#Peace Talisman +1
iustitians · 4 months
[SHADOW PUPPETS] - Puppet shows are quite popular this time of year, using lights and small paper designs to convey thrilling tales. Comedies, Romance, Tragedies, woe, these poor hearts will be forever changed.
“why— monsieur neuvillette! what a pleasant surprise.” rather, really more surprise than anything else. lyney was starting to think that the iudex never took a break for himself. magician smiles, sketches a bow before him, then gestures down the street. “i was on my way to see a shadow puppet show. it's a fun trick, playing with light and shadows. i thought lynette and i might be able to find a way to incorporate it into our shows.” head tilts, a sparkle in violet eyes. “i hear they're adapting a fontainian drama today. perhaps you might enjoy it?”
"Ah, Mr. Lyney. Likewise. I did not expect to run into you all the way in Liyue."
Granted, for a lot of people, Neuvillette will be even more of an unusual sight to encounter outside of his office, even more so outside of his country. Chances for such indulgences are few and far between - and even when they do present themselves, it is not a given that he will make use of them, sometimes simply choosing to stay put.
The thicker the walls of routine that one surrounds oneself with, the more difficult it becomes to force open the door.
While the Iudex cannot exactly claim to be well familiar with Lyney, having very little contact with the Fatuus outside of that one trial and an occasional magic show that he approves but does not always find the time to attend - he does quickly notice a distinct abnormality regarding his presence, namely the absence of his sister. A cause for confusion, perhaps, but not enough to pry. Maybe she simply decided to stay home, or maybe she has something else to do - whatever that might be, given their occupation. But here and now, it does not matter. Until he sees the siblings once again in the defendant's seat at the Opera Epiclese, it is none of his business. There is value to be had in respect for privacy.
And so, he shrugs it off, focusing instead on Lyney's words.
"A shadow puppet show? That would be quite the novelty in Fontaine, I believe. I can certainly see it becoming popular, especially with the twists and adaptations you two could introduce with your style and creativity." The compliment is genuine and heartfelt on his part. The magician's suggestion prompts a moment of consideration, before Neuvillette nods, a polite smile replacing the neutral expression.
"That does sound enjoyable, indeed. I believe I will attend it as well, then. Thank you for the suggestion."
A small pause.
"I do hope you enjoy the Lantern Rite."
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contractory · 3 months
[WORSHIPPING ADEPTI] - "Ah, excuse me," I offer the dark-haired stranger, sidestepping him to allow us both to continue our separate perusals of the incense selection. At a glance, the man himself elicits the thought of an amber mirror, elegant brown and gold meeting together in geometric diamonds and angles. His suit exudes the refinement of an aristocratic businessman, but the pauldron-like shoulderpieces speak of a warrior's experience, and a scale pattern accentuates the tails of his coat. His eyes glow with knowledge, and I can't help wondering, what is it that you know?
"You're a native of Liyue, correct?" I ask. "Would you say that making offerings to the adepti are the most effective way to contact them? I understand they live in seclusion around Jueyun Karst but have been debating the merits of actually venturing out to find them." Ah, before he gets the wrong idea, it would be wise of me to introduce myself. "I'm a scholar from Sumeru, here on a research trip. My name is Alhaitham, and I recently became fascinated in the study of the adeptal arts. I've heard the adepti are highly capable engineersーI would like to engage in an exchange of knowledge with them in the hopes that I might improve my own gadgets."
Such an argument wouldn't be enough for the average Liyuen, what with their worship of the illuminated beasts, and without further elaboration my request is bound to be regarded with suspicion. Still, I hestitate before lifting the comforting weight of my earpieces off my head, to better display them to the man, and retrieve my music player from my pouch. "I designed and built these with the technology we have back home. I can use them to listen to music loaded onto the player, but they also block out noise; I've been thinking of upgrading them. In addition, I've been compiling data for the manufacture of a powered tablet, onto which texts and books can be loaded for easy access, and it would be helpful for taking notes as well. These devices are, and will be, for personal useーI have no interest in making money off of them. They're primarily for my convenience."
... I may have... gone a little overboard with my argument, to a man who likely has no idea how to fulfill my request. I suppose I can't help myself when it comes to my projects, and this man emanates so much Geo authority that he apparently seemed the best person with whom to begin my research. Was Morax a bit like him? "You can tell me if you can't assist me, I won't be offended."
As the thin line of smoke rises slowly into the air, Zhongli's eyes, initially following its trail, are drawn off to the side, as a voice calls out and it becomes clear that it is aimed at him.
"Ah. Good day. That I am," he confirms, before pondering at the question. Its origins puzzle him, initially, but the man is swift to explain and elaborate, and it soon begins to make a lot more sense.
"It is an honor to meet you sir. I am Zhongli, a consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. As someone who handles a variety of rites, I know a thing or two about the Adepti as well." That said, he must, of course, weigh carefully how much he lets go of.
Alhaitham takes the intriguing device off his head to allow Zhongli to better see it, and he indeed examines it with the utmost attention, as he always does when presented with a new piece of information meant specifically for him. The technology is fascinating; reminiscent of Guizhong and Cloud Retainer's works, and yet so very different, as befitting of the inventions brought from another country.
... Speaking of.
"The devices in your possessions are most interesting indeed, and I know tales of a particular Adeptus, known for being well-versed in mechanical arts. She is known as the Cloud Retainer, and her abode is located at Jueyun Karst. I have heard stories of travelers and believers making offerings of food for her by the entrance to her home, and in some cases, she has chosen to reveal herself. So you may have a chance."
He thinks further... He would hate to set the man up for disappointment.
"With that said, I have heard that she has been busy with some travels, recently, so one cannot be certain of her presence at her abode. Rumors and legends say that she even visits Liyue Harbor every once in a while, taking on a human appearance to blend into the crowd. Perhaps she is indeed among us, enjoying the Lantern Rite with the people she protected by Rex Lapis' side."
Hm. This should be good enough.
"I apologize for being unable to provide you with a certain answer." The apology is sincere on his part - alas, he must respect his friendships and his contracts. "But I hope I was able to give you some leads."
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gretavanlace · 8 months
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Sugar II (part 1)
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: adult content, descriptions of alcohol abuse, illusions to casual sex, language, all the angst, etc.
“That had better not be a fan in there.” Josh hisses, just loud enough for his disheveled twin to hear as he stumbles by on his way to the bathroom.
There’s a girl, sprawled out and snoring softly, in the bunk Jake has just lumbered from without grace.
A sound of irritation grunts out of a still half-inebriated Jacob. “Dunno. Met her at that bar, I think. Can you get her out of here? Call a car to meet us at the next rest stop, or something? Make sure she gets home?”
“Get her out of here yourself.” Josh snipes, clearly angry and far beyond exhausted with this all too familiar song and dance.
His brother ignores him and slips into the bathroom. Likely to expel whatever whiskey is still sloshing around in his belly, before showering to wash her perfume from his crawling skin.
The girl, another nameless body to sink into, will be gone by the time he’s through, he knows. Josh will make sure of it. Bless him.
Under the spitting heat of the water raining over him, the tears come again. He loathes them, these tears. Will they ever end? Will he ever find something he can at least pretend to call peace?
Yet, he clings to them…a security blanket of sorrow. Each one a talisman of grief and loss. He would gather them all up if he could. Bottle them into something tangible and accusatory to shove in the face of fate…
Look what you’ve done to me! He’d spit, vibrating with rage. You took her! How could you fucking take her? Where is she? I can’t breathe another second without her. I’m dying, I’m fucking dying.
Most days, he wishes death would finally find him. Most nights, he hunts for it, in self destructive ways. He doesn’t find it, of course, that would be a kindness the universe doesn’t seem to care to offer him. Instead, he seeks that numb and beautiful void. Crawls down into the darkness of endless bottles and women he doesn’t know.
No, he doesn’t wish his agony away. He is attached to it. Comfortable inside the dank, slippery claw of its cruel embrace. For without it, what would be true? That he was finding light again? Without you? The very idea makes him want to crack open his own skull to wash the thought away.
You live in his pain, and if that is how he must have you, that is where you’ll stay. He will keep his pain, gladly.
George Jones was right - he’ll stop loving you the day they lower him into the ground with pennies resting over his eyelids. The sooner, the better.
You’re gone, but you’ve never left him. If he has things his way, you never will. Though, you’re fading…blurring around the edges. Were you ever really there at all?
He once imagined it was all a dream, you belonging to him as well, and he’d wished to never wake up. He wishes for that still, when sleep doesn’t evade him and the booze doesn’t steal his dreams of you. Your laugh, your voice, your skin, soft as a sigh and just as warm. The way you held in your sneezes. Why does he dream about that? It always worried him, mildly. Annoyed him, even.
“Just sneeze!” He would goad you, shaking his head. Why? Why does he dream of that? It makes him feel off-kilter, slightly insane.
When, finally, he trudges out of the bathroom, hair dripping onto his still clammy shoulders, Josh is waiting, just like a spider.
He stretches his arm out across the narrow hall, blocking Jake’s path with his makeshift web “When are you gonna get your shit together?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” The shove between them is half-hearted. Jake is too drained, and too hungover to make it stick, and Josh’s soul hurts for his twin too badly stomach much more. “Move.”
Josh ignores him in favor of nodding over toward the now vacant bunk, “She looked like her.”
“Fuck you.” Jake ducks beneath Josh’s arm and instantly feels unsteady. Shit, he drank way too much…but what else is new? Josh sidles right back into his path and the spinning in Jake’s head is all for nothing.
