#Motivation and Success Spell Jar
myhauntedsalem · 1 month
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Motivation and Success Spell Jar
Cleanse area and jar
Add Sea Salt to charge
Rosemary for motivation
Sage for Protection
Cinnamon for Good Luck
Ginger for success and motivation
Red pepper flakes to get the job done
Green Adventurine for success
Light yellow candle with intent.
Hold over jar – wax to seal – As you seal jar
“Motivation come to me, Inspire me.
Let success blossom within me”
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her-godness · 2 years
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Productivity/ Focus/ Success/Motivation spell
✨“Fix ur life spell.”✨
Salt- clarity, protection
Vanilla extract- to relive anxiety
Black pepper- banishing negativity.
Ginger(carve initials)- increase energy/power, luck
Sugar- sweeten the situation, attract happiness
White rice- prosperity, luck
Thyme- courage, strength, protection, brings in positive energy.
Cinnamon- success, power, strength, confidence, motivation, luck
3 Bay leaf with intentions and sigil
bay leafs for creativity, joy, expression and fun
chilli flakes- power
Orange peels- happiness
Mint- good luck
I am successful in everything I do
Success finds me wherever I go and whatever I do.
I am highly motivated and focused.
I am productive.
I am so lucky
All of my works and projects are successful.
Luck and favor is granted to me at all times.
So mote it be.
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lunasapphire · 1 month
hi hi! do you have a spell/spell jar for academic success?
I would have to say
Herbs -
• salt - protection
• rosemary - wisdom, focus, and memory
• lavender - relaxing
• basil - success
• cinnamon - focusing and pursuing, as well as getting things done
Crystals -
• clear quartz - clearing and balance
• smokey quartz - protection
• amethyst - focus
• selenite - cleansing
• citrine - motivation
• fluorite - easing and relaxing
Also of course intention - you can either say this or write it on paper and put it in the jar
For wax colour l, I wanna say you can choose whatever colour you are drawn to or that you feel will help you in your situation, I do suggest yellow, pink, blue, white or black, or even green for success OR even gold at that!
Hope this helps! :D
Please someone add any more ingredients I may have missed or that you think should be added!
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sappy-witch · 1 year
do you know of any weight loss / metabolism boosting spell/spell jars? i've been trying to lose weight for a year now, and i really need a boost. i don't need a miracle worker, just something to put out into the universe that is something i desire and have been working towards. blessed be! :)
Hello darling 🥰
Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope you’re proud of all the wonderful work you’ve already put in!
While, of course, there is no substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, I understand that sometimes we need a little extra help from the universe to reach our goals.
Before I start yammering on, I hope you don’t need reminding that our worth is never determined by our physical embodiment, but what this beautiful temple holds within it. Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat our bodies with the respect and kindness they deserve, so here we go ✨
Here is a simple spell jar recipe that you can try to help boost your metabolism and aid in your weight loss journey:
✨🫙 Metabolism Boosting Spell Jar 🫙✨
1. A small jar with a lid
2. Dried ginger - increases energy, strength, and confidence. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.
3. Dried red pepper flakes - for motivation, courage, and passion, red pepper flakes are believed to bring fiery energy and vitality to a spell. They are also known to have numerous health benefits, including boosting.
4. Dried dandelion root - wish fulfillment and manifestation. Also a powerful diuretic that can aid in weight loss by helping the body eliminate excess fluids. It is also commonly used in herbal medicine to support liver health and digestion.
5. Dried cinnamon - for love, success, and prosperity. It is also believed to have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and boosting brain function.
(Feel free to alter as you see fits - based on your preferences or accessibility)
1. Begin by cleansing your jar by rinsing it with saltwater or leaving it in the light of the full moon for a night.
2. Add a tablespoon of each herb into the jar, visualizing yourself reaching your weight loss goals as you add each ingredient.
3. Close the jar and seal it with the wax of a green candle - a symbol of health. You can also use any other color that resonates with you.
4. Hold the jar in both hands and visualize the energy of the herbs filling the jar and flowing into your body, boosting your metabolism and aiding in weight loss.
5. Place the jar on your altar or another safe space in your home.
I would also recommend focusing on positive affirmations and visualization during your weight loss journey. Try visualizing yourself at your ideal weight, feeling confident and healthy. Repeat affirmations to yourself such as "I am strong and capable of achieving my weight loss goals" or "I release excess weight with ease and joy."
Remember to approach this spell with a positive mindset and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. A spell can be a great tool, but it is not a substitute for hard work and dedication.
And once again, remember to always treat yourself and your body with kindness on your journey towards your health goals. Your worth is not determined by your weight or size, and your body deserves love and care no matter what. Incorporating positive affirmations and self-love rituals into your routine can help shift your mindset towards a more positive and empowering perspective. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy and balanced meals, practicing movement that feels good for you, and celebrating your progress no matter how small.
I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey 💕 Best of luck to you!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊️✨
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azura-tsukikage · 7 months
Hi! I really liked the spell jar post you made! I was wondering… Do you have any tips for spell work that could encourage the positive outcome of a request or petition? If you do would you mind sharing?
Thank you for your interest in encouraging positive outcomes for your requests or petitions. While I don't personally practice traditional spell work, I can certainly offer some practical advice that may help you achieve your goals more effectively. In addition, I can suggest a blend that symbolizes and encourages action and a positive outcome based on your own efforts.
Practical Steps:
Set Clear Goals: Clearly define your objectives. Be specific about what you want to achieve, and break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.
Planning and Organization: Create a plan of action. Outline the tasks and actions you need to take to reach your desired outcome. Organize your plan in a way that makes it easy to track your progress.
Time Management: Manage your time effectively. Allocate dedicated time to work on your requests or petitions. Avoid procrastination and stay committed to your goals.
