#I love love love the introduction of a JACKET AND !!! It’s so biker
asukiess · 9 months
I headcanon that any time the black cat holder looks Off is because Plagg has a sense of humor and likes to fuck with them
“oh yeah that’s definitely what you want to look like deep down. way way deep down”
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neoplatinum · 3 months
cinnamoroll girl | kim 'winter' minjeong
summary: you meet a girl obsessed with cinnamoroll
pairing: minjeong x reader
themes: fluff, just two very cute girls, cinnamoroll, yizhou & aeri!, mention of jimin!
wc: 1.7k
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"aeri, stop." you pull the covers back up your face. curling into yourself in bed. you already feel awful, so why is she bothering you right now?
"you are such a mood killer! she dumped you six months ago, get up!" aeri tugs the comforter so hard she falls on her butt. you laugh at her until you realize how cold you are without the blanket. so you rush forward to try to grasp it out of her hand.
"aeri! give it back!" you shout at her.
"no! please come outside with us. we're all so worried about you." aeri pulls the comforter harder, and you let go. aeri once again hits the ground again. you hear a loud thud and see her soothing her head.
"that's what you get." you stick your tongue out at aeri, to which she throws the comforter right back in your face. you get sent backwards, falling into bed.
"ning! i'm done with her, she's hopeless!" you hear aeri shrill. yizhou walks in, eyes wide at aeri on the floor. but she ignores the girl, walking towards the bed and trying to coax you out.
"sweetie, it's not healthy to stay in bed all day. come join us outside!" out of spite for aeri, you comply immediately. getting up with a playful smile as you watch aeri's shocked face. aeri walks out annoyed while you get ready for a night out.
"ning, i'm going to strangle that girl." you hear faintly in the hallways.
you join the two girls outside, eyes smiling at yizhou while aeri punches your shoulder.
"you are so annoying, why are you only nice to ningning?"
"because." and you leave it at that, walking out of the apartment.
"aeri, who's that?" you point at the girl with the short bob. her eyes are wide as she tries the claw game; it looks like she's trying to get a cinnamon roll plush.
"that is ning's friend, be nice. we invited her out too." aeri explains, but all you can see is the love of your life. hot hot biker jacket girl with a short bob and a handsome face. lips to die for and long, long, long legs. wow, she is exactly your type.
"ning! you didn't tell me you had such a hot friend." you don't take your eyes off the girl, just speaking loud enough for yizhou to hear.
"i did, i told you multiple times about minjeong. you have just been so 'woe is me' about your heartbreak that you never met her." yizhou continues, eyes rolling when she sees you eyeing minjeong like a puppy seeing their owner.
"god you are so gay, not even an hour ago, you were moping about jimin." aeri starts shaking a hand in front of you, and you finally snap out of your daze.
"shh, don't speak of her please." you shush aeri, and pull the two girl's arms. you need to meet minjeong quick. so you approach the girl at the claw machine.
"hi!" you enthusiastically say to the unsuspecting girl. the girl gives you a once over and a look. before pointing at your shoes.
"your shoelace is untied." she points out, and you look down. sure enough your right shoe is untied.
"oh, um. yeah sorry." you kneel down to tie your shoe, meanwhile aeri and yizhou are snickering at each other. you attempt another introduction.
"hi, you are minjeong?"she tilts her head, and you swoon, it's really like looking at a maltese.
"yes." she says and returns to her claw machine. both yizhou and aeri let out a boisterous laugh. leaving to go "get food", which really means they're going to watch you try to flirt with minjeong from afar.
"do you like cinnamoroll?" you watch as her eyes light up, suddenly she's stopped looking through her pockets for more coins.
"yes! he's my favorite sanrio character." she exclaims, taking out her phone to show you a photo of her cinnamoroll collection. they have nearly taken up the whole wall of her bedroom. it's adorable actually, how dedicated she is to this sanrio character because of how cute it is.
"that's so cute." you point out.
"yeah but i'm having trouble getting this cinnamoroll." minjeong points at her claw machine. "i've been here for ten minutes, but i've had no luck."
"maybe i could try?" you offer. digging through your jean pockets for coins. you start shoving coins into the machine. flexing your hands and stretching your neck. getting ready to get this cinnamoroll plush for this cute girl.
you go for the first try, lining it up in the front, and lining up the clawe by checking the side glass. tongue in between your teeth as you focus. dropping the claw...it grabs one and you can hear minjeong gasp. as it rises up, it releases the cinnamoroll. dropping it back onto the pile.
you aren't going to let that stop you from winning this plushie for minjeong though.
you get another try, aiming for a different cinnamoroll, same method. checking the front, and checking the side for position, dropping the claw and crossing your fingers, begging for the claw to give you the plush. and with bated breath it drops into the dispenser corner.
"yes!" you shout, high fiving minjeong who gives you tight hug after, leaving you breathless with a rapid heart beat. goodness, this girl's got you good.
aeri and yizhou return with hot dog and drinks in hand. watching minjeong get absorbed in the cinnamoroll doll that you just won for her. minjeong hands it back to you.
"it's for you." you say, and push the doll back into her hands. she smiles widely at that, tucking it into her bag and the other two girls give each other a knowing look. you four enjoy the rest of the arcade, all the while you're busying eyeing minjeong and you think she is just so darn cute.
"can i have minjeong's number?" you ask aeri. she's popping popcorn in her mouth as you both watch spiderverse.
"ask her yourself." aeri doesn't take her eyes off the movie.
"when would i be able to do that?" you ask.
"tomorrow, she's coming over." aeri continues digging through her bowl of popcorn.
"tomorrow? aeri our apartment looks like a mess right now!" you get up and start picking up all the random clothes and pieces of trash littered around the living room. you start running into your room like a sprinter. grabbing all the dirty clothes off your floor, and shoving them into a laundry basket. you run out and throw all the clothes into the washer, immediately pressing buttons to start the wash cycle.
then you're wiping down the kitchen counters, the dining table, the windows. you wipe down the coffee table and lift aeri's legs to wipe it completely.
"aeri move!" you shout at her. she rolls her eyes but lets you clean around the couch. then she's back to sitting down. you start cleaning the many dishes in the sink and placing them in dryer rack.
"maybe i should say minjeong is coming every week for you to do these chores." you roll your eyes but honestly yeah this is a great motivator. then you start cleaning the bathroom and washing the shower. (aeri is confused why you're washing the shower because minjeong is definitely not staying over)
you finally clean your bedsheets and comforter after your laundry load, excited to have minjeong over. then you start pestering aeri again.
"what does minjeong like to eat? snacks? drinks? favorite food?" you start, opening your notes app to diligently write down each answer. aeri shakes her head at you.
"and do your job for you? no way, ask her yourself. it's more genuine that way." she answers as she pauses the movie, getting up to watch you run around like a headless chicken.
"fine. be like that. just so you know, i ate your lunch last week." you stick your tongue out at her before hiding in your room.
"you come back out here!" aeri shouts. you tune her out, smelling yourself: yeah you need to shower. while aeri pounds at your door, you're busy gathering yourself for a long and definitely needed shower.
"hi minjeong!" you bump aeri out of the way, to greet minjeong first. the girl looks so adorable in a blue button up and light washed jean shorts.
you think she looks like how the first spring day feels. warm and inviting. she walks in with a small smile, a little timid visiting you and aeri.
"hello, thank you for winning that cinnamoroll plush for me." she says as she gifts you two some wine.
"oh no problem, anything for a pretty girl." you say to her. aeri's gagging just at the sound. then minjeong walks in with yizhou trailing behind her.
it's a full house, when you all sit at the dinner table, enjoying a delicious dinner filled with laughter and bad gossip about people. you get to really feel the energy of minjeong, a rather reserved girl to people she doesn't know well, but gets very comfortable around people she knows well.
yizhou is doubling over in laughter, and nearly spilling her wine all over the floor, while hitting aeri. minjeong just laughs and points at them two. you laugh at the sight of them three, it's like dumb, dumber, and dumbest.
aeri and yizhou are knocked out on the couch after laughing too much. you take the time to help clean up around the apartment, putting away leftovers. meanwhile minjeong offers to help wash dishes, not letting you say no.
so you and her are quietly cleaning the apartment while the two other girls take a much-needed rest after their drinking.
you walk behind the kitchen counter, and you start drying dishes that minjeong has washed.
"hey minjeong."
"could i have your number?" you ask, very nervous and feeling the jitters in your body.
"yeah, only because you won me that plushie." she looks at you and smiles. you don't stop smiling the rest of the night, even if aeri kicks you when she wakes up.
a/n: my original minjeong work got deleted :((((, but it's okay i didn't love the plot for it. so here we are with this piece instead. stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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solitarydemise · 1 month
I Just Ride
!BikerEddieMunson !FemReader
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Summary:In the hot California summer,you meet a motorcycle gang and one of them is different than anything else for you.
Warnings:Making out,smoking,alcohol,depressed reader,sh scars,+18 Only
While you were thinking about what to buy in front of the cooler at the gas station,you looked at the long-haired boy who was looking at the Jack Daniels bottles from the alcohol shelf next to you. After a few seconds,you a cola from the fridge. While you were waiting to pay when you went to the cash register,you heard a voice behind you "Nice shirt." The long haired boy said that while waiting behind you. You smiled "Nice jacket" he was wearing a leather jacket with patches on it. His bangs were stuck to his forehead because of the heat. You didn't talk at all until you paid. When you came out,you leaned your back against the wall and took out the pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of your jean shorts. Soon,the long-haired boy came out of the shop and placed the alcohol he bought in the bag behind his parked motorcycle. As you watched him from the wall you were leaning on,he turned his gaze to you and looked at you for a few seconds. He closed the bag and raised his hand slightly. You waved back to him with his gesture. He was standing a few feet away from you "I'm Eddie." he said.
“Y/N,” you walked towards him,encouraged by his introduction of himself.He smiled at you "Nice to meet you Y/N". You smiled a little shyly "Your motorcycle is cool" Eddie grinned "I know,right,".His gaze kept wandering over your face and the Iron Maiden t-shirt you were wearing. It wasn't hard to tell that he was impressed by you just from his looks. Eddie turned to you a few seconds later when his friends called him "Care to join?". It didn't make sense to join a motorcycle group with a varying age range that you just met. There were a few girls among the others,but you still weren't sure. But god damn,he was looking at you in such a way that it seemed impossible to refuse. "Because I would like to continue my conversation with you.". you smiled and put your hands in the back pocket of your shorts "Sure, why not?". Eddie was pleased with your answer "Hop on." When he got on his motorcycle,you sat behind him on the bike,supporting from his shoulders.He turned his head slightly back "Hold on tight, I'm not the type who likes to be slow." you giggled and wrapped your arms around Eddie's waist.
After a few minutes,the motorbike journey started to be more fun than you expected. Thanks to the wind,Eddie's hair was blowing towards your face and it was impossible not to admire the beautiful scent of his hair. You were watching the canyons you passed by and you closed your eyes and felt the wind. After a few seconds,you felt more comfortable and pulled your hands back from Eddie's waist. When Eddie saw that you were getting used to it,he grinned and turned his head back again "You loved it,don't you?" You laughed "I fucking loved it!" When Eddie suddenly accelerated,you reflexively let out a little scream and held on tightly to Eddie's waist. Eddie laughed at your fear and spoke without taking his eyes off the road "Don't get too used to it sweetheart,the roads can be cruel."
When Eddie drove faster was ahead of the crew,there were meters between you. When you turned your head back,you saw that the the others were much further away from you. You were going to an unknown place on the motorcycle of a man you did not know and now you were having more fun than ever. You were fucking crazy,but you were free. Soon enough,when you stopped in an area,there were other bikers. When Eddie helped you off the bike,you looked around and everyone was yelling his name. A boy came up to Eddie "Here is my Munson,where have you been?" So that was his last name, Munson. Eddie talked with his friend for a few seconds then pointed at you "This is my friend Y/N. We met about an hour ago or so." he giggled. When he smiled,his eyes narrowed and he looked very cute. He held your hand and tugged you gently as you walked towards the other corner "Don't leave my side,I don't want these cannibals to get close to my girl" he laughed in a cute voice and looked at you. The man who looked tough on the outside was actually as cute as a child.
While you were thinking about how handsome Eddie was,someone put an arm around your shoulder "Cannibal? You're rude,Edward". A woman with tattoos and half of her hair shaved was staring at you. Eddie laughed and looked at you "Y/N, this is my best friend Bob's girlfriend Alex,she's actually pretty useless." You all laughed and Alex looked at the two of you "What is such a beautiful girl doing next to this monster?Did you kidnap her?". Eddie laughed "No, she's not my girlfriend,we just met today." You smiled "Yes,I saw him at the gas station an hour ago and now I'm here." Alex looked at you in surprise "I admire your courage" she turned to Eddie "I like this girl" she clapped Eddie on the shoulder and walked over to the others. Eddie looked after Alex and then turned back to you "Usually,she hates everyone,you are the chosen one" You let out a small laugh and fixed your hair "I'm proud". Eddie continued "By the way, we'll be here until dark,then we'll go to the motel in the evening. Is that okay with you?" You nodded "Yeah, sure."
Eddie leaned his head against the wall next to him "Not much of a talker,huh?” you smiled and you shrugged "I don't know,I spend most of my time alone,I don't get a chance to talk." you giggled.Eddie continued, "I get it...I seriously get it.Do you know what my nickname was in high school? Freak Munson" You giggled and leaned your head against the wall as well, "I think being a freak isn't bad at all." Eddie smiled "Yes, but hanging out with kids that five years younger than you and still can't graduating grom highschool is a bit of being a freak. And I still remember the suppressed loneliness inside me then,you just need to find your people." He was right. Maybe he was really getting what you're trying to say,he understood you in minutes on matters that your family did not understand you for so long.
You and Eddie talked for hours,forgetting about the others. You got to know each other better and he was someone you really felt good with. Fun, clever,charming man. They had lit a big fire and everyone was drinking and chatting around it. Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the others. You both sat in a corner and you leaned your head on Eddie's shoulder. It wasn't good to get attached and trust someone so quickly,but this was Eddie Munson. He was the one.
After a few minutes, Eddie's best friend Bob stood up and said "Okay,I want to make a speech". "Oh fuck he's drunk again." Eddie said. Everyone started laughing and Bob looked at Eddie "No I'm not,asshole.Okay,okay everyone I love is here, my friends. I want to do this in your presence on this important day, Alex" He took his girlfriend by the hand and stood her up "I have known you for 3 years and I have loved you since that day, I want to take my love for you more seriously in every sense. You are the woman of my life and you will always remain so." With what Bob said, you lifted your head from Eddie's shoulder and began to watch the two of them carefully. "Alex,will you marry me?" Everyone was looking at the two of them in surprise, Bob was on his knees in front of Alex with a ring. This situation made you very emotional because you knew you could never experience a moment like this. You were never the first choice,no one ever looked into your eyes with love. While you were lost in thought,Alex had already accepted Bob's marriage proposal and everyone was clinking their bottles. You sat down silently and started watching people, Eddie noticed you and looked at you "What happened princess?". You looked at Eddie and smiled "Nothing,I guess I'm just a little tired." Eddie nodded "Okay, do you want to go to the motel?".
You arrived at the motel after Eddie notified the others and Eddie was talking with a guy while you looked around the lobby. ""Two single rooms, but it would be better if they were side by side". You looked at Eddie "No need for a different room,I'll stay with you. If that's okay." Eddie looked at you for a few seconds “Yeah,I don't mind.”.
When you entered the room Eddie dropped his backpack on the bed and looked at you "I have a clean t-shirt in my bag if you want" You smiled "Thank you" you took one of the t-shirts from Eddie's bag and went to the bathroom and closed the door. You paused for a few seconds when you saw your reflection in the mirror. You had a strange emotional state, you could explode at the slightest thing. While your day was going pretty normal,everything came crashing down when you saw Alex and Bob. Things like this made you really sad,you were so fragile for everything. You started to cry silently,what were you doing right now?Why were you in a motel miles from home with someone you didn't know? Why was everything hurting you so much?Why were you making dangerous decisions to make your life fun and livable?. You took off your t-shirt and put on Eddie's clean t-shirt as you silently cried and thinked about the things how shitty they are. You took a deep breath while crying unintentionally. Eddie must have heard this because he came to the door a few seconds later "Y/N,are you okay?" You cleared your throat and wiped your tears "Yeah,I'm fine"
A few minutes later you walked out of the bathroom and looked at Eddie sitting on the couch. He rested his hand on his cheek and looked at you, "What's wrong?" You didn't answer him at first and he pointed to side of the couch "Come,come on.".
You sat next to Eddie on the couch and sniffed. “Do you ever...sometimes uhm,sometimes you just feel like crying and wondering why are you even alive. Even when there's nothing there?” Eddie looked at you and watched your face for a few seconds. “Many times.” You looked at Eddie "When will this end?"
"Never" Eddie said "If you don't fix this yourself it will never end, it's your life Y/N you run everything. You chose to come with me today because you wanted to,you wouldn't have done it if you didn't want to,You manage everything,If there are things in your life that are out of your control,so that's not your life anyway. Don't wait for a miracle to fix things,you have to struggle because that's how this fucking life works sweetie". He was right, all these years you were just waiting for things to get better and to feel good and you didn't do anything for it, you were too tired for it but you didn't do it. He understood you really well. Eddie looked at your arm and pointed to his own "I'm not way too older than you,I may not have had more difficulties than you, but I've been there Y/N" he looked into your eyes "I've been there,and promise me everything comes and goes".
"I just always wanted to experience what it was like to be loved by someone" you said and He looked at you "Are you kidding me? You are the most beautiful girl I ever seen,you are a mature and fun person,in fact,sometimes you speak so intelligently that I feel stupid next to you." you laughed,while your tears still making your cheeks wet "Shut up'
"I will but this doesn't change the fact that I'm talking about the truth"
You sniffled and leaned your head back on the couch,looked at him “You are the sweetest boy I know,Eddie.” He was still trying to make you happy so he kept joking "They always say that". You hit his arm and he groaned in pain and laughed “Fuck, sorry!” Likewise, he leaned his head on the couch and looked at you “You are the most sweetest girl I know,Y/N" You were looking at each others eyes.You were both dying to kiss each other but you couldn't,Eddie didn't want to seem like the type of man to use you,but there was nothing stopping you so you kissed him after a few seconds. Eddie responded to your kiss immediately placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You both have been waiting for this moment. You've been wanting this since the moment you saw each other at the gas station. After a few seconds,as you continued the kiss,you climbed onto Eddie's lap and continued kissing him hardly. You stopped to kiss him and pulled back slightly to look into his eyes,he was looking at you with his shining eyes. This night wasn't going to end early,never when you want each other this much.
To be continued<3
The next chapter will be smut so I expect a higher number of likes this time,love you!!!<3
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sorbeau · 4 months
hi its me again i feel legally obligated to ask about your thoughts on the new riz design (but also extends to al of the other new art for the bad kids too!!!)
HI SHOKO sorry this took so long to asnwer, it feels a little late to the party now but I have lots of thoughts and this has been in my drafts for a hot minute so I'll break my thoughts down in order <3
GOD DO I LOVE FIG'S DESIGN. It hasn't changed too drastically in many ways, it's largely the same beats with the plaid skirt, leather jacket, biker gloves, and docs, but there's a lot more detail pertaining to her character now. Ayda's feather earring is abviously a huge win, everyone loves to see it, but I love the small details like the added wallet chain on her skirt, the added ear piercings, and her painted nails. If I had to choose something I didn't like, it'd be the color of her shoelaces, which isn't a huge deal bc you know spyre might have different cultural beats, but it's very reminiscent of punk doc lace codes, which were a way to sort of factionize yourself among punks. Fig wears one purple and one red, and traditionally purple means gay pride(which is great and i would've picked it for her too) but red usually means you allign yourself with neo-nazi's and similar groups which. is definitely Not Fig. It's not a HUGE deal but, maybe some more research could've been put into it.
Gorgug's new design is so. Perfect. Amazing. Spectacular. No notes. It's exactly the changes I wanted to see. The goggles, the dirt-covered face, the ripped jeans, the bags and tools, the gloves, the most disgusting worn pair of convers you've ever seen. It's absolutely amazing and the artist has managed to bring all the beats we loved about his original design(his extremely fashionable purple pants) and mixes them perfectly with all of the new facets of Gorgug's personality that have changed and grown theough their adventures. A little detail I love is how the color of his headphones has changed to match with the rest of his outfit better, creating a more cohesive design with the introduction of more red/maroon tones. This was always a little bit of an issue with the old design for me. The colors sort of didn't go together.
She's going through a break up. She's at the most chaotic she's ever been and she's trying to fix it. It is so genius to make her jacked. The bright yellow tracksuit is beautiful and exactly something Kristen would buy and wear every day. Plus the tiedye purple sports bra tying in her old church camp shirt aesthetic is brilliant. I'm mourning the loss of her sandals, but the matching shoes to her tracksuit can't be complained about. Not a whole lot to say, I'm excited about how this design will change and reflect her growth this season! Praise Saint Kristen Applebees!!
