#Lazuli HC
desiderium-eden · 4 months
Useless Headcanon of the Day:
It's not obvious in Navka due to the icy climate, but as eluinn are "children of the forest", plants and flowers react to the Volodymyrr (Lazuli, Kyrie and Noah as well even though they are mixed blood). Flowers and certain smaller vines tend to turn toward them. Especially when they're in good moods (ex. when Mikhail laughs or when Lazuli sings). But the one detail I like more about this phenomenon is that if they're in particularly bad moods, or are filled with rage or hatred, the flowers will turn to face away from them. Kinda like you're ready to murder someone and all the plants in the room are just "Oh shit? I didn't see anything."
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batunatu · 12 days
huhhh guys me anything about radesse or lapis lazuli, PLEASE GUYS i need to inject that ship into my veins to continue living.
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techie-waterwitch · 3 months
Lapis and Peridot love Pizza
Send in an HC you have about my muse and I'll respond with a 👍 or 👎
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Well actually with my muses Lapis loved pizza first thanks to Steven then Peri followed suit due to Steven & Amethyst. 👍
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indigofoxpaws · 2 years
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June brings home a stray
(please do not carry an unconscious person like this if you have not been infused with orionite)
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yasashiiku · 10 months
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                    ↳ 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬    /  𝙍𝙀𝙉𝙂𝙊𝙆𝙐 𝙍𝙐𝙆𝘼.
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2194teddy · 1 year
Giant / Tiny Steven Universe HC?
I like some Giant and Tiny SU HC because they are adorable as either giants or tinies.
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kittenwhiskers · 1 year
bro lapis from su would def be a lee. i could see peridot using her control over metal to sneakily poke lapis's tum with forks or other pointy objects maybe even making metal feathers to control so she can rek the blue cutie
I'm not the biggest fan of Lapidot but that's still adorable!!!
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moony-ghoul · 6 months
random ghoul hcs for lols and funsies :P
- swiss and phantom can’t ride a bike, mountain can but refuses cause his legs basically hit his chest, rain and dew are bmx bandits and have a dirt track in the forest
- cumulus loves her jewellery she has one of those full length mirror stands filled with crazy expensive beautiful earrings and necklaces and rings and bracelets, she only wears silver, pearls, diamonds, aquamarine and lapis lazuli, she takes such good care of them and will take them all off before sex no matter how horny
- rory is on the same level as rain when it comes to hairiness but she prefers being mostly clean shaven but on occasion her razors go “missing” (and swiss has nothing to do with it he swears) and she has no choice but to grow it all out, ain’t nothing better than hairy rory in the summertime in the cutest lil bikini
- dew has chronic rbf and loves to play it up around the siblings to scare them and has a rep of being the “small but scary” ghoul, until he volunteers to help mount with the lil kids with their veggie gardens one summer and we all know he’s secretly a big softie so the kids absolutely adore him and now he can’t walk around the abbey without at least one small satanic child hanging off him yapping his ear off and he has the biggest grin on his face the entire time
- mountain eats the weeds from the garden he makes a salad with them and it actually tastes really nice, he refuses to let anything he grows go to waste
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Hello there!
I wanted to ask for a request, only if you want though ^^'
What about some Hcs with Rose Quartz, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli y Peridot (sepparetly) reacting to a 13 year old fem!Gem!reader (who has very bad trust issues and avoids physical contact at all costs due to past trauma about being betrayed and puffed)
Coming to them crying after and tackling them into a hug them while rambling about how Amethist said that if she misbehawed Pearl was going to puff her (wich was obviosly a joke)
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warnings: mentions of poofing, ptsd
backstory: y/n is still a “new” gem only emerging from the ground about thirteen years prior to meeting the gems; however, almost all of that was spent in a bubble after being poorer by their original group of gems. some old homeworld loyalists that came to earth to hopefully “defeat” the crystal gems.
- she feels SO bad
- rose was very patient with y/n after finding her so she knew about her boundaries and physical touch being a huge one
- so when she came up to her and just hugged her she knew something was wrong
- even if it was silly, she knew that y/n didn’t yet understand jokes and took everything quite literal
- comforts them by letting them cry and just being so understanding
- “take your time y/n. it’s okay, i’m here. don’t worry. amethyst was just teasing.”
