#Norse Magick
ravenousnightwind · 2 years
What is your essence? Color? Is it the power within? What would that look like? I've been told that when people look at my aura it can appear purple or blue. I often imagine my essence or sense of personal power as the shade of violet-blue. Sometimes in the form of a haze, and other times as pure light or a flame.
When I give thanks to the gods in recognizing their help and place in the world, I often imagine giving a piece of my own flame to them in that moment. This often invigorates me. Then I do grounding techniques and be done with it within a matter of maybe about a minute or two every single day to whom ever that day is designated to.
I often feel a sense of tingle throughout my body, physically, as what I'll refer to as my essence, flows through me and out through my hands, eyes, or mouth. I can feel it traveling from my literal spine or head and down into my extremities. If I'm grounding it goes directly down into my legs and out through my feet. It's kinda cool. Funny thing is, I've been able to manifest this phenomenon since I was a child with zero outside influence. So when I ended up exploring witchcraft, those sorts of visualizations and descriptions of things were very natural to me. Funny how you can know stuff inherently without actually knowing it.
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undeadmagick · 2 months
i think it should be mentioned that its perfectly normal to feel disappointed when it comes to deity worship or work. sometimes things just don't go your way or how you wanted it to. sometimes gods don't respond or they don't assist you in your issues. sometimes they disappear for a little while. you shouldn't feel guilt over natural feelings in regards to your desired results and you shouldn't feel ashamed. it may just be a sign to redirect that energy or reconsider what you are pursuing. deities are not pawns to be commanded whenever you'd like but they also don't disregard you for the sake of doing so. some deities won't hold your hand and it isn't because of a lack of warmth. it's to show you your own power and strength to be able to do things on your own. remember: your spiritual journey is a tool not a crutch.
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iridescent-witch-life · 9 months
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📷 handfulsofdust
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deja-vu-esoterica · 2 months
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The Divination Room at Déjà Vu Esoterica in San Antonio, TX
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7000 · 7 months
witches and pagans: there is so much we can do for Palestine
even if we don’t share the same faith- our prayer, rituals, and spells are powerful. our gods and spirits and ancestors have the power to intervene on our behalf, all we have to do is ask. they don’t take kindly to oppression, or politicians propping up genocidal regimes.
especially right now on Samhain, the veil is thin, and it’s the best time of the year to connect with the spiritual realm and the divine, and ask them for help. or take it into your hands- spells, hexes, prayers, and divinations, any and all of the above.
witches have done it before, we’ve helped to change the course of history. we can do it again.
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themodernwitchsguide · 10 months
runes and their divinitory meanings
ᚠ fehu
BRIGHT STAVE: wealth, transaction, gold, prosperity, the fiery spark that can initiate productivity. creativity, energy, and generosity MURK STAVE: greed, duplicity, slavery, materialism and dishonesty, wolves lurking in the forest
ᚢ uruz
BRIGHT STAVE: primal strength and persistence, energy, tenacity, the survival instinct, raw energy, desire MURK STAVE: stubbornness, brutality, waning strength, the fragile ego that acts out
ᚦ thurisaz
BRIGHT STAVE: willingness and drive to protect oneself, manifestation of primal will, primordial energy MURK STAVE: violence, mental disturbance, sexual predation
ᚨ ansuz
BRIGHT STAVE: inspiration, oration, "divine breath," heed the advice of the divine MURK STAVE: being manipulated against the divine, lies
ᚱ raidho
BRIGHT STAVE: movement, propulsion, journey, discipline is needed to enact a change MURK STAVE: forced change, chaos, swimming upstream
ᚲ kenaz
BRIGHT STAVE: spark of creativity, bright ideas, fire power and energy, light in the darkness MURK STAVE: pain, exposure and weakness
ᚷ gebo
BRIGHT STAVE: generosity will be returned, sacrifices made out of love and loyalty MURK STAVE: stinginess, evil repaid with suffering, charity used to polish self image and boost ego
ᚹ wunjo
BRIGHT STAVE: joy, bliss, happiness, a sense of belonging with loved ones, support and achievement MURK STAVE: depression, alienation, rage
ᚺ hagalaz
BRIGHT STAVE: storms and forces beyond our control, our own darkness becomes potential for creation MURK STAVE: that which festers and broods under the surface, change for the worse
ᚾ nauthiz
BRIGHT STAVE: strife and strain, desire, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger MURK STAVE: poverty and health concerns
ᛁ isa
BRIGHT STAVE: take a much needed break, reinforces the runes it's close to MURK STAVE: blockage, illness, self-loathing, laziness, lethargy
ᛃ jera
BRIGHT STAVE: the harvest will be fruitful, your efforts will pay off, this too shall pass MURK STAVE: efforts put in the wrong place, a poor harvest