“Yeah yeah, fuck you too, brother.” The elder twin is unfazed. Concerned, but unfazed. “They all look like her. But none of them are her, and you know it. You have to stop this, Jake. You have to fucking stop.”
“What part of fuck you didn’t you understand?” He’s being cruel, lashing out with anger that has nowhere else to go. He’s just so angry all the time; it’s a revolting but necessary salve for the hurt. Rage is softer than pain.
Does he blame his brother for you loving him, too? For the fact that Josh held half of your heart and ultimately, that took you away? That it was easier for you to leave than to choose? No.
Does he blame Josh for getting over you? For somehow finding solace and peace? For letting you go? Yes. It seems such a betrayal.
See? He wants to say to you, to hold the words out like some twisted, desperate offering. See? I loved you more all along. Do you see? Come back.
Josh stands his ground, but his words come kindly, and soaked in empathy, “It’s been three years, Jake. You can’t keep living like this. I’m worried. We’re all fucking worried. I look at you and it’s like watching some disease swallow you up. She isn’t coming back. I’m sorry, but you need to hear it. You need to get your head around that.”
With another shove, Jake maneuvers the tight space and steps forward to slide his bunk’s curtain aside, “I don’t want to talk about her.”
“I know, but she…”
Jake turns on his brother, whipping around with feral, furious flames burning wildly in his glare, “I said I don’t want to fucking talk about her, and don’t you ever fucking say that to me again. That she isn’t coming back…”
That seething fury dies out in an instant, only to be replaced with that all familiar sorrow as he hangs his head, loathsome and ashamed of his display. “I’m sorry…just don’t, just please don’t say that. I can’t stand it.”
Josh can feel his heart splintering for his brother. The misery that radiates from Jake like a blackened aura makes him want to turn away, but his loyalty holds him still, to bear witness. He won’t leave him alone in this.
“It should have been you.” Maybe he shouldn’t say it, maybe it will only make the hurt worse. Maybe he’s feeding the beast. But he says it anyway, because it’s true, “Probably right from the start it should’ve been you. But it wasn’t and at some point you’re just gonna have to swallow that.”
Jake visibly deflates, shrinking in on himself as though he’d love nothing more than to disappear…and then he’s silently climbing into his bunk, where Josh knows he’ll stay until he is forced to emerge for soundcheck and wardrobe.
Josh has watched this play out over and over again. A groundhog’s day of mourning.
Jacob will go through the motions - he will make sure your name and a pass is waiting at will call, as though you might decide to materialize at the venu like some miraculous mirage. His eyes will scan the crowd incessantly for a face that isn’t there…and those same eyes will avoid his twin’s when he sings those terrible lyrics, please stay, don’t go away.
…and then he will get smashed as quickly as possible on whatever is readily available and take someone to bed who has eyes that remind him of yours, and a name he won’t care to ask.
Hours later, things are going to plan, just as they always do, with three of them checked into their respective rooms at yet another hotel, and Jake lingering in the lot, hidden away in his bunk.
Josh is trying to meditate, humidifier hissing moisture into the air beside him as he searches for his center. Legs pretzeled and folded beneath him. He hums quietly, just enough to coast along the vibrations. Some days are harder than others when he’s seeking to turn off his mind, relax and float downstream. Today is one of those days.
The carpet in the hotel is too thin, he feels as though he’s perched upon concrete; the walls are also thin to match the flooring, and Jake’s torment is tugging at him relentlessly. Something is different. Something feels off.
He reaches up and runs a flattened palm across his chest, finding comfort in the stark white cotton of his shirt and the mala beads that rest against it. When your world changes as often as theirs, you find your constants in the strangest places.
With a slow, deep breath he begins again, but a knock snatches the promise of celestial calm. Immediately, he’s annoyed - but it fades almost as quickly as it came. It wasn’t going to happen this evening anyway…something isn’t right, and it’s got to be Jake. He’ll deal with his unexpected visitor and then make his way back down to the buses to talk with him.
Connecting with his brother a little will serve as his meditation tonight.
Josh finds Danny’s face distorted and warped by the peephole, and pulls the door open.
“I was trying to achieve inner peace, dick,” he jokes, turning to allow Daniel in, “but you just had to—“
His brother by heart is on such high alert he’s nearly sparking with the electricity of his frantic nerves as he cuts him off, “She’s here, man.”
They rush out of him, those words that carry so much weight, as his hand rakes through his unruly curls, “I just saw her. She’s fuckin’ here.”
Josh needs no clarification, he knows exactly who Danny means, “No she’s not.”
“Yes, she is,” For all of the space he takes up in the room with his size and presence, he sounds remarkably small. They both understand the weight of this, and what it could mean for Jake. “I ran into her in the lobby. She’s in town for work, had no idea we’d even be here…she asked me not to tell you, but…”
“Fuck,” there is a tremor in Josh’s curse, and the weakness of his own voice makes him wince, “Fuck! This is bad. What if he sees her? He can’t handle that, I’m telling you right now.”
Josh can handle that. In fact, he thinks it might be nice to say hello. To hug you and ask how you’ve been, to smile and let you know that hard feelings don’t exist…
But Jake is another story altogether. You broke his heart when you went away. This time, you might rip it right from his chest.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @jakesgrapejuice @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @gretavangroupie
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ chapter 1: Embracing the Sacrifice
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The air was heavy with anticipation as I stood in the center of the village, surrounded by curious and anxious eyes. The elders had called a meeting, and I knew that something momentous was about to be revealed. My name is Yumi (M/n), and I hail from a small village nestled amidst picturesque mountains and lush greenery. Little did I know that this day would mark the beginning of a journey that would test my strength, resilience, and the depths of my sacrifice.
For generations, our village had lived under the looming shadow of Sukuna, the dreaded king of curses. His wrath had brought devastation and despair, casting a perpetual gloom over our once-thriving community. It was believed that offering a sacrificial bride would appease his anger and protect our people from further harm. As fate would have it, I was the one chosen to bear this tremendous burden.
The village elders, adorned in traditional robes, their expressions a mix of solemnity and hope, beckoned me forward. Their voices carried the weight of the decision they were about to share. My heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what lay ahead but prepared to accept my role in saving our people.
With each step closer to the elders, the weight of the village's expectations settled upon my shoulders. I had always been taught the importance of community and sacrifice, and now, those teachings were being put to the ultimate test. As I reached the center of the gathering, I looked into the eyes of my fellow villagers, seeing both concern and faith reflected back at me.
The village elder, his voice filled with a blend of reverence and sadness, addressed the assembly. "Yumi (M/n),brave child of our village," he began, "you have been chosen to undertake a task of great importance. The burden of becoming the sacrificial bride to Sukuna falls upon your shoulders. It is a weighty responsibility, but we believe in your strength and selflessness."
The words hung in the air, the gravity of their meaning sinking into my soul. I knew that accepting this role meant leaving behind everything I held dear—the warmth of my family, the laughter of my friends, and the familiarity of our village. Yet, a surge of determination welled within me. I had grown up listening to stories of heroes and sacrifices, and now it was my turn to become one.
I took a deep breath, my voice steady as I addressed the gathered villagers. "I accept this role as the village's sacrificial bride," I proclaimed, my words infused with conviction. "I will shoulder this burden for the sake of our people. May my sacrifice be the key to lifting the curse that has befallen us, and may it bring peace and prosperity back to our home."
A wave of mixed emotions rippled through the crowd—whispers of concern, tearful eyes, and nods of respect. Their support and belief in me bolstered my resolve. Though my heart ached at the thought of leaving everything I cherished behind, I knew that my destiny lay beyond the confines of our village. I was the chosen one, the bridge between Sukuna's curse and our village's salvation.
As the realization sank in, the village elders began making preparations for my journey to Sukuna's realm. They gathered ancient relics, talismans, and scrolls of wisdom to guide and protect me on my perilous path. My family, friends, and neighbors showered me with love and encouragement, their support becoming the beacon that illuminated my way forward.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue upon our village, I bid farewell to my loved ones, knowing it would be a long and arduous journey. The tearful goodbyes were punctuated by promises to return, whispers of hope, and unspoken prayers for my safety.
With determination etched in my heart, I set forth on the path that would lead me to Sukuna's realm—the realm of curses. As I embarked on this treacherous adventure, uncertainty clung to me like a shadow. But within me, an unwavering resolve burned bright. I would face the trials and tribulations that awaited me, armed with the courage of a sacrificial bride chosen to save his people from the king of curses.
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pilferingapples · 10 months
(only answer this if you're in the mood for it of course) If you had to choose one colour and one single object for each of the five books in Les Miserables, which ones would you choose and (optionally) why?
oooh what a fun complicated question, I love this question! SHOCKINGLY I got long-winded about symbolism in the Long Winded Symbolism Book:
Tome 1: Fantine Color: Gold/ yellow gold for Fantine's hair, and also as a color strongly tied to wealth; no other volume is going to focus quite as much on finances as this chapter, from the Bishop and the wealth he rejects, to Valjean and his rising economic status, to Fantine and the commodification of her life to gain a few gold coins here and there. Object: a cart-wheel. I thought about the candle-sticks, and jet beads, and ships, and even teeth,but it's gotta be a cart-wheel. The wheels that carry the passengers and drivers of society but have no energy of their own; the wheels that crush anyone who falls underneath them, that take enormous force and energy and even demand the risking of life to move, break and splinter when needed to right injustice, and block all progress when stilled. The cart-wheels that stop when the horse dies, block off all hope of success at the Waterloo Inn, crush Fauchevelent and almost stop Valjean from saving his own soul. Frigging cart wheels.
