#Sukuna’s Godly Husband series
zapreportsblog · 10 months
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Chapter one ; Chapter two ; Chapter three ; Chapter four ; Chapter five
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ chapter 5: The Blossoming Sanctuary
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Within the confines of Sukuna's domain, an unlikely request stirred the stillness that permeated the air. Yael, the king of curses' male sacrificial bride, approached Sukuna with a timid yet hopeful expression, a desire brimming in his eyes.
"Sukuna," Yael began, his voice soft yet filled with determination. "I would like to have a garden."
Sukuna, the formidable king of curses, regarded Yael with a mixture of surprise and amusement. He had never expected such a request from his sacrificial bride, for gardens held no place within his realm of darkness and chaos. Yet, the earnestness in Yael's gaze compelled him to consider the plea.
"Why would you desire a garden, Yael?" Sukuna inquired, his tone tinged with both curiosity and skepticism. "Within these walls, you have everything you could possibly need. A garden seems unnecessary."
Yael's expression fell, a shadow of disappointment crossing his features. "I understand, Sukuna," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "But I wanted something that could tie me to my village, a reminder of the world I left behind. A garden could bring me a sense of peace, of connection to the earth."
Sukuna's servant, who had been observing the exchange, stepped forward, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "Perhaps, my lord, it would be wise to grant Yael's request," he suggested. "Denying him may lead to unforeseen consequences. Remember, a happy bride is a content bride."
Sukuna regarded his servant for a moment, contemplating the implications of his words. While he held the power of life and death over Yael, he recognized the importance of maintaining the human's happiness. Relenting, he finally nodded in agreement.
"Very well, Yael," Sukuna conceded, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I shall grant you a garden. But remember, it shall be your responsibility to tend to it."
A spark of joy ignited within Yael's eyes as he bowed in gratitude. "Thank you, Sukuna," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I promise to care for it with all my heart."
True to his word, Sukuna set his formidable power to work, shaping the very essence of his domain to accommodate Yael's desire. Within the confines of their shared space, a garden began to take shape—a sanctuary where nature's beauty could flourish. Sukuna spared no detail, weaving a tapestry of vibrant colors and fragrant blossoms that mirrored Yael's vision.
When the garden was complete, Sukuna presented it to Yael as a surprise, guiding him to the secluded corner of his domain. As Yael beheld the sight before him, his eyes widened with awe and wonder. Lush foliage, adorned with an array of flowers, spread out before him, each petal shimmering with life. It was a tapestry of nature's wonders—a testament to Sukuna's meticulous attention to detail.
Overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the garden, Yael turned to Sukuna, his voice filled with joy. "Sukuna, it's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined," he exclaimed, his words laden with heartfelt gratitude.
Sukuna observed Yael's reaction with a sense of pride, the corners of his lips curling into a rare smile. "I am glad it brings you joy, Yael," he replied, his voice softer than usual. "May it serve as a reminder of the world you left behind, and as a sanctuary where you can find solace amidst the chaos that surrounds us."
As Yael explored his newly bestowed garden, he marveled at Sukuna's detailed knowledge of the flora that flourished within. Sukuna surprised him with stories of each flower's significance and its connection to the human realm—a testament to his unspoken dedication to Yael's happiness. With each step, Yael felt an invisible thread connecting him to his village, bridging the gap between his past and present.
Overflowing with joy, Yael couldn't contain his gratitude any longer. He approached Sukuna, his arms reaching out for an embrace. Though the size difference between them was significant, Yael's emotions propelled him forward, wrapping his arms around Sukuna's waist in a heartfelt embrace.
Sukuna stood still for a moment, his usual stoic demeanor momentarily softened by Yael's gesture. He hesitated, his large hand gingerly resting on Yael's head, as if uncertain of how to reciprocate the embrace. But then, with a rare display of vulnerability, Sukuna's hand moved, gently caressing Yael's hair, a silent gesture of affection and acceptance.
In that moment, as Yael clung to Sukuna, a surge of warmth filled his being. It was a reminder that amidst the darkness and the trials they faced, there existed a fragile bond—a connection forged through unlikely circumstances. Together, they stood in the sanctuary of the garden, enveloped by the beauty that bloomed around them, their souls entwined in a delicate dance of understanding and acceptance.
