#I like drawing ur sonas o:
dollyprincessollie · 1 year
Ollie, jokingly: And remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me.
Avery: Won't be a problem.
(Some time later)
Avery, waking up in a cold sweat: There's a problem—
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kitsuneisi · 5 months
hii ^^ do you have a character reference sheet of ur persona ?? im doing doodles of my favourite tumblr artists and wanted to make smth accurate :]
i don't have a proper sheet, but here is a post with some drawings of myself (thank u a lot btw!!!)
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ltsmoving · 9 months
Please do talk about ur silly little guys *kicking my legs in the air*
(when you feel like it/have time of course)
its been over a week (im so sorry) but finally getting around to doing this
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figured i'd talk some about the three ocs of mine that i've shown on this blog before, go into a bit more depth about who they are and what not! gonna put it under the cut for anyone interested :)
max is the lead singer of a rock band who has been cursed to constantly smile (he can close his mouth), a side effect of which being that he's permanently fucking starving. he's a born shape-shifter, but a learned skill of his is perfect vocal imitation, which helps his band getting hired for song covers, but also works as a great intimidation tactic or lure for prey. he has really good metabolic control, as well, so that's something ig lol. (also hes a sona based visually on mod pinkneck)
dave is one of his alters, a fellow singer, but in the band he's more of the songwriter half of 'singer-songwriter'. max being a shape-shifter lets him physically look like his alters which i think is neat. dave is stuck with the hunger side of the curse but not the smile. he has max's vocal imitation skill, but not metabolic control, instead his digestive mucus and enzymes contain a gaseous hallucinogen that cause his prey to trip balls while they're being digested. (hes a sona based visually on mod ringneck) (also i frequently draw him as a mad scientist because mad science rules)
in terms of voracious escapades, both of them are preds, max being an 'apex', dave being more likely to be prey. both usually fatal, both definitely engage in both soft and hard vore, and both don't shut up once they've caught you, they are monologue villains 100%.
mike is the fella featured in this post and he is one of my best boys. he is also a singer (i dont have a type i swear). not gonna get too deep into his story lol but basically he's the son of a goddess and a demon, just trying to live his life with his husband teddy (seen above, unused on this blog (for now)). i just like writing these guys into shenanigans since they're some of my longest standing ocs, along with some others that i'll be sure to give a light intro to if i do end up posting about them in the future :O
for the voracious escapades, both are kinda vore switches- teddy as pred is fatal, mike is safe, and they're purely soft preds. but it's not really their main thing for me! teddy's a feedee who loves being fed while lying on mike's howling hungry tummy. mike's into stuffing but mostly just likes seeing his husband so happy and full :)
anyway these are my fucking boring ass ocs thanks for coming to my ted talk get it one of them is called teddy see thats funny do you ge
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torchiiko · 1 year
questions i dont mind being asked a bunch x3
but that i wrote so other ppl could steal if they wanted :) feel free 2 rb or just copy paste the ones that suit ur needs! send in an emoji (or the question itself) n ill answer!
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general questions
these can apply to anyone! they arent themed or tailored to anything unlike the next 2 categories
💭 whats your current or most recent thought?
☁ whats the weather like rn? how do you feel about it?
🎮 whats the most recent game youve played?
🎶 what song or lyric is stuck in your head?
🎓 whats a random fact you know?
💙 whats your favorite (blank)? (askers choice)
😊 whats smth that makes you happy? :3
💢 whats a pet peeve/smth that makes you angy?
😱 whats the scariest thing youve seen recently/smth that freaks you out?
🃏 whats smth dumb that makes you laugh?
🎲 a random fact abt you!
🍽 is there a food youre craving rn?
⏰ what time did you wake up/go to bed?
⏩ whats smth you wanna do in the future?
🐻 do you have any plushies? do you have a favorite?
📖 is there anything you collect/want to collect?
🎁 whats a gift or item you rlly want?
📦 a favorite thing you already own?
💻 how/why did you pick your current username?
📸 show a screenshot from your drafts!
💾 show a random image you have saved!
❓ free space! askers choice to ask whatever they want :3
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simp questions
these were made w my current bf spamton & other selfshippers in mind :3 anyone w any number of f/os should be able 2 use these!
😳 name a trait/feature makes you go awooga!
🍷what kind of date would you take your f/o on? what date would they take you on?
💌 how might you confess to your f/o? how might they confess to you?
💝 whats a gift you would give your f/o?
📝 do you have a ship name?
💬 what pet names/nicknames would you like them to call you? what would you call them?
🥄 whos the big spoon?
🎧 any songs that remind you of your f/o?
💘 whats your fav part of them/smth you rlly admire abt them?
😘 how would your f/o flirt pre-relationship? how would you?
👤 whats a character you are/have been attracted to but not focused on atm?
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misc questions
theses were made w myself in mind but if they apply 2 anyone else then by all means use them all you like :3
🎨 whats a drawing youre proud of?
📌 an idea you havent gotten to draw yet?
