#Jack and Sam romance
tanista · 10 months
Prolific times, dear readers! Set in the same AU as Lexophiles, a little later on and from Sam's POV this time. Mexican food, Scrabble and romance, a fun bit of fluff on a hot summer's night. I hope you enjoy. Feedback is welcome as ever.
Until next time, dear readers! Stay safe and well.
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scatmaan · 1 year
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they basically adopted each other
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hadesmediocreart · 8 months
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Based on the mcr lyric “it’s not about the friends you made / but the graffiti they write on your grave”
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bobbyandmoch · 3 months
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Thinking about them
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nescaveckwriter · 6 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance
Dean x Reader
Part 4 🥰
A/N: Okay y'all this is where the magic is, it truly starts here...🥰🐞
Warnings: Some light swearing, Some Sexual Content, Anger, and that's about it🙈
It's been days, no really weeks since you've seen Dean around, Bobby told you, that he and Dean talked about what happened to you after seeing you in tears, you wouldn't say your angry at him for telling Dean, just a bit nervous, maybe even disappointed, you started falling for this man with his charming smile and now all that has gone to hell. His just going to look at you, with eyes filled with pity, thinking that your some little broken version of that 20-year old girl, well your not, your stronger because of it.
You asked for your order of vanilla latte to go, not feeling up too running into him, anger flushes your cheeks, yes your angry, at him, for meddling and not giving you the chance so that he could really get to know you, without all the drama. Thanks Julie, your voice sounded more distant, than you wanted it to. Trying to get a cab to pull over and pick you up, is clearly not in the cards for you today, well I'll just walk then, you mumbled too yourself. Throwing the empty cup into the nearest trash can. Searching for your phone in your purse, while walking, was not a good idea, you bumped into something, looking at what it was, that's when you saw him, sun shining through his hair, damnit you said underneath your breath, Dean!
Hey, he says, a small smile tugging at his perfectly, kissable lips, sorry I didn't see you, you strutter, oh its okay, I'm glad I get too see you though, his green eyes, piercing through your soul.
Well I need to go, your voice a little more shaky than anticipated. No wait! Dean says. I don't want to wait, I don't want you looking at me, like I'm going to break anytime soon, I don't want too see the damn pity in your eyes, you ruined everything ,the words roll over her lips.
His flinching at the anger in your voice, what? I haven't said a word, nor have I looked at you with pity, I wouldn't do that. I just... Deciding you heard enough of him, your heart can't take it anymore, you turn around, started walking towards the other side, swaying your hips, like your showing the irritation and anger, that's inside you. Not turning back once to see what he's doing, you wanted to, but you knew you couldn't, it would be like your heart is betraying your mind, so you just walk on.
Looking at you while you walk away, surprised look on his face. Damn this woman will be the death of me, he thinks, biting his lip, while watching you sway your hips, like some kitty cat that couldn't get her will. I'll leave her alone then, that's the right thing to do.
Hell no, you will not Dean Winchester, man up fool, he gives himself a little pep talk, before sprinting towards your direction.
Right behind you, he grabs your hand, wait he said, you flung to him, wanting to spit some fire to him, but before warning, his lips crashes to yours, it started out gently, but the closer your bodies came, the more your lips did the talking, and your tongues just along for the ride, his fingers tangled in your loose hanging hair, all while the other hand is on your lower back, pushing you closer to him. You slightly standing on your tippy toes, so he doesn't have to bent done as much, forgetting where you two finds yourself, the kiss goes deeper, neither of you can hold it anymore, the two of you needs to come up for air, breathing heavily still snug in each others arms, he is the one to break the silence first, sweetheart he says still out of breath but satisfied with himself, I don't pity you, I admire you. I've never met anyone like you, and I probably never will. Your brave and free, you are strong and a bit cheeky, he let's out a little laugh.
You look up too him, into his eyes, searching and that's when you can see it he means every single word he says... Tears burning, to spill over the edges, you can't quite seem to find the words, how much it meant, hearing him say that, thoughts racing through your mind, he doesn't wait another second, for his lips to find yours again, standing out in the open, on such a cold day, first sign of snow flakes falling but you never felt so warm in your life, you thought, getting lost in the rhythm of your dancing tongues.
