#I'm so curious why they've been separated for so long if this is how they are in presumably their first meeting again
booasaur · 1 year
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Yellowjackets - Season 02
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potterandpromises · 5 months
I want to talk about the evolution of Theo's appearance.
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I mean, look at that glow up! That doesn't even look like the same actor, let alone character.
In season 1 he looks a lot like his teenage self: kind of greasy.
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Mabel, Tim, and Oscar looked younger in their flashbacks. And to me at least, Theo really didn't. Out of all of them, he's been given the least opportunity to change, to grow up.
Then in season 2 (really just 2x07; in 2x04 when he's talking to his father he looks like his season 1 self) he looks more mature and put together. He's less awkward, more free.
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In season 3, the trend continues and it's no longer subtle. He looks quite different, older for sure. He's more relaxed. We see him engage with his friend and his interests, have more fun.
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He looks a lot like his dad, while Teddy is just a painting in the back of Uma's closet nowhere to be seen.
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I'm obsessed with how the farther removed Theo is from Teddy the more grown up and well he looks, and I'm obsessed with how he looks so much more like his dad in a season where we don't even hear about them interacting.
(I'm also curious if, upon interacting more with his dad, Theo will look more disheveled, to show backsliding.)
I'm obsessed with how he suddenly looks a lot more like Will.
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To be clear I don't think whatever symbolism is there in the glasses + beard addition (on some level we can't help but become our parents no matter how hard we try?) is necessarily intentional— I'd have to see season 4 before forming an opinion for sure, but I do think it's more likely that it's just a normal look for James Caverly and the time skip between seasons meant that it wouldn't be weird for Theo to look pretty different. Plus, they've now set him up as a potential love interest for Mabel, so he should probably look as attractive as possible.
But still, in a show that has an ongoing theme of family, it's all very interesting. I think season 4 will have a siblings theme of sorts (posts about why). I'm hopeful that Teddy will return and we'll finally see Theo and Will interact. (Note: as far as I know, Nathen Lane's absence and Ryan Broussard's low screen time were more so due to scheduling conflicts then creative decisions.) I'm also hopeful that we'll see a little more of Will's feelings about Oliver's heart attack and the circumstances leading up to it— because once again, Oliver prioritized the theater over his family, which is, ya'know, the root of all their issues.
And speaking of conflict, we've seen a plotline about how DNA doesn't matter (Oliver and Will,) and one about connecting with biological family after a long and painful separation (Loretta and Dickie.) I wonder if season 4 will have something of a push-pull between the two. Considering the actors' chemistry, it's hard not to imagine Theo and Will connecting if given the chance. (And I do think they'll get a chance at some point, or they wouldn't let the actors talk about it in the aftershows.) Given Teddy Dimas, it's hard not to imagine them having complicated feelings about that. Rounding back to the potential symbolism of Theo's new look re: (fear of; you can't help) becoming like one's father, Will experienced that in season 2 with his son's play. It's also been a theme/fear in Charles' life, so very much in these writers' wheelhouse.
There's no ending to this post, it's just a part of Theo's character arc I really enjoy, and I'm excited to see it continue.
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petermorwood · 4 months
This popped up on my YouTube the other day and not to brag, but...
Oh, why the hell not? It's a small brag, but satisfying. :->
I posted about refilling the Pilot Vpen (IRL-UK) / Varsity (US) - and adding how-to links - about 4 years and then again a year ago.
Here are the how-to links; I'm glad to see they're still active.
This one, like the video, calls for pliers and suggests removing the nib:
This one doesn't use pliers or separate the nib from the feed.
Bragging aside, I'm pleased to see Brian Goulet of Goulet Pens giving this hack a higher profile (and Kudos for it, too - as a retailer it's more in his interest to sell them than refill them!)
His reason is very sound: those cheap little pens (usually about 3-to-4 local currency units whether €, $ or £) are ideal for FP-curious newbies or as no-loss-worries when travelling or no-damage-worries loaners.
They also have much better nibs than the price would suggest. Indeed that seems common to all the inexpensive Pilot pens I've tried, which includes every nib size of MR / Metropolitan.
In addition, IMO the notion of "disposable" fountain pens goes completely against the principal FP virtue, where once you've bought the pen, all you USE is the ink.
So in the US at least * buy that ink from Goulet. They've got one or two to choose from and a selection of samples in vials or sets...
( * In Ireland, with Pen Corner in Dublin now gone, I get mine from CultPens or Penstore.)
I should mention, for completeness, that some "starter" fountain pens have prices not much more than these disposables and, refilled by "proper" ink cartridges / bottle-refill converters, don't involve anything like this trouble.
Just saying...
It just so happens that one of my two Vpens was about due for a refill, so here are some pics of the process.
I scrubbed the markings off the barrels a long time ago so I could see what was inside, since refills mean the ink in the pen often has nothing to do with its colour-indicator cap.
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First, disassembled and washed in changes of warm water until the water stays clear.
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Here's the nib and feed: they've always come out of both Vpens as a single unit, with no need for pliers. Since the nibs show no desire to come off I've no desire to force the issue and maybe break something; those little ink-guide fins are delicate.
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The filler is a small syringe begged from our local vet. I also use it to refill cartridges with custom ink colours (yup, I sometimes roll my own...)
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Its "needle" is plastic tubing (an empty Pilot gel-pen cartridge, appropriately enough) which fits the syringe perfectly, and a pointy end made by stretching the tube over a candle-flame then snipping to length. If it gets too stained - this is nearly there - just chuck it in the recycle bin and make a new one.
The ink could have been any of the 30-odd I have at the minute, or something mixed specially, but I chose this one - a nice dark green - for the same reason @dduane had me buy it.
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It's a very cute bottle... :->
And here's the "disposable" pen refilled, reassembled and re-writing.
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It really does have a better nib than you'd expect from a supposedly single-use pen...
It sometimes takes a while for the ink to work its way by capillary action down from barrel to nib, especially if everything has been left to dry after washing. Put the cap on the pen and be patient.
Or speed things up by taking the cap off and running a thin stream of hot water over the barrel for 30 seconds or so. This increases internal pressure, forcing the ink along the section fins.
NB, this step is only for a refilled Vpen / Varsity. Don't try it with anything else, and in case it's not obvious, do this at a washbasin or sink, because You Never Know.
Now use a bit of kitchen paper or loo roll to blot the water which has got on the nib. This has a mild "suction" effect, and when you see ink on the paper (you might need to wet the nib again) your refilled pen is ready for use.
This wet-and-blot nib step can be used to encourage any stubborn fountain pen to get back in action, but the hot water trick, once again, is Vpen only.
Anyway, done.
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theflyindutchwoman · 6 months
Given recent discussions in the fandom and because I’m curious to hear others’ opinion… would you want to see a Chenford breakup next season?
All right, let me start with my usual disclaimer : this is only my opinion and it has no more (or less) value than anyone else's. And this isn't meant as a personal attack either, regardless of which side of the equation you're in. I actually enjoyed reading other people's takes on this, particularly the ones who want a breakup, to see their perspective on the subject. It was truly interesting (no sarcasm).
To answer your question, dear Anon, no, I don't want a breakup. Mainly because I feel that so many shows go there, so I'm more interested in seeing Tim and Lucy navigate the ups and downs together.
One thing that attracted me to their relationship was their ability to talk to each other about everything and anything. How, despite their differences and their rocky start, they could always confide in each other… Be extremely vulnerable. And that is what I would love to see going forward. How this shorthand they've developed by working together can translate into their personal relationship. Don't get me wrong, just because they are usually good at communicating doesn't mean that it is perfect. It's not. Even before they became a couple. There are some cracks that became more and more visible as the season progressed. The theme of 'honesty' was their main thread in 5b. The storylines involving Sava & Jake or Isabel served to highlight that aspect. To emphasise how lies, deceit and miscommunication can destroy a relationship. Now it could be used as a foreshadowing… Or it could be used as a warning. Tim and Lucy already have a much stronger relationship, so I choose to believe that this could be a learning experience for them. Learn from other people's mistakes, learn from your past (in Tim's case).
