#Mads Mikkelsen FanFic
hungrhay · 4 months
Me, waiting for my favorite fanfiction to update :
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vervainariadne · 8 months
Dayyyuumm He's a MANEATER (literally)
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imninahchan · 4 months
Nina ainda tá escrevendo com o Mads? Se sim, poderia escrever algo com ele sendo seu professor?
Ps: amo sua escrita e a naturalidade que sai as suas palavras juntas 🫶
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Acho que o MADS seria aquele tipo de professor mais velho que só lê os materias dentro de sala, não se importa em preparar slides ou ser o mínimo atrativo pra geração mais nova. Mas ele tem bom humor e acaba sendo o preferido mesmo assim, sempre convidado pros barzinhos depois da aula;
E é por isso que você se atrai, porque ele parece mil vezes inacessível, totalmente fora do seu nível, mais inteligente, mais culto, porém magicamente próximo o suficiente pra não te inibir por inteiro;
De imediato, ele não vai notar as suas segundas intenções, acha que você só está interessada na linha de pesquisa dele quando pede pra fazer parte do grupo de estudos que ele comanda. Logo, porém, fica mais que óbvio a sua preferência absurda por estar perto dele;
A consciência pesa, especialmente ao se lembrar que tem um filho da sua idade, mas não acha que só uma vez possa ser tão nocivo assim;
Então, vai te foder uma vez só, única, deixa bem claro. Te pega dentro do carro dele mesmo, depois de te dar uma carona pra casa. Não tem pressa, por mais que o ambiente não seja o mais adequado. Já que é por uma vez, precisa aproveitar cada parte sua e fazer valer a pena o risco pra ti também;
No outro dia, vai te cumprimentar com cortesia, como se não tivesse acontecido nada, como se nem tivesse ouvido da sua boca o termo sujo que ouviu ───── papai.
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msilwrites · 11 months
Sequel to: ASCENT - Defying Desire (ODD WOMEN Series) a 3AM update - SEVEN
A/N: In this chapter, we explore Henry's remarkable capabilities as a shrewd strategic executive and master manipulator.  Henry's effectiveness in achieving his goals is undeniable.  However, as the story unfolds, we also witness a satisfying wave of regret and realization washing over Henry.
Defying Desire
In a posh townhouse nestled within the city's bustling streets, Henry found himself lost in a sea of thoughts. The sleek and masculine interior of his abode mirrored his refined taste and style. With a glass of whisky in hand, he lounged in a plush chair, his mind consumed by memories of Sage. Regret weighed heavily on him as he replayed their past together. He had made a big mistake by ending their relationship, and now he longed to make things right.
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The room was dimly lit, casting shadows across his face as he took a sip of the amber liquid. Thoughts of Sage overwhelmed him, igniting a fire in his heart. He couldn't help but recall the passion they once shared, longing to feel her touch and reconnect with her on a deep level.
Although the board members were impressed by his strategic partnership with the app, it was Sage who held the key to his happiness. The business stuff seemed less important compared to the prospect of having her back in his life.
Lost in his thoughts, Henry grew more determined. He knew pursuing a former lover who had blocked all communication was risky, but it only fueled his desire to win Sage back. It became a challenge, a chance to prove that their love was worth fighting for.
In his mind, he pictured their reunion—a spark of electric chemistry reigniting between them. Every touch and whispered word would carry the weight of their shared history. Henry yearned to apologize for the past, to show Sage how much he regretted his actions and convince her that he had truly changed.
As the whisky burned his throat, matching the fire inside him, Henry realized he had to tread carefully. He couldn't just rush back into Sage's life; he had to find a way to break through her barriers.
The strategic partnership with the app offered him an opportunity to reach out to Sage, to discuss the collaboration and the impact it could have on their lives. Ideas swirled in Henry's mind on how to subtly reconnect, to show Sage that his feelings were still strong.
With determination, he set his glass down and stood up. Walking towards the window, he admired the twinkling city lights. A steely resolve emanated from him as he silently promised himself to make things right. He would find a way to win back Sage's trust and reignite their once-burning flame.
Late into the night, Henry's excitement grew. The strategic partnership had opened a door, and now he had to face the challenges ahead. Every passing moment fueled his determination to execute his plan flawlessly and prove to Sage that their love was worth any risk or sacrifice.
In the solitude of his luxurious townhouse, Henry felt a renewed sense of purpose. The whisky coursing through his veins emboldened him, driving his pursuit of his desires. The calculated move he made during the board meeting went beyond business—it was a way to bring Sage back into his arms, where she truly belonged.
Kieran sat across from Sage in the cozy afternoon lounge, their teacups steaming gently on the table. The delightful aroma of freshly baked desserts, coffee, and tea filled the air, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The red brick walls and brown wooden accents gave the place a touch of dark academia aesthetic, adding to its charm.
As Kieran recounted the events of the boardroom meeting, Sage listened attentively. She had already shared with him the fact that Henry was her ex-boyfriend, so Kieran was familiar with their history. Their friendship and collaboration had allowed for open and honest conversations between them.
Sage's eyes met Kieran's, a mix of curiosity and concern reflecting in her gaze. She knew the potential conflict of interest arising from Kieran acquiring her app for his own company while also being associated with the Havel Group as a non-executive director. The situation had taken an unexpected turn with Henry's objection and proposal to buy the app or form a partnership.
Setting her teacup down gently on the table, Sage leaned forward, her voice filled with a blend of sincerity and determination. "Kieran, I never expected this to become so complicated. I appreciate your support in acquiring my app, but I also understand the concerns raised by Henry and the board."
Sage leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Kieran's, her voice filled with urgency. "Kieran, please, if there's any way you can ensure that the app doesn't end up in Henry's possession, I would be forever grateful. I have a suspicion that he's trying to use this as a way to force me to communicate with him again, and I can't allow that to happen. I've blocked him from all my channels for a reason, and I want to maintain my distance. I know it might sound presumptuous, but I've known Henry for a long time, and I can't shake the feeling that he's trying to manipulate the situation to his advantage."
Kieran nodded, understanding the gravity of Sage's words. "Sage, I trust your instincts, and I know you have a deep understanding of Henry's character. We shouldn't underestimate his determination and the lengths he might go to achieve his goals. Rest assured, I'll do everything in my power to keep the app out of his hands and protect you from any unwanted interactions.”
Sage's shoulders relaxed, a sense of relief washing over her. She appreciated Kieran's support and belief in her judgment. "Thank you, Kieran. It means a lot to have someone who understands and stands by me."
As Kieran's Rolls Royce pulled up in front of the office building at Canary Wharf, Sage's attention shifted from the familiar surroundings to the task at hand. Stepping out of the car with purpose, she strode alongside Kieran towards the elevator, her mind focused on the upcoming boardroom meeting.
Navigating the bustling lobby with ease, Sage's determination propelled her forward. She had been to this building before, familiar with its polished halls and bustling energy. Canary Wharf was not uncharted territory for her.
Entering the elevator, Sage exchanged a knowing glance with Kieran, their shared determination palpable. They had meticulously prepared for this moment, ensuring their presentation was strong and persuasive. The ride up to the designated floor was filled with a sense of anticipation, their focus honed on making a compelling case.
As the elevator doors opened, Sage was greeted by Simon, Henry's older brother and the leader of the Havel Group. A warm smile spread across Simon's face as he approached her, enveloping her in a genuine hug. "Sage, it's so good to see you. How have you been?" he asked, a touch of surprise in his voice. "I didn't realize you were behind this app until today"
Sage returned the hug, appreciating the warmth and genuine concern from Henry's brother. "Thank you, Simon," she replied with a soft smile. "I've been well”
As they walked down the corridor towards the boardroom, Simon expressed his eagerness to hear Sage's explanation about the app. He emphasized the importance of her addressing the board directly to ensure a clear understanding of the app's purpose and its compatibility with the Havel Group's businesses.
Entering the boardroom, Sage took her seat at the table, surrounded by the familiar faces of the board members. Among them were Henry's brothers, who held executive positions within the Havel Group. As she looked around, she noticed their smiles of recognition, accompanied by a warmth that conveyed a sense of familiarity and fondness.
Sage met their gazes, returning their smiles with a nod of acknowledgement. Despite the complexities of her past with Henry, it seemed that his brothers still held a level of respect and appreciation for her. It was a reassuring reminder that she had made a positive impression on them during her time with Henry.
With unwavering conviction, Sage highlighted the app's potential to revolutionize the industry and create new opportunities for growth. She stressed that by allowing Kieran's company to maintain ownership and control over the app, it would be able to flourish independently, fostering innovation and agility.
Furthermore, Sage outlined the potential risks and challenges that could arise from integrating the app into the Havel Group. She emphasized the importance of preserving the app's brand identity and user experience, which could be compromised if it became just another division of the conglomerate.
Drawing upon her own experiences as the app's creator and the deep understanding she had gained from working closely with Kieran, Sage eloquently expressed her belief that the best path forward was to allow Kieran's company to continue nurturing and developing the app independently. She emphasized that this would ensure the app's continued success and allow it to reach its full potential.
As Sage concluded her presentation, there was a moment of contemplative silence in the boardroom. The board members exchanged glances, processing the weight of Sage's arguments. Her passion and persuasive delivery had made an impact, causing them to rethink the initial assumption of absorbing the app into the Havel Group.
Henry's voice broke the silence, his tone brimming with confidence. "I understand Sage's concerns, but I believe we should view this app as an incredible asset for the Havel Group," he proclaimed, capturing the attention of the board members.
Henry proceeded to outline his vision for incorporating the app into the company, highlighting the potential benefits it could bring. He argued that by embracing the app's community platform, the Havel Group could expand its offerings, attract new customers, and enhance its overall retail experience.
Sage's heart sank as she listened to Henry's counterarguments. She knew that her app was not meant to compete with the Havel Group's existing retail business. It served as a platform for individuals to buy and sell a wide range of items and services, catering to a different market segment altogether.
Summoning her courage, Sage raised her hand, signaling her desire to respond. All eyes turned back to her, awaiting her rebuttal.
"Sage," Henry interjected, his voice laced with concern and authority, "I appreciate your dedication to the app, but I genuinely believe that it can thrive within the Havel Group. We can leverage our brand reputation and resources to take it to new heights."
Sage locked eyes with Henry, firm in her convictions. "Henry, I understand your perspective, but it's important to recognize that my app doesn't pose a direct threat to the Havel Group's retail business. It operates in a different space, empowering individuals to engage in peer-to-peer transactions and services."
She continued, eloquently explaining the potential risks of integrating the app into the Havel Group. "By aligning the app with a luxury-focused brand, we run the risk of diluting its unique identity. Users value the app for its inclusive nature and its ability to cater to a wide range of needs and budgets. Merging it with the Havel Group could compromise that appeal."
Sage went on to emphasize the importance of maintaining the app's independent image and allowing it to grow organically within its own niche. She painted a vivid picture of how integration could blur its purpose and alienate its loyal user base.
As Sage finished speaking, a charged silence filled the boardroom. The board members exchanged contemplative glances, grappling with the decision at hand. They now had to weigh the allure of Henry's proposal against Sage's compelling arguments for preserving the app's integrity and unique market positioning
The boardroom fell into a hushed pause as the members took a break to deliberate on the weighty decision before them. Sensing the tension in the room, Kieran rose from his seat, gesturing for Sage to join him outside. They stepped out into the hallway, the sound of their footsteps echoing softly.
Sage looked at Kieran, a mix of hope and concern in her eyes. "Kieran, if the board decides to go with the Havel Group, is there any way you can ensure that the app doesn't end up in Henry's hands? I know we have a partnership on the table, but I worry about the consequences if he gains control over it. As a non-executive director, do you have the power or influence to prevent that? Also, I mentioned before, I have a suspicion that he's using this situation to manipulate me into communicating with him again, and I can't allow that to happen. I've blocked him from all my channels for a reason, and I want to maintain my distance."
He took a reassuring step closer, his voice filled with determination. "I get it, Sage. I'll do everything I can to prevent the app from falling into Henry's hands. I may not have full control, but I'll use my influence and connections to find a solution. You won't be forced into any unwanted communication. I'll prioritize your well-being and protect the app's vision."
Sage felt relieved, a small smile forming on her face. "Thank you, Kieran. I trust you to do your best. Let's present our case with strength, and no matter what happens, we'll find a way to keep the app with someone who respects its purpose and my boundaries."
Encouraged by their shared determination, they returned to the boardroom, ready to make their final stand.
As the discussion resumed, the board members deliberated on the future of the app. After careful consideration, they reached a consensus—the Havel Group would acquire the app from Kieran at a substantial price as compensation for his company's efforts and resources invested in its development.
Sage listened to the decision, her heart pounding with mixed emotions. On one hand, she was relieved that the app would not fall into Henry's hands, ensuring her continued distance from him. However, as she contemplated the outcome, a tinge of sadness washed over her. It wasn't the prospect of parting ways with the app itself that saddened her, but rather the possibility of not working closely with Kieran in integrating the app with his company.
Over time, Sage had formed a strong bond with Kieran, appreciating his dedication, support, and shared vision for the app. They had become a formidable team, and the idea of not collaborating further with him felt like a missed opportunity. Their partnership had propelled the app's success, and the thought of not continuing that journey together left a void in her heart.
As she processed these emotions, Sage reminded herself of the bigger picture. The decision to join forces with the Havel Group brought numerous advantages and opportunities for growth. She understood that this collaboration would open doors to new resources, expertise, and a larger user base. It was a chance to take the app to new heights and make an even greater impact.
Still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss mingled with anticipation. It was a bittersweet realization that change was inevitable, and that she would have to adapt to a new dynamic. But deep down, Sage held onto the hope that her journey with Kieran and the app was merely taking a different path—one that would lead to even greater achievements and fulfillment.
