#Pizza Margerita
Neapel Backstage
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Bezaubernd, betörend, überfordernd
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Stadt der Commedia dell'arte – Der listige Diener Pulcinella
Wie sollte man sich Neapel, der Stadt der Überforderung anders entziehen, als sich ihr zu überlassen. Die Gassen der Vielgeliebten gleichen den Armen einer Frau, die einen umfängt, und mit Haut und Haaren verspeist. Neapel ist anstrengend, erbarmungslos und überfordernd, unmäßig, gnadenlos und stets auf der Überholspur. Wohin man auch blickt, immer begegnet man dem alles überragenden Sehnsuchtsort und der permanenten Bedrohung, dem Vesuv. Nirgendwo anders lebt es sich so nahe an der Katastrophe wie hier. Noch schläft der graue Riese, aber niemand vermag zu sagen, wie lange noch. Er könnte jederzeit erwachen. Der Vesuv ist der am besten kontrollierte Schläfer unter den Vulkanen weltweit. Es ist noch nicht lange her, dass die Phlegräischen Felder, ein Gebiet von etwa zweihundert Quadratkilometer rund um die Vororte Neapels ins Visier der Vulkanologen kamen. Es tat sich was unter der Erde, und die Welt blickte gebannt an den Golf und rund um die Riesenstadt, während die Einwohner lebten so wie bisher - als sei nichts geschehen. 
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Neapel ist schmutzig
Neapel lebt von seinen Kontrasten. Ignoranz und Opportunismus, Kreativität und Unternehmertum, Chaos und die Sehnsucht nach Ordnung – während das anderswo Gegensätze sind, machen gerade sie in Summe das quirlige, bestens unorganisierte Leben in der putzmunteren Stadt aus, deren Überlebensstrategie die Sucht nach Leben ist. Bühne frei also, der Alltag ist bestens inszenierte Commedia dell‘arte: stets überraschend und immer spontan. Alleine die Größe und Dimension des Bühnenbildes steht in keinem Verhältnis zur Enge der Piazettas und Hinterhöfe. Vielleicht ist es ja auch gerade der Gegensatz zwischen den verwahrlosten Gassen und den schicken Kolonaden, dem pittoresken Schrecken der mafiosen Vierteln und dem betörend großstädtischen Lungomare, den Garküchen in Pignasecca oder entlang der Spaccanapoli (der die Stadt durchschneidenden Flaniermeile), und den mondänen Speisetempeln rund um die Galeria Umberto I. 
Glauben und Aberglauben pochen in den Adern der Stadt. Es ist der Puls des Südens, der stets am Überkochen ist. Die Häuser schmiegen sich aneinander, an den Straßenecken quillt der Unrat aus den brüchigen Poren der Fassaden, die Wäschestücke werden quer über die Straßen von Fenster zu Fenster gezogen, und die blau-weißen Fahnen und Wimpel des vergötterten Fußballklubs schaukeln lustig im Wind. 
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... fußballverrückt ...
Fußball - Neapel ist Endspiel. Täglich. Die Stadt ist in den Augenblick verliebt und fußballverrückt wie kaum eine andere italienische Stadt. Und das will was heißen. Der Verein SSC Napoli ist eng mit dem argentinischen Weltmeisterspieler Diego Maradona verbunden, der hier von 1984 bis 1991 aktiv war. Aus dieser Zeit resultieren die ersten beiden der drei Meistertitel des Klubs, sowie der Gewinn des UEFA-Pokals. Seit dem Tod des Fußballgottes im Jahre 2020 trägt die Spielstätte des Vereins den Namen „Stadio Diego Armando Maradona“. An Heimspieltagen gleicht die Stadt einem Hexenkessel, an „fußball-freien“ Tagen ist mindestens so viel los. Neapel hat ein  riesiges hellblau-weißes Herz, das einem Fußball-Laberl gleicht.
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Stufen - Rund zweihundert Treppen winden sich hügelauf und hügelab. Geschäftig wie die Ameisen laufen die Neapolitaner hinauf und hinunter, bepackt wie die Maultiere, ausgelassen schnatternd, an jeder Ecke einen Vino Rosso oder einen Espresso kippend, ein Pläuschchen hier und da und weiter geht’s, immer den höchsten Punkt im Visier, immer zu Späßen aufgelegt, über Wetter und Lotto lamentierend, schimpfend und stöhnend, zankend und scherzend.  