Right now, those moments of dishonesty revolves around one common theme : work. Tim taking a desk job without consulting Lucy first… Lucy doing the five-player trade behind his back… Him trying to lie at first that he wasn't bored out of his mind… Her not saying anything about Primm (as far as we know)… Him not wanting to open up about his fears regarding undercover…  Those are starting to pile up and they're going to need to address it. The sooner, the better. Particularly the undercover talk. This has been a long time coming. It's clear that Tim is terrified but doesn't want to burden Lucy with this. And she can sense it. That last scene in 5.21 was (for me) a step in the right direction where they started voicing their concerns. It's nowhere near sufficient. But they stopped avoiding that topic altogether. Like I said, they can be great at communicating… But they can also be their own worst enemies. They're both selfless when it comes to the other… they're both used to do things a certain way. And now, they need to learn how to do these things together. To talk about these moments that may seem insignificant to them but isn't to the other. To stop making decisions for the other. This is quite new to them : as we've seen in the past, they didn't truly open up to their boyfriends/girlfriends. That's something they are going to have to learn together. And that's okay : this is part of the journey of being in a relationship.
Another reason why I don't want to see that is related to the characters' growth. The thing is, I actually could picture Tim breaking up with Lucy because there is a pattern here. If he got it into his head that he is holding Lucy back, an idea already planted by Noah in 5.16, then yes, it wouldn't be out of character for him to break up, thinking it's the right thing to do for Lucy. Which is not that dissimilar to what he did in 5.02 : sure, they weren't together, but it still felt like a separation. Especially since the end of that scene mirrored so well another one from 1.12… when he decided to divorce Isabel. And if you remember, that was pretty much for that very same reason : he was afraid that being with him would only remind her of her time as an addict and bring her down. So he did what he thought would help her the most and decided to divorce her. So breaking that pattern would be a tremendous character development for Tim (in my opinion). Then, there's the fact that this is something they knew would be coming up at some point. This isn't a new obstacle. The episode before they got together had Lucy go undercover. And Tim, even more so than her, knew what he was getting into when he told her that it was worth the risk. He may not have explicitly said it but the implication that she was worth fighting for was right there. So breaking up for something that they could foresee kind of negates those words. And it would play right into Lucy's insecurities. She was so hesitant because she didn't want to lose what they have. She is finally letting go of the fears that prevented her before from fully committing to a relationship… Her certainty in them is absolutely amazing. So breaking up now would hurt her so much. (I focused mostly on Tim here because I struggle to see a reason for Lucy to break up. At least, not if this is related to her career, be it undercover work or her promotion).
Now, that's not to say that it can't be executed in a beautiful way. Sometimes breaking up can help strengthen a relationship, as odd as it might seem. Sometimes it gets too much and taking a step back can offer a new perspective and a fresh start on healthier grounds. Just like sticking in a relationship at all costs can be very damaging and toxic. I mean, take a look at Lucy and Tim in their last respective relationships… They stayed well past the expiration date. But I, personally, would rather see them work this out together. See them 'fight' and argue, like they've done in the past… that very same thing they didn't do with Ashley and Chris. See them all vulnerable with each other, like they've also done in the past. I honestly think the writers could pull off the angst and drama with this storyline, without having to resort to a breakup. But again, that's only my preference :)
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prettyboybuckley · 2 years
putting their head on the other’s chest if it inspires ♥️✨
Love your writting very much btw♥️
hi anon! thank you for the prompt and the compliment 💕 this ended up getting away from me (and the prompt) a bit 😭
Eddie has always been a bit particular about his pillows, ever since he got back from Afghanistan.
He doesn't know if it's because he just wanted a decent pillow after his years in the army or if all the bed rest put his standards for a good pillow a little too high, but he's picky now.
Which is why he bought a whole stack of the same pillow when he finally found one he deemed perfect, all stuffed into the bottom of his wardrobe, just so he'll have enough pillows to last him decades.
Eddie keeps one in his locker at work, and it has gotten him some curious looks, but no one has said anything about it. They've all got their peculiarities, and the team is generally good at figuring out what they can and can't tease each other about.
So, yeah, Eddie has what you might call an emotional support pillow, and honestly, it might be the only thing he's let himself have just because he wants it.
Up until recently, at least. 
He wasn't even the one who made the first move, because there is a difference between going for something he wants and letting himself have something when it's offered.
Buck had offered, in a sense. Actually, Buck had kissed him in Eddie's kitchen, late at night, and Eddie decided that he was tired of not letting himself have the things he wants.
So they're together now, they go on dates and kiss and cuddle, and Eddie didn't remember that being in a relationship could feel this good. With Shannon, it started out as love but grew bitter long before they went their separate ways, even longer before she died. 
Eddie hasn't slept at the loft before, though. Not because he doesn't want to or Buck doesn't want him to, but because it's easier to go back to his place and there just hasn't been an opportunity yet. It wasn't planned they'd go back here today either, but they were already on the road and Buck's neighbor called that he needed the spare key Buck keeps for him, and that is how they ended up here.
Post-shift naps are a routine at this point, curling up under the covers together and sleeping for an hour or two. Eddie loves the quiet intimacy of it, and he doesn't think he ever sleeps as well as when he is with Buck. 
This time, though, it turns out to not be as easy. At first, he's curled up against Buck's back, an arm thrown over, but there is something off. When Buck eventually gets tired of his shifting, he manhandles Eddie until he's the little spoon, but that doesn't make it any better. 
"It's the pillows," Eddie sighs as he realizes why he just can't get comfortable, and he sits up.
Buck follows, arching an eyebrow at him. "Are you saying I have bad pillows?"
"No, I'm saying I just don't like them."
At this point, his boyfriend looks about as exasperated as sleepy, and he lies back down, pulling on Eddie's arm to take him with. He almost smashes his nose into Buck's muscled chest, but manages to avoid it narrowly. A strong arm wraps around his shoulders and he ends up half on top of Buck, head on his chest. 
Fingers find their way into his hair and usually that's more Buck's thing, having his hair played with, but Eddie finds that it's surprisingly relaxing. He's comfortable now, and for some reason his eyes start drooping fast. 
Seems like Eddie doesn't need his pillow after all. He's got a living one right here. 
from the "feeling another human's touch" prompt list
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rachelsfav-queer · 6 months
Okayyyyyyyy! I'm feeling angsty for some reason (probably cause I'm an idiot and keep listening to sad music) so I'm taking a break from my actual writing to get this out. I knew I couldn't not write it either cause it's just too good, but ITS SO HEARTBREAKING!!!!
I'm really sorry about this
(Note: I started this oneshot before I got the news last night, so obviously I'm in a much better mood lol)
It hadn't been long after Enid had passed that it started. Yoko was also gone, which left Wednesday alone, truly alone, for the first time in decades. The three of them had all grown into old age, even Yoko, who had found a spell to allow her to age with her wives, two people she could not stand to outlive.
And now, it's only Wednesday left, her genes allowing her a naturally longer lifespan. Well, at least, as long as the ones who held her heart lived. But now, she can feel her age catching up to her in the most brutal ways. Her mind, body, and soul are all withering quickly and without mercy.
Enid’s funeral was only two weeks after her passing, but by then, Wednesday was already in a wheelchair, barely capable of holding herself up even in the chair. It broke Bianca’s heart, the sight of her best friend suffering so deeply that it reflected completely on her physical body. And the pain wasn’t only present in her physical condition, but also emotionally. Nobody had seen Wednesday so utterly desolate in years. It was as if every last bit of her will to live had been torn from her.