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beomnalwonnie · 1 year
the killers embrace | ethan landry
ethan landry x oc! fem
"Sometimes the line between love and madness is so thin, you don't know which side you're on until it's too late."
a/n: i haven’t watched scream 6, so most of this is based off of tiktok/scream wiki pages. i’ll be updating this story sporadically as i am a college student. this story is also posted on my wattpad @beomnalwonnie. I recommend reading it there because the aesthetics are much better.
word count : 3.5k
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chapter one
The frat house was alive with the energy of the Halloween costume party. The walls were shaking from the blaring music, and the air was thick with the mingling scents of cheap beer and sweat. The guests were decked out in a myriad of costumes, ranging from classic vampires to modern pop culture icons.
Dahlia sauntered in fashionably late, her Juliet Capulet costume billowing behind her, heads turned to take in her breathtaking beauty. The intricate lacework of her dress was a masterpiece, transporting her straight from the 21st century back to the 1960s, and her hair was styled with long extensions, gold headband pushing her soft hair away from her face. Her makeup was flawless, completing her stunning look, and she felt confident and ready to party.
As she weaved through the throngs of people, she felt the weight of curious gazes on her back. She brushed off the feeling and made her way to the kitchen, intent on quenching her thirst.
Ethan, dressed in a homemade costume as the brown knight from the cult film Murder Party, nervously stood in the corner of the crowded Halloween party. His cardboard helmet obscured his face, but his eyes were fixated on the girl who had just walked into the kitchen. She was talking with her friends, wearing a sparkling, gold dress that caught the dim lighting perfectly. Her beauty left Ethan in awe, and he couldn't take his eyes off her.
Chad, his best friend, noticed Ethan's gaze and followed it to Dahlia, whom he knew as Sam and Tara's new roommate. He nudged Ethan and grinned, urging him to go talk to her. But Ethan was hesitant, his nerves getting the best of him. "She's too beautiful," he protested, "I'll just embarrass myself."
Rolling his eyes, Chad said, "Come on, man, just go say hi. What's the worst that can happen?" Ethan took a deep breath, considering the possibility. He knew he should talk to her, but the fear of rejection held him back. As he debated with himself, he watched the girl and her friends laughing and having a good time.
As Dahlia closed the cooler, she sensed someone watching her. She looked up and saw a tall, handsome stranger staring at her from across the room. Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly looked away, trying to play it cool. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, even though she didn't know who he was. Ethan felt a bolt of electricity shoot through him when his eyes met hers. For a moment, he was paralyzed, lost in her gaze. She quickly looked away, sending him a shy smile and a small wave. Ethan's heart raced as he considered making a move. He could feel the warmth of Chad's encouragement, but the fear of rejection held him back.
But before she could gauge his reaction, her roommate Tara greeted her, pulling her onto the dance floor and away from the mysterious stranger. Dahlia felt a pang of disappointment but tried not to let it show. She knew that she couldn't let herself get too attached to a stranger at a party, no matter how handsome he was.
swaying to the beat of the music, Dahlia couldn't help but think of the cute boy she made eye contact with in the kitchen. Who was he, and why was he staring at her with such intensity? The question lingered in her mind as she lost herself in the revelry of the party.
Getting lost in the music, Dahlia hadn't noticed Tara being pulled away by Jason. She had heard some rumors about him from her roommates, but she had never really paid attention. Now, as she watched him whispering into Tara's ear and leading her away from the party, a sense of unease settled in her stomach.
"shit," Dahlia muttered under her breath. She sends a quick text before taking a deep breath and pushed her way through the sea of drunken college students, each seemingly more oblivious than the last.
Jason was known for being a serial dater, charming girls with his good looks and smooth talk, only to dump them unceremoniously once he got what he wanted. Dahlia had always been wary of guys like him, but she couldn't deny that he had a certain charisma that made him hard to resist.
As she scanned the party for her friend, Dahlia noticed a group of guys gathered in the corner, watching Jason and Tara with interest. They looked like trouble, and she had a feeling that something bad was about to happen.
Without thinking, Dahlia made her way over to the group, her heart pounding in her chest. "Hey," she said, trying to sound confident. "What's going on over there?"
The guys turned to her, and for a moment, she thought they were going to ignore her. But then one of them spoke up. "Just watching Jason work his magic," he said, smirking.
Dahlia felt a wave of disgust wash over her. She knew she was in over her head, but she couldn't let them hurt her friend. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she pushed her way through the dense crowd, her eyes darting around the room as she searched for Quinn. The pulsing beat of the music and the throng of drunk, sweaty college students only added to her growing anxiety.
