#Barbatos was looking fine~ 👀
nerdy-talks · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 22 Spoilers!
Mammon has been my favorite brother ever since the very first Lesson of OG Obey Me!
I've also been a HUGE fan of Mammon's greedy behavior towards us probably because I like yanderes so much lol
But wow.... The newest Lesson in Obey Me! Nightbringer actually had me feeling.... apprehensive? Unsure?? Scared??? Horny?!?!
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Aww... Beel 💙 (don't be so sure~ lol)
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Mammon is aggressively possessive. Dangerously possessive. He's not thinking clearly.
I don't blame him since his sin is obviously taking over and he is unable to control himself. But....
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If the same thing is gonna happen with the rest of the boys, we better buckle up and hold on tight!
Personally, I feel like I'd be able to handle Mammon, Levi, and Belphie. Possibly even Satan since I can understand his wrath/rage (though I might just be way too overconfident there).
But Lucifer, Asmo, and Beel?
Asmo will be trying to fuck seduce us nonstop. Beel may possibly try to devour us.
And Lucifer's overflowing pride will probably mean that he will view any help that we try to offer him as us, a "lowly human", underestimating and patronizing him... which will severely piss him off.
I'm hoping all of this means that we will start forging pacts with the brothers along the way/as we help each of them.
Because if not... We're screwed considering our magic currently isn't working and Solomon's magic is progressively getting weaker.
At this point, I can't wait for the next lesson. I want to know what happens next, I want to see how we're gonna save Mammon. I want the entire story all at once even though that's not possible.... I'm just impatient xD
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mageofseven · 11 months
MC: *slaps the boys' ass* Damn, boi. Your ass is fine!
Bros+undateables reaction?
This is an old ask that I thought looked fun so I decided to do it.
So here ya go I guess lol
Immediately scolds you
You two better be in a relationship or your ass is grounded.
If you are dating, this man may have enjoyed the action, but the words totally killed it.
You'll have a hell of a time getting him to admit that first part.
Do it in front of Diavolo though and he just may never forgive you.
Both sets of cheeks of are red
"W-What the hell??"
He will say that first regardless of if you are dating or not.
If you are dating, he will try to gain his composure and say something flirty instead, but it's too late, he's already made his best impression of a tomato.
Honestly, his impression of a tomato is even better.
This man looks ready to pass out when you do this to him
And honestly, he just might.
Please, please catch him 😅
Honestly, he is stunned at first in whatever position you smacked his but in.
Cheeks red as things lead the crossroads.
Are you his Kitten?
No-> something breaks and your ass runs for the hills
Yes->he picks you up, lightly remarks how he wishes you used a better vocabulary, and carries you to bed for some 'playtime'
Giggles and gives it a little shake for you
Says it's one of his many fine qualities.
Asks if you have any more ideas for his 'fine' ass or if you are just going to leave it neglected.
Is mostly teasing you, but in truth is down for anything.
"Um...thank you?"
Dating or not, this man is confused
And doesn't really know how to handle the situation.
I mean, no one has actually been brave enough to smack his ass before so he doesn't know what to say or do about it.
If you are dating him, please explain it to him.
If you aren't dating him, how dare you hit the cinnamon roll 😠
Well that woke sleepy boy up real quick.
His cheeks are red and he's annoyed
And he'd rather drop dead than admit that he enjoyed it, regardless of whether you are dating or not.
If you two are dating, try that the next time you two are 'intimate' in bed and I swear the brat will love it.
You, a human, had the gall to smack the prince of demons, one of the strongest beings in all of the realms, and descendant of the devil himself
On the ass?
That is so hot 😳
If it was around others, be prepared to be scolded by those in attendance.
If you are dating, also be prepared for Dia to ask for your presence in his bedroom
And if you aren't, be prepared for this man to ask you to date him...and maybe meet him in his room if you're comfortable with it...👀
You can feel it within your bones--no, your very soul
You have made a grave error.
How grave?
Are you both dating?
No->prepare to never sleep again for your dreams, nay, your nightmares are no longer safe.
Yes->Aight keep moving
Was it in front of others?
No->he grumpy but he loves you so it's all cool
Yes->oh devil...well move your ass along
Do you both have a dom/sub relationship in the bedroom and are into bdsm (and are basically okay with punishment in the bedroom)?
Yes->your ass (and every other part of you) is in a lot of trouble the next to you're in the bedroom with him
No->this bitch stops talking to you for so long you start wondering if you're still dating.