🎉 whats a fun fact abt one of your ocs/sonas?
🔴 whats your favorite pokemon/shiny?
✨ whats your most recent shiny?
💖 whats a shiny on your wishlist?
🐾 show off a creature from a petsite you play!
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ladybugkisses · 1 year
I’ve been taking a break from drawing self shipping content but that lackadaisy pilot sucked me right in lmaooo. Anyway, I’m curious about ur lackadaisy selfinsert!! I’d ask about how u and rocky would meet but I feel like he’s the type of guy to just randomly pop out of nowhere and be like “hey ❤️” lol
yeah lackadaisy is a sea of F/O potential isn't it gdsGKDS
i don't have all the details figured out yet, but i can say for certain my sona's a regular at the cafe so- they bumped into each other eventually (maybe literally. oops)
as of right now their dynamic is a bit of an awkward friendship because as soon as things enter a more romantic territory they both bail lmAO
also she doesn't drink but.. ...sometimes she goes to the speakeasy anyway to watch him the band play 😔
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everyothermouse · 1 year
Haha heyyy bestie! :> I’m conducting a survey to my buds rn, and now I’m comin to u
If I were to, hypothetically, draw an oc of yours...which one would u like to see drawn the most? :>
Oooooooo! Great question bestie o mine :D probably willow and/or my sona! You're good at drawing mfs that look transfem as hell and the way u drew the twins hair in that last post reminded me of willow, so it'd be cool to see her in ur style :O
U could draw either of us in whatever outfit u feel as long as willow isn't super masc/I get to keep my bandana ^-^ I'll stick some refs under the cut if u wanna lookie at them :3
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In order left to right:
jay face and colors, my colors,
jay outfit, me face,
height difference, and jay outfit colors (shoes r same color as skirt)
It's also worth noting my sona has a deer(?) nose and darker upper lip (brown like the nose) it's just not visible in any of my art! We can both be drawn with or without glasses, we don't always wear them. Cheers, happy holidays! :D love you the most
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straytraineraria · 11 months
🌈 'sup. i'm aria. unovan transfer student in paldea's uva academy, hobbyist breeder/trainer, and your local catperson ( in both ways ).
🧶 i don't really do much other than just kinda exploring, catching pokemon, n' doing classes. i did complete the paldea dex that one time and maybe stopped a few threats and i may or may not be a supplier of a good few of the various professor's starter pokemon but yknoooow. typical stuff compared to things othr ppl r doin
🌻 my """ace""" ( in many quotes bc i never have consistent teams ) is a meowscarada the head of uva gifted me who i named forsythia. he's showy and loves doing tricks for ppl so i sometimes have him outside of his ball so he can show off. if ur ever in paldea and see a meowscarada in mesagoza chances are it might be mine lol
🔴 you can battle me if u want ig but i dont battle suuuuper duper competitively. like yea i know what evs and ivs are and i try to maximize my favorite pokemons ones since thats rlly cheap nowadays ( bottlecaps used to be sm more expensive ) but other than that i dont do much else
🖌️i also like uh, drawing and writing and stuff like that a lot but i only rlly post abt that stuff online lol. i've wanted to be a musician but learning stuff other than singing is hard, and same w/ game dev stuff. codings hard. but i also play games ofc ofc. i love splatoon 3 n im good at my ursaco shifts >:3c
idk what else 2 put here. uhh. have fun
hiiii this is a pokemon irl blog :3
anyone can interact. pokemon, pokepasta, rp blogs, non-pokemon related blogs, whoever tf!!! the excuse is just "alt timelines/dimensions" etc for crossover stuff or different pokemon rpers/irl blogs who have diff rules
🌀 the character being played is aria! a 19 year old pokemon trainer ( who is also uh. a catperson. ) enrolled in naranja-uva academy ( specifically uva ) and just sort of exploring the world to find themselves and all. they/he pronouns. if you want more go here.
the character is an AU of my persona based on my playthrough of pokemon violet specifically but is also just generally based on my experience with pokemon - except mixed with if it was in real life. they aren't 100% me bc that'd probably make things weird, but they are mostly made up of my segments and parts hence. them being a sona.
⚠️ most of the way this blog goes abt the whole pokemon irl and related stuff doesn't follow any super specific rules or anything. of course, it follows most of the groundwork of that and stuff, but its a little mixed with canon pokemon a little more so it might be a little more outlandish as opposed to the more grounded ( quote unquote ) nature of most pkmn irl blogs. it's still mostly grounded, just like, everso slightly more akin to the pokemon games for a little more wiggleroom. also whatever the natural catboyism is about. it is not explained nor will be probably.
⚡ "yes and"-ing / improv is very important for any pkmn irl blog but if anything doesn't follow Your blogs canon the explanation is probably just "timeline bullshit" or "don't think abt it too hard" with some specific things ( the fact aria is a catboy just, like, naturally ). u can point these out but aria will just be like "lol? that's always how its been"
🔔 follow me if u r interested... i will post now and again. I do not know how to make good info/first posts.