Kieran turned to Sage, his expression a mix of understanding and resolve. Sensing the weight of the decision, he guided her to a quiet corner of the boardroom, away from the prying eyes and eager voices.
"Sage," Kieran began, his tone gentle yet resolute, "they've agreed to buy the app from me at a high price. It's a significant compensation, and it ensures that the app won't be under Henry's control. I believe this is the best course of action to protect your boundaries and the app's integrity. What do you think?"
Sage looked into Kieran's eyes, appreciating his concern and the trust he had placed in her. Her mind raced with thoughts and emotions, torn between holding onto something she had poured her heart into and the need to protect herself from Henry's influence.
Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts. When she opened them, a sense of clarity washed over her. She knew deep down that Kieran's proposal was the practical and wise choice.
"Kieran," Sage said, her voice steady, "If you believe this is the best way forward, then I trust your judgment. Let's proceed with the sale and ensure that the app continues to thrive under new ownership. I understand the importance of protecting myself and the app's integrity."
Kieran nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes. and then he took her hand in his, offering a reassuring squeeze.  "Sage, I want to reiterate my promise to you. I will go above and beyond to protect you from any unwanted interactions with Henry," he declared, his voice filled with resolve. "I understand how important maintaining your boundaries is, and I'll do everything within my power to ensure your safety and well-being." 
Sage felt a rush of gratitude and relief wash over her, knowing that Kieran was resolute in his pledge to shield her from any discomfort. She appreciated his genuine concern and the weight of his words, knowing that he truly had her best interests at heart.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Sage's lips as she met Kieran's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and trust. "Thank you, Kieran," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with appreciation.
Returning to the boardroom, Kieran and Sage took their seats, their minds still processing the weight of the decision that had just been made. The air was filled with anticipation as Simon Havel, the chairman of the Havel Group, stood up once again, commanding everyone's attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Simon began, his voice commanding yet filled with warmth, "I want to express my gratitude to Kieran and Sage for their willingness to work with us on this matter. We recognize the value of the app and the expertise that Sage brings to the table."
He turned his gaze towards Sage, his eyes conveying a sense of respect and admiration. "Sage, we would like to offer you a position as a consultant, working closely with a team from the Havel Group. Your role will be crucial in ensuring a seamless transition as the app is integrated into our operations."
Simon paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. "Rest assured, Sage, you will be compensated generously for your contributions, both as the app's designer and developer, and as a valuable consultant during this process. Your expertise and insights will be invaluable in ensuring the success of the app within the Havel Group."
Sage listened intently, a mix of emotions swirling within her. The opportunity to continue working with the app, even in a different capacity, excited her. It meant she could still contribute to its growth and see her creation flourish. At the same time, she felt a sense of validation in being recognized for her skills and expertise.
She glanced at Kieran, a silent acknowledgement passing between them. This was the best outcome they could have hoped for—a way to protect the app's integrity and her own boundaries while still staying involved in its journey.
With a renewed sense of purpose, Sage turned her attention back to Simon. "Thank you, Simon. I appreciate the offer and the opportunity to continue working with the app. I’ll do my very best to ensure a smooth transition, and support the apps integration into Havel group"
Simon nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Excellent. We look forward to having you on board, Sage. Let's work together to make this a mutually beneficial partnership."
As the meeting continued, discussions shifted towards the logistical aspects of the app's transfer and the collaborative efforts that would be required to integrate it successfully. 
As the discussions in the boardroom delved into the intricate details of the app's transfer, Henry's mind churned with a mix of ambition and determination. A cunning smile played at the corners of his lips, a telltale sign of the strategizing taking place within.
His gaze repeatedly drifted towards Sage, an unmistakable glint of longing and mischief hidden behind his eyes. Unbeknownst to Sage, Henry couldn't help but steal glances, his mind silently concocting plans on how to once again bring the project under his control.
While the room buzzed with logistical considerations, Henry's attention remained fixated on Sage. Memories of their shared past danced at the edges of his consciousness, fueling his desire to reconnect with her on both a personal and professional level.
However, as the discussion continued, Henry knew he had to bide his time. The Havel Group's acquisition of the app had set the stage for his eventual involvement, but he had to tread carefully to win back Sage's trust. He understood the importance of patience and subtlety, realizing that rushing in would only risk pushing her further away.
And so, with a mask of professionalism and a heart brimming with hidden intentions, Henry kept his glances fleeting, concealing his true motives for now. The allure of Sage and the potential of reclaiming the project were challenges he relished, and he was determined to seize the opportunity when the time was right.
Unbeknownst to Sage, a subtle dance of calculated maneuvers had begun, as Henry plotted his next move in the intricate game of winning her back.
Careful not to reveal his true intentions, Henry maintained a facade of cooperation and enthusiasm during the discussions. He skillfully inserted comments and suggestions that subtly positioned him as the ideal candidate to oversee the app's integration. His past accomplishments within the Havel Group and his familiarity with its operations served as a compelling argument for why he should take charge.
In private, Henry planned further, contemplating the steps necessary to win over the key decision-makers. He identified the individuals whose support he needed and crafted tailored approaches to sway them to his side. With every move, he carefully maneuvered, weaving a web of influence and manipulation to ensure that the app would fall into his hands.
After the initial board meeting, Kieran and Simon Havel quickly arranged another meeting to introduce Aria Hayes as the new director for the app project. Two days later, everyone gathered in the boardroom, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity.
Simon Havel entered the room with a confident stride, followed closely by a poised and determined Aria Hayes. Sage's eyes met Aria's, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance and respect emanating from the new director.
"Thank you all for joining us today," Simon began, his voice carrying a tone of significance. "As we discussed in our previous meeting, we have appointed Aria Hayes to oversee the app project. Aria brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role, and we believe she is the ideal candidate to guide the project forward."
Aria smiled at the team, her eyes filled with determination. "Hey, everyone! I'm really excited to be here. I've seen what you've accomplished so far, and I can't wait to work with all of you to take this app to the next level."
Kieran stepped forward, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "I've had the pleasure of working with Aria before, and let me tell you, she's a good manager. With her in charge, you’re in good hands."
Sage felt a wave of relief. She spoke up, her voice genuine and appreciative. "Thank you, Aria. It means a lot to have you on board. I'm confident that together, we'll make this app a huge success."
With the introductions done, the team left the boardroom, feeling motivated. Unbeknownst to them, Henry had been silently observing, waiting for his moment to make his move.
Under Aria's capable leadership, the team meetings and integration of the app progressed smoothly. Her management style impressed the team, earning their respect and trust. They worked together seamlessly, addressing any challenges that arose.
Sage, still involved in the project's integration, visited the office twice a week to ensure everything was on track and manage her part. The team collaborated closely, discussing and implementing new features and upgrades that would enhance the app's value for the next update.
One evening, the team decided to have a casual dinner at the office. They ordered takeout and gathered around a long table, enjoying the meal together. Laughter filled the room as they shared stories and celebrated their progress. The camaraderie among the team members was evident, fostering a positive and supportive work environment.
Unbeknownst to them, Henry, driven by his own hidden agenda, had been covertly observing their interactions. From a distance, he watched as they enjoyed their dinner, unaware of the plans he was formulating in the shadows. His gaze lingered on Sage, his mind filled with manipulative schemes to disrupt and seize control of the project.
As Sage gathered the empty takeout containers into a trash bag, she realized she was the last one left in the meeting room. Aria had been called for an urgent online meeting and had hurriedly left, not noticing the time. The rest of the team had promised to take turns cleaning up, but Sage insisted it was no trouble and encouraged Aria to attend her meeting.
Carrying the bag of trash, Sage made her way towards the pantry. The office was now eerily quiet, with only a few executives scattered about, engrossed in their work. Unbeknownst to her, Henry was among them, lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to make his move.
As Sage entered the pantry, she was momentarily startled to find Henry standing there, seemingly by chance. A sense of unease washed over her, but she maintained her composure, reminding herself to stay vigilant. She had learned to trust her instincts when it came to Henry's intentions.
"Henry," Sage greeted him with a polite nod, keeping a safe distance. "What brings you here?"
Henry took a sip from his tea cup, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Ah, Sage, my dear. I work here, remember?" he replied with a hint of playfulness in his voice.
Sage raised an eyebrow, not easily swayed by his charm. "Yes, Henry, I'm aware of that. I meant, what specifically brings you to the pantry at this moment?"
Henry chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes. "Well, Sage, it's a rather revolutionary concept I discovered. They call it 'taking a break.' A remarkable practice that involves momentarily escaping the clutches of work to indulge in some tea and solitude."
Sage arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Tea in the pantry, Henry? That's an interesting choice."
Henry leaned against the pantry shelves, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Ah, the pantry, the perfect spot for a break! It's where we escape from work for a moment, sip some tea, and grab a snack. You see, Sage, that's what the pantry is all about."
Sage chuckled, realizing the straightforwardness of Henry's response. "You're right, Henry. The pantry is meant for taking a breather and enjoying a refreshment."
Henry raised his tea cup, emphasizing his point. "Exactly! It's a place of respite where tea and snacks become our allies against stress. So, here I am, embracing the true purpose of the pantry."
Sage nodded, a smile on her face. "Well, in that case, I won't disturb your break any longer. Enjoy your time in the pantry, Henry."
Henry smirked, taking another sip of his tea. "Thank you, Sage. And remember, when you need a break, the pantry is always waiting for you.”
With a nod and a friendly smile, Sage left the pantry, amused by Henry's direct reminder of the pantry's true purpose as a space for snacks and taking breaks.
After a long and exhausting day at work, Sage decides to treat herself to a well-deserved drink at a nearby upscale bar. She enters the establishment, appreciating the sophisticated ambiance and cozy atmosphere. She finds a comfortable booth and settles in, ordering a refreshing Magners cider and a couple of light beers, including a Stella Artois.
As she sips her drink, her mind drifts to thoughts of her work progress and the desire to eventually move on from the Havel Group. Lost in her contemplation, Sage is suddenly pulled out of her reverie by the appearance of Henry, who takes a seat across from her at the booth. She looks up, her expression shifting to one of cautious defensiveness.
Her guard up, Sage questions Henry's presence. "What are you doing here, Henry?" she asks, a touch of suspicion lacing her words.
Henry leans back, a casual smile on his face. "Ah, Sage, what a delightful surprise. Just enjoying my usual haunt, as it happens to be nearby," he replies, his tone laced with nonchalance.
Sage's eyes narrow slightly, not fully convinced by his explanation. "Your usual haunt, huh? Funny how we seem to keep running into each other."
Henry raises an eyebrow, his expression shifting to a more matter-of-fact demeanor. "Yes, Sage, quite intriguing indeed. You see, this particular establishment happens to be the nearest pub to our workplace. It's merely a matter of proximity and practicality."
Sage's mind acknowledges the sense in Henry's explanation, but a hint of doubt still lingers. She can't help but feel there may be more to his presence than mere coincidence. The way he effortlessly rationalizes it leaves her speechless.
As Sage takes a sip from her pint, contemplating her next move, Henry suddenly reaches out to grab her car keys from the table. Startled, Sage looks at him questioningly.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asks, her tone tinged with both surprise and suspicion.
Henry shrugs, a mischievous smile forming on his lips. "I can't let you drink and drive, can I? Safety first, Sage."
Sage chuckles, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Oh, how thoughtful of you, Henry. But let me remind you that you're here to enjoy your evening, not play the responsible driver."
Henry's smile widens, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Ah, you've got me there. I suppose I haven't started drinking yet. But don't worry, I'll hold onto your car keys just in case."
Sage stares at him for a moment, a mix of amusement and disbelief crossing her face. "Fine, if it makes you feel better. You can have my car keys. Just promise not to drive my car into any mischief, Henry."
Henry raises his hand, as if taking an oath. "I solemnly swear not to drive your car into any mischief, Sage. Your keys are safe with me."
With a smile and a shake of her head, Sage finishes her pint in one go and stands up. "Well, in that case, enjoy your evening, Henry. Don't get into too much trouble."
Henry grins, holding up Sage's car keys triumphantly. "No promises, Sage. Have a good night!"
As Sage walks away, she can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Henry's playful antics always manage to catch her off guard.
Inside the pub, Henry watches Sage through the window glass, expecting her to put up a fight for her car keys. However, to his surprise, she doesn't. Instead, she calmly walks away, leaving him puzzled.
Curiosity gets the better of him as he continues to observe her. His eyes widen in disbelief when he sees Sage walk to her car and retrieve a spare set of keys from her bag. She effortlessly unlocks the car, and a realization dawns upon Henry. His assumption was correct all along.
A surge of urgency fills Henry as he realizes he needs to act quickly. He springs into action, his mind racing to catch up with the situation unfolding before him. He rushes out of the pub, determined to catch up with Sage before she drives away.
From the corner of her eye, Sage notices Henry's hurried departure from the pub. A mischievous smile tugs at the corners of her lips as she believes she has outsmarted him. With a sense of satisfaction, she locks the car doors using the interior locking mechanism and starts the engine, ready to drive off.
As Henry reaches the car, he notices Sage's smile and her deliberate ignorance of his presence. Undeterred, he knocks on the window, gesturing for her to open the door. Sage maintains her playful demeanor, continuing to smile and pretending not to hear him.
Little does Sage know, she has forgotten one crucial detail. Henry holds her other set of car keys in his hand. With a smirk on his face, he presses the unlock button on the key, sending a signal to Sage's car. To her surprise, she hears the familiar sound of the car doors unlocking.
Her triumphant expression quickly fades into a sigh of defeat as Henry opens the passenger door and smoothly slides into the passenger seat. Sage glances at him, a mixture of annoyance and amusement in her eyes. It seems her attempt to outmaneuver him has once again fallen short. Sage lets out a sigh, a mix of exasperation and amusement. "You always find a way, don't you, Henry?"
Sage lets out a tired sigh, leaning against her steering wheel as she looks at Henry, who is sitting comfortably in the passenger seat with a mischievous grin on his face. She raises an eyebrow and asks, "Alright, Henry, what do you want now?"
