gravityrulez · 2 months
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when all you want to do is spam boop someone but the internet keeps saying no
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aka-indulgence · 2 months
Waiting for your mutuals to open tumblr and opt in like
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projectcaramel · 23 days
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #5
The brothers' kissing styles ig:
This man makes up for his reluctance to kiss you in public by doubling up in private. Kisses you frequently all over the place, and I do mean all over the place.
His favorite place tends to be your neck, which he also has a habit of biting despite his preferences for privacy.
"If someone sees the marks I left on you... Well, you know what'll happen tonight, don't you?"
Naturally, The Great Mammon likes showing off that you're his partner, but he's usually too embarrassed to do anything more than a quick peck on the lips. That said, stressful situations (like you being in danger) make him less shy.
His favorite place is the tip of your nose, which he also likes to boop.
"Boooop. Boop. Hehe, are ya annoyed? No, no, no, wait, please I didn't mean ta make ya mad for real!"
Our poor otaku is the only one usually can't initiate kissing you first unless he's in one of his incredibly jealous and possessive swings. In which case, he'll attack you with kisses.
His favorite place to kiss happens to be your lips because they're just as soft as he always imagined.
"U-U-Uh, hm, yeah I was... Thinking about doing that since... I um... Nevermind! Let's play Super M*rio Bros!"
In front of anyone else, Satan will kiss your hand because he likes acting like a gentleman. In front of Lucifer, however, Satan has a habit of passionately making out with you like he's trying to prove a point.
His favorite place to kiss is your temple because it reminds him of when you read detective stories with him on his lap.
"So she was the culprit; you were right, MC. You're a veritable Sherlock, and I'm your ignorant Watson."
The avatar of lust kisses you as a greeting, usually on the cheek because he doesn't want to ruin your lipstick. If he really missed you though, he doesn't care and just fixes your makeup for you later.
His favorite place to kiss also happens to be your cheek since yours are so cute.
"They're so cute, that's how I'll tag the Devilgram photo! Oh, wait, let's take another picture with me in the background so you really shine!"
Kisses you the most often at mealtimes, usually because sharing food with you is when he's at his happiest.
His favorite place to kiss is usually the corner of your lip since he often gets away with saying you had food there (regardless of its actual presence).
"...okay, I'm sorry for lying; there was no chocolate that time. But it was true that I couldn't help myself, okay?"
This brat kisses you both in your dreams and and when he's asleep, and he kisses whatever part of you happens to be in front of his head. Arm? Yep. Foot? Yep. Collar? Yep.
His favorite place is at the corner of your eyes because he thinks your eyes are like galaxies, though he'll never tell you that and just says he likes the taste of your tears.
"Mmnnn? Don't wake me to ask something so stupid... Your eyes are... mn... hmm... zzz..."
-- It's been done many times, but I love these anyway. No, this blog is not quite dead yet. --
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Congratulations on 450 followers! (You just got another)
2 and 37 with Rex?
Thank you for the congratulations and for the following, love.
@coffeeandbatboys I hope you love this little fic. I love Captain Rex, so I hope you enjoy my portrayal of him.
Love oo.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You ran from one end of the hangar to the other, looking like a mad woman screaming for people to move out of your way, but you didn’t care, time was of the essence. 
After all, you’d been given the privilege of doing an upgrade on the General’s droid, his beloved R2D2, and somehow a drop of oil landed on his memory circuit. 
The minute you saw it happen, instant panic hit you. You ran to grab the degreaser, stealing it right out of the hands of your coworker, you didn’t care if it was rude, or that the shouts and curses followed after you as you ran with full force back to your workbench, all that mattered was saving the General’s droid. 
You dabbed a little degreaser on the soft cloth you had, all the time, praying to the force and anyone else, “Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—” it was the only thing that you could say. Especially as you gently placed the memory chip back into the little R2 unit. 
“Beep boop beep”
“Oh thank the force, R2, are you okay?”
“What do you mean, you’re not R2. Of course you are?”
R2’s blue dome shook back and forth, as it led out a long string of beeps and bleeps. You let out a sigh, shaking your head, “You are not the Supreme Leader of all that you survey.”
“Beep Boooop”
“Oh yeah, well I’d like to see how you would attempt to behead me.” You didn’t even let him finish, as you turned him off, taking a deep breath, how were you going to explain to the General that you turned his beloved droid into a killer robot.
“You okay?”
Came the voice of the one man you knew you could count on, “No. Not really.”
“Oh-oh, what happened?”
“I was trying to do an upgrade on some key components when a tiny, miniscule, almost insignificant speck of oil dropped on his memory card…”
“Okay …” Rex leaned against the workbench narrowing his eyes, as he tried to understand your worry, “So what’s the problem?
“Somehow he turned into the Supreme Leader of all that he surveys” you motioned as you hang your head.
“Who did?”
“He did.” You point towards R2.
“He did?” Rex pointed towards R2 to clarify.
You nodded as you stood upright again, “Don’t even ask me how that happened, but now, I have to try and salvage what I can of his memory …”
Rex started to laugh, “Wait, did he say anything about beheadings?”
“Yeah, he did,” you answered, albeit confused at his reaction.
“Don’t worry, kayilyr’ika. You didn’t screw him up that badly. There was a story Senator Amidala was reading to a group of children at the last diplomatic mission we accompanied her on, and it had to do with a Supreme Leader of all that he surveyed. Maybe you just need to give the memory chip a further cleaning.”
“I hope so, otherwise I might need you to protect me from the General.”
He let out a belly laugh, “Don’t worry, kayilyr’ika. I will always be there for you.”
You tried to fight the warmth creeping up your face, hoping he wouldn’t notice, after all your crush on the Captain was only one-sided. You can still remember, when he started referring to you as kayilyr’ika, when you finally built up the courage to ask him what that meant, he simply shrugged and said ‘little mechanic’. Because you were little to him, he simply patted your head as he said that, as though he were talking to a child. 
From that moment you knew he wasn’t interested, it broke your heart when you realized, but you resolved within your heart, you’d rather have him as a friend than nothing. 
So here you were, doing your best to calm your racing heart, as you gently pulled out the memory chip, and grabbed your magnifying goggles, pulling them over your head, and gently cleaned the chip. 
Rex watched as you worked, always amazed at your attention to detail. No matter what damage a gun ship, droid, or even datapad sustained, you always somehow managed to get them working again. And if it was too damaged to repair, you saved all the parts you could use before discarding the shell. Thanks to your frugality, there was less of a wait time when it came to finding parts and repairs being completed on time. 
It astonished him how bright you always were, not just in mind, but in spirit too. There was always a glow of happiness that surrounded you. He enjoyed that about you, it made him feel comforted and at peace; whenever he was having a particularly bad day, he just had to find you, see your smiling face and suddenly nothing seemed that bad anymore. 
It even got to the point where he would dream of you, that smiling face, those bright eyes, that hair that somehow always fell in your face like it was doing right now, was all he needed to chase the bad dreams away. He moved beside you and gently pulled your hair back, clipping it with the hair clip on the table. You mumbled a thanks as you continued to focus on your work, and even that he found endearing. 
When you had asked him what kayilyr’ika meant, he told you the truth, it meant little mechanic. What he didn’t tell you was that ‘ika was usually used only for those you held dear. He realized, as he watched you put the memory chip back in R2, he needed to tell you how he felt. Even if you didn’t reciprocate, he wanted you to know. Maybe closer to when your shift was done, he’d come by and see if you’d join him for dinner. He took in a deep breath and resolved within himself, he wasn’t going to let another day pass without telling you how he felt. 
