#SORRY. childhood friends gets to me
chompe-diem · 1 year
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he’s a special kind of pathetic <3
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topnotchquark · 4 months
Nico saying that Lewis gives his daughters boxes of presents every Christmas just got caught in my mind.
Imagine you were a mixed race boy born in Hertfordshire, different from everyone else around you. Bullied in school, being raised by your father to compete in a sport where money is very much of essence and you and your family do not have a lot of it. And then you meet this other boy who comes from the kind of life you dream to live one day. You're friends and fierce competitors. You find solace in each other. You visit Monaco for the first time with your friend, dreaming up the life you will have when you make it, when you beat out of the mould that the world thought it could capture you in.
And then you two grow through the ranks and you're at the pinnacle of your sport and you have what it takes to win and the world recognises that you can win. And you win. You win with your friend and fiercest competitor by your side fighting with you for those wins, and this fighting ruins something something that was valuable to both of you when you were still innocent and unsullied by life.
But despite everything that went into the doing and undoing of this relationship, you still realise that this person you once called a friend has a life and family beyond your bitter dynamic. He has children, and children need love and affection and good memories. And you're a better man now so you understand that. So you make sure the kids get gifts on Christmas. And you make sure of it every year. Afterall, if you met someone you loved deeply when you were both kids, wouldn't you feel a pang of nostalgia when they had kids. Wouldn't you try to extend the warmth that you couldn't find for your friend to his children. Afterall, whatever happens during childhood basically remains with you forever.
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caelanglang · 1 year
dear diary… one day I met the little prince…
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but just as the storybook said… we got separated… all I know is that somewhere out there… we see the same stars…
ps. they found each other again...
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Plush Pep's travel in Europe (more photos below the cut)
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I wish I could have took more pictures with him but I was a little too socially anxious to haha. Maybe next time!
(I posted some of these photos like a month or two ago on reddit, so don't mind if you've seen the pisa tower pics before)
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jjkyaoi · 9 days
LOVE ships that are best friends first and lovers second. childhood friends to lovers is my absolute shit. i know everyone loves enemies to lovers rivals to lovers whatever but i love people who just know each other inside and out. who, when they’re together, are still silly and friendly first and foremost. the type of relationship that can have slap fights and know every single intimate detail about each other. who are constantly glued together and sometimes speak at the same time like freaky twins in a horror movie. i love friendship as a deep aspect of love u bitches js don’t get it
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The first time Eddie says he loves you is freshmen year when you order him a meat lover's pizza. 
He’s still asleep, sprawled out on the couch in a way you know must be uncomfortable but he slumbers on through the phone call and the door opening. Only waking once you gently shake him and set a plate on his lap. He looks around for a moment, still disoriented as he squints at the plate before slowly picking it up and then bringing the pizza to his mouth with a hum. Mumbling a “I fuckin’ love you man” with a mouthful of food as you sit down next to him. 
He says it often, after that. Each time you cover a bill, help him study, or race to the Hideout to hand him whatever equipment he had forgotten back at the trailer. 
Each time he picks you up or rents a movie is done with a dramatic frown lined by his voice huffing. “You’re lucky I love you, you know that?” 
But he doesn’t truly say it until senior year. 
When your friendship had become more. After shared woes of lacking romance and desire on the night of homecoming turned into wandering hands and cautious kisses with “is this okay” mumbled against skin that turned into matching hickies hidden under his hellfire t-shirt and the creaking of bed-springs in his trailer damn near every night. It turns into that black lipstick he loves so much smeared against his neck as you straddle his lap and curl your fingers in his hair. 
It isn’t until he’s snapping his hips against yours, fucking into you on a random Thursday night, so delirious on the feeling of your soft cunt gripping his cock and your lips against his that he moans out “I’m in love with you” without realizing he had said it out loud. 
It isn’t until he feels your hands twitch and you pull away to ask “wait, what did you say?” that he his heart drops. 
Tears brim in his eyes as he stutters out excuses as a rapid fire speed. 
He didn’t mean to. 
He was just kidding. 
He didn’t say anything. 
You misheard him.
