#I tried to avoid adding spoilers
nerdie-faerie · 6 months
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Apple pie with caramel ice cream and Doctor Who, name a better way to spend the weekend
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absurdthirst · 2 months
Unexpectedly Mated {Alpha!Mando x F!Omega!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: Alpha/Omega dynamics, heats, denying biological needs, religious creeds, removing your helmet, jealousy, territorial aggression, fingering, first kisses, vaginal sex, rough sex, knotting, mates, marking
Comments: Forbidden to remove your helmet by Creed, Mandalorians deny their basic biological needs as Alphas and Omegas. The helmet blocks the scant of their true mate. Until an open air vent leads Mando to discover that you are his omega.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“You must never remove your helmet.” The creed and these words drilled into you at a young age and you have never forgotten, would never be allowed to forget. The creed comes before all else. The covert comes before the individual. In a galaxy full of alphas, omegas, and betas…Mandalorians stood alone. Defying their biological status to better the covert, to keep the numbers up. You wear the helmet to not only protect your face but to keep you from recognizing your mate. The scent recognition of a mate is instant so the Mandalorian solution is to wear helmets with filters so that one can breed with anyone they prefer. Their minds are clouded with scent so the desire is the driving factor. The younglings are raised by the covert as a unit so the aim is to repopulate Mandalore. You suppress your omega urges with supplements and you’ve yet to breed. Too busy with bounty hunting alongside a certain Din Djarin. You’re drawn to him, that’s for sure, but you’ve never bred with him. He’s not interested in a family, in an ad. He wants credits. He wants to protect the foundling under his care and you’ve gone along for the ride.
“Din.” Your modulated voice calls out to him as he strides ahead of you after you reunited the frog woman with her husband. “The kid needs to eat.” You tell him, knowing you need to find the nearest cantina.
The sigh Din gives you is one of frustration and resignation. He likes the kid, he’s risked a lot to protect him, even his covert. The sins he has committed weigh heavily on his shoulders and he nods. “Come on.” He grumbles to the little one. “I know you’re hungry, we’ll get you something to eat.” Hopefully the Crest will be fixed soon. Unable to take off his helmet unless he is in his bunk is starting to frustrate him, the hermetically sealed space is starting to feel stale with the cycled air and he longs for a single breath of fresh air. He had also hoped to slip away for a moment, needing to find a medical facility to replace his implant. It had been damaged from his fight with Moff Gideon and he’s not had time to have it seen to. While he doesn’t visit a brothel or find a sexual partner often, he can feel the need to rut building up in his system. The alpha side he tries to suppress starts to bleed through his normally calm demeanor. 
You sit with the kid in the cantina, snorting when Din saves him from his own lunch and you glance around at the sailors. They mention Mandalorians and you are surprised to hear of your kind here, especially since Din wants to find them so he can help the kid return to his own planet. “Before we head off, maybe we can freshen up. I need to use the fresher and I’m sure you also want some time out of beskar.”
He groans at the idea of time outside the suit. Letting his skin breath and maybe he can work in a quick tug on his cock while he’s in the ‘fresher. “We’ll have to get rooms.” He reminds you, his head tilting towards yours. “Do you want to do that?”
You nod, “that sounds like a plan. I’m sure this one needs a nap after everything.” You say, reaching out to caress the kid’s ear. He coos at you and finishes his broth with a loud slurp. “Let’s find somewhere.” You say and throw some credits down for the broth. Din nods and you’re soon following him into the inn nearby. You are eager for a shower and some time out of the heavy beskar. Despite wearing it since you were a kid, you have always been weighed down by it. Din gets two rooms and you nod at him when he carries the now sleeping child into the room.
The child’s eyes never open, making Din chuckle quietly as he closes the pod and sets it in the corner of the room. Looking around to make sure the windows are covered before he reaches up and unlatches the edge of his helmet and groans quietly when he pulls it off his head. His hair is sweaty, but immediately the scent of the outside world is much more vivid. Making him inhale deeply and growl quietly at how good it all smells. Being an alpha as a Mandalorian was tricky, his own scent blocked by the helmet, but others could smell him. Making things difficult for him at times, especially when he cannot even walk around his own ship with his helmet unsealed because you are with him. Now, he sits on the edge of the bed, with his eyes closed and breathes deep, unaware that the vent between your two rooms has not been closed. 
You hum as you tilt your head under the water. An actual shower instead of the ‘fresher on the ship is a welcome surprise. You don’t realize the vent in your room is open so Din can smell you as your omega scent wafts through the room, warmed up from the shower and the water flowing onto your face blocks you from smelling Din.
It’s subtle at first. A teasing waft that caresses his nose and makes his cock twitch. The beautiful, heady scent of an omega. Making him groan quietly until the next wave hits him. His omega. The scent overwhelms him and he’s immediately hard, aching and desperate to claim the omega who is meant to be his mate. His mate. His eyes widen when he sees the vent opened, called to it as he follows the scent. It’s the vent that connects your room to his. You’re his mate.
You can feel a tugging in your stomach when you step out of the shower and you frown, wondering if you’re going to go into heat soon. You’ll need to get some more suppressants since you don’t have the time to spend days nesting while you are with Din. He doesn’t want you to be a needy omega holding him back from his quest. You dry off, shutting the door to the bathroom behind you and you lay down on the bed, unable to stop your hand from snaking down to rub your clit, a whimper escaping your lips.
Din snaps the vent closed. Hand curling into a fist as he pants against the shared wall. You’re his mate, his omega. His mind whirls as he tries to reconcile that new information with the stalwart and steady Mandalorian he has been bounty hunting with. He won’t deny that he wondered about fucking you before, it’s only natural that he would given how close you had been. His cock throbs as he imagines you in your armor, slowly stripping it off and walking around your room nude. Building a nest and begging him to join you. “Fuck.” He hisses.
You fall asleep naked on the bed after making yourself cum, relieving the ache in your stomach, enjoying being out of your beskar. You sleep until there’s a knock on the door and you groan, waking up and immediately grabbing your helmet to slide it onto your head. “It’s time to go.” Din says and you call out, “no problem. I’ll get ready and be right out.”
You redress in your beskar, your stomach still aching but you decide you’ll seek out some suppressants later. Opening the door, you find Din standing there with the kid. “Morning buddy.” You coo to the child and look up at Din who looks tense. “Everything okay?” You ask him, tilting your helmet. 
You know that Din can be all business but there’s something off about him. You ignore it and follow Din down the hall to find the sailors who are granting you passage on their boat to find the Mandalorians that are apparently on the planet. Later on, you admire the water as the raft moves along, glancing at Din who is stiff, well, stiffer than normal. “Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask softly, the sailors moving around behind you.
“Let me go!” You growl in anger, swinging your arm to fling a sailor into the water. Using your strength to try and untangle yourself from the ropes when Din and the child are in danger and that’s when they appear: the Mandalorians.
The redhead who introduced herself as Bo Katan shakes her head. “I’ve heard of your sect of the religion but Maker…I didn’t know how far it went in controlling its followers. On Mandalore, we wish for alphas and omegas to find their mate, it makes for stronger bonds, stronger families. We don’t - that is not something we dictate.” You swallow harshly as her words, feeling a tugging in your stomach that makes you want to lean towards Din but you push that aside. “You can remove your helmet and you would not be dar'manda.” Bo Katan explains and you’re so tempted.
Din stands up, angry at them for tempting him, tempting you. He shakes his head. “You are not mandalorian.” He growls, reaching down and takes your arm to pull you to your feet. “We are leaving.” He tells you, turning and striding away from the group angrily. 
You let Din guide you out of the cantina and you sigh, “Din. Slow down. Maybe…maybe they are telling the truth. As Mandalorians, we are denying our biological need. We are denying nature itself. Why? What- what good is it?” You ask him, the child in the pouch nestled against his hip.
“What good is it?” Din stops and spins around, crowding you slightly and even though you cannot smell it, pheromones pour off of him in heavy waves. All this talk of mates and finding out you are his has him desperate to claim you. To take what is his. “The Creed. That is what good it is. Our secrecy is our survival. We. Do. Not. Remove. Our. Helmets.” 
You shake your helmet, stumbling back away from him. “I do not want to breed with whomever the armorer tells me to. I want to find my mate. I want to feel complete.” You yell, quickly flicking the lock to your helmet and you waste no time lifting it off of your head in public for the first time since you were twelve. It hits you immediately. His scent. He’s an alpha. Your alpha. “You- oh Maker. Alpha.” You address him, your stomach twisting with sudden need for him.
Din hisses, his body jerking at the tone of your voice, the submissive nature of it. Calling to him. His hands curl into fists and he moves, shielding you from any eyes that could possibly see your face. “Put your helmet on.” He demands roughly, knowing that he cannot do this right now. He cannot have this conversation with you in the middle of a spaceport. 
Your lower lip trembles, feeling the rejection, and you shove your helmet back on your head, flicking the lock and his scent is replaced with fresh air through the filter. “Clearly you do not wish to have me as your omega so I am going to go back to the cantina. Perhaps another alpha can help with my heat.” You didn’t get a chance to pick up suppressants and the scent of your alpha has your stomach twisting with the sudden heat, the urge to mate and be claimed by him has you sweating already. You need to be touched and as much as you wish for it to be him, it’s obvious that he doesn’t want that. You spin on your heel before he can answer to make your way back into the cantina.
Growling, Din watches you walk off. Sighing when he knows he cannot follow you. The child is still beside him, looking up and cooing at him as if to tell him that he had fucked up. “Come on kid.” He grunts, turning and walking away from you even though his entire body is screaming to follow you. “I need to find someone to watch you.” He knows he cannot have a conversation with you around the kid, around anyone. He needs to find another room, then he will bring you back for a talk. 
You want to take off your helmet and down a spotchka or five, but Din’s command to not remove your helmet is ringing in your ears. You sit at the bar when you feel a presence next to you. “What’s a Mandalorian omega doing all alone?” He asks and you snort, “I haven’t got an alpha.” You state despite your chest aching, knowing you have an alpha but he doesn’t want you. On your walk to the cantina, you realized that Din didn’t question being your alpha. Which means he must’ve taken his helmet off at some point and found out. You wonder how long he’s known. Why he had kept it from you. “That’s good news for me, sweetheart. I’ve never been with a Mandalorian before and it smells like you might be needing an alpha at any moment.” He says, leaning closer and your stomach pangs with the beginning of a heat. 
“I- I ran out of suppressants.” You confess, turning towards him despite everything in you wanting to run to find Din.
The Frog Lady had agreed to watch the baby, leaving Din to go back to the little inn where you had stayed last night and get another room. He knows that he owes you a conversation, a real conversation and he cannot do that in public. Once he has the key, Din tucks it into his belt and sets off for the cantina. He knows you are angry at him, hurt. He wants to give you time to cool down for a moment, to think rationally again. To remember your creed so both of you can agree that nothing will happen until you can find the armorer again and speak with her. Striding confidently towards the seedy little bar, he is sure that it would work. 
You giggle when the alpha leans in, telling you a joke about Jawas and you are distracted for a moment from talking about your heat. He offers to buy you a drink but you decline, not wanting to take your helmet off, but it’s nice to talk to someone without them just giving you a grunt as an answer. You unconsciously lean closer to the alpha, your body heated as your biological need threatens to overwhelm you.
Walking into the bar, Din unlocks his helmet, unsealing it so he can smell you. Attraction and arousal, pouring from you and he follows the scent. Finding you sitting at the bar, another alpha leaning in, obviously interested in touching you, fucking you. The need to protect you roars to life in his chest and his alpha nature  rips through his self control. Moving quickly to you, barely resisting the urge to pull his blaster on the cocksure alpha who is grinning at his mate. “Get the fuck away from her.” He growls, shoving between the two of you and puffing up his chest, towering over the other man and trying to be as intimidating as possible.
You gasp at Din’s sudden appearance and you stand up from your stool. “Alpha.” You place your hand on Din’s chest plate to keep him back from the other alpha. 
“Hey buddy. Me and this omega were talking.” The alpha says and you wince under your helmet, knowing that he needs to shut up before he gets a blaster in the face. 
“Din, just leave him.” You huff, pissed that he is dictating what you can and can’t do.
“My omega.” Din growls, his hand inches away from his blaster and he stares hard at the man from behind his visor. “Move away.” He warns but the man scoffs and doesn’t look impressed. 
“She doesn’t seem taken. She seems like she’s real interested in getting to know me. ‘Bout to go into heat, needs an alpha buried in her cunt, knotting her.”
His words make you wince as you know Din, any alpha, wouldn’t allow them to speak about their omega that way. “It’s obvious you haven’t claimed her. What’s wrong, Mando? Not got the balls to do what needs to be done. She doesn’t smell like you. She smells wet. She smells ready for a cock. Clearly you aren’t enough for her. She wants to get fucked.” The alpha smirks, pushing Din’s buttons even more.
Din’s hand shoots out, wrapping it around the other alpha’s throat and squeezing harshly. Enjoying the way his pheromones immediately turned to ones of distress and his eyes bulge while his blue skin turns purple as the airways are cut off by the pressure of Din’s hand. “My omega.” Din rasps out, voice dangerously low and threatening. “Mine. Not yours. Mine.” The urge to kill him is clouding his thoughts, to demonstrate that you are his. That he would protect you.
“Alpha. Alpha. Don’t. He’s not worth it. I’m yours. I’m yours.” You promise Din, knowing that fact deep within your bones but you’re still furious with him. You place your hands on his chest plate, your helmet tilted towards his, “please. Just take me back to the inn. Don’t do this.”
Slowly, Din relaxes his fingers and lets go. Getting immense satisfaction when the other alpha gasps for air and immediately grabs his throat. He grabs your hands and ducks his shoulder down, hauling you over his shoulder like he would a bounty. Ignoring your shrieks as he storms out of the cantina with you.
You are shocked that Din is carrying you back to the inn and, you can admit to yourself, turned on by the primal display. "Din. Put me down!" You demand but he ignores you until he's in front of the room he had gotten for you. Finally putting you down. "I can't believe you did that." You shake your helmet and he opens the door.
 "Inside." He demands and you obey him immediately, stepping into the room. Din steps into the room, letting the door close and locking it behind him. “You were going to let him touch you?” He demands, pissed off that you were searching for someone, despite the fact that he had not immediately claimed you.
You feel defiant now despite being alone with your alpha. "I was. I am going into heat. If you didn’t touch me, I needed to find another alpha to satisfy my needs." You declare despite knowing that no one would give you what you need from Din. 
“You’ve worked through heats before.” Din growls, remembering how he had heard your whimpering cries from your bunk as you used your toys. It had been hard to deal with, when he hadn’t known he was your alpha. Wanting to offer you his cock the entire time, but he had respected your need for privacy. “Why not this time?”
“Because - because I wanted to feel wanted. I wanted someone to touch me who wanted to touch me, to make me feel something. I know you already knew I was your omega. You weren’t shocked when I found out you were my alpha. You didn’t - you didn’t sound surprised at all. How long have you known?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He leans back from you, surprised that you are attacking him and not liking it. “I-“ he huffs, rolling his eyes under his helmet and sighs. “Yesterday.” He admits quietly. “The vents between our rooms weren't closed. I-I smelled you when I took my helmet off.”
You are placated when you find out it was only yesterday but you’re still hurt that he didn’t tell you. “I didn’t smell you yesterday. I - I was showering and I -” You frown under the helmet. “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”
“I- we-“ Din shakes his head. “You know what Mandalorians do.” He reasons with you. “The Armorer aligns breeding partners. I-“ He bites his lip under his helmet and sighs. “I was going to ask the Armorer for you, to be paired with you when we find them again.”
You understand where he is coming from but you feel frustrated by him. "Din. We - we are mates. What we have is...it's more than the creed. It's more than just breeding. It's how it is supposed to be. It's primal and raw. We are mates. Destined for each other and you've been by my side for so long yet neither of us knew what the other was meant to be. I want - I want you. I need you. Fuck the creed. Fuck the Armorer. You're my alpha and I - I want you. No matter what the consequences are." You say, "but if you don't want that - want me - I will leave. I'll go back to the covert and you can finish your quest alone."
He wants to argue against your comments, his heart twisting when he hears you say you would walk away. “Always wanted you.” He confesses quietly, breathing deeply and soaking in your scent. “Since the second week together. Watching you wipe the floor with that Twi.” He snorts, smirking slightly under his helmet. “Wanted you all the time.”
You chuckle, remembering that fight when you were both so much younger. You step towards him, "I have always wanted you. Always imagined you when I was in my nest." You confess softly, "I think I knew, unconsciously, that I was yours."
“I thought about you a lot.” Din confesses, taking a deep breath as he remembers what Bo Katan had said about mates being able to reveal their faces to each other. He takes a deep breath and reaches up to slowly start sliding his helmet off.
Your eyes widen under your helmet as Din exposes his face to you and you get your first look at his handsome face. "Maker. You are -" You can see him tense with anxiety and you reach up with your gloved hand to cup his cheek. "Mesh'la." You tell him, unable to tear your eyes away from those beautiful brown eyes. "Do you - you can remove my helmet...if you want."
He’s proud that you find him appealing. His one glimpse of you too fleeting for his own liking, finding you mesh’la as well. “I want to see you, omega.” He hums as he slowly reaches for your helmet. “My omega. My mate.”
You’re nervous for him to fully look at you without your helmets on, and your heart pounds beneath your chest plate. You bite your lip when your eyes meet his without the pixelated visor screen and his brown eyes soften. “Din. Alpha.” You murmur, watching him as he stares at you.
“Mesh’la.” He murmurs softly, staring into your eyes and feeling his cock harden beneath his flight suit as he smells and sees you clearly for the first time. He groans your name. “Omega.”
You ache for him, your heat curling in your stomach, and you wonder what he wants, if he still wants to wait until you return to the covert. “I don’t know what you want from me right now. Do you want us to put our helmets back on and continue on like this never happened until we return to the Armorer?” You ask, a little breathless.
“I cannot pretend I haven’t seen your face, smelled you.” Din groans, his eyes nearly closing in pain when a wave of arousal drifts over him. “I- you’re mine.” He growls again. “You are going into heat, I will take care of you.”
You whimper at his words, your body starting to get overheated with need. “Alpha.” You gasp, starting to work on removing your beskar, needing to feel the air on your hot skin. “I need you.” You pant, efficiently stripping down until you’re in your bra band and panties, boots kicked aside and you slide your hand into your panties, needing to rub your clit for some relief.
“Omega.” He growls, body tense and he steps forward, his need to touch you and take care of you nearly overwhelming his rational sense. He is about to touch you, still completely dressed in his armor except for his helmet. When he sees his gloves, he stops. “Get on the bed.” He orders, starting to strip down himself. Needing to press his skin to yours. “I will make sure you don’t need your fingers. You can have mine.”
You obey his order, shifting to lay down on the bed after reluctantly pulling your fingers out of your panties, and you watch him strip off. “Alpha. You are - you’re mesh’la.” You say, sitting up on your elbows to watch him, seeing the scars from blasters that grazed the vulnerable spots in his beskar and you want to kiss every one of them.
His own groan is one of pride and need, seeing you squirming on the bed, waiting for him. His omega, needy and wet. His hand wraps around his cock and he slowly starts to jerk himself. “You are mesh’la, cyar’ika.” He hums, eyes dark and full of lust. The waves of need and want roll off of you and mix with his own desire to fill the room. “My sweet little, omega. Wanting my cock, needing my knot.”
His voice, unmodulated, makes you shiver, and you watch him with wide eyes. “Yours, alpha.” You promise, reaching behind you to unclip your bra band, tossing it onto the floor to expose your tits to his gaze as he pumps his cock. You are aching for him. “Please. Alpha. I need your touch.”
He’s heard it before. The needy begging and calling to his alpha, but never from his mate. Growling, he scrambles onto the bed, one hand grabbing your breast while the other rips your panties off effortlessly.
You cry out in satisfaction as he quickly pushes two thick digits inside of you. “Yesss.” You hiss, feeling the ache assuage slightly with his digits curling deep inside of you. “Fuck, Din. Alpha. Yes.” You whine, tilting your head towards his.
It will be the first time he’s kissed anyone and it’s fitting that it’s his mate. His lips come crashing down against yours roughly as he curls his fingers inside you. Unskilled, he relies on what he had imagined doing, watching holo vids and jerking off when he was alone in his bunk. His tongue pushing into your mouth when you moan and he makes a feral sound of pleasure of his own.
You moan into his mouth, tangling your tongue with his and it’s unskilled but passionate. Your hands tangle in his hair, tugging slightly and you feel his cock twitch against your thigh. You’ve both had sex before, neither of you have kissed and it’s clumsy but you soon get the hang of it.
He feels like he doesn’t want to ever stop kissing you. Pumping his fingers deep inside your quivering cunt, he groans and rocks his hips against your belly. Loving how eagerly you respond to me.
You pant into his mouth, getting closer to orgasm with the way his fingers pump into you. "Alpha. I'm gonna- you're gonna make me - fuck!" You cry into his mouth as you clamp down on his digits, the ache in your belly satiated for a moment.
The first orgasm from his omega nearly makes him cum untouched. Din moans your name as he works you through the way your walls clench and your juices soak his hand. Pleasured pheromones pour off of you and he ducks his head down to press his tongue to your scent gland.
Feeling his tongue on your scent gland has you whining his name and your nails dig into his back, wanting him to bite you but he won’t until he’s ready. “I need you inside of me. Please, alpha.” You beg, gently pushing him off of you so you can shift onto your hands and knees for him.
Din growls, loving the submissive display, looking at your dripping cunt as you move to your hands and knees. Showing him how badly you need him. “My omega is eager.” He groans, slapping your ass and squeezing your hips as he throbs. He knows this first time will be rough. You know it too. Taking his cock on his hand, he shuffles forward and notches it at your entrance. Hissing when he snaps his hips forward ruthlessly and buries himself deep in your cunt.
Your breath is immediately pushed from your lungs and you gasp as he stretches you out. You fall forward onto your elbows and squeeze your eyes shut as he doesn’t hesitate to start moving inside of you. It’s rough and your body feels like it’s on fire. “Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Alpha. I- shit.” You curse, cunt fluttering around his cock.
You’re perfect around him. Gloriously tight and taking every harsh thrust with a choked moan as he starts to hammer into you. Need and the instinct to give you every piece of himself has him gripping your hips like you might get away from him and rocking deep to push up against your womb.
You grip the sheets beneath you, your cheek pressed against them as he pushes into you over and over again. “Fuck. Oh fuck Din.” You pant, thighs starting to shake as he pushes you closer and closer to orgasm with every harsh rock of his hips.
Suddenly, Din stops. Circling his hips as he lifts your and grinds into you. He was going to cum and he wants to make sure that you are satisfied before he gives into any of his own needs. “Fuck, omega, you are so perfect.” He grunts out, panting as he feels you squeeze him. “Are you going to be a good girl and take my knot? Let me breed you one day?”
You whine, deep from your throat. “Yesss. I’ll let you- have as many as you want, alpha. I want to be good for you. Want you to be happy.” You pant, thighs shaking still as he grinds deep and his hand spreads wide until his thumb is pressing against your clit.
“Good girl.” He growls out, twitching inside you. He’s imagined breeding you before, many times, even before knowing you were his omega. Hoping that working with you would cause the armorer to place you together to breed. It was why he let you on his ship. “Fuck, I- you feel so good ‘mega. So fucking tight around my cock.”
Your nails dig into the sheets and you are desperate for him to make you cum. The fire in your belly is burning and sweat beads on your forehead. “Alpha. Please.” You whine, grinding yourself back onto him. “I need - need to cum. It burns.” You almost sob with need.
“It’s okay,” he coos, rubbing your clit as he starts rocking into you again. “Your alpha is going to take care of you. Make sure your little cunt is happy by the time you leave this bed.”
You grind back onto him, his hips still not moving as he rubs your clit, and you practically sob with relief when you cum. Clamping down on his cock, you moan his name, his designation, and soak him. “Yessss.” You hiss, thighs violating shaking as you ride your high.
“Fuck.” He groans, his hands tightening on you as he feels you cum around him. “It’s so good, cyar’ika. My omega.”
You slump into the sheets, the burning dissipating for a moment so you can catch your breath and Din’s fingers dig into your hips. “Alpha. Maker, I need - I want you to knot me. Please. Fuck me hard.” You beg breathlessly.
“Yes, yes, my ‘mega can take it.” He growls proudly. “Take my cock and beg for more.” As he starts to thrust harder, it feels like he’s going to beat the bed through the wall, knocking the headboard against the panel with a loud clang every time he pushes deep.
“I can take it. I want more. Always want more. Please baby. Fuck me. Fuck me harder, Alpha.” You demand, your hands coming out to stop yourself from being squashed against the headboard.
He wants to bite you, to mark you as his even though no one would ever see your marks except him. His secret claim on you under your armor. His hisses out your name and manages to increase his frantic pace. “Fuck, fuck, Dank ferik.”
You whine his name, “Alpha. Oh Maker. You - it’s - oh shit. Shit. Shit.” You wail as you cum again, clamping down on his cock and gushing around him, feeling his knot starting to catch and you know he’s close. “Cum. Cum for me.” You beg breathlessly, reaching back to touch his hand on your hip.