Not especially, after you got R2 working again, and was the droid you all knew and loved.
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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wolven91 · 1 year
Boop To Accept
Gary blinked as the leathery pad of the alien brushed against his nose, compressing it lightly.
"Oh? Did I do it wrong? I'll try again!" said the canid with a concerned tone. 
The near-face sized digit pushed gently at his nose again.
When Gary got up this morning with the knowledge he'd be working as a guard for the following week with dangerous species known as canids, or 'Space-Werewolves' as they were known amongst humans, he had assumed it would be a silent and serious affair. He had found himself on a station that had a far higher number of canids than anywhere before, apparently a military waypoint that was located at the centre of a travelling nexus, as such, the enigmatic canids were now a common sight to him.
The canids were separated from the rest of the races of the community, seen as a naturally dangerous or even hostile species. The canids happily avoided involving themselves except to accept work and offer aloof grunts or shakes of their fluffy main. They were the assault troops, soldiers one and all with the natural dangerous biology to assist them in these roles. Long strong legs, ending in lethal black sickle-like claws. Their bodies, whilst covered in a thick pelt that provided some protection in of itself, were made from dense corded muscles that rippled under their pelt. Their arms and hands, like their other limbs; strong and powerful, albeit lacking in grace or dexterity. Finally, atop their bodies, surrounded by a thick mane that was reminiscent of a rockstar’s hair cut, their heads were that of an apex predator. Large pointed ears swivelled and twitched, their eyes practically glowed in low light as they watched and studied all around them. Their muzzles, filled with sharp finger length teeth all finished off with a powerful nose that could track prey for miles. 
Now Gary was presented with his first real interaction with one; the nine foot tall canine-esk alien; instead of the cold reception he was expecting, the imposing creature was now bent over with its muzzle in his face after gently 'booping' the bemused Gary, twice in fact.
"Now you!" It said in an out of place, jovial tone and a tilt of its head.
"Me?" Gary asked blankly, confused more than anything else. A roll of its bright yellow eyes, before it explained; 
"You humans love booping! Everyone told me so! You boop me now!"
Gary raised a single digit and gingerly pressed the large wet nose.
A sudden rapid thumping came from the room they were guarding, Gary was on alert immediately, hoisting his weapon, until he noticed the tail of the canid wagging vigorously, slapping the door and wall.
"Now human is pack bonded for life." that canid stated, straightening back upright so he was staring at her midriff. 
"Wait, what?" He asked, screwing his face up as he craned his back to look up at her face, which was grinning widely. 
"Human is pack now. The ancient ritual is complete. Human will join pack when we leave." She confirmed with a quick and resolute nod.
Gary was about to argue this statement, until he thought about it. He didn't have any other work right now... maybe he could follow them around for a bit? He’d sleep on it, if he didn’t want to ‘join’ them, he’d let them know tomorrow.
=== * ===
Gary was getting nervous now.
The giant humanoid wolf thing was serious.
When he had laughed in good humour, it looked at him in great confusion, tilting and holding its head at an angle in confusion, before turning and tilting the other way.
It was several hours later and the contract was complete. He's been paid and was a free agent again, but when he got back to his temporary quarters he had a prerecorded message waiting for him.
It was a different canid, this one with caramel highlights instead of the silvery grey of the elder creature. It informed him that he was to be 'retrieved'.
'..the hell does that mean?' He thought to himself before the thin metal door was slammed into. Something was shuffling outside, several ‘somethings’ by the sounds of it. The man kept the door in front of him as he quietly backed up away from it. There was some scrabbling at the edge of the sealed door, as if whatever was on the other side of the locked door was looking for a way to pull it open. 
It was hydraulically locked, surely whatever it was couldn’t force it open. Only station security had the clearance to override personal quarter locks. He was safe, he was going to be oka- When the clawed fingertips dragged the pneumatic door open a fraction causing it to squeal and groan in protest, Gary’s face drained of all colour.
A single intense golden iris stared at him from the tiny created crack between the door and its frame. Several others appeared up and down the new opening with various shades and hues all glowing, all locked on him.
He felt hunted.
Gary turned from the door and immediately jumped up and grabbed the vent covering that was on the opposite wall. It held for a moment before bending and pulling away. Thanks to humanity’s rough start, even human still alive had undergone training. One was to ensure there was always an escape, always an out to avoid being captured or killed. One of the first things Gary had done when he was assigned his quarters was ensure that the vent was large enough for him to escape into if the need called for it. 
With a wail of bending metal, Gary fell onto his back and threw the warped vent cover to the side. With a regretful backwards glance he saw several sets of hands/paws clawing at the door and frame leaving gouges in the material as they visibly pulled and yanks at it. The gap had got larger already. 
He grabbed the edge of the vent opening and pulled himself up into it.
Not a second later the front door gave up with the sound of rending metal and a swell of howls, yips and growls.
He frantically scrabbled forwards, deeper into the vent as the hairs on the back of his legs sensed the danger behind him.
Something grabbed ahold of a boot and without hesitation yanked him backwards.
He tried to grip the sides of the tiny vent space to arrest his doom while wiggling his foot to lose the boot and save himself.
Mercifully, when he had gotten home and was listening to the message he had undone the laces, intending to wear more comfortable clothing over the evening. His foot slid free and he wasted no time, crawling forwards as he retreated in deeper, chased by howls and snuffling of a threat he didn't have the space or want to see.
The hunt was on.
Gary continued to crawl through the maze of shafts and tunnels that made up the ventilation system of the station. He was reminded all too well of some of his worst jobs as he progressed in the past. At least it wasn’t a sewer.
At the moment, his plan was distance from the immediate threat and getting a sitrep of the situation. Someone had to know what was going on and how to get the canids off of his tail.
His commutator going off startled the man, banging the back of his head against the metal with a dull ‘thump’. Answering it, he heard the voice of a friend.
"Gary! What the fuck is going on?! You got every canid on the station looking all over for you! They're asking after you in roaming packs!"
"What did you tell them?" Gary asked in a breathless voice, grunting as he continued to creep his way through the narrow space, his arms and legs were covered in a thick dust now.
"They haven't spoken to me yet, you know me, I prefer to stay in my little cubby hole and watch."
Mar’in, a taurian, Gary's friend, was far less confrontational than Gary, but he took to surveillance like a fish to water. More than once had Mar’in pulled Gary's arse from the fire and it was shaping up that he'd do it again.
He was likely to be in his home, surrounded by the various screens and monitors that he'd long since set up by the time Gary had taken the guard contract on the station. He didn't know how Mar’in had set up his system so he could see every camera on the station, but it was going to be invaluable now.
"So how and more importantly; why and how did you scuff their horns? These things are serious." Alien sayings sometimes took Gary a moment or two to make the connection, but with taurian’s their horns were very special to them. To insult or even touch the horns that grew from their forehead wasa  sure fire way of getting a punch to the mouth.
"I 'booped' their fucking 'snoot' man." Gary explained, unsure how else to put it.
A moment of silence hung over the line. Even Gary paused his crawling.
"Do you want to run that by me again?"
"I don't know, but pressing their snout and saying 'boop' is on par with a contract or some ancient ritual, now they're 'retrieving' me."
An absent 'huh' came over the radio.
