#I’d add more peeps
smzeszikorova · 1 year
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
schemin’ | myg (m) MASTERLIST
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➥ PAIRING: yoongi x fem!reader
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➥ SUMMARY: Your dream comes true when world renowned music producer and CEO of D-Town Records, Agust D, discovers you in the underground rap scene and wants to sign you to his label. It all goes well for a few months and you can’t believe you’re actually living your dream. However, things start to shift when Agust D offers to do something for you and you can’t stop thinking about it for weeks to come. Your boyfriend doesn’t like it one bit.
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➥ GENRE: angst ⋆ smut ⋆ slow-burn
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➥ CATEGORY: series
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➥ WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, infidelity, boss/employee, sexual tension (a lot of it), slowburn, ethically questionable, strong language, (kinda) fake!romance, y/n inner dialogue, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, cocky!yoongi, reader is v impulsive and v dumb at times, dark themes, mentions of misogyny, gonna add more later, minors DNI
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➥ STATUS: completed
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
©dollfaceksj // edited by me
song: legacy of new boyz – schemin’
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— i n d e x ↓
♢ 00 – teaser ; 796
♢ 01 – i’d do anything ; 4.3k
♢ 02 – peeping tom ; 4.8k
♢ 03 – make the most of it ; 5.3k
♢ 04 – talk about professional ; 6.7k
♢ 05 – busted ; 7.1k
♢ 06 – greedy ; 6.9k
♢ 07 – bait taken ; 7.7k
♢ 08 – do you want it? ; 9.5k
♢ 09 – cat got your tongue? ; 8.7k
♢ 10 – schemer ; 8.2k
— d r a b b l e s ↓
♢ ✄…
➸ cross-posted to ao3.
➸ support me by buying me some coffee if you can☕︎♡
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prismatic-bell · 7 months
So I want to start this post with the understanding that it is based ONLY on my personal experiences as a 35-year-old American and what I saw as a teenager. It should not be taken as a prognostication of doom—it’s a call to keep your eyes open.
So right now, one of the biggest (and very justified) criticisms of what’s happening in Gaza is that the head of Hamas isn’t even in Gaza. He is in Qatar. This is a known and established fact. If the goal is to take out Hamas, then they’re shooting in the wrong place.
Now I want to take you back to 2003.
George W. Bush has just announced that Iraq has 48 hours to turn over Osama bin Laden, or the United States will invade. They did not turn him over. We invaded.
If you’re too young to remember this, then the anti-Iraq/Afghanistan-war number you’ve most likely heard is “over a million dead civilians.” That number is true, but as someone who lived through it, I want to add some stuff you may not know or have heard of.
There was constant fear of the draft, and enlisted soldiers were often “back door drafted,” meaning when their contract was over it was reupped without their consent and they had no recourse. This led to a lot of families being torn apart and living in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. THIS, in turn, led to radicalization of soldiers who came home with no more support network and no assistance to readjust to civilian life. You want to know where all the Millennial MAGA came from? I’d be willing to bet a nickel almost all of them either were soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan, or knew somebody who was. I knew someone who’d enlisted because his family had been enlisted men all the way back to the Civil War and he genuinely believed he was doing a good thing, and after what he saw on his first tour he re-enlisted twice, as fast as they’d take him, actively trying to get himself killed due to guilt and severe trauma. I guarantee he wasn’t the only one.
We had Blackwater. We had “enhanced interrogation.” (Translation: waterboarding and sleep deprivation, among other forms of torture.) There were photos and videos released of soldiers gone absolutely crazy with power doing stuff like peeing on prisoners and mocking them. One image that will haunt me forever is a copy of the Quran smeared with pork. There’s no need for that. It saves no lives, it produces nothing but pain, it occurred only to be cruel.
Iraq and Afghanistan caused over a million civilian deaths. It also caused the mass insanity of a country.
Did I mention Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan the whole time?
We invaded two countries, murdered over a million civilians, tortured thousands of people….and all of it was for nothing. Yeah, we got rid of Saddam Hussein and that’s a good thing, but it opened up a whole different can of worms in the region, and also led to the US being the first democracy in the world to invade another nation without being attacked first. You can imagine that looked just GREAT for our position on the world stage.
So, uh.
Israel’s bombing the shit out of Gaza. The heads of Hamas aren’t in Gaza. They’re in Qatar.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
So two things of importance here. One, keep an eye on Qatar, and if you hear a PEEP about any potential “military operations” there, remember Iraq and Afghanistan. And two….you’re not going to like this. But it has to be said.
Iraq and Afghanistan occurred under a Republican president and Trump is currently the Republican front runner. To remind you, Trump said multiple times he wanted to start a nuclear war, and his party is full of Christian dominionists who want Israel to take all of Palestine because they believe this will trigger the Second Coming. In other words what Biden is doing is extremely bad but he can be pressured to do what’s right (we’re seeing it happen right now, with his officials admitting he’s feeling the pressure for a ceasefire). Trump WANTS TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE PLANET ON PURPOSE, and has backing from his party. You have to vote against him. You have to. I do not condone what Biden is doing but I also enjoy living, and I’m pretty sure you also would prefer to be here rather than not.
Keep an eye on Qatar. Vote against Trump and keep the pressure on Biden. You really want to help and don’t mind playing dirty? Find some left-wing Israeli organizations you can donate to. The party responsible for what’s happening, Likud, is far-right (Netanyahu is buddies with Trump and that should tell you a lot), and there have been sustained protests against them for almost a year. The fastest way to Palestinian peace is to get the wannabe-dictator and his coalition out of power, topple Hamas (not the Palestinian people, explicitly HAMAS), and restart peace talks. We’ve been EXTREMELY CLOSE to peaceful solutions before, and by peaceful I do not mean “because one side is dead,” I mean “because the two sides were ready to work together.”
(No, I am not saying you shouldn’t donate to Palestinian charities—you can in fact do more than one thing at a time. Although I will tell you to do some double-checking on any Palestinian charities you donate to because apparently right now money is having a really hard time getting through. Make sure you’re working with a legitimate organization and not getting scammed by some asshole in Canada looking to capitalize on a tragedy.)
Peace can happen, and in our lifetimes. I would love to see a world where al-Aqsa and the Third Temple stand proudly side by side on the Mount as a reminder of what peace can do. But we have to keep an eye on all fronts. And that means learning from history.
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lemonchuu · 10 days
𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 || 𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢 || 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: 𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐧)
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the dusty blond merman in your rickety old boat chuckles shrilly as you glare at him while struggling to row the damn thing, the tip of his tail occasionally dipping itself into the water to splash you. “shishishi, guess you’re all talk and no bite, huh?” he starts as you spit out the water that got into your mouth and groan. “shut up,” you responded before stopping. “this is the place you told me about. what’s going on?” 
“look below the boat,” he starts as you nod, peering over the edge to see the water turn a bright shade of blue. “it’s called the glowing gems. we eat it, once in a bit, because they’re not really meant to be eaten, but humans shouldn’t touch it.” you hum at the word of caution appreciatively, tucking your hands into the boat. “there are some kinds of peeps who eat it, some who don’t. i used to eat it when i was little and there were the hard days.” 
“can’t believe human systems of the rich trampling the poor made it all the way down there,” you chuckle sadly as you look at the blond merman from the periphery of your eye. “well,” he responds as nonchalantly as he can, “a lot of peeps said we were their descendants, of this one ancient city that collapsed or something. i dunno, though. that theory’s popular up in the capitol, where they’ve got the time and the money to invest into this nonsense.” 
“you don’t live in the capitol? then where do you live?” you asked, eyes wide. “me? i live in this cave system a bit outside. don’t tell me you’re worried for little old me,” the blond merman adds and smirks, pointy teeth glistening under the moonlight, his hair more silver than gold afloat on the boat. “you ‘ve got your own problems, don’t you?” 
“doesn’t mean i can’t feel sorry for the pain you’re going through,” you murmur as you reach out to him slowly, pausing halfway for his approval. with a flushed face and a slight harrumph, the merman lets you indulge your curiosity with his face and his hair, stroking his face gently before moving towards his hair. there’s little need for any words at this point- the merman’s trust is not easily given, you feel, and you want to receive as much of it as you can. even though you know he’ll probably never come back to the surface world. 
behind you, the skies turn a muted orange, and the first signs of life on land begin to appear, with the cawing of the crows and the sea birds, and of the weary fisherman who have to make their way to the ocean for another day’s worth of work. the merman pulls away from your touch, and for a second, you feel rejected, before closing your eyes. “we have no more time,” he murmurs, caressing your cheeks like you did before throwing his tail overboard into the water. 
“i’ll see you soon, pretty. and before you give me a name of your own, though i’d like that, to be honest- the name’s ruggie. ruggie bucchi. don’t you forget that, hmm?” kissing you on the cheek, he tips the boat just enough to fall into the water, and as the sun finally comes up, there’s no evidence of ruggie bucchi ever existing. But his hands are warm on your face, and so is the lilting kiss on your cheek.
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ghcstao3 · 8 months
(scrapped) hogwarts professor!ghost x zoologist!soap very very old draft but :3 also peep ghost with glasses
Ghost’s social life has never been anything spectacular to begin with, but when he somehow manages to become the newest potions professor at Hogwarts, he finds it to be entirely lacking.