And really, it was.
Everyone knew that when an Addams falls in love, they love with everything they have, all of their soul is dedicated to their chosen. It's how they're built, and it has its ups and downs. One of the worst cons is showing itself clear in Wednesday now.
She is degrading, every part of her. An Addams is truly nothing without the ones they love. It gets so bad that only a month after Enid's death, Wednesday is entirely reliant on others to stay alive and care for herself. Bianca does her best, but is ultimately helpless on her own, needing help from other friends and nurses. Especially because Wednesday simply doesn't speak anymore. The only sounds she makes are the tiniest grunts, and that's only ever in response to little Raven, who still speaks to her every day.
Little Raven, oh poor little Raven. She made a promise long ago to always be there for her best friend, and she is staying true to that promise. By now, she's long since figured out all the abilities she has as a spirit possessing a physical object. One of those abilities is to affect living beings around her, at least a bit. She uses this to ensure no one tries to separate her from Wednesday, nobody even gets the idea to do so with her influence. And so, the haunted plushie that has always remained by Wednesday's side throughout the entire time they've known each other stays posted right at Wednesday's side, sitting atop the bedside table.
One day, she's not sure why, but little Raven decides to finally tell Wednesday her story. It all starts with a soft chuckle, "You know, I used to know someone who was just like you, Wednesday. She was... everything." And little Raven tells the seer everything. From the moment she met her little sister, to the moment she finally met her. It was long and complicated, but somehow, little Raven knew the entire time that the seer was listening.
Eventually, little Raven finished. It was then that something beautiful happened. Wednesday, for the first time in so long, spoke. "Raffi," the seer's voice was weak as she spoke the name the spirit hadn't heard in a century, the name she had forgotten, but she heard it so clearly, and it shocked her thoroughly. "You're curious. I saw this, in a vision, when I first held you. A Boot-strap paradox, quite exhausting. You have... served me well, old friend. You protected me, you cared for me, and you have shown me all the love you had to give. Furthermore, you have given me comfort in the darkest of times, and it is my turn to return that comfort. You've done well, Raffi. But... my time here on this mortal plane is come to a close, and so is yours. You have no need to hold yourself here anymore, so please, forgive yourself. It's time to let go. As Enid and Yoko are waiting for me, so is Lovette waiting for you. It's time we meet them again. I love you, little Raven."
"We- Wednesday... Thank you. It has been such an honor, being your friend. I love you too, Wednesday. Good night."
And so, in that lonely old mansion, two spirits, two best friends, leave together onto their final adventure. When Bianca enters the room again and sees her friend has passed, she oddly feels at peace. As if some huge weight has been lifted from the very walls of the house itself. And Bianca sees the raven plushie, and she can't quite describe it for a while, the stuffed animal almost seems to be missing something. But eventually, she realizes, and she smiles, “So long, little Raven. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye Wednesday, you finally got that splash of color you needed.” With that, the siren sets the plushie atop Wednesday’s chest and leaves a final kiss on the seer’s forehead, leaving her to finally rest.
End <3
(Little Raven + her sister’s name reveal???)
(This is what I had on repeat while finishing this lol)
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scenetocause · 1 year
any guesses as to how max and lando both wound up sick. just curious.
[cn: cheating]
"You haven't sucked me off for ages," Lando pouts. Max nearly chokes on his mouthful of avocado toast.
"Mate." His ears are turning pink, he can't look at Pietra. "What the fuck."
"Well it's true, you haven't." Lando says it primly, goes back to demolishing some poached eggs with gay - literally - abandon. Like he hasn't just derailed Max's life for the fiftieth and possibly worst time this week.
He's going to have to do it at some point so he glances round at Pietra, who at least doesn't look completely disgusted with him, just like she's contemplating ways to kill Lando. Which he's fully onboard with, actually. It could be a new date concept, if Lando's going to insist on coming along.
"No, I haven't," is all he can muster as a response.
The thing is. The thing is that Max knows he's being a little bit of a hypocrite on a whole bunch of levels. Because he used to come on all Lando and Luisa's dates and fill in all the ways Lando's a rubbish boyfriend by being a better one and she didn't seem to mind that Lando just doesn't count sleeping with Max as anything, so they'd carried on doing it. Max is also pretty good at being Lando's boyfriend, in terms of getting him to act normally.
But Max should've known it wasn't going to work the other way around. He'd been so careful to keep them separated, at first. Partly out of fear Pietra would realise he's very much not an F1 driver and realise she could do better but much more out of knowing this wasn't going to go down well with either of them. It's a hard sell "hey can my best friend, who's chronically weird, hang out with us all the time and also sometimes he has to spoon me for emotional support."
He's tried to find things in it for Pietra but she could go to Monaco anyway and have a more normal time. She's not that keen on coming to grand prix, although he thinks she would if it was his racing and let's not take that train of thought too far to the depression station.
And Lando can't act normal about him and Max doesn't want him to. Was maybe trying to provoke this by getting a girlfriend in the first place - which isn't fair, that's not why he's dating her, it's just that something makes him want Lando's attention as much as Lando wants to give it to him and if they could ever just make that work they'd probably be a lot more normal.
The problem, really, is that Lando feels much more like forever than his girlfriend does. Which is pretty cursed, especially when he's openly sabotaging Max in the middle of brunch.
She doesn't bring it up with him, probably because there's nothing to talk about. Max had caved under about one minute of scrutiny from her about the nature of his relationship to Lando and then promised they weren't like that anymore and then slept with Lando the second he touched down in Nice.
Which is bad. He knows it's bad. He objectively knows this is bad boyfriend stuff and he doesn't want to be that, he wants to make things work and be in love and get married and have kids. Be normal - except that he can't.
It's like the stupid mess in his brain. He could just not have whatever makes him demotivated and mopey for days on end and it'd be better. Simpler, at least. Make more sense for the way his life's supposed to be going but instead he's had Lando fussing over him for a week because Max accidentally said some depressed stuff even though he'd been pretending that wasn't really going on anymore and now Lando's trying to add every possible enrichment to his enclosure.
Which is how they've ended up in Max's bedroom, Lando's hair freshly clipped and stream done, with Lando trying to get his cock in Max's mouth.
"Will you," he bats Lando's hand away from his hair, "just stay still and let me do this?"
"I'm trying to help." Lando sounds way too aggrieved for a man about to get a blow job. "It's been so long maybe you've forgotten how to - ah"
Max hums, knowing how good that feels when someone's got their mouth round your dick and then relaxes his throat, leans into it. Feels himself drooling on Lando's dick at the same time as Lando settles back into the mattress, sighs out how much he's enjoying it.
"Ah, that's so good - you're so good."
It's embarrassing how easily taken apart Max is by the praise.
Lando's fingers thread through his hair and he doesn't fight it, this time. "I missed you, baby," Max groans at the nickname, dick twitching. "I missed this, missed us."
It's a good job there's a dick halfway down Max's throat so he can't say anything stupid like 'me too, buddy.'
Lando's leaking already, messy in Max's mouth when he swipes his tongue over the head, lapping at it. He always gets so needy for it, whimpering and whining and pushing his hips up in desperate little circles - it's like the opposite of the way he fucks Max, all deliberateness. Like this he's just a helpless kitten, biting his own fist to try and stifle the noises he's making.
Max pulls off for a second, strokes Lando's hip, when he's getting really desperate. "It's ok," he says, trying to guide Lando, get him to turn the overwhelming sensation into a conclusion and Lando just whimpers again, biting his lip.
He comes into Max's mouth a minute later, back arching and Max lies down, head on Lando's tummy, to kiss his heaving abs afterwards. Lando pulls him up after a minute, holds him and Max's erection isn't so urgent he can't enjoy it for awhile.