"Look, I need an out, can you help?"
"I can get you to the hanger, but I can't be helping you steal something. Where are you?"
"Thats fair, I'm in a vent, moving away from my room."
Clacking of keys replaced silence as Martin concentrated, before the man started laughing to himself.
"I've got a system alert to a blockage in the ventilation, ways organic with an 'effluents or excretions' marker. The system thinks you're-!"
“Will you shut it!” Gary snapped as he grunted. he was forced to invert himself to descend a drop by pushing his back against a wall to stop him falling.
"I think... argh... the system... fuck... is-.."
"Take a descending path at the junction you're about to drop into."
A pause.
"They've raided your closet."
"I've got a smaller group of the canids on cams; they're sniffing a boot, I'm assuming it's yours? They're passing it around, they're all getting a good swiff... weird."
"Yeah, I was wearing it. They've got a fresh scent then, anywhere I've been; they'll search."
Gary was able to move quicker now, the shafts he was in were larger, able to allow him to crawl in his hands and knees rather than his stomach. He continued to move following Mar’in's instructions. He had to stop once when he could hear a commotion outside one of the vent covers he was about to pass by. Peeking around he saw large black claws attached to pitch black fur covered paws.
He whipped his head back just in time to hear familiar sniffing and snuffling. A gravelly tone spoke out; "He's close!"
This wasn't what made Gary shiver, it was the actual goddamned howls that echoed through the nearby vent, which were answered moments later by returned, more distant howls echoing through the shafts. It was eerie, and called back to a very old instinct of wolves in a dark forest many centuries back.
Gary reached the Hanger and found, through a stroke of luck the vent that he had made it to was in a quiet corner behind crates and boxes of a varied sort. Mar’in was a wizard and a saint, like usual. Gary would try and find him some original Earth Whiskey if he had to, to repay this.
His thoughts were interrupted however as all of a sudden there was a commotion over the radio. 
Mar’in yelled, and there was a scuffle. Mar’in's voice was distant now, as if the headset he had been using had been removed, but Gary could hear what was happening in his distant room.
"You! You smell of him! Tell me where he is!" The 's' was drawn out that struck Gary as almost blood thirsty.
"Get fucked!" Mar’in shouted defiantly. A meaty 'thump' was broadcast before a riot broke out over the line. Gary knew better than to shout out, Mar’in could handle himself, he wasn’t at all like the demure male taurians from the rest of the galaxy and would give as good as he got.
In rapid order however, Gary could hear his friend grunting and swearing up a storm with rage filled indignation. The bloodthirsty voice returned, still distant, but the same volume as Mar’in making Gary believe that they were at least next to each other.
“We will lock down the station until our pack member is found…”
"Gary! Go now!" Mar’in bellowed.
The human needed no further prompt and gave a swift kick to the vent cover. His sprint from behind the crate was unmolested and he aimed towards a large dangerous looking ship that had its ramp open and seemed flight ready.
'They can bill me!' Gary thought to himself as he scrambled aboard, unaware of who the owner was. The thing was deserted, he ended up standing in front of the oversized pilot seat and began flipping the switches needed to make a hasty getaway. Most crafts, especially ones of Galactic Community design had very similar if not exact same designs overall. Whoever owned this, was part of the Community.
A low growl filled the cockpit, freezing Gary’s blood.
Gary stopped with his finger frozen over the last few dials he needed to adjust that prevented him from leaving.
"Worthy indeed...." the towering space werewolf growled from the cockpit entrance.
It was the caramel coloured one from the message in his quarters. It stood a good nine feet tall and was currently blocking his only escape. It crouched low, extending its arms out to the side, obsidian claws glinting in the artificial light. There was no easy way past and the cockpit only had one way in and one way out.
It yawned slowly, only it struck Gary that it wasn't yawning, it was coiling to attack.
This realisation saved him, for the next moment it lunged forward with deadly intent in its eyes. He threw himself low and avoided a heavy mass of muscle, fur and teeth as it sailed over head and landed roughly against the console. 
By the time the man was on his feet once more however, she was on him. He pushed forward to run, but jaws clamped down from the crook of his neck, down across his chest. He expected teeth to pierce into him, but they merely held him in place as she bodily lifted him up and over with the strength of her neck alone, until he was thrown down against the metal floor with a resounding clang. 
Pushing himself to his knees, the wind knocked from him, something heavy and warm straddled him from behind and crouched low, forcing him to stay on his hands and knees, wrapping a set of strong arms around his torso. Those arms held him against the canid that had defeated him in a single move. It panted from behind his head, it’s chest breathing in and out pressing against his back.
“Haa… when our leader had said that she had smelt a worthy addition to the pack, we doubted.”
A muzzle appeared from behind Gary’s head, its whiskers tickling his ear as it spoke slowly and menacingly. 
“Resourceful, quick, the only reason you failed was that you were cornered. Worthy, indeed.”
A thick broad tongue drew itself across the side of Gary’s face, wicking the sweat away from him.
“Your choice, join us or not, we wished to test and you nearly bested the whole clan. Stories will be told about this day, but I would say… you will do well with us human…”
Goosebumps had covered the human from head to toe, so when the canid released him and stalked from the room, Gary remained knelt there on the cockpit floor. Looking up, he watched as she sashayed from the room, casting a glance and a wink over her shoulder before disappearing from view. 
“What.. the f-”
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goob505 · 2 months
Please boop and let me boooop
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
Let me boooop youuu
How does one get booped🥹? Please boop me!
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morp · 2 months
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
-boops your nose- send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose. ~boooop~ 💖💖
(Message from me: My dear Chaya, I will be able to read all the fics tomorrow, and yours are those I look forward to reading the most 🥺💕 sending you all the love ~(^-^~) )
Nadia 💝💝 Dearest Darling
I've missed you. I hope everything is going well. Let me know if you need help finding all the ocs that I have released.
I love you ❤❤
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delusionalbitchh · 6 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
i was tagged by my bff @idjit so I GUESS I’ll do it
answers and tags under the cut!
1. Are you named after anyone? Nop
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterdaaaayyyy
3. Do you have kids? No way my dude
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? HAHAHAHAHAHA
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? It’s always the eyes
6. What’s your eye colour? Fuck if I know, Blue? Grey? Hazel? Green? every answer is different when I ask
7. Scary movie or happy ending? happy ending
8. Any special talents? I can do the blood gang symbol real fast
9. Where were you born? Ontario, Canada
10. What are your hobbies? I draw, I game
11. Have any pets? 1 adorable little kitty
12. What sports have you or do you play? I used to love playing basketball and volleyball but i mostly just hate sports
13. How tall are you? 5′6″
14. Favourite school subject? Art and English were my favourites
15. Dream job? I wanna be a therapist and help people get better
Tagging: @nival-kenival @hazelbite-storyteller @colecelot @innocentragdoll @shooter97 @tycoker-va aaaand ANYONE ELSE I don’t have many mutuals that I know are still active sssoooooooooooo
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creative-frequency · 4 years
Cal Kestis x Reader: DEAR STAR SYSTEM Ch. 03
Word count: 2945 Pairing: Cal Kestis x Female Reader Summary/Contains: First visit to Zeffo. Who am I kidding it’s just straight to lovers at this point. Let’s forget the friends first part. Mild angst, (partial) canon-rewrite. Notes: I struggled with the last scene, writing it over and over and editing it so many times but I think it finally (hopefully) conveys what I want now. Tagged some people either cause you asked for it or cause I thought you’d enjoy this. Lmk if you want to be tagged or not!
