d-i-x-i-t · 9 days
Everyone forgets Icarus also flew. ― Jack Gilbert, Refusing Heaven: Poems
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d-i-x-i-t · 15 days
I thought I understood it, that I could grasp it, but I didn't, not really. Only the smudgeness of it; the pink-slippered, all-containered, semi-precious eagerness of it. I didn't realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea. Because it's the halves that halve you in half. I didn't know, don't know, about the in-between bits; the gory bits of you, and the gory bits of me.
- Felicity Jones (Like Crazy)
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d-i-x-i-t · 15 days
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
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d-i-x-i-t · 16 days
Wisdom’s a gift, but you’d trade it for youth.
- Vampire Weekend (Step)
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d-i-x-i-t · 18 days
Het gaat erom alles te leven.
- Rainer Maria Rilke (Brieven aan een jonge dichter, 16 juli 1903)
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d-i-x-i-t · 21 days
“My kids are starting to notice I'm a little different from the other dads. "Why don't you have a straight job like everyone else?" they asked me the other day. I told them this story: In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree, "Look at me...I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome. Look at you...you're all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you." And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, "Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest." So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper. And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day. ― Tom Waits
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d-i-x-i-t · 26 days
Be joyful because it is humanly possible.
- Wendell Berry
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d-i-x-i-t · 30 days
People use drugs, legal and illegal, because their lives are intolerably painful or dull. They hate their work and find no rest in their leisure. They are estranged from their families and their neighbors. It should tell us something that in healthy societies drug use is celebrative, convivial, and occasional, whereas among us it is lonely, shameful, and addictive. We need drugs, apparently, because we have lost each other.
Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays
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d-i-x-i-t · 30 days
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
- Wendell Berry,
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d-i-x-i-t · 30 days
The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.
- Wendell Berry
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d-i-x-i-t · 30 days
As you were, I was.
As I am, you will be.
- Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy."
Milton Erickson
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change.
- Milton H. Erickson
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
Where we go matters less than what we notice.” — Kurt Vonnegut.
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
“The surest signs of spiritual progress are a lack of concern about spiritual progress and an absence of anxiety about liberation.” ― Ramesh S. Balsekar
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, roses and drunken friends. Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. ― Omar Khayyam
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 month
When does the kid lose their imagination? When do they let go of that wild, unbridled thing and become the broken-in horse?
- Brit Marling 
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