Din collapses on top of you, Pushing you down to the bed, hips never stopping as he drives into you again and again. Fucking you into the bed as if that was his singular focus in life. “Gonna, gonna cum.” He grunts out, warning you. “K-knot you.”
“Do it. Fuck, I need it. Need it, Alpha.” You beg and he pushes deep just as his knot catches, his seed painting your walls with spurt after spurt. You whine in pleasure, feeling satisfied and you tilt your neck. “Make me yours, Din.”
The audible pop of his knot slipping into you releases a feral growl from deep in his chest. Unable to stop himself, his face turns towards your neck and his teeth sink into your scent gland. Marking you as his irrevocably.
You cum again from the pleasure of being tamed and from him knotting you. You sigh into the sheets when Din licks the mark he left on your skin. “I love you.” You confess, “even before I found out you’re my alpha. I’ve always loved you.” You confess with your eyes closed.
Din sighs softly and even though he could not pull away from you because of his knot, he wraps his arms around you to keep you close. “I had hoped the armorer would pair us together.” He confesses quietly. “That's why I let you join my crew.”
He shifts onto his side and you curl back into his chest, “whatever happens…it’s you and me and the kid. Even if we have to leave the covert. I would like to keep you, to keep you safe.” You promise him and he leans in to nuzzle your neck.
“Kar’ta.” He murmurs, feeling like he is complete for the first time since his nature was revealed. His other half is in his arms and he wants nothing more than to keep you there. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome.” He whispers softly, wondering if you will repeat the wedding vows back to him. “Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
You smile and squeeze his forearm. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome. Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.” You repeat back, turning your head to look at him, “riduur.” You whisper, kissing his jaw, “my riduur.”
“Riduur.” His spouse. You are married to him now, his - both by your nature and by your religion. “I will keep you and the child safe.” He vows, his hand sliding down to your stomach. “And any who follow.”
You kiss his lips softly, smiling against him as you place your hand over his on your stomach. “We will face whatever we need to face together. My riduur. My alpha. And when we are ready, I’ll happily have your children. Maybe we can settle on Navarro. Get a little cottage and live a peaceful life together.” You vocalize the dream you’ve had for years.
“That would be good.” He knows that it might never happen, but he wishes for it. “First we must finish our quest.” He hopes to find the armorer again and have you declared a clan of three. It will take some time, but you have time. Both of you have implants to prevent a child and his knotted cock twitches inside you as he thinks about filling you with his baby.
“Finish the quest.” You agree, “then we have the rest of our lives together. I love you, Din Djarin. My alpha.” You murmur, kissing his jaw again. “Whatever happens, we will face it together as mates. As partners.” You promise, unsure of the road ahead but you will be together, connected as one, and you will ensure the child’s safety. This is the way.
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petit-etoile · 6 months
i  need  you  when  i'm  falling  apart
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pairing  .  ⊱   astarion x tav wordcount  .  ⊱   3,489 part one  .  ⊱   here . content warnings  .  ⊱  mentions of canon compliant temporary character death,  spoilers for act iii endgame other tags  .  ⊱   canon compliant,  character study,  introspection,  p.orn with plot,  pwp,  vignette,  re-establishing relationship,  blood drinking,  m.issionary position,  tav is gender neutral archiveofourown  .  ⊱   here .  
taglist  .  ⊱  @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils,@8-opossums, @worryknotdear, @abirdaboxandachippedcup, @ghosts-and-ink, @b4um3pfl4um3, @gunslingerorchid, @hypopxia,  @m0ssytrees, @erysione, @odette-attackattack, @catching-fire-in-the-wind, @ashrio20, @wills-mental-illness, @queenofcarrotflowers-s, @kirahlene, @lavenderslemonade, @candyladycry, @chonkercatto, @foxxyhun, @nyxmainex, @angelmawss2, @godoffuckedupcats, @raviolixxx be added  .  ⊱   here .
summary  .  ⊱   You have learned to be good. It's time Astarion learns to be forgiven.
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During the heart of spring, Astarion spends more time trying to avoid you than he does trying to catch up with you. You’re not even sure why he agreed to travel alongside you  —  but you do not ask. You press your lips together and push on anyway.
His eyes are cold, and red.
The first night when you set up camp in an abandoned temple, Astarion moves his tent to the other side of the sanctuary as if he cannot bear to be around you. Like you smell. You’ve never cared much for the thoughts or opinions of others, but an inkling of self-doubt creeps back into the depths of your mind. What is the cost of being good if no one treats you kindly?
Every interaction you have with him is like pulling teeth. You want to fight for the tieflings, and Astarion wants to leave them behind. You want to help Wyll find his father, and Astarion snorts. Any good deed you suggest, he finds the need to punish.
When the cambion Raphael reaches and touches your cheek with a promise of opulence and salubrity, you're reminded of a night two hundred years ago. You stumble out of the House of Hope as fast as you can.
You don’t stop walking until daybreak. One night, you explode on Astarion. Your feelings bubble up like bile in your throat.
‘I tried to look for you!’ you snap at him. ‘You can sit here, and you can be bitter, but if I had known, I would have looked for you! But I didn’t know  —  I didn’t know and it isn’t a crime!’
Astarion’s look of surprise is one thing. He furrows his eyebrows as if properly scandalized, and his frustrated scowl turns to ash when you throw his old cravat at him. You had kept it tied around your neck for two hundred years. You wouldn’t keep it a day longer.
It’s a horrifying mistake to go wandering off in the Underdark by yourself with nothing but a hunting knife at your side, but you never really gave much thought to how you would cope with the gravity of the situation. The fact that you knew Cazador only made matters worse. You stumble past the ruins of the Selûnite Outpost in hopes of running away from your past.
You don’t run into your past in the dark, but you do run into a Spectator.
You’re immediately thrown into darkness and narrowly avoid being petrified, but you have no idea what you’re going to do about this situation besides hide beyond some poor stoned soul. You might should have considered thinking it through. You might should have thought anything through but you didn’t, and that’s the only crime you’ve committed in quite some time. It isn’t a crime is something you’ve begun to repeat to yourself often.
You manage to defend yourself for quite a while in the darkness, but by the end, you’re nursing a nasty wound and bite from the Spectator that will take some time to heal. You’re tucked under some petrified Drow bastard when you hear Karlac’s battle cry and see Gale’s ice spell come from the cliffs. The one that catches you off-guard, the one that will always catch you off-guard, is Astarion flipping through the air with nothing but an elven bow like a prince from your dreams.
Defeating the Spectator is easier with allies, and even the Drow protecting it goes down without much of a fight. You nurse your wounds as best you can, sitting against the cliffs with a bleeding thigh, and try not to frown when Astarion approaches.
‘Give me that,’ he says quietly, snatching one of Halsin’s potions from your fingers. ‘Even after all these years, it seems like you still need protecting.’
You frown and pick at your torn breeches. ‘I know how much you hate that, your honor.’
Astarion looks at you for the first time in several tendays, eyes rimmed with red. ‘I never hated it,’ he says. He dresses your wound like it pains him to see it. ‘I don’t hate it even now.’ Astarion crashes into you full force the night you arrive at the Last Light Inn after you’ve talked to Jaheira but before you’ve talked to anyone else. You’re in your room, and the next thing you know, you’re not alone.
Two hundred years of loneliness are erased at that moment.
His teeth clack painfully against yours as he shoves you into the wall, too uncaring or too pent up to care about the force. He cradles the back of your head to keep you from cracking it on the wall, but other than that, Astarion doesn’t care about hiding the full force of his strength. He kisses you until your mouth is swollen and then he’s tearing your night shirt open with both hands like he can’t get enough.
‘Astarion  —  ’ you try to say, startled.
But you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss him too. You let Astarion push you around, until you’re both stripped of your clothes and he’s lying flat on his back on the hard wooden floor with you pulled into his lap, his cock pushed deep inside you, and his hands unable to stop wandering the planes of your body. Astarion all but sobs into your mouth as he fucks you. He holds your cheeks in his hands like you’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen.
When you’re both finished, no one moves from the wood floor despite there being a bed. You lie on your side next to him, memorizing the slope of his nose while you still shiver with little twinges of pleasure still racing up your spine and between your legs. Astarion’s eyes are closed. He’s pretending to sleep, or pretending to be dead so you don’t have to talk about what’s happened, but you’re curious anyway.
You reach across the distance and touch his chest. You know there’s no heartbeat beneath his ribs, but you like to pretend. You close your eyes and dream it has been nothing but two hundred years of happiness and bliss in Astarion’s home.
‘When I first saw you,’ you say quietly, ‘I thought you were a ghost come back to haunt me.’
‘Are you often haunted by ghosts?’ Astarion asks. He still doesn’t look.
‘I’ve been properly reformed while you were away,’ you tell him. You stare at his neck. ‘There was only one ghost I was running from.’
He smiles. ‘And now you’ve found him. What do you think about this haunting?’
‘I am happily haunted,’ you say honestly. He opens his eyes then and turns toward you, lips pressed into a firm line. ‘But you are not happily haunting.’
Astarion sits up then and you follow him, legs sticky and wet. You reach for his hands and pull them into your lap. You watch as he struggles to accept a kind touch. In a way, you understand that. You remember how kindly he treated you when you didn’t deserve it. You hold his hands even when he tries to run away.
‘I was ashamed for you to see me like this,’ Astarion explains. He looks away, hesitant. ‘My condition isn’t one that I’m proud of. It isn’t fair to say I was tricked, but  —  ’
‘Wanting to live doesn’t make you a bad person,’ you say.
‘Perhaps not,’ he says. ‘But I became what I often chastised you for. I am greedy. I am prone to lying and bouts of theatrics. I’ve killed. It was embarrassing to fall so low.’
‘And now you rescue orphans,’ you say, shrugging. ‘You helped the gnomes. You helped the tieflings. You’re going to help the gnomes and tieflings again. There’s still good in you, your honor, beneath all that vampiric avarice you despair over.’
Astarion laughs and turns away from you. He’s looking for his clothes, and your heart squeezes so tightly in your chest that you move before you can stop yourself. You drape yourself over Astarion’s back and pull his arms away from his smallclothes. You can tell by the musculature of his arms that you only succeed because he lets you.
‘Please don’t leave me alone again,’ you whisper against his shoulder. Your wet eyelashes tickle the nape of his neck. ‘I waited for you that night and… I don’t want to be alone anymore.’
Astarion stays that night.
He stays every night after that too. For what it’s worth, your third visit to Baldur’s Gate is hardly better than the first two.
Between fighting cultists, saving children, and trying to convince most of your party that they’re not going to become mindflayers, you’re beginning to run a little thin. You feel like you’re going to shrivel up and die. You feel like the world is spinning and falling apart. You’ve killed Gortash and you’ve killed Orin and you killed Ketheric ages ago, but now you’re trying to keep the Emperor from betraying you and sacrificing Orpheus, and Cazador’s invitation is sitting pretty in your hands, and  —  
Well, that’s just it, isn’t it? Cazador’s invitation is in your hands, and you don’t have the heart to show Astarion. You’re afraid of showing Astarion. You know that as soon as you show him the invitation, he’ll lose his mind. You’ve only just recovered him and you’re already worried about losing him again.
You bury the invitation in the garden behind the inn like you’re a dog with a bone. You shovel the dirt with your hands until they’re cracked and raw and bleeding and the invitation is buried six feet in the ground. It should scare you that Cazador knows who you are, but it doesn’t. You aren’t stupid enough to run headfirst into his trap. And Astarion isn’t stupid either, but he’s scared, and being scared makes you do stupid things. Astarion almost does a very stupid thing like you predicted he would.
The Rite of Ascension was right there in his hands, and he had almost consumed it. You aren’t sure what changed his mind at the last minute but you’re thankful. Astarion crawls into your arms that night and sobs for hours. ‘What are we going to do about tomorrow?’ Astarion asks you softly.
He’s been tracing patterns into your spine all evening. If he moves his hands now, you’d still feel his fingertips against your skin. You’re hiding your face in your arms so you don’t have to think about it. You can’t stop thinking about it.
‘We’re going to fight the Absolute,’ you say.
‘Like it’s that simple?’
‘I am going to look another god in the face,’ you say, ‘and I am going to tell it to fuck off back to Avernus.’
‘Do Netherbrains come from Avernus?’
You don’t know. You’re too worried to think too hard about the simplest details. So far, you’re every plan has been to go in, stab whoever is the loudest, and then leave before things get worse. It’s hard to keep your head above the waves as they keep crashing down on you.
You don’t want to talk about tomorrow. If things don’t go well, you’re all going to die anyway and all that planning will have been for nothing. You turn on your side and appraise Astarion’s expression. He’s looking at you with muted disbelief. You choose to ignore it.
‘What are we going to do after tomorrow?’ you ask.
Astarion opens his mouth to chastise you for changing the subject, but he closes it almost immediately. He doesn’t want to talk about it either. It’s a scary thing to walk into the end of the world with a sword and a dagger. At least Dame Aylin will be there. You hope she can just stomp the Netherbrain to death and then it’ll all be over.
‘I could always go back to being a magistrate,’ Astarion says conversationally.
He picks at a thread coming loose on his blanket.
‘If you go back to that, I’ll go back to being a criminal,’ you muse. ‘We can have nasty sex on your desk again. You always did look damn good in a cassock.’
Astarion laughs. He laughs like the sunlight that peeks through the window on a sunny morning. He laughs like the moonlight that splays on the cobblestone of Baldur’s Gate long after everyone else has already gone to bed. It’s hideous  —  it’s melodic and intoxicating, and you reach across the distance and touch his cheek without thinking.
You slide your finger across to his nose. You press your finger against the wrinkle between his brow, and Astarion starts laughing again so you do too. You kiss him while he laughs, and then he holds you and you both laugh together. He will never be a judge again. Your connections with the Zhentarim will die out.
Astarion brushes his fingers against your hip bone. He rolls out of bed like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do, and you miss him. Already without him, the bed is much colder. You dramatically crawl across to his side and press your nose into his pillowcase to smell the faint traces of whiskey that are left.
When he returns, he presents you with his old cravat which has been neatly restored almost to perfection. He had sewn it back together himself. You had worn it for two hundred years as a good luck charm against evil, and the wear and tear had nearly torn it to shreds. You’d never had the heart to try to tailor it yourself. Sewing wasn’t your strong suit, and you had never cried over Astarion’s death until the day you thought you had lost it.
Astarion neatly ties the cravat around your wrist like a promise. He kisses your skin and inhales as though in a dream, nose brushing against the fabric, like the touch of a ghost against your veins. Your throat tightens.
‘Wherever this takes us,’ Astarion says, eyes burning. ‘I want to be there with you in the end.’
You tuck inside your bed with Astarion that night and watch the moon disappear through the window. It’s barely daylight when you’re finally too exhausted to stay awake, and Astarion almost lets you both miss the final showdown. Lae’zel, however, doesn’t. ‘I don’t mind what we do,’ Astarion is saying, ‘once we get to the  —  ’
You watch with muted horror as Astarion’s skin begins to glimmer in the sunlight. The fire begins cracking under his skin, brimming against his cheekbones and nose and throat and hair much like Karlach when she overheats. You watch as the tips of his ears ignite, and then he’s searching for you frantically between all of your friends.
‘I have to go,’ he chokes out. ‘I have to  —  ’
There is a world where you let Astarion run alone, where you both get separated on the docks and never find one another again. He runs from the sun as he bursts with radiant energy and as stars pour from his skin, you forget what Wyll is saying, and you run after him.
Astarion finds sanctuary in melting shade beneath a set of boxes. He’s curled up into himself when you arrive, and you drop next to him, pulling your cloak over your heads. He looks up at you, bewildered.
But you have lived through losing Astarion once, and it has haunted you for two hundred years. You had known loneliness and fear and anger, and the thought of surviving it for even a day more makes your stomach roll. You press your forehead to Astarion’s and stand as tall as you can so the sun can’t touch him ever again.
‘Won’t your arms get tired?’ Astarion asks you faintly.
He watches you with a sense of wonder. His skin slowly returns to normal, no more flickering stardust and ash, and you grin. He slowly smiles too, nervous but you shake your head and keep your cloaked raised.
‘Never,’ you say. ‘Not when it’s you.’
‘My reform worked, then?’ he says.
‘I’ve learned about your stuck-up decorum,’ you say. ‘It’s true. I can confirm.’
‘A sense of propriety?’ Astarion asks, and if his voice goes any softer, you’ll melt too.
‘Let me carry the weight of your sins,’ you tell him sincerely, laughing a little. ‘And if we need to find another desk then we will. But I’ll be your knight in shining armor, your honor, and carry a parasol above your head as a proper chamberlain would.’
Astarion snorts. ‘That isn’t quite the job of a chamberlain.’
You hold the cloak up for two hours at least while Astarion recovers from the damage. You can’t help but notice that he looks happy and content even in the shadows. It must be because you’re there, although you’re hesitant to take credit for all his happiness. When you let down the cloak, the sun has set. When Astarion rises, he kisses your cheek sweetly. ‘The silence stretches on  —  I’m all alone,’ you muse, ‘Please, can I hold your hands, just for a while?’
Bernard’s arms wrap around you gently, and you wrap your arms around his steel ribs. You’ve taken up residence in the old Arcane Tower in the Underdark. You appreciate the permanent nighttime, and if you admitted you only did it because Astarion wanted to be close to his family, it wouldn’t be entirely true. With a bit of help from Gale, you’ve managed to turn the tower into a comfortable fortress. Sometimes Omeluum comes to visit you. Occasionally, there’s word from Shadowheart from the Selûnite Outpost. She’s hoping to restore it. She wants you to come visit.
‘Are you still playing with that dusty old thing, my love?’ Astarion hums from the doorway.
‘You be kind to Bernard,’ you warn him. ‘He’s my friend.’
‘Of course, of course,’ Astarion says, holding his hands up. ‘I’ll be kind to the scrap metal.’
You roll your eyes and step away, touching Bernard’s chest briefly. Astarion has just arrived back from a trip. There are spawn all over the Underdark now, and they treat Astarion as though he’s some sort of prince. They heed your word too, but none so much as his. Their eldest brother, their favorite. They tolerate  you if it means getting to see Astarion.
You’re a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none now. You leave your handiwork for the day or night or whatever it is to go down to your bedroom and recline in bed. Astarion lights each candle one by one until the room is illuminated. You smile and watch as he works.
‘Having responsibility suits you well,’ you say, resting your cheek on your palm. ‘Although it’s funny how our positions have changed somewhat.’
‘I’m the contracted killer,’ Astarion says with a laugh. ‘Are you a magistrate now?’
‘I have at least four hundred years of life left,’ you snort. ‘I, Magistrate Judge Stick-Up-My-Ass, sentence thee to fifty years of community service!’
Astarion rolls his eyes at you dramatically and throws himself into bed, kicking off his boots as he does so. He smells of fresh oils and mist. You bury your nose in his hair. You practically burrow yourself into him, wrapping your arms and legs around him like a mindflayer. You squeeze him tightly in your arms.
‘We have a sprawling manse and all you can think of to do all day is mock me for a position I have not occupied in two hundred years?’ Astarion pouts.
You kiss his hair. ‘What else should I do?’
‘Well,’ Astarion says, tone turning conspiratorial. ‘There are a certain amount of fuckable places here. Several desks, I’ve counted them all, and couches.’
You contemplate it, but after several tendays on the road and a wiggling visitor in your head, you think the bed is the best place. You pull Astarion up to kiss him, arms wrapping around his neck so he can’t leave you. You never want him to go again. You bump your nose against his and hide a smile in his coiffed hair when he melts against your chest.
You sigh prettily when Astarion takes you in your velvet sheets that you float as though in a dream. Your troubles are long over, and that person you thought you lost  —  your immortal soul  —  has returned to you as beautiful as the day you lost him. When you shudder, Astarion brushes hair out of your eyes adoringly and tastes your pulse at your jaw. You dig your fingers into the small of his back.
It’s like you’ve found a family. A very bitey, very competitive family. Still, you wouldn’t change any of it for the world. You hold Astarion’s face in your hands and see the man you knew and the man he’s become. Slowly, you pull his mouth towards your neck and feel your heartbeat jump in your chest.
He bites you for the first time that night.
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turtletaubwrites · 12 days
Numbers Game ~ Part 19
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 3885
Ao3 Link
Summary: You reveal your secret.
Author's Note: Thank you soo much for all of the support and encouragement, especially with the last chapter! I hope you enjoy this one! 😭💜🙏🏼 (BIG DRAMA & EMOTIONS WARNING)
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Flashbacks from Reader's Past | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | (These symbols will bracket sections to denote the POV shift)
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic contains spoilers for the end of the Wano arc
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Vaginal Fingering, PIV Sex, Hair-Pulling, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“Can I have a drink?”
Four powerful pirates blinked at you. 
It was strange to be on this side of the coffee table. Buggy sat in your spot on the couch between the other leaders of the Guild, while Shanks had pulled up a chair beside Crocodile.
Your green, velvet chair felt like an examination table. Like you were under a microscope, about to get chopped into tiny pieces to be studied. 
Buggy had clung to you all morning, barely going a moment without touching you during breakfast. You were grateful he hadn’t tried to feed you any fruit. That thought sent your eyes flicking toward the red haired pirate, more bile climbing up your throat. Buggy’s floating hand rested on yours while they all stared, but you couldn’t get yourself to hold onto it. 
“What would you like to–”
“I’ll get it,” you jumped up, cutting Mihawk off, and leaving Buggy’s hand to float alone when you pushed it away to stand. The little bar felt like miles away, and you grabbed the first thing you could see. Crocodile’s stinky scotch in its pretty crystal bottle. You poured a heaping glass, vaguely hearing a reaction from the couch before you chugged the burning liquor.
“What the fuck, baby?”
“Y/N, stop!”
“Don’t— rabbit!”
The three of them surrounded you, snagging the bottle and empty glass from your hands too late while you coughed from that toxic, liquid fire. Crocodile got to you first, kneeling out from the sand at your feet to grab your flushed face, wiping away the stinging tears that you knew wouldn’t be the last. 
“Sweetheart, why–”
“Sweetheart,” you choked out, the sound a mix between a laugh and a sob. “Gods, I’m sorry, I– fuck.” 
The looks on their faces made you want to scream. You rubbed your eyes with the meat of your palms, trying to be less fucking pathetic. 
“Drink, love,” Mihawk soothed, holding a glass of water to your lips. 
“We’re right here, star,” Buggy whispered as he pressed a light kiss to your shoulder. “I’ve got you.”
“It’s okay,” Crocodile promised, leaning his forehead against yours. “You’re our Numbers Girl, no matter what. Alright?”
Your body slumped, nodding as you let them guide you back under that microscope. Shanks was staring at you, but nothing meant anything anymore, so you didn’t bother to study his face. 
They let you sit there. Time was empty. It could have been minutes or years before you finally mustered up the energy to ruin everything.
“I’m fucking stupid,” you announced with a sharp laugh, feeling insane. 
Maybe I am. Maybe he did put me away. 
“Don’t talk like tha–”
“What do you mean, sweet girl?”
Growling at your scarred lover, confessions, and a suicidal accusation flowed through your body, spilling out through your eyes and lips. 
“You were going to kill us if I wasn’t useful. I could have been free, but I… I called those people for you.”
Crocodile’s face was as cold and unmoving as stone, a cliff you could leap off of. 
If only you could have stopped. No one said a word, but the energy was already rolling through you, destroying everything, your throat still raw from that fucking scotch. 
“I was an idiot. I was fucking kidding myself thinking I could wait, thinking I could have a few more days.” Your manic laughter turned to pain, a sob hitting your last words. 
Glancing up at the couch, you saw your three men clenching their jaws. Crocodile’s arm was wrapped around Buggy, that large hand digging into Mihawk’s shoulder, while Mihawk had grabbed Buggy’s floating hand, gripping it in his own lap before it could fly to you. 
“There’s no way I could hide it. Someone at the party will say it…”
“Say what,” Buggy rasped after a long moment. 
Your eyes poured over your men one more time before it was over. 
“My name.”
Everyone paused, and you remembered Shanks was there. His face was a mask, unreadable, and you were grateful for another reason to ignore it. 
“Are you saying that your name is a lie,” Crocodile asked in a dangerous purr. 
“No. None of you ever asked what my last name was,” you pointed out, then laughed as you looked between them. “I guess pirates don’t really care about last names.”
The laughter died in your throat, tears streaming now in your moment of defeat. 
“What’s your name,” Mihawk asked, his voice more gentle than you’d ever heard. 
It’s over. 
“Y/N Sylvad.”
“Like the wood company?”
You clamped your hands over your mouth, the shock of laughter that burst through you at Buggy’s confused face, his cute question, almost had you believing it would be alright. 
But the other men in the room shifted. Crocodile pulled his arm away from the other two to rest his elbows on his knees, leaning toward you while he answered his clown.
“Not a company. A fucking empire. Sylvad’s Lumber and Shipping. Is that what you’re telling us right now?”
“Yes,” you breathed, already watching their eyes change. Already watching them forget who you were. 
“Keep going,” he ordered, his words cold, ice building up around you. 
