#I think he's going to be a pretty fun human
cheeseceli · 1 day
When you struggle to eat
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, reactions
Request: reader thinking she eats "too much" and decides to eat way less for her body image, and how the skz boys would react to that.
Warnings: eating struggles will be discussed; reader has body image issues; mentions of food multiple times; use of petnames in Chan and Changbin's
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Disclaimer: this was made with the purpose to comfort anyone who's going through a similar situation. If I made a mistake and made someone uncomfortable/aggravated the situation, please do tell me and I'll correct or delete this post immediately, whatever is preferred. Topics related to eating disorders will be discussed here, please don't read if that's something that triggers you.
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Bang Chan - is ready to listen to all your worries
‌We all remember Chan's Room right?
‌He's ready to spend hours if needed just to understand what you're going through ‌and where your insecurities are coming from
‌At the same time, he will never judge you
‌So you know he's your safe place
Constantly checks up on you even if he's far away through texts and calls
And if there's someone who's aggravating the situation or making you insecure, you can bet he's gonna solve the situation himself
"Talk to me baby. What's going on in that mind of yours, hm?"
Lee Know - eats with you
Probably the first to realise something's off, considering food is almost his love language atp
Likes to have as many meals with you as possible
‌He usually makes a mountain of food in his plate, so you don't worry about the amount of food in yours
‌And he also runs errands with you
‌Especially those like buying food
‌You don't even gotta ask, he would be volunteering on the first opportunity
‌Also cooks for you, whatever you want
"Do you want to eat anything? I can cook"
Changbin - Hype man
‌Your personal hype man fr
‌Is ready to compliment you in absolutely everything
‌The best part is that you know that his compliments are always genuine
‌What do you mean you didn't like that trousers?? You looked fantastic in it! That shirt made you look even more gorgeous
‌He has known you for so long and still, he always finds something new to compliment you on
But even if after all the reassurance you want to change the way you look, he will be by your side to help you do it in a safe and healthy way
"You look perfect, baby. I promise. Actually, I still don't believe I managed to pull someone so beautiful like that"
Hyunjin - has all meals with you
‌And with that, I really mean all meals
‌Breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it
‌Even if you can't really get out of your work place or your university, he's going there then
‌He just doesn't want you to be by yourself
‌He also always has something to say during those meals
‌News about their comeback, gossip at jyp, stories from his childhood...
He never fails to admire you a lot in those moments as well, never letting you forget how much he loves and appreciates you
‌He does that hoping it will distract you from the food, so you can be more at ease
"Have I ever told you about the time Kkami bit my ankle? I think I still have the scar."
Han - makes you feel beautiful
‌He truly doesn't understand how you don't think you're the most beautiful human being to ever set foot on this earth
‌In his eyes, you were born perfect
‌So, naturally, he makes it his mission to make you see yourself in his point of view
‌Compliments and adores you
‌Will make you feel beautiful, pretty, sexy, cute... Whatever you wanna be
‌Above all, he'll make you feel loved
"No matter what size, you'll always be my love. Don't forget that."
Felix - distracts you
‌With that, I mean that he tries to take your attention off food and body image related subjects
‌Before and after eating, he will always bring you along to activities where your mind can be turned off
‌So many fun dates!!
‌Even during the meals he'll have a similar idea to hyunjin and simply won't shut up
‌Most of his compliments don't involve around your body, so you really don't think about it
"I love this hairstyle of yours. It looks wonderful"
Seungmin - protects you
‌In a sense that no one even dares to comment on your looks/habits
Even if he isn't there with you
‌That because he made it very clear that everyone should watch their mouths around you
‌For as long as he's around you, he will do his best and more to protect you from harmful comment
Also tries to experiment a lot of different foods with you all the time, so you never feel like that's a burden or a bad thing
"Hey, have you heard about the new restaurant close to home? The food is peruvian. We could have dinner there tonight."
I.N - physically reassures you
‌He loves you and every single part of you, including your looks
I believe he was a bit lost in the beginning, not exactly sure on how to help you
‌But even if his words aren't exactly his biggest strength, he still wants to reassure you as much as he can
‌So he does that with his touch
‌Holding you on his lap, kissing all of your "imperfections" and tracing patterns in your skin
‌Anything that can ground, reassure and give you comfort at the same time
"Have I ever told you how perfect you are? I should tell you that more."
