to tame their unruly tresses. They would mourn the loss of even one strand of their luscious locks. But not our Barty, oh no!
Instead Barty embraced his lack of follicular abundance with an unwavering (and completely unjustified) confidence. His gleaming dome, devoid of even a single wisp of hair, became the pièce de résistance of his appearance, an emblem of his unique charm—though, perhaps, charm is not the most accurate word to describe the effect (it is definitely not the most accurate word actually).
Whenever Barty entered a room, his bald head would precede him, catching the light like a beacon of questionable taste. Followed as it was by his attempts to disguise his expanding waistline with ostentatious patterns and outlandish accessories, this pure lack of fashion sense (or any sense really) was doubly reinforced.
But it was his baldness, oh that gleaming head, that truly captivated the attention of all who encountered him. Its lustrous sheen was a sight to behold, dear reader, and yet, the man himself somehow remained completely oblivious to the effect it had on those around him.
Like a moth drawn to the flame that would ultimately destroy it, the curious souls who encountered him couldn't help but be captivated by the brilliance of his shining pate, the garishness of his outfits or the outlandishly pompous proclamations of self-importance.
Nor could they ever quite hold back the incredulous whispers of disbelief to their companions, no matter how many times they had encountered him before. And yet, Bartholomew remained blissfully ignorant of the truth, his narcissism shielding him from the mocking whispers and stifled chuckles that followed in his wake.
In his mind, his bald head was not a subject of ridicule, but rather a symbol of his unique individuality. He believed that its polished perfection set him apart from the mere mortals who dared to sport a full head of hair (or, to be fair, a single strand).
In his misguided self-assurance, Bartholomew prided himself on his head's resemblance to a hard-boiled egg. He boasted to anyone who would listen about the similarities between his shiny dome and the smooth surface of a perfectly cooked breakfast delicacy. Oh, the comparisons he drew!
He would go on at length, using culinary metaphors to describe his head's reflective allure, as blissfully unaware as ever of the absurdity that echoed in his words You see dear reader, Barty fancied himself a writer of unparalleled talent, convinced that his prose would reshape the very fabric of the written word.
He spent his days hunched over his typewriter, pecking away at the keys like an overzealous chicken, convinced that he was penning the next great masterpiece. The clattering cacophony of keystrokes echoed through his dusty study, serving as a symphony to the inflated ego that was matched only by his deflated talent.
In Barty’s twisted universe, he was destined to achieve a level of success eclipsing even that of the once billionaire author Who Deserves No Name. He fantasized about book signings with mile-long queues of adoring fans, clamouring for a mere glimpse of his genius. Literary awards, Pulitzer Prizes, and Nobel laureates were mere stepping stones on his path to greatness. Oh, the world would tremble before his mighty pen!
 In every social interaction, Bartholomew believed himself to be the life of the party, the centre of attention that none could bear to look away from (which they couldn’t, but not for the reasons he believed). Oh, how they stifled their laughter, dear reader, as Bartholomew regaled them with his inflated tales of literary grandeur. They exchanged knowing glances, their eyes sparkling with mirth, as his gleaming head bobbed up and down with each animated gesture.
Oblivious to the suppressed giggles and bemused smirks that trailed in his wake, he waltzed through life with a spring in his step and an unwavering confidence that defied logic. To him, the world was but a stage, and he, its shining star.
Alas, dear reader, reality had a cruel sense of humour it seemed. The truth you see, is that Barty’s writing was nothing short of catastrophic. His prose was as captivating as a tax form instruction manual and as riveting as watching paint dry on a dreary afternoon.
Every sentence he conjured had the elegance of a new born fawn attempting to navigate an ice rink, and his metaphors were as clumsy as an elephant on roller skates.  But Barty managed to somehow always elude this glaring truth, even when the reality of his complete lack of talent made every effort to bash him over the head with the unequivocal evidence of his uninspired and lacklustre storytelling.
And beneath this façade of imagined grandeur and mind consumed by delusion? A heart teeming with bitterness and an unfounded obsession with another writer, a young and vibrant talent named Zara Scribbleton, who just happened to possess a gift for words that far surpassed Barty’s feeble attempts at literature.
Her words danced upon the page like graceful ballerinas, enchanting readers with their effortless charm and leaving them yearning for more. Her subtle feminist undertones wove a tapestry of empowerment, casting a spell of inspiration upon all who dared to immerse themselves in her narratives. Her debut novel was set to be released, and whispers of its brilliance had spread like wildfire throughout Wordville.
Barty, in his self-absorbed bubble, saw Miss Scribbleton as nothing more than a threat. He convinced himself that she was out to sabotage his path to literary superstardom (or a phantom saboteur poised to steal his moment in the spotlight depending on the day of the week).
In his warped mind, she was orchestrating a diabolical plot to hijack his half-baked ideas, weaving them into her own tapestry of success. The irony, of course, was that Miss Scribbleton was barely aware of Barty’s existence, let alone harbouring any ill will toward him. At least, she was at the beginning of this story.
As fate would have it, Bartholomew's larger-than-life personality and laughable antics as he stalked her all over social media and the literary world, caught the attention of our budding author. In her insightful wisdom, she recognized the comedic potential of a character like Barty. And in a delightful twist of irony, Barty unknowingly became a muse for Miss Scribbleton's first novel.
She crafted a bumbling buffoon named Bartleby Bluster, a laughably villainous character that bore a striking resemblance to our dear Barty. She wove him deftly into her tale, using him as a means to satirize societal expectations and an unwitting source of amusement that provided readers with a character to both loathe and laugh at (which every tale worth its salt should have if it wants to be truly successful).
But our tale does not end there, dear reader. In another peculiar twist of fate, Barty managed to procure a coveted ticket to Miss Scribbleton's highly anticipated book launch party. With an unwavering determination, he donned a suit that seemed to have been stitched by blind lemurs and stepped into the venue with his familiar air of misplaced confidence.
The room buzzed with anticipation as Bartholomew's arrival sent a ripple of disbelieving whispers throughout the crowd. For though she had never confirmed nor denied it, everyone who had ever encountered Barty was sure he was the inspiration behind the villain everyone already took gleeful pleasure in absolutely detesting.
The moment his eyes fell upon young Zara, his heart raced, his palms grew clammy, and his delusions reached new heights. "Ah, Miss Scribbleton," he exclaimed in his typically boisterous and painfully loud way, as if his presence alone was a gift to her. "I must say, your success has been...inspiring. Although, I assure you, once the world lays eyes on my literary genius, your little novels will fade into obscurity like old chewing gum under a park bench."
Miss Scribbleton, a vision of grace in her resplendent gown, swallowed a knowing smile and politely extended a hand. "Thank you for your kind words," she replied, her voice carrying the warmth of genuine gratitude, though Barty would never know why. "It's always wonderful to see fellow writers supporting one another."
Bartholomew, blinded by his own delusions, misinterpreted her words as a cryptic acknowledgment of his superiority. He spent the rest of the evening circulating through the party, regaling unsuspecting guests with his convoluted theories about his own greatness. The room buzzed with an electric combination of bewilderment and stifled laughter as he rattled on, blissfully unaware of their amusement.
Days turned into weeks, and Miss Scribbleton's novel soared to the top of the bestseller lists, capturing the hearts of readers far and wide. Meanwhile, Bartholomew's manuscript languished in a dark corner of his attic, gathering dust and cobwebs. His dreams of literary stardom, once so grandiose, were dashed against the jagged rocks of his own inadequacy.
One fateful day many months later, Barty was seeking solace in the dusty shelves of a local bookstore that he had once considered buying. Not because he wanted to share the written word with everyone, but because he wanted at least one place that would have no choice but to sell his written words.
While wandering the near empty shelves, he found himself picking up Miss Scribbleton's novel. As he leafed through its pages, realisation dawned like a lightning bolt of irony striking his inflated ego. Fragments of his own persona were interwoven into Bartleby's antics, a clever parody that exposed his shortcomings for all to see.
That fact, of course, was lost on him, as he believed it to be a testament to his influence on the literary world — which of course he did. And never, not once in all the years that followed, did the truth seep into Bartholomew's consciousness. His ego remained unyielding; his delusions steadfast in the face of every single ounce of evidence to the contrary.
As Bartholomew continued to bask in the illusion of adoration, he remained oblivious to the fact that he was the laughing stock of the literary world. He believed that his gleaming bald head was a symbol of his uniqueness, his shining dome an emblem of distinction.
Little did he know that it had become a running gag, a visual cue that brought a smirk to the faces of those who witnessed his grandiose presence and knew that it was only a matter of time before he began announcing proudly how he was the true inspiration for the most reviled character to ever meet the printed word.
And so, our tale comes to a close with Bartholomew Bumptious forever trapped in the confines of his self-delusion, unaware that his quest for literary greatness had become nothing more than fodder for the amusement of others. Meanwhile, Miss Zara Scribbleton continued to pen her whimsical stories, delighting readers and leaving a lasting mark on the literary landscape, all the while casting a knowing smile at the universe's wry sense of humour.
In the tapestry of life, dear reader, there are those who unknowingly become figures of laughter, providing mirth and amusement to those around them. Bartholomew, with his bald head gleaming like a hard-boiled egg, was one such unwitting jester. And as the pages turn and the laughter continues, let us relish in the irony and satire that colour this peculiar tale, a gentle reminder that sometimes, the greatest comedy lies in the simplest of observations.
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Current WIPs Angstathon
~ Natalya's first break in (completed)
~ Kidnapping the little one :(
~ Y/n intervenes to save Wanda (completed)
~ Relationship angst
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designsbyjoe · 13 days
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I'm so excited to show you guys the night variant of Lovebound: Han & Leia. It always amazes me how the mood, tone and atmosphere of a design changes depending on the colors… I opted for a silver plated design for this design, as the dark colors work so nicely with the silver.
Let me know what y'all think! <3
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gaywalker80085 · 6 months
Flat pt 3
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Genre: smut 18+, angst, fluff
Summary: You think this relationship could actually go somewhere. What happens when Natasha finds out the full truth of what you do for work and what it entails
Warnings: top!reader, bottom!Natasha, angry/make-up sex, Strap-on (r giving), oral (r giving), drinking, guns, and arguing (don't worry Alana is not affected I made it so she's away during the conflict.)
A/N: Hey sorry it took so long for this to be put out I just wasn't in the mood to write whenever I had time. Unless there are requests put in this is the end of the Flat series. I hope y'all like it I know part 2 was kinda dry but I needed it to get from part 1 to here without any big plot holes (hopefully no big plot holes at least). But I hope you like it. Also not proof read because who has the time.
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
Your week taking Alana to school had gone without a hitch. You were twice as careful to not be late and y'all had fun over the week. She went to her dad's on Friday to go on a week-long vacation with him.
It's now Sunday, you and Natasha are going on a date to a nice restaurant that you happen to own but she doesn't know that. You both decided to dress up for the fun of it.
The date is at 7 and it's currently 4 and you're panicking but luckily Wanda has come over to help you. "You're taking her to a restaurant you own. Damn, that's cheap." She says to you and you roll your eyes before looking at her. "Oh shut up, she chose it I just got lucky. Plus at least I know I like the food."
"Well, what are you going to wear? You only have a little under 3 hours you know." She tells you and you whip your head towards her and start pacing "I don't even know. What if I wear something and she thinks it's absolutely atrocious." You say starting to get even more worried.
In the midst of your panic, you didn't notice Wanda getting up until she places her hands on both of your shoulders. "Y/N it's fine I will help you. What color is she wearing, do you know?" You nod your head before telling her. "Red," Wanda smirks at you and turns to start fishing through your closet.
She emerges with a black button-up with red on the inside, black pants, and dress shoes. "She will definitely like this one. Why haven't you worn this before?" She asks you. "Uh, I didn't know I owned that." You say genuinely clueless to how that got into your closet.
"Well besides that start putting it on." She says walking over to where you keep your accessories and jewelry. You got dressed and as you were putting your shoes on she came over with a silver chain and a few rings. You put them on and stand up.
"Okay, so you're dressed. What about that rat's nest head of hair you've got going on?" She says with a raised eyebrow pointing at your head. "What do you mean rats nest I don't even have any knots. You're just a hater." You say going to get your product.
You spray your head (I have hair milk but you can pretend to apply whatever you like) and move your hair around to your liking before turning back to Wanda. "So?" You ask. "Good but let me see." She says pushing your hair around a little bit. "Okay better." She says and you turn back to look into the mirror. "It looks the same." "Yeah but better because I touched it." She says and you roll your eyes.
You spray yourself with cologne and head out the door leaving Wanda in your house to leave when she pleases. You decide to drive your dodge charger today because why not. On your way to Natashas, you don't forget to grab flowers obviously.
You pull up and walk up to Natasha's door. You feel nervous even though you've been on multiple dates before and you literally stayed at her house for a week. She just has that effect. You raise your hand to knock on the door and it swings open.
Natasha is wearing black heels and a red dress that stops just above her knees and also has a low neckline. You seem to be appreciated that low neckline for a little too long because Natasha reaches her hand out under your chin to lift your head up. You see her smirking and muster out a quiet "Hi baby."
You stand there for another few seconds before pulling yourself together. You stand up straighter and extend your arm to hand her the flowers. She takes them before turning around and walking inside with you close behind her. "You have to stop bringing me flowers I have too many." She says as she puts them into a vase that already has some.
"What do you want me to buy you instead then?" You ask her as she rounds the kitchen island towards you and wraps her arms around your neck. "Mmmm, I don't know you don't have to buy me anything you already refuse to let me pay when we go out." You place your hands on her waist pulling her even closer to you.
"Yeah but I like buying you things." You say trying to put on a pout even though yours will never be as good as hers. She brings one of her hands to the side of your face pulling you down towards her lips before just barely touching them together. Right, when you start to close the gap she pulls away and pats your chest. "Let's go we can't miss our reservation."