“It’s not mine,” you begged them to believe you. “Dad died and…”
You couldn’t. You didn’t know where to start, or if it even mattered now. 
“Arbo Sylvad was your dad,” Shanks murmured, sitting up a little straighter while he studied you. 
“You’re Sylvad’s heiress.”
“No, I'm not,” you snapped at Mihawk, not caring when his golden eyes flared at you. “Uncle Cedrick got everything. Dad always said it would go to… I was fifteen when he…”
Crocodile’s silver eyes were like molten metal, and you choked on your grief as you watched him stand. He walked to that giant desk of his, and when he returned to drop your thick notebook in your lap, you flinched, bracing for pain. 
“Unreliable,” he growled, tapping the notebook with his hook as he brought his eyes down to yours, his frightening face so close. 
“Everything I said was true,” you pleaded, mind blanking out with fear while Mihawk came to touch Crocodile’s shoulder. He didn’t budge, and though your mouth went dry, you forced yourself to explain. “Those people are unreliable! They'd talk to people that could cause problems for the Guild. People with connections to the Marine’s.”
“Like your Uncle?”
“What do you mean, boss,” Buggy tried to redirect, his hand on the hook that was digging into the back of the chair, his body leaning against the larger man’s shoulder. “They just sell trees and stuff, right?”
“Every single Marine ship on the fucking water right now was built with Sylvad wood,” Crocodile fumed, Mihawk’s hand stroking along his arm as you shrank beneath those silver eyes. “Hells, almost every ship that sails out of Water 7 is built with that lumber.”
“I don’t get it,” Shanks complained from his chair, though you couldn’t see him past the angry man in front of you. “If you’re the heiress of Sylvad’s, why were you working? You were an accountant or something, right?”
“Investment banker,” Buggy bragged, and you almost smiled that he remembered. “My girl’s a fancy financial advisor.”
“Let’s give our girl some breathing room, Crocodile. We don’t know everything yet.”
You only heard Mihawk’s whispered words because Crocodile was a hair's breadth away. He brought his thumb to rub along one of your cheeks, and the back of his hook to smooth along the other. 
“Tell daddy everything, alright, sweetheart?”
Your eyes fluttered shut until he pressed into your cheeks, slow tears falling from your eyes when you nodded for him. 
“Yes, daddy.”
The warm kiss he pressed to your temple made you want to disappear. Nothing. Nothing ever again. 
You were barely there as the words fell from your lips. Eyes unfocused, hanging loosely around the little table by Mihawk’s seat. You smiled to yourself when you realized it looked strange without a glass of wine on it. 
“Dad died on a business trip. Freak storm. Left everything to Uncle Cedrick. Kat and I got our trust funds for school. Mom got nothing.”
“I think we’ll need more than that, little rabbit,” Mihawk cautioned as he glanced over at Crocodile's stern face. 
“Can I have a drink fir–”
“No,” said the three men on the couch. 
Holding your head in your hands for a bit, you tried to figure out how to say the least amount of painful words to get them to leave you alone. 
“Uncle took us in. He was such a caring person, taking in his brother’s poor daughters, his lonely wife,” you spat, venom dripping from your lips. “I didn’t want to belong to him. My trust fund paid for the best education out there, but all my friends stopped… When they knew I had nothing to give them, they treated me like shit. I kept doing what I'm good at, and I got the fuck out. Went to go live that stupid, boring life.” 
Growling with the frustration of spilling this pathetic, entitled trash, you stood to pace behind your chair, waving your notebook around as if you could make it burst into flames with your will alone. 
“I am fucking amazing at my job, but most of these people just looove the thought of the poor little heiress helping them get richer. Most of them can’t wait to put me in their little collection. Add me to their fucking shelf. Just gotta ask Uncle how much his little niece– FUCK!”
The notebook went flying, skidding across the floor while you shoved the heavy chair over, yelling, raging, kicking that stupid green chair until your shoes fell off, your toes fucking hurt, until your clown stopped you.
“Baby, please,” he soothed, his upper body floating to keep your struggling form from reaching anything on the ground to hit. “It’s okay, star, I’m right here. Fuck those assholes, right? Who needs ‘em!”
Part of you felt guilty for not laughing at his sweet attempt, but the rest of you needed to fight or flee. 
Flee from these powerful men that were already using you to make money. 
“Put me down!”
Buggy’s whispered, “star,” hurt like hell. You held yourself still when he set you down gently, back in your spot as you faced the couch again, although your chair was kicked off to the side. 
“Wanna know how high to set the ransom,” you challenged, your clenched fists shaking at your sides. You couldn’t think clearly enough to read their darkened eyes, even Buggy’s as he took his place between them. “Just so you know, Uncle doesn’t like me that much. He’d probably be happier if you killed me. Or you could buy me, that’d make him extra hap–”
Sand flooded the space around you. It lifted you off the ground, and your breath caught as the coffee table got thrown to the side. You met those silver eyes just before you were in his arms, your legs stretched across the laps of the other men on the couch. 
“What…” you wondered, mind in a daze.
“You thought I’d sell my sweet girl,” Crocodile hummed, kissing the top off your head.
“You told me you would,” you reminded, your body and mind feeling distant, separate from whatever this strange world had become. “How much am I worth? Just keep being valuable, useful? You were already gonna sell me or kill me before you knew what a goldmine I was.”
The icy anger that laced your words made every hand on you go still. Crocodile froze as he started to rock you, and your body couldn’t choose between guilt at hurting them, or anger and fear at what they would do. 
“I think I’m drunk,” you whispered, wanting them to let you go, and wishing that they never would.
“No shit,” Buggy laughed, “I’m surprised you’re alive after that.”
His hands started massaging your legs on his lap, rubbing up and down nervously while you closed your eyes.
“Can I go lie down?”
“I’ll take you, star.”
Crocodile and Mihawk’s hands dragged along your skin as Buggy lifted you into the air, but neither stopped him from taking you. Neither stopped him from floating you away.
Neither called you pretty names as you left the room. 
“I’ve got you,” Buggy promised. 
Getting her onto that giant bed felt like a race. Something was right behind him. Something would stop him.
Something would take her away again. 
Finally there, he wrapped his arms around her, leaning against the headboard while her scotch scented breath warmed his chest. 
“Your breath stinks, baby.”
Maybe it was a laugh, but that choked sound made his chest tight, like a huge hand was crushing his ribcage. 
I can’t do anything. Fucking useless. Can’t help her.
“Shh, I’m right here, star,” he promised. The sound of his name on those quivering lips sent fire, rage, and guilt straight through him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He could never leave her. He could never leave her with them after this. Even if they…
Buggy kissed her temple, trying to be soothing while he waited for them to crash through the door.
Waited for them to take her from him.
Not a sound.
Not a sound filled the air as the men in the lounge sat with the news that their little lover was the heiress of Sylvad’s.
Not a sound from the two men on the couch as her accusations weighed on them, as though she hadn’t left their laps with those angry, frightened tears in her eyes. 
“That sure is something,” Shanks whistled softly. He stood to pick up Y/N’s chair, sitting across from them. “What are you gonna do with—“
“Find somewhere else to be,” Crocodile fumed, his body vibrating with the need to hurt something.
Shanks nodded, giving a crooked smile, before leaving them alone. Mihawk stared after his old friend, images of comfort he couldn’t provide burning behind his eyes.
He’s going to take them both. 
Serves us right.
Crocodile’s angry huff pulled Mihawk out of those thoughts, watching the man stomp toward the bar. The coffee table his sand had moved laid in his path, until it splintered and scattered from the touch of his vicious foot in that lovely shoe. 
The swordsman floated after him, still in a daze while the larger man imitated their girl, chugging a glass of scotch. 
Mihawk stared, but didn’t speak, didn’t touch.
Crocodile set the glass down before he shattered another one. 
“She lied—“
“Can you blame her,” Mihawk laughed coldly while the other man paced. Silver eyes shot like daggers, but Mihawk couldn’t seem to care about anything at the moment. “She told the truth, just not all—“
“She didn’t trust me.”
He sat again, staring at the floor after those stupid words had left him.
“I don’t…” Mihawk started, pushing himself to move, pushing himself to try. He sat down, and touched a hand to Crocodile’s shoulder, leaving it there after his scarred lover flinched. “We haven’t given her much reason to, have we?”
Not a sound after that. 
“Y/N! You can’t just leave,” Kat reasoned, pulling the clothes out of your hands before you could stuff them into your suitcase. “What about mom? What about the company?”
“Mom made her choices,” you growled, pulling the clothes back from your sister’s shaky hands. “And I don’t care about the fucking company. It’s not mine.”
“Not if—“ 
“It’s not mine. I’m sick of this fucking life. I’m getting out.”
“... What about me?”
That stopped you. But only for a moment. 
“I’m sure he’d let you come if—“
“Are you fucking kidding me right now,” she shouted, pushing you toward your messy suitcases. “He’s a pirate! If he doesn’t hurt you before, what do you think he’ll do when he finds out who you are?”
“I don’t care,” you fumed as you stared your little sister down. “I'm bored of this stupid life.”
Kat’s mouth hung open, the hurt and pain in her eyes making you want to take it all back, to beg for forgiveness.
But you couldn’t. You couldn’t waste this chance to be free. 
“You really have a death wish, you know that? That clown is going to get you killed,” Kat breathed, her voice growing colder as she turned to leave. She didn’t look back when she said her goodbye, just waved her hand over her shoulder. “I’ll look out for the ransom note.”
Burning sleep, and stormy seas.
Dad’s voice calling for you. 
You could never find him before the ship went under, before all that Sylvad wood splintered beneath the raging waves.
“Buzz off, idiot,” Buggy ordered in a harsh whisper, Shanks’ smiling face peeking through the cracked door. Buggy had left his body on the bed to hold Y/N as she whimpered, nightmares ruining her scotch and stress induced nap. 
His head floated by the door, frowning at his old friend. 
“It’ll just be a second, Bugs, I swear.”
Shanks’ smile stretched even wider when Buggy agreed, floating his head out into the corridor.
“This better be good, asshat.”
Shanks felt it. This was it. He could have them both. 
He needed them both. 
“Let’s take her with us, Bugs.” 
Buggy’s look of shock was exaggerated by those red lips of his, and Shanks had to hold himself back from kissing them.
“But she… but it’s dangerous…”
Buggy wasn’t sure he’d actually heard those words, or if he’d fallen asleep, dreaming beside his star. Too many emotions rushed through him, but all he could think about was her. 
“Would you rather leave her here with them,” Shanks rasped, his eyes doing that heavy thing they do, although there wasn’t much of Buggy’s body to drag them down. “We can protect her. You and me, Bugs.”
The clown had to fight his body to stay still as he held her in the other room. The need to move, to fidget, to pace, made him dizzy. 
“What if she doesn’t wanna go,” Buggy wondered. Images of Y/N smiling, laughing, screaming, flew through his mind, each one making him doubt that he could ever make her as happy as she’d seemed once things had started to settle here. 
“I already asked her. I know she’ll say yes. She wants you to be happy, Bugs. Just like I do,” Shanks confessed, brushing a bit of blue hair out of Buggy’s face. He rubbed his thumb across those red, parted lips. 
So close to everything. 
“When did—“
Shanks watched his clown fly away from him, hopeful that it’d be the last time. 
Buggy flew away from his old friend, every confusing thought going blank besides the need to comfort that soft, scared voice. 
“Right here, got you, baby.”
“Buggy,” you whimpered as new tears fell. 
“Shh, you’re okay. Everything’s okay.”
Painted lips covered your face, kissing your tears away until you shivered, his soothing hum blocking out everything else. 
His touch kept it all at bay. 
Every split second of memory was grief, so you curled against him, running your hand along his side. Your body writhed, whining for him as he stroked your hair and back, then pulled away.
“Hey, star, it’s o—“
“Please, touch me, Buggy,” you begged as you reached for him. “I need you so much, I need you…” 
Pathetic grief poured back in at the memory of what you’d witnessed last night, but you couldn’t fight your need for him. 
“Please, touch me.”
“Just tell me if it’s alright, okay, star," he breathed after pausing to study your face, tracing his fingers along your cheeks.
“Please,” you gasped, his lips on your neck were saving your life. Saving you from your mind. 
A touch against Mihawk’s tender bite mark brought the world back, but then Buggy was tearing you both out of your clothes, kissing down your arms, your chest, your stomach. Kissing every inch of your skin until you were crying with need instead of pain. 
Begging, begging for more. 
“Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll take care of you, star.”
Breathy, desperate moans left your throat as his fingers plunged deep inside you, and he swallowed the rest of your sounds in a wild kiss. His tongue was eating, tasting, and you almost laughed into his mouth at the memory of scotch, until his free hand found your clit. 
The fingers inside you were perfect, knowing exactly what you needed. Finding that spot, giving you steady touches that built in pressure and speed until you were clenching around his fingers, body shaking with pleasure and gratitude. 
“So beautiful,” Buggy praised, his voice full of a quiet awe as he smiled down at you. “You okay, baby?”
“Fuck me, Buggy,” you pleaded as your weak arms failed to pull him closer. “I need you inside me. Need to feel you.”
His eyes were wide, concerned, but he smiled when he kissed you. 
Smiled when he gave you everything you needed. 
How can she be real?
How can she want me this much?
Want me after everything…
Buggy pushed those thoughts aside as he smoothed his ungloved hands down her body. 
Hands that he felt safe letting her touch. Just like his bare face that he could let her see. 
He let out his own soft, needy noise as he watched her writhe and squirm, begging for him to touch her.
“Fuck,” he hissed, just the touch of her perfect, dripping pussy against his sensitive tip was too much. Too much as he lined himself up.
“Look at me, Buggy,” Y/N cried out, her watery eyes swallowing him whole, just as he sank his cock deeper and deeper. He couldn’t hold in his moans at the pure fucking bliss that she held inside her, that she let him feel. 
“Look at me, please.”
Buggy kept his eyes on hers, her request setting off alarm bells in his mind that he had to shut down, throw out. 
She wants to look at me like this. She wants to see my face. There’s only one per—
“Buggy! I’m close, please,” she panicked, reaching up into his hair, pulling gently as her breathing went ragged. “Need to feel you, want you so bad.”
“I want you too, star, I’m right— oh gods, baby. Fuck, you feel soo good…”
Y/N screamed his name.
His name. 
Over and over while he shoved his cock as far as he could go, claiming that sweet, warm pleasure she let him take. 
Y/N pulled him in, her body made to take his come, made to milk him, to drain him, to let him fuck it back into her while she babbled, while her eyes crossed, while that cute little tongue hung out of her perfect lips.
All for him. 
Still sunk deep inside her, Buggy soothed and calmed her frantic noises, kissing her temple.
“I love you so much. My shining star.”
What a feeling to say those words. What a feeling to mean them. To have someone to say them to. 
“I love you, Buggy. I love you so much.”
What a feeling.
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
a/n: I've been so nervous to add anything new to this world. I hope you don't mind some back story. And some Buggy time 😭😭😭
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Part 20
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bangaveragewhitewine · 10 months
Pinch Me
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After your first date with a familiar face from home, waking up next to Steve feels like something out of a dream. 
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This is a follow on from Clean Slate but can be read as standalone fic. 
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings/Content: Both you and Steve are in your late-twenties and were in school together; you met again on a blind date almost ten years later. This is an 18+ fic; oral (reader receiving), penetrative sex. Spoiler but use of ‘good girl’ in a sexy content. Steve Harrington being a smooth mf comes with it's own warning.
I have tried to leave physical descriptions as neutral and inclusive as possible! Some mentions of anxiety and insecurity. Plenty of kissing to make up for that! 
Author’s Note: Clean Slate was intended to be a one off fic but here we are! This is my first attempt at smut in a fic, so hopefully it’s not horrendous! Thank you for reading, enjoy!
Thank you to my lovely @specialagentmonkey for beta reading for me💖
Once again, this is an 18+ fic. Please do not do any AI fuckery with my work or repost on other sites.
(divider by me)
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Ever since you were little, your bed had been one of your favourite places. Soft sheets, books on the bedside table and a perfectly curated stack of pillows all topped off with the quilt you had made with your grandma before her arthritis got too bad. 
In your mom’s photo albums there was more than one snapshot of you as a sleepy toddler with a wild bed head peeking up from your pillow on Christmas morning. Another few of you reading Nancy Drew in a pillow nest with a gap toothed smile. 
By now, you had made your own little nest out in the big bad world now; a surprisingly roomy studio with big windows and noisy neighbours on one side. You had bought new sheets and a duvet printed with dusty pink roses on porcelain white cotton, curated a new stack of pillows and added too many decorative cushions on top of the same quilt that had made the move with you to Indianapolis and on to Chicago. There were still books on your bedside,  a little dish for your jewellery to sit in while you slept, and an accumulation of lip balms, pillow mist and a candle or two to set the mood. 
After long shifts and bad dates, your bed was still your haven. When you were particularly anxious, you could still hear the shrill of your old alarm blaring in your ears; the sound of that clock that had dragged you from sweet dreams in your beloved bed on chilly winter mornings. Some mornings, as you rode the subway to work, you swore you could hear your bed’s own siren song calling you to get off at the next stop, come home to read and nap the day away. 
The sanctuary was for you alone, save for an occasional sleepover with your best friend Annie. Your dates were never invited to stay and make themselves comfortable. But this morning, waking up with Steve Harrington in your bed? That was new. 
It was safe to say that your blind date went well. Really well. 
You had resolutely avoided talking about school, only mentioning people each other might have remembered in the context of a story about your lives outside Hawkins. Steve was still in touch with a lot of people from home. You recognised some of their names; Robin who grew up a street away from you, Eddie Munson who you knew from art class and the occasional house party in your youth, even Nancy Wheeler. The way he lit up with so much fondness for ‘his kids’ who weren’t kids anymore made your face ache from smiling.
And Steve had listened, wanted to hear how you had liked Indianapolis for college (he had spent some time there too before making the move to Chicago with Robin after Eddie had sussed the place out and found an apartment near his own for them that they still shared). He had asked about your job, your life in the city, and took a real interest in you. 
His attention had stayed on you, never straying to see who else was around or looking for an escape route. His honeyed gaze had stayed focused, watching how you used your hands when you spoke and dipped occasionally to look at your lips. Steve’s hand had stayed close by when his fingers weren’t outright intertwined with yours. He did this thing with his thumb, stroking it across the bone of your wrist, and a few times he had squeezed your hand while you spoke as if to say ‘go on, I’m listening’ - it was so centering for your often anxious mind.
You had a few more drinks, picked a few songs on the jukebox, kept talking and talking until you were sitting close enough to hear Steve’s stomach growl, making his cheeks flush pink. 
“I know a pizza spot close by if you’re hungry?” you suggested. 
“DiFontaines?” Steve smiled a little, nodding at your suggestion. “Yeah I love it. Let’s go.”
Neither of you wanted to end the night yet, say goodbye. So you didn’t. Instead you headed hand in hand into the warm night air, nicely buzzed and in search of hot pizza and crispy cold sodas. 
The sun had dipped in the sky, taking the worst of the heat with it, but the night stayed humid and sticky. Despite the warmth, Steve held your hand and between stories, as you walked down the next block, he lifted his arm to twirl you when you passed a bar blaring Achy Breaky Heart onto the street; Billy Ray’s crooning was eclipsed by your laughter. 
“You’re such a dork,” you giggled, pushing him gently before Steve quickly hugged you against his side again. Never had you felt so comfortable on a first date - but this wasn’t just any blind first date. 
“Dork?! You been talkin’ to Robin?” Steve smiled down at you, sparking heat in your belly. 
“Guess your reputation precedes you, Harrington.” With a burst of bravery, owing it to your younger self, you bounced up on your toes to peck his cheek before taking off a few steps ahead, turning to grin back at him as he jogged to catch up before you swerved into the pizza place. 
You joined the line of late night pizza lovers and Steve had slipped an arm around you, leaned his chin on your head as your heart pounded hard. “So, what’re we getting?” he asked.
The familiarity of it all made you feel fuzzy around the edges, his thumb stroking your shoulder, the heat of him pressed against your side. 
“It’s probably sacrilegious but the New York style slice, veggie or… artichoke.” Feeling brave again you cover his hand with yours and squeezed. “You?”
“Okay so we’re both sinners then.” He hummed, considering his options. “You’re vegetarian right?”
“Yeah, I try to be.” You liked how he had remembered a tiny detail from a story told hours ago.
“Okay. Four cheese then.”
“You sure?” Your interest piqued. 
“Yeah, ‘course. You might not want a goodnight kiss if I have pepperoni breath.”
You swear your jaw dropped as Steve schooled his smile, watching the group of tipsy tourists ahead of you order their slices before his eyes darted back to you. 
Steve was more timid, his voice quieter as he filled the silence between you when you had been too stunned to answer. “It’s also totally fine if you don’t want to kiss me, sweetheart. I know I can lay it on ki-“ 
Instead you rocked up to close the gap between you, ignoring the pinch of your sandals to lay a kiss onto his lips. Steve was quick to cup your cheek, keeping you there to kiss you back just as sweetly. 
His nose has nudged against yours before he let you go, gazing into each other’s eyes until your attention was pulled to ‘order or get out’. His arm had stayed around you as you placed your orders, splitting a third classic deep dish slice between you so you wouldn't be run out of town with torches and pitchforks. 
Full of pizza and soda and bravery, you had taken Steve’s hand again and strolled through the sticky Chicago night, steering him toward your apartment with the guise of proving that the same pink scrunchie you wore in high school was in fact on your bedside table. You both knew what you were really suggesting. 
Part of you niggled away, expecting him to make a polite excuse to head home instead. But Steve only had eyes for you and sealed the deal with another kiss. You lost yourselves in each other, feeling younger together, and made out with Steve’s back against the shutters of somewhere long closed for the night as he squeezed your hips and you toyed with the ends of his hair. It was with regret that he had to tear himself away from your lips to hail a cab for you both, where you did your best to behave on the way to your apartment.
As you lay in bed that next morning, watching how Steve’s chest rose and fell with breath, how soft he looked in sleep, you felt warm and happy. His golden glow was just as dazzling in the morning light.  
Your night together had been unrushed. Steve hadn’t just hit it and quit it with you. No, instead you had kissed and kissed, making out and letting your hands roam like two teenagers except there was no hurry; no seven minute deadline or someone pounding on a guest room door to see if it was occupied. The rumours in school had been true; Steve Harrington was an amazing kisser. You had listened to a friend of a friend rave about his soft lips after a lucky spin the bottle in junior year; now you had tasted him for yourself, you understood why she had brought it up so much. But Steve was in your bed now, not hers, you thought smugly. 
On the way from the couch to your bed, he had unzipped your dress and you made sure his powdery blue shirt wouldn’t be too creased in the morning, draping it over the back of a chair instead of leaving it balled up on the ground. 
Steve had made sure you knew how beautiful he thought you were, kissed you everywhere before taking his time with you and spent an age between your legs as he worked you open for him. Lying there the next morning, you could feel your face heat up when you remembered how his touch set you on fire. The pleasant all over ache weighed you down into your mattress. 
With a messy bed-head, Steve woke a little after you and saw you smiling dreamily to yourself. He reached out to pull you closer, tucking his face into your neck. 
“Mornin’.” His voice was gravelly and deep. 
“Morning.” You brush his hair back gently and dot a kiss to his forehead before stroking your fingers over his shoulders soothingly, dragging them down his arm.  
“S’nice,” he said, lips moving against your neck before he pressed a few kisses there. 
Lying face to face on your pillow, your fingers played with the fine gold chain that settled around his throat, dipping lower into the thick hair on his chest. 
“I had a really good time last night.” Steve’s fingers walk up your arm, before twirling your hair around one carefully. 
When you look up at him, he’s got this little smile on his face. He inches closer, letting his gaze drop to your own smiling mouth before you share a slow morning kiss. 
“Me too,” you whisper, settling your hand on the side of his neck before returning his kiss again. Your fingers skate across and behind the lobe of his ear, the underside of his jaw and the shade of stubble there. 
With his large soft hands, he drags you closer still, pressing you right up against him. The t-shirt you had pulled on after the sweat on your body had started to cool last night was rucked up over your hip as Steve’s thumb strokes the dip there. 
You sigh into his mouth, feeling warm all over despite the chill of your box fan to cool the room down. This morning you're warmed by the heat and glow that radiates from Steve Harrington, hotter than the sun itself. 
“You’re really beautiful,” he murmurs against your lips, shifting his weight so you’re on your back again with one of his thighs slotted between yours. Steve brushes your hair back, fanning it out over the pillow before dipping down to kiss you again. He leaves you breathless before his lips trail lower to your jaw and neck. 
It’s an intimacy you hadn’t had with anyone in a long time, feeling safe enough with Steve to let yourself be loved on like this. You will yourself to be present with him, bask in his glow as it warms you, but barbs of anxiety have crept in to distract you.
Last night was amazing, slow and syrupy and tender. If that had been the last time you ever saw Steve Harrington you could have probably died happy - happier than before anyway. But instead he stayed, and as he kisses you again (morning breath ignored and forgotten). Steve didn’t care that you had faded into the background of your shared high school halls, he had loved how you had the bravery to break out of Hawkins and be you now. 
