#I’m probably rambling at this point
daphnebowen · 6 months
Today’s prompt for twelve days of rina is favorite musical moment. I am going to be completely honest I have no idea what this means. Is it talking about song wise or like actually performance wise during an actual musical?
I’m gonna go with the first one.
my absolute favorite rina song has to be love you forever. and sure, Gina really doesn’t sing a whole lot during the song but does that matter? No. It’s about Gina, for Gina, to Gina. the implications of this song are incredible. Ricky is promising his whole life and forever to this girl. he’s known her for a year and a half basically and thru that year they have been thru so much together. They’ve grown together, grown apart, grown towards each other, and now are growing together again. some of my favorite absolute lines from love you forever(this might turn into a whole lyrical analysis bc there are so many good lyrics so just buckle up):
“I’ve never been more sure of what I’ve got, I’m staring at the only thing I want, so”
UGH. this line. It kills me, every time! Ricky is confident in his love for Gina. He knows what he feels and he’s known it for a while, but the problem is he didn’t know when to tell her. their lives have been a whirlwind of crazy for a couple of months but I am fairly certain that Richard Bowen has moved Gina Porter for a long time.
“I’ve been running I don’t know what from”
this is Ricky Bowen to a tee. He’s the guy who runs, he’s the guy who disappears when things get rough, he’s the guy who hides away when he doesn’t want to confront his feelings. so the fact that Ricky is now admitting this to Gina and showing her now that he knows what he’s done in the past but he’s changing! He’s gone thru so much character growth and he’s better for it! And I think that takes so much courage to be able to admit that because everyone he’s friends with knows Ricky’s habits. they can put two and two together. The camera guys, they don’t get the meaning of this line, eh whatever, he’s noncommittal, but it’s not that, it is so much more than that, and Gina knows that and Gina gets that.
“but you and I’ve become a sacred kinda home”
ah yes. this line. Gina is Ricky’s home. Gina is the place where she feels seen, and understood, and known. Ricky was the first person to see Gina for who she truly was and look past all of the intimidation and the fronts she was putting on so people wouldn’t know the real her. but Ricky saw her for who she was. and for me, this is a promise to Ricky. They’re building their own sacred home together and that to me is so special.
“so rare so real right here in this moment”
oh my. I love this line so much. the usage of the word rare is so amazing I have no words, bc rare really does define Gina and Ricky’s relationship. they’ve gone thru so many unique problems and really did get it all, because in so many movies you can’t have it all. If this were any other show Gina would have had to pick between New Zealand and Ricky, between her future job and her future love. but in this case her futures are tied together, they are one and the same, if that makes sense. she can have both and she will have both, because Ricky and Gina’s relationship is rare and true and beautiful and absolutely real.
“cause I love you feels a lot like high school and forever after that”
again, I just love this line because of the implication that rina can and will have everything that they want. they beat the odds, essentially. They’re meant to be and they’ve proven it. love can be found all over, whether romantic or platonic even. The relationships that you make in high school don’t have to end when you graduate - they can last forever beyond that and Ricky and Gina are proving it. and like I said earlier, how in some movies the girl has to choice between her dream career and her dream guy and with hsmtmts season four, she doesn’t. She makes her own future with both of her dreams in it. and that is so powerful and profound. bless these script writers and these song writers.
“I wanna finish what we started in the stairwell where we met”
oh my gawwww-
this is probably one of the most rooted lines in rinas history (that sentence did not make sense but I’m too tired to find out a way for it to make sense so suck it up). the fact that they met and instantly clicked and had a gut instinct from a two minute conversation in a stairwell about an ex and how to win her back. Even when Ricky didn’t think he was going to speak to her ever again both of them did what they do best: give each other some of the best advice of their lives, whether they realized it or not. Gina wouldn’t have gone to theater club if not for Ricky. Ricky wouldn’t have sang itikyk and gotten Troy and started rina on this whole crazy journey if he hadn’t spoken to this “intimidating” girl and gotten her advice. and even though we know this flashback wasn’t shot originally in season one (I’m pretty sure, right?) you can tell that the chemistry is off the charts. From one sighting. and the “finishing what we started,” going big with the declaration of love, that’s what Ricky is finishing. He’s finishing what they started but also continuing their love story on. and that is beautiful and heartbreaking and I will never ever be over them.