THE ELVEN ORACLE IS COOL NOW!!! I love her jacket, all the patches and the toned down fur lining is absolutely perfect. I also love the cool strapped bags on her hips and legs, it's just a really cool adventurer addition cementing her as a bad ass practical caster. Her entire face seems more assured and relaxed, which is absolutely amazing for her and reflects how her resting state is no longer as addled with panic and anxiety as it used to be. Her hair also seems a lot more her! Not sure how to describe it, but it seems like she's focusing less on keeping herself perfect, and more on just keeping herself, herself! Not very big design swings or changes, but she doesn't need to change, she just needs to be true to herself. (Also. a huge fan of her cool magic circle shirt.) My only gripe. Give her blue hair. And pronouns. And glasses pretty please.
That boy is the future of dance!!!!!!!!!! I love the color palette shift for his design, it's a really great way to show how he's grown out of Bill's shadow and embraced his own passions with the grey tones with red and gold accents. Also a huge fan of the fancy robed pants, tons of great movement lines and something a dancer would totally wear. On the same note however, I feel like it doesn't really go with the rest of his outfit. I love how the changes made are geared towards movement and dance(his shoes changing from sneakers to dance shoes is great) but I feel like the changes are all sort of mismatched? The dance shoes look a lot like tap shoes, but the pants look more big and flowy, better for a more leaping and running style of dance, and his jacket has almost nothing to do with dance. It's delightfully artsy and detailed, which is so chic and Fabian, but the shapes of it don't really match up, and especially without a clear view of the front it makes him look like he's wearing half of a matador outfit. I would've loved to see a more dramatic silhouette without the use of the battle sheet(which is absolutely perfect, no notes) with either lots of flowy parts for movement, or a sharp jacket with skinnier pants for that exaggerated silhouette. Again, I think this is really all due to a lack of research, but the spirit of Fabian is still in the room with us. The colors are great, the bandages on his hands are perfect, and the fanciful element is very on point, just needs some better shape language and cohesiveness.
There he goes, he's gone from gritty detective to gadget-heavy superspy. I LOVE the character choices that Murph made for Riz, he's become even more of a loser and seems a lot less hard and fast, and more generally passionate. In freshman and sophomore year, he was entirely goal oriented, completely focused on completing his mission and solving the mystery, this time around he's still got a mission, but because he can't do it all himself, he's sort of given the opportunity to branch out and explore himself. This is all to say, i love the insufferable loser hipster kid that he's become. He is truly the trinket goblin of all time, I love all his wild little gadgets and jewelry, and all the extra arcano-tech screens on his glasses are brilliant. I'm also a huge fan of his torso gun-holdster, which is a beautiful homage to his detective nature. The undercut is also obviously perfection. The loser teen-boy urge to cut away your beautiful hair for a nerdy undercut is so painfully lore accurate that it's one of my favorite details. It's probably because he's a dork. but I would love to know why he has rolled up pants and no socks. What is that. Why would he do that. ALSO STOP BEING A COWARD D20. GIVE HIM DIGITIGRADE LEGS AND A TAIL. CAT GOBLIN TRUTHERS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
anyways that's probably the end of my rant for now. I love the bad kids and overall their designs are great. constantly wishing all of my headcannons were real but understanding that the cannon will never relent.
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fleetwood-cheese · 4 months
Saw ur rb of that makoto redesign saying u had more redesign thoughts? Id love to know them pls tell me :D
Oh boy, do i have redesign thoughts! I actually made an entire powerpoint abt it a year ago and made a couple posts about it (it was too long to make a single post) after getting asked abt it on a poll.
For Makoto, her outfit is one of my least favorites (after black mask and tied with sumire) because she has so much potential to work with that pretty much gets dropped in favor of a body suit specifically designed to frame her ass and crotch. She has the biker theme, the medieval concept with her codename, you could even add a sukeban vibe if you wanted to play with the class president vibe.
I linked the whole post (which has links to the other thief breakdowns ive finished), but the gist of my opinions are that she DESPERATELY needs a jacket- it breaks up her silhouette and gives her much needed dimension, and i cannot believe they tried to pass her off as a biker character without giving her the iconic leather/jean jacket with patches thats a hallmark of biker gangs. I think combat boots and knee/elbow pads would go a long way to make her actually look like the bruiser character they try and make her out to be, and i also like the idea of incorporating a skirt of some kind to invoke the medieval aesthetic (lots of women wore them pinned up in a way i find visually interesting) or as a riff on the long, pleated uniform skirts of the sukeban girl gangs.
A minor element i’d also love would be adding spikes to her headband braid to mimic a halo and also invoke the spikes and studs of punk fashion, but none of the other thieves have hair changes so idk if this ones a little bit of wishful thinking.
Idk i just feel like her outfit is really bad design and it doesnt get talked about a lot because ann’s costume takes all the heat, which is unfair bc ann’s costume is a solid design that just has a bad introduction for a character whose arc dropped the ball after shes not the focus. Makoto’s costume never was very good, she’s just shown as more immediately comfortable with it. Buts thats a whole nother post.
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discow1tch · 2 years
End of Summer
Summary: Depressed after dropping out of college and being forced to move in with family in Hawkins you reconnect with your childhood friend Eddie
Set either just before or during season four
Warnings/tags: reference to eating disorders, childhood friends, romantic/sexual tension
Notes: I wanted to get this out while I'm still in the middle of Eddie brainrot. I have more written but it's just snippets right now lol.
you can also read this fic on AO3
You wander the snack aisle of the convenience store with a five dollar bill in your pocket just waiting to be spent. The little store in Hawkins has barely changed since the last time you were there. Most of Hawkins has barely changed, if you're honest. And yet things feel different. It's a little eerie.
You contemplate a big bag of licorice ropes. It could be fun to eat them in front of the TV until you puke. That's a normal thing to want to do, right?
"'Scuse me."
"Huh? Oh, sorry." you glance over as you take a step back to let someone past. They're dressed like a biker or something in a beat to shit denim vest covered in pins and patches over a leather jacket. Something about his face, framed by a mane of wild frizzy curls, seems familiar. He thanks you as he walks past and the two of you lock eyes for the briefest of seconds.
Seeing those big dark eyes brings it all back.
The grass under your feet. The sun burning your shoulders. The way he'd slipped his headphones over your ears as he'd lightheartedly chastised you for your taste in music.
"This is Iron Maiden. Way better than that disco shit."
"The Number of the Beast," you read off the cassette tape, "Does that mean you're into satanic worship?"
For a second you'd thought the joke didn't land but then he'd broken into a wide smile.
And then, without breaking eye contact, he'd reached over and pressed play on his walkman. It had been your introduction to metal. And your first kiss.
"What, like black mass? Sacrificing virgins?" he'd leaned in close as he said it. Your whole face had gone red at that.
It takes effort to ground yourself back in reality.
"Ed? Eddie?"
He blinks dumbly at you like he's trying to figure out if he knows you. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe this is someone else.
"You... are Eddie Munson, right? We used to hang out over summer vacation as kids."
His face lights up with recognition and his eyebrows go up. He repeats your full name back at you.
"Holy shit. It's been a while. I didn't recognize you with th- the shorter hair." He gestures wildly at his own, much longer, hair, "What the hell are you doing back in Hawkins? Visiting family or what?"
"You remember my aunt Margaret? Her health's not so great anymore and she needs someone to help out around the house." You tell him. It's maybe not the whole truth but it's close enough.
"No shit? So you're not in school then? I thought you were planning on doing state college."
You're torn between being happy that he remembered and wishing he hadn't.
"I'm taking a semester off." more half-lies. "What about you? What are you up to these days?"
"Um, I am... still working on graduating high school. Didn't have enough credits last year."
"That's rough."
An awkward silence falls between the two of you. It's not really a surprise that Eddie hasn't gotten his shit together but it is a disappointment. Somehow, you'd hoped you hadn't run into him because he was off somewhere touring with a band or at college far away from Hawkins. You remind yourself that you're not in a place to judge considering just how well your own life is going.
"Do you - do you want to go grab lunch?" Eddie finally breaks the silence to ask.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to."
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pandoraxharlow · 11 months
A New Beginning // self para
Pandora decided...she was making true to her promise. Building a new foundation, reinventing the personality once branded on her skin like a deep scar until it tore the woman’s insides to shreds. The biker chick, the tagalong, the delinquent chasing every bad boy after another. Jason being one of many of an extensive list, but none held a candle to his manipulation and charm. A tumultuous relationship, toxic, any love he displayed marked by the rising of his hand and a false sense of dependency. Never in a million years did Pan believe she would do what she did to him by cutting the life he took for granted short with two shots. No knights in shining armor were coming to save her, so...she set herself free.
In all liberation Pandora experienced, there was only a final piece chaining her to the prison of her old life and that had been Jason’s leather jacket. Admittedly, she’d grown fond of the clothing over the years, feeling protection whenever she wrapped it around her shoulders like a security blanket. No one understood that better than Enzo. He became the introduction to the biker lifestyle despite them meeting through Jason’s connections, developing a push-and-pull relationship that always ended in Enzo cleaning her messes because that is just who he was as a person. She attended his wedding, he went to her high school graduation considering he’s the only reason she graduated in the first place, and she was at his family’s funeral. Consistently, the two bounced into each other’s lives since as long as she could remember. Annoying as it was from Pandora’s perspective, she might’ve long been dead if he wasn’t there looking out for her when no one else stepped up during those adolescent years.
Pandora heard the fence gate creak open as she stood on the outskirts of a blazing firepit with a black leather jacket draped over her arm, not bothering to glance in Enzo’s direction as he quietly joined the blonde at her side. One text and he came running, always, no shocker there. Plus, word traveled he faced banishment from Newford and now called Greenpoint home. The contemplative silence rose through the air and settled between them for a few moments before Panny shattered it, “You’re probably wondering why you’re here.”
Enzo grunted an agreement to the statement, turning to glance at the house and returning his eyes on the young woman before allowing them to scan the bruises around Pan’s throat. The sight nearly dropped his stomach. “Heard you were staying with the cop. I wouldn’t completely put it past him if he came out here right now and tased my ass to the ground on sight. We...didn’t start on the right foot.” Understatement. As usual, he came off too strong and it rubbed Derek the wrong way. Differing views on knowing what was best and Enzo’s loss of control very much contributed to that argument.
“You make it a habit of pissing off the wrong people, don’t you? One of two reasons why you’re here.” Pandora dryly commented, further explaining as the calm rage plastered along her features, “I think I need to make something perfectly plain to you before I give the first reason why you were risking a death match with Derek for walking onto his property. Just so we’re both understanding how badly you’ve fucked up.” She turned more toward him, the fire casting a scorching glow along one side of her frame, “I’m not your daughter, Enzo, I’m not your sister. I know it’s so fucking ingrained into you to take care of every single person around you, but I am not your responsibility that you can play knight in shining armor with.”
Enzo should have known where this conversation was heading. His chat with Benji at the station wasn’t his finest moment and he almost considered apologizing to the kid then and there, but pride overcame him. He couldn’t initially admit he was wrong. “I know I crossed a line with Evans, but you can’t fault me for thinking he was like every single asshole I’ve ever seen you shack up with, Pan. You had a type. I never liked Jason to fucking start with, but I wasn’t about to sit here and stop you from dating who you wanted.” He breathed a deep sigh, “Benji’s been in the Ainsworth’s back pocket. I had every right to assume he was like that piece of shit.”
No,” She snapped, “You decided that instead of making a slice of effort in getting to know someone who will always be more than the self-serving bastards they surround themselves with, you would rather pass judgement on one of the kindest and generous people I’ve ever known. No, you’d prefer playing gatekeeper against a guy who this city has taken and taken from him until he had nothing left to give.” Benji was everything. Her family, her savior, something she never deserved to have. “He lost everything, his whole family, his home, his identity, and tossed to the curb like he was worthless. Does that sound like someone else you know, huh? Everything he felt, every ounce of hope he couldn’t spare to find, I saw that each moment I looked in the mirror and I saw it every day I spent time with him. So, here’s what’s going to happen,” Pan took a small step closer, “You’re going to apologize to him, Enzo. He isn’t Jason.”
“I know.” Enzo ground out, rubbing his hands over his face before pushing them through his cropped hair in agitating exhaustion. “Watching how you were around him, Panny, I wasn’t dumb. No matter how you tried covering up or pretending like shit was solid, I could see the marks and I couldn’t-” He shook his head slowly and glanced down, “I just thought that if I didn’t protect you back then, I could’ve protected you from making the same mistake with Benji even if I didn’t really know him. Shit, I know that isn’t an excuse, but it felt like I was preventing history repeat itself.”
Pandora pressed her lips tightly together and swallowed down the biting words she originally orchestrated to chew the man out with only for the statements to disappear from the girl’s tongue. Suddenly, the anger vanished. Now all she felt was exhausted. Tired by the pretenses, the hard shell mask, the heart of stone exterior she fronted for public consumption. “Reason number two why you’re here with me instead of anyone else from Newford,” Pan held up the leather jacket in her hands, “Despite what you lead yourself to believe, you did protect me. I was lost, starving for attention, wrapped up in a guy who shoved me into this world of his I knew held its dangers. I fell in deep, partying until the fucking cows came home, and I thought that’s all gangs were. That pretty girls like me were just...playthings.”
“Then you come along and turn that shit on its head.” Pan continued. “You took me home when I drunk myself to oblivion, you gave me a couch to crash on, you put up with my bullshit no matter what I threw at you. You know better than anyone I’m too prideful asking for help, but you gave yours anyway with the intuition I needed it so fucking desperately when it seemed like nobody gave a shit.” She gripped the material, worn from use and frayed along the sleeves, “This jacket became everything I wanted to be when I had no idea who I was. It’s Newford, it’s Jason, it’s the perfect allegory why I finally found my resilience. You see,” A sad smile slowly lifted upon Pandora’s lips, “You don’t have to hold my hand anymore, Enzo. I’m still standing because of you.”
Sid would have been surprised, truly, how Enzo managed to remain silent through Pandora’s heartfelt spiel without offering his piece in the matter. Even if the desire to interject occurred, he would not have known what he planned on saying when her words left him speechless. This was her reassurance he did something right, a gratitude Enzo wanted to tell her that she didn’t feel the necessity to grant when no thank you is what he sought. His gaze appraised Pandora as if he were really seeing her for the first time and it’s in the moment he realized how much she grew in not only age, but as a person. Her blonde locks were shorter, chopped to the shoulders in a look that suited the young woman tremendously, and it was the strength of how she now carried herself. No...she wasn’t the same girl. “You’re still standing because of you, honey. There isn’t a single person who’s got more perseverance in just their little finger than you.” He mirrored her smile, the happiness and melancholy mixing into one at the pit of his stomach, “I’m proud of you, Pandora.”
Pan’s eyes immediately shot to the jacket still resting in her hands. She denied herself the crying moment at least not in front of the man when the two were both somewhat uncomfortable by visible emotions. Maybe that is no longer her story, who she needed to be, not when she’s already come this far. “I might not know the real reason you were thrown out of Newford, Enz, but I do know our faction doesn’t define us. That’s what this jacket was, reminding me I belonged to someone else. It’s time to come to grips I’m no longer the same Pandora and you aren’t the same Enzo either. And we can’t do that if we’re holding onto broken memories.” Pandora stepped closer to the stones encircling the pit, slightly holding out the object in her hands closer to the fire, “So, if you’re ready to see what freedom really means like I am, it’s ours.”
Enzo understood what she meant. Destroy the metaphorical link connecting them both to Newford, to the gang, to the monsters plaguing their nightmares, all for setting themselves unbound by expectations. For him, it was erasing the pain of Amelia’s passing and the loss on his unborn child, losing his place at Drake’s side, and the blood soaking his hands from a job he never sought after. It was clear Pandora needed to perform this act as a rite of passage and she was inviting him on embarking the same journey side-by-side. She didn’t want to travel it alone and if it’s his company Pan required in that moment, he could never deny her wishes. 
Pandora watched him nod his head as the final confirmation before she released her last grip on the jacket, the clothing poetically falling in a crumbled heap on top of the stacked logs. The fire sent tiny sparks flying, spreading along the surface of the jacket and slowly engulfing the entire piece from what appeared to be the collar all the way to the bottom. Real leather only charred, surprisingly resistant to heat, but faux leather would set ablaze almost instantly. How ironic was it, she thought, that Jason’s jacket had been as synthetic as he was? That everything he said he felt for her, what she experienced, was a lie. Still, the damage was already done. Nothing would remain of the jacket, only stripes of material holding no meaning for her she can now erase from the past. The flames hungrily engulfed the last fragment of Jason nobody will miss again. Good.
Pan reached over and took Enzo’s hand in hers, feeling a sense of resolution as the man gave it a small gentle squeeze. They were two Vincents breaking the mold, bearing witness to a new beginning. A fresh start. Something deemed once impossible, now achieved by storm and strife. As their eyes rested upon this raging pyre billowing smoke towards the heavens, Enzo chose to voice a final thought that came to him since Jason’s demise, “Hey, Panny,” He whispered, “No matter what happened...I don’t blame you.” You did what you had to do. She had to know that’s what he meant.
The statement and its veiled intention nearly caught Pandora off-guard, but not by surprise. Only the mind of a man who took lives for a living would understand the truth behind the lie she and Derek were conveying. She knew Enzo planned on keeping her secret safe, choosing a code of silence despite no verification to the whole story. That’s what families did for each other, after all. No words left Pandora’s mouth, but her hand offered another firm squeeze that spoke volumes.
Two promises were fulfilled. One of freedom and the other of unswerving loyalty.
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
A Basic Guide to 🕶️💥Dramatics💥🕶️
Good evening everyone; the time has come for me to begin spamming my own format~ I used the almighty randomizer wheel to decide which ship I’d discuss first, and what’dya know, it picked the goober that the account’s currently themed after! So welcome to a breakdown of Freedom x Karamatsu, otherwise known as Dramatics.
* Introductions: Karamatsu Matsuno is the second-eldest brother of the Matsuno Sextuplets, therefore being a main character of Mr. Osomatsu. With his signature blue jackets (or his even-more signature biker-aesthetic ‘fits), Karamatsu’s known for being a try-hard when it comes to being cool. He thrives off of replicating romantic tropes and using a mysterious/solitary persona... all of which fail. The question of “what’s his job?” does not apply to this man for he does not have one. Meanwhile, Freedom is a comic creator defined by her "sleep-deprived artist” tropes. Though she’s often the common sense of the brothers, she’s also one to happily fuel their chaos whenever she can. She’s the type to go on random hobby-centric or “deep” tangents that nobody else can understand, as well as tangents about American food... for no known reason. Oh, and she’s also an interdimensional traveler- They two have incredibly passionate and eccentric personalities and often build off each others’ praise.
* Meeting: The two first met at the Fishing Holes, an iconic location from Mr. Osomatsu. Karamatsu’s youngest brother, Todomatsu, bet that Karamatsu wouldn’t be able to talk to a girl. Karamatsu, figuring the lone artist across the way would be easy to approach, decided to approach her for the bet. Though Karamatsu tried to make suave conversation with this artist (AKA: Freedom), she was so invested in her sketching that she barely noticed him. Once she DID notice him, she was so startled that she accidentally knocked her notebook into the water, which Karamatsu dramatically dove in to retrieve said book. This SOMEHOW lead to a successful conversation, ending with Karamatsu requesting she draw him. Kara didn’t know she existed before then, but Freedom knew he existed before then.
* Behaviors: The beginning of their friendship had Karamatsu being nervous because he was buddies with a new girl, while still trying to be smooth and cool. Freedom was relatively shy, often not initiating conversation until he did, but she still laughed at his antics (in an affectioate tone) and tried to compliment him back. They often went out of their way to avoid alerting each other of their troubles, both not wanting to be a nuissance. Fast forward to today, when these clowns are CONSTANTLY bouncing off their “r/imfourteenandthisisdeep” personas, making dramatic gestures and statements all the time- They do plenty of performative romantic actions, but underneath is a couple that genuinely cares about each other. When they’re facing anguish, the first people they go to are each other, and the other won’t stop until it’s resolved. Though the two are still easily flustered by physical affection (Karamatsu being MUCH easier to fluster), they’re definitely more comfortable with each other physically than before. Freedom loves crawling onto him just to cuddle when they’re laying down, and he just loves hugging her... like all the time-
* Development of Feelings: While Karamatsu’s development of “shallow lusting because he knew a chick” into “feeling genuine love” was gradual, there was a distinct moment when he realized it happened. See, when they weren’t as close, Karamatsu would always pull flirtatious nonsense without shame. However, as he grew closer to her, he started feeling more shy about doing them. Once he realized this happened, he KNEW he’d fallen into the pit known as love. As for Freedom, she entered the dimension having idealized feelings towards him. Those feelings relaxed into friendship though... until they resurfaced as actual romantic interest- There wasn’t a specific moment that reignited them, rather it was just the fact she kept seeing his dramatically cute and dorky self.
* Iconic Moments: The entirety of The Karamatsu Incident; since she was there, it played out just a bit differently >:3. For context, in the episode, Karamatsu got held hostage in the middle of the mfing ocean by Chibita (his buddy) to pay off his oden-stand debt. None of Kara’s family came, so Chibita felt bad, and they planned to prove his family cared about him... by threatening to burn Kara at the stake in front of them- Now in Dramatics canon (because rewriting actual canon is based), Freedom realized he was out at sea (albeit super late) and rushed over there to pay off his debt. She’d try to prevent the whole “burning at the stake” bit, but ultimately fail. So rather than Karamatsu being left on the street by Chibita (like in canon), Freedom would offer to take him to her place so he could have a moment of peace. Needless to say, he took the offer. The next few days consisted of Freedom helping him with injuries and Karamatsu enjoying himself on the beachside.
