#I'm in a glass case of emotions 🥺
pelgraine · 1 month
trying to sleep on this Ides of March and my brain is apparently determined to mull over Halsey & Miranda from S1 v S2 instead.
[halo spoilers ahead]
Like, Halsey is cold on a level that no one other than the Spartans and those intimately involved with the Spartan project can appreciate. I mean, she subjected her only child to the trauma of seeing the death of her flash clone - a violent death of someone that looked and acted and spoke exactly like her mother.
Sure, maybe some part of Halsey cared enough to warn Miranda she was chasing a ghost. But did Halsey believe Miranda would put the facts together? Did she want Miranda to put the facts together in that moment, or did she just not want Miranda running after the escaping Halsey? Did some part of Halsey think hey, she's hated me for years, it's not going to affect her watching my clone die, maybe Miranda would celebrate she's finally gone?
Regardless of her motivations - regardless of Halsey telling herself time and time again everything she did was for the greater good of humanity - she, at that time, did not appear to care for Miranda at all. Miranda had to see her mother's clone die a violent death, and this shortly after her actual mother having apparently pretended to be sorry convincingly enough to play on Miranda's emotions and steal her biometric credentials so she could, in effect, sabotage a great many things whilst using Miranda's identity.
But in stark contrast and prior to all that we have (in episode 5) the moment where we know, and see, that Miranda's ship has been hit by the Covenant. Halsey sees it happen and sinks into the chair like maybe her knees gave out. Yet only moments before she'd given the order to take the artifact onto Miranda's ship as the only suitable option. You could be forgiven for assuming Halsey was grieving the likely loss of their only chance to get the artifact safely out of the Covenant's hands.
But then we see Halsey ordering the ramp to Miranda's ship to get dropped and two figures stumbling out, and we all realise it's Miranda assisting that private who was injured. Halsey, looking genuinely terrified, calls out Miranda's name and immediately dashes out into the middle of a live battlefield to get to her. Miranda narrowly escapes being blown up and is blown over by the shockwave, and we see Halsey running in to pick her up and put an arm over her shoulder so she can help Miranda stumble to safety.
Then we get Halsey's interviews where we find out exactly how awful the whole Spartan program is, and Miranda is thinking just how misguided she was in her younger self's feelings being replaced as Halsey's child with the substitute Spartan children.
Everything that comes after that reinforces the idea that Halsey doesn't or cannot adequately value Miranda's feelings or wellbeing.
The more we learned about exactly the kind of things Halsey has done and subjected others (primarily the Spartans to), the more convinced I was she was a complete sociopath who was incapable of feeling the full spectrum of emotions and who didn't experience empathy. As the episodes went on I started to question that conclusion because it seemed increasingly apparent that Halsey did genuinely care for and likely loved both Jacob and Miranda Keyes, regardless of her either (ruthlessly) squashed or diminished capacity for empathy.
Then we have S2 e06 and e07. I've mentioned e06 with Halsey and Miranda in another post so I won't go over that again here.
In e07 there's so much I don't even really know where to start. Rewatching part of it now and it occurred to me that while Miranda is testing Halsey's trustworthiness for the information not contained in her notes (as she should, given all the shit Halsey pulled in S1), there's two things that really jumped out at me here. Firstly, it's the fact that Halsey seems to be genuinely grateful to have a scientific mind on her level to talk about these discoveries with, one who Is equally enthralled by it all (personal and professional contentions between them aside), and that is likely a major motivator for opening up instead of hoarding knowledge.
Second, there's the thought that Miranda had all of Halsey's personal logs and research because as far as anyone really knew, she was dead.
Thirdly - as we find out later - that an evident motivator behind Miranda's actions and obsession with her mother's work is because she's been searching for the meaning behind her mother's actions her whole life. Searching for meaning because if maybe she understood Halsey's motivations better she'd feel closer to her mother, something it seems Miranda has been pretending she found distasteful and wanted least, but has evidently subconsciously been wanting for a very long time.
It's curious that Halsey doesn't answer Miranda's 'who else knows about this' question, and I'm thinking that this means the full extent of Halsey's research and discoveries that eventually led to the Spartan program, and that the reason Halsey doesn't answer because maybe the only other person who knew as much as she did about it all is Jacob Keyes. And I like to think that maybe Halsey moves on/sidesteps the question because she doesn't want to put Jacob in a bad light, given the circumstances.
And maybe Miranda knows that and lets the question go for the moment, but she's clearly thinking about it because we get a brief shot of her in the background just watching her mother while Miranda is clearly tense as hell, shoulders rigid and creeping up toward her ears. Then she starts to talk about what happened. She's not asking Halsey questions, merely voicing statements, because it's evident some part of Miranda already knows her father gone. She just hadn't wanted to lose hope.
