#I’m shortening it to
inkandarsenic · 2 years
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ahhrenata · 1 year
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a little more steddie Star Trek au! Most of these are scenes from @sparklyslug’s amazing fic t’hy’la !! (although ones technically a redraw- I wanted to spruce it up a bit) and the last one is an extra doodle of them about to sneak a kiss :)
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sagaubeloved · 16 days
I wonder if I should change the title of my user name because I swear I’m entering every game with the sagau idea.
First Genshin
Then HSR
And NOW Wuthering Waves
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octolingplush · 3 days
if you try really hard every character ever is aspec
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starry-carrousel · 6 months
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Posting the girls on this beautiful Flower Thursday
Read Flower if you haven’t already!
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vitrificvitriol · 3 months
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Late night sketch
Bonus Astrotrain, who is waiting very patiently outside for them to stop fucking around:
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jinxremoving · 10 months
you guys are boring haters . “gee” is cute & so is “frankie” . who cares
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 days
So is that awful and ill placed and thought out daddy kink joke supposed to be a set up for Buck season 8?? For Buck actually exploring his trauma around his father and around Bobby??
Is it supposed to be the set up for Buck realising he is still on the hamster wheel of relationships where he’s in it for the emotional connection and his partner is only in it for sex?
Is that what this is - because I have spent my night trying to figure out what other reason there could possibly be for dropping that ‘joke’ at that moment and making that scene weird?
Buck is clearly more invested in the relationship than Tommy is - you can see Buck is still invested and engaged in his first queer relationship - that he’s still a bit starry eyed over Tommy - but that scene was screaming Abby 2.0 at me - Tommys behaviour was very similar to Abby’s in my opinion.
And while I’m not mad at that as a concept - Tommy being similar to Abby makes a fair amount of sense - in the same way she helped move Buck from playboy to relationship material (I maintain the playboy persona was a mask and coping mechanism for his loneliness) Tommy is helping him move from straight to queer - unlocking another part of himself.
But if that is the case - that scene - that set up - was just not it.
Every other main had at least a fair hint of what there arc will be for season 8, but Buck didn’t really - yes it was made clear he’ll be there for Eddie (and Chris) but that journey is Eddie’s not Bucks - Buck had no hint of an arc for himself so I’m left trying to figure out what they’re doing with him and this is where I’m at.
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ghostember · 11 months
the great twitter to tumblr migration of 2023
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vewwonati · 2 days
quotes from my quote book as band of brothers characters pt 2
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wren-kitchens · 1 year
limited life spoilers!
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i’m having a normal one /lie
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elles-home · 3 months
either i have the reading comprehension of a rat or there really are foreshadowing to luffy dying bc i have never caught that
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shizandgiggles · 5 months
Me having an AU? It’s more likely then you think.
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Just doodles of Wally (Wallace), Home, Frank, Julie and Sally!
Close ups vvv
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Man I Love Frank
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stilldoingscience · 2 months
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Okay stupid question but my wife and I are going to Disney world to celebrate getting married and also it’ll be her first time. We wanted to Disney bound Padmé and anakin. I just got my dress today and it doesn’t drag at all on the ground but now I’m worried it’s too dressy! Can someone let me know if Disney would kick me out for wearing this dress?
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sulevinen · 1 year
hey, i haven’t seen the bad batch, is there any specific reason you list it as not tolerated in you pinned post? maybe the reason is obvious but i’m not very plugged online star wars fandom lol
idk how to end this ask so uhh. i hope you have a nice day :)
hello anon!! i have many reasons why i don’t tolerate any bad batch content here and why i hate it a lot.
the first reason is the blatantly obvious racism regarding the batch. they’re not only whitewashed, they’re presented as a ”superior group” better than their more brown counterparts whom the batch also alienates and views as lesser than (calling them ”regs” derogatorily on more than one occasion).
second reason is that i hate the batch’s origins: they call themselves the bad batch while in reality they have DESIRED mutations and they’re treated better by EVERYONE, they get better gear, better ships, they get to choose their missions and they report to no-one. and their mutations? any other clone, if given the same gear and training, could accomplish what they have.
the batch has this victim mentality that everyone is out to get them and despises them, while at the same time they possess a superiority complex, pretending that they are so much better than everyone else. the batch whines about being ”misunderstood” or whatever, while their lives are so much better in every way than the regular clones’, who aren’t even treated as human most of the time.
and third reason, they’re just really, really, REALLY unlikable. not a single good trait in any of them, not a single enjoyable moment. they’re all obnoxious, their personalities are so bland, they all have one defining trait that dominates their whole character (tech is supposedly a genius, wrecker is a strong dummy, hunter has no personality other than being the leader, and crosshair is just an asshole) and they just. they do nothing.
the fourth reason is the way they treat echo. the team behind the show are treating echo poorly, and i’m not letting that slide. they ignore echo’s ptsd, they ignore his disability, they treat him as a machine and make him inhumane, and his role and personality are non-existent in the first season. the batch treats echo better than the other clones because he’s ”like them” despite him still being a regular clone with cybernetics, and in the gregor episode they’re willing to let gregor die because he’s just a reg, while ECHO IS RIGHT THERE.
and the fifth reason is just the show itself, filled with racism, anti-semitism, ableism, etc. cid is a money-hungry lizard voiced by a jewish woman, echo is treated as a machine, then there was this execution squad where the non-white soldiers execute innocent civilians and the only white soldier refuses to do so. and many more instances like this that just scream racism.
it’s just so fucking poorly made. it’s horribe in every way, from the characters to the plot. it’s like a white man’s power fantasy which checks out since the target audience seems to be the white fans who can see themselves in the batch, even though the batch and the other clones are supposed to look like temuera morrison who is a brown Māori man.
here is the carrd made by clonehub, where each problem has been broken down perfectly and explains it better than i ever could:
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dead-loch · 6 months
i’m gonna start dressing like bea arthur on golden girls the only thing that can stop me is the fact I have no money
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