She turns towards the door grabbing her jacket on the way out and you jog a little to catch up with her. Once you do you grab her hand leading her towards your car. Once you get there you open her door as per usual. "Always such a gentleman." She says and you smile looking away to hide the redness creeping up your face.
You get in the car with Natasha control the music and start driving. You get to your restaurant and walk-in holding Natasha's hand. The second the hostess sees you she waves you over and takes yall to a private room.
After she leaves Natasha looks at you "You didn't have to get a private room you spend too much money on me." Before you can respond the waiter comes in "Oh hey Ms. Y/L/N what can I get you." Natasha looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "Vodka and juice." You say "I'll have an orange crush." Natasha says sending him a smile.
"Oh yeah, I actually needed to ask you about some time off." He says and your breath catches. Before you could pass as being a regular but now there really is no other explanation than you being the boss. "When and why?" You say as calmly as you can muster. "August 10th through the 18th for a family vacation." He says noticing he shouldn't have brought this up now. "If you can find someone to cover you then yes." You say and He smiles before walking away.
You all of a sudden feel Natasha kick you in the leg. "Why didn't you tell me you owned a restaurant? More importantly, the one we're eating at." She says glaring at you. "Uh, I don't know I didn't think it was very interesting." You say not meeting her eyes. She can tell that's not all but she doesn't push it for now.
You both order and receive your meals. You both talk the whole time about random subjects laughing. "So when are we going back to my house?" She asks you running her foot up your leg. "Whenever you want." You say with a smirk.
Just as you're about to stand up Bucky comes busting in the door. "They're here." He says before looking over to give Natasha a small wave. You throw your head back groaning "You're fucking joking." You say reaching for Natasha's hand. "Who's here?" She says scrunching her eyebrows, placing her hand in yours.
"Some.. unpleasant business associates." You tell her. You help her put her jacket on before grabbing her waist and giving her a quick kiss. "Can I have Bucky take you home and I'll meet you there after I'm done with this?" You ask her. She looks a little upset but nods. "Take her through the back. You don't let them see her." You tell Bucky sternly. "I know I know." He says throwing his hands up before grabbing Natasha's.
You end up having to fight Zemo and his crew along with some help from your men. The few left of them by the end started to run and you busted out the door after them. The only problem though was one of them waited for you to do that and shot you in the side near your hip.
Bucky came out after hearing the shot and saw you bleeding. He shot the guy running away before coming to your side. "Damn that looks like it hurts." He says with a smile. You give him a sarcastic smile before hitting him upside the head "Yeah you think." You say before starting to walk to your car.
You couldn't decide whether to go to your house or Natashas. You tried to tend to the wounds in your car. You try to stop the bleeding from your side and clean up some cuts on your face but you couldn't really tell if you did a sufficient job. Once you pull up to Natashas and hobble up to the door you find it unlocked. Your stomach is in your throat hoping she left it unlocked for you and it's not unlocked for other reasons.
When you walk in she's standing there glaring at you and you feel even more scared than before. "Hi, baby." You say trying to smile at her and make your hand on your hip look as natural as possible. "Don't 'baby' me what was that." She asks you stepping closer and you look at the ground. "Oh, it's fine just some people I don't get along with no big deal." Natasha doesn't respond so you look up at her. The second she sees the cuts on your face she walks all the way to you gently cradling it.
"What happened to your face? Come." She says grabbing your hand that was on your side. "You should see the other guy." You say. She leads you to the bathroom connected to her bedroom and makes you sit on the toilet. Sitting though doesn't seem to agree with your bullet wound and you try not to groan too loud at the pain.
Natasha grabs her first aid kit out from under her sink and that's when she notices the blood all over her hand. She holds her hand up putting the other on her hip "Where did this come from?" She asks and you stand up holding your breath to try and ease the pain. You walk up to her putting one of your hands on her face. "I'm fine baby really I can take care of this myself." You try to tell her. "Yeah no I'm not good with that now where did it come from?" She says again pushing you back towards the toilet.
You don't sit down and instead pull your shirt up to show her the wound. "YOU WERE TRYING TO HIDE A BULLET WOUND FROM ME?!" She yells at you. "It's just a flesh wound I'm fine." You say reaching for the first aid kit. "It's literally going through you. Turn." She says and you turn as told. "Lucky you, there's an exit hole. Now sit." She demands you.
"Aren't I usually the one telling you what you do after dates?" You say reaching for her waist and pulling her towards you. "Shut up." Is all she says before she looks away trying to hide her cheeks flushing. You reach up and bring her face down to yours. You softly kiss her rubbing her cheek with your thumb.
"Stop it I have to clean you up before you get an infection." She says trying to be as serious as possible. She starts softly cleaning and bandaging the wounds on your face. You stare at her the whole time thinking about how beautiful she looks when she concentrates. "Take a picture it'll last longer." She says trying to hide a smile."
Once she finishes your face she gets on her knees between your legs. Now you really can't stop staring and thinking about what's in your pants and how much you want to use it right about now. She unbuttons your shirt so she can get a better look. You bend down to try and kiss her but she pushes you away by your shoulder. "I'm still mad at you." She tells you with a hardened stare.
"I'm sorry I don't know what else you want me to say." You tell her reaching out to cup her cheek. "Nothing right now. Once I finish this you're going to bed." She tells you. "What why can't we deal with it right now?" You ask her. Instead of responding she starts putting a few stitches in the entry wound.
"OW. YOU COULDN'T HAVE WARNED ME?!" You exclaim gritting your teeth. She doesn't respond just pushing you so she can do the back. Once she's done she stands to start cleaning up and you come behind her wrapping your arms around her waist and placing your chin on her shoulder.
She straightens up crossing her arms and glaring at you through the mirror. "I'm sorry baby." You tell her softly. "Seems like that's the only thing you know how to say right now." She says before continuing to clean. "I don't know what else you want me to say. Tell me I'll say whatever you want."
When she's done picking up she turns to you and jabs her finger into your chest. "Why don't you 'say' how some 'unpleasant associates' showing up turns into you getting shot. Why don't you 'say' what you really do for work. Like really I have no idea what you do and we've been going out for months." She exclaims pushing you out of the way with her finger so she can leave the room.
"My job doesn't really have a title I just do what I do." You say and she turns to you throwing her hands in the air. "THEN WHAT DO YOU DO?" She says taking her dress off and you have to remind yourself now is not the time. "I have people that work for me and I own a lot of the city in some way. But sometimes people want some of my power in some way or some of my properties. People sometimes steal from me and I just deal with that. It's fine." You say and she turns to you in disbelief "You're a FUCKING CRIME BOSS?" She yells at you.
"Well, I wouldn't say that."
"Well uh, maybe an entrepreneur."
"Woah that's too far. You know I would never do anything that could put you or Allana in harm's way." You say starting to get angry that she would ever accuse you of such a thing.
"DO I KNOW THAT, BECAUSE I'M STARTING TO FEEL LIKE I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?" She says and you try to reach out for her but she pulls away hurting you more than you'd like to admit.
"First off you need to stop yelling. Second of course I would never put you in danger." You tell her to try and keep cool. "I WILL STOP YELLING WHEN YOU STOP LYING." She says walking past you, shoulder checking you in the process. "Natasha I never lied to you." You tell her following her into the bathroom.
She doesn't respond and instead starts brushing her teeth. You throw your hands in the air shaking your head and decide to get ready for bed. You take your clothes off until you're left in your boxers. You walk back to the bathroom to find her putting her toothbrush away so you start brushing your teeth.
You come out of the bathroom and she's standing there waiting for you. "You didn't lie but you left things out on purpose and that's just as bad." She says with her arms crossed. You walk until you're a foot apart and try to reach out for her but she pulls away again. "I'm sorry, I am it didn't even cross my mind at first, and then once it did I wanted to establish us a little more before I told you."
She turns around and starts to walk out of the bedroom. "Natasha." That is all you say before you start to follow after her. "Natasha, can you stop and just talk to me please." She stops dead in her tracks and turns to you with tears streaming down her face looking even angrier than before. "Can you just get out of my house please?"
You suddenly feel the full weight of the argument including the lump forming in your throat. A small "What?" Is all you can muster. She sternly says "Get out." Starting to push you towards the door. "Natasha please."
"Get out, get out, get out."
"Get out, get out."
She just keeps saying it sobbing and the closer you get to the door the harder it is to keep the tears in. Once you're probably 10 feet from the door the tears come. She pauses for a second at the sight of your tears. You have a certain dad vibe that makes it extra sad to see you cry and she has to resist the urge to pull you towards her and rub your back.
You realize she probably won't change her mind about you leaving and if you stay you probably won't get much done considering all of the emotions. You drop your head and start walking to your car. Natasha watches you partially hoping you turn back around.
A few days pass and you haven't heard anything from Natasha but you also haven't contacted her. You have however picked up your phone around 100 times typing up messages you contemplate sending. You've obviously been in a slump barely keeping yourself alive without the help of Bucky. You're sitting there still sulking to yourself when your phone goes off. You grab it and your heart stops when you read who it's from. Natasha. "Come over at 6."
You immediately shoot up from your desk rushing to your house. You dress in a simple black short-sleeved shirt with black cargo pants that have a chain on the side. You stop to grab her a teddy bear on the way there not knowing what to get besides flowers.
When you arrive you knock softly on the door, the door opens and your head is hung low scared to face her. When she doesn't speak you look up "Hi baby." You say and she doesn't say anything turning around and walking away but leaving the door open.
"Uh, I got you this." You say walking up to her when she stops. You use the moment to take in her appearance. She's wearing your sweatshirt and some lounge shorts that you can barely tell are there. She reaches out and takes it looking at it instead of you. She wraps her arms around it and steps forwards pushing herself into you for you to hold her. "Why did you come?" She asks you catching you off guard. "Because you asked me to." You tell her confused and she's silent before pulling back to look at you.
"Why didn't you text me?" She asks you. "I didn't know if you'd want to hear from me." You tell her softly and she looks down, eyes brimming with tears. "You should've texted me anyways." She tells you furrowing her eyebrows and trying to keep the tears in. "I'm sorry baby." Is all you can think to say. "I know who you are. Fully." She says backing up.
"Baby." "No, why didn't you tell me. The true reason." She asks you. You hang your head low because you know the answer and you know she knows. "I've done things okay, and I do things but I'm not a bad person." You try to explain "I didn't ask for excuses about why I asked why." She says jabbing your chest with her finger. "Because I hurt people." You say still not looking at her. "Do you even care about me and my daughter or were you going to kill us too if I broke up with you."
"What, Natasha no I would never hurt either of you." You try to plead meeting her eyes and reaching out for her, grabbing her hand. "Well, how do I know that since I apparently know nothing about you." "Baby you have to believe me-" "No I don't because I don't trust you anymore. I don't know why I did I know better than that" She says pushing her finger into your chest harder. "I wanted to tell you I swear I was just scared, and those people are all criminals who have done far worse than me."
"The bottom line is you're violent. You've brought your violence and the people associated with it into my home, around my daughter." She says looking into your eyes like she wants you to drop dead, tears starting to stream down her face. "But that doesn't matter to you does it because you don't care." "No, baby-"
"WHY DO YOU STICK AROUND IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME." "Natasha what I-." "AM I JUST TOO GOOD OF A HOOKUP TO PASS ON?" "Natasha" "IS THAT WHAT I AM TO YOU?" "NATASHA" At that she bursts into harder tears and throws herself into you.
You immediately wrap your arms around her holding her tight. "I just wanted you to care about me." That is all she says before pulling away and you don't know what to do. "Natasha I do care about you." "Really it doesn't seem like it." That is all she says still walking away.
"Yeah, I do I don't understand how that's so hard to grasp."
"Maybe because you've been indirectly lying to me about being a murderer for months and that's not really what people that care do."
"I did that because I was scared of losing you and I'm not just some serial killer it comes with the job," You say sternly.
"What about my daughter?"
Natasha just stands in front of you before rushing at you and pulling you into a searing kiss. You wrap your arms as tightly around her as you can. She starts to untuck your shirt from your pants but you quickly grab her wrists "Natasha I don't know you're really upset right now." She brings her hands to your face holding your face just over hers. "Do you want me?" She asks her eyes boring into yours. "Natasha." You say trying to hold your resolve. "Do you." She says not breaking eye contact. You nod and whisper "Always."
She moves to leave open-mouthed kisses along the side of your neck. She gets your shirt untucked and touches your stomach with her cold hand making the muscles beneath it twitch. Noticing you're still holding back she grips your jaw pulling you to face her. "Fuck me. Now." She demands you and you can't help crashing your lips against hers.
You quickly wrap your hands under her thighs and lift her not patient enough to wait for her to jump. Your tongues fight for dominance with you coming out on top. You walk to her bedroom pushing her against the door. She drags her nails through your hair and down your neck.
You wrap your hand around her throat pushing her harder against the door. She lets out a moan followed by a whine trying to push her head forwards to continue kissing you. You move to her neck to leave open-mouth kisses along with it. "Mark me." She says making you falter. She takes the opportunity to grab you by the jaw and pulls you to look into your eyes. "And fuck me like you mean it while you're at it." She says rolling her hips and your self-control is completely broken.
You move quickly and start leaving dark marks along her throat, chest, and shoulders. She rolls her hips against you when she feels your piece. She starts grinding down hard searching for the friction she desires. You pull away from the door and start walking towards the bed.
You throw her down on the bed before you crawl up to her and place one of your knees between her legs pushing it into her core. She lets out a moan quickly starting to grind down. The second your head is level with hers she grabs your head to pull you back down into a heated kiss. Despite being caught in the moment you still know in the back of your mind that Natasha has every right to hate you and to tell you to get out right now so you decide teasing her isn't worth it.
You move to start kissing her neck again but after the first kiss, she's already impatient. "Y/N." "Yes, baby?" you ask snaking your hands up the inside of her sweatshirt as she squirmed trying to get away from your cold hands. "Please." She begs and you waste no time getting to work.
