esotericpluto · 1 month
desire: the root of all suffering
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The root of all suffering and lack is desire. The more you desire, the more lack you inflict on yourself, the more lack you experience. The very nature of desire is to lack, as you shall not desire something you already own.
When you drop the desire, you allow yourself to be fulfilled and complete as you are, you connect to your truest essence and realize you are awareness and already have everything you thought you desired. You never lacked anything and if you ever saw lack, you saw an illusion that separated you from who you truly are.
You're the beginning and the end, yet you're also an infinite, complete being. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to be a doer, you don't have to act towards love or abundance as you are already nothing but love and abundance. You cannot lack what you already are, you cannot lack your essence. If you're everything, how can you not have everything already?
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goddessxeffect · 9 months
《 MASTERPOST: Let go and let God 》
Quotes from blog post and answers from other bloggers regarding certain topics based in the teachings of law of consciousness and non duality. This is a summary of everything I think is incredibly useful and has been for me in understanding and applying this lifestyle. Long post ahead.
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Basics & Teaching
"I contain all, nothing contains me." - Nisargadatta Maharaj
This subject cannot be learned intellectually, it cannot be learned through the mind [ego] because it's perceived just behind the mind. We can use the mind to gradually undo the limitations enough so that we can get behind the mind by getting it quieter. @4dbarbie-backup
What you can point out as 'this' or 'that' cannot be yourself. Surely, you can not be 'something' else. You are nothing perceivable, or imaginable. Yet, without you there can be neither perception nor imagination. Identity or Ego is merely a pattern of events in time and space, which are also just concepts belonging to the world of ego.@4dbarbie-backup YOU are life. you are life itself. you are all. you are how this all works. "me? this body? this mind?" not the body, mind, ego or thoughts. not even the feeling, beliefs & emotions. i'm talking about Self. Infinity. God. I AM. the awareness. the one that observes all. the life force is you. you animate all of what you see. @lains-reality
Realize you are never not IT. We are actually fully realized all the time. We are fully realized Beings saying that we are not. @4dbarbie-backup There is no becoming "aware". You can't become something you already are! You keep forgetting you are not the body-mind (ego). The body-mind lacks things, the body-mind takes it's surroundings to be real. The body-mind has a very limited viewpoint, it knows what it knows, it only sees what it sees. @iamthat-iam The [body-]mind cannot intimidate the Pure Self, it can only intimidate the idea you have of who you are, your self image. what the mistake is, is that we are taking the idea of who we are as the fact of who we are.@lains-reality
Everything you see and experience is only a mental condition, a dream-like state, easy to dispel by questioning its reality. Both sleep and waking are imagined.@4dbarbie-backup Dreams are just "materializations" of whatever our consciousness is aware of while the body rests. You can touch it, you can interact with it, your senses become active when you're dreaming at times. there's even a phenomenon where people actually thought their dreams were memories or something they legitimately experienced.@piercedblunt "But I am not conscious of myself when sleeping?!" You are aware of something though, being unconscious, which manifests instantly, you are sleeping. Being unconscious is an experience, and you're doing the same thing in the waking state.@4dbarbie-backup
Let's now take a look at this so-called physical world. The apparent solid outer world is just an illusory world. We created it mentally, which is also backed up by human science. But, and that's the catch, it is not external and so the only way to control the outside world is to step out of the world. The ego IS IN the world, and not you. Both the ego and the world are IN YOU.@4dbarbie-backup
When 'you' desire something, you [Consciousness] already have it. How do you already have it? Your true self is everything, it can't desire anything if it's already being anything. Everything that your ego desires already exists within consciousness. Remember that whenever your ego tries to bring up a desire. @iamthat-iam After all, when 'you' desired in your mind, wasn't there a moment where you had it? Where you imagined what it'd be like to have it, what it'd look like or how it'd make you feel? @cheryawa It is not instantly visible to you because you identify with the body and not your pure being. No matter how much you use your mind/imagination, you are who you are regardless of the imagines playing in the head. I could think of a panda a million times, imagine what it's like being a panda a thousand more, that doesn't make me into a panda when I still know myself to be a person.@4dbarbie-backup
Here's a scale of emotions you'll go through in your journey, from bottom to top: apathy, grief, fear, hostility, anger, indifference, acceptance, freedom finally - and then unlimited, independent joy. @4dbarbie-backup It’s not an euphoric feeling either but a real feeling of knowing and with that - indifference and power. It is very calm and serene, as if nothing can disturb you. @adadisciple
I've been looking at the things I want as existing for me to experience them. When I have a desire, I experience it as something that already belongs to me because everything is coming from (within) me. @4dbarbie-backup
"It is the Self that believes there is a person and is conscious of being IT." - Ada B.
