#I will go to hell and back with them tbh
k0koii-yu · 1 year
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Honestly; them < 3 3
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Man “Battle Nexus: New York” was a great episode but I do have one major gripe with it.
Like. Raph being paired up with Ghostbear? Makes sense. Works great. Works amazing, even.
Mikey being paired up with Meatsweats? Yeah that checks out!!
Donnie getting…Hypno…? I mean. I guess Donnie doesn’t like magic so it kindaaa works but Kendra would have been a much better choice to me personally. Maybe Big Mama didn’t wanna include a human or something…
And Leo getting…uh…one of the Sando Brothers???? Of all villains? Nah let’s be real, his main villain is more Big Mama herself (or Leo could be considered his own worst enemy lmao-). Hell Hypno would have probably worked better here considering their shared love for magic tricks and stuff, but Carl Sando????
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catharusustulatus · 5 months
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This is insane to me: https://t.co/WslCOnBtJU
They didn’t even call him. How the hell is he supposed to be explained out of the show? Jonathan’s best friend, who drove the gang all the way to Indiana? He’s just…gone? Not even being killed off - just not invited back. What!?
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fumifooms · 2 months
Fifth entry of my “Dunmeshi rarepairs I will birth with my own hands if I have to” series. This one’s straight up embarrassing, like of course the shadow version of Chilchuck and Marcille would get me.
It suddenly grabbed me out of nowhere. What got me thinking about it is this exchange, first comic third panel, because like… Woah. He knows she has a thing for Kabru? Or something. And he has NO FEAR. Like it’s so forward and has 0 pretenses lmao. And then I thought… And oh no. Oh no.
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"I can fix him" x "I can make her worse"
Very uptight and strict and rules-following and too self-aggrandizing tbh x will not hesitate to insult you to your face and sleazy and free spirit…. Kuro is involved in an ot3 of sorts in my head and basically they drag her into Situations of various moral standing aka scams or idk going to a club god forbid. I think she needs to relax and get taken down 1 peg maybe, and I think he needs like…….. Someone to teach him what is unhealthy lmao, also remind him to get work benefits, and if they can like get to feel safe and comfy with one another (and god just the road there would be a beautiful trainwreck to watch) they would be gossip besties worsties.
Kabru needs to be the epitome of morals but like, if it’s Mickbell she can lower the bar… Just for him… <3 She can fix him just a little and she’ll be like "wow! Ok I can settle for this amount of upstanding behavior from you Mickbell you get a gold star"
I never expected it ok I read this extra expecting nothing and god knows why I saw him be like "hey u like Kabru right. You’re his babysitter right. Which poor sap is being Kabru’s maid" with 0 fear and her being so casually pissed back at him and idk, how they’re so comfy being not polite with one another but they’re still coworkers-friends despite it… Crazy for how prickly they both are that they manage that much. They bicker and see each other as annoying at best but weirdly dependable and friends despite it all and……….. I am going to grow them in a lab and observe how I can make it work
MICKBELL IS A REBOUND MORE AT 9??? Maybe Rin and Mickbell have a one night stand and then the aftermath dynamic is this….. She probably regrets it. And then it gets more complex and grows into something odd as she becomes hyperaware of him and they have this little complicity thing going on….
I think cuddling with Kuro (who would be more like a platonic protective & soothing presence in his and Rin’s relationship rather than romo) would destress her actually I think she needs and deserves it. Go to a dog cafe bbygirl it’ll fix you. So what I’m saying is the three of them watch a movie and Rin and Mickbell are sitting on Kuro’s laps and everyone is so comfy. Kuro’s legs die halfway through but he’s self-sacrificing it’s fine….. Actually Mick is on his laps Rin’s just nuzzled into his side. There, fixed. I am so weirdly invested in them… They’re funky to think about. Rin seeing Mickbell and Kuro like "you guys are aware that what you two have is fucked up right" and then joining them in the messy dynamic 🤝  Put them in situations. That will be all.
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The sheer amount of sass on their own, let alone together…
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Make them get drunk together it’ll be glorious
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fatedroses · 4 months
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I don’t have the original file for this anymore but I do have screenshots of these old sketches I was doing for an ff14 beach visual novel concept.
