kumerish · 6 months
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gonna get pimples touching yr face like that
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theotherendcomics · 2 years
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Pimples can’t actually swing a big bag of greasy fish sticks, no matter how big they are. this comic is so fake And hey! This comic features patreon patron Kaja as “lady with good pimple advice”! Check out my patreon if you wanna be a patreon patron guest star: https://www.patreon.com/TheOtherEnd
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aurkitnarulaoge · 3 months
I saw a pimple on my face, wanted to punch something since morning and felt moody then I sat down to start calculus and— no wonder it was my fking period that btch tryna ruin my day.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 11 months
Heads up: If you have a vagina, you could end up with blocked glands or pimples in your vagina.
The Bartholin glands are what lube up your vagina. Sometimes, they get blocked, and you can end up with a Bartholin cyst. Please note, that horrific Mayo Clinic illustration is not representative to actual cyst size in most cases. Some of them are so small, you don't even notice it, and they clear on their own.
Others are large enough you can feel them and they get painful. There's some real easy home treatments you can do to help unblock the gland and clear the cyst:
Epsom salt bath. Just do a nice epsom soak as you would for sore muscles. If you can stand to touch the cyst, massage gently around the edges of it. Don't squeeze on it. Just gentle massage on the edges to encourage movement.
You can also wet a washcloth in warm water and press it against the cyst. You can massage through the washcloth if you need to. Re-wet and press to the cyst a few times in a row.
You may need to repeat option #1 and option #2 a few times before the cyst goes away.
If it hurts too much to sit or walk or touch, ignore steps 1 and 2 and get to your doctor. They may give you this same advice, but they may also be able to drain it if it's in bad shape.
Vaginal pimples are basically the same, except they can get a head on them. Go with options 1 and 2 again. Do not put anything on the pimple. Odds are, you won't be able to tell if it's a cyst or a pimple unless you know the exact location of your bartholin glands.
If they seem to happen regularly or a lot, definitely talk to a doctor about it. Hormone levels--unshockingly--can affect them.
It's okay if you think it's gross. You don't gotta think everything your body does is super rad. I think they're super gross, but it's also nice to know how to deal with them because it just makes it easier to deal with them.
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ocarasemcara · 7 months
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Larry with pimples bc yes
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cuteitgirlinspos · 9 months
‧ ₊﹒ ୨♰୧ ﹒₊ ‧
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How to achieve crystal clear skin . 🎀
001 ; Do NOT use to many products , a lot doesn’t equal perfect ..
( 🎀 ) you should use 2 - 5 skin care products to many can actually be BAD for your skin , this also saves money so you can save money while having dewy glowy skin .
002 ; Find out what your skin type is ..
( 🎀 ) When you find out your skin type you can know what products to buy so your skin so you can get rid of those blemishes .
( 🎀 ) Water is sooo helpful !! it’s good for your body , it makes your skin much more clear , and it fastens your metabolism !!
004 ; Figure out what is causing these blemishes for your skin .
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( 🎀 ) this chart can help you figure out why you’re having pimples in a certain area !!
005 ; I know it’s hard but don’t pop your pimples !!
( 🎀 ) popping your pimples might leave a mark of it there , and that’s even moreee skin products .
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‧ ₊﹒ ୨♰୧ ﹒₊ ‧
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brownglitter · 6 days
Y'all if you have acne, or get random pimples all the time, TRY THE GARLIC TREND.
if you're active on tik tok or Instagram then you might know about this trend that went viral a few weeks ago for clear skin.
Eating a chopped garlic clove with water right before bed for almost a week.
It works WONDERS.
I used to get random pimples all the time and out-breaks every few months but I just saw this trend and I was like "oh sounds simple I can try that" and i did.
My skin got clear in just 4-5 days.
It's so simple and so effective.
If anyone wants full understanding of how it works and who should avoid it etc, there is a dermatologist Dr. Shee, ig on Instagram and she has done the whole explanation in her highlights of this trend.
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Dotted baby. Delineations of cutaneous diseases. 1817.
"White Gum...exhibits hard, whitish pimples...frequently unaccompanied by any disposition."
Internet Archive
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britcision · 4 months
Do you ever get the feeling that your pimples are intentionally mapping out the parts of your body where you can’t easily reach to check up on or spot clean them?
Cuz it’s Big Bedtime Congestion Hours and having to sleep every night with the vaporub always causes breakouts all over my chest but they’re being vindictive right now
Like the only place on my body that I can’t easily get both hands to is the back of my shoulders (I’m hyperextensive, it’s bad) and GUESS where I have like six huge and super sore pimples popping up
Right on the fucking shoulder blade
There is NO way I got the vaporub there?? I think???
(Front of shoulders I’ll grant you, there’s some migration but not that much)
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shysideho · 9 months
I hate when I mention I have acne and people immediately go "Oh you should buy X product" cause so many of my zits have been caused by just actions and not what creme I'm using/not using so without further ado
Here's a list of habits that may help reduce your ance for $0.
- wash your face first thing in the morning. Don't wait hours after you've woken up
-if your acne is surrounding your hairline, it might be your shampoo. Have they changed the recipe lately or did you switch shampoos?
-if your acne is going around your neck and down your back, it might be your conditioner. Try rinsing it out sooner and not leaving it in as long. Maybe you could even skip it idk.
-if you're grease training your hair, your skin might not be a fan. I can't do grease training but you might have to power thru this one.
-after you exercise or sweat a bunch at least rinse your face and acne areas with water if you can't shower. Don't wait again.
-if you have zits on the bridge of your nose and on your cheeks, it might be from sunglasses or glasses. Disinfect the frames often.