* Confession: Okay, so technically Karamatsu’s been confessing his interest in Freedom ever since they met, but nobody took that seriously so- The first proper confession actually came from Freedom (his flirting made her... VERY confident he’d say yes lmao). She confessed on Valentine’s Day, catching up to him while he was on the hunt for chocolate. She stumbled over her words a bit, but her dramatic flair pulled her through. It was overall a wonderful moment full of dramatic tears and phrases, ESPECIALLY for Karamatsu (as he never actually expected he’d get a partner). It was also a very lucky moment since the other brothers weren’t there to see (for they would’ve freaked out if they did / neg & lh).
* Nicknames: Karamatsu LOVES nicknames; he usually calls Freedom “honey”, “my dear”, “princess”, and of COURSE “My Karamatsu Girl”. Freedom (which at this point is just another name for “me”) is ALSO a sucker for nicknames. She usually calls Karamatsu “sunshine”, “baby” “my knight in (shining) cornflower blue armor”, and even “My Freedom Boy” (to compliment his “Karamatsu Girl” nickname).
* First Date: Their first date was simply a walk throughout the Matsuno’s area of Japan; the idea was to just explore and try out whatever they found interesting! Freedom enjoyed this because she wanted to spoil her little scrimblo and see parts of the dimension she hadn’t yet, and Karamatsu enjoyed this because he wanted to show her off and spoil her as well! They ended up trying out a cute lil cafe, checked out a pet-shop, and browsed a fashion store; they encouraged each other to try on different outfits as they took photos! Karamatsu’s brothers kept a close eye on them, and there were even a few attempts to sabotage the date, but comedic timing sabotaged the attempted sabotages :3. Freedom was a little embarrassed (/lh) whenever Karamatsu would show her off, and the two were aware that his brothers were near, but it was ultimately a pleasant time!
* Late Nights: Most of their late nights together are when Freedom joins the brothers at Chibita’s oden stand; she’s usually the sober friend and LOVES seeing the comical chaos break out around her. She’s also sometimes hung-out late at the Matsuno household. There’s been a time or two when she’s spent the night over there as well, though she always stole their upstairs couch for that. In terms of nights when it’s only Karamatsu and Freedom together, those mainly consisted of them taking nighttime walks around the neighborhood.
* Living Spaces: They don’t live together permanently, BUT they spend a hell of a lotta time at each others’ places. Freedom’s more likely to visit Kara, at least when it’s contained in his dimension; she often goes to hang at the Matsuno house for writing inspiration or just to chill, but sometimes Kara will visit her beachhouse too! Outside of Kara’s dimension though, Karamatsu visits Freedom’s pocket dimension literally ALL OF THE TIME. He’s one of the most consistent vistors there.
* Love Languages: Karamatsu provides Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service, but he C R A V E S Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation, like EXTREMELY so lmao. Freedom provides Words of Affirmation, Gift Giving, and Physical Touch, but she craves Words of Affirmation and Quality Time the most.
* Friendships: Freedom’s made friends with Kara’s friends; Chibita’s one of her best buddies from this dimension, in fact! Freedom doesn’t have friends in this dimension that Kara didn’t know beforehand, but he has become close with her lovers and buddies from different dimensions (mainly Hawks from MHA).
* Family: Freedom’s interdimensional parent-figures like him! They worry a bit that he’s mooching off her (ya know, since he has no job), but he’s very sweet towards her AND them, so they trust him with her life. Her interdimensional kids usually find him super fun and reliable, albeit a bit cringy at times. Karamatsu’s family generally likes her; Osomatsu’s read some of her comics and finds her decent enough (though she’s too stuck-up for him), Choromatsu practically idolizes her for working in the comics industry, Ichimatsu thinks she’s too energetic but has her chill moments, and Jyushimatsu LOVES infodumping with her. Todomatsu and her are the closest; they have this incredibly close bond built from being the youngest/smallest out of their respective groups. Not to mention Karamatsu’s parents; O H how the Matsuno parents adore her, especially their mom! Freedom and Matsuyo always go on girls-days-out kinda adventures, and Matsuzo just thinks she’s a good influence.
* Symbolism or Aesthetics: Roses are a staple image of their relationship, for no other reason than it being Karamatsu’s default flower (with it being Freedom’s favorite to sniff). I also associate beach imagery with them a lot, but no particular aesthetics. The passage of time is a common motif/theme(?) I associate with them.
* Tropes: All Girls Want Bad Boys (except he’s only role-playing as a bad boy), Birds of a Feather, Cheesy Playboy x Straightwoman (he’s only a playboy in energy and aspiration-), Chocolate of Romance, Covered in Kisses, Devoted to You, Divine Date (Right? Because of Freedom’s dimensional nonsense?), Extrovert x Introvert, Everyone Can See It, Foot Popping, Malewife x Girlboss, Sickeningly Sweethearts.
* Free Space: Freedom’s able to bridal carry him whenever she wants; this isn’t even because of her powers making her stronger, it’s just that Karamatsu’s light. Their theme song is Buy You a Rose from AJR. Freedom also wears a matching version to... t h a t outfit of his. You know the one; the leather jacket w/ the tanktop that has his face on it? Yeah... she wears that... and wears it proud- They are also Bicons. Their ship name, 🕶️💥Dramatics💥🕶️, purely comes from the fact that they’re both dramatic af; that’s really it. The sunglasses reference Karamatsu’s sunglasses, and the explosion references action bubbles in comic books (ya know, for Freedom!).
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gummimn · 16 days
Chicago Road-trip Diary
{an old story it posted; the site seems to be offline, so it is reposting here} By gummimn.
Part 1: introductions and prologue.
I was really looking forward to the coming weekend. LatexIL and I had been chatting for quite some time about the chance of getting together for a weekend of some serious play. I had taken extra days off, so we’d have all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday to play; I didn’t have to leave until Monday afternoon. I still got hard just thinking about his profile entry.
“Latex, rubber, leather bondage: intense inescapable, short or long term. Can top, SM optional. Have equipment including sleepsacks, hoods and gags, lots of restraints, can have multiple guests in playroom at once. I like to travel too. Looking for hot safe bondage players who want it tight, inescapable, with headgear controlling sight, sound, speech and air…ESPECIALLY in head to toe latex/rubber. All holes plugged, tubed, and cath’d. Layers: leather over rubber; sacks over leather; sucked down in rac. Hobbies: rubber, catsuits, sleepsacks, straitjackets, vacrac, hoods, gags, and tight, effective restraints. Keeping bottoms tied up for as long as they like it; stored out of sight, out of mind. Favorite Quote: Maybe you need another layer of rubber and you definitely need those straps tightened up…”
Even after 12 years together, Peter still didn’t get the whole bondage/rubber/sense-dep SM scene. He did his fisting and watersports, played with guys who wanted bears, and loved me. Me? I did WS as well, but man, I wanted my rubber too. Waders, suits, sheaths front and back, hoods, gags, gasmask hoods, industrial gloves and rubber work boots; my rubber English riding boots to go with the Vex Chicago cop shirt and tight cod-piece jeans; the rubber BDU from Invincible; did I mention my home-made 1piece? It was a cross-country ski suit until I got my pervy hands and 3 quarts of liquid latex on it. Add some bondage: straitjackets, ropes, chains, restraints, collars, frames, racks, sacks, locks-and I’d be a happy pig. Leather? Oh hell yeah! I never got on my rocket without full gear: suit, boots, gloves and helmet…such a terrible thing; a gear pig required by his lover to wear gear just to go riding. Sucks to be me! My first piece of leather-a biker-hippie approved biker jacket; my knee-high Red Wing loggers-black laces for formal, white for play; leather jeans and cargoes; hoods, restraints-give me my Mr. S. 4 buckles any day; padded fist mitts; padded posture collar (Thanks again Mr. S!); padded sense-dep hood, the only connection to the outside world the grommet at my mouth. Gags-can I count the ways I like to be gagged? Yes, I can. Floggers and crops; pummeling and beating; yeah, I can take the pain, and make it a ticket to that place only a Dom and his sub can go when they’re in a scene: time stops, space expands, 2 souls commune without a spoken word-nirvana in a dungeon with pain and pleasure the mantra that lets them into the garden.
Peter doesn’t get it, but he doesn’t get in the way. One of the first “big talks” we had before living together had settled that. We discussed all the mundane things that will kill a relationship when times get tough. Times always get tough. One of you gets sick, or fired; or you see someone really hot who wants you too; the weather gets too hot or too cold. Crap happens. You work out the little details beforehand, you can get through them. So we talked. Monogamy got talked over as well: go out, have a good time, remember your heart stays at home, don’t bring home diseases. It had worked for 12 years; he had his kink or two, I had my laundry list of pervs; we shared each other and our hearts and our home.
So, I was off to a long weekend in Chicago. I’d shipped some gear ahead, but not much. LatexIL assured me that he had everything that was needed, and I wasn’t going out to the bars. So I sent on my favorite waders and boots, my favorite gags and the posture collar. The only gear in my saddlebags was a rainsuit-never leave home without it; my meds and toilet kit; and bottles of Boost for the trip down. He’d asked, and I’d readily agreed, to a liquid diet starting a couple of days before hand. No need to make a trip to interrupt the scene; the external cath would take care of the rest.
Peter and I had talked over breakfast; his bowl of cereal, my bottle of Boost. We confirmed I’d call when I got there and when I left Monday. He made sure once again that he had LatexIL’s phone and address. We clarified once again the secret code I’d use if I thought the scene was bad and I needed out. Peter can be a pain in the ass when it comes to crap like that. He’s mister “plan everything out, double check the plans, confirm the details, annoy the partner with more plans and details.” I’m a bit more impetuous and spontaneous, mister “hey, that sounds like fun! Let’s go!” He was off to work; I was off to get ready.
First on the list were a trim, then shower and douche. I got out the trimmer, and worked it over my head once again. The smallest guard left only bristly fuzz that felt soooo good to the touch. Latex had sent a liquid soap for me to use; it had an intense chemical scent, but it left my body as smooth and clean as a baby’s behind. The enema was quick; three days of liquids saw to that. I rinsed off the hair from the trim, soaped up and rinsed down. Brushed, flossed, dried off, time to get dressed.
Now was the make it or break it moment. LatexIL had sent me a really cool locking gag and a custom 1-piece suit. The gag was some sort of carbon-fiber head harness with a tube to connect to my CamelBack, and another to use as a straw for Boost on the trip down. Once I locked it over the suit, I had only one way out-I had to see Latex for the key. I took the suit, and admired it once again. Sheaths front and rear; socks with toes, gloves with grippy marks on the fingers, an attached hood the only way in; stretch the mouth wide, let it swallow me whole. It was fairly thick, but still thin enough to flex with me so I wouldn’t get fatigued on the ride. It had been cut like a SlickSuit so it would conform to my every curve. It would slide up crack of my ass so the sleeve behind could slide in with the plug I was going to wear, and stretch snug across my broad shoulders while hugging my small, slim waist. It would be my skin for the weekend, if I didn’t bug out and call the whole thing off.
I got out the lube, opened the suit, and started to pour it in. I started at the feet and worked it into the toes. Up the legs, into the crotch and over the sheaths hanging inside. Starting at the fingers, I lubed up the sleeves, then across the chest. I applied a very thin film to the back of my neck, and my lower face. I wanted the hood to slide on comfortably, but I didn’t want lube in my eyes when I started to sweat under my leathers. Now it was time to slide it on. Cold at first, it quickly warmed. My toes settled in their homes, and I slid it up my legs to my crotch. I worked my dick and nut into the sack and sheath, and then used the plug to seat the sheath in my ass. That old familiar feeling began to settle in-that horny tingle that started out on the skin and worked its way into my bones and took over my brain as I felt the rubber grip my legs and transform my skin. I pulled it up my chest, and worked my hands down the sleeves until they popped into the gloves. For a moment, I had to stop and stroke. Looking at myself in the mirror, I began to grope myself. The squeak of rubber on rubber tuned my senses to the feel of the latex as it became my skin; the warming rubber gave off that heady scent of latex and sweat and my own rubber body. I was lost in the smell and the sound and the sensation. It took all my strength to pull myself back from the edge; that would have to wait until LatexIL let me go over. I pulled the hood over my head, and smoothed the eyes and mouth into place. All that remained was the gag and the last of my freedom.
I looked at the rubberman staring out from the mirror. The light caught every curve and ripple and nook and cranny of my body under its shiny new skin. I felt up my cock, worked my nipples, pushed on the plug, pulled my nut. I could still call it off, jack off, and go for a ride. Or I could put the mouth-guard with its tubes onto my teeth, pull the strap around, and place the lock. I stood there for a long time, stroking my dick, holding the head harness. Finally, I took a deep breath and pushed the guard into my mouth. I worked my tongue around to make sure the tubes on the inside were properly seated between my back molars so I could work the bite valves for the tube that would be my drinking straw and the CamelBack connection. Looking myself in the face in the mirror, my blue eyes the only evidence of a human being within the latex man staring back at me, I pulled the straps to the back of my head…and closed the lock. Now I was in for it-he had the key and my only way out.
I stood there a while longer, worried and afraid about what I had gotten myself into; more horny and lust-demented than I had been in too long a time. My misgivings were too late now. I took one last stroke of my dick with a strong tug on my nut, and left the bathroom.
I went to the bedroom, sat down, and slipped prolyprop socks over my feet and UnderArmor glove liners over my hands. A thin silk balaclava was next; I made sure it rested on my chin so the tubes from the gag were out for use. I lifted the CoolMax liner off the bed. It was my summer salvation; it kept me dry enough in the heat I could wear my leathers in the worst of July and August. It gave my body a shield against the leathers, and kept my leathers clean and free of my sweat. The lightning bolt graphics swirling over the bodysuit gave me a shiver of power and desire as I looked it over, and took in its sweet scent. I slid into the open chest, pushed my feet down the legs, my hands through the sleeves tucked the balaclava under the neck and zipped it shut. My latex skin was now armored against the leathers to come.
It had been a sacrifice, but I now had the racing suit of my gear pig wet dreams. The A-stars SX-1. Asymmetrical chest zips, molded poly-therm armor melded onto the knees, elbows, and shoulders. The same molded poly-therm cast into an armored hump down my back to protect me from whiplash if I crashed and to guide the wind over me as I lay on top of my Daytona. A vivid sky blue, white accents, black woven stretch Kevlar in the crotch and down the arms, perfed almost like mesh, memory foam armor across my chest and abs and lower back. It looked hot, the brilliant blue contrasting with the bright sunshine yellow of the bike, meeting on my A-Star Super Tech boots of blue smashing against yellow fading to white at the toe of my boots. Next was my Arai-a white star on a blue field with gold trim. I slid the Foggy Respro over my rubber face without snagging it, made sure the tubes from the gag hung free, and cinched it snug. I reached inside my suit, grabbed the hose from my hydration pack and hooked it up to the left tube so I could drink as I rode. Last, but not least, my Icon Ti-Maxx longs: blue with bling; gold plated titanium on blue gloves, gray palms with gold studs on the heel of my palm, the wrist strap snugged, the gauntlet straps firmly closed together.
I took another look in the full-length mirror on the closet door. Under the leathers, my dick stretched further up my abs. Blue, gold, white and yellow-from head to toe; armor over my shoulders, across my elbows and down my forearms; more armor over my knees and down my shins; the armored aero-hump running down my spine; it was worth every bit of overtime. The mere sight of my skin-tight leathers alone would have gotten me off in a heartbeat if I weren’t under orders to wait. My wallet was safely under the seat, the saddlebags were packed and strapped, it was time for take-off. Sense-dep breath control head-trips, utter immobility and complete helplessness waited 7 hours away. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me. In the garage, I threw my leg over and started the motor. The bike safely walked out of the garage, I did the door remote and tucked it in a saddlebag pocket. I closed the golden-blue mirrored shield, slipped it into vent-lock, and launched my rocket.
Part 2: my trip and arrival
I had gotten a semi-early start. Early enough to get there before rush hour in Chicagoland, late enough to be after the morning rush here in Minneapolis. I’d only have to stop for relief and Boost breaks, so I wasn’t worried about the time. Late May can still be a roll of the dice for weather. It can be the perfect warmth all day, and still drop to freezing after sundown. You can start out dry, and end up soaking wet. Lady Latex favored the bold. It was a perfect temp to be riding skinned in rubber and encased in armored leather. Just warm enough that a layer of sweat let the latex slide over my skin without binding or chafing, no more, no less. I took the freeway just long enough to get out of town, then took my exit, and got on the 2-lane. More fun, less dangerous than the interstate, it was my preferred way to make long rides. After all, you get twisties on 2-lane, not the interstate, and I do love to put a knee down; the sound, the feel of my puck skimming asphalt gets me almost as hard as the feel of rope wrapping around my body.
I felt every bump in the road through my plug. Each crack and ripple was transmitted from the plug to my prostate, transferred to my dick, and buzzed into my brain. Once I was safely alone, away from stoplights and stop signs, crosswalks and city speed zones, I knew I wouldn’t have to shift often, so I got into my cruising position. I lay down on the tank and tucked my boots up against the passenger pegs. To corner, I would simply shift to one side or the other; to shift, I would slip my left food down to the gear shift long enough to click it, then lift it back to the rear peg. My cock and nut and taint melted into the seat sending the motor’s hum directly to my heads, both of them. The memory foam padding on my chest absorbed bumps from the road, protecting me and allowing me to breath. The rocket merged with its pilot, the two became one, and the miles slid by.
It’s strange when you’re out on a bike. Even though a car’s air-filter doesn’t really filter out all the aromas from the air coming in, there is an exponential difference when riding. You can taste each scent as it comes: the cows in the pasture, the cottonwoods by the stream, the lilacs by the farmhouse. You see it, you smell it, you taste it all in the same instant. Combine that with the hum from the motor, the buzz from the tires, and the utter bliss of being out on your own magic carpet, and you can go into sensory overload. It’s like being high without the down or the expense of weed. It’s like being born again each and every second, the whole of your being a clean slate every moment. No past, no future, only now, forever and ever amen and amen. Sometimes you just have to stop, get off the rocket, and shake your head to clear out the joy and release the beauty. Then it’s back on the magic carpet and off to the horizon again. Four times I stopped; twice to fuel my Daytona, twice more to fuel the pilot as well. Before I knew it, I was on the outskirts of Chicagoland. Taking the two-lane meant I hadn’t had to worry about tolls, but it also meant I had to heed the directions from my Garmin to twist my way into the city. Even so, it was going to be perfectly timed. I’d arrive just after LatexIL got home, so he’d be there to open his garage and I could ride right in.
After that, my freedom so real and so perfect while on two wheels would be over. My freedom freely given and utterly taken would be transformed into complete slavery in total bondage. In my servitude, I would achieve a new bliss, a different joy, a deeper beauty. I could not wait to be utterly confined and perfectly helpless. The thought of the total freedom of the ride taken to become the utter submission of my captor’s bondage made me so hard and horny I could barely focus on the road ahead.
Finally, I arrived at the address I’d programmed into my digital map. As I rolled up to the brownstone, I saw the tuck-under garage left open for my entry. I settled my rocket into the berth gently; I don’t think any of the neighbors noticed. To them I was just another sport bike rider parking my toy for the night. I stood up stiffly, and stretched, then stood off my bike. The door from the garage to the house stood open, as he said it would be. I unstrapped the saddlebags, threw them over my shoulder, and entered, closing the door and my freedom behind me.
Part 3: the scene begins.
As I shut the door, I heard a voice behind me.
“Hello blue.”
The same deep voice I’d heard so often on our Skype chats, but wrong; it’s Bryce, not blue. Suddenly, my world shifted as my mind spun. Vertigo like from a harsh fever swept through me; even as I stepped away from the door, my body came to a complete stop. I swear, for a moment, I couldn’t even breathe as every muscle in my body froze. I tried to turn to face him; my chest didn’t shift an inch. I tried to turn my head; I stared straight ahead at the closed door. I tried to lift my hand to raise my face-shield; it hung stiffly at my side. I gave one last effort to try and see him in the corner of my sight; my eyes were fixed, looking at the peephole in the door. Even my dick froze in mid-twitch! Something inside my mind had hijacked my body; I was more subdued than I had ever been in any amount of rope, restraints or chains. My mind raced, What the fuck!? What just happened? What’s with that word? Why has it paralyzed me?
Minutes passed while I struggled to move any muscle in my body. Nothing shifted the least bit. Sweat broke out over the whole of my skin as I panicked. The only motion I had was my breathing; as the vertigo swept past, it had returned. Now I was sucking air like I’d run the quarter mile as I went into full flight mode. I should’ve been tearing out the door and onto the street, the way my mind was racing. Instead I was a leather and latex statue, an armored mannequin of flesh and bone. Finally, I heard him step up behind me.
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to turn around and say hello?”
That same deep sexy voice, now laced with sarcasm and menace.
“Oh wait, that’s right, you can’t. I’ve said the magic word.”
Fuck, the vertigo, the frozen breath, the swirling in my mind, only stronger and deeper somehow.
“Blue, turn around and face the mirror.”