Previous Chapter
My Writing Masterlist
“Ah, Zeffo. My favorite place,” Greez says dreamily and relaxes in his pilot’s chair.
The Mantis takes off from Bogano soil and you sit down, pretending to be focused on the map hovering on the holotable. Cal sits on the other side, equally preoccupied. You try not to look at him while knowing, feeling, that he’s definitely taking glances at you. BD-1 hops over to the holotable to have a better look at the planet you’re heading to.
Before you can think of anything to say to Cal, Greez has a story to tell.
“When this is all over, I think it’ll be a time to settle down, you know?” he continues, “Fall in love, start a family.” He sounds like Zeffo is exactly the planet he wants to spend his retirement days on.
You bite your lip and see how confused Cal is trying to make sense of the Latero. Greez is in one of those moods again.
“Love? You?” Cere voices out in bafflement.
“Yeah? You think a guy like me doesn’t know love?” Greez retorts slightly dejected.
“I bet you’re going to tell me,” Cere says, smiling.
You have to hide your grin behind your hand. Cere hasn’t had the pleasure of hearing about Greez’s adventures because she didn’t join you on that cantina trip on Tatooine. Cal gets up to lean to the cockpit doorway to hear better and even BD-1 turns around to listen and tilts his head.
Greez told you the story before after one too many and some bad situational judgment. There was someone he called the Baroness. You know it’s a fake name since she is still in politics. Wouldn’t have been much work in your previous occupation to dig out who the lady was, but you respect Greez’s privacy – despite your burning curiosity.
As Greez described it, they were deeply in love but eventually her career came between them, driving the lovers apart. Greez played it out as his wanderlust getting in the way but it wasn’t difficult to guess what the reason was really. You also suspect she played an important role in his decision to, if not quit, then at least gamble less. But those were thoughts you would take with you to the grave.
“Let me tell ya. It’s the best, but a lot of work. It needs admiration, devotion, attraction, and respect,” Greez explains with a straight face.
Cal turns to silently ask you is he being serious, but you shake your head fervently.
Cere is surprised by the pilot’s words. “Greez, that’s actually very insightful.”
“Yeah, well. It comes with experience. You can’t look this good and not steal a few hearts.” He must look impossibly complacent. Probably the same as when Cere complements his cooking.
“I bet,” Cere chuckles.
Cal turns to shoot another confused look at you, unsure whether to laugh or offer his sympathies to Greez. He points at the pilot with his thumb and mouths “what’s with him?” to you.
Deeming it best to just bite your lip harder, you tap the seat next to you. Hopefully the pilot will stop talking and focus on flying. It’s best if Greez doesn’t realize you’re pulling faces behind his back, or hear the Jedi questioning his mental well-being.
Cal smiles at your invitational gesture and an unexpected delight splashes inside you.
Before he sits down – closer than you anticipated – you scan him with an inconspicuous measuring look. He seems to be holding up alright considering all things. If stories about Greez’s love life are what get him to relax, so be it.
“Is he always so…” Cal starts quietly but can’t find the word he’s looking for. BD-1 tilts his head. Luckily Greez can’t see the droid on the sofa, again.
“Yes,” you still reply deftly.
You both chuckle as silently as humanely possible, shoulders shaking. You end up realizing you’re staring at Cal’s face, tracing the freckles with your eyes and how they move with his inaudible laughter. It’s the umpteenth time you catch yourself doing that and your quickened pulse gets harder to ignore.
Greez informs you to sit down because you’re about to make the jump to hyperspace. It throws you off enough to calm down. He seems to be done with talking about his love life, for now.
“Have you ever been to Zeffo before?” Cal asks.
You clear your throat to get rid of the last ripples of the tender sensation in your stomach. In the back of your mind you pin the feelings on the jump into hyperspace.
“I haven’t actually. Have you?”
“Nope.” Cal leans back and you follow his line of sight to the holomap of Zeffo.
The hologram of the planet is mostly covered in deep blue and dark green. The white-covered heaps signal snow-tipped mountains and while you’re definitely not a fan of snow, you haven’t seen it in a long time. Zeffo is apparently known for its strong winds and as testimony to that, several huge cloud vortexes cover the map. For once, you’re glad that you don’t have to fly.
“You must be always visiting new places,” Cal says and there’s a hint of jealousy in his voice. BD-1 makes a comforting boop. Cal has been stuck on Bracca for years – partly because of his own decision, but in terms of Imperial presence and living conditions, it wouldn’t have been his first choice.
“Sadly, not so much,” you sigh, “Turns out, that in order to listen to Imperial transmissions, one must stay relative close to the Imps…”
“That’s… understandable. I’m glad you found me. Solid timing,” Cal mumbles and casts his gaze down. The small droid nudges his side.
“I’m actually from Coruscant,” you blurt out to prevent the awkward mood. “Probably wasn’t born there but it was my home for a long time.”
“Oh?” Cal blinks surprised. “Do you have any family?”
“No, well, besides the one I left behind.” You shrug to signal it wasn’t a big deal. It isn’t anymore. Just the factual outcome of your choice to go with Cere.
Cal doesn’t ask anything more and you mentally reprimand yourself for opening your mouth in the first place.
After Greez’s majestic landing on Zeffo despite the strong winds, there is a short dialogue between the Mantis crew on how to proceed. Cere is concerned but knows that time is of the essence. Greez vows he won’t set a foot outside the ship. You sigh and hope that everything will go alright. The storms are interfering with the ship comms and while it’s worrying, there is no time to waste. The Empire might be at your heels without you knowing it.
Cal runs a hand impatiently through his hair. The faster he goes out there, the sooner you can leave. He cannot afford to wait for the comms to start working again.
“I’ll search for signs of Cordova in the meantime,” he says, already turned to leave.
Cere nods. “Good, I’ll be in touch once I crack this.”
Cal heads out into the wind. You pace after him to see the snowy scenery. It’s been a while since you were anywhere with so much winter. And there isn’t even much by the galaxy’s standards. It’s common knowledge that there are planets covered in ice and snow but so far you’ve managed to avoid them. You’re not so eager to get out there with Cal anymore.
“Cal?” you call out as he stays to look around too. You landed on a seemingly abandoned settlement in the eye of the storm.
“Yeah?” He turns to you with a curious look and BD-1 peeps from over his shoulder.
To shield yourself from the weather, you hug your cardigan and hide your hands between your arms and sides. The air is brisk and cold. Cal is wearing a woolen poncho over his clothes and you didn’t think anyone could look good in a poncho. Must be a Jedi thing.
“Be careful out there. You’ll be alone until Cere fixes the communications.” You glance at the lightsaber resting by his thigh and the brave small droid on his back.
“I will. You should head back inside.” He sees you shivering. BD-1 boops in agreement.
“Oh. I was just about to offer to go with you,” you jest and smirk.
Cal’s brows rise. “Really?”
“Mmmaybe some other time or planet. Somewhere warm,” you chuckle and stop your teeth from clattering. The wind bites all the way through to your skin. “I’ll go help Cere. Take care… Cal.”
“Fwoo woo!” BD-1 wishes you good luck.
Cal watches you until the ship doors close. The corners of his lips persistently stay turned upward.
“Beep-boo boooop.”