The balance he requires among work alone is enough to keep him busy nearly every waking hour of his days, and adding his personal life to his list of things-to-do, Ghost would surely end up with prematurely greying hair. 
(And who is he kidding—he’s already just about reached that point.)
So, it is safe to say that Ghost doesn’t get out much. It’s an unfortunate truth for his first couple of years teaching, but honestly, it isn’t much of a bother. Ghost is mostly happy, if a little stressed, and he’s more than lucky to be in his current position—that’s what he thinks, and that’s all that matters. Work gives him purpose.
At least, it’s all that matters until the universe decides it has other plans and introduces Ghost to a mildly bizarre man by the name of Soap.
Soap (real name currently unbeknownst to Ghost) approaches the professor while he shops for ingredients for a personal potions project. Soap is broad, attractive, and looks like he lives off one too many Invigoration Draughts a day. He greets Ghost with a manic smile in an attempt to act friendly, though the gesture isn’t at all helped by a body otherwise buzzing with energy. Everything about the man screams eccentricity, but then again—Ghost is a wizard. He’s always been bound to meet… interesting people.
“How much might you know about potions?”
Ghost blinks, genuinely surprised. Just from the stranger’s odd behaviour, Ghost had feared he’d earn a proposition, or that here, in the safety of the apothecary, the man would push to sell him something most probable to be illegal. 
But alas. An innocent question.
Ghost shoves the wiry bridge of his glasses further up his nose with his thumb, clears his throat. His fingers curl tight around the vial of mistletoe berries he holds as the stranger waits patiently for a reply.
“Well,” Ghost starts slowly, “considering I teach how to make them for a living, I would hope I’d know a thing or two.”
The man beams, eyes bright with gratitude Ghost is not yet worthy of.
“That’s perfect,” he says. “Then do you think you could help me with something?”
Politely, Ghost nods, though he has to wonder why the man hadn’t just gone to the shopkeep for advice first—but then, with a quick glance to the counter, he sees that said shopkeep is nowhere to be seen. His brows dip in a mild frown, not deep enough to be noticeable to anyone but Ghost himself.
“Alright, so—I have this hippogriff that I’ve been takin' care of and normally she isn’t so restless, but for whatever reason nothing I’ve done has worked to keep her calm for very long,” the stranger explains. “Potions are typically a last resort for me so I’m… I’m not sure what I should be making.”
“Uh,” Ghost says intelligently, sifting through his mind for an answer. He knows, he does, only, “I’ve never administered anything to something that wasn’t a wizard, but it should still work the same, with some adjustments.”
The stranger laughs. “‘It’ being…”
“Right, sorry.” Ghost clears his throat. His face warms with a blush, chest filled with passing embarrassment. He’s meant to be good, knowledgeable about these things. “The Draught of Peace. An anxiety reliever. But it’s a difficult potion to brew. You’d have to be experienced in potion-making to be certain nothing goes wrong.”
The stranger’s face falls. Ghost has already come to learn him to be rather expressive.
“Of course,” Ghost adds in a breath before he can stop himself. He isn’t sure why his mouth is still moving. “I could always make it for you.”
It's unfortunate that he can't find it in himself to regret the offer in any regard, after seeing the sheer and open look of hope it instills on the man's face.
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
Demons Are a Girls Best Friend
A fun vacation to the mountains! The brothers are fascinated by the human world and even more fascinated by the human world’s interpretation of them. After exploring a local church, Asmodeus learns of Mc’s relationship with the church as well as igniting an interesting fantasy of theirs.
Note: inspired by the song Demons Are a Girl’s Best Friend by Powerwolf, if you’re okay with a little bit of metal, you’ll love this and want it in your obey me playlist
This chapter is the start of the NSFW, it’s essentially the planning process, the setup, and the very start of the adventures. There’s mentions of impact play, bondage, and sacrilegious fantasy. I imagine if you’re reading fanfic on tumblr you’re not afraid of a lil kink. And you aren’t afraid of sacrilege if you’re into Obey Me. ALSO, I really try to have MC discuss the role play itself because I think it’s important people have a good idea of how these bdsm scenes work even if it’s not perfect. Sorry if it’s moving slowly to your taste, I wanted to explore Mc’s emotions as well as the brothers. I think the intimacy here will really amp up in preparation for the actual scene itself! Enjoy!
GN!Mc with a coochie x All brothers
Part 1
Chapter 2: “they wanna make you bend and scream”
Now faced with all 7 brothers eager to try out your fantasy, you scrambled over what you wanted to happen. And how. And where…
“So are we gonna dress as priests?” Belphie looked toward Mammon hoping he’d suggest stealing some priests garb.
“Don’t look at me! I feel like stealing from a church is a bad idea!” Mammon answered, confused as to why Belphie asked him not you.
“Well,” Asmo now had pen and paper in his hand, “we could use magic!”
“What are you writing for?” Beel questioned peeping around the table you all sat at.
“So we know what we’re gonna do to our lovely Mc!” He clicked the pen and looked to you. “So, it’s a bit of daddy I’ve been naughty sorta situation! Do you wanna confess your sins to us all?” Asmo’s eyes were twinkling.
“Um… confession usually has one priest present so I figured it’d be a different setting.” You sat at the head of the table, fiddling with the fabric of your shirt.
Lucifer sat on the edge of the table, directly to your left, refusing to sit in a chair for some reason. “Hm, to be honest, playing priests sounds fun but what if we were demons pretending to be priests? Im not exactly too sure if we could all maintain a holy facade. Those days are long gone, don’t we all agree?” Lucifer looked around and Satan was the first to agree.
“I never even had any holy days, so I agree. Plus it only adds more fun to the fantasy don’t you think?” Satan pulled the paper from Asmo and grabbed a pen for himself. “Here, I suggest we set everything up for Mc within their limits and we plan the scene ourselves.”
“I trust you guys to come up with something good for me by now.” You nodded, somewhat thankful all the planning wasn’t up to you. “I can list the parameters though.” You were also thankful that you didn’t have to confess exactly what you wanted to them, your embarrassment would be overwhelming.
Levi put his hand down on the table. “Listen, I have an idea!” He scrambled for the paper. “So let’s say Mc is lost and they find us here and we will use magic to make one of the rooms look like a church right… and then while Mc is praying to themselves out loud for forgiveness, we come in and—“ he abruptly stopped when Beel spoke up.
“If we say everything that ruins the fun right? We need to hear what Mc isn’t up for and what they are up for, right?” Beel looked to you, innocent per usual.
Your thoughts were swarming and you struggled to find out what you should say. “I’m thinking—well—I imagine that I’d be punished for all the stuff you have done to me, right?” You had a thought, a dirty one, but you were hoping for someone to read your mind.
“Go on.” Lucifer encouraged you, knowing you’re feeling a bit shy.
Dammit. “Well, then I guess everything we’ve done is on the table. At least what we can access.” You avoided saying exactly what you wanted causing Lucifer to sign through his nose.
“Everything?” Mammon repeated, leaning back. “To be fair, when we all do it with you, you do have the same limits. Just no actual harm. A lil pain here and there, no tickling, no blood, and only tears from pleasure. Amiright?”
“I’m told the same thing.” Lucifer concurred. “Those are your limits correct? Nothing beyond typical bedroom bdsm.”
“Sounds about right!” Asmo cocked his head and pulled the paper back while no one was looking. “So how about we 7 devise a plan and you, our lovely Mc, gets to prepare!”
“Well, for one, those are my limits, and for two, Asmo you can’t decide for me!” You were mildly irritated at him rushing but you did enjoy his enthusiasm. “Basically, I’m down with restraints, a little impact but let’s keep it down to just our physical person. I’m already about to get fucked by all 7 of you I don’t need that much overstimulation. Speaking of which, I’m down for multiple orgasms but overstimulation might not be it for right now especially since I imagine you’re all in the mood to go all out.”
Asmo furiously wrote, trying to keep up with each word. “Is edging on the table?”
You smiled and Levi scoffed. “If Lucifer is involved it’s probably always on the table.”
“I’m not that awful that I always edge them.” Lucifer looked offended by Levi’s comment but you ignored their little comments.
“Yes but… remain in control of yourselves I don’t wish to pass out before I even get to cum once.” You emphasized and Asmo underlined don’t go crazy on the paper. After he looked back to you thought a bit more. “Let’s use the light system too.”
Satan nodded. “We might need a nonverbal as well. And I think it’s better to use the light system for something like this, but if you do yellow, you need to inform us what to stop and what to continue.”
You thought for a moment. “If that’s the case, let’s say if my mouth is full then my hands need to free and vice versa. I’ll snap twice.“ You watched Asmo write again. “If you don’t hear or see the snaps, ima kick. No matter which one of you it is.” You were in-between joking and seriousness.
“Careful, Mammon and Levi might like it.” Belphie cackled.
“Hey! Don’t go lumpin’ me in with Levi! That guy probably likes to be waterboarded!” Mammon retorted making you grin.
“Water boarding? That’s more like Barbatos! I bet that guy will do anything! Plus… water boarding wouldn’t even work on me!” Levi snapped back and he shook his head at Mammon. “Mammon probably has a findom fetish!”
“Excuse me??? Why would I give my money to someone for just a boner!”
“Well you spend all your money on Mc!”
“That’s different! I’m spending it on gifts for them! Not begging for them to take my money!”