Finally, she spotted Quinn in the kitchen, chatting with a group of girls. "Quinn!" she exclaimed, breathless. Quinn turned to her, her face contorting in concern at Dahlia's distressed expression. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"Tara," Dahlia gasped. "Jason's got her. I texted Sam, but I need your help to get her."
Quinn's expression hardened with determination, and she shoved her solo cup into the hands of the blonde next to her, spilling some of the contents in her haste. "Let's go," she said firmly, following Dahlia's lead.
As they arrived on the scene, they saw Chad shoving Freddie away from Tara, his face twisted in anger. "Get your hands off her," he spat.
"What the hell is wrong with you? I was fine!" Tara exclaimed, her voice rising in anger.
Chad turned to face Tara, his own anger still seeping off him. "He was going to take advantage of you!" he replied, his voice tense and firm.
Tara's eyes widened in disbelief, and she couldn't help but feel offended by Chad's accusation. "I can handle myself," she retorted, her voice shaking with frustration.
Chad's expression remained stubborn as he replied, "I saw the way he was looking at you. He was only interested in one thing, and I wasn't going to let that happen."
Tara's anger only intensified at Chad's words. "You don't get to decide what's best for me, Chad. I can take care of myself," she shot back, her voice laced with irritation.
Behind the two, Quinn's eyes narrowed at Freddie, who was now backed against the wall, looking smug. "What the hell were you thinking?" she snapped.
Freddie shrugged, trying to play it off. "I was just having some fun," he said with a smirk and pushed himself off of the wall, ready to walk away from the situation, but Chad wouldn't let him go.
Chad's grip on Jason's shoulder tightened, and Jason winced in pain. He tried to push Chad's hand away, but Chad's strength was too much for him. "Come on, man, let me go," Jason pleaded, his voice trembling with fear and anger.
As the two of them argued, people began to take notice, whispers replacing the booming sound of the music. Some of them tried to intervene, but Chad was not backing down. Tara felt herself growing increasingly embarrassed by the scene, and she pushed Chad away from Jason.
"Stop it, both of you!" she exclaimed. "This is ridiculous. Jason wasn't doing anything wrong, and Chad, you need to calm down."
Chad was still fuming, but he backed off at Tara's words. "I was just trying to protect you," he said, his voice still raised.
"I don't need your protection," Tara snapped back, her own anger flaring.
Dahlia watched the exchange with growing panic. She felt like she was suffocating, her heart racing and her hands shaking. She knew she needed to get out of the party before she had a full-blown panic attack. She bolted for the door, her eyes darting around frantically as she tried to find an escape.
As she stumbled outside, she almost ran into Sam, Tara's sister. "Hey, where's Tara?" Sam asked, looking concerned.
Dahlia struggled to find the words to respond. Her mind was racing, and everything sounded muffled and distant. She pointed back to the party, where the commotion was still unfolding. Sam nodded in thanks, but Dahlia was already on her way out of the house sitting down on the porch, gasping for breath as she tried to calm herself down.
Throughout the entire encounter, Ethan couldn't help but keep his eyes on Dahlia. Sure, he knew it was creepy to stare, but he was so captivated by her that he simply couldn't look away. From the moment he saw her soft smile while dancing with Tara, to her panicked face when she realized who Tara had taken company with, Ethan couldn't help but feel a strong desire to protect her. He felt a strange connection with her, almost like they were meant to cross paths.
While watching the events unfold, Ethan's face hardened with anger at the sight of Dahlia's distress. He didn't even know this girl, yet the thought of her feeling upset made something deep inside him bubble with a fierce protectiveness. He kept his cool, though, as he watched Tara's face of confusion turn into anger when Chad grabbed onto Jason's shoulder. Ethan couldn't help but notice how protective Chad was of Tara; he clearly had a thing for her.
Things began to escalate, and Ethan let his gaze fall back to Dahlia, who was now looking around frantically. He felt a sudden urge to comfort her, to make sure she was okay. Without hesitation, he abandoned his drink, which was rather disgusting anyway, and followed her out of the frat house.
As he hurried after her, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration mixed with nerves. He had never been the type to approach a girl like this before, but there was something about Dahlia that made him want to try. He caught up to her as she was sitting on the porch steps, fiddling with her fingers and softly talking to herself. "Hey," he said softly, trying not to startle her. "Are you okay?"
Dahlia turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise. "Oh, um, yeah, I'm fine," she stuttered, trying to regain her composure. "I just needed some air."