When Lando returns the favour, chaotically sucking Max's balls while he's jacking him off, it doesn't take long either for Max to come or for the guilt to sink in. He can't come up with an excuse for why he can't stop doing this, only the inevitability that he won't.
They both claim their sore throats are from golfing or the rain or hayfever or something. Lando smuggles Max back to Monte Carlo two days later and fucks him in every room.
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Redoing the first post I ever did on this blog: Trying to assign a shark to CFO🦈
The first time i did this I was honestly very nervous about putting my stupid takes out into the fandom, but I'm ready now, and I have stronger CFO shark opinions. I'm linking to all the sharks' Wikipedia pages, for those interested in sharks!!
I gotta be honest, this is about Charles, but mostly this post is me sharing fun shark facts. I hope you guys are chill with that.
Same as the last time, I still have some honorable mentions.
(ALSO i tagged this post under some shark tags, this is the guy we're talking about, btw, I'd love for you guys to vote in the poll at the bottom of the post)
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I considered something like the Basking Shark. However, they're quite large, and I think Charles looks harmless, so the Basking shark was out. Additionally, despite they're large size, they're pretty docile. They're one of the three species of sharks that eat plankton! But, I envisioned a slightly more slender, swift hunter type of shark.
I also considered a type of Thresher Shark, as I liked their unique appearance, but ultimately I couldn't decide on a species. I think I wanted Charles to be one just because they have cool caudal fins.
I very briefly considered The Great White, because to most people that's the shark. But I just wasn't feeling it. They're cute, but I don't see Charles being one.
In the original post I listed The Silky Shark, but I'm taking this back, because now that I think about it, I just wanted Charles to be a Silky Shark because they're my favorite....
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Moving on to the real choices now.
Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
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The Bull Shark is one of my favorite sharks. It's in the family Carcharhinidae, which makes it a Requiem Shark! (which is also where I get my tumblr name from) I didn't do this on purpose, but all the sharks in this list are actually Requiem Sharks. Requiem sharks are known for being very fast and efficient hunters, and of course the Bull Shark is no exception. Bull Sharks are known to be aggressive towards people, alongside the Great White and the Tiger shark (though don't let a certain awesome 1975 movie fool you, you're odds of being attacked by sharks are very slim, these bad boys are just know for doing it the most) Bull sharks are euryhaline, meaning they can adapt to water of varying salinity, meaning they can do just fine in freshwater. This sort of adaptability reminds me of Charles, and tbh, I think Bull Sharks just kind of look like him some how.
Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)
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The Blue Shark looks like a goober. You can find them fucking everywhere, check out this map from Wikipedia. They're one of the most wide-spread shark species!
The Blue Shark's name isn't a stretch, they really are blue! Curious, and not typically aggressive, they've been known to approach divers. They're also known to be more social than other sharks, and sometimes travel in schools separated by sex, at least as juveniles. It's slender, streamlined appearance makes me think of Charles, in the sense that somehow the Blue shark looks like it'd wear a suit, but maybe more like a silly colored suit. Like blue! The long pectoral fins also remind me of him, for some reason. I don't know why, it's not like he has long arms?
If you're familiar with the BLÅHAJ, you may know the blue shark! The common name for Prionace glauca in both Swedish and Dutch is blåhaj, which just means Blue Shark!
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Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus)
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A shark with a very good design, look at that aesthetically pleasing coloring and the rounded fins? This is someone's OC shark, i swear. The Oceanic Whitetip is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN. They cannot pump water through their gills, so they're one of the shark species that has to always be moving! They're more leisurely while swimming, and have been known to breach the water.
Honestly, I think this is a good candidate for Charles shark because I just love the way these sharks look!
Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
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This silly guy is the Sandbar shark, one of the largest costal sharks in the world! They're known for their brownish coloring (another common name for them is the brown shark) and their tall dorsal fin. They also have rather large pectoral fins. They are listed as endangered, as they are hunted for their fins. I chose this shark honestly because it's brown, and the aforementioned tall dorsal fin. I was mostly choosing the sharks based on looks, and this one easily looks the most like Charles to me.
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Anyways, thanks for reading my silly shark post! When I did this like, three months ago, I was working on this AU thingy, but I'd got totally sidetracked trying to assign a damn shark to Charles. The original idea was he was gonna be like... y'know, a mermaid or something, but I never got around to working on it, mostly because of the sharks. If you have any interest in it, I could do Dethklok/any one else from MTL as sharks. Honestly, i'd love an excuse to combine my interests.
Oh also.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Completely putting aside the queer rep thing, I'm curious: Do people who are not book fans generally like the Good Omens TV show? In the book fandom we've been hoping for a live adaptation for decades but myself and a lot of other book fandom olds were very disappointed by the show. I was hopeful and optimistic about it until the trailer with the wall-slamming scene came out, which was the first clue that the characters were going to have a different dynamic in the show. (Book! Azi and Crowley would never. No, I mean it.) And then as soon as I got to the dove scene - which the show messed up completely - I had a really bad feeling that they weren't taking the book's themes very seriously.
(In the book, Aziraphale suffocates the dove through negligence and immediately forgets about it because he's too busy fretting about the Apocalypse and the hellhound not showing up; Crowley notices it and takes the time to resurrect the dove. The seeming role reversal there of the angel carelessly killing an innocent creature and the demon taking the time to care about the sanctity of life even while scared out of his mind that the Apocalypse is coming (which would mean all humans and doves everywhere were going to die) is a wonderful little early symbolism of the characters being more than their official Evil/Good labels, of their flaws and virtues, and of the overarching theme of the book. But in the show, Aziraphale kills the dove and is then the one to revive it, which makes the point of the scene ?????)
There's a lot of little things like that where I wonder if the creators missed the point of those scenes or just didn't care, and the end result is that the characters become a little flatter, a little less like the stereotype subversions they're supposed to be. (I've long been irritated with the show fandom because it felt like many of them just projected their longstanding bad boy/puttering intellectual favorite ship dynamic onto the two and didn't look too closely.) In addition, the angel and demon are very nearly B-list cast in the book. They're scene-stealers but in terms of plot they actually achieve very little, their arcs are about how they accept that they've grown as people, not about how they contribute to the Apocalypse. Because that's the point. The whole point of the book is that humans don't need angels and demons to be good or evil. Humans stop the Apocalypse and arguably start it. When the show puts human characters in the background and both elevates Azi and Crowley and spends additional screentime on new characters like Gabriel, the overall message is retained but makes for far weaker tea.
So like... it is very hard for me to like the show as an adaptation (some manage to enjoy both book and show as separate things, and I'm happy for them). At the same time it feels silly saying that it's a bad adaptation, because things like Eragon and Artemis Fowl and basically most book-to-screen things are out there. But I can't help but look at Neil Gaiman's background and the things he usually writes about and feel like TV GO has been made too much into his work, rather than his and Pterry's, and is ultimately weaker for it.
So for me it's really hard to judge its actual technical value as a standalone thing, but I'm curious what other people think of it. If the above elements of "huh, that scene seemed kinda random, why was it even here?" and general diluted sense of theme was something people picked up on.
I tried to read the book a few times in the 90s because it was ubiquitous. I loathed it and never finished.
I thought the show was well acted and had delightful chemistry between the leads. The cinematography and editing were nice. The costume design was excellent.
It isn't a particularly deep show or all that memorable to me, but it looks pretty, and Michael Sheen is hot.
Honestly, I'm not really the audience for the original themes. They've been done a million times by now (and even by the 90s), and they just remind me how much people think I should care about a Christian world view and how much I profoundly don't. It's like when people want me to care about Watchmen because something something deconstruction of 80s comics I didn't read.