Later in the night you Natasha has fallen asleep but you can't seem to follow. You were deflecting earlier you really did put them into harms way and you can't stop from hating yourself for it. You can't decide if you could ever truly keep them safe from who you are. The monster you are.
You decide it's best for them to be kept as far away from the danger as possible. As far away from you as possible.
You quietly gather your things before writing Natasha a note and placing it on the nightstand. You lean down to give Natasha a kiss for the last time and kiss her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry." Is all you whisper before turning to walk out the door.
Taglist: @winterstorm311 @rice-wiife @lost-mortemanghel @r3dheadenthusiast @cd-4848 @diaryoflife
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Hi lizzi!
How are you? I hope well.
I saw that your request box is open so I thought why not send one in
Hear me out, what reader goes to the office to see Matt and he's all alone in the office, so they fuck around but Matt isn't paying attention to sense and he doesn't hear foggy just down the hallway and Matt pull out of reader right when they were about to cum and he makes her go under his desk while he tries to look decent.
So when foggy goes to Matt's office, reader pulls out his cock and starts to suck him off while he's talking to foggy and he's trying not to make a face or sound of pleasure, so after foggy leaves Matt punishes reader
Please and thank you 💋
My dear, that request made me very... unwell. Thank you so much for sliding into my inbox and bringing the filth! I apologize for the wait but had to get in the Matt mood again. Well, needless to say, this really did get me in the mood again. I hope you like it!
Naughty Girl | Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Summary: You and Matt get interrupted while getting it on in his office. You can't stop yourself from taking what you want, and Matt is not happy about it.
Warnings: SMUT, PWP, MINORS DNI, unprotected p in v, mentions of oral (f!receiving), oral m!receiving, female masturbation, multiple orgasms, exhibitionism, choking, marking kink, BREEDING KINK (I went hard on that this time), rough sex, slight mean!dom!Matt, degrading, spanking, pure filth served on a silver platter
Word Count: 2.4k
A/n: Y'all I- I'm not even going to say anything. Smut right under the cut.
18+ From Here On Out...
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With every harsh thrust of his cock into your tight walls, the desk underneath you creaks. You can see the legs shaking alongside yours through hazy eyes, but you’re too far gone to care whether or not the wood will give out. 
The second you came into the office, Matt had you bent over the desk. First, he ate your sweet cunt as if it were the last lunch he would ever have, and then he forced you onto your stomach and started pounding into you. The position repeatedly allows him to brush against your G-spot and reach your cervix, fucking into you at a pace that has you seeing starts, your moans bouncing off the walls, and you lose yourself in the feeling of him, his hands, and his cock. You love lunch times like this. He never leaves you dissatisfied. 
Heat wraps around him like a cocoon. Nothing exists in the Nelson & Murdock office but you and him. Your cunt wraps around his cock so impossibly tight, Matt drowns in the feeling. Your moans overtone the noise of the city and he can only smell your sweet arousal in the air, your sweat and your tears of pleasure, and your juices still glistening on his lips. He revels in it. Once he has his hands on you, you’re more than willing to let him do whatever he wants, whatever he needs, and he does so. But he knows well that you wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for him.
Today though, it’s his turn to ruin you, and the empty office made it impossible for him to keep his hands to himself when you came strolling in with that short skirt he fucked you in the day before; it smells like you, and him and sex, and you walk around shamelessly with it as if he can’t smell you five blocks down, or smell the wetness between your legs when you only think about him. You drive him wild with carnal desire, and he wants nothing more than to die between your legs, perhaps even with his cock buried in your velvety walls. He wants nothing more than to fill you up, fuck you until you can’t walk straight, mark you, make you his, tie you down, and ravish you until not a single thought crosses your mind – you’re his little cockdruck slut and he makes sure to tell you that over and over and over again. 
You’re a whimpering mess, reaching back to dig your nails into his hips. You’re so wet, so tight; skin slaps against skin, your nipples brush the wood of the table and you cry out again, and his breathing echoes in his ears. His senses are completely attuned to you, focused on your body, for the signs you’re giving him, the sound of your approaching orgasm, your cunt, your tits, your heartbeat, your everything. He feels your pulse jump under his fingers when he hauls you up to choke you, and you moan again. God, he thinks, this would be such a heavenly way to go out. 
He doesn’t focus for only a moment, but a moment is all it takes for the bubble to burst. Matt hears Foggy’s footsteps first, then his heartbeat, then his voice, and he has never pulled out of you faster. 
The world crashes back into you when your orgasm vanishes, slipping out of your reach, and you gawk at him. 
“Matt, what–” you begin, but he presses his hand against your mouth. 
He’s still hard, your wetness leaking from his cock, but his unfocused eyes seem panicked. “Get under the desk, now!” he says. 
It’s not a game, you can tell. 
You should have figured that getting carried away during lunch break would be a bad idea. 
Matt barely manages to sit down in his chair and fix his hair before his door busts open. 
“Matt,” Foggy waltzes in without a care in the world, “you won’t believe what Marci just told me!"
Your knees already hurt, but you can’t switch positions or he might hear you. You come face to face with Matt’s straining erection in his pants, and an idea comes to your mind. 
You’re a naughty little thing, his voice echoes in your head, but he promised he would make sure you could both get what you both wanted without getting caught and he failed. You’re desperate, your cunt aching for him, and you need to get off somehow. 
Matt sighs at Foggy’s comment. His cheeks are still flushed and he can’t think straight, but he has to appear professional to keep his dignity and yours. “You know what I think about you using your ex as a mo-oh!” His fist hits the desk’s surface. 
Your mouth wraps around his cock and you suck, hard. He comes almost right then and there. He didn’t hear you come closer, neither could he anticipate your behavior before it happened and now you’re sucking on his tip, knowing he is beyond sensitive, and Foggy is right there–
“I know,” Foggy says, and he seemingly doesn’t notice the new tension in his friend’s jaw or his hand gripping the edge of his desk. “But you said we needed more information, and you also hate when I bribe Brett– you know, you’re a hypocrite. You beat up bad guys for intel, but when I ask my ex to spy for me in exchange for sex that doesn't harm anyone, may I add, it’s suddenly World War Three. That's not fair! At least I care about... about the environment."
He says some more things, and they probably make sense, but Matt’s cock twitches in your mouth, so dangerously close to combusting, he listens with only half a quarter of an ear.
You take him down your throat fully, ignoring the urge to gag at his size. He tastes salty and slightly like you, his tip leaking pre-cum. He weighs heavy on your tongue, but the obscenity of it all makes you greedy to take him whole. Once you start, you can’t stop. You lick and suck and lick and suck, and he twitches again. 
His knuckles turn white around the wood and he casts a glare downward. You’re too lost in the pleasure his reaction is giving you, your hand working on your clit as you shamelessly suck his dick; you’re getting off on it, and it’s worse now that he can taste the molecules in the air. 
You’re going to regret this, but you don’t care because it feels too good to stop now. You just want to be naughty for once, get what you want and bring Matt Murdock to his knees. 
“Matt?” Foggy snaps his fingers in front of his face. 
He doesn’t notice he’s biting his fist until it starts hurting. 
“What?” he asks, his voice strained. He twitches in his chair, but he has nowhere to go. 
He’s about to come, the sound of your fingers working on your clit following the rushing of the blood in his veins, and that’s enough to cause his balls to tense up under your skilled fingers. 
“I said I was gonna check in with Marci,” says Foggy. “Usually, you have something smart to say to me. I’m waiting.”
“Good idea,” Matt says. 
“Go!” It sounds almost like a warning. "Do the- the thing with Marci. Just do it, I don't care. Go do it!"
What his friend says next, he doesn’t register. He only hears the door fall shut, and then he’s coming hard into your hot mouth. You moan as your own orgasm washes over you, which only makes you suck harder, and his forehead falls to the desk as he muffles his howl. His toes curl. You lit the match, threw it on the gasoline, and now he’s burning. 
You suckle on his tip until he’s overstimulated and only then do you pull off. 
Part of you expects gratitude when you slowly crawl out from under the desk, but once Matt has found back to himself, his face darkens completely. This is not the man you started teasing before Foggy came around, not the gentle nature your boyfriend has reserved only for you – you’re looking into the eyes of a man equally as horny as he is pissed off with you, and you know what that look means. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he growls. 
He gets up and towers over you. “Touching yourself like that, sucking my dick like the needy little whore that you are with Foggy in the same room while I was talking to him… How desperate for my cock do you have to be that you have to act like such a slut?” 
You wipe your mouth. “Sorry,” you mutter. 
He listens to your heartbeat. “No,” Matt chuckles darkly, “You’re a lot of things, sweetheart, but you’re not sorry.”
Next thing you know, your face is pressed against the wall and he cages you in like an animal on the prowl. The blinds are closed, Foggy is gone again, and your skirt lands on the floor. “Such a needy pussy,” he purrs into your ear. “You’re dripping.”
“Fuck, yes,” you moan. 
He pulls at your hair. “Don’t even think you’re getting rewarded.”
The slight pain makes you hiss. 
“I’m gonna fuck you as hard as I want now, and you’re gonna take it. You know why?”
“Tell me.”
“I’ve been a bad girl.”
“That’s right. And what happens to bad girls, baby?”
“They get punished.”
“Exactly, so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna fuck you until your pussy is full of my cum and then I’ll decide if you deserve to come or not. Are we clear?”
His words shoot straight to your core. You’re not scared, you know how he is, you have a safeword and yet, you’re enjoying this a lot more than you should. “Yes, sir,” you breathe. 
When he hears the honorific from your mouth, uttered oh so sweetly close to his ears, he pushes you further into the walls and thrust his cock into you. He doesn’t wait, he sets a ruthless pace from the beginning, and it’s harder than he fucked you before. 
Desire drives him to ruin you. Sweat drips off both of your bodies, mingling and turning into an almost toxic mixture. His white shirt is stained wet now, his tie loosened, and when you look over your shoulder to see his slack jaw and his bared teeth, you tighten around his cock. He looks so good, he renders you speechless, useless, everything. 
His fingers are sure to leave their bruises, just how you like it. His teeth nip at your neck. His grip tightens around your throat, knocking the air out of your lungs – you can’t breathe. He knows exactly where to press to turn you light-headed, yet needy for more. Your moans get caught in your throat, your nails claw at the wallpaper, and he only picks up speed. 
The line between pain and pleasure blurs. You find yourself on the edge in minutes, even without his fingers on your clit. You are so worked up, your body follows him where he wants you to go. 
He lowers his mouth to your ear. “Don’t fucking come,” he warns. 
You shiver. You’re right there, but you know you have to comply. It hurts, but it’s so good. 
His cock twitches, he’s close too, and he wraps his arm around your waist entirely to keep you straight as he fucks up into you and pushed you flat against the wall. You’re his toy to use now, and you let him. The angle drives you to hell and back, his cock brushing where you need him most but you don’t want him there because you are almost there, tethering over the edge and you are sure if he keeps going like that you are going to–
With a loud shout of your name, he comes deep inside of you. You swear you can still taste him on your tongue as he fills you up. He thrusts and thrusts and thrusts until you’re full of his cum, your walls milking everything he has to give and more, but the man knows no mercy. 
“Want me to fuck a baby into you?” he pants. “Is that what you want? So desperate for my cum, you need it everywhere, even your mouth? And now you want me to fuck a baby into your pussy?”
Holy shit. Whatever has gotten into him makes you sweat even more when you hear his words. 
“Yes!” you cry. “God, yes, Matthew! Please! Please! Please–”
“You need my cum? You need me to fuck you until you’re full of it?”
“Say it.”
“I need your cum, Matthew! Please, I need it. I want it. I want you– please!”
His palm collides with your ass cheeks and he hisses like a snake on the prowl. “Come for me,” he says. 
You instantly lock up. Your muscles tense and you come with a scream; he doesn’t muffle it, he lets you let it out, and his grip is stern as he continues fucking his cum into your quivering pussy. You mewl, but he doesn’t let off. His fingers are everywhere. It burns. 
Only when he’s spent and satisfied does he stop, and you almost lose control over your legs. 
“Shh,” you hear him whisper into your ear. Gone is the dominant Matt who was about to ready to destroy you. He flicks the switch and he’s fully himself again. 
Stroking your hair, he makes sure to be careful when he pulls out. You whimper. He takes you into his arms. “I’m sorry,” Matt says, “Are you okay?”
You’re both panting, sweaty messes, but God, did it feel good. 
You can only muster a small nod and he holds you tighter in response. “Breathe,” he reminds you. “I’m here.”
With his fingers in your hair, you slowly find back to yourself. He carries you into his chair with him where he holds you some more, making sure you don’t lose yourself along the way. He offers you water, a tissue, everything, and you don’t feel used, you never could, not when he acts like this whenever he is rough with you. 
There is a reason you love him, and it’s not just mind-blowing sex. 
“Sorry for sucking your cock while Foggy was in the room,” you murmur, your voice sounded like a drunken slur. 
Matt chuckles, which quickly turns into a laugh. “You are so naughty sometimes, you know that?” he says. 
You shrug. “Guilty as charged, counselor.”
His lips find your forehead. “My naughty girl.”
You love Matt Murdock and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You are gladly his because you know, no matter how dominant he is, he will always have a soft spot for you. 
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Matt Murdock Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @lina-mar @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t
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thepixelelf · 1 year
Huff, Puff
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genres: modern werewolves/vampires/etc, established relationship, fluff, pouty whiny cheol pairing: human reader x werewolf scoups (hints of reader & vampire jeonghan) words: 1.1k warnings: descriptions of blood, a bullet wound, and injury. kissing. implied desire to go further but it doesn't happen lol. notes: for those of you in the notes of this post and this post. I gave in. it's 4:30 am and this idea wouldn't let go of me until I wrote it so I really hope this holds up for y'all. if people like it I might continue this story because it seems like an interesting (funny) plot to keep going
When an injured vampire shows up at your door, you're of course there to help. But your werewolf partner is more than a little wary of this vampire's intentions.
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Seungcheol, for the record, not that anyone cares, not that anyone's asked, does not trust Jeonghan one bit.