- once she’s calmed down she explains that pearl said it as a joke mostly out of annoyance. she meant no actual harm
- brings her back to the temple to help her talk to amethyst about why she can’t joke like that
- even brings pearl over to have her assure y/n she would never do such a thing
- rose just wants y/n to know she’s safe with the crystal gems
- 10/10 very very comforting
- y/n came running up to her while she was in the bubble room
- she knew it was serious because it was a place y/n tended to avoid because of what happened to her before they found her
- she just clings onto garnet crying about how amethyst told her pearl was going to poof her if she wasn’t a good crystal gem
- garnet seen it in a very unlikely reality so she was surprised that it actually happened
- garnet kneels down with y/n and just consoles her by petting her hair
- y/n can’t help but hold onto garnet for protection
- “amethyst was only joking. i predicted no real danger in your future. i understand your fear, but i assure you y/n. you are in no danger here.”
- ruby was a bit annoyed at amethyst as she knew fully well what you went through, but felt nothing wrong with her joke
- sapphire knew it was just a off handed comment to rile y/n up during a training session
- “take your time y/n. i know the thought of being poofed is traumatic. you have nothing to be ashamed of. i’ll make sure amethyst apologizes. it wasn’t right of her to say that.”
- pearl is even shocked amethyst says that
- promises she would never ever
- allows y/n to stay close by her side for a while even after amethyst apologizes
- 20/10 i love my red and blue moms
- while lapis wasn’t one for touch either, when y/n came barreling into her arms she knew something serious happened
- it wasn’t unlike her to not take things very seriously, but she could tell that y/n was terrified
- “hey, what happened?”
- she honestly doesn’t know how to react much
- when y/n explains it lapis was so annoyed at amethyst
- “don’t worry. pearl won’t do anything. amethyst is just being mean. don’t let her get to you.”
- “but why would she say that?”
- hearing y/n cry broke her heart tbh
- “who knows. amethyst is weird. just ignore her like i do, but if her or pearl do every try anything don’t hesitate to come to me. i won’t let them do anything i promise.”
- after all y/n was just a terrified gem like they once were
- convinced them to calm down by just continuously promising she was strong enough to protect both of them (which she definitely was)
- 9/10 a bit awkward at first but great after
- peridot had no idea what was happening when y/n just straight tackled them while bawling her eyes out
- “uh did you know you’re crying?”
- “amethyst said pearl was going to poof me if i acted up or misbehaved! they promised me they were different! they all said they were nothing like the agates!”
- y/n cries while holding onto peridot
- she may be awkward, but she knew you were genuinely scared
- holds her slowly so she doesn’t flinch and let’s y/n cry
- “i’m sure that clod amethyst was just playing one of her pranks. she never does know when to stop. i mean, you know earth gems. they’re all so rowdy.”
- tries to console y/n as best she can
- “the pearl wouldn’t poof you. if anything she’d want to poof me. besides steven wouldn’t let that happen.”
- her awkward jokes and stiff touch kind of do cheer y/n up
- “why would amethyst say that though? that’s so mean!”
- “amethyst also eats dirt and old dumpster donuts. i wouldn’t worry about her too much. besides. us two are much more superior gems! she’s probably just jealous.”
- peri helps wipe her tears
- “y-yeah peridot. i guess you’re right.”
- “i’m always right!”
- 11/10 awkward but funny
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
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Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader at the ball
Royal AU/Prince Vash x Knight reader beginning
Vash X reader who plays flute
First oral with Vash (f! receiving)
First oral with Vash (Vash receiving)
Vash x grieving s/o
Protective and comforting Vash
Vash thinking on dating a human woman
Morning cuddles with Vash
People watching
Vash with immortal s/o
Vash pining for reader
Vash biting (nsfw)
Vash x reader (eldritch horror au)
Vash crying during sex
Vash x physically strong muscular reader
Vash x touch-starved reader
Decay (hurt/comfort)
Uncanny Vash
Uncanny Vash smut (nsfw)
Vash tending to reader's wounds (sfw, fluff)
Clubbing with Vash (cyberpunk AU)
First time with Livio
Morning cuddles with Livio
Livio x small reader (nsfw)
Livio proposing hc (sfw)
Livio x reader who wants family (sfw)
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Kishibe's kinks
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Lucid dreams
Toji x bimbo girlfriend
Bodyguard!Toji x rich girl!reader
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Himeko pampering you (nsfw)
Jealous Himeko (nsfw)
fem!reader caressing Himeko's breasts (nsfw)
Himeko nsfw alphabet
Himeko riding reader's face (nsfw)
Serval riling up reader (nsfw)
Sampo pegging h/c (nsfw)
Sampo x fem!reader who works at Natasha's clinic (sfw)
Jealous Gepard (nsfw)
Gepard pegging h/c (nsfw)
A tale of tails (nsfw)
Jealous Dan Heng
Reader straddling Dan Heng's lap and holding his chin
Creampie with Dan Heng (nsfw)
Lapis Lazuli (nsfw)
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Spawn!Astarion x reader post ending headcanons
Savium (kisses headcanons)
NSFW headcanons
Sleeping headcanons
Overprotective Syzoth (drabble, hurt/comfort)
Heavenly (drabble, nsfw)
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desiderium-eden · 14 days
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Brain, out of nowhere: What if one of the reasons Lazuli changed the Temple into lowkey a group of "spiritual idols" because of Melua?