Research and Knowledge: Gain a thorough understanding of the subject or area related to your request. Knowledge is a powerful tool for achieving success.
Networking: Connect with individuals who have experience or expertise in the area you're working on. Seek guidance and advice from those who can provide valuable insights.
Stay Persistent: Understand that achieving certain goals may take time and effort. Stay persistent and committed to your objectives, even in the face of challenges.
Evaluation: Periodically review your progress and assess whether you need to adjust your approach. Be willing to adapt and make changes as needed.
Seek Feedback: Don't hesitate to seek feedback from others who have accomplished similar goals. They may offer valuable advice and perspectives.
Self-Care: Take care of your well-being throughout the process. Maintain a healthy balance between your goals and self-care to stay motivated and focused.
Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Acknowledging your progress can boost your motivation.
Symbolic Blend: To create a symbolic blend that encourages action and achievement of goals, you can consider incorporating herbs and crystals that align with these intentions. Here is my suggestion:
Carnelian- Carnelian is often associated with motivation and determination. It's known for its ability to stimulate and energize, making it an excellent choice for boosting your drive to take action.
Ginger- Ginger is known for its energizing and invigorating qualities. It can symbolize the renewed energy and vitality you gain when you take action.
Citrine- Citrine is known as the "Success Stone" and can symbolize abundance and achievement of goals.
Peppermint- Peppermint can provide mental clarity and focus, helping you stay on track with your tasks and actions.
Tiger's Eye- Tiger's Eye is believed to boost confidence and willpower, making it an excellent choice for encouraging action.
Remember, while these steps may not involve traditional spell work, they are practical actions that can help you work toward the positive outcomes you desire.
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usu-sugiru · 5 months
Any other witches in the ana community? 🌿🕯🔮
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(You can use other herbs with similar correspondences, feel free to recreate with whatever you have on hand!)
• a sealable jar
• a sigil for weight loss on a small piece of paper that will fit in the jar, a picture of my sigil included
• Rosemary for strength to stay motivated and on track towards my goal.
• Hibiscus for confidence in achieving my goal.
• Instant coffee for fast weight loss.
• Clove for passion and longevity of the spell.
• Cinnamon for manifesting fast weight loss.
• Black peppercorn for manifesting my weight loss transformation.
• Clear Quartz for manifesting my weight loss transformation and amplifying all other ingredients.
• Amethyst for focusing on and manifesting my weight loss transformation.
• Green Aventurine for strength in willpower, as well as success in my journey.
I sealed the jar with brown and purple wax. Brown for focus and concentration and purple for progress. 🕯
If you decide to recreate this in any form please feel free to share yours as well. 💜
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archersarrow-tarot · 6 months
🌞| THE SUN |🌞
🔆 Can also be referred to as:
• Le Soliel • Sol (Roman mythology) • Helios (Greek mythology • Phoebus (Greek mythology) • Phoebus Apollo (Greek mythology) •
| The SUN 🌞 TAROT |
☀️ (Upright) The SUN tarot card indicates vitality, positivity, success, warmth, achievements, abundance, optimism, fulfillment, new beginnings, fun, joy, fertility, true happiness, and growth. Things going your way!
🌞 (REVERSED:) false impressions, sadness, low vitality, lack of clarity.
☀️ your | S U N | sign ☀️
(In your Birth Chart)
🌞 Your S U N sign within your birth chart will enlighten you on multiple aspects of who you are; your true core self.
The SUN will explore all the things that make you - well, you.
| S E L F |
Your ego, your personal identity, your individuality and how you choose to express it, your pride, how you present yourself to others, your main purpose in this life, your drive and inner will, self-expression, your courage, consciousness, integrity, stamina, and self-image.
🌞 | S U N | water ☀️🌊
**Here are some ingredients you can add to your Sun water as a boost; these are *OPTIONAL**
| 🌿 H E R B S 🪴 |
Cinnamon, chamomile, bergamot, St. John’s wart, oak, cedar.
Sunflowers, buttercups, heliotropes, marigolds, daylily.
| 🍋 F R U I T S 🍊 |
Lemon peels.
Orange peels
| 💎 C R Y S T A L S 🪨 |
(Note: it is not recommended toadd the crystals to the water directly; but to put along side of container the help with the charging process.)
Tigers Eye
Orange Calcite
Red Agate
| how to M A K E your S U N water |
☀️ Leave water on sunny windowsill or outside.
🌞 Glass jars or containers are recommended; mason jars are ideal. tryk to find a container that comes with a tight, resealable lid.
☀️ Place water jar/container either outside in direct sunlight; or in a window sill, or some area inside where the water will be in direct rays of the sun.
🌞 It is recommended to leave your sun water in the sun light from sunrise until sunset.
🌼 if you aren’t able to leave the water in the sun from rise to set; try to at least be sure that the container is in direct sunlight for at least a few hours - do this during the times of day when the sun is at its brightest and hottest. (examples being 3pm and 12pm)
🌼 Can be used for:
Healing, courage, strength, truth, clairvoyance, leadership, confidence, comfort, energy, health, focus, compassion, motivation, creativity, cleansing, self-love, prosperity, luck, happiness, fertility, justice, and justice.
Can be utilized with rituals and spells.
🌞 | S U N | 🌞
What can I charge?
Crystals 💎
Spell work tools 🗡🕯
SUN salt🧂
Sun water 💦
Sun tea 🫖
🌞 Sun charging will be done by putting whatever item you wish to charge in drect sunlight.
🔆 You can do this by leaving item outside during the daytime or by putting it in a window sill or somewhere that the sunlight will reach it.
🌞 You can leave item there from sunrise to sunset; or at least for a few hours; Try to have item in the sunlight during the brightest, strongest hours of the day for the sun. Examples would be: 9am, 12pm, and 3pm.
