#halo tv spoilers
thelvadams · 2 months
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Halo • Season 2 Episode 6 ‘Onyx’
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 month
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episode 8 “Halo”, The Season Finale | Favorite scenes (vol. 2-2)
“This armor doesn't belong to them. It belongs to me. To the ones who are gone. And the ones who are still in the fight.”
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May I humbly request spartan mid battle animal fun facts?
Hi pater, I put both scenes together for context. Here's a minute of watchable Halo TV show, reminds me of red vs-
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inthatfandom · 1 month
I am so glad the writers had Miranda say "Halsey?" in the scene where Miranda realizes she's been infected because if Miranda had said "Mom?" in that moment I would have burst into tears
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pelgraine · 1 month
Halo s02e08 rewatch thoughts - many spoilers ahead:
Janine was actually being a huge bitch and Miranda displayed more restraint than I might have in the circumstances.
Jeanny also clearly lied - and badly - about having touched the object containing the spores. I mean, not only did she not look Miranda in the eye, she answered "I don't think so" to Miranda's question of whether she was there earlier.
Then we get the cheery music starting. Does anyone know what that song is?
We see Janine touch hands with another scientist on her way out down the corridor. At first glance I thought maybe they were girlfriends and she was just saying hello, but then I thought the other scientist was passing back the swipe card that Janine had borrowed from her in order to get into Miranda's lab. And on second thoughts, I'm thinking that is the case, and that it's not the first time Janine has borrowed someone else's pass to get in there. I think she just had hoped Miranda wouldn't be in there that time, which is maybe why she was being so passive aggressively bitchy - hoping that Miranda would stalk out in a huff, leaving Janine free to fiddle around with the Forerunner object once more.
But, as we know, it's much too late anyway.
We see the infection take over Janine. It's interesting watching it all again and seeing a few things I didn't note the first time around, like the order of progression of symptoms, or how negatively an infected individual appears to react to sound. Janine seemed to react specifically to sound as a threat, even before people got in her space.
The horror juxtaposed with the smiling scientists walking down the corridor beside the lab with the cheery tune, all oblivious, no one even looking through the window to see the male scientist lying twitching and dying as he bleeds out, is done so well.
I also really liked that we were introduced to the next scene in darkness with nothing but indistinct radio comms chatter and the sound of Perez whispering through a desperate prayer in Spanish. Having that sound before the picture came in seemed to make the circumstances even more stark and visceral. The fact that we can then hear Perez's breathing and whispers inside her helmet louder than anything else & juxtaposed with the apparent silence of the weapons fire we can see before them, or at least the relatively dull sounds of explosions going on all around them while they wait in the bay before the drop just makes the vast empty vacuum of space seem so much more apparent.
As an aside, does anyone have the words & translation of the prayer?
The scene where Perez is spinning wildly out of the control is beautifully done. Awe-inspiringly terrifying.
(I'm still 🥺🥺🥺 over Spartan mother Kai and her baby Spartan-III goslings. Perez is clearly the favourite pseudochild, or at the very least the one she feels most responsible for.)
I just realised, upon seeing John and listening to slimy politician Parangosky speak, that we don't know why Halsey vanished when Miranda was speaking to her in the previous episode. Many of us - including myself - had assumed Halsey had snuck away to get onto John's ship, knowing it was bound for the Halo.
I hate the way Parangosky says "Neither one of us has a choice." As far as we're aware she's the top dog at ONI. She definitely had a choice about the way she decided to spend all those Spartan-III lives as cannon fodder. I cheered when John says "who to save and who to sacrifice," especially when he says nothing more to her after that. It was also a nice touch that when John's words ring out into the room it's evident that all the ONI workers around Parangosky stopped what they were doing and listened in, judging by the lack of background noise during that bit.