Before, I had struggled with all my might to turn and face him; now I willed every muscle, every fiber, every bone in my body to stay where I was. As paralyzed as my body was before, now it moved on its own; against my will, I turned around. Looking across the entryway, a small mudroom and laundry, there was a mirror on the far wall. Like I was on a leash, my body stepped forward, crossed the 4 paces to reach the mirror, and came to a complete stop. Not like I normally would stop, you know, slowing down as I approached, then bringing my rear foot forward to rest beside the front. No, my body strode across the room and STOPPED; I almost pitched forward into the wall it was so abrupt. If I had been scared before, this display nearly shut me down with terror.
As I came back to my body, my thoughts crashed around my skull, “What the Hell? What is in that word? Why can it move me, when I can’t move myself?”
He had followed me across the room. I could see him beside me as I stared straight ahead into the mirror. Even the normal movement of my eyes, back and forth, up and down, was frozen. I could only look straight ahead, eyes perfectly level, no left or right. If he had stepped even one step to the side, I would not be able to see him, because he would be out of my direct line of sight.
“Blue, examine your reflection in the mirror. Enable sub-routine Bryce to access optical sensors without security filter 421. Apply. Bryce, can you see everything?”
Damn, that voice of his; so strong, so commanding over Skype, was beyond strong, beyond commanding when in the same room. Even as I relaxed into his voice as I had so many times before, my mind swirled again, and my vision shifted. I stared; my breath caught in my throat. I could see everything.
“What the Fuck? There’s a padlock through the chinch rings on my chinstrap; where did it come from? When had it been put there? What the hell? Why is there zip ties cinched from my suit’s zipper pulls to the D-rings on my collar? What the Fuckity Fuck is a collar doing around my neck? What the Fuck is it made of? It looks like carbon fiber! Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck! There’s another one of those freaky zip-ties around each wrist, strapping my gloves to my arms! My Boots! There’s some sort of carbon fiber strap wrapped around the top of my boots! From the top of my instep to the top of the wedge-shaped shin-guard, there’s a fucking carbon fiber strap snugged around my boots! What the hell is going on here? Why am I locked into my leathers? Who did this to me? When!?!? What is in that word!? Why can’t I do anything unless he says blue!?”
I screamed-but it was only in my head; not a sound came out of my throat.
My eyes flickered back up from my boots to look at the face of the man beside me. The open inviting smile I had seen on cam was now a malevolent grin. He was obviously getting off on my terror and confusion. He was looking at me in the mirror as I was looking at him. Waiting for me to see everything there was to see in my reflection.
“Do you like what you see, Bryce?” His deep, strong voice could make my breath stop in my throat, even in my stark raving terror. Even in my stark raving terror, I did like what I saw. The vision in the mirror, a crotch-rocketeer locked in his leathers, gloves, boots and helmet, had me hard. If I was a leaker, I’d have been dripping; but I’m not. Instead, my dick tried to crawl up out of the codpiece and into my throat. I was trembling now not in fear, but in stark raving horniness. Carbon fiber straps shone like gloss black paint over my boot tops. Wide carbon fiber straps cinched my gloves to my arms, gloss black over matte blue and gray and shiny gold. A carbon fiber collar gleamed between the collar-less top of my racing suit and the bottom edge of my helmet. The shiny chrome of the D-rings were reflected on the collar, and made the strap connecting the suit zip to the D-ring seem like a glossy ribbon of black light. There were 2 tubes hanging from under my helmet; I could feel something in my nose, I realized it must be the tubes. I could see the top of a rubber suit rising from my leathers; I was now aware it continued as a hood. I was completely sealed in rubber, from head to toe. There was a tube sticking out from the top of my leathers that disappeared into my helmet; I could feel it was attached to the gag in my mouth, and it was leaking. I could feel a catheter in my dick; that must be what’s leaking. There was a MONSTER plug in my ass; I estimated at least a 3-inch diameter. Everything his profile promised had been delivered. Every opening was tubed, cath’d, gagged and plugged. I was so horny, so hard, so turned on, I was vibrating.
As I came back to earth, I wondered what had gone through people’s mind as they had seen me at the gas station. It was very obvious to anyone who looked that my suit was locked on me. The thought that I had ridden all the way to Chicago from Minneapolis in obvious bondage for everyone to see sent my mind into another horny tailspin and made my dick twitch. At least that muscle could now move on its own!
As my mind cleared, my eyes bore into the reflection of his. Not that he could see mine through the mirrored visor. But still, they did. The horniness had given way to terror had given way to rage.
“What the fuck have you done to me? Why can’t I move? When did I get locked in my gear? Who locked me up? What the HELL is going on? What’s in the word blue that it controls everything I do?”
All what I would have shouted, loud enough to crack the mirror in front of me... If I could have spoken... but there was that gag...
“You must be a bit confused.” “A Bit!?” “Would you like to know what happened?” “HELL yeah, I want to know what happened!” “Blue…Remember this morning.”
If my body hadn’t been stone cold paralyzed, I’d have collapsed to the floor as another wave of vertigo swept my mind. I remembered this morning; oh Hell, did I ever remember this morning.
Next: “Memories Light the Corners of My Mind….”
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maher-leather001 · 1 year
The History of Leather Jackets: Where did leather jackets originate?
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Since its inception, the women's leather bomber jacket has been a favourite Wardrop item for both men and women. You can choose from a variety of hides to make these classic outfits, including cowhide and sheepskin as well as goat leather, sheepskin or lambskin, horsehide and kangaroo. This amazing men's leather jacket is made by most of the major manufacturing companies in cowhide or sheepskin. Cowhide is a durable, tough and rouged leather that's unlike any other types. Many styles and designs were created by the new producers of this iconic outerwear that maherleathers have at their online store. There are many styles to choose from, including asymmetric collars and zipped or hooded options. The biker jacket for women has a shorter body with a more stylish cut.
These hides are made from natural animals such as horses, goats, sheep, pigs and cows. The leather is strong and resistant to abrasions. It is also used by large corporations to make motorcycle racing suits, bags, and shoes. It provides a lot of protection and safety for those who wear it on challenging race tracks.
Leather Jacket History
The crucial period of World War I, July 28th 1914 to November 11th 1918 is well-known around the world. The US military's air corps flew fighter planes at over 25000 feet. There was no appropriate clothing that could protect the pilots from the extreme cold at high altitudes. At that time, their planes didn't have an enclosed window system. The air temperature was too low and the freezing cold constantly attacked the US flight crew. The outfit needed to be warm and durable so it could withstand the cold winds at high altitudes.
In 1917, the American air force clothing division made a leather jacket with horsehide for their pilots. These pilots were the first to wear leather jackets. These outfits were also known by the names flight, aviator and bomber jackets. Because of its durability and warmth, it was very popular. The front had buttons to close the door. To keep the wearer warm, a cotton inner lining was also added.
These outfits were subject to many modifications by the US aviation clothing board. They named them according to the series or users of the outfits. These names included A-1, B-2 and B-3 as well as M-1 and other. These outerwear items were also manufactured by local American organizations. They used horse hide, while others used cow or sheep leather. They all had a durable look and lasted a long time.
Introduction to the Fashion World
In 1928, Irvin Schott was an American citizen with extraordinary talent who created the first fashion-oriented leather coat. His classic motorcycle leather jacket is the most loved design in the modern world. This outfit was sold in New York by the Harley Davidson Dealer for $5.50. This was the lowest price ever paid for this iconic design. To enhance the look of the outfit, he added a zipper to the front. His design gained too much popularity, not only in the United States of America, but all over the world.
Hollywood Interaction (the 1950s-60s)
Many companies began making fashion-inspired jackets in other styles and designs after the initial fashionable jacket became popular. Leather-made clothes became a common choice for everyday wear. These outfits were in great demand. These garments were soon in demand by Hollywood stars of the 1900s. These outfits were first used in Hollywood's top movies starting in 1950. Marlon Brando wore a leather jacket in "The Wild One", a Hollywood movie. This was the first time a leather jacket had been worn in the film industry, in 1953. He played a dangerous member of a gang. He wore a leather jacket and a huge dressing sense, creating a tough look for a biker.
1955 was another big year for the outfit when "Rebel without a cause", the movie, was released. James Dean was the lead role in this movie. He was an American actor. His romantic movie character, the movie hero, wore a red leather jacket.
You will find Tom Cruise, the beloved actor of the 1980s. In his remarkable Top Gun movie , Cruise wore a flight bomber jacket and was a total bomber pilot presence. After the success of Hollywood's Top Gun movie, this bomber jacket was in high demand around the globe.
Women Enrolment
Women also updated their clothing during the period of changes in men's outerwear. The women are seen updating their fashion wears with some of the most iconic leather jackets of the 1970s and 1980s. Leather-made clothes were popular among women in the United States and European Unions. Women prefer to wear garments that were once worn by men. Joan Jett and Blondie, a well-known rock & roll band, wore the women's cowhide classic leather jacket. Their acts were a major boost for the demand of leather jackets for women. For the concert, they added some modifications to the outfit, such as buttons, studs and pins.
Today's leather jackets
The demand for leather jackets has not diminished and their sales graph has remained constant throughout the world. These timeless wears have not been out of fashion since their introduction in the fashion world. These wears are subject to modifications and other changes, but they still have the great favouritism both of men and women. At the moment, there are many styles, designs, colors, and options. These outfits are trendy, fashionable, fashion-oriented and warm.
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applejongho · 1 year
secret santa here again :) i also wonder if you already know me 🤔 guess we'll have to wait until later this month to find out huhuhu
thank you for answering my first round of q's, i really enjoyed reading your story of you came to bias jongho 🥰 confidence really is so attractive and i think that's also one of the reasons i bias our captain joong <3
definitely taking notes about you liking spooky things 📝👀 black cat nero was also one of my first introductions to ateez and i'm still obsessed with her, very glad we got a studio version :)
now for the next round of questions:
what are some aesthetics you enjoy?
do you have any atz merch? any that you would want?
what's your favorite thing about making gifs?
hope you have a good day!
hi santa! sorry for answering a little late lolol I had exams to do but now im free and am on winter break!
I do wonder if I know u 👀 I have a suspicion for someone but also ik a lot of joong stans, so. funny enough I also bias joong for confidence reasons but jongho is the Main Dude
Also super glad to see u are a black cat nero enjoyer, I Love the vibes of it. It's Very Good.
but now for your Q’s!
1) I love all spooky aesthetics lol. anything to do with the supernatural, esp vampires, I eat up. I also love bikers (leather jackets, motorcycle, causing problems, I dress like one a lot bc I love them a lot!) and rockstars (like, being crazy on stage, loving music, playing electric guitar, the rock on 🤘 hand gesture. another reason why I loved guerrilla so much). anything that basically says “fuck the government” or “fuck society im gonna be who I want to be” is Good Shit. I love also murder (but not in like, a serial killer way???? every time I say that im like pls dont think im insane 😭😭) and darker stuff and dark fantasy. actually I have a writing account and I write basically everything I said, it’s @bikerjongho in case u wanna snoop through my masterlist. the themes of what I write are a good indicator of my aesthetics. I just think death/dying is very compelling! it’s so unknown but everyone will go through it and I think that’s fascinating. anyway im derailing the question so let’s move on
2) I have SO MUCH merch lmao. I have probably about 10ish albums, a lot of their photobooks, a lightiny from going to see atz Newark d1, and way too many jongho photo cards (like,,, 100+. it’s an issue). here’s a photo of all of them! I take pride in them haha. jongho is just a cool dude
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3) and I love this q anon, u have such good questions! I take pride in my coloring so I think that’s also my favorite thing to do for gifs. for example I did this series where I made ateez in different aus and made gifs that matched the aus. the coloring was insane to do but I think they all turned out amazingly! here they are if u are curious!
hope u have a good day too anon!!!!
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Looking for a Place to Happen 7
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats, drunkenness, some content not warned.
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: This is it for Sam and it will give me a chance to start plotting Frank and Peter’s storylines but no promises on when those will be touched. I’m still sorting through ideas.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 7: It’s a shame to leave this masterpiece
As you came up to The Asp, you felt better than you had in days. The blend of alcohol in your stomach blurred the old brick buildings of the small town and buffed out the peeling paint of the image of the ancient Queen. The girls giggled behind you in a similar state, ready to celebrate the occasion.
You were the first inside as you stumbled past the man smoking at the doors. He was clothed in leather like any of the others within. You hit the table with your hip as you came into the barroom and kicked it as it wobbled.
“Sup, bitches?” you announced your presence as the other girls entered behind you and laughed raucously at the introduction.
Your eyes met Sam’s as you looked around. He sat with those other men, Bucky tilted his head in disbelief at you and Steve stood as his girl came up to lean on your arm and slur, “let’s put some good music on!”
“Yeah!” the rest of you chimed in unison, “and more drinks!”
“Drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks,” Bucky’s girl and the mechanic chanted as the crossed to the bar and you staggered with the third to the old jukebox.
“Jesus, you got anything made in the last three decades?” you chirped as you heard the scrape of chairs and a low mutter.
“What the fuck is going on?” Bucky demanded and you glanced over as you hit a button.  The disco beat rose as the bartender with the dyed hair poured a line of shots, “you are all drunk.”
“No, we’re ready for a good time!” you sang as you bopped to the beat and Steve’s girl began to wiggle oddly. You supposed that was dancing, power to her.
“You,” Bucky turned on you, “this is your fault--”
“It’s a special night,” Sam stepped up, “they’re having fun.”
“They’re making a scene,” Bucky growled.
“There’s hardy anyone here, or anyone sober enough to care,” Sam rolled his eyes as he smirked at you. You stuck out your tongue and brushed by Bucky as the shot glasses stood ready.
“Some for them,” you jabbed your thumb over your shoulder, “buncha tight asses!”
You lifted a dark brown shot and tried not to spill it as you neared Bucky. He was still scary in your tipsy delight but you didn’t care enough to back off.
“Do it,” you leaned towards him, “chill out, bruh.”
Sam snorted as Steve steadied his girl and spoke quietly as she ignored him and mouthed the words to the Donna Summers song. He was failing to hold her attention as her eyes rounded at the drink in your hand then flitted to the bar as another four were added to the row.
“Really,” the slender dark-haired man leaned an elbow on the bar as he peered down his nose at the mechanic, “this is unseemly.”
“Double for him,” you cried out and grabbed Bucky’s hand to wrap around the shot glass, “consider it an apology from me, boss.”
You patted his shoulder and turned away to near the prim man with his stuffy accent.
“Do you prefer a pint? What do they drink in tight-ass-opia?” you snickered and his brows arched. The mechanic slid a shot towards him and nudged you away with her arm.
“Drink,” she challenged him as she took her own, “you bitch.”
Your mouth fell open at her blatant defiance and Loki’s green eyes flickered as he lifted his chin. The song changed but it was another upbeat melody you recognized. The tall man took the shot from the mechanic and drank it smoothly before carefully setting the glass back down.
“This is a birthday party,” you said, “where’s the cake?”
“Yeah, why didn’t I get a cake?” Steve’s girl shoved him, “that’s bullshit.”
“Sweetie,” he warned and she sidled past him to claim a shot.
“It’s my birthdayyyyy,” she drawled, “I’m doing what I want--” she paused to choke down the shot and turned on him again, “and you’re not my daddy so I’m gonna have fun. You’re welcome to join or fuck off.”
There was a silence as you all stared at the usually soft-spoken woman. She pointed to her empty glass and the bartender. 
“Alright, that’s enough--” Bucky began.
“Hey,” a woman with reddish blonde hair stepped up in a leather jacket, “pour me a shot.”
“Wanda,” he warned.
“Jeez, Buck,” she reached forward to take the newly poured liquor, “they’re right. This place is usually dead. What’s one night?”
“Yeah, one night,” Bucky’s girl intoned, “take the shot, take the shot, take the shot…” She neared him and pushed her finger against the bottom of the shot glass, “just do it.”
He sighed and rolled his shoulders. He knocked it back sharply and cleared his throat.
“You guys are cleaning up the mess,” he muttered.
“You’re gonna help us make it,” she threw her arms up as the jukebox got louder and you looked over as Steve’s girl held her finger down on a button, “hey, I love this song!”
The night never quite slowed down so you couldn’t say it took a sharp turn. The bar was a frenzy of music and alcohol. You could tell by the pulsing ring in your vision you would feel it the next morning, even if you didn’t remember any of it.
You were enshrined in the glow of your own intoxication as the bar cleared for a moment. There were bodies all over, talking, moving, dancing. You blinked past Sam who was all too eager to join in, an excuse to have his hands all over you. You leaned on him as a ‘whoo’ stabbed your eardrums.
You blinked as Bucky’s girl came clearer. She was on the pool table, writhing around a cue like a stripper. The man who called himself her keeper reached for her ankle and she kicked him away as Wanda cheered her on.
You giggled and looked over at the cushioned bench against the wall behind the table. You were shocked and yet not as the mechanic had her tongue halfway down the baker’s throat. The two girls were locked together in the din of the room. 
Loki sat on the other side of the table but his head lolled back and his long legs were splayed before him. He was likely passed out. Another figure approached and you tried to move past Sam as he clung to you and turned with to look over at the scene.
Steve grabbed the mechanic’s arm and tugged on her but she kept her other hooked around his girl. She yanked away from him and he did it again.
“Get off her,” he snarled.
“Fuck off, dude,” she parted for one second to utter the deterrent before she started at it again, drawn back hungrily by the other woman.
“Let em do it,” Sam called out, “that’s hot as fuck.”
You hushed him and Steve seized the mechanic again. This time he was met by a fist as she came up swinging, leaving his girl against the bench. She caught him in the chest and then the jaw and swiftly looped her arm around his neck as she bent him over. He jabbed at her side and she grunted drunkenly and stomped his foot.
“Hey!” you rushed forward and Sam’s hand fell away as your holler drew the attention of everyone else.
“Eh!” Bucky’s girl hopped down and drunkenly landed with the cue in hand. She pulled it back but was kept from swinging as Bucky followed her towards the scuffle.
You hopped on Steve’s back as the mechanic kept her arm around his neck and his girl came up with senseless eyes. 
“Why are you doing this?” she grumbled, “we were having fun.” She reached out and pulled his hair so he winced, “you’re always on me! Always controlling me!”
“Get off!” Steve grunted as he clawed at the arm around his neck and you tried to pull him off-balance from behind.
A sudden, deafening noise stilled everyone. Steve’s girl slumped back as the cue clattered from the other woman’s grasp and the mechanic released the man in leather as you slid off his back. Sam caught your arm and stilled you as Bucky stood with his gun in hand.
“Enough,” he was drunk himself but mad enough to rage through the alcohol, “enough. Fun is over.”
You all stared at him as he holstered his gun and huffed. The music continued to blare and he stomped over to the jukebox and shut it off.
“Get them out of here!” he barked as he spun back, “you,” he pointed at his girl, “back office. Now.”
Loki was the only one undisturbed as he remained blacked out on the chair. Steve gritted his jaw and snatched up his girl who could barely stand on her own feet. She pouted as he swiped up her coat and shoved it into her arms. He got a curled lip from the mechanic but she let him go.
Sam chuckled under his breath and shook his head as he took your hand, “better pack up… tomorrow’ll be fun.”
You found your coat on the floor and pulled it on as you peeked around Sam. He swayed slightly himself as he leaned a hand on the bar. The mechanic kicked Loki’s chair but he didn’t flinch. She shrugged and left him there, tramping out without looking back. 
Your eyes met Bucky’s as he stopped at the door on the far side of the bar. His eyes met yours as he scowled and you quickly glanced away. You grasped Sam’s arm and hid your fear.
“Let’s go,” you whispered. 
You knew you were in shit again but you were fairly certain, that would never change. You sealed your fate when you walked in that bar the first time.
You woke up to the harsh glare of sunlight. You shielded your face and groaned as you wriggled under the thick arm across your side. Sam hardly moved as you rolled over and sat up with a wince. There were glimmers of the night before but more pressingly, your stomach boiled and bubbled.
You slid out of bed, eyes half-closed as you made your way to the bathroom. You still had your crop top on and nothing else. You knew he fucked you again but had no recollection of it, nothing but the dullness deep in your core. You flipped open the toilet and leaned on the seat. You heaved until the bile splashed down into the bowl.
You finished spewing out your drunken regrets and rinsed your mouth in the sink. You’d never drank that much before and for the first time, you were feeling it beyond the sunrise. You dragged your feet back into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of pajama pants. 
Sam remained face down on the bed, his thick back moving slightly as he breathed rhythmically into the pillow. You sat on the end of the mattress and rubbed your cheeks. You vaguely remembered an argument and dancing. You knew it didn’t end well.
You were jarred by a knock at your door and moaned at the nail in your skull. You stood as your nan’s voice rose from the other side.
“Girly, you get out here right now,” she hammered on the wood, “you have company.”
You went to the door and opened it just a crack. She leaned her hand on the it and grimaced.
“I know he’s in there, no use hiding,” she snarled, “both of you, downstairs.” She didn’t hang around for your confusion or arguments. She sniffed as she descended the stairs and muttered, “need another smoke.”
You shut the door and turned around as Sam grunted and his lashes fluttered in grogginess. You took his shirt from the floor and flung it at him.
“What’s up?” he asked sleepily as he caught it and turned his legs over the side of the bed. He was completely naked.
“Someone’s here,” you shrugged as you pulled on a hoodie, “she didn’t say.”
“Mmm,” he rose and fished his jeans from the floor.