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Stadt der schönen Gassen und der Stufen
Häuser - Kaum wo habe ich so verschiedenartige Stadtbilder serviert bekommen, wie in der Stadt am Rande des Vulkans. Jugendstil, Bauhaus, Klassizistisch oder Renaissance. Ob verfallen oder herausgeputzt, markig oder ruinös – sogar die Stadtarchitektur spielt verrückt und turnt an der Grenze von geschmacklos bis grandios – und gar die Hinterhöfe! 
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Neapels vielfältige Architektur
Kunst - Neapel ist ein einziges Kunstwerk. Das beginnt und endet … in der U-Bahn: „Duomo“ oder „Piazza Dante“, „Cavour“, „Toledo“ oder „Garibaldi“. Von achtzehn U-Bahnhöfen sind immerhin elf ausgewiesene Museen. Aussteigen, bewundern, Rolltreppe rauf, Rolltreppe runter und – weiterfahren. Mit dem Preis eines Tickets kann man einen Tag lang moderne Kunst bewundern: mehr als zweihundert Kunstwerke von insgesamt hundert zeitgenössischen Künstlern stehen im Angebot. Günstiger ist Kunst und Architektur nirgendwo zu bewundern. Die Station „Toledo“ wurde vom spanischen Architekten und Designer Oscar Tusquets gestaltet - der staunende Passagier findet sich am tiefblauen Meeresgrund wieder. In der Station „Dante“ gibt es neben einem dreißig Meter langen Mosaik des italienischen Malers Nicola de Maria, eine ebenso monumentale Arte Povera Arbeit „Gefesselte Schuhe“, in der Station „Universita“ eine knallbunte Rockabilly-Zuckerlwelt… 
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Die Stadt der Kunst, zB in den U-Bahnstationen.
Piazza Plebescito - Früher war’s ein Parkplatz, in den 1990ern besann man sich seiner Geschichte und schuf, ganz in der Nähe zum Castel Nuovo einen der großzügigsten und spektakulärsten Plätze der Welt - der ein geheimnisvolles Spiel bereit hält: Man verbinde sich die Augen und versuche von der Mitte des Platzes aus in gerader Linie zwischen den beiden Reiterstauen auf den monumentalen Marmor-Säulengang der „Chiesa San Francesco di Paola“ zuzugehen. Nicht wundern, das ansteigende Straßenniveau verhindert jeden diesbezüglichen Versuch: Man endet dort, wo man nicht hinwollte: Genau auf der anderen Seite, vor dem „Palazzo Reale“.
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Piazza Plebiscito
Altäre - Nur in Rom gibt es mehr Kirchen als zu Füßen des Vesuvs. Religion, wohin man blickt. Vielleicht auch weil es ständig etwas zu erbitten gilt: Schutz und das Bewahren vor der nächsten Katastrophe. Das letzte große Beben ist ja erst achtzig Jahre her. Altäre gibt es in Neapel an jeder Straßenecke, nicht nur die für den argentinischen Fußballgott. Auch der sehr reale Gott des Kleinen Mannes will angebetet werden. Daneben auch noch der der Automobile …
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Stadt der Altäre ...
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... und Prozessionen.
Untere Stadt - Im Tuffgestein, tief unterhalb der Stadt, verbirgt sich eine andere Welt - die der neapolitanischen Unterwelt, und die hat ausnahmsweise nichts mit der Mafia zu tun, eher schon mit dem weitverzweigten Tunnel- und Hohlraumsystem des antiken Neapels. Unzählige Einstiege in die andere Welt der Stadt führen in das weit verzweigte Netz des Untergrunds. Etwa zwei Drittel der Altstadt sind unterhöhlt. Die Reise führt durch Tunneladern und ausgetrockneten Kanälen, vorbei an Brunnenschächten und Zisternen. Unter der Kirche San Lorenzo Maggiore ist ein Einstieg. Als Platzängstler wähle ich dieses Tunnelsystem, es ist komfortabel, einigermaßen geräumig, dennoch eindrucksvoll genug. Die Unterwelt führt in die verschiedensten sozialen Bereiche der Stadtgeschichte: Straßen, Häuser, Wohnungen, Kreuzgänge und Marktplätze. Man wandelt auf Jahrtausende alten Pfaden kreuz und quer durch die Antike.