Raises an eyebrow at you
In truth, isn't the biggest fan of this treatment, regardless of whether you are dating or not.
Either way, will smile his usual smile and ask that you to refrain from doing that ever again
Though his smile might be even scarier if you are not dating 😅
I'll be honest, if you did this in front of Luke, I will through hands with you.
Even still, this feels like a serious crime.
I mean, Simeon is an angel.
He is a being from the Celestial realm who is allowed no sexually desires or experiences
And you shatter his world by letting him know his ass is fine as all hell.
How does a Celestial being react to such a...'passionate' compliment?
He is not quite sure, if he is honest
And you have him at a lost of words, regardless of whether you two are secretly dating.
This is a new experience after all.
Either way, apologize for making this poor man uncomfortable and give him a proper compliment
...and quadruple check Luke was nowhere around in the slightest when this happened.
Oh dear devil, you broke him.
His face is red, his mouth is moving
But not a single sound is coming out.
You have some things to consider here.
Are you dating?
No->he will hit you with his cane and call you every demon slur for humans that he knows.
Yes->alright, so you're his idiot then. He's used to your bs.
More importantly than that question, did you smack his ass enough to make him stumble?
No->I will personally let you live then.
Yes->that is mean and I am upset. Next question.
Was anyone else around at the time?
Yes->Mephisto will refuse to talk to you for a while.
No->alright, we will both forgive you this once, human.
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hehe. liked the married ex fic you wrote for Lucifer, and I'm inlove with your writing! it has a cloudy vibe to it. can I request Barbatos x mc who's dealing with a stalker?👀👀
Barbatos x reader - dealing with a stalker
When he first heard about the human that was living with the Demon Brothers as part of the exchange program, he had laughed.
It was a ludicrous idea. First, this whole ‘good will event’ in general, then putting a human in the thick of it with demons. They were going to eat them alive, he thought.
But as he spent more & more time seeing them around the school, he became more & more infatuated with them. Never able to get close with the brothers always hanging off them, along with the angels, but he desperately wanted to get close to them as well. He had to have them.
Sneaking past the gates and making his way over the fence, the besmitten demon cursed as his pant leg got stuck on some flower thrones. Struggling to pull away.
“May I help you?”
The young man turned in alarm to see a man looking up at him. A soft, but somehow super creepy smile, on his face as he stared at him. He had a vague memory of this man. His mind’s eye reminded him that he had seen him at school events and Devildom festivals along with Lord Diavolo. What was his majesty’s butler doing here?
“I was uh…just—“Climbing a fence. Yes, I can see that.” Barbatos interjected quickly, with that same eerie smile. “But it seems you’re stuck. Allow me.”
The young man wasn’t sure what whizzed past him, but suddenly his pant leg and the rest of the shrubbery fence had broke free and he was on the ground. “Apologies sir. That first step can be a doozy. May I help you up?”
“No, no. I’m fine.” He quickly replied as he stood on his feet and brushed his clothes off.
“Good. We wouldn’t want you hurt now. I take it you got lost on your way to the front door?”
“I uh…yeah…I guess….”
“So you decided to look for a short cut for the garden party over the fence. How industrious of you.”
‘Garden party?’ He thought, but then realized he had a reason to get in and quickly agreed, “yes, yes! I’m here for the garden party!”
“Wonderful. Could I have your name please?”
The young idiot quickly gave his name to the older demon. Who had a clipboard appear out of nowhere and seemed to scan it. “Hmm…I’m not seeing your name. Who gave you the invitation?”
“[Y/N],” he answered quickly, “they invited me.” He wouldn’t dare drop the brothers’ names, and they were the only other person he knew that lived in the house. “They totally did.”
“Ah. I see. Well, I’m not seeing your name, as I said. And I don’t think [Y/N] would be so repugnant to not tell me of an additional guest they were inviting.” The young man gulped. “I know! Why don’t we go ask them? I’m sure they can clear this all up.”
He felt his blood run cold at the suggestion. If they asked them about it in front of everyone, not only would be embarrassed, shunned out of school, and possibly murdered by the Demon Brothers, his chances of getting close to [Y/N] were out the window.
“Well it…it’s meant to be a surprise?”
“Oh! A surprise! Surprises can be fun.” The butler took another step towards him. That smile never leaving his face for a moment through the whole exchange, but suddenly seemed so dark & twisted that the young man felt he was going to be swallowed whole without him ever opening his jaws. “I especially like surprises that maybe never come. Maybe it will be today. Maybe next week. Maybe never. But the chances of surprises happening are always out there. Just….waiting…to spring out on you.”
