#I'm gonna fixate on this for the next 6 months at least
sam5701 · 2 years
I've known about Nicktoons Unite for 30 minutes but if anything happens to them i will kill everyone in this room and myself.
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alecxaheart · 3 years
Someone's Someone | Bang Chan Oneshot (1)
✎ Genre : CEO AU, Soulmate AU, Fluff
✎ Pairings : Bang Chan X Reader
✎ Word Count : 3.5k words
✎ Synopsis : We all just wanna be someone's someone that we can't live without. At this time, Chan was looking for his. And unexpectedly, he was already tied down to someone.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎. . . I actually just played my songs on shuffle then Monsta X's Someone's Someone played so.. yeah, I'm inspired. Also, this is my first post in tumblr btw. :)
✎ Parts : 1 , 2
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The relaxing sounds of nature enveloped him as a whole. His shoulders less tense and eyes closed as he sat on the cooled sand, facing the burning star and calm waters ahead. Seagulls could be heard in the distance as they caught themselves a dinner to eat. The refreshing cool wind hit his body, slightly making him shiver for a second. Waves, created by the sea and wind, kisses the shore repeatedly. For once, he was far away from worries, stress, fears and regrets. Just him, contented with the company of nature.
As he fluttered his eyes open, he was met with a stunning view of the sun meeting the ocean. The ocean reflecting the sun's visuals as well as the sky above it. Even though the reflection was blurry, it's still pleasing to the eye. Just perfectly imperfect.
However in his opinion, it wasn't stunning as it seems. This secret escapade paradise of his doesn't quite appeal to him yet. A missing piece that could be anywhere on this wide world. That thought kind of bothers him every time.
Sighing, he figured that it was time to go back. He slipped onto his slippers and headed out of his escapade paradise with a head hung low. Hopping on an enormous boulder that happened to break the wired fence and fixated there, having easier access to and from the place than climbing over the fence.
With a last glance towards his escapade, he knew he'll be coming back and that next time will be the scenery he's been looking for, hopefully.
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Frustrated with the task at hand, Chan ran his fingers through his blonde locks as he leaned back on his chair and head facing upwards toward the ceiling. Taking a brief break from a whole 6 hours straight of writing and staring at the monitor. Followed by him grabbing his coffee and taking a sip, eyes boring on the monitor. He was just half finished with his paperworks at the time of nightfall, which made him more in distress and felt crammed.
His eyes then wandered around his office, landing onto the view of the opposite building of his company in the end. Where he could see the workers of the Marketing Department bidding their goodbyes to one another, closing the lights and exiting the room. Oh, how much he too wanted to leave and rest right at this moment. Although his belief of 'getting things done before going into slumber' is preventing him to do so (even though he already got a lot of things done). With a sigh, he faced back in front of his monitor and papers, determined to get everything done before tomorrow starts.
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" Sunbae-nim, aren't you coming with us? We're having dinner at the Chicken & Barbecue restaurant just a block away from here. " Seungmin asked, grabbing his suitcase below his desk. You leaned back on your chair while stretching your cramping arms and a yawn escaping your mouth.
" As much as I want to, Seungmin, I can't, " You started, rubbing your temples to ease your aching head. " Because our new boss literally gave me 5 thick documents to finish before tomorrow morning without any mercy. And that's just bullshit. I don't even think I'm halfway through it! " Seungmin replied with a chuckle to your short rant, an amused expression written on his soft face. You were having another small mental breakdown as you stared at your unfinished pile of work, feeling your soul escape your body.
" I think you're overreacting. "
" Well, what if I am?! "
Laughing, Seungmin leans his side on your cubicle, looking over at your messy desk filled with sticky notes, papers and pens. " I don't think it's that much. You're lucky that your boss isn't here to hear any of your complaints, " He muttered as he took a peek at one of your documents. You scoffed, not my fault that I'm not as good as you.
" Hear what? "
Frantically, you immediately hide yourself behind your cubicle and pretend that you were focusing on your work. On the other hand, Seungmin casually brushed his navy blue coat with his palms and lifted himself off from the cubicle. Making it all seem like nothing happened.
" Oh, it's nothing, Ms. Ka- " Seungmin paused as he met the owner of the voice who wasn't the person they were expecting to be there. " M-Mr. Bang?! " He stuttered, eyes widened at the blonde headed CEO. Seeing in the corner of your eyes, Seungmin bowed ninety degrees at him as a sign of respect. Even with his heated glare on you, you continued your work like no CEO even entered. Thanks to your cute height, for sure you wouldn't be spotted.
" What are you doing here? Working hours are done. "
Seungmin stood straight and scratched the back of his head. Curiosity slowly arose in you as seconds passed - since you've never met a CEO called by your colleague as ' Mr. Bang ' - although as much as possible, you didn't let go out of hand and kept your focus on the documents silently. The least thing you wanted to happen to you right now is get caught by one of the company's CEO. " I was about to head out, Mr. Bang, " Finding an excuse, he pulled up his sleeve to check the time on his wristwatch. " Uhm.. Yeah, I'm late for dinner. Sorry, Mr. Bang, I have to leave right now. Have an great night! "
With a last bow to the CEO, Seungmin dashed his way out of the building, leaving you alone with your work. The blonde head noticed how the room was still lit up despite it being unoccupied, which he thought. Heading to the switches, everything around you darkened. The only source of light you had was the monitor, and Chan caught it in the corner of his eye.