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you're overworked (ateez comfort)
Thank you for reading<3 I hope this was able to help someone
» I won't put the taglist on this one as I don't want to tag anyone in something that can possibly trigger them «
Dividers by @/cafekitsune, images 1 2 3
Thank you so much for the beta readers: @duhgurl @beebee18 @applekiwi3202 @elqivxstxr @mrsunshine999 @msauthor
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hugsandchaos · 23 hours
You know, I think that Danny Phantom combined with the whole “Indomitable Human Spirit” thing would be terrifying for some other ghosts. I mean, Danny just keeps coming back! He doesn’t have the crazy freakish strength and terrifying pain tolerance (compared to some ghosts, at least), but he has an unimaginable amount of drive and willpower. No matter how many times they come close to taking him down, no matter how terrifying they are, or how many injuries he’s sustained…
He. Keeps. Fighting. Back.
If needed, Danny would track them down, no matter where they go or how well they cover their tracks. It’s just a matter of time. The same goes with Vlad, so when the two fight, it’s scary for other ghosts.
Also, Danny’s human half allows him to withstand temperatures that regular ghosts with ice cores would die of heat under. I keep thinking of Frostbite warning Danny of some kind of weird geysers, only for one to pop right under Danny. He thinks that he’s gone now, but Danny comes down from the sky smiling and panting and goes “That was fun!”. He’s panting because it caught him by surprise and startled him, but he’s also laughing.
It was pretty warm to him, so Danny tries to go again. Frostbite just goes “nope” and pulls him away. That was scary enough for him, thank you.
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m0thwinged · 9 hours
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fanart for @legacyofthedamneddsaf because oooohmygod that au's art and their designs are GORGEOUS I had to draw them!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 13 hours
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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ariaste · 2 days
hheeyy I am probably gonna buy your pirate book regardless, because it does sound wonderful, but just so I know what I'm getting my little ace brain into: the gizmodo article you linked described Brother Julian as having "a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy" and i had terrible flashbacks of the way the dragon age 2 fandom talked about Sebastian so like. Does Julian *also* think his vow is inconvenient, or am I going to have to go in accepting that funny queer pirates who resolve things with polyamory is worth wincing through a few conversations where his suitors just Cannot Believe someone so hot doesn't want to fuck oh my we must save him from himself or. whatever the fuck. Again, i loved A Touch Of Gold And Iron so I do trust you, but I've had authors i trust suddenly and unthinkingly have their characters spout aphobic talking points before, so i just want a warning, i guess. Thank you and I promise this isn't intended as a judgement of any kind, just me making sure I'm taking care of myself
No worries! I have not seen any of the Dragon Age 2 discourse and I don't know who Sebastian is, but I think I can sort of glean from context what you mean.
The answer about Julian is a little spoilery for mostly worldbuilding and a bit of his character arc, but not plot. I'm gonna try to put it under a cut, but tumblr is broken sometimes, so if the cut does not work, I apologize to the general public.
Julian is a monk of the Vintish church, which is sort of "what if the Catholic church but make it The Enlightenment" -- their religion teaches that the pursuit of knowledge and Understanding is deeply holy and that the Emperor of Heaven filled the world with mysteries specifically because he wanted humanity to figure out his little puzzles. Monks of this church take vows not to give up all "sinful" things, but to give up the one thing that occupies their mind above all else and causes them to be distracted from the pursuit of knowledge. For some people that might be alcohol, or gambling, or an addiction, or wearing pretty clothes, or anger/resentment, or whatever. For Julian, that thing was sex. He is the most allosexual man who has ever lived. He LOVED sex. It was a source of pure joy and delight and fulfillment for him -- he's one of those people who can find something wonderful and attractive in pretty much everyone he meets.
There were some Urgent Circumstances fifteen years ago in his past where taking that vow was preferable to the alternative that would have happened if he hadn't taken it, so in that sense it was a tool that served a purpose -- it was at one point a deeply convenient way of saving his own ass. I also think it was an important lesson for Young Julian to realize that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and that sacrifices HURT.
However, whether he would say in hindsight now that it was inconvenient... I think he has mixed feelings. He's very good at nuance, Julian is, and so he recognizes that all his experiences have made him into the person who he is and that he has Learned and Grown and Gained Knowledge Of Himself, which he does sincerely believe is a holy and righteous thing -- he deeply values the journey that he has been on. But at the same time.... at his heart he's just a fun guy and secretly an absolute gremlin in his own ways, you know? And tools that were once useful and relevant do not always remain so. Hope that helps!! I am on the ace/demi spectrum myself, so I've got some irritating experiences of the ways that people write about ace characters and try to "fix" them -- this is definitely not that situation.
Also, just cause you mentioned you're ace -- FYI there isn't any on-page sex in the book, just lots of dumb sex jokes and flirting. :)
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inbarfink · 2 days
Zim Invaderzim is actually a great fit for all of the Nicktoons Crossover stuff as an antagonist cause 
First things first, being a Villain Protagonist means skipping over the sort of issue of, like, if you don’t want a wholly original villain or do something like an ‘Evil Syndicate’ thing… picking just one of your playable heroes’ arch-enemy as an antagonist means that hero kinda becomes the mainest main character over the other franchises?