Henry's playful expression softens, replaced by a more serious demeanor. "Sage, all I want is for you to be safe. You've had a few pints, and it's not a good idea to drive in that state. Let me give you a ride home."
Sage lets out another sigh, her voice tinged with frustration. "Henry, if I were to give you what you want, sleep with you? would you finally leave me alone? Is that all this is about?"
Henry's expression turns somber as he registers her words, a mixture of hurt and longing in his eyes. "Sage, it's not just about that. I know I've made mistakes, but I want more than just a physical connection with you. I want you back in my life, not just as a passing flame , but to rebuild what we had. I want you back in every way possible."
Sage's chuckle escapes her lips, laced with a mixture of bitterness and understanding. She looks directly into Henry's eyes, her gaze unwavering. "You know, Henry, when I visited Thailand a few weeks back, I went to the temple to meet with an old sixth form classmate who was serving as a monk at that time. In the serene halls of a temple, he shared profound wisdom with me."
Henry leans in closer, captivated by Sage's story and the depth of her emotions.
Sage's voice quivers with a newfound clarity, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. "He told me something that struck me to my core, Henry. He said, 'Before you tear yourself apart, take a piercing look at those you choose to keep close.' And in that moment, the truth unfolded before me like a devastating revelation. Henry... in that moment, I realized that you were a significant part of the pain and insecurity I experienced."
Henry's face pales as the impact of Sage's words hits him with full force. The realization dawns on him, a crushing weight settling upon his shoulders. He reaches out, his voice choked with regret. "Sage, I never meant to be the source of your pain. I never wanted to be the cause of your insecurity."
Sage's eyes glisten with unshed tears, a mix of sadness and resignation etched across her face. "But you were, Henry. You were the one who held the power to shatter my confidence and break my spirit.”  She pauses, her gaze piercing through him. " Yes you never cheated on me, but you tried to mold me into what you wanted, Henry. And when I refused to yield, you resorted to manipulative tactics to get me to do your bidding. You enjoyed making me jealous, playing with my emotions. And I can't bear to be caught in that web of uncertainty any longer. "
Her words hang in the air, the weight of truth finally spoken. Sage waits, hoping that her words will finally penetrate the layers of Henry's self-serving facade and make him realize the impact of his actions.
Henry's eyes widen as the weight of his actions sinks in. His lips part, searching for the right words to defend himself, but they fail him. He realizes now the damage he has caused, the pain he has inflicted, not through physical betrayal, but through emotional manipulation.
"I never meant for it to go this far, Sage," Henry finally manages to whisper, his voice laced with regret. "I thought I could keep you close by doing what I do, but I do see now how misguided and hurtful it was."
Sage's eyes shimmer with a mix of sadness and frustration. "Henry, love should never be a game. It should never be about making someone feel inadequate or insecure. It should be about trust, respect, and building each other up. I deserve better than this constant cycle of manipulation."
In that moment, the realization of their toxic dance settles upon them, a bittersweet recognition that they can no longer continue down this destructive path.
Sage's voice quivers as she takes a deep breath, her emotions palpable. "Henry... I've let you go, just like you wanted before. It's time for you to do the same for me." Her words hang in the air, heavy with finality and a tinge of sadness.
Henry's heart sinks at the realization of his own role in their breakup. The memory of that conversation, when he asked for the separation and suggested they explore other possibilities, resurfaces with a pang of regret. He never anticipated the depth of his feelings and the void that would consume him in her absence.
Henry's heart sinks at the thought of losing her. Memories of their shared adventures, the moments of joy and connection they once had flood his mind. He remembers the worry that consumed him when she embarked on her dangerous expedition to the summit of Mount Everest, how he yearned for her safety and well-being. The months without her presence, her deliberate blocking of him in every channel, had been excruciatingly difficult.
He buried himself in work, trying to distract himself from the void she left behind. He sought solace in the allure of freedom, parties, and the temporary flings with other women. But as time passed, the emptiness grew, and he realized that he couldn't let her go. Not without a fight.
Henry's voice cracks as he tries to articulate the depth of his regret. " I... I never expected it to be like this. I never realized how much I would miss you, how much I need you in my life. Please, give me another chance. I've learned my lesson in the hardest way possible. I've come to realize that I never wanted anyone else. It's always been you, even when I couldn't see it clearly. Please, don't give up on us just yet."
Sage gazes at him, torn between the pain of the past and the lingering love she still holds for him. She sees the sincerity in his eyes, the genuine remorse etched on his face. A part of her yearns to believe in the possibility of redemption and growth.
But another part of her fears the cycle repeating, the old patterns resurfacing. She takes a moment to collect herself, her voice soft but resolute. "Henry, I appreciate your honesty and the growth you've shown in recognizing your mistakes. But love is not just about the depth of feelings; it's about compatibility, trust, and mutual respect. The patterns that emerged in our relationship showed me that our needs and desires were not aligning. I don't need you to change who you are, but I do need a relationship that fulfills me in the ways I deserve."
She pauses, searching for the right words to convey her innermost sentiments. "I felt used, like a toy being played with, manipulated to fulfill your desires. And love should never make one feel that way. I don't want to resent you or view you as an enemy. Instead, I want to find a way to love you from afar, to wish you all the best, and to move forward in my own journey without holding onto the pain and resentment that clouded our relationship."
"Henry, I do care about you, and a part of me will always cherish what we shared. But I also know that I deserve a love that uplifts me and allows me to be my authentic self. And I hope you can find the same for yourself."
Henry's world shatters as Sage's words sink in. He realizes, with a heavy heart, that he has been madly in love with her all this time, but it's a realization that comes too late. The depth of his feelings for her hits him like a wave of regret, and he can't bear the thought of a life without her.
His voice quivers as he bares his soul, "Sage, I have to confess... I've been in love with you all along. Losing you has made me see how much I truly need you in my life."
His eyes glisten with unshed tears as he continues, his voice filled with raw vulnerability,  "I can't change what has happened, and I can't undo the mistakes I've made. But if you can find it in your heart to give us another chance, I promise to spend every moment making it right. "
Henry leans in closer, his voice barely above a whisper, "I know I messed up, and I can't guarantee that I won't stumble again. But if you're willing, I'll love you with everything I have. I'll be devoted to you, I -” 
Sage's looks away, heart aches as she witnesses the raw vulnerability in Henry's words and expression. Part of her longs to give in, to believe in the possibility of a renewed love. But her obstinacy remains resolute, a shield protecting her wounded heart.
She avoids meeting his gaze, her eyes fixed on the unmoving scenery outside the car. The weight of silence fills the space between them, the unspoken  tension hanging heavy in the air. Sage takes a deep breath, gathering her strength.
"Henry," she says softly, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination,  "Could please return my spare car keys," Without another word, Sage extends her hand, silently asking for her car keys back.
Henry's face falls, a mixture of resignation and heartache evident in his eyes. He reluctantly retrieves the spare car keys from his pocket, placing them in her outstretched hand. Their fingers brush briefly, a lingering touch that carries a world of unsaid emotions.
"Sage," Henry says, his voice filled with genuine worry, "I can't let you drive in this state. It's not safe. Let me take you home."
Sage chuckles weakly, shaking her head. "Have I not made myself clear, Henry? I appreciate your concern, but I'll manage. Please respect my decision."
Understanding dawns in Henry's eyes as he recognizes the importance of honoring her wishes. Reluctantly, he retracts the spare car keys, realizing that pushing her further would only cause more harm. He reaches for his phone instead.
"I may not have given up, Sage," Henry says quietly, his voice filled with a mix of determination and concern, "but what matters most to me right now is your safety. I'll call my personal chauffeur to drive you home in your car. Please accept this gesture, for your own well-being."
Sage looks at him, her expression softened by his genuine care. After a brief moment of consideration, she nods in agreement. Henry swiftly makes the call,  providing the necessary instructions to his chauffeur, and within minutes, his chauffeur arrives.
As the chauffeur approaches, Henry and Sage gets out her car. He opens the door of the passenger seat behind for her, a small gesture of care, and motioned for her to take the passenger seat in the back. Without a word, Sage gets in, her gaze fixed straight ahead.
Henry's heart breaks as he watches her retreat into the car, knowing that he must let her go for now. However, a flicker of hope remains within him, refusing to extinguish. He hasn't given up yet. As the chauffeur takes his position in the driver's seat and starts the engine, Henry's eyes meet Sage's.
Henry leans in, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, his voice laced with unspoken longing. "Please take care, Sage," Henry says softly, his eyes locked with hers,
Sage offers him a faint smile, a mix of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Henry," she says, her voice filled with a touch of vulnerability. "I appreciate your concern."
Henry watches, his heart heavy with emotions, as the car begins to pull away. His gaze lingers on Sage until her car disappears into the distance. 
A/N: In this chapter, we get to see just how determined and strong-willed Sage is. Her unwavering resolve and shining backbone leave us in awe of her character. And let's not forget about Henry! It's quite satisfying to witness him finally realizing his biggest mistake. But hey, I know some of you might be thinking, "Why can't she just forgive him already?" Well, I'm all for a good life lesson here. We want Henry to truly learn from his errors and grow as a person, don't we? Remember, regret can be a tough pill to swallow, but it plays a crucial part in Henry's personal journey. Let's keep rooting for both of them, knowing that growth and redemption often come hand in hand.
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orchids-library · 1 month
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Hi, I'm Orchid and this is my library
You can find my intro on my other blog
@bouquet-and-pearls here-> Intro
This is just a space for me to compile some of my favorite fics from other writers and fics not connected to my other blogs, we'll see how it goes!
Bye! (^_^)v
Masterlist from other blog
Author list (TBA)
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coryosbaby · 1 month
I am BEGGING you to write about hannigram x innocent fem reader. mayyyybee featuring age gap and breeding? :) she just asks them "what does break my belt mean?" and oh..
Caretaker… Hannigram x fem! Reader
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Synopsis: it’s up to Will and Hannibal to take care of you, however that may be.
Content warning . 18+, MDNI age gap (reader is in her early 20s), spanking/usage of belts, punishments, dumbification, threesome, cum play, daddy kink . hard dom! Hannibal, soft dom! Will
Author’s Note: I didn’t know how to go about this (my brain isn’t braining rn) so I did smth similar :) this is literally pure filth like Im ovulating sorry
‧₊˚ 🩰 ⋅* ‧₊
“You need to stop being so hard on yourself.”
Will’s voice is soft as he gently rubs your sock clad feet, watching the small wince that you make when he grazes over a bruised toe. You adjust yourself on your bed, bottom becoming numb from how long you’ve been sitting. You slide the sleeves of your dress back up on your shoulders— they have a hard time staying up, and it’s something that annoys you incredibly.
“He’s right,” Hannibal chimes from the cushioned seat in the corner of the room. He closes the book in his hand and sets it on the desk beside him. It’s funny, how different these two men look in your pink, frilly room. “You’re working yourself too hard, little one.”
You frown, feeling the bed dip as Hannibal joins you and Will’s side.
“But ballet is important to me.”
“So is your health,” Will replies, and notices the way you seem to fidget in your dress. “Is your dress bothering you, baby?”
You nod, heat creeping up your neck when Will lifts the hem of it over your head. Now clad in your bra and cotton panties, you feel open and exposed. But since it’s Hannibal and Will, you feel safer than you’ve ever been.
“Come here,” Will says, and you crawl over to the place in between his spread thighs as he leans against your headboard. Hannibal follows in quiet suit, moving to Will’s side and holding your hand in his much larger one. Will’s hands play with your hair as you think back to something you’d been wanting to ask the two for a while.
“Can one of you use your belt on me?”
The soft scrape against your scalp stops at the question.
“I mean,” you mumble, cheeks flaring. “I was watching a video.. ‘n.. the guy, he—“
“You’ve been watching naughty videos?” Hannibal inquires. You shake your head, wide doe eyes flashing.
“No!” You reply, too quickly. “No, of course not.”
“Hmm,” the man shifts, gripping the soft skin of your jaw gently with his hand. Looking into your eyes, he can see the deceit in them. “You have, haven’t you? You know what we say about those videos, darling. They’re bad for you,” he looks back to the other man in the room. “Maybe we will have to spank her after all. Don’t you think, Will?”
“Play nice, Hannibal,” Will warns, though his mouth pulls into a small, amused smirk. “She’s sensitive. Probably doesn’t even know what she’s asking for.”
“I do.” you whine, pawing at the sleeve of Hannibal’s suit. He chuckles, thumb rubbing gently over your wrist.
“Come here then, little one,” Hannibal coos. “Over my knee.”
Your eyes widen, pouty lips dropping open in awe.
“Now?” You squeak.
Will rolls his eyes, patting you softly on the arm.
“You heard him, Bunny. Go on.”
Getting on your hands and knees, panty clad ass now revealing the puff ball bunny tail on the back of the fabric, the two of them think you’re the cutest little thing they’ve ever seen. You hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone, and watch as Will hands over his belt to Hannibal. It’s your favorite one, plain black but with a belt buckle that has your initials imprinted. Will wears it often— he’s not one to have flashy accessories, but since it was a gift from you he cherishes it dearly.
Since Will is on Hannibal’s left side, you decide to position yourself with your face directed towards him. This leads to your arms and face being smooshed against Will’s thighs, and he gently rubs your head with his hands. Hannibal hums when your ass lifts up for him, bunny tail flickering as you move your hips to get his attention.
“We should keep these on, don’t you think?” He says, fingers grazing over the bunny tail. “Too precious to pull them down, lover.”
You nod shyly, letting out a puff of air when Will’s fingers begin fumbling with the hooks on your bra. He advises you to slide the straps off your shoulders when he undoes them, and you awkwardly shuffle them off. Will’s hands move around your back to grope one of your breasts. The feeling of cold leather against your backside makes you whimper, and Hannibal positions his hand on the bottom of your thigh.
