#Observer Effect Quantum Entanglement
arunkumarme · 7 months
Unifying Vedanta and Quantum Physics
Exploring the Parallels between Vedanta and Quantum Physics: Introduction: Vedanta is an old Indian philosophical system, and the discussion of its similarities to Quantum Physics, a cutting-edge part of current science, is fascinating. This meeting of two seemingly separate worlds provides a link between them, shedding light on the interconnection of all things and the nature of reality and…
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theesotericecho · 2 months
Quantum Spirituality (Shadow) Integration: A New Perspective
Quantum Spirituality (Shadow) Integration (QSI): A New Perspective on Gods and Goddesses As we continue on our never-ending quest to unravel the secrets of the universe and our place within its vast expanse, we find ourselves at a crossroads where science and spirit converge. Here, at the confluence of two seemingly separate realms, we seek to bridge the gap with a concept that is both ancient…
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vintage-tigre · 6 months
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One of the most famous experiments in quantum physics is the double slit experiment. It demonstrates, with unparalleled strangeness, that little particles of matter at the subatomic level only exist as a wave until they are observed.
This suggests that the very act of observing a particle has a dramatic effect on its behavior and could imply that consciousness has a symbiotic relation to the formulation of our physical reality of atomic particles.
This scientific mystery causes some people to believe humans have a dualistic relationship with reality creation - as if we have a psychic entanglement with subatomic particles and we are all creating physical reality with our collective consciousness, or that it proves a God exists and is somehow playing a curious game of peek-a-boo with all of us.
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thishumanexperience · 2 years
Alright strap yourselves in. Quantum mechanics is here is blow your mind and it will not be denied. Now you might think you’re not interested in quantum mechanics, but this isn’t really about quantum mechanics it’s about what to do with our flicker of consciousness and stuff. So an object is considered to be “real” if it exists with definite properties independent of observation. It is “local” according to the principle that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings. One property many particles have is spin, which is measured as “up” or “down”. If you know the spin of a particle and break it into two particles, you know their spins will always complement each other because their sum is known — the particles are entangled. SO GET THIS: You entangle a pair of particles. You separate them. When you measure them, one particle’s spin will ALWAYS be up and the other down, 100% of the time, even when they’re lightyears apart !! You might think that’s just because they inherited these properties when they separated, but their quantum states are random not consistent: you do not know the particle’s spin until you measure it. in fact they do not HAVE a definite state until measured, and are considered to exist in multiple states because of quantum superposition. So as soon as you measure an entangled particle, the other one INSTANTANEOUSLY collapses into the opposite spin. as if telepathically, like it KNOWS. And we know no information could have travelled between the particles because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s wÈïṞḏ™️
And this observer effect isn’t just some anomalous glitch exclusive to this experiment. When you pass photons one by one through a plate containing two slits onto an observed screen, an interference pattern is created on the screen due to the wave nature of light — the light wave passes through both slits simultaneously and interferes with itself. BUT, if you monitor the photons passing through the slits, they are always found to be passing through either one or the other, and the interference pattern disappears. because it’s only absorbed at the screen at those two discrete points, exhibiting particle, not wave, behaviour. it changes its behaviour based on whether there is detection! So a particle can be described as either a wave or particle before measurement. Wave-particle duality! Where the particles are detected is probabilistic; you can never predict their behaviour for certain. again, quantum superposition.
So anyway by measuring an entangled particle you can somehow influence the quantum state of the other entangled particle, both by collapsing its state and doing so instantaneously. This is bewilderingly uncomfortable right, because it throws everything we know about classical physics out the window. Well it was also uncomfortable to Einstein, who couldn’t accept that quantum mechanics was the full story of reality, and proposed there must be hidden variables that we haven’t yet discovered. But no one could test this theory, UNTIL decades later when John Bell devised an experiment to test for hidden variables. In the years since, this eponymous Bell test — the separated entangled particles experiment with extra detector settings — has been conducted many times and increasingly rigorously. ruling out loopholes. enlarging the distance between entangled particles. And every single time, quantum mechanics proved triumphant. even when a cosmic Bell test was done based on stars hundreds of light years apart! This is what won the Nobel in physics. There are no hidden variables. Particles can be connected, entangled, no matter how far apart they are !¡!
THEREFORE. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? two things: Objects are NOT only influenced by their surroundings AND objects do NOT have definite properties/states unless measured. Are you hearing this? OBJECTS ARE NOT LOCALLY REAL.