Ethan nodded, sensing that there was more to her distress than simply needing fresh air. He took a step closer to her, noticing the way she flinched slightly. "Look, I know we don't know each other, but I couldn't help but notice that you seemed upset back there," he said, gesturing back to the frat house. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Dahlia's eyes flickered with gratitude as she looked up at him. "Actually, that's really kind of you. I felt like I was suffocating, and I needed to get out of there," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Ethan nodded sympathetically, remembering how his own anxiety had caused him distress in the past. He had always been shy and introverted, struggling to socialize and make friends. But there was something about Dahlia that made him feel comfortable, like he could open up to her without fear of judgment.
"I get it," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "If it's any consolation, I really like your princess costume." As he spoke, he couldn't help but notice how her dress flowed around her, the gold complementing her honey colored skin. If she was a star, she would be the brightest one in his galaxy.
Little did he anticipate the girl's gentle laughter in response. The sound was akin to the delicate tinkling of bells, resonating through the air and infusing his heart with a sense of warmth. For a moment, he sat there, utterly captivated by the sweet sound, committing it to memory as best he could.
He snapped back into reality when she said, "Thanks, but I'm actually dressed up as Juliet from Romeo and Juliet." Ethan's face scrunched up in confusion as he thought back to his freshman year of high school. Surely, he remembered something from the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo. "Is she not a princess?" he spoke, his brow furrowing.
He looked at her and the way she hugged her small body. Her head leaning on her knees for support. "Not really, no," Dahlia responded softly and continued, "she's just wealthy."
"Oh," Ethan spoke, feeling a bit foolish. He cursed his younger self for not paying better attention in English during its Shakespeare unit. There was a small silence before Dahlia spoke up.
"Your costume," she started and turned her body to fully look at him. "What is it supposed to be exactly?" Ethan gave her a small smile. "It's a character from a horror movie, Murder Party. You wouldn't know it if you're a casual horror fan."
Dahlia nodded and took a deep breath. "So you're a horror geek," she said with a small smirk.
Ethan's face began to feel hot from her comment and he had to look away so she couldn't see the blush that was beginning to form on his cheeks. He regretted not having told her it was some stupid last-minute costume. Dahlia noticed his tense nature and felt a bit guilty. "Hey, I'm not making fun of you," she started softly. "I was only teasing. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Ethan let out a small laugh, trying to ease the tension. "No worries, I'm just easily embarrassed," he said with a shrug.
Dahlia nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence. Ethan couldn't help but steal glances at her, taking in the way her hair fell in front of her face softly and the way her eyes sparkled in the dim light. He felt drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing in his pocket.
Muttering an apology he quickly pulled out his phone to see multiple texts coming from Chad, asking where he was and letting him know everyone was about to leave.
Before he could say anything to Dahlia, Ethan watched as the front door slammed open, revealing the Carpenter sisters in the midst of a heated argument. Tara was trying to walk away from Sam, who was yelling after her.
"Tara, please," Sam pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice. I don't want to see you hurt."
Tara stopped in her tracks, her eyes flashing with anger as she whirled around to face Sam. "You don't get to tell me what to do," she spat, wrenching her wrist out of Sam's grasp. "You don't get to waltz back into my life after five years and act like you know what's best for me."
Dahlia winced at the venom in Tara's voice, and she could see the hurt and confusion etched on Sam's face. Her gaze flickered between the sisters as if trying to decide whether or not to intervene.
Ethan shifted his weight uncomfortably, not wanting to intrude on the sisters' argument. It wasn't long before someone else emerged through the door, his roommate Chad pushing through eyes searching as if he was looking for someone.
As Chad approached, Ethan couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He had been so close to having Dahlia's attention all to himself. "You were here the whole time? I was wondering why I couldn't reach you," Chad said with a hint of annoyance. Ethan nodded casually, trying not to show any signs of discomfort. He turned his attention back to Dahlia, only to find her looking up at Chad with a soft smile. It was the same smile he had been hoping to receive from her.
"Hey Chad," Dahlia greeted him warmly. Ethan couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He wanted Dahlia's smile to be reserved for him, not for his roommate.
"Hey Dahlia. I see you've met my roommate," Chad said, grinning at Ethan. Dahlia met Ethan's gaze and a playful smile graced her lips, causing his heart to skip a beat. The two sisters' argument that had been raging just moments before was now forgotten.
"Yeah. He's a bit mysterious though. He hasn't told me his name," Dahlia said, still smiling at Ethan.