The biggest change between the 90s and now is probably that this particular flavor of Cold War spies who are buddies when their bosses aren't watching has faded into obscurity instead of being absolutely everywhere.
Oh, and Queen is cool again.
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loppiopio · 7 months
i've been sitting on this post for a few days now and it's literally just, me making assumptions about kudos i've noticed on fics lately (particularly aci since i've been checking that fic every week for book club these past few months) and this'll make me seem more insane than i already come off but by this point. how much lower can i go?
just going from top to down as of today.
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[ShibaLee] i know you from your art on here!! tumblr user shibaleeart i'm happy to see more people in potentially enjoying the stories this fandom has to offer :>
[reiscm] shizuchansmilk?? what are youuu doing here? i didn't know you read shizaya fic tbh and i was surprised to see you here suddenly, relatively recently too. does that mean you just started the fic then?? after at least a year of being in the fandom right? maybe this wasn't from your first time reading it (same) but at the very least it shows you visited it not too long ago… i may be delusional in thinking i could be a contributing factor there because, why now? it's not like i'm the only aci advocate out there but i've probably been the most vocal about it around this time soo… well whatever it is, hope you had fun with it! i'm so curious what drrr comedian shizuchansmilk thinks about hit fanfiction a cheap imitation 👁️
i'm also recognising some of the other names around here like [anonymooose] and [durarasaiki] even though i haven't the faintest idea who they might be. i've just been seeing them lately across different shizaya fics which probably means these are the people doing their shizaya fic dive around this time. i have nothing more to add there i just, think it's cool noticing the same names across fics like yeah, we all feasting on the shizaya tag rn.
[ya_boi_twink] it took me a second to recall where i'd recognised your name from and then it hit me. i knoooow you! tumblr user yaboitwink in my notifs… i appreciate you, and i'm glad you liked the things i made for it c:
[bun_o_ween] oh i know you're here because of mr crapo. i hope you guys had fun with it! i wanna take the chance to also admit that like. the moment i found out you were that sebastian writer i experienced the wildest sense of deja vu. because. i had seen your name on ao3 before. but when i checked your fics there was no way i'd read a fic from you?? so then i realised i must have recognised you... through other kudos on other fics??? dude. i must sound crazy, i have no way of proving this because i actually don't remember what fics these were i just vaguely remember it was either bsd or tgcf? that i was looking at fics for, trying to find something to sate my hunger at the time. and i just remember, noticing your name across like a few of these fics in a row and thinking "heh someone else has been going down the same rabbit hole" AND NOW I SEE YOU AND CRAPO OF SHIZAYA FANDOM HITTING IT OFF it was surreal. like. my awareness of you had zero to do with black butler, i could not have predicted that you would have been the random ao3 user i'd seen apparently enjoying some of the same fics i was not too long ago. wow.
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there are like two separate flamingo related names around here [niceflamingo] and [flamingoo] which doesn't mean anything but for some reason they are standing out enough for me to want to mention them. i feel like i've seen ao3 user flamingoo in the kudos of some other fic before but idk.
[Luzki] omg hey!! twitter artist vi_138_ woah hiii funny seeing you here :0 especially like. not so long ago? since i'd imagined you would've been aware of the fandom for a while since you seem more invested in the alts than shizuo and izaya in particular? well it was cool seeing that you'd read this one, i hope ya had fun!
[frogsarefriends] right under that is artist hallucxnating >:O i know they've read the fic already but it was cool to actually recognise their kudo down here, especially since it's like. not recognisable just from the name alone, but you've shared links to this ao3 as your writing so now i know it's you. my impression is that you came into the fandom through slavhew since, i'd connected the dots at some point that you two were friends which. made a lot of sense since i noticed you both started being active around here at the same time lol. but hey!! welcome to the club :D
[7FlyingPancakes7] this is one of the ones i'd noticed earlier on during book club, i distinctly remember checking a chapter while walking home one night (because i do that i guess) then BAM what the hell?? i just see tumblr user mari-lair's ao3 appear down there, totally out of nowhere for me. for context this was a writer from the tpn fandom i recognise from like 4 years ago? idk it's been a while, i didn't talk to them much but they were active in the fandom at the time so i'm familiar with their name. i haven't been keeping up with them but last i'd seen they seemed to be into tbhk with no indication as far as i was aware that they'd shown any interest in shizaya. nothing wrong with that it was just unexpected, so i was just like woah!! how did you get here? i am so curious how they may have come across this fic, was it some rec from a friend? how familiar are they with shizaya? how invested were they in the story and characters? enough to go down more of shizaya's greatest hits? anyways, that was just a fun little small world moment for me.
[psych0tastic] hey isn't this…. axietoh? like, the artist who used to draw shizaya like 5 years ago? what are they doing here so high up the list? 🤔 i have no clue lol i still follow them because i really like their art style but i hadn't noticed their interest in shizaya resurfacing... i suppose they just haven't been too active on these socials in general. anyways their name stood out to me and i was like, wait….. well it's a shocker seeing their name so high up here, were they reading this fic for the first time there or were they revisiting it and happened to have not kudo'd it until then? well anyways, it's nice to see they've revisted the fic within the last two years at least :0 that's cool to me.
[MiyukiWynter] dude i was feeling crazy just now trying to figure out where i'd recognised this name from because i'd swwooooorn i'd seen it from somewhere like as someone on twitter?? i think i was mixing them up in my mind with unrelated (as far as i'm aware) twitter user miiyankhr but turns out they're someone who's fics i've seen in the tags before. i haven't read them myself but apparently they just posted a new one two days ago so that's crazy.
[Dodomka] heyyy it's dodo from twitter, hellooo 👋 they've been the biggest supporter for my deep in the sauce fic tweets and for that i appreciate them very much :3 didn't expect to see them here tbh i wasn't aware of when they'd first read the fic but as i was expanding the list a few times to write up this post i noticed their name here and just thought that was neat. shout-out to them!
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[mochi010] there's a user named mochi that has shown up in my twitter notifs somewhat regularly and they have nothing on their account so i have zero clue what they might be like outside from that they've been liking my shizuo and izaya retweets. their handle isn't even mochi so i have very little reason to believe this could be them but idk, maybe? no conclusion has been made here. well i already spent time writing and cleaning up the paragraph, guess i'm leaving it in.
shout-out to [ouiouipussay] and [ramenflavorpacketsnorter420] just for having some names that stand out lol. i don't recognise you from anywhere but, i guess now i will if i ever come across those names again.
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[Stupidusernamepolicy] i struggled to find you amidst all these names for the writing of this post ���� had to ctrl+f that shit. but i remember seeing your name here while i was going through the list some days before and being like "oh hey!! it's slavhew :)" but okay there's actually a tangent i've been wanting to go on from here.