I don't understand Kwan's line of "Its been watching me my whole life and now it's here." (I have to admit I don't understand the meaning of a Forerunner Geas placed on her bloodline.) I have to admit I do subscribe to the theory that whatever has been speaking to Kwan is a human consciousness stuck inside the Gravemind and she's just superimposed the face of that shaman lady she met on the visions it gives her. This makes a little more sense when we get to the bit where Kwan is literally swamped in Flood zombies and the voice stops them. If some part of the Gravemind remained human and had just enough control over the Flood for a short period, then I'd accept Kwan's amazing escape.
I actually loved Kessler and Ackerson's conversation. It was spot on for both of them, and also amusing. I also think, upon rewatching it now, that Ackerson has a soft spot for young children which makes sense. If his beloved sister died when she was 12 or thereabouts, it'd make sense he'd have spent much of his life looking for echoes of her in other young people and caring about their welfare generally.
There's so much hate for Laera online and honestly, I liked her so much more than Soren.
The slug sliding out of Janine's mouth it's actually nauseating to watch omg.
I love how well they did the entry onto the covenant ship. All the sounds they included are fantastic as well - the metal clunk of their armor down the corridor, the click and crunch of weapons, Perez's and the other S3s breathing, the groaning of the ship as it shifts around them. I laughed when Mullins said clear after they were told off for saying it last time 😂
Omg. The anticipation of what comes next even while I know what's going to happen is still incredibly high. It's so good!
That sound of the plasma charge and the way Olsson just calls out "Kai," before getting obliterated hits so hard.
I love how when Kai and the S3s hold fire during the pause, Kai tilts her head down and to the side at an angle to listen. Like, it's such an instinctive, ingrained human behaviour. I know it makes it easier for us as an audience to see that she's listening hard, but I also like the idea that it's just something you do instinctively in a tense moment, despite the fact that she's got that helmet and all the sound is probably piped in electronically. I also love the sounds her armor makes as she moves. It's done so well. You can just hear how much heavier, sturdier and more expensive the Mjolnir amor is than the S3s because of the difference in sounds.
Watching this scene again makes it so much more apparent how terrifying and enormous a roaring Elite is. I hadn't quite appreciated it in fights with the Spartans before.
I love that when Perez moves in and yells "Frag out!" Kai automatically moved to cover her back.
Oh man, when Kai calls for reload and support after the fleet arrives and you can see the ship turn towards them as the man is speaking - it's so tense I almost can't watch. The fact that they show Kai's eyes a few moments later looking sweaty, exhausted and a bit hopeless right before she flinches them shut at the sound of their support ship getting obliterated - too real.
The next scene where we have both Perez and John's past conversation relayed was very well done. Ups the emotional stakes even further and looks extremely cool when he flips the coin and watches as it slows in the air.
Fuck you, Parangosky. I cheered when John replied to "John you can't save them" with "you have no idea what I can do" before putting on the helmet. Hell. Yes.
(I'm skipping the next bit because honestly I don't really give a damn about Makee.)
God I love Perez.
"Goddamnit. We're going to die in this bullshit ship in a bullshit battle that means nothing, that we lost" yelled out over comms, all the while firing an endless stream of bullets.
I love Kai-125.
"What matters is you signed up to die for me. I signed up to die for you. Now, get your head in the game."
🥺🥰 I will immediately headcanon these two as future ride or die BFFs in all fic and in season 3.
The click of an empty pistol. The "Shit, I'm out." Perez's reply of "Yeah, me too. What do we do?"
Then "You ever fire a plasma rifle?"
"You never forget your first."
And then the run and slide and smooth motion of picking up the carbine to fire away while explosions are happening all around them is just beautiful. A++
Perez taking a few seconds longer to find and get her hands on the nearest weapon and then picking up a needler is perfect. The fact that she hones in on what looks like two grunts (or jackals) and an Elite or two whilst armed with nothing but a needler is fantastic.
Perez getting shot and her crying out to Kai's immediate cry of "Perez!" is not fantastic. I was worried she was a goner.
The way Kai runs forward, drags Perez back while Perez keeps firing? The way Perez turns to pick up a second needler to dual-wield both while being dragged to safety? The way she screams in rage as she's emptying the two needlers at a bunch of energy-sword armed Elites closing in on them, while Kai pulls her backward at speed?