“Move your hands behind your back,” Hannibal demands. “You aren’t in any position of control. If you want to stop, you know the rules.”
“Yes, daddy,” you reply, almost immediately. You move your arms back to link them together, Will’s hands gripping the both of yours tightly to make sure you don’t move.
“Good girl,” and then, “You’re going to count each one I give you. We will stop at ten since this is your first time.”
You nod, as much as you can with your face buried in Will’s lap. You can feel the hardness in his pants, right up against your cheek, and your mouth waters.
There’s a comforting rub against your left cheek before Hannibal brings the belt down. It isn’t too bad, a slight sting that makes you jump.
“One.” You say, quietly. Your ass lifts up for more.
“Good,” Hannibal praises, soothing the skin once more. “Are you going to watch those videos again?”
You stay silent, contemplating but also being quiet on purpose. You can’t deny that Hannibal getting angry with you makes your panties drenched.
At this, Hannibal slams the belt down onto you once again. A warning. You cry out this time, feeling a burning sensation along your skin.
“Don’t make me ask you again,” he says sternly. “And don’t make me have to break my belt on you, little one.”
“What does that mean?” you whine, ditzy little head genuinely confused by such a simple term. You inhale the scent of Will’s pants, and from above you, the brunette’s hands gently soothe your back.
“Told you, Hanni,” he singsongs. “Doesn’t even know what she’s asking for.”
“Ignoring your interruption,” Hannibal says, annoyed (but not really). He directs his attention back to you. “Tell me, little one. Yes or no?”
You bite your lower lip, cheeks flaring as your arousal increases.
Hannibal scoffs.
“You’re asking for it, aren’t you?”
The belt comes down on you again. You jump, tears beginning to pool along your waterline.
“What was that?” Hannibal demands harshly. “Was that a yes that I heard?”
“No!” You say. “No, daddy, I’ll never ever watch those videos again! I promise, promise…”
You thrash against the pain, and Hannibal’s palms rub the sore skin.
“Alright,” he replies. “but I’m adding five more. Naughty girls who don’t listen get punished.”
“Hannibal,” Will warns. “She’s fragile.”
“She’s a brat, is what she is, Will. Stop defending her,” Hannibal’s hands wrap around your hair, pulling your teary eyed face up and craning your neck. “Now count. Starting from three.”
The belt comes down again, and your hands ache, along with your bottom.
“T-Three.” You say. The belt comes down on you again, and again. You count to five.
“You really need to be harder on her,” Hannibal says to Will, who’s subtly grinding against your face as he watches you writhe below him. “She needs to learn that her actions have consequences.”
“I know,” Will sighs, then gently taps the tip of your nose, and smiles softly. “But look at how precious she is.”
Hannibal rolls his eyes, bringing out the sixth then seventh hit. You can already feel the blooming of bruises by the time you hit number ten, and your aching pussy grinds down into Hannibal’s thigh. He seems to allow this, and by the twelfth hit, he’s teasing you about it.
“Is this arousing you, lover?” He asks, amused. “You only have three more to go. You better enjoy it.”
“Mm, she is,” Will cuts in, reaching down between your legs to feel your soaked panties. “Little pussy is so wet,” and then, “You ruined your panties, pup.”
Mewling, you allow another smack to come down onto your ass.
“T-Thirteen,” you whimper out. “Could.. could you buy me some new panties, Will?”
Another smack. Another number. Will tilts his head, staring at your panty clad ass.
“Mm,” he replies. “I don’t know, Hannibal. What do you think?” His fingers grasp the puff ball tail and tug it up. This makes your panties ride up in between your folds, and you gasp, humiliated. “I think baby blue would really suit her.”
“That, or lilac,” the eldest man replies. “We’ll get you a new set, little one. But only because it benefits us as much as it benefits you.”
You smile, giddy with excitement to take another shopping trip. Hannibal rubs your ass again, and Will kisses you on the head.
“One more for us, alright?”
You nod, perky ass throbbing with heat. Hannibal slams the belt down, and this time you let out a sob. It was the harshest hit, one sure to leave a welt or two. Hannibal coos when he sees your look of pain, throwing the belt to the side and gently massaging you.
“Shhh. It’s alright. Come here, darling.”
You maneuver your body to slide in between Hannibal’s legs, pulling him into a hug. His arms wrap around your smaller form, and he kisses your hair, allowing you to bury your face into his shoulder. You let out a few more stray tears while he and Will both soothe the ache on your bottom.
“You know we only do this because we have to.” Hannibal murmurs.
“I know, daddy.”
“Actions have consequences, and you asked for this sort of punishment. So we decided to give it to you,” he explains, and pulls away to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “Did you enjoy it?”
You nod, a small smile grazing your lips.
“I did. I enjoyed it a lot.”
“Good,” he replies. “And since you’ve taken your punishment so well, I’m giving you the opportunity to ask for something. Whatever you want, you can have it.”
Your eyes brighten.
You lick your lips, contemplating your options with excitement.
“Hmm,” you say, and then finally come to your decision. You look over to your second boyfriend, who seems to be watching you with an almost love struck gaze. “I want Will… want his mouth. Please?”
Will licks his lips at the statement. Oral is one of his favorite things to give.
“Very well,” Hannibal says, then gestures for Will. “She can lay in between my legs. You lay between hers.”
Will nods, and you happily turn around and begin sliding off your panties. Spreading your legs, you look up at Will with doe eyes as he approaches you. His lips touch yours, sliding easily against the expanse of your mouth. When he pulls away, the scent of your arousal overtakes his senses. He groans, moving down in between your legs.
Hannibal’s big arms wrap around your shoulders, keeping you still. Will flawlessly licks a stripe up your slit, making you whimper and hold onto Hannibal for dear life as he begins to eat you like a man starved. His mouth works wonders against your tiny hole and aching clit as he groans into your cunt, drinking your sweet juices like it’s nectar of the Gods.
“How does she taste?” Hannibal asks, even though he already knows the answer. He loves to go down on you just as much as the other man.
Will pulls away, chin dripping and hair disheveled.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he gasps out, nosing at your folds. His thumbs spread them apart, exposing your hole that’s coated in creamy slick. “Cutest fuckin’ cunt I’ve ever seen.”
You clench, letting him see the opening and closing of your hole. You want him to stick his tongue back inside.
You don’t have to wait long for that, because a mere second later Hannibal’s big hand splays across the back of Will’s head and pushes him back down. Will lets out a moan at this, allowing Hannibal to guide his head up and down and every which way that brings you closer and closer to your peak. Hannibal smirks, watching the way you writhe under his tongue and watch Will with hungry, lidded eyes.
“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” He says, and you can feel his hardness pressing against your back.
Drool seeps down your chin as you nod.
“Mhm..” you whine out. Your hands go to the boy’s hair, and he whimpers when you tug on the strands.
“He likes when you do that,” Hannibal observes, his tone low. He kisses the shell of your ear. “Do it again.”
You comply, watching the way Will’s hips grind down into the mattress when it happens and the way Hannibal lets out a heavy breath. Will’s mouth works harder, bringing your clit in between his lips and lightly sucking. You gasp out his name, hips moving against him in tandem.
“Will, Daddy.. ‘m so close..”
“Close, yes?” Hannibal taunts, and his grip around your throat tightens. His biceps practically squeeze your neck as you near closer and closer to your high, your throat gasping for breath. When your orgasm overtakes you, Hannibal loosens his grip, but not quite. You let out a raw, pleasure filled moan when you cum, Will working you through until the point of overstimulation, your legs shaking and your sock clad feet pushing on his shoulders. He chuckles when he pulls away, a pleased grin forming as he wipes his slick coated mouth on the back of his wrist. And boy, is it a sight. He licks up the remaining remnants of your arousal with his tongue, hands splaying on either side of you and Hannibal’s legs so he can move up and kiss you filthily on the mouth. Hannibal is next, a tender peck that makes the cock against your lower back twitch. It has him licking his lips when Will pulls away, his lashes fluttering as he sighs in content. He presses a kiss to your mouth, too, and relaxes even further.
It’s only a mere moment of rest before you can feel that familiar throb again, and the sight of your two boys bulging through their pants makes you drool. You spread your legs, overstimulated pussy on full display.
Will, who had been laying at the foot of the bed in front of the both of you, watches with hunger. You lean away from Hannibal, instead turning yourself on your knees and presenting yourself to Will, who’s already positioning himself behind you eagerly. Hannibal, the most patient out of all three of you, no doubt, finally takes his aching cock out of his pants and wraps a hand around himself at the scene. You hear the rustling of Will’s fly being undone, then his length is pressed against your ass and wet, oh so wet, even when he slides it in between your folds and sheathes himself inside your little hole with one swift movement. Your mouth drops open at the sensation of being filled, your hands finding purchase on Hannibal’s thick thighs in front of you. His cock is hitting his stomach, red and leaking drops of precum down the tip, and you watch as Hannibal rubs it up and down with his hand. You look up at him pleadingly as Will begins to pound you into the mattress.
“You want daddy’s cock in your mouth, is that it?” Hannibal teases, and you nod. He sighs, directing the tip of his cock towards you. “Open wide, sweet girl.”
You happily obey, tongue lolling out to lick at his tip, his stringy precum sticking to your bottom lip and the head of his cock, tasting absolutely divine. Will’s hands roam over your ass as his cock bullies your gummy walls.
“Mm, Hanni got you good, didn’t he, baby?” He says, examining the marks. “Gonna have to put some lotion on that later.”
The use of the nickname in Will’s mouth is a mockery of your own. You nod, however, pouting.
“Mhm. But Daddy knows what’s best for me.”
“That’s right,” Hannibal grunts out, when you take him fully down your throat. “Dumb little girls like you can’t think for themselves. That’s why you need Will and I to take care of you,” and then, “God, darling, your mouth is just perfect.”
You hum, choking on him. Will’s fingers bruise your hips now, his balls slapping against your ass with every harsh thrust. Your pussy quakes around him, clamping down on his length. His breath is warm against your ear as he pushes in and out of you.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, baby..” as he watches your ass bounce back against him.
“Look at that tight little pussy, practically choking my dick.” as he spreads your cheeks apart, watching the way you take him.
“Hannibal’s cock tastes good, doesn’t it?” As you come up for air and gasp, drool soaking your neck and chin.
You can feel when he gets close by the way his hips stutter, and with a lewd whine hes babbling endlessly.
“I’m gonna cum,” he says. “Gonna cum in this slut pussy— god, squeeze me just like that.”
“Please,” you whimper endlessly, and you can hear Hannibal let out a breathy chuckle.
“She wants it. She wants you to cum in her cunt,” his voice drops an octave as he watches the boy. “Come on. I need something to lubricate her more once I get my turn, don’t I?”
Will’s eyes roll back, his body tensing up as he finally releases inside her. She clenches down on him, milking him for all he’s worth as he shoots rope after rope deep inside her gaping pussy. Hannibal’s fingers nestle into the boy’s hair as he rides out his orgasm, gently twirling the soft locks in between his fingers. You watch with your mouth turned into an o, burying yourself deeper against Hannibal’s chest in retaliation.
“There you go,” Hannibal coos when Will sighs against your chest, spent. “Good boy.”
“Tease,” Will mumbles back to him, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck. His eyes look up at you and he smiles. “Are you okay?”
You giggle, nodding your head.
“More than okay.”
He looks down at the mess between your thighs as he pulls out, grunting. A trail of his spend pools out of you and onto the sheets.
His fingers begin to move up to your drenched clit— you need release to, after all, and Will is never a selfish lover—but before he can, Hannibal’s hand grabs his wrist.
“No,” he utters. “Let me, once I’m inside her.”
“Like I said,” Will grumbles, moving out from between your legs to settle back against the headboard. “Tease.”
Hannibal rolls his eyes, guiding you to turn around and face him. You bite your lower lip at the feeling of Will’s cum trailing down your thighs. Hannibal undoes his belt, pulling down his zipper so his pants are open and his briefs are exposed.
“Take me out, darling.”
She reaches into the waistband of his underwear, pulling his length out and giving it a few languid strokes. Will watches, his spent cock twitching against his stomach. He ignores it, instead deciding to move to your side and press a kiss to your heated cheek. His hand provides a comforting pressure to the back of your head as he settles it in your hair. Hannibal tilts his head, grabbing the back of your thighs and pulling you into his lap.
“Put my cock inside you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your neck. “Be a good girl.”
Your lashes flutter at the vulgar term spilling from the usually polite man’s lips. Will’s hands scrape against your scalp and your brain is fuzzy with how good it all feels. Grabbing Hannibal’s length in your hand, you position your dripping cunt over the tip of his cock.
Sinking down makes your brows furrow. Hannibal isn’t as big as Will, but that isn’t saying much. The man still has a considerable size, and his girth stretches your gummy walls exceptionally. You whimper, settling down to the very base of his cock. Hannibal’s head tilts back and hits the headboard, his eyes squeezing shut to get used to the sensation of you wrapped around him. His big hands splay across your hips and Will nuzzles your throat affectionately.
“Daddy.” you whine, your little pussy beginning to rock onto Hannibal.
“Fuck me, please?”
He smiles, pulling you further against him so he can brace his feet underneath you. His cock gives a few shallow thrusts, getting used to your heat, before moving into more dangerous territory. It isn’t long before he’s jackhammering into you, your head tilted back by Will’s big hands. He demands you open your mouth, and you do. A glob of spit lands on your tongue, which you swallow greedily. Hannibal groans as he watches the scene.
“Filthy little things,” he mutters, pulling you into a kiss. You both share Will’s saliva on your intertwining tongues.
Your thighs shake as Hannibal’s cock and balls leak with Will’s cum. The sound is utterly sinful— the gushing sounds of his cock pummeling your filled pussy, his balls slapping against your ass, the sobs tearing through your throat. Tears stream down your cheeks and you’re sobbing.