Steve notices you tensing up and peels himself back, thumbing your cheek again as he says your name. “Do you want me to stop?” he asks, concern in his eyes. It makes your heart ache. 
You shake your head and cover the hand on your cheek. “No. Never.” You pull him to you again and relish the weight of him on top, your hands over his shoulders. “I’m getting in my head. You’re straight out of a dream, Steve. I feel like asking you to pinch me.”
You feel a little embarrassed about being quite so honest with him like this, but he oozes a magnetism and calmness that makes you want to tell him everything. But you don’t want to scare him away, be left waiting for another call that’s not coming, or hear him say ‘that was fun but I’m not looking for anything serious right now’. 
He smiles and leans his weight on one strong arm so he’s not totally crushing you. “I can, if you want. But I promise I’m real. And I’m just some guy.” 
You laugh. “Some guy? Nah Steve, I think you might be some sort of apparition. Or like, a Greek god.” You squeeze his bicep for emphasis. “Definitely dreaming.”
Steve rolls his eyes, playful, and pinches your cheek lightly. “See? Silly.” He presses a kiss to where he pinched before going in for another on your smiling mouth. Steve was not shy or stingy with his kisses, you had learned. You liked that a lot. 
“I think you’re pretty amazing, y’know. If you’re not sick of me yet, would you wanna go for breakfast with me?” Steve kneels up between your thighs, the sheets pooling around his hips. Your eyes go right to the white Calvin’s pulled tight over the thickness of him. Your eyes rake up over his body until you’re caught staring, ogling, and Steve smiles when you pull a pillow over your face. You certainly hadn’t been so shy last night; he laughs and lifts it away to gaze down at you, hoping you will say yes. 
“C’mere. Then you can take me for breakfast.” You coax him back down, hooking one leg over his hip. “Prove to me again that you’re not just in my imagination?”
Steve grins and rolls himself down over you. “You been imagining me like this? Scandalous,” he teases before resuming his kisses from earlier, which you are eager to return. Your bodies move together, hips tilting toward each other seeking out that pressure that makes your tummy sizzle. As Steve’s hands slip under your sized-up sleep shirt again, your own dips down to cup him through his underwear. His breath hitches, eyes fluttering shut. 
You smile and repeat the movement firmer this time before beginning to coax him to hardness, breaking your hold on him only to help him remove your tshirt. It’s lost to the floor along with Steve’s briefs. His breath is hot against your mouth as your bodies press together. The feeling of Steve’s hands on your breasts draws out a whine that’s swallowed by another kiss; his hands are so big and they feel like they are everywhere, like Steve is everywhere. His mouth and hands trail lower, spreading you out for him on your dusty rose bedsheets. He cups you there, thumb swiping in a delicious rhythm that has you gasping against his shoulder. 
“I’ve got you,” he whispers, kissing the tops of your breasts. “Let me hear those pretty noises again, baby. Please?” 
You whimper as his fingers ease you open, so gentle like the polite ‘please’. Steve had proven he was a talker already last night, his words making you feel hot all over as he had pushed so carefully inside, turning tipsy giggles into needy gasps. You felt the same heat engulf you now as he lay wet kisses to your tummy, your hips, pausing only so that he could lie comfortably between your thighs after shouldering his way between them. 
He’s looking up at you, his cheek against the meat of your thigh. Lips curve into a smile when you meet his gaze, and he closes his eyes when you stroke his hair back. One of his hands takes yours and rests together on your belly as he dips to kiss you where you need him, humming against you when you gasp his name. 
Your eyes drop closed, fireworks bursting behind them as he makes you feel so good. The once or twice any other man had done this was lacklustre in skill and enthusiasm, which Steve possessed in every cell of his being. When you chance looking at him you spot his hips shifting against the mattress, chasing relief for his own ache which makes you moan louder. His whispered “good girl” sends your eyes rolling back into your skull. 
Steve brings you to your peak quicker than anyone ever had before. Mindful that you might be a little tender from the night before as he presses one long and thick finger inside before a second joins it a few moments later, gentle but with a purpose of making you forget your own name. His shoulder presses firm against your thigh, spreading you wider as his fingers pump steadily, keeping the pace and press against the spot inside you that makes you feel fit to explode. 
You squeeze his arm while your capacity for coherent speech vanishes, focusing only on the swirl and suck of his mouth and the crook and curl of his fingers. It’s so sudden, and you swear you’ve never made a noise so loud as you moan for him, trembling all over. He whispers his praise against your thigh before bringing his mouth back to where you’re weeping for him and doesn’t stop until your thighs are crushing his ears, muffling your voice. 
Chest heaving, you feel him move up to check on you. He brings you close, holding you as you glow with him and presses feathery kisses to your hairline. “You still with me? Not still dreaming about me?” 
“Mm, think I died,” you manage, peeking up at him with teary eyes. Another tender kiss to the dopey smile on your lips. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, sweetheart.” 
His grin is deservedly cocky, earning himself the warm grasp of your hand around his length. The prettiest frown graces his face as you squeeze and slowly pump your hand, your lips moving to his neck. 
Steve’s gaze moves from your face, dragging down your body to where your hand holds him. His size makes your hand look small and you feel the kick of his arousal on your palm. You manage to swing one wobbly leg over him, sitting on the breadth of his thighs with new confidence as he holds you steady. 
You lean across him, earning kisses to your chest as you fish for a condom to rip open and roll on to him before lowering yourself down into his lap. 
Sinking your teeth into the fat of your lower lip at the stretch of him, Steve huffs out a breathy swear against your chest. His hands settle on your hip and thigh, grounding and never rushing as you breathe into the feeling of him inside you before beginning to move. 
“Fuck,” he murmurs, watching you in awe. “So pretty f’me.”
That spurs you on, chasing the tingle deep in your abdomen. Your fingers lace with Steve’s on your thigh, the other hand braced against the wall behind his shoulder. 
His head leans back by your hand, turning to kiss your wrist as you move in his lap. You curl your arm around him, bringing each other close as his hips hitch up to meet you. 
“So good, baby,” he murmurs, kissing you again as his breath comes quicker now. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty.”
Gasping his name, you hold him tight to you as you move together. He can’t take his eyes off of you, “Good girl, so gorgeous.” 
Messy kisses broken by gasps and Steve’s praise are traded back and forth. His hands feel huge where they hold you at your waist. 
The cord of pleasure deep in your pelvis winds tighter. Steve’s jaw twitches as he holds on to you, and you kiss the tense muscle before whispering, “You make me feel so good.” The sound he makes is almost a whimper and he squeezes the meat of your ass. Your hips continue their rise and roll, you feel like every cell of your body is aflame. 
Steve watches you, praising words fanning the fire low in your belly. The burn in your thighs makes you pause and he takes the chance to kiss you stupid again. 
“Feel good? Yeah?” When you nod, feeling spaced out, he pecks your swollen lips and whispers, “Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” You wonder if he lets anyone take care of him, return his generosity and affections. 
He is so gentle as he holds you to his chest and slouches lower on the bed. You close your eyes at the feeling of being held like this, cheek to his broad shoulder. His feet are flat and firm on the bed and the experimental thrust up into you makes you sigh his name. Steve sweeps your hair to one side so that he can kiss your neck again, checking in with you before continuing. 
His name echoes on your bedroom walls as he grazes the elusive spot inside of you; the way you press right against his pelvis gives a rub of friction that makes lightning zing through your limbs. “That’s it. Huh? Right there?” His voice is tight as he drives up into you again, faster now with the new angle. 
You can hardly summon the sense to make a sentence, babbling now with how good he’s making you feel, the occasional broken curse or plea. After last night and this morning, the neighbours won’t be happy or forget Steve’s name anytime soon - not that you give a fuck. 
You kiss him again, though now you’re both so far gone it’s messy and needy, hot breaths against each other’s cheeks. The lick of his tongue against yours makes you shiver. You feel ready to burst, pleasure building as his hips drive up hard into you
With the feeling of him so deep inside of you, you fall over the edge again. The feeling of your orgasm, clenching and fluttering and soaking, drags him with you, groaning against your neck when his hips slam and stutter still. His arms are tight around you, both heaving deep breaths together. 
Steve eases you both down onto your sides, tangled together. You feel dazed and heavy but the stroke of Steve’s fingers on your hip, his hot breath on your collarbone grounds you until the sounds of Chicago on a Saturday morning remind you that this wasn’t a dream. 
“You okay? That.. Jesus…” Steve’s voice is breathy, but you hear his smile. 
“Yeah. I’m…amazing.”
“Yeah, you are.” 
There’s comfortable silence as you both come back to earth. 
After a few moments Steve dots kisses to your cheeks, forehead and nose before he eases out of you to bin the full condom. Soon you’re back in bed with him, held safe in his arms. His cheeks are pink and you want to squeeze them. 
“You’re so gorgeous, Steve.” Your fingers brush over the moles dotted along his cheekbone, and he catches your hand to kiss your fingers sweetly in distraction. “Hey. Look at me, Harrington.”
“Back to Harrington?” he teases, looking into your eyes with faux intensity to make you giggle. “M’lookin’.”
“Steve. Steven.” You match his teasing with pretend-seriousness.
“Not Steven. Please, baby.” His mouth turns down, exaggerating his unhappiness with you, but the stroke of his fingers on your hip say otherwise.
“Ms O’Donnell called you Steven.”
“Please don’t bring O’Donnell up while my dick is still out.”
You both dissolve into giggles, pressing your face against the chain on his chest. “Shut up, she had that much of an effect on you?! Calling you Steven gets you all worked up? Okay perv, good to know.”
“You’re sick in the head.” His voice is shaky with laughter against your hair. “S’a good thing you’re cute.”
“Mhm. Definitely a sicko. Two cute sickos.” You take his face in your hands again. “You’re a great date Steve Harrington.”
He smiles, but it falls a little - you just about catch it. It makes your heart hurt. Your inability to just say that you don’t want this to be a one time thing makes you want to pull your own hair out. 
“I do my best. I had so much fun with you. I’m just kinda… sick of first dates though. Yknow?” 
“I do know. But that’s not how last night felt.” 
There’s a flash of recognition in his eyes as he nods. 
“Definitely helped that we had a bit of a head start on the ‘where are you from?’ shit..” There’s a twinkle of playfulness in his heart wrenching sincerity. 
“I hate that part.” You look into his eyes. It makes your chest flutter, how he looks at you.
“I know we didn’t know each other all that well in school..”
“Since kindergarten.” Your shrug is tiny, you smile playfully as he groans. 
“Since kindergarten. Shit. What’ve I been doing all this time…” he asks the ceiling.
“Same as me. Getting out of Hawkins. Going on crappy dates...” 
“Mm, true. Growing up, I guess.” He’s quiet for a moment, “Last night wasn’t crappy. Best date I’ve been on in a long long time.”
“Me too. I think I’ll let you take me out again, if you want to…” you say, whispering bravely as you act all playful despite your hammering heart. 
The smile on Steve’s face makes the butterflies in your stomach swoop again. You weren’t the only one who felt so dimmed by dating around, having your heart broken. There’s a beat of silence, charged electric as Steve looks at your lips and you touch his chain again. 
“You like pancakes, or waffles?” Steve’s eyes twinkle. 
You squeeze the bulk of his bicep. “French toast.”
His head tips back in laugh, showing off his delicious throat. “Oh she’s fancy?”
“She is.” 
He leans in to kiss you in more time. “I can do fancy, baby.” 
“You’ve done fancy twice. Fancy is hungry, Steve.”
Your laughter echoes in the golden morning light that fills your room as his fingers skate over your ribs, finding the ticklish spots before he hauls you as close as possible again. 
Steve’s nose presses against your cheek, smooching one more kiss there before sitting up to find his pants. As you stargaze at the constellation on his broad back, you think this might just be the start of something really amazing.
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amsgrey · 1 year
it will be enough
requested: yes
Grisha power wasn't specified, so I picked a random one. (and by picked I mean I literally added them to a spin-the-wheel thing and went with it).
Spoilers for Season Two of Shadow And Bone
warnings: Not proofread or edited, Nikolai being jealous, fluff at the end, more things that I have forgotten
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You met Nikolai when he was still parading as Sturmhond, the witty privateer who was all about money and fun. You had been locked alone in the hull of a slaver's ship for longer than you could remember, wasting away without food, water or the ability to summon. Everything had been a blur, shouting, fighting, and then you were being unchained and helped upstairs. You remembered the first time stepping into the sun after that whole time, it burnt your eyes and you had to shield them with your arm.
You had met Sturmhond on his own boat, someone had laid you in a cot and forced you to drink water. Then, a man in teal had asked you your name, told you you were safe and would have a place on his crew if you wanted it. You had taken him up on it, there was always a space for a Squaller on his crew. Nikolai grew to trust you, and put his faith in you as he did Tamar and Tolya. Since then, you would follow Nikolai anywhere he asked.
That included helping him bring peace back to Ravka with the Sun summoner. You had been hesitant to leave your comfortable life with the crew of the Volkvolny, but you loved Nikolai, you would go with him to the ends of the earth. You and Nikolai had been dancing around feelings for each other for almost as long as you had known each other. Tolya was always teasing you about it, reciting cliché poetry and watching you and Nikolai exchange stolen glances. You were sure they were unrequited feelings, so you never acted on them.
It only got worse after returning to Ravka and meeting with the rest of Nikolai's allies at the Spinning wheel. You saw the way he looked at Alina, the hope that lit up his eyes, she was all he needed now. You tried your best not to be hurt about it, you knew loving a prince would only lead to pain. He would never be able to love you back, a commoner. So you volunteered to join Tolya to travel to Ketterdam. You were born and raised in Kerch, and you had the strongest language skills out of all of the party.
Nikolai hadn't spoken to you since announcing his engagement to the sun summoner, it felt like he was avoiding you. He finally approached you on the Hummingbird the day you agreed to leave.
You turned to find him leaning against the railings, watching you prepare the sails for the journey. "Moi Tsar."
Nikolai cringed, "Not yet."
You smiled, walking over to join him, "Does that mean I can still can you Sobachka?" You laughed, playfully shouldering him like you would do on the Volkvolny.
Nikolai rolled his eyes, "What is your obsession with that name?"
You enjoyed watching him squirm, making fun of him was too easy some days, "I like calling you Sobachka, makes me think of you like a little cute pup."
Tolya interrupted you both before Nikolai could answer, "We getting this show on the road?"
Nikolai took an extra look at you and the bright smile you sported, "Be safe," He ordered, returning to his Prince persona.
"We'll bring back Neshyenyer," You promised.
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Returning to Kerch and meeting the crows felt like a fever dream. Somehow, you slotted into their ranks easily, quickly becoming fast friends. You grew to enjoy Kaz's company as much as the others, something about spending time with someone else from Kerch, who really understood. Besides, he was serious and unwavering and you kind of enjoyed someone who was as serious as you.
After the events in Shu-Han, you were having second thoughts about staying around in Ravka after the war. Nikolai had everything he needed now and Kaz had offered you a place with the Crows if you wanted it. The only thing that was keeping you in Ravka was Nikolai, but why stick around to love someone who would never love you?
You jogged along with Kaz, Wylan and Jesper, headed towards where Nikolai was rumoured to be. You followed Kaz's lead as he peeked over a wall, watching three Grisha rounded on Nikolai and his forces.
"Wylan," Kaz turned to the boy, "Grenade."
Wylan handed it over to him, everyone watching him light the fuse.
You nodded, stretching out your hands to summon wind to propel the grenade to your target. You all watched it make its mark, blowing The Darkling's Inferni back until she lay dead on the battlefield.
Nikolai looked to Tamar, "Where did that come from?"
Kaz stood proudly, declaring, "My Demolitions expert."
You stood to his right, just as proud to be joining the fray.
"Expert?" Wylan mumbled, looking at Kaz. You all looked at him as he corrected himself, "I mean, yes. Expert."
You and Jesper smiled, amused by his fake confidence.
You all took a step forward, sliding down the shingled roof and dropping down the wall. You used your small science to soften everyone's fall, allowing you all to rush towards the gates. Jesper quickly worked on the rust that bound the gates closed, leading Wylan to the barricade Tamar, Nadia and Adrick hiding behind. You and Kaz headed opposite them, where Nikolai was crouched.
As you both rushed over, Kaz muttered, "What nightmare have we gotten ourselves into."
Jesper looked over at your group, "Why's Sturmhond here?"
Tamar frowned at him.
"Round here he goes by Nikolai."
"Nikolai Lantsov," Jesper realized, looking over to the man in question. Nikolai shrugged, you couldn't help the chuckle at Jesper's annoyed expression.
"All this time, close personal friend," He spun his pistols into his hands, preparing for a fight.
Nadia and Tamar looked about as confused as could be, "And you are?" Tamar pressed.
Wylan was tucked behind Jesper, his hand resting on his back, "You must be Tamar." He answered, "We came with your brother."
That didn't seem to make the woman any less confused, but she didn't press it any further.
You all watched the Darklings Squaller and Tide Maker rise to attack again. The tide maker raised her hands, drawing water from the sky to draw her attack. Jesper sprung into action first, followed by Adrick and Nadia who came to his support. Watching Jesper shoot would always entrance you, he was such a great shot, aided by his Durast abilities.
You were about to stand and join the fight when Nikolai stopped you, "Did you get Neshyenyer?"
You nodded, "Zoya, Nina and Inej are finding Alina, they'll get to her."
Nikolai nodded in relief, as you looked him over you realized there was blood staining his jacket.
You pressed your fingers to the blood, "Are you hurt?"
Nikolai followed your gaze to where your hand rested on the stain, "it's- It's not mine."
You looked up at him, seeing the pain in his eyes. You would ask more later, for now, there were more pressing matters than those you'd lost.
Jesper finished his attack on the Tidemaker with the buttons on his waistcoat, lashing out and turning them into their tiny blades. As you looked past Nikolai you watched the Squaler draw lightning to his palms, it crackled and hissed as he tried to amass it.
Kaz nudged you with his crow's head cane, handing it over for you to use as a conductor. You quickly jumped to your feet, rushing to Jesper's side and using Kaz's cane and your powers to channel the electricity. Lightning was notoriously unstable, It didn't react well to being controlled. You threw your hands up, forcing the lighting to connect the two of you through Kaz's cane, then expelling the power back into the storm clouds it came from. The more lightning the Squaller summoned, the harder you worked to draw it away. Eventually, he ceased, knowing he could not lash out with the electricity you too controlled.
"I have Datura Meloxia!" Wylan shouted.
"Wylan! Now."
The boy uncapped the vile, calling for Adrick and Nadia to help him propel the powder, "Air support!"
You and Jesper ducked to avoid the powder being swept into Grisha's face, watching him stumble around in glazed confusion before Tamar sent her axe into his head.
As the Tidemaker tried to fight back one last time, she realized just how effective Jesper's attack had been. Screaming at the realization her fingers were gone. Nikolai was appearing to the side, raising his pistol and firing one last bullet, taking down the final one of the darklings Grisha.
"It's done."
You and Jesper both let out matching sighs of relief. He bent over to retrieve his pistol, then dramatically threw his arm around your shoulders to pull you into a side hug.
"Thanks for that, gorgeous."
You smiled, "My pleasure, Handsome."
You joined Kaz and Nikolai, the two of them eyeing each other. You retrieved Kaz's cane from the mud, handing it over to him with a triumphant smile, "I believe this belongs to you, Brekker."
Kaz took it from you, twisting it in his hand as he admired the crow's head.
Nikolai looked from you to the man who you were grinning at, suddenly less pleased to see Brekker, "I didn't realize you were patriots."
"Well if you die, we don't get paid," Kaz said like it was the most straightforward answer. You couldn't help but laugh, after the stress of the fight and Kaz's arid sense of humour, you needed it.
Nikolai was sure he could listen to you laugh every minute of every day and never get sick of it. He hadn't heard it enough in the last few weeks, and it pained him. He longed for the evenings on the Volkvolny when the crew would laugh and drink without the looming threat of death and destruction.
Everyone smiled when Tolya appeared, pulling his sister in a crushing hug. Nikolai looked around his gathered allies.
"We have to find Alina. If Kirigan brought the fight here, he's gunning for her."
Tolya nodded, "I've cleared us a way into the fort. Come on."
You fell into step with Nikolai at the back of the group, his unofficial bodyguard for the fight you were about to delve back into. Nikolai couldn't help but spare you glances, you looked tired, the lightning summoning had worn you out. He wanted to stop, allow you to rest, and bring back the bright smile you almost always wore. He knew better, though, just plotting along silently beside your group.
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You sat next to Tamar as everyone took a much-deserved breather.
"A moment of sun before we deal with out losses," Nikolai sighed, glancing over the wounded and dying that lay on the grass, "Dominik..."
Tamar comforted her friend quickly, "He did exactly what any of us would have done for each other."
"For you," You added, leaning over and grabbing Nikolai's hand. He glanced down at your clasped hands, giving a small squeeze as thanks.
You all looked up as Alina, Inej, Nina and Mal walked over the hill. Nina stayed by the wounded while Inej and Alina exchanged a few quick words. Alina chased after Mal, leaving Inej to inform the group.
Nikolai thanked the crows for their help, he took Tolya's arm and headed away to address the consequences. You were about to join when Kaz called your name.
You turned to the man, a small frown on your face, "Yes?"
"If you ever feel like coming back to Ketterdam," He spoke, "We would welcome a crow with your abilities."
Jesper and Inej both nodded, showing their support.
You couldn't help the smile that grew, "I'll think about it." You promised, taking your leave to follow after Nikolai and the others.
When you met up with Nikolai, he wouldn't meet your gaze. Looking at everyone else but you. He made preparations for the Darkling to be burned on a pyre, leading all of his most trusted allies to join him. It was strange, that it was all over. There was no more fold, no more bickering or fighting between otkazat'sya and Grisha, it was an entirely new beginning.
You wanted to stand by Nikolai as he addressed your small group, but there was something off about him. He still had yet to make eye contact with you, ignoring your small gestures of comfort. Eventually, you gave up, coming to stand next to Nina behind Alina.
As Nikolai finished his speech, Kaz led his crows away. Nina looked at you, knowing you needed the support. She took your hand, leading you away from the flames with the rest of the crows.
The gathered forces were celebrating as you all exited the sand that was once the fold. Offering all of you drinks and food. You couldn't find the energy to join the festivities, brushing off friends and fellow Grisha to find a quieter space.
You found yourself wandering until you reached the roof of the compound, finding a perch on the edge of a wall looking over the land around the compound.
You let out a quiet gasp in fright when Nikolai appeared at your side.
He quickly grabbed your arm, "Don't fall."
You smiled, "I won't. Probably."
Nikolai chuckled, joining you on the ledge. You were struck by how many times you would sit together like this on the Volkvolny.
"Shouldn't you go find a healer?" You asked, gesturing to the bandages wrapped around his leg.
Nikolai shrugged, "I needed to talk to you first."
You looked away, "About?"
Nikolai was staring at the horizon, clearly also struggling to find the courage to talk. Something had changed between you two for sure.
"What did Brekker say," Nikolai finally spoke after a long silence between you.
You glanced at him, the afternoon sun was illuminating his face. His hair was still cleanly combed back, neatly styled to make him look regal. His cheek was still bruised, the only thing that made him look like the Sturmhond you knew.
"He said if I ever wanted to go home, I had a place with the crows."
Nikolai nodded, "Home to Ketterdam?"
Nikolai knew how much you missed Kerch, you grew up in the countryside on a farm with your siblings. You had stopped in Ketterdam once or twice with the Volkvolny crew, but it wasn't the same as going back to live there.
"I know it sounds crazy," You fiddled with your hands, "I never thought it would be possible to go back, maybe now..."
Nikolai could relate to that, he never felt entirely at home in the Grand Palace, and he didn't think it would ever be possible to. Now he would rule there.
"When are you and Alina leaving for Os Alta?"
"Tomorrow," Nikolai replied, "Tamar and Tolya are taking over captainship of the Volkvolny."
You hummed, "I'm sure they're excited about that, Tolya can stop for all the snacks he wants."
Nikolai laughed, a carefree laugh that made you smile too.
You both sat in peaceful silence for a while, listening to the celebrations going on under your feet. You felt like there was something more to say like you both wanted the other to confess the feelings you shared.
You kept coming back to the fact Nikolai and Alina were engaged. You knew that it wasn't a love match, Alina loved Mal. But even so, they would be tied together for as long as it took for Ravka to rebuild. You were being childish if you thought you and Nikolai could be anything other than friends. And so you were thinking more and more about returning to Ketterdam, joining the crows. Leaving Nikolai would hurt, but it would hurt more watching Nikolai with Alina.
You eventually came to the conclusion there was nothing more you could say, Nikolai clearly did not share your feelings. You cleared your throat, stretching casually and then getting to your feet.
"They're probably missing us," You said, trying to hide your disappointment.
Nikolai didn't respond, staring out at the horizon a while longer.
"You should stay."
You almost didn't hear it, already a few steps away from Nikolai. You turned to face him, "What?"
Nikolai got to his feet and stood before you, giving you his full attention for the first time since leaving the Volkvolny.
"I want you to stay."
You struggled to find any words, gaping at the man before you.