I will be thinking about that scene for the next two years. It's honestly awe inspiring.
The way Kai says, exasperated, "you're an idiot" and the way Perez doesn't miss a beat to reply with "I'm an idiot with two needlers," is legendary.
I love them.
The way Kai sees the fact that Perez's injury is mortal wound level and just lets out an "Oh," in a sort of groan like oh shit, I don't think we can fix this - while Perez lays there with what seems to be part of her abdomen missing and insisting Kai help her up because she can still fight 🥺🥺 Honestly, Perez deserves to be recognised as a Spartan.
Watching Kai gently rest her armored hand on Perez's helmet for a long moment, looking at Perez like I love you but I can't save you, makes me want to cry.
They're out of ammo with no backup coming and Perez is saying tell me what to do frantically, and the way Kai just pauses to tell her she did good 🥺 like it's over for them already? Then Perez sees Kai pull the spike from her belt and tells her right away to use it even though she knows it's going to kill them both, kill everyone, because she's always known that "this was always going to be a one-way ticket." I cannot 🥺
Then Kai strides out to use the spike while the last few S3s fight and die around them, before being saved by the bell of an explosion. I noticed that Kai points her pistol in that direction and fires reflexively but you hear the same empty click from before. There's a horde of Elites at the door being made into chop suey, and Kai knows it's John. I think she'd recognise the sound of that armor and the way he fights anywhere and anytime, let alone the fact that only John could have made it through the wall of Elites.
I love how dramatic the scene was when John swaggers in after saving their asses, armed with the gorgeous energy sword. I mean, Kai was literally expecting they'd all be dead in the next several moments, with no hope and no backup, an entire fleet getting smashed behind her. John was supposed to be somewhere else entirely, saving humanity, so it's no wonder she's standing there looking a lot like she's questioning whether they might all be experiencing a collective hallucination of the Master Chief.
That scene where John and Kai stand looking out across the battlefield was genuinely moving. I also loved it because I keep coming back to the thought of "What do we say to the god of death? Not today!"
I hate how Kai lies to Perez and Mullins and says I'm right behind you. She pauses to make sure Mullins has enough balance to help Perez walk to the Condors, and then let's them go.
We're treated to the pretty sight of the extremely cool bridge controls and I remember thinking the first time I watched I was thinking oh shit, please let it not be the spike plan after all. We get to see the explosions reflected on Kai's visor for a breath, and then we're back to Zombieland.
The fact that the newly infected are stock still with the faint background sound of slithering was eerie as hell. Then Kwan goes "they're not breathing," and I absolutely agree with Soren's comment of "shit."
Then we see Flood-Janine do the exorcist and slime through the bars oh my god that's disgusting holy shit. It's like a tongue.
I have to admit Ackerson's saving them by pulling out the pistol endeared me to him quite a bit. Then I was thinking oh shit no they're all going to die when we discover the guard is infected too.
Here we have Halsey again! Still no explanation of where she's been except for the fact that she's clearly under guard. Where has she been? Why did she disappear right when Miranda was talking to her last episode? How long has she been gone?
I actually chuckled when Parangosky tells Halsey to command John and Halsey just conveys absolute disdain with one look.
She does it again when Parangosky says "Its just an AI you'll make him another one." Somehow one expression from Halsey manages to convey fuck you and you repulse me by mostly using just her eyes.
I was rather thrilled when Halsey disobeyed the order, for a number of reasons. Not only because she evidently cares about John, but because Parangosky's disregard for what Cortana means for the UNSC and the risks of the AI being left in the wrong hands is just plain stupid.
Then we're back to creeper voice dude. I had thought John was trapped with the Gravemind at first and was forced to recount his mission, but watching it again now you can really see the blue light glow at this point, especially when the creeper replies and there's a bit of a pulse of light across John's skin.
The fact that Cortana says "I've simulated all of the possible outcomes. This only ends one way, Chief. We're both going to be destroyed," in the ship crash on Halo before they both very clearly aren't lends weight to the theory that Kai's armor saves her later on as well.