" Is someone still there? " His voice, catching a bit of foreign accent with it, echoed in the hushed area.
Baffled as he approached that light with a few slow strides, you freaked out mentally. Swiftly but silently, you left your chair and hid yourself underneath the desk next to yours. As he neared your cubicle, you held your breath, slowly starting to feel lightheaded. You don't know what are the consequences if you get caught after working hours since you're still kind of new - got hired just 5 months ago. Dumb you overthink random shit first before even going to the thing called 'common sense' and the rules you heard just goes in one ear then out on the other.
The moment Chan was about to reach your cubicle and take a glance to his right, the sound of marimba playing a soft tune echoed in the room. Stopping in his tracks, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and grabbed it, swiping to the right to answer the call. You let out a hushed yet shaky sigh of relief, your shoulders less tense than a while ago. In your mind played a chant, thanking whoever was your savior.
Chan narrowed his eyes at the back of your cubicle while his phone is still pressed against his ear, listening to the person on the other line's complaints. " I'm on my way. Don't do anything stupid, " Not too soon you hear heels clacking against the polished marble tiles, the noise fainting as he left the room.
It took you a good couple of seconds to get out of your hiding spot (since you had to catch your breath and calm your heart down from the thrill), slightly shaking your whole body first before heading back to your seat and continuing your pile of work. Mentally groaning at yourself.
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Oh. My. Gosh. These. Eyebags.
Is the first thing you thought as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The cause of it appearing badly because you obviously lacked sleep. All due to the time allotted for slumber was consumed by finishing your 5 thick documents that will be passed this morning. You could've cared less if today wasn't a work day, which fortunately for you it was still work day and these damn documents aren't gonna pass themselves to your boss this instant.
Fumbling around in your bag, you found your makeup kit and started fixing yourself. A little bit of touch ups here and there, just a little to look like it's still more natural than a lot to look like a plastic doll barbie.
Once satisfied, you smiled sweetly at yourself just to start your day nicely and exit your household. While walking on your way to the train station, incoherent mumbling leaves your mouth. A train of thoughts clouding you about your worries if you've left something important behind. In all honesty despite of your current good looks, you look stupid or crazy for talking to yourself in public. Well, at least you aren't as worse as someone yelling nonsense.
" I have all my files, identification card, phone, wallet, pocket knife 'cause anything could happen, keys- " you paused as soon as you misplaced your shoes at the edge of the last stair, falling forward. Luckily for you, you caught yourself and regained your balance. Wide eyed, you saw a kid, a giddy smile plastered on his face as he saw your commotion with a lollipop in hand. You felt embarrassed but laughed it off anyway, a light tint of pink decorating your cheeks.
You rushed towards the gates as soon as you realized the time with the card in between your fingers. Three beeps emitted from the machine when the gates opened after you placed the card on the scanner. With a few more strides, you caught up to your train ride as it was about to leave. You sighed in relief and sat down on a vacant bench, head automatically leaning back on the window. Your eyes boring at the ceiling while taking steady breaths after your short marathon on the way.
On the other hand, across you sat Chan. His right leg crossed over the other while scrolling through his phone. He wore a button up shirt, the first two still unbuttoned revealing more of his chest. His navy blue tie hung loose around his neck while his coat is still folded around his arm. His slacks were the same color as his tie and coat and wore black pointed shoes to finish the statement of his overall clothing. Blonde hair locks were scattered around his face but still managed to look stunning and attractive.
You haven't noticed his presence, so did he to you, and the fact that you both don't know each others' appearance even though you go to the same company just adds to the reason for you two's ignorance to one another's existence.
You got yourself to go back to slumber comfortably in your current position although you know when you wake up, you'll be greeted by your neck aching. Hopefully you don't miss your stop while gaining more sleep. The train swaying you lightly from time to time that you found quite relaxing, like a cradle rocking back and forth lightly to put a baby to sleep.
A child was running around the train with a joyful smile, giggling. He only stopped in his tracks when he reached in between you and Chan. His eyes glowed like there were stars decorated around his chocolate brown pupil when he eyed you two. Looking around, he spotted a roll of red thread underneath your bench and grabbed it. He thought it was just right.
With you being the closest, he starts to tie the thread around your pinky finger. You were too tired to even feel his small cold fingers run around your fingers nor the string tighten around it. Once done, he smiled to himself, his dimples appearing on either side of his cheeks and eyes forming into small crescents.
He left your side and skipped over in front of Chan, who was now too deep in thought as he gazed outside the window and his phone tucked in his pocket. Holding the other end of the thread, he wrapped it around Chan's thumb. Chan's body shook in surprise as he felt cold fingers ghosting above his hand and averted his attention to the child. He saw him knotting the red string tightly, strange that he barely even feels the string tightened around his thumb. " What are you doing? " he questioned although the child only responded with a bright smile, followed by a giggle.
The child turned and ran away from him, more giggles leaving his lips. Chan stood up and tried to chase him. But stopped as soon as he saw the child in the distance, dissolving into little particles in thin air and completely vanished in his sight. In disbelief, he rubbed his eyes and looked for the child around his area. Thinking that he was out of his mind, he sighed in defeat. There's no way anyone could do that in reality. It's either I'm insane or living in a fantasy or a chosen one blessed to see ghosts. Maybe, all of the above.