Hannibal’s fingers reach down to your clit, deftly rubbing against the swollen nub exactly the way you like. It isn’t long before you reach your peak, your pussy clenching down as a string of filthy words makes its way out of your throat, burying your face in Hannibal’s white button down and staining it with salty tears. Will is an absolute sweetheart, guiding your hips with his hands to help you, cooing little sweet sayings in your ear. He cakes your throat in pretty red marks.
Hannibal draws closer to his orgasm, small grunts and heavy breaths spilling out of his mouth. It isn’t long before he empties inside you, filling you up with a second load of sticky, white cum. He pulls your limp body off of his length, your pussy making a gushing sound as both of your boyfriend’s dribble out of you. The two men sigh when they see it, their cocks both twitching at the sight.
But all three of you have had enough for the day— or at least for the next few hours. Hannibal disappears out of the room for a moment to bring back a glass of water and lotion. He holds the water to your lips and sweetly coos, “you’ve been such an obedient girl. Drink, okay?”
You do, of course. You drink the whole damn glass.
After going into the bathroom to pee and wipe your cum covered thighs, Hannibal lotions your sore bottom with gentle hands. After this you finally crawl back into bed, moving onto your stomach and hugging your pillow tightly. Will chuckles.
“You don’t want a bubble bath?” He asks, because that’s usually what you request. But you just shake your head, your eyes fluttering shut. Not asleep, but almost. Will nods his head. “Later then, sweet girl.”
The boy crawls to your side, wrapping his big arm around you and pulling you to his side. Hannibal soon joins, his tie loosened and jacket off, pants unbuttoned. It’s rare to see him in such a messy state, relaxed. Only you and Will can help him unwind like this.
He lays on his back, and you lay your head on his chest, inhaling his strong, expensive cologne. Beside you, you can smell the aftershave that Will wears— Hannibal teases him about it, but you’re quite fond of it. It smells like home.
They smell like home.
You smile sleepily, watching with barely open eyes as Hannibal and Will’s hands connect over you. As you fall into a peaceful sleep, the two men on either side of you stay wide awake.
After a moment, Will chuckles.
“So I’m assuming we’ll be using my belt more often?”
“Guaranteed,” hannibal confirms, watching you drool onto his shirt in your sleep. He never mentions it to you because he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed. “Perhaps we can use it on you next time, Will”
The younger man scoffs, his cheeks flaring as he buries his face into your hair.
“Shut up, Hanni.”
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:: @mysticpenguincreation @nightmare-niko @iheartinkonpaper @claireyberryy @becauseseaotters @emmalandry @princesstiti14 @aerangi @kaithoughs @jamespotterismydaddy @wildgirllz
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sillylittleg00ber · 10 months
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
Season 4 be like
Jack: guys, we need to find them, Hannibal probably kidnapped Will, he's most likely torturing him! Will is suffering unsurmountable pain as we speak!!
*Cut to Will's face moaning, dripping sweat and contorting himself*
Jack: This is very serious, I want everyone on the team on this! We need to rescue Will. Our poor friend, I can't begin to imagine the horrors he's going through right now.
*Cut to Will panting, lips parted, eyes rolling back, lots of sounds*
Jack: I won't be able to sleep at night just thinking about the nasty things Hannibal's putting him through!
*Cut to Will looking down*
"Oh my god, you're killing me."
Jack: This is tragic. Absolutely tragic. I can't imagine how he's even coping...
*Cut to Will blissed out, breathless, and Hannibal slides up in the frame, red, swollen lips, smiling.*
Jack: He's a hostage to that selfish,
*Cut to Hannibal kissing Will's neck*
Jack: Heartless,
*Hannibal kissing his forehead, gazing lovingly*
Jack: Awful man,
*Hannibal kissing Will's face, neck, chest, everywhere, lots of kisses*
Jack: I just know Will's living in hell now.
*Will smiling back, leaning in to kiss Hannibal*
Jack: He's probably starving him, too.
*Hannibal feeding Will strawberries dipped in chocolate*
Jack: He'll be looking like hell when we find him...
*Hannibal gently rubbing scar healing cream in Will's cheek, then planting a kiss on his lips*
Jack: God, I can see him having not one second of peace, just torture,
*Will peacefully laying in the couch in Hannibal's arms, while he reads for him*
Jack: and torture,
*Hannibal massaging Will's scalp in the bathtub*
Jack: And more torture.
*Hannibal spooning Will who sleeps peacefully*
Jack: What a nightmare.
Inspired by @the-other-will-graham
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doppelgangem · 1 year
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Every hannigram fanfic ever
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shegatsby · 8 months
Not sure exactly what you’re okay/not okay with as far as requests go, but I’d like to request a Hannibal x AFAB reader (or gn if you prefer) where the reader has a crush on Hannibal and discovers that he’s a serial killer and tells him she’s more attracted to him because of it. I’d prefer it ends up in the bedroom (wink wink) but it’s up to you :)
A/N; Hello love, thank you for this request I certainly enjoyed writing it. Enjoy!
Warnings; Hannibal killing a man, a little smut
First time you saw him was something else. You almost became a victim of a serial killer but thankfully a team of FBI agents and Dr. Hannibal Lecter saved you. Turns out this killer was on the loose for months and you dropping your phone in his car made them catch him, you were forever grateful. Dr. Lecter was a psychiatrist who was helping the FBI with their serial killer cases and he was also collecting data for a research of serial killers and he offered free therapy sessions in exchange of information. Seemed like a good deal.
It had been few months since you started the therapy and it was going smoothly for him but for you, you had to keep pressing your thighs together every time he played with his pen or grabbed something. Over the weeks you saw and observed tiny changes in his behavior. He started to loose his tie around his neck, rolled up his sleeves, gave your lingering looks. You also had minor changes, such as; wearing clothes that fit your body perfectly and showing your womanly figure, curves and all. You knew that revealing clothes won’t make him come to you so you started to dress elegantly, just like him.
One time you mentioned how much you like baking and he asked you to bake something for him and you did.   The next week you brought chocolate chipped cookies and he opened a bottle of wine.
He surprised you by having a cabinet in his office dedicated to all kinds of wine and you surprised him by fulfilling your promise of baking something for him. Hannibal Lecter never relied on anyone ever since he was a child, he never believed promises of people, even the ones he who are close to him because life thought him that people are deceitful animals. However, you managed to surprise him, it felt like a date but neither of you said anything about it.
Weeks went by and you kept surprising him with small things. One day, you baked a cake, it was the anniversary of you meeting him. You went to his office without telling him, it was suppose to be a surprise. Before you knocked on the door you heard some noises, a man coughing and things falling to the ground so you quickly opened the door to see the scenario.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter was on top of a man who was equally tall and strong as him and Hannibal’s big hands wrapped around that man’s throat, you halted in your steps. Your hands which were holding the container of the cake were shaking, your fight or flight response was triggered. You didn’t know what to do, in that moment you could feel everything and see, hear everything that was happening such as your soaked panties sticking to your core. You could feel your cheeks heat up, your heartbeat rising, Dr. Hannibal Lecter was murdering someone right in front of you and all you could think about or fantasies about how would you feel if his hands were wrapped around you, on his table..
When the man stopped breathing and struggling Hannibal bolted to his feet and turned to face you. His maroon eyes were startled at first but you could see his dilated pupils roaming on your body.
He didn’t  say anything, his chest heaving up and down, he closed the door and locked it, he came to you and held your shaking hands, put the container aside, ‘’Shh, I’m here, calm down.’’ Now that he was close you could see the bruises on his face, dry blood on his plump lips, blackened left eye, scratches here and there. His fingers went to put a strand of hair behind your ear, even under this strange circumstances, his eyes were soft as they addressed you.
He guided you to the couch. He sat next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. ‘’Now,’’ he breathed, ‘’What shall I do with you, little dove?’’
You didn’t respond, you were a deer caught in the lights. ‘’He attacked me, you saw what happened. I was defending myself.’’ He was so calm a sudden thought crossed your mind;
‘’This isn’t his first time.’’
Your body shivered, you knew what he wanted. He wanted you to tell Jack Crawford and others what you saw but an altered version of it, all you could do was to nod and let things happen.
It had been few weeks since that incident and you avoided your sessions with him. You made up excuses, one week you pretended like you had the cold, the other week you said you were out of town etc.
Every week he sent you a present, the week you were supposedly cold he sent you soup and warm bread, it was handmade. There was also a note; ‘’Get well soon, dove.’’
Your knees went weak with that note and gesture, the other week he sent you flowers, elegant and pure white bouquet of peony. Last week you’ve made up a lame excuse of not being in the mood and he called you on the phone.
‘’Hello Dr. Lecter?’’ you answered in a calm manner, ‘’Hello dove, I was wondering-‘’ he paused for a second ‘’why are you avoiding me. Well, I know the reason but I want to hear it from you.’’ You felt your heart go faster, subconsciously your thighs were pressing hard, ‘’It is best that I don’t join the sessions anymore Dr. Lecter.’’ You said out of breath, hearing his voice after a long time did something to you. He let out a devastatingly long sigh, you felt it in your core. ‘’I was hoping it doesn’t come to this.’’ He sounded tired and defeated.
You imagined him sitting in his office, sleeves rolled up, playing with his pen while talking to you. You wanted to rush to his aid, he was a busy man with a hectic schedule, you wanted to give him something to come home to. The thought of it made you get wet.
‘’Thank you for testifying on my behalf.’’ He sounded genuine.
At first he thought you would tell the truth but when you told everyone exactly what he told you he was impressed. There was something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on. He sometimes had this urge to pull your brain out and study it because you fascinated him profoundly, but then the thought of physically hurting you made him feel disgusted, which was rare in his case.
‘’You saved me,’’ you said remembering the night, he was the one who wrapped you in a blanket and carried you to the ambulance, he was the one who sat and waited by your side in the hospital.
‘’and I saved you, the debt is paid.’’ Your free hand slowly went to the waistband of your pjs, sid in and found your aching core, he cannot possibly realize can he?
‘’My little dove, hearing you say this breaks my heart, your life is not a burden.’’ He knew how you feel about yourself, a freak, a burden..
You loved the way he said ‘’dove’’ his accent thick, you wondered what else is thick about him. You wanted him to keep talking to you.
‘’Where are you right now? And be honest.’’ His tone had a warning, such dominance.. ‘’H- home.’’
Hannibal wasn’t a stupid man, he admired your boldness, talking to your therapist while touching yourself.
‘’Good girl.’’ He loved your honesty, maybe you were the only person who was honest to him from the start ‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked, even though he knew it.
Your panties were soaked, ‘’Laying on my couch.’’ You managed to say, his hand went to stroke his clothed member, he swallowed, ‘’I was asking as in.. action wise.’’ He teased. You were rubbing your wet cunt slowly, you let out a sigh. A pornographic one to be exact. ‘’Nothing-‘’
He didn’t let you continue, ‘’Tell me, do you always dream  of me when you touch yourself? His question shocked you, at first you thought you heard him wrong, but the silence continued. Cat was out of the bag, he caught you. ‘’Yes.’’ You said. Hannibal could feel himself getting harder. He stood up, locked his office door, you heard it. He sat back and unzipped his pants, he never thought he would be doing this in his office, well, he also never thought he would kill someone in his office but here we were.
‘’What are you wearing?’’ he asked, feeling like a school boy but it excited him. ‘’Nothing.’’
It was right, the second you heard him lock the door you took off your clothes, ‘’Clever girl. I assume you’re dripping wet, I have neglected you for so long, keep touching yourself.’’
Hannibal leaned back, stroking himself, his tip leaking, ‘’How do you dream of me?’’
One hand in your core the other touching your boob –he was on speakers- you spoke, ‘’Sometimes on the table, sometimes on the couch or in your bed. Pushing me down and taking me..’’
You remembered the scene, he was on the ground on top of a man and choking him. It made you moan. Your soft whimpers and divine voice made him stroke himself faster, ‘’Put two fingers inside sweet thing.’’
You could feel the shift in his voice. You moaned louder than before as you inserted your fingers, you were so wet he could hear it clearly. ‘’Every time I come from your office I touch myself.’’ You confessed, which made him growl, he was regretting that he didn’t take you before. He knew that you were interested in him from the beginning, he thought it was because you were in shock –due to your unique condition which is almost being murdered- and you were seeking shelter. He assumed over the weeks your fascination with him would disappear but he was wrong.
He was about to lose his mind because of the sounds you were making ‘’Stop!’’ he ordered and you followed. ‘’Wait for me.’’ And he hung up.
Never in a million years he would think of sleeping with a patient but you changed his mind, he got into his car and drove.
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hungrhay · 5 months
Gibe me some good dark!fic , prefer with, matthew lillard's character, pedro pascal's character, cillian murphy's character or mads mikkelsen's character
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storiesforallfandoms · 8 months
sob story ~ hannibal lecter;hannibal
word count: 2292
request?: no
description: in which he takes a liking to one of the new agents, and gets to learn her sad story
pairing: hannibal lecter x female!reader
warnings: swearing, the reader eats food made by hannibal...we all know what that means, mentions of cheating
masterlist (one, two, three)
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(Y/N) looked up from her paperwork as a plastic Tupperware container was placed in front of her. Hannibal stood over her, smiling down at her.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“Leftovers from the meal I prepared last night,” he said. “Agent Crawford asked to see me today, so I thought I would drop by your desk to bring you something to eat.”
(Y/N) smiled at him. “You brought this just for me? I must be pretty special.”
But she already knew the answer to that. Hannibal had taken quite the liking to (Y/N) since he first met her only a few weeks ago. She had no idea what it was that drew him to her, and truthfully, neither did Hannibal. She was just a desk agent, not a field agent. She didn’t get to do any of the exciting or impressive stuff. She sat in the FBI offices and waited for paperwork to come in, or brought files to the higher ups, or went to boring meetings that felt like they went on for hours.