The young man jump and was suddenly running before he knew it. He didn’t know why. He just had to get out of there. Away from the House of Lamentation and that creepy smile. Away to somewhere safe. Wherever that was.
Barbatos’s eyes narrowed as he watched the intruder sprint away. The outline of his back fading quickly off in the distance.
He and Lord Diavolo would really need to look into what special power [Y/N] had to continuously snare demons into their web. They never seemed to try, but every week their seemed to be some new admirer. He and his lord would have to uncover what that power was, and find a way to harness it.
“Barbatos,” the butler turned when he heard his name and saw [Y/N] there calling to him. “Is everything alright? You seem annoyed.”
“Oh. Don’t worry [Y/N].” He told them with a bright, genuine smile this time. “Just taking care of some rats in the garden.”
“Oh no,” they said with a little giggle, “I hope there weren’t too many. I know how much you hate them.”
“Just one.” Barbatos told them. “But they won’t be back. Come, let’s rejoin with everyone and have some tea. I made a special blend I’m sure you will enjoy.”
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Sunburn (Obey Me!)
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My ~personal~ rankings of most to least likely to get sunburned at the beach!
»Characters: Demon bros + Dateables
»Tags: Rankings, Headcanons, Humor
»Notes: Made this for @solomons-poison summer event! Go check it out! ♡
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1. Mammon
No matter how many times you tell him to put some on, he refuses. "It looks funny and I hate the feelin' !" Hours later he regrets it of course and whines about how much it hurts and how it'll affect his modeling gig tomorrow. "I would've helped rub it all over you!"
"W-well why didn't ya say that sooner!"
2. Levi
Actually applies sunscreen but it wasn't enough for the shut-in. He's use to swimming around in his room but he underestimated the wrath of the sun. "Well I'm gonna be in the water most of the time so it's fine!" ...Now he's crying in his room about how normie activities are always a bad idea.
3. Lucifer
This responsible™️ demon put on some sunscreen and laid under an umbrella. He admired the ocean view and shared quite a few drinks, laughing and chatting with Diavolo and the others. He fully relaxed! Once they left to do other activities he grabbed a book and fell asleep...unaware of the Anti-Lucifer Leagues plans. He woke up sunburned with no umbrella in sight. 😔
4. Simeon
Bless this angel, really. All he ever wants to do is help. While helping Luke and some of the others apply some sunscreen, the poor angel forgot about himself and everyone forgot to offer as they one by one went to partake in beach activities! (*shakes fist* a national outrage I say!!)
5. Belphie
Was too lazy to apply any but Beel and Simeon helped. Like Levi, it wasn't enough through out the day though. After a particularly long nap in the sun, he too woke up sunburned. (To Lucifers amusement of course lmao)
6. Beel
Might've sampled the sunscreen because it smelled really good. Small sunburn. Occasionally forgot to reapply and the poor thing should've gotten a stronger spf. He also missed a few spots when he tried to apply it himself when Belphie or Simeon were unavailable. 😔
7. Satan
Gets only a tiny sunburn, nothing too noticeable. He would forget to reapply every so often due to being so absorbed in his book but his sunscreen was a particularly good one, perfect for his skin type.
8. Diavolo (Everyone from here on is tied)
Barbatos would never let Diavolo get sunburned. He had the Little Ds help apply sunscreen to the giant demon before they left for the beach. If it weren't for Barbatos though, the demon would forget to apply some through out the day due to having fun.
9. Barbatos
Failing to apply sunscreen to Diavolo or himself would tarnish his name, it'd be unbefitting for a butler and he would never be able to forgive himself. He is meticulous on how it's applied and when and only uses the absolute best he can get.
10. Luke
There is no way Simeon (or anyone) would let the young angel play around without sunscreen. They make sure to apply every half hour & keep him hydrated. He complains about it of course and just wants to go back to play in the water or make sand sculptures.
11. Solomon
Asmo took his chance and helped the sorcerer apply sunscreen. There was not an inch that was not properly applied and he made sure to re-apply through out the day. 🤭 If it weren't for Asmo though, this man would burn and brush it off.
12. Asmo
You will never see this man sunburned. It does not exist. He brought all different types of sunscreen, re-applies, and still limits his time in the sun. The day he gets sunburned is the day he never gets seen again.