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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Superjail #6: “Don't Be a Negaton” | October 26, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E05
The Warden has fallen under the spell of D.L. Diamond, a David-Lee-Roth-esque motivational speaker with a shade of Scientology thrown in. His philosophy hinges on a seemingly bogus story about being abducted by aliens. These aliens supposedly taught him their ways, specifically the concept of “negatrons”, an evil demon-like presence in the body that can be vanquished through D.L. Diamond’s program, leading to a more positive outlook and successful life. Jarred discovers that he is, perhaps, insincere in his claims, and out to rip off Superjail. 
The climax is he brings gathers the now-brainwashed prisoners (and prison staff) in an auditorium for some ritualistic dust-snorting, which causes everyone to have a frightening trip which serves as the backdrop for the big brawl. The artwork here resembles popular Peter Max illustrations, Vince Collins films, and the animated Yellow Submarine film. There are probably more references, but those are the ones that leapt out to me. It’s fun, but one of the weaker battles. I feel like they could’ve gone a little more extreme with this fight.
This one is fairly good. It’s a little more traditionally sitcommy. The amount of artistry that goes into this show is insane and you gotta respect it. Just watching characters move around in this show can be awe-inspiring. Freeze-framing frequently rewards you with a funny drawing or detail. The opening sequence, where Jackknife is apprehended by Jailbot has a moment where Jailbot runs down a family in a casino, including a small child. If you freeze-frame it, you can see they are absolutely mangled by Jailbot.
any chance that when the 44 nights of orel are over you can make dino and scott the new banner? I know you said you were dissatisfied with how the current one shaked out and I just don't want to say goodbye to these two funny, funny dudes. I would have to agree.
I would have to agree. That these two funny men are going to be hard to say goodbye to, and I will think of them and I will miss them. It is too bad that it is impossible to make them be the banner. Thanks for your question! :D
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stitchlesswitch · 4 years
🔥Spell Jar for
Energy & Motivation🔥
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Timing ⏰
Day of the Week: 🗓🌈
Tuesday— victory strength courage facing challenges🏆
Sunday— success wealth fame personal achievement ambition power improving health and prosperity confidence overcoming bad luck🥇🏅
Moon Phase: 🌙
Waxing crescent 🌒
First quarter 🌓
Waxing gibbous 🌔
Ingredients 🐝
Cleanse First! 🌬
Solids/Other: ☀️
Jar—I used a Starbucks mocha bottle, clever right??? 🏺
Wax 🕯: Red ❤️, Orange 🧡, Yellow 💛, Green 💚 can all work to represent energy. And white 👻 of course is all purpose. I alternated between layering yellow and green wax and did an orange birthday candle on top so it looks like citrus.
Coffee beans for energy! ☕️
Sunflower seeds for energy! 🌻
Red glitter for....pizzazz? Lol ✨
Crystals! For energy I used citrine, tigers eye, goldstone, carnelian, some orange calcite I believe, a pretty yellow/gold man-made glass crystal, and a piece of rainbow fluorite for mental clarity and focus. Any orange crystal (or clear quartz) would work for energy. 💎
Herbs: 🌵🌿🍀🎍
To Light a Fire Under my Ass: 💫
Cinnamon 💥
Red pepper🌶
Black pepper🔥
Cayenne pepper⚡️
Dragons blood🐉
Bay leaves—on one I wrote “I complete my project” (present tense not future tense! Don’t write “I Will”) on the second I wrote “focus, energy, motivation, self discipline”🍃
Liquids: 💧
Lemon 🍋
Orange 🍊
Charging: 🎆
Seal with wax 💡
Prayer 🙏🏻
Shook it 👋🏼
Kissed it💋
Happened to be bleeding, smeared my blood on it 💉
Set it on top of my orange and yellow crystal case 🌅
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longstorybadtime · 4 years
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my coworker is going to a new job, so i made her a good luck jar as a parting gift.
cinnamon: prosperity, spell booster
sea salt: cleansing, healing
pink himalayan salt: rid negativity
rosemary: wisdom
ivy leaves: luck
basil: dispel fears, success
mint: luck
yarrow: power, strength
chamomile: calm anxiety, reduce stress
life everlasting: spell longevity
sealed with
orange candle: ambition
green candle: luck
“with these ingredients i plead, send my friend the luck she needs”
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champagnecreamjello · 2 years
✨Cosmic Witchcraft Masterpost✨
og post by cosmic-witch
A collection of original content from myself and other Cosmic Witches relating to Cosmic Witchcraft.
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Dream Key
Jupiter Success Spell
Saturn Banishing Ritual
“Shooting Star” Hex
Emoji Spell t
Motivation Star Jar (by astro-craft​)
Phoenix Cluster Rebirth Spell (by @phaesphore​)
Full Moon Reflection Jar Spell (by @phaesphore​)
Planetary Aspect Sleep Sachet (by @phaesphore​)
New Moon Banishing Ritual (by @phaesphore​)
Hercules Cluster Jar Spell (by @phaesphore​)
Saturnian Spell Jar (by @phaesphore​)
Begin Again Spell (by @pathlesspagan)
Scorpion Self-Shedding Spell (by @pathlesspagan)
Balance of Gemini Spell (by @nerdywitchmomma)
Cosmic Witchcraft 101 (by @phaesphore​)
Where to Start?
