#Satan being so happy in the library was adorable too!
nerdy-talks · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 22 Spoilers!
Mammon has been my favorite brother ever since the very first Lesson of OG Obey Me!
I've also been a HUGE fan of Mammon's greedy behavior towards us probably because I like yanderes so much lol
But wow.... The newest Lesson in Obey Me! Nightbringer actually had me feeling.... apprehensive? Unsure?? Scared??? Horny?!?!
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Aww... Beel 💙 (don't be so sure~ lol)
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Mammon is aggressively possessive. Dangerously possessive. He's not thinking clearly.
I don't blame him since his sin is obviously taking over and he is unable to control himself. But....
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If the same thing is gonna happen with the rest of the boys, we better buckle up and hold on tight!
Personally, I feel like I'd be able to handle Mammon, Levi, and Belphie. Possibly even Satan since I can understand his wrath/rage (though I might just be way too overconfident there).
But Lucifer, Asmo, and Beel?
Asmo will be trying to fuck seduce us nonstop. Beel may possibly try to devour us.
And Lucifer's overflowing pride will probably mean that he will view any help that we try to offer him as us, a "lowly human", underestimating and patronizing him... which will severely piss him off.
I'm hoping all of this means that we will start forging pacts with the brothers along the way/as we help each of them.
Because if not... We're screwed considering our magic currently isn't working and Solomon's magic is progressively getting weaker.
At this point, I can't wait for the next lesson. I want to know what happens next, I want to see how we're gonna save Mammon. I want the entire story all at once even though that's not possible.... I'm just impatient xD
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
How Their Love Feels
Feat. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan,Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dateables Version
not edited
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Lucifer’s love is turning into an old married couple. It starts subtle and then all at once. Lucifer wants to make sure you mean it, he is a man who has raised all his siblings, even if he wasn’t consistent day to day with it. He knows relationships take time and effort, and he doesn’t always have the ability to give it with his loyalty to Diavolo. He needs you to know that he won’t always be able to be in bed when you fall asleep, or be there when you awake. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, but sometimes he doesn’t even go to sleep, the piles of paperwork get so high. Just reassure him, be patient and kind. It makes him love you even more than he already does.
Mammon’s love is wild. He’s attached to your side, dragging you into schemes and problems that he doesn’t always mean to cause. You can always laugh and say that there's never a dull moment. Yet when the night ends, and you snuggle together in bed, all the words of adoration that he gets too nervous to say because he is such tsundere, come out. He tells you how much he loves you, how life with you is so much better, and how he hopes he’s your number one like you are to him. Mammon’s love is wild, and it always makes you feel breathless in the best way.
Falling in love with Leviathan is just like the water. It’s a push and pull. He can’t always give you his everything, his anxiety sometimes gets too much for that. Sometimes the only love he can show you is through texts, as any more would make him panic way too much. Yet just like the water, it comes rushing in. His love overflows, and nothing can stop him from adoring you. He gets embarrassed after these events, but it’s so cute that you can’t help yourself and end up teasing him. Levi is happy you chose him, sometimes he can barely believe it. That he will wake up from this glorious dream. Just give him some kisses and cuddles and force him to believe your not going anywhere.
Satan’s love is like the old romance stories. He is a romantic at heart, and can’t stop himself from loving you like the stories he has read do. Beautiful hand crafted letters, dancing in the kitchen when you both can’t sleep, hushed whispers in your cuddle chair in the library, and so much more. He gets angry, and he has to walk away during these times of weakness, and you have to remind him that you don’t think any less of him for it. It makes him feel a little bit better, and pushes him deeper into the depths of his love for you.
Puppy love is kinda the way to describe your love with Asmodeus. Obviously it’s a little bit more mature, but not really. PDA is through the roof, always mentioning each other to people when you are apart, giggles and nuzzling while people gag at you, all of it. You put middle schoolers to shame sometimes. It’s because he isn’t used to someone loving him for him. It always feels like what he can give them, be it his strength or body. You don’t want that from him though, and it makes him feel so different, like he is discovering something completely new and wants to jump in head first. Just, laugh off some of his weirder comments, he is still a demon who says weird things as affectionate terms. (Have you SEEN some of his lines???)
Beelzebub’s love is like the sun. He shines so brightly, you can’t help but look. He shares his food with you, makes sure you're safe, and cradles you so softly. He is a big teddy bear, letting you cuddle into him whenever you please, he has a lot of experience working around people because of Belphie. You can come running full speed at him and jump and he’ll catch you. He loves being able to carry you around, it doesn’t matter what size you are. Loving you with a warmth that you don’t think you have ever experienced. He loves you with his whole heart, and wants to show it in all the ways he can. He is just a big softie, and wants to give you the entire world. (Spoiler alert, you just need him)
Belphegor loves like a BRAT. Just kidding!!(kinda) Belphie loves like the stars. It is soft, and you sometimes have to see in between the lines to fully grasp the largeness of it. He feels so guilty sometimes, thinking of what he has done to you. Just reassure him that it is fine, that you do not hold it against him. He tells you the stories of the stars from both the Human world and the Devildom. Creating a nest just for you two(sometimes three with Beel). Drawing on your body little pictures and even notes for you to find in the mirrors when you change (maybe even a tiny mark). It’s the little, almost completely silent things when it comes to him. He might be a little mean, but he never makes you feel unloved.
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devildom-moss · 6 months
Hi, could you do a SFW. Stolen Kiss w/ Satan x GN!MC please? Thank you!
You got it. I had a lot of fun with this one, so I hope you enjoy it.
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Satan x gn!MC)
Prompt 8 – Stolen kiss
Satan was pissed. After all the research he did and the trouble he went through to get the magical ingredients necessary for the curse only for one of Lucifer’s charms to deflect it – Satan could set the house on fire with his anger. Satan just wanted to make all of Lucifer’s socks and shirts invisible when he wore them. The thought of Lucifer walking around looking like he wasn’t wearing any socks or a shirt under his coats, jackets, or vests would have been so undignified and hilarious. He would have been humiliated. But now, Satan was completely invisible, and he was ready to use his newfound invisibility to wreak havoc on that pompous bastard. After all, it was Lucifer’s fault that Satan’s curse had backfired.
On his way to Lucifer’s office – hoping the bastard would be in there – Satan stormed through the house and into the library, unseen. Suddenly, all his rage melted when he saw you curled up in one of the large armchairs with a book still in your lap. His breath caught in his throat. You looked so peaceful and adorable. It was as if a blessing had been bestowed on him – like when he was on a walk and found a cat napping on whatever warm surface it could find. Satan pat himself down, searching for his D.D.D., only to find that he couldn’t see his phone when he pulled it out. Even if he managed to unlock the screen, he’d never be able to get a good picture of you like this. He sighed and put his phone away.
“I guess I’ll just have to remember how cute you look,” Satan whispered, stretching out his hand to pet you gently. You hummed softly in your sleep. He treasured that peaceful look on your face – although he wished you wouldn’t fall asleep out in the open where anyone could see you. With a tender smile, Satan bent down and left a kiss on your forehead.
This time, it was enough to cause you to stir. You furrowed your brows and opened your eyes slowly – first one and then the other. You had definitely felt something.
“Hello?” you called out, expecting someone to be nearby. Maybe you had just sensed someone looking at you. Maybe the House of Lamentation had ghosts again.
“Good morning, MC,” Satan spoke – or at least it sounded like him. You looked around, searching for the source of the voice.
“Satan? Is that you?”
“So, you recognize my voice even when you’ve just woken up? That’s cute.” Satan chuckled.
“Where are you? You’re not talking to me in my head or something, are you? Did you all finally drive me medically insane?”
“No, nothing like that,” Satan laughed. “As much as I would love to be stuck in your head, I’m afraid I’ve been cursed with invisibility for the time being.”
“Really?” You were shocked. “Which idiot had the balls to curse you? You’re not just messing with me, right?”
Satan side-stepped your “which idiot” question. He figured it wouldn’t exactly be charming to admit he had sort of – maybe – brought this upon himself. “Want proof?”
“I guess?”
Satan approached you and brought his lips to yours. You couldn’t see him, but you felt the familiar sensation of his lips, followed by a warm caress on your cheek. Although you were still a bit confused, you went along with it, closing your eyes and kissing him back. When you felt him pull away, you opened your eyes. Satan was visible again, standing right in front of you with an affectionate smile and a light blush on his cheeks.
“Damn,” Satan whispered – half in response to kissing you, and half because he wasn’t invisible anymore. “There go my plans to prank Lucifer back. Too bad.”
“Well, I’m glad I can see you now.” You smiled up at him.
Satan’s grin widened, and he held your face before giving you another slow, sweet kiss. “I’m happy you can see me, too.”
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lou-struck · 1 year
Forgetting Something Pt. 2
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Obey Me! x MC!
Featuring: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
Part 1 Here
~Your schedule in the Devildom is just so hectic, the others have to make sure you don’t forget about them.
a/n: oops this was in my drafts for a bit I guess I need to check these all the time.
Satan had loaned you a book a few days ago
Not just any book, but one of his favorites. The first of a series. Although it starts admittedly slow, It ends on a major cliffhanger.
He doesn't want to pressure you, but he can't wait for you to come rushing down the halls and threaten to knock down his door so you can get your hands on the next volume. 
But the knock never comes…
He knows you've been busy lately; between work, RAD, and his brothers, you seem to be too busy to curl up in the library with him. And he misses it, 
He misses you.
But being too busy to read?
That's preposterous, unthinkable, and downright concerning. 
Taking a few books from the various shelves and piles around him, he makes his way down to your room, where you are undoubtedly unwinding before bed.
He knocks a few times before hearing your tired voice from the inside telling him to come inside. 
You look adorably exhausted, nestled under your covers, giving him a sleepy smile as you ask him what he is up to.
"I thought you'd be tired." he smiles, shutting the door behind him and dimming the lights. "May I?"
You nod and scoot over so he can join you on the bed, too tired to speak. He sets his books on your side table, taking the unread book he lent you and cracking it open. 
His green eyes adjust to the darkness in a catlike manner, and he is able to make out the words on the pages clearly.
"You've forgotten something important," he states, leaning over a pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You look a bit confused as you try and figure out what he is talking about. 
He laughs lightly. "The first is how much I love you; the second is that you have forgotten to take care of yourself; just relax; I can read to you until you fall asleep."
With a smile, you roll over, clutch his arm and listen to the soft sound of him reading to you until you drift off to sleep. Happy to finally get some alone time with him.
Asmo will be the first to say he can be a bit clingy when he misses your affection. You make him feel like the most beautiful version of himself when he is with you. 
But lately, he hasn't gotten to spend much time with you; you've been busy…
Self-consciousness tugs at his pretty heart, and he keeps checking his reflection in the mirror. Hoping that when he does, he will be able to fix whatever is keeping you busy as if it were as easy as dusting a stray eyelash off of his cheek.
He just needs to see you, even if it's just for a little bit
He knows that you are about to head over to the castle, so you must be getting ready in your room.
He jumps at the chance to stop by real quick and help you get ready. But as he pushes open your cracked door, he is a bit saddened to see that you are practically ready for the day. 
He missed his chance…
You see him out of the corner of your eyes and give him a cute little smile that has his heart fluttering. Of course, you are happy to see him. Just that little look makes him feel like himself again. "You look wonderful, my dear, but you forgot something important."
You look at yourself in the mirror, trying to figure out what you are missing for your meeting at the palace.
"It's pretty dry out there. You should put on some chapstick before you leave." he purrs, taking a slow step towards you, "Let me help you out, Doll."
He walks past your desk, completely ignoring the little basket of chapsticks, and takes matters into his own hands. Kissing you softly, teasingly on the lips. His expert technique transfers his own chapstick onto your lips. 
The intimate action steals the words from the tip of your tongue, and you smile up at him, looking a bit lovesick. He loves seeing the effect he has on you, but he has to send you on your way.
"I'll see you when you get back, kay?" you nod eagerly, and he smiles brilliantly, grabbing your bag and leading you and your now wobbly legs out the door. Because the sooner you leave, the sooner you get to come back.
Beel’s stomach hurts.
He had just eaten a massive lunch at Hell's Kitchen, so he doesn't think he is hungry. But maybe it's that a different part of him is hungry. Glancing down at the screen of his DDD, he sees his lock screen. A picture of you and him sharing a cotton candy on a Ferris wheel.
Although the treat looks delicious, it's different from what he craves. It's you…
He misses you. 
But Lucifer had sent a text to him and all the other brothers saying that you are not to be disturbed since you are filling out some very important paperwork for the exchange program. Mammon already tried to interrupt you a few hours ago and is still suspended from the chandelier. But this is different; you have been inside your room for hours. What if you haven't gotten to eat anything? 
That won't do; he has to bring you some snacks to keep you going. (he'd also get to see you)
The kind-hearted Demon stops at a convenience store and picks up a few of your favorite snacks before heading back to the House of Lamination. He heads straight to your room, fighting the urge to open the treats he got for you.
Opens the door slowly, taking one last glance behind him to make sure no one is watching him go inside. When he gets in your room, he sees you hunched over your desk, hand slowly writing across the parchment.
"Mc," he calls, not wanting to scare you while you are in the zone and have you mess up on the work you are doing. "I thought you might be hungry."
You turn your head towards him; his friendly smile and arms full of your favorite treats wipes away the furrow in your brow. As you side over on your little bench so he can join you.
"Don't forget to take care of yourself, MC," he says, plopping the snacks down on your desk. "I know you like to work hard, but you need to take breaks every once in a while."
Your cheek heats up as you look at him tenderly and grab his hand, "Thank you, Beel." you say softly.
Belphie's bed feels larger than usual; it's almost as if he is being swallowed by the sheets. He stares up at the ceiling feeling more aware of how empty his sheets are with just him in them. He hates to admit it, but his bed feels too open, and he, The Avatar of Sloth, is having trouble sleeping.
His chest aches as he rolls over, clutching his pillow tight, hoping that it will help him drift off just as it had for hundreds of years before. But It doesn't seem to work.
How can he not want to sleep? He always wants to sleep. Gritting his teeth, he flops over on the mattress again, feeling a bit worried that his uncharacteristic tossing and turning will wake Beel. 
With a little groan, he slides out of his bed and wonders if a little walk will tire him out. 
The moonlit sky shines in through the hall windows illuminating the dark carpeting. The bright twinkling of the stars makes him realize what he is missing, you.
You have been so busy lately that he hasn't gotten the chance to see you, let alone get some quality time with you. You must be the reason why he can't sleep. 
His restless legs continue down the hallway until he reaches your room. His brow twitches in irritation when he sees the light peeking out from under your door. "It's too late for them to be awake right now," he mumbles, placing his hand on the doorknob and letting himself in.
But when he finds you asleep at your desk, your face pressed up against the textbook you were looking over for your Seductive Speechcraft test, his gaze softens. Of course, you've been busy, but no one should work themself to sleeping at their desks. 
Carefully he shuts off the lights and carries you over to the bed. You stir slightly in his arms and peek open your eyes just a bit. When you see it, it's him holding you so gently you give him a sleepy smile and nuzzle into him lovingly. "I thought that was you, Belphie," you hum as he tucks you in. 