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Who would you help apply sunscreen? 👀
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demonlovingsheep · 1 year
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Imagine if Solomon is Nightbringer. Point being:
-Future Solomon knows MC’s relationship with the brothers well. So does Nightbringer.
- He is also the first to reach out to us. Wouldn’t it be easier for him to ask Barbatos to contact us and pull our ass back?
Some of y’all may want to argue that if Solomon is the past Solomon, why didn’t he remember the beef he had with Barbatos?
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He DOES. You’re telling me he can remember some ancient ass spells and can’t remember the beef that got the time demon to despise him. X to doubt. Would he really tell you his true motive? After all he is the witty sorcerer.
More proof? Nightbringer is brought up at one point in the lesson too. Some dead person said that Nightbringer told them their prophecy and that MC has the capability of fulfilling it. So Nightbringer do know the power MC has.
- Why is this being brought up? Who else is messing with the past like Nightbringer is? Solomon. Like him casually saying that they should avoid doing anything that messes with the future but also making a pact with Asmo and yet no consequences. He’s fine.
- Maybe past Solomon also heard about his prophecy from Nightbringer.
- Not to mention he doesn’t really act the same as he did in the present. Given that Solomon did live for a long time, it’s safe to assume that he knows a thing or two about capturing one’s heart, whether human or demons.
Want even more proof? Who’s the one narrating the Prologue Movie? Solomon.
Not to mention the lines from it:
“With a flurry of trumpets from his king, the demon appeared.”
- The only king we ever known is probably the Demon King (Diavolo’s dad) but would he really care about some human? Not likely.
- However in biblical textbooks, Solomon is referred to as King Solomon. He also mentions somewhere in season 2 in the original game that he did build a large “house” (looks at castle in the video that is not likely the demon lord’s castle 👀).
- King of the time demon, perhaps a pack master?
I believe his plan goes like this:
Send MC back to the past to his past self.
No brother is gonna cockblock them since they live under the same roof and the brothers are not familiar with MC yet.
Flirty sorcerer becomes the only source of comfort, only one MC can rely on.
Use MC as a tool to gain respect. If his apprentice is strong enough to handle the seven demon brothers, it’ll make other demons see him as more of a threat.
Persuading them to stand by Humanity. Who is the only human other than MC we know? Solomon. Standing by humanity means he wants us to stand by HIM.
But that’s just a theory. A game theory! And cut.
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This oneshot was originally posted on my second wattpad account and I wanna post them here instead because I know ppl will see them
Gamer Boy Friend
Genshin Impact one-shot
{streamer!venti x fem!reader}
"Venti Bro! I'm here!" Y/n exclaimed kicking open the door to the male's bedroom with plastic bags full of snacks that both of you enjoyed with huge grin on your face.
Said male turned in his chair to look at her and gave her a signal to wait a moment. "Sorry chat, my friend came over with food. Gotta talk to her real quick." Venti said to his stream chat taking off his face cam and muting his mic then his cat ear headphones.
"Sorry, Venti. Didn't know you were streaming." Y/n said a bit panicked.
Venti chuckled. "It's fine. Calm down, you got what I ask for?" He asked.
"Oh! Yeah, yeah I did! Here, it's all in this bag." Y/n said handing him the bag in her left hand.
"Awesome. You're so sweet, thank you." Venti said with a smile walking back over to his desk.
"So, I'll leave you to it then." Y/n said making her way towards his bedroom door.
"Wait, hold on. Stay for a bit." Venti said.
"Okay, if I'm not going to be a bother." Y/n said.
"Of course not. You never are." Venti said blushing a bit at the last thing he said.
"Kay. I wanted to spend time with you anyways." Y/n said plopping onto Venti's bed.
Venti watched her get comfy on his bed with her snacks be her side. Venti turned his chair away from the girl on his bed with a slight blush on his face, he sighed. He put his headphones back on, he didn't unmute or turned his cam back on since he knew that his chat was going to say something.
He's liked Y/n for years now and it's getting bad to the point where he doesn't even want her around. But, she doesn't know that. After calming down his heart and his red face, Venti unmuted and turn on his cam.