Anything to save it. Save the relationship. The friendship that he spent years wishing would become more but never acted on because he’d rather you be his best friend than not in his life at all. The one he didn’t want to fuck up just because he was a lovesick fucking moron who didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut and now he’s scared you off for good. 
But then your hands reach out and cup his face, thumbs wiping away his wears as you lean forward until your bare chest is pressed against his and Eddie realizes then you’re crying too. 
“Say it again?” You ask him. That voice he’s laughed and sang with, pleading to him in a tone so soft and broken his heart bleeds. “Please, Eddie?” 
Eddie Munson holds you with trembling hands as he tells you he’s in love with you, and finds ecstasy when you say it back.
Now, the Freak of Hawkins does not only say he loves you. He announces it. Every day he drops you off he hollers it out of the van window with an accompanied honk of his horn, he screams it into the mic of a dingy bar with only three patrons, including yourself, watching him play with his band. He mumbles it into your ear as his hands creep up your waist in a setting entirely too public for him to be so confident in sharing this affection. He moans it against your neck at night, crying it out each time you ride his cock and each morning when you have to pull his head away from your cunt beneath the bed sheets with a wet grin before getting up to make breakfast. 
It’s his greeting, his goodbye, his melody and his battle cry. Days may come where you feel exhausted and desperate, but never do you feel unloved. 
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wikitpowers · 1 month
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i really don't care if this is an unpopular opinion - but i wanted lucie and matthew to end up together so freaking badly :'))
artist: @camisala01-art
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paunchsalazar · 9 months
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neck and neck in the bottom awards
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pokimoko · 5 months
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Listening to instrumentals from the silly doo-wee-ooo show is actually something that can be so painful.
#doctor who#doctor who music#murray gold#segun akinola#musings about music#this is specifically about 10's theme in vale decem. the long song in 11's regen piece. and clara's theme in face the raven / clara's diner#i get psychic damage everytime i simply hear the use of the motifs elsewhere because of the tragic associations those sadder renditions hav#obviously these songs aren't the only examples in doctor who but they are by far the most emotionally devastating ones for me personally#and obviously it isn't just leitmotifs either. basically hearing any piece that played during a sad scene gets to me.#how are you supposed to explain to your coworkers that you're tearing up because of instrumental sound association?#'yeah sorry these violins and humming sounds summoned vivid images of my favourite character dying/leaving and it made me sad'#love that composers can just straight up pavlov bell your emotions by getting you to associate a melody with a sad scene#an addition to this is doctor who instrumentals that make me nostalgic because I associate them with my own past#like 'this is gallifrey: our childhood. our home'. that song was one of my alarms for a good long while back when i was 15ish#so it kinda transports me back to that time in my life whenever i hear it. music really is its own little kind of time travel#i am very much looking forward to the continuing psychological damage murray gold will inflict upon me in the new season#and to have previously uplifting character leitmotifs used against me and forever be contaminated with sad feelings. love to see it#(also: not a instrumental but damn 'the stowaway' has no right being as good as it is. who knew a christmas sea shanty could sound so great#apologies for this probably niche-ish post (is it niche to know ost title's by heart? asking for friend). just feeling things about music
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lolpsxd · 28 days
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i cant believe i bought this piece of art for just like 5 dollars
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bright-eyed · 4 months
Today someone who i thought didn’t like me told me I’m a calming presence and that i always say things to them that make them feel better (like “don’t be sorry, that makes sense” etc) and idk that’s nice. I try to do that but i feel like i mostly fail so i guess that’s nice to know other people don’t see it like that
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horatios-mom · 4 months
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Tomoe’s KF card & Girl’s Blossom Project you will always be famous
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wildflowercryptid · 4 months
if i was toshiro, i never would've fumbled a bad bitch like hien...
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ben-the-hyena · 5 months
Had a very good day, good news kept coming, time to go to bed with a smile-
*finds out a NOTP became semi-canon because of the main crew who decided to randomly post ship art years later on their social*
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 5 months
Csptaineer art request 5. admiring them from afar
dear anon, I know you asked for art but I had intended these as writing prompts! however!! I may doodle something for this later anyway, because it's cute :3
and still, never do we tire of watching stars glow
head engineer mark x reader (the captain) | words: 877
For as long as you'd known him, he'd always had a certain look of awe about him when it came to space:
When you were kids, huddled up in blankets watching a documentary about The Solar System while you shared a bowl of cookies.