As the days passed, Yael tended to the garden with unwavering dedication, his heart filled with a sense of purpose. With each touch of the earth, he found solace and connection to the world he had left behind. And as the flowers blossomed under his care, their vibrant hues mirrored the ever-growing bond between Yael and Sukuna—a testament to the enduring power of love and the transformative nature of acceptance.
In the depths of Sukuna's domain, amidst the shadows and the chaos, a garden had taken root—a testament to the union between the king of curses and his male sacrificial bride. It was a sanctuary that held the echoes of Yael's past and the promise of a shared future—a reminder that even in the darkest of places, beauty could thrive, and love could bloom against all odds.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ chapter 3: The King of Curses' Divine Decree
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In the depths of a moonlit night, within the shadowed halls of an ancient castle, a male sacrificial bride knelt before the throne of the King of Curses. The air was heavy with a foreboding energy, crackling with power as the king contemplated the fate of the young soul before him. The bride, with trepidation in his heart, awaited his destiny.
With a commanding presence, the King of Curses rose from his seat, his black robe billowing around him like an ethereal cloud. His piercing eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he peered deep into the very essence of the sacrificial bride. The king's voice, rich and resonant, reverberated through the chamber as he spoke with a chilling authority.
"You, my chosen one," the king declared, his words sending shivers down the bride's spine, "from this moment forth, you shall relinquish your old name. A new identity shall be bestowed upon you, one that carries the weight of destiny and the mark of my curse."
The bride, trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation, nodded in humble obedience, preparing to leave his past behind and embrace the unknown future that awaited him. He had been prepared for sacrifice, but this unexpected twist seemed to offer a different path—one that sent both hope and apprehension coursing through his veins.
The king's gaze never wavered as he chanted an incantation, calling upon the ancient forces of darkness that lay dormant within the castle's walls. The air thickened, charged with an electric energy, as the nameless bride's destiny was woven into the tapestry of fate. It was a moment that would forever change the course of his life.
Finally, the King of Curses spoke the words that would seal the bride's new existence. "From now on, you shall go by the name," he paused for a moment, savoring the anticipation, "Yael."
Yael. The name echoed in the chamber, carrying with it an air of mystery and enigma. It was a name laden with power and significance, marking the bride's transformation from a mere mortal to a vessel of the king's divine will.
But the king's decree did not end there. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a shimmering mist that enveloped Yael, swirling and dancing around him like ethereal tendrils. As the mist cleared, a new feature adorned Yael's countenance—an intricate tattoo, a mark of the curse's blessing, in the shape of a serpent coiling around a sword.
"And as a symbol of your new identity," the king intoned, "you shall bear this mark upon your left shoulder. Let it serve as a reminder of your eternal connection to the world of curses and the power that courses through your veins."
Yael, now adorned with the mark of the curse, felt a surge of energy course through his body. The weight of his new name and the responsibilities it entailed settled upon him, mingling with the remnants of fear that still lingered within his heart. He knew that his life would never be the same again, that he was bound to a destiny far greater than he had ever imagined.
As Yael rose from his kneeling position, the King of Curses nodded, his approval evident in his inscrutable gaze. "Go forth, Yael," the king commanded, his voice commanding and final. "Embrace your new identity, for you are now forever intertwined with the realm of curses. Your path shall be one of trials and tribulations, but through it all, you shall wield a power that few can comprehend."
With those words lingering in the air, Yael took his first step into the unknown. The castle's doors swung open, revealing a world transformed by the king's curse—a world of shadows, magic, and untold secrets. Yael, the newly anointed bride of curses, would tread upon this path, bearing his new name and the mark of the king's divine decree, destined to confront the challenges that lay ahead.
And thus, as Yael ventured forth, the king's male sacrificial bride became a figure of both fear and fascination, a living embodiment of the King of Curses' power. The tale of Yael, forever etched in the annals of history, would echo through the ages, a testament to the enduring legacy of a name and a curse that defied all expectations.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ chapter 2: The Encounter with Sukuna
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The journey to Sukuna's temple was long and treacherous. As I traversed through dense forests and climbed steep mountain paths, a mix of apprehension and anticipation coursed through my veins. The legends surrounding the king of curses painted a terrifying picture, but I remained resolute, prepared to face whatever lay ahead.