Tips for Beginners
How to Write Stellar Spells
Blue Moon Magick
Lunar Magick
Eclipse Magick
Mercurial Magick
Venusian Magick
Martian Magick
Jovian Magick
Saturnian Magick
Uranian Magick
Neptunian Magick
Plutonian Magick
What is a “Cosmic Witch?” (an ask)
Planet Worship & Astrolatry
Tasks for the Cosmic Witch
Cosmic Altar & Room Ideas
Astral Travel
Spiral Meditation
Black Hole Jar
Black Hole Decoy
Planetary Crystal Sachet (by @pathlesspagan)
Celestial Roll-On Perfume
Celestial Gem Elixir
Planetary Shower Disk
Starlight Charm
Stardust Powder
Star Potion
Star Water
Constellation Runes
Celestial Sigils (by @ofcloudsandstars)
Emojis for Cosmic Witches (by @pathlesspagan)
Updated Jan 2022- champagnecreamjello
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physics-and-magic · 3 years
School Motivation Jar Spell
Here is a recipe for a school motivational jar spell that I did while having a particularly hard time.
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-sage: for cleansing and protective energy
-rosemary: to accelerate learning in schoolwork
-lavender: to add a calming energy
-cinnamon: to increase success
-nutmeg: to increase success
-bay: to add a powerful protection
-thyme: to be brave facing challenges
-eggshells: protection
-basil: to attract success
-rose: to keep my studies aesthetically pleasing
-frankincense: to honor the patrons I work with (Apollo and Demeter)
-tiger's eye: strength and courage
-sodalite: bring order and calmness
1. cast a circle/invoke deities
2. write a sigil on a bay leaf and add to the jar
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Here is the sigil I used. I Excel In School And Do Well Academically.
3. add ingredients to the jar
4. seal the jar with orange wax
5. close the cirlce/thank deities
I wish everyone luck with their studies!
~Blessed Be~
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kitkat404 · 2 years
Peggy Carter’s Soulwords
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
Steve’s mark has faded, as has Bucky’s; loves long since lived and lost. The right partner and What are we waiting for? Decorate her shoulder blades, one for each, with Steve’s neat print in light sky blue and Bucky’s untidy scrawl being disguised by once shining, now dull silver.
You have no idea how to talk to a woman had printed itself on Steve’s left pectoral, as red as Peggy’s lipstick. When he first came out of the vita-ray chamber it stood out glaringly against his glistening skin. She had tapped it with a finger, a bit stunned by its appearance, the action was brushed off as her simply being in awe of his new form.
The words Bucky received marked the inside of his left wrist; I might, when this is all over, go dancing. Peggy used to trace each delicate line with the tip of a crimson nail when they were sitting in strategy meetings, Steve always on Bucky’s other side, ankles locked together under the table where ‘til the end of the line mirrored itself across their skin.
Angie Martinelli
Angie’s words are the color of blooming violets, a shade befitting of royalty. Coming right up English! winks back at Peggy from the skin above her knee, similar to Angie’s playful wink upon taking her order. Her handwriting is neat, a result of having to make all the food requests she jots down in quick succession legible for the chef to read.
Rounded ruby script marches down Angie’s right arm, spelling out I thought I might tell you about my day. The sleeves of her uniform don’t quite cover it, and Peggy can’t help but grin every time her eyes land on the mark while she’s having her morning coffee at the Automat.
Then Peggy moves to Los Angeles, and somewhere along the way Angie’s words fade. She already knows they’ve both moved on when she calls back to New York; Angie’s engaged to a man named Thomas, he frequents the Automat and listens to her monologues, a sweet guy according to Angie.
Peggy is happy for her, because Angie deserves someone stable, someone whose job doesn’t take them all over the world at the drop of a hat. And for as much as she’ll miss New York, Peggy loves L.A. and its dry heat and horrible traffic. The Jarvis’ are here, and Howard, and the SSR L.A. branch needs more experienced agents. Sometimes, people just grow apart, and life has other plans; it’s a much happier end then Peggy could have hoped for them.
Daniel Sousa and Jack Thompson
The words Daniel leaves on her body are deep blue and match the hastily scribbled notes she finds in the margins of all his paperwork. You deserve it more peeks at Peggy from just underneath her jaw whenever she looks in a mirror; a constant motivator, so innocent and earnest even without a face to match the phrase.
Jack’s mark is warm grey, with large hand writing snaking around her wrist like a thick bangle. Truth be told, I like the kid’s yeti story better; the first time Jack didn’t seem eager to drink up his glory. It’s only later, on the flight back to the states, that Peggy would learn why. After that mission, they began trading the occasional nod of greeting, not quite friendly, but understanding.
A perfect copy of Peggy’s loopy handwriting curls itself below Daniel’s ear. It spells out one word: Congratulations. Singular, but still poignant in its simplicity, speaking volumes of her respect for him even then. The vibrant shade only serves to further highlight the bold disregard for normal that decorates their history.
Her mark on Jack has painted itself across his right hip, the vivid red almost as jarring as the words Snap out of it mate, c’mon, get your arse into gear. Hard to forget, even harder not to recognize. He came clean about the mark at the same time he came clean about his cross, claiming to not want to hold anything back.
There are extra long tails on all of the y’s and g’s in his writing, taupe-colored words stretching across the back of Daniel’s neck; Don’t sell yourself as short as that stump, you’re better than that. The compliment was so lost in a sea of more degrading remarks that he didn’t put two and two together for weeks. It wasn’t until one of Jack’s reports ended up on his desk by mistake and the lengthened letters caught Peggy’s eye that the dots began to connect.
Now that had taken some explaining.
But one comparison between the blue mark circling Jack’s ribcage (Sure, can I borrow your forehead?) and Peggy’s You deserve it more has all three of them sitting in Jack’s hospital room in stunned silence, the resounding question of “what now?” goes unsaid, but not unheard.
Things are far from perfect, but with Jack on the road to recovery, and Daniel and Peggy on the case for justice, the path ahead is starting to look a bit less daunting.
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cindythinking · 2 years
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In addition to the Spell Jar, I have also created a Study sachet for my sister to carry with her on her bag.
Rosemary for memory concentracion.
Cinnamon sticks for success.
Rose petals for love.
Citrine for motivation.