With the death of Alexandre, she was left only with a parent who wanted to pretend as if she never existed. Who hated her to the point she would never acknowledge her even if in the same room.
So she turned the priests into performers. Made everything flashier. Spread their influence. All as a big middle finger to her mother?
Just "My face and voice are everywhere now. You cannot ignore me anymore."
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third-arch · 5 months
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My Trafalgar Law HC’s!! pt.10🤍🤍🤍
ft. Kanna, aka Reader-ya!!
Law can speak some German!! Kanna likes making him speak German because she finds it cute and attractive.
He becomes pretty good at it just for her. But, only certain phrases.
His favorite phrase to tell her is,
“Du bist ein seltsames und schönes Mädchen”
He’ll refuse to listen to Car Seat Headrest, no matter what you do.
The only way to get him to check them out is by playing any of their Radiohead covers.
He’s not good at origami.
He doesn’t like the sound of scissors snipping. He probably won’t show it, though, and won’t say anything because it’s so specific and “silly”.
He has not watched The Godfather.
He hates Grey’s Anatomy. He likes it when they’re more realistic. Still, he powered through the first season with Kanna.
Kanna asked him things like,
“Law-ya, is this what they do where you work?”
She’ll start making comparisons to how he does things, and he’ll be like “ugh” internally LOL
“Hmm…But what about how you-“
(Covers Kanna’s mouth with his hand)
He’s not annoyed, I think he just doesn’t like realizing like “Tch, I guess I do things pretty off the rails at the clinic, too. Dammit!”
On Discord calls, he would be muted and typing all of his messages when first talking to Kanna. It would show that he has a crush on her when he starts unmuting.
He didn’t like Game of Thrones.
His favorite Steven Universe character is Lapis Lazuli. He also likes Opal.
While he’s not very good at drawing, he tries for Kanna-ya.
His desk still has glitter on it from the gifts Kanna gives to him.
He still has yet to have a word with her about it.
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quinnnnnnnnnnnn · 21 hours
Mha class 1-a head cannons because I love them 🫶
Also it’s long head cannons because I always seem to have a lot to say
Kirishima is tumbler famous. Dog was writing his own hc’s about Crimson Riot
Growing up, Jiro was obsessed with watching Steven Universe. Her fave song from the soundtrack was either “Lapis Lazuli” or “It’s Over Isn’t It”
Additionally, Kaminari found out about her childhood obsession and performed “Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart” for her. She didn’t swoon but she did laugh. That’s a win in his book
Also, Jiro listened to “Bigmouth Strikes Again” by The Smiths and based her hair and interests off of it. She is Joan of Arc. She knows how Joan of Arc felt.
Tokoyami cannot keep a plant alive for the life of him. He once got one of those “plants you can’t kill” and he still killed it.
Bakugo, on the other hand, has a great green thumb. He has at least three plants in his room.
Uraraka was an lps kid. She really liked the monkeys.
Mina isn’t a Hello Kitty girl but she has multiple Hello Kitty socks and two pairs of y2k fuzzy sleep shorts
Izuku knows ALL of the fnaf lore. ALL OF IT. He also once explained all of the lore to Bakugo. Bakugo knows all of the fnaf lore now.
Bakugo also loved puns. He doesn’t think dumb jokes are funny, but smart witty jokes like puns? Hilarious. Especially if it has a great “eggs-ecution.”