Finally, after days of travel, I reached the entrance of Sukuna's temple—an imposing structure shrouded in an eerie silence. The stone steps leading to the entrance stretched before me, weathered and worn from countless sacrificial brides who had come before. It was here, at the threshold between the mortal world and the realm of curses, that I would present myself, just as those who had faced this fate before me.
With a deep breath, I prostrated myself on the stone steps, arms outstretched, palms pressed against the cold surface. It was a gesture of surrender, of acknowledging the power that Sukuna held over me and our village. I hoped that by presenting myself willingly, I could somehow gain favor in his eyes and fulfill my role as the sacrificial bride.
As I lay there, my thoughts swirled with a mix of fear, determination, and curiosity. I wondered what Sukuna's reaction would be when he emerged from his temple and laid eyes on me. Would he unleash his wrath upon me like he had done to the others, or would he spare me as a gesture of amusement? The uncertainty gnawed at my core, but I steeled myself, ready to face whatever destiny had in store.
Time passed slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. Then, finally, as if on cue, the ground rumbled beneath me, announcing the arrival of Sukuna. My heart raced as the temple doors creaked open, revealing a figure wreathed in darkness. Sukuna emerged, his presence commanding and his aura imbued with an otherworldly power.
For a brief moment, Sukuna's eyes locked with mine, his gaze piercing through the depths of my soul. There was an inscrutable intensity in his eyes, a flicker of curiosity that seemed to dance within the darkness. Instead of the expected violence, Sukuna's lips curled into a wry smile—an unexpected twist of fate.
In a swift and fluid motion, Sukuna moved toward me. His extra pair of arms, elongated and sinewy, wrapped around my body with a gentle yet firm grip. As he lifted me from the stone steps, I couldn't help but marvel at his sheer strength, tempered by a delicate touch.
Together, Sukuna and I crossed the threshold into his temple—a realm filled with an eerie ambiance, adorned with ancient artifacts and symbols of power. The air crackled with an unknown energy, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me within these hallowed halls.
Meanwhile, at a distance from the temple, the village elders stood in silence, their eyes fixed on the exchange between Sukuna and me. They had anxiously watched as I presented myself, fearing the worst. Yet, they too witnessed Sukuna's unexpected reaction—an acceptance, a willingness to humor the chosen sacrificial bride.
Realizing the significance of the moment, one of the elders hurriedly made their way back to the village, ready to share the news. Word would spread like wildfire, igniting a mixture of relief, hope, and perhaps even a glimmer of optimism. Sukuna, the king of curses, had accepted their chosen one, Yumi (M/n), as the sacrificial bride.
As the elder's footsteps faded into the distance, I found myself standing within the confines of Sukuna's temple. The enigmatic king of curses, a figure both feared and revered, had chosen to spare me—for now. What lay ahead, I could only imagine. But I knew that my journey had just begun, and the challenges that awaited me in the realm of curses would test my resolve like never before.
With determination burning in my heart, I prepared to face the unknown, eager to discover the depths of Sukuna's intentions and the potential for salvation that lay hidden within the heart of darkness.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ chapter 1: Embracing the Sacrifice
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The air was heavy with anticipation as I stood in the center of the village, surrounded by curious and anxious eyes. The elders had called a meeting, and I knew that something momentous was about to be revealed. My name is Yumi (M/n), and I hail from a small village nestled amidst picturesque mountains and lush greenery. Little did I know that this day would mark the beginning of a journey that would test my strength, resilience, and the depths of my sacrifice.
For generations, our village had lived under the looming shadow of Sukuna, the dreaded king of curses. His wrath had brought devastation and despair, casting a perpetual gloom over our once-thriving community. It was believed that offering a sacrificial bride would appease his anger and protect our people from further harm. As fate would have it, I was the one chosen to bear this tremendous burden.
The village elders, adorned in traditional robes, their expressions a mix of solemnity and hope, beckoned me forward. Their voices carried the weight of the decision they were about to share. My heart raced with anticipation, unsure of what lay ahead but prepared to accept my role in saving our people.