He never has -- it's one of his many unwritten rules in life. Never trust a vampire. They're conniving little shits, all of them.
And Yoon Jeonghan, the conniviest, little shittiest of them all, is asleep in Seungcheol's room upstairs. In his bed. Snuggled up and comfy in his 100% Tencel lyocell silky cooling sheets.
"You're overreacting, Cheol," you say as you pull a pillowcase over one of the pillows in the guest bedroom. Another one is already covered and fluffed, set on the side of the bed Seungcheol would normally sleep on in the bed he shares with you. The one currently occupied by a lying, scheming vampire.
"Vampires don't even sleep," Seungcheol tries to tell you. sitting cross-legged on top of the comforter. "Why should he need our bed?"
You scoff, the sound coming out softly. There's a tiny, defiant smile on your face, and normally, Seungcheol would find that hot. Right now he's not exactly in the mood.
"Okay, first of all, isn't the whole 'no sleeping' thing from Twilight? You're the one who told me most of that stuff was inaccurate."
Crossing his arms, Seungcheol huffs through his nose. "It... is. But still--"
"And second of all, you saw how he was when I opened the door." You shiver at the memory, and Seungcheol reaches over for you. He scoots to the edge of the bed, hooks his legs around yours, and pulls you so you're standing right in front of him. Keeping his legs around you, he puts his hands on your waist, hoping you absorb his warmth through your pyjamas. He looks up at you just as you play with the ends of his hair near the nape of his neck, your other hand on his shoulder. You sigh. "He looked like a dead man walking."
"He is one."
You smack his shoulder lightly, but he managed to make you smile, so he doesn't even feel it. "You know what I mean!"
Seungcheol does know what you mean -- when Jeonghan had shown up at your door with no prior notice and a silver bullet in his shoulder, you played the part of strong, confident human for just long enough to dig the bullet out and watch Seungcheol carry Jeonghan into your bedroom (upon your insistence, of course). After that, you confessed to Seungcheol that you might faint if you had to clean up the bloodied living room floor. Seeing Jeonghan's skin crawl over his exposed flesh as soon as the silver left his system must have been jarring for you. The entire thing had to have been.
So, Seungcheol wiped up Jeonghan's dark ichor from the floor while you took a breather outside. When you returned, you wanted to check in on Jeonghan, and like hell was Seungcheol going to let you go alone. He didn't care how shot Jeonghan was.
You knew how protective Seungcheol tended to be, but you also knew how tense things were between your boyfriend and the vampire, so you compromised by having Seungcheol hover in the doorway while you brought a warm towel to the bedside.
Jeonghan took in a sharp breath when you wiped the sweat off his forehead, and the hairs on the back of Seungcheol's neck stood up. He growled when Jeonghan wrapped his lithe fingers around your wrist.
Without looking at Seungcheol, you held your other arm out, palm facing him, stopping him from approaching. He snarled, but you kept your arm up, insistent that he not interfere.
"Oh," Jeonghan breathed out when he opened his eyes a sliver. "It's you." He closed his eyes again, the slightest of smiles on his lips. "You smell nice."
Seungcheol swears this isn't his "never trust a vampire" rule talking. That smile looked straight mischievous.
He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you. His legs have relaxed, just resting on either side of you now. He presses his face into the soft fabric of your pyjamas. At least you don't smell like Jeonghan. That would be too much.
"I don't trust him," Seungcheol mumbles into the fabric.
You chuckle softly, still trying to stay quiet for your sleeping guest upstairs. "You really think Jeonghan faked all that to -- what? -- sleep in our nice bed?"
Or maybe to get close to you. But Seungcheol doesn't put that out there.
Bending over, you press a kiss to the crown of Seungcheol's head, then bring both your hands just under his cheeks. You tilt his face to look up at you, smiling when you see the exaggerated pout on his lips. Another kiss gets pressed to his forehead.
"Jeonghan is harmless," you say when you pull back. "There's a hunter in town, and he knew I could help him because none of you weirdos can touch pure silver. That's all."
Seungcheol's pout deepens, and his hands on your waist tighten their grip ever so slightly. "I dunno..." he mutters.
"You don't know?"
"Maybe I need some more convincing." Seungcheol straightens his back, lessening the distance between his face and yours. He takes one hand off your hip to poke a finger to his cheek, eyes bright.
You roll your eyes but smile, and you lean down to press a short kiss to his cheek.
You kiss his other cheek.
"More." He pouts his lips out, clear in his intentions.
You kiss his forehead again.
Seungcheol fully whines, reminiscent of a puppy. He wraps one arm behind you and tugs you closer (somehow, if possible) impatiently. His other hand taps a finger against his bottom lip, as if he couldn't make it anymore obvious.
Laughing, you rest your arms over his shoulders. "You're a hard man to convince, Mr Big Bad Wolf."
But you kiss him anyway, pressing the lips he loves so much against his with a smile. The corners of his own lips spread too, upon contact, and his hand travels to the back of your thigh, pulling one of your knees up onto the bed.
"I could be bigger and badder, you know," he mumbles against your lips, a smirk teasing at his face.
You break away from him, bottom lip caught for a second between his teeth. "Maybe another night, love. We've got a guest with super hearing upstairs."
Practically rolling over him, you get comfy in the smaller guest bed, smiling at Seungcheol when he flops down on his side with a heavy sigh.
Yoon Jeonghan is not only a conniving, little shit of a vampire, but a fucking cockblock, too.
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musings-and-moans · 2 years
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submission for: @cirigiri's The DILF List Collab (DILF #17 — the friend’s husband) AND for iwaizumi's birthday on the 10th of june. also, this is part 1, part 2 is coming out on the 21st, and part 3 during kinktober <3
features: friend's husband!hajime iwaizumi x mrs. oikawa!f!reader (afab!reader, uses she/her pronouns) | song: homewrecker - marina | wc: 4185 | part 2 | part 3
summary: while hajime iwaizumi is a highly successful athletic trainer, his marriage is in disarray. his wife ended up cheating on him even after having a son, kaito iwaizumi, when she went on a business trip to argentina; with his best buddy, tooru oikawa, of all people. he wasn't the only one who had been duped, though. so were you, tooru oikawa's wife, and with a daughter, melina jose oikawa. you remembered your pent-up sentiments for hajime while comforting each other, and things start to take a spicy turn. | visual inspiration: this artwork by @/novak.rouge on instagram (@beware-of-the-rogue the way you and ella have spoiled me xD) and serena mendoza is inspired by serena van der woodsen from gossip girl (yes i love that show gtfo my case lol /j /lh)
beta readers: @mrskenmakozume @sweetsbysatori (your inputs are so so valuable ilysm <333) | networks: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork
brainstorming: @mxonigirimiya (this wouldn't have been possible without you so thank you so so much *sobs* <33)
content warnings: hq timeskip spoilers, themes of infidelity, suggestive tones, angst, hurt/comfort, usage of swear words (this is so not me lol, i just had a rough couple of days, and this is me venting lol), serena's called a bitch, paparazzi, mentions of body insecurity/dysmorphia (but not reader), the reader having symptoms of depression including having trouble with eating, mentions of consumption of alcohol, sexual tension, slightly dubcon (if you squint at the end) 'cause iwaizumi's speaking in a slurred voice, please lmk if i miss out on any tags
a/n: this took me a lot of while to come up with this lol, because it's writing about my kinnie in a bad light, but it's only for the sake of the plot y'all. but i honestly loved writing this, i'd been in a bad mood off late and i needed to vent out. also, please note that i don't ever condone cheating. as always, likes, comments & reblogs, especially reblogs are appreciated. also, minors please dni, i will block you.
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9th May 2021. 7:00pm, San Juan, Argentina
The waves from the cerulean sea kissed your toes as you were sitting near the shoreline in Del Bono with your elbows on the clear sand. The incandescent moon shone light on your shimmery silver dress and sand-covered feet which had become sore after running away from the izakaya after one of your colleagues shared the news where you learned that your husband, the setter of Club Atletico San Juan, Tooru Oikawa, was rumored to have cheated on you with your best friend since university, Serena Mendoza. You heaved a long drawn sigh as you felt something punching your gut as you then sat up with your hands hugging your stomach, writhing in agony, and tears welling in your eyes. Your heart broke for your daughter, as you wondered whether she heard the news about her father, and wondered whether her classmates would eventually make fun of her. She was at no fault of this at all, but was unnecessarily caught in this crossfire. 
Wiping the tears from your waterline, for a moment you think about Serena, one of the richest, most popular and good looking girls at the University of California at Irvine, who became your best friend over your course of study at the university. She was regarded as one of the most beautiful girls in your university. Everyone wanted to be her, some wanted to be with her, and you, (Y/N) (L/N), having moved to the States from Japan, had considered yourself very lucky to befriend her. 
The day after you two graduated from uni, you two were lying on one of the sands of the California beaches. You let the sand below you cling to you as you wore a swimsuit with every inch of the fabric hugging your skin especially after you’d gone for a swim, while Serena wore her black V-neck one-piece swimsuit, her body and her long, wavy blonde locks basked in the glory of the sunshine, waiting for you to get back. As you two were lying down, soaking in the sun, Serena said, “You know something? Someday, it would be nice for us to get married to a pair of best friends, wouldn’t it?” As the water kisses your feet, you turn to Serena and add, “Famous best friends, maybe? And if we end up getting a high profile job too, someday we wouldn’t have to worry about our life, y’know? ‘Cause we’d be living a life of luxury,” chuckling amongst yourselves.
Boy, how you were wrong.
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10th May 2021. 7:00am, Tokyo, Japan
“We now begin this special program with breaking news as we see clips showing the well known setter for the San Juan Volleyball Team, Tooru Oikawa, walking out of his hotel with someone other than his wife. Sources say…”
As Iwaizumi was told by Atsumu Miya, one of his athletes that he was training for the Olympics, to watch the news online through his iPad,  the world came to a standstill for him. He was beyond disbelief, seeing his wife and the mother of their son, as the mystery woman who was scuttling inside the hotel with Oikawa’s arm around her waist as he kissed her on her lips. He could make out that it was Serena through her blonde tresses, and the emerald earrings that he gave her for their anniversary.
“Haji,” he heard her calling for him once more, interrupting his train of thought, but the voice that once brought him joy now wrung his heart, causing him to be in profound agony. He turned in the direction of the gradually unfamiliar voice as he noticed Serena walking out of their bedroom in her work attire. She’d seen a little frantic, when she asked him, “Haji, where’s our son?” Furrowing his eyebrows at her, the athletic trainer responded, “That’s not something you needed to know,” then shrugged his shoulders to continue, “given that you don’t care for him anyway, but I’d already contacted my parents to take him in.” Serena widened her eyes in shock, raising her voice, “How dare you! He’s our son! How dare you make such decisions without consulting me?” 
Approaching her, Hajime confronted his wife, and replied, “Serena, you lost that right. Not when you chose to go to Buenos Aires for the trip. You lost the right to call me your husband and Kaito as our son, when you decided to fuck my best friend,” raising his voice at the end and pointing a finger towards her. Serena’s mouth gaped wide open as he told her, “Atsumu showed me the news. That bastard woke me up at 7am! I’m glad that he did though, because you cheated on me, and betrayed your best friend, by sleeping with my asshole of a best friend! Oh my god, do you have any idea what she must be going through?” In the midst of the long argument, initially she kept denying it, saying, “No, Haji, that’s so not true. I just met him and caught up with him. That’s all,” and she kept trying to change the topic, but fate wasn’t on her side as she got a ping on the phone from Oikawa. He snatched the phone from her and then saw a notification from the beguiling devil himself. As he opened the phone, the text gave him enough reasonable doubt to confirm his suspicions:
“Serena-chan, what are we gonna do? (Y/N)-chan hasn't seen the news yet, has Iwa-chan? How are we going to explain this without getting caught?”
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His olive-green irises started seeing red, but instead of deciding to lash out at Serena, which even she expected, an idea sparked into his head. He took a deep breath and he then proceeded to dial your number. As you lifted the phone, he was met with your ragged breaths and sniffles, as you replied with a lump in your throat, “Hello, Iwaizumi?” For a moment, when he heard you, he felt your heart break along with his, but he knew he had to be strong for the both of you. 
He’d known you and Serena since the time you three studied together in Irvine. You and Iwaizumi did not have much in common, but you two were willing to be a part of each other’s interests. You two would watch Godzilla together while you would take him along with Serena out on a drive. Whether it was playing volleyball, playing in the arcade, or sipping on some horchata while gorging on some tacos, you loved to hang outdoors. You two slowly started to become thick as thieves, and you started to have feelings for him.
However, when he confessed one day that he had feelings for Serena, it caused your heart to break inside and you were a little jealous of her, but you had kept all the negativity aside, resigning yourself to thinking that he would never be interested in you to begin with. So, when Oikawa dropped by to visit Iwaizumi, the former ace introduced you to his childhood best friend who started shadowing his idol, the former setter-turned-coach Jose Blanco, when he joined the Club Atletico San Juan, one of the most popular teams in the Argentinian Volleyball Federation.
Tooru had once come across as smug initially, but he eventually captured your heart over you two having a lot more in common with each other, and you had similar experiences growing up. You two eventually fell in love with each other, and you and Tooru and Serena and Hajime got married on the same day. While Hajime and Serena worked in the States, the former gaining American citizenship, you had worked with Serena for a while, until you and Oikawa moved to Argentina, with him gaining Argentinian citizenship.