"You've been working too hard," he says as you grip his hand in a silent plea for his company. "You've forgotten to take care of yourself again, didn't you?."
You reply with a drowsy shake of your head, and he chuckles, finally feeling that special feeling of tiredness washes over him.
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belphies-cowgirl · 2 years
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"I choose you, forever and always"
(I went a bit overboard)
word count: 3K+
"Lucifer, I love you more than words can express. I am yours, mind, body, and soul. I never thought I would ever find someone who takes my breath away, who makes me want to wake up every day, and who makes me feel truly loved and cared for. I choose you to spend forever with, so please say you'll be mine forever too."
you shifted slightly on the bed as Lucifer pulled you close, his forehead resting against yours. he closed his eyes for a moment as he processed your words, repeating them over and over again in his head. he held your hand against the side of his face as he softly kissed up from your wrist to your fingertips.
"MC, you have no idea how I have longed to hear those words escape from your lips. you have reached into the deepest depths of my heart and filled it with your love. I love you with every fiber of my being, and have no intentions of letting you go. of course I want to spend forever with you, I am truly happy you have chosen me."
"Mammon calm down, it's alright. I'm not breaking up with you, silly. I'm trying to tell you that I choose you to spend forever with. I love you so much, you're my favorite idiot and my partner in crime. you'll always be my first. despite everything we've been through, you have always protected me and made me feel safe and loved."
he took a deep breath and let out a shaky laugh. you had told him that you and him needed to have a serious talk, and his mind jumped to the conclusion that you wanted to break up with him. he felt so embarrassed about it after hearing your confession. his cheeks were a deep red as he pulled you close and peppered your face with kisses. he then quickly pulled away and rested his forehead on your shoulder. 
"don't scare me like that MC, you had me thinking that I was going to lose ya. I love you so much too. I don't want you spending forever with anyone else, but me. you mean so much to me, and I don't ever wanna lose ya. y-you make Lucifer's punishments bearable because ya always rescue me and hold me in your arms afterward. you make me feel safe and loved too." 
"Levi, I want to be your player 2 forever. I love you more than you love Ruri-Chan. I love that you're so passionate about your hobbies, that you talk to Henry when you're upset, and that you always wait for me before watching new episodes of an anime or starting a new video game. I like that you designed me my own controller, and let me beat you at games sometimes. I find it so adorable that we link pinkies together in public and wear matching hoodies. I would gladly mess up my sleep schedule if it meant that I could spend more time with you."
he crouched down and pulled his hood over his head to hide his intense blushing. he was processing your words and wondering how he got so lucky to have you as his partner. once he could finally face you, he shakily reached for your hand and held it close against his chest, you could feel his heart beating rapidly.
"do y-you really mean it? I mean forever is a long time, a-and I didn't think you'd ever choose someone like me. I j-just can't believe that someone as beautiful, nerdy, and wonderful as you c-could ever love me! of course I want to be with you forever! because you always listen to me and y-you don't think I'm weird or yucky. I love that you're always patient with me, that  you always lean your head back against my chest when we play video games together, and that you always dance in your seat when you get excited. y-you're the one person that I would let touch my things o-or sleep in my bathtub with me. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my player 2."
"Satan, I find it so cute when you try to communicate by meowing at the kitten we adopted together and hid from Lucifer. I love that you have different voices for each character when you read out loud, that you leave sticky notes with quotes from books that remind you of me, and that you give me kisses in the library every time I get a question right during our study sessions. I love the facial expressions you make when you get so immersed in a book. I love you and I don't want our love story to ever end. I chose you, so will you spend forever with me?"
he almost dropped his book on the floor after hearing your confession, he even forgot to bookmark it when he closed it. he cleared his throat and looked away in a failed attempt to hide the blush creeping along his cheeks as he gestured for you to come sit next to him. he pulled you down into his lap, and wrapped his arms around you before resting his forehead against your back. he rubbed his thumb across your wrist as he spoke. 
"MC, I love you more than words can express, more than romeo loved juliet, more than hades loved persephone. I love when you tap my wrist three times to say "I love you" during council meetings, or when Lucifer is fussing at us for pulling another prank on him. you're very beautiful and intelligent. you know all the right ways to make me feel better when I'm angry or stressed out. and I don't mind when you use study sessions as an excuse to spend time with me even though you already know most of the material. and I don't want our love story to ever end either, so I'll happily spend forever with you."
"Asmo, I adore the fact that you talk to yourself when doing your makeup or making outfits for your upcoming fashion shows. I love that you take such good care of me and remind me that I am always worthy and beautiful. you always know how to boost my self-confidence when I'm having a hard time with my image. I appreciate the fact that you always respect my boundaries, ask for my consent, and make sure that I'm comfortable before trying new things. and when you shower me with compliments and affection, it makes my heart melt every time. I love you so so much and choose you to spend forever with!"
he squealed happily as he clapped his hands together before throwing himself into your arms. his lips crashed into yours as he smiled. he peppered your face and neck with kisses before pulling you onto the bed with him. he propped himself up with his arm, and rested his hand against your cheek while he spoke. there was nothing but pure love and desire in his eyes. 
"oh mon amour! I love you so so much too! you're so beautiful to the point that I have more pictures of you on my phone than I do of myself. naturally, I am the luckiest demon to have someone like you by my side. we complement each other perfectly and make such a good power couple. I appreciate it when you wrap a bandage around my finger when I prick myself on a sewing needle and kiss it better afterward. I love it when you let me cuddle up in your lap while I sketch new designs. I absolutely adore it when you swing our hands back and forth when we're out in public. I love the creases that form on your face when you smile or laugh. of course, I'll spend forever with you, because I want to spend all my time cherishing and loving you to my heart's content!"
"Beel, I love it when you make sure I eat and stay hydrated on days that I don't feel like leaving my room. I like that you make me feel better about my body, that you always protect me, and make me feel warm and loved. I love your bearhugs and that you're careful not to squish me! the fact that you share your food with me further confirms your love for me. I can't get over the fact that you once said Barbatos had some competition when it came to my cooking. it's so cute when your cheeks puff out when you eat and that you know exactly what I want to order when we go on dates. because my hand is smaller than yours, you're always careful not to squeeze my hand too hard when you get excited. I love you more than you love food, and choose to spend forever with you."
his sandwich fell out of his mouth when you told him how you felt (it fell onto the floor- and he still ate it-) he pulled you into a bearhug, rocking you side to side in his arms. he kissed your cheek several times which almost knocked you off the kitchen counter. you wiped the crumbs off his face before planting a soft kiss on his lips.
"I love you too MC, more than I love 4000-year-aged cheeseburgers. I appreciate it when you bake or cook for me no matter what mood I may be in. you're the peanut butter to my jelly. I love that you pack extra snacks for me so I don't go hungry and that you wipe crumbs off my face gently with a napkin when I'm done eating. I find it adorable when you gently pinch my cheeks while fussing at me when we're making food together because I taste-tested the ingredients too much. I love you very much and wanna spend forever with you too. you make my heart feel full and my stomach feels less empty."
"Belphie stay awake, I'm trying to tell you that I choose you to spend forever with. don't make me take your pillow away again. I love you, sleepyhead. I don't mind that you drool on me when you're sleeping, or use me as a pillow. I feel safe and secure and never have nightmares when you hold me in your arms at night. I feel so loved when you rub my back or kiss my forehead when I rant or cry in your arms after having a bad day. I even forgive you for being a little shit sometimes like when you hit snooze on my alarms or push things off my lap or bed so you can sleep on me.
he yawned and rubbed his eyes as he shifted in your arms. he lazily kissed your hand, then your collarbones before burying his face back into your neck. he pulled the blankets over the two of you, and in a sleepy voice, he confessed to you.
"I love you to the stars and back MC. you're a comfortable safe haven for me. you're so beautiful and you're a dream I hope I never wake up from. you're always so kind and caring to me and my brothers, but I get a little jealous when you baby them more than me (he will throw a fit) seeing your sleepy face and hearing your voice in the morning is enough to get me through the day. I appreciate that you put up with me, and are always there for me at the end of the day. I would even pull an all-nighter for you if it would make you happy. *yawn* I want to spend forever with you too."
"Diavolo, when I first came to the devildom I was scared and confused. but seeing your smile and hearing your words of comfort made me feel reassured that I would make it out alive. you always treat me kindly and make me feel safe. you always take time out of your day just to spend time with me, and always make sure to remind me how much you love me. I sneak out of the house of lamentation just to spend the night with you. I feel like all of my problems fly out the window when you hold me in your arms. I want to grow with you and help you achieve your dreams. I love you, and choose you to spend forever with if you'll have me."
he spun you around in his arms after hearing your confession, he was just so happy. he pulled your hand towards his face and placed a soft kiss on each of your knuckles. you could feel his smile against your hand. he sat you down and held your hand again as he spoke.
"I never imagined that my soulmate would be from another world. your existence is enough to make me the happiest demon in the devildom. I will always tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me every day. you always encourage me to work harder and support me no matter what. you make me laugh and smile even on the worst of days. you're a constant comfort and warm presence. dancing with you has become one of my favorite things to do with you. and holding you in my arms never fails to make my heart skip a beat. you don't even have to ask me if I want to spend forever with you, cause I already planned on doing so."
"Barbatos, even though you can literally alter timelines, I will always choose you to spend forever with. I love you, and I would still love you in another lifetime. I must confess that I pretended to not know how to cook just to spend some time with you, I even messed up recipes so you'd hold my hands and guide me through them. I love that you can tell whenever my mood changes, and just always know how to make things better. I admire how hard-working you are, and how you always put others first. I love that you always take care of me and make me feel loved even when you're very busy. I always look forward to the moments when you pull me against you and steal kisses from me when you're busy."
you were lifted up and placed on the counter before you could register the expression on his face. his hand snaked its way around your waist, and he tipped your chin up towards him so he could place a passionate kiss on your lips.
"I would love to spend forever with you as well. you're the love of my life, and I am eternally grateful that you are mine. I will happily be at your beck and call. taking care of you and loving you is one of my top priorities. I'll never stop stealing kisses from you because they get me through the day. you're always on my mind, and starting the day with you in my arms is one of my favorite things. I will never be too busy to spend time with you and cherish you. I love you MC."
"Simeon, you're my other half, and I wouldn't feel complete without you. I love that you write love letters and poetry, that you even fumble your words sometimes when you read them to me because you're so nervous. this may sound cheesy, but you're my guardian angel. and you always make sure I'm safe and okay even when I do stupid things or get into trouble. like that one time, I brought home a hellhound and wanted to keep it as a pet, and Lucifer got extremely mad at me. I love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me before we fall asleep, or when you stand me behind and rest your head on top of mine. I find it so cute that you still get so blushy when showing me affection or expressing your love for me. I choose you to spend forever with, and I hope you feel the same way."   
his cheeks were set ablaze with warmth and the color red. his hands gently cupped your face as he placed a kiss on your forehead, nose, and chin. he smiled sweetly and whispered "I love you" in your ear before pulling you into a warm embrace. 
"MC, I know this may sound cheesy as well, but we're a match made in heaven. I would even dare to sin for you. I would do everything in my power just to see you smile. of course, I feel the same way! I would spend forever with you in a heartbeat, and it would be the best decision I have ever made. I love you in ways you could never fathom. I would happily lay my life on the line for you, if you're ever in harm's way, even when you do things that get you into trouble. your beauty is so ethereal that sometimes I forget that you're human, and not an angel."
"Solomon, even though you tease me mercilessly and make me stand on my tippy toes just for a kiss, I still love you and adore you. and I love that you always make it up to me with plenty of kisses and snuggles. I find it funny that you get so focused on your work that you don't even notice that I've put flowers in your hair or that I make faces at you to get your attention. even though you'll never admit it, but you're such a softie for me. you go out of your way to make me happy or do things to make me smile or laugh when I am upset. you always find new or creative ways to show your love for me. I choose you to spend forever with, even if I have to find a way to be immortal like you."
he gently placed his hand on the back of your head as he pulled you close for a kiss. he makes fun of your rosy cheeks afterward, and you playfully punch him. he always such a tease after showing you affection, he thinks it's a clever diversion from him being very flustered. 
"MC, just admit that you like it when I tease you, plus it's so cute watching you struggle to reach up for a kiss. don't give me that look, you know it makes me weak for you. okay okay, I'll be serious about this now, I promise. I love you very much and would love to spend eternity with you. the fact that you just said you'd find a way to become immortal has melted me to my core. if that is what you truly want, I'll do everything in my power to help you make it happen. I know you color in my pact marks sometimes when I'm sleeping, and I let you do it anyways because I get to sneak glances at your cute mischievous, and focused expressions. I can't help but smile when you smile, and laugh when you laugh. it's such a lovely sight and sound. you're the greatest thing that has happened to me in the thousands of years that I have been alive."
✄ ——————————————————————
feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me a message, or an ask <3
please do not use my work as your own! 
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the-demonus-aunt · 2 years
The brothers and how they handle their sins
Belphie loves to sleep and laze around
But even he gets FOMO sometimes
In order to combine a fulfilling life with his sin, he takes every day in several tidbits
An hour of gaming with Levi, an hour of sloop
An hour at RAD, lunch time in a less visited corner of the library, nodding off on a beanbag
He also mixes up small, casual activities and bigger plans
Lots of quick trips to the city, movie nights and gaming
Only very specific day trips and the such, when he really wants to experience them
He's happy, as long as he gets to be near a cushioned surface most of the time
He can't help his hunger, so he learns to live with it
He always has a snack stored somewhere in his pockets
So do his friends and brothers (he's so grateful, too)
He knows that if he empties the fridge again, he has to do the grocery shopping. And he will.
Honestly, he didn't used to be a jock
But he had to do something to counter all the food he ate
Now he loves working out, though. He's less hungry when he's sweating.
The burning in his muscles distracts him from the growling of his stomach
You don't learn to live with a gift, love, you live it
He can't fight his charm or horniness, so why not embrace both
It's so much fun, too? Pretty colours, nice scents, good orgasms, what more could he want?
Does it ever get too much for him?
Shhh, but sometimes he does crumble under the pressure of beauty
And by Dia, some nights he's so sore and overstimulated, it's not even sexy any more, it just hurts, so why is he still horny?
Those are the nights he tries to distract himself. Tea and chess with Lucifer. A make over for Levi. Maybe Satan can offer him a good romance novel?
This man knows his breathing exercises
Also: spite.
Oh how he hates giving in to what Lucifer created him of. Not this time, he won't.
He also has a charm on him at all times
It goes off when his heart rate quickens and his breathing intensifies
A soothing sound only he can hear
He'll never tell you what it is. Or how it relates to you.