Ethan blushed once again, feeling a little flustered. He held out his hand for her to shake. "Ethan Landry. Though I could say the same for you, Juliet," he said, attempting to make a joke. Dahlia giggled softly and shook his hand. Their handshake lasted longer than it should have, both of them caught in a trance.
But their moment was interrupted by the shouting sisters once again. "I'm just trying to look out for you," Sam argued.
"Well, don't!" Tara exclaimed, clearly agitated.
Chad coughed awkwardly and moved past Dahlia and Ethan, trying to break up the Carpenter sisters. His eyes darted around, taking in the scene unfolding before him. More people started to walk out of the Frat house, the party seemingly moving somewhere else. The air was filled with the distinct smell of alcohol and sweat, and the thumping music made it hard to hear anything else.
As Chad tried to intervene, Anika and Mindy made their way towards the commotion. Anika excitedly ran towards Dahlia and hugged her from behind. "How are you Dahlia? I saw you leave earlier. I wanted to chase after you, but someone kept me busy." she said, slightly smirking up at Mindy, who only rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's implications.
Dahlia smiled warmly at Anika's affection. "I'm alright. I had good company–" She heard everyone collectively gasp and turned her attention to the unfolding drama. Sam had been drenched by a group of girls walking past, the alcohol staining her clothes and hair. "What the fuck?" Sam exclaimed, looking at the girl who had poured her drink all over her.
"You know what you did," the girl smirked.
With fury in her eyes, Sam shoved the girl by her shoulders and pushed the remaining alcohol bottles in her hand, causing them to smack into the ground and shatter. The sound of glass breaking reverberated through the air, and everyone turned to look at the scene unfolding before them.
"You'll pay for that," the girl hissed, her voice low and menacing.
"I don't think I will," Sam responded, her smirk never leaving her face.
Dahlia winced at the tense atmosphere and made her way over to Sam, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Let's just go, Sam. It's not worth it," she said softly, trying to defuse the situation.
Ethan watched the scene unfold, the feeling of protectiveness towards Dahlia returning. He couldn't stand the idea of anything happening to her. Anika noticed the look on his face and nudged him with her elbow. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. Ethan nodded, trying to shake off the feeling of jealousy and possessiveness he had towards Dahlia.
Sam took a deep breath, her fists clenched at her sides. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded and allowed Dahlia to lead her away from the confrontation. As they walked away from the party, Dahlia turned to Ethan, who had walked up to them.
Ethan pulled out a pack of tissues, holding them out to Sam. "Um, I have tissues if you want tissues," he said, realizing his mistake as he looked down at his hand. "I mean, I have three tissues."
Dahlia smiled warmly at Ethan's awkwardness, and Sam took the tissues, beginning to wipe the drink off her chest.
Just then, Anika exclaimed, "I don't know about you all, but I'm about to pass out!" She grabbed onto Dahlia's arm and asked Sam, "Do you mind if we stop by your apartment?"
Sam stopped wiping momentarily, looking at Anika with a sense of resignation. She didn't really have much of a choice. "Sure," she said with a sigh, nodding in agreement.
Anika was already pulling Dahlia along with her, and she turned back to Ethan. "You too, Ethan!" she said excitedly. Mindy, Anika's girlfriend, gave her a look of disbelief and said, "What the hell?" But Anika ignored her and continued to walk, "Come on, it'll be fun!" with Dahlia right beside her, following behind Tara and Chad.
As they walked away, Dahlia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in the pit of her stomach. She knew that things were only going to get worse from here on out.
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smbhax · 19 days
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From "The Search for Sub-Mariner!" in Fantastic Four #27, June 1964. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Roussos inks, Sam Rosen letters. Colorist unknown. Photoshop color reduction.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
i am holding him like a barbie doll and making him kiss everyone
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
Let Jack do some biting and exploding as a little treat. He needs it for enrichment in his environment! Alternatively this is his “hormone driven teen age rebellion/angst” phase. Or he’s threatening to run away and live with Sam.
Assuming you’re referencing my anti-domestic destiel au: yeah 🥰 jack is in just the worst situation here, and he put himself there, sure, he agreed to it, thought it would be okay. but crucially, to me, he also thought it was temporary. and that the love he would experience as Dean & Cas’s actual baby wouldn’t differ that much from what he gets as himself. And when it actually is different, when they treat him different, (maybe there’s more kindness in Dean when he’s holding someone that looks more like a child, maybe Castiel’s more attentive and knows how to handle him better because after all, he planned, he took classes, for a baby) that’s rough! horrible and frustrating!
and since they’re all pretending this is fine and makes them happy, he spends more time than he should playing along and feeling worse and worse about himself. I think things should start breaking around him. His toys all crack and twist into terrible shapes. Blood stains show up on his baby blankets. He cries and glass shatters. (He’s trying so hard to keep it in, but it’s not working, he’s upset and he doesn’t even have an outlet to talk about it or anything because Dean and Cas are fully treating him like the toddler he’s taken the shape of.)