Nikolai kept talking, "I know that I can't ask this of you, I know I Shouldn't. But seeing you with Brekker, the thought of you going to Ketterdam with him-"
Nikolai stopped when you giggled. He frowned at you, "What?"
"Nothing," You giggled.
Nikolai grabbed your hand, "What? Why are you laughing?"
You stifled your laugh, "Are you jealous of Kaz?"
Nikolai faked being offended, "Me? Jealous?"
"Oh, you so are," You cackled, getting a lot of amusement out of watching the Tsar squirm, "Nikolai Lantsov with his damnably handsome looks is jealous?"
Nikolai dropped your hand and threw his hands up in exasperation, "You are the worst."
You grinned, then remembered what he had asked. "Do you really want me to stay?"
Nikolai looked serious again, "I do. I want you to stay with me, by my side."
"But you're engaged to Alina."
Nikolai seemed to realize at the same time you did, he nodded solemnly, "We couldn't be anything to each other in public. At least, not until Alina and I end our engagement."
"You'll end your engagement?"
"It was always the plan," Nikolai explained, "She loves Mal. I love you. It's just for political-"
"You love me?" You cried before you could stop yourself.
Nikolai's face flushed, he scratched his neck sheepishly, "Yes."
"Well," You reached out and took his face in your hands, cupping his cheeks gently, "Aren't you lucky I love you too."
Nikolai's face burst into a cocky grin. He grabbed your waist, firmly holding onto you and dragging you closer to him. He reached one hand u to cup your cheek, guiding a thumb over your cheekbone tenderly.
"I can't believe you were jealous of Kaz," You teased, drunk on the feeling of being so close to Nikolai.
"Shut up," Nikolai scoffed, he leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss. He pulled you even closer until you were flush with his chest. You brought your hands to the back of his neck, twisting your fingers into his hair. You couldn't help but feel relief, the feeling of it washed over you. You had spent the last few days worrying about where you stood. This answered that gnawing fear, Nikolai felt the same.
Nikolai pulled away, pressing his forehead to yours. His arms wound around your waist, holding you close while he stared into your eyes.
Your face was flushed and you were breathless, "I have been waiting years for you to do that."
Nikolai smiled, "I've been wanting to do that for years."
You knew this wouldn't be the end of this discussion, about him and Alina. But for now, you were happy to follow him to Os Alta, to know he felt the same way. That would be enough for now.
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jettingtothemoon · 3 months
Daughter of the Spirits; chapter 12
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➳ pairing: zuko x f!reader ➳ genre: a retelling of the show from season 2 onwards with a heavy focus and expansion on zuko’s story (canon divergent) ➳ warnings: violence, swearing, smut (underaged if your age of consent is above 16), spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the show ➳ word count: 3570 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which y/n comes across the fire nation prince during her stay in Ba Sing Se. ➳ tags: @harmlessoffering, @lammello (i’m sorry if i’m forgetting anyone, lmk if i am or if you want to be added)
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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A New Start
The western air temple, that is where Zuko was sure the avatar would go. It was the nearest place for them to regroup and recuperate. They would be safe there. Well, as safe as they could be. So, the western air temple was where you went.
“We should be careful. They, uh, they probably won’t be very happy to see me,” Zuko stated as he prepared the ropes, making sure they were tight enough for you to safely climb down into the temple.
“You’ve been chasing after them for the better half of a year now, but they haven’t seen you since Ba Sing Se. It was Azula who tried to kill the avatar, not you. I’m sure they’ll be able to find it in their hearts to give you a second chance.”
“Well,” his tone was almost high in guilt as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, “I might have hired an assassin to hunt him down when I found out he was still alive.”
“Zuko!” you yelled, scowling at him.
He hushed you, clearly afraid that someone nearby might hear you, and avoided your angry gaze. “I know, I know. It was a bad idea but it was before I… before I decided to be good.”
You sucked in a deep breath, held it for a few moments and dispelled your anger with a long exhale. A was a trick your mother had taught you when you were young, one that always helped you keep a cool head. It was a teaching Zuko could certainly learn from as well.
Zuko was quick to descend into the temple after that, tugging on the rope when he reached the bottom to let you know it was safe for you to follow. He seemed lost in thought when you landed beside him, the sound of your feet hitting the floor hadn’t even caused him to glance your way.
Then came the sound of a beast, a sound the both of you recognised all too well. Zuko grabbed you and jumped back, making sure to conceal you both as the avatar’s bison flew overhead. He narrowed his eyes before gesturing to a staircase behind you both. “Come on, up here.”
It didn’t take you long to realise that Zuko had been here before, likely on his search for the avatar, which meant the last time he had visited this temple was with his uncle by his side. You could only imagine how strange it must have felt for him to have been here now, still in search of the avatar but this time as a friend.
Zuko insisted you took a moment to rest before seeking out the avatar and his friends. He joked and said the two of you would need all your energy if they turned hostile and chased you away but you knew what was really troubling him.
He, Prince Zuko, was nervous. Nervous of how they were going to react when they found him. Nervous of how he would speak to them. He wasn’t the most sociable person, as you both knew, and he wanted it to be perfect. He wanted to be sure he wouldn’t say the wrong thing, especially when he knew that he was the last person any of them would want to see.
When he was ready and had finished practising his introduction to a nearby toad — much to your own amusement — he took a deep breath and slumped to the ground.
With a soft smile, you sat down in front of him. “It’ll be fine. Just speak from the heart, tell them that you want to help — that we want to help. He’ll need someone to teach him firebending and I doubt he’s got too many options. They’ll come around.”
“Yeah, okay. Speak from the heart. I can do that.” He smiled back at you and pulled himself to his feet with a newfound determination. At the very least, having you by his side helped boost his confidence.
You approached the flying bison as it came to land, frowning just a little when the two of you had gone unnoticed and the avatar and his friends began to climb off on the other side.
“Oh, and you’re gonna love the all-day echo chamber!” the avatar exclaimed, clearly excited to show his friends around one of his people’s temples.
Just hearing his voice almost made you excited too but the looming fear that the conversation you were about to have wouldn’t go well was weighing too heavily on your chest. Zuko only wanted to help, you only hoped they would understand that. At least they had no reason to doubt you, other than the fact that you were once again approaching them by Zuko’s side, but you had tried to help them back in Ba Sing Se. Surely they would remember that.
“I think that’ll have to wait,” the young girl whom you remembered to be called Toph spoke, clearly noticing your presence with her earthbending.
The bison moved aside, revealing both you and Zuko, who raised his hand with a smile. “Hello, Zuko here.”
All four of the group adopted a defensive stance with angry scowls on their faces, clearly expecting you and Zuko to attack. To try and show them you came in peace, you both stood at their mercy, neither of you raising your arms to fight.
“Hey, we heard you guys flying around down there so we just thought we’d wait for you here.”
The bison was the only one to move, roaring loudly before licking Zuko from his feet to the top of his head.
You chuckled as you watched the creature’s clear display of affection. “Looks like someone remembers you.”
When the bison licked his face again, the avatar finally lowered his staff with wide eyes. Not that you could blame them for their confusion since there was no way they could have known it was Zuko who had freed the bison back at Lake Laogai..
Zuko rubbed the slobber from his face as he spoke, “I know you must be surprised to see me here.”
The watertribe boy, Sokka, frowned. “Not really since you followed us all over the world.”
Awkwardly, Zuko looked away. “Right… Well, uh, anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I’ve changed… and I, uh, I’m good now and well, I think I should join your group,” he looked at you and corrected himself, “we should join your group. Oh, and I can teach firebending… to you.”
The four of them only grew more confused, their eyes flicking between you and Zuko. They seemed to be thinking but they had still not let down their guard. Getting them to trust either of you, especially Zuko, was going to be no easy task.
“See… I, uh—”
“You wanna what now?” Toph cut him off with far too much anger residing in her soft features, her jaw almost clenching as she made it clear she thought what Zuko was saying to be crazy.
“You can’t possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? I mean how stupid do you think we are?” Katara snapped before turning her attention to you, “And you? You may have tried to help us back in Ba Sing Se but even now you’re still with him? Don’t you remember all the things he’s done?”
Sokka chimed in next, he too wishing to say his peace, “Yeah, all he’s ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang!”
“I’ve done some good things!” Zuko cut in, trying his hardest to defend himself, “I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That’s something.”
The bison licked him once again, proving to them all that he at least approved of Zuko being there.
“Appa does seem to like him,” Toph concluded and finally began to let down her guard.
“He probably just covered himself in honey or something so that Appa would lick him,” Sokka shrugged, “I’m not buying it!”
You went to speak, hoping that you would be able to sway them, but Zuko beat you to it.
“I can understand why you wouldn’t trust me and I know I’ve made some mistakes in the past—”
“Like when you attacked our village?”
“Or when you stole my mother’s necklace and used it to track us down and capture us?”
The watertribe siblings both stepped forward as they hurled their accusations at him. Zuko had told you that he had hurt them and that they would not be likely to trust him but he hadn’t given all the details. Hearing directly from them some of the horrible things he had done somehow didn’t surprise you but it still hurt to think that he was capable of such things before. He wasn’t that person anymore though and you knew that, you just needed to convince the rest of them of that too.
“Look, I admit I’ve done some awful things,” he confessed and pushed a frustrated hand through his hair, “I was wrong to try and capture you and I’m sorry that I attacked the Water Tribe… and I never should have sent that Fire Nation assassin after you…”
You seemed to realise it before he had because Zuko kept rambling about how he had wronged them and was trying to make things right but all four of them had grown angry once again. They clearly didn’t know that he was the one who sent the assassin after them, not until now.
“Wait!” Sokka cut in again, reaching for his boomerang, “You sent combustion man after us?”
Zuko seemed startled as he realised he had only made things worse but knew that all he could do now was come clean and hope they would eventually come around to the idea of him helping them.
“Well, that’s not his name but—”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to insult your friend!” Sokka remarked with a roll of his eyes, looking about ready to pounce.
“He’s not my friend!” Zuko snapped, clearly growing frustrated that they were still being so hostile toward him when he was all but wearing his heart on his sleeve. Not that you could blame them, in their shoes you would have felt the same.
Toph pointed an accusing finger at him with a scowl. “That guy locked me and Katara in jail and tried to blow us all up!”
Seeming to notice that the avatar was the only one not shouting at him, Zuko sighed and asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.”
Without a word, Aang looked at his friends who all shook their heads with a frown. Then, he cast his eyes to you, someone he himself had seen as an ally once. You pleaded with him without words, silently begging him to give the two of you a chance.
Finally, he spoke, “There’s no way we can trust you after everything you’ve done. We’ll never let you join us!”
Your heart sank in your chest but you were nowhere near as crushed as Zuko. It was his actions that had brought him to this point. All his mistakes and bad decisions leading up to yet another rejection. It only hurt more this time because for once, he really was trying to do the right thing.
“You need to get out of here. Both of you.” Katara glowered at the both of you, her eyes two steely daggers.
Somewhat ready to admit defeat, you moved to place a hand on Zuko’s shoulder to urge him to leave. The two of you would be able to make a difference elsewhere, you were sure of it. Even if the avatar was refusing your help. Before your gentle touch could reach him, however, he burst again and began moving forwards as he flung his frustrated arms in the air.
“I’m trying to explain that I’m not that person anymore!” he cried out, trying one last time to convince them of his sincerity.
The four of them readied themselves once again, clearly taking his frustration as a sign of aggression. Once again, you couldn’t blame them. His notorious temper was getting the better of him again — a temper they had only seen before a fight.
“Either you leave, or we attack,” Sokka exclaimed, once again threatening Zuko.
The prince bowed his head before kneeling before them. “If you won’t accept me as a friend, then maybe you’ll take me as a prisoner.”
“Zuko…” you spoke with a soft breath, worried but also warmed by what he was willing to give up to help them.
“No! We won’t!” With a swing of her arm, Katara sent a force of water flying towards Zuko, knocking him back.
You ran to his side, kneeling in the puddle to help the drenched prince up.
“Get out of here and don’t come back!And if we ever see you again, well, we better not see you again!”
Dejected, he let you help him to his feet and shrugged you off, bowing his head as he walked away.
Before following him, you looked at the four of them, your eyes finally falling on the avatar as you spoke, “I know it might be hard to believe but he really is just trying to help.”
They didn’t utter a word as you followed after him, walking in silence as you left the western air temple.
You couldn’t blame them for their lack of trust in him, or you for that matter, but it still hurt to see Zuko so downtrodden. Finally, he decided to do what is right only to be ridiculed and chased away.
“Ugh, I can’t believe how stupid I am!” he began as he paced up and down, speaking more to himself than you, “I mean, what was I thinking? Telling them I sent an assassin after them? Why didn’t I just say Azula did that? They would have believed that! Stupid!” He groaned again and fell to his knees with a thud.
“You told them the truth, Zuko. That’s all you could have done. You tried and that’s better than not trying at all,” you tried to reassure him but he only flopped down onto his back, letting his hair spill out across the ground.
You sighed and moved to lay beside him, both of you watching the leaves sway in the canopy above. “Your uncle would be proud, you know.”
He turned his head towards you and waited until his eyes met yours before speaking, “You think so?”
With a tender smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you reached up to cup his cheek, smoothing your thumb across his skin. “I know so.”
He smiled back and pressed his forehead to yours, sinking into the warmth of your touch.
“I just… I don’t know what to do now. I can’t go home, not that I want to, and I can’t face my father alone. Not when it’s Aang’s destiny to stop him.”
You pulled back and sat up, stretching your limbs before rising to your feet. “We’ll find those that we’ve lost. We’ll find your uncle and then go search for my parents. If we can help anyone suffering at the hands of the Fire Nation along the way then we will. We don’t have to confront your father head on to make a difference.”
Zuko hummed and closed his eyes only for them to jolt back open when you lightly kicked his side.
“Well, come on then. If we’re going to be fighting firebenders I should at least know some basic moves.”
He crossed his brows and began to sit up, looking at you questioningly. “You want me to teach you?”
You only grinned. “Well, who else is going to?”
“Hmm, since you already know how to hold a flame I think we can start off with some basic techniques.” He returned your smile and stood before you, adopting a stance you had seen him use time and time again.
Standing opposite him, you tried your best to mimic his stance. He circled you, eyes scanning for any flaws, and nudged your knee forward, forcing you into a slightly lower squat. When he came back into sight again, he crossed his arms and hummed in approval.
“Good. Now, take a deep breath in. It is this breath that becomes the energy you need to extend from your body, creating fire.” He returned to his position and demonstrated, taking in a deep breath before punching a fist out in front of him. With a burst, flames shot from his fist, flickering around his knuckles and flew through the air beside you.
You steeled your expression and strengthened your stance, determined to learn at least some control over the element you feared most. As Zuko had done before you, you sucked in a deep breath, focusing on how it felt as it travelled through you. It was similar to the breath you had taken earlier to dispel your anger and you could feel the energy tingle under your skin as you focused it into your fist which curled at your side.
The prince watched on intently, moving to the side as you closed your eyes. When they opened again, you pushed your fist forward through the air with great force and, to your surprise, nailed the move first time.
Zuko clapped, applauding you as he stated, “You’re a natural.”
As the hours passed by, you were relieved to have managed to provide a good distraction for Zuko as he taught you move after move, honing your firebending skills. By the time the sun began to set and the cold night air closed in, you felt much more confident that you would be able to divert attacks from other firebenders by using their own flames against them.
You found some food for the night and made a small fire to keep you warm before cuddling up under a makeshift tent. Although you were worried Zuko would find it hard to sleep with so much still on his mind, you were relieved to find that teaching you had worn him out. His soft breaths hit your ear as he slept with one arm slung around you, holding you close.
The two of you slept for a while before you felt Zuko stirring beside you, sitting up slightly as he called out, “Who’s there?”
You sat up beside him, eyes peering through the darkness to see who or what was out amongst the trees. Before you could do anything though, Zuko pulled you behind him and sprung into action, conjuring a flame as he yelled, “Stay back!”
“It’s me!” a voice you recognised called out only just too late as the girl bended a wall in front of her to block Zuko’s attack.
Both yours and Zuko’s eyes widened when she stumbled back with a yelp, falling to the ground. “You burned my feet!”
Zuko was up before you. “I’m sorry, it was a mistake,” he protested as he began rushing towards her.
Toph backed up, crawling across the ground as she hurled boulders at Zuko. “Get away from me!”
“Let me help you! I’m sorry!” He tried again but the young earthbender only continued to flee.
You were finally on your feet as she yelled at him to get off of her and with one final move of offence, raised a pillar from the ground, sending Zuko flying. You were at his side in a second, already noticing he was hurt as he continued to yell after the girl.
“I didn’t know it was you!” he winced and grabbed his likely already bruising side, “Come back!”
With a cry of anguish he fell to his back and yelled at the world, “Why am I so bad at being good?”
You hushed him and pulled his head into your lap, already running your fingers through his hair. “It’s okay, she’ll be okay. Katara is a healer like me, she’ll be able to help Toph.”
He groaned and sat back up, holding in a sob of pain as he clutched again at his side. “I know, it’s just all I ever seem to do is make things worse.”
You squeezed his shoulder and moved to untie his shirt, reaching over for your waterskin as you pulled it open. The bruise was about as bad as you had expected from such a forceful impact. His skin was turning a dark shade of purple and was littered with painful scrapes and scratches. He sucked in a breath as you placed your hands against his skin, water already swirling around your fingers.
“Shhh,” you hushed him and smiled slightly as he visibly relaxed while the pain began to subside. It had been a while since you had been able to use your healing, what with having been in the Fire Nation for so long, but it felt good to be doing something to help someone again. You couldn’t relieve all of Zuko’s pain, but you could at least heal his physical wounds.
When you finished and whisked the water back into your waterskin, he pulled your hands back to him, placing them on his skin once again, and leaned forward until his head rested against your shoulder.
“They hate me,” he mumbled.
“They just don’t know you. Not the way I do.”
You smiled softly when he looked back up again, his amber eyes searching for refuge in your own. You were the only person who had ever looked at him like that, he realised. The only person to look at him with such tenderness in their eyes — such pure, unbridled love.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Found this deep in my drafts. I know we’re all trying to avoid spoilers rn so here’s some lighthearted silly human realm huntlow to distract us from leaks and such. There’s no plot, just Willow after dentist ✌️
“All right Willow, sweet heart, you’re gonna sit out here with Hunter while Amity has her turn, okay?” Camila said as she guided Willow to a seat beside Hunter in the waiting room. The night before, Luz had shown the girls what rock candy was and while she was at school, certain incidents had taken place resulting in an emergency trip to the dentist.
Hunter had offered to accompany them, hearing the word ‘emergency’ and shifting into solider mood. Camila assured him there was nothing to worry about, but she realized that after the visit she may need help keeping the girls intact as they may feel rather... loopy.
“How was your trip to the human tooth healer?” Hunter asked, extending his hand to help guide Willow to her seat.
“It was... bright,” she stumbled a bit before plopping on the couch beside him, staring at the ceiling as though she was hypnotized. “Woah.”
“Are you feeling okay, Captain?” Hunter asked, following her eyes but seeing nothing to warrant a reaction. He had peeked into the room where they had taken her and where Amity was now and saw a collection of small weapons lined the table. He trusted Camila and knew she would never put any of them in harm’s way, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly concerned, given Willow’s current state.
“They needed to look at my teeth closer because of reasons and I think they thought I was gonna bite them so they gave me a potion to make me not bite,” she explained, barely understanding what they had done even when she wasn’t under the affects of anesthesia. “But I can still bite, see?” She demonstrated by moving her mouth and biting the air.
“What kind of potion did they give you?” Hunter asked.
“I dunno but I felt this way the last time, the felt last time I- Ugh,” Willow tried to compose the sentence. “The last time I felt like this, Amity had set my mind on fire.” She finally managed to say calmly, despite Hunter’s immediate reaction to the subject matter.
“What?” Hunter exclaimed, closing his book. “Why would she do that?”
“Secrets,” Willow whispered, pointing to her temple. “To hide the secrets hiding in mah mind.”
“Well that’s not what’s happening now is it?” asked Hunter, worried and having little knowledge about what a dentist actually did .
“I don’t think so...” said Willow, placing her hands on her ears seeing if she felt the heat she had felt then. “Oh no, what if my secrets all fell out? What if I lost them?!”
“Well, can you remember them still?” Asked Hunter, feeling as though the situation was dire, scanning the floor for fallen secrets (whatever those were supposed to look like).
“Are you trying to find out my secrets Hunter?” She said, squinting her eyes at him and growing more loopy as she slowly swayed side to side in her seat.
“What? No of course not, I-.”
“You think I have secrets about you,” she giggled, twirling her finger in his face before gently booping his nose, then adding in a hushed dramatic whisper. “Because I doooo.”
“Y-you do?”
“Yup,” she she said, popping the ‘p’ and making herself laugh even harder. “Yup yup yup.”
“Well if you can remember them then that means they’re-.”
“When you came to Hexside, remember that?” Willow asked, her tone calm once again as she traced the pattern on the chair with the tip of her finger. “When we first met the first time? Remember?”
“Yeah, I do.” he said with a laugh, feeling confident her ailment wasn’t as dire. Willow suddenly was hit with a fit of bubbly laughter that she tried to suppress and Hunter found himself joining her, the laughter contagious. She motioned for him to come closer and he cautiously obliged as she leaned over and rested her chin on his shoulder and sighed.
“I thought you were cute,” she whispered her secret directly in his ear, cupping her hands around it so it couldn’t escape.
“Oh? R-really?”Hunter stammered, clearing his throat. “Are you sure you-?”
“Oh, wait wait oooh,I love it when you do that!” She squealed, placing her hands on his cheeks and squeezing his face.
“Do... what?” Hunter said the best he could, his mouth squished.
“When your face turns all red like that!” She said as though she was marveling at some great stunt. “And it reaches your ears. It is veeeery cute.”
“You... notice that?” Hunter asked nervously, hoping the obviousness has been all in his head, knowing this happened often around her .
Willow nodded vigorously, so quickly she made herself dizzy. “Woah, why is the room spinning? Hooty what did you do?”
“You did say the potion they gave you was pretty strong maybe you should take it easy,” said Hunter, his concern for her outweighing his embarrassment. “Are you in pain at all?”
“Nope,” she said shaking her head, but once she started it was like she couldn’t stop and she shook her head even faster. Hunter reached out to stop her, worried she’d make herself dizzy all over again.
Successful in his efforts, he suddenly realized his hands were on her face. She stopped and looked at him with bright eyes as though this has been an attempt to gain her focus. If his face was red before, he could only imagine how it looked now.
“Um, do you want me to get you anything?” He asked as he went to remove his hands, but before he could she placed hers over his to keep them there.
“Do you wanna know another secret?” she whispered dramatically, and Hunter swore her eyes were sparking.
“Um, maybe now isn’t the best time,” he chuckled nervously. “I think this might be the potion making you say all these things and I don’t want you to feel embarrassed when it wears off.”
“It’s not embarrassing,” she insisted. “It’s about you.”
“Okaaaaay ha ha,” said Hunter, quickly removing his hands from her face and placing them at his sides. Had she found about the grimwalker thing? A nasty rumor from his Golden guard days? Did she think his haircut didn’t actually look good? “What about if we watch something on the television box?”
“No, no you were reading and then you stopped cause I came in,” said Willow dramatically. “You should read again. I’ll be quiet.”
“Did you... um... I can read to you if you want?” Hunter offered bashfully, thankful she has seemed to dropped her desire to discuss her secret about him. “It’s just a book about wolves, so if you don’t want to-.”
“Oh please please please,” said Willow excitedly, placing her head back on his shoulder. “I can turn the pages for you.”
“Are you sure? I know my voice isn’t-.”
“I know how to turn pages, Hunter.” She said, playfully rolling her eyes and making herself more comfortable beside him. “Tell me the secrets of wolves.”
“Okay, well let me go back to the first chapter,” said Hunter, trying to downplay his excitement that can out whenever wolves were involved. “There are some really cute pictures of baby wolves, look!” He turned the book towards her so she could see. When he went to observe her reaction, he found her eyes were not on the book but were locked back on him. He held her gaze for a moment before turning his attention back to the book. He could feel her eyes still on him, but he pressed on to begin reading.
“I still think you’re cute,” she whispered, loudly enough where it was clear that she wanted him to hear but softly enough that he could pretend he didn’t hear her, just in case it truly was just the potion talking.
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fae-that-rambles · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I think it’s a very fun detail to over analyze.
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Upon first meeting the headspace gang Omori and Basil stand out very sharply. Omori with his lack of color, and Basil with the unique color of his hair and eyes. The two are clear foils; Omori is silent and keeps himself as far from focus as possible- While Basil is the group glue and focus before and after his disappearance.
Through the character designs and personalities, we are primed to connect and focus on Basil rather than Omori. Basil is pastel colored, a pacifist and a lover. Omori’s vacant eyes and silent knife-wielding nature are less inviting. Very often with RPG horrors, silent protagonists are overlooked in favor of supporting cast. Omori actively uses this as an aspect of its story. We’re supposed to focus on Basil- Sunny is supposed to focus on Basil
This all lends to our first bait and switch- and our first of Basil’s complex role in the narrative.