He entrusted you, Asmo and Beel with a potion to always carry around. You don't know what it does exactly, but he said to throw it at him when he loses control
None of you have ever had to use it
There is a reason, Levi is a shut-in
And it's not just his introvert nature or his obession with games and anime
He hates his envy. No, he doesn't call himself gross because he's an otaku, but because he's disgusted with how he feels all the time
He wishes so badly to be able to be happy for his brother's successes and luck
He yearns to not hate you a bit for how easily you win everyone over
But as much as he loves his brothers, he wants what they have with such ferocity
And as much as he loves you, you make him hate himself a bit more everytime Lucifer laughs at one of your jokes and Simeon looks at you with appreciation in his eyes
He knows it's fucked up
All he wants is for his feelings to be pure
They never are.
So he stays away.
The itch. It's just always there. Urgh, it never goes away, no matter how hard he tries to distract himself
He's not even actively making the schemes up, they just pop up in his mind like annoying little ads
And damn him if he doesn't act on them
His brothers are right, he thinks to himself every step of the way, he really is stupid
Man, he wishes he could just take a breath and stop, no schemes, no trouble, no debt
This man does not have a coping mechanism
This man only has an elder brother whom he adores and relies on
He does wish he didn't have to depend on Lucifer to fix his messes, take his credit card away and talk the witches into an extension
But, by Dia, he has not found a way yet
He hates how helpless he is against himself and he hates how righteous Lucifer becomes
But deep down, Mammon knows that what he owes to Luci goes farther than any monetary sum
He will never admit how grateful he is.
What he doesn't know is that Lucifer takes not just annoyance, but great pride in being there for the brother who stood by him after the Fall. Who was there for his older and younger brothers. Who showed up for his family when they needed him.
Ah, if only he knew...
Sometimes his Pride still stands in his way, but he actually finds a way around it now and then
Don't misunderstand, he might never take off that mask that gives him a dignified air and a sense of invulnerability
But he is so over his Pride holding him back
Has been for decades, to be precise
So now he plays with his sin everytime it tries to come out
When Satan wishes for him to kneel, he will. Proud not of his dignity, but his confidence instead.
When he does you wrong, he apologises. Proud not of his flawlessness, but his strength and honesty
Damn his Pride and what it did to him
Damn what it is doing to his brothers, as he punishes them for sins they bear because of him
Damn his Pride, because he will face and conquer it. Some day he will succeed. And if he has to find every goddamned loophole in all three realms, every miniscule way around it. By God himself, he will not be held back forever.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
hiiii hello kinda late but congrats on 200+ ^^ can i request f for the event with satan (hmmm fluff theme) if it's not taken yet? ty have a nice day-
Hiiii <3 you sure can! I hope you have a beautiful day and enjoy this!! I know Satan is one of your favs so I really hope this meets your expectations ❤️
Prompt: F - Favorite
Pairing: Satan x Gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Satan was the Avatar of Wrath, but watching the way Mammon interacted with you made him feel like the Avatar of Envy.
The two of you had such a playful connection it seemed, constantly joking with each other, the way Mammon made you smile made Satan’s eye twitch. He felt childish for being jealous over his brother’s friendship with you, it wasn’t hurting anyone and it made you happy.
The fourth born hated to admit it but he honestly wished he could be that carefree, he wanted to be the one making you laugh so hard you had tears in your eyes, the one throwing a couch pillow at you from across the room. Those things just didn’t come to him as easily as they did for his brother.
More than anything, Satan knew the reason watching his older brother mess with you rubbed him the wrong way was because he had feelings for you. That was something he had been battling for a while, he respected your boundaries, and felt that trying to get close to you while feeling this way would be pushing them.
“See ya later human, gotta get to work!” Mammon’s voice cut through Satan’s thoughts. He watched his brother leave and quickly turned his attention back to the book in his hands as you made your way across the room towards him.
You plopped down in a chair across from him, still laughing at the dumb joke Mammon told you prior to leaving, you noticed how tense Satan seemed.
“Is your book that intense?” You prodded.
Satan suddenly realized how stiff he was. He had picked up the closest book to him, pretending to read it when the two of you entered the room earlier, wanting something to distract him from your laughter. He was now floundering for a response as “Ten Potions to Help Your Skin Glow” didn’t seem like an intense read unless you were Asmodeus.
“I think your skin glows a normal amount.” You teased as he took too long to respond.
“Yes, well, maybe if my skin glowed more you would would like me as much as you do Mammon.” Satan felt like dying instantly, what kind of response was that? Now he just sounded like a creep.
“Hang on,” you started to laugh “what does Mammon have to do with this? Are you…jealous of him?”
Satan slammed the book shut and shoved it onto the table beside him. You became cautious of his attitude, not wanting to cause destruction in the library.
“I’m not jealous of him,” the fourth born sighed and crossed his arms “I’m jealous of your friendship with him.”
You felt bad for laughing, friendships and relationships in general were a sore subject for the Avatar of Wrath, he had vented that to you before. They were difficult for him to form due to his label and his temper, even when he tried his best people would avoid him or exclude him from events in fear of his rage.
“Well don’t be! You’re my friend too after all!” You offered him a comforting smile.
“Yes I know, but I’ll never have the type of friendship with you that Mammon does.” Satan felt far too vulnerable in this situation, normally he would never admit his honest feelings like this, but with you it came naturally.
“Well yeah, no two friendships are alike, that’s what makes them so special!” You had hoped he would perk up but he still seemed far too glum for his normal self.
“If I’m being completely honest?,” you started off “I adore Mammon but sometimes his energy is just too much for me. I would much rather spend my time staying home relaxing or having a genuine conversation than go out running around town or to another party…”
Satan did perk up a bit at that, knowing very well he was one of the only demons you could do that with.
“That’s why you’re my favorite! I can sit and have a quiet evening with you and still have loads of fun!” You watched Satan’s eyes go wide and a soft pink dust his cheeks.
Favorite? Had he heard you correctly? Surely that was a joke, there was no way he could be your favorite. He gave a nervous chuckle.
“You jest I assume?”
“Only jesters jest and I’m not a King’s fool…now Mammon on the other hand would make a great jester!” You laughed at the thought of Mammon wearing one of those silly hats with the bells on the ends.
“But… I spend far less time with you than some of my brothers, it would only make sense for one of them to be your favorite!” Satan was still trying to process the word ‘favorite’ in his mind. Hearing you say it made him feel a new type of warmth, not the usual one he felt when someone pissed him off.
You sat for a minute trying to find a way to describe what you meant, it was true that you often spent your time with one of the more outgoing brothers, but time spent with Satan always made you feel at peace.
“You know why you’re my favorite? Why I enjoy our conversations more than anything?” Satan shook his head slightly, waiting for your explanation. “Because you’re the most human out of your brothers. You struggle with your emotions, you question things that others don’t, you feel out of place most days. Those are all things that humans do on a daily basis!”
Your time down here had been rough, in the beginning you knew no one and felt like a complete outsider (because you were), you only started to feel more relaxed when you became close with Mammon.
“I act that way with Mammon because I’ve ‘known’ him longer than the rest of you, we made our pact first and spent a lot of time together, really he was the first friend I made down here.”
“That’s understandable, I do regret being so stubborn over forming a pact with you for so long. I only wish I had done it sooner, perhaps then we would be closer than we are now.” Satan gave you a soft smile, he was much happier hearing how you viewed your relationship with him.
“Don’t worry about it too much, being first isn’t that important to me. What matters to me is our connection and how well we get along, as far as I’m concerned our connection is stronger than others because we share similar beginnings in the Devildom!” You watched as the pink on his cheeks darkened slightly while he turned away from you. Satan let out a small laugh before responding.
“I suppose you’re right. It was foolish of me to be bothered by your friendship when I have my own to continue building.” He didn’t really care about not being your first, especially when he now knew he was your favorite.
“Exactly!,” you smirked, a devious thought crawling into your mind. “Besides, Mammon isn’t my first at everything, and there’s plenty of ways for us to get closer.”
A dangerous game to play, especially with the Avatar of Wrath, but you loved to tease Satan. Watching his face turn a deep red, visibly frustrated and giving you a look that could kill, you knew you were pushing your luck but he just looked too cute in red. Maybe one day he’d actually be honest with you about his feelings, but for now you’d continue spending peaceful evenings with your favorite demon.
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There’s something wrong with me, but that doesn’t matter right now! 😃
May I request angsty head cannons of the Brothers having a nightmare or unexpected flash of MC being dead/murdered after they were mean or threatened MC? When they find MC, they’re doing something simple and mundane like scrolling through their DDD, they could be sleeping in their bed and be surprised to be woken up by one of the Bros, or they’re about to leave HOL to hang out with the other Datables. I just wanna see these guys panic for a bit and just have a huge wave of relief when they see their favorite human and just be hella closer with them
Hey, I completely get it. When they panic a little bit. They get protective, which is adorable.
Italics are MC talking.
Warning: Descriptions of Death
Navigation List
The Brother's Having a Nightmare About MC Dying and Going to Check on Them.
💙 Lucifer -
Lucifer watched from a distance as MC swayed with different demons and demonesses at the ball.
They were a lovely dance and that was clear from how many people asked them to dance without giving then a break.
Lucifer watched a shady demon walk up to them and tap them on the should the pair began dancing and Lucifer watched in horror at this demon began to cut MC's skin.
They screamed in agonizing pain. Lucifer tried to rush over, but the crowd was too think blocking him from getting to the human.
No one at the ball seemed to notice their pain as they screamed for Lucifer and their blood coated the floor.
Lucifer sat up alert from his sleeping position at his desk.
He glanced around his office to find the lights turned off, a blanket draped over his shoulders and a new coffee next him, he smiled, before getting up and beginning to make his way to MC's room.
When Lucifer arrived he silently opened the door to find MC sleeping soundly. Another smiled graced his face as he slowly walked over to their bed.
He gently kissed their forehead and then whispered.
"Sleep well my love. I swear to protect you. I am glad your death was only a dream."
He gave one more kiss before smiling at them and shutting their door returning to his office.
💛 Mammon -
Mammon sat on the hood of his car next to MC both of them looked over the cliff at the top of Devildom while they watched the sunset.
He smiled. The moment was so calm. It made him happy and feel at peace.
MC stood up and stared at him, dangerously close to the edge. He sat up watching their feet closely.
"Mammon, come dance with me!"
"MC... I don't know if that is the best idea."
They spun and their foot hung over the cliff.
Soon they're footing missed and they slipped and began to fall. Mammon tried to reach for him, but they slipped out of his fingertips.
He searched around to no avail. So he decided to find them.
He stomped to their room before slamming the door open and making himself comfortable next to them.
"I heard ya crying from the outside the door and I couldn't leave ya like that..."
"I don't think I was crying?-"
"Well ya were and I heard it so let me cuddle you!"
🧡 Leviathan -
Leviathan watched as MC played in the ocean near the House of Lamentations. This is his favorite spot to relax and he wanted to share it with MC.
Both of them splashed and swam around giggling at the other, all until MC was pulled under unexpectedly.
He quickly dived only to see a tentacle grabbing MC's leg and pulling them under quickly he tried to catch up but he couldn't before he lost them and woke up.
He woke up in a cold sweat. Grabbing his phone immediately and calling MC.
"MC are you alright!? Are you there!? I-I just saw you die!"
He cried to them over the phone until the decided to walk from their room to his to comfort him.
💚 Satan -
Satan watched as MC weaved their way through the library's bookshelves looking for a new book.
He continued to read as he finally heard a gasp of excited and chuckled. Following the gasp were sounds of shuffling, until he heard a loud crash.
He ran over in horror only to find a shelf had fallen. He starts digging through the rubble only to see MC's blood beginning to stain all the books' pages.
Satan woke up with a scream. He looked around his bed, surrounded in books, frantically. There were no signs of blood... that's good.
He began to make his way to MC's room and as he got there he stopped just before knocking.
"This is stupid. I am over Reacting. Of course they aren't dead."
"Whose not dead?"
Satan looks up to see MC, somewhat disheveled from sleep before him. Without a thought he gently brings them into his chest.
"It's nothing."
💖 Asmodeus -
Asmo would dream of MC being whisked off their feet by by another demon (of course they aren't as pretty as him).
He watched as they took them through Devildom shopping and eating before taking them into an alley.
Asmo followed closely behind and as he turned the corner he saw the demon taking a bite out of his MC.
Asmo wakes with a start as he grabbed his chest.
Quickly he ran to MC's room to check on them.
"MC! Are you okay!?"
MC is awoken by a naked Asmo hovering over them.
"Your okay! Thank goodness! You are coming to my room right now. I cannot sleep another minute without you next to me."
❤ Beelzebub -
Beel was working out with MC like they did every week.
It was MC's turn to lift weights. Usually they would bench around 115lbs but they insisted that they wanted to go higher.
Beel skeptically said yes and he watched in horror as MC struggled to push up the bar only to have it fall and land on their neck.
He rushed over to pick it up, but his strength failed him and the weights were glued to the table.
Beel opened his eyes and glanced around his room. MC was nowhere in sight.
"It won't hurt to check on them..." his stomach growls, "and get a snack while I'm up."
He quietly looks into MC's room to see them on their phone.
"Beel? What brings you here?"
He stops and stares at their alive figure, "I was wondering... if you wanted to get a snack."
💜 Belphegor -
Belphie would see himself straggling MC. He could hear himself cackling in his ears and no matter how hard he tried his hands wouldn't loosen around their neck.
Their gasps finally pull Belphie from his dream.
He looks around frantically only to not find them beside him where they are supposed to be.
He was about to rush out of the room when he hears the bathroom door click.
"Belphie, what are you doing up? Did I wake you?"
He hesitates for a moment before walking over to them and grabbing their hand.
"We're going to sleep and you aren't allowed out of bed until I say so."
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demonicheadcanons · 3 years
Obey Me Brothers + Little Affections
AN: Keep thinking about the little things each brother would do to express affection. Some warm fluffy stuff because we all need it. Enjoy!!
The hair drying one on Lucifer’s sparked this entire thing thanks
- Washing and drying your hair. You know if you get your hair washed at a hairdressers and they just. Go to town with a towel drying your hair? He finds it hilarious and loves doing that. You’ll hear him chuckle, unable to see him because your face is covered by the towel. He’s softer towards the end but initially when trying to get most of the excess water his only concern is not actually hurting you. He’s also genuinely trying to help, just having a little fun with it at the same time.
- Continuing on from this, Lucifer will ruffle your hair. If it doesn’t really upset you, he loves to make a mess of it, and he grins at you, your hair sticking out every which way.
- The second his brothers aren’t around, he seems to canonically love holding your hand under the guise of keeping track of you or comforting you. Its partially true - the MC gets into trouble easily, so its good to keep a hand on them. However, the comforting affect goes both ways.
- Sharing information with you implies a close bond (or at the very least, a strong curiosity, like when he hints at where Mammon’s card is / when he talks about the album) and it means Luci cares about you a lot. He likes to talk about his interests and introduce you to things he cares a lot about. A lot of the time this comes in the form of music, because it’s something he’s able to enjoy whilst still doing his work.