I might pick it up again at some point but for now take these pieces that made me chuckle when I saw them again
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decided to do a little "return to form" with some silly pixel art!! :3
i don't remember what possessed me to draw these two specifically hanging out but whatever, it was fun! i had fun!!!
alt version where he's rambling about the weird fucked up polycule situation he put himself in lol
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yurislilygarden · 2 months
Oh boy, you've done it now. You've hit me with ✨️inspiration✨️ so now I must write, you've been warned.
Emily: I don't see why there couldn't be another God. Maybe the Lord created them! Gave himself a brother, or sister? It sounds pretty lonely being the only one of your kind...
Adam *stops sipping on his drink*: Like a pantheon? Nah. Can't see G doing that.
Sera: Emily, I know you are young and it might seem hard to understand have great our Lords powers are, even now, I too can find it almost impossible to believe too.
Sera *behind Readers view butterfly, cupping here hands gently around the wings as much as possible*: A piece of our Lord has returned to us, he has come to observe us and it isn't our place to question his motives or judge the form he takes.
Emily: But-
Adam: Listen Em, the big G does this kinda stuff some time. He just checks in through a beam of light, or on a divine chariot or appears as a burning bush, says hi and then checks out again, used to do it all the time. And yeah, sure, they don't sound like how he normally does but like, this is God we're talking about, can change his voice at will.
Emily: BUT-
Sera *gently petting Emily's head: See Emily? Our Lord may work in ways we may never understand, he may have bestowed on us knowledge and awareness that may seem too vast to comprehended, but I assure you that he is doing it all for our own well-being.
Emily: ... Okay.
Emily: Hey, Adam was built in the Lords image, right?
Adam: That's right, Em! I'm might not look exactly like the big G but he got all the important parts right atleast. *nudges Emily with his elbow before going back to sipping his drink*
Emily: Then... Whose image was Lillith built in?
*A few seconds of silence passed*
Sera *putting a hand over her mouth*: ...
Adam *dropping his drink in shock*: Oh. Fuck.
Anon can I just say... YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS I LOVE YOU /P
I have been blessed with a beautiful idea that I shall use in the future😌
This has actually genuinely saved me as I didn't have any real idea of how would I make them think that reader could be God's sibling where it also would make sense. The idea of Emily introducing the idea to these two is so real actually. Although I do think it would take a little bit more to convince Sera, in particular, to be 100% on the idea, she would be on board with Emily's idea soon after😭
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obessivedork · 2 years
They should’ve let Kira kill Dukat at the end of the cult episode, it would’ve been a fitting way to end his weirdass wraith arc. She should’ve been allowed to kill him and spit in his face as he dies about how he was FUCKING CREEPY for his obsession with her (esp with all the stuff that happened with her Mom??!?!!!!). She of ALL the characters should’ve been allowed to avenge Jadzia and the suffering of the Bajoran people. She said herself she may be able to forgive other individual Cardassians but NEVER DUKAT. I don’t care, whatever the writers did with him could not be NEARLY as satisfying as letting Kira Nerys kill that loser like she’s been vibrating out of her skin to do since episode 1 of season 1
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buglaur · 1 year
my first exam went really well!! one down nine to go. second one starts in an hour and a half
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tmf-confessions · 7 months
confession #261
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confession by @cringelordofchaos
I recently saw someone headcanon drew as AroAce and although I'm a gay drew truther I'm kinda starting to like it?