Let's break the word down first. “Non” of course means “no” or “not.” And “dual” means “two.” So, non-dual means not two. It says there is only one. This is referring to you, awareness [or consciousness], that there is only you, [...] the only thing that exists. You are the true reality. The only purpose for awareness is to observe, to oversee, to be. Nothing more, nothing less. For example, awareness is human, it can take on a human form, but human is not awareness or defines awareness as a whole. A human is simply a temporary form, but awareness is always free to be aware of any other form @itzalizeyyy
Whatever you imagine is the same as seeing it in the physical world, because both are still being an observed experience by the awareness, and therefore both are the same, as one (imagination). @itzalizeyyy
Helpful metaphors: When you watch a movie, you know it is a movie bc you are outside of it. you are observing it. now what about the characters in the movie? they dont know its a movie bc they are not outside of it. they think they are just regular ppl and they dont see the truth, their true selfs: which is just characters in a movie. @msperfect777 The ego is like your character in the game (of life), it's already a "manifestation" so it can't manifest (just like a book can't write itself or another book). You are aware of a character you go through life with. @consciousnessbaddie
Ego Death is then the disappearance of the egoistic sense of Self. You feel that your are no longer that.You don't disappear; you don't lose anything. There's no reason to fear losing your body, or losing anything. Yet, most of us are fearful that we're going to lose our body and be nothing. That's a serious error. You could be a hundred bodies! When the idea 'I am this body' dies, the witness does not. Death is merely the idea 'I have lost my body'. What you think yourself to be before death continues to be after death. Your sense of Self survives. @4dbarbie-backup
In Non Dualism, the goal is to stop identifying with ego and realize who you are.You see there's no seperation between you and anything so that means everything you once "desired" is already who you are. You never feel the sense of desire again because of this. Any "physical materialization" that happens after will not seem like such a big deal, since it was already who they were to begin with. @iamthat-iam
"I am that, I have always been that. All is well. There are no mistakes. I am in my right place." All you have to do is realize/ know your are not the mind (= identitiy, character, ego). Robert Adams
" To know the source as source and appearance as appearance, and oneself as the source only is self-realization " - Ada B.
The mind is doing a good job actually, because it bites you and kicks you and teases you, because if it doesnt do that, then you'll want to make this limited feel your home.@lains-reality
Every thought is a thing of limitation. Therefore when we quiet the mind, we still these limiting thoughts and this infinite Being that we are becomes self obvious to us. We have convinced ourselves over the millenniums that we are these limited bodies, and we think it takes time to let go of these concepts of limitation. But time is a thing of the ego, it's a thought. @4dbarbie-backup
Learn the art of being aware of you (awareness). [...] You must not become what you already are, as the detached witness of every thought or sensation that comes and goes. [...] The practice of self-inquiry is returning to the fact of who and what you are. @anon-i-mus
It's a kind of surrendering but to me, truthfully and honestly, it felt more like a giving up. Even if it makes you miserable, accept the person you're identified with until you no more fear it or care if you stay the same. @4dbarbie-backup
-> Questions to ask yourself
"Transcend your desires and your fears and you will have everything." - Ada B.