I really think Sam would be his saving grace here because Sam is a reprieve from having to keep up that appearance and act. Sam treats Jack as his son, yes, but also as an adult, because that is what Jack is, fast growth cycle and odd birthday count or not. He doesn’t want to be a child. The window for that has passed. He’s grown up.
(I swear that Jack’s part in this isn’t just me being frustrated with his literal infantilization in popular fanon as a character who’s very obviously (to me, anyway) coded as autistic. I swear. It’s not all that. Just. Most of it.)
Jack running away with Sam would be such a way to kick off the falling apart of this “perfect” life that Dean and Castiel have constructed. Their son up and fucking leaves, goes to live with Sam because he can’t stand how neither of them look at him and actually see who he is rather than who they’d prefer him to be. Maybe jumpstarts a few realizations about the fact that they aren’t seeing each other truthfully either, that they’re both miserable and need to split up before they lose their friendship that’s so important to them as well.
(and of course, for extra drama, Jack should burn their house down. What better way to signify that the Normal Apple Pie Life is coming to an end then a housefire. Dean walks in to check on Jack during the night and instead of a baby, there’s Jack standing there next to his small bed, eyes burning gold and neither of them can say anything before the whole room explodes into flame. (Which Jack is very upset about. He didn’t mean that to happen. (He’s glad that it did.) He just lost control.)
but also just in general even outside of this au, jack should be allowed to bite people <3 it’s good for him <3 he gets his bloodthirsty urges to tear out people’s throats from his dad! (sam)
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 8 hours
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A girl and her crush!
Part 1
Tara x Ethan
In the quiet town of Woodsboro California, 18 year old Tara Carpenter is at home cooking a big meal after hearing that Sam, her older sibling is coming over for a visit. It’s been about 5 years since Sam left for college in Modesto. It took a while but she managed to get a bachelors degree in law firm. She now works as a lawyer and a “damn good one too” as Tara quotes it.
The little sibling herself is almost about to finish high school and her father Stu Macher couldn’t be more proud. Ah yes, ever since her mother Christina Carpenter died of cirrhosis (a result to the past drinking) Stu made it his mission to raise his only daughter and her half sibling. The word “half” shocked the young sister when Stu told her that Sam’s father is his former best friend Billy Loomis.
From the stories she heard from her dad and Sam, Billy was an awful parent. He was always high on drugs or messing around in clubs rather than help take care of his own family and when he was home, he always lashed out at Christina over small things like someone taking the last orange or something not being cleaned.
Sam was no exception and has too suffered Billy’s wrath to where Christina would use makeup to cover up Sam’s bruises. Eventually Billy left the family and never came back. Stu used to check up on them every now and then, even berated Billy for beating his own family. He once got into a deadly fight with the said friend but despite Stu being taller and more fit, Billy’s strength tripled with drugs in his system and sometimes it took even Christina’s help to stop him.
Nevertheless, Stu and Christina kept each other company. One thing led to another and eventually Tara was born.
Tara didn’t realize how much she zoned on until she heard the smoke alarm go off “Ahh! Oh no, no!” Tara quickly turned off the oven and took out the garlic bread. It was a bit overcooked and looked very crunchy.
Stu ran into the kitchen “Tara What was that? Are you overcooking the food again?” He said with a sly smile. Tara giggled, her dad has always been a goofball always up for fun and jokes. “Um the garlic bread might be a little crunchy. But at least the pasta is ok.”
Stu smiled “Look at you already cooking meals by the age of 18.” He stared off into the window “If only your mother could have seen you now.” Tara nodded. She knew Stu was still grieving along with her as well. Christina wasn’t as bad as Billy was if you take away the bottles.
‘It’s actually Billy’s fault that mom started drinking heavily, eventually leading to her death’ Tara thought.
Then the pair hear the doorbell ring. Stu picks up the spoon and seasons the pasta “There’s your sister! I’ll take it from here sweetie, why don’t you show the guests to their table?” Tara nodded “Sure thing Mr chef.” She said before heading to the front door.