Like any game featuring Jimmy Neutron as one of the heroes and Professor Calamitous as the main villain… is going to feel like a Jimmy Neutron game first and foremost, cause it’s not like Danny Phantom has any meaningful personal beef with him, y’know? And obviously putting in a villain from a show as the main antagonist without including the actual main character hero is going to feel incredibly strange… but Zim is both the main character of his show and someone who can play villain to every other Nicktoons character! That way the ‘balance’ of all the different franchises is maintained while still having a single and recognizable antagonist.
In terms of tone… I think the ‘Main’ Nicktoons gang ended up being a very good group, not just in terms of representing the main Nickelodeon franchises of that era, but also in capturing the full spectrum of differing tones you could find under the Nicktoons brand.
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Like, Danny Phantom is about as serious and action-y as a Nicktoon could be without going full ‘Avatar’, ‘Jimmy Neutron’ and FOP have some elements of continuity and action-adventure elements while still being primarily goofy comedies, and ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ is really just wacky hijinks and silly jokes most of the time. So having all of them together really smooths over the possible Tonal Weirdness of the crossover.
Like, is the idea of SpongeBob and Danny Phantom crossing over a little strange? Yeah. But it’s much easier to imagine SpongeBob and Timmy Turner crossing over, and also Jimmy Neutron crossing over with Danny Phantom and obviously I don’t even have to imagine Jimmy and Timmy crossing over because they did on TV like three times. So when all four of them are together that just helps lessen the more jarring aspect of this crossover.
And in that regard, ‘Invader Zim’ also fits right in - having a similar ‘goofy comedy with some continuity and adventure elements’ vibe to FOP and ‘Jimmy Neutron’ while being both more wacky and exaggerated and also much darker and edgier with its style of humor…. I think you can very easily imagine Zim crossing over with any one of the ‘Main’ Nicktoons without any major Weirdness and as such he works pretty well with almost every character under the ‘Nicktoons’ brand.
Plus, with his extreme brand of both incompetence and hypercompetence, he’s the kind of villain you can imagine both as a credible threat to Actual Superhero Danny Phantom and as someone who could be plausibly defeated by SpongeBob SquarePants without hurting Danny’s cred as an action hero or SpongeBob’s cred as Just a Silly Little Guy
But also having Zim around as one of the playable protagonists is a great fun because the concept of ‘Zim trying to join in on the heroes’ group by very badly and blatantly trying to pretend to Not Be Evil’ is a clever little way to include the main Joke of Invader Zim’s premise (Zim very badly and blatantly trying to pretend to Not Be an Alien) in a plot where Zim can’t really keep pretending to be human.
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Just a great little horrible bastard for Crossovers all around.
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fanficshiddles · 2 days
Eternally Mine, Chapter 9
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‘So… You just had an epiphany one day where you decided that not all vampires are bad?’ David asked Toshi as the group all stood around by the bar with drinks, they were all keen to speak to Toshi more.
‘Pretty much, yep. Like there are bad humans, there are bad vampires. Though there’s good ones, too.’ Toshi nodded.
‘Is that how you met Severus? Did you save him or something?’ Matt asked.
Severus glared at him. ‘I don’t need saving.’ He scoffed.
‘I was looking out for him. Then he decided to stalk me home and realised we were soulmates.’ Toshi grinned and looked at Severus, who gave a sly smirk as he squeezed her waist.
‘Well, we are grateful to you for looking out for us and helping with the attack on the school.’ Jessica smiled.
‘I was managing fine before she turned up.’ Chris sneered.
‘Yeah, course you were.’ Jessica rolled her eyes.
‘Oh yeah, getting your ass beat by the hunters. You really had it all under control.’ Toshi smirked.
‘You’ve come to me for help with bad humans lately, so don’t start.’ He huffed at her and downed his drink.
‘I could easily deal with them myself, but figured you’d have fun with them.’ Toshi shrugged.
Chris was glad when the conversation soon turned. He zoned out a bit and just focused on Louise, who was right by his side, hugging his arm and smiling up at him. She enjoyed the way he bickered a bit with everyone.
The group conversed with Toshi for a while, before dispersing and most of them having a dance around. Plenty of drinks continued to flow during the evening too, of course.
Toshi enjoyed observing everyone in the group. She noticed that Louise clung to Chris most of the time, more so when they were speaking with others. She was quiet but definitely seemed to be enjoying herself.
Loki and Claire were just as she had figured from the moments she had seen them. They were so obviously soulmates, all over one another yet playfully bickering too. So comfortable together.