“Hi, it’s… been a while, hasn’t it?” Iwaizumi asked you, in a softer tone, causing Serena to open her mouth in shock. Taking a long drawn breath, you responded with a quivering voice, “It has, but it’s sad we’re talking under these circumstances.” He nodded, inquiring while Serena widened her eyes, “When did you find out?” Drooping your shoulders, you continued, “I was at an izakaya with my co-workers after we had a successful presentation. Before coming here, it felt really awkward. Many of my co-workers were giving me weird looks throughout the day, until some of them decided to treat me to a drink in the evening. You know that she and I decided to be colleagues in the American Volleyball Association where Kuroo-san referred us before I transferred to Argentina, right? So, I contacted my boss after knowing the news and he granted me permission to work from home. I’ve never done this, Iwa! I take pride in going to work everyday, and I just…” 
You couldn’t speak anymore because you’d started sobbing, smearing your makeup. Iwa repeatedly called your name to calm you down, while flashing his hand at Serena to stop her from walking towards him. Having gained your attention, you replied, “I don’t know what to do, I’m going to be booking a cab home as of now.” He then interrupted you by saying, “Before you do that, I think you need to call Oikawa. This needs to be talked about.” Your eyes widened as fear and anger gripped you, snarking, “wait, is that bitch here?” He hummed in response, causing you to respond, “you know what? Let’s do that. Also, please put the phone on speaker.” 
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While Serena does not move an inch, Hajime put the phone in front of him and turned on the speaker, while side-eyeing at her. After a couple of minutes, a familiar voice was heard out loud. “Ola, mi amõr. What's up? Practice is wrapping up, so I’m on my way home. What do you want for dinner?” The whole room could sense that he was acting like nothing happened. Then you continued, “Tooru, I saw the news. I know that you’re having an affair with Serena.” An uncomfortable silence lingered in the room, before Oikawa breaks it, replying in an act of defiance, “Baby, it's not what it looks like,” when Hajime chimed in, exclaiming with seething rage, “So what is it then, Shittykawa, ‘cause it looks like you're all over my wife!” 
Serena then cried out, “Tooru, I did not tell him anything,” with you interrupting her, saying, “Shut up, bitch, no one wants to listen to you!” Tooru was shocked, and he softly replied, “Mi amor, can we talk about this by ourselves, at home? I’m so sorry–” Shaking your head, you retorted, “Nah. You’re only sorry that you got caught. So, either we can’t talk about it at all, or we can talk about it now since you decided to embarrass not just yourself, but all four of us on an international stage. Do you know how many weird looks I got today? Huh? I'd have to call my boss for some days off or to work from home, because paparazzi would probably be fucking hounding my office, putting my job at risk, so I'm at the beach, and I’ll be going back home now, and I’m sure the cameras have reached there too,” you shrug and raise your voice, continuing, “packing our bags, and taking Melina with me to Tokyo, where you’re not going to follow me, do you understand, Oikawa?” 
During this time, Oikawa gets a call from Jose Blanco, his coach, and Iwaizumi from Fuki Hibarida, the coach of the Japanese National Volleyball Team. Both of them were urged to put the phone via a conference call, where everyone was present. You muted your side of the call out of respect but didn't cut the call. Instead, you got up, rustled your dress, and booked a cab home. “Oikawa,” Blanco spoke first, “you’re our most important player in the team, so how is it that your dirty laundry is now aired?” Hibarida continued, “we’ve decided to arrange the conference call, because one, we know that you two have been friends growing up, so this better be fixed somehow, and two, the Olympics are on the way and we don’t want any bad press to affect our games. So, you two better fucking get it together or both of you're off your respective teams, because we're not going to risk our image by being associated with that mess.” Nodding with a single tear streaming down his cheek, Hajime responded, “We are so sorry, Hibarida-san and Blanco-san for all the chaos that’s been happening. I’ll be organizing a press conference tomorrow and come clean. I hope Oikawa does the same, because a lot is at stake here, including our friendship, which has already gone to the dogs. Have a good day, both of you.” 
When both of them hung up, you unmuted yourself and continued speaking, “I’m home now. I’m telling our daughter  that we’re taking an impromptu trip to her grandparents’ place, in Miyagi. Hajime, since our parents live nearby, why don’t you bring your son there?” With a soft smile on his face, he replied, “Already did that, (y/n). It will be nice for our kids to bond. Where will you be staying?” 
“I’ll be staying over at a friend’s place,” you continued, “We’ll be in touch, Haji. But before I hang up, I want to ask the both of you something. Tooru, what did she give you that I couldn't? Serena, what did he give you that Hajime couldn’t provide? What could have been so lacking in our respective marriages, that you, Tooru sought it out in not just any woman, but the wife of your best friend for almost 2 decades? The same question goes to you too, Serena.” Both of them sheepishly replied, “I don't know,” making both you and Iwaizumi even more furious. You then hung up and tried to find a way to collect your emotions and move out to a friend’s place with your daughter before you move back to Tokyo the next day.
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On the following day, Hajime and Tooru organized a press conference at their respective places, and Tooru was the first to speak, “Good evening everyone. This press conference is being held to come clean and ensure that our Olympic game is not jeopardized. The rumors are true: I did have an affair with Iwaizumi's wife. All of us have known each other since college days, and Iwaizumi and I grew up together. So, this in no way excuses my actions, or our actions. We were drunk, we acted impulsively without thinking about the impact it would have on our partners We are sorry—not only to everyone we disappointed, but especially to our partners whom we betrayed in one of the most intimate ways. Having said that, it was a one time thing that never should have happened, and all we can do is ask for forgiveness,” half-lying in the end. Then Hajime continued, “Our families request privacy as we figure out how to move forward after this scandal. So, I hope that all of you will respect our decisions in this matter. And to those who are fans of the team and of the sport of volleyball, I request that this isolated incident should not affect your love for it at all. Above all, we’ll always be fans of the sport, no matter what. The press conference ends here.”
Days have passed since you moved out of Argentina back to Tokyo, and you and Hajime had told Serena and Tooru that you two were separating from the both of them. Upon reaching Tokyo, you’d contacted your childhood friend, Tetsuro Kuroo, who was now a sports promoter at the Japan Volleyball Association, who gave you a separate house to live in for a couple of days, and was even willing to refer you for a spot in the JVA, should you wanted to come back to work. You responded, saying that you would think it over. In the meantime, Iwaizumi moved out of the house and contacted his other best friends, Issei Matsukawa and Hanamaki Takahiro. “Bro, we’re really sorry that that happened and you can stay with either one of us,” Mattsun replied over the phone, “however, Oikawa was lying about one thing. It was not a one time thing, Iwaizumi. They’d been sleeping with each other even when you all were just dating.” Hajime felt a sinking feeling within him when he learnt of the dirty little secret.
Despite all the four settling with each other in different countries, Oikawa and Serena had a secret that neither Hajime nor you were aware of. Even though Tooru and Serena loved you two a lot, enough to want to start families  with the both of you, they loved each other differently. The secret glances they shared, the trips they would secretly take to meet each other, the marks they had to hide and everything else surrounding their years of tryst were oblivious to you two. They were never caught, except by some of his Argentinian friends who tried to convince him to stop the affair, until now. Mattsun had eventually learned of this the month before the press leak, when he ended up snooping through Oikawa’s phone when he’d come to Japan for some time before the Olympics. Mattsun told Makki and while the both of them confronted Oikawa and told him to inform Hajime, he said that he would, but since they knew that he wouldn’t, Makki left an anonymous tip to the press who started tracking them, hence the press leak. The day of the press leak, Oikawa lost his cool when he saw the only DM from Makki ‘cause they’d usually talk over the phone: “I hope you enjoy explaining your affair to the press, Oikawa :D”
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The first few days went by very drearily, causing you to weep profusely. This affected you so much that it caused you to have sleepless nights and bouts of overeating and not eating at all. You were scared to go to work again so after a couple of days, you contacted your boss saying that you wanted to work from home until the situation died down. So, you started slowly gaining your energy back, and with employing a couple of self-care options, you were slowly feeling better yourself. This didn’t stop you from suddenly thinking about the whole situation without it constantly pricking you. You’d told Tooru that you wanted to be separated and you wanted time to think for yourself and the custody of your daughter. It was especially hard when you’d be in touch with your daughter and you were not able to say anything to her just yet. She may have your hair and your features but she had Tooru’s eyes, and it pained you to see her brown irises  and be reminded of him.
With Hajime, it was different. 
In any case, he kept to himself anyway. Nonetheless, people did still know him as an athletic trainer, and through a couple of viral videos of him working out, he was also referred to as a “DILF.” He never missed looking in the mirror since he started working out consciously and living a healthy lifestyle, and he was proud to see his muscle mass growing in the right places. As he raked his fingers through his hair, he would flex his biceps and admire the physique he was trying to build for himself. 
He was not ashamed of the way he looked. It may have bothered him that he was shorter than Tooru, but he was happy with how he lived. He was aware that Tooru was more popular with girls than he was. However, whenever Serena complimented him and told him that he still looked attractive and that she was lucky to be with him, he became much more at ease. But with her having cheated on him, he suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, realizing that she may have been lying. He suffered a significant blow to his self-confidence, not only as a partner but also as a parent and a person. The moments he felt like not working out, he would skip it, but would be chided by Mattsun, Makki, and you. 
Everyday you’d check in with Hajime to figure things out as to how you two would be able to cope with everything. You were able to convince one of your old friends who work in the grocery store to deliver the groceries to Hajime so he could avoid the paparazzi, and since Kuroo gets his groceries delivered anyway, you don't have to go out either. This wasn’t just to calm everything down, it's also to salvage your images because you didn’t want people to pity you as the left-behind partners. You two were much more than that. Because life had been kicking the both of you hard, while you two were occasional drinkers, your quantities eventually started increasing. You two somehow found a way to sneak to each other’s houses without garnering unwanted attention. Even if it was for a brief moment, you two indulged in a temporary escape with each other, ignoring the reality that was haunting the both of you. 
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One day, at his house, when you two were watching a comedy movie while hogging on some popcorn together, while laughing, your hand subconsciously landed on his thigh and then your eyes turned to each other. Your heart started to beat faster as your eyes landed on his. Ragged breaths were echoed throughout the room, as he closed the laptop. As he was cupping your cheeks and drew your face closer, he asked you slowly, gentlemanly, “(y/n), can I please-” and as you were about to give in to the temptation, your phone buzzed causing you to jolt from your carnal trance as your daughter called you. Sensing that you needed time to think about all that just happened, you told him that you were leaving and that you’d meet him later. 
As you finish speaking with your daughter, while driving back home, your mind then lingers back to the first time when you first saw him at the university's recreation center, his dark brown, spiky hair caught your attention and then his green eyes which truly captured your attention. In discussing the intramural tournaments with him as you were interested in signing up, you found his toned figure attractive. You were standing at the registration desk when Serena grabbed your arm and whispered into your ear, “oooh, did you notice the dickprint on his shorts?  Because that looks so satisfying,” and you did notice a slight bulge in his shorts as you glanced over at him.
He seemed to get the memo when your gaze meets his, as he winked at you, making your cheeks flush as you parted ways. Ever since then, over the years, whenever you touched yourself, as your fingers ran over your clit, everyday, even when you were married to Tooru, you still kept thinking of Hajime as you imagined him calling you, “baby,” as he thrusted himself inside you. You were scared to tell Serena about how you felt for him because they told you individually, and out of respect for both of them, you kept your feelings aside and you genuinely started to like Tooru, but you couldn’t stop thinking of Hajime. How could you? You were truly in love with him.
9th June, 2021. 11:30pm
You realized that it was Hajime’s birthday coming soon, and no sooner did you think about him, than you were immediately reminded of the moment you two had shared when you two almost kissed each other, causing your cheeks to fluster. You’d wanted him for so long, but never got to act on the feelings, but that day, when your lips were about to meet, you realized that you haven’t had sex in so long. Your marriage with Oikawa had fallen apart at its seams, and while you had been thinking of getting back to him for your daughter, that moment with Hajime made you realize that you’d rather have the athletic trainer more than the setter.
Having then downed a few glasses of wine, and craving to be intimate with him, you put your lacy underwear under Hajime’s oversized volleyball shirt, turned on your vibrator, placed it over your clit, and felt the vibrations run through you. Initially, you moved the tip of the toy slowly up your entrance before you let it enter you, then you increase the speed. You were fondling yourself, bursting out in a series of moans when you heard a knock at your door. As you awoke for a brief moment and wondered what was happening, you kept the vibrator on your bedside table. You ran to the door, opening it with your eyes wide and shocked at who was there. The former ace mumbles in a slurred voice, picking you up as he wraps your legs around his waist. He takes your cheeks to bring you closer and begins to kiss you.
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© Shyna 2022 - reposting on any other platform is not allowed. likes, comments, and especially reblogs are appreciated. (taglist in next rb)
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Tree Topper Steve
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I'm gonna be thanking @babygorewhore again for this amazing mood board! She kills it every single time! Also shoutout to @xxhellfirebunnyxx , @monstxrteeth and again morgy for beta reading ! the rest i'm keeping as a suprise for y'all. And a quick shoutout to @rainbowkisses31 for making and sharing these cute dividers! Steve Harrington x Fem Reader Wc: 1K TW: There are none ! This is pure fluffy goodness for the soul.
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The drastic change in temperature by just a closed door was astounding. Just minutes ago you had been bundled in blankets on the couch waiting for Steve to get home. His wide smile and snowflake kissed lashes made you jump up only for him to stop you in your tracks when he flings the small build up off of his shoulders and a shake of his hair. But when his eyes meet you he can't hold back his excitement.
“I've got a surprise for you!”
“What kind of surprise?” you keep in mind that he has yet to take off his shoes as he reaches for you. 
“Well, ok so I know you've been wanting to go and look at trees together, but on the way home I saw one and I could not pass it up babe, it's perfect.” 
You don't even care that you didn't get to pick it out with him, the second you see this beautiful Fraser Fir your mind races at all of the possibilities of how you can decorate it. This six foot tall, full branched stunner is absolutely the one. You beam at Steve as he stands looking down to you. 
“ It is perfect Steve! We have to get this thing inside right now !” You beam.
So yes you froze a little to bring this beast into the living room. Only for a second though as you get Steve to hold it up, while you run to the garage to grab a holiday tote. You had a few that sat in the small space. 