And Halsey is standing there, face and body language looking simultaneously wildly uncomfortable and increasingly grave as the conversation progresses, like some part of her wants to be kind and comforting to Miranda except she's been suppressing her instinctive emotional responses for so long it's like she's forgotten how to do so anymore, and she's desperately trying to dig up those forgotten memories because she realises she doesn't want to cause Miranda any more harm than she already has.
And we get that tiny little lip wobble and big eyes from Miranda as you literally see the reality of the news settle into her, while she tries not to cry in front of Halssy. And we get Halsey stumbling over her words (a rare occurrence) when she tells Miranda that she was there when Jacob died (when Halsey walked away alive and Jacob didn't,) and stuttering again as she calls for Miranda to wait (and not walk away).
Then we have the discovery of the constellation key map and Halsey whispers "now, that's something" in awe. (Which I'll get back to later 🥺)
They get the extremely cool constellation lock open and Halsey steps forward onto the bridge a moment after Miranda calls out "Wait, what if..."
When they're racing back over the bridge and Halsey gets enthralled by the evidence of a whole city below them like she's a moth about to get burned by the light and Miranda's tugging on her arm, trying to drag Halsey to safety, Miranda calls out Halsey's name four or five times in increasingly desperate tones.
It's only when the glass bridge is what looks like millimetres from cracking under Halsey's feet does Miranda let out a frantic "Mom! Please!" And the spell the undead city laid on Halsey is broken.
Halsey's look of shock suggests that Miranda maybe hasn't called her Mom in years (likely decades.) It's the trigger that saves her life just in time.
Then Halsey, like an addict, immediately demands they return to the cavern of likely death, before shortly proving she knows that she and Miranda are a little too much alike in some respects by demanding Miranda reveal the fact she got the object the entombed scientist was holding (protecting?). Miranda looks hesitant, almost shuffling in place in reluctance to trust Halsey, before giving into the need to share the discovery. She passes the object to Halsey who looks thrilled and Miranda gazes back to her with an expression so reminiscent of a child pleased that their parent is proud of them.
Later, Miranda reveals the extent of her fascination/obsession with the site and Halsey's notes, when talking about her staying late and working alone with just Halsey's notes for company for the last five months. I'm curious about the phrasing of "it felt like talking to who you used to be," because it both gives away so much and raises so many questions. Just from that I get the impression that at one point Miranda used to enjoy Halsey's company, used to appreciate their conversations and the like - which made me wonder at what point did it all start really going downhill between them and how long ago it was. I wonder if they've worked together on other research projects in the past, perhaps part of what makes them so familiar with how each other operates even while estranged.
More than that, even, is the striking degree of vulnerability that Miranda is willingly displaying here despite everything Halsey has done (in season 1 particularly) and despite her valid mistrust. Miranda so clearly very much wants to connect with the only family member she (presumably) has left, invariably letting Halsey know how important she is still to Miranda in the process. Miranda's words of "And don't worry. If you never get there, I will," have a multitude of layers. Spoken to the table instead of directly to Halsey's gaze, they become a sort of teasing echo to all their previous tension and 'anything you can do I can do better'-style competitiveness - while retaining that shy undercurrent of attempting to reassure Halsey that her work matters to Miranda, that Halsey isn't alone in her efforts and that someone else will pick up the ball and keep running with it when she can't, if only because they share that common ground together with the same goals.
That little tentative half-smile that Miranda gives in response to Halsey's reply of "I believe you" with her steady gaze is also telling - it underlines the implications that I've mentioned above. When Miranda unexpectedly manages to get the object open she breathes our 'Halsey' like it's reflex after so many years of doing so, to get her attention - but then she looks up and - after (more or less) finally allowing herself to be emotionally vulnerable in Halsey's presence - says "Mom?" upon realising Halsey isn't right there with her.
We get a drawn-out camera shot of Miranda alone in an otherwise dark room, looking confused and a little lost, Halsey nowhere to be seen. It echoes their earlier conversation - Miranda is alone again because Halsey is not who she used to be, whoever that was.
Miranda looks back down at the object, overwhelmed by the potential gravity of the discovery she's made, but the halfway between a sigh and a laugh she breathes out seems both celebratory and in resignation - as though she's disappointed at Halsey vanishing right then and also disappointed that she's at all surprised to have thought Halsey would actually be reliable enough to be there and share in the celebration with her.
Miranda says "Now, that's something," in awe of the discovery in her hands, in much the same way Halsey said earlier in the episode. It makes me wonder if Miranda is just echoing what Halsey said before, or if it was a regular habit of Halsey's to state the phrase upon discovering something new and inspiring that Miranda picked up by association.
Now that I think about the episode again, what's the bet that Halsey ran off to try and get into the forerunner lab again but gets waylaid by either Cortana or a security lockdown of the base before she had the chance to get infected by the Flood? Oh no, now I'm thinking about Miranda trying to save Halsey from doing stupid life-threatening things again and now I'm even more keen to see next week's episode.