With each step closer to the elders, the weight of the village's expectations settled upon my shoulders. I had always been taught the importance of community and sacrifice, and now, those teachings were being put to the ultimate test. As I reached the center of the gathering, I looked into the eyes of my fellow villagers, seeing both concern and faith reflected back at me.
The village elder, his voice filled with a blend of reverence and sadness, addressed the assembly. "Yumi (M/n),brave child of our village," he began, "you have been chosen to undertake a task of great importance. The burden of becoming the sacrificial bride to Sukuna falls upon your shoulders. It is a weighty responsibility, but we believe in your strength and selflessness."
The words hung in the air, the gravity of their meaning sinking into my soul. I knew that accepting this role meant leaving behind everything I held dear—the warmth of my family, the laughter of my friends, and the familiarity of our village. Yet, a surge of determination welled within me. I had grown up listening to stories of heroes and sacrifices, and now it was my turn to become one.
I took a deep breath, my voice steady as I addressed the gathered villagers. "I accept this role as the village's sacrificial bride," I proclaimed, my words infused with conviction. "I will shoulder this burden for the sake of our people. May my sacrifice be the key to lifting the curse that has befallen us, and may it bring peace and prosperity back to our home."
A wave of mixed emotions rippled through the crowd—whispers of concern, tearful eyes, and nods of respect. Their support and belief in me bolstered my resolve. Though my heart ached at the thought of leaving everything I cherished behind, I knew that my destiny lay beyond the confines of our village. I was the chosen one, the bridge between Sukuna's curse and our village's salvation.
As the realization sank in, the village elders began making preparations for my journey to Sukuna's realm. They gathered ancient relics, talismans, and scrolls of wisdom to guide and protect me on my perilous path. My family, friends, and neighbors showered me with love and encouragement, their support becoming the beacon that illuminated my way forward.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue upon our village, I bid farewell to my loved ones, knowing it would be a long and arduous journey. The tearful goodbyes were punctuated by promises to return, whispers of hope, and unspoken prayers for my safety.
With determination etched in my heart, I set forth on the path that would lead me to Sukuna's realm—the realm of curses. As I embarked on this treacherous adventure, uncertainty clung to me like a shadow. But within me, an unwavering resolve burned bright. I would face the trials and tribulations that awaited me, armed with the courage of a sacrificial bride chosen to save his people from the king of curses.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband
➥ summary : Yumi (M/n) had originally been offered up to the King of Curses, Sukuna as a sacrificial bride for his people so that they may be spared. In other words he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered but something unexpectedly happened the King of Curses Sukuna took the human in to his temple and under the engraved stone walls, Yumi (M/n) had been declared the bride of Sukuna, forced to bare his marking on his shoulder and stripped of his human name.
➥ note : Hey so I know it says x reader for this story but it also has the tag Oc in it too, apologies for the sudden change up in the story but I felt as if Sukuna wouldn’t want a weak partner and well having a human name for the dude is literally him seeing you as weak, if you don’t want to read the name Yael please feel free to switch it up in your head and call yourself by any name you want
➥ chapter 4: A Tranquil Reverie
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In the depths of the ancient forest, where the shadows danced amidst the towering trees, Sukuna, the formidable king of curses, and his human sacrificial bride, Yael, embarked on a tranquil journey. They wandered through the moss-covered paths, where sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting ethereal patterns upon the verdant ground. The air was thick with the scent of foliage and the gentle hum of nature's symphony.
Yael's steps were light, his heart resonating with a sense of serenity that he had never experienced before. Despite Sukuna's fearsome reputation and his own role as the king of curses' bride, Yael found an unexpected peace in Sukuna's presence. It was as if the forest itself recognized their connection, offering solace and tranquility as they meandered through its ancient embrace.
The duality of Sukuna's nature intrigued Yael. The king of curses, with his indomitable power and fierce aura, was known throughout the realms as a force to be reckoned with. And yet, here in the forest, Sukuna exhibited a calmness that belied his fearsome reputation. It was as if the dense foliage and the whispering leaves whispered secrets only he could comprehend, casting a spell of tranquility upon his being.