This house was fairly new to you and Steve. It had only been a few months of living together and this was the first holiday you were spending in it together. Halloween was shared with friends and Thanksgiving split between families, but Christmas was a holiday you had decided to spend solely together this year. 
A decision that Steve had suggested, one that made your heart soar. A Grinch in his own right, Christmas had never been one of Steve's favorites, until he met you. Something about seeing how purely excited you got when it snowed or when you saw a gift you thought someone would love. Everything about this season in Steve's mind began and ended with you.  
To see that look in your eye as you stood back and saw the tree in the corner of your shared living room, that made every bad decision in his life worth it. Since it led him here, straight home, to you.
A few more totes brought in and all filled with ornaments, some old and some new. Heavy and willing , you lifted each one to show Steve. 
“Alright champ, who's ornaments are we going with?” You look at him a bit off, a strong side eye as you open the lid to the first tote. 
“Both , duh ! “ He stares at the totes and then towards you and a small sigh leaves him. 
“ They won't match each other ya know?.” You stop shuffling through the mound of decorations and look at him. 
“Do they need to ?” The question stuns him. 
“I mean.. I guess not, but won't that bother you ? The fact that our decorations don't aesthetically go together?” You look at the totes scattered in front of you and survey that of your six, Steve has only one.
 So no you could honestly say you didn't give a damn if his glass baubles didn't match yours. That the garland he owned was gold unlike your silver. As long as he felt that he could set his things next to yours in harmony you really didn't care how it looked to prying eyes. 
“ Do you care if they match ? “  He shakes his head as a small blush dusts his cheeks. “ Then neither do I “ you both find that among his few small trinkets you share a few, doubles for if one breaks. 
You pull out your ceramic trees and place them along the mantle above the fireplace while Steve strings lights along the tree. A few ornaments get placed across the bottom as he weaves in and out of the branches at the top leaving just enough space for the tree topper. 
He starts to play a George Michael record, one he knows you can't resist dancing to. A secret you shared on one of your first dates, coincidentally around the holidays. He recalls you saying how beautifully haunted Michael sounded when singing about his lost love and how you knew that feeling all too well, one you would never know again. 
Steve watches as you place small hooks into rings and place delicate glass and ceramic into thick full leaves as he sits leaning against the back of your couch. Listening to you hum sweet melodies, content in your skin. He thinks to himself how lucky he is to have found you this early in life, grateful beyond belief. 
“Do you think we should use your star topper or my angel topper this year babe?” Your question startles him out of his thoughts. 
“Hmmm? What ?” You laugh having let him drift away for a bit. 
“Star or Angel ?” You hold both in your hands and wave them back and forth in front of the tree to gauge his reaction to either.  You had debated for about ten minutes silently yourself, opting to let Steve decide so you wouldn't have to.  
He groans coming up towards you and taking them both out of your hands. He holds the star up and then the angel as if he is deep in contemplation. 
“I'm going star my love , I've already got my angel this year.” You feel the heat in your chest at his words. They fall from his lips as easily as reciting his name , so fond of you this man is. Yours , he is all yours. 
You place a small kiss to his lips that turns into something of hunger, instantly. Buttons become skewed and zippers get pulled down.
How did you get so lucky as to unwrap Steve Harrington? 
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 6 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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flaresanimedump · 8 months
Fukuzawa and Ranpo romantic themes essay **Updated May 2024**
ALRIGHT here we go
The story thus far:
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First off y'all are focusing too much on Fukuzawa. Sorry but if you look to Fukuzawa only Fukuzawa/cats has merit. Even with FukuMori it's Mori we get 90% of the ship content from (silver fox?? Can you not hit on him for FIVE SECONDS MORI-)
You have to look at RANPO. And so we will, mostly, in this response.
Now I did say "themes" first so you're all gonna have to deal with me doing both. I’m just gonna lead with the thing that I see the behavior in the og tweet with the most:
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Antis almost never fail to say "father and son" in their captions when they post screenshots of this anthology chapter.
As the translator of this anthology I will tell you it's not father and son. It's tsundere boyfriend.
How is this tsundere?!: “I’m not worried about you, baka, I just don’t ever want to see you sick—play sick nurse for you again!! So take better care of yourself!! Here’s a snack!! Feel better or else!!” + this phrase "I never thought I'd hear such caring words from you" is your basic tsundere trope template in JP.
Why does that mean it’s romantic?!: Tsundere behavior is mostly reserved for love interests – particularly this bit.
He’s just offering him a snack!!: Look at the shojo background in every panel. Look at the sparkles. Look at them setting the fluffy lovey-dovey mood. Look at Fukuzawa’s saying he’ll take them to his heart. You can hear the “Kyaaaa, Yukichi-kun was so close!!!” if you listen carefully.
But- but- FATHER AND SON!!: you may now see why it took a Fukuran shipper to translate this 4 years after it was released, despite the scanlation boom over covid ;)
But that’s an anthology! It’s not really canon!
Moving right along then, this is Bones only, but:
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Seeing color because you meet someone is literally the basis of an entire subset of soulmate AUs.
I bookmarked two romance quotes in the last 6 hours that center on romantic love bringing color into someone’s life. This is an extremely common romantic trope and I still can’t believe Bones went there in Origins. a. “But Nova!” they cry, “lots of parents say their children bring color into their lives!!” True!! And you’ve just said why this isn’t the same! Fukuzawa brought color to RANPO’s life, not the other way around. This is why I say to look to Ranpo for this ship!
Well Bones sucks!
There are about 104 examples of “Unbroken Vigil” on TV tropes. Exactly two of them are children waiting by their parents, and they’re both from live action film. This trope, across all categories of media, is absolutely owned by romantic couples. Notably in the anime and fanon sections there are no examples of family members doing this. I won’t say there aren’t any anywhere, though. JJK exists. But that’s a good example of how different Ranpo’s reaction is from the usual “caretaker is in the hospital” mood – sure Yuuji’s sad when his grandpa dies, but he’s gonna be ok. Ranpo’s, as Yosano says, devastated. Ranpo’s devastation fits squarely in the romantic box for this one boys.
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Point of reference: Fukuzawa
I’m gonna hit two points at once in this section:
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Ranpo’s kneeling to Fukuchi here but he has no loyalty to Fukuchi. He’s kneeling out of loyalty to Fukuzawa, so in truth he’s kneeling to Fukuzawa’s will. He’s acting as Fukuzawa’s knight. Even if we pretend King and Lionheart wasn’t a fandom phenomena for years, this isn’t a parent-child thing. Ranpo is steadfastly faithful to his king.
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But lo?? Ranpo’s a lying liar. He’ll face away from the president under exactly one condition: Fukuzawa’s life is hanging in the balance. Then he’ll go against the only thing he himself has said he’s willing to stand for. This is not how the parent-child trope works. The parent says “live for me, I’ll die for the greater good” and the child cries and the parent dies. It’s like. The most common movie plotline in the universe when adults' parents are in movies.
Instead Ranpo actually does something that another stated romantic couple in this series does.
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Goes apeshit on the threat.
Then later he’s not even remorseful. He tells Fukuzawa they did it and eats a bunch of cake without a care in the world after. He’d do it again and we know it.* So his moral compass isn’t to follow the president, it’s actually to follow him up to his own good and then burn the entire city down if it’ll keep him alive. This is really the most damning of Ranpo behaviors that screams of something more than familial affection.
Fukuzawa’s lines when he's poisoned are “we must not fight the port mafia. My life isn't important, protect this city (from the inevitable damage the fighting will do).”
Ranpo’s argument to disobey him is that the port mafia will start taking their families hostage to get them to give Fukuzawa up. “And if that happens, even the detective agency will be forced to give in.” His argument isn’t even “our friends will be in danger,” it’s “if we don’t fight we'll have let them kill President Fukuzawa.” Which, you know, Fukuzawa already said was preferable to fighting.
So this whole argument is literally that ship meme: “I will sacrifice myself to save everyone.” / “I will sacrifice anyone to save you.”
*Ranpo’s near-complete lack of punishment for this is a subtle sign of Fukuzawa’s bias too but this is already too long.
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Or the 4th season's opening song. This has not been easy I tell you WHAT most of the translations for this song’s lyrics leave something to be desired and song lyrics are hard to understand. Anyway, we have Shirushi, which Luck Life's vocalist said was about Ranpo and Fukuzawa. And it’s. Well I wouldn’t exactly call it a love song because it’s bigger with “you gave me a reason to live” as one of the recurring lyrics. But the song’s got more lyrics about wanting/wishing/pleading to stay together: “I want to stay here // please, let’s just stay here // I want you and I to continue” and them being together, the “here” in question, is called “the place where [my] heart belongs.” It’s so sweet aaaaaa and it most definitely sounds like a love song.
"I will be his shield"
Here we have the rare Fukuzawa point.
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Ok can I skip explaining this it’s very very obvious and I already went over one of these things.
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Normal thought process: I should keep an eye on this kid. Fukuzawa thought process: I will become his shield, his sword, his shelter, to allow his magnificent mind freedom to work its magic--
Two halves of one whole
This is a weak ass point but I always found it thematically contradictory to the father/son interpretation, particularly when it comes right on the heels of a certain line fancops like to reference.
At the beginning of Origins Fukuzawa literally parkours across a room, backflips and everything, shocking the guy with all the papers with his mad skills. And Fukuzawa thinks “What? Why? That wasn’t impressive.”
He’s hinted to be the physical counterpart of Ranpo’s hyper competence. I.E., Ranpo is the one-of-a-kind mind and Fukuzawa is the one-of-a-kind body. Together they become unstoppable.
This implies a bond that won’t end?? But parent & child plotlines always have a theme of the child growing up and moving on. Atsushi and the orphanage director, though they’re fucked up, personified it. But they’ve clearly established that Fukuzawa and Ranpo are two halves of one whole and neither of them are planning to separate at any point. What’s Ranpo gonna do, go become a regular cop?? This just doesn’t suit a father and son dynamic.
Alright this next part will take some effort but FIRST we must all agree there’s romantic tension between Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. When I initially drafted this the finale had not come out, but we STILL had this going on:
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Ok, so we also have the finale and we know Fukuzawa has some Strong Feelings for Fukuchi too. And Ranpo friggin' hates it.
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I don’t aim to eradicate the platonic reading of Fukuran or anything, Fukuzawa and Ranpo are cute together no matter what! So this does smack of a teenager mad about having a stepdad taking all their mom’s time. But I cycle back to what Fukuchi cites as the focal point of Ranpo’s jealousy for the other easy interpretation.
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The only time in my life I’ve thought “Aw I wish we’d met sooner :/” and felt a little envy towards someone's high school friends was with someone I was dating. I’d never think anything to this effect about a family member, certainly not enough to get violently jealous of their old friends or, heaven forbid, significant others.
What Ranpo is wishing for here is to have known Fukuzawa longer than Fukuchi, which could not happen if he was Fukuzawa's son. Fukuzawa was too young to have children when he met Fukuchi. So Ranpo's jealousy doesn't seem strictly platonic.
I will never understand how anyone sees the praise scene and thinks it’s normal father-son behavior. Teenagers wouldn't wouldn’t be caught dead doing this. Adults are far beyond it. Ranpo’s 26. Yes he likes candy and can’t ride the train, but the trains in Japan are WORSE than driving and neither of these behaviors mean he's a literal child. He has a driver’s license and investigates corpses for a living. He’s an adult.
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This is a textbook praise kink.
Update: We got NEW STUFF WHOO
First I need to explain all of Japanese to you! Kidding, but we are gonna talk about second person pronouns. If you're not already aware, Japanese has well over 15 words for "I." Similarly, there are also 10+ words for "you." That being said, "you" is often seen as too direct and therefore all of these words can be seen as rude (you're supposed to use the other person's name with an honorific or their title, i.e. Fukuzawa-san, Shachou). You can use "you" for advertisements where the "you" is very general, OR with friends/lovers/etc.
OK we're gonna look at 2 of these pronouns now:
あなた(Anata) is a common second-person pronoun. This is the one that comes up in advertisements. It's semi-formal, though rude in certain contexts. As already stated, Anata is mostly used with people you're already close or familiar with (some examples in BSD include Kyoka to Atsushi and Akutagawa, between Haruno and Naomi, and Ango to Dazai) but can be used with strangers you're not close with and/or people you're a little irritated by (examples: Atsushi to Kouyou and Fitzgerald, Poe to Yosano). You are NOT supposed to use Anata with superiors. Historically, however, Anata once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the wife might call her husband this. This doesn't happen much though!! Only in certain contexts, which I'll get into. Don't go telling people Anata is a romantic pronoun because of this essay, it's not. Mostly.
お前(Omae) is rude! Ok it's not that rude, but it's a tough guy "you." This is often used when people are annoyed with the "you" in question, i.e. Kunikida scolding Dazai for drowning/being broke, "Dazai! Omae-" like that. Like Anata, this can be used by guys who know each other well/are good friends. Also like Anata, historically, it once had another use: as a term of endearment between married couples. Generally the husband might call his wife this. This is older than the endearment use of Anata and far less common now. It was explained to me as being a bit like saying "my woman." But once again this is rare!! It doesn't mean that now! Don't go expecting it to be romantic all the time because it almost never is!! Except--
Except that Fukuzawa uses very old language, because he's named after a guy whose heyday was the 1860s. That's plenty long enough ago to use Omae as a term of endearment. In fact there are only two characters who he calls Omae, one of whom is Fukuchi:
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HOWEVER, while this proves Fukuzawa only uses it with people he's extremely close to, Fukuchi uses Omae back. I could make a joke about the two dudes who would be gay if they could just work out which one should bottom but this is a Fukuran essay so you can use your imagination for that. I'll move on to the other person he uses Omae with:
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Ranpo, of course! But you see... Ranpo rarely calls Fukuzawa anything other than Fukuzawa-san or Shachou. Except he did at the end of the anime:
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WE GOT AN ANATA FOLKS. Ranpo doesn't call anybody else Anata. He goes for Kimi mainly. Yet here he whips out Anata for Fukuzawa who, if he was looking at Fukuzawa as his superior, he should never refer to as Anata. So not only do we get confirmation that their relationship isn't just boss and employee, we get THE OMAE+ANATA SET. This isn't definitive cannonizing content of course - as I've said multiple times, these both mean something different now - but it's strongly suggestive. And speaking of suggestive,
Word of god
If you were ever worried that Asagiri might frown on the ship, or that he doesn't know about it, or that he didn't intend for a shippy interpretation at all, you can put all those fears to rest. In January 2024 Asagiri held a panel at the Kochi Museum of Literature and the Fukuran fans were WELL FED. Asagiri was asked half a dozen questions about Ranpo and Fukuzawa, but the most fun answer was when he was about Ranpo and Fukuchi. Rough translation below:
Q. Can you expand on the relationship between Ranpo and Fukuchi?
A. To put it in a slightly misleading way, Ranpo views Fukuchi as his rival in love*. They are enemies in a love triangle. Fukuchi doesn't agree.