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saphirered · 3 years
Lovely Caleb fic! Could I get a confession of love fix that involved Caleb kissing the hands of a bewildered reader?
Thank you for the request! I hope this is to your liking!
It’s rather late. Well, you think it is. It’s kind of difficult to tell in Rosohna’s eternal darkness. At least you were sure it’s been a long day. You find yourself wandering the halls of the Xhorhaus. The last few months have been crazy, hectic and you’d have to admit your life has been turned upside down but you wouldn’t change if for the world. You found friends, family even. Reminiscing you find your mind gravitate towards fond memories of your favourite wizard. Dragging him along on a little shopping spree for spell components, the excited rants he goes on when you ask for his advise on this new spell you found, the talks about nothing when you shared a watch, holding his hand while Yasha shaved his beard with her sword, giggling about a little prank you played on a very grumpy looking halfling shopkeeper in Zadash, drunken nights sharing a bottle after a successful job completed, him falling asleep with his head on your shoulder, caring for each other’s injuries, the rare dance in the tavern…
Not as insightful as Caduceus may be but you weren’t blind either. It’s clear Caleb seems more comfortable around you than anyone save for Nott maybe, a different kind of comfort still. You’ve been consciously picking up on a shift in his behaviour for a while now. Your favorite wizard has been getting closer and more affectionate towards you but you’ve known him for a while now and you can’t help but pick up on this. His recent shift in behavior gave you butterflies in your stomach, something more than friendship but you didn’t feel it was the right time to tell him how you feel. Besides, what his feelings don’t extend beyond care right? This is no different than his relationship with Beau or Nott. Love is a strong term and one you may not hand out so freely but you know yourself well enough these feelings you’re experiencing are love. You just don’t want to ruin your friendship because he’s not ready, not comfortable or doesn’t reciprocate your feelings in the same way after all. Caleb has come out of his shell and made so much progress, growing more comfortable and open around you and that’s extending to those around him too. You don’t want him to crawl back into that shell again. You value him more than that.
Quietly you get some dried herbs from a sleeping Caduceus’ stash and wander into the kitchen to make some tea. You’re pretty sure you’re the only one still awake as everyone was quite exhausted after your return. Trying to start a flame to boil the water proved more difficult than you had hoped. Growing frustrated with the flint and steel you slam them on the counter a little too hard. You cringe squeezing your eyes tight shut and listen. Okay… seems like no one woke up from that. You glare at the kettle half the mind to toss it out of the window. Stupid tea. Stupid fire. You take a breather leaning your head against one of the shelves above the counter.
“It looks like we had the same idea.” You almost jump out of your skin quickly covering your mouth to prevent a scream to escape from your lips. You see a bleary eyed Caleb looking about as disheveled as expected standing in the doorway of the kitchen. 
“Don’t scare me like that you idiot!” You toss a towel at him. It hits, draping over one shoulder and he just gives you a ‘really?’ expression as you feel the blood rush from the scare fade. 
“You’re having trouble, ja?” He says more than asks referring to the still cold kettle. 
“You have to make me feel worse about not being able to get a flame going to brew some tea?” You say in jest as you grab another cup for him. Caleb walks over taking your spot and with a snap of the fingers the flame is lit. 
“It is not that difficult.” He jokes back fully aware that your expertise lays not with fire magic. You have many other talents, he’s told you so himself many times praising you for them. You grab the towel draped over his shoulder, fold it neatly and put it back on the counter. 
“Your help is appreciated oh grand master magician.” You give him a side hug which he returns wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you wait for the water to boil. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” You ask watching drops of condensation build up on the outside of the kettle. 
“Ah, no. Uh, wandering thoughts.” Caleb sounds like he’s only half paying attention. Wandering thoughts indeed. 
“Wanna talk about it?” You offer as the kettle starts whistling and you remove it from the heat before it gets too loud and begin preparing the teapot. You take a step closer to the counter, Caleb’s hand falling from your shoulder to your lower back. 
“I… uh-“ He hesitates and you swear when you look over your shoulder for just a second you can see a slight blush creep up his cheeks. 
“Caleb, you know you can tell me anything, right?” He manages to get out a ‘yes’ under his breath so you grab a tray, put the teacups and saucers, the teapot and grab some biscuits from a jar hidden behind the vast array of herbs and spices to avoid a certain Tiefling from claiming them all. Balancing the tray on one hand you turn around and grab his hand, guiding him along into the living room. You put the tray on the table and make Caleb sit down on the couch as you sit down next to him. You can see him take a deep breath and he refuses to meet your eye. Though, that’s not entirely out of character for the wizard so you give him time and space as you pour the tea in each of your cups. With a wave of your hand you cool the hot water to a less scalding but still warm level. 
“I know. But in this case I don’t know if that makes this any easier.” You frown and grab his hands in yours. Almost absentmindedly he begins drawing circles on the back of your palms with this thumbs. While he won’t look at you you can see he’s trying to find the words.
“Should I be worried?” Many questions rush through your head. Was everything alright? Did something happen? 
“No. No. No need to worry.” He musters a quick half smile before it disappears. You hated seeing him like this. So much conflict and inner turmoil. You give his hands a soft squeeze. Whatever this is it must bother him a lot if he’s so affected by it!
“It’s alright. Take however long you need. I’m here for you no matter what.” He takes a deep breath as you finish your sentence. 
“I’ve had some revelations lately and I’ve tried so hard to push them away, deny them or hoping that maybe I was interpreting them wrong but I can no longer just brush them aside. I don’t think it’s fair…” Another deep breath.
“What’s not fair to who?” 
“This. All of it. What I’m doing. It’s not fair to you.” He has trouble forming a sentence. 
“Slowly. Just keep breathing.” You try to calm him down.