As they journeyed deeper into the heart of the forest, Yael found himself captivated by the intricate beauty that unfolded before his eyes. The play of light and shadow created a kaleidoscope of colors, as if nature itself reveled in their presence. The symphony of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves offered a soothing backdrop to their footsteps, blending with the rhythm of their hearts.
In the midst of this harmonious dance, Yael couldn't help but wonder at the enigma that was Sukuna. How had fate brought them together, binding a mere mortal to the king of curses? The answer eluded him, lost in the depths of their shared destiny. Yet, in the tranquility of the forest, the questions faded into insignificance, overshadowed by a profound sense of belonging.
As they traversed the forest trails, Sukuna's presence enveloped Yael in a protective embrace. He felt the subtle currents of power that emanated from the king of curses, an unspoken reassurance that he was not alone. It was a paradoxical comfort—one that Yael had not expected, yet one that whispered of the inexplicable connection between them.
The forest seemed to respond to their presence, embracing them as kindred spirits. The rustling leaves whispered secrets of ages past, while ancient trees stretched their branches as if reaching out to caress them. Even the creatures of the forest seemed to regard them with an uncharacteristic calmness, their gazes filled with a curious blend of respect and awe.
As they walked, Sukuna occasionally turned to Yael, his eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. There was a deep understanding between them, unspoken and yet palpable. Yael sensed that Sukuna, for all his power and dominance, found solace in his presence—an unlikely sanctuary in the tempestuous sea of his existence.
In the tranquil depths of the forest, Yael and Sukuna found respite from the chaos that surrounded them. The worries and responsibilities that burdened their souls momentarily faded away, replaced by a profound connection—a thread woven through time and space, binding them together in an unbreakable bond.
With each step, Yael discovered a new layer to Sukuna's character—a complexity that defied the boundaries of human understanding. The king of curses, feared by many, possessed a depth of emotion that Yael had never anticipated. It was as if the forest itself had granted Sukuna a rare vulnerability—a momentary respite from the weight of his power.
As their journey through the forest continued, Yael found himself opening up to Sukuna in ways he had never thought possible. Words flowed freely, unencumbered by the confines of their roles as king and bride. In the hushed tranquility of the forest, they spoke of dreams and desires, fears and hopes, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences that defied their differences.
In the gentle rustle of leaves and the caress of a cool breeze, Yael discovered a sense of belonging that transcended the boundaries of mortal existence. The forest had become their sanctuary—a place where their souls could intertwine and their vulnerabilities could be laid bare. Amidst the ancient trees and murmuring brooks, they found solace in each other's presence, each step bringing them closer to the truth of their connection.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow upon the forest, Yael and Sukuna emerged from their tranquil reverie. The forest had given them a momentary respite—a glimpse into the depths of their intertwined destinies. With hearts brimming with newfound understanding, they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, fortified by the peace they had discovered within the sacred embrace of nature's sanctuary.
Together, they left the forest behind, carrying the tranquility of that sacred place within their souls. The bond between Yael and Sukuna had deepened in the tranquil depths of the forest, forever intertwining their fates. As they ventured forth, guided by the memory of their peaceful stroll, they embraced the uncertainty of their shared destiny, their steps infused with the enduring power of their connection.
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Sukuna’s Godly Husband cover
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Here I have two covers in which I created for the series Sukuna’s Godly Husband
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
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✭ Yuji Itadori :
✭ Megumi Fushiguro :
the curse I fell in love with
✭ Nobara Kugisak :
the enchanting pair
✭ Maki Zenin :
battle training
cursed animal
✭ Toge Inumaki :
cursed animal
✭ Panda :
cursed animal
a fathers visit
✭ Yuta Okkotsu :
✭ Masamichi Yaga :
a fathers visit
✭ Satoru Gojo :
rebuilding the clan
lost and found
✭ Suguru Geto :
lost and found
✭ Aoi Todo :
✭ Kento Nanami :
✭ Choso :
✭ Junpei Yoshino :
✭ Toji Fushiguro :
narcissistic personality
✭ Sukuna :
✭ Mahito :
✭ Jogo :
sukuna’s godly husband masterlist
who needs the avatar when you have a gojo masterlist
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