*YES this word means romantic love.
Yes it's a joke but it's basically carte blanch to ship it to your heart's content, Asagiri knows you're there and winks at you in his interviews. AND it's also Kafka Asagiri saying that Ranpo sees himself in a love triangle with Fukuchi and Fukuzawa. So. You know. Just a small (major) win for the Fukuran fans there!
--End of new info--
But what about-
Now, I did mention the line I know all the antis are getting ready to comment with, and I just don’t think this would be complete without the inflammatory “well actually” section. There have been many a tweet saying “Fukuzawa says he sees Ranpo as his son!”
Actually, he never does. They're explicitly called partners/buddies, however.
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Bad news kids: this isn’t an exact translation. It’s very sweet and all but that’s not what the Japanese actually says.
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This line is closer to “I have a child in my care for my own reasons, too.” He didn’t say Ranpo was HIS child, there’s no possessive grammar here (heh no の). I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone argue that Fukuzawa didn’t see him as a child when he was, you know, a child, but the series doesn’t take place when Ranpo is a child. Also I don’t see how that has anything to do with Ranpo’s feelings at the time.
Well that’s semantics, Fukuchi says it too!! See??
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This 1) is Fukuchi who has about 1000 reasons to be a fukuran anti that have nothing to do with ages and 2) isn’t a direct translation of the Japanese text either. It says “little favorite” in Japanese, and that’s it! “Little favorite” just sounds weird in English so the translators used a common phrase that people generally DON’T and SHOULDN’T use for their own kids (imagine if everyone knew you liked one of your actual kids better than the rest D:). I have it on good authority that the official Italian doesn’t say “favorite son” and I know the Japanese doesn’t, so this line is not cannon.
Well how about this!!!
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I’m not really sure why this is referenced when it’s clearly the center of the chapter’s joke – the point is that Ranpo ISN’T 5, he just acts that way.
Plus I can throw this panel back from the same WaN chapter as an argument:
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“Ranpo’s grown so handsome” or if you prefer, “Ranpo looks so virile now...” – rare simp Fukuzawa.
Well you can’t possibly deny this!!!
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Congratulations, this is the only one with any merit! What it fails to do is prove Fukuzawa said it or remove any of the stuff already mentioned here. Ranpo could very much be in love with Fukuzawa. This line in origins is narration, not dialogue or thought, and it isn’t carried through in the narrative so it’s relatively easy to view it as a joke. The same book christens them “Tantei [Sou]jin,” same sou as in “[sou]koku,” with kanji meaning “Detective duo/detective twins/double detectives/detective partners” though I’ve also found it to mean something very near “equals.” The kanji are ‘subtitled’ as "Detective buddies” in English (katakana) in the Japanese book. All this throws multiple wrenches in the idea that they’re broadly viewed as parent and child or even as having a significant power imbalance between them.
Which brings me to my final point: none of this proves anything definitively! There’s plenty of material for both interpretations. The entire point of engaging with media is to develop your own interpretation and have fun with it. But freaking out and screaming your headcanon when a scene hits you as slightly different than that headcanon is very much screaming at the sky. Lord knows I’ve seen these four arguments enough times that if they were going to convince me of anything they already would have, and Asagiri sure can’t hear you.
I think everyone who doesn’t think this could be romantic at least from Ranpo’s side expects that romantic imagery/themes for this ship can only appear from Fukuzawa, and only if it’s predatory? Like as long as I don’t whip out a canon image like this
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they’ll say “I would definitely do that with my parent” to every argument even if in reality they never, ever would.
I did recently see someone saying "why would Ranpo even like Fukuzawa, he's 30!" and listen, I can't help you there. I've had crushes on actors twice my age since I was 10, it's ingrained in my wiring. A sexy badboy bodyguard who declares himself to be at your service AND buys you food will never not be hot to me.
"What's attractive about Fukuzawa" requires another essay, however, so this is where I leave it. Obviously much of this is open to interpretation, but I don’t see people making skk posts that just say “BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES” or “BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS BOYFRIENDS” ya feel. It’s always on panels like the ones I brought up, because people do recognize a romantic slant when they see one. You don’t learn to detect that from media, you learn it from living long before you start caring about morality politics in shipping. Thus I interpret the screaming very much as LALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU-
P.S. actually I do want to add one final note because I know what the fancops will say even if they take all this at face value: Grooming refers to “actions deliberately undertaken to befriend and establish an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child’s inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity.”
Dating someone you knew when you were underage does not equal grooming. Grooming is a purposeful crime. “Even if they’re dating now that’s grooming!” incorrect! Please do not only listen to your friends about the law, they may also tell you a cop has to tell you if they're a cop (they do not) or any number of other very wrong things. Google is free.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
"I just really like your face You don't have to look so happy I'm not really into love that you flaunt In some glittery font But if that's what you want Make it snappy"
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
"So gather around now (ooh) It's time to sing It's bittersweet (ooh) but it's a hell of a silver lining I tell the same old stories As y'all get your wings And I get better every time I kiss a weathered cheek And watching doves fly Sooner than me I guess I'm ready, ready as I'll never be"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
Ultimate enemies to lovers potential as it starts with tge singer hating the other party and slowly growing to love them. Also has an excellent tma animatic (haven't watched any other animatics for it but a quick search shows there's a lot)
Animatics with the song:
Helluva Boss Stolas x Blitz
Don't Starve Together Wxwood
The Magnus Archives
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun Mitsuba Animatic
HFJONE Sodapack
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
I can list at least three full animatics for this song for every major fandom I have ever been a part of, and still it's so hard to find them because there are so goddamn many
It's an absolute banger from the absolute King Alan Menken, originally from the pretty underrated Tangled the Series. I've seen animatics for this for like every fandom I can think of, and it deserves it because it slaps and has great vocal performances from Jeremy Jordan and Eden Espinosa.
i'm pretty sure this song is more well known than the show it came from is lol. i looked up "ready as i'll ever be animatic" on youtube just to confirm and counted 20+ of them, and i didn't even finish scrolling. it is a genuinely really good song from a /surprisingly/ good show that imo is super underrated. i definitely would recommend checking it out if you get the opportunity!
it's a fandom song that transcended its fandom and became a hit for twist villains.
The song really fosters creativity with how many animatics can create a darker AU where the usual protagonist (or a close associate) is made to be the antagonist because of injustice suffered and the other characters have to fight against them
I've seen *at least* one animatic of this song in almost every fandom I've looked into
It has a lot of Animaniacs because it is sung by an ensemble cast It is good for demonstrating a lot of different conflicting perspectives of characters for your big dramatic fight and its catchy and I love it
I mean everyone loves a scenario where one of the main cast becomes a villain for tragic reasons and the rest of the characters have to fight them while dealing with the betrayal and attempting to make them see reason
How in the actual hell does a song from a Tangled spinoff series go this spectacularly hard? More to the point, how does it have an animatic/AMV for practically EVERY FANDOM IN EXISTENCE?! Yeah, most people know it from that one Warrior Cats MAP, but there is SO much more. Not to mention the bucketloads of people who used this song for their own OCs, which is always a bonus.
Animatics with the song:
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Miraculous Ladybug
Sander Sides
Danganronpa V3 fantasy AU
BNHA Villain Deku Animatic
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. HOWEVER, if a ship animatic includes a minor and an adult, do tell me, I'll remove it.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
The sneak peek at the upcoming Jealous Dream 😩
I gave y'all more than everyone else because oh my god. 🥵
Dream was already sitting on the edge of my bed when I closed the door. "God damn you! Don't sneak up on me!"
"Did you have a good evening?" The tone of his voice was low and rigid. His mind and emotions clouded, as if he was purposely withholding them from me.
"I guess?" I answered, slipping my shoes off. "Are you okay?"
He chuckled low and dark, sending a jolt of heat straight down my spine and to my core. "No. I don't suppose I am."
The air in the room thickens with a heavy lustful need as he stood from the bed and trapped me against the door. "Oh… What's… What's wrong?"
His eyes gleamed like silver moons as he looked down the length of my body, drinking in the dress I'd worn out. "Who do you belong to?"
"Excuse me?" I whispered back, nearly choking from the suddenness of the question.
"Who do you belong to?" He repeated his cold breath fanning over my neck as he moved his lips to my ear.
I bit my lip and clenched my thighs together. It was obvious he wanted me to tell him I was his, so obvious that I really wanted to see what he'd say if I gave him a different answer. "I don't think I belong to anyone."
Dream laughed against my ear, dragging his fingers down my shoulder and sliding the thin strap off it. "Don't make me repeat myself again, Penelope."
Fire burned in my lungs as I set my head against the door to meet his eyes. "Or what?"
"Or I'll have to punish you."
"Well, first, I'd like to know what's got you in your big dark mood."
A smirk. "You."
I watched his lips. "Have I been bad or something?"
"Not bad," he answered carefully, running a hand down the front of my dress. "An inspiration is perhaps more accurate."
"Why would inspiration be a punishable offense?"
"Because when you inspire a pathetic group of mortals to dream of you in your little dress I have to see it." Oh. His dark gaze flicked back up to me. Oh shit. "I found it amusing at first, but then I saw one of their memories of the events that transpired and found it far less amusing. Your body, pressed up against that friend of yours. His lips whispering in your ear. His hands on you."
I swallowed. "Dream…"
His hand cupped my jaw, tilting my head back so he could look straight down at me as he stepped right in front of me. "Choose your next words wisely, my love."
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quirrrky · 2 years
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𐑂 2.4k+ words 𐑂 Your new neighbor, Miya Atsumu, is everything you’ll never ask for. With his annoying good looks and equally irritating charm, how can you not resist the boy next door?   𐑂 neighbors, humor, enemies to lovers, fake dating, friends to lovers
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It was late at night and tomorrow Atsumu would be released from the hospital. He rubbed his eyes, suddenly waking up in the middle of the night and he saw you seated on the guardian's bench.
"Y/N?" He asked, surprised. "Where's Samu?"
"Oh...he went out for a bit."
"What're you doin' here? Idiot, you should be home. It's late!" He reprimanded and you walked over to him.
"Since it has been a week of me taking care of you, I figured why don't I give you a little surprise."
He wondered. "Surprise?"
You sat near him at the edge of his bed. "I wonder if I can be your nurse for today." Atsumu looked you up and down and saw that you're wearing a nurse uniform. He gulped. His face started to heat up. You chuckled and leaned close to him. "I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes."
Atsumu followed in anticipation as he closed his eyes tight. His heart beat fast that it was all he could hear in his head until a loud beeping sound came buzzing in.
He instantly opened his eyes, and was welcomed by Bokuto's face hovering his. "Morning, Tsum Tsum! You'll be released today! Aren't you excited?"
It...was just a dream? His face reddened in an instant at the realization. Shameful. But what could he do? You were the one beside him for the entire week and to say that you looked okay as a person was an understatement...he thought you were kinda' cute. Errr, not that he's crushin' on ya or somethin' it's just...
Tsumu shook his head, getting his thoughts in order.
"C'mon get up! We can still play volleyball for the day!"
"Sure sure..." Dreaming of you that way...Now, he's more than frustrated. What's more frustrating was you'd probably act like nothing happened once he returns. It ain't that he's expecting you'd be chummy-chummy or something but...
Aughhhh! All that one week of nothing? That's just nothing?
Deciding that he was thinking non-sense, he played Volleyball with the boys the entire day instead right after being released. Somehow, he must get you out of his system. Besides, he had seen and dated a lot of girls much prettier than you. Ha! It's not like you had that much of an impact on him.
"Oh, come on, Tsum Tsum! Aren't you gonna treat us to some drinks?" Bokuto asked and elevator doors opened.
"Yes, yes! We can still stay!" Shoyo added as they stepped out.
They all accompanied him back to apartment with Omi lingering in the shadows, as what Atsumu would call it.
He got his brows pinched together. "Yer all just gonna make a mess of my room."
"No way! Omi's here!" The silver-haired reasoned and pointed out.
Atsumu slumped his shoulders. "I don't think I'm up for tonight, guys." He really ain't in the mood to play around this time. There's a lot happening inside his head lately. His eyes travelled to the door next to his. You were still not in. It's Friday, so you should be home, but knowing you...Your officemates might have pitted you into this.
He swung his head away.
Not that he cared that much.
Besides, you'd be treating him like a stranger again. Someone you'd pass by and ignore along the hallway even if it's just the two of you there.
The elevator pinged and he saw you went out of it. You had that nonchalant expression on your face and you paused in front of your door as if seeing nothing. Your earphones blocking your environment again like he ain't existing. You don't give a single damn! Even just a single glance...
"On a second thought, I think I still have a spare to treat y'all for drinks." Atsumu announced, making sure he said it quite loud.
Bokuto and Hinata cheered, proclaiming that they'd get all their favorite snacks.
"I'll shoulder some too! This is like a homecoming party!" Hinata excitedly reacted. "Oh, is that Y/N? Hello Y/N-san! We're having a homecoming party here tonight!"