Chan looked down on his thumb, following where the other end lead to. Then, he spotted your sleeping beauty state, the other end attached to your pinky finger. With the sun rising in the horizon, a ray of gold-like light shines through the window, casting a shadow on you. And he thought you looked mesmerizing like that, peaceful and lovely. At least he wasn't tied up with a bitch or a hag.
Your eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun shined upon you. Squinting at its brightness, you raised a hand above your eyes to see more, only finding a red string wrapped around your pinky finger. You examined it, wondering what prank is anyone even planning and why did it have to involve you out of all people. Before anything stupid could happen, you attempted to loose the knot, ignoring the curiosity for a while of where the other end was. Looping and tugging it, even tried to chomp on it with your teeth, but all attempts failed. Well, that's until you gave up, untying it was impossible, unbelievably there's a knot that couldn't be untied. Sounded like marriage when you think about it, but there's the annulment and divorce ruining the picture.
Tearing your gaze at the string, you caught a pair of bewitching dark brown eyes staring back at you. In that particular moment, everything just froze in place. Time has stopped just for the two of you, you thought.
You felt your heart melting, probably from the warmth emitting in your body or from the warmth his eyes give off as you saw little sparks decorating the pupil. Unfamiliar light feathers tickling the insides of your stomach is what you felt other than the heat and that thawing heart of yours. Your mind knew it well that you shouldn't feel this way towards someone who you just met but your body and heart reacted so differently. There's just something about him that made you feel so exposed and vulnerable in his eyes that you couldn't come up with a possible answer to your 'why's.
Both of you didn't notice how seconds turned into minutes, too lost into one another's orbs. That was until the train stopped, causing Chan to break the eye contact and lose his balance. Before his hands made contact on the metal floor, he took a step forward in order to regain his balance which he successfully did. A small chuckle left your lips, eyes turning into crescents as you saw the commotion. He narrowed his eyes at you as the train was back in motion.
Chan fixed his clothes first before asking, " Who are you? ". Grabbing the pole next to him to prevent him from falling again on the next stop.
" Shouldn't I be asking you that as well? " You replied with a gummy smile, which quickly faded when you remembered what's the problem.
" What is this on my finger and why is it connected to yours? What kind of trickery is anyone pulling? Why am I involved in this? " You kept firing questions at him while he stayed there unbothered. Unlike you who did some more attempts to remove the thread, silly you even tried aggressively shaking your hand in hopes of making it a little loose. But no prevail happened once again.
" Just get rid of it. I didn't want this too, you know. " Chan taps his foot impatiently as he eyed your useless attempts.
" I am trying! " You exaggerated. Deciding to bring out the best tool you have for the situation in hand, your hands fumbling in your bag. Once you felt the cool metal on your fingertips, you brought it out and flipped it open.
Chan's eyes widened at the sight of the pocket knife in your palms. " You carry that on a daily basis? Are you insane? "
You rolled your eyes in annoyance. " It's not insane when it's used for self-defense purposes. I'm too nice to be the murderer you're assuming, " You replied, head throbbing as things aren't going well with the charming blonde.
He responded just before the blade and thread were in contact, starting with a scoff. " Yeah sure, nice. Anyone can wear that façade anywhere. "
" You know what, " You started as you withdrew the pocket knife back and glared at him afterwards, pissed off. " You deal with this shit yourself, I'm done with my part and I could care less about this red thread anyway. You look like you don't need any of my help 'cause you look fancier than me and it seems like you're not taking any gratitude towards my kindness. Damn these crazy rich people. " You threw the tool towards his direction and looked away from him, arms crossed. Chan instinctively caught it without getting any cuts despite the fact it's closed, his eyes burning through your figure in fury.
" If I actually got wounded instead from your little stunt, I would've sued you this instant, " He growled, only to be ignored by you.
Irritated by your sudden change of attitude, Chan flipped it open and skillfully ran the blade through the string. Only for it to just fall through like the string never existed, ghost-like perhaps. " It's not cutting, what the hell, " Chan muttered under his breath as he tried a few more times again.
"It's just a string, how could a- " You spoke as you turned your head back to his direction, only to be cutted off as you witnessed the unusual. Mouth a little bit agape in disbelief. The thread didn't fall apart even while the blade was just sitting in between of it on air. Maybe that explains why you could barely even feel the thread wrapped securely around your finger. You could tell that this stunning blonde head was just as puzzled as you were.
" Sir, if you're having any problems that includes this woman, we can sort it out. Just withdraw the knife first please, " a man suddenly blurted out, his voice a little bit shaky. That's when you realized the commotion you both have caused, everyone around you two took steps back away. All had fear in their eyes.
" Wait, you don't see the thread we're trying to cut? " Chan questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. At that, he was more misunderstood.
" There's no thread..? " With that, it got the two of us surprised. Is the crazy one here them, who couldn't see this string, or us, who could?
Chan tried to explain our situation thoroughly but when he was about to speak up, out of the blue, a voice spoke in the speakers. " Please mind the gap, " You immediately grabbed his arm, carried his belongings and dragged him out of the train. Leaving its passengers confused as they eyed us. They might be thinking that you two are idiots.