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catawampuscorner · 2 years
Several people at my work have the same laptop, and when we don't take it home, we store it in a locked cabinet. It got confusing figuring out which one belonged to whom, so I put Lion!Rex on mine.
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He makes me smile every time I see him, and brightens my morning considerably. Just wanted to let you know. So thank you for drawing him and all the other baby clones! 😊🥰
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I'm so glad you like them!! Thank you for showing me this, it really made my day 💖💖
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forcheol · 2 months
reader being quiet cos they had a bad day and coups trying to cheer them up 🥺
this man would turn into the biggest clown to make you laugh fr 💯
warnings: hyperventilating due to crying (idk if this is a warning but put it down just in case)
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"honey, i'm home!" seungcheol sings as he enters the house, keys jangling as they spin around his pointer finger. he slips off his shoes, hangs his coat up and walks to the living room only to find you snuggled up in a layer of blanket, blank eyes boring into the tv screen.
"hey, doll," he whispers as he saunters over to the couch you're on. a large hand goes to stroke your hair, he's towering over you and you instantly move into every pass of his hand that smoothens your hair.
when you push his hand away, he's confused. did he do something wrong? did he miss something important? he never misses anything due to the events he has recorded on his calendar, though.
he watches curiously as you sit up, pulling the blanket along with you as you wiggle into the corner of the couch. and as you stare at him, he knows what you need. you just need him. the glossy eyes of yours give it away, even though you tried so hard not to show any negative emotions.
tossing his keys and phone on the coffee table, he doesn't hesitate to quickly but carefully place himself next to you. as soon as his hand tugs you onto his chest, into his arms, the tears in your eyes fall. thick, hot tears rush down your cheek and linger at your chin, some soaking the material of his blazer and white shirt. he didn't care if you cried into his suits, never did and never will. if he could be the one for you to lean on and let out your tears, he would do anything.
"i'm here. let it all out, doll."
that's all he whispers as he rubs your back and runs a warm hand over your hair, just sweet words to comfort you. through tears, you explain to him yet his heart squeezes everytime you take a big gasp of air or when another fat tear escapes your eye, he wipes every single tear and whispers 'breathe, sweetheart, i got you' when you begin to hyperventilate.
once you're done explaining, you can't help but let out a huge shuddering breath. at this, seungcheol presses you into his chest further, heart almost breaking at the sound.
"i'll get you some water, hm?" he tries to slip out of your arms but you tighten your hold in protest, "you need to hydrate after crying all those tears, silly."
well, you were a little thirsty after all that so you allow him to grab you a glass of cool water which you drink up surprisingly fast. seungcheol takes the glass from you and swaps it for his phone, tapping around, "let me show you something."
you track his thumb as it swipes through his phone before it settles on a picture of soonyoung looking into the camera lens, he held a croissant in one hand with chocolate smeared around his lips, "he said he misses you."
it makes you giggle and you don't see it but seungcheol is smiling so fondly at you. but your smile fades a while later, remembering the events of your horrible day.
it doesn't go unnoticed by seungcheol at all. being an attentive person, he notices many things about you. he notices the way the tears reform in your eyes, the way you yank lightly on his blazer sleeve and bury yourself back into his broad chest.
"oh, my baby."
gently, he takes your face in his hands and brings you close to his own to stamp a kiss on your cheek, then the other, your nose, your forehead. he doesn't stop until he pulls the sound of laughter out of you. he doesn't stop even when you scrunch your face and sniffle a little after your tears had stopped.
"i'll get that horrible guy for you, i'll teach him a lesson so he doesn't ever mess with my sweet girl again."
"you wouldn't hurt a fly, cherry," you laugh a little because you know seungcheol isn't the violent type.
"hey, i'd do anything for my silly girl."
"silly girl? you're my silly guy then."
and all he can do is chuckle at your words, squeezing his arms around you.
he wouldn't hurt a fly, yes, but he'd go to the ends of the earth for you.
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here's the soonyoung pic i was talking about hehe (i know he isn't holding the croissant, just go with it >_<). hope you enjoyed this and if you did, please consider reblogging/commenting and liking <3
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 29 !!!
we're in the second half of season 2 batchersss (was gonna say were in the end game now but I'll save that for tomorrow 😫)
The Bad Batch 2x09
her voice 🥲 she sounds so down it hurts
"sounds dangerous" *giggles* ilysm Wrecker 💕
Hunter sniffing dirt again hehe
Tech says "without Echo" and Omega immediately droops her head 😫
creeper peekin 👀
I love how Wrecker was carrying the case with one hand and Hunter needs two and keeps adjusting it 💪
Wrecker checking in on Omega 🤲
oop Omega dramatic sigh count 👀
Hunter lifting Omega up 🥺
"chain reaction, explosion got it 🙄" tbb dealing with teenage fett mood swings now
gentle hands 🤲
that is not your ship kid 👀
Hunter slams the highly dangerous explosives into the ground lmaooo
Hunter hearing the ship power up !!! his turns so fast and jumps over the stairs 🙌
the bickering batch
they're literally all so feral at each other rn 😮
Wrecker giving Omega water first 🥺
she's calling Echo for help 😭
Tech knows he disabled his comms... have they been chattin 👀
Hunter's senses on fire this ep 👌
Hunter pushing Omega in front of him and steering her out of the way 🙌
the Lion King ???