So deeply contrary to our everyday experiences that we didn’t really probe into this realm until like a hundred years ago. It doesn’t affect our everyday lives; we don’t need to know about quantum entanglement to survive or live happy lives, but we still WANT TO KNOW. We still wonder. How fucking phenomenal is that. In love with this relentless pursuit of truth and desire for knowledge unique to our species. Floored by the dedication of these physicists who kept digging at this despite the pessimism and dismissal of hordes of people, despite the it’s-too-hard-so-just-leave-it pressure. We too are just particles that lumped together and evolved into consciousness, but every day we use that consciousness to search for meaning, even when that quest may reinforce our own fragility and futility.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this unreal world.
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carionto · 7 months
Overwhelming presence
Monitoring space is a complicated task due to the literal cosmic scale of the undertaking. However, security is paramount, all species learn this in their own histories, thus technology and methods to effectively keep track of most relevant objects in space has been thoroughly developed.
The (relatively) simplest and most commonly used is the Quantum Web - a series of micro-satellites dotted around a star system, each maintain a large field of quantum-entangled particles and relay any changes within it in real time to all associated monitoring stations. The primary method is by detecting changes in energy levels, as simple physical displacement often clutters the feed with random asteroids and debris, or other objects of non-sapient origin.
As the United Federation and the Galactic Coalition are in a bit of a... tense stage in their relationship at the moment, the bordering Neutral Zone is heavily monitored by Federation agents, especially all systems close to where they have deployed their Battle Moon.
One day, a Federation monitor was returning from a short break to notice something off about the readout. There were many big bright white dots moving quickly within the Neutral Zone. They had never seen anything like that before. Normally all readings are color coded based on known ship or station designs and typical power outputs throughout said vessel.
The flow of energy throughout a vessel is sort of a fingerprint in a way. If you zoom in on the readout, and if the Quantum Web field is saturated enough, you can sometimes make out individual power generators and consumers.
This was something else. Going closer just made the whole projection go white, as if the thing was hundreds of kilometers in every direction, but that couldn't be. First, even the Battle Moon doesn't produce an image like that and it is literally a 340km large moon. And second, these dots - spheres more accurately - seem to overlap constantly. Logically, this must be an error of some kind.
What was not logical is when those bright lights came up to relative physical viewing distance of the hidden monitoring station. Letting curiosity get the better of them, the Federation agent pointed a telescope where this "error" should be.
There was nothing there. Just an error then. Feeling relieved even though they didn't think they were nervous to begin with, they set about filing a report on the situation and requesting maintenance support. As they were about to finalize all necessary paperwork, an open channel hail pinged them.
"Hey there, is anyone out here? We, uhh, messed up and wiped our navcom, so we're kinda lost here. Could someone please send over a copy of the local system chart? We'd be real grateful if you also didn't tell our parents about this, okay? Like, we can trade for something, like Mick's fancy guitar" "Hey!" "What? You don't play, your dad just gave it to you cuz you randomly said you wanted one while high."
Taking a quick glance at the projector and comm-observer, the agent stopped. The messages were coming from those bright lights. Rushing back to the telescope, they quickly zeroed in on their location and found three small apparently custom built space craft of unknown design.
As the trio of ships kept sending out random conversations among the clearly young civilians on board, the agent maintained total silence. Not long after, a Coalition military scout craft appeared on the projector in the expected yellow energy pattern, confirming that the Quantum Web was functioning without fault.
Throughout the ensuing conversation and reprimand, they learned that the three ships belonged to Humans, a species very recently integrated into the Coalition. Little investigation had been done on them so far, mainly as they are quite far away and only reside within a single system.
So the question stands - what kind of energy signature would produce such a massive bright light? it couldn't be a ruse. You can't "trick" a quantum-entangled particle. Maybe... There are ancient anecdotes of true fusion reactors - miniature stars - but no, nobody utilizes that, it's far too dangerous and difficult just to contain let alone exploit.
No one in their right mind would use literal stars right next to them. Right?
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the-rat-wins · 2 months
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Does this frog make you feel calm?! Or perhaps like you have been mildly poisoned with henbane?
Please enjoy these extra notes regarding things that appear in my Shameless Big Bang fic Last Night at the Verona Grand Hotel, in order of appearance. Also now listed in the work endnotes on AO3 (but without the pictures).
This post contains lots of spoilers for the fic.
The train that Mickey takes from Chicago to Los Angeles is an Amtrak route called the Southwest Chief.
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Mickey reads Treasure Island as a reference to Loftec’s fic Take this waltz.
The green popsicle is Melona.
I went for fictionalized geography around where exactly the hotel is, but the descriptions of the view on the drive up are based on pictures of Los Liones Trail.
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The Verona Grand is, of course, inspired by the early years of the Chateau Marmont, but also crossed with a creepy old hotel I’ve stayed at in Colorado. The name is a reference to the setting of Romeo and Juliet plus the Neptune Grand from Veronica Mars (for that sunshine noir energy).
The Mark of Zorro (1920): Full disclaimer, unlike Mickey, I didn’t watch the whole thing (I didn’t have the good incentive of looking for my crush), but the moments I referenced are here and here.