"Sorry that took so long chat, now where were we." Venti picked up where he left off for 20 minutes until chat saw Y/n in background and they went off.
sadboi24: barbatos? who's that?
fancycat34: girl 😳
shadowdestiny: is she your friend or something?
edgylord69: girlfriend? 👀
inkymaster: x to doubt 😑
monkelord: she look good tho 🫦
kaylovesbarbatos: oh nah, she better not be his girlfriend
samtheman: bro 👆🏼 that's toxic
Venti looked over at chat since he noticed how fast it was going, his bluish green eyes widened at the chat asking who Y/n was he looked over his shoulder at the woman, who was chilling on his bed scrolling through her phone, munching on snacks.
'Damnit! She's in face cam range. Okay, Venti play it cool.' Venti thought. He took a deep breath and thought about what to say.
"That's my friend, Y/n, Chat. Don't worry about her, we're just hanging out." Venti said.
"Eh? Not really but sure you can say that!" Y/n chuckled.
Venti's mic picked it up and chat went wild. Saying how much they like her voice and saying she's funny with that sarcastic comment. Venti huffed, rolling his eyes.
"Chat, you're here for me not her. Stop simpin'," Venti turned his chair over to Y/n, who was smirking at him. "And you stop trying stealing my viewers!" He shouted.
"Wow, dude chill," Y/n said getting up from her spot on Venti's bed and walked over to him. She took a seat in his lap, taking his headphones of his head and putting them on her. "I am stealing your viewers." She smirked.
Venti blushed not just from her bold actions but the fact that she's just hijacked his stream. "Hello, chat! Venti.exe is not working at the moment so I, Y/n will be taking over." Y/n laughed as chat went crazy
Venti groaned, snatching his headphones from Y/n's head. "Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Stop it, Y/n." Venti mumbled softly, he was still a bit flustered since she was still in his lap.
"You're no funny, Venti." Y/n said.
Chat was going off on how cute the two were together and started to ship them.
"Don't call me Venti when I'm live. I'm Barbatos." Venti said.
"But that's your real name, Dummy. Venti is your nickname." Y/n said raising an eyebrow.
"Shut it, don't tell them that!" Venti exclaimed.
Y/n scoffed. "Whatever you say, Barbatos." Y/n said.
Venti sighed. Y/n frown then perked up again as an idea popped into her head.
"You know since we're live right now. That means I can finally do this." Y/n said turning to face Venti grabbing both sides of his face and pulling him into a kiss.
Venti's heart rate increased as his face flushed red when the girl he's been in love with for years is kiss him, live on his stream in front of thousands of people. He melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling her closer. It was sweet and passionate kiss so there was no doubt in Venti's mind that Y/n felt the same about him as he did her.
Once Y/n pulled away, mostly for air, Venti and Y/n's foreheads touched as they looked into each other's eyes paying chat no mind as it moved at light speed.
"You sneak..." Venti trailed off then chuckled. "That's why I fall for you in the first place."
"Good! 'Cause you're never going to get rid of me." Y/n said to Venti, wrapping her arms around his neck to hug him.
"Would never dream of it." Venti said with smile.
~End Stream~
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jinkicake · 1 year
Yeah the aether brainrot is real😭 guess you have to create the change you want to see in the world😔😔 like he’s such a boy and idk what other way to describe him, truly the Giovanna effect. He’s really the “am i going too fast for you?🥺 want me to slow down” while he’s folding you in half; he’s so pretty and he knows it!! He has that smile that’s so warm and trustworthy the “he would never hurt anyone” smile and it’s the exact same one he will use when he’s overstimulating you until your eyes are permanently at the back of your head. Very much “I won’t reveal my true secrets or intentions until necessary” vibes. And he’s the beloved traveler! Why would they think he’s knuckles deep in you at a dinner with ningguang?? Why would anyone have reason to suspect he’s at the top of wangshu inn covering your mouth so they don’t hear your screams?(Xiao knows and definitely sees and that’s probably why he does it) like he has a pinch of “and what about it🤨” bc he would probably bend you over a statue of the seven and not flinch bc what are they really gunna do😭 eating you out in the hands of barbatos when it’s pitch black outside and the only one who would be around is that bard; knowing zhongli on the clock and having you ride him as he sits on the statue and they can hear it all. Lmao everyone knows your a slut but you like he does this but not a soul will say anything to you but they know you’re the travelers play thing. Wonder why the electro archon and the shrine maiden can’t look you in the eyes for more than a second 🤔 will tell you you’re imagining things.will give a demonstration if asked tho he has an exhibitionist streak. “I don’t do anything unless you ask me” bitch 😒 I hate him!! I hear everyone’s “his hair is down during sex” and I raise you: what if he keeps it in a braid or in a bun. Like if he’s fighting and his king ass hair isn’t getting caught in anything he’s not gunna take it down when you can still pull on it. Would also look suspicious if you came back form a commission limping and he didn’t look put together. Ik Lisa knows and by w jean and Kaeya too so they’re like 😳🫢 the entire time they talk to y’all. Jean is stuttering her way through asking him to check out some nearby ruins and you’re asking her if she’s feeling okay😭 Kaeya is holding back a laugh but if you look at him he will evaporate, like they can’t say they heated you creaming on his dick in the forbidden section of the library😔😔 so they just gotta pretend like everything is normal while sunshine boy is smiling like he’s never done anything wrong a day in his life😊 his song gotta be Handstand specifically the dojacat verse👀👀 abyss aether definitely likes a crowd you can’t tell me he wouldn’t give direct orders while you’re falling apart in his lap💀he don’t care who walks in. What if he were in the same universe as tracer aether like a clone Albedo👀 let me not think about that too much😭 he’s a menace and loves to asset dominance any way possible, him using everyone’s visions to beat her showed me that he isn’t letting his full potential being sealed away stop that!!
