I haven't been able to think past how Lando reposted only Oscar's story for his birthday
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panda-of-the-trash · 11 months
Marvel fans watching the first episode of secret invasion:
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ceaselesslyinlove · 1 year
underrated part of pride and prejudice is when darcy is determined not to show any attention to elizabeth on her last day at netherfield, to the point where they’re alone for half an hour and he just determinedly stares at his book for that whole time
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
objectively one of the best moments in this show
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tapedsleeves · 2 months
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jack is happy to see stevie after his 2nd goal
cbj vs vgk 3.23.24
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lowquailityphotos · 1 year
Look I vibed with some of SJM's stuff when I was younger and so that and specifically a few of her characters have a special place in my heart.
And I guess that's why it feels so sucky that Rhysand is such a key player in all three of her book series it seems.
Yeah he's the main love interest in ACOTAR and that's fine. He's meant to play a big role there. High lord and all that. Fine.
But he's the one who saves Aelin when she's falling through the world's? He's the one who gets name dropped when Bryce gets to prythian? No doubt he's gonna play a major part in the next book.
But bestie you wrote 3 books series with woman as your MC and Rhysand is the one that has weight in all of those books.
Feyre is reduced to a pregnant female when Aelin sees her, and Rhys is the one reaching his power out despite not being the MC of that world and again, feyre is just a pretty female when Bryce sees her for the first time. And feyre is happy for Rhys to introduce himself and not the both of them. Again he's not the main character of that series
It's honestly just gross that this sad man has so much importance to Sarah he is actually forms part of the plot in her other series
Urgh whatever
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findingnemosworld · 8 months
don't you just love when depression hits you the most unexpected way possible.
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
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just call me an idiot and be done with it
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alarming-prism · 6 months
my friend is picking up his new cat tomorrow and this is incredible news for everyone involved but especially me (catsitting for him later this month while he visits family out of state)
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thecrowss · 10 months
Now why is Christian Horner pissing off Swifties of all people? He’s getting cooked, but that’s what he deserves for that uncalled comment.
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Just finished call of the sea and all I can say is (SPOLIERS)
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creme-meme · 2 years
I think we need to have a small conversation about ‘nepotism babies’ and that there are different scales of things.
much like how wealth in pure numbers is incredibly deceptive, so is the term ‘nepotism baby’. the same logic applies to someone with a 7 or 8 figure net worth is closer to poverty than they are to billionaire status and someone with a parent who acted for a decade or two then retired/ a parent who is a respected but not famous actor.
like of course someone with family in the film industry has a leg up, that’s how most of life works on this hell planet in any industry. your parents own a small restaurant? you get first hand experience in running an establishment/ being a chef. your parents own a landscaping company? you get first hand experience in how to run a business. your parents are world famous clowns? you get first hand experience in how to terrify the local population from the sewers.
what I’m saying is just because Chris Pine’s parents have wikipedia articles doesn’t make him the worst person on Earth who’s completely underserving of any praise as an actor.
actual cannibal Armie Hammer, however
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okay, strap in cause this gonna be one hell of a story
It's been months since Connor last saw his brother, and the last time he saw him he had killed a fellow Inquisitor in order for him and Hank to escape. Nines had finally renounced the Empire, but did not join them as they ran, and it took all of Hank's strength to hold him back as Nines turned and ran away from them.
And the first news Connor hears, is of a rogue Imperial agent being held prisoner in a Force-sensitive containment cell. There's a chance it isn't Nines, but what other choice do they have? And even if it isn't his brother, at the very least they'd be releasing another Force-sensitive from the Empire's grasp.
So Connor brings his plan to Hank, and the old Lieutenant knows that when Connor has his mind set on something, there's no stopping him. So why the hell not?
But it's a four-man plan, so they need to call in some favors.
Luckily, they know a rebel smuggler and bounty hunter duo who love to fuck with the Empire. So in comes Gavin Reed and Tina Chen ;).
Gavin owes Connor a favor anyway and what better way of getting even than breaking out his apparent clone brother out of the Empire's clutches? The conversation goes something like this:
Gavin: Okay let me see if i got this straight Connor: Okay Gavin: we're gonna break into an Imperial base Connor: Yes Gavin: To rescue your brother Connor: Yes Gavin: whose your clone Connor: we're both clones Gavin: Who tried to kill you Connor: Yes Gavin: And he used to be an Inquisitor Connor: Yes. Although to be fair he didn't really try to kill us, he just had to pretend to. Gavin: Not making me feel better. Connor: Sorry Gavin: We're out-manned Connor: Yes Gavin: out-gunned Connor: Heavily Gavin: And what are the chances we'll make it out without one of us getting caught or blasted out of the sky? Connor: Very low Gavin: …. Gavin: ah kriff it, i got nothing better to do on Saturday
So here we find Gavin! He's working the comms and has agreed to be the getaway pilot, ain't no way in hell he's letting anybody else fly his ship, and all is going well and dandy until the comms shut off in the middle of the mission and there's four minutes of silence.
And in those four minutes of silence, the alarms go off, Stormtroopers start to flood the courtyard, several explosions erupt from the facility, and when the comms come back to life Hank is cussing up a storm. Gavin sees Hank and Tina rushing to the rendezvous point and climb into the ship as fast as possible, already moving towards the blaster cockpits to fend off the troops coming their way. And just as Gavin is about to ask where Connor and his brother are, the sounds of lightsabers vibrating cut through the air.
When Gavin looks, he finds someone almost identical to Connor with piercing silver-blue eyes, wielding Hank's orange lightsaber with deadly precision and making his way to the ship. He's making quick work of taking down battle droids, probes, and Stormtroopers. Each strike is specific and calculated and flows together seamlessly as he incapacitates everything in his path.
Connor's bringing up the rear, defending them both with just as much efficiency as they make their way to the ship, but Gavin can't help but notice that his brother's movements flow more naturally. He can tell that he's been training for years, the lessons he's learned having been well ingrained in both mind and body by now.
And in that moment Gavin's brain short-circuits as another explosion goes off and Nines barely flinches, his eyes set only on the ship's entrance.
And Gavin comes to realize several things... 1. This guy is badass 2. that explosion was way too well timed, wtf, was that on purpose?? 3.
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
That moment when you are feeling under the weather, so you wrap yourself up in a blanket with a hot chocolate and read some of your fave comfort fics.
Sky fluff fics here I come.
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Still pissed that the team knew about reid’s drug addiction and did jack shit about it :/
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