I like how Ackerson manages to somehow sound creepy and threatening when he says "You have a lovely family." He's definitely an odd one.
God the Halo is beautiful. I wish I was better at screenshots so I could capture more of it and save it as my desktop. When we hear the themesong as John looks up at the curve of the Halo I got chills, both the first time and on the rewatch. Also loved the sound the energy sword makes when he unsheathed it to check it's functioning.
Perez wakes up in the bay of the Condor, with a gnarly wound and skin pale enough to make all the blood loss even more evident, sees Mullins - the only squadmate remaining alive - and asks for Kai. Mullins just tilts her head as though to say 'You know the answer to that one already. She's off doing stupid heroic shit.'
We see Kai spending a moment or two watching the mothership further decimating the UNSC fleet, before she glances down at the Corvette's controls and says how hard can it be. The next moment we see Perez - having correctly interpreted Mullins' facial expressions - immediately attempt to bail off the gurney, yell in pain and tear off her IV as she curls up before standing, stumbling towards the Condor's controls to look out the windows.
Mullins says "hey, you can't -" and Perez yells back "Stop!" in a voice more enraged than we've ever heard her use, before she limps forward into the Condor, itself awash with radio chaos of voices yelling and dying over comms. Perez limps on ahead and stops to watch through a floor to ceiling window, spotting the corvette she was previously on underneath the big Covenant mothership, and breathes out Kai's name in horror.
We see Kai manage the glowy ball controls well enough to steer her corvette on a collision course. We see Parangosky bring advised of what's happening, but only see Halsey looking like she's aware a Spartan is at the helm of the corvette.
We see Perez's face, dishevelled and a little bloodied, unable to tear her eyes away from watching someone she so clearly cares a lot for perform kamikaze. Then we've got Kai saying "this is going to hurt" a second before successfully steering her corvette into the mothership and destroying them both.
Now, I'm going to sidenote here to talk about my Kai lives theories:
1. We've just seen John and Cortana survive the ship they were on being destroyed when it crashed into the Halo. Cortana, an AI, was convinced neither of them would survive that, but they did, thanks to John's armor.
2. We've seen Kai make it through being on Halsey's ship which crashed and exploded before, back in season 1.
3. People who are going to die wouldn't necessarily use the words "this is going to hurt" before they're about to die. An expectation of pain like that implies that Kai expected to survive but very injured.
4. A lot of people have referred to a Spartan named Linda - which I have little knowledge of so won't expand on here - as evidence of the direction the show is likely to go in and therefore Kai survives. Further, we've got the intro scene in the Halo Infinite game where John is fished out of the black and revived by that lost Pelican pilot.
Anyway, the next scene is poor Perez's devastated face 🥺😭 and Mullins looking sad but not like the sight of Kai's death caused her physical pain the way it seemed to for Perez.
We're back to the CIC control room for a moment before we see Miranda still studying her sample. We see her startle at the noise I didn't immediately realise was effectively a phone ringing because it was so quiet and relatively non intrusive and now I want it for my ringtone so if anyone finds it please let me know. It's Halsey on the phone and Miranda says the thing I've been thinking all along with "Where the hell have you been."
Miranda tries to tell Halsey of the potential dangers and we hear her voice right as Halsey notes the bizarre behaviour of some of the security people around her in the CIC - though we know it's too late, Halsey immediately tells her "stay where you are. I'm on my way to you."
I'm thinking that Halsey tells Miranda to stay there for several reasons. One being that she has to get out and away from the infected she's spotted, two being that the lab is likely a sealed environment with things like airtight rooms and or biohazard suppression seals and the like so Miranda might otherwise be relatively safe there, and three Halsey wants her daughter to be safe and for them to be together so they can make it out safely.
Then someone gets tackled and it gets even more disgusting real fast. I did appreciate the way how they conveyed the rapid spread of the infection among personnel even despite the security measures that would have been present at ONI. As in, there'd be many departments that would have little to no interaction with other departments to stop information leaking, and plenty of locked rooms only certain people can access, but that didn't stop the flood because people are people.