That’s how the two of them met, actually. Jack Crawford had asked for a file on a suspect they were looking into for a case. When (Y/N) brought it in to them, Hannibal found himself captivated by her. He introduced himself, taking note of the sweet scent of the perfume she was wearing. When they shook hands, he was almost reluctant to let her go, but he knew he had to let her get back to her job. But ever since that day, whenever Hannibal was at the FBI offices, he made sure he went to speak with (Y/N) even for just a few moments.
Hannibal pulled up a chair next to her desk as (Y/N) opened the plastic container.
“God, it smells so good,” she said. “You have to teach me how to cook sometime. I’m always hearing about your popular dinner parties.”
“I’ve never taught anyone my recipes before. I’m usually a solo cooker.”
“Fine then. Keep your secrets.”
Hannibal chuckled. (Y/N) took a forkful of the food. The minute it touched her tastebuds she couldn’t help the sound that came from her throat. Nearby agents at their own desks looked over at the two of them. (Y/N) covered her face in embarrassment. “I should’ve waited till my break.”
They fell into silence as (Y/N) continued to eat. Hannibal watched her as she would take a bite and continue to work on her paperwork as she chewed. She was wearing a new perfume. It had a more prominent vanilla scent instead of a fruity scent like her last one. She always looked beautiful, but Hannibal found she looked especially so when she was focused on her work. It was when she seemed to be at her most vulnerable, when she wasn’t putting on an act for those around her, that he found she was the most beautiful.
Her phone was placed face up on the desk next to her. It lit up as a message came in. (Y/N) looked over at her phone for a moment before making a face and flipping the phone so the screen was face down on her desk. She turned back to the paperwork in front of her, but Hannibal could tell she wasn’t actually focusing on it.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
It took (Y/N) a moment to realize Hannibal had spoken. She looked up at him and halfheartedly smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure? It seems like whatever message you just received wasn’t a good one.”
“Don’t therapist me, Lecter,” (Y/N) said, playfully, as she pointed her fork at him. “It was jut an old friend that I asked not to message me anymore, but they seem very persistent on going against what I want.”
“The friendship didn’t end well, I’d assume.”
(Y/N) shook her head but didn’t elaborate further. She stabbed at the food and pushed it around the container. Hannibal didn’t want to pry. It was his job to get people to tell him their problems, so he could’ve easily gotten (Y/N) to talk if he wanted to. But he decided not to, and that (Y/N) would tell him what was going on if she wanted to.
His ears perked up when she sighed and put the fork down again. “It’s a long story, and I don’t want to bother you with my sob story.”
Hannibal raised an eyebrow at her. “My job is listening to other people’s sob stories.”
She chuckled. “Fair point, but I’m not one of your clients.”
“You’re my friend, and it is to my understanding that friends talk to friends about things that are bothering them.”
(Y/N) nodded and sighed again. “Okay, well...the person who is messaging me stopped being my friend because my ex-boyfriend told her and all our other friends that I was crazy and a shitty girlfriend, so they all stopped being friends with me.”
Hannibal didn’t say anything. He gestured for her to continue, so she did.
“I was in a relationship for a long time,” she explained. “Like four or five years I think? It was a while ago so I don’t completely remember. Anyways, we were living together, we were so in love, we were talking about getting engaged and everything. And then, one night, he had left his phone open and I glanced down to see a text from another woman saying she was excited to see him, followed by a picture of her in lingerie.” She took a deep breath to try and stop the tears that were forming in her eyes from falling. “Turns out he had been cheating on me for months. Almost a year, actually.”
Hannibal’s hands clenched in his lap. Anger rose from deep inside of him. He was tempted to ask for her ex’s name so he could track the bastard down. How could someone have such a beautiful woman’s heart in his hand and completely crush it like that? He could’ve put a ring on her finger and gotten to call her his for the rest of their lives.
Maybe I shall invite her over for dinner soon, Hannibal thought to himself.
“How did that result in your friends no longer speaking to you?” he asked instead. “I’m not sure I see how he flipped this to be in his favor.”
(Y/N) laughed, humorlessly. “Never underestimate the power a man has over a woman he’s already hurt. Obviously, I was upset, so I acted kind of irrationally. I yelled, I cried, I screamed at him to leave the house, and when he refused, I started throwing his stuff out onto the front step. He told our friends I went through his phone and misinterpreted a message between him and ‘a coworker’. He told them I was crazy and went extra hysterical over nothing. I didn’t know until after, but he took a video of me throwing his stuff out, so he showed them that as proof. So, they all turned their backs on me.”
(Y/N) wiped her eyes quickly when she felt a tear run down her cheek. She let out a pitiful laugh and added, “And the icing on top is then he kicked me out. He put his name only on the lease, so there was no chance of fighting for the place. So, I was single, alone, and homeless in one fell swoop. He quite literally took everything from me.”
She looked down at her lap to try and hide her tears from anyone around them. There was no use pretending in front of Hannibal now. He had seen her break, but she didn’t want her coworkers to see it as well.
It had been many years since what happened with her ex. (Y/N) had gone through years of therapy to try and move on, and was still actively going when she had the time. There were days when she felt like she had moved on, and there were other days where all she could think about was the absolute heartbreak she felt when she saw those messages on her ex’s phone. She would sometimes see something that would remind her of their old friend group, and she’d remember how none of them spoke to her anymore. At first, she was sad about that, but after a while she got angry. She had tried to tell one of them, the one who was messaging her again now actually, that her ex cheated, but none of them would hear it. They just thought it proved even more that she was “the crazy ex-girlfriend”. She was angry that none of them would even listen to her, so it made it easier to get over them cutting her out.
Until a few days ago when that same ex-friend messaged (Y/N) asking if they could talk. When (Y/N) left the message on read, the friend tried again, explaining that her ex had finally come clean that he had cheated on (Y/N) after getting a little too drunk and someone asking him how he and his fiancée - the woman he cheated on (Y/N) with (that was a stab in the heart to read) - met. The friend begged for forgiveness and asked if they could talk, but (Y/N) told her that she didn’t want to be friends with any of them and not to contact her ever again.
It brought up so many old wounds - ones that were both partially and entirely healed. (Y/N) felt like she was back to those days of being a sad, young adult who was kicked out of her home, her relationship, and her friendships, all because of the actions of a dickhead like her ex. She had been trying to mask her upset while at work, but some days it was tougher than others.
But seeing Hannibal made it easier to forget.
She had really hoped that his surprise visit would bring her out of her mood. It almost had, if it wasn’t for that ex-friend messaging her yet again to try and beg for forgiveness.
(Y/N) jumped when Hannibal reached out for her hand. He took it in his and held it tightly. When she looked up, she realized how close he was leaning towards her.
“You should not let a man like that ruin you,” he told her. “You are a bright, beautiful woman, with a great job and I am assuming a fantastic family and new friends. He lost something great when he chose that other woman over you, and one of these days he will pay for making that decision.”
(Y/N) tried to smile. “I didn’t think someone like you would believe in karma.”
Not unless I’m the one inflicting it. “I can on occasions.”
She looked down at their connected hands. His was so much bigger than hers, so much cooler against her clammy skin. She suddenly felt self-conscious about the fact that her palm was so sweaty. She hoped he couldn’t feel it against his own palm.
“It’s not easy to just let go of a five year relationship that ends so suddenly like that,” she said, her voice small. “I haven’t dated anyone since because it’s just too hard to trust.”
“You must take things at your own pace,” Hannibal told her. “You can’t rush yourself into a new relationship if you’re not ready. There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself first.”
When she looked up at him again, (Y/N) felt compelled to close the distance between herself and Hannibal. She wanted to kiss him more than anything. She wanted to feel more of him against her - his lips against hers, his hands on her body, his body against hers. She wanted to feel it all. But obviously, that would be a very inappropriate thing to happen in the workplace. Not to mention she wasn’t sure if Hannibal would really reciprocate to any of the things she wanted.
“Thank you,” she said, finally.
“It’s just the therapist in me.”
When she laughed this time, it was real. His heart fluttered at the sound. “I know, but it still means a lot. The fact that you come see me so often, that you brought me food today. It all means a lot to me. More than I think you could ever know.”
She didn’t want to let go of his hand, but she knew she couldn’t sit there like that all day. She was already well aware of how everyone was looking at them. She was sure she’d be mentioned at the coffee machine gossip session the next morning. So, (Y/N) reluctantly took her hand from Hannibal’s and reached for her pen instead.
“I really should try to finish this before Jack comes looking for it,” she said.
“Do you mind if I stay?” Hannibal asked.
“You don’t have anything else going on today?”
“Not until you’re finished.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “What are we doing when I finish my work?”
“I’m going to teach you how to cook.”
Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Hannibal couldn’t help but smile back at her.
And so they did sit like that for the rest of the day; (Y/N) working and eating while Hannibal just kept her company. The conversation had died down a bit so she could actually work, but that only aided her in finishing her paperwork early and being allowed to clock out an hour earlier, too. She happily pulled on her coat and followed Hannibal to the elevator, where he reached out and took her hand again as the doors closed.
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rottngdeer · 4 months
Bloodsuckers — 5
Pairings || Hannibal Lecter x Vampire!Female!Reader x Will Graham
Part 5/?
Part 4
Contents/Warnings || Not proofread. Hannibal being Hannibal, blood consumption, implied murder, SMUT !!, fingering, p in v.
Authors Note || hi, so sorry for the delay in chapters. my mental health has been trash and junior year of college is beating my ass :’) but i’m rewatching hannibal again and finally got enough inspiration to start writing again wooo.
AO3 || here
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“So Jack hired you and doesn’t even believe in what your saying?”
“To put it bluntly, yes. What’s your excuse?” Will asks.
“Me and Hannibal have.. an arrangement. One that I can’t get out of.”
A silence came between you and Will. He had shown up to your house out of the blue, pushing you further about your relationship with Hannibal. It seemed like Will only knew Hannibal’s secret, but not yours, and not what you and Hannibal’s relationship really was.
“Look, Will, I can’t help you with this.”
“Does he have something on you?”
Another silence. You lied, obviously, but you could tell that Will didn’t believe you.
“What is it?”
“What is it?? We can help each other.”
“No, we can’t. Whatever you think it is, it’s not that, trust me.”
“Why can’t you trust me?” Will asked straightforwardly.
“It’s complicated. I trust you, but I really, really can’t talk about this.” You put your hands on both of his shoulders, gently squeezing them, “I can take care of myself. And I can take care of Hannibal.”
“Take care of him, hm?”
“No like that,” your arms fell back to your sides. “I can take care of my situation with him.”
You were annoyed. Annoyed that Will wouldn’t stop pushing you about Hannibal, annoyed that Hannibal had power over you, annoyed that you hadn’t consumed any blood in a few days. Your eyes kept landing on Wills neck, but your thoughts kept wandering to Hannibal.
“You should go,” You told Will, rubbing your temples, “I don’t want to talk about this again.” Will looks annoyed, but he doesn’t fight you. He leaves without another word, and you stand alone in your living room for a few minutes but pulling your phone out of your pocket, hesitantly calling Hannibal.
He picks up quickly, “Y/N.”
“Do you.. have anything for me?” You ask, staying vague on the phone.
“20 minutes.”
“Thank you,” you mumble. hanging up. You pace the room while you wait, hungry and tired.
Hannibal was punctual as usual, ringing your doorbell at exactly 20 minutes. “Hello,” He says when you open the door. You pull him inside, locking the door behind him as he says, “I’ve only brought myself for you.”
“That’s fine,” You watch him take off his blazer and roll up his sleeve. There’s faint marks on his arm from the last time you fed off him, only serving as a reminder for how good he tasted. He sits down on your couch and waits for you to join him, holding his arm out comfortably for you. You sit close beside him and lean down, running your tongue along the vein on his arm before sinking your fangs into him. As you feed, you feel his eyes glued to you. You both knew that he got something out of watching you feed; a fascination or morbid curiosity about your species and how you work. You eventually pull away, licking the droplets of blood that spill out of the puncture wounds.
He wiped a line of blood off of your chin with his thumb, keeping eye contact as he sucks it off of his finger. You eventually break the silence by saying, “I’ve never met a human like you before. I mean that as both of a compliment and an insult.”
Hannibal doesn’t reply to that, roughly grabbing your chin and commanding, “Open.”
You slowly open your mouth and watch as Hannibal eyes your fangs curiously. You close your mouth after a minute and are suddenly met with Hannibal’s lips hitting yours. An almost violent make-out ensues, with both of you fighting for dominance over each other for a few minutes. You eventually bite his tongue, not too hard but enough to draw blood. He breaks the kiss, tasting his own blood in his mouth. He gives you no time to react as he roughly grabs your hips and spins you, shoving you onto your stomach on the couch. You feel the weight shift as Hannibal moves from sitting normally to standing on his knees. He grabs your hips again, pulling them up so your ass was in the air.
“That was very rude of you,” He says, his hands reaching around your waist and unzipping your jeans, swiftly pulling them down and off. He pushes your panties to the side, not bothering to take them off. You look over your shoulder at him as he licks two of his fingers before pushing them inside of you. You let out a low moan and buried your face into the couch cushion. He wasn’t gentle with you, shoving his fingers in and out of you quickly, stretching you out to prepare you for him.
Your hips instinctively pushed back against him, craving more as he continued, only to feel his fingers pull out of you. You hear his belt clink and his pants unzip before he grabs your hips again, holding them still before pushing himself inside you. You hiss and grab the couch cushion, the pain and pleasure of it overwhelming you.
Hannibal gave you a minute to adjust before pulling out almost fully and slamming back in. “Fuck!” You cursed, clenching around him, only encouraging him to start a rough pace, pushing in and out of you hard and fast.