He buttoned them and followed you to the door. You held onto the railing tight as you made your way down and you peeked into the kitchen curiously as your nan’s cigarette smoke tickled your nose. Your chest knotted as you saw Bucky sitting at the table, his own face lined with tension as he drank from a mug.
“There they are,” you nan frowned, “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Millie,” Bucky raised the hot mug and leaned it against his forehead, “you understand this is… private business.”
“Yeah, yeah, I gotta find that damn cat anyhow,” she retorted harshly, “you make it quick. This is still my house.”
He cleared his throat and waited for her to go. She sucked on her cigarette as she passed you and tutted. She pulled on her jacket and boots and tramped out without another word, the door slamming behind her.
“Sit,” Bucky said.
Sam nudged you and you neared the table and dropped into a chair. Sam went to the counter and poured himself a coffee from the machine. Bucky stared at you as his jaw gritted and he set down his cup.
“It’s clear to me that after last night, Sam has not made things plain to you,” he sent Sam a pointed look as the other man sat, “or maybe you just choose not to understand.”
“What did I do?” you croaked as you longed for a mug of the brew.
“I keep this town in order. Not the club; me.” He ignored your question, “and I am not in the habit of putting up with this type of bullshit.”
“It was just fun--”
“Enough,” he hit the table, “if my lady didn’t like you so much, I would be done with this. Done with you. But out of respect to her and Sam, I will give you one last warning. You get in line or I put you down. You and the old bitch.”
Your skin crawled as you glanced over at Sam. He was sombre and silent, the usual humour completely gone from his face. He nodded at you and then pushed his shoulders back in defeat.
“She’ll behave,” Sam said.
“It’s not just her head if she doesn’t,” Bucky stood, “I like you Sam but you vouched for her. You knew what that meant.”
“She will,” Sam rose as well.
“I’ll see you at The Asp in ten,” Bucky said, “we have business. Real business,” he let out a long breath and looked at you, “just know, the rest of them will be punished too. Just remember, that’s your fault.”
He left without another word and you lowered your chin. You liked the other girls, they were older but they were nice, and it was easy enough to see they were just like you. Trapped and tortured by these men. You were never very good at reading people or a room, but you knew that. You felt it so you saw it in them.
“Well, gotta go,” Sam said, “I’ll be back. We’ll go over everything.”
“Fine,” you replied like a bratty child, “I didn’t… do anything.”
“You won’t do anything,” he girded firmly, “you’re fun but not that fun.”
He retreated upstairs and you got up to pour yourself the last of the pot. You heard the front door and you turned as your nan entered with Pippen slung over her shoulder. She crinkled her nose as she crossed to the counter and leaned beside you.
“That man’s a right ass,” she said, “reminds me of a few back in my day.”
“Mhmm,” you sipped and avoided her gaze guiltily.
“Girly, I know, it’s not your fault. Those men, they always take it too far,” she kept her voice low.
“No, I went down there, I started all this--”
“Whatever you did, it doesn’t warrant this,” she touched your arm, “and those other girls, they didn’t do anything worse than you.”
“Nan, you can’t--”
“All I want you to do is play along,” she said as her jaw clenched, “and tell those girls, they need anything, they come here; a meal, an ear, a place to sleep… and you tell them I dealt with these men before. They don’t change over the years.”
“Nan?” your mouth fell open and you scoffed in disbelief.
“One day,” she raised a finger, “there’ll be a change and those men don’t know what they got comin’. A woman’s best weapon is patience.”
You eyed your nan as she pet Pippin and went to the fridge to pull out the open can of tuna and feed him a shred. He took it from her fingers as she set it on the counter and he hopped off to eat directly from the tin.
“Don’t look so stupid,” she lifted a brow and paused to look up as you heard Sam above, “you got some smartenin’ up to do. A lot.”
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 2
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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While templo – church, as Nina knew it – was in session, the clubhouse filled up with scantily female hangaraounds and a few men. Celebrations were in order for a successful gun-run, and Nina recognized the look on the faces of every woman there. They were all ready to leave their inhibitions at the door, and get down with an outlaw biker. She was used to Filip and the rest of them doing their best to keep anything leather-clad far away from her, and her bed; keeping their promises to Jax. From what had happened in her life recently, she was beginning to understand why, even if she’d always found it immensely annoying. But, as it was, her own bed was far away from here, and none of SAMCRO was there to play babysitter.
When the door to templo opened, it was like a race for the women to find a neck to throw their arms around. She couldn’t help but laugh to herself, and when she looked at EZ behind the bar, she saw him rolling his eyes at her. He thought it was as funny as she did. Letty was about to put her lips to a beer, when Coco nabbed it from her, and gestured for her to get out. He gave her a light peck on the forehead before she went. She waved at Nina, and left the clubhouse.
Nina settled on a chair at an empty table, and observed the scene. A brawny bald Mayan found a curly-haired beauty to give his attention; Coco planted himself on a couch, letting a pretty redhead swing her legs over his lap; and the same pattern continued among the other Mayans. An eager looking, blonde girl greeted Angel by the door to templo. She tugged at his cut, and he gave her a slight smile, avoiding her arm, as she went to put it around his waist. He looked out the corner of his eyes at Nina, who pretended not to notice.
EZ sat down next to her, after having made sure everyone who wanted one, had a beer. He began pointing out the members of the club. “You know Bishop and Taza. Gilly… Tranq… Coco you rode in with… Riz… That’s Creeper… Angel doesn’t need another introduction, obviously”. They both looked towards his brother, who was now seated at the bar; doing his best impression of a slip-and-slide, to avoid letting the blonde settle on his lap. “Yeah, he’s a character", Nina laughed. EZ nodded with a smile.
Tranq and Creeper joined them at the table; the latter carrying a bottle of tequila, and making a couple of lewd remarks about superglue. Trying to ignore the looks Angel was sending her way, while his wannabe paramour whispered something in his ear; Nina took a round of shots with the men at her table. It felt almost homely, with the smell of cigarette-smoke and music sounding over laughs and conversations. She was feeling the alcohol go to her head; but she was in a good mood, and it merely put a comfortable haze over her situation – made everything seem less serious than it was. Three shots later, they were discussing tattoos, and Tranq – Hank, as he’d reiterated to her – was examining the one Nina had on the back of her arm. “Shit, speaking of ink… I gotta finish Gilly’s back”, he said, and went to stand. “Man, how many shots have you had? You sure you wanna do that now?”, Creeper asked. “I work better with a buzz”, Tranq said; and immediately stumbled over his own feet. Creeper laughed, and helped his friend move over to his tattoo-corner. Gilly, with the curly-haired woman under his arm, went over to get settled in the chair. He gave the woman a deep kiss, before sitting down.
“You don’t have a date tonight?”, Nina asked EZ. “No, I’m, uh… I’m kind of seeing someone”. He seemed to blush. “Special enough to steer clear of these lovely ladies?”, Nina asked. “Yeah… Gabby is… special”, EZ said, his voice warm. “I just threw up in my mouth a little”. Angel had arrived at the table, a beer in each hand. “Beat it, prospect. We don’t need you anymore tonight. Go settle in at pap’s”. EZ chuckled, and got up to stand. “See you later, Nina”, he said, and left them to it. Angel looked at his brother as he went, his expression a mix of pride and love.
Nina looked at the beers in Angel’s hands. “Is one of those for me?”, she said. He held both bottles up in the air. “Nah, I just believe in a balanced diet”, he teased, before setting one of them down on the table in front of her. He sat down on the chair EZ had formerly occupied; moving it closer to her. The scent of his cologne hit her nose, and Nina had to chew her lip to keep from smiling at the delightful shivers it was sending through her body. “How are you doing, cuervo?”. Nina frowned at him. “Why do you keep calling me crow?”, she asked. “You are, aren’t you?”, he grinned. “La Cuervo from Charming. Sounds like a movie”. She took a sip of her beer, and smirked at him. “What kind of movie?”. He met her smirk with one of his own, making her heart skip a beat. “The good kind…”.
The girl Angel had seemingly dismissed was still standing by the bar. “Is that your old lady?”, she asked, and took a sip of her beer. Angel looked confused. “The blonde”. “Nah, she ain’t my girl…”, he declared. The woman in question was starring daggers at them from the bar. “Did you tell her that?”, Nina muttered. Angel shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. You settling in ok?”. “Yeah”, she replied. “Your brother moved his stuff out of the trailer to make room for me. He left a pile of books behind, though”. Angel winced. “Yeah, he does that. I’ll tell him to get rid of them for you”. His eyes widened when he saw her expression. “Unless you like that shit… Books, I mean”. He grabbed a pack of smokes from his cut-pocket, and held it out to her. She took a cigarette, and let him light it for her. “Yeah, I like to read”, she said, and took a huff. One of her hands was resting on the table, and Angel placed his own next to it; letting their fingertips brush against each other. “So, you’re one of them smart girls… Probably got an education, and everything”, he smiled, with a mischievous look in his eyes. Nina shrugged to confirm his words. “I did a couple of years in school…”, she said, and took another huff. We gotta keep your ass out of CaraCara, Jax had said, as he’d given her a wad of cash to help pay for her first semester. He’d been pissed when she dropped out. Angel settled his one knee between hers. “Tell me, what’s a smart girl doing in a place like this? Or with SOA for that matter? Doesn’t seem like the obvious choice of friends for someone with a bright future ahead of her”. “Who says it was bright?”, Nina asked. Angel didn’t seem to know how to reply. “I felt more at home with the club, than I ever did at school. It’s my place, you know? Family”. He nodded knowingly at her statement. Angel felt the same about his own club.
“I’m sorry about the helmet. Didn’t know it was special”, he finally muttered. She chewed her lips for a moment. “It’s fine. I guess I wear it as a tribute… or a fuck you. I’m not sure”. “Who’d it belong to?”, Angel asked, and took a swig of his beer. His rings made small clinks against the glass. She looked down. “Someone dead…”, she said. “Makes sense, since you called it an heirloom”. He hooked his pinky under hers, and tugged at it a bit. “I just worry about you. It looks a bit banged up. Wouldn’t want your pretty head injured on a ride”. “You don’t know me well enough to worry about me”, Nina smirked. “I’d like to…”, Angel replied with a shrug. He moved his hand to her knee, and squeezed it. It was like electricity from his hand to Nina’s groin, and she let out a short breath.
She noticed Bishop – who was deep in conversation with Taza – looking at her and Angel. He frowned for a second, before moving to walk over to them. There was a shattering of glass, as someone threw a beer at the wall; as Creeper and one of the hangarounds got into a fistfight. Bishop and Taza rushed over to pull the two men apart, and Nina took this as her que. “I’m gonna go shower. I wanna wash the road off”, she said, and handed Angel her cigarette. He sighed, and took a lungful from it, before narrowing his eyes at her; as she got up to stand. “The shower in the trailer is shit… You’re welcome to come round mine. I got good pressure”. There was no mistaking his meaning. Feeling the corner of her lips tug upwards, her eyes met his. It was like swimming in a sea of onyx – overwhelmingly sexy onyx. Nina took a deep breath, and made up her mind. “Yeah… ok”. Licking his lips, Angel got up to stand; towering over her. He hooked his pinky with hers again, and leaned down to her ear. “Let’s go”.
They managed to leave the clubhouse without too much notice. Only Coco looked up from his feast of ginger cleavage, and shook his head at Angel with a grin; as he pulled Nina through the crowd of people, with determined steps. While Nina nabbed her helmet and jacket from the trailer, Angel had rolled out his bike; and she got settled behind him. His seat was longer than the one on Coco’s bike, giving her plenty of room; but she decided to scoot as close to him as she could, anyway. She waved at Chucky, as he closed the gate to the yard behind them, and they took to the street.
Angel seemed to aim for every pothole, and Nina suspected it was to get her to hold on tighter to him. At an especially large bump in the road, it felt like they took flight for a second. Nina felt a rush go through her, and couldn’t help but crack a smile, and laugh a little, as butterflies began forming in her stomach. She felt Angel’s chest rumble, and suspected he was holding back a laugh himself. “You good back there?”, he asked, taking one hand of the handlebars, to put on her knee. “Yeah, perfect”, Nina grinned. She thought for a moment, before speaking again. “Don’t your arms get tired?”. “From what?”. “Your handlebars. They’re so high”. Angel laughed heartily. “Sometimes…”. He let go of with his other hand, and spread out his arms in the air, as they rode. Nina squealed. “Angel! No!”. She grabbed on to his cut, and hid her face against his back. “It’s ok, baby. I got you…”, Angel laughed, and put his hands back on the handlebars. “Dick!”, Nina growled, unable to stifle a grin. “Coming right up!”.
He sped up the bike, and they continued in anticipatory silence.
They pulled up at a modest, wooden bungalow. Angel held out his hand to help Nina get off the bike, and tilted his head to check out her butt, while she took off her helmet. He grabbed her hip as he stood up, and pulled her closer to him. “This is me”, he said, and nodded his head towards the house. “Has it got an inside?”, Nina smiled, and tugged at his cut. “Uh huh…”, Angel said, and leaned down, as if to kiss her; before pulling back, and walking towards the front door. “Wanna see it?”. “Tease”, Nina called after him. “Yeah”, Angel grinned.
He opened the door, and held it for her to step inside. The room was dimly lit, and smelled like pure Angel – cologne, beer and man. It was delicious. As she admired the collection of empty bottles on the coffee-table, she felt a pair of hands on her waist; spinning her around to bring her nose to chest with an almost hungry-looking Angel. He leaned down and brushed his nose against hers. “What about my shower?”, Nina whispered. He grabbed her helmet from her hand, and placed it on the couch. “After…”, he said, put his hand to the back of her neck; and kissed her.
Angel’s lips were even softer than she’d imagined. He was greedy in his kiss, gently devouring her lips; before demanding access to her tongue, which she gave willingly – her body on fire and wanting more. Getting up on her toes, she put her arms around his neck, and sighed into Angel’s mouth. As she pressed against him, Angel let out a slight growl. “Fuck, crow-girl… Let’s at least make it to the bed”, he said, and pushed her jacket down her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. He looked confused for a second, at the sound of the thump it made, when it landed. Nina distracted him, by tugging at his beard. “Lead the way”, she smiled against his lips. Angel instantly shed his cut, and threw it on the couch; making it land on top of her helmet. He spun her around again, and smacked her butt; pointing towards a doorway. “Go”, he commanded.
Angel hadn’t made the bed when he left his house that morning, but Nina didn’t mind. They’d just mess it up in a minute, anyway. She didn’t know if the alcohol in her bloodstream, or just pure lust; but at the moment, all she could think about was getting herself and him as naked as possible. She toed off her shoes, while Angel removed his shirt, never breaking eye contact. Angel was built to brawl, and was well aware of how good he looked without his shirt; his smirk made that clear. After running her nails down his chest and stomach, Nina reached towards his belt, and began unbuckling it. “Nah, your turn”, Angel said, and raised her arms in the air, to pull off her tank-top. With greedy hands, he palmed her breasts over her bra, and invaded her mouth again for a long second, before pushing her to fall back on the bed; making her giggle as she landed with a bump.
He stood over her for a moment, licking his lips, and admiring her form; as she leaned back on her elbows. “They grow them well in Charming…”, he said, and crouched down to open her jeans. Lifting her bottom, Nina let Angel pull her jeans off. He snatched her socks while he was at it; and threw them somewhere behind him. A shiver went through her body, and she let out a soft oh, as Angel brushed his fingertips up her bare thighs and left a soft kiss on the inside of her knee. Suddenly, he was on top of her, and pressed his jean-clad leg between hers. He grabbed her wrists, and put them around his neck, to pull her upwards; granting him access to the clasp of her bra – which he made short work of opening. He let her fall back on the bed, and pulled the bra off her roughly. “Careful, I like that one”, Nina said. Angel threw it into a corner. “I’ll give it back later”, he said, and latched on to her right nipple; nibbling at it slightly. It was like there was a direct line of connection between her breast and her vagina; which only intensified the pleasure as Angel pressed against her core with his thigh.
Nina pulled Angels head up to let their lips meet again. She scratched her nails down his back, and let her fingers travel underneath his boxers, which were peeking up over the waistband of his jeans. She thrust her hips towards his. “Greedy girl”, Angel breathed. “Something wrong with that?”, Nina asked, and flicked her tongue over his lips. “Oh no. That’s good”, he said. He pecked at her lips, before getting up and shrugging off his jeans as quickly as possible. When he laid back down on top of her, Nina felt his warm and clearly well-endowed hardness pressing against her thigh. There was no doubt in her mind that her panties were ruined, but as it was, she couldn’t care less.
They kissed again – tongues dancing against each other wantonly. Nina hooked her leg around Angel’s hips, and he thrusted against her, letting out soft groans, as their groins pressed together. “You have a condom?”, Nina panted. Angel quickly leaned over to the bedside table, franticly searching the drawer. “Fuck!”, he growled, coming up short. Nina groaned in disappointment. Angel got off her, and laid back on the bed. He muttered another curse below his breath, before turning his head to look at her. “Look, I’m clean; I swear. But I get it if you don’t wanna do this”. She sighed deeply. Her whole body was screaming to continue; her vagina literally throbbing from want. “Shit, this is so stupid”, she said, before turning over, and straddling Angel’s hips. He looked at her cautiously. “What about you?”, he said. “Clean”, she replied, and leaned down to tug at his lower lip with her teeth. “Yeah, I figured. But…”. “On the pill. I won’t make you a daddy, don’t worry”, she smiled. Angel raised a brow at her and smirked. His hands found her bottom, and squeezed. “I don’t mind if you call me papi, though…”, he shrugged. She let out a giggle, which turned in to a yelp, as Angel smacked her butt and flipped them over.
Getting up to stand again, Angel began pulling down his boxers; letting his penis spring out. It was a mouthwatering sight, standing proudly from a well-trimmed forest of dark hair. Nina quickly got on all fours, and took a hold of her new best friend; gently tugging and stroking it. She gazed up at Angel, and kept eye-contact as she ran the tip of her tongue up the slit at the head of his cock. He let out a soft gasp, as she opened her mouth, and wrapped her lips around him. “Holy… fuck…”, he groaned. Hollowing her cheeks, Nina sucked him in deeper; relishing in his taste. He was warm, and his skin felt like velvet. A slight moan left her, as she released him with a small pop of her lips. “Again?”, she smiled, and licked her lips. “Shit, mami…”, Angel breathed, and put his hands on each side of her face; leaning down for a deep kiss, before getting up again, and pushing her head towards his groin.
Nina latched on to him again, this time cupping his balls with a gentle hand. She massaged them, and bobbed her head back and forth. Angel held one hand on the top of her head, and looked up at the ceiling, trying to control himself. The sight made Nina chuckle around his erection. “This funny to you? It’s like being sucked off by a vacuum-cleaner. A really hot, wet va… holy shit!”. He gasped loudly as Nina took him in as far as she could, and made swallowing movements. “Nina, you gotta stop, or I won’t last”.
She sat back on her heels, and smiled up at Angel. He shook his head, and grinned, while he ran a hand through his hair. Nina grabbed his free hand, for him to join her on the bed. She crawled backwards, and Angel leaned down to kiss a trail up the inside of her leg. He hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties, and made quick work of removing them. Placing a hand on each of her knees, he spread her legs; and with a smirk, he dove down between them. His flattened tongue enveloped her lower lips, and he suckled at her clit; making her cry out from the sensation. Two of his fingers entered her, and Angel scissored them; pressing against her front wall.
Nina grabbed a hold of his head, and pulled him up to face her. “Just… please!”, she mewled, and grabbed for his penis. “I gotta get you ready, though”, Angel chuckled, and thrust his fingers upwards. “Fuck it. I’m ready”, Nina pleaded. With a grin, Angel removed his fingers, and settled between her legs. He removed her hand from his cock, took a hold of it himself, and looked down. He stroked himself a few times, and ran the head up and down her folds. Nina whimpered, and tried to move against him, to get him inside her. “Yeah?”, Angel asked, his eyes looking for her go-ahead. Nina nodded, and suddenly he entered her.
The stretch was perfect. Angel made a loud groan, and buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Fuck, that’s tight…”, he gasped, and grabbed her thigh hard; for sure leaving marks. He sucked and nibbled at her pulse point, and Nina found it hard to keep her moans stifled. “It’s ok. You can be as loud as you want, mami”. “Don’t stop…”, Nina whimpered. For a good while, they moved together like this; couldn’t get close enough to each other. It was soft and sweet, but glancing in to each other’s eyes, it was obvious that they both craved something else at the moment. Angel lifted Nina’s legs, so her knees rested over his shoulders; making him brush against her sweet spot, at each thrust. Nina cried out when she felt her muscles begin to clench around him. Trying to leave her own mark on Angel, she dug her nails into his biceps. He thrusted harder into her, and put his thumb to her clit; stroking it in circles. “Angel…”, Nina whimpered. “I’m gonna… fuck!”. “Yeah, you are”, Angel said, and sped up his movements. He thrusted hard in to her, and added pressure against her clit; and soon, white, hot fire spread throughout Nina’s body. She arched her back, and cried out in ecstasy as she came.