She could tell that Spencer was still adjusting to being a vampire, but Jessica was good for him. She seemed able to tell whenever he was getting a little overwhelmed with his heightened senses, so would ask him to dance to distract him or they’d go outside for a little fresh air.
Hannibal was one vampire she did have on her radar, aside from Chris he was a questionable one too when it came to hunting. Though he didn’t act quite as reckless or harsh as Chris could, he didn’t care overly much for humans in regards to not hurting them when hunting. He also didn’t spend a lot of time with the group, opting to mainly be with Will on their own. Just very occasionally they would come and converse.
‘You’re taking everyone in, aren’t you?’ Severus asked her quietly with a knowing smile.
‘It’s interesting to observe your friends up close.’ She grinned at him and sipped her drink.
‘Friends is a strong word, love. Colleagues… acquaintances, at a push.’ He drawled.
‘David and Matt are… not quite what I thought. Are you sure they aren’t a thing?’ Toshi asked as she watched them at the other side of the hall, they were dancing around together with a few of the students, being goofy.
‘Pretty positive.’ Severus nodded.
‘I have my suspicions.’ Chris said as he and Louise made their way back over to them.
‘You wouldn’t be surprised if they came out together?’ Toshi asked curiously.
‘Nope. Though in saying that, Matt seemed quite happy when he realised that my brother and Claire were trying to match-make him with my Louise here.’ Chris said slightly clipped, not realising he’d just called her his in a rather protective tone, until it was too late. Though he was glad she didn’t seem to mind at all.
‘Wait, what? They tried that?’ Louise asked, surprised, while her stomach did a little flip at being called his.
‘Yeah, at Loki’s birthday party. Till I arrived, then knocked their plan all to pot.’ He smirked and slid his arm around her waist, noticing her blushing.
‘Makes sense now that I think about it.’ Louise laughed. She looked over at Matt and sighed. ‘Pity…’
Chris’ eyes widened, though Louise slowly turned her head to look up at him with a little mischievous glint in her eyes and a smirk.
‘Cheeky.’ Chris laughed and squeezed her side, making her giggle.
She was a little more comfortable and confident now that she had some more alcohol in her.
‘I love your dress, Louise. It looks really good on you.’ Toshi commented with a soft smile.
‘Ah, thank you.’ Louise went a little flustered as she glanced down at her dress. ‘I just got it from New Look.’ She laughed shyly.
‘I don’t think there would be a dress on this earth that wouldn’t look good on you.’ Chris said cheesily, making her even more flustered as her cheeks grew bright red. She was not used to getting compliments so much.
‘How are you taking to the world of vampires?’ Severus asked, taking the heat off a bit for her.
‘It’s amazing. Claire and I were rather obsessed with vampires when we were younger, always talked about if they were real. Never thought it would be possible, of course. Though here you all are.’ She grinned.
‘I’m just so glad we’ve gone into this relationship with you knowing everything. I know that Loki was really worried originally, about telling Claire.’ Chris said and Louise nodded in agreement.
‘How long have you two been together?’ Louise asked Toshi and Severus.
‘Twenty-seven months and four days.’ Both Severus and Toshi said at the same time. They both glanced at one another with a little chuckle.
‘Not that we are keeping track.’ Toshi said innocently.
‘Come on guys, don’t make me puke.’ Chris teased.
‘Aww!’ Was all Louise said, she thought it was adorable how they both knew the exact amount of time.
Jessica came bounding over towards them, she’d had a lot of shots already.
‘Can I steal your girl for a dance?’ She asked and fluttered her lashes at Chris.
‘Hmm.’ Chris raised an eyebrow and looked at Louise.
‘Pleaseee.’ Louise pleaded with a giggle.
‘As long as you bring her back soon… My arm feels lost without her.’ He pouted.
‘I will. Geez, you can be away from her for two minutes.’ Jessica laughed as she offered her hand to Louise, who took it happily and went over to dance for a while with her.
Toshi and Severus turned around to watch, so Toshi was stood by Chris.
‘Who’d have thought that the terrifying, great, original vampire could be so soft and like a puppy for a human.’ Toshi smirked as she sipped her drink, her eyes locked on Louise dancing with Jessica.
‘Watch it, you.’ Chris growled in response. ‘I kept the secret for you and Severus, the least you could do is be nice to me for one night.’
Toshi turned her head to look at him and put on an over-the-top smile for him. ‘That’s true. Please accept my most sincerest apology.’ She said as she put her hand over her heart.
Chris just shot a glare at her. ‘Severus, keep your hunter under control, will you?’
Severus only chuckled in response.
‘It’s so weird seeing Severus smiling and actually being social.’ Jessica laughed.
‘Is he not normally like this?’ Louise asked curiously.