“It’s not fair that I freely take your comfort, affection, kindness and even companionship. I’m afraid my actions in return, they do not come from friendship but selfish motives instead. I don’t want this to end but I cannot treat my own actions as rooted from friendship when they are not.” He scrambles on stumbling every few words and you try to make sense of his words but you’ve known him longer than today so you get where he’s going. 
“Caleb…” You begin but he cuts you off.
“No, no I need you to hear this before I cower back and lose the courage to do this. You are heaven sent. You are patient and kind and every time you smile at me I feel my heart skip a beat. Every hug, touch or kiss feels like the warmth of the sun after endless winter. I thought perhaps I felt this way because this is who you are and what you do; making the lives of those you care about brighter where you can. I know you care about me as you’ve reminded me many a time, and I care about you a lot, but I do not think it ends with just care. My realisation showed me that you’ve brought about a feeling I thought myself no longer capable off; love.” He pulls your hands close to his chest. You’re bewilder, confused at this open confession but above all surprised he so openly confides in you. You think hard taking in every word.
“So I think it’s unfair to you when for me this kindness and affection from my side will always be out of love and I cannot in good conscious give you my love when you do not want it. I cannot ask you to feel the same but I also don’t think me returning your kindness and affection can ever be anything other than love. So please, I don’t want what we have, our friendship to end but I don’t want to take what you don’t have to give me…” 
“Caleb, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” You watch as his shoulders slump. So insecure when it comes to other’s feelings and opinions of him it hurts you every time he sells himself short. You look for the right words yourself. If he can muster up the courage then so can you!
“You can be so blinded by your own thoughts and insecurities you don’t even consider the fact that I feel the same.” He finally looks at you wide eyed freezing in place for a second.
“You underestimate your ability to be loved and if I can prove you different, if you will let me prove you different I will.” Caleb scans your face for any sense of insincerity, deceit or even jest but he finds none. He takes a minute but eventually pulls your hands to his lips pressing a long soft kiss to the backs. 
“Thank you. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this but you truly are a light in the darkness.” He kisses the backs of your hands again. 
“You were you; all you ever need to be.” You shift leaning into his side, head against his shoulder and his arm wrapping around you. Intertwining your fingers with his at your waist you grasp his other hand and bring it to your lips. That small kiss right where his wrist meets his palm makes him melt. He leans back on the couch pulling you with in a slouched relaxed position. If only the rest of the Nein could see you now. They’d go crazy… 
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of-dragons-and-fae · 4 years
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Stars in Magick
💫 Enlightenment and inspiration, inner purpose, astral magick and self reflection.
💫 Self care, safety during sleep, inner child magick, divination looking into past lives and encouragement of astral projection.
💫 Protection with exploration of the inner self, manifestation magick and clarity.
Star Water in Magick
🏺 Collect a transparent bottle or jar to gather your star water. Research what constellation it will be put under if it applies to you and refer to the constellation correspondence list.
💧 Fill it up with water either up to the brim or half way depending on preference (Not rain water as it collects pollution on it's way down).
💎 Feel free to charge the water beforehand with star connecting crystals if a starlit skys without pollution is not possible with the intention of charging it into star water, outside of the container not within for safety.
🌌 Set the container on a stable surface outdoors under a starlit sky with little to non-pollution with a closed lid. Leave for a minimum of thirty minutes, and the maximum of an hour and a half.
Star Colour Magick
Blue - Awareness, clarity, communication, emotions, fertility, fidelity, freedom, guidance, harmony, honor, hope, intuition, knowledge, peace, prosperity, protection, purification, relationships, spirituality, transformation, wisdom. Especially useful for astral travel and dream work.
Green - Abundance, balance, creativity, fertility, growth, kindness, love, luck, prosperity, renewal, success, wealth. Especially useful for healing and connecting with spirits.
Purple - Awareness, enlightenment, happiness, inspiration, manifestation, spirituality, wisdom. Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, divination and psychic work.
Orange - Abundance, adaptability, beginnings, confidence, discipline, justice, luck, power, reconciliation, strength, transformation. Especially useful for dealing with change and healing.
Red - Action, courage, creativity, determination, fertility, leadership, love, loyalty, motivation, passion, power, protection, relationships, renewal, strength, willpower.
Especially useful for activating energy and breaking hexes.
White - Clarity, compassion, enlightenment, gratitude, happiness, harmony, hope, inspiration, peace, protection, purity, spirituality, willpower. Especially useful for astral travel, divination, healing, and psychic work.
Yellow- Awareness, clarity, communication, creativity, devotion, faith, friendship, happiness, inspiration, wisdom
Especially useful for astral travel, clairvoyance, dream work, and contacting spirits.
Constellation Magick
Andromedia.: Fixture of relationship issues, rekindlement of love, marriage, ignition of personal power, release spellwork, banishing magick, working through grief, shadow magick, helping move past the fear of death.
~ Alpha Andromedae (Blue): Independence and freedom
~ Gamma Andromedae (Gamma1 is orange, Gamma2 is blue, Gamma3 is white): Artistic abilities
Aquarius.: Power of Water magick, personal self development, regenerative energy, expanding creative abilities, spiritual endeavours, sea witchery and boost in manifesting luck spells.
~ Alpha Aquarii (Yellow): Luck
~ Beta Aquarii (Yellow): Fortune and attracting positive energies
~ Delta Aquarii (Yellow): Wishful magick
Aquila.: Preserving of traditions, messages, bestowment of clairvoyant abilities, Litha, Air Magick, success, reaching new heights, divination, psychic work, astral travel and realm travelling.
~ Alpha Aquilae (Yellow)
~ Beta Aquilae (Yellow-Red)
~ Gamma Aquilae (Orange): Balance
Ara.: Protection of the home and sacred spaces, binding magick, victory, aid in maintaining chastity, refuge, protective talismans, prediction of the weather, dedication of the altar.