Angel smiled down at her, and moved the hair out of her face, before releasing her legs, and letting them drop down to the bed. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, once again making her feel like he was literally devouring her very soul with his kiss. “Turn around”, he demanded, and pulled out of her. Nina turned onto her stomach, and got on all fours. Angel lined himself up, and entered her with a swift movement of his hips. Holding on to her hips, Angel pistoned in to Nina with determined thrusts. The noises in the room were obscene at this point; slick moving against slick, and skin hitting skin. Nina was whimpering, and Angel was panting like a freight-train, as he chased his own high. Trying to help him, Nina spent the last of her energy clenching her muscles hard around him; internally thanking the kegel-gods. Angel let out a guttural moan, and thrusted fast a few more times, before pulling out, and spilling himself on her back.
Nina collapsed on the bed, sated and exhausted. Angel grabbed his shirt of the floor, and used it to wipe her off. “Sorry…”, he muttered; his expression one of an embarrassed schoolboy. “I forgot you’re on the pill”. “It’s ok”, Nina yawned. “Sorry…”, she said, and they chuckled at each other. Angel scratched his head. “If you wanna take that shower now, the bathroom’s through there”, he said, and gestured towards a door. Nina gingerly got off the bed, and moved towards where he’d pointed. There was an awkward silence in the room, before Angel grabbed her wrist, and pulled her against him, and kissed her gently.
“That was… nice”, he said. “Yeah…”, Nina agreed, and went to take her long anticipated shower.
Proclaiming that he was beat, Angel suggested that he wait until the next day to take Nina back to the scrap yard. She suspected that he was fishing for round two in the morning; but as she wasn’t against that idea – and liked the thought of sleeping in an actual bed, in a house instead of a hard cot in a trailer – she agreed to his suggestion.
She slept soundly, with no nightmares for the first time in weeks, only waking at the sound of Angels phone buzzing. Opening her eyes, she saw that his arm was draped over her, and his hand was holding on to her breast. He squeezed it for a moment, and a smile ghosted his face, before he squinted his eyes open, and met hers. His smile widened, but turned in to a frown, when his phone buzzed again. He reached over her body, to grab it from his jeans-pocket. He picked up the call, and laid back on the bed. “Yeah… Shit, bro. What time is it…?”. He looked at Nina for a second. “Yeah, she’s here… Fuck. Ok, I’m on my way”. Angel sat up on the bed, and ran a hand down his face. “We need to go”, he said. Nina sat up, and reached for her clothes. “Something wrong?”, she asked. “I don’t know”, Angel replied, and got off the bed to find some clothes to wear. Nina tried not to admire the view of his naked form too much; but ultimately had to distract herself, by going in search of her panties.
In the living room, after they were dressed, Angel picked up Nina’s jacket from the floor. “What do you keep in this thing? Rocks?”, he chuckled, as he handed it to her. “My inhaler and my gun”, Nina replied, deadpan. Angel shook his head in disbelief, and went to get his cut. Revealing her helmet, he picked it up gingerly, and handed it to her. When she took it, he leaned down, and gave her a short kiss. His beard tickled her skin deliciously, and Nina felt her cheeks burning slightly; as the awkwardness of the situation waned.
A few minutes later, they were on their way back to the scrap yard.
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dannychoo · 2 years
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Introduction From the ashes of the post-apocalyptic era, the Solar Marines rise once again to hunt and destroy an emerging threat - The Entitled. Before the post-apocalyptic era, The Entitled were the cause of human misery across the planet but were mostly wiped out during the Chaos Wars. Remnants of the once elite Entitled have now reformed in the Gotanda Savanna and vow to restore misery to the human race once again. The return of the Chaos Wars is inevitable, but this time the Solar Marines will bring order to Chaos by removing what powers The Entitled - "Entitlement..." About the uniforms While we were working on the PC bikes last year, I realized that we needed some biker gear, so we started the uniform development around the same time. The uniform is a two-piece set consisting of a jacket and pants. Some photos show the uniform worn with Combat Gloves and Vinyl Chelsea Boots but are not included. However, I added some design features that would not normally be considered "bike safe" - like the bell bottoms, for example. I also made the sleeves a similar shape because the wrist joints looked odd when holding the bike handlebars at an angle. As for the PC bike - priorities meant that we needed to drop the project. The uniform comes in 2 styles at the moment - Volcano and Glacier. We did make a Forest prototype, but I'm not sure about the colors at the moment. I love the Solar Marine Uniform and plan to keep it on as a regular item, but I think some folks would want to steer clear for the following reasons I note in the last two images of this post. #tokyo #smartdoll #anime #manga #doll #fashion #3dprinting #fashiondoll #design #madeinjapan #japan (at Mirai Store Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeLKBsFByau/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raibebe · 4 years
Soft core
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Genre: Fluff(?) Words: 11,4 k holy shit this is insane Prompt: Jaehyun in his vampire bdsm outfit he wore in the Punch era but make it sfw Warnings: mentions of blood, brief mentions of member x member relationships, brief descriptions of a panic attack
A/N: This was written for Aimee who loves Jaehyun with her whole heart, happy birthday Aimee 💖 I hope you had an amazing day and like this little something. I know you deactivated but I already started writing this a month ago and I’ll post it anyways in the hope you’ll see this someday and a couple of others will enjoy this as well. I have mixed and matched their outfits and tattoos from both the concept photos and the live stages. Also I’m sorry Johnny, but you fit the role of the shameless flirt so well… Bonus points for anyone who spots all cameos. Special thanks to @burtonized​ who made me keep going with this and listened to all my complaints.
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To say you were nervous before starting your first shift at your new job in a reasonably shady bar not too far from your apartment was an understatement. You seriously questioned your own sanity and why you had even applied for the job when you had seen the offer on the beat up wooden entrance door next to an old motorcycle license plate and a bright green neon sign that illuminated the word ‘open’ a couple of days ago. The blue haired man behind the bar had given you a questioning look after you had entered the bar because you couldn’t have looked any more out of place with your soft sweater between the old wooden interior and the leather the barman and a handful of customers were wearing. It had cost all of your courage and a reminder that you needed to find a job for the weekends to walk up to the bar to ask the barman about the job offer. He had asked you a couple of questions like whether you had already waited tables before, which you had (at a place that was lit far better than this one but how different would it be?). The man who had introduced himself as Kun and honestly seemed like a big softie on the inside despite his serious look (it had to be the intense eyebrows) had agreed to hire you on the spot because he had the offer up for a while and no one had come in to ask about it and he couldn’t keep bullying his apparently very chaotic roommates to keep covering the shifts on the busy weekends anymore.
That’s how you found yourself here, a couple of days later on a Friday night, staring at the wooden door yet again (now missing the job offer and not yet illuminated by the neon sign).You took a deep breath and pushed through the door of the bar, this time not looking as out of place as you had before, wearing black skinny jeans and a simple grey v-neck. Kun looked up from where he was wiping down the counter, shooting you a smile. Today he had styled his hair up, exposing his forehead and was wearing a black button up shirt with a bunch of white details that was missing quiet some buttons at the top. “You actually came,” he grinned, “You can put your jacket and bag into the back room.” He pointed to a door with the label ‘staff only’. “We’re opening in half an hour. I’ll introduce you to the others once they decide to arrive.” Nodding you rushed to put your stuff away. You were pleasantly surprised by how clean it was in the back. The beat up interior from the main room was nowhere to be found. So it really didn’t seem too bad if it was only shabby for aesthetic purposes.
After taking a couple of more deep breaths in front of the mirror in the staff room, you felt as prepared as you would ever be and emerged back into the main room of the bar. Next to Kun behind the counter was now another man, clad in the tightest pair of leather pants you had ever seen and a loose, see through black blouse, his long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail, showing off a variety of piercings in his ears that were reflecting the low light of the neon signs. When both men noticed you, the blonde flashed you a bright smile and quickly wiped his fingers on the towel he had used to dry some glasses and held it out for you to shake. “Hi, I’m Ten. Kun told me he had finally found someone willing to help us out on the weekends but he missed to tell me how cute you are. Don’t worry the customers are all nice and if anyone gives you any problems, weird stares or makes inappropriate comments, just tell me immediately and I’ll throw them out,” he introduced himself. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the image of this petite man throwing drunken men twice his size out of the bar. “Thank you,” you answered before introducing yourself as well. “Would you please wipe down the tables in the back?” Kun asked, handing you a cloth, “The other waiter should be here any minute, so he can walk you through the process.” “You’re all males working here?” You asked shyly while starting to wipe the tall round tables closest to the bar. “Honey, there’s not many woman brave enough to even set a foot in here even though about eighty percent of our regulars and hundred percent of our staff are big softies hiding behind leather jackets and tattoos,” Ten chirped, disappearing beneath the counter to check the tubes of the beer taps.
Speaking of the other staff, as if on queue the door slammed open to reveal a ridiculously tall man with the biggest brown eyes you had ever seen, his platinum hair swept back from his forehead,  a huge grin plastered on his face. “Yooo, the poster with the job offer is gone, did you finally find someone?” The man all but shouted, excitedly bouncing up and down on his way to the bar, shucking off his leather jacket and carelessly throwing it on one of the bar stools to reveal toned arms and a strong chest straining his short sleeved black shirt. “Xuxi, indoor voice please,” Kun groaned, massaging his temples. “Oh sorry,” the other man - Xuxi - answered, flashing Kun big puppy eyes. “We did find someone, please don’t scare her off,” Ten answered Xuxi’s initial question, emerging back from under the counter, smashing the door shut, which caused Kun to groan again. “That thing has a handle for a reason,” he sighed. “It keeps opening itself back up otherwise,” the smaller man shrugged, leaning against the now spotless counter, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Wait, her?” Xuxi asked, eyes wide in either excitement or amazement, “As in she? A girl?” “Yes, hello,” you quietly introduced yourself, stepping out from the corner where you had been cleaning the tabletops.
“Wow, you’re so pretty,” Xuxi said instead of a proper introduction when you walked over to where the three men were standing. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks, tinting them a rosy color. Sighing, Kun took the dirty cloth from you and rinsed it in the sink. “This is Xuxi, the other waiter for tonight. As you might have noticed he doesn’t have much of a filter, but i swear he is harmless.” “Just call me Lucas at work, it’s easier,” the man in question grinned, not even bothering to correct Kun and extended a hand for you to shake (needless to say because he was unnecessary tall, his huge hand could almost cover your whole fist). “I’ll teach you everything you need to know,” he beamed and even though he had just called you cute, he was definitely the cutest person currently in this room. “Thank you,” you murmured, a smile spreading on your lips because Xuxi’s grin was really infectious and you felt your anxiety disappearing.
In the remaining time before the bar would officially open, Xuxi taught you everything you needed to know. From their system and how you’d take the orders and which tables you would serve to special drinks that weren’t on the menu and what to do if any customers would give you trouble. “There’s probably not much to do for the first two hours or so”, Xuxi concluded, running a hand through his platinum blonde hair, making his muscles dance beneath his shirt, “Like that you can get used to it before it gets packed. Fridays are always busy and there’s a bunch of different people coming. Did any regulars call in before?” He asked the last question to the general direction of the bar. Flipping through a book next to the cash register, Ten nodded. “127 are coming in, they got that big table in the back but other than that, no one called.” “What’s 127?” You asked curiously because that was one of the tables you were supposed to serve. “They’re a group of guys our age, but I’m not really sure what exactly they are to be honest,” Xuxi laughed while fixing the belt that held his wallet before handing you your own one. “I think they are bikers,” Ten supplied, turning around to reorganizing the bottles behind the bar for the third time tonight, “At least some of them have bikes and they sure look the part. Have you seen Johnny’s new tattoo the other week, Xuxi? That must have hurt like hell.” “Yeah, I saw the post with his chestpiece on his Instagram. That man is ripped.” “Well, you’re one to talk,” you murmured under your breath, organizing the contents of the belt to your liking. Laughing out loud, Ten slapped Kun on the chest. “We need to keep her, I like her,” he giggled and Kun just shot you a slightly pained smile, rubbing where Ten’s hand had come down. “Oh come on, old man. I didn’t even hit that hard.” “Stop calling me old, I am literally just two months older than you,” Kun groaned, softly shaking a grinning Ten. Unbothered by the bickering of the two barmen, Xuxi called over from the door: “I’ll switch on the sign!”
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Your anxiety came back at full force when the bar started to fill up one hour after it opened. Resisting the urge to hide behind the bar, you approached yet another group of shady looking men to take their orders. Like the other people you had served before, they gave you a weird look while looking up and down your frame once before asking if you were new here. You just nodded and smiled politely while writing down their orders before walking back to the bar where you took out one of the trays and put the note with the order on top so Ten or Kun could put the according drinks on top. “Here, have a little drink, the night is just beginning,” Ten grinned and pushed a glass into your hands before completing the order while somehow also dancing fluently to the music that was playing through the speakers now. You eyed the drink suspiciously, the deep orange color throwing you off a bit. “It’s not spiked, no need to worry,” Xuxi told you, suddenly appearing next to you, placing his own tray with empty glasses onto the counter, winking teasingly before grabbing a colorful bottle to pour a bunch of shots, so Ten and Kun could focus on the other, more complicated drinks on the orders. You drowned the sickly sweet drink quickly and put the glass next to the ones that needed to be rinsed. You mouthed Ten a ‘thank you’ when you picked up your order and he blew you an exaggerated kiss, making you giggle and feel a little more at ease. It was like he had known you were being nervous again.
After checking in with your other tables and earning a big tip from some truckers that actually had been really nice, you made your way back to the bar to help Kun with rinsing the glasses that had been piling up. “You remember those regulars that were coming in tonight?” the blue haired barman suddenly asked, “That’s them.” He nodded towards the door where a group of men were coming in. For a moment, your breath got caught in your throat because Ten hadn’t been wrong earlier when he said that those 127 guys looked like bikers. Honestly anyone of them could have been a model for the leather clothes they were wearing while standing in front of a Harley Davidson or thrashing something with a baseball bat. (Also was one of them wearing a metal harness beneath his leather vest?) “They’re all nice people, no need to worry,” Kun calmed you down, shooting you a reassuring smile before taking the beer glass from your hands that you had started to grip so hard, your knuckles were turning white. “How many are they?” You asked him curiously while eyeing the group as they made their way over to their designated table, greeting other regulars as well as Lucas (one of them was apparently just as incapable of having an indoor voice as him when he loudly yelled ‘Lucas’ before hugging the taller male tightly).
“Yooo, Johnny’s chestpiece looks even more sick in real life,” Lucas said with wide eyes when he came back to the bar. “Also he gave me 20 dollar so I would ask Haechan and Mark if they were even legal when they would order something alcoholic,” he grinned, “I’ll share if you do it.” “How am I supposed to know who to ask?” You asked because even though you were shy, 20 dollars were 20 dollars. “That’s the spirit,” Lucas grinned and threw an arm around your shoulders to turn you in the direction of the table where the men had sat down, not even trying to be subtle about it. “You see the one with the purple hair sitting next to the tall one with half his chest exposed? The purple haired one is Haechan and the tall one is Johnny. Mark is the one on the stool to the left, just ask Haechan for his age first, Mark will be the one to laugh the loudest,” he quickly explained. “You know them quite well,” you said, trying to fight the heat spreading across your cheeks because it didn’t happen any day that you were in such a close proximity to a handsome man like Lucas. “I went to school with Mark,” he shrugged, letting you go when Kun yelled that his order was ready.
Before walking up to their table you took another deep breath to calm your furiously beating heart, repeating in your head how no one had been mean to you yet and that all your coworkers kept on telling you how nice they were supposed to be. “Hi everyone,” you greeted them when you arrived at the table, “Have you already decided what you want to order?” Seeing the chaos that the group was already in, half of them probably didn’t even notice that you had arrived at the table. “Guys!” The pink haired man wearing the harness type thing scolded the others that were bickering in the back of the little booth on the couch. “I’m sorry, they usually behave better,” he smiled and his big eyes combined with his pink hair made him look like he came straight out of an animation. “I’m Taeyong by the way,” the pink haired man supplied, flashing you a genuine smile, “You’re new here, right? I haven’t seen you around before.” “Today is my first day,” you nodded, cheeks heating up under the gaze of the handsome man, nervously playing with your little notepad. “Let’s order, guys!” Taeyong said, the others slowly turning their attention towards you. How all of them were this handsome was beyond your imagination. Shyly you introduced yourself as their waiter for the night for the second time and asked for their orders. One after the other they either ordered plain beer or some really extraordinary cocktails that you had never heard of before. When the purple haired boy, Haechan, ordered his cocktail, you took a deep breath before putting on your best poker face. “Could I see your ID to check your age first?”
As soon as the words had left your lips, the whole table fell dead silent and the boy’s mouth dropped open in surprise. But before you could lose your courage to mutter an apology, the boy that had greeted Lucas loudly before, burst out in laughter, that the others minus Haechan quickly joined and even you couldn’t hold back the grin that spread over your face. “Now that I think about it, could I see yours as well?” You followed up and asked the dark haired boy with the infectious laugh, whose eyes immediately turned into saucers, his mouth wide open while the others couldn’t hold their laughs anymore, the purple haired boy joining in now. “I’m sorry,” you giggled, turning to the last man to order when they all had calmed down, using the napkins on the table to exaggeratedly wipe their tears. “What can I get you?” When the man with the dark hair that was elegantly swept back from his face turned towards you, you could swear that time stilled for a moment. His dark eyes that were accentuated with a bit of eyeshadow fixed yours and you were captivated, unable to look away. When your eyes dipped lower for a second you could see the black ink of a tattoo on the pale skin of his neck. He seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite tell why. Maybe you had seen him around on campus. But even then you should have been able to tell because that tattoo really wasn’t subtle at all. Briefly you were wondering if he could ever work a normal job with something like that. “I think I’ll just start with a beer as well,” he spoke softly, his voice a deep rumble, tearing you from your thoughts. After you had definitely stared at him for way too long than it would have been acceptable, you tore your gaze away from him, quickly scribbling down his order as well, repeating what you had written down for the others to confirm.
“Great, then I’ll be back in a bit with your drinks,” you smiled, after one of them had insisted that they should get a round of shots as well. “Can’t wait,” the tall one with the eagle tattoo on his chest said with a smirk on his lips, adding a cheesy wink that made you way more flustered than you would have liked. You quickly turned to hide your heated face, speed walking back over to the bar to put their order down. “Did you do it?” Lucas eagerly asked, bouncing up and down in excitement where he was helping to dry some glasses behind the counter. “Where’s my money?” You grinned, holding out your palm towards him. “Waaa, you really did it,” he grinned while bouncing up and down excitedly and you could barely hold in the urge to coo at him. He really did resemble an oversized puppy. You barely knew him for more than a couple of hours but he already had wiggled his way into your heart.
“Lucas, you didn’t tell us such a pretty girl would be serving us tonight,” a smooth male voice suddenly interrupted. When you turned around, the tall man from the 127 gang (Were they a gang? Did they do illegal stuff?) came walking up to the counter, leaning against the polished wood. “She’s new here, I didn’t know either,” Lucas pouted, already grabbing two shot glasses to put up on the bar top, putting the third one back down when you shook your head. You weren’t going to drink on your first day of work even though it seemed to be normal when you watched Lucas fill up the two glasses with a shady looking liquid from an unlabeled bottle he had grabbed from below the counter. Clinking their glasses together both men drowned their shots and while the tall biker didn’t even flinch, Lucas broke out into a whole body shiver, squeezing his eyes shut. “This stuff is really fucking disgusting,” he grimaced before refilling one of the shot glasses again, shoving it in front of the other man again, “I don’t know how Ten manages to make these concoctions.” Grinning, the man in question suddenly appeared and snatched the shot glass from below the other‘s fingers, drowning it himself. The blonde only grimaced a little. “I gotta say, I’ve made better stuff but also definitely worse. Lucas, we need a new keg of beer, can you please get one from the back, you’re so much stronger than I am,” Ten pouted, batting his lashes at Lucas and rubbing one of his hands over the other’s muscled arms. “Be nice to her,” Lucas told the man with the big tattoo on his chest and quickly disappeared to the back.
“I’m Johnny by the way,” he introduced himself, running a hand through his dark red hair. “So you’re the one who asked Lucas to embarrass your friends,” you remembered, your eyes getting caught on the intricate feathers of the eagle that spread its wings over Johnny’s broad chest. He smirked when your eyes came back up to meet his. “That would be me. You like the tattoo?” “It looks nice,” you mumbled, embarrassed at being caught staring, “It’s not something you see every day.” “I have some other ones that are pretty interesting as well,” he winked. “Su-Sure,” you stuttered, feeling your face heat up for what must have been the millionth time this night. “You’re cute,” Johnny laughed, the sound bright and inviting, his eyes turning into little crescents. “What did you come over for? Did I miss something on the order?” You tried to move the conversation in a direction you were a little (a lot) more comfortable with. “I just thought I could put my muscles to use and help you carry our drinks, we ordered quite a lot. Also I still owe you money for pulling that prank on Mark and Haechan. Even though their faces were priceless.” “How old are they anyways?” You asked him because you didn’t actually ended up looking at their IDs and Haechan especially did seem quite young. Digging out his worn out wallet, Johnny fished out a twenty dollar bill and teasingly held it up between two fingers. “They’re both of age, don’t worry, they just have baby faces.”