Tech: "protect the ipsium!" Wrecker: bruh 😑
the ipsium survived Hunter slamming it on the ground I'm sure it'll be fine
Wrecker: "why don't you carry it 😠" Tech: "fine" lolol
Tech is so strong omg he carried it like Wrecker 👀
Omega needs something to cover her face in this sandstorm 🥲 give her a helmet
Omega bby someone hug her !!!!! 😫😭
"what is your issue" 💔
how soft Hunter said her name 🥺🤲
Tech doesnt understand the emotional connection she has to everything but they probably all struggle to see that being soldiers, they're taught to let go of things, stay in the moment to be able to be the best they can, she's just a kid who wants her brother and her home back after just losing everything, I can completely understand both sides of this 🥲 I'm blabbing and it's not making sense anymore 🙃
"thats not the only mistake you need to fix" Hunter's dad mode applies to Tech now too
Tech: "but she said she wanted to be alone" 🥺
they're getting so much better at the whole dad/big brother thing 💕
Tech said her name so gently 😭
Omega and Tech having the same ideas 🥰
"I am fully aware you are capable of the task" 🥺
oop I forgot the 😫 Tech falls count: we're on 5 now
THE WAY HE GRABS HER IN THE WATER OML 😭 he was so desperate to save her
Hunter sensing they're in trouble 👀
Not only do I love Hunter's senses but I also love how aware they all are of him, like they all question him every time he pauses or looks off at something, they're all just so aware of each other 💕
Tech and Omega lying down out of the water 🤲
Tech emptying the water from his glasses !! 🥺
"we are alive" ~ bro I love how often he responds like this I can't wait to hear it again hehehe
Omega's wet droopy hair is getting so long 🥺
"the narrow crevasse" i love the way he talks he's so fancy 💅
Putting a bunch of quotes in bc they're iconic 💕
Omega: "everything is changing and you don't even care"
Tech: "I am not sure how I should care about change, it is a fundamental part of life"
Tech: "I am aware that you miss him, but we have to adapt and move on. That's what soldiers do."
Omega: "we're more than that. We're a family aren't we?"
Tech: "yes of course we are"
Omega: "why don't you act like it?"
Tech: "Echo chose a different path, as did Crosshair. I have to respect their decision. Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on. I may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less than you"
I have to put it all in bc this scene means so much to me 🥺🤲💕
Wrecker's scream and the big *fwosshhh* landing in the water vs Hunter's tiny *bloop*
Omega's wave 🫶
the way Hunter just tosses Tech's stuff out of the water and he's still holding Omega's bow is the difference between brother and dad
wet hair Hunter when 👀
Omega "see that wasn't so bad" Wrecker: 👍
Tech being almost as precise as Crosshair 💕
Tech and Omega looking at each other 👀🤲
Hunter noticing somethings different with Omega now after talking with Tech 🥺
CID 🔫 I want to hunt her for sport fr 😈
Omega quoting Tech 💕💕💕💕
oooohhhh this ep holds a special place in my heart fr
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hirmienworld · 7 months
Ok. Let's get emotional 😭
Ray's wearing Sand's Home Alone shirt 🥺
"There are lots of shittier people than you in this world" damn yes. Poor Boston, tho. He really is being openly himself.
Just them around the world listening to good music and having the time of their life? YES. PLEASE. GIVE ME THIS ENDING.
My god, they are beautiful 😭 and full of love 🥺😭
And now we totally know who's the bottom. No surprise indeed.
I want to live forever in the "Ray sweetly kissing Sand's cheek after making love" time frame.
And now let's talk about rehabilitation, yes. No world tour having fun if you are still under drugs and alcohol.
Here it comes. Ray and Mew back to he friends, exactly how it should be.
"A friend" .. do friends tenderly do love with each other and plan their future?
God Mew, straight to the point, love you.
Ray, you can't lose him, he's your bestie.
Omg we're having so much clear, honest talking that now I'm scared for the next episodes. Everything is going on too well. Drama will slap us in the face SO HARD.
And there he is. DRAMA, WITH GLASSES.
Top (and Sand) ex boyfriend doesn't ring as a red flag. Ex can still be friends with each other, maybe this is the case. Still, even without ill intentions behind, Top should have said something about it to Mew a long time ago.
Boston's thick "I don't care at all" walls are starting to shake. Love to see him asking himself and Nick this question about himself.
Ray crying 😭 but I guess it is about doing therapy, that room looks like a psychologist one.
This is the first time I'm not scared about next episode and this scares me 😂 I wonder what's in store for us. Hope the rest of the problems will be the kind they can face together.