- Doing origami or other paper crafts together? Really relaxes him. It’s so peacefully intimate and cosy. You sit together at his desk, work documents hidden out of sight for now, and make whatever you can out of colourful little bits of paper. He likes making flowers, although he’d never say it out loud, but he makes you countless crowns with paper flowers of all different kinds. You walk in one day when he’s taking a break from work and he’s got paper cranes lining the entire length of his desk. He calls you over and puts one on your head for absolutely no reason before acting like it never happened.
- If no one else is around and he’s feeling a bit daft, he’ll sweep you up into his arms with no warning and just hold you like that, staring directly into your eyes with a daring and loving smile on his face. This happens most when it’s late at night and all the coffee he’s had is starting to wear off and he feels a little more relaxed and open. He’ll carry you to his room to cuddle, too, if you don’t have anywhere else you need to be. Just pray none of his brothers encounter you two because he’ll set you down on your feet immediately and he won’t help you up if you fall.
[[Other Brothers under the read more]]
- Fist bumps!!! He passes you and holds his fist out, and pouts if you don’t immediately bump your hand into his. Do the snail or turkey thing once and he falls in love with it. Lucifer, tired and stressed after a lot of work, decides for once to go along with giving him a fist bump because he’s too tired and no one else is around, and Mammon does the snail thing. The look on Luci’s face is worth everything that happened after. But when its you, Mammon just smiles and beams at you. He’s really happy.
- Sitting so close together that you can’t possibly move without disturbing the other. Sides fully pressed together even if he doesn’t have an arm around you or your hand in his. He likes the constant contact, it’s healing. So heavily invested in whatever you’re watching that the two of you simply don’t realise how close you are until the episode ends and you realise you’re leaning your full weight against him and his face is red but he’s smiling so softly you can’t bring yourself to move.
- You’ll have to start the habit, but, tackle hugs. You see him in the distance somewhere and sprint over and tackle him full force. He’ll act mad at first, especially if he trips and falls over or he’d been talking with someone else, but he holds onto you tightly and his face is beautifully flushed. After a while he’ll do it too, although he’s a lot gentler, but if you hear him call your name you need to turn around quickly and hold your arms out. He’ll lift you up into the air and twirl you around once or twice before just, going on with his day as normal. You hear his laughter as he walks away, bright and bubbly and confident, exactly as he should be.
- The absence of insults is important for Mammon. He’ll tolerate it if it’s every now and then but he’ll really notice if you’re always kind to him, he pays attention and holds tightly on to every compliment you give him. When he feels low he finds you and holds you in his arms, fingers playing with the loops in your jeans, as he recites off every nice thing you’ve said to him, hoping you’ll reaffirm them. Did you mean it when you said he was one of the most caring people you’d ever met? When you said his eyes made you feel at home?
- He likes feeding the crows with you. It’s something he does without telling anyone, but one day he takes you out along with him and the crows take a liking to you instantly. He likes how you look with his crows standing proud and confident on your arm, your hair a mess from their flapping wings as you laugh and try to get the last bits of food out from the bag.
- If you style his hair and put random accessories in it - anything from silly plastic hair clips to flowers to feathers - he’ll keep them in all day. He doesn’t care who sees because his MC spent their time doing this for him, and he’s happy to tell anyone who dares criticise him.
- He’s awkward with any affection at first, but he actually builds up to quick tight hugs when he’s really happy. If he’s incredibly excited - just won tickets for something, or some idol liked his comments - expect to be tackled in a hug. He gets flustered after, but if you hold tightly onto him he won’t let go immediately.
- If they even vaguely relate to his own interests, Levi will try hard to be invested in anything you really enjoy. For example, he’ll watch your favourite shows with you or try and read things you enjoy, etc.
- At the same time, Levi will share his interests with you. It’s not something he can really avoid doing as it’s ingrained in him to ramble about his special interests, but it will come in seemingly smaller forms - for example, he’ll hand you his headphones one day, blushing, and ask what you think of this song, or he’ll show you a paragraph in a TSL book that has particularly good rhythm or evokes a lot of emotion. If he lends you his books or DVDs it’s practically a proposal.
- You two have full conversations with Henry as he swims about in his tank. About silly and pointless things or very serious topics, from jokingly scolding him to venting about the future and about school and such. It warms Levi’s heart.
- Horn pats. When he’s in his demon form, pull him down to your level and pat his horns. He’s so flustered he can’t move the first few times, but one day he’ll start coming up to you and asking you if you want to do it. He likes being able to be in his demon form, and likes that you’re comfortable with him even when he doesn’t look as human.
- When he’s very comfortable with you, he likes to wrap you up in surprise hugs and laughs if you try to squirm your way out of his grip, a brilliant mischievous glow in his eyes, any self-consciousness long forgotten.
- I’ve said this before on another post but Satan likes to pet your hair and run his thumbs over your palms, pressing into them gently like he’s touching the pads on the paws of a cat. He traces circles and presses kisses into your palm and over each finger tip and knuckle, like it’s his own form of worship.
- It takes a long time to build up the confidence to do so but I can see him like. Playfully nipping at your skin if he presses light kisses against your shoulders or neck. If it makes you laugh or blush he smiles against your skin.
- If you fall asleep somewhere he’s the first person to go get a blanket to throw over you - he’d rather just let you sleep if you’re somewhere safe instead of disturbing you to lift you elsewhere, and risking waking you up. Occasionally he’ll kneel down beside you and stay there with a book until you wake up, and he’s fallen asleep like that once or twice.
- Just. Talking. Laying down together and going from topic to topic, saying whatever crosses your minds with no filters and no judgement. Letting time pass by with the comfort of the other, laying on your back in the planetarium or library or in his room, wherever there aren’t books piled up. No responsibilities except to listen to the other, and every now and then you laugh and he feels like maybe this could be home.
- Sharing things, whatever it is. Food, clothes, jewellery. Taking a necklace off and putting it on him because “this would go so well with your outfit,” or holding out your fork and telling him to try some of your food, it tastes heavenly. Perfume, as well, is a must - he wants the two of you to smell the same.
- Like Mammon, he likes to have some kind of contact with you at all time - holding hands, an arm across your shoulders, anything. But the main point of contact he truly adores is if he has his hands on the skin of your stomach or back, even in the most innocent way possible. If his arms are around you and you’re comfortable with it, he’ll tuck his hands under your shirt and trace shapes against your hips, stomach, back, lower ribcage. Wherever he can. It’s something he’ll do absentmindedly without everything thinking about it, and it recharges him when he’s low on energy.
- He actually really likes working alongside you, whether it’s school work or something related to a part time job, or a potential business idea. He’s smarter than anyone would give him credit for and he loves how you look when you’re deep in thought, trying to solve something, and how your eyes light up as you figure it all out. He’s not one to just give you the answer to things, so if he knows something and you don’t he likes to hint at it like it’s a game. When you guess the answer right he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose and beams at you.
- Late night phone calls where you talk about whatever’s keeping you awake. He doesn’t mind who’s calling who, he wants to ramble or listen to you at any given moment and he’ll give up his sleep if it means you can get something that’s bothering you off your chest. Similarly, there is no greater comfort for him than getting to complain to you about something or other, something that’s genuinely bothering him and that’s stuck in his head. He feels like it only disappears when you take a hold of it for him for a little bit.
- Sharing food, obviously, means a lot to him. Feed him bites of your food, give him anything you don’t want, and he’ll love it. He especially loves if you share food that’s important to you in some way, and you’ll find him giving you little bites of his food too the closer you two get. It means a lot to him when people embrace the fact that he eats so much, instead of scolding him for it or making jokes about it.
- He really likes holding hands. Your hands are so small in his and yet you trust him not to injure them as you pull him along. He feels possessive sometimes but isn’t outwardly affectionate enough to do anything about it, and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable. It’s the perfect thing for him.
- Stacking random things on the other. Sitting cross-legged in a park, pulling daisies out of the lawn that’s about to be mowed anyway and gently placing them into each other’s hair, on the other’s shoulders and laps. If you’re laying in his bed he’ll take random light objects off his night stand and place them on top of you. There’s no purpose and no intention, and yet it makes him smile and gives him butterflies, and he laughs if you glare jokingly up at him but let him continue.
- Run your hands through his hair, down the sides of his face, under his jaw. Anywhere. He melts in an instant, mouth slightly open as you poke his cheeks or tickle his neck and shoulders with feather light touches.
- Nap. On. Him. Any time, any where. Snuggle up to him, lean your head against his shoulder or bury your face into his neck or lay down on his lap and just rest. He blushes every time and it takes him a second to recover. Sometimes he’ll angle himself so he can lean against you two and he’ll fall asleep as well.
- He likes those kind of monkey hugs where you wrap your entire body around him and he can bury his face in your neck and hold on as tight as he wants. He’ll walk around like that until you get to the attic and he can throw you into his pile of pillows and blankets, and he flops down on top of you and clings onto you again, trying to hide his face because he’s smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
- He loves playful, back and forth banter. He’ll tease you constantly, loves if you pout at him, loves it more if you retort with something and keep it running for a while before the two of you start laughing.
- Being childish. He’ll stick out his tongue at you or pull a sudden face and he expects you to do it back immediately. If you don’t he’ll poke and tickle you, telling you how disappointed and hurt he is.
- Headbumps! But not too hard. Gently bump your head against his shoulder to get his attention and he’ll pat it. Bonus points if you nuzzle into his hands then - he’s hard to fluster but you can hear him swallow as he starts to go red. You’ll immediately have all of his attention to yourself.
- Belphie is the king of silent conversations. The tiniest gestures, nods, tilts of the head. He can pick up on all of them, knows exactly what you’re trying to say without you saying it, to the point where sometimes you won’t even realise you’re not talking aloud.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
I don’t know if this’ll make the cut, but brothers with an MC wearing their (the brothers) clothes, and I’m talking full ensemble not just a random jacket or accessory (you can delete if you’re not comfortable of course)
So when left with the question of whether this was a full on clothing theft or a cosplay of some kind, I'm going with theft because that's just funnier to me. Just a little MC marching around in Beel's tent of an outfit… Hilarious. 🤭
MC Steals the Brothers’ Outfits
It started out like any other morning, Lucifer woke up early in bed - as he always does - but when he rolled onto his side to stir the MC, he found their side of the bed empty… 
Normally, he’d have thrown up the alarm in an instant, but his mind was still groggy as he tried to recall what happened the night before… He could have sworn the MC slept over… unless…
MC: “Good morning, love.”
Their voice was enough to get him sitting up again and he uh… well he was not prepared for what he saw. The MC was sitting with their legs crossed at his desk, attempting to imitate his “I’m-in-Complete-Control-Here” energy as much as they possibly could, but with an added detail…
They were wearing his clothes. His favorite suit to be specific which was tailored to his much bigger frame, resulting in a frankly ridiculously ill-fitting look on their smaller human body...
MC: *picks up a poisoned apple off the desk, continuing their very best Lucifer-impression*  “You should get up, love. We have an early meeting today and we can’t keep Lord Diavolo waiting.”
The MC appeared to polish the apple with his sleeve for a moment before taking a bite, looking pleased with themselves before their eyes widened in complete horror. It only took a split second for them to spit the unchewed hunk of apple into a nearby waste basket and toss the apple away in panic.
MC: “Ah FUCK!! I forgot I can’t eat these!!! SHIT!!”
Their panic only grew as Lucifer could no longer hold in his laughter, the booming volume of which is enough to wake up all his brothers throughout the House.
MC: “Lucifer, don’t just sit there laughing!! Bring me some water or something!!! LUCIFER!!!”
Look, Mammon always gets up late so not being able to find, like, any of his normal clothes was a serious problem! He’d already dug through half his closest and still couldn’t find anything!!
He had a photoshoot that he had to get to in less than hour and he still needed to take a shower, get dressed, get his stuff together, then bolt halfway across town before-
MC: *literally kicks open his door Kuzco-style* “Yo, yo, yo!! What’s up, Mammon??”
First off, the sudden loud bang of his door hitting the wall nearly scared him out of his skin, but before he could even yell at the MC for their weird entrance his brain had to process what they were wearing….
Good news! He found his missing clothes, the MC had thrown them on while he was sleeping - sunglasses and all - and now stood before him with a toothy grin on their face.
MC: “What's the problem, Mams? Lucifer got your tongu-EEEK!”
Apparently, they weren't expecting Mammon to literally lunge at them and capture them in a tight hug, practically lifting them off their feet with a laugh.
Mammon: “What'cha think your doin', MC?? I'm gonna need those back ya know?”
MC: *laughs loud and bright, throwing their arms around his neck* “I know, I know... But I wanted to surprise you!” *stops laughing suddenly and blinks* “Huh…”
Mammon watched the MC experimentally lift his glasses off their nose then put them back down, repeating the action several times before snickering.
Mammon: *frowns* “What's so funny?”
MC: “Nothing really but… Mammon, do you wear these just to make everything look like gold?”
Mammon actually had to pause before responding, pulling the MC closer with a devilish grin.
Mammon: “Nah… I ‘cause got all the gold I need right here~”
MC: *chuckles and nuzzles his cheek* “Nice save...”
Mammon: *his cheeks flush and he frowns* “I dunno what your talkin’ about... But could ya go put on a t-shirt or somethin’? They’re paying me big for this shoot and I really gotta go!”
Another convention, another cosplay far too complex to ever hope to peel out of… Though Levi would never regret wearing his five piece Lord of Shadow cosplay, it’s a heavy thing and certainly not something he can change out of in a bathroom stall…
When he finally got back to the House, he wasn’t looking to do anything but drag his tired body back to his room and change into some more manageable clothes… but… well…
When Levi opened his door, he saw the MC sitting alone at his computer desk playing a game by themselves. That was all well and good but… WHY IN DIAVOLO’S BLACK HELL ARE THEY WEARING HIS CLOTHES???
When they heard the door, the MC whipped their head back and they both stared at each other in an awkward silence… His clothes didn’t even fit them right!-or maybe they did?? His mind was panicking because they had the collar of his shirt covering their mouth and it looked so moe it was actually ridiculous!
Levi: ……….
MC: ………….
MC: …. “I can explain.”
Levi: ……. “Y-yea?”
MC: “I was having trouble on this one level and you wouldn’t pick up the phone… so I thought ‘What would Levi do?’... and it escalated…”
Levi: “You think??”
Levi felt like he could die right there, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was from embarrassment or happiness… On the one hand, the MC was  literally trying to be him in order to get better at video games - which was flatteringly adorable… And on the other, the MC is pretty much cosplaying as him, right in front of him… and looked so damn cute doing it too… 
MC: “Is this weird…? This is weird. I’m sorry, I’ll go change-”
Levi: NO-agh! *he throws a hand over his own mouth, surprised by how loud he just shouted* … “U-uh… no it’s fine…”
MC: “Okay...?”
MC: “But could you put your phone down? I think you’ve been taking pictures for the past two minutes…”
Levi looked down at his hand and sure enough he unconsciously pulled out his phone in camera mode and has been spamming the “Capture” button long enough to have his thumb cramping...
Levi: “Oh.” *stops for a moment, then seems to second guess himself*
Levi: “Uh… just one more?”
When you share a house with Mammon, you grow accustomed to not being able to find things from time to time, but an entire outfit?? 