Tara opens the door where she’s greeted by Sam and a tall man with a beard. “Sam!!” Tara said hugging her as Sam hugged back. “Tara!! It’s been so long.” She takes another look at Tara. “My gosh. Look how much you’ve grown.”
The bearded man speaks up “Grown as in more mature right?” Tara shot a glare at him “Ha,ha. I may be small but I can still bite if I need to.” She said making a bite gesture at him.
Sam lightly slaps his shoulder “Richie!” Then turning over to Tara “O-K before this gets awkward. Tara this is Richie, my boyfriend. Richie this is my sister, Tara”
“Pleased to meet you “little” sister.” Tara got mad again but shook his hand a little rough “If you call me little or short one more time, I’ll tear your arm off.” Richie smiled “Well we don’t want that to happen now do we?”
Tara led the couple to the table as dinner was just about ready “I’ll go get the plates, don’t get too comfortable at dinner you two.” Tara said laughing as Sam tossed a napkin ball at her.
Tara gathered the plates with the food ready to go as Stu turned off the stove. “Um dad…we kinda need one more plate.” Stu hung up his kiss the cook apron “Oh? Did Sam invite a friend over.” Tara had to stop herself from laughing “Y-yeah a friend…I guess you could say that.”
Stu was confused for a minute but took another plate out and filled it, handing the dish to Tara. The sibling brought out the plates to the couple who shared a kiss “Um. Mr bearded man, you might not want to do that while my dad is here. Richie looked a little nervous but Sam held his hand.
“It’s ok sweetie. Our dad is nice one you get to know him.”
Tara smirked “Really? Because I saw him go wide eyed when you brought up having a “boyfriend” years ago. “Tara!” She shrugged “What? It’s true…Oop here he comes.”
Tara quickly takes her seat as Stu brought out the last two plates for him and Tara. He sets them down as his eye caught a man sitting at the table next to Sam “So you must be the “friend” Tara was talking about.”
Tara covered her mouth, snickering. Sam looked down for a minute then back up to her father. “Dad this is Richie….m-my boyfriend.”
Stu almost went wide eyed but kept a calm expression as he walked up and introduced himself to Richie which he did the same “it’s a pleasure to meet you sir” he said. Tara shook her head at Richie like saying “Good luck man, your gonna need it.”
As the family eats the well made dinner Tara prepared, Stu asks everyone what their future plans are, mostly Richie. “Well sir. I do like movies and writing in my free time. Im hoping to be a movie writer one day.”
Stu nodded “I’m a movie guy myself but writing one has always been a challenge for me.”
Tara looked over at Sam and Richie “Well dad I think these two can help you with that and make your dream come true.” Sam shook her head and nudged her boyfriend “Nope that’s all him. I’m just here to make sure he doesn’t get roped into a lawsuit or save him from one.”
Stu clapped his hands as he turned over to Tara “what about you sweetie? You going to follow in your sister’s footsteps or mine?” Tara smiled “Neither. I’m going to study to be an actress. It’s always been my thing ever since I was a kid.”
“I think I remember you begging me to buy you a stage.” Stu said, laughing “You wouldn’t let up so Sam and I had to make one out of cardboard.
After that, you asked me to be the cameraman while Sam was your co-Star on stage.”
Sam grinned “I still remember that all too well.” Then the family continued to talk to one another while finishing off their food.
(Later) “Sam you can take the guest room.” Stu said as he went to wash off the dishes. Richie was about to join Sam in the room but was pulled back by Tara. “What gives?” He said. Tara raised a brow and gestured over to her father in the kitchen. “Ohhh right, right.”
Tara called from the kitchen “Dad. I think Richie wants to stay the night is that’s ok?”
“Sure. Just make sure you get a blanket and pillow for him. You know where we keep them.” While Tara went to get a blanket and pillow for Richie, Sam went to the kitchen to chat with her step dad some more.
“So you got a new boyfriend huh?” Stu said as he was putting the clean dishes on the drying rack. Sam nodded as she put the drying towel away “Yes I do but….please don’t scare him away dad.”
“I won’t pumpkin. Your an adult now free to make your own decisions. I’ll have to respect them but you know I only want what’s best for you and Tara.” He looked out the window
“God knows I wouldn’t want you girls to end up in your mothers position because of….him.”
Sam didn’t say anything except hugging Stu from behind, letting tears fall from her eyes.
Afterwards, the family turns in for the night. Richie takes the couch much to Tara’s dismay as she wanted to play video games in the living room.