Tome 2: Cosette Color: Black the color of a night in the dark forest, the inside of a grave or sunken road, Paris in the silence of a dark chase, a nun's habit. The color of despair, sure, the color of imprisonment, yes, but also the color of concealment, meditation, the unknown, peace. Object: I also considered: a water-bucket, a broken chain (for Cosette and Valjean both in this Book!), and Catherine the doll-- but it has to be a coffin. I'd say a tomb, but a coffin is more visually iconic and , of course, more immediately relevant to JVJ . LM is full of tomb and coffin imagery, but this is THE Tome of Tombs and coffins -- the impromptu tombs of the sunken road of Ohain, the chosen symbolic tomb of the convent itself (the nuns have to symbolically die and be reborn to fully enter!), the literal and ironically lifesaving coffin that Valjean is buried in. Tome 3: Marius MAN THIS ONE WAS SO HARD
Color: Green I REALLY AGONIZED ON THIS , it was Green or Blue though ; but the only real strong Blue imagery here is it being part of Marius' vision of Cosette
Green though! the color of growing things and spring and little seedlings just starting to grow, and flowers and Flora, and of Marius' secondhand coat , which looks black at night. New beginnings hidden in mourning , despite the losses of the past; flowers and growing things as signs of loss and loss as a beginning! It's what this Tome is all about, growth from grief and loss, and the grief and loss that comes from growth. Object: a piece of paper, folded into a letter. We won't get Marius' Epic Love Note until next Tome, but letters have enough of a starring role here as is! The letters Gillenormand burns to keep Marius apart from his father; the letter that doesn't burn that sends Marius to his father's deathbed; the note from his father that becomes his talisman (until lost); the letters that Thenardier sends to beg (and extort?) money, that connect Marius to Eponine and then Cosette again; letters as proof of status, proof that " we weren't meant to be like this--" ; letters as proof of identity, as love, as warnings, as traps. Letters as connection across time and generations and class and death. Tome IV: The Idyll and the Epic Color: Red Object: The Barricade look maybe both these options are stereotypical here but they are also correct. There's a whole song and years of Tumblr jokes about everything Red symbolizes and it's all in play here. It's desire and dawn and wine and warmth and death and revolution and warning and blood and fire and flowers and love. Especially love.
And the barricade is not just the single biggest Symbolic Object in the novel, it's especially the symbol of everything together, every loaded Symbolic Object in the whole book, wagon wheels and windows and doors and letters and stones and carts and yeah, probably coffins, the way this part of the novel is everyone's storylines coming together. A heap of joy and a heap of sorrows, all coming together to fight desperately for something better. Sometimes things are iconic for a reason.
Tome V: Jean Valjean Color: White White for dawn that's not the hour of waking; for Cosette's wedding gown; for a bottle of ink; for untouched marble and stone after the writing is washed away. Object : THE CANDLESTICKS I almost went with these for Tome I but no!! they belong here! in Valjean's Book! HIS symbols, that he finally gets to pass on , and oh geez if I get going on that I will NEVER post this, but you get it anyway right? you get it. It's gotta be the candlesticks, here at the end.
Thank you ! this was very fun to think about!!
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kjcreed · 4 months
The Jewel of Seven Stars | Prologue
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Series Masterlist Chapter 1
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Warnings: death; misogyny
Thebes. The heart of the ancient Egyptian civilisation. The dwelling of Egyptian gods and home to famous pharaohs, priests and priestesses. It is also where our story begins.
Many millennia ago, there lived a beautiful princess, bearing the name Nefret.
After her father’s death, she went on to become the wife of the next pharaoh.
Not only was Nefret a resourceful and wise woman, but the gift of Aset was bestowed upon her, meaning she was a very talented sorceress.
After her husband died, her son was much too young to take over the throne so Nefret stepped in as a regnant until her son was of age.
Nefret, however, soon claimed the throne for herself and she ruled for well over twenty years as one of the few female pharaohs. 
Although her reign was a time of prosperity for Egypt, the people were still unhappy with a female ruler inserting herself into the long line of Egyptian male kings.
Twenty years after Queen Nefret died, her name and image were removed from the walls of temples across all of Egypt and many of her statues were destroyed in order to prevent other powerful woman from assuming the throne again.
Being the great sorceress she was, Queen Nefret was still somehow connected to the life on Earth. Being able to see what was happening to her legacy and how her own people humiliated her, she rose from her tomb and unleashed her wrath on all of Egypt.
It was only when the priests of Osiris gathered together that they would put a stop to the torment. After surrounding Queen Nefret, they pierced the linen-wrapped body where her heart would’ve been with her own dagger and spoke an ancient incantation, trapping her spirit in her tomb again.
And so the people of Egypt were at peace once again. As a precaution, the priests of Osiris took the objects that the Queen valued the most from her tomb and scattered them across the world so that she wouldn’t be able to awaken again. A talisman, a book, a dagger and a ring.
However, there still lies the prophecy that speaks of the return of Queen Nefret and as you know, dearest reader, prophecies tend to be fulfilled sooner or later…
Series Masterlist Chapter 1
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harrowreads · 1 year
❥ Yoongi Fic Recs
❣ Each blurb gives a glimpse of the contents of each fic, but be sure to read the warnings before proceeding! ❣
Yoongi is my main bias + main obsession so plz don't perceive the length of this list, okay. It's going to be absolutely ridiculous.
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❥ 12 Lays of Christmas: Day 2 by minisugakoobies | drabble, tumblr ↳ Gift wrapping with your boyfriend goes a little awry. ❣ Gender Non-Specified Reader ❣ smut, pwp | established relationship ↻ read my review
❥ All That Holly Jolly Sh*t by daechwitatamic | oneshot, tumblr ↳ You haven’t seen or heard from Yoongi since he broke your heart five years ago, laying out a logical list of reasons why you were better off breaking up. When a Christmas Eve blizzard traps you together for the night, you have no choice but to examine how few of those reasons are still true. And if they’re not… where does that leave you? ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut, fluff, angst | exes to lovers ↻ read my review
❥ Best Served Cold by anotherbtswriter | series, tumblr ↳ Yoongi shields his eyes from the flames. Smoke coats his throat, and he pants for breath. As he lies on the wet pavement, he realizes that this Molotov cocktail, this cheap-ass, dime-store intimidation tactic currently burning through his club, is a plan to intimidate him. First, he was annoyed. Now he’s pissed. ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut, fluff, angst | exes to lovers ↻ read my reviews: ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3, ch.4
❥ Blackthorn by sweetestofchaos | series, tumblr ↳ Min Yoongi, the last Emperor of the Joseon dynasty was betrothed to a foreign Princess from the time he could walk. The two exchanged many letters and gifts over the years as their love bloomed. Emperor Yoongi loved his Princess and it was on their wedding day that he was finally able to express his true feelings with his actions and not just his words. The love story of Emperor Yoongi and Empress Keena has been passed down from generation to generation; a love story so strong that it had surpassed the passage of time. Now a millennium later, the Emperor and Empress have been reborn at the same time…will history repeat itself or will the two become victims of the difficulties placed in their path? ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut, fluff, angst | strangers to lovers, arranged marriage au, soulmate au, fantasy ↻ read my reviews: ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3, ch. 4, ch. 5, ch. 6, ch. 7, ch. 8, ch. 9, ch. 10, ch. 11, ch. 12
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❥ Defrosting Ivy by moccahobi ↳  In a world where the 3 apex predators (humans, vampires, and werewolves) have been in a long standing power imbalance, Y/n is tasked with going undercover as a diplomat for the start of peace talks. What do they need to do? Find a talisman their organization has managed to identify as vital in resolving the conflict and ensuring the safety of all humans. ❣ Female Reader ❣ fluff, angst | supernatural au, enemies to lovers ↻ read my review
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❥ If Walls Could Talk by btsrunmyiife | unfinished oneshot, tumblr ↳ You’re part of a web series of paranormal investigators that take cases from clients who believe their homes are haunted. While working in such close proximity, it’s only natural for some of you to gravitate toward one another – whether it be for stress relief or more. ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut | coworkers who fuck ❣ warnings: paranormal themes, mention of suicide ↻ read my review
❥ Invisible String by btsrunmyiife | series, tumblr ↳ Sometimes the hardest thing in life is letting yourself be seen. ❣ Female Reader ❣ queer, smut, fluff, angst | social media au, college au, strangers to friends to lovers ❣ warnings: topics of sexual assault & racial discrimination ↻ read my review
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❥ Let Me by sailoryoons | oneshot, tumblr ↳ You’ve been friends with Yoongi for as long as you remember. When he tells you he’s never - and he means never - received oral in his life, you take it upon yourself to lend a mouth hand. ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut, pwp | friends to lovers ↻ read my review
❥ Nothing to Hide by gimmethatagustd | oneshot, tumblr ↳ It’s your boyfriend’s first Pride Month since coming out, and you’re determined to make sure he has the time of his life. ❣ Female Reader ❣ queer, smut, pwp | established relationship ↻ read my review
❥ Obsidian by sailoryooons | series, tumblr ↳ You remember everything. The first time you radiated at garnet, feeling the power of the jewel rushing through you. Remember the energy pulsing at your command. And you certainly remember the face of the man who ruined your life. Then there’s Min Yoongi, the Chaotic who is the key to your revenge.  ❣  angst, eventual smut | strangers to lovers, urban fantasy, crime syndicate ❣ warnings: graphic violence, morally grey characters ↻ read my reviews: ch. 0, ch. 1, ch. 2