Watching again I can see how Halsey got infected now, or at least likely. The fact the dude was right on top of her and then got shot while she was turning her face away would have been enough to splatter flood parts on the exposed skin of her neck.
Then we see Parangosky getting eaten alive by Flood zombies and it's deeply satisfying end for someone like that.
Gonna skip the next bit because I'm less than invested in the outcome of Kwan, Soren and family and Ackerson, but you have to admit that name drop of the Flood was cool.
After that we see Miranda handling the Forerunner sample container inside the sealed examination box and looking like the ramifications of what she's accidentally unleashed has just hit her all once. She startles at the sound of a frantic knock and we see Halsey has made it to the lab, so Miranda lets her in.
Halsey proceeds to be her science-addicted morally questionable self and immediately gets distracted by the potential of a bioterrorism weapon equivalent, instead of paying attention to Miranda clearly having the start of what looks like an anxiety attack as she describes to Halsey what she's discovered.
Miranda's plaintive "Can we get out of here?" is soft as though she's already realised Halsey is lost in her drug of choice, science - partly confirmed when Halsey's reply is "if only you could see as far as I can see, you'd understand just how irrelevant we are" and Miranda is soon suppressing tears because her only potential ally in that absolutely terrifying situation wants to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. 🥺
Halsey is lost to the beauty of the scientific potential, trying to convince Miranda of her views and failing utterly to see the way Miranda backs away and curls into herself, the way she nearly sobs the words "a biological catastrophe."
Halsey makes a valid point about the awesomeness of being able to built bridges with light, right at the same moment that Miranda sees an infected right outside their window. Halsey says "Sometimes I don't understand how you-" and stops mid-sentence.
Miranda looks back at her - looking scared, rapid breathing, body language screaming that she wants to bolt - replies, angrier now that Halsey is refusing the acknowledge the situation - "You don't know how I what?! Go on, Halsey. Say it."
And I'm wondering if she was expecting 'I don't understand how you think' or even something cutting like 'I don't understand how you came from me.'
You see the exact moment Miranda realises something is wrong. Her face just - drops. From angry, upset, scared and exasperated, distracted by their personal history to - oh no. She even stops breathing so obviously. Miranda's soft little, "Halsey?" kills me.
She spots the infected-like stillness of Halsey a moment before she sees the Flood dribble on Halsey's coat, before shifting Halsey's hair aside gently and carefully to reveal evidence of the Flood infection. Seeing and hearing the knowledge of their new reality hit Miranda was painful to watch. 🥺😭
Then we have the coolest sword fight I've ever seen on television. I actually want to pick up sword fighting after seeing that. It was so incredibly brutal in so many ways. Chief just gets the stuffing beaten our of him and you think he's done, but then we see him rise again. After playing Infinite a lot lately seeing the grappleshot used like that was also extremely cool.
The way Chief beats the Arbiter until you can hear him slowly drowning in his own blood was absolutely visceral. The full-body sigh of relief the Arbiter gives when he sees that Chief had understood and chosen to give him the warrior's death and the respect he deserves - I was relieved too. I was sitting there thinking Chief was just going to let him suffer and die shamed, but thankfully not.
When we see Miranda next she's obviously been crying by those big, shiny eyes 🥺🥺😭😭 and we see she's enclosed Halsey in cryo to try and give her more time so that Miranda can save her 🥺😭
I can't help but wonder if trying to find the cure for the Flood will drive Miranda to madness. Whether she'll become more like Halsey in an incredibly tragic way, obsessed with the science of it all in an effort to save the one parent she has left.
I found it curious that Janine said that line about "biology is not your strong suit" at the beginning. Now I'm thinking Miranda will devote her whole self to something that isn't a strength of hers, all the while drowning in guilt because she's the one who went back for the sample container and inadvertently unleashed a biological catastrophe that might have killed her mother.
