#it’s the defeat. the resignation
chompe-diem · 1 year
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he’s a special kind of pathetic <3
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claraoswalds · 10 days
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It's racist, my dear, to be blunt. People come from outside, they think we're all witches and druids. For God's sake, child, you walked into a piece of string!
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twinklecupcake · 1 year
I’m not sure how to articulate it but
The Damsel feels like “This is what you want, isn’t it? This is what you want me to be”
and The Prisoner feels more like “This is what I feel like, this is what I am.”
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I’ve had Friends in Low Places on repeat the last few days and I just listened to the reprise for the first time and Jesus that sure is the sad version huh
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Today's battlegrounds match was deathmatch! Me and my brother were in the Pit Daemons team, my character is Yetzali :3
ty pees-in-cups for your service as you were my final kill asjsdkja
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quibbs126 · 2 months
I want to talk about/draw angst to do with the All Ancients Disappear AU, specifically with the Dark Cacao family (other characters have angst, but they’re the ones I’m fixated on), but I can’t because I don’t have designs for them yet
I’ve at least solidified stuff for Dark Choco’s kid in this AU. He has a son named Dark Syrup Cookie, who’s made of both chocolate and strawberry syrup. He’s 8-10 years old and he listens to and trusts his father (even though he shouldn’t). He does not yet know that his reason for existence is to be a vessel for the sword (but he will eventually)
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lovebunnie · 3 months
happy enough. tim wanted hawk to know he was happy enough. was it enough to not have regrets? was he happy enough to rest peacefully at night? was he happy enough to not need someone who loved him wholeheartedly in return?
make it easy on him. dont let him bury himself in agony, i love him too much to have this weigh on him. mary, make it easy on him when i die because even when he made things hard for me, i loved him for who he was. he was never his worst actions, mary, i loved him and knowing that beyond measure made my life happy enough. it was enough, loving him. it was my greatest honor to know that kind of love, even if only for brief moments. mary, make it easy on him because he was the man i loved, there was nobody other than him for me.
atleast i was happy at all. he cannot say the same.
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
so: theories on who gave John that letter and key and then "vanished?"
could be a lot of folks...
someone who knew Henry (like that one remaining living MoL in 2013)
Henry himself, having set it up before the initiation ceremony gone wrong as an insurance policy, like... ensuring his son would not lose his legacy (thought you'd think John would recognize his own father... unless he was wearing groucho glasses or something...)
or... could it... have been Dean... putting it in his hands from the future? to give him the key to stop the Akrida before it could devour our universe? and then trying piece the history together after the fact?
or even Cas, flapping in from the future on an errand Dean asked him to perform :'D
suppose it could be Chuck, because he's always trying to meddle :'D
but I think once we know that-- who that mystery vanishing person was-- it'll unlock a lot more (literally! he gave john a key!)
and I know they keep saying everything they're doing won't change original canon, but damn, i sure hope that in rewriting the beginning, they're also able to rewrite the end. Because otherwise what is the point?
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ink-sinner · 1 year
i've actually been brainrotting over mess so hard this past week. like?? everything abt her is so??? the way she's written and her dream was intentionally made to be comical and fun, but every time i think abt it everything abt her makes me so sad 😢
she's clearly been abused (by her parents presumably??) and her whole life she's been used and subjected to malice. her p3 and ecb pictures both show her as scared and her ecb even says "stay away from me... stay away from me... stay away from me..." she's actually terrified of the malice she sees, and in a perfect world, she would be just a blacksmith, and someday, a hero would come and save her and the world for her.
but what gets me is that she's accepted no one will come to save her 😢😢 even so, she still chooses to wake up herself. she doesn't want a happy dream where she just ignores her true fears; she wants to eliminate the root cause of all her fears and nightmares — malice in the world. it's so childish, but it's her way of coping.. to blame man's evil acts onto a big baddie to defeat.
it's also still in line with ptn's overarching theme despite the "lol fun silly game" theme,, how do you fix a broken world? some would just destroy it all, some would try to use the law. some do tiny acts of kindness, some run away, some just accept it. it's hard to know what to fix when both the system and the people are messed up — do you start from the bottom to the top, or do you reform the top and it'll bleed down to the bottom? for mess, the way she's decided to fix the world is.. through a misguided attempt to defeat a big bad dragon that is the source of all human malice, which is impossible, but somehow infinitely easier than trying to fix what's broken in every human heart.
