#Q Soc
fionabrennanartist · 2 years
“...from 1974 onward, students would talk and write about “the Gay Society”.”
Info from the Trinity College website on Q Soc, Ireland’s oldest LGBTQ student society.
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hollow-prior · 4 days
Inej: Kaz is a good person, if you ignore all the things he does on purpose and concentrate on all of the things he does by accident.
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luvrbones · 11 months
love the wesper/kanej/helnik dynamic of “i can fix him”/“he can fix himself”/“i can make him worse”
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shesnake · 1 year
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crystal-mouse · 1 year
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Bonjour Jean Luc!
Thanks @frogayyyy and @gayfour the inspo!
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simplydifficultme · 1 year
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that. lip.bite.................... SIR !!!!!
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iriswords · 1 year
okay, so, Wylan doesn't know how to fight, but I'm certain once he picks it up he's surprisingly good at it
first of all, he's crazy smart, and i'm certain he would understand how this all works in minutes. in close combat, he'd be able to analyze his opponent's moves and predict them. in long-range combat, he'd be able to calculate the trajectory of the weapon he is using, like an arrow or a bullet or whatever.
then, there's the fact he was taught how to dance. he knows how to move his body, how to control it; he is agile and quick on his feet. Inej starts showing him her moves, and he picks up on it very quickly.
let's also not forget he is a musician and a chemist. his fingers too are agile and quick, but they're also crazy precise, and he has a good sense of eye and aim, from throwing all those bombs. Jesper is delightfully surprised when, as he shows Wylan how to shoot, Wylan shoots the target near its center on the second try. 
when, one day, he tries shooting with a bow, he surprises everyone by not only being precise but also managing to shoot the arrows one after the other with impressive speed
anyway, my point is Wylan is a badass and I'm certain he would be great at any kind of fighting once someone takes the time to teach him correctly (and once he pushes his insecurities away)
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the-lefthanded-fate · 7 months
The fact that all the crows will never be on screen together is SO SICK actually
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aroaceofthesea · 3 months
Bof esq nose si tornarme a deixar els cabells llargs o tallarmels ja
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minglana · 11 months
reafirmant la meua catalanitat parlant del temps
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Actually straight up if high school was actually about education and not indoctrination then everyone would be required to take sociology and "the state monopoly on violence" and "the protestant work ethic" would be just as deeply ingrained in our brains as "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" and "the green light at the end of the dock"
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hollow-prior · 22 hours
*The Crows are standing around the broken coffee maker*
Kaz: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Wylan: ...I did. I broke it.
Kaz: No. No you didn't. Jesper?
Jesper: Don't look at me. Look at Inej.
Inej: What?! I didn't break it.
Jesper: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Inej: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Jesper: Suspicious.
Inej: No, it's not!
Matthias: If it matters, probably not, but Nina was the last one to use it.
Nina: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Matthias: Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Nina: I use the wooden stirrers to clean my nails. Everyone knows that, MATTHIAS!
Wylan: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Kaz.
Kaz: No! Who broke it!?
Jesper: Kaz... Wylan's been awfully quiet.
Wylan: REALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Kaz, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Kaz: 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats.
Kaz: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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luvrbones · 1 year
no offense but idk if i’ve ever seen anything hotter than freddy carter in the fucking “i buried him. six feet deep” scene like i stand by the fact that the sexiest thing a man can do is be insane & covered in blood
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
What are some questions you would ask your college professor on the school radio if you found out he was married and never said anything?? 
Asking for a fic I’m working on that features Lim Jaebeom of Got7. Doesn’t even have to be questions about said wife, just any questions really.
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luvring · 3 months
you, me and akaashi, we're a little trio now
You get me. He gets us. and then they read it and leave comments and i can't even bring myself to read them because i'm getting shot with arrows. so then i'm like well if i just get good enough i won't need a proofreader. but how will i get good enough without a proofreader. MISERABLE WORLD. i know keiji's editing is good because he's had to overcome this problem so whatever you're getting is the truth for real.
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
fluff alphabet ( sodapop curtis )
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-> navi. | -> outsiders masterlist
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your attention to detail. you know when somethings wrong, through that carefree façade, and you'll coax an explanation outta him.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your hands, bruh. He loves watching you light your cigarettes, loves watching you fuck up the Socs that talk shit about pony and other people close to you, loves watching you lace your fingers with his, loves watching you.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Sodapop Curtis likes to smother or be smothered. Will 100% lay on tip of you if you let him, and is 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999% willing to have you lay on top of him. In all seriousness, Soda really don't give a fuck whatever y'all are doin as long as ur both together
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Soda will do just about anything with you, so you've got a variety of things you could both do. Personally, Soda really likes when you find some nice grassy field and you're all wrapped up in his jacket or whatever, and you're talking about whatever-the-fuck comes to mind
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Soda is one to wallow in their feelings before doing something impulsive, so you'd be given little to no warning whatever he's doing if he's upset (angry/sad)
Soda feeling cuddly and lovey is a different situation entirely. This guy is clingy and simping and jesus im overwhelmed thinking about the love he smothers you in 😣💞
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Personally, Soda wouldn't be too opposed to having kids, biological or not. He will definitely bust his ass to give his kid the opportunities he didn't/couldn't have, and would the kind of father a lot of people would want
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
With the minimal amount of money this man gets, there is no doubt in my mind he would try his very best to get you a CD or book you've been eyeing
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
ALWAYS, MEIN GOTT. Just hold his hand. He likes it and dgaf if someone says smth to him about it. Soda believes if you truly love someone than you wont be afraid to show that love (and Soda's love language is touch idgaf)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Angry. Angry at whoever decided to fuck with the gang (everyone loves you, especially bc you're Johnny's second fave person ever)
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Like a lot of members in the gang, Soda leans to joking rather than pranking. You both have a lot of inside jokes, and he loves just randomly bringing up said inside joke to see your smile.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Mans puts effort into kissing you its pretty endearing. The way he pants into your mouth suring a makeout sesh is 😏😏😩😩😩😍😍😍😍🤭🤭🤭❤❤❤ and then he whines and pulls you closer than humanly possible with his hands on the back of your neck. i- 🥵🥵🥵❤❤🤭😍😏😍😍🤭😩🤭😩🤭😍💍💍😇😇😇💒💒💒🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🛐🛐🛐🛐
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
By affirmation and physical touch
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
First kiss together. No details.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Soda's worst fears: you/Darry/Pony walking out of his life with no warning and school
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
bros kinda a worrywort
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
he calls you: babe, baby, doll, pretty girl/boy, angel
you call him: pepsi cola, babe, Coca-Cola, baby, sweetheart,
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
-You Found Me by The Fray
-Freaks by Surf Cruise
-Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Will answer almost any question you ask him
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
A year maybe? All depends on your resolve
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Well absolutely bust ass to help him, and will absolutely annihilate anyone that says jack shit about him. He'll get real quiet and only ease up if you or his brothers are there to comfort him.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud that he can call you his. He loves showing you off, even if you insist theres nothing to show off.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Is confident in your ability to fight if you are, but will always look out for you. Soda will definitely fight for you. no comment
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Pretty well, actually. He would observe you for a while before you started dating, and would definitely pick up subtle hints from your body language
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
By proposing to you with a ring pop and then if you said yes you would both go buy a ring
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
you, smoking, sleeping.
sodapop curtis taglist:
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