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opalsoap · 2 months
Eid Mubarak 🌼
Hello all ! I hope all my Muslim brothers and sisters are having a wonderful Eid ! Today (since I couldn't make a drawing in time </3) I shall bring you the android trio during Eid !
Of course, being biased, I got to talk about my husband first :3
Android 17
He's a Turkish Muslim !
He loves doing my henna <3 at first, he kinda sucked at it, but he tried, and that was what mattered,, he looked so determined to make it look good, too .. ilhsm
He and his sister loves eidi and they try to beg Android 16 for some
He always brings baklava or any type of kebab to feasts ^_^
Lapis in a black jubba and Raina in a white sari have me squealing
He only takes like 30 minutes getting ready for prayer (but he always looks good nonetheless)
He always says he wants to do so much after prayer, but he takes that post Eid prayer nap and he is knocked out (16, 18, and I don't even bother trying to wake him up, he gets cranky)
Android 18
Also a Turkish Muslim ! Her and 17 have been before Gero turned them to androids
Like I said, she loves eidi; it means more shopping and clothes for her (Krillin is happy to hold all her bags)
When we met, she told me she loved Desi foods, especially Tandoori chicken
She can actually cook a bunch of things from Middle East cuisine, so everyone loves her at Eid feasts
She takes all morning getting ready for Eid prayer
She looks so stunning in her designer abaya btw
Android 16
I actually don't hc him as Muslim, but he loves spending Eid with his siblings (the twins see him as a big brother ToT)
He eventually gives in and gives the twins eidi
He doesn't mind, though, he loves his siblings
Also, he's so in it to experience the cultures and learn more about the festival ! (Gevo is so sweet oml)
I can so see him rocking a jubba or kurta too, tbh
He prolly brings a delicious salad to dinner HEHAJHD (I actually hc him as vegan so !)
Also, he loves coming over to see our (Lapis and mine) pets
Bonus !! Raina
Other than clinging to Lapis all day ? I love helping Lazuli get ready !!
We like matching at times !! Whether it's our make up, dresses, hair accessories, we have at least something matching that the guys have to guess
Also, if 17 ruins my henna, 18 always saves it
17 and I have to be separated when it's time to pray, but we're back together and stuck like glue right after
Getting eid gifts for the trio >>> (I luv spoiling them)
Lapis and I have many Eid dates (usually out eating frozen yogurt, going to a fair or arcade, maybe even an aquarium)
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gasolineghuleh · 1 year
can i get hcs for taking Seestor to a crystal / witchcraft store?
(one just opened 10 minutes from my house i just went and checked it out it's so cool. they do crystals, tarot and i think they sold baphomet statues as well)
OUGH yeah. A lot of this is gonna be "taking Mama Poss to a crystal store" as well, since ugh i love them so much. Metaphysical shops, my beloved.
Seestor and Creestals:
Already knows most of what everything does, to the point where the shop owner actually has a deeper conversation with her about specific objects.
Respectful of the objects for sale, and touches things very briefly and lightly.
"Dear, do you think you need another one of these for the Divining Room?" and when you turn to look, she's holding a crystal skull. You can tell she's enamored, so you just nod along.
Immediately names the skull.
By the time you've done half a circle around the shop walls, she's already got a mental shopping list going for when you finish up.
There's no way she's leaving without buying something from the shop, especially if it's small.
"Support the local witches, darling. Someday you might need friends in magical places."
She's not a huge fan of the smaller crystals that are pocket sized, but you catch her inspecting a few lapis lazuli to make into a charm necklace for Nihil.
"OH!" as she clutches her chest and sighs. "LOOK at this selection!" as soon as she sees the wall of Baphomet statues and Satanic imagery.
"Can you open a tab, dear? Nihil, that's the name. We'll be in a lot." Genuinely flattering and kind to the shop owner, and by the time the two of you leave, they've already exchanged phone numbers to talk about the esoteric.
She can't pass by a table of crystals without looking for onyx. She buys several.
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batunatu · 3 months
curiosity of mine or idk, a little relevant fact (LAPIS LAZULI AU MENTION WOO)
My hc is that Radar was 19 in the second season and I like to think that in that timeline it is also 2017 (I know it doesn't make sense and that there is no clear or specified timeline, it's just a game lol) so currently Radar would be 26? And it is precisely the age where in my au he gets married and Lapis is born YAYYYYY
Huh, Lapis' birthday is in November, so, yeah, Valentine's Day...
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