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carthonasi · 2 months
It’s been like a week now but I can’t stop thinking about what could have been going through Moldaver’s head when she saw Lucy and Norm for the first time in years when infiltrating Vault 33
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zootopiathingz · 7 months
The writers had Luigi hide in the dumpster during the attack in Brooklyn cuz they knew it would be too cruel to have him watch his brother get the shit beaten out of him
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h-didanart · 13 days
I could try to make this a whole comic, but I don’t have the patience to. So….
Bloodmoon giggled to himself as he scurried away. It wasn’t always that he could get such a good glance at the Daycare idiot’s daily routine, but when he did, boy was it a blast.
Some odd creature emerged from the portal and some confrontation took place, he was excluded from it, having been up in the rafters and all, so he had been in a perfect position to see the absolute frustration in the Sun-Man’s face as the creature toppled over his precious barrel towers, and then, and then— he snorted just remembering— and then the Sun-Man chased around the creature screaming every single swear word that could ever be said.
He had almost fallen off the rafters from laughing too hard, which had sadly gotten him spotted by the computer, which meant he had to leave. But still, it had been very amusing, so now he was on his way to the place he and the little Pumpkin Sprout usually met at— the theatre basement, with its infinite food supply and stuff— and he was going to talk to them about it, because they had to know.
He entered the space, bouncing in place at seeing the pumpkin bot already there, and he approached them.
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Hmm, Little Sprout didn’t usually go for knives that quickly. Nor did they usually tackle him that quickly, nor would they aim for his eye, nor would they be the ones to start a sneak fight, nor— okay this was just not how Jack normally acted. Which meant…
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batfamhyperfixation · 15 days
I know we constantly talk about Jason being a classic lit person, but most people only use P&P and exclusively Jane Austin novels, like yeah my homie she is great but I wanna see more content where Jason’s niche is purely books that people think are related to his death but also not at all related to his death: Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Why people think Jason loves Frankenstein: he relates to the Creature, being born again after death but not quite right, rejected by father figure, causing a separation between him and all the humans, thus plunging him into isolation, highly literate but not taken seriously because he doesn’t have a degree from an accredited school (basically self taught)
Why Jason actually loves Frankenstein: it is written through letters!! There are like 4 stories going on at once all embedded in one another, like that’s so fuckin cool! He actually relates to Robert Walton, as he travels the world only to form the outlaws, taking these misfits with him, like how Walton traveled to the North Pole only to find and befriend Victor Frankenstein, taking him with
Why people think he likes the Metamorphosis: Jason relates to Gregor because he turns into something nonhuman overnight only gaining consciousness again after the transition period and although he still feels the same, everyone will forever fear him as something other, just like Jason after the pit which seemed like it changed him overnight as he woke up something othered
Why Jason actually liked the metamorphosis: Kafka didn’t like metaphor so he made the transformation something literal, and he subverted the expectations of transformation at the time as usually transformations were done to give the character some upgrade but in metamorphosis it was a downgrade, ruining Gregors life instead; not to mention for a story about a man being transformed into a bug, not a lot actually happens in the story nor does Gregor actually do a lot, it is less a narrative in the traditional sense and more a stream of consciousness kind of writing which helps it feel different, also I think he would relate to Grete, always trying to help adults around him who were self-destructing a lot of the time, probably especially his parents, I mean he died by trying to save his mother only for her to turn on him, he was fighting crime to help Bruce, etc. Grete was still a child who was helping her brother stay alive when no one else would, she tried to protect her parents from having to deal with Gregor in his transformed state, she even got a job to help the family (similar to Jason becoming Robin to help Bruce)
Why people think Jason liked the picture of Dorian gray: the theme of fleetingness unless intervened through supernatural means (aging painting keeping you young forever or being reborn again despite original life fleeting) only to eventually cause your untimely demise (likely how others view Jason’s perception of himself)
Why Jason actually liked Picture of Dorian Gray: it has so many takes on society that even if you don’t agree with all of them, it at least forces you to think about your own stances and understanding how you view the world around you, it puts a high value on the arts and takes them seriously, it has very well-developed and deeply flawed characters that are fun to read about, and the novel has an interesting history of it being used as evidence in Wilde’s criminal case for being queer
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el-255 · 20 days
I find it so poignant in Epic the idea that all of Odysseus’s actions of ‘kindness’ so to speak always come back to bite him in the end (going to the cave to try and show open arms in trusting the lotus eaters, offering the wine to Polyphemus, sparing Polyphemus, his apology to Poseidon) except for his plea to Circe after denying her advances.