As Buddha taught, the root of suffering is attachment. It is not having the emotions and thoughts [...] but resisting or supressing them, and resisting the transitory nature of life and all things. Emotions and thoughts pass. No big deal. It is holding on to them when they are just coming up to leave or pass through that causes suffering. @lains-reality You need not stop thinking. Just cease being interested. It is disinterestedness that liberates. If you say, “There's no problem,” they won't vanish because you're saying, “There's no problem.” You're mentally holding onto the problem and therefore sustaining it. Erase the problem from your mind means to know (be aware) that everything is perfect and then the problem is necessarily non-existent. Basically, let go of it, because the problem is just an illusion. @4dbarbie-backup
You then ask how to stop being "Vanessa" ? - the reason you can't stop is because it's ALL YOU THINK YOU ARE. For example: You're driving a car. "I AM" is the car. You know how to drive it because you're already driving it by being Vanessa. Vanessa is something you add to the "I AM" and not you. You can't stop being Vanessa while being Vanessa! I think that's what everyone keeps asking: Vanessa wants to be Lara, not awareness [first]. @4dbarbie-backup
To talk of re-uniting the person with the self is also not right, because there is no person, only a mental picture given a false reality by conviction. Nothing was divided and there is nothing to unite. You are That. @4dbarbie-backup Nothing can remove your being. Nothing has ever stained your being.@lains-reality You think you have to do this and that because you think you're it, and you should act from it. That is not the case. There's nothing to do except disbelieve. But disbelieving and denial are not the same thing. Denial is when you deny reality to something you're already giving reality to. @4dbarbie-backup
Detachment is not lonely. It's freedom and it's real love. Needing is selfish, it's self-centered. The self has no preference and it's because of that that it can be everything. @4dbarbie-backup
Some of you are on this path for a while but to some extent still are identified with ego and that's OK. Don't get caught up in "your" expectations of what self-realization is supposed to be like. The expectations are making you turn this into a task, when it is supposed to be effortless. Yes, we have talked about feeling peaceful once you've realized yourself, but you're going to need to drop the expectations. It's okay if ego isn't completely grasping it, ego isn't real and it isn't who you are. @iamthat-iam
Fear is an invitation to remember who you truly are. Acknowledging fear doesn't make you any less worthy of or further away from what you truly desire. Similarly, acknowledging your shadows does not dim the Light that you are. The shadows you battle against are simply the seeming absence of you. Becoming entangled in the world of shadows is simply the forgetting of your Self; and Light casts shadows that come and go only to remember itself. The truth is that Light knows no opposition or enemy. Shadows have no separate existence from Light. Your fears are made of you. @lains-reality
The more I detached from ego, the freer I was to imagine what ego wanted without interference from conflicting thoughts/thoughts that "oppose" the desire. @iamthat-iam In fact, abandon all imaginings and know yourself as you are. Self-knowledge is detachment. All craving is due to a sense of insufficiency. @4dbarbie
To anyone who also wonders "how am I still picking this ego?": how many times have you thought about tomorrow? next week? future plans? there's your answer. and the worries about "life" come from them too. "if I don't prepare for/worry about this event that'll happen, I'll have to deal with the consequences of this action" you're telling yourself you will keep waking up as this exact same ego over and over. @glitterdoll888
If you come straight from Law of Assumption or Law of Attraction please keep on reading this last section!
“The simplest answer is usually the right one!.” - Occam’s razor
I think, that what we call 'manifestation' is life itself. i do not mean life in the way that you live A life, like its happening outside of you. i mean it as: it is natural & normal to manifest, its existance itself. it is not something you have, it just is. 'manifestation' is just life itself. it's how all works & is.@lains-reality
The similarity between ND and LOA is in the fact that What you’re aware of, is. LOA’s inner self is still ego. To talk about fulfilling self means fulfilling ego. There is nothing to fulfill if you are the Self and the only one that needs to be fulfilled is an ego, you’re still catering to an ego. @adadisciple
Please, please, understand that you don't have to DO anything! You are always awareness,you will never lack anything. Please stop worrying about the "physical" world and stop trying to materialize things within it! Non Dualism isn't a "new manifestation method" to "get what you want," you are realizing you never lacked anything this whole time. @iamthat-iam
The way the sun rises up in the morning, in the same way Vanessa happens to awareness. It is natural. Do you try to make it happen? It comes by itself (because you choose it as you).@adadisciple For example "I am a body" is a thought that runs automatically ("subconscious), because we do not look at it/know it, we have just accepted we are bodies and that's why we "see" a body. @4dbarbie-backup
You just need to allow something else to happen, not try to make it so!! You cannot help being what you are: Vanessa is the absolute to you now. But if she can be TO YOU, if she happens TO YOU, who is YOU? Your Vanessa "I" runs on autopilot, she is a symbol. She has no free will. To the Self, she is only an idea. She has been conditioned and programmed to think the way she does, it’s the only way she knows how to function. And that’s fine, let her be. Just don’t pick her as you.If she were a random stranger on the street, you would have no concern about her life. If you were Lara now, where would Vanessa be in your thoughts? That is the behavior you should strive for in your thinking, dispassion, disinterest, detachment. Let the thought of being her go. Just let them BE. The way you let Vanessa be. And you let Vanessa be by thinking that’s all you are, that’s what is true. @adadisciple