When he woke up one morning to find that he couldn't find any of his normal clothes, he blamed Mammon right off the bat… 
I guess in hindsight, what would Mammon want with his jacket? But anger doesn't always jump to the most rational conclusion, you know?
After searching for "long enough," Satan stormed out of his bedroom on a warpath. He didn't stop his march until he was banging on Mammon’s door with a closed fist!
Satan: “Mammon!! What did you do with my clothes you useless, money-grubbing asshole!?”
When he didn’t get a reply, likely because Mammon was hiding in his closet or something, he was about to kick the door in when he felt a tap on his shoulder...
When he turned his head, much to his surprise, he found his missing clothes!... They were on the MC - right down to the single sleeve - and the MC met his eyes with a mischievous grin…
They had a book in their hands he recalled seeing once at the library: "101 Ways to Prank Your Partner," open like they'd been reading down the hallway.
MC: … Page 47.
They winked at him before bolting back down the hallway in a fit of giggles and oooh, it was on now.
Satan spent the morning chasing the MC through the House, both laughing and dashing around in reckless abandon. He really needed his clothes back and he wouldn’t mind an extra hour or two with the MC when he got them… 😏
Asmo isn’t exactly a morning person… Though he forces himself awake so he can perform his wake-up routine, by the time he comes to the table it’s a hit-or-miss on how irritable he’s going to be...
Of course, his favorite outfit suddenly disappearing from his massive closet did not help his mood in the slightest!
Who would take his clothes?? Well, that’s not even a question - surely plenty of his devoted, adoring stans would kill to even have his scarf, so maybe the better question was, “How??” Lucifer keeps all the doors and windows magically sealed at night! (He would know, having been locked out on numerous occasions)
Asmo was tearing through his closet, wracking his brain for any place he might have left his beloved outfit, before he heard someone clear their throat by his bedroom door.
What greeted him was a lovely look at the MC wearing the missing clothing in question, even with all the grace and style he would himself!
Asmo: *jaw-drops* “MC???”
MC: *smirks at his delight and winks at him* “Looking for something?”
They strutted into the room with the confidence of a mock fashion model and took a silly vogue pose in front of the closet, barely holding in a fit of laughter from their actions.
MC: “… Or just at me?”
Asmo, of course, snatched them right up in his arms with a delighted squeal.
Asmo: “Oh. My. Diavolo!! MC, you look just gorgeous!!!- Because you look like me, of course.” 🤭
MC: *laughs and cups his cheeks to pull him closer* “Who wouldn't want to be you, Asmo?”
Asmo: “So true… But you’re already perfect, my love~” 😘
And he went on to prove that to them all morning long...
Beel didn't even get the chance to notice his clothes were missing. He had a tournament the night before and was sleeping even harder than Belphie that morning...
What woke him up was the smell of food: scrambled shadowhawk eggs, hellboar bacon, pancakes with nightshade syrup…. 
Beel's stomach had him sitting up long before his eyes ever opened, drawn in by his nose alone.
MC: “Beeeeel. Wake up!”
Beel's eyes dragged open at their request and what he found had his mouth watering... The MC had brought him a dining cart with a complete breakfast spread, brimming with portions only Beel could ever finish, but for once he wasn’t looking at the food.
The MC, for whatever reason, had decided to put on his clothes… And keep in mind that Beel's built like an ox compared to almost anybody. They were absolutely swimming under all that fabric (thank the Devil for his suspenders…) 
MC: “Congratulations!!!”
They throw their arms up excitedly, making the unzipped jacket balloon out like a parachute behind them… It's a remarkably cute image.
Beel: *blinks* “Oh.” *he gets a little pink, still very confused* “What did I do exactly…?”
MC: “You won the championship last night, remember? Or did you forget already??”
The MC takes a step to the side and begins pointing at the plates on the cart.
MC: “I thought we'd celebrate with some breakfast! I brought you eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, cereal-”
As they continued their list, Beel's hand naturally reached out towards the cart eagerly, before something finally clicked in his head. WHY were they wearing his clothes??
Beel: “Wait. MC, why are you wearing-...?”
MC *holds their hand up* “Hold on!”
MC: “-oatmeal, muffins, banana bread, annnd…” *they get onto the bed and plop down onto his lap with a grin*
MC: “Me! Congratulations, Beel!!”
They lean up to peck his cheek while his arms automatically wind around their waist. The combination of their scents already bringing out a different sort of hunger in him…
Let’s say if this is his reward, he'll never lose a game again. 😏
Belphie was in the middle of his afterschool nap in the library. The day was exhausting, so he didn’t even bother changing uniforms… The couches there were comfortable and the space was quiet, really nothing should have woken him up...
But somehow, for whatever reason, something did. A tug… Something was chasing away his dreams by tugging on the cow pillow in his arms.
MC: “Beeelllppphie….”
The tugging did not cease and he half growled in response, still keeping his eyes firmly closed.
Belphie: “What now...?”
MC: “I need this…” *they tug on the corner of the pillow a little harder* “Can you let go please…?”
What kind of question is that?? No one takes away his favorite pillow!
Belphie: *hugs the pillow tighter* “Go away, I'm trying to nap…”
MC: “Noooo please…! I need it for something right now…!!”
They started really pulling on his pillow now and he only held on tighter in annoyance. Since they wouldn’t leave him alone, he finally opened his eyes.
Belphie: “MC! Why are… you..?”
His voice trailed off as he finally saw the MC standing there in his usual outfit. His cardigan was so long over their arms that they had to grasp his pillow through its sleeves...
While his drowsy mind tried to catch up, the MC snatched the pillow from his grasp with one swift yank.
MC: *grins* “Mine now!”
They turned to bolt out of the library, but Belphie snatched them by the waist and dragged them back to the couch with him.
Belphie: “Fine, but then I get a new pillow.” 😏
The MC yelped as he flopped on top of them, pulling them close like a body pillow and resting his head into the crook of their neck to enjoy the soothing smell of their scent mixed with his.
MC: “W-wait Belphie…!” *tries to wiggle out from under his surprisingly heavy deadweight* “I was just playing around…! Please don't fall asleep on me!!”
Belphie: *yawns and settles in, already drifting off* “Too late… G'night, MC…”
MC: “Belphie!!!” 😫
They could complain all they liked, he wasn’t going to let them go for a few hours. Cute or not, MC, nobody takes his pillow!
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maplerin99821 · 3 years
Mammon doesn’t say “I love you”
Mammon doesn’t say it. He’s too embarrassed to say it, especially to his brothers. Oh, specifically, his brothers.  But with his human, he never thinks twice and always mutter those three words to them. 
But, that doesn’t mean Mammon doesn’t love his brothers.
Lucifer? Mammon always, always, help his big brother in secret. Because he knows no matter how much Mammon do good things in front of his big brother, he’ll never get the praise he wanted, or the affection he deserved. So, as much as possible, Mammon handles difficult things so it won’t burden Lucifer. He always hide his debt not because Lucifer will scold him, but because he doesn’t want to add stress to the Avatar of Pride. 
Back in the celestial realm, Mammon had always brag about how much he loves his older brother. But that changed, it drifted the two apart, but that doesn’t mean Mammon doesn’t love him anymore.
He does, in a form of always being there for the eldest. Ready to take on tasks and responsibilities (even sacrifices) so Lucifer won’t feel alone.
Leviathan? his sweet younger brother. He used to sing lullabies to Levi whenever the latter had a nightmare. Mammon, as much as possible, tried to be the best and loving brother Leviathan could ask for. Lucifer is already strict, and Mammon doesn’t want Levi to experience that kind of big brother. Lucifer doesn’t praise him as much as before, so that’s why whenever Leviathan (or his much younger brothers) did something— Mammon would always cheer for them.
Mammon will always listen to Leviathan, he’ll always understand his needs. Whenever his younger brother feels left out; Mammon will notice him, but in a way where he teased Levi so much that they’re both causing a ruckus. Mammon doesn’t show his love to Levi directly, but the idea of him watching the Avatar of Envy from afar is already good enough. Leviathan clings into him because Mammon is still his big brother, no matter the circumstances nor how many insults were thrown. He trust Mammon very much. And the latter will support him no matter what, even behind the insults he exchange with Levi. 
Mammon loves Leviathan in a form that he’ll show him affection, and notice him in his darkest of days. 
Satan? It’s a bit hard for Mammon to show his affection to the Avatar of Wrath. Because he feels like Satan’s a big boy now— a gentleman rather. He remembers the time he used to take care of Satan with Asmodeus’s company. He’ll always explore the library with Satan, introducing him new books, but mostly letting him read the books he’s interested in. Mammon doesn’t force Satan with his choices, he’s just there to guide him. 
No matter what Satan does, Mammon doesn’t judge him. Even with the insults Satan sometimes states, it doesn’t affect Mammon because he knows he would be that kind of understanding older brother. In terms of anger, Satan always admires Mammon. Of how he never once let anyone break him. The patience Mammon has to not break into his demon form is astounding. Satan respected him for that. 
Mammon adores his little brother, the first one to accept that Satan is not Lucifer. Satan is Satan. Asmodeus was the second one, loving Satan in his language. 
Mammon knows Satan can handle himself now, but he’ll always be present in his life. 
Asmodeus, the one whom he always watch the sunset with. He used to take Asmodeus in all the beautiful places in the Celestial Realm. He’d always give him time, sometimes abandoning his responsibilities (sorry Michael!) just so Asmodeus wouldn’t feel lonely. He’ll always tell Asmodeus how pretty he is, and how the sunset that’s basking underneath them gives Asmo the beauty of an unforgettable jewel. 
Mammon will always accompany his brother wherever they go; he even invites Asmodeus in a sneaky way, in a way that Asmo will see it as an invitation instead of a bonding. Because Mammon knows Asmo changed after the fall, but he’ll always be his baby brother. 
Mammon will not hesitate to say Asmodeus is pretty in his own way. Despite the insults and harsh comments the latter says at his big brother, Mammon always know what words to say to the Avatar of Lust on his worst days.  Beelzebub, his ever so loving younger brother. Mammon remembers how he always make Beel all the delicious recipes he knows. And when in times that the younger one is not in the mood— Mammon knows what to do. Sometimes, he even takes Belphegor with them while he bakes. 
Mammon loves baking, he might not be the best chef out there, but he knows how to bake. He took classes with Simeon back in his time in the Celestial Realm. He loves seeing the smile on Beelzebub’s face whenever the latter eats his baked products. All in all, Mammon loves his baby brother, the Avatar of Gluttony, and how much he enjoys watching Beel eats his food—smiling in satisfaction after finishing it. 
Nothing changed much, Beel never once disrespected Mammon. Not once did he insult him too much. Despite having a lot of big brothers; He’ll always listen to Mammon, especially if it’s something emotional. He listens to the advice Mammon gives him, and never once doubt him. He knows when and where Mammon is serious or not. 
Mammon loves the twins; he’ll always stargazed with them, even together with Lilith. 
Belphegor, Mammon used to be so close to him. But after everything, it created a crack, a crack that Mammon is scared that he’s trembling whenever he stepped to hard. But he took the risk, for the Avatar of Sloth. He knows how much Lucifer is strict, that’s why Mammon took it in himself that he’ll always let his younger brothers let loose, but with limitations, of course. He’ll sing, from time to time, intentionally near any place where Belphie might be sleeping. Mammon, in his own communication to Belphie, reassures him that everything will be alright. 
He’s soft, and very much protective of the twins. (Especially after Lilith fell.) Mammon always looks out for Belphegor, always has his arms open for him. He always made his bed comfortable, so whenever Belphie will sleep walk to his room, his hugs and pillows are ready. He’s always there to comfort him, to be there with him. Mammon doesn’t care about the insults anymore, as long as Belphie stil has trust and depends on him (even if it’s not evident) Mammon can rest without worry. 
Lilith, his beloved baby sister. Mammon always had a special place of her in his heart. He always adores her sister. Lilith is Mammon’s guardian, despite that he’s the eldest between them. Lilith understood Mammon, gave him time and loved him genuinely. Lilith looks up to all his big brothers, but of course in different perspectives and ways. Lilith looks up to Mammon in terms of emotional and mental help. Mammon knows what to say and do in such situations. 
Mammon knows Lilith is happy, somewhere in another universe or timeline, Mammon will be fine as long as Lilith is living her best life out there.
Mammon will always be loyal to Lucifer. He’ll always buy Leviathan the merchandise and stuff the latter had missed. The second born will absorb himself into new books so that Satan could have someone to share his opinions with. He’ll always accompany Asmodeus whenever he goes shopping for clothes. He’ll be happy to bake more food for Beelzebub. He won’t hesitate to sing another lullaby to Belphegor. He’ll always remember Lilith.  
And you? His human. Mammon loves you with all his heart. He loves you from the moon and back. He understands you, and when you said you need time and space, he’ll respect that. Mammon always act defensive whenever you reciprocated that love that he deserve, it’s not like he doesn’t appreciate that, he’s just not used to it that he doesn’t know what to react. But he’ll always remind you that you are his first. Nothing will change that. Under the stars, under the big blue sky, or everywhere you go. As long as you are there, he will mutter those three words. 
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
i shall be mr seek
or: it's not as easy as it looks, to live in a detective novel.
as gregor samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into a gigantic beetle. entering my body horror era and ooh, it feels good. once again, i owe much to @house-of-laminations for inspiring me with their wonderfulness - i thoroughly recommend their blog if you’re interested! gn!reader, is this angst? it’s definitely horror, one mention of mc eating spiders if that’s a dealbreaker for you. when i say body horror, i really do mean it - there’s blood, scratching, losing control of your own body, all of that stuff. please stop reading at any point if you become too uncomfortable or upset. reader discretion is advised. it was no dream. satan wandering in the uncanny valley for 2000 words or less.