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outside of aci i've actually been noticing you and hallucxnating double duo'ing under some fics together, like after the story era which i'd reread after hallu reminded me of its existence in a reply, and also sacramental which i had reread because of your reply, lol. i find this quite funny, just like. this visual representation of you two reading and recommending fics with each other. then you talk about it on twitter and more people like me are visiting this fic too. chain reaction of sharing stories :)
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ALSO [anonymooose] and [durarasaiki] spotted down here in some of these kudos too!! that's craazy. wow. i tell you guys i'm recognising these names i'm not just crazy 😭
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[NotElectricT] this took me a second to dig up again since it's quite buried down that list at this point but the plan i'd had in mind for this post was to end on this one since i saw them kudo it right in front of me (through the vc stream) and i didn't think this post would get as long as it did but... well i already wrote it 😬 but yeah, this is my good friend note! check out this art they made for, still one of their favourite chapters, sharks fly. it's sandwiched in between some squid game au they made for a gift exchange for me..... it's a long story i don't wanna talk about it (embarrassing......)
but what i do wanna talk about!! is how note (referred to as "patient zero" regarding aci book club by the only other patient lol) just decided to read this fic completely of their own volition?? i didn't tell them to do that and for sure didn't expect them of all people to try reading it, ever (they're not really a fic reader) but they just did that, two years ago. and that was like, insane to me at the time because it's seriously so out of their depth guys they don't do enemies to lovers.... they still don't lol. but i was insane about this fic back then with no one to really be insane about it to so i just yelled about it to these friends out of context and i guess???? that was convincing enough to get this one to start the longest fic they'd ever read 💀
i had much fun having someone experience the fic i'd been insane over..... like i'm smiling about it rn thinking about the time i did a live reading of the chainsaw man (as i like to call him) chapter which was so fun i kinda forgot i had a hamilton musical i was supposed to watch that evening... that was awkward. and other chats we exchanged regarding the fic (they were reading chapters whenever they felt like it which i enjoyed because i like pacing these things out) but for some reason (i think things just happened around the time that disrupted the momentum) they never made it past chapter 26 😔 which was tragic to me but oh well....
well i'm am even more insane about this fic now because of this convoluted chain of events that gradually built and cascaded me towards whatever the fuck i'm doing now!! god. i've never made so much, anything, like ever. until now. because both note and rosa (who has not kudo'd this fic as far as i'm aware lol) made the decision beyond my expectations to commit to, a book club. which i organised. and i've been having a lot of fun! so much fun, there's all this wild "marketing" stuff i've been churning out in record fucking time by my standards. i've never felt so creatively fulfilled dude, never finished a thing in my life until these past few months. so that's awesome, and it's in large part because of note having committed to this fic again. so that's some of the story behind that one kudo haha.
and now we're at chapter 49, we're supposed to be talking about it tomorrow, which is today by now since it's 1 am but uhhhhhhh writing is so hard. i was supposed to just be cleaning up this draft i'd written like 5 days ago? i am now very hungry. there's actually more i'd drafted up from here just from more names i recognised as i kept expanding the kudo list that day buuuut i'm fuckeeeen cutting this off right here. i need to stop. the end.
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detailtilted · 3 months
Next Enhanced Video In Process - CHICON 2008
WARNING: Heavy camera flashes below.
I thought I'd post an update in case anyone's curious. After finishing Comic-Con 2008, I moved on to CHICON 2008. The videos for the main panels are decent and they're upscaling nicely, but you'll all hate the quality of the Breakfast video. I'm doing that one first.
I made some improvements to the originals which are explained and shown below, but I couldn't upscale them. Jared came out ok, probably because he was closer to the camera, but even the most light-handed approach distorted Jensen's features too much.
However, one thing I improved were the flashes. The original videos are nuts. Flashes have been bad on other videos too, but I think the lighting in the room made them stand out worse here. I was afraid they'd give someone a seizure or something so I found a way to reduce them. I probably won't do this again on other videos because I used a free trial that expired and I've already put way too much money into software for this pet project. I don't think it'd work as reliably on the less dramatically flashy videos anyway, but I may reconsider the purchase if I encounter more videos like this down the road.
I also tried to do some color corrections, but it's erratic. Suppressing the flashes doesn't change the real life effect they had on the lighting in the room. Maybe that's why the color correction settings I applied didn't have consistent results throughout the video. I separated out some longer segments of drastically different colors and fixed them independently, but there was just too much fluctuation. Individually analyzing and correcting all 37,440 frames is way beyond the scope of this project (and my patience) and would probably require more lifetimes than I have.
Anyway, I wanted to post a short comparison video so people can see the difference. I think when people just see the enhanced video by itself they'll be like, "this sucks!" I was hoping people might not hate it as much if they've seen how it originally looked. I think the "enhanced" version, once I publish it, will be the best version that's been posted to date, even if it's still crappy.
This video has three 30-second samples:
Original version of Breakfast video.
My modified version.
Sample of upscaled main J2 panel to prove it will get better again after the Breakfast video. (No flashes removed. You can see them, but I think they're less painful.)
I've also made other adjustments that aren't seen in that sample:
The best-quality video has interruptions because the video taker also took pictures. This caused the frame to freeze and the sound to cut out. When possible, I edited in an alternate lower-quality video at those moments. I also edited in the alternate video to cover brief segments missing in the main videos.
The only other video that has the 1st two minutes is one where the video taker was scared to be too obvious about what they were doing and so recorded their legs and random non-J2 objects instead. 😂 But it was still helpful, because I substituted that video's audio in for the sections that cut out on the primary video due to the picture taking. We'll still have a few freeze frames in the first two minutes, but at least we can hear what was going on.
Speaking of hearing, there were some truly ear-shattering screams when Jared and Jensen first came out. I lowered the volume a little in those moments to save your ears some trauma.
This breakfast video will be the next one I release, but my video releases will be increasingly slow. I have something going on in real life that's eating up most of my spare time and will probably continue to do so off and on for most of this year. Nothing bad, just very time-consuming. This is a shorter video though, and I'm already well into the work on it, so hopefully it won't take too long.
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
In honor of me rising from the dead I think its time I talk about my two(?) fav lore families in the sims franchise the smith-curious and the spector-beaker families and I guess also the singles as well - lore anon
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Hello lore anon and welcome back! ❤️
Sorry I took a minute to answer this, it has been a crazy busy couple of days! I'm going to put my whole response under a read more because I have lots of thoughts on this topic!!!
We all took for granted how insane and amazing TS2 lore was. God, I pour one out for her everyday RIP.
Anyway, let's get into this! ↓
Strangetown is my favorite world in TS2 as well! No one is surprised by this I'm sure. I actually ended up tying it (and some of its townies 👀...) into my Strangerville story because I just couldn't help myself. But I'll be honest - the family tree stuff with Lola/Chloe/Jenny/Pollination Tech 9 has always made my brain melt a little. I'm a visual person so I had to reference their family tree as a guide for our conversation. I'll provide the one that I used below!
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Lore-wise, you have to start this conversation by talking about alien pollination and normal sim reproduction. You just can't avoid it. For me, I've always seen them as completely separate entities... otherwise Jenny is married to a man who, for lack of a better term, knowingly banged and impregnated her father lmfao. But not only that - if they were the same, that would imply that aliens are abducting people and engaging in sexual relations with them (with willingness or unwillingness not playing a factor; sim abductions can happen to sims who want or fear them) and this is kind of reductive and uncharacteristic of what we know about their species (plus the implications are icky imo). Therefore, I never thought that Pollination Tech 9 would view Lola and Chloe as his children, even though they technically are, in the way that Poli Tech wouldn't view Tycho as his child either (nor would Pascal regard Poli Tech as the father either).
If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think sims are necessarily aware which alien pollinated them in game (even though each sim neighborhood in TS2 has only one Pollination Technician, therefore making all the half-alien babies in that neighborhood half-siblings by default within the limited span of the game). I also don't know that male sims in TS2, from what I remember, are aware they've been pollinated because they're always surprised to find they're "pregnant," meaning there likely wasn't any a-typical intercourse happening that they could connect to the pregnancy (even if, let's be honest, Pascal might have been down for that). I think of pollination as an act similar to cloning, (the wiki says through "advanced technology") or as the name implies it could also just be a consequence of coming into proximity with their species (their name being a reference to reproduction methods of flora by pollination, for example). But realistically... it's a fictional simulation game, and in the case of TS2 it was super campy and a knowingly-leaning-into-the-outrageous kind of simulation game (which I loved and miss). So who knows!
All that to say that I agree; regardless of how the baby process works for aliens, it is still an absolutely crazy family tree lmao. But on the bright side... that at least implies that Pollination Tech 9 wasn't into his wife's father, nor might he be aware that Chloe and Lola are his children. 😅 But I'll stop here because if I think about it for too long, I think my brain might explode lmao. Still, I'm inclined toward the belief that the messiness adds to the flavor! 😂 The Sims team today could never write such a juicy bit of lore. My ass ate their dynamic up.