And you know why I think that is? Because it’s the only open arms approach that is completely sincere in nature.
Let me explain a little further, everything I’ve listed up to that point has been deception in some sort of way, they only went to the cave on the advice of the lotus eaters because they were desperate. I have no doubt that if given any other choice, Odysseus wouldn’t have gone. He only offered the wine to Polyphemus in an attempt to bargain for his and his crew’s lives and he ends up spiking it with lotus anyways so even if Polyphemus had let them go, he still would’ve ended up being betrayed in some sense. Him sparing Polyphemus is an act of spite against Athena and Polyphemus because he believes himself to be above any sort of repercussions and wants to taunt him for killing his friends. And finally, his apology to Poseidon is insincere at best because at no point does he ever utter the words “I’m sorry”. Not that Poseidon would’ve let him go anyways because I firmly believe at that point he’d already made up his mind to kill Odysseus and his crew but it’s the thought that counts and Odysseus clearly wasn’t sorry in the slightest, only sorry it came back to bite him.
Then we move to Circe and that’s when Odysseus’s luck changes when, after telling her that he will not cheat on his wife, she shows him mercy and helps him out. Because Odysseus was sincere in his affections for his wife and Circe, a woman who has been burned and abused by men in the past, has watched her nymphs suffer at the hands of men, and as a woman who deems all men as pigs because she believes they do not care for women at all, respects him for that. It humanises him.
It gives Circe some sort of hope that things could be better. Her line “maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more” may be immediately followed up with her declaring that instead one day it could need her more and things will get worse, but it gives Circe hope that she never had before. Circe already held the views of her final line, it’s nothing new for her to be untrustworthy of men at best, but for a moment, she wants to believe in a world where men are good and her nymphs would be safe even without her protection. A world where she would be safe.
All because Odysseus was finally being sincere to someone and genuinely poured his heart out which worked! Circe let his men go and helped them get to the underworld which she didn’t have to do at all, she could’ve sent them on their merry way and washed her hands of the whole incident but she didn’t. She wanted to believe in the love between Odysseus and Penelope and did everything in her power to make their reunion possible.
This makes his turn to becoming a monster in the underworld saga all the more upsetting because one good outcome to his kindness does not change others that got his friends killed so he completely gives up on it and embraces the role of being a monster who doesn’t care for anything but getting home, no matter the cost.
Even by the point of his plea for mercy from Circe, a part of Odysseus has already given up on everything Polites tried to in-still in him, but loves his wife so much that he’d never even fathom betraying her despite the fact that he believes cheating on her with Circe (unaware that her seduction is only a farce to kill him) will make her release his men and she’d likely never know that Odysseus had betrayed her. He still can’t do it, it’s Odysseus’s last ditch attempt to try and resolve things peacefully and he’s only doing it for the love of his wife.
It’s tragic irony that the very thing he believes in so sincerely, humanises him so much, and garners him the most help and sympathy is what leads to his downfall to a monster, his love for his wife and his son.
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jay-arts-t · 1 year
Jaskier, wearing an uncommon outfit for the time: what do you think, Geralt? I’m hoping to start a new trend!
Geralt: It’s…interesting??
Jaskier: in a good way??