If you want a "method", then the very best method of all methods is to quiet the mind to see the Being that you are. Pose the question: “Who am I?” and if other thoughts come in, ask, “To whom are these thoughts?” The answer is “To me.” “Well, who am I?” and you're back on the track, seeking to see your Self. @4dbarbie-backup I sit in the feeling while focusing on something else in the present moment, and it usually goes away. @iamthat-iam
Non Dualism does not believe in “affirming” or “persisting” because if awareness is already everything, then it does not need to affirm or persist for its desire if it already has [or IS] its own desire. @itzalizeyyy Like repetition, it keeps you in lack. Do you need to remind yourself that you are a man or a woman? That experience, that form, is already being observed, is already being aware of. You know 'your' gender. @4dbarbie-backup
The truth is, there was no "3D" or "4D" in the first place. there is no imagination VS reality. nothing is real, it has always been illusion VS illusion. If anytime you get thoughts like "why is it not here" "why don't i see it" "why hasn't it manifested yet" you are immediately identifying with your human self. [...] Relying on the human senses will always be our downfall. @iamthat-iam
If you don't have the discipline to at least cut off all this excess of knowledge of information, you'll only be making it tougher on yourself. After you do that, stick to it until you're ready to let go and rely on yourself. Until you start behaving like the teacher and one is needed no more. You create the teacher because you think someone is more knowledgeable than you. That's fine for now, but trust the teacher, listen and apply.@4dbarbie-backup
I have Psychiatrist & doctors appointments, work, still need to eat, want to commit suicide? Psychiatrist appointment. What is that for? To correct your thinking, isn't that right? Reconditioning, changing, or even eliminating patterns of the mind. Now, I'm not telling you to stop going/stop working and or eating. That would be irresponsible of me. Leave your mind alone, that is all. @4dbarbie-backup
DO NOT ACTIVELY INTERFERE in ego's life or try to stop living that life while still being very attached to it, i.e. still identifying with that ego. Let the person continue to live it's life and fulfill it's obligations like studying, but maintain the knowing that it's not who you are. @iamthat-iam
But what about random things that I wasn't even aware of before they came? It's very simple, really. You are aware of being Vanessa and with Vanessa come specific beliefs. Characters have their own beliefs like certain weather can give you a cold, certain environments have insects etc. Thoughts dominate you only because you are interested in them. By resisting evil, you merely strengthen it. If you are "I AM", it means you are not the person experiencing the 3D world/thoughts/circumstances, you never were. The problem is excessive interest, leading to self-identification. Whatever you are engrossed in you take to be real. @4dbarbie-backup
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vaultof-thoughts · 8 days
You are already there.
Stop seeking. What are you seeking for? Self? This Self you speak of is already there. Always present, always observing. RIGHT NOW. Don't think of this as a method, because truly this whole philosophy, this whole concept or whatever you'd like to call it is just pointing towards " ". This post simply being a gently nudge, or pointer to " ". This presence is always there, you just need to notice it. That's all there is "to do" Once you realize this, you'll be free.
You know when you zone out, and momentarily, there's this blank, thoughtless limitless presence. Yeah? That's it! That's YOU. Everything else is illusionary and quite frankly, irrelevant.
(this is all really just repeating what bloggers have been saying for ages)
I dare you to just for once, notice and see what happens for yourself :) I know you can!
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nondualkai · 9 months
I used to always look for answers through tarot, people, the past, but now I realize I’m the answer! I’ve always been the answer to everything, because I Am everything! If you have question know it’s already been answered! I Am the key to everything, every detail!
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perfesh · 10 months
Is non-duality like a slime that can mold itself to be anything?
Like you're a slime (awareness) and you mold yourself into a man name Andy (from toy story), but that's not who you truly are. Andy is a character you are currently acting (conscious/observing) as, but your true being is just the slime (awareness)?
Is that what imagination is? Molding awareness into something it's not. If so, now I understand why people say that they are imagination.
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shinymoonbird · 4 months
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How many are there who have been ruined like me for thinking this Hill to be the Supreme? O men, disgusted with this life of intense misery, ye seek a means of giving up the body; there is on earth a rare drug which, without actually killing him, will annihilate anyone who so much as thinks of it. Know that it is none other than this Arunachala.
— Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi - “Sri Arunachala Padikam” - "Eleven Verses To Sri Arunachala", Verse 11
My first watercolor, inspired by a photograph of Bernd Kalidas Flory
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viviennelamb · 4 months
Play Your Role to Perfection!
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In every piece of media I've seen, watched and heard, the Virgin is the one who is protected. I haven't seen an exception to this unless it was for shock value. Those who are pure are often the ones scaring the soiled protagonists which is why female children are often depicted as villains in horror movies.