Levi and Mammon continued their back and forth until Lucifer pinched both of them. “Hush. You can squabble about your concerning fetishes later.” Lucifer turned the attention back to you. “So, let’s say you’re sucking me off, you wouldn’t want to be bound? Am I understanding you correctly…?”
You blinked twice, trying to see what he’s getting at. “Oh! Um, I guess if I’m snapping then my hands could be bound.”
“Hm, good to know that’s something you’d consider and I wasn’t hinting at me questioning your safety, Mc.” He smirked, a sadistic twinkle in his eyes. “I just wanted to make sure we heard you correctly. The more detail the better, right?”
You fought the heat rising in your body. “Well I don’t even know what you’re hinting at either.”
“Who says that I’m hinting at anything?”
“You just implied that you were hinting at something.”
“Then what do you think I’m hinting at?” Lucifer crossed his arms, still smirking.
“Something nasty for sure, you wouldn’t be making that face otherwise.” You tried to challenge him, pretending as though you aren’t flustered. “Why don’t you tell me what you plan to get out of this?”
Lucifer snorted. “I plan to have fun, relieve some stress. Perhaps tire them out as well.” He motioned to his brothers.
You couldn’t help but grin. “That’ll take some trouble off your plate, huh?”
“HELLLOOOO! We’re here too!!!!” Mammon shouted. “Stop talkin’ bout us right in front of us!” Mammon moved to the front of the table and nestled himself between you and Lucifer. “And don’t go picking favorites when we get down and dirty!”
Lucifer groaned as Mammon moved between you two. “Is your presence necessary?”
You giggled at his comment and looked at all of them sternly. “Also, when it starts, I don’t want any arguing! We can fight afterwards.”
“Hey, my favorite, aftercare. Ya know sometimes it’s more fun than the actual thing itself. But it’s probably gonna be annoying since it’s not just you and me.” Mammon smiled at you and his brothers spoke up in protest.
“Who said it’d be fun with you anyways?” Satan was the first to talk back. “Mc, you don’t have to include him.”
“Hey! No bullying Mammon either.” You gave him the irritated-mom-stare.
Asmo cleared his throat and pulled everyone back to the scene. “Aftercare indeed. Bath, warm clothes, lotion, cuddles, water, snacks, cakes?” He listed off his suggestions and Beel’s ears perked up at cakes. “Anything in particular??”
You leaned toward him, away from Mammon and Lucifer. “I’m gonna be sweaty as hell probably. I’m gonna need a cold shower. I think a bath might overwhelm me. Water is important. Maybe some tea and yes, we should have dessert after the fucking. I’m assuming we will be eating dinner beforehand. And cuddles are always on the table but uh… we need to wait until I’m done for me to decide who I wanna cuddle.”
“Ooooh! That reminds me, I am hungry! And while we are out for dinner, we can get supplies so we don’t waste our magic!” Asmo stood up and it’s as though everyone suddenly realized their own hunger.
“I am starving.” You stood and Lucifer looped an arm around your waist to pull you into him.
“Mc. I’ll have you know,” he whispered, “this fantasy of yours is something I plan to play out perfectly. Us demons, we love to play, something like this just strikes me so perfectly. You need to realize that you can’t be shy later.” Your back was pressed to his chest and his lips just grazed over your ear.
“I won’t be.” Was all you answered.
When you all finished your dinner, you split up into groups to find supplies for your trip and your fantasy. You walked alongside Mammon and Satan searching for things to do while vacationing while Beel, Belphie, and Levi searched for supplies for your night. Lucifer and Asmo returned to your loft to plan the night ahead.
“What made you come along Satan? I figured you’d want to be with Levi’s party.” You asked, sitting next to him while seated on the metro.
“Truth be told, while I’m fine with helping to plan for the trip, I wanted to have you alone so we could talk about what you really wanted to do.” He answered honestly.
Mammon leaned forward. “While they ain’t alone. And why do you get special treatment?”
“I don’t. Even if you’re here Mammon, they’d be more willing to admit their fantasies considering they slept with you first. So… if you’re here, I figured they’d talk to you about it more.”
You nodded. “I guess that makes sense. But to be honest, I’ve already said the most embarrassing part.” You glanced away and focused on Mammon’s hand on your knee.
“I don’t think so.” He disagreed. “You’re clearly biting your tongue.” He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. “I won’t press you too much if you’re truly feeling too embarrassed but I still want to know more.”
Mammon was oddly silent, his own thoughts swirling. “Ya know, Mc, I bet I got a good guess.”
You swallowed. “Okay…”
“It’s not the getting fucked by priests thing is it? It’s the demons pretending to be priests, amiright? That’s why you suggested it, right Satan?” He kept his eyes on you while your heartbeat moved faster.
“Correct. You see, Mc, I’m trying to get you to admit something in particular. If Mammon has figured it out then I’m sure the rest have the same assumption that I do.”
Mammon stepped on Satan’s foot in retaliation to his comment. “You got a demon kink, dontcha?”
He hit right in the balls. You weren’t escaping this one. “Yeah.” Neither of their expressions changed and you sunk back into the seat. “Is that it?”
“Yup, that’s it.” Satan crossed his legs again and relaxed into his seat following suit. Mammon did the same.
“Damn, all that tension just for a yeah.” Mammon teased, clicking his tongue. “Figured after a while you wouldn’t be scared to admit that ya like demons to the demons you’re fuckin’.”
“Shush.” You elbowed him. “Ima get your ass someday.”
Satan tried to bite back a smile. “I’d be happy to help get him back. I’m sure I have something that didn’t work on Lucifer but would work on him.” Satan shot Mammon a mischievous look.
“Haha funny. Laugh laugh laugh.” Mammon squished your cheeks out of nowhere and you jumped.
“Mams!” You protested.
After you all exited the train, you went into a small bakery to choose your desired items for post-coitus. You eyed the treats. Cupcakes, cakes, cookies, pastries, everything you could want. You saw at the top of the counter a crucifix and your eyes fixated on it, thinking of what you planned to do later.
Mammon started choosing items, asking for the tray of blueberry muffins and asking Satan who is paying for all of this. You suggested getting the cupcakes on the top of the shelf and told Satan to place the order.
“Mc.” Mammon scurried over to you. “We should get that tea over there too.”
You looked to what he was talking about. “Why?”
“Cuz it has a soothing effect. I don’t want you to be in pain afterwards. I know you prolly want a lil but—“
“But what?”
“I can tell that Lucifer, Satan, and Levi are crazy excited for this. I am too, but, you got the two sadists out here foaming at the mouth. And you admitted you got a demon kink.” Mammon reached for the tea and put it in the pile. “I just know Satan is gonna abuse the hell out of that shit… I mean… I would too but, only when we’re alone.”
You knew he was right, you also had a feeling Satan had been waiting for something like this. You realized that’s also what Lucifer wanted you to admit earlier. That you had a kink. For demons. For them.
“Yeah, you’re right. We should find something for me to wear too. I wanna fit the theme of, as Asmo would say, lost little lamb.”
Satan returned to your party, bags of treats in hand. “There’s a small boutique there. I’m sure it has something in there that looks innocent.” His eyes were glassy, something that usually happened when he was enraged or insurmountably horny. “Surprise us. Me and Mammon will search for any… enhancements we can make.”
“Whaddya mean me and you? Leavin’ them alone? Nuh uh.” Mammon tried to go with you but Satan grabbed his arm.
“Asmo and Lucifer are sending the plan to us. We need to make adjustments. Come on, don’t you want this to be perfect.” He convinced Mammon and handed you Lucifer’s card. “We will stay here.”
You nodded and went inside the boutique. You mostly saw tourists clothing but as you moved further back, you found more conservative clothing. You wanted to look sexy but also innocent and it’s a struggle to combine those two things. You knew whatever you wore needed to be white and likely needed to be a dress. Or something that had easy access.
Moving aside you settled on a frilly little white sundress, something that an innocent church girl would wear for sure. It hid everything but there was appeal in the sheerness of the sleeves and how it was practically see through. You went to try it on, admiring how it hung on your body. You also grabbed a pair of white thigh highs, knowing they’d love the touch. The real question was what underwear to wear. You had to move closer to the back where they kept the intimates. Should you even wear a bra or just wear undies? The bra is kinda useless you decided. And, in contrast to the rest of the white outfit, you picked out a pair of cheeky black panties with a small bow at the top, desperately trying to be innocent. It was cute, something to tease them with.
When you went to check out, the clerk eyed you weirdly but you played it off to the best of your ability and joined back up with your boys. “I’m done!”
“Good. They’re almost done setting up, let’s head back.” Satan put his phone in his pocket. Satan and Mammon were both smiling innocently, looking at you with slightly raised brows.
“So? You ready?” Mammon grabbed your free hand.
The group was cooking or preparing a room for the event by the time you got home. Lucifer welcomed you back and immediately ordered you to assist with cooking, for Satan to set the table, and for Mammon to help the others with setting up the room.
You joined with Belphie and Beel in the kitchen and helped with the steaks Beel was so diligently trying not to eat. Belphie was dealing with the side dishes combining vegetables together and wondering why it all looked so weird, to which you looked at him like he was crazy.
“They’re miniature trees.”
“They’re called broccoli.”
“This one looks like a carrot.”
“That is a carrot.”
“They’re the same in the Devildom!!!!”