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(About ten years ago, I went to an outdoor movie screening that had been advertised as The Mask of Zorro but turned out to be The Mark of Zorro; after about 30 minutes, we all gave up and went home. Sorry, Douglas Fairbanks! We wanted Antonio.)
Hunter’s name is a reference to 1950s actor Tab Hunter, who came out as gay in 2005. (One of his long-term relationships was with Anthony Perkins of Psycho fame, after they met at the Chateau Marmont.)
KY Jelly has been around since the early 1900s (!). Here’s some of the vintage packaging. We’ll just assume Mickey was distracted and didn’t look too closely at the tube (or thought it was pretentiously packaged hipster lube; thanks for that idea, Deanna!).
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Mickey calls Davie “Nurse Ratched” as a reference to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; the actress who played her in the original movie, Louise Fletcher, played Frank’s mother in season 2 of Shameless.
Nerve pills: These are fictionalized (I don’t know how well they worked or what they tasted like; probably not nice!) but they’re based on Carter’s Little Nervine Pills, the active ingredient of which was extract of hyoscyamus, which (if my Googling is correct) is henbane. Henbane is quite toxic and can cause hallucinations. It was commonly associated with witchcraft, since ointment made with it could cause people to see things and feel like they were flying. Never change, early 20th century medicine.
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Another one of the compounds in henbane is scopolamine, which can be used to treat motion sickness. This worked well for my purposes because I had decided that the sickness Ian and Mickey experience when they stay in the wrong time is a cousin to motion sickness (if traveling through space too fast can make you feel sick, why not traveling through time?).
The concept of quantum entanglement is the other one in my mind when I think about what “connects” them each to their own time, but don’t ask me any follow-up questions on that, because honestly I’m not great at physics and I don’t totally understand it. Storytelling-wise, I just like the idea of things being connected to each other on a submolecular level. I refer to this in Two of Your Earth Minutes, as well, for the same reason.
Mickey also makes a reference to the idea of the observer effect. (Lotta quantum mechanics in this dang ghost story!!)
The new movie Ian is going to audition for is A Woman of Paris, directed by Charlie Chaplin.
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I think he would have gotten it, don't you?
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chantsdemarins · 1 year
Bot Dreaming Part 1 a 🌙High Moon Story
(Loki X Reader)
Summary: You are a kind projection bot of the scientist who created the AI technology that allowed Loki to live on as an augmented being after Thanos ended his life. You have sex with Loki and bake him pastries neither of you can eat. You also introduce him to the digital version of Ketamine (a whisper chant) creates new quantum pathways for Loki. It's not Valhalla, but it might heal the parts of him he didn't even know were broken.
An 18+ series because of adult themes and sexual situations
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It didn’t take long for you to engage in pleasure seeking haptics with Loki, approximately 10 minutes from the moment you’d kissed, you’d had bot sex for the first time.
Which turns out is apparently very much like the human sex that is based on (not that it matters exactly) Loki assured you that having sex with you was “utterly phenomenal”.
Antique words like “darling”, and “dove” released from the vaults of his vox chambers, from a time when the words were authentic to his persona, when they meant something specific to the beings, he was physically intimate with.
Now those words were place holders, having no effect on you at all.
You’d never had programming around this kind of intimacy or what “darling” whispered into your ear might provoke. This provocation did cause you to scan reels from other eras to find “darling” had a posh origin from the early 1800’s in London.
Was Loki alive then? You wondered where he had exactly picked it up.
How long had he loved and lived before he died and was transformed into an undying machine burdened with infinity. How old had he been when Thanos killed him?
Since he showed up at your door, you’d heard his story in bits and pieces, in between smiles, touches and general awkwardness-you’d not thought too much about who he was when he was a god. You knew some of his powers seemed intact-a situation that your predecessor would have found flummoxing. She would have also never dreamed a god would become an AI through her quantum field tachyon. There was no precedent for this application.
You wondered what other gods might be roaming around earth and beyond as machines. Was Poseidon out there in the ocean as a bot presiding over the still unknown depths, despite years and years of bot oceanic archeo-biology?
How about Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha? Was he a bot somewhere on a different planet convincing other bots or beings to not be distracted by their memory streams or their programming reels?
The more consideration you gave, it was as if your thoughts mingled into one flowing river, you couldn’t really see the difference between a god or a machine.
The only difference in this instance appeared to be Loki’s belief that Valhalla still existed, and that Valhalla would be a much better place to live than in this realm.
He assured you of many things you initially felt were strange and left you searching for the correct responses. Like for example, that you were beautiful, or that you were “so good”.