~ Alpha Arae (Blue Star) - Less brightest.
~ Beta Arae (Orange Star) - Most brightest.
Aries.: Introspection into developing psychic abilities, fertility, abundance, strength, potent protective energies, aid in drawing down energy.
~ Alpha Arietis (Orange): Action and independence
~ Beta Arietis (White-Yellow Star): Spring magick
~ Gamma Arietis (White-Orange Star): Protection
Auriga.: Protection of children, storm magick, protection, wisdom, weather witchery, protection against evil, protection against storms, protection of innocent people/civilians, strengthening intentions and aid in divination skills.
~ Alpha Aurigae ( Alpha1 is yellow and Alpha2 is red)
~ Beta Aurigae (Blue-White Star)
~ Gamma Aurigae (Blue)
Boötes.: WIP
Cancer.: Fulfillment of tasks, working with liminality, astral travel, dream work, creativity, abundance, wealth and prosperity.
~ Alpha Cancri (White)
~ Beta Cancri (Orange)
~ 44M Cancri (Red, Orange, Yellow, White and Blue)
Canes Venatici.: Life force energy (wip)
Canis Major.: Protection of dogs and guardianship of new life.
~ Alpha Canis Majoris (White): Healing magick and death witchery.
~ Epsilon Canis Majoris (Blue and White)
Canis Minor.: Liminal sight, the ability to see spirits, protection of the home.
~ Alpha Canis Minoris (White)
Capricornus.: Gratitude, the Horned God, nature, fertility, abundance and playfulness.
~ Alpha Capricorni (Yellow)
~ Beta Capricorni (Beta 1a is orange, Beta 1b is blue white, Dabih Minor is blue white, Beta 2b is white)
~ Delta Capricorni (Delta 1 is white, Delta 2 is yellow white): Wisdom
Cassiopeia.: Use this constellations' energy together with the Cepheus constellation, strength, balance, respect and restoration of health.
~ Alpha Cassiopeiae (Orange Star): Maternity magick
~ Beta Cassiopeiae (Yellow-White Star)
~ Delts Cassiopeiae (Blue-White Star)
Cepheus.: Use with the constellation Cassiopeia, male sovereignty, strength and authority, home, family and security.
~ Alpha Cephei (White)
~ Beta Cephei (Blue-White)
~ Gamma Cephei (Orange)
~ Mu Cephei (Red)
Together, Cepheus and Cassiopeia brings balance to male and feminine energies, life and death, represents relationships of lovers and can be called upon to find true love and sparking everlasting union.
Cetus.: Unconscious forces, harmony, self esteem boost, travel protection, intelligence, protection when casting circles, transformation and growth.
~ Alpha Ceti (Red)
~ Beta Ceti (Orange)
~ Omicron Ceti (Omicron1 is red and Omicron2 is white): Liminality
~ Zeta Ceti (Orange)
Corona Australis.:
Corona Borealis.:
Crater.: Mysticism, spirituality, the Water Element, femininity, blessings, the season of Spring, sensuality and fertility.
Cygnus.: Sacrifice, friendship, unity, the Fae, enchantment, the power of prophecy, astral journeys, mysticism, restful sleep, boosting self esteem, healing, strength and beauty.
~ Alpha Cygni (Blue and White Star): Fae, looking out for one another.
~ Beta Cygni (Beta1 is yellow and Beta2 is blue)
~ Epsilon Cygni (Orange): Air Magick, flight, freedom
Delphinus.: Sea witchcraft, protection of sea creatures especially dolphins, protection when travelling at sea, friendship, musical talent, cheerfulness, transformation, beauty, fun, working with elemental energies mainly water, discovering truth, releasing negativity, liberation, wisdom, otherwordly nature, aid in helping the passing over of loved ones, maternity magick, protection with pregnancy, fertility magick and travel spells.
~ Alpha Delphini (Blue-White)
~ Beta Delphini (Yellow-White) Talent
~ Epsilon Delphini (White)
Draco.: Draconic magick, wisdom, spiritual guardians, Earth Dragon Guardian, artisitic ability, skill, prosperity, good luck, power, protection of important spaces and items.
~ Alpha Draconis (White): Leadership qualities
~ Beta Draconis (Yellow)
~ Gamma Draconis (Orange)
Eridanus.: Wisdom, blessing of water, health, abundance, power, transformation, aid in meditation, wisdom, inspiration, boost in spiritual performance and musical ability.
~ Alpha Eridani (Blue-White)
~ Gamma Eridani (Yellow)
Gemini.: Balance of light and dark, transition, transformation, embracing dynamic of life, strength of unity.
~ Alpha Geminorum (Alpha 1+2 are white and Alpha3 is red): Success in legal matters
~ Beta Geminorum (Orange): Bravery and craftiness.
Grus.: Ancient wisdom, death, rebirth, energetically charging, boosting divination, understanding deep mysteries, and truth.
~ Alpha Gruis (Blue-White)
~ Beta Gruis (Red)
Hercules.: Strength, determination, purpose, potent creative energy, help in contacting the Fae, energising power, overcoming challenges, logic, boosting potency of spells.
~ Alpha Herculis (Alpha 1a is orange, Alpha 1b is blue green, Alpha 2a is yellow, Alpha 2b is yellow white)
~ Beta Herculis (Yellow Star): Offensive magick
Hydrus.: Prosperity, abundance, wisdom, reproduction, power, manifestation, emotional magick, cycles, healing magick, change, transformation, aid in raising energy.
~ Alpha Hydrae: Darker passions and untamed emotions.
Leo.: Protection, fertility, abundance, courage, balance between femininity and masculinity.
~ Beta Leonis (Blue Star): Stimulation of creativity.
~ Gamma Leonis (Gamma 1 = orange, Gamma 2 = yellow): Promotion of love and protection against enemies.