Beel was sneaking small pieces of carrot and eating them to his hearts content but he desperately wanted the meat. The sauce part was awful especially since Belphie just didn’t follow directions and Beel drooled too much into the first batch causing Satan to join and let Beel help with the rest of the bunch.
“Seasoning is very important in the human world. Much of the Devildom’s food has more flavor.” You told him. “So you need to put a lot more. And you really need more than just those three. Since Beel didn’t put enough in the marinade, we’re gonna have to hammer in with the sauce.”
“Is that why all the human world food we have in the Devildom sucks?” Belphie asked after almost falling asleep with a knife in his hand.
“Yeah, cuz y’all can’t follow directions clearly.” You ended up doing most of the heavy lifting when it came to cooking, which is unusual considering there isn’t that big of a difference in cooking human food or demon food.
“You’re moving fast, are you excited for tonight?” Lucifer entered and sat at the bar next to the kitchen. “I got some interesting information from Satan earlier.”
Ah, of course he told. “I bet you did.”
“How long until it’s done?” He pondered as you removed the steaks from the pan.
“We are done.” You hurried last Lucifer and called to the brothers trying to avoid his teasing he was bound to unleash upon you should you give him the opportunity. “Come on!!! Get your plates and line up!!!!”
As the other three joined, Asmo wiped sweat from his face and jumped up to you. “Everything is finished and it’s perfect ugh I’m so ready!!!!!!”
You smiled at him softly and he huffed. “What?”
“You can admit it too, you know. No one is going to judge you, Mc.” He cupped your face and pouted.
“I just know y’all are gonna eat me alive if I do admit it, so ima stay quiet.” You responded and pulled his hands down. “Don’t try to pull it out of me.”
“I’m not pulling out don’t worry!” He hopped around to the back of the line and pretended he didn’t imply anything and you served the food.
Dinner was unusually quiet, everyone was eating, likely desperate to wolf down the food and let it settle so they could begin. You were actually pretty nervous now that the time was near, it was mildly uncomfortable and you were the only one taking your time to eat.
“Mc.” Mammon whispered beside you. “What’s wrong? The foods really good.”
You looked down, pushing a carrot around in the sauce. “It’s nothing really.”
“Are ya nervous?” He rubbed your thigh and waited for your answer.
“Yeah. It’s something I’ve always thought about but never thought I’d do.” You answered, knowing they could hear you too but avoiding their presence.
“Don’t worry, if you need us to stop, we can. Does the fantasy bother you?” He reassured you. “We’re demons, not evil.”
“Um… well. No, it’s more or less. A little weird and I’m kinda ashamed of it. I was really surprised when you guys brought it up and you all decided to go along with it.” You heard shifting beside you.
“Mc, it isn’t all that weird at all.” Levi pulled out his phone. “Look, humans are into it everywhere. And ya know us demons tend to have corruption kinks. We like seeing people acknowledge your dark side. That’s how we planned it out actually!”
“We promise it’ll be fun.” Asmo put his fork down. “I wouldn’t want to to be a weird forceful type of situation. And even though we wanted to surprise you, if you want to see the plans and scripts and stuff I think no one would be opposed to showing you.” He ran off to get the papers.
“Yes I agree. I was concerned it might be too much for you, now that you’re having doubts I think it’d be wise to read it.” Lucifer began to gather plates at the table. “If you want us to stop or even not do it, we can return everything and undo the magic. No one will be upset at you.”
You shifted and looked at him. “I don’t want to stop it, but I am nervous. I appreciate you letting me do this.”
Asmo handed you the notes they wrote. “Here, tell me if I need to change anything.”
You grabbed them and looked through them. Each brother had written something or contributed, you could tell. There was a detailed description of the scene and how you wanted it as well as things you enjoyed from previous sessions with the brothers. They even had a list of words to call you and not to call you, as well as some biblical research. They had a timeline as well and open-ended portions that you would likely decide on mid scene. It was also written entirely in glitter pen.
Nothing was off, nothing was harsh, nothing no consensual and nothing dubious, just demons playing pretend. And when Mammon said that it was gonna be making you drop your innocent act, that’s exactly what it was. Everything was you centered, your pleasure. To be honest, it almost made you emotional seeing their attention to detail.
“I’m actually impressed.” You said. “I’m really surprised that you managed to make that whole secretly demon thing not how can I say it…”
“Non-consensual?” Satan spoke aloud. “Yes, I wanted it to be completely in your hands. I even suggested we write a script where we weren’t demons at all. Beel helped really flesh out the reveal part.”
“Beel, really?”
“Yeah.” He said, reaching to point at a certain part. “This is where I started. I can’t do anything that might hurt you whether fake or real. And I just didn’t want to pass any limits or make any of us harm you.” The brothers all agreed and looked to you.
Mammon wiggled your leg. “Soooo, we all on now? You feel better?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Still wanna do it?”
“Yeah, I’m more excited now.”
“Heheh. Good.”
Lucifer nodded. “Just know, you should never worry about communicating this to us. We would never hurt you. At least, not actual harm. Should we ever pass a single limit or even draw near it, I expect you to stop us and I expect you to be honest. Since your our sub tonight your safety is top priority. Even out of the scene, you’re our top priority.”
Man, you could cry. “Thank you.” You uttered out, feeling your throat hitch. “And if you feel uncomfortable I want you guys to stop too.”
“My Mc, you need to be able to first. I don’t want to continue unless you’re fully honest. 100%. Tell me, do you consent to me and my brothers engaging in this scene with you?”
You sat for a moment and nodded.
“I need an answer, not just a nonverbal. I think we all do.”
“Yes. I consent to this scene.” Once the words were out, a weight lifted from your shoulders. Your nervousness practically faded.
“Good. So, let’s clean. And then, we will begin once you’re ready.”
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jadelynlace · 4 months
"All the Time"⎮ Ink Drinker Deleted Scene⎮Modern Vikings AU [Ivar x F!Reader]
read more of Ink Drinker here.
Author's Note: Yeah, it's the super smutty piece I warned you all about. In hindsight, maybe it's not all that raunchy? I don't know. You can tell me. Also, fun fact! While I wrote this, my captain sat across the table from me, completely oblivious (he figured I was writing my care reports, and I was. Kinda). I literally have the best poker face.
Word Count: Just under 2,000 words (of porn)
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Conversation falls around you. In the cool air of the evening you’ve grown comfortable with your legs thrown over Ivar’s thighs, sitting at an angle as his hand hooks around your shoulder. Drowning out the words around you as you scroll on your phone to decompress your social battery, bombarded with videos from Hvitserk as he thinks that’s a successful way to use his energy during his over time shift. And, quite frankly, he’s right.
“But where are people finding the time?” A voice says. “I work a full time job, I go to the gym, and I’m trying to get a full 8 hours of sleep and cook for myself—where do people find the time to date? To even hook up?” The voice continues.
“Ivar and I fuck all the time,” You say, and you don’t even really realize that you said it out loud until Ivar’s hand is over your mouth.
“That’s really all the input you have for the conversation?” Another voice says. You’re quick to lick Ivar’s palm as he lets out an estranged noise, wiping your salvia on your back.
“I’d have more of an input if we were actually having a conversation,” You mutter back.
“Why on earth would you lick my fucking palm?” Ivar says, shooting you a look. You lean into his ear closely before speaking:
“You don’t seem to be too upset when I lick the other things you put near my mouth,” 
There’s a low rumble from Ivar’s chest as he registers what you’re saying and you smile.
“What can we use as an excuse to leave?” He whispers to you.
“The fact that I work in the morning?” You try and Ivar just nods at that.
You climb off of him, standing with a stretch and you feel eyes on you.
“Leaving already?” Someone whines.
“Well, as riveting as this conversation is regarding your ability to not adapt to being adult,  I do have to work in the morning. So I am going to get those 8 hours of sleep you keep talking about,” You say.
“Well then, why are you leaving, Ivar?” 
“Uh, because I don’t want to wake her up in the middle of the night when I come home from the bar?” Ivar answers, as if it’s the most obvious thing.
“You can spend the night with me!” Aiden teases. 
“You have one bed,” Ivar tells him. 
“Exactly,” Aiden smirks.
“Do you…do you want to spend the night with him?” You tease. 
“No, no I do not,”
“Alright, why don’t you kiss him goodbye then,” You add, patting Ivar’s chest and Ivar shakes his head.
Aiden offers him a kiss through the air, and a wave, but Ivar only flips him off, rounding the corner to leave. Not a second passes before Ivar turns back around, looking at Aiden and returning that kiss through the air. 
You’re all but tossed onto the bed, a quick display in both Ivar’s strength and his dominance has you landing suddenly against the pillows before her’s climbing over you. Wasting no time as he comes to cover your body with his, mouth seeking yours. 
“Oh, so you really weren’t that mad at my comment,” You try, seeing if it’ll fuel his fight. Ivar doesn’t say anything as his mouth travels past the shell of your ear, meeting he nape of your neck and his teeth nip at your flesh. “Because revealing to them that we have “sex all the time” was not necessarily a lie,”
“Stop,” Ivar says suddenly, his blue eyes coming to catch yours. They flash with a quick display of anger, momentarily muting your brain and making you refocus on him. And how he’s in charge right now. 
“Stopping,” You peep back. 
“Good girl,” Ivar groans, mouth catching yours for a kiss that is all tongue. He would smile to himself at how well he knows you, but his lips are occupied. 
