#I’m FROTHING about this
everyone-calm-down · 8 months
I am dead fucking serious when I say that Disney should have made another Fantasia movie for the 100th anniversary rather than whatever they got going on with Wish.
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rosalinesurvived · 2 months
Kunikida and Katai knew each other since they were twelve. Katai joined the Agency for Kunikida. He left after the Azure King died and before the Azure Messenger case. He even left the fucking ADA dorms for that crappy dilapidated house. WHAT was it that happened between them for him to leave??????
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Im sorry I cannot take shang qinghua’s name seriously. Even before i read the book i was like “haha, like the university” AND THAT WAS ACTUALLY THE JOKE. i cant fucking take it. Its like if you named your character Wentto Harvard.
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olympe-draws · 9 months
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to hold and be held….
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internet-tears · 2 years
no y’all don’t GET it. the fact that in every fucking scene when they talk goncharov stands to the left of andrey. that he stays out of the line of sight of his good eye. that in this way he uses the eye patch more than andrey uses it himself. it’s about the fear of being seen it’s about the developed behaviour of being hyper aware of your surroundings when you feel like you’ve been walking on eggshells your entire life it’s about subconsciously taking advantage of someone’s weakness it’s about unreliable narrators and limited pov but MOST IMPORTANTLY it’s about the fact that when andrey looks FORWARD into what lies ahead goncharov is never part of the picture because he chooses to stay out of frame out of his field of vision
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soup-scope · 1 year
we finally got canon ages for some of the redacted boys!!!
Samuel Collins- 29 *when turned* (technically 44 ig)
Vincent Solaire - 20 *when turned* (technically 43 ig)
Avior- Coalesced 36 years ago
Gavin- Coalesced 33 years ago
Aaron- 33 years old
David Shaw- 30 years old
Asher Talbot- 30 years old
Milo Greer- 30 years old
Lasko Moore- 29 years old
Elliot- 29 years old(???) (timeline just states he was adopted 29 years ago)
Huxley- 26
Caelum- Coalesced 24 years ago (caelum is still very much mentally a child tho. don’t be weird)
Damien- 24 years old
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kitspindles · 2 years
Nobody crucify me for this but I really don’t get why people are so mad about the “Percy is still 17 thing” because like… Rick’s explanation made sense enough to me? In a book series that’s spanned almost 20 years now and takes place in “our world” but not “real world time” (and where there’s schist like literal gods and monsters), people are fuming that the timeline doesn’t make sense with all the references to pop culture? Like, we already know the actual plot timeline within the books is a little screwy and not perfect, but why are we all big mad out here trying to fight the author in a Denny’s parking lot? Just because Percy isn’t canonically 18 yet? (Or 30 something). I don’t blame him for keeping Percy on the cusp of legal adulthood with the way some of you guys have been acting lately.
There’s no year ever given in the books to date the exact time of Percy’s adventures (or his birth year) because, like Rick said, his adventure is happening whenever you pick up the book and read it. Yes, there’s a wide range of pop culture references and jokes from over the years in the series but like… so what? He writes jokes that the current audiences and year will understand, that’s all. The series has been going for, what, 17 years now? And new fans of varying ages are always joining. The series and the jokes are ever evolving to reach these newer fans (many of whom are elementary and middle school aged, remember). As far as I know he never claimed for there to be a strictly linear timeline based in our real world time. He’s kept stuff vague on purpose to avoid giving exact years.
I think we all forget that The Lightning Thief started out as a bedtime story for Rick’s son, and that it took some time to even be accepted and published as a book. He didn’t initially set out to create a whole series with 15+ books spanning almost 20 years. I’m sure he didn’t know how large and expansive the series would become, and so that’s why there’s no set in stone timeline. Some authors give their series set years and stick with it throughout (Cassandra Clare, for example, has a whole intricate timeline going for her Shadowhunter books and sticks to it like glue), and some don’t. It’s just how it is. And most characters don’t tend to age outside their books… so yes, Percy is still 17 because, as of The Tower of Nero (which came out 2 years ago now, btw), his last canonical book appearance, he had yet to celebrate his 18th birthday or even officially start college. Just because we’re out here “celebrating” his birthday in the real world doesn’t mean he’s actually aging. It’s just a little goofy thing because he’s a popular character.