The doors just shut a second later when you two got out. You felt a bit suffocated for an unknown reason, your hand reaching for your chest where you could feel your heart beating. Panting, you shoved Chan's belongings into his chest. " Are you alright? " He asked as he tried to place a hand on your back, the least thing he could do to comfort you.
But his hand only stopped in mid-air when you took your last deep breath, replying. " Let's just part ways here, " Saying those words felt a bit disheartening at some point, yet you chose to disregard it.
You walked forwards, while Chan stayed in his position, wearing his coat and fixing his tie. Although, something stopped you. As in you couldn't go forwards as much as you force to. Well when you did force yourself, it only tugged Chan towards you. Turning around, he was already eyeing you. " What was that for?! "
Glaring at the thread, you thought out loud, " Is this string telling me, it can only stretch itself approximately at 7 meters?! "
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Unfair - B.B.
Bucky Barnes (x) reader
Genre: Angst/Sadness, fluff
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Word count: 5,583
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It's been a year since you joined the Avengers and your life hasn't been the same. The people around you have become your second family. You've made friends with everyone not even 2 month after you joined. They were all incredibly nice to you, trying everything to make it easier to get used to your new job, new surrounding, new life.
But of course, every change brings positive as well as negative effects. That negative effect was a metal armed soldier.
The first time you met him he already had an effect on you, his blue eyes shining while he smiled almost making your knees buckle. But already then you told yourself it would be dumb to fall for him. You worked with him, keeping it professional was rule number 1. Nothing more than friends.
That's what you've been telling yourself the last 12 month. Sadly, your fondness for him only grew over time. You suddenly noticed all the little things he did. Like the way his nose would scrunch up when he laughed really hard, or the way he furrowed his brows and sometimes bit his lip when he was concentrated. The sad smile he gave you when he came to you after a nightmare and the peaceful breathing when he accidentally fell asleep in your room after. These and all the other small details made you completely fall for him, and you hated yourself for it. Because he surely saw you as a good friend, nothing more.
You sat in the kitchen, munching on your ham sandwich. It was 6 in the morning, but after you once again dreamed of the man who literally slept next door, you couldn't bring yourself to fall asleep again. So you sat in the kitchen, sighing again, thinking about what or who you can't have.
A happy "Morning!" forced you out of your thoughts and made you jump slightly. Your eyes shot in the direction it came from, making you gulp. Bucky walked over to you with a big grin on his face, shirtless, his grey sweatpants sitting low on his hips. Yes, this also made it harder to force down your feelings for him.
"Morning." You murmured, turning your attention back to the sandwich in your hands. "Slept well?" He grabbed an apple and sat next to you, nodding at your question. "Had a perfect night." He grinned before biting into the fruit. He has been immensely happy the last weeks. You were glad, of course. But he also didn't have a reason to join you at night. And you missed it.
"How about you?" Bucky asked, smiling. You looked at him, a questioned look on your face. He chuckled at that. "Did you sleep well." You mentally face palmed yourself. Of course, could you be more awkward. "Oh, uhm, not really." His expression turned from happy to concerned, tilting his head. You just stared at your sandwich, hoping he wouldn't ask. But you never had luck, right? "Had a nightmare or something?" You huffed out a small laugh. "Kinda, not really, i don't know." You rambled, taking a bite. His brows furrowed together, thinking about what you could mean. "Wanna talk about it? I'm here for you, you know." He gave you a small, but loving smile, making your heart flutter. Why did he have to be so nice? You took a breath, shaking your head no. He nodded at that, patting your shoulder before going back to his apple. You both just sat there for a while, eating your breakfast in silence.
"Good morning." Steve joined you two, breaking the silence. He picked up an apple as well, taking the place infront of you and Bucky. "Hey are you two coming with us on a night out this Saturday?" You looked up at him. "Night out?" You asked, taking the last bite of your sandwich.
"Yeah, nothing big, just us at a bar. Just to get outside of here for once." Steve explained. You shrugged. "Guess I'll join. Natascha would probably kill me if I wouldn't." Steve smiled and nodded, turning to Bucky. He was staring at the table, his jaw clenched. Both you and Steve were confused at his reaction. "I-I can't." Steve pouted at that. "Come on, why not? So you can stay here alone again?" Bucky gulped, his face reddening. "No I'm...I have other plans." Steve suddenly grinned. "You have date?" Buckys eyes shot up, your heart stopping for a second. "So it's true! Come on, who is she?" Steve teased, hitting his shoulder lightly, Bucky clearly uncomfortable. "Please drop it Steve, I'm-" "No come on we won't tell. Right Y/N?" Both men turned to you while your gaze fixated on the now empty plate in front of you. He was seeing someone?
"Y/N you okay? You look pale." Steve said, concern in his voice. Shitshitshitshit. "Yeah, I'm...I didn't sleep well, maybe I'm getting sick or something." You stood up at that, excusing yourself before heading back to your room.
Arriving there you dropped on your bed, face first, letting out a frustrated groan. He had a date. With someone else. You turned on your back, staring at the ceiling. So you were right all along. He didn't see you as more than a friend. You secretly hoped you were wrong, that he would admit he would feel the same as you. But here you were. You let your hands fall to your face, whining. Why did you let it come so far? Why did you have to fall for him?
You imagined what the girl would look like. Probably model like, with long legs, perfect hair and smooth skin. Of course he would go for a girl like that. You weren't good enough for him.