❥ Please Linger by matchy6812 | series, tumblr ↳ After terrorizing the villagers with one too many pranks, you’ve been locked away in The Tower to atone for your petty crimes. As far as you know, The Tower is impenetrable. Nobody can get in, and nobody can get out. It seems you’ll never escape—until one night, a man named Yoongi barges in… ❣ Female Reader ❣ humor, slow burn, smut, angst | fantasy au, strangers to lovers ↻ read my reviews: ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3
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❥ Suga's How-To Guide: How to Tr(eat) Them Right by sailoryoons | oneshot, tumblr ↳ Min Yoongi has been a cam boy for a few years now. The work is easy, the money is good, and he has loyal viewers. When he approaches you and asks if you want to be his muse for a ‘how-to’ series, your view on the infamous Yoongi changes. ❣ Female Reader ❣ smut, pwp | friends to lovers ↻ read my review
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❥ Taste So Sweet by btsrunmyiife | oneshot, tumblr ↳ Yoongi is helping you experience something new, something you’ve always wanted to try. All you wanted to do was kiss a girl. You should have known it would be so much more than you imagined.  ❣ Female Reader | Feat. Hwasa ❣ threesome, queer, pwp, smut | college au, established relationship + friends to lovers ↻ read my review
❥ The Earth, Your Butt, and Other Big...Flat Things? by matchy6812 | oneshot, tumblr ↳ When your world-famous boyfriend reveals himself to be an apparent flat earther, you decide to hold a modern exorcism—as in, you’re gonna try to fuck the stewpid out of him. ❣ Female Reader ❣ humor, smut, pwp | idol au, established relationship ↻ read my review
❥ Twirl for Me by gimmethatagustd | series, tumblr ↳ You’re perfectly content with admiring your ballet student’s father from afar, until he discovers the secret of your second job when he pays for a VIP room at the local strip club. What’s worse is your new knowledge of his secret life that won’t let you get him off your mind, no matter how awful it is. ❣ Female Reader | Feat. Jungkook ❣ smut, angst, slow burn | stripper au, strangers to lovers ↻ read my review
❥ Versus by minisugakoobies | series, tumblr ↳ Supervillain exes Yoongi and Hoseok are sick and tired of having their plans for world domination wrecked by you, aka Vitality, the world’s most powerful superhero. When fellow villain Jimin suggests a little competition to see who can bring you to your knees, they both eagerly accept. Now the battle is on as both men engage you in fight after fight to see who will conquer you first. Will you finally defeat these two, or will they destroy you - and possibly take each other out in the process? ❣ Female Reader | Feat. Hoseok ❣ smut, humor, fluff, angst | supervillain au, enemies to lovers ❣ warnings: some violence, use of weapons, fighting ↻ read my review
Yoongi x Reader as a side pairing:
❥ Business as Usual by blog-name-idk | series, tumblr ↳ The first thing Jin noticed about you was that you were hot. The second was that you were fucking brilliant. The third was that you were kind of a bitch. Basically, you were perfect. | The first thing you noticed about Jin was that he was hot. The second was the professors already called him by name. The third was that he was an insufferable prick. Basically, you hated his guts. ❣ Female Reader | Feat. Seokjin as main pairing ❣ smut, fluff, humor | college au, enemies to lovers ↻ read my reviews: masterlist, ch. 1, ch. 4
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❥ The Love Witch by gimmethatagustd | oneshot, tumblr ↳ Despite being a popular romance blogger, Yoongi isn’t interested in finding love. He only summons a demon boyfriend to prove to his followers that it’s possible. He’ll send Taehyung right back to Hell once he’s done with him, obviously. ❣ Yoongi x Taehyung ❣ smut, fluff, humor, hint of angst | modern fantasy au, fake dating, strangers to lovers ↻ read my review
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Namjoon | Seokjin | Yoongi | Hoseok | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
149 notes · View notes
rosethornewrites · 2 months
Fic: this body yet survives, ch. 16
Relationship: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Lán Qǐrén, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Jiāng Yànlí, Su She | Su Minshan, Madam Jin, Jin Zixuan, Wen Qing, Jiāng Fēngmián, Niè Huáisāng, Wen Ning | Wen Qionglin, Wen Ruohan
Tags: No War AU, Recovery, Trauma, Dissociation, Courtship, Courting Rituals, Near Death Experiences, Attempted Murder, Eventual Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Vomiting, Siblings, Protective Siblings, Soup, Triggers, Protective Lan WangJi, Protective Lán Qǐrén, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Bad Parent Yú Zǐyuān, POV Third Person, POV Lan WangJi, reference to poisoning, reference to assassination, Reference to chronic illness, reference to infanticide, Depression, Minor Injuries, Painting, Gift Giving, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Has a Fear of Dogs, Good Sibling Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Good Sibling Jiāng Yànlí, BAMF Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Jealous Su She | Su Minshan, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Protection Squad
Summary: A hiccup and a visit.
Notes: See end.
Parts 1 & 2
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
AO3 link
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The weeks that followed passed in peace, and Wei Ying blossomed in the absence of fear, working with excitement on the commissioned talismans for Jin-furen, using the Jiang siblings’ blood to test his ideas. They were able to resume their quiet afternoons in his studio while he worked on the portrait for Wen-zongzhu, often all four of them, each working independently together. He was relaxed more than he had been since the incident, more lively, and Wangji was glad to see it. 
Several juniors approached Wei Ying for help with their forms, impressed by his performance against Su She, and they found in him a willing teacher, one who could diagnose the exact issues interfering with their mastery. Often he recommended exercises that would correct underlying problems like balance or footwork, diagnosing bad habits that had not interfered with more basic forms, but would prevent them from progressing. Always, he made sure to praise the juniors for what they were doing well, and they responded like flowers opening for sunshine.
Wangji had an inkling that he would eventually be teaching formal classes, once he had more fully recovered, having caught Shufu watching the informal lessons more than once. Wei Ying had clearly earned his status of head disciple in Yunmeng Jiang, and he flourished in a teaching role like he was born for it. 
Some of those students had given him early gifts for his birthday, always in the form of consumables, which he shared with them but which were helping him continue to gain weight back, and Wangji made note of them as allies to Wei Ying. 
Wei Ying often took tea with Lan Tayi, discussing talisman and array ideas with the master as fluently as one himself, and he had delighted in learning and even modifying the talismans that had been used against the conspirators, arguing they could be used to stymie yao during night hunts with a little tweaking. For his part, Lan Tayi seemed happy to distract him with such conversations, consistently bringing extra snacks to pawn off on Wei Ying, who would eat whatever was put on a plate in front of him when thus engaged. Wei Ying was often so excited about the ideas that came from tea that he would tinker with talismans for several hours those afternoons, with resulting in amazingly innovative results. 
In truth Wangji understood little of their conversations, but he was happy to see Wei Ying enjoying himself, and that alone was reason to attend. As an added benefit, Jiang Wanyin preferred not to attend these teas and was happy for Lan Tayi to act as chaperone, and Lan Tayi did not frown over them holding hands as though convinced it would harm Wei Ying’s image. After the fight with Su She and the missive sent to all sects, with just enough information to show his beloved’s skill and strength while remaining modest in adherence to the rules, it was increasingly unlikely his status and value would be harmed by small gestures of affection, and Lan Tayi would never gossip. 
As expected, multiple sect leaders found excuses to visit the Cloud Recesses following the missive, all looking for information, and they were immediately warned by disciples each time, and were able to stay in private areas of the grounds, whether the Jiang guesthouse, Wei Ying’s studio, the jingshi, or the bunny field. They had as of yet not been disturbed, despite several visiting disciples separating from their groups only to be found where they shouldn’t have been. This stopped when Xiongzhang enlisted several inner disciples and gave them permission to “gossip” with certain agreed-upon details that would assuage the curious visitors, though it frustrated him with its necessity, that people could not leave Wei Ying any privacy. 
As his birthday approached, Wei Ying received a package from Nie Huaisang, which included expensive art supplies and a stack of books that made him blush deeply when he opened one, and which he placed in a qiankun pouch. 
“For later, after we’re wed,” he told Wangji with a shy smile. “They’re, ah… educational.”
Wangji had known Nie Huaisang for enough years to know he’d sent cutsleeve spring books for their enjoyment, and he couldn’t be upset with it, especially since Wei Ying seemed pleased with the gift. They were not technically against the rules of the Cloud Recesses, so long as they were for educational purposes, and he had no doubt they would be very instructive. He was very willing to find loopholes to rules for Wei Ying’s happiness. 
Shufu received a missive from Wen-zongzhu that Wen Qionglin was well enough to travel and they would come to the Cloud Recesses to celebrate Wei
Ying’s birthday in person, asking that it be a surprise for him, and Wangji hoped it would further lift his spirits. The information was easy enough to keep secret, particularly with Wei Ying distracted with his many projects, often shifting between several each day. 
Their days had the same basic structure, varying based on Wei Ying’s needs and whims. Wei Ying always started his day with breakfast together at the Jiang guest house, often something Jiang Yanli prepped the night before, and usually involved soup: often pear soup, meant to keep the late fall chill at bay. She rose with him, styled his hair, and ate with them to act as chaperone, though he was certain she slept a bit more after they left. On occasion Jiang Wanyin joined them, but more often he ate later. 