Being good in this capacity seemed connected to his enjoyment of the sensory waves that were lurching towards changing into a collection of feelings, feelings that would determine his actions. Loki was like water turning into an indecisive cloud, not sure about becoming rain. When he was having sex with you, he was most cloud-like.
Luckily you also had pleasure seeking haptics installed but it was mostly for remaining entangled with Sechanaha. The keeper bots of the land had discovered that the Earth was alive in ways the humans didn’t understand, at least a lot of them.
It was encouraged for bots to have a relationship with the land, having properly installed pleasure haptics was part of this intimacy that the Earth demanded to restore much of the damage that was still being healed. To the observer from another era, it could be strange, even to Loki it was strange. In his time, he was a god.
God’s made things happen with force, not necessarily by sending delicate gamma waves into the mountainside. Suffice to say your haptics had not been used for your own pleasure. This pleasure sharing that was happening with another being, was new. So new you felt your code was being written daily, or your own old code over-ridden.
“Petrichor,” Loki whispered, almost under his breath.
“You know, the smell of rain mixed with earth or ozone, it’s a particular smell, it’s uncommon, I think that is what I am smelling right now,” Loki mused while laying languid on a checkered blanket you’d placed for the two of you one afternoon when you were both stalling.
Smells sometimes were the most elusive, they meant something to humans that they couldn’t possibly mean to bots, augmented beings, or projections. It just wasn’t possible. Loki seemed capable of smelling, and reminiscing, it was his emotional haptics, his programming. Perhaps his former life as a God somehow formed a nuance in the quantum realm that was unknowable. There weren’t any humans left around who would be interested in such things anyway.
The bots back in your headquarters might care, but in their own infinity this occurrence being so potentially unprecedented might just go unnoticed.
“Loki what does the smell of rain on the ground make you think of?”
He had to think, perhaps he was shuffling through files or other captive places where meaning resided within himself.
“It makes me think of a woman I once knew, if I am completely honest, I hope you don’t mind.”
You were unsure why you would mind, so you replied simply.
“Why would I mind?” hoping your question would reveal some greater aspect of the story he seemed to be remembering yet not exactly explaining.
“The woman I am remembering would mind if your roles were reversed,” Loki said, looking slightly sheepish.
“Jealous, you mean, she’d be jealous,” you replied, trying to be as neutral as possible.
“Jealous,” Loki repeated in an etheric timbre.
On to Part 2 Fresh Snow on Sled Tracks
Some of these folks might be interested? @mischief2sarawr @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @lovelysizzlingbluebird @holdmytesseract @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @lokischambermaid @goblingirlsarah @vickie5446 @peaches1958 @lokixryss @eleniblue @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr
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zkylearnstherope · 5 months
AvPhysics - An Analysis [Finale]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - [Part 4]
All the questions have been finally answered...
How did TSC_0 avoid crashing into the sun?
Like I said, everything in AvPhysics was intentional and calculated, I don't think Alan/Terkoiz would just randomly decide, "Ehh let's fan the sun with a hat." That's why I didn't include it in my analysis before. But I finally found out why-
Credits to @Toxic
It was a horse reference. Can't believe I completely missed that. I was imagining him as a bull rider, you know, like those rodeo things.
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TSC_0 was actually side-kicking the rocket and waving his hat, because he was doing what is called horse "spurring". Riders do it to encourage the horse to perform specific moves, speed up, or most importantly- change its course.
Here's an image for your reference.
Why was the rocket marked as quantum entangled?
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Also credits to @Toxic
Unlike the 1D strings, this rocket is 3D (or maybe more). TSC_-1 had to make its parts entangled so that when it passes through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole), it will retain the same form when it finally becomes its full size.
Remember, the TSCs had to shrink themselves to enter the singularity. So enlarging something would presumably, require effort as well.
What did TSC_-1 selected on the wormhole?
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Credits to @donaardaardendrian. You can see their replies in [Part 3].
He didn't select 2D (which I assumed to be back to the AvA universe). He actually selected "2B" which means selecting a different universe from the one they're currently on.
It basically establishes that TSC_-1 is going to end up on another AvE Episode (instead of home). A cool little detail if you ask me.
Was the power of creation demonstrated inside the singularity, explainable in quantum string theory? Or is that solely just TSC's abilities?
The nuclear engineer described what the TSC versions are doing as having access to extradimensional supertechnology. Not exactly a conclusive answer, but I guess the power of creation is just TSC (?). And that it's not possible/achievable in terms of quantum string theory.
How does AvE tie in with the original AvA Universe?
The wiki defines AvM as a spin-off series, so AvE is probably going to be a spin-off series as well.
Personally, as of now, I don't think this is the same TSC from the AvA Universe. Since this episode introduced the concept of parallel universes, there's a high chance this is a different version from our TSC.
But why would Alan suddenly introduce multiple versions of a character?