That thought made tears well up in your eyes. You let them fall, burying your face in your pillow.
You spend the rest of the day in your room, not wanting to face Bucky. You knew it was stubborn, he was a free man, he could do whatever he wanted. Your stomach soon enough convinced you to leave your room, your hunger outdoing your fear of meeting Bucky. You regretted your decision as soon as you walked into the kitchen. The ongoing conversation stopped, four faces whipping your direction, Natasha, Sam, Steve and Bucky looking at you. You stopped in your tracks, taken aback by the sudden reaction. "Is something?" "You've been in your room all day." Natasha remarked. You shrugged, continuing your way. "I told Steve and Buck this morning that I wasn't feeling well." You decided on Ramen noodles, wanting to eat something warm but not wanting to spend the time it took to cook something. "You feeling better?" Steve asked, concern in his voice.
'No' your brain screamed.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You lied, opening the package. Thank god your back was turned to them. Especially Natasha could read your face like a book. And you definitely didn't look fine. "What were you talking about?" You asked, wanting to change the topic. "We still trying to figure out who Tin man has a date with." Sam answered, the grin on his face almost audible. You took a breath, setting up the electric kettle as Bucky spoke. "I'm not saying anything. Especially not to you." You guessed he pointed at Sam who let out a fake hurt "Hey!" You rolled your eyes, tapping your fingers on the counter, waiting for the water to boil so could finally get out of there again.
"You could at least admit you have a date!" Natasha said. You heard Bucky sigh heavily while your water finally boiled. "Yes, okay, I have a date. You happy now?" Bucky said just as you grabbed the kettle. You stopped any movement, you could almost hear your heart breaking in your chest. You clenched your jaw, pouring the water on your noddles as you heard cheers from the three. "Dude, good for you! Maybe you're not that grumpy all the time when you finally get laid again." Sam's words caused Bucky to hit him and tears to well up in your eyes. Your grabbed your bowl and a spoon, leaving the kitchen without a word. You could hear Natasha's "What's up with her?" before you turned around a corner. A couple of tears had escaped from your eyes, leaving trails down your face. You stepped into the elevator and pressed the button of your floor, dropping your head against the wall behind you as the door closed. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. He wasn't yours. It was okay for him to date someone.
The elevator stopped and you walked to your room, closing the door with your foot before setting the Ramen on your bedside table. You sat down on your mattress, your face in your hands, letting out a shaky breath. God, you were so far from fine.
The next days were hard. You avoided Bucky as best as you could, leaving him confused. When Saturday arrived you really wanted to stay home. But Natasha wouldn't let you. "Come on please, I don't want to be the only Single women in there! Wanda is gonna throw herself at Vision as soon as she downed the first drink. Please Y/N!" She barely begged for anything, so you were practically forced to say yes. You threw on a white, slightly oversized t-shirt with some black jeans and basic sneakers. It wasn't anything fancy and you didn't need to try to look good for someone.
You met with the rest of the crew in the living room, except for Bucky. "Let's go, shouldn't we?" Tony said as you arrived. Steve stopped him. "Bucky told me we should wait here." Everyone looked at him confused, caused him to shrug.
Bucky suddenly entered the room, your eyes widening at his appearance. He wore a black, buttoned up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with a dark blue tie around his neck and some black jeans. His hair looked softer as ever, his beard neatly trimmed. He looked straight up beautiful. Your heart ached as you reminded yourself that he'll never dress like that for you.
"Since you're all here, I'd like you to meet someone." He smiled before someone appeared behind him, walking towards his side. You gulped hard, jaw clenched. "This is Mary." She looked beautiful. Almost as you imagined. Long legs, smooth skin, perfect hair. Her hourglass figure, her bust size, everything looked great. She was perfect. Your eyes shifted from her to Buckys face, and if your heart wasn't completely broken before, it was now. He looked at her with pure love in his eyes, a toothy smile on his lips. He was truly happy.
Everyone went up to the pair to introduce themselves to Mary. You figured you had to as well, so you put on a fake smile, shaking her hand and introducing yourself. You couldn't wait to get to the bar to push down the sadness with alcohol.
When Bucky and Mary finally left the building you got going as well, making your way to the small bar. You instantly went for the booth, wanting to sit on a cushion rather than a wooden chair while getting wasted.
It only took 3 shots and 2 coktails to forget her name again. You then stopped counting, constantly in your own world while your friends kept talking about Bucky and his date. "Okay, so who here thinks he gets to fuck her?" Sam asked, laughing. You scrunched your nose in disgust over his words. "I mean she's smoking hot. He'll definitely try to get in her pants." Clint answered, earning a high five from Sam. You looked over at Steve, who was almost as uncomfortable with the topic as you. Almost.
After about an hour of you saying about 10 words, Steve knew something was off. He was probably the only one completely sober, thanks to the serum which basically prevented him from becoming drunk. You were already completely gone, downing another shot. You then felt his hand on your shoulder. "Hey, wanna go outside? Get some fresh air?" You looked at him, your vision already starting to blur slightly. "Why?" You hiccuped, trying to find the straw of your cocktail with your lips. He rolled his eyes, standing up before helping you to your feet. You whined his name as he almost dragged you outside. He sat you down on one of the chairs there, letting your had fall back against the glass front of the bar. The sun was setting, the sky a pretty reddish colour. You took a breath, chill air filling your lungs.