‘God no. He never joins in with anything we do. I’m glad we’ve finally gotten to meet Toshi, now we know who she is!’
‘She seems really nice.’ Louise smiled and Jessica nodded in agreement.
Jessica wasn’t the only one that found it weird seeing Severus enjoying himself. Even the students were surprised seeing him laughing and smiling, especially when he had a dance with Toshi. They saw a different side to the usually moody and serious teacher during the evening.
When Louise and Jessica went back over to Chris, Toshi and Severus, Louise went straight back to Chris’ side as he put his arm out to her. She tucked nicely into his side, under his arm, they fit together so well.
‘Has anyone seen where Claire is?’ Jessica asked as she looked around.
‘Nope, not seen her in a while actually… Come to think of it, Loki’s not about either?’ Louise said as she looked across the room.
‘What if we get caught?’ Claire giggled as Loki ushered her into Chris’ office and shut the door behind them.
‘We won’t, they’re all in the hall. They won’t come all the way back here.’ Loki smirked and backed her against the wall.
‘Just can’t keep your hands off me, hmm?’ Claire grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘You know I can’t.’ Loki growled low and cupped the back of her head as he dipped down to kiss her deeply.
His hands began wandering while their tongues slowly moved together, he slid a hand underneath her dress and trailed his fingers lightly up her inner thigh, when he reached her knickers and firmly ran his fingers along her, he made her whimper into his mouth.
Loki teased her for a moment with his fingers, momentarily sneaking down inside her knickers so he could lightly rub over her clit a few times, she was already aroused for him and her scent was driving him wild.
‘Such a naughty vampire slut.’ He growled with a smirk against her lips, he removed his hand from up her dress so he could undo his trousers and take out his cock, he was already semi-hard, it just took a few strokes to get him ready.
He lifted Claire up and pinned her against the wall, she wrapped her legs around him for extra security. Loki reached down between them, though kept her held up with one hand on her ass, he pulled her knickers to the side and lined his cock up with her heat.
As soon as he thrust into her, they both let out the most unholy noises. Claire buried her face against his neck as he bottomed out inside her, then just stayed still for what felt the longest time. He finally began to move after she started squirming too much, making him unable to hold back for any longer.
‘Fuuuuck. Loki!’ Claire squealed.
‘Shhh, love. Don’t want anyone to hear.’ Loki chuckled wickedly into her ear as he started to really move his hips against her.
‘Don’t be so fucking good then.’ She whimpered and nibbled on his neck as she clung to him tightly.
‘It’s me that’s supposed to be doing the biting, darling. Don’t forget you’re my little blood bank.’ He slid his hand into her hair and tugged her head backwards, so he could get access to her neck. He let his fangs come out to play and trailed them along her skin, he could feel her clenching around him in response.
Regrettably, he wasn’t going to bite her, he wasn’t going to let himself get carried away in this sort of setting. She would be too weak to enjoy the party, plus there were too many vampires nearby that might smell her blood.
‘Loki.’ Claire cried out as she clenched around him, she was so far gone. Loki could sense her heartbeat quickening more and more the closer she got.
Claire knew Loki was close too, she could tell by the way he lost his rhythm. She always tried to last longer, but he knew just exactly what to do to get her to cum before he did. When he let out a feral growl and nipped her shoulder, she was a goner.
When Loki felt her cum on his cock so wonderfully, he followed closely behind with a loud moan. He only just managed to keep his composure so she wouldn’t fall, his breathing was deep and he had built up a bit of a sweat.
Claire trembled against him when she felt his cum dribbling down her inner thighs. When Loki slowly pulled out of her, even more came out of her. Loki slipped her knickers back into place to catch most of it, as he chuckled.
‘Well… That was a bit messy.’ He carefully got her down to her feet, making sure she was steady enough before sorting himself out.
Chris, Louise, Toshi, Severus, Jessica, Spencer and David were chatting by the bar.
They looked up when Loki and Claire appeared and headed over towards them.  
Chris scrunched his nose up. ‘Ew, guys. You two reek of sex.’
Louise had just taken a drink, she almost choked on it and ungracefully spat some back into her glass.
Claire and Loki looked a little sheepish.
Jessica moved closer to Claire and slyly slipped her a mini body spray from her bag. Claire took it without looking at her and whispered thanks.
‘Nothing wrong with having a quickie in the head’s office after school hours.’ Loki said casually with a shrug.
It was Chris’ turn to choke and spit his drink out this time as his eyes widened in horror. ‘You didn’t?’
‘Oh, we did.’ Loki grinned widely at the look on his face.
While Claire rushed to the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit, Chris and Louise went for another dance together.