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Basil is our first glimpse into the horror themes of Omori- and this actively betrays the players trust. Again- Basil was our lovable safe character- We are primed to trust him. Then everything goes wrong (Sounds familiar).
The red eyes are obviously unsettling- again, betraying our trust by subverting the innocence of Basil’s appearance.
Furthering this! With Basil’s disappearance arrives Stranger
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A shadowed figure resembling Basil leaving bloody footprints- Basil’s design has been completely subverted into something known and comforting- to a Stranger.
Omori and Stranger are an inverse of Omori and Basil’s design foils. Omori is white with black accents and eyes. Stranger is a full black silhouette with glowing white eyes. And they are of course just as much personality foils. Omori is danger and escapism under an innocent mask. Stranger is a frightening and cryptic individual who only aims to help Sunny. The bloody footprints are foreboding and unsettling- But they’re guides helping Sunny.
Adding on to this, Stranger and Omori’s design’s aren’t foils in the way of being opposites- they’re foils in the way of being compliments. They’re reflections of black and white- two sides of the same coin.
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The introduction of real world Basil once again subverts previous expectations- I think for both the audience and Sunny. Setup as foils- opposites throughout the entirety of headspace, the Real World Basil and Sunny could not be more similar design wise. Their outfits are near identical; and their pale frail physiques are the same- even down to the height.
Despite everything set up in Headspace- Basil is by far the character most similar to us in Faraway town. As much as Sunny tries to deny it in his mind- he and Basil were heavily shaped by their shared history. They’re not opposites. Both have become reclusive in the days since Mari’s death, they both lost connections with the group, and both are riddled with guilt, fear, and self loathing. Sunny tries so hard to sever his connections to Basil in his mind, they’re in the exact same position.
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Through the final fight with Basil, all of Sunny and Basil’s parallels are put to light. Both in the same clothes, living with the same crippling fear of what they both went to together. Both of their Somethings heightening their fear and crippling any rationality. Basil’s weapon- garden shears are an easy parallel to Omori’s knife.
Their only major design difference is their eyes and hair. Sunny’s eyes still their empty black (or sharp red when stressed out) and Basil’s an eerie glowing blue. Even if they’ve developed in the same circumstances, the two have reacted very differently because of their personalities. Sunny avoidant and stoic, Basil desperate and erratic. Once again, the two are complimentary foils. No matter what form Basil takes, he and Sunny are tied together as reflections of one another, and the shared experiences that molded them.
In the Hikkikomori route you fight Stranger instead of Real life Basil. The Hikkikomori route illustrates a complete refusal from Sunny to acknowledge the truth of the incident, and this means erasing Basil as a person. Destroying every one of these parallels I’ve discussed.
Basil and Stranger lose their depth. Basil is resigned to the picnic basket with Mari and kept out of the way. He’s lost his right to focus and autonomy, rather staying a shallow memory vague enough to protect Sunny’s repression.
Stranger is treated as an enemy. He is solely Omori’s opponent and will be eliminated as such. All of Basil’s complexity wiped away with his death. Leaving that cardboard cutout- Headspace Basil.
Furthermore, the fight with Stranger (obviously) has direct parallels to the final fight with Basil. Basil and Sunny wear their identical clothes and fight as two parallels. Stranger and Omori are black and white enemies, as Omori refuses to acknowledge Basil’s connection and similarities to Sunny. He refuses the complexity Stranger represents.
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itsfairly · 8 months
Untangling the Yarn // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Summary: Nanami helps you when your knitting project is not coming along.
Notes: sfw, fluff, gender-neutral! reader, established relationship, pet names (sweetheart), pep talk kinda off deal, not proofread.
A/N: yeah, well, i couldn't get the handle on this tutorial. so i am taking my frustrations out on this. i love knitting but i hate not getting it on the first try, sucks to suck. anyways, i know this is a different tone from how we are all acting with Nanami after this week's episodes, so sorry. But hey, we get fluff, that's always good since...you know...sorry.
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"I don't know what I am doing." You groan, putting down the needles after what seemed like a mess in your hands.
You know how to knit. Well, know enough stitches to get by when doing granny squares and scarfs. That alone lets you do plenty of things but you want to push yourself and do something new. Somehow you landed on a shawl, something light to cover you on breezy days, something simple—not complicated. Spoiler, it was complicated.
You got circular needles like the ones in the tutorial you watched and decided to start working on your project as soon as you got home. Which leads us to this moment. You sitting on the couch after god knows how many tries of doing the first row alone, each with its own challenge. The thread comes loose and you have to start over. Or you get lost in how fast the lady in the video seemed to go, even if you slowed it down to 0.5. Or when you managed to get to another row, the thread balled together like a lump.
It was frustrating. All this trial and error led to minimal but insignificant changes each time, which didn't feel fair. You were paying attention but it seemed your hands couldn't make what the video showed you. It made you feel ridiculous that you even thought you could do a shawl. It was humiliating.
Ever the most attentive boyfriend, Nanami picked up on your frustration growing as he heard you sigh and repeat the last 10 seconds of the video. When he saw you drop the needles onto your lap and leaned back on the couch with your head thrown back, he knew it was a sign for him to put down the newspaper and intervene.
"You're getting there, you just-"
"If you say 'be patient' I'm going to lose it." You interrupted him with a warning.
Nanami sighed, turning his body to face yours as you two seat on the couch. He takes a look on your face and sees that your frustration is more than just being annoyed at your project not coming along—but also disappointment. Your pout told him that much as you started to detangle the little thread you managed to knit reluctantly.
"I know it's the last thing I should be saying, but it's true. This is different from what you usually do, you have to give yourself some time to grasp it." He says, mustering a gentle tone to avoid making you feel as if he's patronizing you.
You turn your head to look at him, cheek squeezed by the couch as your face betrays you, showing him you were growing insecure about your skills. It made his heart crack just a little when he saw that glint missing from your eye when you first sat down to knit.
"I don't want to just make simple things like boring scarves or useless squares." You admitted softly, your hands fidgeting with your yarn.
Nanami places a hand around you, pulling you close to him for a much-needed break from what was stressing you. It was ironic that the thing you did for fun and helped you unwind was making you feel like this. He took one of your hands and started massaging your palm, soothing the muscles that were starting to feel sore over the needles. It made your brows relax at the feeling.
"Then don't. You are already doing something different."
"Yeah, and it's looking like just tangled yarn. I don't know, it's just..." you sigh, placing your head on your shoulder. "it's not looking like that," you added, pointing at the screen that was displaying a pale pink shawl flawlessly done.
"Sweetheart." He called out, holding your hand into his and squeezing it gently. He could see you were getting in your head and he needed you to get out of there. "You're just starting this, they probably have done this a million times and have messed up before. It doesn't have to look perfect on your first try."
He was right but his words weren't on the nail just yet. You know that the first won't be perfect. But why weren't you able to get it yet? You were struggling with the first steps and it made you feel as if you were the worst knitter in history. You start to wonder how the heck you even managed to knit other stuff before.
Nanami calls your name gently, caressing your arm softly to bring you back to the same place you two were. You look at his eyes, slightly moving your head on your shoulder to look comfortably at him as he speaks.
"How it looks shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun. It doesn't matter if it looks like or better than the tutorial if it makes you feel like this. You should knit because you like knitting."
His motherly tone warms your heart and it makes you smile. Even if your chest is still heavy with disappointment, his words made you remember why you even took knitting as a hobby. It wasn't because you were thinking of it as some revenue or something to show off, it was because it relaxed you. The end products were just extras.
"Besides," he adds as he pulls you closer to him with a squeeze at your arm, "I love those scarves you make, especially the one you gave me at our anniversary."
He wasn't just saying it to make you feel better. The things you made may take time and may be quite simple, but they were made by you. You and you alone added that extra warmth on the scarves and projects you made with those squares that made them extra cozy. He loves it even more knowing you made a scarf for him and him alone.
"You don't care that the things I made are boring?" You ask, your tone already becoming much more content and softer.
He shakes his head. "If they are boring, then why do I love them so much?"
Your heart softens up, smiling lovingly at him as you lift your head off his shoulder and press a kiss on his cheek. It makes him hum, his hand roaming down to the curve of your back as he keeps you close.
"Thank you, honey." You say as you return to your previous position with your back against the couch. This time, rather than slouching, you are sitting much straighter with a more confident attitude.
"Anything for my favorite knitter." He hums, quickly returning the kiss by pressing his lips on your temple.
You chuckled, feeling the motivation you needed back into your being. You take a big breath before taking back the needles and repeating the first step for the nth time. It's still frustrating that it takes you quite a few times to get a single step right. But the way Nanami rubs the small of your back even as he continues to read his newspaper is enough to keep you calm and try again.
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atierrorian · 10 months
Personal Maid? Nah, Personal pillow
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Context: You met Leona back when you were kids being his personal servant and apparently his personal pillow.
Warnings: Spoilers for Leona's backstory, mentions of negligence, being compared, ooc.
Note: Ya'll are crazy!! 300+ followers? I never thought I'd make it this far! So thank you guys for supporting me, I really really appreciate it!!
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Back then, you were discordant being the personal maid of an entitled and spoiled second prince. you've heard a lot of rumors that he was apathetic and aloof. And despite accepting the fact that you would be a servant, you didn't want to be a servant to someone whose personality was like that.
But what choice did you have in the matter? No, your opinion didn't matter and you knew so you kept quiet and just complained in your head instead.
When you met him, you thought the rumors were true as he didn't seem interested or just kept quiet and always had a frown on his face. But the more you kept spending more and more time with him, the more you realized the rumors were all untrue.
Sure he was still kinda apathetic and somewhat true to the rumors, but it was only because he was neglected and the fact he was always compared to his brother only because he was the second prince and not the heir.
It wasn't fair, you both knew that but it was the rules, traditions, and stuff like that. But it didn't mean they had to go and neglect him just because he was the second prince and compare him to his brother, that's just adding salt to his wounds.
Everywhere you went, you'd always hear them whisper behind your back. "Falena is going to be a great King one day!" "Why is Leona always so lazy?" "Falena is better than Leona in every aspect" "I feel so sorry for the child that has to serve him until death."
You scoffed, that was none of their business. They all know nothing of Leona, why should they judge someone if they don't even know the person personally? That was what always irked you, all these rumors circulating around Leona about him being cruel when in fact it was the opposite. Sure he could be jealous but that's just how he is due to his life.
Everyone misjudged him because he wasn't the heir, he was the second prince. But it isn't even his fault that he was born a second prince. You didn't need to neglect or compare him.
So that's why you always stayed by his side, you may not understand what Leona feels but you'd learn to support him and always have his back over the years. Although everyone may wonder why you always stuck to him for so long and thought it was a miracle that you could put up with Leona.
Yes, Leona was a handful at times and was always lazy and kinda irresponsible, but he still tried to make some effort of being with you and always kinda attending to his duties at some times when he felt like it. And always made an effort of avoiding his family.
You smiled as you walked through the empty hallways of the NRC, you were very proud of Leona and his accomplishments, although you did became quite worried when he was becoming competitive with the famous Malleus Draconia.
My ears twitch and my tail swayed, you knew Leona didn't like being second place, for all you both knew he was always second place in every aspect of his life and always being compared.
But currently, your objective was to find Leona, wherever he was but you had a feeling you knew where he was.
You sighed, Leona really is going to be the death of you.
"I swear when I get my hands on him..." you grumbled, you were quite unhappy that you had to find Leona again. Where even is Ruggie when you need him? Sevens he's been a great help to you and you were able to take a breather every once in a while.
All's well that ends well I suppose.
you entered the botanical Garden and tried to spot Leona.
"I know he's here somewhere... This is literally where he mostly naps." you thought as you searched for him, hoping to find Leona, or where ever the fuck he is.
"Wherever Leona is, I swear I will put him in a chokehold!"
The botanical garden was beautiful, filled with numerous gardens, beautiful scenery, decorations, and lovely fragrances. Plants were hanging around the walls, and pots were hanging from the branches. you swear you could admire it all day if you could.
But no, you have to find the big cat.
And as if luck was on your side, you managed to spot a swishing tail and instantly knew it was Leona.
I snuck up on him and sat down next to him, Strange, normally he would out to me and figure out that I was trying to sneak up on him, this was unusual. But why should I complain now?
"Leonaaa, wake uuuupp, pleaseee, I know you can hear me right?" I said in a whiny voice, trying to get him up and annoy him until he sits right back up. I tried poking him but suddenly a hand caught my wrist and I jolted slightly back.
It was Leona, Dang it, I really thought I had him this time.
He had a slight smirk on his face when he saw my irritated expression. He yawned and let go of my wrist.
"Seriously N/n?(Nickname) I really thought you were better than this. You gotta do better than that, that trick won't work sadly." He said smugly as I just wanted to punch him, gee, thanks I guess.
I scoffed and slightly rolled my eyes.
"Yeah yeah whatever, I honestly thought I had you there for a moment, but besides that, I've been looking everywhere for you! Can you not disappear for one second every time I look away?" I complained and had a slight pout and crossed my arms around my chest.
He shrugged and closed his eyes again, ready to take a nap again.
"The lectures are boring N/n, can I not go away for one second at least?" He said while opening one eye and giving me a side glance while I glared at him.
"Maybe, but don't disappear every single time, please! You're seriously going to be the death of me one day..."
"Why don't you nap with me?"
"You mean become your personal pillow again? As if, I'm already your personal servant, I don't think I need to be your personal pillow..." I sweatdropped, gee, honestly this Lion is so lazy for his own good.
He doesn't listen and grabs me by the hand and topples me over him and caging me in his arms as they're rapped around my waist. I sighed and practically gave up.
"Seriously Leona?"
He just grumbled in response and went back to taking a nap. I rolled my eyes and decided to just also sleep, I most certainly deserve it. I'll be lectured once we're done, I'm way too tired to deal with this right now and I already feel like I'm succumbing to sleep.
I yawned and relaxed my muscles, I guess I really am stuck being his personal servant and personal pillow for the rest of my life now. Not like it's any different from when we were children but still.
I felt my ears twitch and My eyelids getting heavier until I finally closed them.
"Why the hell did I fall asleep with you again!!!"
"Don't be so loud, you're hurting my ears, lower it down will you?"
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melloween-candie · 9 months
Trouble- Chap. 1//First day
A Judd Birch Story!
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You were the new kid in school, meaning you were fresh meat. You didn't know much about the school or the area you lived in. You were completely oblivious and naive, so much so you didn't even realized you had a growing number of perverts following you around. However, you weren't completely hopeless. You managed to make a few good friends who warned you about a lot of things- including Judd Birch. He wasn't known for his friendly attitude; in fact, he caused chaos wherever he went. You tried your hardest to avoid trouble, but it came to you anyway- in the form of Judd Birch.
Warning! HUMAN RECOURSE AND BIG MOUTH SPOILERS! Cussing, Name-calling, Gossip
Word Count: 3,983
Prologue, Chap. 1 ... [ON HOLD]
Big Mouth Fandom
Fandom Masterlists
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***Y/n's Pov***
Dear Diary, 
It is currently 6:31 a.m. Right now, I'm getting ready for my first day of school here at Bridgeton High. I haven't had the chance to see the school yet, but my mom said it was bigger than my old school. It kind of sucks having to move to a new school after only having this year left..., but my mom said it had to be done.
We had to move due to issues with her old job. It took her a hot minute to find another decent job, but she managed. It's sad, really- she made a lot of money in her old job, but she said she'll make twice the amount here, so I guess that's good.
"Y/n! Are you almost done getting ready? Your school starts at 7:30; I want to be able to drop you off early so you can get a head start, and so we can avoid traffic as MUCH as possible!" Your mom yelled from downstairs. 
Quickly you dropped your pencil and closed your diary, finishing the page off with your signature and date.
"Coming!" You yelled, trying to hassle. You rushed towards your bathroom, closing the door behind you. You grabbed the clothes you prepped the other night beforehand and started changing. 
***Narrator's Pov***  ~Time skip!~
You had a white tank top underneath your crop hoodie. The hoodie was black with a pale pastel pink bat on the top right, just above your right breast. It was a small design, and the strings were long and blood-red. Meanwhile, the back had wings of bones with red bloodshot flowers growing through the bones as an interkit and in-depth design. 
As for pants, you wore a pitched black skirt. It was short and somewhat puffy, with the inside part being white. The skirt was designed to have shorts underneath. That way, no pervert can try and sneak a peek. You wore a red belt around it and had some silver chains attached to it for extra flair~. 
Then you put on some simple, long, thin-laced socks. The socks reached just above your ankles, perfectly covering your calves. Meanwhile, for your shoes. They were ankle top heal boots. All black but with a hint of red inside it. (Something like this-)
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And lastly, your hair and makeup. Your makeup was simple and cute. You chose to use neutral coloring with just a light pink blush. You also filled in your eyebrows and added some lipgloss. Your hair wasn't really flashy since your mom refuses to let you dye your hair any color other than natural colors. So you choose to dye it all black. Your hair was relatively short, too, so you couldn't really style it. You ended up putting it in two low twin pigtails. 
Finally, after finishing up, you brushed your teeth and hair, rushed out of your bathroom, and grabbed your bookbag, stuffed it up with notebooks and pencils, then ran downstairs to find your mom standing next to the front door tapping her foot. Her arms were crossed- clearly, she was irritated. 
To be fair, it was also her first day at her new job, and she couldn't afford to lose it. So the more time you got ready, the more time she was losing. "I asked you to be done getting ready-" She looked at her watch. "30 minutes ago!"
You shrugged your shoulders- "Sorry." 
Your mom sighed and grabbed your face causing your hoodie to fall. She pulled you close and kissed you on your forehead. Then she lifted your face to make you look at her. 
"Well- at least you look more alive today." You smiled. "Thanks, mom." 
Some would say otherwise for your mom- She had her hair tied tightly up into a bun, and her edges were done incredibly well. Your mom also went bold with her makeup. She had sharp wings and a deep gold-colored eyeshadow, complimenting her skin color. She also had deep red lipstick on. She clearly wasn't messing around. 
The outfit she had on was a simple black women's suit. With a white buttoned-up shirt underneath her smoothed black jacket. Her entire outfit complimented her body figure. She was very curvy, leaning more towards the thicker side. She also wore dark skin tone legging trousers that were laced up in a pretty but subtle pattern, and to top it all off, she had black high heels on that made a clicking sound every time she stepped. 
You both walked out the door and got inside the car. You shoved your bookbag down next to your feet as you clipped your seat belt on while your mom placed some documents into the glove box. After you all strapped up, your mom started driving towards your new school. The drive was fairly boring. She had the news playing in the background as she mumbled stuff. Meanwhile, you had your headphones in, listening to music, but once you guys were about to make a turn- a teal van with loads of stickers behind it rushed past, swerving around your car. Your mom started cussing the hell out of it as she finished her turn. 
***Y/n's Pov***  ~Small time skip!~
Finally, she made it to the front of your school drop-off spot. She kisses your forehead goodbye and wishes you a good day at school as she droves off. You watched how her car sped by, and slowly, you took in a breath. 
"Okay, Y/n... You got this." You muttered, turning around slowly. You stared at the school and were amazed to see how big it was... "Maybe mom was right... I really should have tried to get here early..." You sulked as you started walking with the rest of the herd. As you passed the student cars, you found one that looked surprisingly familiar... 
It was the same teal car that swerved passed your mom... 
Great... I guess Mom's gonna have to deal with him every time she drops me off and possibly picks me up too...
~Small time skip!~ - In the school lobby - 
"Thanks again!" You said to the office lady as you left. You now had your schedule in hand. You stood right beside the office door, looking at your schedule as a herd of students walked by. 
It read-  Y/n L/n Locker Number: A-1 303 Locker Code: 33'54'20
1st period-Homeroom // Mr. Michel // English 4 // Room # 222 2nd period// Mrs. Daisy // Advanced Art // Room # 113 3rd period // Mrs. Jackson // Crime and Literature // Room # 234 4th Period // Mr. Riley // P.E // Room # 202 5th Period // Lunch // Cafeteria 6th Period //  Mrs. Dollings // Algibra 2 // Room # 143 7th Period // Mr. Myers // World History AP // Room # 104 8th Period //  Mr. Brock // Chemistry // Room # Labritory 3
Then suddenly, someone bumps into you, causing you to drop your paper. It scattered into the herd of loud, chatty high school students.
"Ohh, NO!" Tito appeared. "Just GREAT! You dropped the only thing that gave you guidance around this HELL WHOLE!" You freaked out, getting on your knees, trying to grab the paper that landed in between two random students. Luckily they didn't notice you. 
You grabbed it, quickly standing up, pretending like nothing happened. Then you turned around to see who caused this. 
You stood there facing a guy's chest. Slowly you looked up to his face... You blushed-
His face seemed like it was stuck in a permanent scowl. His hair was styled as a curtain undercut with longish blue-tipped bangs. Meanwhile, his sides and underback were shaved. He was by far at least half a head taller than you... You just stood there, not realizing you were staring. 
"Hey, dunce face. Am I gonna have to move you myself?" He said in a deep, husky voice. It brought chills to your spin as you were pulled back into reality. 
"Ooooh~ Okay, big daddy~," Connie says out of nowhere, causing you to blush even more as you stumbled out of his way. You tried apologizing, but all you could muster was a few stutters before he was entirely out of your sight.  
You covered your face out of embarrassment. 
"Yeah, you're right-" Tito said. "He probably thinks you're a useless loser!"
Connie swung her arm around your shoulder- "Hey, come on now. He may be attractive..., but you're hot too! You two would make cute babies~" 
"Yeah, right!" Says Tito. "All the cuteness would be from his genes- AND even so, he would never go for an ugly, struggling teenage girl like Y/n. It's hopeless!" 
Connie scuffs, "Well, hey now-!"
You just grabbed ahold of your bookbag straps and started walking towards where you believed your locker was located.   
~ Small time skip!~
It took you a hot minute, but you managed. Your locker stood between two people. A girl to your left, who had her hair up in a messy ponytail. Her hair had clips and beads on it. She had pitch-black hair and black eyeliner. She had her right nostril pierced. She wore a gray long-sleeved shirt with a black vest over it- the vest had bold yellow text on it saying the word- RUBBISH in an edgy font. 
Meanwhile, there was a guy on your right. He was just about the same height as the lockers themselves. He was also leaning towards the heavier side. He had a pink dress shirt on and tons of bracelets. He closed his locker, causing you to quickly look away. 
"Okay, girly." The girl next to you said out of nowhere. She had her arm stretched out. Her palm against her locker, she was leaning on it.  
"Huh?" You were slightly nervous. Unsure if she was talking to you or not. 
"It's time to address the elephant in the room-" The girl gets closer to you, closing her locker shut. "Your new here? Right- I mean, it's just I've never seen you before, and I know everyone here." 
"Umm... Yeah? I am-" 
The bell then rings, indicating that breakfast time is over and that you should be heading to your classes now. 
"Thought so." She looked at the guy behind you, then back towards you. Quickly she closed your locker and shoved your right shoulder as the other guy did the same on your left, causing you to spin around. Then she grabbed your forearm as the guy did the same to the other. Forcing you to walk with them. 
"Listen, kid, what's your name?" Said the girl as she yanked your schedule out of your hands, and before you could even answer- she answered for you. 
"So your name is Y/n L/n. Aye?" She said, chewing gum as she spoke. 
The guy then leaned in closer- "By any chance, do you know Stacey L/n?" He had a surprisingly pitchy voice. You couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or not. 
"Um, no. I just moved here." You replied as they continued to drag you down the hall.
"Interesting..." The girl then gave you back your schedule. "You're gonna have to be very careful in Mr. Michel's class."
"Yeah, I heard he's a pervert..." Said the guy.
"And he plays favorites!" Added the girl as she shoves you against the locker. She pats your arms down, shoving the dirt off you. Then she steps back and takes a look at you... Then proceed to pull your hoodie down... "Perfect. Just keep out of sight, don't raise your hand, and sit in the back- if possible. He shouldn't mess with you then. OH, and always turn in your assignments a day late- he gets lazy and ends up giving everyone an A after the first day of grading." 
"Yeah, I once turned in an unfinished assignment in his class, and he still gave me an A..." Added the guy. 
Then the girl grabbed your shoulders and gave you a deep glaring look. "Look- just be careful in there." She nods her head towards the door next to you guys. "If he does say or do anything to you during that class, just come to us immediately after, okay?" 
"OH! And if he asks if you can stay after class- RE-FUSE-IT! Make up an excuse if you don't want to get- yeah, now... R.A.P.E.D," He spelled. 
You gave him a frightening look- "H-how is this teacher not fired yet...?"
They both looked at each other and then back at you- "Ow, sweety, do you honestly think this high school gives a shit about their students?" The guy huffs. 
"Yeah, in your dreams. It's survival of the fittest out here." Said the girl. 
You just nodded slowly to everything they said, not wanting to believe in what you were hearing. Then the girl lets you go. "Look, you don't have to be scared. He's small and weak. If you really need it- you can always ask one of the guys in your class, your pretty enough to make any guy do dumb shit." She smiles, hitting you with her elbow teasingly.
"Oh, Just don't do anything with Judd." Said the guy.