"What's going on with you?" Steve suddenly asked, making you flinch. "Dunno what you're talkin' about." You slurred, licking your lips. "Oh come on. Do you think you're that hard to read?" You sighed at that, head dropping down. "It's not fair." You murmured, your numbed brain not realizing it might be a bad decision to talk. "What's unfair?" Steve asked, crouching down next to you to face you. "He...being with her." You continued, your voice quivering. "You mean Bucky?" You nodded, sniffling. "You like him, mh?" You nodded again. "Why didn't you say anything?" You rolled your eyes at that, running a hand through your hair. "Cause he didn't-" A hiccup interrupted you. "He didn't think of me like this. And she's the proof." Steve sighed at that, his heart breaking at your depressing state. "But getting drunk won't help." "Oh it helped! I was fine until you decided to bring me outside to torture me!" With that you stood up, waddling your way back into the bar to down a couple more drinks.
When you all made your way home an hour later, Steve had to hold you up the entire way. You already threw up in the bathroom two times, the ache of your heart shifted to your stomach. But you smiled the entire time, babbling about how good of a friend Steve is. He managed to get you home without any troubles, but on the way to your room you accidentally slipped from his grasp, landing on the floor with a loud thud. You just bursted out laughing, the alcohol numbing your pain. Steve still stood above you, rolling his eyes. Why did he always had to be the babysitter?
As he tried to help you up you heard a door open, catching your attention. Bucky came out of his room, rubbing his eyes. He had been asleep already? And why was he here?
"What's going on?" He asked, his voice raspy. Steve opened his mouth to say something but you were faster. "You date didn't go so well mh?" You asked, letting your head fell back as you laughed. "She wouldn't let you in her pants? I feel sooooo sorry for you." The sarcasm in your voice caused Bucky to furrow his brows. His eyes went to Steve who gave him an apologetic smile. "She's drunk." "And problem free." You added, grinning. "You never get so wasted." Bucky stated, clearly bewildered by your behavior. "That's because-" You stopped mid sentence to stand up, almost falling over in the process. When you finally were on two feet again, thanks to Steve who helped you, you walked towards Bucky, pressing your pointer finger against his t-shirt covered chest. "because you decided to go out with that..." You tried to find a fitting insult, your mouth opening and closing as you struggled to end your sentence. "That still doesn't answer why you're so drunk." You opened your mouth to answer, ready to spill your heart out, but a sudden hand on your mouth prevented you from it. You struggled to get Steves hand from your face while he talked. "She should really go to bed before she says something she might regret in the morning." He said before dragging you to your room, leaving an now even more confused Bucky behind.
As you two reached your room, Steve sat you down on your bed, his hand finally leaving your mouth. "Why did you do that?" You protested. You tried to hit him, almost falling back doing so. "Because you would have told him about your feelings. And you clearly don't want to do that cause you probably like him for a while already without saying anything." He made a clear point, but your drunken brain wouldn't accept that. "What would change, huh? He's going out with that perfect Barbie Bitch and I'm here suffering." You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. Steve sighed, shaking his head. You can't argue with a drunk person. "Just go to sleep. You'll thank me in the morning." With that he left your room.
The next morning was tough. You woke up with a sore body and a headache. As you sat up slowly you realised you fell asleep in your clothes, the belt of your jeans uncomfortably tight. You carefully stood up to change into some sweatpants before making your way down into the kitchen. You were greeted by Steve, an amused expression on his face as he took in your hungover state. "Mornin'" you rasped, taking a glass and filling it with water. "How are we feeling?" Steve mocked. You narrowed your eyes at him as you sat down at the table across from him. "How much do you remember from last night?" You let your head drop back, thinking. "When did Wanda got on Visions lap?" "Half an hour after we got into the bar?" "That's the last thing." Steve let out a heavy breath through his lips. You shot him a questioning look. "Why? What did I do?" Steve let out a small laugh. "First, you told me that you have a crush on Bucky. Then you wanted to tell him, but I could prevent that last minute." His lips curled into a smile as you watched him in shock. "I was drunk, I-I don't have a crush on B-" "Drop that, Y/N. I know you do. You told me how unfair it is that he was going on a date with Mary and not with you." You gulped, dropping your gaze. Then you remembered what Steve said a couple minutes ago. "Wait, how could I tell Bucky? Wasn't he at his date?" Steve shook his head. "He was home when I helped you to your room. He came out of his when you slipped on the floor and laughed like a maniac." He was home? Not on his date?
"Did you talk to him?" You asked, looking up at him again. He gulped. "No." "You're the worst liar." He just sighed. "It didn't go that well. He was pretty down and what you said to him made it worse." Your eyes widen, both because his date was bad and you hurt him. "What did I say?" Steve quotes your words from last night, making you groan, embarrassed. "I didn't mean it! He hurt me, I guess I wanted to hurt him back." Steve nodded. "He also asked what you wanted to say before I dragged you away." You gulped. "You didn't tell him, right?" Steve shook his head no. You let out a sigh of relief. "But you won't be able to avoid telling him. Thank your drunken self."