Virgins are spiritually protected. The delusional Christian's favorite verse is "put on the whole Armor of God" (Ephesians 6:10-18) but never specify what that means. The only armor one can have in the spiritual war is purity (and it's best to layer that protection with a spiritual bodyguard).
Most people have thousands of penis-sized holes in their armor while foolishly believing they are God’s favorites because they have a beast system souvenir. While those who are actually favored by God are gifted limitless peace and don't have mediocre problems.
Religious people will tell you to not watch media and not use technology, but I think you should tune in and pay attention because the roles of this Drama are outlined in full on television and social media. I agree that you shouldn't watch anything for entertainment, though.
When you watch media, pay attention what happens to the perverts. Sex is shown within the first 10 minutes and the individuals who have sex are going to get fucked hard and bleed out for the entire show. The theme of the dark age is constant conflict because it is a reflection of what goes on in the individual's inner world.
The most common trope is characters having horrible luck or killed shortly after expressing lust in thought, word or deed. Thing is, the audience enjoys when these individuals get killed even though that is who they are - the short lived character who only cares about their genitals. The audience even finds it entertaining when they think they're more important than they actually are and see fornicators as a liability who drags the show down.
Plenty of modern horror or psychological media's opening scene is a couple having sex and getting killed during or right after the act. Which is the "death" of the soul through the growth of egotism. When God decides to reset that soul, that person is crushed and nobody feels bad for them because it's what they deserve. Pain is purification after all...
This is the "cleansing of evil" most people are waiting for, but then they get upset when their fellow fornicators get screwed claiming that they didn't deserve it... how would you know that?!
We're at the point where people can't wait to share their miseries, overjoyed in their egotism because they're "relatable," when unfortunate events are a chance for them to turn to God. If they're blind to Divinity because they haven't suffered enough, they will be beaten to a pulp again and again until they get the hint.
Most people are living in a Bird Box dimension. Those who have fearlessly taken off their blindfolds see those blind to the soul as paranoid, conspiratorial, schizophrenics who shoot at the air causing the mayhem they say they want to be freed from. To the impure, God is the monster they desperately don't want to see which is why they dedicate their lives to destroying innocence. As long as you keep those blindfolds on, you will never see what True Beauty looks like.
Open your eyes and see, bitches. There is no separation between the "real world" and the screen, it's karmic reality. You chose the role you want to play, so play it to its fullest and fear-based non-action comes with karmic pain as well which is why most people are fixated on what others are doing... that's because you're still egotistical. If you hold back or half-ass it you're failing.
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sleepyzane · 9 months
“It’s just something my body does”
Reframing the many negative things in my life as "just something [that] my body does" can be wonderfully helpful. Hair I don't like? It's just something my body does, I guess? Pain? It's just something my body does, unfortunately. Anxiety? Well that's apparently just something my body does. Immobility? I can't control that, and I'm not responsible for it, because it's something that my body just does, without my consent. Having to cancel something due to any of the previous? It's something my body needs me to do for it. That sucks. Not being able to do XYZ? I wish I could, and maybe one day I will be able to, but right now, not being able to is something my body is doing to me. To do so is simply not available in my world. All bodies are different. All bodies need different things, perceive things differently, are born differently, look different, feel different, sound different, have different amounts of hair, pimples, blemishes, and scars, among an infinity of other biologically inevitible variations. These are just things our bodies do. You may not like them, and I'm in the same boat. But you're not responsible for them, they're not wrong, don't necessarily need fixing, and these things aren't the most essential part of you. Next time try saying "It's just something my body does" like someone might say about a noise their car makes. It goes without saying, no intent to invalidate people if this way of thinking doesn't help, or is irrelevant to you. It just works for me and I wanted to share it. Please share your experience in the comments if you wish to.
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turiyatitta · 3 days
The Quiet Power of Self-Affirmation
Embracing Truth Beyond ValidationIn the realm of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment, a profound realization dawns upon us: when we harbour an unwavering conviction in truth, the need for external affirmation diminishes. This realization is a cornerstone in the journey toward self-awareness and inner peace.Consider the nature of truth as perceived through the lens of Eastern philosophy.…
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
“The surest signs of spiritual progress are a lack of concern about spiritual progress and an absence of anxiety about liberation.” ― Ramesh S. Balsekar
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bunnyamyrose · 4 months
✨💖💫 Seeking, Searching, & Beingness 💫💖✨
it is “ego” that keeps seeking to understand, “ego” that keeps searching for answers, messages, information, reassurance, stimulation, fulfillment. in beingness can be “no unfulfillment”, “no lack”, “no separation”. in beingness, there IS. in beingness IS everything. rest in beingness and “the now”. we don’t even have to “focus” on “trying”. just rest and be, let it go. rest in that connection to allness, to oneness, to connectedness, to beingness. in beingness IS already “the answers” and at the same time “no need for answers”. “let” yourself stop and rest from seeking and searching, even “just for now”. “let” yourself BE. BEING is what you ARE, so “let” yourself BE what you ARE.