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brandwhorestarscream · 5 months
Outlaw ninja au
In the case of the Arachnid, they are work partners (you know that video of two scientists getting emotional over an octopus? like that) and she calls him to find out where he is (He wasn't gone long enough for her to need to go in person)
Tarantulas visit them whenever he can, which may or may not result in Barricade coming up to him one day and asking "what do I do to join the army 👀?"
Overall, Prowl stays pretty low key and doesn't went out to many places for a considerable amount of time and when he starts to come out he changes his colors.
(There is a prowl design, white, dark blue, with more pointed edges and red details, which I don't know if it's the shattered glass one but I'm tempted to use it)
Daaaw, Barricade wanting to help the cons 🥺 what a sweetheart. His earliest memories are of Prowl rescuing them from the autobots that were going to use them as cannon fodder, so he doesn't exactly have a high opinion of them. He wants to help out the other side, or at least stick it to the bots 🤭 Prowl is against the idea, not wanting any of his children to fall to war, but he respects Barricade's decision and makes sure to give him all the training he needs to succeed
It would make sense for Prowl to have changed up his look over time, considering he's technically a wanted fugitive. We can definitely make him more intune with his other counterparts with the primarily white color scheme if you want :)
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writernopal · 9 months
Happy STS! 💜💌 What role does symbolism play in your WIPs, if any? What symbols relate to certain characters, events, or emotions? How do you decide what symbols to use, or what these symbols mean? Are they intentional, or do you notice them after they've appeared in the story? :) - @liv-is
Happy STS, Liv! putting a cut on this one bc you got me storytelling fr lol
What role does symbolism play in your WIPs, if any?
Symbolism is HUGE in AASOAF. You know that meme of sometimes the curtains are just blue bc they are blue? Yeah, that doesn't apply here. Nearly EVERYTHING has a double or multiple meaning and represents something, whether it be an idea, a place, a person, a theme, etc. I just love symbol-heavy stories and little nuances like that. Anytime I spot stuff like that in stories myself it feels like the author is giving me a gold star or a pat on the head so when I started writing I went nuts with that lol. I dream of the day that someone reads it to FILTH and comes knocking at my figurative door about all of those little things.
What symbols relate to certain characters, events, or emotions?
Alright, I'm going to limit myself to one here because of the sheer volume of symbols in the series lol. The "gem" in Mariel's shieldstone is actually a piece of sea glass, cut and polished to look like a diamond. Axtapor was fooled by a civilian on his first pillage into thinking that it was a real diamond so naturally, he guarded it and bragged about it quite a bit. Shortly after, another deckhand pointed out that it wasn't a diamond at all, just sea glass, something plain and mostly worthless. He resolved to keep it to fool some other unsuspecting person in the future and then mostly forgot about it. \
However, when it comes time to make use of it, he gifts it to Mariel, though not to fool her into believing it has any value, but because she doesn't like expensive things and he still wants to give her something pretty. The story of the stone itself symbolizes how Mariel to most, is rather ordinary, nothing special, but to Axtapor is a highly coveted treasure. He's also rather protective of her and often mentions how he is lucky to be with her and is not shy about singing her praises to others. 🥺
How do you decide what symbols to use, or what these symbols mean? Are they intentional, or do you notice them after they've appeared in the story?
Honestly, it's a mixed bag. Sometimes symbols are just objects (Mariel's shieldstone), other times they are foods (like in the case of the Pale Kings imperialism being represented by figs), and sometimes they are stories/anecdotes (Axtapor's Kingdom of Frogs story being akin to the Realm of Dreams IYKYK).
As far as being intentional, most of them are, but there are some that crop up later on that I'm sort of like oh yeah. I totally meant to put that in there LOL.
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damatris · 1 year
I'm in a glass case of emotions and life is good after closer to 4h of LOTR movie 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm even going to catch the next bus home instead of having to wait 30min! I also got really lucky since couple hours before the movie I checked for fun if the hall will be full. And guess what? A seat in an almost perfect spot had opened up so I canceled my old ticket and snatched the good seat. From almost the end of a row to higher one and smack-dab middle of the screen. 🔥
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samcat18 · 1 year
I went from sobbing at the end of 'his dark materials' (i forgot how the book ended, and it got me real good!!!!!!) To then sobbing at 'lore olympus'!!!!!! I'm in a glass case of emotions, nobody touch me 🥺😍😭😍🥺
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courtofmatchups · 2 years
Hello! I’m a bisexual demigirl! I love to bake but the problem is things turn out really messy sometimes 😭 the confections taste great but they are super ugly looking. I enjoy dancing and exercising! I like to listen to music! I enjoy doing abstract art because it's easier and helps express emotions. (Plus art is so pretty) I also like to sleep, I could sleep and stay in my warm bed forever. I have serious anxiety and it causes me to not want to go out in public and often isolate myself which could be a problem for my paramour. I also get super sick easily so my paramour would have to deal with that too- I hardly am sad or angry so when I am it's a big deal. In both cases I end up being a sobbing mess.