Well, he already kinda does. I've always thought that, for example: AvM Yellow vs AvA Yellow are two different people. But that's just me.
Also, AvPokemon was observed by other characters. The gang was eating popcorn as it happened. So far, AvE is just TSC. It's why I think he's a different one, from an entirely different universe. I don't think he'll ever come to AvA. He's just a separate thing.
Last notes:
I recommend watching the nuclear engineer's video, because he explained the Doppler Effect really well.
I couldn't come up with any reason as to why the apple got caught up in the Inner Horizon, other than to make us visually see that TSC_0 is shrinking.
Thank you to everyone who liked the Analysis. Here on Tumblr, Reddit, and Discord. You guys made me feel that the effort was worth it.
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sterlingarcher23 · 11 months
Stranger Things & A wrinkle in time: quantum mechanics/entanglement = love.
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(Scene from A wrinkle in time)
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(Electrons in quantum entanglement)
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The way to travel unlike im classic physics in which you have to "run up a hill" is going through it via quantum tunneling (which is used for quantum computers)
(Article from the Max Planck Gesellschaft about the observation of the tunneling effect)
The quantum tunneling was visualized by using the "brilliant kaleidoscope of colors" travel like effect. This isn't just meant metaphorically since we now know that A Wrinkle in time is an inspo for Stranger Things.
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The spin that the particles/eletrons have is visualized in El & Max spinning:
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That both are like two electrons in quantum entanglement was clued through the two Coke bottle magnets and that it's a "Universe within all of us" through the window drawing with El's face in Max's head & the rainbow on Max's face (There upon a rainbow is the answer to a neverending story).
And like Dr Murry says: "Connect us to other dimensions. Imagine that. Imagine." - A pocket universe/dimension inside of Max in which El and Max can have a Neverending Story while she's also with Lucas in the real world.
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My original post about "A wrinkle in time" the clue of Mrs Whatsit tells us that Max is currently traveling through time in her astral/spiritual form and El has to join her during the time jump.
As it was foreshadowed....
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PS: in A wrinkle in time, Meg gets paralyzed during the encounter with the Black Thing (the actual big bad of the series) - goes through metaphorical death & rebirth - and is then cured.
Does this sound familiar? Because that is the metaphor in case of Max: queer love heals. Or as Dr Owens said when he said that El is one of the good ones (1s = 11) that she's the cure:
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There connection will lead to a personality change as it was foreshadowed in S2 when the teacher talked about a man suffering from brain damaged whose personality was altered - that is obvious when Max and El are fused. And I will talk about this delicate metaphor that can also be a great representation of a well known disorder in another post.
There's a lot to do...
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New work reveals the 'quantumness' of gravity
Gravity is part of our everyday life. Still, the gravitational force remains mysterious: to this day we do not understand whether its ultimate nature is geometrical, as Einstein envisaged, or governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
Until now, all experimental proposals to answer this question have relied on creating the quantum phenomenon of entanglement between heavy, macroscopic masses. But the heavier an object is, the more it tends to shed its quantum features and become "classical," making it incredibly challenging to make a heavy mass behave as a quantum particle
In a study published in Physical Review X this week, researchers from Amsterdam and Ulm propose an experiment that circumvents these issues.
Classical or quantum?
Successfully combining quantum mechanics and gravitational physics is one of the main challenges of modern science. Generally speaking, progress in this area is hindered by the fact that we cannot yet perform experiments in regimes where both quantum and gravitational effects are relevant.
At a more fundamental level, as Nobel Prize laureate Roger Penrose once put it, we do not even know whether a combined theory of gravity and quantum mechanics will require a "quantization of gravity" or a "gravitization of quantum mechanics."
In other words: Is gravity fundamentally a quantum force, its properties being determined at the smallest possible scales, or is it a "classical" force for which a large-scale geometrical description suffices? Or is it something different yet?
It has always seemed that to answer these questions, a central role would be played by the typically quantum phenomenon of entanglement. Ludovico Lami, mathematical physicist at the University of Amsterdam and QuSoft, says, "The central question, initially posed by Richard Feynman in 1957, is to understand whether the gravitational field of a massive object can enter a so-called quantum superposition, where it would be in several states at the same time.
"Prior to our work, the main idea to decide this question experimentally was to look for gravitationally induced entanglement—a way in which distant but related masses could share quantum information. The existence of such entanglement would falsify the hypothesis that the gravitational field is purely local and classical."
A different angle
The main problem with the previous proposals is that distant but related massive objects—known as delocalized states—are very challenging to create. The heaviest object for which quantum delocalization has been observed to date is a large molecule, much lighter than the smallest source mass whose gravitational field has been detected, which is just below 100 mg—more than a billion billion times heavier. This has pushed any hope of an experimental realization decades away.