He keeps his pace steady, his hands holding your hips in place as you attempted to squirm. It didn’t take long for you to feel the fire in your stomach grow hotter as your orgasm approached. Your moans began to get louder at each thrust, your nails digging into the couch cushion. You felt Hannibal’s weight press against your ass as he leaned forward, one of his hands leaving your hip to reach around and rub small circles on your clit. Your eyes squeezed shut as you began to shake, your moans going up in pitch before you came, crying out his name.
Hannibal kept his pace up for another minute before his hips stuttered and you heard him groan before spilling inside of you. He stays inside of you for a moment before pulling out, pushing your panties back into place. You slowly sat up, finally looking at him as he zips his pants back up and tucking in his button up.
The two of you sit next to each other for a minute before he says, “I’ll run you a bath.” He stands, looking down at you and holding out his hand. You hesitantly take it, following him into the bathroom, wondering just how much more complicated this would be now that you’ve done this with him.
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msilwrites · 11 months
Sequel to: ASCENT - Defying Desire (ODD WOMEN Series) a 3AM update - SIX
A/N: Some dry humor, surprising revelations, and a deeper look into Henry's manipulative and tactical nature. 
Face Claim Cast:
Auryn Sorenson - Matthias Shoenaerts (A/N: I actually chose him to play the younger brother because he bears a resemblance to Mads)
Defying Desire
"So you were professionally-zoned," Charles remarks, unable to contain his frustration as he brings up Sage, his father's recent date that he met a week ago when he dropped by their old home.
Kieran's face reddens slightly as he tries to find the right words. "Well... you see, I couldn't just let that app slip through my fingers, and I..."
Vi interrupts with an exasperated sigh, her voice filled with both seriousness and humor. "Da, seriously? You couldn't resist talking business with someone you were interested in? You should have been whispering sweet nothings, not analyzing profit margins!"
Auryn, trying to make sense of the situation, raises an eyebrow and looks at his older brother. "Wait, hold on. Are you telling me you actually started dating someone? And this is how it went down?"
Vi, still frustrated with her father's tendency to mix business with romance, seizes the opportunity to remind him of a past dating blunder. Her voice carries a mischievous tone as she says, "And what about Ms. Ingrid Hawkes, Da? Remember how you let her slip through your fingers? It was the same story. Instead of wooing her, you were too busy talking shop. You've got a thing for these clever, capable women, but can't seem to close the deal!"
The table erupts into laughter, the tension dissipating with each chuckle. Kieran, his face still slightly flushed, joins in the mirth, realizing the comical predicament he found himself in.
Vi's voice turned serious, "Da, I have to wonder, are you intentionally seeking out girlfriends who have a tendency to shoot you? Is it some sort of bizarre criteria you have for a successful relationship? 'Must be capable of wielding a firearm and willing to use it if things go wrong.' Is that what you're looking for?" She paused for a moment, "Maybe you should consider revising your dating checklist, just a thought."
Charles and Auryn erupted into laughter, their shoulders shaking as they recalled the infamous incident of Kieran getting shot during his time as the Section Chief at an government intelligence agency. While it had been a frightening and serious ordeal back then, the passage of time had allowed the family to find humor in the situation. Now, they couldn't resist teasing Kieran about it, sharing exaggerated versions of the story and playfully imitating his shocked expression. It had become a lighthearted inside joke within the family.
Kieran raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, Vi, I suppose I have a unique taste in women. After all, nothing says 'relationship material' like someone who's willing to shoot me in the name of love." He shrugged, a wry smile playing on his lips.
Vi raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Dad, I think it's time you give up on finding a girlfriend who's like your ex. Let's aim for someone who designs beautiful things instead of designing dangerous missions. Trust me, it'll save us from any unexpected explosions during family dinners," she quipped, earning a round of laughter from her brother and uncle.
Kieran chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Vi, my darling, I've had my Let's just say I've learned my lesson. From now on, I'm on the lookout for someone who is more 'designer dress' than 'secret agent attire.' No more bullets, just beauty!" He grinned, adding a wink for dramatic effect.
The family burst into laughter, their amusement echoing through the restaurant. Vi couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully at her father's quip. Charles erupted into uncontrollable giggles, almost causing him to spill his drink. Even Auryn, typically composed, couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head
Charles chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Da, don't give up just yet, You can still break free from the professional-zone. Take her on a romantic date, show her a side of you that's not all business. It's time to switch gears and make your move!"
Auryn, with his dark blond hair catching the light, leaned forward inquisitively. "So, Kieran, spill the beans. What's the deal with this app and the woman you're into? I'm dying to know what's got you so hooked."
Charles, always tech-savvy, grabbed his phone and began furiously typing. "Alright, let me do some detective work here. Give me a sec... Ah, got it!" He paused for a moment, his eyes widening in recognition. "Hold on a second. This is that community app everyone's been raving about, right? It's got a huge following and people seem to love it."
The rest of the family leaned in, their curiosity getting the better of them. They exchanged glances, excitement brewing as they realized the significance of the app and its connection to Kieran's romantic interest. The conversation veered off into a lively discussion about the app's practicality and the woman who brought it to life.
Auryn's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but ask, "Hey, Kieran, do you have a picture of her? I'm dying to see what she looks like."
Kieran shrugged, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Actually, I don't have a picture of her. We've been so engrossed in conversations and getting to know each other that we haven't really taken any pictures together."
Auryn's eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, you're interested in her, and you don't even have a picture? How can you not have a picture, Kieran? That's like, the first thing you do!"
Vi chimed in, playfully scolding her father. "Honestly, Da, I thought you were better than this. How can you be interested in someone and not have a single picture to show? You're slacking, my friend."
Meanwhile, Charles, ever the resourceful one, simply tapped away on his phone, his fingers dancing across the screen. "No worries, guys. I've got this. Let me just work my magic and find out everything there is to know about her."
As Charles delved deeper into his online search, his eyes widened with excitement. He discovered Sage's designer profile, showcasing an artsy black and white photo of her. The image portrayed her beauty and creativity in an enchanting way. Without wasting a second, Charles eagerly showed the photo to his sister and uncle.
Vi's jaw dropped in awe as she admired Sage's stunning image. "Wow, she's gorgeous! Da, you really know how to pick 'em!"
Auryn, on the other hand, had a different reaction. His eyes widened in surprise as he recognized Sage. "Wait! That's Sage Lennox," he exclaimed, unable to contain his astonishment.
Kieran looked at his younger brother in confusion. "How do you know her, Auryn?"
Auryn's eyes widen, and he fumbles for words before finally admitting, "Well, we actually had a certificate class together at UAL." His voice trails off, and there's a hint of nostalgia in his tone, suggesting a deeper connection.
Vi, sensing her uncle's hidden feelings, grins mischievously. "Oh, Uncle Auryn had a secret crush, didn't you?"
Auryn's cheeks turn a shade of pink as he tries to deflect the attention. "It was just a passing fancy. We were both focused on our studies, and nothing more."
But his frustration quickly surfaces, and he adds with a hint of annoyance, "Although, I have to say, it was frustrating to see how Sage was being treated back then. I witnessed a few heated arguments between her and that Henry Havel,” (A/N: I actually changed their surnames a bit)
Vi, always quick to pick up on the dynamics, teases him with a mischievous smile. "Oh, Uncle Auryn, your jealousy is showing!"
Charles, intrigued by the mention of Henry Havel, asks curiously, "Who is this Henry Havel?"  His tone carries a hint of skepticism  "What does this man even have that would make a beautiful woman like Sage put up with him?"
Kieran, being a non-executive director at the same company Henry works in, answers with a knowing smile. "Henry Havel is one of the executive directors for Havel Group, a conglomerate in the industry. I've crossed paths with him a few times during my work there. He is actually from the branch family of the Havels. While his grandfather founded Havel Group, he is not the heir to the conglomerate. But he holds a significant position as an executive director in the company."  Charles raises an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "So, he's not the main heir, but he still has influence within the family business. I wonder what qualities or connections he possesses to capture Sage's attention."
Kieran, who is familiar with Henry's reputation, chuckles and nudges his son playfully. "Well, Henry is a capable guy, but why don't you go find out for yourself? Look up Henry Havel and see what you can dig up. I have a feeling you might be surprised."
Vi, unable to resist her curiosity, leans over to take a peek at the screen. However, instead of a mischievous grin, her expression softens with a hint of sadness. "Yep, he looks like trouble! No wonder Sage fell for him."
As Vi's words hang in the air, Auryn's eyes narrow slightly, and a trace of jealousy tugs at his heart. He clears his throat, trying to mask his emotions. "Well, I'm sure Sage saw something in him that others didn't. People can be drawn to different qualities, after all.
Kieran, adds. "It's not uncommon for people to be attracted to charm and charisma, my dear. Unfortunately, Henry is a looker too. The good news is, she is no longer in that relationship" Auryn nods sadly, agreeing with what his brother said. "Yes, and you just had to be the one to capture her attention. I can't believe you let her slip away." scolding his brother.
Vi notices her uncle's wistful look and pokes him playfully. "Oh, come on, Uncle Auryn! You're an award-winning designer with those gorgeous blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. You've got your own set of qualities that can make hearts flutter."
Charles joins in, teasingly nudging his uncle. "That's right, Uncle. Don't underestimate yourself. You're quite the catch."
Auryn looks at his nieces and nephew, a mix of amusement and mock seriousness on his face. " Are you suggesting that I should become your father's arch-nemesis in matters of the heart?  But sorry, my dear ones, I prefer to maintain my position as the beloved and oh-so-cool uncle.”
Kieran joins in the teasing with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, Auryn, don't worry. I'm not threatened by you becoming my romantic rival. I think I can handle a little friendly competition."
Auryn chuckles, shaking his head. "You're quite confident, aren't you? But remember, if you don't make a move to win her back soon, I’ll really go after her myself”
Vi and Charles exchange mischievous glances, sensing the playful rivalry between their father and uncle. They raise their fists in the air and cheer, "Fight, fight, fight! Da vs Uncle!!"
Auryn raises an eyebrow, feigning offense. He rolls his eyes at their antics but can't help but smile. "Alright, alright, settle down, you two. Let's not turn this into a full-blown competition. I was just teasing your father." "
Kieran joins in the banter, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Indeed, let the best man win, may the odds be ever in your favor, Auryn."
Auryn raises an eyebrow, his expression a mix of disbelief and amusement. "You too, Kieran? Seriously? I can't believe I'm being challenged by my own brother. This is getting out of hand."
Auryn's initial surprise quickly turns into laughter as he joins his brother Kieran in their shared amusement. They both chuckle, their laughter echoing in the room.
Henry sat in his private office, engrossed in the stack of documents spread out on his desk. The room was filled with an air of focused determination as he meticulously reviewed each page. Suddenly, he sensed a presence and looked up, finding his secretary standing in the doorway.
The secretary, a young woman with a professional demeanor, couldn't help but steal a quick glance at Henry. His striking looks and undeniable charm were hard to ignore. Henry, accustomed to the effect he had on people, simply offered her a polite smile before returning his attention to the documents.  Despite his reputation as a charmer, when it came to work, Henry made sure to maintain a focused and professional environment.
Unfazed by his good looks, the secretary maintained her composure and approached Henry's desk. She held a file in her hands, ready to assist him with any tasks he required. Her admiration for his appearance didn't overshadow her focus on her job.
Henry looked up, meeting her gaze, and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Lydia. Please place those documents on my desk. I'll review them shortly."
Lydia, displaying a level of professionalism that matched her poise, smoothly placed the file on Henry's desk. She stood confidently, ready to address any further instructions or inquiries.
As Henry skimmed through the documents, his eyes widened with surprise. Among the papers, he noticed a file bearing the logo of Sage's app. Memories of their past and the recent encounter with Sage and Kieran resurfaced in his mind. “Lydia? can you tell me more about this?”
Lydia, maintaining her professional demeanor, nodded and spoke in a composed tone. "Certainly, Mr. Havel. The app in question has been recently acquired by one of our non-executive directors, Kieran Sorenson. He saw potential in it and decided to make the acquisition for his own company."
A week ago, outside the lounge bar, Henry had caught sight of Sage and Kieran together, their easy camaraderie and connection evident. It had stirred a mix of surprise, jealousy, and regret within him. Now, with the knowledge that Kieran had acquired Sage's app, a sense of rivalry ignited within Henry.
The knowledge that Kieran had acquired Sage's app further intensified Henry's drive to prove himself superior, both in business and in matters of the heart. He couldn't let Kieran's success with the app go unchallenged.
Realizing the importance of the matter, Henry knew he had to bring it to the attention of the board. With a cold smile, Henry looked up at Lydia. "Lydia, inform me immediately when the next board meeting is scheduled. I have an important matter to discuss with the directors."
Lydia, sensing the shift in Henry's demeanor, nodded briskly. "Of course, Mr. Henry. I will ensure you are promptly informed of the board meeting arrangements."
With a calculated glint in his eyes, Henry turned his attention back to the file. He would seize this opportunity to outmaneuver Kieran and bring the app into the hands of Havel Group.  He saw the acquisition of the app as a strategic move to bring Sage back into his life. With careful planning, he intended to smoothly transition the app to Havel Group, using the opportunity to reconnect with Sage on both professional and personal levels. Henry's calculated approach as an executive director would allow him to leverage his charm and unwavering pursuit, ensuring a chance to rewrite their story together.
Kieran, dressed in a sharp dark blue suit, entered the meeting room with a file in hand. As he stepped inside, he found the executives and directors engaged in casual conversation, setting a relaxed atmosphere before the formal meeting.
With a friendly smile, Kieran greeted his colleagues one by one, exchanging pleasantries and brief updates. The room buzzed with anticipation, knowing that an important discussion was about to take place.
"Good morning, everyone," Kieran said, his voice carrying a confident yet warm tone. "I hope you all had a productive morning so far." 
The executives reciprocated the greeting, some nodding in acknowledgment, while others engaged in small talk.