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there’s something very wrong with you, and it’s starting to freak satan out a bit.
it had only been little things at first. you’d look a bit dizzy after coming home from RAD, mumbling some half-baked nonsense about your PE teacher being particularly harsh lately. you’d laugh quietly at his muttered jabs about lucifer’s stupid haircut, even though he’s not sure you’ve studied enough infernal to know exactly what he’d said. you’d started to prefer eating devildom food to human food, going so far as to choose red spider sandwiches for lunch instead of your usual pasta, and even though demonus shouldn’t affect humans, you’d definitely looked a bit wobbly when you and asmo came back from that perfume launch party the other day. 
the others don’t really seem to have noticed, or if they have then they don’t think it’s that important. beel loves how your appetite is growing and getting more adventurous, seeing how he gets to share even more of his favourite foods with you. 
belphie thinks your sudden growth spurt is adorable, and he’s wasted no time in buying even more blankets to accommodate your longer limbs. mammon finds it hilarious that you’re so much more aggressive when you’re elbowing your way through the corridors at RAD, unafraid in a crowd full of demons so unlike yourself. 
asmo won’t stop crowing about how shiny your hair and skin have been, saying that he knew his self-care treatments would do the trick, mmmm, didn’t i just tell you so, darling? lucifer never says it out loud, but it's so obvious how happy he is when you say that you really feel like you belong here, in the devildom, forever…
and yeah, satan’s not going to complain about the fact that you’ve been spending a lot more time with him lately, is he? it’s… nice, to have you curled up next to him in the library, to feel you wrap your arms (ow, when was the last time you cut your fingernails?) around his waist and settle your head under his chin. it’s nice, to run his fingers over your pact mark when he’s alone, and feel the thrumming of your bond, stronger than ever.
but that’s not all, and now that this has been going on for a few weeks, satan’s getting more and more worried that something is seriously wrong.
you’ve been complaining about headaches, stumbling around like a zombie and clutching your head when you think nobody’s around. sometimes, you’re scratching at your scalp hard enough that he’s surprised there aren’t holes in it already. sometimes, you’re shaking your head like you’re trying to empty your brain out through your ears. it’s… disturbing, to say the least, and he’s sure that you didn’t do that before.
it might have been the firelight in the library, but he’s sure he’d seen your shadow moving just a fraction of a second before you did. perhaps it was the faint sound of music from lucifer’s study, but it had almost sounded like you were muttering to yourself, something so quiet as to be nearly inaudible, something harsh and menacing and dark. it could have just been his tired mind at 2am trying to make sense of what he was seeing, but he’s sure that a human’s eyes shouldn’t be able to do that.
maybe it’s nothing, but your marks at school have been going up lately, even for subjects you normally have real trouble with. conjuration, curses and hexes, alchemical studies - your casting ability is through the roof right now.
your seductive speechcraft professor had even commended him on his tutoring ability - “almost like a proper demon, now, i can hardly believe it!”.
he hasn’t practised seductive speechcraft with you in months. 
it might be a bit personal, but satan can tell that your scent has changed lately, and he’s not convinced that that’s supposed to happen. demons have much better senses of smell than humans, which he remembers was definitely a learning curve for you when you’d first arrived, so you probably can’t tell that something’s wrong. 
your scent changes naturally from week to week and month to month, as happens to all humans - something or other about hormone fluctuations? and yeah, he’d kind of got used to your scent and the little ways that it ebbed and flowed over time, but it’s never been like this. 
it’s like… you don’t smell like you any more, at least not as much as you used to. does that make sense? he’s finding it harder and harder to pick you out of a crowd of demons, and while he might have brushed it off as a side effect of long-term habitation in the devildom, he’s asked solomon a few, ahem, research questions. 
he’d been a bit surprised at satan’s decidedly niche area of interest, but solomon’s been known to stay in the devildom for extended periods of time before and apparently nobody’s ever told him that his scent had changed because of it. 
he’s even gritted his teeth and gone to asmo to check that solomon was telling the truth, and while it had resulted in some rather awkward questions, asmo had confirmed that he’s never known solomon’s scent to change like yours is doing now. and, given what satan knows about his… lifestyle choices, he’s inclined to believe that asmo knows what he’s talking about.
nowadays, you’re so tired all the time, drooping over your dinner plate even though he knows you’ve been spending half your time asleep in the attic with belphie. levi’s started bulk-ordering human-safe energy bars for you off akuzon, ever since you’ve started falling asleep two episodes into an anime marathon that you’d once watched twice over in a single sitting. 
it’s less of a problem when you’re actively playing games together, although satan did think it was strange when levi told him how proud he was of how good you’re getting at immortal kombat - apparently, your reaction speed is getting so fast that you’re almost able to consistently land a “lethality” on him.
and it’s weird, but sometimes when he says hello to you in the corridor, you get this momentary, terrified look on your face, staring up at him like you’ve never seen him before. it’s almost like how you were right at the beginning of the exchange programme, back when you were still tiptoeing around the house like you thought he’d decapitate you on the spot for breathing too loudly. 
you look at him like he’s your lord, like he’s your master, like he could give you an order at any moment and you’d obey, not out of the love he knows you hold in your heart but out of fear, the fear of him. he’s not that scary, is he? not to you, not any more? he tries so hard not to be, to be more than that for you, and he’d thought it was working - that the sweet little smiles and late-night cups of tea and fingers brushing his when you’re walking home meant that you might feel like he does?
it all comes to a head on a quiet, saturday morning.
he likes to get up early on saturdays - his brothers are usually still in bed, sleeping off the long week just gone, and if he’s lucky you’ll be awake, and let him sit in your room with his mandragora tea (thank you, barbatos) and your glass of blushberry juice. you haven’t let him in for the last few weeks, calling out to him when he knocks and saying you’re going to sleep in, but maybe today will be the day.
he’s just coming up the stairs, drinks in hand and book tucked under his arm, when he hears it.
it’s your voice, talking to something. no, someone. but who’s there? you sound terrified, frantic, like you’re trying to reason with them. are you being threatened? how could anyone else have even got in to your room in the first place? his steps are getting faster, he’s running now, when all of a sudden you cut off sharply. a hiss of breath, a savage choke like you’ve been punched in the stomach, he can almost hear your diaphragm spasming - and then you speak again.
now, you sound terrifying, vicious, all sharp teeth and sharper tongue. as he gets closer to your room, the magic spilling out from under the door gets stronger and stronger - it’s like a thick haze of power that muddles his brain and turns his insides to liquid. it sounds like you’re having an argument, and it sounds to him like you could spit venom if you tried, for a minute he doesn’t notice but then - yep, you definitely don’t know enough infernal to say that, what’s happening to you? 
he’s definitely spilt his drink on the carpet, but he doesn’t care. as soon as he sets his hand on the handle, the electric feeling in the air spikes. it’s a wonder he doesn’t take the whole damned door off its hinges with how fast he opens it, but now he’s looking at you, properly looking at you for the first time in weeks, and you-
you look fine.
the same, unfortunately, can’t be said for your room - there are magic circles in bright green chalk across what must be every flat surface in the room, lots that he recognises but a few he doesn’t. the walls and bedframe are covered in scratch marks (are those claw marks?), desperate and unhinged. the mattress looks like it’s been sliced open, gutted of its springs and stuffing and filled with paper talismans, an empty space in the centre just right for someone of your stature to lie inside. 
sickly green spellcraft candles drip wax onto your desk, unearthly flames of all colours and long plumes of sweet-smelling smoke everywhere. there are photos nailed to the walls and floor, some of you, some of him, green runes scribbled all over them. some of the circles even look like they have active elements in them - little cups half-full of herbs, stones, soil, blood, hair- wait, that’s not yours, is it?
he pauses for just a second, dumbfounded, to stare at you in confusion, and that’s when he sees it.
two little points, bloody and sharp, peeking through your hair.
this can’t be happening.
“satan, i- hahhh, you need t- nnnng!”
it’s like you’re fighting to get the words out, tripping over your own tongue like it doesn’t belong to you. you’re standing up now, unfolding your crossed legs from the floor, and you’re smiling at him, but it- it’s not quite you, and all of a sudden everything falls into place.
“yes.” that’s not you speaking.
“how long?”
“it’s almost over.” that’s not good. he looks into your eyes, into that precious face he loves so much, and he finally sees what he’s been missing this whole time.
he’d always thought you were sweet. well, now you’re peeling open, like the most delicious shadow orange, pith and rind and strings spilling out of you, scraped hollow and empty. you’re sharp, acid and bitter, citrus on his tongue, your sweet perfume filling his mouth and condensing on the inside of his skull.
“i’ll kill you.”
the… thing inside you laughs a little bit, and it hurts because that’s the sound he craves, the sound of happiness he’s given you, the sound of lightness and warmth and floating. it looks down at your body, soft and warm, and reaches up with your hand (the fingers are too long) to cup your jaw (the teeth are too sharp).
“no you won’t.”
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
...hey, what’s this?
chek(hov’s )list
or: all of the things that satan should probably have seen coming, and that you might have noticed while reading, in 450 words or less.
the title! it’s robert louis stevenson’s “strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde”, and in context it’s gabriel utterson (whose perspective we see the story from) declaring his resolve to find mr hyde (who we don’t yet know is the same person as utterson’s good friend dr jekyll). a fitting tribute to not only our classic-literature-loving satan, but also to our poor darling mc.
when a human is possessed by a demon, it is possible for the demon to induce infernal conversion in the human’s body. this is done by continually flooding the human’s body with infernal magic, forcing it into the human’s dna in order to make it adapt to the influx of demonic energy.
demonic conversion can theoretically be initiated by a demon of any sort, but if the demon does not have the capacity for a sufficient quantity of magic, they will burn themselves out in the process and the possession will end.
depending on the possessor’s own skill, inclination, and magical ability, demonic conversion can take anywhere from days to years to complete. for most demons it generally takes just less than 6 weeks - about 40 days or so.
it takes a lot of energy, on the part of both the demon and the human, for a successful conversion to take place. a human host may feel unusually lethargic, requiring greater amounts of sleep and nutrients in order to remain functioning.
the official language of the devildom is infernal, which is known by all demons (albeit with some regional variations in phrasing, spelling, and accent.
devildom food contains more of the nutrients needed to support a demonic body than human food does, including much higher concentrations of magical energy.
it is physically impossible for a human to become intoxicated from drinking demonus, as the necessary receptors are differently structured in human and demon brains.
the average demon is approximately 1.25 times taller than the average human.
keratin is a protein found naturally in the human body, most notably as a necessary component of the hair, skin, nails, and various internal organs. it is also a vital component of demonic horns.
in much the same way as celestial energy is connected to light, infernal magic is innately connected to shadow.
demons’ brains operate differently to those of humans, and as a result demons generally have much faster reaction speeds. levi has been playing immortal kombat for a very long time.
all of the runes and candles and markings in mc’s room are green. satan has been feeling a much stronger bond with mc than normal for the last few weeks. 
as i was saying:
this is an original work by @gingerbreadmonsters - please do not repost or misattribute
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Can you do the first choice with Satan if possible? Love your work <3
Satan is Mc's first choice
Content warnings: None
Mc/ reader is Gender neutral
Lucifer is pleased Satan finally has something that is uniquely his. Something he can’t compare to what Lucifer himself has. He sees the way Satan lights up around you. His carefully controlled expression slipping from his face and making Satan look altogether more innocent.
While Lucifer is happy for Satan, he also wishes that you would have chosen him. He knows he isn’t the easiest demon to be around, but Mc, he would have tried for you. But then, that’s the difference, he supposes. Satan doesn’t have to try. It just happens, he becomes free around you in a way no one has ever seen Satan be before.
“Morning Lucifer!” you chirp on your way past him.
He looks at you suspiciously, you are clearly hiding something behind your back and he sighs warningly, “Mc…”
“Have you seen Satan? I have a surprise for him!”
Lucifer knows he is creating more trouble for his future self but points you in Satan’s direction anyway. He regrets his lapse in judgment almost instantly when he hears a distinct meow and your quiet murmurs shushing it in response. You’ve brought Satan a cat. And if it’s a gift from you there is no way Satan is going to give it up.
Ok, Mammon is so in love with you Mc. Everyone knows it. But he also loves his family more than anything. He knows that Satan has always been the odd one out. He didn’t experience the Celestial realm or the rebellion or the fall. There is a lot that the other brothers went through that Satan missed out on. Not all of them were good experiences but still, they were experiences that brought them closer together. So seeing you favor Satan is both a hardship and a relief.
It’s good to see Satan so interested in another’s wellbeing. The way Satan treats you reminds Mammon of the way his brothers behaved when they were angels. He is so soft around you. He could have you wrapped around his finger in an instant but he doesn’t. Instead, he lets himself be wrapped around yours. Mammon knew from the first time he saw you hide behind Satan and watched the protective stance he took in front of you that no matter how much he loved you, for Satan’s sake he would content himself with just being friends.
Jealous. So very very jealous. He tries not to be but why not him Mc? It’s just not fair! Levi knows how his sin can come across to others so he tends to avoid you. He doesn’t want his jealousy to affect you or your relationship with Satan, so it’s easier to remove himself from the situation. For a while, you think Levi hates you and he’s content to let you think that. But he still cares about you and about Satan, so eventually, he’ll start trying to deal with his jealousy in other ways. If he can’t be your favorite at least he gets to be friends with you.
“Levi! You won’t believe what happened at RAD today! Oh! But I’ve got to tell Satan first!” You are so excited that you don’t stop to realize the effect your words have on Levi. And he has to fight off his envy.
But oh well, at least you want to tell him too. He’ll just have to wait until you find Satan first. “He’s in the library Mc. But once you tell him you’ve got to come back and tell me too, I’m curious now.”
Asmo sort of understands why you’d pick Satan. Asmo still thinks he’s the best but Satan isn’t a bad choice either. Plus you do get along surprisingly well with Satan. He's even seen Satan reading aloud to you with your head in his lap! In the middle of the living room no less! No one has ever seen Satan in such a vulnerable position before. What right does Asmo have to interfere with something so unexpected? He gets the feeling, and Asmo is seldom wrong about this sort of thing, that Satan is just as in love with you as you are with him. He finds it part sickening and part adorable.
If you need advice about Satan, Asmo is your demon. He is almost as invested in your relationship as you are. He also loves to help you pick out outfits for dates you or Satan are planning. And you trust him with this, so the way he sees it the two of you still get to spend plenty of time together.
“Oh, Mc!” Asmo sings “Satan would just love to see you in these cat ears!”
“A-Asmo! No way. I can’t just waltz into the house of lamentation with cat ears! It’d be too embarrassing!”
Asmo shrugs but doesn’t miss the fact that you put the cat ear headband in your shopping cart anyways. Nor do you miss the smug look on Asmo's face after you listen to his advice.
He’s surprised. Most of what he’s known until now has been stained with carefully controlled wrath. His brothers know that his smile is often concealing something much darker, and Satan himself knows exactly how dark his hidden thoughts are. But you come along and change everything. Being born from another’s anger he never expected to be capable of feeling more than surface-level emotions and underlying wrath. And while that initial expectation did fade over time he has always been careful to control his emotions. But around you, he feels so free. Like all the bad, dark feelings he has got replaced by something bright. Satan is often more reserved than his brothers, so he is surprised you know him, understand him, so intimately.
Being your favorite is deeply satisfying. Part of him wants to use this to make his brothers (Lucifer) jealous. But he finds he cares for you too much to use you against Lucifer. Satan revels in the pure feelings of affection you invoke in him. There is very little he won't do for you once he realizes his feelings for you are returned.
He is almost too smug when you skip past all of his brothers after a long day at RAD “Read to me?” you ask curling under the arm he is using to hold his book.
“It’s in Latin,” he murmurs. Eyes barely leaving the page.
“So I'll translate for you.” he fake sighs, while stroking your hair. He pointedly ignores the shocked looks his brothers are shooting the two of you and begins reading to you.
Beel is a little sad, but he is mostly happy for Satan. He, perhaps more than any of the others, realizes that while Satan is as much part of their family as anyone else he has struggled to feel as closely bonded as the rest of them. Beel knows that Satan sometimes feels like he doesn’t belong due to the way he was created. It’s ridiculous, of course, but that doesn’t change the way someone feels.