Xiongzhang assigned chaperones from a surprisingly long list of volunteers on a sort of schedule, and so they were accompanied by a disciple when they were together at all times. The first chaperone came to the Jiang guest cottage to escort them after breakfast. Their minders were polite and kind, not intruding too much on their time together, something Wangji appreciated. 
While Wei Ying was in dizi lessons, Wangji had tea with his uncle and brother and returned for him, and when Wangji was teaching sword forms, both Wei Ying and Jiang Wanyin often chose to accompany him. Some days they went to Caiyi, even. But there were still days where he could tell Wei Ying was less able to handle being around people, and he would prefer to stay in the guest cottage and work on talisman ideas, read, and rest all day, and Wangji and the Jiang siblings coaxed him to do just that. 
The day before his birthday seemed to be one such day, and Wei Ying shrugged off their coaxing.
“It’s the shift in weather,” he argued, stubborn. “I just need to move around a bit.”
The chill often bothered Wei Ying, and he was likely to spend much more time indoors when winter fell. To Wangji, the winters in the Cloud Recesses were something of a reminder of the death of his mother, but they were also beautiful and tranquil, and he hoped Wei Ying would enjoy that aspect despite the cold. 
“If you’re sure,” Jiang Yanli said, relenting when he nodded. 
So they started their day as they normally would, a leisurely breakfast and a chaperoned stroll to his flute lesson, and Wei Ying seemed to push through the malaise without difficulty, chattering on about a new stasis talisman idea he wanted to explore. 
Wangji was having tea with Shufu and Xiongzhang, the latter focused on wedding ideas to be discussed with Wei Ying later, when their assigned chaperone rushed in and bowed hastily, and he immediately knew something must be wrong, even before the disciple told them that Lan Mingkai had taken Wei Ying to the infirmary. 
Shufu nodded at him, gesturing toward the door immediately, giving him permission he was hardly waiting for. Wangji remembered to murmur a thank you to the disciple as he rushed out, and the disciple, a junior a few years younger than him, nodded and kept talking, giving more details—Wei Ying was unconscious, suddenly passed out—loudly enough for him to hear them until he turned a corner. 
Worry consumed him, possibilities popping up despite his best effort not to conjecture—illness, poison, some long-term effect of Yu Zixuan’s attempt on his life, all the worst case scenarios fighting for purchase in his mind as he clutched Bichen hard enough to mark his skin and hurried to the infirmary. They had finally rooted out the saboteurs, but still Wei Ying could find no peace. 
He was met by the Jiang siblings, who were also on their way there after being fetched by a servant, their expressions pinched with concern.
The healing staff immediately brought them back to where Wei Ying was being examined, his form still, his robes open, something Wangji hesitated at, but only his chest was bared. A curse mark, like a patch of charred and blackened skin over his heart, immediately confirmed his worse suspicions—that this was an attack—and clearly incensed the Jiang siblings. Jiang Yanli rushed to his side, while Jiang Wanyin loomed protectively. 
“The curse is too weak to defeat his core,” the healer assured them, “but it will take time to burn through it.”
Jiang Yanli asked why he had passed out, and the healer assured him it was a reaction to the onset of the curse, though the state of his body as he worked to recover had also played a role. It wasn’t simply recovery from Yu Ziyuan’s abuse, but also his slow wasting afterward, overtaxed already only to be cursed. 
“The curse is focused on his body?” Wangji asked, wondering if that detail would narrow down the possibilities. 
Shufu and Xiongzhang arrived as he asked the question, and Shufu immediately went to Wei Ying’s side to examine the curse mark, the healer deferring to him. 
“That seems likely, but it’s hard to know what the curse is given that he won’t be presenting symptoms,” the healer responded. 
“Wen-zongzhu is something of an expert on curses,” Shufu commented as he looked over the curse mark, “so he may be able to identify it.”
“They should arrive later today, and he may even be able to break it,” Xiongzhang said.
Until then nothing could be done but to make Wei Ying comfortable, Wangji knew, hating that he could do nothing. Wei Ying would recover, but he had once again been attacked in Lan care, with little way of determining the perpetrator. 
“What about the talisman A-Xian helped create?” Jiang Yanli asked as she fretted over her brother, smoothing his hair. “Could it not be used on the curse to find the caster?”
Shufu shook his head, but looked thoughtful. 
“Not as it is. Curses can be cast from some distance, and the talisman has a limit, though Lan Tayi may be able to adapt it. I will speak with him.”
Nothing could be done for Wei Ying immediately, save making him comfortable while his jindan cleansed the resentful energy of the curse, and so he was transferred to a private room in the infirmary, where he looked far too small and still for Wangji’s liking. The healer gave him permission to play Cleansing for him, and he left his side only to fetch his guqin so he could do so, leaving the Jiang siblings to watch over him. 
By the time he returned, Jiang Yanli had taken Wei Ying’s hair down from its crown, tying the forehead ribbon around his wrist. She’d had Jiang Wanyin turn him on his side while she braided his hair, likely of the opinion that he would be more comfortable, and he returned as she tied it off with his red ribbon and settled him back beneath the blankets.
Wangji sat nearby to play, letting himself focus on the music to the extent that the world would fall away for a bit, and started with WangXian in the hopes that Wei Ying would hear it and know he was safe, before transitioning into Cleansing. The song would help with the process of removing the resentment, aiding his jindan in burning through the curse, and Wangji hoped it would shorten the process. 
Aside from a break when Xiongzhang insisted he eat, Wangji focused on the music, aware that Jiang Yanli left several times to work on the evening meal she hoped Wei Ying would be awake to enjoy, losing himself otherwise until the late afternoon when Wen-zongzhu arrived. With him were Wen Qing and Wen Qionglin, the latter of whom was being pushed in a wheeled chair, which Wen Ruohan had commissioned for his nephew’s comfort. 
As Shufu and Xiongzhang led them in, Wen Ruohan nodded a greeting to Lan Wangji, placing a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from rising to bow, before he immediately attended Wei Ying with Wen Qing. 
“It will take another two days to filter out the curse,” Wen Qing said after she examined the curse mark. 
The idea that Wei Ying could be so still for days, after which it would be ill fortune to celebrate his birthday rankled Wangji, an important milestone in his recovery unmarked, lost because of the interference of another. 
“It is no trouble to transfer such a weak curse to myself, and I can fully rebound to the caster to permanently prevent another attempt,” Wen Ruohan offered, his attention on Wen Qionglin, who looked particularly upset by Wei Ying’s condition. 
The offer was extremely generous, especially if it was made without expectation of repayment, and would resolve a problem in what would likely be a very public way. Wangji could see Shufu and Xiongzhang wondering what he might want in return. 
“I only wish that Wei-gongzi consider swearing brotherhood with my niece and nephew, if he wishes, if he insists upon this being a debt,” the sect leader assured. 
Wangji was astonished, seeing that not as a way to repay a debt, but as a way to more formally protect Wei Ying—the Lan sect would protect him as a disciple and Wangji’s betrothed, and the bond of siblinghood with Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin also offered some protection as well as an implied rebuke of Yu Ziyuan, but he had no doubt being the sworn siblings of the beloved niece and nephew of one of the most powerful men in the jianghu was an even more powerful protection, particularly if Wen Ruohan’s rebound killed the caster, as he had implied it would. 
Wei Ying, no doubt, would  agree happily, already close to Wen Ning and Wen Qing, the latter having saved his life at Lotus Pier, but he would also see the weight of such a brotherhood and perhaps its offer of safety as a relief, and Wangji would confess to being relieved by it as well. 
The Jiang siblings exchanged looks with each other and then with the Wen siblings. Whatever Jiang Yanli saw led her to nod, and she patted Jiang Wanyin’s arm and took over, smoothing her hanfu as she bowed to the Wens, her brother following her lead. 
“I know A-Xian will agree. Thank you for helping my didi, Wen-zongzhu.”
Wangji bowed with Shufu and Xiongzhang to offer thanks as well. 
Wen Qing supervised her uncle, making him sit while he transferred the curse to himself, and Wangji knew the moment it was done by the way Wei Ying let out a soft sigh. He hadn’t noticed the tension in his future husband’s body as it fought the curse, but it was made clear when his body seemed to unclench and he sank deeper into the bedding. 
He still didn’t stir, but Wen Qing assured them that was expected, the curse having strained his system. 
“Hundred Holes,” Wen Ruohan murmured, checking the curse mark that was now on his own chest. “His cultivation is not as weak as the caster imagined.”
That particular curse was meant to cause constant pain and to disfigure the victim, as though Wei Ying hadn’t already suffered enough, wasn’t scarred enough. 
The Wen sect leader pulled his robes aside, baring his chest, and cut a finger with a small dao-style jade dagger engraved with the sun on its handle and guard, then used his blood to paint an array around the curse mark. Wangji could interpret only a bit of it—that it was meant to rebound—but it was much more intricate, and with blood, much more powerful. Wei Ying would have been fascinated, he knew, and he wondered if Wen-zongzhu would be a good correspondent for him regarding talismans and arrays. 
When he was finished, Wen Ruohan inspected his work, then nodded in satisfaction, clearly pleased with the lines of his work. 
“When I activate this array, the entirety of the curse will rebound; the caster will face the full force of the curse, and will not survive.”
He stated this casually, as though giving Shufu and Xiongzhang time to protest, knowing how the Lan abhorred killing. Neither did, and Wangji felt a cold sense of relief in their willingness to allow a more permanent solution. 
If the body was discovered it would be investigated by a local sect because of the manner of death, and word would ultimately reach Gusu, identifying the culprit. Hopefully such a discovery would prevent a resentful ghost from rising and continuing to target Wei Ying. 