It looks like you've captured the heart of...
The Loyal Maladroit:
Tino Maes!
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As someone who loves cooking and baking, Tino would love to do this with you, and he'd be more than happy to give you pointers on how to make your baked goods look, well, good. The fact that you like to dance and exercise is also something Tino would love about you. Keeping fit is important as a valet, especially if their master falls asleep randomly, so he'll invite you to exercise with him
Tino will also appreciate your hobbies. I'm not too sure where he stands with art, but seeing as he comes from a family of elite valets, he'll at least have some appreciation for it. He'll especially appreciate the art you make. As for your anxiety, it does sadden him that this afflicts you so badly. If there is anything you can count on Tino for, is that he'll support you and he'll want to be there for you, so please let him 🥺. He'll also be more than happy to help take care of you when you get sick
You knew you shouldn't have been up so late painting out in the courtyard, and now here you were bedridden with a cold. Your finished artwork fully captured the chaos of emotions during your stay in Saligia, and it looked pretty good to you, but at what cost? You were supposed to bake with Tino today, but seeing as you're sick, he insisted that he should take care of you. Speaking of, there was a knock at the door, and in came Tino.
"Hello, there (anon)! How're you feeling?"
You noticed that in his hands was a tray with a bowl of soup, a roll of bread and a glass of fruit juice, all of which look freshly made. If there was anyone you were especially grateful for, it was Tino. He helped you in a lot of situations, and this was no exception. You insisted that you had enough strength to feed yourself, but he wasn't having any of it. Your throat was too sore to protest any further, so you gave in and let him feed you spoonfuls of the soup he made. The mellow flavours and the loving hand that fed you really helped you to regain some strength. You wouldn't be surprised if that's all you needed to recover. Before, long, he was finished feeding you.
"You really needn't thank me so. Helping you get better truly makes me happy. I hope we can bake together sometime soon, too"
Well, anon, I hope you enjoyed and I hope I did your character justice
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
He tried to twirl, I wanna see a video of bluey twirling. Damn him for being so freaking cute. Can Rogers die out of pure anger because I wouldn't mind that or any way that gets him killed honestly (yes I now hate the original steve rogers for life bcs I wouldn't be able to get this out of my head ever). They got him out!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I'm putting on my party hat. Bluey's home😁 yayyy!!!! What if she takes the glass doors out from the freezer to get him more comfortable. He doesn't need any reminders of the trauma tho I'm sure he trusts y/n more than enough to follow her back to those chambers even and she will never break his trust 😌. Why have I not seen relationships like this in real life. Shower and cuddling *cough cough* don't be mad but you're naughty and I love it😁. Ofcourse the emotional part of it just makes me cry happy tears. He just wants her to be okay and she just wants him to be okay. They're so selfless it's crazy. I love them both❤❤. I think the next few chapters are gonna be fun and I can't wait😋😋.
I wish I could show you a video of Bluey swaying and twirling 🥺
Rogers is definitely going to get even crazier after this😅
I think taking the casing out would heat up the freezer, condensation and all. He definitely trusts her mire than anything and you are right he'd follow her back to the chamber if she'd take him there :)
Yeah she doesn't want to overstep, she have no idea that he wants the same thing and feels the same for her ;)
It's going to be fun and 🥵
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crackinglamb · 2 years
Tell me about Cadash and Solas 🥺
I lovingly blame you for this being a thing that came out of my head, by the way. You are 100% responsible for me shipping this. 😘
Lark Cadash is a Carta smuggler/assassin who was trained by her grandmother to actually be a Shaper. She's a bit of a wanderer, a little rebellious and one might even say reckless. I've made up a ridiculous amount of House Cadash lore going back to Cad-Halash, which includes her knowing a fair amount of Elvish history and language too. For Plot Reasons(tm). Anyway, Lark finds a ruin in 9:40 Dragon or so, and the sleeping Elvhen man within...
And that became Of Ruins and Restoration.
(TL;DR - she's there when Solas wakes up, realizes that he's Elvhen, although she doesn't know who he is. They have an immediate spark but part ways, she ends up becoming the Herald. dun dun DUNN!)
Now, I have to say, even before the overwhelming response I got to this little oneshot, I had thoughts about writing more of it. To date, I've decided that I'll let what is posted stand as is until the rest is completed, because it holds up fairly well on its own.
But, there is most definitely more...
“Would you want to go back?” Solas asked in the quiet of the night, when Cassandra and Varric had gone to sleep and it felt like there was nothing else in the world but the pair of them and a fire.
“To your thaig. To your history. Do you miss it?”
She gave him a look across the fire, part incredulous and part chiding. “Pride, I heard you have this exact same conversation with Varric already. And my answer will not be much different than his.”
“Not much is still some.”