The last articles of his clothing are flung across the room as Ivar moves again, pushing his knee to divide your legs as they instinctively part for him. You can feel his hardness against your cunt throbbing, as Ivar’s hands come on each side of your head, pressing his weight through them while you both catch your breath. Hungry eyes trace you, and the wisps of the ends of his hair tickle your chest as his head tips to watch the space where you two are about to be connected. 
A low grumbles comes from Ivar’s chest as your hand reaches down, spreading your lips for him to see you. The same hand reaches up, grabbing Ivar’s chin as you pull his mouth towards yours again. 
“Are you waiting for something?” You tease him. 
Settling his legs over you, Ivar pulls away, shifting his weight as his hand grabs his length, The other rungs through his hair, pushing it from his view before tapping himself against you. Meeting your teasing with his own, the head of his cock finds your bundle of nerves, pressing ever so slightly as he hears you gasp. Your eyes flutter shut, bunching the sheets at your sides as his cock glides through your wetness. 
Ivar suddenly stops, a slow string of spit coming from his lips as it lands against your mouth. His fingers collect it, pressing them towards your clit before he takes them down his shaft. 
Pushing your hips into him, Ivar responds by slowing his motions, biting his bottom lip as his cock sinks into you, bottoming out until he’s flush against you. A deep moan climbs from his chest while he savors you fluttering around him. 
You reach at him, pulling him over you as his arms plant on each side of your head, moving before digging his fingers into your hair while his hips start up. Quickly they take force, slamming into you as the bed rocks against the walls. You hardly have a moment to grasp the sensation of how he feels inside of you, before he gets faster, moaning in your ear.
“Ivar,” You squeak. “Slow—” You grit out. “Slower,” You say and he stops, nuzzling against your head as his hips come to a halt. “Give a woman a chance to breath before you take away my ability to walk,” You mumble to him as you shift your body and Ivar only snickers from somewhere over you. 
Pulling back, Ivar lets go of your hair, smoothing it out slightly as he seeks out your lips again, humming into the kiss as your hands dance along his back. His hips roll lazily, your wetness collecting between you two and you offer him a sweet moan. 
“There are much better ways to take me if you want to go that fast,” You whisper to him. Ivar feels you push at him before his climbs back to let you move. Watching you crawl onto your stomach he pulls at your hips himself, positioning himself behind you while you nuzzle against the bed. His cock presses into you again, his chest coming over your back as the warmth radiates from him. Jutting the two of you up the bed, Ivar’s hips move as he wraps an arm around your waist, his free hand finding yours. 
Ivar’s thrusts are met with you pushing against him, chasing his cock in the brief moments it’s away from you while you hear the moans coming from his mouth. With your thighs shaking under him, you can’t help but moan his name, egging him on. 
As he chases his release, Ivar’s mind empties as he moves, your walls quivering around him with his arm attempting to pull you closer, even with no additional space. Through each grunt, each sweet sound you sing to him, Ivar’s muscles tense, the ache in his balls nearing an end before he pulls out of you suddenly. Moving away before he flips you in one quick display of his strength. 
Ivar moves again with his orgasm taking over his body. You feel the string of seed against your skin, watching him before you. Abs quivers as he breathes quickly, the final drops dribble from his flushed head, throbbing as it slides down his shaft. Only then is it collected as his fist moves to grab himself, and tap again against your cunt, swirling his essence against your mound. 
After a whisper of a moment, his fingers slide through your slit and press into you, curling them right against your sweet spot. Ivar leans over, lips hungrily against yours. As he feels your nails in his back, your teeth sink into his bottom lip while he pumps his fingers. 
Your mouth opens to moan and Ivar pushes his forehead against yours.
“Give it to me, Goddess,” Ivar whispers, “Come for me,” 
You can only whine in response, breathing deeply as Ivars fingers move, his eyes on yours and you can’t look away. His thumb comes against your clit, pressing in circles and you hum as the pleasure takes over your body. Your lashes flutter, a heat low in your belly as the coil tightens, as Ivar growls for you to open your eyes again.
“Look at me when you come,” Ivar tells you. Your eyes open as a blush covers your cheeks, the band finally snapping as you moan. Sinking your nails into his back before they move, grabbing his hair in an attempt to ground yourself as your orgasm rushes through your body. You grab his face again, pulling it back towards you to regain some control, as your mouth seeks his. 
Ivar slows his fingers as his breathing matches yours, lips lazily tackling one another as a satisfied groan comes from him. Moving, Ivar settles back over you, placing his weight carefully to cover you as you latch around him. Your hands take their turns from tracing his spine, to scratching his head as the man deflates above you, nuzzling into your cheek and you can’t help but smile. 
Moving again and putting his weight on his elbows, Ivar looks down at you, bumping your nose with his.
“Hi,” He says quietly.
“Hi, handsome,” You say back, a smile on your face. 
“You don’t…you don’t even work in the morning,” Ivar finally realizes. 
“I know,” You giggle and Ivar huffs, collapsing back over you. 
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full masterlist can be found here.
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dearlymrme · 1 year
“if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs” and “i love the way you look with my fingers inside you” could pair together nicely with Terzo? (That second part with makes me think about the Cirice microphone stand thing 🫠)
Thank you very much for the ask, and you're right. They do go together quite well. Figure I'd add getting caught in the act to it as well, just as a little treat.
Rated R (Terzo x Reader)
Terzo x Reader || Public Sex || Fingering || Caught In The Act || Exhibitionism
You keep your face still, betraying nothing of what is happening besides that the movie is the best in the box office even thirty minutes in. Terzo's attention span, however, left twenty-five minutes ago. Or perhaps it was never there to begin with. Maybe this was his plan all along. You should have known to be suspicious when he showed off those romcom tickets with that boyish smile.
You bite your lips and try to stifle a moan. Glancing around the movie theater, gauging the crowd, it seems nobody has noticed has noticed you. Then again, the movie theater wasn't that full. There were more people sitting in front of you and behind you rather than in the row beside you. There was a single lonely woman at the end of the row, but her attention was transfixed on the movie and chewing away at a large bucket of popcorn. If anyone was going to notice you, it would be her.
"I think it would be more suspicious to see someone looking around and away from the movie instead of watching it." Terzo whispers, snickering from beside you. You take deep breath through your nose. The man glanced in the direction you were looking to see you eyeing your long-distance neighbor.
He smirked and pressed his lips to your war, whispering hotly.
"All she needs to do is glance over, and she'll see." You shake your head and try not to believe it, paranoia rising because he's right. One errant glance in your direction, and she'll notice. Despite how much you hate it, how flushed and embarrassed you feel, it sends zips and shocks of tension to your core.
"Stop it." You weakly whisper back, bite with no teeth. It fails to be threatening to him, especially when he angles his hand just right and causes a ripple of shakes to move through your body. He'll admit, he is rather impressed with you. You're normally very vocal in bed, and he's amazed that you haven't made a peep yet before soft sighs and hitched but quiet gasps.
With his free hand, he takes a gulp of his drink and smacks his lips. Clearly, he needs to up the ante.
One of your hands holds the arm rest in a white knuckle grip as the other keeps the popcorn bucket settled in the middle of your lap. It's your is the best chance and only chance at hiding Terzo's hand as it delves between your legs.
He watches your face with a side smile. There is the smallest white of teeth as you bite your plump bottom lip and chew. Your eyes are half-lidded, and pupils blow wide enough he can hardly see the beautiful color of your iris. They stand out so well, despite the dark, because of your makeup, which looks fantastic. You really dolled yourself up for the night. Despite the work you went through to put yourself together, the plaid skirt and spaghetti strap tank top, the cute shoes and leggings, he'd much rather see your clothes on the floor and mascara running.
It will be a challenge for later today, once the movie is over and you're back home. Or maybe perhaps he could convince you to detour into the handicap stall.
"I love the way you look with my fingers inside you." He admits. Then he curls his fingers and your walls clench as he strokes that hard spongy spot inside of you. You bite back a curse and turn your head and gaze upwards, praying for strength as his palm grinds against your mounds, and he plays you like a fiddle.
"Dammit." You squeak and your legs clap closed as his fingers persistently lick at your g-spot. You're close, you've been trying to hold it off, trying to act uninterested but he just took it as a challenge and kept at it. He's winning, damn him.
His foot hooks around yours and pulls your legs back open and you take a deep and uneven breath as you hear the wet slide of his fingers while he curls and thrusts them inside of you. He slips them out for a second, spreading slick across your drying folds, before sliding them back in with a squelch that barely audible above the loud action of the movie, but to you it might as well have been as loud as a gunshot.
"You know, if we weren't in public right now, I'd have my head between your legs." You suck shallowly for air. Then, hiccup as your lower stomach trembles. You toss your head back when he twists his fingers, pressing harder against that delicious bundle in your cunt before he scissors them apart and repeats it.
You're getting close too quickly.
"We have an audience." Terzo smiles when he catches her, his voice not rising much higher than the whispers of a dramatic kiss in the movie. His admittance has your head jerking to your neighbor, who stares at you, catching you in the act, with her eyes wide and mouth hanging open in shock.
It stricks the match, sparks the flame, and then the fire engulfs you. You come hard. Your mouth opening in a silent scream, breath halting as you catch and ride out the tide while your cunt throbs with the waves of your orgasm, slicking around Terzo’s fingers even more.