Snatching the bill from his hands, you quickly stuffed it in your pocket. “Thank you,” you grinned, relieved that it really had just been a prank between friends. “How old are you then?” You heard yourself asking after you had glanced at the tray that Ten had been filling up, but a couple of glasses were still missing. The weird cocktails seemed to take quite some time to make (Why there was celery swimming in what looked like tomato juice was a mystery to you). “Let’s pretend I’m in my early twenties,” Johnny grinned, his long fingers playing with the cherries that were stuck to the rim of one of the cocktail glasses. “Pretend?” You were confused. He couldn’t be much older than you were. “It’s improper for old men like me to flirt with such pretty young girls after all,” he winked and stuck out his tongue. “You… You can’t be much older than me though,” you argued, trying to fight your shyness back down. But your furiously beating heart was betraying you. Luckily he couldn’t notice that from his place where he was still leaning against the counter, the long line of his body perfectly shown off; his legs seemed almost endlessly long in the heavy leather pants. Chuckling, he raked his eyes across your body in a similar way you must have seconds ago but you felt like you were burning up wherever he was looking. Within the blink of an eye he was in your personal space, crowding you against the bar. “I’m 25,” he breathed, “How long do you have to work today, honey?”
Before you could even think of an answer, Johnny was shoved backwards by another man dressed completely in black. You recognized him as one of the men from Johnny’s gang, the one with the neck tattoo that had seemed weirdly familiar to you. “Leave her alone, Johnny,” he drawled, his voice barely more than a growl, “There’s someone waiting for you outside.” After a moment of heavy eye contact between the two males, Johnny scoffed and threw you another smile. “See you later, darling,” he chirped before turning towards the exit. “I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable, he doesn’t know when to stop sometimes,” the handsome man spoke, his voice still deep but way less threatening. “It’s… It’s fine you wouldn’t have needed to step in like that,” you reassured him, “But thank you.” “Yeah, I don’t know, something just didn’t sit right with me when he crowded you like that. Especially when you’re new to this type of environment, it’s pretty different from your usual job.” “My usual job?” You asked, clearly confused, “Do we know each other?” “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you had recognized me,” the man’s eyes widened in surprise and he averted his gaze as if he was embarrassed. “I’m Jaehyun. You know, the dude who keeps killing his plants.” Now it was your turn to be surprised. “No way. You look so different.” “It’s the clothes, right?” Jaehyun was rubbing the intricate lines of ink on his neck, looking up from between his dark lashes, smiling shyly and now that his dimples were almost showing, you did finally recognize him.
He was somewhat of a regular customer at the flower shop you worked in during the week to help out the old lady who owned the shop, always coming in to buy new plants when he had managed to kill yet another one. Now in the heavy leather jacket with more buckles and straps than you could count, he looked so different than when he came to the shop, his dark hair fluffy so his bangs almost covered his eyes and wearing soft sweaters and jeans. You also somehow had never noticed the big tattoo that stretched around his neck.
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You could remember the first time he came into the shop very vividly. It was just after your break that you had spent lazing around in the backyard of the shop in front of the little greenhouse, letting the sun shine onto your face, just basking in the moment for a bit, letting all your worries about money or upcoming exams melt away. The job at the little flower job didn’t pay very well because people these days bought less and less flowers and the old lady couldn’t afford to pay more but you couldn’t just leave her alone in the shop. You really enjoyed her presence and learning about the language of flowers and how to bind pretty bouquets. When the distant chirping of the old cuckoo clock in the shop announced the end of your break, you got up from your place and put your apron back on, so you wouldn’t accidentally dirty your clothes. You came back into the shop just in time to see the big load of new plants that was being delivered. Two boys were unloading a colorful truck while continuously bickering in what seemed to be Chinese about where to put the plants in the shop and on the sidewalk outside so people could still walk past. “Urgh, this sucks why did we let us get talked into helping out?” The one with green hair sighed after they had put the last plant down, handing the old lady the papers she had to sign that the shipment had arrived at her place. She chuckled while handing the papers back. “I’ve made some iced tea, have a little break, boys,” she smiled her kind, wrinkled smile at them, taking them to the little kitchen area in the back to pour each one of them a glass even though the smaller of them had declined her offer at least ten times while his green haired friend gladly took her invitation.
Smiling you reassured the old lady that you would rearrange the flowers and plants so you could fit them all into the shop and the small greenhouse in the back. Maybe her grandson would come in later to help you move the heavier plants. He always came to the shop to laze around without having his parents scold him and his grandmother could never say no to his charming smile that made any girl his age swoon. He had recently dyed his hair a soft pinkish shade and had been hanging around the shop a lot more because his parents weren’t quite fond of his style choices. You gently stroked the leaves of the little pink rose bushes (that had kind of reminded you of the boy in the first place) that seemed rather thirsty to you, making a mental note to water them lots after you had arranged them.
While rearranging the cut roses so you could fit the new bushes in between them, the little bell on the door rang, announcing the arrival of a customer. “I’ll be right over,” you said, detangling yourself from the bush you had tried to fit in the display window. “No need to hurry,” the customer answered with a deep voice. It wasn’t often that men visited your store. And most times they just wanted a quick, expensive looking bouquet to either impress a girl or to apologize to their wife. Putting on your best customer friendly smile, you walked over to where the man was eyeing some cherry tree bonsais, his broad back turned towards you. “How can I help you?” When the man turned around, he immediately politely smiled at you, making your heart beat pick up just a little. He was definitely attractive, you couldn’t deny that. His dark hair was unstyled and hung into his eyes a bit, covering his strong eyebrows that every girl would be envious over. He seemed young, about your age. The pale blue hoodie and the fluffy hair made him seem very soft and gentle despite his strong jawline and prominent cheekbones. “Well I’ve moved into a new space and it looks a little empty, so I thought some plants might be the way to fix that,” he explained, fiddling with the hem of his slightly oversized hoodie. “That’s a great idea,” you beamed, trying to seem reassuring since he seemed rather nervous, “Do you have anything special in mind?” “No, I really don’t but those roses you just put in the display window look very pretty, it’s what made me come in,” he said, motioning to where you had been fighting with the roses earlier. “Roses need a lot of attention though,” you warned him, walking over to where you had tucked the little bushes into a corner. “I have a lot of time and like a good challenge,” he answered, a grin tugging at his lips, a set of dimples just barely showing, “You’re bleeding by the way.” He added, gently touching your hand. Startled, you jerked away, heat licking at your cheeks. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized, “But you should bandage that or it might get infected if something gets into the wound.” “Don’t worry, it’s not even that deep,” you concluded after examining the small cut on the back of your hand where you had lost the battle with one of the thorns. You quickly shot the man another smile that you hoped was reassuring.
“So do any of those roses look good to you?” “The pale orange ones look nice.” You couldn’t hold back a small giggle. “What’s so funny?” He asked, his beautiful brows drawn together in confusion. “The color is called peach,” you still giggled, grabbing the pot to show him the petals in the sunlight. “Well it is orange though,” he shrugged. “Men and colors,” you sighed dramatically but couldn’t help the smile spreading on your lips, “You like them and want to try caring for them?” “Yeah, let’s try it. Anything I should look out for?” While walking up to the cash register and ringing him up, you briefly explained how to take care of the roses the best.
“I hope they brighten up your room a bit,” you smiled when he had paid. “The visit sure brightened up my day,” he replied smiling widely, the set of cute dimples reappearing on his cheeks. Before you could overcome your sudden shyness to reply anything, he had already wished you a good day and disappeared from the shop.  
After his visit, the man had crept back into your mind a couple of times. Every time you watered the little twin of the rose bush he had bought, it somehow reminded you of his sweet dimpled smile and his deep, soothing voice. You always scolded yourself when you noticed how you were spacing out, in fact watering the floor instead of the little rose bushes how you were supposed to. (You had been made fun of by a certain pink haired boy one too many times lately.) Your boss had just smiled knowingly and pressed a little bouquet with beautiful yellow Chrysanthemums in the middle, when you had closed up the shop, making your face heat up and furiously deny everything. But like always, the old lady knew you probably better than you knew yourself.
The second time the handsome stranger had visited the shop, he had been wearing a white turtle neck and a simple denim jacket, his hair pushed back with a dark blue hat. “Hello again,” he greeted you, gently smiling when he walked up to the counter where you were currently binding a bouquet with a couple of big purple hyacinths, “I’ll have a little look around. No need to hurry that.” Even though you tried to concentrate on arranging the flowers in the bouquet and picking smaller flowers that would look good with the big center piece, you kept glancing over to the man who was sniffing different flowers, quietly sneezing when he inhaled too deeply.
“Those are really pretty,” he said after he had not so subtly watched you work for a while from his place between the brightly colored geraniums while walking up to the counter. “The man who commissioned them paid a lot of money for them to look pretty,” you smiled, gently tucking smaller white flowers all around the big purple ones in the middle. “Does it mean anything? I’ve never seen this kind of flower,” he asked, seeming genuinely interested. “You’re interested in the language of flowers?” You asked, securely tying the bouquet together, placing them in a vase for the time being. “What languages would flowers speak?” The man asked, sounding genuinely confused. For a moment you could just stare at him, his dark brown eyes widened and his mouth slightly ajar, before you burst out in a fit of giggles. “Hey! What’s so funny?” He asked, trying to sound offended but he couldn’t fight the smile that spread across his lips. “They don’t speak any language, silly. The different types of flowers mean different things. I don’t know all of it but the owner of the shop has been teaching me some of it,” you explained to him. “Ooh, that makes a lot more sense,” he nodded, “What do those mean then?” “They’re hyacinths. The man told me he needed to apologize to his girlfriend. The purple ones stand for sorrow. I doubt she will notice though.” “Probably not,” he chuckled. “What did the rose mean I bought last time? The peach one?” “I’m not quite sure, I’ll ask my boss when she’s back. What brings you back here?” “Well,” he scratched the back of his head and averted his eyes, “I need a new plant, the rose was  kind of a lot more work than I thought it was.”
“Oh no.” You felt genuinely sad. You kind of had expected it not to go well but this was honestly a lot faster than you could have imagined. “I should have listened to you when you told me that they were a lot, I’m sorry,” he apologized, “But I really want to try to keep a plant alive. She looked really good for the time she was alive.” “She?” “Well I gave her a name.” You giggled again. “That’s really cute.” “Not as cute as you though.” It was suddenly so silent in the shop, the only noise the soft buzzing sound coming from the air-conditioning. You stared into the man’s eyes, expecting a his face to heat up in a similar fashion yours was, to see a blush creep up his face or his ears, but his face stayed perfectly pale, not a single blotch of color visible. But he had to be embarrassed as well if the way he was chewing on his lips was any sign. “I’m sorry, that just slipped,” he mumbled. “I… Shouldn’t you at least tell me your name before you start complimenting me like that?” You stuttered when you found your voice again. “Jaehyun,” he supplied, still awkwardly shuffling around, “It’s Jaehyun.” “Alright Jaehyun, let’s find you a new plant that’s not as easy to kill.
From that day onward Jaehyun came to the shop somewhat regularly, either announcing the death of yet another plant or telling you how they were on the brink of death and he didn’t know how it happened or what to do to save them. You were really close to either tell him to stick to bouquets or cacti but when you were being honest, you enjoyed his little visits. He’d stay longer and longer every time, telling you little stories about how he suspected that his roommates were secretly killing all the plants. In turn you told him about your boring life between your classes and your job. And sometimes you even taught him about the language of flowers while he was watching you put together a bouquet for yet another desperate boyfriend.
One visit in particular had stuck with you for some reason. Your whole day had just been bad: One of your professors had caught you slacking off in class and called you out in front of everyone, then at lunch a guy had run into you, making you drop half your food on the floor and then it had started to rain on your way to work. And if that wasn’t enough, the old lady hadn’t been feeling well because of the sudden change in weather and you had sent her off into her apartment that was above the shop, so she could rest. So now you were just alone in the shop, watching the people outside hurry past the shop with their umbrellas. When it was raining even less people were coming into the shop because you couldn’t put any plants outside that often lured people in. Sighing, you continued with the inventory that you had started out of boredom. Of course you also hadn’t brought any useful books, so you could have studied a little.
You must have been deep in thought, moping about how much this day sucked, that you didn’t hear the little bell on the door ringing. So when someone touched your arm to get your attention, you of course were startled and let out a small scream before you lost your balance on the stepladder that you had used to count the spare pots on a higher shelf. And if that wasn’t enough, you also pushed one of said pots down as well. But before you could even brace yourself for the fall, a strong arm had wrapped around you, saving you from crashing down onto the floor and possibly cracking your head open. When you opened your eyes, that you had screwed shut, you saw straight into Jaehyun’s deep brown eyes that were full of concern. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he spoke softly and you could feel how his voice rumbled in his chest from how close he was holding you to his body. “It’s alright, it’s my fault anyways. I wasn’t paying attention,” you sighed, slowly realizing in what kind of situation you and Jaehyun were in right now. His face was so close to yours that you could almost count every single one of his long, dark eyelashes. You could even see the faintest little blush spreading over his cheeks and your own face immediately felt hot as well.
Jaehyun just smiled and released you from his grip, gently setting the pot he somehow had managed to catch with his other hand back onto the shelf. He really must have incredible reflexes and obviously the most charming smile you had ever seen. “Don’t blame yourself, you don’t look too good today,” he spoke softly. “Wow thanks,” you sarcastically said, sighing theatrically while running your hands through your hair in an attempt to smooth it out, but probably messing it up further than it already was. “Hard day?” You snorted. Hard was an understatement. It sucked. But a little voice in the back of your head whispered that now that Jaehyun had come to visit you in the shop, it would get better. “You look like you could use a hug,” he smiled and opened his arms invitingly.
Before you could even think twice about it, you wound your arms around his middle and squeezed him tightly, burying your face in the soft fabric of his cardigan that he wore over one of his many turtlenecks. Chuckling, he grabbed the fabric and stretched it around you, so you were basically wrapped up in it against his chest, before wrapping you up in his strong arms. You were drowning in his by now familiar scent and the way his chest steadily rose and fell with his breath made all stress from your body slowly dissolve. “If you keep holding me like this I will cry,” you mumbled, trying to untangle yourself from him. “I don’t mind, you know? Sometimes you just have to cry to let all the stress out,” he assured you, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Don’t say that, I will ugly cry in your shirt,” you hiccupped, “I barely know you.” “Oh I think you know me a lot better than a lot of people,” he smiled, “It’s an old shirt anyways.” “Liar, I’ve never seen you wear this before.” “You’re keeping track?” He chuckled. “That’s not what I meant by that,” you mumbled, feeling shy suddenly because how could you not keep track when he just effortlessly looked infuriatingly good every time he walked into the shop.
“You feeling better now?” Jaehyun gently asked after you two had fallen silent, just basking in each other’s presence. He gently tilted your head back from where you had buried it in his neck, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah,” you breathed, captivated by him. You had never noticed the tiny mole he had on one of his cheeks but you found it really endearing.   “Good,” he smiled, “I brought you coffee from the shop next door.” He motioned to the two cups he had placed on the counter next to the cash register. “You have a heart of gold Jaehyun,” you confessed, a smile slowly spreading on your lips and your heartbeat picking up. You kept the thought that he probably would also make the perfect boyfriend, to yourself. Not that it would matter, you were sure he didn’t see you like that. He just played it off, laughing awkwardly like he always did when he was embarrassed. (Coming to think of it, you really seemed to know him better than you had initially thought.) “Let’s drink it before it gets cold and you can tell me more about your day,” he offered and slowly loosened his arms around you. “Can you tell me about yours instead?” You asked with a small voice. “I’d rather forget all of this stupid day before you walked in here.” “Of course, darling,” he breathed. Your heart skipped a beat before doubling its pace when the pet name rolled of his tongue just like that. Maybe there was just the slightest little chance, he might consider you more than just the friend that worked in the flower shop that he had to visit to get advice on how to not kill his plants. Smiling you loosened your grip on him as well and you two sat down on the counter, dangling your legs and sipping the slightly cold coffee while you listened to Jaehyun ramble about the mess that were his flatmates. Until this day you hadn’t figured out how many people he actually lived with but you couldn’t help but smile at the little stories he told you. And even when he stopped talking, you just enjoyed the silence while watching the people outside. And maybe it was just your imagination but the umbrellas outside seemed just a little brighter with your head resting on Jaehyun’s broad shoulder.
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“I’ve never noticed your whole tattoo thing that’s going on,” you said, motioning around your own neck when you came back from your fond memories of Jaehyun. “Yeah, I try to not let it show as much usually,” he replied, almost nervously playing with the collar of his leather jacket.   “Did it hurt a lot when you got it?” “Yeah, the skin is kind of tender around your neck,” he answered, his gaze not meeting your eyes but fixating a point right behind you. “You get that question a lot don’t you?” you gently asked, fingers itching to reach out to touch him. “Yeah, it’s all people talk about when they see it,” he shrugged, “I’m used to it by now.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized. “It’s fine,” Jaehyun reassured you, gently grazing his fingers over your exposed forearm, making goose bumps break out over your skin. “Yes, it did hurt. No I don’t regret it. Yes I probably can’t work a normal job if I’m not wearing a turtleneck. No, I didn’t get it in prison. It was done in a perfectly sanitary tattoo shop by a professional artist. No, I’m not a criminal”, he quickly addressed every typical question he apparently got about the tattoo in a single breath, a smile spreading on his lips, making his dimples appear and your heart beat faster.
“Glad to know I haven’t been talking to a criminal over the past few weeks even though you did kill an unholy amount of plants,” you giggled, checking again if the order was ready only to find Ten engrossed in a conversation with a group of young men that were sitting at the bar, his work forgotten. “Well I guess I am guilty of that,” Jaehyun pouted and it was weirdly endearing seeing him act playful like that with his dark and intimidating clothing. “So you’re not a criminal but a biker?” “Is that what you think our group is?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “That’s what everyone told me at least. And you do look the part.” “A couple of us do have bikes, but I don’t think that justifies the title. We’re just a,” he bit his tongue for a bit, “We’re just friends. Friends who like to dress in a lot of leather and black clothing.”
It seemed to be a somewhat touchy subject so you decided to not push any further. “You don’t need to explain it to me,” you smiled reassuringly, quickly squeezing his cold hand. “Jaehyun, stop flirting with my best waitress,” Kun teased, adding the little shot glasses to the second tray that completed the order. “I wasn’t flirting, I-“ but Jaehyun didn’t complete his apology when Kun shot him a knowing look and your face heated up on his behalf because Jaehyun didn’t blush like ever. “Stop making excuses and help her carry all this back to the table,” the barman grinned, returning to his work by pulling Ten back by the hairs on his neck from where he was still talking to the handsome customers sitting at the bar. “I would appreciate some help, that’s what Johnny came over for as well,” you tried to push past the awkwardness. “Like hell he was,” Jaehyun grumbled, grabbing the one of the trays maybe a tad too forceful than he needed to, the drinks almost spilling over. “Don’t be angry with him, he was being nice,” you consoled him, gently petting his leather clad arm (wasn’t he warm in that thick jacket?). “I saw just how nice he was being,” he sighed, rolling his shoulders, “He’s such a goddamn flirt.” “Nothing happened Jaehyun,” you tried one last time, looking into his dark eyes, getting lost in the seemingly bottomless obsidian.
Only the thud of the heavy entrance door made you snap out of it and you quickly turned to grab the second tray. You hadn’t even noticed how you had gravitated towards Jaehyun, it was like his eyes had hypnotized you. “Need another pair of helping hands?” A familiar voice asked and Johnny strode over towards you two again, now with an energetic bounce in his step, his red lips curved into a smile. “We’ve got it,” Jaehyun answered, scrunching his nose as if he had smelled something bad before taking a deep breath. “Don’t wait too long, Jaehyun,” the taller said, his tone suddenly stern and his brows furrowed. “I can handle it, Johnny,” Jaehyun gritted out, shoving past the taller man to make his way over to the table where their friends were still waiting for their drinks. Sighing, you followed him back to the table. It was weird how different he was behaving with his friends around. You had never expected to meet him in any place outside of your job at the flower shop and much less in a place like this. The soft man who liked to wear denim jackets seemed to be buried beneath the heavy leather jacket.
“Here’s your drinks,” you smiled when you put the tray down to distribute the drinks. “You’re not drinking with us?” A blonde man with a scratch in his eyebrow asked when everyone had picked up their shot glasses. “It’s my first day, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” you politely declined his offer. “I’m sure Ten and Kun won’t mind,” he grinned, lifting up his own glass to hand it over to you. “She said no, didn’t you hear, Yuta?” Jaehyun growled and shot his friend a dark look. Unfazed by his behavior, the blonde - Yuta - shrugged his shoulders before drowning his shot himself, not grimacing in the slightest even though the liquid had a questionable amount of alcohol in it, judging by the numbers that had been printed on the label. “But I’m sure we can treat you to something else,” he spoke, before shifting in his seat so his poorly buttoned sleeveless shirt fell open even further, revealing smooth skin that stretched over lean muscles and a promise of something metal hidden beneath. “I-“, you stuttered. What were you supposed to reply to something like that? “You’re shameless,” one of his dark haired friends chuckled, a silver chain glistening in the light when he shook his head. “It’s called confidence,” Yuta defeated himself. “Still shameless,” another one agreed, a grin on his face. “He hasn’t had a good lay in a while, don’t mind him,” Taeyong cut in, shooting you a reassuring smile. “Certainly not because I didn’t had any offers, I’m just picky,” Yuta tried to defend himself, looking scandalized. You just giggled when the other’s started picking on him. You noticed that Jaehyun didn’t join in but his posture was more relaxed than it had been before. You really wanted to thank him for defending your choice to not drink but now didn’t seem appropriate. Silently you collected the now empty shot glasses and picked the trays back up. “I’ll be back to check in with you later then,” you smiled before walking back to the counter after checking in with a couple of other tables.