A song that came on was a nice slow one, Louise had her hands on Chris’ shoulders while he was holding her waist as they danced around slowly.
Chris noticed that Louise had a permanent blush on her cheeks while they danced so close. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, he found her the most beautiful being in the world. He adored the way she looked at him, too.
‘I’m really glad you came with me tonight.’ Chris said.
‘I’m really glad you invited me.’ Louise beamed.
Chris reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, making her melt. He brushed his thumb down and along her lower lip. He glanced from her eyes down to her lips and then back to her eyes again, silently asking for permission as he leaned down a little, slowly showing his intention.
To his delight, her hands moved from his shoulders to round his neck as she went up on her tiptoes towards him. Chris had to bend further down for her, their lips gently brushed against one another’s and sparks flew between them.
Chris pressed his lips more firmly against hers, she responded by shuffling in a little closer to his body. His senses went into overdrive, he wanted her so badly, in both ways a vampire could have his soulmate… but he knew he needed to be careful, he didn’t want to hurt or rush her. So he behaved and managed to keep himself under control.
The soft kiss lasted a while, when they did eventually break it, they both looked a bit flustered. Louise shyly looked down and laughed. Chris gently tipped her head up with a finger under her chin, he smiled warmly at her then leaned in for another quick peck. He was obsessed already.
‘Definitely glad you invited me along as your date.’ Louise squeaked out.
‘Indeed.’ Chris hummed with a grin as they began dancing slowly again.
Though their sweet moment was short lived, as all of a sudden, the screeching loud sound of the fire alarm rang throughout the school.
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forallnumbersosc · 2 days
what type of foods do the silly little aliens eat ?
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[great question!!! lemme tag you since this is a screenshot :3 @near-weathered]
Well, since we are a species that lives off of fun and enjoyment, we don't actually need to eat, but since eating is fun, a lot of us do it! Each of us even has our own preferences on what flavors we like, as well as how much we like to eat overall!
Since we have freaky space distorty things going on in our guts, I don't think we can even get full? Four's weird EXIT thing is pretty expansive, but if it has its limits i suppose it would be possible...
As for spice, for me personally, it doesn't really affect me? I have eaten spicy foods but I don't really experience it very strongly... My flavor preferences is sweet things, of course, and I taste it the strongest out of all other flavors! It seems that different flavors seem to affect different ones of us, so there probably is an algebralien or two that can't handle their spice!
I know Four has a bit of a weakness to fire, maybe he can't handle spice either?
Well, while I'm at it, I do want to try out my new human taste buds! Gaty said i should start small, but go big or go home, right?
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spider-droid · 1 day
I saw that you posted about Duke Thomas and I was just wondering if you could just?? Explain?? how the frick his powers work pls???
I read the comic he got them and everything and I still don’t know how they work other than it has to do with light and I think it helps him find stuff
pls help
Hey there! Yes!!! I love Duke so much, he has such fun powers. Batman lets one (1) meta operate in Gotham. I will do my best to explain, but disclaimer: I have not read a Batman comic in like, two years. My knowledge could definitely be out of date. I'm gonna put everything under a cut, this may get long.
Okay, first off Duke is a meta-human, meaning that his powers are innate and don't come from an outside source. However, he's special because his bio dad is this immortal guy named Gnomon who has had a grand total of two (2) total appearances. I cannot emphasize enough how unimportant this guy is, except for the fact that he implied that Duke might also be immortal. And then they dropped the storyline. Arghhh.
Duke's powers occupy two main spheres: controlling light, and controlling shadows. I'll tackle them in order.
His light control lets him do the classic "shine a light in your face" approach, but it's the other stuff that's really interesting, that you hinted at in your ask. Duke can use his powers to turn invisible (I think his suit may help with that too? idk), and he can do all the Superman-style supervision stuff. However, he can also use light manipulation to see into the recent past (seeing where light was), and he uses this for detective investigations and stuff. He can also see a few seconds into the future (where light will be), and this comes in handy during fights.
This was the extent of his powers for a while, but he recently(ish)(okay I just looked it up it wasn't recent) acquired control of shadows as well because of some convoluted League of Assassins plotline. This gives him complete control over shadows (moving them around, summoning them, shaping them into physical objects). It also gave him the ability to teleport between shadows. Because why not.
That's basically it, but Duke also has accelerated healing and can (supposedly, we've never seen it in action) amplify the powers of other metas in his vicinity. He's also a genius, and pretty good poet.
So, long story short, Duke is a fantastic character, and would be incredibly overpowered if the writers at DC ever actually let him do anything meaningful. Which they should. Duke deserves to be overpowered.