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Holy shit!!! This fact is equal parts incredible and terrifying. Thank you for bringing this my attention. I can't believe I did not know this before this moment. What a (horrifying) little legend.
Oh I loved (and still love) Nervous Subject and Pascal together. Just thinking about that ship makes me giggle because it was one of my first exposures to "shipping" and "fandoms" as a preteen. I always put them together and had them raise little Tycho to fulfill Nervous' family aspiration. (I should note that I was also an avid JRO enthusiast. Johnny has two hands, why should he have to pick between Ophelia and Ripp?) Another interesting layer to the Ophelia/Olive/Nervous family is that Ophelia would be unaware of her direct relation to Nervous (1st cousins)! I loved playing around with this; Olive was a very secretive person who had a dark side for sure, so I'm sure Ophelia would have a lot of questions following her aunt's death (the first being why her aunt's inheritance is going to some rando named Nervous lmao). Plus, who says Ophelia didn't know her aunt was taking people out? She might not have known why, but she had to know all those deaths around Olive couldn't have been coincidental. That's messed up on its own lmao. I like to think that once Nervous and Ophelia meet, they become close and he even helps care for her in a weird-older-brother type way. I just know they would trauma bond lmao.
I didn't care for Loki or Circe (I never played with their household), so I don't have super strong opinions on them. That being said, I love reading people's theories on their connection to the Curious brothers. I think the ongoing feud with the brother's and their connection to Nervous is the most interesting part of their story, but my ideal ending for them would have been being exiled from the town and their careers in general for their shady practices. Pascal seemed like the science antithesis to Loki and Circe who seemed to believe that it was okay for scientific truths to come at the cost of the wellbeing of others. Also, I think Circe is too hot and too evil for Loki AND Vidcund. That's woman commits many crimes, but her taste in men is up there as one of the worst things about her lmao.
Lastly, LAZLO. He's so silly goofy and so chill in comparison to his brothers, and he's definitely the black-sheep of the family. I love how in comparison to Vidcund and Pascal, his personal life is pretty typical and mild. He's just vibing as a third party witness to the chaos. He didn't sign up for any of the drama, yet you know he's a ride-or-die. In my mind, he's also the cool uncle. He'd catch Johnny smoking and be like, "Gotta share little man." He's the best. Little Fun fact - when I watched season 4 of Stranger Things, I couldn't unsee Lazlo Curious every time Argyle opened his mouth.
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If you don't see it, that's okay. I can't unsee it though! He's high af, he's precious, he's always has snacks, he will take down the government or transport a dead body for the homies. He should be protected. I totally, 100% agree that Nova is his child!
WHEW sorry for blabbing! Strangetown was a doozy and you're right that the Bella Goth situation adds a whole other intricacy (which I'll definitely be talking about in her specific deep dive post).
So glad to have you back! 🤗
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alexihawleys · 1 year
Do you think it will be smooth sailing from here for cheford? Or they might add some angst to their relationship? What would be your ideal next steps for their relationship in this season?
hi! sorry this took me a hot minute to answer, but i wanted to give it the attention it deserved. also it's not that long but i'm throwing it under a cut anyway because why not.
so, personally i don't really want it to be smooth sailing. i know that is probably an unpopular opinion, but: there has been such progress with chenford and there is potential for so much more to happen before we actually see them in a comfortable relationship space that it feels like a disservice just to...pop them into a relationship. there is still so much to explore with these two – and i would like it to feel more earned before we get to a settled place.
ideally, i would like to see this date in 5x10 be another "almost" for them – they've had a pattern of almosts: the almost kiss in 4x01, the almost hook up in 5x01, and now the almost got together. if you think about the confession in 5x08, or the scene in grey's office in 5x09...there is a reason we saw them holding back a little in those moments. if those moments were meant to be relationship-starting-cathartic-love-confession-moments, we would have seen them be relationship-starting-cathartic-love-confession-moments.
in the 5x08 confession, they talk around their feelings: and is it the most transparent we've seen tim and lucy about their relationship before? absolutely, but the thing we're really meant to take from that scene is that they both know they have feelings for one another. that's a huge reveal: that they're both aware there are feelings there, that it's not just biology, that it's worth it for both of them. they say everything the other needs to hear without truly saying anything, and i think that was so masterfully done.
in the 5x09 end scene, we see them imbalanced again – tim is at the watch commander desk, still in uniform, waiting for grey's return (nudge nudge) when lucy comes in wearing plain clothes, looking for him. they're tentative, nervous, full of frenetic energy. tim takes a few steps forward, but lucy stays still. they look around tentatively to make sure they're not being watched, and they purposefully do not touch even though they clearly want to. the camera pulls back from that shot with the audience seeing them through a panel of glass, uncertain of what to do next, not touching, the reflection of the station beyond them coming in over the glass. that's all so purposeful – the fact that we as the audience know that they've walked to this edge that they can't possibly fully walk back from, but that there is still so much in their way. it's all meant to be conveyed without a word, and i think it was done so well.
anyway, tl;dr: i would like some more separation before we truly see them together! work is meant to be the biggest obstacle in their way, and i see no reason that won't be what we're dealing with moving through the second half of the season. how they go about that is what i'm most curious about – and i really have no big spec there, because we know so little! i am excited to see what, exactly, they do with 5x10 so i can set my expectations accordingly 😂
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cee-grice · 6 months
Happy WBW! I noticed your tags on a post where you mentioned magic ethics and I'm curious - are there any magical laws or anything else related to ethics with magic that you'd like to mention? I'd love to hear about how that functions in your world.
hi!! thanks for the ask!! it's such a fun one, because this IS a very interesting topic to me that I'd love to talk about more haha
also. I fucking lied. I said 'a slight bit' of discussion, but actually, there's a LOT of discussion of this in the story lmaoo. idk why I said a bit??? it's literally at the center of the conflict??? holy hell omg i'm tired
okay, so. magic ethics is HUGE in my setting, to the point where there's a whole separate branch of law that's dedicated to all the minutiae of it. it's... quite a complicated topic ahaha.
(also, I'm gonna be covering the ethics of magic in just One country, where the story takes place, but I wanted to mention that this stuff does vary from place to place)
so, first things first. to perform magic, you need a magia conduit. to get a magia conduit, you need a license. to get a license, you need to have finished appropriate studies in appropriate institutions (most commonly, magic-focused academies, but some specialized vocational schools offer it, too), so it's definitely not a thing Anyone can do. and you can very much lose that license for misconduct (this is, of course, not mentioning anything outside the law lol).
ethical violations are the most common reason people lose their licenses. broadly speaking, using magic on/against other people is, in most cases, not allowed. this affects some areas more than others - for example, charm magic, which is essentially manipulation of the psyche. this branch of magic is the most heavily regulated, for obvious reasons lol. it helps that, 1) in most cases, people can tell they've been charmed afterwards (it takes a very adept charm user to fully conceal it), and 2) magic always leaves a trace, so even if the person doesn't remember, it can still be uncovered if they'd been charmed, even a long time ago. rule of thumb is that you may only charm someone if they had given their consent, but even that can get pretty muddy lol
of course, an entirely different set of ethics apply to magic academies and research institutions. which is where some major parts of my story's conflict rise from, actually lol
essentially... wow, I'm struggling to condense everything here because the whole story is very much intertwined heavily with this topic, but. a huge part of magic advancements come from research done on people - specifically those afflicted with magical conditions. ''but wait!'' I hear you say. ''isn't it forbidden to do magic on people?" well! depends. to put it very simply, every study needs to get approved by an ethical committee, who weight the potential harm the subjects may experience vs the potential knowledge gained from the study. and potential knowledge is the most valued aspect of any study (or person).