no aether is so sick... he pretends to be concerned about you but then continues to do the thing that's causing your brain to melt!
like 'I'll stop, don't worry' when you're crying from overstimulation but then he's continuing to play with your clit until your legs spasm and you start to sob
yeah i get the aether appeal bc he seems so sweet and that is how he gets you! yandere!aether is real!!! he makes you think he is a normal dude but then the next morning you're tied up to his throne and he's like 'good morning!'
now personally if aether had me on top of the inn and xiao was only listening in... i would personally jump off the building bc xiao has to join in like ill cry... like GET OVER HERE THERE IS ENOUGH ROOM... matter of fact, i might push aether off the roof for xiao like he'll survive it's fine! sorry xiao got the better of me- now its just me and xiao hehehe but still two is better than one so i want both!
wait a min i know youre thinking of traveler aether and im thinking of abyss prince aether.... but i need to jot down that idea of him fucking you against the statues bc that goes perfect w the yandere!abyss prince i got going in my head right now.... that will be my dream for tonight and what i fall asleep to!
i think he keeps his hair up during... ya know.... like it's too long and would be suuuch a mess to keep down... it would just get in the way!
naurrrr aether is so sick if he acts like nothing happened while you're limping and bruised up like everyone would believe him if he said nothing was wrong omggggggg
sighhh thinking abt the abyss prince just wow-
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Can we have an Mc that has a pact with Diavolo and Barbatos , and commanding them to cum in public as well 👀👀
Oooh, my first poly! Oh I ship Diavolo and Barbatos so hard, I love this request thank you! (Please let me know if you wanted them separately!)
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Ordering Diavolo + Barbatos to cum in public
You had gotten pulled into going to party with Diavolo, Barbatos of course would be there too, you looked forward to hanging out with both your boyfriends, you just wished it wasn’t a some huge party.
You had to get all dressed up and you didn’t care for the outfit Barbatos picked out for you, but he said it had to be formal. He chose Diavolo’s out fit too, though he did look good. Diavolo had you stay by his side with Barbatos for most of the night, you were sitting next to Diavolo, off to the side so you three had done space, and haveway through the night, you got bored, you started to fidget with the pact mark on your hands. You glanced at Diavolo, he looked back at you and smiled.
“Diavolo,” You say, smiling, getting his full attention. “Be a dear and cum for me.” You purred out. He tensed up, biting his lip to try to quiet his moans, subconsciously rutting his hips up. His wings drooped as he panted. “You are so lucky the music is loud or someone would have heard you.” You whispered into his ear. He shuddered at that and leaned against you.
You heard a growl and turned to lock eyes with Barbatos, who looked pissed. He leaned down to whisper to you. “(Y/n), I’m sure you’d much rather being doing something fun right now, but you can’t play these games with the prince of Devildom. You’re going to get him in trouble and-“
You cut him off with a kiss, pulling away ruffling his hair. “Aww, what’s wrong? Are you jealous? Fine, I’ll give you attention too.” His eyes widened when you glanced down and he tried to protest.
“(Y/n), don’t-!”
“Cum for me.” You ordered, hearing Diavolo chuckle behind you, Barbatos keened at an embarrassing volume, he hid his face in your shoulder, panting. You took a quick look around to make sure no one had heard that, you didn’t want to get caught, just have a little fun.