(The next morning)
Tara woke up later than her family as expected but she finds the guest room and couch empty. She heads into the kitchen to find Stu cooking breakfast “Hey dad, did Sam and Richie leave?” Stu shook his head. “Oh no they are just heading out to get groceries, they’ll be back shortly.”
Tara nodded as she decided to play video games in the living room as it was the weekend yet again. She invited Mindy and Chad game to play back 4 blood with her.
They all got excited to play another round and try to get further in the game. As they started up the game, Tara got lost in her thoughts.
The last week and chapter of her school life is drawing to a close and Tara was sweating bullets. She has yet to decide on what university to go to and if she would get accepted in.
‘Stop it Tara! You’re worrying too much about the future. I mean yes my career relies on me getting into the right school and making it in the big city.
“Damit! Noo. We were so close” Mindy said. Chad then spoke up “Tara? You still there.” Which the small girl snapped out of her thoughts and answered back.
“Sorry guys. I-I just need a moment. I’ll be right back”
Tara sets her headset down and does a quick skim through the photos on her phone. She smiled by how many pictures she took when hanging out with her friends. But her heart sank when it was her and a certain bleached haired boy she knew all too well. Tara also asked herself why she still kept them.
Seeing those pictures of him on her phone caused Tara to bury her face in her hands and sob. (though the mic was still on)
She still remembers that text and the girl with him all too well.
To be continued
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roseshavethoughts · 2 months
Their Finest (2016)
Their Finest (2016) #Review
Synopsis – When the British ministry plans to release propaganda films during a war, Catrin is hired as a scriptwriter. She along with the film’s crew makes a film. Director- Lone Scherfig. Starring- Gemma Arterton, Bill Nighy, Sam Claflin Genre- War | Romance | Drama Released – 2016 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. “Their Finest” is a cinematic gem that seamlessly weaves together elements of…
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tanista · 1 year
At long last, dear readers! Inspiration has returned, after months of renovations and holidays and a medical procedure (routine screening, nothing to worry about) inspiration has finally struck again with this little tale of an illicit relationship between Jack and Sam (circa Season 7-ish, whether hidden canon or non-Ad Astra AU I'm not sure yet) and a shared love of Scrabble and other word games.
I always figured Jack is a whole lot smarter than he lets on, a secret lover of words and ideas just like Sam and Daniel. I mean, he couldn't make Colonel just on his charm and rugged good looks alone, right?
Anyhow, it's good to be posting again, dear readers. I hope you enjoy. Feedback on this or any of my works is welcome at any time.
Take care and stay safe, everyone!
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doks-aux · 2 years
The holy trinity of BellHands, JackHands, and Izzy/OMC.
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Sent by anonymous
'As someone who's only interested in men, I find it incredibly frustrating that literally none of the male LI appearance options in the single LI stories look attractive to me. They all look overly airbrushed, or like someone who went too far with plastic surgery. And then you don't get an option to stay single in those stories either!'
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Vintage Comic - Teen-Age Romance #085
Pencils: Jack Kirby
Inks: Vince Colletta
Colors: Stan Goldberg
Letters: Sam Rosen
Marvel (Jan1962)
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mychem1calbr0mance · 2 years
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hello everyone!! So as you may know, Supernatural and MCR are some of my favorite things, and I see the two associated a lot, with MCR's songs reflecting some themes from SPN, so I thought "why not host a mcrnatural event?"
It will take place next week, starting August 29th and ending September 3rd- here are the rules/prompts!
August 29th/Day 1- I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love + Sam & Dean
August 30th/Day 2- Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge + The Winchester's 
August 31st/Day 3- The Black Parade + Angels & Demons
September 1st/Day 4- Danger Days + Free Choice
September 2nd/Day 5- The Foundations Of Decay + Team Free Will 
September 3rd/Day 6- Free Choice- create whatever you want!
-Other legal ships are allowed tho!!
-You can create whatever you want for the prompt, whether it be an edit, amv, gif, drawing, fic, ect.
-It doesn’t have to 100% fit the prompt, so don’t worry about accuracy, have fun with this!!
-You can submit your creations late, I understand if you don’t have the time :]
-Please tag all creations with the tag #mcrnatural2022 so I can see all your wonderful creations and reblog em! Also, feel free to tag me cuz sometimes the tags don’t 100% work lol
Also please reblog if you plan on participating!
Tysm for reading, see y'all on the first day <3!
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