Privately, he hoped the caster was someone known to them already, perhaps even Yu-furen, though he doubted Wei Ying would want the guilt he would feel associated with her death with the Jiang siblings. 
Truthfully, casting curses from afar didn’t align with Yu-furen’s disposition or weapon of choice, meaning others sought to harm his future husband, and that was perhaps worse for Wei Ying’s mental wellbeing.
Wen Ruohan demonstrated no pageantry, simply activating the array, which seemed to absorb into the curse mark. The spiritual energy in the room seemed to go taut, then snapped out and away from the Cloud Recesses, taking the curse mark with it. 
Xiongzhang pointed in that direction, and Wen-zongzhu nodded. 
“I will assemble a team of seniors to search in that direction,” Shufu said grimly. 
Wangji knew his uncle felt particularly protective of Wei Ying, as he had confessed that he was ashamed of his behavior toward him during the lectures, his dismissal of his bright intellect and undying curiosity. If the culprit’s spirit was resentful, the seniors would handle it before it became a problem. 
Wen Qing briefly checked her uncle’s meridians, then shooed him, Shufu, and Xiongzhang to the door, adamant that Wei Ying needed no stress upon waking until she could check him for any lingering effects of the curse, uncaring of rank. She then had Wen Qionglin wheeled to another private room so she could examine him and make sure the travel had not had ill effect, leaving them to settle and wait for Wei Ying to wake. 
Jiang Yanli reluctantly left to continue cooking, though she was pleased that Wei Ying would likely be awake to enjoy it, and Jiang Wanyin commented after she left that likely she would cook even more dishes with the intent that the Wen siblings would dine with them.
“If Wei Wuxian is up to it,” he added after a moment, watching his brother’s still face. 
There was no telling how Wei Ying would take this most recent attempt to attack him, but Wangji suspected he would meet it with quiet acceptance and try to forget about it as he tried to forget all ills perpetuated against him with varying success. He drew out his guqin again, focused now on playing WangXian, hoping to ensure he woke surrounded by love, that it would comfort him. 
Shortly, Wei Ying woke with a start, no warning that he was stirring, babbling about curses and resentful energy and scrabbling at his robes. Jiang Wanyin stopped him, holding both his wrists so he couldn’t hurt himself, sitting in front of him so Wei Ying could see him.
“Deep breaths, A-Xian. You’re safe.”
Jiang Wanyin breathed with him to help him calm, and Wangji started WangXian again, having stopped with a discordant twang when he woke so suddenly. The music seemed to help calm him, his breathing returning to normal. 
Wen Qing returned to check the flow of his qi through his dantian, and nodded in satisfaction. 
“Uncle transferred the curse and rebounded it,” she said brusquely. “Your body and cultivation are undamaged. The caster will no longer be a threat.”
He blinked up at her, surprised to see her as they had kept the visit secret, though this certainly wasn’t the revelation Wangji had expected. 
“I felt it take root, and then just nothing,” Wei Ying murmured hoarsely, prompting Wangji to abandon his guqin and pour a cup of water from an ewer on the bedside table. 
“Hundred Holes, far too weak a curse to take hold on someone with as powerful a jindan as yours,” she told him, refilling the cup when it was empty. “Uncle hopes you will swear brotherhood with A-Ning and I during our visit.”
Wei Ying was quiet for a moment, lost in thought, but then he jolted, looking at her hopefully. 
“Wen Ning came with you?”
At her nod, he smiled widely, distracted from his ordeal at least temporarily. 
“Swearing brotherhood?” he asked, momentarily taken aback at the offer before he smiled again. “Ah, Qing-jie, I knew you liked me! Of course I’ll be your sworn brother. Ningning’s too.”
Wangji suspected that Wei Ying’s focus on the ramifications of the brotherhood was simply masking his reaction to being cursed, and when he glanced at Jiang Wanyin he could see that same suspicion written into his expression. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Wen Qing huffed, and something in her demeanor told Wangji she, too, had that worry. 
They would have to pay closer attention in the coming days for signs that Wei Ying would benefit from a visit to the mind healers, though Wangji thought he might mention the possibility to Wen Qing in private. Wei Ying’s focus on the good in the situation could be problematic if he did not reach out when he needed support, if he tried to hide his hurts or shut down. 
Jiang Yanli’s return served as another distraction, conversation about Wei Ying’s health diverted by her joy at seeing him awake, having been summoned by a disciple sent by Shufu, as well as Wei Ying’s insistence that he was only three years old in the play Wangji had become accustomed to. 
When Wen Qionglin was brought into the room, the group naturally expanded, bringing good cheer and laughter to Wei Ying in a way that soothed his worries a bit. 
Though Wangji knew the mood was a distraction, it was something his zhiji needed now, and he was more than happy to sit beside him as he basked in the presence of family and soon to be family. All else could wait. 
This Wen Ruohan dotes on his niece and nephew, and the combination of Wen Qing’s concern as Wei Wuxian’s doctor and Wen Ning fretting over his best friend’s health and well-being spurred him to act here. His sickly nephew traveled a long way to celebrate Wei Wuxian’s birthday with him, and he’ll be damned if that falls through!
Lan Wangji is concerned in the end that Wei Wuxian might bottle up his feelings about being cursed, causing a setback in his recovery. While Wei Wuxian has learned mindfulness of his own needs, his bad habit of setting them aside for others, ingrained in him by his upbringing, sometimes sabotages him. 
Continuing my medical issues, but I just started a promising medication that has so far had amazing results. I’m feeling pretty hopeful. 
I spent April Fool’s Day sitting in the ER with a gallstone—took 8 hours to finally get pain relief, and I couldn’t even play games on my cell phone through the pain. Several firsts for me: IV, blown IV, CAT scan, CAT scan with contrast (this blew the IV), and morphine. So I get to be more mindful of what I eat. No more chili cheese nachos, alas. 
Thank you all for sticking with me through the slow writing. Please let me know what stood out to you in this chapter!
Happy birthday, Wen Ning!
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snowdust64 · 3 months
桜魔大戦譚 (ōma taisen tan) - story and character basics
VΔLZ fandom, hello! So far I have not seen any English translations of the story chapters that VΔLZ is releasing little by little on YouTube. This post is to establish some background info.
----- Explanation of the title -----
大戦譚 (taisen tan) sounds poetic and grand, and I favor translating it as "Great War Chronicles."  
     大 = big/great/important      戦 = war/battle/combat      譚 = tales/lore/legends/etc., a classier word for 'story'
Therefore, my translation of the title is:  "Ouma Great War Chronicles"
Side note: I've seen the name of VΔLZ's home nation translated as both Ouma Empire and Ouma Kingdom. These are both accurate; however, I'd like to add that the word 皇国 (kōkoku) literally means 'emperor nation' and implies a government structure with an emperor or similar royalty at the top.
----- Story setting, directly translated from the opening narration in episode 1. -----
In the place called the Ouma Empire, there exist People, Gods, and Demons. 
"People," referring to humankind; "Gods," referring to the beings who, gaining power through people's faith, bring benefit to people; and "Demons," referring to the beings who cause harm to people.
Such was the Ouma Empire, which at a certain time, was struck with natural disasters and epidemics, famines and so on, an array of catastrophes.
In the rebuilding of the nation, the era was renamed "Shinwa." Borrowing power from Gods, People exorcised Demons and the nation was resurrected.
Suppose, when Demons should appear, and nothing can be done with the People's power alone; The People pray and make offerings to the Gods, seeking peace.
In answer, the Gods grant them wisdom and talismans and such. Thus, under the protection of the Gods, People exorcise Demons, and the nation shall be maintained.
In this way, the Ouma Empire's People, Gods, and Demons came to coexist in balance and comprise the nation.
And so, the fifth year of the Shinwa Era – The present
T/N:  神和 (shinwa) breaks down into:       神 - god/heavenly/divine/etc.      和 - peace/calm/harmony
----- Character descriptions from their official website for this project: valz-official.com/story -----
Kaida Haru - "A researcher at an institution of the Ouma Empire who studies Demons. He takes pride in his brilliant analytical skills and knowledge, however, has a calm and somewhat airheaded personality." Vertical text: "Great innovations come with risks, that's a given."
Nagao Kei - "An exorcist at an institution of the Ouma Empire. Not only is he a master in swordsmanship and martial arts, but also in magic and sealing spells. He commands a large number of excellent subordinates." Vertical text: "The wicked will perish by my hand. Both demons and humans alike!"
Genzuki Tōjirō - "A government official of the Ouma Empire. He may converse and negotiate with the Gods. Soft-spoken, he excels in preventing conflict with his crisis management skills." Vertical text: "Again with the Gods' selfish requests... Can't be helped, leave this to me."
The story does not represent the history prior to their debut as streamers and will have no relation to their current activities as streamers. Please consider it a parallel world where they stayed in their old jobs in the Ouma Empire.
The split between the VΔLZ members and the characters they voice is further denoted by the character names. They are using the same surnames, but their given names have been changed to hiragana.
(This is summarized from Kaida's free-chat stream on 3/12/24, starting at 24:36)
I may come back to edit/update this post if I catch minor inaccuracies.
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iustitians · 4 months
[XINYUE KIOSK DESSERT CART] - "Ooooh-! I know just the thing-"
With a quick exchange of coins, Navia selects a dessert. The tiny thing fits perfectly in the palm of her hand, pale pink with its sides shaped into petals and the swirling lines of a flower stamped into the top. Proudly, she kneels to present her treasure before Elida.