It was already noon when Bucky came out of his room. You were in the lounge with the other Avengers who drank a little too much last night. And Steve, the Babysitter. "Morning." Bucky murmured. Your head instantly whipped his direction. He had coffee in his hands and you noticed that his eyes were slightly red, the smile he used to have on his lips all these weeks long forgotten. He sat down on the same couch as you, both of you on opposite ends, Steve in between. "How did your date went?" Tony asked. Bucky clenched his jaw. "Don't wanna talk about it." Noone asked further. Thank god Sam was still asleep.
As the rest of the group kept chatting, you sat there in silence. Maybe Bucky hasn't noticed you. You would keep it that way. But then the topic of the conversation changed to you. "Seriously Y/N how much did you drink last night? You couldn't even stand up straight by yourself." Wanda chuckled. All faces turned to you, Buckys as well. You felt your face heat up. "Definitely too much." "Yeah I've never seen you so wasted. Needed to drink some problems away?" Tony tried to joke. You let out a small laugh at the irony. That was exactly why. Thankfully the topic changed again. That was your calling to get into the kitchen to get some painkillers.
You filled a glass with water as Bucky entered the kitchen as well, jumping to sit on the counter behind you. "Headache?" He asked, noticing the pack of ibuprofen. You nodded, your back still facing him so he couldn't see your reddened face. "You hit your head pretty hard last night. Sounded painful." You shrugged your shoulders. "Didn't feel anything until now." You took the pill in your mouth, swallowing it with the water. You heard Bucky sighing. "So...I don't know if you remember last night." You froze, knowing where this conversation would lead to. "You wanted to say something to me and Steve held you back. Do you...can you remember what you wanted to tell me?" You turned around to face him. "I do. But I won't tell you." His brows furrowed. "Why?" "Cause it's stupid. Steve knows it and that's bad enough. My drunk self is an idiot." You turned around, wanting to leave the kitchen but he took your arm, wanting you to stay. "You said that you got drunk because of me. Because I went on that date." You closed your eyes, sighing. You really hated your drunken self. "I was completely wasted. I didn't know what I was talking about." He rolled his eyes. "Liar."
You took a breath. "Do you love her?" Your question caught him off guard, his hand leaving your arm. "I don't know. I only know that I shouldn't." You looked at him, confused by his words. "She isn't worth it." He continued. "When we were at the restaurant, some guy came up to us claiming to be her boyfriend. She said I wasn't someone important, 'a friend from work' that's what she called me. I left instantly." He took a breath, clearly hurt. "I liked her. She was really nice and beautiful as well." Your heart fell at his words, wishing to be the one he talks about like that. "But she was just playing games. So I don't really care anymore." You nodded, touched by his honesty. "I'm sorry about that." You said, smiling sadly. Bucky just nodded. "That's my story. Now yours." You sighed. You wanted to say it, but at the same time you were anxious as hell. "I-I really can't." His eyes narrowed. "Are you serious?" You heard a hint of anger in his voice, making you flinch. "I just told you all of this, I was completely honest with you, and you can't tell me that one thing?" He raised his voice a little, making you clench your jaw and drop your gaze. You couldn't stand when people that mean much to you yelled in your face.
"I-I'm scared." He let out a huff of annoyance. "Weren't so scared last night when you called me out for not getting laid!" As he didn't lower his voice, you felt tears welling in your eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I-" "Yeah you fucking should!" You couldn't take it no more. You lifted your gaze to his, a pained expression on your face and tears in your eyes. His face immediately softened, guilt replacing anger. "Shit, I'm sorry, I shouldn't h-" You lifted your hand, silently telling him to stop, before leaving the kitchen.
You spend a couple hours in your room, your eyes red and puffy from crying. He didn't mean to get loud, you knew that. Just like he knew that you didn't mean the words you said the past night. But still, both of you were hurt by each others actions. And you were frustrated as ever because you couldn't tell him how you felt. But spending another day in your room wouldn't help either. So you slowly got up, changing into your sport clothes to go to the gym. It was the best thing to do when you're frustrated right?
The gym was empty as you arrived and you thanked god for it. You made your way to the punching bags, starting with light punches which quickly turned into rough kicks and hits against the leather. You were mad at yourself. Mad for being such a wimp for not telling Bucky everything. How jealous you were yesterday, how much it hurt you to see him with another girl. The image of him looking at her with pure admiration in his eyes came back into your mind, forcing you to hit the bag even harder. The hook it was hanging on broke, the sack itself flinging on the ground. You just stood there, breathing heavily, until you heard someone clapping behind you. Cap and Bucky looked at you with completely different expressions. While Steve grinned and clapped, Bucky looked almost horrified, a hint of guilt in his eyes as he thought that this was because of your encounter earlier. "Welcome in the 'Punch the bag off the ceiling' club!" Steve laughed, his hand landing on your shoulder. You didn't answer, just wiped the sweat from your face.
As you hung up a new bag Steve and Bucky got onto the mats for fighting training. You tried to ignore any sounds from them while hitting the bag again, slightly careful to not punch it across the room again.
"You're really distracted today, you know?" you heard Steve, followed by a loud thud and a groan from Bucky who probably just landed on the ground. You took a deep breath, knowing that you were the reason. You decided to end things for today, leaving the gym to take a quick shower.