“Darling,” Diavolo piped up, pulling you into his lap and dragging Barbatos over as well. He was purring, you could feel it through his chest onto your back, it felt nice. “I want to see Barbatos cum again.”
Barbatos immediately barked at Diavolo, his face bright red as he glared at you the second you were about to speak. “D-don’t! Don’t you dare!” You pulled him into a kiss and wrapped your arms around him, he leaned against you, it seemed as though he might fall asleep on you.
He seemed to relax, and you gave him plenty of time to catch his breath before giving Diavolo a kiss. Diavolo gave you a smile and glanced over at Barbatos, glancing back at you. You nodded.
“Barbatos,” You purred out, seeing him glance up at you. “Cum again.” He whimpered, you had to hold back a laugh as he started grinding against you.
“Ok, that’s enough.” Diavolo chuckled out, pulling Barbatos closer and gave him a kiss. You smiled up at him.
“Actually, Diavolo. I want you to cum again.” He choked out a moan and thrusted against you. “There now we are good, it’s only fair I make you two cum the same amount, right?”
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qierxing · 2 years
Ayo o-o I have an idea for a yandere Lord diavolo fic:
Mc arrives in Devildom and is learned to have a blessing that specific magic cannot affect them (Barbatos power specifically, reason is because of Lilith), Diavolo is instantly interested in Mc and wants to get to know them and the longer they knew each other Diavolo slowly grows a deep 'love' for Mc. Mc realizes Diavolos feelings for them, so they vanish without a trace and no matter what Lord Diavolo does to try and find them it does not work, and even Barbatos cannot help them with it. A few years later, he finds a maiden and falls in love with them, and slowly the fire for mc slowly vanishes until... When he helds a party for an anniversary with being together with his maiden, he sees in the distance, Lucifer talking to someone and barely sees who he is talking to no wait it is..... Mc, it seems like Lucifer and Mc is having a great time talking to each other, as if they never stopped communication with each other.... "Did Lucifer ever say about Mcs disappearance?! No.. I never cared to say to him about it.. Did he know....." The fire that has recently burned out suddenly is awaken again to the point it erases his love for the maiden... this time, he won't let Mc escape his grasp, and might punish the bros if they knew MCs 'vanish' .
Had to let this marinate for a bit, deviated slightly from the prompt, but this was a fun little warmup anon, I likie! 👀 I use MC's default name in this since reader is not MC
Word Count: 603
Yan!Diavolo x Reader
"It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved."
Yuki told him that, when he didn't come out of his castle for days. When he made Barbatos take his paperwork from his office and asked Lucifer to substitute for his appearances at significant events.
A human saying, they said, that was common amongst the grieving. A sentiment that it's better to have at least held love for someone you truly cared for, than to close your heart off and store it in an icebox.
He couldn't bring himself to feel grateful though.
Heartbreak, he quickly learns, is a fickle mistress. Some days he feels perfectly fine, able to go out and see his subjects and do his work with no problem at all. On the bad days, the really bad ones, he'll see a hellfire rose or a flash of familiar looking hair and instantly feel numb, chest tightening as he fights back the urge to scream and cry. Oftentimes, he's had to excuse himself much to the confusion and worry of others.
Why did you leave?
It's a question his mind can't let go of, even though he knows better. No amount of work, council meetings, or talking with others could distract him from that awful looming question in his mind, churning like the dark waves of Hell's ocean.
Even as news of him and Yuki break out, his mind doesn't process the congratulations he receives from the brothers, or the angels, or from Solomon. Yuki is kind and warm, but even they probably knew that his heart could never truly recover, the way they looked at him pitifully.
He would like to say that he moved on. That he loved Yuki like he did with you, but that would be an outright lie. If you saw him now, you would've punched him in the arm and dragged him out the door immediately, scolding him for being so hard on himself. You never would have pitied him, not like Yuki and the others, who only saw someone who could never fall.
You never…
Would have willingly left him, is what he thinks, as his eyes rivet upon the sight before him.
People often made fun of the way you laughed, you told him once, in private. You weren't in a good mood then, a rare sight for even you. But you had smiled so brightly, when he told you that he loved your laugh.
And he still loves it, even if it's not directed at him but at Lucifer, of all the beings here.