“W-what?” Cal yelps at the droid’s cheeky suggestion, “No, I don’t.”
“Okay, just a little. It’s nice to have a friendly face around.”
BD-1 titters and shakes. Cal scoffs. The wind feels colder with you gone inside so he would best get moving.
After the eye of the storm, you manage to find a moment of peace. Cal and Cere have agreed on the next step of the quest to rebuild the Jedi Order. Everyone is somewhat relaxed, bellies full and eyelids drooping. Greez sits on the pilot’s seat in the cockpit, talking with Cere in low voice about whether to land on a large meteor so you all can rest. You’re trying to repair an electrosword on the workstation in the back and Cal leans on the railing next to you, watching as you work with a constant confused frown on your features.
He doesn’t know how to bring up his proficiency in tinkering and fixing things. BD-1 boops and chirps on the table, dancing around the spare parts you’ve gathered. You wish you could understand his commentary better but you’re not exactly fluent in Binary.
“So where did you get that?” Cal asks and tries to not look too much or eagerly over your shoulder.
“Hm? I bought it in the Corellian Sector.” You pause. “On Nar Shaddaa.”
Cal cocks an eyebrow. He didn’t take you for the type to hang out in places like that. BD tilts his head.
You place the obstinately broken electrosword on the table and turn to look at Cal with a serious expression. “There’s a black market for lightsabers. Among other things. I… Sorry, you probably don’t want to talk about that.” Your voice fades. How do you always end up saying the wrong thing with him?
Cal frowns lightly but his eyes stay on yours now that you’re facing him. “It’s okay,” he replies.
Cere sold the kyber crystal from her lightsaber on Nar Shaddaa. She asked you to act as the intermediary to avoid suspicion. The buyer, a delegate to some Hutt crime lord, apparently thought it hilarious to give you a broken electrosword into the bargain.
“Sorry,” you say again. That aching tender feeling is gaining foothold again and it’s getting annoying.
“Do you mind if I give that a try?” Cal nods towards the electrosword and straightens up from the railing.
“Be my guest.”
BD agrees heartily and from what you can understand, he thinks Cal is good at repairing things. You smile at the small droid and give room for Cal by the worktable.
The moment he touches the object, Cal visibly flinches. He squeezes his eyes closed as if under a migraine attack and his fingers spasm. Before you can properly realize something is wrong, the seizure stops and he lets the air out of his lungs in one heavy breath. Your heart is running rampant inside your ribcage.
You grab his arm to turn him towards you. He has gone pale.
“Cal? Cal? Are you okay?” you ask fervently, looking for signs of distress on his body.
Cal’s gaze swims before he can focus and bring a thin smile to his lips.
“Uh, yeah. I’m good. My bad,” he says and grimaces. You let go, slowly. He holds the electrosword up to inspect it better, acting perfectly normal again.
“Be-boop?” BD sounds concerned.
“I’m okay, BD. Really,” Cal assures the droid.
“What just happened?” you press, still a bit shaken.
Cal sees no point in hiding it. “I’m, well, psychometric. When I touch something, I may sense what’s happened to it.”
Your hands fly into the air and you stutter to find the words in a flush of anger, unable to believe that he would be so careless and reckless. “And you just touched an electrosword that’s been Force knows where,” you retort, not amused. You really want to give him an earful.
“Uh, yeah. Someone broke it on Nar Shaddaa.” Cal turns the electrosword around and finds a dent near the tip. “They didn’t last for long without it.” He talks in an even tone but the embarrassment shines through. His ears feel hot and he thinks you must consider him an idiot now.
You bite back the feral talking-to Cal is about to get and sigh. “That’s just horrible.”
Cal stays silent for a moment.
“At least I know you weren’t the one who broke it.” He smiles and you just stare the upward curve, baffled and blinking.
“Your boundless optimism is terrifying,” you assert and step closer to see better what he is doing to the electrosword. “Is there any hope to fixing it?”
Cal chuckles. “What did you just say about my boundless optimism? Yeah. I think so.”
You poke your elbow to his ribs and try to hold back a wavering grin. BD chirps at you.
Cal works with the electrosword as you watch from next to him, arms almost brushing together when he moves. Cal seems genuinely happy to be tinkering and you’ve completely forgotten your original intention of following the repairs to see how he does it. The new objective is to determine how often is too often to glance at his smiling face.
Cal finds it harder and harder to focus. You’re emitting warmth next to him and he is constantly overly conscious of every accident of your arms touching. The more he thinks about it, the more frequent the accidents get until you can stand it no longer and take half a step away. You’re trying to be discreet about it but you both notice the light step as well as if you had just jumped from the ship to avoid touching him.
In any case, it doesn’t help. The heavy mood only amplifies as it bounces back and forth between you and there has to be something you can say or do. Now.
“How does it work then? Can you touch any object and see its past?” you ask finally when your pulse has calmed down from the scare of Cal’s psychometry surprise seizure.
Cal has to collect his thoughts before answering. “Well, all things give off an emanation but that… concentration of the Force has to be strong enough for me to read.” He pauses and straightens up to look at you. “It’s… uhh, it’s hard to explain really.” It’s challenging to finish the thought since you’re still standing way too close and making him stutter in the process.
He looks unbelievably adorable and you throw all caution to the wind. He deserves to feel so abashed after the heart attack he gave you.
“So this…” You lightly take Cal’s free hand and press it against your chest between your collar bones. “Gives you nothing?”
His fingertips touch your neck, slightly calloused and unsure. Maybe even shaking. A rush of red rises to his cheeks and chills run down your spine.
“It doesn’t work on living beings,” Cal mumbles and looks away, utterly flustered.
A slightly snide, teasing smile rises to your lips. He seems so flummoxed. “I meant the necklace.”
His fingers curl around the small pearl and his brow furrows slightly. The touch is cool, careful in staying appropriate and almost makes you regret your impetuous flirting attempt. Your lousy shot at doing something to the heavy atmosphere, while getting back at him is backfiring. The fond and tender feeling just grows from the spot he brushed on your neck.
Cal closes his eyes and deftly ignores the warmth you radiate. He makes sure his fingers don’t touch your skin anymore. They’re tingling enough already. He focuses only on the Force.
Your necklace doesn’t spark any specific emotions. In truth, it feels somewhat indifferent to Cal in relation you. He sees it through a mirror, through your eyes and small wave of complacency, your emotion of complacency, fills him for a moment. It’s soothingly simple. He is relieved to notice how the borrowed feeling sways the flush on his cheeks and clears his head.
“It’s quite new. You bought it ‘cause you thought it was pretty,” Cal says softly. He lets go of the necklace and his hand drops. He backs away, taking purchase from the workstation.
You give him a crooked half-smile. “Makes me sound so vain,” you murmur.
He smiles back at you. “It is pretty–”
BD-1 decides to shower you with the blue scanning beam and you both swing around to look at the abrupt interruption, sternly reminded by the droid’s presence.
“Beeop! Beeop!” He chirps and jumps around the electrosword that still lies broken on the table – a kind notion to continue what you were supposed to do before the whole flirting charade began.
And not a moment later Cere appears on the doorway to ask are you two hungry. You can’t help but wonder did BD interrupt you on purpose while something strongly related to shame burns in your throat and makes it hard to face Cal’s gaze.