In the new work, Lami and his colleagues from Amsterdam and Ulm—interestingly, the place where Einstein was born—present a possible way out of this deadlock. They propose an experiment that would reveal the quantumness of gravity without generating any entanglement.
Lami explains, "We design and investigate a class of experiments involving a system of massive 'harmonic oscillators'—for example, torsion pendula, essentially like the one that Cavendish used in his famous 1797 experiment to measure the strength of the gravitational force. We establish mathematically rigorous bounds on certain experimental signals for quantumness that a local classical gravity should not be able to overcome.
"We have carefully analyzed the experimental requirements needed to implement our proposal in an actual experiment, and find that even though some degree of technological progress is still needed, such experiments could really be within reach soon."
A shadow of entanglement
Surprisingly, to analyze the experiment, the researchers still need the mathematical machinery of entanglement theory in quantum information science. How is that possible? According to Lami, "The reason is that although entanglement is not physically there, it is still there in spirit—in a precise mathematical sense. It is enough that entanglement could have been generated."
The researchers hope that their paper is only the beginning, and that their proposal will help design experiments that may answer the fundamental question about the quantumness of gravity much earlier than expected.
IMAGE....A system of one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillators. The various angles are defined in Eq. (60). Note that for the most general three-dimensional arrangement the two dashed lines will not intersect. Credit: Physical Review X (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.14.021022
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max1461 · 9 months
How does quantum physics affect your view on spirituality/religion/world view? Thinking in terms of the observer effect and quantum entanglement.
Not really at all. I'm not spiritual or religious, and quantum physics (which, as a layman, I am familiar with only in the vaguest terms) doesn't really come into it at all. What I have picked up from people who know more physics than me is that the "observer effect" somewhat of a misnomer and doesn't really have anything to do with conscious observation. To whatever degree it really is mysterious, it's mysterious in the standard ways that any as-yet not-fully-understood scientific phenomenon is mysterious, not because it suggests any religious or spiritual interpretation. The latter view is, I think, more or less exclusively the domain of disreputable pop-sci.
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fujoshistringgummy · 2 years
croissant: retrocausality is sometimes associated with the nonlocal correlations that generically arise from quantum entanglement, including for example the delayed choice quantum eraser. however accounts of quantum entanglement can be given which do not involve retrocausality. they treat the experiments demonstrating these correlations as being described from different reference frames that disagree on which measurement is a "cause" versus an "effect", as necessary to be consistent with special relativity. that is to say, the choice of which event is the cause and which the effect is not absolute but is relative to the observer.
string gummy:
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
The Quantum Perspective
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The Quantum Perspective involves understanding that the human body and mind are not just physical objects, but also energetic systems that are interconnected with the larger universe. Quantum physics tells us that at the subatomic level, particles are not just discrete objects, but also exist as waves of energy. This means that everything, including our bodies and minds, is made up of energy that is constantly in motion.
In this theory then, health and illness are not just physical states, but also depend on the subtle energetic balance within our bodies and the larger universe. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental unease that can manifest as various health issues.
Therefore, to effect healing from a quantum perspective involves tapping into this subtle energy and working to restore balance and harmony on all levels. This can be done through various practices, such as meditation, visualization, energy healing, frequency attunement etc. These practices work to promote the flow of energy through the body, release energetic blockages, and restore the body's natural state of balance and harmony.
Quantum healing, meditation, visualization, energy manipulation and frequency attunement are practices that are based on the principles of quantum physics, which suggests that everything in the universe is connected and that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our physical reality.
If we proceed as though the above stated is a true factor of our universe and the observer does affect reality through quantum perspective we can begin to tap into our innate inner power to heal ourselves. It can do no harm to practice meditation, visualization or any other quantum techniques and if we reach a new level of awareness of either ourselves or reality then by the factor of quantum entanglement all others will simultaneously receive this level of awareness too.
In this sense The Quantum Perspective becomes the observer of the self as the becoming of the entire universe at once. The body as a channel for all that is and any act of healing itself is mirrored through the quantum realm to the very fabric of reality...
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physicsofimportant · 8 months
1. Computational dramaturgy language.
To gain a deeper understanding of the nature of quantum dramaturgy, it is crucial to familiarize oneself with several key concepts that serve as the foundation of contemporary science accepted within the scientific community. These concepts form the building blocks of our understanding.
Planck's constant.
Planck's constant is a fundamental constant that plays a vital role in quantum mechanics. It quantifies the energy carried by individual particles and establishes the scale for the granularity of the quantum world. Dramaturgy adheres to quantum laws just as rigorously as any other fundamental study. Although Planck's constant is not directly observed, its theoretical implications are integrated into our everyday lives. Dramaturgy unfolds in Planck's steps.
Speed of light constant.
The speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant that serves as an absolute limit on the speed at which information or fermions can travel. Planck's time and the speed of light are constants and limitations that unite us as observers within the quantum realm. Understanding, researching, and conquering this realm is a formidable task that is best approached through dramaturgy. The speed of light is an essential component of Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and computational dramaturgy. Just like any other form of information in this world, dramaturgy is quantized and propagates at the maximum speed of light. 
  The concept of entangled particles, which can seemingly “teleport” information faster than light, instantly across any distance, will be separately discussed further, as it constitutes a fundamental property of dramaturgy.
Atom of space.
The concept of the atom of space, introduced by Steven Wolfram and his computational physics, pertains to the fundamental building blocks of the fabric of spacetime. In the context of quantum dramaturgy, the atom of space represents the smallest indivisible unit of space, possessing unique properties and interactions, primarily of a dramaturgical nature. It’s true because if you didn’t care and  nothing literary cared about something else on fundamental quantum level, no interactions or perception of those interactions would occur. No dramaturgy – no anything. 
Multidimensional perception.
Computational Dramaturgy invites us to expand our understanding beyond the limitations of our familiar four-dimensional perception (3D space + time). It suggests the existence of additional dimensions that may profoundly influence and shape our reality. Dramaturgy provides us with an effective and mathematical means to experience these dimensions and comprehend their impact on our lives, even without a complete understanding of their other properties, except for the fact that they differ from the dimensions we are familiar with. While the exact nature of these dimensions remains elusive, we can perceive and classify their influence on observable reality. The relentless drive of evolution, the power of the sun, heat, and the captivating force of dramaturgy are truly awe-inspiring.
Out-of-the-box perspective on entities.
Computational dramaturgy challenges conventional perspectives on entities such as corporations, fan clubs, popular songs, money, or patriotism. It encourages us to explore their dynamic nature, their influence on our collective drama, and their interplay. Why is it that when examined individually, everyone appears to be a "good" person, yet on a larger scale, wars, pain, and suffering persist? Where does this stem from? Is there something higher than humans that makes real decisions? Dramaturgy holds the key, offering glimpses of multidimensional intrusion into our familiar four-dimensional understanding. It has personal motives and roles, it has tools in this world and it act right now. 
 Thus, most people believe there exists something greater than us, but its nature is bizarre and can only be examined and processed by our brains through the lens of computational dramaturgy.
Perception of time as entropy.
Quantum dramaturgy invites us to reconsider our perception of time as a linear progression. It explores the realms of non-linearity and multidimensionality, where the boundaries between past, present, and future become blurred. 
In the realm of computational dramaturgy, all that is required is Planck's Time, the speed of light, and the concept of entropy. Entropy serves as one of the most undeniable pieces of evidence of dramaturgy's existence in our reality, as it is a fundamental law intimately intertwined with the flow of time forward. Time predominantly moves in one direction, driven by entropy. Other formulas and laws can generally be reversible, remaining similar whether played forward or backward, but entropy represents the unfolding of the future. 
  Therefore, entropy (and the sense of time it creates) forms the basic foundation of our universal Turing machine, the computational universe. It establishes the reality's forward unfolding, processing an increasing number of entropy options, either accelerating or decelerating the flow of time. 
 Entropy allows us to surf the wave of "now," creating advantages, just as a conscious surfer rides a naturally occurring computational wave. However, the surfer cannot alter the amplitude of the waves, halt or create new waves. Their sole ability is to surf.
Hence, within the forthcoming pages, we challenge you to cast aside the conventional notion of time as we commonly perceive it and instead embrace the logic of quantum dramaturgy, where time operates in accordance with the principles of the quantum world itself. You will find out how your personal “timeless” dramaturgic potential can affect past & future. 
            1.7 Shift of human nature.
As we get into quantum dramaturgy, we confront the idea that human beings are not confined solely to the four-dimensional realm of space and time. Instead, we propose that humans transcend these limitations and exist at least as tentacles or eyes of higher entities that penetrate our reality, navigating and influencing dramaturgy across multiple dimensions, including the past and the future. 
To establish a foundational understanding of these concepts and their fundamental connection to dramaturgy, let's examine them more closely.
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nathematicss · 1 year
The Universe is Not Locally Real
This was the discovery proven by physicists John Clauser, Alain Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger, who equally shared the 2022 Nobel Prize Award last October 4. But what does their discovery actually mean? And how were they able to prove it? This blog will go on to explain the story of this discovery, and how three brilliant scientists were able to prove Einstein wrong.
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image source: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2022/summary/
"The universe is not locally real." This statement is made up of two concepts: locality and realness. Locality refers to the idea that interactions take place within direct spatial neighborhoods. In other words, any object can only influence or be influenced by its surroundings, and these interactions are limited by the speed of light. A cause cannot have an effect instantaneously; something must travel between the cause and the affected, such as a wave or a particle. For example, you can't flick a lightswitch located billions of light years away from the lightbulb and expect it to instantly turn on; the information between the lightswitch and the lightbulb that tells the bulb to turn on cannot travel faster than the speed of light.