The rest of the night went down in a blur safe for the one occasion where the slender Ten indeed threw out one of the customers that couldn’t hold his liquor anymore and had fallen when he had tried to walk over to the bar to order more because Lucas had already refused to bring him any more drinks. The times when you had checked in on the 127 table, Yuta had still flirted with you only to be either shot down by Jaehyun or Taeyong. You had also noticed that over the course of the night one or two of them would always leave the bar for a couple of minutes before coming back inside with a new energy and a faint blush on their cheeks. You didn’t know what they did out there but you really hoped they didn’t do drugs or anything like that. They didn’t seem as intoxicated as the other customers no matter how much they ordered. If anything Mark was getting giggly after he had come back inside but that was pretty much everything. They all must have incredible tolerance for alcohol.
When the night died down and more and more customers were leaving, Kun waved you over to tell you that you had been a great help and he would be more than happy to see you again tomorrow for your next shift. You had beamed at him and promised to do your best. “I’m sure you will. Thank you for today, I think Lucas and I can handle the remaining customers,” he told you. “What’s with Ten?” You asked. You hadn’t seen him in a while. Kun just sighed and motioned to the 127 table where Ten comfortably sat on Johnny’s lap, the taller carding through the blonde’s hair that he had freed from the little ponytail. “Are they a thing?” You were confused. Johnny hadn’t been subtle about his flirting earlier. “No one really knows,” Kun groaned, suddenly seeming very irritated, “It’s been happening more lately but last week he went home with Taeyong as far as I remember.” “Oh…” “Don’t think about it too much. I want to say that he knows what he’s doing but that would mean that he’s actually using his brain.” Somehow you thought that he sounded sad. “Just tell Ten that you like him, Kun,” Lucas groaned, running a hand through his by now messy platinum hair. “I don’t like him,” the elder gritted out, violently cleaning glasses and slamming them onto a rack to dry. “Sure and I’ve never thought about making out with any of your roommates,” Lucas teased him. “You have what?” “Never mind I said that,” Lucas mumbled, his ears turning red, before he made a beeline to one of his tables.
You chuckled quietly. “I think he’s fond of you as well,” you softly spoke after Kun had thrown another longing look at Ten who was busy admiring the eagle tattoo on Johnny’s chest. “You don’t need to console me, but I appreciate it,” he smiled but it didn’t quiet reach his eyes, “I came to accept him how he is.” “You should at least try to shoot you shout though, don’t you think?” You tried again, stepping closer to the barman to help him clean the last glasses. He sighed deeply. “I’ve known Ten for too long now, I know he won’t suddenly become monogamous just because I tell him that I might not dislike him as much as I sometimes say.” “You can never know for sure, people do crazy stuff because of love,” a deep voice joined the conversation and Jaehyun sat down on the barstool in front of Kun and you, throwing you a quick smile. “He’s right,” you smiled, briefly squeezing Kun’s hand. “If I say that I’ll think about it, will you leave it alone for now?” You eagerly nodded, looking up at Jaehyun to see if he was doing the same. Instead a smirk played on his lips. “If you give me my drinks for free, I’ll even tell Johnny to not take Ten home tonight,” he grinned, holding up his card between two fingers. “You’re paying for everyone?” Kun just gritted out, snatching the card from the other’s fingers. Jaehyun’s grin widened before he nodded. “Isn’t that going to be a lot of money?” You asked worriedly. You had never asked but assumed Jaehyun must be a student like you, so paying the whole bill for nine men (well eight if Kun was giving Jaehyun his own drinks for free) was a lot. “I lost at rock paper scissors,” he shrugged, “Are you done with your shift?”
“She is,” Kun cut in, smacking the credit card back onto the bartop, “Tell Johnny to send him home, I’m not feeding his cats again because they’re screaming for food.” “Sure. That’s the only reason,” Jaehyun joked, pocketing his card with a grin. Kun didn’t answer, instead leaving you two alone to wipe some empty tables. “Are you going home alone?” “It’s not far from here,” you reassured the dark haired man. “I’ll walk you. You shouldn’t go alone this late.” “Only if it’s not a bother for you…” “Keeping you safe is never a bother for me,” he smiled, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and you barely suppressed a shiver from how cold his hands were against your heated face. “I’ll tell the other’s not to wait for me and will wait outside for you,” he softly spoke before turning to walk out the door where his friends apparently had already left.
You quickly gathered your things and sorted out your tips from the rest of the money, putting everything back into the place that Lucas had shown you before disappearing into the staff room to stuff the money into your designated tip jar, so Lucas and you could share your tips with Ten and Kun. While you were quickly trying to fix your hair in the small mirror a very grumpy looking Ten joined you, groaning loudly. You had to suppress your smile. Jaehyun really had convinced Johnny to not take Ten home. “Men are trash, honey,” the blonde suddenly spoke, “Don’t fall for any of them.” “Did you get dumped?” You tried to act like you didn’t exactly knew what must have happened. “Can’t get dumped if you aren’t dating,” Ten chirped, smoothing out a wrinkle in his silky blouse, “But something similar.” “I’m sorry.” “No need to be darling, I’ll just annoy Kun a little more, maybe he’ll actually pop a vein these days,” he giggled mischievously. “Be nice to him, he seems like an actual sweetheart,” you said while slipping on your jacket and picking up your bag. “He is, darling. But where’s the fun in that?” Ten held the door open for you and followed you back to the main room. “Be safe on your way home.” “Jaehyun is waiting outside for me,” you admitted, suddenly feeling shy under Ten’s intense gaze. “So that’s why Johnny wouldn’t take me with him,” he grinned. “No, no that’s not it. He just offered to walk me home,” you stuttered to explain yourself. It wasn’t like what Ten thought it was, right? Oh god. Not that Jaehyun was expecting anything now. He just had asked to walk you home though. Was it a code word for something you didn’t know? “I’m sure he only has the most noble motives,” the barkeeper snickered, “Go, don’t let prince charming wait for too long.” With that he waved you off, walking over to where Kun was wiping a table to drape his body over the other’s back, probably complaining about being dumped. But Kun didn’t seem to mind a whole lot, judging by the smile that tugged on the corners of his lips.
After you had barely escaped Xuxi’s suffocating goodbye hug, you stepped outside into the cold night, taking a deep breath. It was quiet for a Friday night but that might have just been the time. Worried you looked around when you couldn’t see Jaehyun’s broad figure anywhere. Did he ditch you? That didn’t seem like him. Curious you looked into the little ally beside the bar where the dumpsters were. At first you couldn’t make out anything in the dark but when your eyes had adjusted, you could make out a figure, no two, in the dark. One of them was wearing a familiar leather jacket with way too many buckles and straps to be convenient. The man was clinging to the second, unmoving figure and the whole scene made Goosebumps break out all over your body.
“J-Jaehyun?” you stuttered, your bag falling from your shoulder, landing on the concrete with a soft thud. As if he was electrocuted, the man with the dark clothes shoved the limp body he was holding onto just a second ago away from him, but no sound left the other man’s lips, nor did his facial expression change in any way. “I can explain this,” Jaehyun said, his lips a deep red and smeared with what seemed to be blood and eyes wide, tinted a bright crimson. You felt a shiver run down your spine, the scream that had been stuck in your throat threatening to spill now. But before it could rip free, a palm was pressed over your lips and your body collided with Jaehyun’s solid frame. “Please don’t scream,” he whispered in your ear which made all the hairs on your neck stand up. What was happening? Why was there blood on Jaehyun? Has his eyes changed color? How did he get across to you within the blink of an eye? What was with the other person? In a panic, your eyes scanned the alleyway and another muffled scream ripped from your throat when you saw that the man was still unmoving even though he was bleeding from a wound in his neck. “Please,” Jaehyun begged, his voice sounding strained, “Let me explain this, don’t hate me.” Being pressed so close to him, you couldn’t help but notice that his chest wasn’t moving in the slightest like it should if he was breathing. What was happening? Panic began to rise inside you and you felt like you were suffocating, your lungs not getting enough oxygen with Jaehyun’s palm pressed over your mouth. Panicking, you grabbed his wrist and let your nails dig into his skin, but the skin didn’t break. Desperate, you tried to get more air into your lungs, meeting his eyes in a silent plea. “Please don’t scream,” Jaehyun repeated firmly before he slowly freed your mouth, but kept holding you close.
You heaved a couple of heavy breaths, feeling the panic slowly disappear but your heart kept beating furiously, the adrenaline coursing through your veins making you dizzy. “Let me take care of this and I’ll explain everything, I promise,” Jaehyun spoke once your breathing had somewhat evened out. “I’ll release you now, don’t run away.” Your voice was still lost somewhere, so you just nodded. After confirming with a nod himself, he slowly uncurled from you and walked over to the other man who was still in a daze, staring straight ahead. “You will walk home now and not remember anything that happened from the moment you saw me approach you,” Jaehyun spoke to him, looking into his eyes intensely and if your own eyes weren’t playing a trick on you, Jaehyun’s eyes had turned a bright crimson color. He leaned into the other man again where his neck was still bleeding and when the man turned to leave and walk away, the area was clean. Instead Jaehyun’s lips were smeared with blood that he quickly wiped into his shirt. “What the fuck, Jaehyun?” You whispered, your voice sounding raw as if you hadn’t spoken in hours.
“I can explain this,” he repeated again, turning his palms towards you in surrender when he walked back over. “How can you explain this? You- That- That man was straight up hypnotized and behaved like an actual puppet. And that blood. This is crazy. I’m dreaming. That’s it right? Or someone must have slipped me something in the bar and I’m tripping right now. Because this looks an awful lot like you just sucked that guy’s blood like you’re a vampire and that’s crazy. Vampires aren’t real. And I’ve seen you walk around in the middle of the day. But then again, your hands are always cold and I couldn’t even scratch you with my nails and you have mad reflexes,” you started to spiral, the words just falling from your lips. “Hey, take a breath. A deep breath, here,” Jaehyun softly spoke, gently taking your hands and pressing the palms on his chest, taking a deep breath himself.   Even though you tried to breathe with him to calm down, you couldn’t help but notice that his fingers weren’t as cold as they had been before and that you couldn’t feel his heartbeat despite the fact that your palm was sitting right over his heart, just separated by his thin black shirt from the skin. “You… You don’t have a heartbeat,” you whispered, your eyes searching his that were a perfectly normal deep brown shade now while you pressed your palms down on his chest harder. “I don’t,” he spoke carefully, scanning your features for any changes, “I haven’t had one for a while.” “You aren’t breathing right now.” “I don’t need to. I keep forgetting.” “You… You’re forgetting to breathe?” “I usually do when I’m around humans but sometimes I forget.” “You say that as if you’re not…” You couldn’t finish the sentence, it was too absurd. “As if I’m not human myself? I’m not. Not anymore.” “Then what are you?” “You’ve said it before, I’m a vampire,” he confessed.
“A vampire…” You repeated dumbfounded. It made sense, everything was adding up but this couldn’t be the explanation. Vampires were just made up. “And the others are too, they’re my coven. That’s why I didn’t want Johnny to talk to you.” “Would he have..?” Your eyes widened and one of your hands flew to your neck, covering where your pulse was fluttering beneath the skin. “I’m not going to hurt you, I could never,” Jaehyun whispered when he saw the fear in your eyes, gently cupping your face as if to prove his point. “I like you way too much to hurt you. And I won’t let anyone of the others even lay a finger on you.” Your eyes immediately flew to his lips that were still stained red when he leaned in even closer so you would be able to feel his breath mingling with yours if he was breathing. “I really want to kiss you right now, is that stupid?” The vampire whispered. “Don’t hurt me,” you whispered back, letting your eyes fall shut. “I could never,” he breathed before brushing his lips against yours in a chaste kiss that send sparks through your whole body. When Jaehyun felt you relax against him, your fingers uncurling from his shirt, he kissed you again, firmer this time, wrapping his arms tight around you as if he was afraid that you would disappear.
When you felt your head start to get light, you gently tapped his strong chest and he immediately retreated, looking at you with a worried expression. “One of us still needs to breathe,” you giggled breathless. “I’m sorry,” he smiled, carding his fingers through your hair, just watching you breathe for a moment, losing himself in your eyes.
“I have another secret to tell you,” Jaehyun broke the silence, his dimpled smile lighting up his face. “I don’t think you can shock me anymore,” you smiled back. “I didn’t actually kill any of the plants I bought. I just needed to have a reason to keep seeing you. Our house looks like a jungle.” You couldn’t stop giggling, leaning into his (not moving) chest that rumbled with his low chuckle. “You’re cute,” you smiled, snaking your arms around his waist below his jacket, somehow not even missing the warmth that bodies usually gave off. “Shut up,” he chuckled, wrapping you up in a tight hug. “You want to know something else?” You whispered into his chest after a while. The vampire just hummed, gently swaying you. “I looked up what the rose meant that you bought when you first came into the shop… You wanna know what it stands for?” Jaehyun hummed again. “It stands for immortality.” This time it was Jaehyun who was laughing, holding your body tighter to steady himself.
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Introducing the girlfriends: the looks.
Hello puppets! In this post I’d like to show how I imagine the OC Girlfriends in terms of face and looks, mostly in terms of fashion.
I won’t state how many times my self esteem abandoned the conversation as I made this post, so let me do a disclaimer before I make y’all suffer with me (sorry). These pictures come from my Pinterest board called “Simply incredible people”, which contains mostly photos of people that have very unique facial traits and that I use for reference. Now, ALL OF THESE ARE MODELS. They were photographed BECAUSE after hours of makeup and hair and clothes chosen perfectly for them, a set made up specifically to enhance their good looks, a fair bit of photoshop and unfairly good genetics they were put in the position of being beautified. Don’t think that these gorgeous folks are The Thing: I picked them because of specific reasons explained under each picture, and in my opinion all the guys are pretty far from dating perfect young women with perfectly symmetrical features and flawless complexion and... all of that. However, yes, in my mind they date regular, “unbeautified” versions of these women. If your self esteem can’t handle disgustingly beautiful models, then please, don’t open the “read more”. Also, you’re absolutely free to keep imagining your ideal girls and not check out this post, no hard feelings ✌���😘
However, if — like me — you are incredibly attracted to girls with pretty unique facial features, then do open. If you’ like girls, I’m sorry, you might have one (or more) new crush(es) after this post.
Now, all of the girls have Asian traits — because according to my plots and headcanons, (which you can find in my masterlist) the guys have always met their s/o while in Seoul/Korea and also because I’ve always imagined the girls Asian. However, I’m not saying that they like these specific types or looks, or that they’ll end up with a person with traditionally Asian traits: I am simply assuming in statistic terms. Also, since I write memberxFem!reader, they’re obviously all girls.
I only know two of the people inserted here (that is Vixen and Kitten). I might have accidentally inserted someone famous, however that was not my intention. Also, the girls have been chosen exclusively for facial features: there is no shipping going on between real people here.
After this lengthy introduction, let me move on to the real deal.
In case you need my masterlist, here it is! (Remember to vote for next prompt!!! Link in bio 🥰)
Vixen - (Namjoon)
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— The face —
Baby face: yes
Doll lips: yes
Very intense, borderline scary, November-baby glance: yes.
This is Vixen, with her baby cheeks, her sharp, refined looks and a doll-like face that mixes innocence and seduction. Top that with deep red lipstick and artsy jewellery. Her eyes show ten thousand different feelings and her face is suitable for acting, being extremely expressive: every little sensation and emotion can be found in a quirk of the mouth or an arching of the eyebrow, a little curl of the nose or a pursing of her lips.
— The Look —
Total black winter look, basic and classy, thigh-high boots for her long legs, simple, plain bags and purses, and finally a long coat to keep her warm over her dresses usually characterised by a high neck and a generous slice of leg. But don’t let that fool you: her favourite looks are oversized sweaters stolen from Namjoon’s wardrobe — that obviously fit like dresses on her —, fluffy woolen tights or stockings and comfy shoes when they go on breakfast dates, but also thick jumpers, large jeans and comfy sneakers when they go for walks and bike trips.
Angel (Seokjin)
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— The Face —
Traditional Korean Beauty: yes
Big eyes: yes
Soft pink lips: yes
Angel is the definition of Korean Beauty, looking young and innocent. She could easily have the face of an idol, with the purest of charms. And her cute bangs... yes.
— The Look —
Even though her job requires a total black look, which often means pretty flats, black trousers and a turtleneck, in her free time she likes wearing preppy looks, with lots of plaid prints and cute dresses that match Korean standards, with not-too-revealing necklines and a skirt that hits just above the knee. Match it all with cute, warm coats and small bags.
Kitten (Yoongi)
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— The Face —
Intimidating look: yes
Angular jaw: yes
Plush lips: yes
Kitten has angular, almost aggressive facial features, characterised mostly by the rectangular shape of her face and her jaw, and quite jutting cheekbones. She has a rough, tough beauty which can be difficult to understand but absolutely charming to observe.
— The Look —
Another one with total black, but unlike Vixen, who likes coloured clothes once winter ends, Kitten keeps the black look all year round, inserting tiny splashes of colours with accessories and jackets. Expect a lot of turtlenecks and blazers for her work attire, but also fancy shirts for more elegant occasions, mostly silk blouses that offer a generous view of her bosom.
Giggles (Hoseok)
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— The Face —
Strawberry blonde: yes
Freckles: yes
Too cute: yes
I’ve always imagined Giggles with a mop of messy reddish-blonde hair, may it be natural or dyed. I know the combo is pretty rare; still, she’s a fictional character so... a girl can dream.
— The Look —
A vintage mess of prints. She messes around with flowers and stripes and plaids and colours. You could most definitely spot her in a crowd. Even when she’s working (remember she’s a vet), she has very colourful scrubs and bright coloured clogs/nurse shoes. Overall too cute and tiny for her good, her being so small makes it easy for her to shop in the children department and find even more coloured, fancy prints.
Princess (Jimin)
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— The Face —
Overall cute: yes
Gaze to command a photo shoot: yes
Borderline scary both in terms of beauty and power: yes
This small girl has the power to supervise everything, you can read it on her face (remember she works for a fashion magazine and organises photoshoots). Sheer calculating, organising force. And with a gaze like that, ready to make you wither and die were you to deny her, you see specifically why I chose her.
— The Look —
Smart attire, comfortable flats or slippers to dash from a place to another. Comfy, fashionable, practical. She’s always on a rush from an appointment to the other and she uses bags big enough to hold a skirt and a pair of heels in case she needs more elegant attire for a last-minute evening appointment in fashionable clubs and restaurants. She’s more than happy to play Barbie for Jimin, letting him choose how to dress her.
Lace (Taehyung)
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— The Face —
Louder big dick energy than your ex: yes
A neck to die for: yes
Eclectic charm: yes
Honestly, I think Lace is too particular — strange even — to find someone who could possibly embody her. What made me pick this specific woman was her very incisive choice in clothing and accessories, but I’ll update her sooner or later, I think. As me and my friend said: you don’t find Lace, is Lace that finds you. (Also, if anyone has a Lace to suggest, please send links 💖)
— The Look —
Black tight dresses, all the time. Tight pencil skirts and anything that screams Fifties housewife; lots of robes, unusual cuts and premium fabrics — she is a designer and lingerie maker, after all. She doesn’t follow trends, she makes them. She is literally one of those people who looks good even with the most hideous, unfashionable things on. However, the moment she wears a silk slip dress, her power intensifies by a few thousand times — do not expect Taehyung not to get weak in the knees. In the house she’s absolutely comfortable wearing a robe with nothing underneath — and sometimes she doesn’t even tie it close. Taehyung is perfectly okay with that.
Candy (Jungkook)
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— The Face —
Biggest smile: yes
Cutest lil nose: yes
Very squishable: yes
The small happy bean is a very gentle bean too. She is a graphic designer and a cartoon artist and it shows in her whole being, even in her facial features. I imagine her hair not too long, soft and wavy — though the most valuable asset to Jk is their scent. And look at those sweater(shirt) paws!!! Adorable.
— The Look —
First rule of Candy and Jk’s relationship is “my flannel shall be thy flannel”. Their wedding rings will probably be flannel shirts. Candy likes to pull them off with oversized sweats or coloured jeans. She also wears oversized sweaters — probably stolen from Jk’s wardrobe — together with leggins and mid-calf socks, especially since her workplace is not too strict with dresscode. She likes oversized and layered fits, using light cotton shirts and tank tops in the summer and fleece/flannel shirt and warm woolen turtlenecks in winter. Comfort always comes first. Expect her to use biker shorts and giant T-shirts and bulky shoes in the summer on her spare time.
An extra — since I’m sooooo gay for these two
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Sora Choi and Yoon Young Bae are the two models that I immediately spotted respectively for Kitten and Vixen and the fact that they posed together made me super soft (I literally fell in love with both of them). Oh also!!! Yoon has posted on her insta the sweetest picture of her with a snow bear and it was like... a sign, but also so endearing and I’M SMITTEN, HEAD TO TOE IN LOVE WITH THIS SMALL CUTE LIL POTATO. She’s a cutie and Sora has the prettiest smile I swear to God I’d give the world for these two. *bisexuality upgrades*
Did you imagine them differently? Are there any of the girls that match or challenge your ideas? Leave your impressions in the comments!!! 😚☺️
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