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Die untere Stadt
Essen - Pizza Margerita – Spagetti Frutta di Mare – Süßspeise Taralli – Blätterteig Vesuv – Cuopo fritto auf der Piazza Pignasecca (frittierte Calamari, Kroketten, Sardinen)
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Pizza Margerita - Pasta Frutta die Mare - Süßspeise Taralli - Blätterteig Vesuv
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themissbanshee · 4 months
“But now I really love creepy old guys! We all do!” 🪲🧃
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Decided to edit this piece of Princess Margerita being her silly self as well. I really like how it turned out!
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smackdownhotel · 11 months
Tonight’s special
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Pizza 🍕 party 🎉
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terrisredrose · 2 years
Day 47: Starting the month again with a margerita pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza
Not as pretty as my all-time favorite pizza, day 17, but i think it still looks nice.
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nymphaticdream · 21 days
Day 5: April 5th
Food intake: one margerita pizza for dinner (cheat meal of the week so I don’t lose it)
Fast: 22h 🥳
Sport: 2km run
Weight: 62.2 kg
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louisisalarrie · 2 days
I just read something about L’s list of food/drink items when he kicks off the tour again later this week. Hahaha I love it! Margerita pizza after the show. Pasta with tomato sauce with/without chicken. Lasagne. No peas! Vodka, energy drinks, tea, coffee, milk, ibuprofen and paracetamol. Making sure he’s hangover prepared!
God the man is so me! Literally my shopping list….minus the voddie! Can’t stand the stuff. Wine all the way!
It’s like looking after a teen!
He’s so very cute. I don’t have the article, does it say who supplied the info? Was it just a “source”? Because I’d be interested to see if someone leaked it who shouldn’t have hahahha. I have the full doco with way more info than that that I can’t share lol
But yes, that’s all accurate and it was very funny when I saw that for the first time.
In the rider it looks like this (with an underline too):
absolutely NO peas in anything!!!!!!!!!!
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
can I request making pizza w mick, inspired by me today (minus mick)
Part 60. Best Friends to Lovers. MASTERLIST.
"What is all of that?" You asked when you saw him coming in with so many bags.
"We are having pizza"
"There are no pizzas in those bags"
"We are making pizza"
You gasped.
"We? I can't"
"I do. I did one with Prema once. And I've lived in Italy"
"Yeah? That doesn't make you an expert, Mickey"
He chuckled and left the bags on the counter.
"Trust me"
"I do, which pizza?"
"Margerita. The best"
"Fuck yes. This is why we are dating."
"I think we were dating because of our long life and unbreakable friendship that developed into the best and healthy romantic feelings"
You lifted your eyebrow.
"Also that"
He laughed and kissed your lips.
"Let's clean the counter and start"
Soon, you were both mixing ingredients. And then...
"Press your hands more"
Cooking with Mick was truly a dream. He had his arms around you, his strong body on your back as he helped you kneading the dough. Mick was covering your hands with his. And oh. Oooh. He was talking right into your ear.
After the triple header, he wanted nothing more than spending all the possible time with you. So this was like the fifth activity he had planned.
"You are doing so good. Are you sure you've never done it before?"
"Mhm" You answered.
He then helped you to get the dough ready so you could put the tomato, basil and mozzarella. You two were like little kids and decided to draw shapes with the ingredients.
"A happy face" You said putting the last touches.
He kissed your cheek.
"To the oven"
And as the pizza cooked, you two sat on the kitchen, you legs on his laps and his hands drawing on your skin. You were talking about anything and everything, feeling all relaxed and comfortable.
"We should make this a tradition" He said looking at you.
"Handmade pizza on Saturday night?"
He nodded.
"Okay. But I choose the next"
"Which one?"
He bit his lip and groaned.
"I should have let you chose this time"
You giggled and patted his shoulder.
"Next week"
"I'll be away"
"We'll be away so you better take me to the best pizzeria in there"
You leaned and kissed his lips before taking the pizza out of the oven.
It smelled so good and it was delicious, both of you moaning when you had it.