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"It's flavored with Liyue's very own silk flower petals! Here, have a taste."
Carefully she splits the mooncake down the center, holding out one half to the sweet melusine before her. With a smile, Navia rises.
"And of course, for you as well!"
It's a foreign sight- Monsieur Neuvillette so far from home, let alone flanked by a city in celebration. It makes her smile brighten that much easier to see him here like this, with all of Fontaine's woes set aside at least for the hour.
She offers him the other half.
By himself, Neuvillette would probably have limited interest at best in the food and snacks of the Lantern Rite, ordering nothing more than just water as he would rest in whatever calmer and quieter place he would find.
But, of course, he is not alone. Elida practically drags him by the hand as she checks out one stall after the other, gasping in awe, amazement and delight at about every second thing she sees. He buys her a treat here, another there - before reminding her in a calm tone that they have not had dinner yet, eliciting a small pout. She gives him a pleading look with her big eyes, but before he has a chance to either refuse or relent, she is distracted by a familiar presence nearby, and Neuvillette follows suit. At the well known sight, he smiles cordially - while Elida beams cheerfully, first at the woman, and then at the dessert in her hands.
"Oooh... That sounds so good! Thank you, Miss Navia!"
Well, now it would just be rude. "Alright, one more is fine," he finally gives, a small sigh passing through his voice, but his expression still gentle as he watches Navia split the mooncake in half. He expects the President to save the other half for herself, sharing it with Elida as a sign of friendship with the Melusine -
but instead, she offers the other half to him, prompting him to pause.
"Oh... For me?"
It is a rare thing for him to experience - not only an act of kindness coming from a human, but also one that he can be certain is not a covert attempt to get in his good graces, a confidence he can rarely have when it comes to them. And the rare takes him a moment to process properly.
Edila looks up at him and giggles, already munching on the piece she had received, and Neuvillette finally nods and accepts the gift - his smile becoming a hint warmer as he does, though he does not seem aware of it.
"That's very kind... thank you."
And of course, a gesture like this should be returned.
"Edila and I were going to have some coffee nearby. Perhaps you would join us? I am told they make quite good coffee here, and I'm sure she would be delighted."
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contractory · 3 months
Never before had Lumine seen so many different varieties of tea in one place. To be honest, she was far from a tea coinnoisseur. While she had enjoyed a cup here and there, she had a big sweet tooth and often times preferred a hot chocolate on a warm winter day instead.
That being said, she knew that tea was a big part of traditional Liyue culture and she wanted to respect that. So when the ex-Geo Archon invited her along to the Third-Round Knockout for a taste testing session, she could not possibly refuse.
"...Such a fragrant aroma. I am far from an expert, but even I can tell that these were made from high quality tea leaves. Is there a specific one you believe we should try first? I believe you might be more knowledgeable than me when it comes to tea."
Given Zhongli's long - too long, perhaps, some would say, and at times he would be hard-pressed to disagree - lifespan, it is only natural that he has tasted many a type of tea in his life. Even if he were someone who disliked the drink, it would have happened naturally through matters of meetings and courtesy. (For one should not forge contracts in bad faith and negative atmosphere, after all.)
But seeing as Zhongli does, in fact, like tea, that increases the amount of blends he has sampled by a large margin.
And yet, Liyue somehow still, to this day, manages to surprise him with something new every once in a while. Though some types of tea have perished in the trial of time and history, fading from all memory - except his - a new kind has always been brought in to replace what was lost without fail.
Leave it to humans to always find a way.
And of course, an important ingredient to the best tea is an appropriate atmosphere and company.
"Hmm. That depends on what type of tea you like the most," he responds when Lumine presents her inquiry. "If you would like an energy boost, Phoenix Fire Oolong is the way to go, though it has quite the strong taste. It is one of those types of tea that you either enjoy, or not at all - nothing in between." He pauses briefly to pour himself a cup of just that, before continuing. "If you prefer something milder, Sencha Lemon or Jasmine Pearl are the way to go. They have a pleasant, neutral taste, and a sweet note to them."
He smiles, gesturing with his hand for her to take her pick. "Go on and choose, and think not of me here, of course. I've no intention of forcing you to sample the same as me - you should enjoy tea according to your tastes, not mine. "
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azura-tsukikage · 7 months
In the realm of symbols, talismans, and ritualistic items, there exists a unique space where meaning transcends the boundaries of traditional magical practices. For me, this journey is a personal one, where the significance of these items goes beyond the casting of spells or the performance of rituals. I explore the profound connection and meaning I find in these symbolic elements, even without actively engaging in magic, and everyday items like crystals, herbs, and intention jars become part of this symbolic narrative.
1. The Power of Symbolism: Symbols have a language of their own, a silent dialogue that speaks to the depths of our psyche. Whether it's crystals, figurines, herbs, or cauldrons, each item carries a symbolic weight that resonates with personal experiences, emotions, and aspirations. This section delves into the psychological impact of symbolism and how these items become vessels for personal meaning.
2. An Identity Unveiled: Beyond their symbolic value, these items contribute to the construction of my identity. Rather than needing them for a task or a fulfillment, I explore how these symbols serve as extensions of myself, reflecting aspects of my personality, values, and journey. It's a form of self-expression that doesn't rely on the performance of magical acts but, instead, on the subtle art of curating a symbolic landscape.
3. Everyday Symbolism: I focus on finding symbolism and meaning in everyday items like crystals, herbs, and intention jars. By incorporating these elements into daily life, the mundane becomes a canvas for self-expression, fostering a deeper connection with the symbolic language that surrounds us.
4. Inspiration and Introspection: The symbolic journey is a source of inspiration and introspection. By surrounding myself with items that hold personal meaning, I invite a continuous dialogue with my thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. This reflects on how these symbolic elements become catalysts for self-discovery, growth, and reflection.
5. Crafting a Personal Sanctuary: The symbolic items by default form a sacred space in presence, a personal sanctuary that transcends the need for magical rituals. This explores how curating these elements contributes to the creation of a sacred space that fosters a sense of peace, creativity, and connection with the self.
In a world often associated with magical practices, my journey with symbolic items is a testament to the multifaceted nature of spirituality. It's a journey of finding meaning, constructing identity, and fostering introspection, all within the realm of symbolism. While the magical arts have their allure, there's a unique beauty in a journey where symbolism becomes a language of the soul, independent of spells and rituals.
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
50 Days of HypnoFetish - Day 8: Cognitohazards
Alignment: 70% Top, should be higher but that god damned Silver Crystal is too powerful.
Imagine, if you will, the most entrancing object in the world. Something which is so powerfully hypnotic that there is not a single thing that you can do to prevent yourself from being ensnared by it. Once is is present, your eyes are caught and captivated. Your mind is no longer your own. You are open, vulnerable... helpless.
That is the concept of a cognitohazard. Though if you would like, a more suitable term may actually be "Fetish". Specifically the dictionary definition:
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IE: an item imbued with power that takes a hypnotic focus and turns it into an object which either has magical power, is regarded with extravagant trust/reverence, is an object of obsessive devotion, is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification or is just a fixation.
I will not play with option 1.c, but if there are those out there who want to make it so your partner cannot climax until they see their fetish, then you go ahead and take that one for free. Tell them Miss Dawn sent you.
I am much more interested in 2 and 1a and 1b.
The thing that makes a cognitohazard hot in comparison to a typical eye-focus tool is that there is an energy shift the moment the tool is brought in to play. Even the implied presence of it can alter how a scene is progressing. It's like bringing a nuke to a water gun fight.
Teasing the fact that there is an instant win on the table can be fun for getting reactions. Particularly if one is paired up with a brat. It can be a way of promising a partner that soon they will be peaceful and still and blank.
I also just like the way people react. Their face being stripped of all power and energy in a moment. Focused intently. Captivated. Bespelled.
It's so good.
At Beguiled 2022 I purchased a fairly large purple crystal from @enscenic which I believe was originally a dangling piece of a chandelier. I attached it to a chain and have trained it so that when Sleepyhead sees it she is instantly pulled in, her thoughts becoming trapped inside the "crystal".
Watching how quickly she can go from animated to fully entranced is just lovely. I simply cannot get enough of that power rush. There is a time and a place for a slow and sensual seduction as soft sounds swiftly sway the senses... and there is a time for an artifact so powerful that it must be hidden.
Originally this trigger was fairly open, but Sleepyhead once saw it laying on my bedside table and collapsed onto the bed in a manner I was not prepared for. I felt deeply irresponsible when that happened and with prompting and aid from Daja I locked it behind the term "held with intention."
Now, "playing within the rules" is a big theme of my play style. It's a reason why I cannot be 100% in charge. I need to work within framework. It's a weakness of mine. But it is a weakness which I often turn in to a strength.
Once I know what the rules are, I am allowed to bend them and see how flexible they are within the boundaries of good fun.
There's "Do not touch below my waist" "So let's see how high up your thigh I can touch" bending of rules, which is seeking to violate the spirit of the boundary and is unacceptable.
Then there's "You are not allowed to drop for this magical item without the permission of intention." "...so if I leave it on my bedside table and see you notice it and say "you know, I left it there, knowing you would see it...", that still counts as intent, right?" that's playful and trying to stretch the limits of the game.
The difference, I suppose, is honoring the spirit of the limitation. With this one it's "I want to make sure you are safe and only drop to this magical and irresistible talisman that overwhelms your thoughts when I want you to."
I get to select when I want that. It's not my fault you assumed that would only happen by me overtly showing it to you.