ᛇ eihwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: strength, reliability, mysticism, clairvoyance, communication with ancestors MURK STAVE: associated with death, caution is advised
ᛈ perthro
BRIGHT STAVE: good luck, good karma, birth/pregnancy, major life altering decisions MURK STAVE: bad karma, addictions, pessimism, repercussions for your actions
ᛉ algiz
BRIGHT STAVE: represents a shield (spiritual/ancestral/physical), things we hold sacred MURK STAVE: something is in danger, take stock and look for unseen dangers
ᛊ sowilo
BRIGHT STAVE: health, success, life force, radiance, facilitates positive change MURK STAVE: arrogance, misuse of power, distorted mindset, approach with balance
ᛏ tiwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: stay on track and stay disciplined, order, righteousness, the god Tyr MURK STAVE: over-sacrifice, tunnel vision, loss and imbalance, rage and frustration
ᛒ berkano
BRIGHT STAVE: light, renewal after chaos, fertility, birth, love, "feminine" magic, children MURK STAVE: problems conceiving, negativity/confusion with love, unwillingness to change
ᛖ ehwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: travel, fruitful partnerships, mutual respect, loyalty, sex MURK STAVE: jealousy, unequal exchange, strife in partnerships, take care of what's important to you
ᛗ mannaz
BRIGHT STAVE: mind and memory, human nature or connection with others, balance between masculine and feminine MURK STAVE: loneliness, difficulties with intimacy, possibly issues concerning gender (as in personal identity or conflicts with others)
ᛚ laguz
BRIGHT STAVE: success, the primordial waters, creation and fertility, psychic visions and dreams MURK STAVE: subtle manipulation, hypnosis, paranoia, poor decision making, avoiding responsibilities
ᛝ ingwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: the god Freyr, gathering of loved ones, home and hearth, peace, prosperity, (male) fertility MURK STAVE: someone unwilling to leave, responsibilities being avoided
ᛞ dagaz
BRIGHT STAVE: dawn, illumination, hope, unifying unlike aspects, joy for life is balanced with responsibilites MURK STAVE: warns that the truth can be painful
ᛟ othala
BRIGHT STAVE: everything inherited, oaths, revisiting roots, family, ancestors MURK STAVE: elitism, ethnocentrism, discrimination
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freyjas-light · 3 months
Yesterday was my babygirl, Satine's, 6th birthday 🥺
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So to start her next year off right, I did a small ritual with Freyja to ask for her protection and nourishment to keep Satine happy and healthy.
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I filled a small bowl with clean water, a rose petal, catnip, and suspended one of Satine's whiskers over it as an offering to Freyja and her cats. I then asked Freyja to pick a rune for Satine, and Gebo was the only one that landed face up from the casting. I placed this next to my quartz cat carving and the bloodstone tumble that called to me.
I then created a small tea candle with a simple topping of catnip and butterfly flower petals to represent another year of happiness and prosperity for my girl. I lit this candle, along with Freyja's candle, and offered up a quick prayer to the goddess asking for her to watch over Satine and continue to bless her ✨
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Glamour Magic Daily Routine⛤
Here are some tips on how to include glamour magic in your daily life!
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Say affirmation when doing your skincare
Use moon water to cleanse 
Spray bedding with perfume
Enchanting your mirrors to improve the self image of anyone who looks in them
Enchant your jewellery for protection/confidence
Use correspondences in your skincare routine: do you use coconut oil? Maybe a rose face mist? All those products can be given a deeper meaning in your daily life!
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Choose a perfume that inspires you for the day
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
Put sigils in your shoes
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser or concealer on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Write sigils on your makeup products, even putting lip balm on could help you mentally throughout the day!
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
Remember to love yourself
Witchfully Yours,
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xnimnimsx · 7 days
ʚ Reminder ɞ
It's ok if you can't afford fancy offerings to deities.
It's ok if you don't work with or worship deities.
It's ok if your altar is small.
It's ok if your altar was made from things found at a dollar store.
It's ok if you don't have an altar.
It's ok if you don't read tarot cards, or do pendulum.
It's ok if you can't read Oracle cards.
It's ok if you only wanna work with the stars and moon.
It's ok of you only wanna do simple candle spells.
It's ok to only focus on one craft.
Your craft is YOUR CRAFT. You do what feels right to you always. Don't let other people tell you you're wrong for following a certain path or for following all paths. Also remember you don't need to buy the most expensive items for your craft!! The dollar store and Walmart are great for witchy items!