What I am absolutely desperate to know us how Miranda is going to get out of there. She's in a sealed room in the middle of the base riddled with scores of infected, with many right outside her door, at least one literally staring at her. She has no weapons that we know of, no support, and will presumably want to try and get Halsey's pod out with her when she goes. I can't believe we have to wait to season 3 to find out how Miranda makes it.
The next shot after Miranda's sad but resigned face is space debris, revealing Kai's otherwise intact armor floating amongst the remains of the destroyed ships. She's either unconscious or dead and I hate that we'll be left wondering for the next two years. That is way too long.
The UNSC fleet dropping through the clouds on the Halo was hella cool.
We finally get to find out who John has been talking to. John says something curious here which I'm adding to my list of reasons why Kai is still alive - being that the armor "belongs to the ones who are gone" - say, Riz and Vannak - "and the ones who are still in the fight" - Kai, and possibly meaning Perez and the S3s as well.
The monitor or whoever/whatever it is (Guilty Spark?) is so wonderfully creepy. He has such a human-sounding voice, and then we get a full frontal of a glowy orb machine that leaves us with some wonderfully creepy words. The fact that John is sitting there in the dark, having presumably been speaking to Guilty Spark for some time now, right before he puts a damaged helmet on his head, lends weight to the theory that John's met GS after a fierce battle and we'll see flashbacks of what happened at the start of S3.
Anyway, if you've been kind enough to read my thought-essay on my new favourite episode of television, thank you!
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bloodgulchblog · 3 months
the peaceful, dreamy expression of this dude getting his neck snapped by the guy that is probably supposed to be our guy
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zarina-1 · 5 months
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nekoprankster218 · 3 months
Okay this might be cheating but now I’m even more convinced that special Sangheili with Makee is Silver Timeline Arbiter Thel and here’s why:
Conlanger David J. Peterson, who has created multiple conlangs for shows including the Paramount’s Halo, posts the conlang dialogue with translations on AO3 for the stuff he’s involved in. Back when Season 1 aired, he tagged all the alien characters involved, including Atriox since a Jiralhanae with that name cameoed at one point.
He’s already begun the same thing for Season 2, and guess who’s already tagged? Thel!
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ladyknightskye · 1 month
@mrtobenamedlater -
It appears that we have a Shrodinger’s Kai.
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
My Personal Thoughts On The Halo TV Show.
This isn't a review, this is just a small essay on WHY I think about the show the way I do.
I used to hate it. I've been a Halo fan for 6 years, with Halo 3 being my first love and, even after playing all of the other games, still being not just my favorite Halo game, but also one of my favorite games of all time in-general; so a TV Show that intentionally deviated from the source-material while Master Chief walks around without his helmet, talks about his feelings and sleeps with a member of The Covenant... it sounded horrible. But here's the kicker: I'd have never seen this show before. I was just going off of word-of-mouth, parroting back information without coming to my own conclusion on something I've never even sat to down analyze for myself.
Then I watched it.
In the words of Soren, it was sort of like opening my eyes for the first time. Maybe it was my inherit optimism regardless of how negative I want to be, maybe it was my love and appreciation for seeing something different out of something I love (how hypocritical would it be for me to enjoy superheroes for their flexibility if I didn't give Halo the same benefit-of-the-doubt), maybe it was the joy of seeing people in my life who know NOTHING about Halo enjoy this franchise which I love THROUGH the show (and seeing the joy in their eyes as they watch it while the desire to try playing the games and reading the books swell within them), maybe it was just the simple fact that I'm seeing my favorite game franchise get brought to life as a genuine, multi-million dollar story for EVERYONE to enjoy and not just get brought into live-action for commerical/promotional purposes. Maybe it was all of the above... but I fell head-over-heels in love with Paramount's Halo, with it's differences from the source BEING one of the show's strengths, not it's weakness. No, it's not perfect, no it's not the games and never will be... but I don't need it to be either of those. I needed to be good, and more importantly, fun. And it's both those things. Everything this show has set out to do, in MY mind, it's accomplished.