~ Delta Leonis (Blue-white Star): Liminality and strength.
Lepus.: Moon Magick, ment health support, self esteem, hope, wishing magick, abundance, fertility, quick thinking, aid in divination, boosts the energy of divination tools, transformation, hidden knowledge and discovery.
~ Alpha Leporis (Yellow-White)
~ Beta Leporis (Yellow)
Libra.: Justice, balance, introspectivity, reflection, good health, balancing of energies and support of legal matters.
~ Alpha Librae (Alpha 1 = yellow, Alpha 2 = blue): Negative influences
~ Beta Librae (Blue-Green star): Honor and ambition, together representing the balance of light and dark.
Lupus.: Eternity, afterlife, banishing, renewal, power, healing, rebirth, reawakening, elemental forces, protection of young animals, protection against unpredictable weather, ancestral magick and Earth magick.
~ Alpha Ursae Majoris (Orange Star)
~ Beta Ursae Majoris (Blue-White Star)
~ Alpha Ursae Minoris (Yellow-White Star): Navigation and protection against spells.
Lyra.: Musical talent, poetry within magick, spellwork.
~ Alpha Lyrae (Blue-White Star): Social awareness and magick,artistic talent.
~ Beta Lyrae (Blue-White): Otherworldy and enchantment.
~ Gamma Lyrae (Blue-White): Faery Realm and introspection.
Monoceros.: Enchantment, Faery Realm, working with Unicorns, freedom, power, empowerment, blessings of love and luck and spiritual revelation.
~ Alpha (Orange), Gamma (Orange) and Delta Monocerotis (White): Beauty, astral travel, illusion in magick and glamour magick.
Ophiuchus.: Powerful healing magick, the Realm of Death, talents
~ Alpha Ophiuchi (Alpha1 is white, Alpha2 Orange); astronomy magick
~ Beta Ophiuchi (Orange); Empowerment of ones own magick
~ Alpha Serpentis (Orange); Balancing energy points
~ Theta Serpentis (White); Grounding magick and peacefulness
Orion.: Storm magick, overcoming challenges, success, victory, achievement, self confidence, death, afterlife, rebirth, feminity, empowerment and protection.
~ Alpha Orionis (Red)
~ Beta Orionis (Red)
~ Gamma Orionis (Blue)
Pegasus.: Nephelomancy magick, poetry magick, protection of horses, freeing someone under the influence of witchcraft, prophecy, liminal spaces, aid in transversing realms, divination, aid in seeing ghosts and connection with children.
~ Alpha Pegasi (Blue-White): Stability
~ Beta Pegasi (Red Star): Creativity
~ Gamma Pegasi (Blue-White)
~ Epsilon Pegasi (Yellow)
Perseus.: Enhancement of wishes, sun magick, freedom, uncrossing magick and breaking hexes.
~ Alpha Persei (Yellow-White)
~ Beta Persei (Beta 1 is blue-white, Beta 2 is orange and Beta 3 is white)
Phoenix.: Rebirth, regeneration, reincarnation, change, transformation, dynamic cycles, fire magick and support through challenges.
Pisces.: Creativity, procreation, unity, divination, mysticism and knot magick.
~ Alpha Piscium (White): Knowledge and integrating ideas.
~ Eta Piscium (Yellow)
~ Gamma Piscium (Yellow)
Piscis Austrinus.: WIP
Pleiades.: Peace, wisdom, unity, mysticism, power, channeling knowledge, higher self, procreation and increasement of intuition.
~ Ela Tauri (Alycone1 is blue-white, Alycone2+3 is white and Alycone4 is Yellow-White): Protection of birds and winged creatures and calming the weather.
~ 16 Tauri (Blue-White): Creation
~ 17 Tauri (Blue-White): Aid in moving past grief.
~ 19 Tauri (1+2 are blue white and 3 is white): Protection of cities
~ 20 Tauri (Blue-White): Springtime magick
~ 21 + 22 Tauri (Blue-White): Parenthood
~ 23 Tauri (Blue-White): Love
Sagittarius.: Achieving goals, male fertility, sensuality, vitality, awareness, freedom.
~ Alpha Sagittarii (Blue star); steadiness
~ Beta Sagittarii (Beta1 is Blue, Beta2 is yellow white); Athleticism,
~ Epsilon Sagittarii (Epsilon 1 is blue and Epsilon2 is orange): mental stimulation
~ Gamma Sagittarii (Orange)
Scorpius.: Protection, death witchery, potent powerful magick, repellent of negativity, psychic abilities, working on the Shadow self, spirituality, transformation and creativity.
~ Alpha Scorpii (Red star): Water magick
~ Beta Scorpii (Blue-White Star): Defensive magick
~ Lambda Scorpii (Blue-White Star): Offensive magick
Taurus.: Life, nature's cycles, fertility, abundance, wealth, beauty, glamour magick, regeneration, wealth and aid in consecration of tools and grounding.
~ Alpha Tauri (Orange)
~ Beta Tauri (Blue): Fire magick
Triangulum.: WIP
Ursa Major.: WIP
Ursa Minor.: WIP
Virgo.: Bounty of the Earth, cycles of the seasons, Ostara, divinity, aid in Earth Magick, blessing of spaces, regeneration and strengthening of love.
~ Alpha Virginis (Blue-White): Protection against danger, navigation, fortune and abundance.
~ Gamma Virginis (Yellow-White): Prophecy.
~ Epsilon Virginis (Yellow): Harvest, reaping and sowing.
Crystals to Connect to Stars
~ Blue tourmaline and onyx
~ Celestite and amethyst
~ Blue goldstone + blue apatite
My personal correspondences.
Mainly from Star Magick by Sandra Kynes
Post by Of-Dragons-And-Fae
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