#I'm self-taught
farah-o-0 · 2 months
my first animation🥹
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lazylittledragon · 10 months
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please look at how cute my new tattoos are!!!
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here's the first animation i ever did!!! just a simple little moth
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mistfallengw2 · 2 months
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Learning quickness builds is quick and easy, they said
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non-un-topo · 10 months
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My Neekeys over the last two-odd years. I was curious to see the changes 🤔
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
A lot of people may scoff at the notion, but when you truly start learning more and more, you realize the binary between "you are disabled and I can recognize you as such" and "you are barely disabled, if that, and I can tell" are false dichotomies.
You will never completely understand the intricacies of somebody's disability, and even the most simple of disabilities ("simple" in the ableist way) can easily become life-threatening to a person, and vice versa. There's this glorification of the self for so many people that's done in such a way that their word feels like law, even if it robs others their own words.
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hotasfahrenheit · 5 months
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I'm worried about you, First.
[Twins, episode 5]
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Me going to sleep knowing that there's so much stuff to learn in the world and it doesn't matter if I fail at first, eventually I'll get there.
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genuinely so sorry if i didn't list your craft! feel free to elaborate about your craft and projects in the tags and notes ❤️
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theoscout · 7 months
🧱you can already walk for hours without getting tired!
🧱what else are you going to fucking spend your time doing? :D walking????
🧱you're so disconnected from reality that you aren't even bothered when reality STARTS BREAKING! :D
🧱run in ONE DIRECTION forever and get to act out ALL YOUR WILDEST DAYDREAMS without EVER needing to pace in circles!
🧱an IMMERSIVE but NON DISTRACTING environment that you can improvise your daydream around!
🧱no one will hear you scream :)
🧱or laugh. or shout. or whisper. or sing. or any other noise that you want to make when you're dreaming
🧱no one's around to distract you from the longest dreams you'll ever have
🧱sure there's entities to worry about but who cares, AT LEAST THEY CAN BE SOLVED BY RUNNING AWAY!! unlike your dwindling life :)
🧱open spaces!! empty spaces!!! run around fast and don't wave between furniture!! there is no furniture!!!!!! you are free to go where you want!
🧱'you are alone' is a thing that you'll be happy aboutttt
🧱if you're an introvert you'd be fucking UNSTOPPABLE
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yeah i can’t stop thinking about the parallels between hearth and alex’s backstories… they were both born into a life that, under slightly different circumstances, would have offered them a lot of privilege. their families had a ton of money and a good social status, and hearth and alex were, in many ways, set up for success.
but there was a catalyst for each of them, something that ended up setting them up for failure instead - the way hearth’s father reacted to him being deaf and alex’s father reacted to her being trans. both of them, despite being born into a life that would have offered them plenty, ended up ostracized and shunned from their families. constantly ridiculed and criticized and blamed for something they couldn’t control and didn’t ask for, but in a better world should have been able to celebrate. hearth should have been able to celebrate his deafness and alex should have been able to celebrate her transness, but they were both robbed of that. they were robbed of their childhoods, growing up in toxic environments and spending their formative years being abused, all for some of the only people in their lives who understood them or cared about them to die.
and yet, each of them were able to cut ties and make their own way in the world. they both managed to build a better life from the ground up, bringing together a solid group of friends to spend the rest of their life (or afterlife) with. they were both taught to hate themselves, spent every day of their childhoods being mistreated by their fathers and told they were worthless, and yet in the end they both manage to undo all that and learn how to love themselves. they learn how to celebrate the very same parts of themselves that their fathers tried to stamp out, choosing instead to surround themselves by people who care about them.
additionally, they both embody the paradox of wanting to distance themselves from their parentage and yet simultaneously reclaim it. alex wants nothing to do with any of her parents, yet deliberately reclaims loki’s urnes snake symbol. hearth has no desire to be associated with his father or former life, but reclaims the rune of inheritance.
but in reclaiming their past, neither of them return to it. alex doesn't try to go back to her house after being kicked out. hearth accepts the othala rune in the end, but after his father is killed, never returns to alfheim again. they take what's theirs, leave, and never look back. so, both of their journeys ultimately involve leaving their former lives behind - giving up privilege, wealth, social status, and the acceptance of others in order to be themselves. becoming the people they want to be, rather than the people society and their fathers wanted them to be.
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thebirdandhersong · 3 months
not to be dramatic but will I ever know peace
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bardic-perdita · 2 months
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Some more of my recent sketches that I actually like. Compared to previous drawings, these are marked improvements.
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coffeexxcigarettes · 16 days
Always Almost Perfect
Spending my entire life
Being ripped apart.
If I could just fix this,
I'd be lovable.
If I could just hold my breath longer,
Hold my shoulders back further,
Hold my head higher-
I'd find
And then when I did find connection,
He took a blade to my body.
I had no reason to struggle.
If I could just change this,
I'd be loved.
And then you.
You showed up out of nowhere,
Pulled me from the massacre with
In your goddamned hands.
You touched my curves gently.
Not despite them,
But because of them.
Every flinch,
You'd pause,
Every time I'd hide,
You'd frown.
What the fuck is that supposed to be?
I've never felt like a caged dog,
Afraid of being pet,
Until you told me you loved me.
I've never felt like a wounded soldier,
Still holding her weapon,
Until you stood before my blade-
Ready to die,
And called me beautiful.
I've never been beautiful.
There's always something to chase,
A new size,
A new shape-
Yet you pull me from those tendencies.
You hold me in your lap.
You rip me down to the most vulnerable parts,
And even those,
Even those.
You long for?
There's not enough poetry,
About never being taught
About unconditional love.
And maybe it makes me weak to admit it,
But maybe.
Maybe I'm afraid.
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feytouched · 2 months
there's a certain sense of existential despair as a stylized line artist trying to learn how to paint in any capacity. yeah i render my regular drawings a little but what do you mean no outlines. it breaks my brain a little and i start feeling like i once did when i was 12 and i would stare at every art piece i come across for 2 hours and marvel and the impossibility and beauty of it. anyway i think it's healthy
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artvaris · 3 months
Your art is beautiful do you have any tips on how to draw faces thank youu 💖
Hi! I'm glad you enjoy my work! If you are a beginner, it is good to start from the beginner basics, such as learning the basic proportions of a face. Everyone learns a bit differently though, so use the resources that fit your learning style the best, be it YouTube videos made by professionals or art theory books, etc.
And remember to use references! When it comes to learning anatomy, here are 3 anatomy books that I've personally found educational and useful:
Morpho, anatomy for artists: Simplified Forms
Anatomy for Sculptors
My approach to drawing faces is loosely influenced by the Loomis method, but I've kind of merged various technical influences into my own process over the years. (Note: I have only included a few resources as an example since I do not wish to overwhelm folks with too much info/technical resources. Getting swarmed by all kinds of resources and information all at once can easily make you feel overwhelmed and confused.)
It's good to know the classic "rule of thumb" proportions, even if real human faces have a lot of variation depending on the person. It's still good and beneficial to know the "rules" before you bend them when you draw and stylize your characters.
The classic proportions act as your basic guidelines so to speak, which you can use to build all kinds of faces with different proportions. This previous Tumblr post of mine (regarding shape simplification, stylization, and drawing faces) could also be somewhat helpful because a lot of the stuff that I talk about here also applies to drawing faces.
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