She sighed. “Fine. There's nothing to miss, in case you've forgotten. My House was exiled for a reason. My line has been surfacers longer than the Tethrases by generations. What would I go back to, given the option...Orzammar? Why would I want to? I would be casteless, branded as unfit for society. I'm already looked upon that way just by being in the Carta. At least up here I can make my own rules for it.”
“You are far more than a Carta lyrium smuggler.”
“You're right. I am. I was supposed to become a Shaper. To follow in the footsteps of my Ancestors and recite the memories to keep them alive. I suppose that would have made me noble caste, if I was allowed to prove it. But I wouldn't be. My Granddam died of a wasting disease because no one would treat a dwarf who coughed up blood.” She frowned at him as she snarled the words, trying to hide the pain of that loss behind fury. “My training was incomplete, and I was left with no other options.”
“Until now.”
“Right, because this will all end well,” she scoffed. “What are you getting from asking, anyhow? What's it to you?”
“Dwarves held a once mighty empire below the earth. It stretched beyond the borders of Thedas and went to places even I am not aware of. And now it is lost, as your people were lost to me in the Fade.”
“Because we don't dream.”
“Well, we lost our mighty empire, as you put it, because someone unleashed darkspawn upon the world. The Chantry says it was Magisters breaking into the Fade. The Shaperate says they are older than that.”
“They are,” he said softly. Abruptly he looked away and his face was so sad she thought it might crack like glass. He collected himself and smiled wanly across the fire at her. “Forgive me, falon. I should not have asked. But you have given me much to think upon.”
Falon, he calls me. More than mere acquaintances, less than kin.
“Da'banal,” she said carefully, hoping to draw him back from the brink of whatever abyssal emotion had taken him by using his own tongue. And for a moment it appeared to work; the corners of his lips ticked up into a stronger, more genuine smile.
“On nydha, Lark. Do not waste precious hours of rest by this fire.”
“Goodnight, Pride. Don't waste your hours either.”
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
How about 21 with executor?
Hey anon! Ty for coming to the After-Party 🥳!! You're the second one here sgsjgshs
Please take some chocolate cake 💕
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Alright, number 21 for the After-Party's Character Ask Meme!!
21- Wild card! Talk about anything to do with this character! Anything at all!
Sbjshs omg okay 👉👈 let's see what I can talk about lolol 🤔
How about Executor in comparison to other Sanktas in the game plus some theories I have about Laterano and him??
So, if anyone just looks at Mr. Angel with a Shotgun it's pretty clear he isn't the same as the other Sanktas in the game so far:
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I'm mainly talking about his halo and wings! They're completely black, aren't emitting light, and also just look much different than the wings and halos of the other Sanktas 🤔
Of course, I know the reason why his halo and wings are black sbjshsh it's because he's a Fallen Sankta (meaning he's killed other Sanktas)
But Executor's halo and wings remind me almost of Obsidian, while the wings and halos of other Sanktas are more like glass 🤔 and also, on his halo there's some kind of attachment to it? Like a little tiny device it looks like
None of this stuff is really explained in his Operator Files sbjshs 😭 so I'm left just to wonder and speculate
So sgshhs we don't know a lot about Laterano yet, but in Executor's Operator Files it sounds like Laterano only sends out its executors for extremely difficult jobs that result in a lot of collateral damage
It is clear that the Notarial Hall deploys its executors only to the most challenging of missions.
We also know that Executor is almost abnormally physically strong, as it's mentioned in his Operator Files that another Operator witnessed him rip the heart of some kind of beast from its chest with his bare hands sghshss 😭
This is also not to say that executors, including Executor, are not themselves strong. Last week, I saw him tear out the aorta of a vicious beast with his bare hands, spraying his partner with blood. That was not the first time an operator came crying to me that 'Executor is terrifying,' and it certainly won't be the last.
And finally we know from his Operator Files that the way he thinks is very different from what's considered the norm (so different that some Operators think he's a robot or something sghsgs 😭), and he lacks much emotion and views the world mechanically
Executor has indicated that his problem is not that he does not understand the facts, rather that he does not understand the meaning that others attribute to them. Our studies have shown that Executor's lack of empathic ability is not illustrative of psychopathic tendencies, rather it indicates a sort of mechanical absorption of information, with an overstimulated nervous system reaching similar conclusions.
Anyway shjsjs considering all of this stuff, my mini theory is this: I really think maybe Laterano is altering their executors mentally and/or physically to enhance their capabilities, maybe so they can weaponize their executors 🤔
(Because of the Obsidian-like appearance of his wings and halo, I almost believe this alteration was done with Originium?)
Maybe the little thing on his halo is some kind of device Laterano can track him with, just in case he ever goes rogue??