He thinks he's dreaming, that the bright chandelier flames have made him hallucinate your visage in the glitter and shine of silk and satin. But the longer he stares, the more he realizes that you're wearing a elegant outfit, meaning you've prepared for this ball, that your hair is done in a tasteful way, and your eyes are lined with eyeliner and the more and more he takes in, his chest starts to hurt more and more.
He wants to scream why, why, why are you back, just when his heart was a little bit thawed from the freezing empty cold you abandoned it in. When he was doing so well in pretending he could love someone else other than you.
No matter, he thinks to himself. You're back, and that's all that matters. Everything aside, he just needs to make sure this doesn't happen again. Whether it be through chains or hexes, he won't let you leave him so easily again.
He'll start with your right leg, he thinks, as he stalks toward you.
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https-sen · 3 years
A golden eyed MC? 👀
I just started following you (literally) and saw you only had 1 ask so here ya go!!! :D
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a/n: usbsjsjs im so sorry i delayed this i was too lazy and brain dead 😿 usvshs ur so sweet omfg 😭 i hope ur staying healthy, hydrated and safe <33
-the writer that didnt bother building up her ur+ diavolo
Golden Stares
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You were fine with the interesting looks you got back in the human world but in Devildom it was different. People would compliment you instead of calling you a freak. Mammon himself was super protective of you before you got the attention of the students of RAD but now? Holy shit, he's ready to fire and charge daggers at whom dares approach his dear human. The other demon brothers however, find it amusing and poke fun at him this way.
But that doesnt mean youre safe from them. They like to hug you or spend time with you and that pisses off each one of them. Simeon, Luke and Solomon are your dearest friends and you spend time with them a lot at Purgatory Hall. You were well liked, which was a surprised to yourself since you werent accepted back in the human world. You were kind, self-less and friendly to everyone which made them warm up to you (although you dont let anyone copy your homework 🤓).
Lord Diavolo himself finds you fun and "cool", so does his butler Barbatos whom loves to help you cook and bake. That aside, here was a small rumor that was spread and it was about you. You were no ordinary human and you were extremely powerful. But seeing you were uncomfortable and kept on keeping to yourself, the demon brothers went out of their way and made the rumor about you come to a stop. But what if it was true? The future is the future, and this is the present. All you could do was wait for the calls and golden stares to come.
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this one is a bit of a mystery more than a normal fic but im too tired to do anything lmfao sorry 😭😭 please give me a follow, like and reblog if you enjoy my content! it helps out my small acc ☺️
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cupaholic · 2 years
MC is alone with Lucifer, Lord diavolo left MC with them to go to a meeting.. Or did he?
".. Lucifer...." MC grabs something unfamiliar from the med kit... It looks like... A healing potion? MC pours a few drops to Lucifers mouth and..
Lucifer suddenly wakes up and gasps for air, MC quickly reassures him that everything is okay.. But MC notices something... The cabinet is slightly open...?
MC opens the cabinet and it's just... plates..? They are about to close it but then sees... A small transparent bottle...? They slowly take out the small bottle and when they pour some of it on the nearest plant and.. It looks... similar to the liquid that MC saw on Lucifers mouth just now... "W-Wait.." MC turns to Lucifer
"L-Lucifer... Who did this to you...?"
"I cannot recall... I was blindfolded and tortured.. I recalled that I manage to escape out of sheer luck and I don't even know how I got here.. "
"D-Do you remember how you escaped?"
"I remember taking off my blindfold and I saw the opportunity to take the key.. I rushed out of the door and quickly ran through the hallways and hiding in the process, but I can't remember what I was running from... what was I... dammit... I can't remember anything"
"I-Its fine... Lucifer... You just woke up... and..... ..... How are you feeling..?"
"A headache, a bit dizzy..."
"Maybe you should rest... Maybe then you can recall what happened..."
"I agree.."
(🧢 anon, 👀 lezz goo)
diavolo waves his hand, signalling for barbatos to close the door. "you let him escape."
barbatos smiles, his face revealing nothing. "it was a negligence on my part."
diavolo frowns, before transforming into his demon form. "it seems i've been too lax lately, if you've forgotten your place." diavolo's face shifts as he continues. "especially since lucifer has been taking this time to seduce my darling. tell me- what does this future lead to?"
barbatos smiles, before explaining this timeline.
"i suppose that this ending is... unsatisfactory for your grace?"
diavolo practically growls. "unsatisfactory? my darling going off with that pathetic avatar of pride, you call that unsatisfactory?"
diavolo stands up, towering over barbatos. "change it. now."
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