It bubbles through you like soda fizz and spills over every nerve. You whimper as your walls clench down on his forceful digits and sucks them in and Terzo hides a mean smile in your shoulder before he pulls out his fingers and then begins to roughly stroke your clit, a button he's been avoiding that he now attacks to help guide you through your oragsm and wrings out every bit of pleasure he can. He's smug, managing to get you off without touching your clit once before now.
Your back bows forward in reaction, and your teeth chatter as your body shakes from the force of your climax. You hode your face in his hair, all the while he's expertly milking your climax from you.
Finally, the shocks wear out, and you're left to catch your breath and weakly slap his hand away, like you should have done at the beginning. You shyly peak back at your neighbor to see her gone, likely to go make a complaint and get you kicked out.
Terzo chuckles beside you, finally granting you mercy. He glances at his fingers, parting them, and looks transfixed at your wet slick, linking them together. You certainly did a number on him. The pads of his index and middle are pruned from your juices and how long he was going for. He hums at the sight before stuffing his fingers in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks as he flicks his tongue against the tips, licking all the residual cum.
He pops them off, darting his tongue out to lick it once more while he looks you dead in the eye and gives you a thousand dollar smile. Then, he adacously starts watching the movie.
"Fuck you." You groan, in post orgasm bliss you don't bother holding back your disdain or your volume.
You earn a loud shush from the back row and slide back in your seat in defeat.
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theramseyloft · 4 months
If I wanted to start companion bird breeding and I wanted to make it my “career” so to speak. What advice would you have for me. I’d keep specific breeds with higher levels of intelligence like racing homers, Birmingham Rollers, Newyork Flying flights, tipplers, performance pouters
I’d also keep selective show breeds for calm broody nature like COFs and OGOs
I’d still breed some single breed stick for show quality but I’d work on my passion of creating a super friendly pet bird
How would I even advertise the birds I produce since most people seem to frown on mixed birds and would it be wise to add feral pigeons into my breeding pool?
I really like the nuanced questions you ask.
And a lot of this answer is going to be a list of mistakes I have made, laid out for you to avoid hopefully more easily.
A word of caution before we go any further:
Pigeons breed so fast and peeps are such a joy to be around that it's frighteningly easy for thigs to snowball!
So start small!
I mean between two and four pair.
Enough that you should have fosters if a pair prove to be bad parents, and can easily keep up with who came from who and hatch control when you don't need peeps.
Wait lists can be the salvation of small breeders, but they can also be a trap.
Because I still had people on the wait list waiting for babies of specific temperaments, I fell head first into it!
The thought went: "I have x (between 10 and 20 at any given time!!) people on the wait list! ALL the babies getting ready to hatch will definitely have homes!"
The reality was that it isn't that simple.
I am trying to develop a completely new breed, entirely by intelligence and temperament: traits that are not immediately visible like color and structure, that take a long time to accurately assess in a developing young bird.
Most of those people wanted birds that fit my project's end goal.
Four to six generations in? Not gonna be reliably producing the homogenous result of a whole new breed!!
At this point, they are mutts.
Mutts combined towards a very specific goal, but mutts none the less.
Super sweet tempered mutts? Unique and wonderful masterpieces in the eyes of their care takers.
Flighty or shy mutts? Or even temperamentally ideal but plain looking! Passed over, because people will wait for 'better', until they find it somewhere else.
(Mind that that is their right! It is not a slight against you, and if you don't have what they want, it's better to point them in the direction of someone else who might than ask them to wait for you to have it.)
It's the breeder's responsibility to find places for those birds to go, who were passed over.
If you keep trying to meet the demands of the list, the babies who don't can really pile up!
A small number of pairs helps prevent that from happening too fast.
Because I am trying to develop a new working breed towards a purpose focused entirely on traits that aren't visible, I am kind of working on extreme hard mode.
DO NOT START that way!
You absolutely can work your passion for super friendly companion birds into your show breed of choice!
So my advice is honestly to start there.
Consider your potential breeds carefully, and since you plan to make a career out of this, this is the best time to go all in and get started with the breed you most want to show.
Exhibition breeds like
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and Show Line Danzig
Are a few among my favorites for their extremely laid back temperaments.
There are more, but I can share those on another post. This is going to be a bit of a novel as it is.
Any time any intentional breeding is done, there must be a goal in mind beyond just making more.
Your goal determines your selection process, and selecting for certain traits means culling for/selecting against others that are not conducive to your goal.
To cull does not mean to kill!!!
It means to remove from the breeding population.
There are pigeon breeders who do kill their culls, but any bird sold or adopted out has, by definition, been culled from that specific breeder's program.
Breeders keep back the birds that best fit their goals, so if you start with the one breed you intend to show, your keeper from each pair will be, of that pair's offspring, the birds that both fit the breed standard most closely and develop the closest thing to your ideal temperament.
These will be your absolute best of the best, and trust me, they will be very few!
The majority of babies, then, will be the ones you sell/adopt out, which will fall into one of three categories:
No model, but great personality
If you are starting with a sweet tempered, mellow breed, most peeps should be very easy to socialize without imprinting, so these will be the vast majority of what you produce.
What the show pen considers a flaw, pet owners will adore as something that makes their baby a more unique individual.
These will be treasured by the people looking for a pet raised lovingly by a reputable breeder!
Social media is your best friend for getting the word out, but let your babies speak for themselves.
Show them interacting with you of their own volition, show their parents, your set up, show them growing up, if you can.
This will allow people to get to know the young birds and feel attached to them as their personality develops.
2. Gorgeous Bitch
Typically, when breeders focus on breeding to show standard, they are more focused on the look than the temperament.
Birds that look fantastic, but don't match your program's temperament will be easily placed among other enthusiasts for the breed.
These are the birds you want to take, if you attend a show to compete.
These are your advertisements in the show ring, and a bird does not have to be perfect to still be considered a desirable improvement to another breeder's flock.
Discuss raising the birds with other competitors, and listen more often than you speak.
The people who don't respect their birds as living things will not make any attempt to hide it, and the breeders who really are passionate about their breed for more than their potential to win show ribbons will stand out like beacons of light.
That will give you valuable insight into who to support with your funds, come time to retire former breeding pairs and seek mates for your up and coming keepers.
3. Poor temperament and structure
You'll get the combination of all possible undesirable traits about as often as you get the combination of all potential ideal traits that you will keep back for breeding.
That is to say, not very.
But it will happen.
And they will be hard to place.
You will save yourself and your flock a lot of stress and heart ache by just hatch controlling the parents until a home is secured for those especially unfortunate offspring.
If more are produced, that's a good sign to retire that pair from your program.
It takes a while for a breeder to establish themselves as Reputable either in the show ring or among conscientious pet care takers, and starting with two to four pairs of a single breed allows time and space to practice rearing, socializing, and advertising babies, as well as screening applicants, at a pace that makes snowballing more easy to avoid.
Once you get comfortable with all aspects of care for your breed of choice, then you can start to branch out into other colors or other breeds as space and time permit.
I would honestly not recommend mixing breeds unless you have a very specific end goal in mind, and even then, absolutely not right off the bat!
If you do want to develop something new, start by taking your time to get to know your favorite existing breed inside and out.
What traits make it your favorite?
What traits is it lacking that would make your perfect breed?
What other breeds have these desired traits, and are there any traits of that breed that could detract from your favorite's desirable traits?
There is so much more I could discuss, and I would be happy to go into more detail in regards to any aspect of this very broad question, but this post is already half a novella, and it's 1am.
Hopefully some decent breakfast for thought, at least.
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miyamiwu · 2 years
An Honest Guide to Tumblr for Twitter Refugees (Part 1)
I know there are already tons of guides out there, but my WiFi was down the whole day and I got nothing else to do. Spent the entire morning making gifs, but still no WiFi, and I’m like, fck this let’s make a Tumblr guide.
Now, assuming you’ve already signed up and was able to snatch a fancy url*, here’s what you should do next: Log into Tumblr on desktop. You probably made your account through the app, and that’s cool and all, but for this guide, I’ll be showing some features that are currently only available on desktop Tumblr, so go ahead and get your laptop or PC out. Following this guide will also be easier on desktop.
*url = basically your username/handle on this site. We call them url’s because it what makes your domain name on your blog. More on this later.
Covered in Part 1:
Configuring your Tumblr Settings (filters, community labels, algorithms, etc.)
Customizing your Tumblr (how to avoid being mistaken as a bot**, enabling your Tumblr website, finding a Tumblr theme)
**this wasn’t included when I first made this post but decided to add it coz it’s really important.
Configuring your Tumblr Settings
Filters and Community Labels
Go to tumblr.com/settings/account. Here, you’ll find one of Tumblr’s most important features: filters and community labels. Filters are similar to Twitter’s “mute words” feature, and they come in two types: Tag and Content filters
Unlike Twitter, where tags are part of the post itself, Tumblr has a dedicated section at the bottom of the post to add tags.
Tag filters block out posts that are specifically tagged with #tag, while Content filters block posts containing a certain word within the body of the post itself. Once you have these set, you will never see such posts when using the search feature on Tumblr. It will still show up on your dashboard though, but it will look this and comes with the option to view the post for whenever you’re curious:
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As for Community Labels, this should be self-explanatory. Mature content is now allowed on Tumblr, but if you don’t want to see such content, you can always opt-out.
