we-are-so-close · 2 hours
To me, Nishinoya gives off Beast Boy energy.
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buttfrovski · 24 days
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why does the tweak family have the cutie patootie gene
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lovequeerindigo · 1 year
i’m not a loveless aro but i agree with their beliefs
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majunju · 1 year
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ultrviolwnce · 10 months
in my head, they’re the same person
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hawnks · 3 months
My neighbor makes tamales. She brings over a bunch of them all at once. I’ve never had a tamale before (I know, I know), so I look a up a tutorial video. I imagine Sara in her downstairs apartment, soaking corn husks, kneading dough. I’m not much of a cook myself, I can’t offer her anything in return. It doesn’t matter. Every once in a while she stops by with another big bag of them, tells me about their fillings, the day she’s had, how her mothers doing.
She doesn’t know that some days I forget to buy groceries, or forget to eat altogether. She doesn’t know that food has always been a sacred, scary thing to me, that every time I open up one of those husk wrappers, steaming and full, it saves me a little.
The woman running the soap stand at the farmers market doesn’t have any customers, so I ask her a million questions about her process. She tells me she learned the old fashioned way, from the farmer down the road. No one would ever talk to her because she was so mean, except the soap maker. So the farmer taught her everything she knew, how to patch a roof, how to raise a goat, how to make soap and stew and blankets. She rubs lotion into my hands. It smells like lavender and warm earth. Yesterday my knuckles were so dry, they cracked.
In the downpour, three different cars pull over, ask me if I need a ride. I’m just a block away, I’ll be fine, I assure them. They still linger before driving off.
At the bus stop, I talk to a woman who tells me her woes. She’s smiling, but near tears. I pull out the tiny, rose quartz heart that’s in my pocket. I carry things like that with me, nicknacks, stickers. Trinkets I can hand out like trick-or-treat candies. She asks me, inevitably, like they all do, “Why do you have this.”
Because my neighbor makes tamales — but I can’t say that. “Just in case,” I tell her.
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saffitaffi · 8 months
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Seems like there was some glitch where my last post didn’t post the picture??? Anyways have The Thorn
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rosdevw2 · 6 months
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wanna see me rant about them?
I see them as brothers, although not a really healthy bros, mostly cause of the lack of communication (and not knowing what a healthy relationship looks like), also I have my other hc of hollowheads (and the cg) not really understanding how can you talk rather than fight, like you can fight with a stick if you like them and also if you hate them, their first instinct if they have a disagreement is to fight (Cho reaction to Dark's plan was lauching him out off a wall lol). So no peaceful way to talk for them, and is not like they don't like eachother is rather like they don't know how they are hurting the other one, Chosen is not the one to talk much, he keeps thing to himself, something bother him? never says what, no matter how hard Dark asked him why he snapped at him like that early that day, and Dark is so stubborn, you can never change his mind, Chosen tells him to just let his anger go and he won't listen, so why bother anymore? So they won't try and talk it out anymore, let the other one solve it out since he doesn't want your help. And since neither of them go and hang out with other sticks (cause they both wanted criminals), they only have each other, so when they have a nasty fight and stop talking to one another for days until one of them gives them smile (but never a full apology) at the other, they will forgive them even though they both think they weren't in the wrong cause in the end it's the only person they have, and the only one who can understand the whole Alan thing. So the whole final battle between them was just a normal fight for them, never really taking the other seriously, more like a "how dramatic is he, but he will come around, I just need to beat the shit out of him" while both of them also are like "I'm making a great point, I'm in the right here, why can't you see that?" and it makes me so GRRRRRRHHHREAAAAAAA
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evermoredeluxe · 7 months
i can’t imagine how Good it feels to be taylor and have a partner so accepting of all the craziness and big-ness that comes with being you. not only accepting but actually cheering you and being there screaming your name with your fans. he is out here accepting our obsessiveness and seeing it for it is (love). and like taylor’s always been like “how can anyone deal with it? okay how do i make myself not the elephant?” but he is there being like “no! be you! own up to it! be the enigma that you are!” and just following her lead. im not saying she doesn’t still feel that way, but goddamn it has to feel just so refreshing.
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i need more of sam and david interacting
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matchnightt · 2 months
Alex Albon for requests if he’s not been done already! Your style is gorgeous
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Next is Mick Schumacher!
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nyaskitten · 9 months
You ever get that feeling where like, you're perfectly fine criticizing and disliking aspects of media, but when others are way harsher with it, it just really pisses you off for no reason?
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mattmoicetartiste · 3 months
so . i finished Supernatural months ago, but i really had to pay tribute with this edit. that’s not just about Dean or Sam. that’s not about their relationship with Castiel, or their father or other friends. that’s not about the hunt.
it’s an edit on both of them. it is for these two brothers who are the soul mate of each other (❗️i speak, personally, from a platonic point of view ❗️) they saved themselves. Dean protected Sam, and Sam loved Dean. Dean was a pillar, Sam was a support. their codependency was toxic, but vital. Dean couldn’t go on without Sam, Sam had to live for Dean. they filled what each other needed, it wasn't a show about monsters; it was a show about two brothers.
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everymangagojo · 3 months
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ddlcbrainrot · 3 months
there is smth so transfem about ddlc
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forgthetheaterkid · 4 months
Annabeth over analyzing Disney World is just so Annabeth coded
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