Next Chapter
Tagging: @sherniwrites @lucianhuntress @singlebecauseofthechocobros @sevansheart @owldearest @stellar-trinity @bd1babey @winchestergirl907 @thuutthuutbilly @rilakkyungsoo @lizbid33 @twistnet @fangirl-inthe-us @campmccarran @grandadmiral
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teeaah · 3 years
I organised a hapkido drinks and dinner last night, under the guise of catching up but in actuality, is meant to be a celebration for my birthday tomorrow. i don’t hang out with the hapkido people enough, save for adam, and i often have the most fun with the hapkido people more because we’re mostly on the same wavelength. 
i’m not much of a birthday celebrator, but after having my mum leave australia a day before my birthday last year, and i spent the day practically doing nothing, and 3/4 of the year living alone and doing a fuck load of inner work that is painful, i decided i want something this year, no matter how small it is. i want something that’s a celebration of me and the people who have helped me cope the past year.
it was SO much fun to chat and vent about our frustrations. it being australia and it now being super sunny, we spent every 15 minutes changing seats because we were seated outside to equally bear the brunt of the sun shining exactly at one spot, comparing injuries and talking about project chicken (the problem) to project turkey (the solution). we spent part of it coming up with names for the dojang adam and i are starting in my apartment because he’s moving in soon, names ranging from teah and adam’s kick palace to the quail’s nest. we discussed what our chi exit sounds should be because it shouldn’t just be the boring “kiyap” (mine is “boooop!”) 
what was meant to be a two hour dinner ended up being six hours, and only because we were forced out of the pub, and i felt such immense love for these people. we kept saying “let’s get ice cream” the whole evening but never moved away from out seats.
 i messaged connie this morning because she’s stranded in sydney, and i told her what we were up to last night and that i miss her, and she said “we all love you, teah” and i know they do, and i know i love them too. :))))))
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
hold on i found all of my old Christian music and im emotional, the nostalgia, so im just gonna do a react post--
first song was Hope is Coming by Nate Deezy and oh boy. oh boy. i met the dude and knowing how he talks and listening to his music. oh boy, he was kind of mimicking AAVE and it’s. not great to listen to now. the song is a bop music wise but. yikes
Overcomer by Mandisa. I used to BOP to this song and you know what? I still do. I saw her in concert and she was AMAZING
The The Earth Is Yours came on, which already was one of my favorites, and it was the cover by Gungor (or their original? I can’t remember) and I almost started crying because. Gungor’s music always made me feel really close to God, like He was my best friend. and now I kind of feel like I’ve lost a friend in stopping being Christian, and though I know I can still pray and stuff while still not being Like That, it just... hurts too much because it was so weaponized against me. I miss relying on Him for everything though.
Pause to get lunch
Good Morning by Mandisa and TobyMac. Hearing “top of the morning to ya” set off a visceral reaction to high five the air. also hearing them interact at the end is adorable
could i......... do a sanders sides animatic to this
i just copied and pasted a link to the song on facebook jfkdlsjf pray for me (no pun intented)
Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace... I’m pretty sure I first heard this song on Veggietales? or maybe i freaked out when I saw it on Veggietales bc I already loved this song lmao. But it is still... you guessed it... a bop
i also just realized how much more diverse my music was back then versus now... out of the four artists I’ve listened to, half (if not 3 of them? i don’t remember what Gungor looks like) are POC. bruh current alex, I know all you listen to now is the RWBY soundtrack, but like. Diversify my dude
oh my god. oh my god jesus freak by newsboys. this song is fucking WILD to see in concert. the drummer goes up on a platform that goes sideways and starts SPINNING. while he’s going H A R D. also this song totally matches up with what i listen to now, style wise??
oh my god im getting dizzy from jamming to this one
if anyone’s wondering what im doing as i listen to these, i’m currently checking out these artists’ twitters to see if they’re like... White Supremacist christians. Michael Gungor has made me happiest by blatantly retweeting and talking about the BLM protests, along with a tweet stating firmly that he accepts LGBTQ+ people. I knew I could trust this guy. I followed him. Crowder didn’t have anything blatantly for or against but he did make one post about not hating people using that one Dr Suess book, so like. he can slide for now but im not following him
please be my strength by Gugnor? I don’t remember thohhhhh my heart i remember now
i used to harmonize to this all the time. it was one of the first ones i did that with :(
Steal My Show!! it’s pretty alright still. TobyMac didn’t really Get Me Worshipping like he did with a lot of other people, but I respect him at least-- wait let me check his twitter
alright i can respect him, he’s alright
Ah. Oceans by Hillsong United, AKA the song that every church-goer in 2015 hated because everyone played it every week. good reason to-- it’s really good still. are people still sick of it?? I remember holding my hands up to this a few times. and harmonizing many more
.......but oh man is it long. i do remember that now. eight minutes.......... why....... i definitely cried my eyes out and calmed down at conference one time during the length of this song
just realized that Jesus is a Friend of Mine isn’t on this playlist. Wow, Alex. Wow. What a waste of a Christian playlist.
it’s so unfair that so many Christian artist put out That Kind of christian music, while Newsboys just. stole all of the talent. like come on guys spread it a bit. not EVERY song has to be a bop, you know /j
Speak Life by tobyMac. i... think im gonna skip this one jfkdlsj im just so not in the mood for this. He is definitely that That Kind of Christian Music style
LORD YOU ARE GOOD AND YOUR MERCY ENDURES FOREVERRR OH HOW WE JAMMED TO THIS AT CONFERENCEoh god it’s a live version and you can hear the Presbyterian Clap in the crowd
i wish it brought back more than just the bridge before the chorus lmfao
alright skipping the rest of this because oh boy is it repetitive
STRONGER BY MANDISAAAA i forgot about this one omg. i loved this one, it used to be my Uplifting Song
Got another tobyMac and just skipped it jfkdsl
OH GOD’S NOT DEAD BY NEWSBOYS the movie was a lot of christians-are-oppressed propaganda but the song is pretty good still, i catch myself singing it sometimes still tbh
this was another one we had a dance for!!!! i remember this one more bc it was so much easier lmfao
HAPPY DAY!!!!!! THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ONE TO SING AT THE BIG MORNING AND EVENING MEETINGS AT CONFERENCE!!!!!! but this version is so slooooow but i couldn’t find any other version
....You Have Me. The song I always said that, when I die and go to Heaven, I’m going to find God and dance with Them to this song. Maybe, if They’re up there, we still will. This song gave me so much comfort in a time when I felt so alone.
I hope They aren’t mad at me for abandoning them. I hope They understand why I stopped going to church and listening to my parents about Them. That I remember who They truly are supposed to be, and that it’s not Them I left, but the church, and I struggled to disconnect the two. If They’re real... I hope they know that. And I hope They aren’t upset with me. I hope They know I’m sorry.
Fuck. I’m crying.
They DO still me. They DO still have my heart. But it’s the people that pretend to know Them that ruined me. I need to find a way to sever the connection. I want my best friend back. I miss Them. I miss being able to talk to Them about things and trust that They’ll take care of things and take care of *me* because They love me, no matter what my parents say, and They know who I am and They don’t love me despite that, but because of it.
THAT’S what I was taught. THAT’S the God I worshipped. Not the fake one the White Supremacists have taken hold of and ruined. The God that gave up Their only son to prove to us that They love us.
I don’t understand a lot about religion anymore. But I miss Them. I miss that comfort and love.