As the room quieted down, Simon, the esteemed leader of the Havel Group, stood up and addressed the gathered executives.
"Good morning, everyone," Simon began, his voice carrying authority and respect. "Today, we have an important topic to discuss: the recent acquisition made by our non-executive director, Kieran Sorenson."
All eyes turned to Kieran, who sat confidently, ready to present his case.
Simon continued, "Kieran, we appreciate your entrepreneurial endeavors and your role as a non-executive director. While this acquisition was made for your own company, it is important for us to understand the nature of the app and its potential impact on the market."
Kieran nodded, understanding the purpose of the meeting and the need to provide transparency regarding the app acquisition. He took a moment to collect his thoughts and then began to present a comprehensive overview of the app, highlighting its potential benefits, market opportunities, and how it could contribute to the growth of his own company.
As Kieran spoke, Henry, with a calculated glint in his eyes, listened intently. He saw the potential of the app as not just a standalone venture but as a means to undermine Kieran and regain his connection with Sage, his ex-girlfriend and the app's designer.
With every passing slide, Henry's mind raced, devising a plan to outmaneuver Kieran and bring the app into the hands of Havel Group. He saw the acquisition of the app as a strategic move to assert dominance and challenge Kieran.
Henry, leaned back in his chair, a subtle smile playing on his lips. As Kieran confidently presented the app's features and market potential, Henry's mind raced with thoughts of how he could undermine his rival.
"Thank you, Kieran, for the overview. It's evident that your acquisition holds promise," Henry began, his tone calculated and deliberate. "However, I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between your app's features and our own successful online retail division."
An undercurrent of concern rippled through the room as Henry continued, pointing out the potential conflicts of interest that such an acquisition might bring. He emphasized the importance of safeguarding their existing operations and partnerships.
Kieran maintained his composure, though a flicker of worry crossed his eyes. He understood that Henry had a valid point.
Undeterred, Henry pressed on, his voice carrying an air of authority. "Before making any decisions, I propose that we thoroughly evaluate the strategic alignment and potential synergies. We must prioritize the growth and stability of the Havel Group above all else."
The board members exchanged wary glances, recognizing the weight of Henry's words. His calculated attack had successfully cast a shadow of doubt over Kieran's acquisition.
With a self-satisfied expression, Henry leaned forward, locking eyes with Kieran. "I trust that you understand the implications of your decision, Kieran. It is imperative that we proceed with caution and prioritize the best interests of the Havel Group."
Kieran, determined to address Henry's concerns, responded with measured words. "Henry, I understand your perspective, but let me clarify that the app is not a direct competition to our online retail division. It functions as a community platform, enabling individuals to sell their used items, offer services, and connect with potential buyers. It fosters a sense of community and facilitates peer-to-peer transactions."
Henry's confidence remained unwavering. "Kieran, I acknowledge your perspective, but let's not underestimate the impact this app can have on our online retail division. While it may not be a direct competitor, it still poses a threat. People turning to this app for buying and selling their used items means they won't be turning to our online platform."
Kieran held his ground, recognizing the need to defend his position. "Henry, we have an opportunity here to tap into a different market segment. This app is about community engagement and convenience. It can bring new customers and work alongside our existing operations."
Henry leaned back in his chair, skepticism etched on his face. "I appreciate your optimism, Kieran, but let's not overlook the potential risks. We must consider the possibility of resource diversion, customer overlap, and the need to allocate our efforts wisely."
Taking a deep breath, Kieran sought common ground. "Henry, I propose that we conduct a thorough analysis of the app's potential impact and explore ways to collaborate rather than compete. We can establish guidelines to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship between the app and our online retail division."
Henry listened intently, his mind already devising a cunning plan. Leaning forward, he sported a calculated smile on his lips.
"Kieran, I understand the potential value of this app, and I appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit," Henry began, his tone measured. "Instead of viewing this as a competition, why don't we explore a partnership? Havel Group has the resources, market reach, and expertise to help scale this app to new heights."
Kieran raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Henry's proposition. "A partnership? How would that work?"
Henry glanced at Simon, his elder brother and the leader of the Havel Group, who had been quietly observing the discussion. Sensing the strategic potential in Henry's suggestion, Simon spoke up.
"Kieran, Henry's proposal is worth considering," Simon interjected, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "The collaboration between our companies could lead to a synergy where the app can thrive while aligning with our broader business objectives."
Kieran turned his attention to Simon, his curiosity piqued. "Simon, I appreciate your perspective. But how can we ensure that the app's unique community-focused approach remains intact within the partnership?"
Simon nodded, understanding Kieran's concerns. "Kieran, we value the app's core values and its connection with its user base. We can establish a joint committee consisting of representatives from both our companies to oversee the partnership. This committee will work together to define and safeguard the app's unique identity while leveraging the resources and expertise that Havel Group brings to the table."
Kieran contemplated the proposal, weighing the potential benefits against his initial reservations. "If we can find common ground and maintain the app's integrity, then a partnership could be a viable path forward."
Simon extended his hand towards Kieran, signifying their agreement. "Let's explore this further, Kieran. I believe there is immense potential in joining forces and charting a new course together."
As Kieran shook Simon's hand, Henry observed with a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation. The board's support for his proposition indicated that his calculated approach was paying off. The path to a strategic partnership was now open, and Henry's plan to bring the app into the hands of Havel Group and reconnect with Sage seemed within reach.
A/N:  In this chapter, we witness the extent of Henry's capabilities and cunning nature as he strategically navigates the boardroom discussion and manipulates the situation to his advantage. Do share your thoughts and opinions on Henry's character and actions. Do you find his tactics impressive, or do they border on the line of being creepy or obsessive? Let us know your perspective in the comments below. Enjoy the chapter, and I'll be making some minor edits for clarity and flow.
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kuroshika · 1 year
i very much ache for lithuanian hannibal and southern will. as someone with a thick ass southern accent, just fucking imagine.
they've just committed the grisliest murder yet, and they're standing over the body. will's covered in blood and trembling and hannibal has never been more in love.
"beautiful work, will."
"ha, yeah. sure you don't wanna toss me on the pile with 'em and be rid of me? it'd be pretty easy."
"visas mano gyvenimas vedė mane pas tave, mielas berniuk, ir aš kitaip neturėčiau."
"i love you too, darlin'."
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coryosbaby · 1 month
Tumblr media
You fog up my brain, you make me insane… Hannibal Lecter x fem! Reader
Synopsis: examining your shared obsession
content warning . 18+, MDNI oral fixations, codependency, heavy biting kink, mentions of cannibalism. Blood, teeth, and body worship
୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Hannibal opens his mouth for her whenever she asks. Nimble, soft padded fingertips touch the tip of his tongue and move even further. Over his teeth, the expanse of his gums. She rubs her tongue over her own canines in retaliation. The urge to bite into him is so incredibly chastising.
She almost does it, a few times. When his throat is close, she leaves a few marks. Her teeth sink into him and leave a clear indent, though she vows never to reveal muscle, blood, or bone. Her hands run through his hair, and she douses her own in his shampoo when she’s in the shower. His nails are clipped short; she bites hers clear down to the nub. He tells her to kiss him, and she does— teeth biting his lip, tongue roaming that mouth she loves oh so much. Close to drawing blood, but not quite.
Until he tells her to. One mindless, rainy night, her body is sprawled out on top of his, thighs on either side of his hips. The ribbon in her hair is the only thing you could consider covering her. And him, the rings adorning his fingers. His bare chest is enticing, and she leaves sweet lipstick prints along the skin. He soothes her heated neck with his hand, proving coolness and relief. She runs her blunt nails through the hair peppering his chest.
“I want to crawl inside your skin and never leave.” She mumbles, her face nuzzling him.
He doesn’t find this to be scary, or vile. He feels exactly the same way, and nods along. He trails a finger up her hip and back down again.
“I would let you,” and then, as his nose moves up to nuzzle her own, “you’re special.”
Her lashes flutter and she sighs in content. His arms wrap around her back and he pulls her down to his lips. When he kisses her, it’s on the cheeks, forehead, and nose.
“My special girl.”
A small smile, pouty lips kissing him right back. She grabs his much larger hand into her own, presses his wrist to her lips and feels the heartbeat underneath the skin.
He licks his lips and guides her hand to his torso, settling right above his navel.
“Bite me here,” he murmurs, and she lets out a tiny squeak.
“Here. Bite me here, I want to feel your teeth.”
She can never deny him, and she would never dare question him. She moves lower so her head is face to face with his waist. Her teeth scrape against his flesh, tasting sweat and skin.
Hannibal. She tastes Hannibal.
She bites, hard. The older man below her lets out a groan, feeling her break the skin and draw red rivulets of blood, finally.
She’s no vampire, of course. But his blood fills something in her— a completion. A promise.
When she pulls away, her teeth are red. The large indentation on his skin makes her rut down against his thigh. Her fingers slip against the wound as she adjusts— a happy little accident. She presses them into his mouth and feels the soft expanse of his tongue and his teeth. He stares up at her as he sucks them. He releases them from his mouth with a lewd pop, inhaling through his teeth. She tilts her head, almost in awe of him.
“You’re beautiful.” she says timidly.
He smiles softly.
“And you’re perfect, you know,” he replies. “Anyone would be a fool not to worship you, darling.”
Heat creeps up her neck, and when the man reaches up to tug the pink ribbon out of her hair, she whines.
“It took me forever to do my hair like this!” she exclaims.
“Mmm..” Hannibal replies, and looks at her hair, as if examining. “I already ruined it when I was fucking you, don’t you think?”
She flushes. The man below her begins wrapping the ribbon around her head. Her brows furrow, but not before they’re raising as he slips the ribbon into her mouth and gags her with it.
“Need to muzzle you good, don’t I? Since you love biting me so much.”
He watches the way her drool begins soaking through the fabric. Seeing her distraught face, he coos, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, sweet girl. But you need to be controlled, disciplined,” and then, “You know I only want what’s best for you.”
She whimpers, hips grinding down onto his crotch. He’s hard now, leaking and ready to slip inside her, and that he does. Spreading her cheeks apart, his tip probes her already filled hole. He had fucked her an hour before, filled her to the brim with his seed, and now he intends to do it again.
He sheathes inside in one go. Her eyes roll back, clit throbbing as he flattens his feet on the bed and thrusts up. Her body falls forward, causing him to bury his face into her collarbone, and he grunts against her. She feels something sharp against her shoulder— teeth.
He bites down, hard. She lets out a yell, feeling him sink into her skin. He has surely drawn blood, because when he pulls away his lips are stained red.
“See?” He asks her, licking his lips. “Now we match, lover. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Tears fall down her cheeks, and she nods. It is perfect.
It’s even more perfect when Hannibal uses the strength of his hips to turn the girl onto her back. She lets out a mewl, and with his cock still in her, Hannibal grabs her roughly by her thighs as he’s on his knees. Her back arches as he pulls her legs over his own, fucking her down onto his thick length. He grabs the soft expanse of her waist, grunting as he watches her tits jiggle with every thrust.
“That’s it,” he breathes, as she squirms underneath him. “Such an obedient girl for me.”
She doesn’t know where to put her hands, so with her most basic instinct she presses them on top of Hannibal’s own. He grabs them, holding them against her skin and cooing.
“I’ve got you. I’m right here.”
These words comfort her, bring a relief to her fuzzy brain, and she needs him closer. Closer, closer, closer.
She pulls his hands towards her, signaling for him to move. He moves forward, pressing himself against her body.
“I don’t want to crush you,” he says, and she bites her lip.
“I do.”
He does anything she asks, really. He puts all of his weight on her, lets her nails rake down his back and draw blood. She sinks her teeth into him more, rubs the blood on her lips and kisses him. He licks into her mouth and when he pulls away it’s so he can spit onto her tongue. She swallows it greedily, her heels pressing into his hips as he pounds her mercilessly. One hand moves to her clit, rubbing it deftly between his fingers, and his other hand goes to her throat, which he lightly squeezes.
“Look at you,” he praises, watching her lidded eyes. “So pretty and pliant for me. So beautiful.”
“Hanni—“ she starts, but it’s cut off as her orgasm rapidly approaches. “I’m gonna cum—“
“Cum for me,” Hannibal growls. “Cum for me, gorgeous. Fucking soak me.”
That’s all the command she needs. She seizes up, whimpers loudly as she reaches her peak, her eyes rolling back as she cries out his name. Hannibal watches with a small smile, but not before the clenching of her orgasming cunt has his mouth falling open as he gives two final, harsh thrusts. He spills into her with his teeth on her neck, fucks his cum into her, warm and wet.
She milks him for all he has. Her cunt takes his spend greedily, spilling over the rim of her hole and onto the sheets. Hannibal stays inside for a moment to catch his breath, deciding to collapse onto her. Not that she minds; he isn’t that heavy, and she likes the weight of him. He buries his face in her neck and sighs, absolutely spent.
“My darling girl.” he murmurs, as if in a trance. She hums a timid reply, her fingers curling into his graying locks. He kisses her on the jugular. She kisses him on the forehead. He means everything to her.
“My darling boy.” She replies. He chuckles, lifting his head and kissing her on the mouth again. She bites his bottom lip teasingly and worries the skin in between her teeth. It draws more blood, and she licks it up with her tongue.
When Hannibal pulls away, his cock slips out of her. She feels his cum dripping out of her entrance, but she ignores it. Instead, she opts for curling up on his chest again, her leg slung over his hip and her hand rubbing over the bite mark she had given him. He grabs her wrist, slipping her index finger into his mouth and suckling. She runs the pad of it over his teeth, a little crooked but absolutely perfect to her.
When she falls asleep, fingers in his mouth, she’s never been more satiated.
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:: @mysticpenguincreation @nightmare-niko @iheartinkonpaper @claireyberryy @becauseseaotters @emmalandry @princesstiti14 @aerangi @kaithoughs @jamespotterismydaddy
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