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Go wild in using these two features. Tumblr is the only major social media left that still allows you to liberally curate your feed. The peeps here on Tumblr mainly still abide by the “don’t like, don’t interact” rule from the old days. Calling out or cancelling a user for what they’re posting will get you nowhere. That’s just not how it works here. If you don’t like something, just block it.
Turning Off Algorithms
Contrary to popular narrative, Tumblr actually has algorithms. But unlike social media sites, they are contained in a tab of its own (i.e. the “For You” tab in Dashboard) and can be even turned off from showing up from within the feed you manually curated (the “Following” tab under Dashboard).
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To turn off the algorithms, go to tumblr.com/settings/dashboard and scroll down to the Preferences section. And if you’re a privacy stickler like me, you can go further by going to tumblr.com/settings/privacy to turn off Improved Search.
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Tumblr Labs
Tumblr Labs are experimental features. They’re not required, but if you want to make the most out of Tumblr, you might want to turn on some of them. I like to turn on the different Dashboard tabs so I can keep up with what’s going on in Tumblr.
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Customizing your Tumblr
Now here comes the fun stuff and what really sets Tumblr apart from all other major social media sites: Personalization. In Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc, all user pages look the same. But in Tumblr, you can customize it as much as you want.
Before I start though, I’d like to throw in some stuff that you have to understand first:
Tumblr’s Two “Profile Pages”
Each Tumblr user technically has two “profile pages.” The first one is found at tumblr.com/username, and is basically not that much different from the profile pages of Twitter/Instagram/Facebook. You can customize its colors, icon, and header, but that’s pretty much it.
Edit: I forgot to include this very important bit when I first posted— How to avoid being mistaken as a bot Do not settle for Tumblr’s default icon and header. Tumblr has a long-standing bot problem. An uncustomized profile will make people think you’re a bot and will block you immediately. And when choosing an icon, you might have to think twice when using a selfie that does not include your face (i.e. an upper body picture starting from the neck/chest). Porn bots often use such pictures to make people think they’re real users. Numbers at the end of a url (like username123) are often indications of a bot account, so you might want to avoid that too.
Moving on… The second profile page is where the magic happens, and its found at username.tumblr.com. However, it’s not turned on by default.
Remember what I said earlier about Tumblr usernames being generally called as url’s? That’s because of our “second profile page” here (I hate calling it second though because it’s what came first, but since it’s not a default option now, “second” it is). Tumblr is a blogging platform. Like WordPress and Blogger, but a fun version of it. Your username.tumblr.com page is basically your own custom website.
Enabling your Tumblr Website
From hereon, I’m gonna refer to the “second profile page” as just site because, well, that’s what it really is.
To enable your custom site, go to tumblr.com/settings/blog/username. Toggle on the custom theme option. [If you’re a professional, you can even use a custom domain if you want your site url to look like your-site.com instead of your-site.tumblr.com.]
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In the past, the step above would’ve been enough to enable your site, but since Tumblr started implementing changes that sites using the default theme would just redirect to the first profile page (tumblr.com/username), we now have to do some extra steps to make sure that folks visiting at your-site.tumblr.com will really see your website instead of Tumblr’s default profile.
For that, we need to edit our site’s theme.
What are Tumblr themes?
It's basically the design and layout of your site. It can be as crazy or as professional as you want. Here's Taylor Swift's Midnights theme, for example.
Where to Find a Tumblr Theme
Tumblr’s Official Theme Garden (free and paid)
Tumblr’s Official Theme Garden, but filtered to show only the free themes
It’s so hard to filter for the right theme in the Theme Garden though, so I suggest looking for themes in theme-hunter instead.
Tip in Choosing a Theme: Find one that supports NPF (Neue Post Format). Although Tumblr is still advocating its different posts types (text, image, audio, video, etc.), they’ve actually been rolling out changes to their editor where only a single post type is used (text) and you just add media to it. This is what NPF is about. On desktop, you can turn off the beta editor and thereby turn off NPF. However, on mobile web and on the app, posts can only be made in NPF. So if you intend to post on mobile, you have to find a theme that supports it. Otherwise, your content may look weird on your site.
I absolutely recommend themes by @seyche and @fukuo. The one I’m currently using on my site is the Lilac theme by Seyche.
For a more comprehensive guide on customizing your Tumblr, check out Tumblr’s official guide for it.
And that ends part 1 of this Tumblr guide… Though I called this part 1, I actually don’t know if there’ll be a part 2 lol. I’m lazy, and writing this took some time. If my wifi continues to be down though and I still have some data left, I might just write a part 2, covering posting and tumblr culture.
Okay, I'm working on Part 2 now, and will soon edit this post to link to it. But for now, you might want to check out Part 0: What the heck is Tumblr and is it right for me?
Edit: Part 2 is done, and it covers stuff you need to know about posting! You can read it here.
Update: Part 3 (sort of) is up:
A Guide to Tagging on Tumblr: Types of Tags
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the-ultimate-bookworm · 7 months
Just listened to “Can’t Catch Me Now” by Olivia Rodrigo (I’m OBSESSED with her), and as it is the only song (as far as I know) in the soundtrack released from the movie “The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” (which comes out November 17th, I can’t wait!), which is an adaptation based off of the prequel of “The Hunger Games”, if you didn’t know.
Spoiler under the cut, cause this song is literally just *chef’s kiss*
If you haven’t read the series yet, you should.
First of all
There’s the song.
Can we take a moment to appreciate this song?
Like, it describes the book, like perfectly.
I’m literally going to a deep examination of this song and point out every single reference to the book. Peeps who’ve read the book can add stuff.
“Shadows of us are still dancing
In every room and every hall”
Olay, I don’t think Snow and Lucy Gray ever danced in the book, but this feels like a direct reference to the fact Lucy Gray was a performer, and SHADOWS OF US.
Their broken relationship, obviously.
“There’s snow falling over the city
You thought it would wash away”
Now, a normal person wouldn’t think anything of that, but I, am not a normal person.
Direct reference to “Snow fall on top” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then, in the trailer and the book, Dean Highbottom is like “Do you hear that? It’s the sound of snow falling” or something like that.
“The bitter taste of my fury,
And all the messes you’ve made”
Do I really need to explain this one?
Snow’s just messed up.
“Yeah, you think you got away
But I’m in trees, I’m in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You’ll see my face in every place”
Also “Wordsworth’s Lucy Gray”
“But you can’t catch me now,”
I don’t know if this is a reference to “She could fly around District 12 all she liked, but she and her mockingjays could never harm him again” which is Snow not being harmed by Lucy Gray.
Or, if it’s Lucy Gray not being able to get under Snow’s words and lies anymore, and he can’t hurt her anymore either.
“Through wading grass, the months will pass
You’ll feel it all around
I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere”
Wading grass gives me “Deep in the Meadow” vibes, and the months will pass is like, even though it’s been months, years even, Snow’s guilt will be there. He might not show it, but it’s there.
Lucy Gray’s haunting him.
“Bet you thought I’d never do it,
Thought it’d go over my head”
Okay, so here, it’s like, where Lucy Gray is hiding from Snow. She could’ve ignored the signs pretend that she didn’t know, but she chose to show that she knew, because that is Lucy Gray Baird.
“I bet you figured I’d pass with the winter
Be something easy to forget
Oh, you think I’m gone cause I left”
Lucy Gray lives on in District 12, through her songs. Not her name, but her songs.
“You can’t, you can’t catch me now
I’m coming like storm into your town”
This is more in the beginning of the book, where Lucy Gray comes to the Capitol. She made a giant impact, in my opinion, especially with her reptile show.
“You can’t, you can’t catch me now
I’m higher than the hopes you brought down”
Obviously, Lucy Gray’s just better, and Snow is… certainly something
“There’s blood on the side of the mountain,
It’s turning a new shade of red”
Lucy Gray disappearing after we presume Snow shit her, which might’ve caused her death.
“Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don’t burn the way you expected”
This definitely feels like a reference to the OG series, you know “catching fire”, “fire you founded”.
It definitely feels like Snow had something to do with sparking the rebellion, and it got out of hand. The Hunger Games, especially the 75th one, was to prove the Capitol controlled the districts, but the rebellion was sparked because of the and tore it down completely.
“Yeah, you thought that this was the end.”
It wasn’t. You know, Katniss and the rebellion. The mockingjays really could hurt Snow again.
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nhozemphtekh · 6 months
He isn’t finished, but I’d like to add details and more colouring to him.
I’m currently planning a small Lord Hater x C. Peeps thing for fun lol.
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I felt proud of myself
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
smapril day 13 & 14 - ‘how would you make me scream’ and ‘I can see it in your eyes’
It starts with a conversation about male erogenous zones. In the New Inn, of all places.
“So I said, if God didn’t want you to be gay, he wouldn’t have put your prostate up your bum, now would he?” Hob says, pulling on one of the taps to fill up a glass of beer. It’s a movement that Hob somehow manages to sexualise. Or perhaps Dream is looking too hard. “And he claimed to have no idea what a prostate even was — can I get you something, Linda?”
The grey haired, elegantly dressed woman who has just appeared beside Dream at the bar laughs melodiously. “I’d like a white wine spritzer. Who didn’t know what a prostate was?”
“Ronald Reagan.” Hob says cheerfully (and truthfully). Linda takes it as a joke and chuckles pleasantly as she pays for her drink. Dream smiles politely at her, knowing that it pleases Hob to see him interacting with “the masses”.