Geralt: it’s a little too weird for my taste.
Jaskier: dude, you have white hair and dress cowboy goth. YOU are weird.
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chaosinstigator · 1 month
when we say we want daniel to return to his redbull seat we don’t mean the 2018 seat 😭
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Rainy afternoon with nothing pressing to do except fold laundry!!!!!
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the magnus archives au, where everything is the same, except the unknowing starts with a fucked up version of the muppet show theme song
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docresa · 2 months
Today I had the best time volunteering for a teaching project (which is led by our chief vascular surgeon).
That is, apart from the fact that we ran into some of our abdominal surgery attendings, who gave me a massive (verbal) side-eye for technically hanging out with the vascular surgeons in my free time. (Some of them don’t really see eye to eye, both medically and personally).
And I’m soooo sick of it, can’t I just try to figure out what I eventually want to do with my career without having to navigate a social and political minefield?
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little-pondhead · 3 months
My mother, trying to explain how I’m related to someone I’ve never met so we can appropriately grieve their recent loss:
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
The p3r dlc really has me walking around Tartarus with the Junes theme playing in the background. What a time to be alive.
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goldenhylia · 4 months
Despite everything he said in Future Redeemed, when it came down to it N was completely unwilling to kill his family (At least after the death of Ghondor).
During the fight at Raguel Lake, N tells Alpha that he has no qualms killing him despite the fact that he is currently possessing Na’el but N doesn’t kill her. Even when the Ontos core was damaged, N didn’t attack to finish them both off while he had the chance.
On Prison Island, he insinuates that he hasn’t killed Matthew because he is the only thing tying Na’el to the current world, but even after Alpha is defeated, even when he knows Matthew is roaming the earth setting soldiers free and killing other Moebius he doesn’t kill him or even try to stop him.
And I think most telling of all, when he interrupts the final battle he severs the tether between Na’el and Alpha. He had absolutely zero incentive to do that, it was a surprise attack, he could have killed Alpha then and there. But he chose to spare Na’el. Because N isn’t “divorced” from his feelings about his family. Matthew and Na’el are still part of Ghondor, still part of Mio, still part of him and represent that hope for the future he thought had died with the original Mio. The hope that was eventually reborn as Noah.
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larkspurglove · 16 days
Maybe if I cope hard enough song 21 or 22 is Man of the House-
#epic the musical#odysseus#queue’d#there’s a 50% chance it’s bc it sounds Hamilton-y but I love Man of the House#it’s such a bop#ik it’s scrapped but like IF I COPE-#anyway my reasoning as to why it could be song 21 or 22 is bc epic the musical as a standalone adaptation#is REALLY missing some Odysseus backstory content#bc if you went into the musical without knowing anything about the odyssey or Greek mythology here’s what you’d know#1. he’s been at war for 10 years and really misses his family#2. he really really loves and misses his wife#3. he’s the king of Ithaca#4. when he was younger Athena saw him kill a boar and was like ‘yo this kid’s cool I’m gonna mentor him’#< also I’m not even sure if point 4 is accurate to the actual Greek myths but regardless#outside of Warrior of the Mind there’s not a lot of Odysseus backstory#like you can function on these points alone but I think it would be fun to get more ody backstory#also imagine act 2 opening with Man of the House#it’s a hopeful pick-me-up from Monster and the Underworld Saga in general#and not to mention illustrates what’s at stake plus starts to introduce the ‘we’ve been on this voyage for a bit too long man’ element#plus it would introduce the ‘where is he’ motif and the ‘time is ticking it’s running out time to be the man of the house’ motif earlier#and I could write a whole ‘nother wall of tags about how those motifs would affect the story in this scenario#I mean Jay’s probably gonna introduce those motifs somewhere else outside of The Challenge and Odysseus/King so yeah#Man of the House you’re not a cut song to me <3#epic the thunder saga#lark rambles
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fantasykiri5 · 9 days
Hey do y’all wanna see the most horrible fucked up homebrew ranger spell I just wrote out for fun
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