Beel has a hunch that being your favorite might help Satan stop questioning his worth as part of their family. Beel can’t help but smile when he sees you favor Satan. You’ll wait for him to walk back from RAD, and go straight to him when you have good news. You remind Beel a little bit of a puppy. This isn’t to say Beel doesn’t wish he was your favorite instead, he just thinks you and Satan are cute together.
Didn’t Satan almost kill you once, Mc? Sure Lucifer stopped him in time, but really, have you forgotten that so quickly? Or do you just like Satan enough to ignore it? Belphie is a fair bit upset that you chose Satan despite the fact that he tried to kill you too.
Belphie feels like he missed out on getting to know you while he was in the attic. It’s not fair that his brothers got so much time to win you over. And by the time he left the attic, you had already chosen a favorite. He feels like he didn’t get a fair chance. But oh well, with the amount of time you spend ‘pestering’ Satan perhaps he dodged a bullet, he’d hardly get any time to nap around you.
Truthfully Belphie is a little bitter. But as part of the ‘Lucifer sucks��� club Belphie is begrudgingly happy for Satan. Besides it’s become increasingly easy to rope you into pulling pranks on Lucifer so perhaps Satan being your favorite isn’t so bad.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Melodious Mourning
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***Ben Platt?! Hell yes! Okay! I am so so excited about this! Thank you so much @ester-is-here for reminding me how much I love this song. I hope everyone enjoys it. You can listen to the song, if you haven't already, here. Disclaimer: In Case You Don't Live Forever and its lyrics do not belong to me. They belong to the brilliant Ben Platt*** Poly!MC Summary: It's MC's anniversary of their relationship with the Lords of the Devildom. They've planned a little something special to share with them; something that will express how much they love the brothers, while also preparing them for a tragic truth. The time had come. After a long night of celebrating your anniversary with the seven sins, it was time for you to finally show them the surprise you had prepared for them. You giggled as you dragged a tired Belphegor into the music room by his hand, the others following closely behind you. Asmodeus made a small noise of disappointment and leaned against the grand piano in the middle of the room. "You know when you said you had a surprise for us, I must admit this wasn't exactly what I had in mind, " you snorted as Satan smacked Asmo on the back of the head. Asmo yelped and held his head as he glared at Satan. "Though I'm sure that whatever this surprise it will be equally as lovely. Geez, let me finish before you ruin my hair!" Mammon came up beside you. "But what is this surprise though? Is it a diamond? Money? Jewelry? That lost treasure that we never found?" You smiled softly at the Avatar of Greed and poked his nose. "It's better than that. Or at least I hope it will be," You sat down at the piano and took some sheet music out of your bag. "I um...I wanted to sing a song for all of you," you nervously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "With our anniversary being today, I've been thinking a lot about us and all the time that's passed and the what the future will hold, and I-I just thought that this song would be the perfect way to express all of that."
Lucifer placed a hand on the small of your back as he looked down at you with an awe-filled, adoring expression. "I wasn't aware you could play. I would've loved to play with you sometime." You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "There will be time for that in the future. For now, it's time for your surprise," you hovered your fingers over the keys and hesitated. The song the message shared was important but would be hard for your lovers to hear. You glanced over at them. "J-Just listen, please. Okay?" Beel frowned at the serious look on your face and nodded. He could sense that there was something important about this performance, something almost dire, that clearly frightened you. "Of course." You took in a shaky breath as you began to move your finger across the keys.
"You put all your faith in my dreams. You gave me the world that I wanted. What did I do to deserve you?" Your smooth voice filled the room and wrapped around the hearts of each of the demons. They smiled gently at your words as a warmth filled their chests. In the years that they were fortunate enough to have you in their lives, they had spent every last second doing their best to keep you happy. They would give you the world if you asked for it, and you knew that. "I follow your steps with my feet. I walk on the road that you started. I need you to know that I heard you. Every word." Since coming here, the brothers have shown you a number of things. Lucifer taught you to be more confident and take pride in the things that you've achieved. Mammon taught you that it was okay to be selfish sometimes to do the things that you wanted. Together, you and Leviathan learned that the only opinion that truly matters is your own. Satan taught you that you define your own fate and meaning and that no one can say who you are except you. Asmodeus taught you to appreciate the pleasures in life, no matter how big or small. Beelzebub engrained in you that your body is a temple that you must cherish, look after, and love. And finally, Belphegore taught you that it's alright to take time for yourself. Each of them had impacted you and fundamentally changed the way that you looked at life, and you would never be able to thank them enough for that. "I've waited way too long to say. Everything you mean to me," you swallowed down the lump that was beginning to form in your throat. You had waited too long to tell them this, that much was true. By now they were irreversibly attached to you. Though you were grateful for it and loved them in return, there was something all of you had been avoiding discussing. You took in a shaky breath; you couldn't hold it off anymore. "In case I don't live forever let me tell you now," You could hear their breaths get caught in their throats. Lucifer's hand froze on your back, while Belphie quickly sat up from where he was laying on your shoulder. "MC, what are y-you saying? What are you-" Levi's voice stuttered from behind you. You couldn't bring yourself to look at them as you continued, "I love you more than you'll wrap your head around," you finally glanced over at Levi. The otaku's eyes were wide and filled with fear and concern as he scanned you for any missed injuries or signs of illness. At finding none, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion. You offered him a reassuring smile before looking back down at the keys. "In case I don't live forever, let me tell you the truth. I'm everything that I am because of you." Satan's trembling hand gripped onto your shoulder as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. "MC, my love, that is beautiful. But you can't just say something like that and not expect us to be concerned. Are you alright? Should I be getting a doctor or Barbatos or do I need to take you to a human hospital?" You paused for a moment to turn to your lovers. "I'm okay. There's nothing wrong with me, only that I'm human," you watched as they tensed in realization. "Treasure, that's not-" Mammon stepped forward, but you lifted a hand to stop him. "I've been thinking about the passing of time a lot lately, a-a-and I need to say this. Please, just let me finish?" The sound of your voice close to tears had the brothers wanting to do nothing more than wrap you up in their arms and never let you go again. But there was this desperate glint in your eyes, that none of them could deny. Belphie laid his head back down on your shoulder and buried his face into the fabric of your top. "Go ahead, angel. We're listening." You turned your head to lightly kissed his head, whispering a small thank you, before picking back up the song.
The music filled the room once more, but unlike before where it filled your lovers with joy at the thought of such a sentimental gift, a feeling of dread and unease now swirled in their stomachs. "I've carried this song in my mind. Listen it's echoing in me. But I never helped you to hear it." Your mortality was something that had weighed on your thoughts for years now. You never mentioned it for you knew that the brothers would just brush off the subject. They had lost so much already; they didn't even want to begin thinking about the day when you would no longer be with them. But with each passing year, the subject had become more and more crucial, yet you were still too much of a coward to bring such a distressing topic to light. You had hoped the song would lighten the blow, but based on the way Mammon's eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were pressed to his mouth, as though whispering a prayer, it hadn't. Tears pricked your eyes at the sight as you felt your throat tighten. "We, we've only got so much time. I'm pretty sure it would kill me if you didn't know that pieces of me were pieces of you." It was true. You carried the boys with you where ever you went, both literally through your pacts and figuratively through the pieces of their personalities that you have mirrored throughout the years. You often find yourself mimicking Lucifer's eye-brow raise when someone is acting particularly stupid. The sight of food or beautiful clothes causes your heart to thrumb with excitement, just like it does for Beel and Asmo. You have a deeper appreciation for anime and astrology from your many nights with Levi and Belphie. You're more knowledgeable and educated in literature from your countless hours in the library with Satan. You were more conscious with your money after your few attempts of trying to teach Mammon how to budget. You were one with your boys; a beautiful collage of the experiences and times that you had all spent together. You just hoped that they knew that. "I've waited way too long to say. Everything you mean to me." Asmodeus claimed your other side, as one of his hands moved up to delicately wipe a tear from your face. You noticed, with an aching heart, that his cheeks were tearstained as well. Your lip trembled as you opened your mouth to sing the chorus. "In case I don't live forever let me tell you now. I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around. In case I don't live forever, let me tell you the truth. I'm everything that I am because of you." At this point, you weren't singing so much as you were sobbing. You could feel your hands tremble heavily as you pushed them to keep playing. The only thing keeping you from breaking down completely was the solid feeling of the brother's touch supporting you as they lent you their strength. You squeezed your eyes shut and played hard on the keys, causing the brothers to jump a little as you began to belt. "I have a hero if ever I need one!" Flashes of the countless times that they had come to your rescue flashed in your mind. Unknown to you, the brothers weren't thinking of them rescuing you at all, but rather how you had saved each and every one of them. "I just look up to you and I see one! I'm a man 'cause you taught me to be one," your voice quivered with emotion as you held the falsetto note at the end. You leaned over the keys, suppressed cries falling from your lips as your shoulders shook. Beel placed a hand over top of one of your own and met your gaze. "You don't have to finish this MC. We understand what you're trying to say and we can just end the song here and talk if you want." It was tempting. Honestly, your hands our practically useless with how much they were shaking. But this wasn't just for them anymore. Speaking the words that had been swarming your mind for too many years out loud, although painful, also freed you from a sense of guilt that you weren't even aware that you were carrying. "I-I'd like to finish it. I-If you all don't mind." Belphie's arms came to wrap around your waist and Asmo
pressed a kiss to your cheek. Lucifer's hand on your back moved in comforting circles, while Satan repeated the motion with his thumb on your shoulder. Levi moved closer to lean onto the piano for support. Mammon gave you a tearful smile as Beel lifted his hand off of yours. "Of course. Take your time, honey bun." You took several deep breaths to calm yourself before lightly playing the chords. You met the eyes of your partners and hoped that they could see the utter adoration and passion that was flooding through your veins for them. "In case you don't live forever let me tell you now," you playfully elbowed Belphie and turned your head to kiss Asmo's cheek. "I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around." As the music picked up the tempo once more, you couldn't help but grin even as tears poured down your cheeks. "In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth. I'm everything that I am-" You closed your eyes, tilting your head back, as you allowed yourself to give in to the music and fully feel everything that you had been suppressing. "Woah, Woah, Woah. " As you began to sing the melody again, your eyes snapped open as you heard the brothers harmonize alongside you. Lucifer, Satan and Beel's low voices rang deep like the growl of thunder. Asmodeus and Belphie hit the higher octaves, chiming like bells ringing in the wind. Mammon and Levi sang the original notes with you, remaining strong and pure like waves against a shore. You laughed brightly as a radiant sensation of love blanketed you in warmth and soaked up any traces of fear that lingered. "In case I don't live forever, let me tell you the truth." You looked around at the brothers tenderly and softly played the final notes. They all smiled back at you, eyes gleaming with that same sense of passionate affection that you had felt moments earlier. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you came to a realization. No matter how much or little time you had left with each other, you would spend every moment of it at each other's side loving another unconditionally. "As long as I'm here as I am," you rested your head on top of Belphie's and smiled softly, "so are you." *** This was so sweet and sad at the same time and I just LOVED writing it! Oh my goodness, I haven't written a song fic in ages, so this was a little challenging, but I just loved it so much. Thank you @ester-is-here for this beautiful request!*** TAGLIST: @thegrimgrinningghost
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craigslistdiavolo · 3 years
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Requested by @otome-scribbles
Anyway I love this idea sm 😳💖
Obey me boys x gender neutral reader
Warnings - Language
Sees the baby and has to do a double take
It's too early for this, it's always too early for this
Feels like his soul has left his body when he sees you holding a baby
Who's is it?
Where did you get it from?
Who the fuck gave you a baby?
Dies a little when the baby smiles at him
Is immediately reminded of when he was taking care of his brothers
Lowkey wants to start a family with you now
Lucifer sighed and gripped his coffee cup. "MC what is that?" You smiled at him and grabbed the baby's hand to make it wave at Lucifer. "A baby." Lucifer sighed and put his head in his hands. "I can see that's it's a baby. More importantly where did you get it from and who would trust you with a baby?" You faked a hurt gasp. "Are you trying to say that I'm not responsible enough to take care of a child." You laughed a little. "The baby is my friend's and I'm babysitting, his name is Tatum. Say hi Tatum." The baby giggled and smiled at Lucifer. You laughed at the baby and began to walk away. Lucifer put his hand over his chest and sat down. He had no idea that a baby's smile would make him so emotional, he also had no idea why it gave him the sudden desire to have a family with you.
Why do have a baby?
Why are you holding a baby?
Who's baby is that?
That baby seems suspicious you probably shouldn't be loving on it
Stop laughing, he is not jealous of a baby (he totally is)
Okay but that's a really cute baby, he could probably make some money off of it
Please do not let him profit off of the baby
Mammon was sitting on the couch in his room when you walked in with a baby. "Oi human, where'd ya get a baby from." You glanced at Mammon as you sat down on the couch next to him. "Oh he's my friend's baby and I'm babysitting." Mammon looked at the baby you were holding and cooing at. "Hey, you shouldn't be lovin' on that baby so much, you don't know where he's been." You laughed at him. "Mammon are you jealous of a baby?" Mammon started blushing. "NO, where'd ya get that idea from?" Mammon turned away from to hide his blush as you laughed at him. After you finally stopped laughing and his blush settled down, Mammon glanced at the baby. The baby looked up at Mammon and smiled brightly. He was pretty cute, and people love cute babies, just then something clicked in Mammon's head. "MC this baby could be a model and we could make so much money off of him." You gasped, "Mammon, I'm not gonna let you make profit off of my friend's baby." You got up from the couch and left his room. Mammon got up and chased after you. "MC please it's a full proof idea!"
Levi glanced back at you when he heard you walk into his room
"Oh hi MC."
Takes him a second to process the fact that you're carrying a baby
Get it out of here now before it destroys his precious anime merch and collectables
Please explain to him that the baby has no interest in his stuff omg
Levi was in his room wondering if he should text you or not to come check out the new game he got. He heard his door open. "Hey Levi." He glanced back at you, "Oh hi MC, I was just about to text to ask if you could come over and chec- IS THAT A FUCKING BABY??????" You laughed at Levi's reaction. "Yeah I'm babysitting for my friend." You placed that baby in Levi's lap. "Isn't he adorable?" Levi sputtered as the baby smiled up at him and snuggled into him. "Get him out of here before he ruins everything." You looked at Levi a little offended. "Levi, he is a 7 month old and can't even walk. He's not gonna ruin your stuff." Levi blushed, a little embarrassed. "B-But what if he chews on things." You laughed at him and took the baby back. "Trust me he won't, but if you want us to leave that badly then I guess we'll just go." Levi quickly gets up from his chair. "MC wait don't go, you guys can stay as long as he doesn't mess up my stuff."
Satan looked up from his book when you entered his room and immediately noticed the baby
"Why do you have a baby?"