As though rewarding some good behaviour, Hob tops up Dream’s glass and leans over for a quick kiss. “Linda’s a sex therapist.” He adds in a low tone. “If you want to go over and pick up some tips.”
Dream bristles for a fraction of a second before recognising that he’s being lovingly teased, rather than mocked. “I doubt that she could tell me anything I do not already know. I am made of the erotic and the sensual. I could make you scream for all your patrons to hear.”
Hob shivers, and Dream gets to watch his lovely dark nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric of his t-shirt. His eyes dart towards the clock on the wall and then towards the door marked “staff only”.
“Hmm. Have you ever had a tryst in a cleaning cupboard, Mister Erotic and Sensual? And have you considered exactly how you would make me scream?”
Dream, as it happens, has not. Yet.
"You want everyone to hear you, my sweet Hob. I can see it in your eyes." Dream murmurs. Hob whimpers brokenly, his hands grasping onto the nearest shelf. Dream has three fingers buried deep in his beloved, and even though the cupboard is dark as pitch, he can see every flutter of Hob’s eyelashes, every twitch of every muscle.
"Such a dirty slut, just for my fingers. You do not even need a cock to satisfy you, do you? This is enough for your desperate little hole." Dream is keeping his voice low, but Hob is having far more trouble being quiet. He keeps letting out the most pathetic little mewling sounds as his greedy hole sucks Dream’s fingers in deeper.
"Dream, ahh, please, please." He gasps. "So, so good. Ngghh." His voice breaks completely as Dream teases another finger at his rim, and presses the three already inside him firmly against his prostate. Hob’s legs nearly give out completely, and Dream has to grip him tightly by the waist to keep him upright.
"You can let go for me, my love. My good little hedonist." Dream encourages, just as seductive as Desire themself. He presses the fourth finger against Hob's sensitive rim, just caressing the skin while Hob convulses in pre-orgasmic ecstasy. A bottle of cleaning fluid tumbles from the shelf and Hob uses the sound to cover up a high pitched moan. His cock twitches as he cums into his own cupped palm, riding Dream’s fingers all the way through.
It isn’t quite a scream. But Dream is far from being disappointed. The cupboard smells quite satisfactorily of sex, and a peep into the daydreams of the pub’s patrons suggest that Hob’s disheveled appearance when he stumbles back to the bar doesn’t go unnoticed.
Linda raises her glass at Dream. He smiles, and settles in at the bar to enjoy the rest of the evening.
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a-hobit · 1 year
So I wanted to add/change some scenes from WAD to be specifically what I wanted from the finale — purely self indulgent. I’ve got the software and need to practice storyboarding anyway but would that be like…grossly disrespectful? Or more like fanfic? In the end I’d like to be able to cut together a full movie with the edits I made (of course thinking I want to be doing this for that long might be a stretch…) so that I could see what that all might have looked like in full. Obviously I wouldn’t monetize just post so other peeps could see. Is that disrespectful? If I do it should I keep it to myself?? I’d do it just for me np but I’d still post the extra clips without the context of the scenes around it. Idkkkk I don’t want to be a dick I just want to make an AU but all I can do is storyboard!! 😤
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absolutebl · 2 years
If THAT Studio Remade Semantic Error
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Cheewin would direct. Nothing would make sense, it’d be subdivided into some very strange installments. Poppy would show up. The sex scenes would all be super hot. 
Star Hunter Studio 
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They’d pick the WORST anchor pair, then they’d add two more side BL couples with better chemistry but completely incomprehensible story arcs. (I’d do a trash watch.) 
Studio Wabi Sabi
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New would direct and go off script. Yacht and Sammy would play JaeYoung’s besties. BounPrem would do a decent job but it would somehow be a little too bland and lackluster. 
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Ja’s JaeYoung character would rape SangWoo (both drunk of course), there would be a particularly contrived parting in ep 11, and at least 3 additional BL pairs added in, one of which was even more sus than the leads. All female characters would be removed and replaced with predatory bisexual men. (I’d do a trash watch.) 
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They’d do an okay job but Mix would be a little too tsundere, Earth would be a little too serious, and GMMTV would draw the whole thing out over 12 eps and tease us with a GL side pair that never goes anywhere. 
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Bah Vinh stars as JaeYoung, opposite some random cutie. It is oddly all set at home instead of school, and the plot makes NO SENSE. But there is a shared bath, great kisses, and some lap sitting. 
Taiwan’s HIStory peeps 
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There’d be full on sexitimes, more kisses, and an extremely problematic side couple. JaeYoung and SangWoo end up married, running their own small business, and adopting a kid by the end. 
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marisramblings · 1 year
Here’s how I’d change The Owl House Finale(s)
(Because everyone cares what I think).
Thanks to Them
I actually like this episode for the most part. I think a slight reprieve from the previous season finale makes sense. I would focus more on developing Gus and Willow as characters. This would be a good time for Willow and Amity to truly talk and create a friendship outside of Luz.
King’s dad should start appearing periodically throughout the episode. Not visibly, but in little hints and glimpses to Luz. He’s trying to get them back home because they have the advantage of not being in the collector’s sights. He comes in her dreams, makes nudges to lead her and the squad to the remaining blood. Something along those lines.
We get a visual glimpse of the Wittebane backstory. Maybe Belos reminisces while possessing Hunter, during the hayride, and Hunter sees the flashback, confused and scared. Hell, for the Lunter shippers, when Hunter comes back to reality have the visage of Evelyn fade into Luz. Parallels ✨
I have no clue what to do with Vee. I love her though.
For the Future
This episode sucks.
King’s dad is still communicating with Luz
First, the Hexside detour should be completely removed.
The focus should be entirely on resolving the collector arc. Whether he’s a capricious cosmic entity or the equivalent of a child, end it here. There’s little time to delve into the archivists, so it can be skipped, I guess. We don’t know what the lore is so I can’t comment on if it could be condensed.
Willow, Amity, and Gus can still continue their arcs. Have Willow still crack and these two resolve it, not Hunter. Hunter doesn’t need to be with Luz but he needs focus on his new powers and discovering Caleb and Belos’ history. If there’s a connection between the Clawthorne’s and them, reveal it here, a little. Sprinkle a bit 🤏🏾
Belos is the devil on the collector’s ear. He sends them to fight Luz and Co. We get a battle which is Kikimora’s original + the games from Waking and Dreaming. We can even add Eda, Lilith, and King can go over to help. Regardless, our kids put up a fight and get thrashed.
At this point things seem grim. Depending on the characterization, the collector is gleeful over suffering or having a change of heart once he realizes his “games” are dangerous. Belos reappears, now reinvigorated/moss powered whatever, and kills the collector.
Waking and Dreaming
It can be here or the tail end of FtF, but Luz is killed by Belos trying to defend Hunter. This is not shipping fodder, I just think Belos really hates Caleb and by extension Hunter. There’s a lovely drama in him killing the parallel of his brother’s wife, if he didn’t kill her originally.
Now she’s in titan ville
We get the detailed and full version of the Wittebane story. If the Clawthorne’s are involved, bring it in. The titan wants Luz to know the full story so she can decide if she’s willing to kill Belos. We don’t get a handed down moral, but we see her earnestly think about this.
Meanwhile, Belos might let somethings slip about Hunter and Caleb. Everyone’s justifiably losing their shit and going ham. There’s no way they can beat him so they retreat.
Since the collector’s dead, everyone is freed from being dolls. Maybe bump brings everyone back to hexside and our group meets them there.
Belos is progressing slowly but he’s coming. This is the time for little character interactions like Amity and Boscha, Eda and her parents. Wrap up as much as possible swiftly. No high school politics.
Time doesn’t progress the same in the in between dimension. The titan and Luz talk. We truly close the collector’s arc. He explains what happened or gives a glimpse into their motives. There isn’t enough time to properly resolve it.
Luz talks about King
Eventually she agrees, gets her super awesome monster form.
Hexside peeps prepare for one final showdown. We have the coven heads including Raine, our main squad, the harpy sisters, and King and Hunter with their strange powers.
They fight and Luz returns
Battle, battle, battle. Little character interactions
Belos dies. I have mixed feeling on whether Hunter needs to confront him. So maybe he tells Belos to choke and Eda and Lilith stomp him out. It shouldn’t be played for laughs
The day is saved!…sigils are gone
Extended epilogue. Amity and Luz talk about things. Willow isn’t a sports player…wtf was that about?
Gus gets to travel the human realm or something besides being the same human club person.
If Hunter is carving palismen, can we learn why?
Eda being a teacher…is debatable at best. Raeda wedding though 😎
We see Luz finish out high school in the human realm while visiting the isles. There’s still the quinceañera.
I clearly didn’t hit every single detail of each episode. There are sections that are fine or not worth the effort to edit. I’m not a hardcore fan of any of the ships. I do like Lunter but I’m not going back to rewrite the whole show. My efforts are more focused on developing Amity as a character so the relationship feels more real. I do love my girls. Huntlow is not my thing. It feels hollow and a waste of Willow’s time.
These are my ideas for the finale episodes only. Some of these would be better if they started in earlier seasons but, like I said, I’m not here to rewrite the show. I hope it’s clear that my criticism come from a place of loving the show. Critical tags kind of annoy me because it seems to imply that this wouldn’t belong in the main tags. Opinions that aren’t attacking people should be able to stay in the main tags.
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