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howlhawk · 1 year
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i HATED the old one so much it was literally in two completely different styles both of which were horrendously out of date and missing a bunch of key details and UUUGH. i was so embarrassed to have it up and have people looking at it but this is SO MUCH BETTER. and hopefully it'll stick around for longer :)
#superhero oc#human oc#character design#hero oc#oc reference#reference sheet#ref sheet#original character#stanley does art#charlie grimms#HI I TALK A LOT BELOW THIS SO FEEL FREE TO SKIP IT ALL#tbh when i started working on this i just wanted a quick replacement for his old ref i wasnt expecting to go this far with it#but im glad i did bc again hopefully itll be accurate for longer#the old one had a mix of art from last april and october in it 💀 it was...not good#umm changes from that one to this one...well i transed his gender 👍#previously i was kinda waffling back n forth on it but like mannn why the hell not. im just gonna commit. gender is stored in the cowboy#updated the colors of his tattoos especially the snakes which used to be a much muddier looking black#this works a lot nicer with his overall color palette i think#earrings are now a pretty much permanent fixture bc ive been a lot more consistent with including them lately#included side views for his hair because everyone gets confused on it (I DONT BLAME THEM it is confusing)#im happy with it! it's a subtle difference that even i struggle w at times but his hair IS meant to be asymmetric#costume design didnt really change except i redid the tooling and noted that it is SUPER optional#i barely draw it if ever and it will never be the same thing twice tbh who give shit#ummm. last and most obvious change Yes He Got Bricked#part of it is subconscious to make him contrast more with alistaire who is a super twink#part of it is he was always meant to be kinda square shaped (evident in original design from 2018)#and part of it is I Learned Anatomy. this last one really did it tbh#but i like it i think he is fun to draw and having a specific body type for him really helps with consistency#also because it's funny that he objectively does not work as hard as he should for the amount of muscle that he has. like deadass#because of power fuckery and shit which i think is endlessly funny
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tvuniverse · 2 months
Listen i just want to preface this by saying I don't even personally hate Tommy, but that's not really the point i want to make so here goes nothing.
The way a lot of people act as if it's impossible to dislike him because the characters have moved on so so should we, right? and that's the thing right here, as poc we're always being told to move on. We can't express our feelings, we can't hold grudges, we can't complain about issues without making it something more than it is, we always have to just... move on.
I know people are going to say it's just a show, it's not that serious, but the issues it touches on and the way fandom speaks on those issues are.
I've seen a lot of comparisons between Tommy and other mains, how each of them are flawed and have screwed up one way or another, and you're right, but it's still unfair to compare him to them. We've seen each of the main characters experience guilt, or be ashamed of their action, we've seen them apologise, put in the work to actually grow, and they have. There's not enough time in an episode for us to see that for side characters. In this case, Tommy didn't do any of the above and that's normal, he was a plot device to show some very real societal issues, and especially what people of colour/women might go through in the workplace, and once he served his purpose he didn't get much more beyond a few scenes where it seemed like everything was fine between him and chim/hen. It would be more appropriate to compare him to the buckley parents, (who appeared in more or less the same amount of episodes) like if people suddendly started saying no one is allowed to hate them because they got their redemption, their kids more or less forgave them, they more or less tried to be better parents. And yet it's still not enough for a lot of people, because how they treated their children, the shit they've said to them, hits a little too close to home for a lot of people and so no matter what the show says or does, they'll still be mostly hated by the audience, and that's more than okay. But if margaret buckley is your favourite character than by all means be my guest. And listen, i love this show, it's all about hope, and it means everyone gets a redemption arc, as short as it is (sometimes even just a sentence lol), but we won't always be satisfied with these arcs, especially if they don't feel proportional to the hurt the characters may have caused to our mains, so we'll all have different reactions to them.
I swear liking a morally ambiguous/grey character says absolutely nothing about you, but making excuses for them, antagonising people who might dislike them (for good reasons) or acting like suddenly triggers don't exist for people, does say something about you. One of my favourite characters is literally the worst person ever, an actual bigot, but i won't ever write essays about why people are not allowed to dislike him actually because he's my babygirl.. i very much understand why people would.
All of this to say, everyone will have different opinions about Tommy. Some might love him, some will be completely neutral or at worst slightly uncomfortable/bothered by him, and some will straight up hate him, and all of these are fine. Live and let live, love whoever you want to love, and hate whoever you want to hate, but please stop trying to dictate how others should feel, i'm begging. And this really does go both ways.
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
the entire club and their fanbase are a joke LMAOOOO
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chaosinstigator · 1 year
yea no that hurt like a motherfucker
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raksh-writes · 20 days
Oh my god, I just got hit with Such a hardcore urge to do a fresh reinstall of Skyrim and rebuild my mod list from the ground up that it's making it Impossible to focus on anything else and I was supposed to be writing a paper for one of my uni classes today, like why, brain??? Why NOW??? 😭😭
Feels like Im not gonna be able to get my hands on anything else until I do it and it might as well take the whole day ahhhhowpghhiulaergnilaengnalg the fuck is this, help 😭😭
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josecariohca · 2 months
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