Are people just mad because this character we grew up with who kept aging in the books is now frozen at 17 (because his story is done) and we keep aging? We do need to remember that it’s a kids/young adult series, ergo, the characters are all still teens and pre-teens. Not yet adults.
Anyway I’ve just been thinking about that sorry
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@peterstankoffski said ever after high au (specifically maddie hatter ruth) and I haven’t been able to think of anything else since and perhaps ever again
(original post)
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astrobei · 10 days
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i fear i could not outrun the challengers brainrot but then again i also have not been trying very hard
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trkstrnd · 13 days
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season 5…
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rayven81194 · 7 months
okay i was absent for the start of the eggs event today in purgatory, and reading through tags I found Phil killed green stone egg (I think????)
And all I say is i like this concept. Other teams seeing how batshit crazy red team has gotten (pretty sure Baghera has chased someone with a chainsaw while laughing)
They’re so silly (they are actively sinning)
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sentfromwolves · 1 month
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“In the dream I couldn’t wake from, you died, you kept dying. And you didn’t come back.”
“I’m here now. I’m right here with you.”
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
The way I’m going fUCKING INSANE over this episode. Between the spec, the hype, the advertisements, everything, I’m losing my freaking MIND, guys
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svenghouly · 24 days
I would be down for a Jod maybe not totally redemption arc but at least some revelation before his untimely doom.
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flygonscales · 3 months
I’m rereading the Saga of Darren Shan (Cirque du Freak) and oh my goddddddd
What do you put in your books Darren?? It is not often I read something so addictive. I saw someone describe them as being like crack. And yeah I can see that I don’t even read Animorphs books this voraciously
(Spoilers below)
And yet. Rereading the second half of the series. When you know who the vampaneze lord is and how it’s going to end. Just:
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God. (Or should I say, Charna’s guts!) the planning that must have gone into the series. I can see the foreshadowing/just a prophesy that they don’t know how to follow properly because they don’t know how it ends. It’s like how a horror film protag doesn’t check why a cup fell down because they don’t know they’re in a horror film. Darren! You had Steve at your mercy! SEVERAL TIMES!!! Kill him! It’s unbearable!!! He’s lying!!!!!! This is like a fucking Greek tragedy mess of a plot!!!!!!!!
(Just try. Try reading Allies of the Night knowing full well what’s happening)
(The Greek tragedy comparison makes sense though, Darren is literally struggling against Des Tiny, even if he doesn’t know it)
And then, Mr Crepsley is dead, and Darren (post depression) and Harkat go on holiday to the nuclear dragon desert to gather panther teeth, gelatinous toad globes and Grotesque venom so they can go fishing for souls! It’s very reasonable that the war is drawing to a close so we need a break before the final battle but those toad spheres came of left field.
And then we hear the cirque du freak is returning to Darren’s hometown!! Love it when heroes return after most of their journey and discover they’ve changed too much to go back! But especially Darren, who cannot talk to anyone or even look around too much. He died. I LOVE IT I LOVE THESE BOOKS SO MUCH BUT I AM TEARING AND CRAWLING OUT OF MY SKIN THEY HURT SO BAD I JUST WANT MY BOYS TO BE HAPPY AND SAFE AGAIN)
(Boys includes: Darren, Harkat, Mr Crepsley. Vancha, Alice and Debbie. Not Steve Leopard. Fuck Steve Leopard. All my homies hate Steve Leopard)
And another thing: now I know about actual science - ‘vampire atoms are wobbly so they don’t show up on cameras’ - that is some of the most shallow pseudo scientific bullshit I’ve seen outside of JoJo’s. I love it. It’s so silly and makes no sense.
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
Big fan of pet names, and subsequently thinking about which pet names Stede and Ed would use with each other. I’m of course a huge fan of Stede using “darling” and “sweetheart” for Ed, and Ed using “love” for Stede.
But one I’ve also been thinking about a lot is Ed using “baby/babe” for Stede. “Baby” could carry negative connotations, what with Stede having to endure so many years of “Baby Bonnet.”
But what if Ed sort of took it back? What if he turned it into something good, something beautiful, something that was theirs? What if he took that past pain and gently bandaged it with a kiss?
And if “baby” in particular still hit a bit too close, what if he proposed “babe?” For better connotations, healing connotations.
For love after years of hurt.
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