Fuck. Maybe that’s a good place to end this. If you made it this far, congrats! Thanks for coming on this journey with me. It was a long one. You’ve seen a piece of my heart that I’ll probably stamp back into the closet within a couple of hours lol
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thenethersidecomics · 6 years
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Page 15, Chapter 1
"Let me show you everything I know”
If you’d like to check my main blog for other themes and memes, the link is right here! boooop
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agirlandanotome · 5 years
So i started playing solmares story jar just for this niflheim story because for those who didn't know because I've never mentioned it before here the niflheim is actually my favourite shall we date game, and because sadly I was late to the party I started playing it after it became completely dead in which case Solmare if you're reading this PLEASE REVIVE YOUR OLD GAMES FOR REAL AND STOP MAKING NEW ONES. Now that I've vented out, I'd like to say WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THEY ALL HAD A GLOWUP
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Firstly JEAN I'VE MISSED YOU YOU CASANOVA KING TT_TT I thought that they would use the older models but the art is updated and I want to cri ANYWAYS ONTO THE NEXT GUY BOOOOP
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Let me just say this...
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Now I was surprised when Niko said
That he and Jean were twins. I didn't play that in the niflheim even tho it's my fave bcz I can't stand a dead game. So I knew that they died in the same day but not that were related
Honestly we love an antisocial ghost in this household
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This blog has come to an end but I'll make a part two when I meet more of the cast because I wanna show this game to more people bcz it's so good TT_TT
(Insert skeletiano waving here)
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Patient 743 - Chapter 8
“Alright everyone, settle down." 
Ms. Leon walks to her desk, sits down and her eyes roll across the classroom, examining every student in the room. I felt my cheeks slightly blush when she looked at me. I know Normani noticed it and that just made me blush even more. 
Today’s classes went by fairly quickly, nothing eventful happening at all. We received a new assignment in art that I am honestly pretty excited about. We are to create a piece, whether it is a drawing, writing, sculpture, whatever have you and base it on your personal life.
Normani and I were sitting at our usual spot eating the dinner that was served to us when Keana and Jacob arrive. 
"Salutations friends.” Jacob says as he sits, waving his hand to Normani and me.
“Halloooo” I smile shyly. 
I meet Keana’s eyes and smile, already noticing she doesn’t seem like her usual self. 
We ended up in pointless conversations about anything and everything, each of us chewing on our food. 
I groan instantly when I feel that all too well-known feeling in my stomach. I close my eyes and try to relax, taking a few sips of my water. I think I’m in the clear as a few minutes pass, however, I feel the warm liquid seeping its way up my throat and begin making my run towards the nearest washroom. 
I am thankful I was able to make it into the bathroom stall. I was not thankful that this kept happening. I groaned as the contents of my stomach constantly poured into the toilet bowl, taking the time to flush every few minutes. 
I heard someone come in as I was continually poured every ounce of liquid and chunks of food in my body into the toilet. 
I hate this I hate this I hate this. I thought to myself as my stall door was pushed open.
“Lauren? Oh no sweetie, don’t tell me this is happening again." 
I heard Ally’s sweet tone ring to my ears as my hair was being pulled back by her hands. She made sure to have a grip of my hair with one hand as she reached back and pulled out a walkie-talkie from her back pocket.
"Hey dispatch, this is Ally, can you please 911 to the east wing restrooms? I have a patient who needs to go to the hospital now. Stat.”
“10-4 Ally, they’re en route.” I heard the voice chirp through the small machine.
“No I don’t need to go to the hospit-” I tried to speak up but was met with a coughing attack instead. I felt like I couldn’t breathe and then I realized it’s probably a good idea for them to take me. I closed my eyes, still coughing I began to spit out blood into the toilet. Okay, this cannot be good. Pain radiated throughout my body as I hunched over the toilet.
My stomach was tightening up and cramping and I thought something was inside of me tearing all of my intestines apart.
I groan as I feel my heart beginning to beat faster and faster, my breathing becoming heavier, I felt like the room as spinning, then everything turned black.
“Dinah, why don’t you have any good food in your houseeeee?” I asked whining to her.
“Shut up we have food. You just want junk food.”
“Okay yeah true, whatever.”
Dinah and I went up to her room and sat on her bed, turning Netflix on her tv.
We were scrolling through the titles when Dinah finally brought up what I have been avoiding since it happened.
“So, Camila. Have you talked to Austin?”
I shook my head and looked down at my hands in my lap, fiddling with my fingers. “He has texted me a few times honestly, but I haven’t responded. I don’t know if I want to.”
“You shouldn’t. He doesn’t deserve your time, you are way too precious.” Dinah reaches over and pinches my cheeks which makes me scrunch my face up in response.
I giggled a little, then am instantly distracted by a ding of my phone.
Pulling it out from my back pocket I click on the notification from Ally, my heart skipping a beat as I do. Considering how late it was I figured this had to be about Lauren. Why else would Ally text me at nearly two in the morning?
Ally 1:54 AM: Hey Mila, I don’t want to worry you or anything but I did make a promise to you. Lauren ended up getting really sick again tonight. We transported her to the ER by 911. She is stable now, I am with her in the icu. We are waiting for the hospital staff to get back to us with her test and lab results. She did throw up a profuse amount, including blood. She lost too much. They had to give her a blood transfusion. She had passed out before the ambulance arrived. The doctors are saying she may just have inflammation of her stomach lining that was so irritated by her getting sick over and over again with lead to the bleeding. She is bleeding into her abdomen but the doctors are talking about getting her up to surgery but they are not sure what the plan of treatment is going to be yet. They gave her medicine for the pain, she is knocked out now. Vitals are pretty good… they could be better. Her b/p is 100/60 and her heart rate is 67. I just wanted to keep you informed and I am sorry for texting you so late. Have a good night. ALLY XO
Camila 1:56 AM: Thank you for telling me. What hospital is she at? Has she woken up at all from when she passed out? Is she okay? Do you think it would be okay if I come up there? I can stay with her tonight, and you can go home.
Ally 2:00 AM: Of course sweetheart. She’s at Arcadia Bay Memorial, she was just transferred to the surgical intensive care unit. Room 207. She woke up for a bit and was mumbling about someone named Chris, and Taylor, her heart rate started to rise rapidly as she did. The doctor gave her a sedative. She is asleep again.
Camila 2:01 AM: Okay thank you sunshine, I will be there soon.
I explained to Dinah what was going on, and she happily offered to “borrow” her mom’s car to drive me which is saying a lot that I agreed, since Dinah’s driving reminded me of a child trying to stay inside the lines of their coloring.
“Thank you, Dinah.” I said as we got into the vehicle.
“Yeah yeah, you owe me one.”
The car was filled with background music when Dinah spoke up again.
“So, do you wanna tell me why this patient has us dressed and out in public at 2 in the morning?”
I shrugged, watching all the buildings, trees, and life passing by in the window. “There’s just something about her that I know I can help, she is damaged and doesn’t seem to be very open to people. I wanna help her, I wanna help people. I don’t know. I feel like if she wakes up with someone she actually knows by her side, it might help her improvement.”
“I’m so happy you’re my best friend Mila.”
The car ride ended with me giving Dinah a huge hug and thanking her about twenty times. I walked into the hospital, looking around for a moment, I am already lost. I’ve only been to this hospital a few times and it is huge. I walked over to the nurses’ station at the front desk, asking how I get to the SICU and follow the directions she gave me.
After taking 3 unnecessary elevator rides and getting lost in the radiology department I finally found the department of the hospital that Lauren is on. I walked down the corridor until I found her room, 207.