Second, the concept of Realism in physics refers to the idea that an object has definite properties independent of observation. In other words, a particle will have a definite size, shape, and charge even without observing it. These properties are inherent to them, whether they are measured or not. This was the belief of scientists such as Einstein. On the other hand, anti-realists believed the opposite. A particle does not have definite properties until the moment they are observed or measured. Their properties exist in a function of possible states, and only when they are observed does a definite measurement exist. This uncertainty is a core concept in quantum physics. Bohr and Heisenberg were among some of the prominent anti-realists.
In the 1930s, Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rozen published a paper posing a thought experiment that would show how the quantum mechanics believed by anti-realists are incomplete, or at worst, incorrect. This was later called the EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rozen) argument. The thought experiment made use of quantum entanglement - the idea that the properties of two particles are inherently related if they are entangled. For example, particles A and B are quantumly entangled. If you measure the spin of particle A and it has a clockwise spin, then, in accordance with conservation of angular momentum and with the principles of entanglement, you'd instantly know that particle B has a counter-clockwise spin. Additionally, these properties are unknown until we measure the spin at least one of the particles. Einstein argues that, if you place particles A and B light years away from each other and measure the spin of A to be clockwise, then according to entanglement you'd instantly know the spin of B to be counter-clockwise. But this violates the locality principle, it is impossible for information between these two particles to travel instantly because that would be faster than the speed of light. Thus, Einstein says, particle A must have already been clockwise and B already counter-clockwise from the beginning.
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image source: https://www.nature.com/articles/nphys3328
For quite some time, no one had come up with a good counter-argument to the EPR argument. That was until the 1960s when physicist John Bell came up with the Bell's theorem (also called Bell's inequality). In Bell's Theorem, John Bell assumed that local realism holds true. And from this assumption, using mathematics, he was able to show that there are certain properties that are bounded by classical realism. In other words, if the universe was locally real, then quantum mechanics would be incompatible with classical reality. In short, if we were to prove that the universe is not locally real, then quantum mechanics would be compatible with classical theories.
However, this was still simply theoretical. The physics world needed experimental proof. And this is where our Nobel prize winner John Clauser comes in. In 1969, Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard Holt developed the CSHS Inequality, which was able to provide an experimental framework in support of Bell's Theorem. The results of this theorem would either prove or disprove Bell's Theorem. And in 1972, Clauser finally built the first experimental setup that could be used for this purpose. And the results that he got were in line with the predictions of quantum mechanics. The results violated Bell's theorem, which proved that the universe is not locally real, thus supporting quantum mechanics. The other two Nobel prize winners, Aspect and Zeiilinger, assisted by refining the experimental setup, which helped close some loopholes in the experiment.
And that is the story of the 2022 Nobel prize. Decades after Clauser first started his work on this topic, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences finally validated his work and awarded the Nobel prize to the three brilliant physicists, who helped revolutionize our knowledge about the universe, and proved Einstein wrong.
(Blog, written as a part of our requirements in Science 10: Probing the Physical World)
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fettesans · 1 year
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Top, Sturtevant, Warhol Flowers, 1990, synthetic polymer silk screen and acrylic on canvas, 115 3⁄4 × 115 3⁄4 inches. Via. Bottom, screen capture from Dorian Gray im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse, directed by Ulrike Ottinger, 1984. Via.
The laws of physics that govern everything in the Universe also resemble computer code lines that a simulation would follow in the execution of the program. Moreover, mathematical equations, numbers, and geometric patterns are present everywhere – the world appears to be entirely mathematical.
Another curiosity in physics supporting the simulation hypothesis is the maximum speed limit in our Universe, which is the speed of light. In a virtual reality, this limit would correspond to the speed limit of the processor, or the processing power limit.
We know that an overloaded processor slows down computer processing in a simulation. Similarly, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity shows that time slows in the vicinity of a black hole.
Perhaps the most supportive evidence of the simulation hypothesis comes from quantum mechanics. This suggest nature isn't "real": particles in determined states, such as specific locations, don't seem to exist unless you actually observe or measure them. Instead, they are in a mix of different states simultaneously. Similarly, virtual reality needs an observer or programmer for things to happen.
Quantum " entanglement" also allows two particles to be spookily connected so that if you manipulate one, you automatically and immediately also manipulate the other, no matter how far apart they are – with the effect being seemingly faster than the speed of light, which should be impossible.
Melvin M. Vopson, from Expert Proposes a Method For Telling if We All Live in a Computer Program, for ScienceAlert, November 22, 2022.
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