"Perfect" You said. "Best date idea ever"
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callofthefurby · 1 year
"my assumption is they're gonna not want to kill him and they are going to think making him not lonely is going to solve things"
- anthony (s2 ep25 12:39)
this is me reading too much into it
do you think maybe that making him not lonely WOULDN'T actually solve things? and the key is that the real problem is the fear of loneliness because loneliness can become entangled with negative self concept in a way that perpetuates the loneliness?
and maybe the better approach would be that he needs to take accountability (get the divorce for everyone's closure) and work through the idea that him being lonely indicated the situation was hopeless?
idk this is super over interpreting things and he did have a real loneliness HP
but maybe more efficacious things to get down that loneliness HP would be therapy, working on an amicable co-parenting relationship with his ex wife, listening to Margerita Pizza (who wants the divorce for her parents), and him finding other sources of self worth?
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survey--s · 7 months
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What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? "Boy" and Lettie Hempstock.
Do you own a pair of Disney pajamas? No, not anymore.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? The only salad I eat is Caprese - I can't stand lettuce or anything leafy like that - it makes me gag lol.
What was the last place you went out to eat? It was the local pub with my mum.
Do you have a lot of clutter in your home? I don't, but Michael has tons of clutter everywhere and it drives me insane. I honestly don't know how he copes.
What was the last pill you took? 💊 Ibuprofen, I think.
Are you happy with your current doctor? 👩‍⚕️ I don’t have a regular doctor.
Is there a bottle of Benadryl in your medicine cabinet? Nope. Do you take vitamins? When I remember.
Does your hair need to be washed right now? No, I had a bath a couple of hours ago.
What was the last thing you ate? I had a pizza and a cornetto last night. I haven't had anything to eat today.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? 🌭 🍕 Pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? 🍕 Either a classic margerita with proper mozzarella, or a BBQ meat feast style pizza (as long as it's not spicy).
Is your dad a jerk? No, but he can be very blunt and straightforward which means he can be difficult to get along with. He's autistic like me and I think that means we clash sometimes as we're both very stubborn and neither of us like to admit when we're wrong.
What color are your fingernails painted? They’re not.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? No.
What was the last thing you bought at the dollar store? I have no idea, I haven't been to one for about two years. Are prices of things going up where you live? Yeah, most definitely, especially food and utilities. Luckily we can afford things okay but we are having to cut back on stuff like meals out and takeaways as the prices are just ridiculous.
What color was the last carpet you sat on? Grey.
What is your favorite dog breed? Beagles, cocker spaniels.
When was the last time you wore make-up? 💄 Right now, but only a little bit.
What was the last thing you ordered at the last restaurant you went to? Fish and chips.
What was the last thing you wore that was pink? I'm currently wearing a pink t-shirt.
Name three people you know, if any, that currently live in another country. Brandi, Sarah, Hannah.
Name three people you know who are from another country (and what countries?) My parents are from Australia and the Seychelles and I'm currently cat-sitting for a couple who are from Kansas in the US.
What are your grandmas’ names? I'm not putting that on here.
If applicable, who lives across the hall from you? ...
Have you ever heard of “fairy hair”? (It’s tinsel in the hair that gets put in permanently…it’s like tinsel highlights.) No.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? No. Neither of my parents went grey until their forties - in fact, my dad is nearly seventy and still has mostly black hair.
If applicable, how old were you when you found your first gray hair? ...
Do you think you will dye your hair when it’s gone gray? I don't know, my opinion on this changes every week lol.
Do you have a sister-in-law? Yeah, four of them.
Do you have a brother-in-law? Yeah, two of those.
When was the last time you went swimming? 👙 ☀️ About five years ago.
Do you own a bikini? No.
What color is your bike, if you own one? Pink and white, but I haven't ridden it for years and I'm actually planning to sell it sometime soon.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? 🎸 Purple glitter.
What are three places you’ve been on vacation that you’ve enjoyed? Lake Louise in Canada, Sardinia in Italy and Zermatt in Switzerland.
Does your home have carpeted floors? Yeah, it's carpeted everywhere except the kitchen and bathroom.
What color was the last scarf you wore? I don’t wear scarves.
What was the last spicy thing you ate? I don't eat spicy food either.
Do you like sushi? 🍣 Meh, it's okay. I'll eat it but it's not my favourite.
When was the last time you had sushi? 🍱 Several years ago.
Can you see a box from where you are sitting right now? Yeah, there's a kitten sat in it lol.
Would you rather sing or dance? 🎤 💃 Sing, even though I'm not very good at either.
What color was the last sports bra you wore, if applicable? Black.