"Umm... Who's Judd?" You asked, leaning towards the open door, trying to get a good view of the people in there. 
The guy then gets behind you and points at a guy with blue-tipped hair. "That's Judd Birch. He's harmless as long as you don't mess with him- AND I MEAN DON'T. The guy doesn't fuck around- a few girls from my grade tried flirting with him before, and let's just say their reputations were completely destroyed."
"Yeah, the only girls who CAN screw with that guy are the girls HE PICKED."
"Wha- what do you mean?" 
"Don't worry about it. Just don't flirt with him, don't touch him- just don't interact with him AT ALL. He's just BAD NEWS." The girl then shoves you towards the door. You looked back at them with a worried expression.
"Look, girly, you'll be fine. Um- here!" The girl then pulls out a crumpled piece of paper. "Does anyone have a pen?" 
"Oh- here!" The guy then pulls out a pen from his dress shirt pocket. 
"Really, Damian? In your pocket too?" 
"What?! It's good to carry pens!" 
She just rolled her eyes and started writing against the locker. 
Then she hands you the piece of paper. 
"Text us." Then they both walked away...
You looked at the paper...
It read-
Janis ball - 707 612-8891 Damian Duggless - 424 717-2929 [If you guys don't get the reference... 😭😭😭]
"Text us after class"  (P.S We were once also new kids :))
You smiled.
"Heyy! It seems like you already made two new friends!" Emmi was now here, smiling. 
"Yeah, I guess I did, ha- also, where were you?" 
"Ahh- haha, let's not get into it now..." Emmi giggled nervously as she shoved you into your class. 
Once the teacher saw you, he told you to stand there as the rest of the students came in and filled the seats.
~Small time skip!~
You stood in front of the class as you were told as the late bell finally rang. A few more students rushed into his classroom before he closed the door entirely. 
Your teacher, Mr. Michels, then fixed up a few papers on his hands- straightening them before grabbing the class's attention. 
"Alright! Listen up, Class! This may be the second week of school, but that doesn't mean you all should start acting like fools. This here is B/n L/n-"
"It's actually Y/n- Y/n L/n..." You corrected him. There was a silent pause... He already looks annoyed- shit. before he proceeded. 
"Alright then, my apologies Y/n-" He licked his lips and then proceeded. "Tell us a bit about yourself, Y/n." He was clearly cocky...
"Umm... okay- Well. My name is Y/n, but some call me N/n.(If you don't have one- just ignore it.) I just moved here from (Home-place). And- umm... I don't really know what else to say." You stumbled. 
"Well then," The teacher placed his hand on your shoulder, roughly catching you off guard. You didn't really know what to do, knowing what they said about him- you felt somewhat uncomfortable. "Does anyone have any questions for our new female?" His grip got tighter...
New female... Your eyebrows scrunched up; you weren't really comfortable with how he introduced you.
A guy in the back with a green hat that had a Marijuana logo on it raised his hand and then proceeded to yell- "DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" The class started laughing as the guy who sat next to him gave him a high five. The dude was wearing a red jacket... 
You looked towards the teacher in shock... What was strange was that the teacher looked at you as if he expected you to answer... He was smiling too- 
"Umm... C-can I take my seat now..?" You asked nervously, trying to scoot away from your teacher.
The teacher paused and blinked for a second...
"Sure- You can either sit next to Judd, who is by the window back there, or Kurt, who is that kid in the back corner there- or ya know, by me." He smirked at his last statement. 
"I'm good..." You mumbled, then started walking away with your head slightly down.  
Kurt raised his hand- You stopped and looked at him. "Over here, hot stuff!" He pointed at the empty desk next to him as he leaned back against his chair. His leg pushed on his desk, causing him to rock back and forth.
Your face scrunches slightly- I'd rather get murdered by this guy;  You look towards Judd... then back to Kurt, then sit with you...
You then continued walking towards the empty seat next to the 'bad boy.'
"You know- I'm pretty sure your teacher was staring at your doo-dahs for a second..." Said Connie.
"What makes you so shore?" Asked Emmi.
"Trust me, Emmi- it's hormone monster logic 101!" She said as she followed the group. 
Once the guy named Kurt realized you chose to sit next to Judd instead of him, he fell off his chair, causing a scene. Everyone started laughing... meanwhile, during it all, you placed your stuff down, getting comfy in your seat and ignoring the situation a few seats behind you completely.  
(BTW, just to let y'all know- these are two-seater desks...) 
Small time skip!~ ***Narrator's Pov***
Halfway into the lecture, and still nothing. Judd hasn't done anything to you at all. You were kind of disappointed at that fact. Personally, you found him to be really cute, and everything those two said about him earlier only made him more intriguing. So much so that you would give him a 'casual' side glance every chance you got. You thought you were being really sneaky about it, but to him, you were practically screaming at him. 
"Do you need something?" He said with his husky voice-
***Y/n's Pov***
OH FUCK! You couldn't stop screaming in your own head. 
"OH NOOOO!!! YOU FUCKED UP!" Tito was flying EVERYWHERE. "OH GOD THE ONE THING WE WERE WARNED ABOUT!!!" As Tito started swarming the entire room- Connie tried to swat her away meanwhile, Emmi tried to reassure you- "Hey, don't worry about this- um, just say 'nope' or 'what are you talking about?'" She was clearly just as nervous as you. 
"It's just you keep side-eyeing me like a little creep." He chuckled.  That made you flustered QUICK, and he clearly knew- You couldn't even face him... this whole situation made you so uncomfortable that your body naturally straightened its posture while your head faced down; you stared at your worksheet so hard that you thought your eyes were about to pop out. 
Meanwhile, Judd was just spinning his pencil. Doing cool little tricks with it as he continued to look at you. "Not much of a talker aye?" He stopped spinning his pencil. He tilted his head, too, you noticed...  this only made you want to cover your face even more. You tilted your head down, now fully facing your lap, your hair covering your sides nicely. 
Your grip on your pencil tightened- Dear god, PLEASE MAKE ME INVISIBLE NOW!!! 
A few minutes go by, and he didn't say anything else after. So, you just continued on with your work. Once you finished, you got up and handed the teacher your work. He grabbed it, then winked at you- Gross... Then he proceeded to type something on his computer as you walked back to your seat. You had a good ten minutes left in class, so you just decided to put your head down for a bit. 
Sooner or later, you felt a small tap on your head... You raised your head up to look and saw a small piece of ripped-up line paper right next to you. You then completely sat up and looked at Judd as you grabbed the paper. He wasn't even paying attention. His face was the same, could-care-less-about-everything face, and he even had his phone out- I wonder who he's texting...
You were a little suspicious... due to your trust issues, you were a little cautious of whether you should open this note or not- after all, you weren't sure if it was actually for you. Maybe you just imagined the tap you felt on your head just a few minutes ago?
Nevertheless, your curiosity got the best of you, and you opened it. It said-
Your number ⬇️ (If y'all can't see the emoji- it's an arrow pointing down to the line.) ______________
The handwriting was a little sloppy. The pencil was clearly being pressed onto the paper- REALLY hard.
You looked a little confused by all this. You looked at him; he was still messing with his phone, then back towards the paper. Then you wrote, "No." You remembered how your new friends told you not to mess with him- He may be hot, but I really don't wanna get into any trouble right now. All I want is to survive this last year of high school- And I can't do that if my reputation gets fucked. 
You slide the piece of paper towards his side. It took him a moment, having to finish his text, then he opened it... Your heart starts pounding, fearing what he might do. You tried to act cool as if you didn't know what was happening. 
Then you noticed, from the corner of your eyes. He was glaring at you. You could feel the sweat dripping down your neck... After writing something new down on the piece of paper, he slides it back towards you. You were hesitating on opening it at first but quickly opened it when you found him, still glaring at you... more intensely this time- he was clearly annoyed by now...
The note now says-
Your number ⬇️ (Same arrow.) ____No_____ That wasn't a question, dumbass ___________ 
Then you wrote down- 
Your number ⬇️ (Same arrow.) ____No_____ That wasn't a question, dumbass (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Your number- Your choice 🤭)  "Can I at least know why?" 
Then you slide the paper to him, and he snatches it out of your hand. You looked at him as he read it. The bell then rings. You grabbed your stuff as he finished reading- "Soon enough, you'll know." He said as he slung his bookbag over his shoulder, pocketing the piece of paper as he pushed past you along with everyone else in his way...
Well, this can't be good... You thought as you walked out of class. "Hey! Put it this way! He wanted your NUMBER! That has to amount to something, am I right!" Said Connie. She had her arm wrapped around your waist as you all walked out of class, minus Tito; of course, she flew... 
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The first chapter is finally done! I'm not going to lie, I like it way better than how I had it originally played out... Anyway, I hope this was an eye-catcher for you guys! Stay tuned for the next chapter! 😝
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rriavian · 7 days
Major spoiler warning for the end of The Sandman comics below. Please scroll if you haven't read that far or just if you'd like to avoid them. I've tried to make sure I've tagged properly but just wanted to add an additional warning.
Ok so a while ago @two-hands-toward-the-sun made a post about Daniel Hall and Calliope meeting after he becomes Dream, and it made me curious so I started thinking about what that would be like. Below is the resulting ficlet :)
There was a question to be asked when Calliope arrived.
The Furies attack had made its mark, scars left on a realm whole but still healing. Despite that she found the Dreaming felt unchanged; still ever shifting, a constancy in how it reflected every Dreamer, in how it reflected Dream.
That same quality carried, that sense of the new in the old, observed when Calliope met Dream of the Endless in his palace and found him at once so recognisable and yet so very unfamiliar. She found it in hair as white as she knew it had been once before, as she knew it had been so very long ago, Calliope found it in eyes that had never been green but had always been starlit. This was the same sky, just as likely to turn black, currently content to match shades with the emerald hanging around a pale neck, its gold chain glimmering against the now white clothes. It made the pain somewhat easier to feel, made the loss somewhat clearer too, the cut cleaner.
Perhaps it would never heal but the wound wasn’t ragged.
Calliope smiled. “What would you like me to call you?”
For the first time he smiled too.
It was a fine thing for that to be the first thing she witnessed, the first discovery she made of him. Calliope had not seen it on this face—younger, so similar and yet not that at all—watched and learnt the way these features softened and found it lovely. 
“Daniel.” He said; still Dream’s voice, low and soft, not quite like hearing a ghost though, not when the voice of a dream had always been so much more than what was left by the dead. “I chose it.”
There was pride in that.
A child’s. Not immature, just fresh, untainted. Calliope's smile widened even as tears began to well in her eyes. “Very well then Daniel.”
“You may also call me Dream.” He added. 
Calliope nodded. “It’s who you are.”
Another smile.
“It is.”
Calliope had been invited.
She found herself curious as to why now.
“What has made things different?” Calliope asked, knowing she was here for more than to attend a funeral. “Morpheus was never ready, you are all he was…”
Daniel waited once she trailed off.
He stood silent while confirming that Calliope wasn’t going to continue. It was only then that Dream picked up the thread Calliope had dropped, it was only then that he revealed that he'd caught it as it fell. “You wish to know what I gained?”
It wasn’t a surprise that he’d untangled her question so effortlessly.
Calliope found that remained just as unsettling as Dream’s perception could so often be. Precise in the way a scalpel was; it cut out only what was needed, went as deep as was required by the wound, cut expertly but it still cut. He was right. Calliope did wish to know what he’d gained, though until he’d said that she’d not been sure it was the right word, the right definition. Daniel Hall had been human. Morpheus had always been Endless.
Calliope didn’t know what to think of the amalgamation of that.
Perhaps she never would, but she could still use a perception all her own to try and find both sides of its coin. “Yes, what you gained…and what you lost.”
“I…” Dream paused but didn't stumble, paused not to find the words but to feel them. “I lost them both. I gained them both. We joined and so became new.”
“Yes.” He shrugged, so simple a motion for so large a truth. “What is that for one such as me? What can it be. To change is to die, and to die is to change.”
“Our son died.” Calliope said quietly.
“I know.” Daniel said. “I know what that is now.”
“I don’t.” Calliope admitted, her own simple statement for far too large a truth. “Not like a mortal does. How can I mourn when—“
Daniel took her hand. “You can mourn with me.”
He was kind, wasn’t he?
So very kind, just like her Oneiros had been. Daniel was dark like him too; sharp, resplendent in it, somehow refreshed like a mortal was after a long sleep, less worn and weary in a world the same as when they'd closed their eyes. The nightmare in him reborn too, as it should be, that cruel aspect rejuvenated because it had never been a wound to cast out. Calliope had never needed to find Dream in the darkness, had never forgot enough of him to try, had known no hand was needed to pull him out of what might be dark but would always be him.
The full spectrum of what a dream was; Dream was as soft as he was sharp, the hand that now held Calliope's was as cold as the action was warm, Dream was cruel—
He was kind.
“It takes time, doesn’t it? For us.” Calliope said quietly, part of her always standing two thousand years away. “How long can grief last when one lives forever.”
Daniel considered that for a moment, heard its threat, its hope. “Perhaps even grief must die.”
“Must change?”
He smiled, this time a little impish, a mischievousness familiar and utterly unique. “Indeed.”
Calliope sighed. “I do not think mine can change the way yours did.”
“I suppose that is true for humans too.” Calliope continued, then tested specifics, tested going as far down another thread as she could and wondering if he might once again pick it up. “For other parents. Other mothers.”
Calliope didn't trail off this time, dropped the thread all the same, deliberate and—
It changed hands.
“I have lost a son,” Dream said, his eyes as green as the place where the Bacchante had torn Orpheus apart, as green as the forest that had continued growing nonetheless. “And I have been a son who is lost. I have been taken and I have been taken from. I know what hurts you, Calliope the muse, and I would mourn with you if you’d allow me.”
“You lost a mother.” Calliope realised; breathed it like an ode, where grief expressed the fullest, felt an answer resonate as what could only be given as poetry.
“I am Daniel.” He said, somehow agreed, somehow refuted too, both acknowledged what grief that was and what it couldn’t be. His pause was what lay between stanzas, what inspired the next one to begin. “But I am not Daniel Hall.”
Oh Dream. 
A baby had died—oh that hurt, the thought of Orpheus dead like that, the thought of him having so little time—a mother grieving what could never, ever come back. They had spoken of loss, of Morpheus, of Daniel, because there were really two deaths in this one life. A new pain in that to match what else was gained. Refreshed Dream may be but there was always a burden to bear, always one to carry. That was life, was dreams and nightmares, was balance and perhaps it was restricting to call that a caveat. It was neutrality perhaps, a scale that could tip both ways.
It wasn’t failure that made this hurt.
Calliope nodded. “Then perhaps we can mourn him too?”
Perhaps Dream had tested the dropping of a thread this time. Daniel stilled, looked at her searchingly; eyes now black and aglow with stars, the wonder of looking up at the sky, the wonder of looking down at the earth. They shared that between them. Calliope found herself remembering Orpheus—a child asking to stay up late, an adult asking if she’d like to meet his future wife—remembered a searching look that said I need to be sure.
That said do you really mean it?’
She’d never seen it in Dream, found it now. This fragile sort of wondering, this want revealed as if he’d not yet thought he’d be given the gift. 
As if he’d not known he’d be granted the right. 
Dream nodded at last. 
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turtletaubwrites · 6 months
I Knew It Would Hurt ~ Part 9
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,715
This is part 9 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Series Link
Summary: You're waiting for the boys to make their decision. Waiting is really fucking hard.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Relationship Discussions, Relationship Drama, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, I left out some tags to avoid spoilers but there’s nothing crazy if you’ve read this far already
A/N: Here's another rollercoaster, and it's the longest one so far! I'm super grateful for all of your interactions with this story. I've loved turning that little smut scene into this fun character dynamic, and I really hope you enjoy this next installment. Thank you!!
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A soft knock at the door woke you, and for a moment you felt fine. Then you remembered. 
“I’ve got your breakfast, can I come in?”
Nami frowned when she saw you. She set your plate down on your desk, then pulled you into a hug.
“This whole thing seems like a lot of work. I’m here if you need me, okay?”
“Thanks, Nami. All I wanted to do was take a long shower, and now I might be breaking up with two people I’m not actually with.”
“Gotta be careful about those showers, they can fuck you up.”
You gave a laugh that might have been a sob before squeezing her tighter. 
“Love you.”
She pulled away, but grabbed your shoulders, leaning her face toward yours.
“Love ya too, weirdo. What do you need today?” 
“Um, can you bring me my field notes? Chopper knows where they are. I’m just gonna work in here today, I’m not ready to people.”
“Of course. I can bring you your other meals too if you want.”
Sighing as you nodded, memories of recent times in the kitchen fought you as you tried to shove them down. 
“Luffy really thinks you’re sick now.”
“He might not be far off. I feel like shit.”
After Nami came back to drop off lunch later, another knock came, freezing you on the spot. 
“Hi, it’s Robin.”
You cringed a bit, embarrassed for her to see you like this, but you let her in. Her eyes combed over you, lips pursing as she stepped inside. She kept a noticeable distance between you.
“Y/N, I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have been pushing you like this, I knew you were overwhelmed already. I’m so sorry I added to your struggle.”
“No, Robin, it's okay. You helped me! I really needed to hear what you said.”
Robin let out a breath, but her brows were still tensed. She looked down at the ground before meeting your eyes again.
“I shouldn’t have pushed myself on you. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Her normally steady eyes looked heavy, a sight she rarely shows.
Reaching for her hand, you felt a gentle smile warming your face.
“I’m not sorry.”
Her lips curled up just a bit, and she squeezed your fingers gently. 
“I’m so glad to hear that… How about we wait on that date until everything settles?” 
You almost argued that you didn’t need to wait, but you realized that you did. 
“Thank you, Robin.”
She brushed a strand of hair from your face, and you breathed in her lovely scent.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll do what I can to calm the rest of the crew.”
The comfort that Robin's presence left you with made you feel safer, warmer. 
But it was as if that feeling of safety made room for your body to feel the rest. 
Sitting at your desk staring at your field notes, your vision started to blur. You had to close your journal to keep tears from staining your monographs.
You kept your sobs silent, not wanting anyone to hear. Then you remembered why you’d gotten so good at keeping your screams quiet lately. You had to cover your mouth as you choked, louder sobs escaping you now. 
Why did I do this to myself? I knew it would hurt. Just not this much, not so fast. I should have stopped. 
But you hated that thought. The thought of not enjoying the short time you’d had with both of them. The pleasures, the laughter, the growing warmth. You didn’t want to lose any of it, even if it would hurt less. 
You tried not to think about what choice they would make. The only one you wanted felt selfish. You’d get to have everything.
And if you didn’t get to have everything, then it would be nothing. You knew that even if one of the boys chose to leave, and one wanted to stay, you couldn’t continue with only one. There was too much heat between all three of you. You knew it would drive an even bigger wedge between them, potentially tearing them, and the crew apart. 
I can’t do that. 
So it was all or nothing, and your body was preparing you for the worst. 
A knock shook you from your spiral and you moved to the door, expecting Nami. Wiping your tears and shaking your arms, you checked.
“Who is it?”
“Hi, Y/N. I’ve got your dinner, and I didn’t eat any of it.”
Your eyes went wide, but you let your captain in.
“Thank you, Luffy.”
He walked right in, setting your plate on your desk before plopping on your bed. 
You stared, not sure what to say. He pointed to your desk chair, and you felt suddenly terrified as you sat and faced him. He watched you like he was sizing you up.
“Robin told me and Chopper why you’ve been weird.”
“I’m the captain, Y/N. I need to know my crew is okay.”
Fear iced through you, and you stared into your lap. He should kick me off the crew. I’m splintering his best fighters, endangering everyone.
His hand stretched toward you, and he touched your shoulder until you met his eyes. 
“It all seems a little crazy to me.”
You let out a near panicked laugh before you caught yourself.
“Yeah, me too.”
“But you care about them?”
His deep eyes looked so soft, his voice intense.
“I do.” 
Nodding, he crossed his arms. 
“They care about you too, Y/N.”
You felt your lips shaking, heat rising in your throat. 
“As long as you care about each other, and keep fighting for your dreams, I’m happy.”
Hot tears spilled down your cheeks as Luffy started to smile. 
“Can you be happy too?”
Your lips pulled into a strained smile as you tried to stop your tears. 
“I’ll get there, Luffy. It’s just rough right now. But I’m glad you’re my captain.” 
Luffy was beaming at you now, then stretched to ruffle your hair. He leaned toward you, and whispered softly.
“Will you keep giving me the extra food Sanji makes you?”
You burst out laughing, and Luffy’s smile stretched even wider.
“Yes, captain!”
Luffy grabbed you in a hug, twirling you as much as he could in the small quarters. This is family. 
As he left he gave you one more serious look. 
“Y/N, please tell me next time something is hurting you. I’m your captain and I need to know.”
“I promise, Luffy.”
All the emotions of the day had you feeling empty, but now it was more pleasantly numb. Your biggest fear of losing your place on this crew, in this family, those fears were shrinking away from you. Soft tears of relief left your eyes now, and you tried to comfort yourself against the hurt of losing Zoro and Sanji. At least I won’t lose them completely. 
That thought brought back more of the pain, but you shook it off. It was getting late, and you wanted to get some air. Steeling yourself, you picked up your dishes and went down the hall, hoping to sneak them into the galley before sitting out on deck. 
You crept against the wall, listening to check if Sanji was inside or not before heading in.
But you heard two low voices. 
“You don’t know her like I do.”
“I care about her, Marimo. I care about her enough to share her with you. Can you say the same?”
You tried to force your body to turn around, to head back to your room, but all you could focus on was not shaking the plate and silverware in your hands. 
Your heart was in your throat, and you felt faint as you waited for what felt like hours for his response. 
“Yeah, I can, idiot cook.”
A gasping sob escaped you, and you tried to cover your mouth. Instead, you dropped your dishes, the plate shattering at your bare feet. You stared at the broken porcelain, and started laughing hysterically. 
They both rushed out, concern in their eyes. 
“Are you hurt?” “You okay?”
You were too out of it to respond, and kept laughing as they both tried to lift you. Zoro won, lifting you in his arms, while Sanji brushed along your feet and legs, checking for glass. 
Your breathing slowed as you felt Zoro’s racing heart, and you felt like you could fall asleep in his arms. He carried you into the kitchen while Sanji swept up the broken plate.
Zoro placed you gingerly in the booth, his brows furrowed as he looked you over. 
“Needy, please. Are you okay?”
You smiled at the nickname, and looked at them both as Sanji joined you at the table. 
“I’m okay.”
Neither of them seemed convinced, but you couldn’t explain the rush of relief and happiness that had just torn through your already overwhelmed system. But you tried. 
“I didn’t mean to. But I heard you.”
You felt your lips quivering again as they both seemed to soften. 
“It’s okay if you still need some time to think-”
“I don’t need time my love-” “I’m good, Needy-”
Your cheeks hurt from the smile that stretched your face, especially when they both grinned back at you. 
Then your mouth stretched further into the biggest, loudest yawn you’d ever felt.
“You need some sleep-” “Let’s get you to bed, dear-”
Zoro went to lift you, but Sanji tapped his shoulder. 
“You just carried her, It’s my turn now.”
“I’m not letting a pervert cook into her bedroom when she needs to rest.”
“Boys,” you commanded with another yawn. “Flip a coin or something please, I’m tired.”
Your yawns were mixed with tired giggles while you saw them rustling through their pockets. Sanji’s satisfied laugh, and Zoro’s grumble gave away the winner. 
Sanji lifted you gently, and you smelled cigarette smoke and spices on his jacket. Zoro followed close, opening the door, and hovering while Sanji set you in bed, drawing the covers over you. 
“Good night, darling-” “Good night, Needy-”
“Night, boys…”
A soft knock woke you, and for a moment you felt all that sadness. Then you remembered.
You sat straight up in bed, hoping that it wasn’t a dream.
“Who-Who is it?”
“Your favorite navigator, lazybones. Do you want to come to breakfast?”
You jumped out of bed, stumbling.
“Yeah, I’ll be right out!”
Your reflection looked dazed, and you slapped your cheeks a few times, laughing. You hurried to get ready, and had to stop yourself from racing down the hall. 
Everyone was there, already digging into their plates. They all turned to stare at you with teasing, or cheesy faces. Your face flushed, and you bit your lip before climbing into the empty spot Zoro had saved for you. You were next to him at the edge of the table, where Sanji stepped up to bring you what looked like a mimosa with tangerine blossoms for a garnish. 
“Hey, why don’t I get one of those?”
“Apologies Nami, dear. I will whip one up for you right away. Would you like one as well, Robin?”
“That sounds lovely, Sanji.”
“Hey, don’t hog the booze, waiter. Make me one of those too.”
“You haven’t earned it, moss hea-”
Everyone's clamoring voices died down as you burst out laughing, almost hysterical, but so full of joy and relief. 
Luffy grinned, stretching to hit your arm lightly with his fist, Chopper looked confused, Usopp was asking Sanji for his own mimosa, and Nami and Robin laughed with you. 
The boys had stopped arguing, and were both staring at you. Until your skin flushed red again, and your laughter hiccuped and faded. 
“Ugh. I love you, Y/N, but this is gonna get annoying real fast.”
