#Is the basis for my
oifaaa · 1 year
Have you heard the theory that Tim hallucinated Jason attacking him in the Tower? I dont remember much of the evidence folks had for it, but it would make the “Tim has major beef but Jason has no idea who he is” thing so much funnier if the Horrible Trauma that Tim’s stans always harp about never even happened
Now you couldn't mean this post by any chance could you? Or is there another post floating about - probably is but yes I do actually love this theory bc there's alot of evidence to back it up like how it doesn't make sense timeline wise - how Jason never mentions Tim in the whole of under the red hood - the odd things the titans say and how Tim is known to hallucination / have weird dreams - how Jason is acting weird including somehow hiding a whole other outfit under his first outfit - it all seems very dream state more then something that actually happened
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acasternaut · 7 months
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dashboard simulator
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ato-dato · 10 months
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The adventure of Muriel Part 1
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akanemnon · 4 months
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Sorry, Noelle... They're a little slow on the uptake.
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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pandadrake · 3 months
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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Post-Credits Scene (Colorized)
Been wanting to draw a thing including that cursed MCU Peter photo for a while.
Tumblr ate the image in my last post so here it is again.
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sysig · 5 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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limbel · 1 month
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thinking about this 24/7
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clanborn · 24 days
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hellenhighwater · 1 month
Genuinely being a single woman in my thirties, living alone, is such a mixed blessing sometimes. I do love my house and when I'm here I literally never want to leave. But on the other hand, I do get tired of leaving to go hang out with people, even though I love seeing them. Especially because I have such a great group of friends but they live all over the place, geographically, and therefore most of them don't know each other. And I actually really love hosting? But I never have people in my house because logistically it's always more practical for me to go to them than vice versa.
But sometimes I buy new old dishes and wanna just have a little fancy wizard party, but all my guests are far away. Please may I have the teleport spell. Or a high-speed commuter rail system.
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pemprika · 5 months
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memories better left forgotten
i was emotionally groveling over how phos and shinsha's last moments together were tainted with anguish and sorrow... 🙂 i think it's interesting to see the progressive shift in shinsha's confidence, indicating how much their resolve grew since their first encounter with phos.
out of the two, shinsha is the only one who remembers their promise and the extent of its deep significance. between letting go of the notebook and crushing the mercury-formed figure of young phos, it felt like shinsha forcibly wanted to distance their old feelings for phos, at least the memory of the version who actively wanted to save them in the first place, in order to protect adamant.
nevertheless, i'd like to think shinsha's efforts didn't fall through considering how clearly they could recall their gratefulness to phos since the last few centuries the promise was made until the very end. ^_T
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 1: Dread on Arrival
(Part 2)
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oifaaa · 11 months
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So I asked yesterday what I should draw and a lot of people said baby Jason someone said I should draw him at a gala and someone else said I should draw superman so decided to combine them all so here's Jasons first gala and meeting Clark for the first time
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isjasz · 5 months
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[Day 194]
have been losing my mind over math all day so i decided to draw them also losing their minds over math 👍
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hawnks · 4 months
Gojo is lonely. Not just in the big, existential sense.
He doesn’t have anyone to tell about his day. He doesn’t have anyone to go try out that new restaurant with. He has so many movies because he has no one to talk to.
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thekidsfromyestergay · 11 months
So now we're talking about fair pay and residuals for actors and writers can we start talking about fairer pay and streaming residuals for musicians. Particularly smaller musicians who are locked in unfair contracts and have no control over the licencing and usage of their music. And session artists who work for one day and receive no residuals, no matter how much revenue the music they created generates. And local "booking agents" who capitalise on the market while giving their artists almost none of the money from their ticket sales.
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markscherz · 7 months
Seen any cool frogs lately?
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my son insists on drawing on our whiteboard every evening, so I am doodling cool frogs basically every day.
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