I love this show.
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thelvadams · 2 months
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Halo • Season 2 Episode 4 ‘Reach’
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episodes 1 and 2, "Sanctuary" and "Sword" | Favorite scenes
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I hate it here man
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sonoluvr22 · 3 months
Halo TV
I am so pissed they brought Makee back. She was a terrible character in season 1 and she's going to be a terrible character in season 2. If they have them resume their weird ass relationship then I'm done. I literally don't care if he has a romantic partner, but at least make the relationship make sense. A prisoner of war, who supports killing off the human race, and kills UNSC personnel makes zero fucking sense.
I had my problems with season 1, just like everyone else, but I thought it was good. I want this season to be good, and bringing back the dead is not a good start.
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pelgraine · 1 month
Halo TV things I'm still wondering about:
- the fact that John tried to murder Halsey and very nearly succeeded. Not only when he went for her at the artifact and she had Cortana shut him down, but when he shut her in that lab and flooded the room with whatever that toxic radioactive gas stuff was, only saving her at like the last millisecond. I mean sure, given everything she's done we can empathise with John's anger and choices, but from what I've read of fandom discussions it's an event that seems to be totally glossed over. I can't help but wonder if Kai or Riz or Vannak had tried the same there would have been more discussions about it.
- What Halsey did with Riz's dog tags. There was a choice made at the end of the Aleria episode to have Riz leave her tags on the chair and show Halsey picking them up, considering them, and putting them in her pocket, yet now apparently no one is going to mention Riz ever again and we're never going to find out what Halsey did with them. (I guess she's just taking them away so people don't find out information about the Spartan program unnecessarily.)
Presumably someone keeps a close eye on what ex-Spartans get up to in their civilian lives, so I'm really hoping we do see Riz again, although I know we likely won't. I hope someone writes a Riz-centric fanfic about life on Aleria someday.
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bloodgulchblog · 2 months
Can you believe we're over half way through this season and it's still not good?
(This is a rhetorical question, I super can.)
We dive right in where we were with Vannak dead, Jimmy Rings injured, and everything on fire and exploding.
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But Halsey sees something.
It's a bird!
It's a plane!
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The gang shoots a brute and bails onto the ship with Kwan providing covering fire.
But Riz decides she's going to go back for Vannak's body and I genuinely think for 5 seconds that they've just straight up killed her too.
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We get a flashback to James Circle being super fucked up with Cortana in his brain after the end of the 1st season (the thing we started this one with flashbacks to) and get slightly more information: Halsey asking Parangosky to help him... somehow.
(Also I didn't talk about this last time but: Parangosky is still secretly working for ONI, which makes her whole subplot make more sense but also I don't care about it and it was much funnier the other way.)
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Anyway they haven't killed Riz yet but considering this is the second time they've acted like it, I'm not holding my breath.
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Okay, everyone knows how bad this can be, cue title.
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Makee is crying about Reach. You and half this fandom every day, Makee.
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We get more confirmation that Arby's is trying to be who I think he is trying to be. (Still can't be assed to look up what this character's actual name was, it's not Thel 'Vadamee so I'm very relieved and otherwise don't care.)
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He's mad that Makee stopped him from killing Jonas Oval.
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Makee and Arby's still have the flash drive with Cortana on it. Arby's doesn't give a fuck about that, but Makee tells him it's important and he's like okay fine then you figure out what to do with it.
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Then we're back on the boat.
Jimmy drags his injured ass over to Riz and Halsey shows up.
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Jimmy starts tearing into Halsey about treating them as weapons instead of people. The reflection on how he hurt Riz earlier is alright, but I just consistently hate how this actor emotes this character and between that and how hamfisted the writing always is, I can't enjoy anything about this.
(I do miss some lines of dialogue when i do screencap piles like this, just because of the nature of how I'm doing it and how I'm limited on images, but I promise nothing of value is lost.)
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The emphasis on family as the thing that defines humanity makes something itch about this for me.I'm out of images already. I'll finish this scene in the next post.
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