but im so annoyed that even after her interrogation, we know nothing abt her!! she lives alone in eastside, she has a forge and a store, she's rich as shit, she's been selling weapons for 2 years. she intentionally provokes people in an effort to harvest malice great enough to cut off malice/her fears. she likes stuffed toys and cute things. what about her history?? why is the data abt her parents unavailable? who are they? what did they do to her? how did they die, how did she awaken? she can harvest malice, so presumably, before awakening, she wished she could remove someone's malice. but what happened that made her awaken? why did she decide that to defeat malice, you must use greater malice??? what is this zoya 2.0?? to defeat violence, use greater violence — to defeat malice, use greater malice?? like???? 😭😭😭😭 she's so mysterious i just wanna know cmon aisno what is this 😭😭😭
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ocdhuacheng · 3 months
wtf @ the new csm chapter
#ooogh a few of my predictions came true. was not fucking expecting the amputation though what the fuck. also fumiko kill yourself#'nothing short of a war will compromise this facility' OOOOOOOOOOGGGHHHHHH BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK THAT WAS SO HOT#asayoru please save my sson........ tho in doing so theyre gonna find out that csm is denji so... rip#wonder if they even know csm is there (maybe fami told them?) and/or theyre just going there to#release all the devils they have captive there#to cause chaos#and denji/csm is just an added bonus. if you wanna call it that. what if they go in expecting chainsaw man#and they just see a broken denji on the hospital bed. what then.#cc#denji#csm#.txt#also........ please reze be here please please please#i think shes held captive here and then gets released by asayoru along with denji and whatever other nonsense theyre gonna let free#cuz i doubt she'd agree to have been working with public safety. i doubt she'd go to the chainsaw man church either.#so i think post part 1 she probably went rogue but maybe she was captured before she could escape#i mean there are some people thinking thats not asayoru at the end but reze. i see you and i hear you. i am still betting on asayoru tho.#feel free to clown on me if im wrong tho. i just think reze is being held at public safety like denji is. if they could even get to her#also i love yoshida he is so different from when we first met him hes so resigned and just. dead.#like contrast this scene with the last time he had denji captured. he was all smug back then but now hes just so resigned and defeated
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oflgtfol · 1 year
like don’t get me wrong tai lung was messed up like nothing justifies going on murder rampages and all that. but that doesn’t mean he’s not sympathetic — like, he’s 100% justified in being so full of rage, it’s just that obviously you don’t go terrorize innocent people when you’re mad. the core emotions were justified but the aftermath wasn’t
which is why sorry he’s still my fave kfp villain in terms of who he is as an individual character, rather than fulfilling his narrative role as the antagonist (shen takes the cake there)
like just imagine being raised since you were a toddler to fulfill this role. like it’s your destiny. your father tells you it’s your destiny to become this role and he trains you for decades of your childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood to reach it. and you train hard, you get injured, you do nothing else but work towards this destiny, because your father tells you it’s what you’re made to be
and then you’re told that actually no it’s not your destiny. and your father just looks away and doesn’t even try to defend you. and in one single moment literally your entire life has been for nothing? working towards a destiny that isn’t your own? who even are you anymore if you not for this? you did all this for your father and in the end he cant even look you in the eye??
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he has every right to be pissed!! just yknow. dont murder people about it
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atlasshrugd · 1 year
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llycaons · 1 year
in a hunger games-style scenario I think that the majority of the cql cast would immediately die because 90% of the main cast are 1. bonkers self-sacrificial for their loved ones and 2. incredibly ready to kill themselves in dramatic ways out of despair. when the dust settles jgy will walk out of it wearing a perfect customer-service smile until nhs snipes him from the shadows
#wwx HAS survived scenarios like this but if his loved ones are involved he's die for them immediately#I don't imagine lwj and wwx fighting each OTHER in that poll I think they'd both rather die#lwj would be hard to take out since he's physically indestructible and not super prone for dying for others#but he's not really got a survivalist instinct and other characters are way more clever than him#IF being able to manipulate people and events matters then nhs is going to win but wwx is also super smart#and he and lwj are op enough to just break out of the constructed setting anyway and walk out together#but that's less fun#anyone remember the crit role battle royales? those were fun#in THAT case. wwx would win due to being so so powerful AND so so smart and wily and clever and inventive#nhs and jgy don't have the physical power to defeat him#nor does anyone else#even lwj. I think#I don't mean to make light of suicide either. in canon they were dramatized and excessive in number#but they were all genuine tragedies and stemmed from legitimate distress grounded in character writing that made sense#mxy wanted revenge. wwx lost everything he loved and felt it was his fault. myu saw her husband fall and was alone#against a horde of conquerers who took her home and were going to kill her next. such a proud and imperious woman couldn't stand that#xxc realized he'd been deceived by someone he abhorred and had murdered dozens of defenseless people#wq and wn were resigned to dying together and paying back the debt they owed to wwx#qin su...okay yeah that was a bad one#but she was also horrified by the reveal about jgy and her son's death#they all made sense! even if they were extreme reactions#cql txp
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izzy-b-hands · 11 months
A moth has kicked me out of my room for the night, but i have the tv downstairs that i can leave on to fall asleep to and that's not so bad
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whimsicalcotton · 1 month
also i. love to pepper in The Horrors <3
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goldentigerfestival · 2 months
I love this. so much.
I just. love Karol's energy. but also Yuri's energy.
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