What is your nicest neighbor’s name? Tina, Chris or Dot. They're all nice enough, though.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? Chef, for sure.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? Yeah, on my right jaw. I'm due my period so I guess that explains it but it bloody hurts.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses.
How many Britney Spears albums have you owned? Zero. I preferred Christina.
What was the first concert you went to? Spice Girls.
Do you like cheese? 🧀 I love cheese, haha.
What are three of your favorite things to sprinkle cheese on top of? Pizza, spaghetti and couscous.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Croissants, doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies.
When was the last time you went to a bakery? 🧁 Thursday.
Do you prefer coffee or chai? ☕️ Coffee.
Do you know what “chai” means? Yeah.
What are three other names you like that start with the same letter as your name? Natalie, Naomi, Nicole.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? I'm really not a very creative person.
Is there a bag or basket of yarn somewhere in your home? 🧶 No. Do you ever wear skirts? No. I've always found them really uncomfortable - I prefer dresses. Do you ever find it hard to live in a world where nobody cares? No, generally I find it easier, to be honest. Would you rather have a tattoo of a skull or a flower? Flower. Have you ever had to take steroids? 💊 No. I've had to give them to the dog though.
What are three of the worst withdrawal effects or side effects you have experienced from a medication? 💊 Nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What are three things you dislike about church? Everything, really. Does your town have a horse and carriage company? Hahah no.
Who are three of the biggest jerks you know? Yeah, I don't really keep notes of things like that.
Have you ever met a Jason that you didn’t like? Yeah.
Have you ever had a friend named Sarah? Yes.
Did you go to school with a Suzy? No, but I know two of them now.
What was the name of the person who bullied you the most in high school Laura. Do you know someone named Matthew? No.
…Mark? Yes.
….Luke? No.
….John? No.
Have you ever been friends with an Ashley? Yes. A male Ashley, though. ….an Emily? Yeah - there were about five girls called Emily in my year at school.
….a Jessica? Yeah, in primary school.
….a David? Yeah, my ex was a David.
Have you ever dated a Matthew? No.
Who was the last person you remember hanging up on you? My mum, but not like, in a bad way.
How’s your heart? Are you wounded? 💔 She’s doing fantastic.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Banoffee.
Are you happy today? Sure, I'm happy enough. I'm tired/cold though.
What time did you wake up this morning? Just before 8am as I had cats to go and feed.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? Sure!
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ephemeriee · 2 years
sorry for beetroot aggression. have you tried it at least? baked root... yum. on a pizza? sounds good .. margerita! i never woulda thought of it. it sounds very good
i like it shredded in a salad but that's about it, i have one friend who makes chocolate brownies that also have beetroot in them and they're surprisingly nice. i'm not a fan of just a large piece of beetroot.
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themissbanshee · 10 months
Something I'm working on right now!
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kiddcharlamane · 2 years
Tagged by the amazing @cndybracelet beloved <3
Relationship status: none
Last thing I googled: I was on the Nijisanji Offical website I don’t remember what I was looking for
Favourite colour: orange! (I like hues of orange, brown and yellow)
Song stuck in my head: F U in my Head - Cloudy June
Favourite food: margerita pizza from nearly everywhere, garlic rolls, samoosas, butterchicken, biryani-
Current time: 10:18am
Dream vacation: a week or two away camp/hotel stay/roadtrip with my friends.
Something I want: having all my financial needs met with enough excess to be able to travel whenever I want to whereever I want for however long
I tag well, anyone who wants to do it <3
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adzizi · 2 years
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Corn Pizza & Thai Glass Noodle #foodporn #sedapgiler #brunch #thaifood #italianfood #meetingfood #syawal2022 #backtowork #fyp #MyFoodie (at Grand Margerita Holiday Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdpFEBPvIps/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anony10298 · 3 years
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Not Margherita (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1115208289-not-margherita?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Anony10298&wp_originator=lsjPCZsapuG5FK%2BNyQkTp1ybC%2BV1aR9ia5v3rJPHxCkvQZEkxuhGX1smhgoRnsqOOt3uQuY69ZP1mdg7C2FI6xYb6DyoykFZgg9wMhoB%2FDXHq%2Fx4Yj8hFfQcoCrQrjEF Margherita or Sweet Corn? Neither.
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theoryoffood98 · 5 years
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ferty-redshield · 6 years
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Italian Pizza @ Dig Brew, Digbeth, Birmingham
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