Homecoming party? Did you hear that right? You slyly looked at their direction, scrunching in horror.
Atsumu did see that and the grin on his face was irreplaceable. "Let her be. Let's head out to the convenience store and have fun when we get back here."
The boys passed by leaving you in distraught. Unbelievable! You just had an overtime! Tonight was your long-awaited pamper moment and they'd be having a party?
You went inside your room and gathered your thoughts. He also had his own space to do his own thing as long as he's not interrupting you. That's reasonable.
Living next to Atsumu meant knowing how to do your own stuff regardless of his existence, so tonight was your pamper night and it would push through.
You drew in a warm bath with your newly-bought wireless earbuds as companion. Now, you were able to drown the noise next door. You made sure that the one you bought was Atsumu-proof so you could enjoy your own private moment without his interruption.
You went on preparing food for your movie night still not minding your neighbor's business. You set up your laptop and chose a movie with your feed and tub of ice cream in hand.
However, things were being amped up next door.
As you watched your movie, assuming some moment of peace, the wall behind you began to tremor. The wall was banging again and you could feel the impact of it. What was that? Were they...They're playing volleyball inside his apartment?
You removed one of your earbuds.
There were loud hooting and howling from the boys, specifically from Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto. And though you thought that the urchin-haired was very creepy, you're liking him a lot better right now for keeping quiet.
You looked at the clock. It was 2am now and they're still up?
You closed your eyes trying to summon the last bit of patience you had left. You only had a few hours of sleep, you were so busy in your office, your spare time was spent taking care of Atsumu for the past week and now this.
The wall banged again and you exploded. You began hitting the wall back with the most intensity you could do. Just as when Atsumu thought he had seen the best of you, here you were surprising him again.
You were equally surprised that they became quiet at the instant you returned them the favor. However, just as you raised your foot to the couch, your doorbell rang.
Atsumu...You rolled your eyes and opened up as soon as you confirmed that it was him through the peephole.
"Wanna join us?" His smug smirk irritating you to no end.
"No. If I will, I might end up in the newspaper tomorrow." You replied.
"Yeah, you definitely will for hangin' out with the aces of MSBY Jackals."
You scoffed. "No, for being slayed the next morning. Good night." Slammed the door right onto his face.
"Woah! Tsum Tsum got rejected!" Bokuto teased, but did Atsumu feel bothered? Hell, no. You taking time to rebut him was a victory, because your snobby ass couldn't resist his presence.
Because of what happened the boys rejoiced even more, leaving you in disarray the next morning. God, you woke up with a heavy feeling! Good thing  you were about to hang out your best friend today. It was more than enough to keep you optimistic.
With so much excitement, you headed inside the elevators anticipating your day out when Tsumu's door opened. You pressed the close doors button repetitively, closing the elevator right on his face.
It's payback time for last night and the other nights he didn't let you get your quality sleep.
And it didn't end with that. Once you reached the ground floor, you pushed all the buttons so it would take long before it comes back up to him again.
Ha! Wearing a bright smile on your face, you totally thought you won.
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Time didn't feel like it passed at all. You couldn't believe it's already evening. You just had so much fun! Grinning, you typed on your phone as you stepped out of the elevator, thanking your best friend for a wonderful day. You watched your favorite movie at the cinema and you went to play in the arcade. You even won a plushie together, which you managed to claim for yourself.
You headed inside your home and slumped your body onto the sofa. You glanced at the watch...9 pm. Perhaps, you could take a little nap before you take a bath and before Atsumu could interrupt you.
As you closed your eyes, lewd moaning sounds came through from the other side. Your eyes snapped open. Don't tell me...
This early?
Don't tell me it's a new girl? But the masculine voice didn't sound much like Atsumu, which meant...
Augh! Gross! Did he really have to amp up the volume as he watched an adult video? How low could this guy get? Well, you knew he's doing this on purpose to piss you off. That attention-seeking asshole!
But you wouldn't let him affect you, so you went straight to the bathroom to prepare yourself for a bath. Much to your shock...There's no water?
You fetched your phone to message your landlady, but you discovered that she sent you one this afternoon but you just failed to open it.
❙ Otose Y/N, there's a leak in the piping so there will be no water supply in bathrooms located in even number units.
You drew in a deep breath. Now, you were forced to go to the bathhouse to wash yourself. You made sure to slam the door hard as you leave your room to let Atsumu know that he pissed you off real bad.
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With a deep and satisfying sigh, you sat down in front of a mirror and began lathering soapily over your body.
"Hello!" A beautiful woman sat beside you and greeted. "I haven't seen you that much here."
It looked like she already finished her bathing and just sat beside you to be nosy.
You smiled to her in return. "Oh...it's because the shower piping in my apartment got broken, so I might be using the bathhouse for the meantime."
"I see I see." She flashed her pretty pearly whites and asked. "Why don't you shower in your boyfriend's room?"
Your face flushed in embarrassment. "I-I don't have a boyfriend."
"Shhh..." she leaned close and whispered, "the serial killer is attacking single women. You might wanna keep that a secret."
Oh...You almost forgot about that. How careless of you. "Thank you. Thank you for reminding me."
"No problem. Kana, by the way." She extended her hand.
You shook it in acknowledgment. "Y/N, do you live around here?"
"Yes, I do. We might bump into each other sometime. I jog around every morning." Kana happily stated. You remembered that Atsumu jogs every morning too, that's if he actually wakes up before it gets to afternoon. Maybe they know each other?
"So Y/N...Why're you single? Don't you think being in a relationship feels nice?" She continued.
"I don't know. All I know is I haven't found anyone to be in a relationship with. I'm fine by myself anyway, so it doesn't bother me that much."
"Is that so?" She commented and chuckled. "You're weird. I like that. Anyway, I have to go it's getting a bit late."
You watched as Kana left. Looking around, you were the only one who remained bathing. You gulped and rinsed the soap off your body. Somehow, you felt the need to hurry. Some of the lights in the hallway were turned off. It wasn't like the a while ago. You felt bad about this. You made haste to the changing room to dry yourself and to put on your clothes. It was very quiet here and since this was a self-service bathhouse, you're sure you were alone.
Or were you really?
Grabbing your bag and jacket, you headed for the exit when you heard a sound coming from behind you. You looked back and no one's there. You gulped. Right now, you were wishing it was just a ghost.
A pail fell and you looked back again. No one was there. Seriously now...you were kind of wishing it was Atsumu.
Increasing your speed, you walked through the hallway almost running when you turned to look back only to find nothing, but when you looked forward again, you were met with a scalpel about to hit you. You reflexively took your jacket as cover and the tool slashed a part of it. You looked up and it was as if time froze.
Your eyes met.
He was wearing a medical mask and cap.  
Is this...
In a snap, you ran back to the bathing area. You had more head start advantage going that way than through the exit's direction, where he could easily grab you back. You hid in between two aisles, making sure he's not seeing you through the mirrors, but you were able to see him. You were breathing heavily but you pulled yourself from avoid doing so.
He took the left aisle so you crawled to the right, hiding underneath the counter. You dipped low so he won't be able to see your reflection through the opposite mirrors. You watched as he cautiously looked around, observing which route would he take next. He turned to the left direction going to your aisle, so you turned right going to his. Like a merry-go-round, so he won't be able to catch you.
You observed him through the mirror. He was wearing a full medical attire including a white lab coat and scrubs. The killer was a doctor? Which meant...He's smart! He knew what you're up to and you're sure he's gonna catch you next time. He's just waiting for the right time to surprise you.
You panicked.
What do I do? Your hands trembled in fear. How could you forget about the killer! You're no match for him. Was this going to be the end for you? You went to the bathhouse late at night when it was just reported a week ago that he's targeting the bathhouses?
Are you an idiot? Somehow, you heard Atsumu's insulting voice inside your head. That voice that triggered so many emotions in you. If there's one thing you weren't, that would be an idiot!
Think, Y/N! Think!
You scrambled your head for answers, and finally, you took in a deep breath, reaching your arm over the counter to take a bath soap. You stood up and threw it on him, catching his attention. Shit! Shit! Shit! You ran, taking another soap in hand along the way. You pretended to trip and he took the chance to charge against you. As he approached, you slid the bar soap to his direction, causing him to slip. The moment he stumbled, you immediately stood up and ran towards the exit, grabbing the bag you dropped on the floor as you made your way out.
This is it, Y/N! No looking back! No looking back! At last! You were finally near the reception. However, you were suddenly forced to stop.
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𐑂 AN : AAAAAAHHHH the serial killer thing...yes, the serial killer is not just a plot decoration;  somehow it will be a subtle part that will drive the story! After all, Y/N and Atsumu got acquainted with each other bc of it! I know you didn’t sign up for that in a romance novel but I’m rly stoked to add some twists and turns to make stuff more exciting and to challenge my writing capabilities. Also, I know some might be craving the in-between scenes in the hospital, but I’m gonna leave some of that to your imagination. Tbh, nothing much happened in between since Y/N here is pretty aloof. That’s why Tsumu knew she’d return to ignoring him once he’s gotten out of the hospital, but somehow, their time spent there together made Y/N more receptive of him that she’s now talking back to him! All I can say is...you will see how their dynamic will change as the story progresses. AGAIN! Thank you very much and Chapter 4 will be this coming sunday! 🫶 
𐑂 TAGLIST : drop the ff emoji on my ask box to be added 🔔
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers. Thank you so so much!
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© quirrrky 2022 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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invisiblequeen · 5 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 17, Part 1
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This is Kash Monet (@saruin). She's got the wrong skintone for the first part of her gameplay, but I fix that later. In the meantime, enjoy these color-graded photo attempts to get her tone right.
Anyway, she sought the mirror first and foremost, just to acmnowledge the fact that she looked FLY...she looked GOOD.
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Then she wanted to visit the art center in San Myshuno, so she went there and admired all the art pieces I ignore in build/buy.
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Then came Jeremiah (@seulvgi).
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The pop up window says it all.
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She gave him a goddamn rose for god's sake.
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And then he had to go, but they exchanged numbers with the promise to meet up again soon....which would come sooner if they stopped staring into each other's eyes.
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So after he left, Kash was in the mood to paint upstairs. SPecifically, a flirty painting.
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It...it was her first time, so...
what on earth was flirty about this, i'll never know.
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But hey girl, do you.
The weather got hotter suddenly, so she switched into her hot weather outfit and left the building.
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Where she ran into Rhea (@fl0pera).
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Who was maybe too busy to fully embrace Kash's random greeting because after a quick introduction she turned around and ran straight into the building.
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But that was fine, because Kash had to go to the bathroom anyway.
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We'll get back to her later. But speaking of San Myshuno...
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Detective Martin Davies (@starjira) at your service. Here to solve the most mindboggling of crimes and look good while doing it.
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The apartment was nothing to write home about, but it would do for this man, who needs nothing but his essentials to get situated. Made sense to me that his first order of business was to read a book. "Keeps the mind sharper than a kitchen knife," he told me, in a silver-screen heartthrob voice.
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We'll also get back to him later, because coming up is a HUGE development in the Now Bodi Gameplay...
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suntails · 5 months
It's my mood looking at your posts
it's so good,,, the way you draw silver and lilia. Their tumultuous relationship of denial of lilia's love of silver at first and acceptance of it later
Then you add MALLEUS!!! RAHH MY BROTHER TON TON 📢📢 he who has been loveless since a wee babe but then Lilia RAHH RAHH GAHH
And then sebek and it's 💔💔💔 shatter, break, broken
I'm just wondering how the mc and grim would feel
Like y'all be listening to the most heartbreaking shit and like,,, no hug? You no kiss the boy?
Anyway :) uhm I rlly like your art it makes me scream Abt silver it's crazy
FGHBJD THANK U!!!!! silver and lilia rly get me ougghh it hurts, theyre so wonderful they LOVE each other and the way silver doubts it,,,,, AUGHHH MY HEART!!!
malleus i put him in my pocket. i love the tension and angst potential im so unbelievably excited to see as book 7 progresses and we get to start seeing his POV on everything, like OUGH its gonna be tasty
SEBEK. SEBKE. cannot understand how ppl couldnt love him by now, his story STINGS and the way his attitude has been shaped by his grandfather, on paper? fine cool whatever. but with the context we have NOW? after seeing lilia pelted w rocks by humans, after watching humans kill the princess of the kingdom, the hardships fae faced no it makes SENSE why this attitude has been carried forwards, even if its not right to hold onto against ppl of modern time. it adds a sense of realness and understanding to him that i love, and im happy to see him growing and learning
ngl to me, yuu is a walking camera and i kinda forget theyre technically a character GHFJJFK but if i were there id be giving them a colossal hug
ty very very much!!!! :D spins u in a circle <3
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rom-e-o · 7 months
During their podcast, Bess and Connie encountering fanfics involving them. A lot of them are of the--ahem--lemony flavored variety. Most of them are just involving the girls. A decent portion have love triangles/squares that involve the hubbies. Some level of twincest with the hubbies always seems to be a theme in the fics too. None of the fics involve the girls and their respective hubbies directly and solely involved with each other.
Bess: *only half-jokingly* Y'all are degenerate heathens. To our patron who requested this topic--you're banned. I'm kidding. ... Maybe. Oy, I'm gonna have nightmares after this.
Connie: *staring in fascinated horror at her phone screen as she reads* It's like a bad haircut--I JUST CAN'T LOOK AWAY.
@quill-pen THAT’S SO REAL LMAO. They thought the tabloids would be fun, then they discover fandoms, lmao.
C: (Reading aloud) “Constance approached the raven-haired woman with desire in her eyes, admiring how beautiful she looked in her golden gown.” Oooh! Bess, you would look so beautiful in gold - but SILVER would make you look so stunning! Absolute mood goddess vibes. Writer, if you’re listening …. (She goes in to give every color and material type that Bess looks stunning in.)
C: (Reading a Wolf/Adonis fic) I’m sending them screenshots right now. 😏
I know Sims Katrina write a self-insert fic with both her and Wolf, I can feel it.
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