After that you went to the lounge, thankful to only be greeted by Steve, Sam and Natasha talking. No Bucky in sight. You dropped down on the couch next to Steve, facing the ceiling with your eyes closed. "Still hungover?" Sam teased, grinning. You shook your head. "Other problems than that." Sam looked at Natasha who was just as confused as him. They turned to Steve who just shrugged his shoulders. "What's up w-" Natasha was interrupted by someone else entering the room, causing you to clench your jaw at his voice. Was he following you? "Hey Steve, have you seen my Shaker cup thing? I thought I left it at the gym but I couldn't find it." "I put it in the dish washer, don't worry." Steve answered his best friend. You secretly hoped Bucky would leave at that again, but the universe hated you. Or at least Sam did.
"Hey, do you know what's wrong with her?" You didn't need to open your eyes to know he was pointing at you. You let out an annoyed groan. There was silence for a couple seconds before Buckys "Uhm...I don't..." And he said you were bad at lying? Jesus Christ. "So you know what's up! Come o-" "You can't let me feel down without knowing what's going on, mh? How about you deal with your own shit." You snapped at Sam, standing up to storm past Bucky and out of the room. Maybe you were overreacting, but you had enough of people not minding their own business.
You went to your room again, probably the only room you wouldn't run into Bucky. That's what you thought. But shortly after you sat on your bed there was a knock at your door. You sighed. Before you could tell the person to get lost your door opened, Bucky stepping in. He was nervous, his lips pressed together. "I didn't tell you to come in." You murmured, not looking at him. "I-I know, I just didn't...I want to talk to you." You sighed at his words, pinching the bridge of your nose. "What should we talk about? What we said hurt both of us. Pretty sure we both feel sorry. That's it." Then was Buckys turn to sigh. "I'm not talking about that. I know you want to tell me something. And I know that how I asked for it earlier wasn't nice." He ran a hand trough his hair, waiting for your reply. "I already said i can't-" "No, stop that. You can." Buck interrupted you, walking over to you to sit next to you on your bed. You closed your eyes, shaking your head. He sighed. "Okay, then. let me put the pieces together and you just say yes or no, alright?" You clenched your jaw, but nodded. He'll get behind it but at least he wouldn't make you say it.
"So, you weren't happy about my date with Mary?" You nodded. "And that made you get wasted?" You nodded again. "You were jealous?" You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, nodding. "Did you want to get out with me instead of her?" You closed your eyes again, nervous about your answer. "Come on Y/N." "Yes" You blurted out, feeling your face heating up. You nervously looked over to Bucky. He had a shit-eating grin on his face. "Do you like me?" You took a breath, your heart hammering in your chest. Still, you nodded . "More than a friend?" You nodded again. "You want me to kiss you?" Your eyes widened at his question, your jaw dropping lightly. Bucky just kept grinning down at you. "You need to answer, doll." You just nodded and not a second later his hand was cheek and his lips on yours. You didn't return it right away, being too shocked by his actions. Bucky almost regretted his decision, before your hand landed on the back of his neck, moving your lips against his. He smiled against your mouth as you sighed, the feeling of his lips finally on yours making you feel like you were about to pass out.
When your brain proceeded what was happening you pushed him away slightly, causing him to whine and leaning towards you again, not wanting to stop kissing you. You let out a small laugh at that, still pushing him completely off you. "So, you like me too?" He nodded, grinning. "Then why didn't you tell me? And why did you go out with Mary?" He sighed at your question, sitting up straight. "I was scared you wouldn't want to be with someone from the team. I also never catched signs from you that you felt the same, not even when I came here after a nightmare. And that with Mary...Yes she was really nice, maybe I had a small crush on her, but she was just to distract me from you." He explained, giving you an apologetic smile. "Yeah, I'm not the type of person to show how I feel about someone unless they make hints that they feel the same. I guess we're both like that, that was the problem." Bucky let out a laugh at that, nodding. "I'm happy that you admitted it." He smiled at you, making your heart melt. "Same here." You just smiled at each other for a couple minutes before he asked "So since that is clear, can i kiss you again?" You giggled, nodding.
His lips were on yours again within seconds, moving against yours eagerly. His hands were on your waist while one of your hands moved up into his hair, fisting a couple strands, tugging slightly. He groaned at that, you taking the chance to slip your tongue past his lips. Your tongues danced together, his grip on your waist tightening. You moved to sit on his lap, making it easier to kiss him. His hands slowly went under your shirt and to your back. He didn't went further, not forcing you into anything as his hand caressed your skin, causing goosebumps to move down your spine. He must have felt that, smiling into the kiss.
You two were in your own little world of feeling and tasting each other, causing both of you to flinch hard when the door swung open "Y/N, have you seen B-" Steve stopped mid sentence, a grin forming on his face as he saw the scene infront of him. Both yours and Buckys face were completely red, his hands slowly moving out of your shirt. "I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see anything. You guys have fun. And use protection!" With that he left the room, laughing to himself, closing the door behind him. Bucky and you let out a nervous laugh. "Thank god it wasn't Sam. He probably would've yelled through the whole building what he saw." You joked, making him grin. "I wouldn't really care. Everyone can know that you're finally mine." You smiled brightly as his words, the idea of being his making your heart jump. "All yours." You agreed, leaning in to kiss him again.
A/N: I normally wanted to end it earlier, make it full angst with no happy ending for the reader BUT I COULDN'T so here you have a long ass imagine because I want people to be happy whoo
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