You stuck your tongue out at Nami as she winked, and fell into quiet joy while you tried to listen to the group. 
Sanji kept bringing you delicious gifts, and you’d wink at Luffy so he could snag them. Each time Sanji came your way he would give you a soft peck on the forehead, or shoulder, or knuckles.
A low grumble moved through Zoro, but all he did was wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his warmth.
Feeling like you were going to pass out, you didn’t even hear most of what the crew were saying while they teased you. 
You caught yourself doing your happy food wiggle dance, and couldn’t seem to stop, even humming now and then. The crew left the three of you there, and you didn’t hear their goodbyes, just beamed lazily at them.
Sanji brought his plate to the table, and cleared his throat until Zoro begrudgingly scooted over, dragging you with him to make room on the bench. Sanji winked at you before diving into his meal, and you just sat there wiggling, out of your mind. 
“I knew you were fuckin’ needy.”
You laughed while Sanji spluttered, and you patted his knee to calm him.
“What do you mean, Zoro,” you smirked up at him, teasing. 
“You know what I mean. So fucking spoiled.”
“Don’t listen to him, angel. You deserve to be spoiled, to be-”
Another bout of hysterical laughter left you, and eventually they joined in. 
Finally, you gained some control of yourself, and tried to hold a conversation. 
“I’m so happy you both chose to stay with me.”
You stopped them both from speaking at the same time, realizing that it would be difficult to get much done with all three of you in a room. 
“We definitely need to keep checking in, and figuring out boundaries. I don’t think my brain is up for that today though.”
“What are you up for, my dear?”
“Mm, I like this,” you sighed, rocking back and forth against each of their sides. 
You caught Zoro rolling his eyes, and you stuck your tongue out at him. 
“What about you guys? Your needs matter too here. What do you need?”
Neither spoke for a minute, and you played with your spoon. 
“I guess, um…”
You looked up at Zoro, desperate to hear him actually express his fucking needs. 
“How do we figure out time for just us?”
He said those words softly, and you knew how huge it was that he hadn’t said it with anger or frustration. You smiled up at him, then at Sanji who seemed to be waiting with rapt attention. 
“Well, we can always check in, and change things if the system isn’t working out. But how about for now we stick to alternating days? Not just for sex, but for our time together?”
They both nodded, Zoro slowly, and Sanji with an eager smile. You squeezed both of their knees before reaching for the last of your mimosa. 
You sat back, and they both tilted to see you better. You fought more laughter at what a lovely pair they made. 
“Y/N, dear-” “So who-”
They glared at each other, until Sanji did a small mock bow to let Zoro go first. 
Zoro’s mouth twitched as he looked away from both of you before continuing. He didn’t meet your gaze when he finished his question. 
“Who’s turn is it?”
Your lips parted, and you watched them both look guilty while they waited for you.
This is crazy. How did I manage this?
Zoro cleared his throat, leaning with his elbows over the table.
“Yesterday was supposed to be my day.”
“Technically we didn’t finish my day before that.”
“You’re really gonna pressure her ab-” “You’re the one that’s pressuring her Mari-”
“Technically today was supposed to be Robin’s day.”
Your words shut them both up, and it took way too much effort to hold in your satisfied smile at their expressions. 
Zoro looked shocked again, as if he’d blocked that out of his mind. Sanji’s fists had clenched, and you could see the veins in his neck and face throbbing as he turned bright red. 
You couldn’t help it. A small laugh escaped you. 
“Don’t worry, Robin and I decided to wait on our date until things are settled.”
You could have sworn you heard a tiny whimper from Sanji’s throat. 
“How about we start things fresh with a coin toss?”
They both reached for a coin and threw them in the air, calling out the choice. You laughed as they both lost their own tosses. 
“Let me do it.”
You’d grabbed Zoro’s coin, and tried to mimic them. You kept throwing it onto the table, or failing to catch it. The coin would drop on your lap, both of them reaching for your thighs to grab it for you, growling as their hands touched. 
“Gods, can you guys just agree on which one of you tosses the coin? Pretty please?”
Sanji ended up giving in to your wishes again first, letting the swordsman toss. Then Zoro swore as the coin fell in Sanji’s favor. Sanji kissed your cheek while Zoro left the table after rubbing along your shoulders.
“See ya later, Needy.”
You rushed over to your surly crewmate. The man who had walked in on you in the shower, and declared that you should fuck. You laughed softly at how crazy your life had been since that moment. And you couldn’t be more grateful for it if you tried. 
“What,” he asked, his brows tensing as you laughed.
“It’s nothing,” you whispered, standing on tip toes in a silent request for a kiss.
His look of surprise deepened your smile, and he gripped the hair at the back of your neck when he pulled you to his lips. 
A soft cough sounded behind you, and Zoro hummed as he pulled away to smirk at the cook. You nudged him out the door. 
Turning around, you saw his eyes wide, waiting. You leaned toward him, feeling his soft lips kiss the corners of your mouth before pulling you into his arms to breathe along your ear. 
“All to myself?”
Sanji’s raspy voice made you moan, your body still so ready even with all that had happened. You almost felt high, like all the emotions had left your body buzzing. 
You looked up into his soft eyes, watching his lips part when he noticed how heavy your breaths were. 
“D-Darling. I didn’t mean… Let me-”
He froze when you gripped his arms to keep him from pulling away. 
“I want all sorts of lovely moments with you, Sanji, and I know we’re going to have them.”
The sweet smile that bloomed on his face made your heart dance in your chest for a moment, and you had to take a deep breath. 
“I don’t want you to feel bad if we start today where we left off.”
You let heat fill your eyes as you wet your lips. Sanji’s eyes seemed to be pulled to your mouth, and you saw his breath hitch. 
“A-Are you sure?”
Grinning at him, you nodded as you bit your lip.
He lunged toward your lips again, but you pressed your hands to his chest.
“Maybe we should go to one of our rooms now that everyone knows?”
You gasped as he looked at you like he was about to eat you. 
“That’s too far, sweetheart. How about I take you in the pantry?”
You’d barely breathed out your ‘yes,’ before he lifted you into the air. He pulled you so fast, but still managed to grip you in a way that was comfortable. Your arms and legs wrapped around him, and he groaned while you kissed and licked along his neck. 
Setting you gently in the walk in pantry, he held your face while he kissed you before rushing out. You tilted your head after him, but moaned when he returned with a condom and lube. Memories of your first time with him, and the sting and pleasure of his thick cock pulsed through you. Your eyes fell back in your head, and he gave a satisfied chuckle as he turned on the small light before closing the door. 
“My sweet, Y/N… How can I show you how special you are to me?”
“You can tell me all the filthy things you want to do to me.”
You pulled your panties off from under your skirt and threw them at his chest. 
Sanji had to catch himself against the wall as he moaned, almost dropping the lube. 
He already looked wrecked when he met your eyes, and it drove you crazy. 
“What do you want to do to me, Sanji?”
He was panting as he watched you pull your skirt up, so slowly. You took the condom and lube from him, and set them on a shelf.
Skin on fire, you didn’t know what had gotten into you. But you wanted him now, and you couldn’t stop yourself. You pressed yourself against his chest, looking into his blown out eyes. Both of you cried out when you dragged your hand along his length, already so fucking hard. 
“Sanji, I asked you a question.”
Your words came out soft and dark. You watched his eyes flutter, and you wanted to speed him up. Taking his hand in yours, you whispered his name before pressing his fingers into your wet folds. 
He moaned so loud, and your knees went weak. He had to catch you, then he pressed you against the wall, shoving two fingers into you.
“You are so fucking perfect. My sweet, dirty angel.”
Crying out at his praise, your body started shaking for him. 
“P-Please, Sanji.”
He rutted against your thigh when you begged, and the feel of his clothed shaft rubbing against you made you whimper.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you. Such a beautiful, lovely girl. And you’re letting me touch you like this, where anyone could find us.”
He moaned into your ear, breathing in the scent of your hair. 
You cried out his name, already feeling on the edge, ready.
“So gorgeous. Let me take care of you, angel. Let me make you feel good.”
“Yes, Sanji, please.”
He fell to his knees with a moan, tasting your needy cunt with that skilled tongue. His two fingers kept up their work while he swirled his tongue ring around your clit. 
You had already started shaking before he plunged that third finger into you, and then you were gone. You shoved your own fist into your teeth, and panted as you bucked against Sanji’s face, coming on his tongue. 
He licked you up like he was dying of thirst, while his three fingers kept prepping you. 
He looked up at you, face glistening in the small light. 
“You taste divine, my sweet.”
You moaned as his fingers kept working you. 
“It’s probably time for me to prep for lunch, darling.”
You whined, grinding on his fingers. 
He groaned, then checked his watch. 
“Please Sanji. We’ll have so many more times to play for longer. Please fuck me against the wall right now. I know how much your perverted mind wants you to.”
You moaned as Sanji’s hand twitched inside you, his head falling back as he moaned. 
“Please Sanji, I know you’ll take good care of me. Please, please fuck me now. I know you’d love it if someone caught us.”
He fell forward, mouth hanging open as his face pressed against your hip. 
He was still taking too long. 
You gripped your fingers into his hair, and pulled his face to yours. 
“Sanji, are you going to make me beg?”
You watched his eyes harden, and cried out as his long fingers worked you with even more strength. 
“A lady always gets what she wants in my kitchen.”
You moaned his name as he stood, kissing his way up your neck.
His fingers left you, and you clung to the wall as you watched him free his cock from his slacks before dragging the condom and lube down his length. 
He came toward you, and lifted your leg so that your foot rested on a low shelf. His hands trailed along your neck, then your thighs. Your back arched as he teased his shaft along your entrance, the size of him so warm against you. 
“I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
His whispers against your cheek while he dragged his tip along your clit made you shiver for him. 
“To have such an exquisite beauty, coming on my face in the pantry.”
You cried out, clawing at his shoulders. 
He slapped his thick cock against your entrance a few times while you moaned for him. 
“To have such a gorgeous pussy, aching for me to fill it.”
“Fuck, Sanji, please!”
“Of course, darling.”
Biting your lip, your head fell back as you felt him against your center. Not even pressed into you, and your body was readying. 
“That’s good, angel. Breathe for me. You know I’ll take care of you.”
You moaned for him, scratching your nails down his striped shirt as he pushed into you, so slowly. 
“Gods, Sanji-”
“Shh, darling. Just breathe, and take me, baby. I know you can, you’re so perfect for me.”
Your pussy clenched around him, and he thrust the rest of the way in as he moaned. 
“Sweetheart, you okay?”
“Y-Yes, Sanji.”
“Good girl… So perfect.”
As Sanji’s thick cock started pumping into you, slowly, then faster and faster, you forgot where you were, who you were. Just the sharp pain and pleasure of him inside you, and his endless, delectable words were all that held you to reality. His breath was hot on your face and neck as he panted his praise along your skin.
“Y/N, your pussy is fucking heavenly, baby. Fuck. Just like that, I feel you squeezing me so hard. You want my cock inside you, don’t you angel. You want me to make you feel so good, to take care of my perfect girl.”
“Yes, Sanji. Please take care of me.”
He moaned at that, shoving into you, thrusts becoming staggered. He reached down, massaging your clit while you gasped.
“So soft, so good for me…There you go darling- fuck, yes Y/N, milk my cock like a good girl- fuck-”
Sanji came into you with whimpered moans while you shattered around him. He had to hold your slumped body up, gingerly removing himself from you while you cried out. 
You whimpered as he pressed soft kisses to your face, before reaching for your panties on the floor. He gave you a satisfied smile as he used them to wipe you clean, before using them to clean himself off after removing that very full condom. 
You moaned while you watched him rub your panties on his cock, his eyes heavy lidded even after what you’d just done. 
“You’re gonna need to buy me some new panties if you keep taking all of mine.”
His breath came out heavy as he smiled.
“Oh I plan on buying you so many special gifts, my sweet.”
Miraculously, you made it out of the pantry with time to spare, even rushing for a quick shower before heading back to lunch. 
Even though it was Sanji’s day, it looked like meals were going to stay a shared time. You sighed as you leaned against Zoro, dampening his shirt with your still wet hair. 
“Y/N, do you know if we still have any yarrow? I remember you said it can be used to staunch bleeding, and I’d like to keep some on hand if we run out of our other supplies.”
“Y-Yes Chopper. I believe we do, but I’ll check after lunch.”
I really should get back to work at some point. 
But with Zoro’s warmth at your side, and Sanji’s wink while he started on dishes, you weren't sure how you were going to do that. 
Especially when you met Robin’s deep blue eyes, and saw her lips curve in that teasing smile. 
Who knows the next time we’ll be in danger again? I should enjoy this bliss for as long as I can.
Your selfish little smile at that thought felt oh so good. 
I guess I really am Needy after all. 
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Thank you for reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 10
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think about where things have landed! I know I've been posting daily updates, but I'm visiting family for the next few days so it might be a couple days until the next one. Unless I get bored, I will be bringing a tablet and keyboard with me 😅
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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yuikomorii · 3 months
What trauma did Ayato go thru in LE? I haven’t read it and I don’t mind a spoiler
// LE is a continuation of DF and sometimes you’ll get flashbacks from it.
Ayato gained the powers he did not want, and when Richter appeared, there was a massive misunderstanding that could have been avoided 1) if his brothers had allowed him to express his own point of view, or 2) if Yui had defended him instead of watching them mock Ayato, given that she knew the reason for his behavior, as I mentioned in this post.
All ganged up against him and pulled the reactive abuse card, which made him leash out and accidentally hurt some of them. And, if that wasn’t enough, Ruki and Reiji were plotting his downfall, involving the Viboras and the Church too, so as to assassinate Ayato and get his powers, for the reason that they were —envious—. Oh, and we also have Kino, who’s the antagonist and joined them. Yui, Kou, Yuma and Azusa took Ayato’s side though, but Yui said and did so many dumb things that only added more unnecessary drama. Ayato wanted to apologize to his brothers and they told him “k y s”, yet he accepted to do so. In the good ending, time got rewinded and nobody remembered anything, not even Yui, therefore Ayato had to live with the thought that the people he tried to protect and avenge were the same people who led to his death.
Nevertheless, that’s not all. What makes the whole route so traumatic was the fact that it’s the only DL route that tries to *directly* justify abuse. In the first games, the Diaboys’ actions were definitely depicted negatively or just for fanservice, but here all the pain was just to “make him grow”. A lot of East-Asian fans found this incredibly disgusting (this post), since you can’t force someone’s growth through trauma. It’s obvious that Ayato developed PTSD, and portraying this as something beneficial for the character is just so gross, especially since he was nice and helpful in other routes. It gave the same vibes as “Bullying is good because it helps you become a stronger and braver person!”
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
✨Tighnari Headcannons✨
💐🥰❤️Did this bc I’m obsessed <3 🥰❤️💐
SFW only|Never NSFW| Made this for me and my friend bc we love him. (Headcannons: Love, Defending, Confessing, Teasing, Knowledge)
A/N: Pls don’t flop :d | Reposts / Reblogs are okay. As long as credit is given! Please give me a ❤️🥰💐
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This is long in my opinion so…(Spoiler about colleis elezaer, if you haven’t helped her with it, it’s a little spoiler but won’t do much.)
Headcannons about: How he shows love|
Acts of service / Quality Time |
• He’d help around the house you share.
•Also the one that mostly cooks breakfast.
•Wakes up early(usually) and may be staring at you before getting up or he Immediatley gets up-
•Helps you out with work occasionally if he’s finished with his. •Opens the door for you and closes it often when your with him. (He’s such a gentleman<3)
•Gives gifts slightly often, varying from flowers to sweets. He either leaves it on the bedside, desk or table.
•When he has time off, he’ll immediately look for you to spend it with. As that can be rare in the relationship.
•Tries avoiding the scorching parts of the desert or the heavily crowded and noisy parts of the city.
•Usually takes you out for a picnic,stargazing,cafes/restaurants or little trips.
•What do you do on these adventures? Well it can vary, he may take you to go get flowers afterwards or brings you to places he wants to show you.
“What? Do you not want me to help you out with the house or the work? What else can I be able to assist you with if you keep getting spooked by me lending a hand.” He stated, resting his free arm on the desk as he eyed your writing. His other hand was laid on your hair. He gently inhaled your scent as he kept reading, helping you correct it by spelling check or just details he could think of adding. Whatever he did just brightened his and yours day during these small moments of you both being alone, basking in the suns slight glow and radiating warmth.
“Well since this paper seems to be done, we’re going out because we need a break. He’d say, holding his hand out (or just picking you up bridal style if you’re trying to rival his stubbornness.) bringing you somewhere to spend the day. The paper you’d almost finished can wait. He’s what you need and you are what he needs right now to help each other relieve from stress.
Headcannons about: Defending you
Someone bothering you / species
•If he catches wind of your scent with someone’s he’s unfamiliar with he’d be slightly concerned.
•If his instincts are correct, that it is someone trying to harm his mate, he’ll immediately track you down.
•His ears and nose are enhanced, it won’t take long before he will step in.
•Immediately steps between you and them, covering you with his body while he sends a harsh glare. •His tone either sounds calm or angered. Either trying to hold back his anger or he’s already expressing it.
•Possibly growling is audible enough for you to hear. His tail is slightly stiff but still wags with you near him. Ears pointed up in their direction, showing alertness.
•if that isn’t enough to chase them off, he’ll use a potion or his vision to stop them in their tracks.
•one whiff of a potion he might’ve brought could make them instantly feel drowsy. Stopping them from making any conflict.
•He’ll point his bow at them, his vision glowing brightly. With dendro starting to become infused within it and a few vines are seen on the bow. Shooting it into the ground, using the vines to tie them up. (I keep thinking it’s vines in his burst but then I think it’s a flower I honestly forgot.)
•Same goes for harmful species. Beside him putting his body in front of you. He’ll quickly shoot arrows or use his potions to get you out so he can deal with them.
•If you have a vision, it’ll ease him as long as you know how to use it.
•He’d prefer if it was electro or hydro or pyro. Allowing elemental reactions to take control can easily defeat opponents.
•if you happen to have an electro one, he’d be slightly more concerned but also more interested. As he did get struck by lightning and he hates how loud it is…
•The lightning you command will aid him and hopefully never strike him. Hopefully that’s by accident during the beginning stages.
(This may sound dumb, but think of 2 people with backs against each other, he’s the one that’s facing the left / back of the backs.)
•He’s the one that’s facing the left while you would face the right / you’re facing the back of his view. (He’s facing the back of your view)
•Supports you with his skill while you’re in the middle of it enabling quicken / spread. Then uses his burst to quickly finish them off while you use your electro fused energy.
•Prefers if you’re a sword user (cmon I can’t say polearm bc you’re gonna sound like a mini cyno. ;-; UNLESS- YOU ARE CYNO 🤨 nah. Just his younger sibling. )
•He’s alright with you being of the same weapon type. But you’d have to learn how to coordinate attacks effectively with both of you using bows.
“Leave me alone you creep!” You muttered, a male staring down at you as you moved back, hitting a wall. Nearby passerby’s watches but did nothing. Certainly was a moment that made you lose faith in teyvat slightly. Yanking his hand away when he tried to connect it with yours.
Anger brewing inside both of you as one very handsome sassy fox approached. A smirk shined through and you stuck your tongue out at the male, frustration running wildly inside, his arm was cast aside by your lover Tighnari, growling with a glare. “Leave my partner (Padisarah,Lotus or whatever you think he can call you by) alone. She’s clearly not interested.” Tighnari said with a lower tone, tail wrapped around you and his other hand holding yours.
They didn’t stop, thinking they could overpower such an individual, Tighnari apprehended them easily, keeping them on the ground till Cyno arrived, taking away the creep for investigation. As they had a long record of them trying to get ladies.
Headcannons about: Him confessing his love for you
Public / Private
•He’ll confess about it during an event. Figuring the event would brighten the mood and make the day even more special.
•His confession would be short and blunt. Nothing long like a love poem or him spewing how much mora he would use to buy you. •He’s saying something like this: “Y/N, this may be uncomfortable for you. But I’m willing to ask here and now. I love you, do you love me back?”
•His tail is ecstatic, swishing quickly behind him as his eyes are filled with hope,adoration and admiration for only you.
•His ears pointed fully at your direction, his face covered in blush as he admires you quickly, taking in how perfect you are in his view.
•His actions proving how much he is willing to commit to you, his entire life he always and will.
•(The other rangers are watching with glee, heck they all knew how smitten Tighnari was by you. Collei is definitely giggling in the back)
•When you’re in private, he’ll say a similar sentence, the silence being slightly comforting to him as you can hear his tail swishing from how quiet it is. Allowing your answer to be true and clear for both of you.
•If someone sees you two in private, they’ll definitely tell the others, even before you both announce the relationship to the public.
The event was filled with glee and joy, a celebration for colleis elezaer was in order, also made for majority of the withering zones dying and celebration of the forests rangers work. Tighnari told collei what he had planned to say to you at the right time.
The venue used in pardis dhayi was filled with forest rangers and friends alike. Unknowingly, collei sat you both right next to each other. While she would sit on the side of Tighnari and you’d be the left of cyno. Collei and cyno both knew about what Tighnari was going to do, so they also prepared a little spot nearby if you guys needed alone time. Both clearly ecstatic during the feast. Anticipation brewing inside waiting for him to say those 3 special words.
“Y/N this may be uncomfortable for you but, I love you, I’m willing to devote myself to you. Do you love me back?” He said, tail wagging, eyes staring at yours in a lovingly way, ears perked and facing your direction. You clearly had the spotlight, and always will in his eyes. He even had a few of your favorite flowers in one of his hands. Must’ve picked them earlier today, they seemed new and fresh.
“Tighnari-? I- Of course I love you back! I thought you knew!” You said as you grabbed the bouquet of flowers as he gently pullled you into a hug. Tail wrapped around your leg or wagging excitedly at that moment and his ears drooped(in a good way) Collei,cyno and everyone else was fangirling over you both. Cyno may or may not have took a picture of you both… he’s happy to support his best friends relationship. He totally didn’t show it to nahida.
Tighnari talked with you during the feast and afterwards, making sure you understood how it can be with him. Ranging from his nesting habits to him mating for life. Of course, you didn’t mind those. Tighnari rubbed his cheek against yours, content with how his life was. Showing signs of affection towards you. Everyone else could hear his purring and man would they never stop teasing him about it for the rest of the week.
Headcannons about: Teasing
Him teasing you basically, or being sassy
•Would tease you just to see you mad, and he could kill those thoughts of you getting revenge quickly
•Does so by hugging your waist, you thought he was going to kiss you on your lips. But he didn’t
•Instead he left you hanging (or) pecked your check. Leaving you upset at him.
•When you confront him about it, he’ll kiss you passionately on the lips to make you lose thought.
•Sometimes he’ll be more feisty or in the mood to see you in that state, just for him to fizzle it out completely.
“Tighnari-! Stop teasing meee-!” You said as he pecked your cheek instead of your lips. Angered by the man’s actions. “My lotus/Padisarah(or whatever you think) your cheeks seem lonely too.” He said as he rubbed his against yours. Slowly making you angrier, but you did enjoy his company nonetheless.
“Come on at least- mmh-!” He cutted you off with a long kiss on the lips, a smile curling on your face, happy when he initiated it. His hands held against your back as his tail wrapped gently near your leg. “Better?” He muttered once you parted, seeing your flushed face as a reward, going back for a peck before letting go. “Tighnari!”
Headcannons about: Knowledge
What he and you are experienced in
•We all know, he’s from Amurta, the Darshan for botany and biology.
•A leader at heart, giving lectures and consuming species to see their effects. (He doesn’t eat the whole thing, just a nibble.)
•He knows the best places,items,plants for almost anything. May have the plants in stock if they’re medical in any way.
•Teaches or lectures you if you’re injuried or want to know more or you just want to know in the future.
•He’s amazed at the sight of you jotting down notes as he speaks, happy you’re listening to him, even happier knowing you’ll be more safe.
•You’re more knowledgeable in adventures, such as exploration, combat and places. he’ll ask you for your aid when traveling with you. Such as the windblume event. Asking you how to get there too what can happen there.
•Doesn’t approve of traveling every so often, but as long as you return he’s good with it. As the hero of teyvat, you know a lot. So he trusts your judgement.
•Asks you what other regions are like and loves hearing you talk about stories and experiences you had. Such as the process of becoming the Honorary knight or the first sage of nahida.
•Knowing you had many titles and jobs, he was still in awe in how you managed to get through it. Asking you for tips as he can be stubborn.
•Dislikes when he hears others get pettings from you. But he’s alright since he knows your his. Happy that you chose him out of everyone else that had a crush on you.
“Y/N (or N/N) can you tell me how you became the First sage of Nahida? I’ll tell you more about animals in the Avidya Forrest.” He said trying to bribe you, “Tighnari you already know you asking is enough, but we both know it would be better if you could hug me during it.” He nodded before picking you up bridal style to the bed.
“I thought we were going to sit on the floor-!” You stated as he carried you. “I’d rather cuddle with you on the bed.” He replied before gently lowering you down. Then getting behind you, holding you close and inhaling your scent as you told him the story. His ears hearing your words felt like a soothing melody. He loved every second of it. Love you!
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