Just remember to always research and respect peoples cultures and practices as well. But NEVER let anyone tell you you're wrong in YOUR CRAFT. You are the only person who gets a say on that.
Blessed be. 🧿
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witchysilver · 24 days
I'm a witch, of course...
I'm a witch, of course others think I'm delusional.
I'm a witch, of course I get my tarot deck as soon as I need advice.
I' do deity work'm a witch, of course I'll wear colors related to my deities.
I'm a witch, of course I have at least one altar space up at all times.
I'm a witch, of course I am happy to help beginners.
Take my classes in SIlvers Cult of Beast and join an amazing witchcraft-shifting-therian community!
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w00dw1tchold · 1 year
Simple Fuck Around and Find Out Oil
*This is a recipe I created myself with very little research. I plan on developing it more as time goes on but it's brand new for me. I'm not experienced in oils and would love feedback and to hear how others go about making intention oils.
Nettle Leaves
Olive oil
A jar you can seal
A marker
How to:
Cleanse the items you're using and yourself first. Then start by focusing your energy so you can direct in into the herbs with your set intention. Pour the oil in and make sure to leave some room at the top. You don't want to fill it up to the brim.
Now we're going to tell the herbs what we want them to do. I charged the rosemary with protection and added that first. Next, I charged the nettle with protection and warding and added it in. I made sure to put emphasis on the nettles stinging qualities, specifically asking it to "sting" those who meant me harm. Rosemary is both purifying and protective, which will give the oil a back off vibe.
I did have some trouble focusing my energy tonight, which is why I spoke to the herbs as I added them in and made sure to talk myself through grounding. It's important that you trust yourself here.
I put the bottle on my windowsill after drawing a pentagram on the lid. (Use whatever protection symbol or sigil you'd like.) Make sure to shake it well on a regular basis. I plan on leaving it out for a full month to let the oil experience the whole moon cycle. I recommend instilling your intention again when you go to shake it. Doing this every day will give it a good kick, but there's no need to stress about it. Tend to it when you can.
After the oil is done "cooking" you can use it in any protection charms or spells you'd like to have a "fuck around and find out" quality. Enjoy!
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ravenousnightwind · 10 months
May Loki break the boundaries of our struggles, shattering the prolonged suffering. May he bring about change. May he bring about our success in overcoming the greed, malice, and funds of our oppressors. May he take the powers of the corporations and shatter it, scatter it to the winds. For us all to have a chance at wealth.
Loki, we call you in our moment of need. In our desperate attempts to live and flourish. Bring about the change, bring to us power we haven't felt or had in an age! Hail O Thee Son of Laufey! Breaker of Locks, Change Bringer!
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imaginal-ai · 4 months
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"Elven Shaman"
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countdragula12 · 2 months
Free 1 card Tarot pull intuitive reading - What makes you most attractive?
Heyyy I'm back :))) I am once again offering some 1 card readings on my page. What makes you most attractive? We shall see.
Also, I am still offering $7 readings!! I am going to be setting up a paypal/cashapp soon but for now, just send a tip and I will get to your reading as soon as possible. If you are wanting the reading to only be sent to you privately, request it in your message and I am more than happy to do so. :D Read my rules and regulations before messaging, please and thank you. Y'all have a blessed dayyy.
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pnwitch-of-west17 · 7 months
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orangeperfumeclown · 9 days
signs your love spell is working ♡︎
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During the spell
• Tall flames
• A fast and clean burn of the fire/candles (read the wax of it runs into shapes)
• the flame is extremely large/larger than the candle itself
• „Bulls Eye“ in the wick
After the spell
• Seeing Angel Numbers directly after/a short time after
• Dreams about them reaching out/falling in love with you
• Sudden feeling if satisfaction and happiness, like you have what you’ve always wanted directly after casting the spell
• A drained/tired feeling could indicate a success as well, meaning that the spell has drained lots of your energy or you used a lot for it
• Smelling their perfume/cologne even when they’re not around
• Hearing their name being called
• Insomnia (don’t confuse it witch insomnia caused by curiosity and anxiety)
• Changes in Behavior by them, such as changes in communication or interest
• „Coincidences“ - signs and synchronicities, such as repeated symbols
• Having an extremely strong feeling it’s working/intuition
• Visions about the result of the spell
• Seeing their name everywhere
• Feeling their energy out of nowhere
!Remember! Love spells are not safe/recommended for beginners, protection is important and you should think about casting a love spell thoroughly before actually casting it. If you start getting weird/scary vibes/signs you should rather undo the spell.
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