And as teens, laying side by side in the dry summer grass, gazing up at the stars dotting the sky, laughing and pointing out constellations and making up stories about what it would be like when you got to be among them. 
And as cadets, the first time you voyaged beyond Earth's atmosphere.
Now the Captain of a ship he'd built from the ground up, it took you by surprise when you looked up from your data tablet one day to see him gazing at you with that same look of wistfulness and wonder.
His expression lasted for the briefest moment before he registered that you'd seen him, eyes widening and cheeks flushing almost imperceptibly from this distance. He immediately averted his gaze to anywhere but yours, busying himself with whatever he could.
You let out an amused huff, an incredulous yet flattered smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
It was far from the first time you'd caught someone giving you a starstruck or near-mesmerised look, especially within your own crew. But for him to be the one staring like that? The same admiration and fascination that you'd seen in his eyes when he beheld an eclipse, or a meteor shower, or your new home planet, directed at you…? 
You couldn't deny the small flutter in your stomach, or your heartbeat slightly quickening its pace.
You brushed off the thought and continued working, but from then on you couldn't help but keep noticing the awe and longing when he looked at you, whether it be from across a room or in conversation. It made you wonder if this was a recent phenomenon, or if you had simply been blind to it for a long time.
It was one of those moments of catching his warm, starlit gaze in which you were caught off-guard once again.
You met his eyes with the same intensity once you realised he was watching you, raising your eyebrows slightly to get his attention. He looked embarrassed and a little taken aback, as he always did in such scenarios, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he decided whether or not to abandon ship. Instead, his mouth curved into a smile that crinkled his eyes with fondness, followed by a quick wink. 
Now it was your turn to look surprised. 
It's not that the gesture was out of character or that he couldn't be bold when he wanted to. You just hadn't expected it now.
Later, you found it in you to be direct.
‘What's with all the staring lately, Mark?’
His eyes widened at the question. It wasn't particularly like you to be so upfront about something like this.
You watched as your head engineer’s expression turned apologetic and a little guilty, like he'd been caught red-handed.
‘Uhh- I'm sorry. Am I in trouble, Captain?’
You giggled quietly. ‘Nah. I never said I minded, just wondering…’
He visibly relaxed at your response.
‘Oh, well in that case. To be honest, Cap, it's sorta hard to look away sometimes.’
You felt your face flush at this, but were given no pause to utter a reply even if you’d had the words; he continued quickly, as if just realising what he'd said aloud and in the same moment deciding to fully commit to speaking his mind, before he could let himself back out.
‘I just- I love seeing you doing your job, you look so happy and assured. And proud — of everyone you work with, proud that you're part of the team. You're always so willing to help out and listen to what everyone needs. And watching you take command of a situation- You just– you have this aura that screams that you belong here, this is what you were meant to do, and you have a positive effect on everybody around you. We're so lucky and grateful to have you as our Captain.’
And here you are, stunned into silence for a moment. 
He stands there, trying to gauge your reaction, a little flustered himself but steadfast in his confession.
You feel a little giddy, but take a breath to soothe your racing heart, finally composing yourself again as the smile you can no longer hold back paints your face.
‘Thank you, Mark. That's… that's really sweet.’
He grins. ‘Just being honest.’
‘And I feel exactly the same about you, by the way.’ 
He tilts his head in confusion.
‘Watching you in action, it's the same.’
You can see it in his eyes when it clicks.
‘Wait, Captain, are you saying you-’
‘Almost as much as you,’ you chuckle. ‘Except I don't get caught. You could definitely use some improvement in that area.’
He looks away, smile becoming sheepish, the tint on his cheeks you are sure matches yours from only moments ago. 
‘But… like I said,’ you speak up again, drawing his attention back to you. ‘I don't really mind. It is kinda cute seeing your reaction when I catch you.’
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brownandwhat · 9 months
i am no longer the therapist friend
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