thus, if you can prove that your study could hugely advance the understanding of some part of magic, then, in terms of ethics, you can get away with a lot.
now, this brings us to an interesting part of the justice system. depending on the severity of a mage's transgression, their punishment may range from a temporary suspension of their license to the death penalty (which, fun fact, Quil almost got HA). somewhere in the middle of that falls exile. and that is by far the most popular form of punishment for disgraced mages (only those who are deemed active threats to society get locked up, which in academia circles happens quite rarely).
why? well. I'd love to go in depth, but this is already getting too long lol. guess you'll have to wait to read the story to get the full picture! but, putting it shortly, remember what I mentioned about potential? yeah. there's also a reason why those exiled mages don't actually get their magia conduits confiscated... sure, other countries would confiscate them if they chose to travel there, but there's the whole Wilderness! you can do whatever there! you can even continue your...studies...that got you exiled.... hm. hmm.....
also, here, have this snippet:)
But of course she dared. From the moment he’d walked through Cielle Academy’s doors, he’d given them his life, and even death hadn’t been enough to release him. He’d died, and yet they still dragged him back. Because it hadn’t been the right time. Because they hadn’t given him permission. There was a reason, after all, why exile was such a popular punishment for disgraced mages. Let them see how life looked like beyond all they’d ever known, let them see exactly what they’d lost, and when the Academy graciously offered them forgiveness, they’d come running back like starved dogs. Never again would they dare step out of line. Never again would they betray the Academy's trust. Because it was where they belonged.
well, anyway. I love complicated and perhaps-kinda-immoral ethics lol
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
Did they fuck behind the scenes or what??? how does this mating thing work? 👀 Also next part when. WHEN.
GSDJYKGLHOIJ ohhh sweet summer anon... there may be some big time sexual tension, but in this particular sebard storyline... they've only kissed as many times as I've written, and nothing more 😈 I know that must be torture to some of you smut enthusiasts, but despite my own bisexual horny frustrations, I LOVE writing long game, slow, romantic shit 💖 So ya'll will have to endure.
And the mating bond concept is a thing @grelleswife and I came up with and have explored together in our collab writing The Owl and the Raven, a Sebamey centric story. But I realized in that last sebard drabble that I absolutely wanted to explore it again, just with a different ship. uwu It's basically a familiar concept of like, bonded souls or something I'm sure most people have seen. Like the whole "red string of fate" trope, but make it DEMONIC. Lmao. Basically if a demon such as Sebastian grows close enough to develop feeling of a romantic nature, but of course in whatever way demons feel it, they start to connect to that person in a way deeper way than physical and literal like we humans do. It's a logical way, in my opinion, to explain why maybe you don't hear or read about demons being romantic or demon courting, unless its in a bad or smutty light like seducing scenes. This bond that forms unconsciously with this other the demon wants to eventually be with, even if they themselves don't realize it or deny it in many cases, is like an extra intimate special way a demon can stay close to their "mate", as they call them. So it's no surprise that this doesn't happen a LOT or is unheard of. What demon who wants to hunt souls greedily and have fun their whole lives tricking and messing with humanity wanna suddenly be weighed down by a lover??? So I think basically these sorts of things only happen at a certain POINT in a demon's long life; like when they no longer NEED to eat souls as much, and no longer wish to mess around with humans. Like finally feeling like settling down and having a family like humans do! And it works out pretty interesting I'm sure with a demon + another demon; how it SHOULD go normally. The demons come together, court each other in whatever ways they do for the types of demons they are (like a crow/bird demon dancing and flaunting for their possible mate and bringing them shiny presents to show they care 🖤), and once the bond forms between them on BOTH SIDES, they can feel each other's emotions, talk to each other mentally, find where the other is much faster than if they weren't mated; and over long long looong distances too! So it's only natural and meant to happen between these two.
HOWEVER, for this bonding to at some point "activate" with a human the demon has been around and close to long enough... oh boy it's quite a trip. Almost embarrassing in some cases. Basically like a demon's equivalent of "WHY DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON THEM??? I DON'T WANT THIS!!! 🙈🙈🙈" And also the fact remains that a human is a human, they can't feel at all a bond forming on their end. 😭
So sometimes I'm sure these things don't last long and rarely happen at all, seeing as the smart thing to do is to move away and separate themselves from that particular human! ... If they really, really don't want this, that is.
But.. for a demon who might grow curious and hopeful, for they have grown to.. at least like this human in particular..
Well it's certainly seems like the beginning of something different from this demon's usual interactions with humans. 🖤
Finally... I will admit I don't know for certain when I will continue this, I can't promise anything, anon!! TwT But know that because I did enjoy getting to this point, I'll def. likely come back or keep going with my own little take on sebard 🥰 So thank you for enjoying my writing!!!
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tiaamorosa · 2 months
Sunset Died - Bunch Family/Clavell/Wan ...................................(5)..................................
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Jack is back home. "So, were you able to get anything?"/ "mhm, if all goes well, we'll have two canisters outside the door in the morning. "/ "So they've got gas there?"/ "You can't imagine how much, Judy. That would easily get us all through the winter. And then I bumped into Nick, or rather he bumped into me. I was almost completely freaked out"/ "what was going on?"/ "I just can't shake the feeling that he's hiding things from us".
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"I agree, Jack, but it's hard to figure out what. You know I don't talk to Nancy, let alone Vita"/ "well, maybe Xander knows something more, but I don't want to get too involved… But just looking at that face makes me want to punch him.“. Jack had a scowl on his face again as he thought about Nick. ",Please don't. I hope Xander succeeds. That would really help the doctors".
Later… at night…
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It's quite late and Xander has done his last walkabout. He wanted to see if anyone was still walking around the grounds. But the coast was clear… So he headed towards the outbuilding. "I'm afraid I can't remember exactly how much we actually bottled…".
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There was a large cellar room in the outbuilding where various things had been stored. Boxes, some utensils, even umbrellas… "When it's enough, I'll come back here tomorrow morning and fill up what I've taken away".
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There was a separate room in the basement that Xander went to… And it was just as Jack had suspected. There was a lot of gasoline stored here, and not just in the large tanks. "O.k…. It's not that little after all, I haven't been down here for a while, Nick usually fills them up… Well then,…".
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Xander grabbed two of the canisters and made his way to the Bunch house with them. He's in luck tonight… Who knows how things will go next time.
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Later. When Xander came home in the middle of the night, he was surprised to find that Pauline wasn't in bed yet. Instead, she was pacing around a little nervously the whole time. "Is everything okay?"/ "What… No, I… I just need to get some fresh air, why are you home so late?"/ "I had something to do…". But before she could answer him, she suddenly felt sick again and ran downstairs.
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After she got downstairs, she threw up, quite a long time. and after the biggest pressure, at least from her stomach, was gone, it went on somewhere else, because there were some things she realized now. "h-h, ooh shit, why now of all times? No…, no…".
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Pauline is conflicted. Both men have a special appeal for her. Xander, because he's older, a bit more experienced and incredibly interesting. And Hank, who is still attractive to her despite all the difficulties. But how are you supposed to find out who the father is without a functioning laboratory? And who should she tell first?
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Despite all this, she went to bed almost reluctantly, but she was terribly tired and exhausted from the day. … And she has decided to talk to someone about her big little problem as soon as possible…
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End of part 5...
@greenplumbboblover 💓
Note on this part: Pauline's pregnancy came as a surprise to me too. The game panned me to her while I was still supposed to take a picture. So, who is the father of her baby now? I have a mod in the game that experiences the duration of a pregnancy to 9 days. That's enough for me, as I play quite slowly anyway. but there are also longer spans you can put in the game.… We can be curious…😁
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