And if Executor's brain and body had been altered in some way by Laterano with the purpose of turning him into a weapon rather than a person, it would explain his trouble with emotion and his way of thinking as well as his strength sbjsbsjs
But there's just so much we don't know about Laterano sigh 🤔 aaa omg Hypergryph please give us a Laterano event 😭😭!! I'd really love to learn more about Laterano and the Notarial Hall, and maybe even a reveal of Executor's real name sghshss 🥺
But anyways sbjshs!! 👉👈 All of that is just my thinking based on what I know about Arknights lore and what makes the most sense to me
I really hope we get a Laterano-based event soon so we can learn more about all this stuff, plus Executor deserves more love and in-game content so 🥺!!
Anywho anon, Executor and I both thank you for sending in an ask sgsjsg 🥳 Ty for giving me a chance to kinda just ramble on about Executor 👉👈
Tysm for coming to the After-Party 🥺 and please enjoy your chocolate cake 🍫 Have a great day and I hope you'll stick around!! 🌸
Yours Truly,
- Exe 💘 (and Executor also!)
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blueathens · 3 years
I am in a glass case of emotions right now and it is all your fault!! You can tease all you want if this is what we get out of it.
I went from nearly crying at the beginning, to feeling so pumped as Mason finally got his hands on Anthony, to crying as she tells Ben that she's leaving, AGAIN!
Ian. I love him. He's a great man.
Benji and Declan, great as always, but they better get those audios to Mason, because at this point we need a happy ending. I'm literally picturing the cliché airport scene where the guy runs after the girl and gets there just as she's getting on the plane. Mason can't let her leave again 🥺
Seems like you went on a rollercoaster then! And great teasing you all was so fun! And Ian deserves everything man and Ben and Dec need to step up their game and hit mase round the face cause he’s so fucking blind
That scene though....
“I got off the plane.”
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baezdylan · 3 years
ok here's my favourite parts/things from chapter 3 (which is now my fav hehe):
Rev's last name is Sparks?! that is just so him, fits the character you created in my head so well, i absolutely love it
also Audrey Claire?? that is such a beautiful name too!
ok, about Revelius - it's just amazing, the way you painted a picture of him so clearly in my mind: the sweater with holes in it, the glitter, and the scarves, he's just wonderful and i all wanna do rn is hug him
the habit Audrey has of tucking hair behind her ear - i literally do that alllllll the time!
and Audrey, omg, she is so relatable to me, just the way she feels about things, what and how she does stuff, idk just the little things that are familiar like that
"Next thing she knows, she's dreaming of stars." sounds so sweet and peaceful (and also so relatable)
"wanderer of flowery youths and incandescent hearts" (you used incandescent!!!!!!!!!!!)
"Once fall comes, people turn into portable paintings." BEAUTIFUL JO, JUST *aggressive chef's kiss* and the way it links in with what you said in the notes, about how we all influence people, and help them to paint their portraits - i love it sm
"And when her gaze welcomes the glorious landscape on the other side of the glass, her eyes are full of gold coloured stars." this line, i can't even describe how wonderful i find it. the beautiful imagery mixed with curiosity and everything is just. so. good. ahhhhhhhhhh
so to summarise; you're an amazing writer, with such incredibly deep and wonderful meanings behind every gorgeous word, and i would die for your work. seriously. i want a signed copy of your first book, okay??
never stop doing what you do, jo. you have a gift, not just of writing, but the way you think and attack ideas through stunning sentences and paragraphs is truly something special. <33333 i can't wait to see what the next chapter brings!!!
I'm an emotional disaster right now. That's it, you're getting fun facts because of this:
- Since you mentioned the hole in Rev's sweater, I actually mentioned that sweater in the very first chapter. He's wearing it when he says goodbye to Dorothy and when she leaves for college. That can imply (but doesn't have to, again: my stories are free for interpretation) that the scene in the coffee shop, the scene at the very beginning of the third chapter, chronologically comes right after the scene in the first chapter.
- The second thing I'm sharing with you is the "invisible string aspect", as I like to call it. It's all over scrapbooks, but I'll only share the Dorothy/Revelius part of it. Dorothy isn't physically present in this chapter, but she is a part of Revelius, therefore she is there. The whole Revelius/Dorothy dynamic consists of them not being sure that the other one is real. It can all be looked at from many angles actually. Maybe Dorothy isn't real, maybe Rev isn't real, maybe both of them are fiction, maybe both of them are real but some of their interactions are fiction. It could be whatever the reader wants it to be. It's all about fiction versus reality with them, both individually and together. Back to the invisible string part: when Audrey first comes to the theatre, Revelius is talking about the girl who is spinning and in the first chapter of the story, Dorothy says how everything is always spinning for her. This surely means that she's a major part of his art, but it also shows just how well he understands her. Idk it all makes me very shsjdjsndjwndnsmn, I purposely used the same word in both cases (spinning) to highlight the invisible string connecting these people.
Ok I got a bit carried away there, I hope it was at least a bit interesting. Thank you for being such a great friend and providing me with these observations. I'm truly the luckiest person on earth today.
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