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tiramit · 4 months
what Is a living being?
[Two articles by Ajahn Amaro discussing the Buddhist meaning of Rebirth and related truths]In the Theravāda Buddhist world, the Sutta on Loving- Kindness is one of the best known, best loved, and most often recited of the Buddha’s discourses.     Wishing: In gladness and in safety,     May all beings be at ease.     Whatever living beings there may be;     Whether they are weak or strong,…
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goddessxeffect · 9 months
Why try to convince Vanessa of seeing diamonds?
Ever since I read that quote from Ada in which she said that you are trying to let Vanessa see diamonds when it's rocks and her sight is not the fault, I couldn't shake the importance of that truth.
Do you realise that the character, Vanessa, has no free will? She is bound to her conditioning and beliefs. All happens because it happens, she can't control it.
Now, one can argue that she can indeed choose, for example what she eats in the morning, but these little decisions mean nothing - if the ingredients weren't in the fridge, she wouldn't have had the choice either.
She exists because YOU wanted to experience yourself, everything. This is her lifetime in which it happens. She is not the creator of this, she is a creation.
Why try to convince her of experiencing what is not there for her because she is limited that way, i.e. is bound to her circumstances, which are real to her and unchangeable because she IS JUST A TOOL for YOU to experience her experience, her life, as a possibility of infinite possibilities you can define your Self as.
What I'm trying to get across is that before you start to be aware of the life she wants to have and dwell in that, get rid of identification altogether. What you are doing right now is a uneccessary detour, basically trying to convince HER that this is her life now, which is isn't, it belongs to another character of You because Vanessa is fixed as is. Vanessa is a unique form of you, with all her experiences combined.
Once a mold has been cast, it can no longer be changed unless it is melted down, i.e. returned to its original form and then reshaped. However, this is a completely new form. Same basic substance but not the same form from the beginning. The only thing the two share is the source.
You literally have everything already because YOU ARE the source of both of them and her desires and needs will not matter to you anymore! She is not you, nor was she ever. You adore her, you love her but YOU ARE NOT HER.
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arunkumarme · 7 months
Unifying Vedanta and Quantum Physics
Exploring the Parallels between Vedanta and Quantum Physics: Introduction: Vedanta is an old Indian philosophical system, and the discussion of its similarities to Quantum Physics, a cutting-edge part of current science, is fascinating. This meeting of two seemingly separate worlds provides a link between them, shedding light on the interconnection of all things and the nature of reality and…
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nondualkai · 9 months
You can’t lose anything when you are everything!
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shinymoonbird · 6 months
"Because we see the world, accepting one fundamental that has a power that becomes many is certainly the one best option. The picture of names and forms, the one who sees, the cohesive screen, and the pervading light – all these are he, who is oneself. "
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi -  Ulladu Narpadu, V. 1
✨🔱✨"[...] all the phenomena that we perceive, that seem to exist, exist only in our view. Regardless of anyone’s philosophy, religion, science or whatever outlook, nobody can deny that it is our experience that the world, all phenomena, only exist in our own view. Who sees all those many things? I do. In whose view does this world exist? In my view. We all have to accept that in the experience of each one of us there is one seer (experiencer or perceiver, also the subject) and many things seen (experienced or perceived, also the objects). This is why we have to collapse the multiplicity back to one perceiver, because all phenomena, including all the other seeming perceivers, exist only in the view of one perceiver, one ego. So we all know at least there is one — that is, ‘I’ — who perceives this world, in whose view multiplicity exists.
~ Michael James, in
✨Ramana Maharshi's Forty Verses on What Is✨
✨- The ultimate truth on being as you actually are -✨
A compilation of the writings and talks on 𝖴ḷḷ𝖺𝖽𝗎 𝖭āṟ𝗉𝖺𝖽𝗎 by Michael James.
Compiled and edited by Sandra Derksen ✨🔱✨
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