Okay, I hoped this helped! Duke is a really cool character, and I like talking about him. I don't know what you've read, but Batman and the Signal (2018) and Batman and the Outsiders vol. 3 (2019) both go into a bit of detail about his powers. If you want stuff from before he had powers, We Are Robin (2015) and Robin War (2016) are both fun.
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frozenjokes · 11 hours
grian jokes about leaving them for mumbo tho. splayed dramatically across mumbo, who came over and is trying to read his emails on his phone, attempting to ignore the fact grian is rolling around him like he’s a human jungle gym
a note from future Elsa: I started to ramble. None of this is coherent. Thanks for being a vessel to allow me to yap though.
I do actually find it silly to think about eventual cumscarian. maybe more. like the polycule just keeps growing. all of our friends, into the pot. it’s the most monstrous QPR/actual romantic mix you’ve ever seen, none of it is labeled, none of it makes sense, and then BOOM. hermitcraft.
(In an eventual future) anyway Grian probably would do this. And then he’d realize he wasn’t joking. And then they’d all have to have a conversation MDNDNDNDNND. but yeah if mumbo doesn’t want to be treated like a jungle gym maybe he shouldn’t be so tall and lanky and a pushover.
Genuinely though Mumbo has a very interesting dynamic with all three of those losers and I think it would be fun to explore each of their relationships /platonic/ separately from each other because they’re all very different. Idk if this will actually happen or if I will have moved on to something else, but here are my thoughts.
Obviously, Grian and Mumbo are besties. Estranged for a while, but their relationship now is pretty healthy with Mumbo setting very firm boundaries that Grian understands and follows (besides occasional instances of forgetfulness or not thinking, but as time passes and old wounds scab over, it matters less and less). I have zero planned major conflict for these two and I don’t imagine that ever changing. Just a steady, healthy friendship.
Mumbo and Cub are interesting to me as mutual friends of Grian who never quite Clicked despite living together most of their college years. Cub makes Mumbo a little bit nervous because he’s so difficult to read a lot of the time, but I don’t imagine Mumbo has ever really gotten Cub in a place where they can talk about shared interests (of which they have quite a few!), an environment that Cub would have a lot more energy to bring to the table. Cub likes Mumbo, but He Can Tell that Mumbo can’t really relax around him most of the time, and since he’s not a very outgoing person he kinda just. Doesn’t try to do anything about that. He’s very used to being regarded as cold and thinks it’s too much effort to try and change minds. Cub I think also has misinterpreted Mumbo’s perception of him though, probably not realizing that Mumbo would like to be closer, he just doesn’t know how to go about doing it. (Cub often assumes most people would rather not bother with him, not necessarily in a self deprecating way, more neutrally toned) Cub doesn’t know either. They would both feel awkward about it. I think the ideal way to put them together would just be to drop them in an escape room or something. Give them a puzzle. Let them problem solve together. I imagine they’d butt heads a little in their Autistic Fervor to PUZLEPUZZLEPUZLLEPUZZLE SOLVEOLEVSOLVESOLVE BE VERY STIMULATED but in the end they’d appreciate the input of the other person in places they got stuck and really respect each other in that way. From there they could move forward.
Scar and Mumbo is tough here because Scar is a little bit obsessed with him and in that obsession just continuously breaks Mumbo’s boundaries like he’s crashing through drywall and Mumbo is just Tired of him. Scar is a Pest. While Mumbo and Grian could bond initially over their distaste of Scar, I imagine as time went on Grian would start to realize someone needs to pull Scar aside and tell him straight up he’s being an asshole, because Scar doesn’t always Get It. What is to Mumbo and Incredibly Annoying inconvenience is interpreted by Scar as a back and forth fun game, and he doesn’t understand that Mumbo is serious, that the way Scar is acting isn’t fun for him. It would take a bit for Scar to understand. Scar’s outlook and interpretation of the world around him is pretty stubborn and he isn’t the most empathetic person and struggles sometimes to connect that the way He would feel about [blank] isn’t universal to everyone. But he would get there. And when he’d apologize, he’d mean it. Mumbo would know it, and I don’t think this au Mumbo could hold a grudge to save his life. Too much energy. So the turnaround on his and Scar’s friendship would be pretty fast; neither party going out of their way to talk to each other, but with so many mutual friends it’s pretty inevitable. And it would probably be nice. A little weird getting to know each other for the first time after years of (forced) talking, but they’d jive. I bet they’d both be into board games. They could be weird about them together.
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markscherz · 29 days
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Just a few moments from a visit to the aquarium with my son today, courtesy of my sister.