One day of this challenge is going to be Fae Play. I am looking forward to explaining in depth why I am Fae.
Now I could talk about the fun I have in this arena, and I will on another date, but let's stick to cognitohazards.
There's one that is so powerful that it could knock me out from Top Space. Just seeing it was enough to bring me deep, regardless of headspace. Which is a remarkable accomplishment.
It's a replica of the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon.
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It requires intention these days, but if you ever wish to turn a sweet and soft ginger into a puddle, show her that.
Intention can be using a pause trigger to make my mind and body freeze in place, take my hand, place the chain of the crystal in my fingers and unpause with it right in front of my face.
Heavens that one got me.
It's a remarkably effective tool.
Oh and there are 2 of them. Both Sleepyhead and Daja own one. Once they teamed up in a hotel room to show me both at once. A top tier moment in a sweet Sunrise's life, I assure you.
They are my favorite. And though there are other tokens which have power imbued into them, I only have one cognitohazard and keeping that mythology imbues it with power. It makes it understood that this object is powerful and controlling and irresistible.
Very much like a fetish. Its power comes from the belief and the belief is reinforced by the use.
I adore them.
Here's what they each look like by the way.
The Silver Crystal that Daja and Sleepyhead each own:
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And my purple crystal:
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Day 7: Forehead Stimulation
Day 9: Music Control
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vaicomcas · 10 months
Why I love 7x01 trailer scene
Did I mention how much I love the 7x01 trailer scene? I love it in a way that's directly proportional to how much I hate the TMWWBK ring of fire scene. But it is also more than that.
1)It was at once light and heavy. Their grand ill-fated history lurked in the background, yet their interactions were breezy and easy-going from the start--and this was all Crowley, who despite being the loser in the power struggle, despite the need to submit to Castiel to survive, acted like himself, smiling, flirting, playful and uninhibited. And although you see that he was not entirely happy about hell being downsized, his resignation was not bitter nor fake, but came from a place of real respect and acknowledgement of Castiel's power and Castiel's victory.
2) It was at once sweet and painful. Painful because Castiel was never more powerful than this moment, but also never more alone. In the previous episode he said "I have no family." His former friends feared and loathed him, wanted him dead. He had no true support in heaven (he had to kill thousands to maintain his rule; he was doing all his work by himself, no angels joined in his crusade to fix God's "mess"). Sweet because in these few minutes with the King of Hell, he got to have a genuinely relaxed and friendly interaction. Sweet because Crowley's antics made him smile. Sweet because he got to feel good about himself for once in his whole damn life.
3) However turbulent and violent their journey had been in Season 6, however surreal the circumstance of "meeting the new God" was, they got to have this peaceful, light-hearted banter with each other, they got to be themselves. They showed uncomplicated affection for each other. The weight of the world, of heaven and hell and earth, almost seem to be suspended for their moment.
4) But for me, it is so sad to watch now, knowing what's to come for them. For Castiel, especially, this was the last moment he got to believe in himself, it was the last moment he demanded and received respect. After this scene, only disaster, humiliation and slander awaited him, in and out of universe. Crowley's path of degradation would be delayed by two seasons, but it would catch up with him in ways no less brutal.
The whole scene was beautiful. The sigils overhead, the brown-and-orange checkered curtain, the whisky that Crowley carried like a talisman, the way they tilted their heads at each other. And this was their last moment of glory, last moment they got to be themselves, and they got to be themselves because they got to be with each other.
"You found me."
"I never lost you."
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thejhambs · 2 years
Karma in MDZS - Part 3 - Wangji
Part 3 of 3
Part 1 | Part 2
Wangji: freedom from worldly dust
This is the name of Lan Wangji's zither
The story begins with Wei Wuxian's rebirth. In this life, he was summoned by Mo Xuanyu, who asked for him to kill his family. Wei Wuxian does not need to kill the Mos, they die on their own, and Wei Wuxian's debt is repaid without him needing to resort to murder. This concept of repaying a debt is also foreshadowing for what is to come in the story.
There is something of a turning point in Wei Wuxian's luck. He has repaid every debt that he needed to repay, he is now free of the three sins. He's rewarded by... Wangji, being free of worldly dust.
Jiang Cheng, the metaphor for worldliness or samsara keeps following him, trying to capture him, trying to get him to play his game, but WWX is now fiercely guarded now by the metaphor for his good karma, Lan Wangji. The worldly dust cannot touch him now.
Wei Wuxian now has changed. Not only has HE changed, but also, his circumstances have changed entirely. He's not going to be put into terrible situations anymore, because he has already repaid any debts he had.
Wei Wuxian stops approaching the world with pride or arrogance about what he's worth. When the Juniors insult him unknowingly, he just takes it, and gently earns their respect through his generous actions. He isn't attached to his material worth anymore.
Wei Wuxian sees the legacy he left behind with the ghost cultivation. The Juniors use his talisman for nighthunts, and it's positive. Xue Yang uses his techniques negatively, and Xue Yang also dies. Interesting to note that... it's not Wei Wuxian who kills Xue Yang. Wei Wuxian now has the type of karma where he doesn't need to do all that. His cultivation, too, now isn't used for cruelty, but rather, to give peace to spirits who have been wronged, such as A-Qing, Xiao Xingchen, and Song Lan. He has become wiser, as he got rid of his ignorance.
The story ends with the people who made Wei Wuxian's life worse getting their comeuppance. But, and crucially, Wei Wuxian does not take revenge against them. He does not care, and he sees the people he would have hated in his previous life, and approaches them with some level of empathy. He has no more aversion left in his heart, he is too tired to hate anyone.
The second part of Wei Wuxian's life is about getting comfortable with his new status quo, it's about healing. He has come out of a lot of trauma of a life that was frankly hellish, but this time, he gets to relax, be gentle, and enjoy a comfortable life with Lan Wangji. He gets to be taken care of, to be spoilt, to enjoy the comforts of life.
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dealgemeneverwarring · 4 months
De Algemene Verwarring #105 - 22 January 2024
Episode one hundred and five of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, January 22, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Belgian cold wave band De Brassers. The band played their very last show last week in Brussels, saying goodbye to their audience. They released a cassette, a single and a 12" in the early eighties before drug abuse stopped the band for a while. They had a restart in a different lineup somewhere in the late nineties and have been playing shows since then, compilations and live albums were released, the legend was growing. Yes, "En Toen Was Er Niets Meer" is a Belgian classic, but you know how it goes with classics: you get bored of them, so I played another song in this episode to pay tribute to a notorious Belgian band. Oh yeah apparently it is also "week of Belgian music" this week, but as you probably know we don't care much about that, I mean, I play Belgian music if I like it and I don't play it if I don't like it, that's the whole idea about playing music that we like, isn't it? Anyway, praise to De Brassers because they have had an important influence on Belgian music history. Other music in this episode comes from Brainbombs, Death, Tyvek, The Fall, Television Personalities, Cosey Mueller, HTRK, Ekin Fil, Myriam Gendron and more. Also, there's a track from The Soft Moon. Rest in peace, Luis Vasquez. I'll never forget the Soft Moon debut record that left quite an impression on me, and of course the show in Kortrijk at the Sinksen fest, which was amazing. And as always, beneath the photo you can find the playlist for this episode. Enjoy!
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Brainbombs: Blackout Ripper (7” “Blackout Ripper” on Skrammel Records, 2023)
Personal & The Pizzas: Brass Knuckles (7” “Brass Knuckles” on Bubbledump Records & Search And Destroy Records, 2009)
Tyvek: Give It Up (2x7” “Summer Burns” on What’s Your Rupture?, 2007)
Death: Keep On Knocking (LP “…For The Whole World To See” on Drag City, 2009, originally released on a 7” in 1976)
Thee Oh Sees: Inquiry Perpetrated (2xLP “Singles Vol. 1 + 2” on Castle Face, 2011)
The Fall: Prole Art Threat (LP “Slates”, reissue on Superior Viaduct, 2021, originally released on a 10” on Rough Trade, 1981)
Television Personalities: In A Perfumed Garden (LP “They Could Have Been Bigger Than The Beatles”, reissue on 1972 Records, originally released in 1982 by Wham! Records)
De Brassers: Twijfels (2LP “1979-1982” on OnderStroom Records, 2010, originally released in 1980 on a 7” “En Toen Was Er Niets Meer” by Bras Records)
Coitus Int.: Cat-Like Movements (LP “Coitus Int.”, reissue on Bunkerpop, 2014, originally self-released in 1981)
The Soft Moon: We Are We (LP “The Soft Moon” on Captured Tracks, 2010)
Cosey Mueller: Innen Ohne (LP “Irrational Habits” on Static Age Records, 2023)
Die Letzten Ecken: Der Ritter (LP “Talisman” on Static Age Records, 2023)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282: Hell Rules (7” “The Natural Finger” on Ajax Records, 1990)
HTRK: Valentina (LP “Rhinestones” on N&J Blueberries, 2021)
Cindy: The Price Is Right (LP “Standard Candle Demos” on Sloth Mate Productions, 2023)
Myriam Gendron: Solace (LP “Not So Deep As A Well”, reissue on Feeding Tube Records, 2023, originally released in 2014)
Ekin Fil: Desired (LP “Being Near” on Helen Scarsdale Agency, 2016) - Ekin Üzeltüzenci - vorig jaar nog lp uitgebracht op 112 exemplaren
Ordeal: Huggormen (LP “Vätterns Pärla” on Aguirre Records, 2023
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