I very quietly slid the curtains over and walked into the room, I let out a small snicker when my eyes met ally passed out on the awfully uncomfortable hospital chair, right next to Lauren’s side.
“Ally” I whispered, lightly shaking her shoulder.
She snickered slightly then fluttered her eyelashes until she stirred awake. “Oh, hi Mila. You got here quick.”
“I tried, hey, go ahead and get yourself something to eat or get a cup of coffee, you can go home if you’d like. I can take it from here.”
I gave Ally a big hug and then took her place in the chair next to Lauren’s bed. I looked up at the girl’s facial features, for the first time really beginning to take how beautiful her face truly was. I smiled to myself at her peaceful state, taking a second to gaze over at her vitals and the medications she’s on.
I take my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through my social media, just checking my notifications. Every so often Lauren’s night nurse would walk in and get down her stats, along with administering more medication. I walked myself over to the small window of the small hospital room.
I shoved my hands in my pockets, my eyes focused on the sky, watching as the sun began to peek its head out. The sky was a mix of yellow, pink, and orange. I was happy enough watching the world when I hear mumbling.
“Lauren.” I whispered, walking over to her bedside.
“Nooo, Chris. No, You’re okay.. hmm.. I am.. I am stopping the bleeding, it’s okay.. it’s… CHRIS”
Lauren was mumbling at first, and her yelling of the name ‘Chris’ took me by surprise, she started to look frantic, beginning to move her body around. I called out for her nurse, and reached down and took hold of her hand.
“Lauren, it’s Camila. Lauren? Can you hear me?” I placed my free hand on her shoulder, beginning to lightly shake her. I didn’t want her to pull out any of her ivs or tubes.
“Laurennnnn.” I placed my hand on her forehead, pushing the hair away to tuck it behind her ear. “Sweetie, wake up now. We want to see how you are feeling.”
The nurse was on the other end of the bed checking to make sure none of her wires have been disconnected as I kept talking to Lauren as she began to open her eyes.
Her heart rate began to increase as her drowsy state began to become clear. I needed to relax her, or else she might go into tachycardia.
“Lauren, hey.” I wiped my thumb up and down along the back of her hand. “Lauren, you are okay. We are at the hospital. You had a bit of an ut-oh. We are taking care of you now. I am taking care of you now. We are still waiting for your test results, but you might need surgery. That might sound scary, but the doctors here are legendary. You are going to be okay.”
Lauren’s dozy state made a huge smile spread across my face. “Do you understand what I am saying?”
A small giggle escaped my throat as Lauren reached up and poked my nose, “boooop.”
“She is on a lot of pain meds” The nurse finally spoke up, typing into the bedside computer. “She will be very out of it for the next few hours.”
I turned my attention to the blonde girl in light blue scrubs and nodded. “I’m familiar. When do you think her results will be in?” I asked, hoping to get Lauren feeling better as soon as possible.
“They are actually in now, I just paged the attending doctor. Just waiting for him to return the call.” She walked to my side of the bed, holding her hand out. “I’m Dee.” The older woman said as she took my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Camila. Are you family?”
I was very confused when she said my name but after considering my previous actions for a moment I realized I said it out loud to Lauren earlier. I gave her a big smile, “No, I’m actually a trainee at the facility she was admitted to, I am one of the main caregivers taking care of her. I’d like to consider her my friend thoug-”
I was interrupted by Lauren’s very raspy voice.
“Cameeeeeeela. Her na-name is Cameeeeellllaaaaa.” She began to giggle. “She is so pretty, don’t you think Deeeeee?”
I laughed a little at the girl that was speaking just from her pain meds, looking over at Dee. “How long will she be like this for?”
“Like I said, probably a few hours.” Dee grabbed Lauren’s left hand to inspect the iv line, which made me realize I was still holding her right hand. I felt my cheeks began to become warmer, instantly trying to pull away from her grasp. Lauren only squeezed my hand tighter, not letting me go.
“Lauren, you already seem to know but my name is Dee. I’m your nurse here at the hospital. How are you feeling?”
Lauren turned her head very slowly to the other side of the room so she can look at the woman. “Hiiiii Dee. I feel good. I have a pretty lady holding my hand. Don’t tell her I said that.” Once again, she burst into a giggle fit.
I heard a shout from the nurses’ station, “Dee, line 3 is yours.”
“Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”
After Dee walked out I turned my attention back to Lauren, pulling my chair right up against the bed. My hand not leaving hers.
“Feeling better Lauren?” I smiled at the girl.
“You are right next to me so I feel pretty amazing, have I ever told you that you are beautiful? If I haven’t then I’m dumb because wow. You are so beautiful.”
I felt the heat rising to my checks yet again at her words, but I had no idea why since it was just her pain medication talking.
“Lauren.” I rolled my eyes. “Stop it.”
“I don’t know why I act so tough all the time. I’m not. I am so weak. I can’t even tell you how pretty I think you are unless I’m doped up.”
Lauren looked away from me now. I kinked my eyebrow up in slight confusion. Where was this coming from? I really wanted her to trust me and open up to me, so I pressed the issue a little more.
“Lauren, do you wanna elaborate?”
She started giggling again, uncontrollably. I couldn’t help the huge smile that was spread across my face, “What is so funny?”
“You are so beautifu-”
I furrowed both of my eyebrows, standing up to walk over on the side of the bed where Lauren was facing.
“Lauren?” I placed my hand on her chin, lightly grazing my thumb along her cheekbone. I chuckled lightly to myself. She was asleep again.
I walked back to sit in the chair that was as hard as concrete, magically finding a way to close my eyes and fall asleep.
I was woken up by mumbles and chit-chat, groaning quietly to myself as I lift my neck up, immediately regretting sleeping in the position I was in, my neck cramping up. I moved my hands to lightly massage my sore skin, my eyes finally opening to look at my surroundings.
“Wait, where’s Lauren?” I said mostly to myself, realizing the room was empty and Lauren’s hospital bed was no longer in the room. I ran out of the room and over to the nurses’ station.
“Um- Where did the patient go that was in room 207? Lauren Jauregui? I fell asleep for a minute she was just there I-”
“Camila right? Hi, I’m Neil. Dee told me you’d have a lot of questions.” The gentleman reached over the desk to shake my hand, which I shook lightly. “Dee left since she is just the night nurse, I am the day nurse that has been assigned to Lauren’s case. Now I don’t want you to worry, but Lauren has been taken up to the operating room.
"Wait, what? Why didn’t anyone wake me? For what? Was she diagnosed? What operation are they performing?”
“Dr. Chueng is performing the surgery, he discovered Lauren did have a stomach ulcer that was bleeding hence why she was vomiting blood. He is doing a partial gastrectomy to remove a small part of her stomach to remove the tumor, he is actually finishing up now. Lauren should be back out soon, but she will be asleep for a few hours, but she should feel much better.”
“Oh, okay. She’s coming back now?” I asked, my heart beating faster than it should be.
“She sure is. Go get yourself a coffee and something to eat, when she is back I have to reassess her, and put back in her ivs to giver her the medications she needs. Give me at least thirty minutes okay?”
“Okay, Thanks Neil.” I said, “But uh, can you point me in the direction of the cafeteria? If I don’t ask I will literally get lost.”
I got a smile out of him, as he gave me a piece of paper with precise direction and I was on my way, I really needed that coffee.
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