You put the baby on his chest and he kinda just looked at it like :/
It's not a cat so not worth it 🙄💅
Just put cat ears on the baby or smth and then he will literally help you take care of it for the rest of the day
Who know babies could be so cute when they're dressed as cat
He will have or adopt a child with you right now as long as he gets to dress it up as a cat
"MC, why do you have a baby?" You smiled down at Satan and placed the baby on his chest. "I'm babysitting for my friend, isn't he a cutie?" The baby happily smiled at Satan and began cooing. Satan picked up the baby and sat up. "I suppose he's a little cute." You rolled your eyes and then pulled a cat ear headband out of the baby's diaper bag and placed it on his head. Satan gasped, "MC, why didn't you put the cat ears on him from the very start." He picked the baby up and began to walk off with him, saying something about needing to show the baby the library. You grabbed the diaper bag and ran to catch up with Satan. "SATAN WAIT I'M THE ONE WATCHING HIM!"
What is that?
Why did you bring a baby into his room?
Babies are gross and dirty
Okay he does look really cute when he smiled though 🥺
"Asmo~ look what I have." Asmo turned around excitedly from his vanity, but his expression soon dropped. "MC why are you carrying a baby?" "Oh I'm babysitting for my friend. Isn't he such a cute baby?" Asmo glanced down at the baby. "Babies are gross." You gasped, "Asmo don't bully him he's only 7 months old." The baby smiled up at Asmo and started making grabby hands while babbling. Asmo gasped, "Oh my gosh, why wasn't he being this cute from the start???" Asmo quickly whisked the baby away from you and started carrying him around his room. You sighed and sat down on Asmo's bed, at least he wasn't bullying the baby.
He's just in the kitchen when you walk in with a baby?
Thinks the baby is very adorable
Please let him hold the baby
And feed it :)
Is very soft with the baby
A little scared to hold it at first but when he does hold the baby he just 🥺💕
Please have or adopt a baby with this man right now, please he's so soft and just wants a little domestic life with you now
Beel was in the kitchen grabbing some food when you walked in carrying a baby. He quickly smiled down at you and the baby. "MC why do you have a baby?" You looked at Beel. "Oh I'm just babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he adorable?" Beel's eyes light up when the baby smiles at him. "Yes! Is he hungry? What do babies like to eat?" You laughed at Beel and grabbed something out of the fridge. "Here you can give him this." Beel fed the baby until he didn't want anymore. The baby yawned a little bit. "Looks like it's nap time, you know Beel, you can hold him and rock him if you want." Beel looks a little nervous but nods and takes the baby from your arms. It honestly felt like the three of you were a small, happy family.
Not as enthusiastic as Beel, that's for sure
Just :| is the best way to describe his reaction
Glances at you with the baby and is like "oh cool baby"
The baby: (◍•ᴗ•◍) Belphie: :|
Will 100% take a nap with the baby though and think it's very cute but won't admit it
You walked into Belphie's room carrying a baby with you. "Hey Belphie look, I've got a baby." It was clear that he was getting ready to take a nap when you had walked in. The baby smiled at Belphie and began babbling random baby nonsense. Belphie yawned and glanced at the baby. "Oh cool baby." You laughed. "Really that's it? I bring a random baby in here and all you have to say is cool baby?" "Yeah pretty much." You jokingly rolled your eyes. "Well it's his nap time anyway so we might as well stay and take a nap with you." Belphie sighs kind of annoyed but let's you hand him the baby and get in bed next to him. You all take a nap together but end up getting woken up when the baby cries. The moment was nice while it lasted through.
Woah a real life baby
Is shook
Would like to hold the baby
Thinks you look very lovely carrying a baby
If you weren't married before, you are now because after seeing you take care of a child he would like your hand in marriage and to start a family with you
You walked into the Demon Lord's castle and began looking for Diavolo. You wanted to see how he would react to you carrying a baby around. "MC, is that you?" You turned around and saw Diavolo. "Oh hey I was jus-" You were cut off by Diavolo's gasp. "What a cute baby! May I hold it?" You passed the baby over to Diavolo. "Yeah you can hold him, just be really careful." Diavolo smiled at the baby and bounced him a little before handing him back to you. Diavolo blushed, the way you gently took the baby from his arms and held him made him think about having a family with you. The baby smiled at him and babbled, you laughed. "I think he likes you Dia." Diavolo smiled at you and the baby. "MC let's get married." "WAIT WHAT?"
Has a somewhat reaction to Lucifer
Will hold the baby if you ask him to
Thinks the baby is pretty cute
Will give the baby some cake
Ok but what if you guys started a family jkjk..... unless 😳👉👈
"Oh MC, you have a baby, why?" You walked up to Barbatos carrying a baby. "I'm just babysitting him for a friend, isn't he a cutie?" Barbatos looks at you questioningly, "Why did someone trust you with a baby?" You gasped, "Barbatos! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of a baby!" Barbatos laughed at your reaction. "I was just teasing you MC. Is he old enough to eat cake?" You looked at Barbatos, "Yeah, he can eat cake without a problem." Barbatos goes and retrieves a small slice of cake for the baby, who was clearly very excited about getting cake as he smiled and giggled at the sight of it. After the baby was done with his cake, he made grabby hands at Barbatos. You looked at him. "Barbatos will you hold him, he clearly wants you to." Barbatos sighed and took the baby from your lap. It was nice to share a small domestic moment like this with you, he can only hope for more moments like this in the future.
Will literally snatch the baby from you
Is so soft
Does not put the baby down
Loves the baby
Please don't take the baby from him, he really likes holding it
Marry this man and start a family with him rn
"Oh my gosh MC, is that a baby? Can I hold it?" Simeon just about cries when he sees you carrying a baby, and when the baby smiled at him he swears he died. You laugh at Simeon's reaction to the baby that you're carrying. "Yeah you can hold him." Simeon quickly takes the baby from your arms and begins cooing at him. You smile at Simeon, you didn't think he would be so happy to see a baby. The two of you plus the baby spent the rest of the day doing cute domestic things. Simeon cried every time the baby smiled at him. He had forgotten what it felt like to take care of a baby, so this was nice.
Doesn't really care
The baby smiles at him and he's just like 😐
Annoyed if you make him hold the baby
Thinks you look cute holding the baby though
"Solomon, I'm babysitting my friend's baby, isn't he sooooo adorable?" Solomon looks up from his desk and glances at the baby. "Yeah he's cute I guess." You roll your eyes, "Try to be more enthusiastic." Solomon jokingly glares at you. You walk over and sit on his bed. Unbeknownst to you, Solomon blushes a little because you look very cute when you're carrying a baby.
A/N - The first time I started writing this I accidentally posted it so I panicked and deleted it 🧍‍♂️ Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'm sorry if there's any mistakes, I was just trying to get it done as fast as possible because I was frustrated with the fact that I accidentally posted it. Feel free to follow me on the instagram that I created a day or two ago, the @ is the same as on here, craigslistdiavolo. You can also find it by clicking the link in my bio.
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luna-the-moth · 3 years
Lucifer, Leviathan, and Satan with a Plant-Loving S/O (SFW)
I accidentally deleted the ask, but here’s what was requested: @hey-its-spades : Hello! For Levi, Lucifer, and Satan if you dont mind uwu . Mc has a knack for plants and has taken it upon themselves to put plants everywhere. ( hanging from ceilings,crawling ivy on outside walls,in the kitchen, library, even luci's study.) All the rooms look a liytle greener and None of them say anything but the student body is saying that it makes the old place look alive and home-y. It makes mc really happy.       
Oh I adore this ask! SFW, with a GN! reader. I’m assuming by student body you mean the HoL residents? Since almost nobody outside the household residents visit there. I got really carried away with Levi and the Lucifer angst as well-
My vampire poll for the OM characters
My ask box is open, but please read my rules and guidelines before requesting! Please send them in my ask box, as I can keep track of requests better.  Reblogs, likes, and comments are greatly appreciated!
Lucifer, Leviathan, and Satan with a Plant-Loving Reader (SFW)
Prologue/basics for all of them:
Ever since you came to the HoL, you decided that it was too....lifeless.
Sure, there were bright candles lighting the halls, but the house was devoid of any life, besides the brothers and Henry.
So you took it upon yourself to decorate, of course!
While many human world plants didn’t fare well in the Devildom due to the poor soil quality, Lord Diavolo had agreed to bring you enchanted soil, guaranteed to grow any plant.
Regardless of temperature or sunlight needs, whatever plant grew in that soil would flourish to its upmost potential.
Asmo had a great deal of amusement with you decorating, advising you on what colors would fit specific areas of the household, and what species of flowers would bring beautiful symbolism as well.
In the house’s entryway, you left a pair of Strelitzia nicolai (giant bird of paradise) plants, as they added a subtle flair.
With long, stemmed leaves, it contributed a touch of elegance and flair.
On the a few windowsills, you had placed Begonia rex-coltorum (Rex begonias), their dark, vivid, colors standing out.
You had planted crawling ivy on the outside walls, making the house seem more inviting.
Lucifer hadn’t minded your redecoration, as it had matched well with the house’s aesthetic, adding to the beauty.
In fact, he had quite enjoyed seeing you pore over catalogues and books, deciding which one would fit the space best.
Over the next few weeks, he watched as the House of Lamentation became brighter, more colorful.
It was a nice change, he thought.
However, he was surprised when he had woken up in his study, rose bushes in the corners of his study.
Deep, red roses greeted him as he surveyed his study with a pleased smile.
It was no secret Lucifer adored roses, and he was appalled when he had first arrived in the Devildom, as the soil quality was so poor, it could hardly grow anything.
Which meant he couldn’t grow roses, one of his favorite flowers.
The fact that you had thought about him, and wanted to gift him such a beautiful display, greatly moved the stoic demon.
Making his way to one of the bushes, he took off his gloves and knelt down on one knee.
The soft, sweet fragrance immersed his senses, filling him with memories of laughter, smiles, serenity, and Lilith.
Roses were her favorite flower.
As the memories flooded his mind, Lucifer suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of longing, and his vision became blurred.
He remembered the way Lilith used to brighten up when helping him with his garden, an eager grin ever-present on her face.
The way she would make him a colorful bouquet of roses whenever Michael had given him more stressful tasks than usual.
He quickly wiped a stray tear that had fallen from one of his eyes, and calmed himself.
Taking one of the velvety flowers in his hand, Lucifer gently brought his lips to the flower head, leaving a soft kiss, almost as if it was Lilith’s forehead.
The next time you went over to his study for some tea, he brought you into his arms, bringing you close to him.
Kissing your cheek, he lets a small smile break through his usually-serious facade.
“Thank you for the roses, my love. They compliment my study’s aesthetic nicely.”
Placing a small kiss on your neck, he smirked.
“Perhaps I can thank you with a date tonight?”
Levi actively enjoyed watching you redecorate the HoL.
It was like one of his favorite games, The Grims! (Yes that was a terrible pun for The Sims.)
He had listened with interest as you went off on the best plants that would fit his aesthetic, and would match well with water.
What caught his attention, was when you brought up the topic of bio luminescent plants.
Of course, they weren’t naturally grown in the human world, but scientists had recently found a way to genetically modify tobacco plants.
In doing so, they had spliced the genes with four fungus genes related to bio luminescence, then carefully cultivated them.
From a seedling to maturity, the plants presented a small glow, visible to the naked eye.
The gene modification had no harmful effects on the plants, and the only difference between the lab-modified plants and wild plants, were height.
The entire time you had explained the plant’s origins passionately, Levi sat in awe, watching as you had gestured your hands in an excited fashion.
So this is what you meant when you had said you enjoyed him being so passionate about an anime or game.
At first, Levi had thought you were merely exaggerating to cheer him up, but as he looks at you now, eyes shining with delight, he understood.
You decided that since you were decorating the HoL, you would decorate Levi’s room as well.
You didn’t have access to the bio-luminescent plants, but you decorated his rooms to the nines nonetheless.
So, you had pooled together your money and resources, to create a mini lily pond for him!
You had miraculously gotten him out of the house, for a cosplay con, in which you had ‘accidentally’ forgotten to buy yourself a ticket.
Which we all know is a lie, you had just not bought one for yourself in order to stay at home, assembling the pond with Solomon’s help.
It was small, enough to fit around 6-7 lily pads/lotuses.
You had carefully grown the lily pads in your room, watching as they eventually bloomed into light, almost ethereal flowers.
By the time Levi came home, you had just finished cleaning up, getting the mud washed from your hands and arms.
Upon seeing the lily pond, Levi’s eyes were wide with amazement and shock.
You created and did this, for him?
Absolutely sets down his handfuls of merch, (gently, mind you) and silently steps over to you.
He does his best to hug you like in anime, wanting you to know how much he appreciates this.
Yes, it may be awkward, but it warms your heart knowing that he stepped out of his comfort zone, just to thank you.
He’s too embarrassed to say it while looking at you, but you can hear his voice as he rests his head against yours.
As he pulls away, a blush is evident on his face, his head turned to the side as he awkwardly places his hand against the back of his neck.
“T-thank you, Y/n. It’s a b-beautiful lily pond.”
He fully supported your botanical excursion
After all, he’s always had an affinity for plants.
Whether it be for potions, poisons, or mere decor, Satan had a green thumb, through and through.
If his room weren’t full of books, scriptures, and all sorts of literature, he’d fill it with various plants.
So when you had announced that you were going to re-decorate the HoL with various flora, he was buzzing with excitement.
He gathered every human botanical book he knew of, and started leaving them for you on your desk.
Within a week, you had stacks upon stacks of books, knowledge ready at your disposal.
And so you began to research.
Satan was considerate to leave footnotes in a few of them, like what type would pair well with what color schemes, etc.
You smiled while reading through them, seeing Satan’s elegant handwritten flow across the pages.
Within a few weeks, you had skimmed through the books, thoroughly reading a handful of them.
After ordering the plants you wanted on Azukon, (courtesy of Lord Diavolo’s credit card-) you were eagerly anticipating their arrival.
Especially because a few ‘special items’ were in the package.
After all, you wanted to thank Satan properly for his help.
When the various flora arrived, you had carefully cultivated each of them, encouraging their growth.
Satan had assisted you, monitoring their progress, and making sure none of his brothers ruined them.
The following weekend, Satan had a student council meeting planned, as did the rest of the brothers.
Which left you with the perfect opportunity to set up Satan’s gifts.
In his room, you had placed Senecio rowleyanus (string of pearls) plants, their bright green globes spilling over the bookshelves.
Along with that, were lavender candles, with dried lavender crushed inside.
After all, Satan had always (usually) been the most level-headed out of his brothers, despite his title.
He’s much more than the avatar of wrath, and has gone through painstaking time and trials to overcome that.
That’s why you had picked lavender, which without a doubt, would be noticed by Satan.
When he had come back from the meeting, he was already in a pissy mood, as things didn’t go as planned, ending in an argument between the brothers.
However, when he stepped into his room, seeing lavender candles lit, and garlands of plants over the bookshelves, he immediately broke out in a smile.
A real, genuine smile.
Seeing you sitting on his bed, lavender candles lit, plant garlands stringing down from the bookshelves, it was almost like one of the romance novels he had read...
Quickly, he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you until you were laughing for him to stop.
Finally setting you down to gently kabeddon you, he playfully kisses the corner of your lips.
“Thank you my love, these are absolutely beautiful. I shall preserve these for all eternity.”
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