-switch pillowcases more than you think you need to. Like weekly.
-same with Towels you use to dry and clean your face
-sometimes scrubbing your face too often can cause acne. You don't need to exfoliate often. Or ever sometimes. Depends on the person.
-wash hats and other fabrics that touch your face
-wear breathable clothes where you have acne.
-if you have acne between and under your boobs, and down your back it might be sports bra related. Wash those after every use. (Pads don't have to be washed as often)
-wash your bras more often than normal. But don't wash them as frequently as sports bras. They won't last as long.
-for washing your back get a scrub stick. It's hard to reach all the areas with your hand.
-bumps on your arms can be diminished by moisturizing with normal lotion.
-also most people don't need to moisturize as often as it's talked about.
-some zits are actually infected hairs. Especially if they're in odd areas where acne doesn't normally occur (for me it's the pubic region) these can be plucked and they go away.
-clean your earbuds. Have you had an ear zit? They're gross and painful.
-if you have acne in odd areas that's all over your body, ask if you switched laundry detergent recently? A lot of people I know are sensitive to certain laundry brands.
-never pick your zits with dirty hands and gross fingernails. That shit will get infected so readily.
-also forreal don't pop zits on the lip they take so long to heal and they naturally go away a lot faster.
-if you eat a very greasy meal, wipe your mouth well and rinse it after you're done. And wash your hands well.
-I stopped using concealer cause there's a lot of oil in it naturally, and It made me breakout more.
-if you have a wave of acne, look at where you are on your menstrual cycle and see if it's ovulation or period time. Usually that's when I get breakouts.
Thats all I can think of. I hope I can help anyone else. I've been better about not picking but stopping it before it starts is the best tool. Love you muah❤️💋
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thatcaliber · 2 months
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out here making the hard choices
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gxdsfavgal · 1 year
I hate acne
My skin was doing so well for a year, and all of the sudden BAM ACNE!
I’ve struggled with bad forehead acne ever since i was 13, and just last year i found the perfect skin routine.
Now, i have cheek acne (which i’ve never had) and my forehead acne is back.
I think it might be from lack of sleep and makeup (even though i don’t even use concealer or foundation).
it’s just really annoying and draining when i grew up getting made fun of for my acne, especially after my skin did so good for over a year.
i hate it.
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roman-sunshine · 1 year
Hydrocolloid bandages has been a game changer for me in terms of acne, boils, and skin picking.
It helps everything heal up real nice - I've had super deep pimples stick to the bandage and just have an enormous deep core come out, it doesn't scar as badly, and also I found tapping the band-aid and running my fingers over it helped soothe the urge to pick at pimples or scabs
I even put one over my stitches when every single "waterproof" dressing immediately started lifting or got soaked with sweat. I put one on and it stayed firm and kept water out for eight days, even though the stitches were on my knee. My doctor was completely floored how well it worked when I went to have the stitches taken out.
I don't recommend it over scrapes because they produce a lot of fluid and the bandage gets soaked immediately but literally everything else they're amazing
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gyrrakavian · 7 months
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preciousteddybear · 7 months
♡How to Find Your Skin Type♡
🧸Hey Teddies! My first blog is about how to find your skin type. (I will make a few more posts about how to deal with your skin type the right way, soon!). Knowing your skin type is important because it helps you know what products you need to use in your skin care routine and gives you the knowledge of what your skin really needs. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, so please don't come for me😭 (But most of this information is dermatologist-approved!)
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The main types of skin types are dry, sensitive, oily, and combination. To find out which is yours go through the skin types below and follow the instructions. Good luck! ;D
★1★ Wash your face. Right after washing it, touch it. How does it feel? If it feels tight then your face is dry. If it feels cleaner then you may have oily skin. If your T-zone (your T-zone is your forehead, nose area, and your chin) feels clean, but your cheeks feel tight, you may have combination skin.
★2★ Pinch your cheek. If it forms wrinkles, you may have dry and/or combination skin. If it is smooth, check if you have oily skin!
★3★ Look in the mirror. What do you see? If you see red, flaky patches all over, you most likely have dry and/or sensitive skin. If your face is shiny you have oily skin. If you have both then you have combination skin.
★4★ Wait an hour after washing your face and dab your T-zone with a tissue. Look at your tissue and check if any oil has gotten on it. If you do see oil that means you have oily or combination skin.
Dry Skin
If you have dry skin the texture is flaky and rough, or you'll see peeling skin.
Oily Skin
If you have oily skin then your face looks shiny and feels smooth, and later on in the day, it feels greasy. The oily parts of your face have the most acne or pimples that occur there. Your pores are big, especially in your T-zone.
Combination Skin
The combination skin type is the combination of oily and dry skin. Your face will be oily in the T-zone, but dry anywhere else. You may have more acne in your T-zone than on your cheeks.
Sensitive Skin
If you have sensitive skin then your skin can be itchy, and get rashes. Your skin reacts to certain products and cleansers that can cause it to get red, itchy, and dry.
If these skin types do not apply to you, congrats!!! You have normal skin and do not have any huge problems to deal with. You have smooth skin, but you'll still have to deal with acne. Special treatment for you isn't needed :)
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millennialskin · 2 months
The Unseen Scars: Understanding the Link Between Acne and Depression
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com In the tapestry of human experiences, our skin often acts as the canvas displaying not just our battles with various conditions but also our emotional and psychological struggles. Among these, acne stands out—not merely as a common skin ailment but as a significant contributor to emotional distress and, in many cases, depression. The journey through acne is fraught…
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