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sysig · 2 months
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Getting up to trouble is his speciality (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#The Captain#Mixed set! :D Lots of singular doodles - one-offs or ones that apply to a few different scenes#The kiss is random tho <3 I still haven't gotten to ZEX showing off his uniform to Zelnick! I want them to!!#Him seeing his Captain in his uniform was so lovely tho <3 I love Big Love and that was so <3 Hehe#Smooch ♥#ZEX does not eat enough ;; He eats like a bird and it's highly distressing#I actually wrote in my notes that I was surprised he wasn't hurting In The Same entry as when he was experiencing hunger pangs haha#It doesn't help that he tends to talk through meals rather than eat - he's so much more interested in making connections with humans!#As far as metaphors go - killing himself for the sake of trying to bridge that gap - I mean it's apt but ZEX please#I think it was while he was talking to Wally at one point that he framed the War in a very flippant light-hearted way which was funny to me#I don't think that's the descriptor most people would use haha#Swearing <3 <3 VUX terminology <3 <3#I want a VUX glossary of terms so badly hehe I've been slowly compiling a few here and there :3 Direct translation! The dream ♫#Him getting stressed enough to swear is very endearing haha ♪ What do you mean I'm endeared by everything he does don't be silly#The next one of me deeply enjoying when he's creepy is not proof of anything! Just because I Happen to also like that!!#I do really love when he's creepy tho agh <3 <3 The mental image of him as The Hunter - casually cornering and capturing his prey <3#In that instance he was interrupted pretty quickly but the setup was there!! And it was extremely good!!!#I love how huffy he gets as well haha ''All these humans interrupting my seduction attempts >O( ...Wait O|'' lol#And finally an exchange on the board between him and Scarecrow haha so many fun faces around!!#I love him being completely baffled by a non-mechanical construct it just short-circuits his brain haha ♥#He's so intelligent but there exists things unknowable!#The image of him tapping his pen is so Incredibly cute ah <3 Where did he learn such a thing! Does it translate from his VUX form to this ♪#Anything everything ♥ Learned or known! It's wonderful
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vaugarde · 8 months
havent gotten to dbz yet but truly the more i find out about dragon ball the more silly the "sonic maliciously ripped off dbz, everything parallels PERFECTLY" thing becomes to me
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supersecretnerd · 2 years
I think there should be a crossover au where the protagonists of Henry Slick's film (Jack Skellington, James Trotter, Coraline Jones, and Kat from the upcoming film Wendell and Wild) are all friends.
I just feel like it could lead to a multitude of cute, funny, and even some angsty interactions- I also love all of these films so it's like a bonus to be able to talk about them to folks.
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paintedpawz · 2 years
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Just when I think I'm done with series, the little smiling devil ALWAYS returns and makes me obsess like it's 2017 again! Plus BADR was actually pretty good and surpassed my expectations and reminded me why I loved this series in the first place. <3
And yes, this comic was inspired by real life events when I first saw little Bendy in the trailer, and to me it's the most realistic reaction you SHOULD have upon seeing your favorite character come to life! So don't expect this to be the last time I'm drawing Bendy again either. :P
(I’ll translate the speech bubbles too since the scanner cut them off =_=‘)
Audrey: Wait!  You’re the first friendly face I’ve seen!  I promise I won’t hurt you... let’s be friends, ok? 
Me, in the 3rd panel: oOOH MY SWEET HONEY BBQ-D JESUS!  You’re REAL?!  Here, as a real toon?  In Joey Drew Studio?  That murderous mad man did it... that crazy son of a gun!  Look at your lil SUIT~ I waited for SO LONG and you’re perfect! 
Bendy, while thrashing against my affection: PUT ME DOWN!
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ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
btw i love queer people and being queer
#nothing prompted this i just really love queerness#im just. thinking about how fucking cool it is to be specifically genderqueer#(a term ive recently realized describes me pretty well)#like!#i do not fit into the traditional idea of gender roles and the gender binary#and it's like. it feels really fucking liberating to just not even care whats expected of me#thats also why im considering sticking it/its in my bio next to he/him#i still describe myself as 'a dude i guess'#but theres like. so much more than that going on with my experience with gender#which is kind of expressed through like. my interest in assorted alternative subculturs#my clothes and makeup#my use of whatever gendered terms i feel like using toward myself in the moment#i simultaneously feel like a weird little creature that doesnt have a gender but is emulating human gender for fun#and just some guy who also happens to like wearing skirts and nail polish#also! seeing other queer people exist is so fucking cool#and im filled with love for other queer people every time i hear someone try new pronouns#or grow their hair out or cut it off#or try out a gnc look#or try out new labels#or talk about queer love and attraction#or when someone with rainbow socks and a pronoun button compliments my hair#or when the closeted queer kids at the party see me there in my black jeans and half-open button up#with my short hair and painted nails#and go 'this is the first person im going to come out to'#'this person is safe. this person understands'#it's just. so fucking cool#i love queer people. i love being queer
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