❤️ ooc, i am a young adult and use he/they pronouns.
🐈 i am. also named aria. aria's a self-insert/sona but at the same time not really. it's complicated, but there's enough levels of separation where things won't be weird i prommy.
🐱 idrc who interacts, but do note i'm fine with suggestive jokes but they'll be tagged like that and not taken further than just jokes + i probably won't make them that often? just if smth asks me smth like that or if i see an Opportunity for a joke.
✨ magic anons are allowed but i have the right to refuse them.
📧 asks are allowed and so are interactions, ofc ofc
⚠️ i likely won't tag unreality / high stakes pokereality unless any post feels particularly hard to distinguish, so heres your warning; this blog contains unreality since these blogs r for acting as if pokemon are real!
⛔ of course as always bigots, terfs, prosh/ppers, etc DNI ⛔
anyways have fun!
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
Uwah, introduction post, here we go!
🩷About me🩷:
My names are Steven / Sona / Tea / Peri / Spin, I don’t mind which one you use!
My pronouns are he/him, they/them, and kit/kitz. Either is fine to use!
I’m 14 years old.
I’m a blk self taught artist. I’m trying to learn Spanish, Korean, and Japanese. But I mainly speak English.
🫧About this blog🫧:
This blog is both for my art, reblogs and writings (fanfics, character desc etc) bc I don’t feel like making another blog.
This blog is SFW, but I do sometimes draw gore/body horror/nudity etc, but I’ll tags them with tws like “// body horror, // blood, //gore” etc. don’t be afraid to ask me to tag things!
Ofc, I do tag spoilers for things I draw.
I don’t care ab ppl spam like/rebloging me lol, go wild.
🌸About my art🌸:
I use ibisPaintx for my digital drawings!
I’m multifandom but it’s 9999% batdr/batim/my su au / ATA and ocs and 1% other stuff
I don't do commissions, but I will accept art trades!! :o]
I do take requests but try to keep it in fandoms I know and am currently into!
I don’t care about others using my art/ocs/designs as heavy ref, or inspo, I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d credit me when doing so however!
If you repost my work, please ask first and credit.
Tracing my art is okay for practice or study, if you do post it, all I ask for is credit!
Idc ab my work being used for PFPs, headers, boards, covers etc. all I rlly ask for is credit.
If you make fanart of my OCs/designs, don’t be afraid to tag me! I absolutely adore fanart!!
(What I say in my DNI is final, I will not debate about it so don’t start arguments with me, please!)
Racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. General dni criteria
People who think “black washing” is real
Ofc, ppl who whitewash.
If ur an nsfw acc (cuz I’m a minnnor!)
If ur a proshipper or an disrespectful/toxic “anti”. Like please, don’t interact with me /srs
If u support any stated above. Idc ab the “separate art from artist” mentality, I don’t care, go away.
Anyone I block, or mute. (Please don’t try to evade or constantly ask questions on why I blocked u if I did. It’s not that big of a deal.)
BC/Reese/Pandora’s curse supporters.
Please, DONT argue with me over ships, if I block you because you posted ship art I don’t condone, don’t like, or don’t feel comfortable seeing, don’t try and argue, please. I block ppl over certain ships for a reason. (Like lapidot, japis, or gregpearl)
All I ask is that you be decent rlly.
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Enjoy ur stay! 💗
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
hey, i just wanted to say i love ur ocs!!! they’re super creative and make me want to know more!!! if u ever want to ramble or talk about them more (specifically about ur oc’s relationships with others) then i’m more than willing to listen and ask questions about em!!! ur creativity is awesome
AHHHHHH FANK YEWW SM ANON 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 sniffles fefeffefe my darling little ocs I care a lot about them :]
Speaking of which, would be a good time to kinda give some extra details and general info of the ones I have so far !(^o^)!
Mnemosyne Vicas
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He's essentially my medium to interact with twst's overall story since I struggle with doing sonas or self inserts (mostly due to the fact I have trouble understanding myself as a single person being a system and what not)
He's kinda the main oc if you will (。・・。) since I put a lot of thought into making him (even his name has ties to themes of memory because of the ghost camera) though his origin is pretty KH heavy, it's pretty much incomprehensible if you've never played/watched Kingdom Hearts Union Cross •́ε•̀٥
Mnemosyne ADORES Grim, he's one of the few people besides Malleus who recognizes him as a monster instead of a cat/weasel/cute animal. Although he doesn't refer to Grim as a monster, instead a beast felt more accurate for him.
I think his most interesting relationship would have to be......Jade? The entire nature of their bond is complicated at best, incomprehensible at worst.
And what started their relationship (or the very least, both Jade's fascination and infatuation with Mnems) only makes this worse. Nothing like almost amputating someone's arm to get those feelings going! Mnemosyne still feels bad for the whole thing even if it was justified (seeing as the tweels were ordered to stop Mnemosyne from winning the bet with Azul)
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No last name for now (I'll add it once I've figure it out!!) She's a secondary MC to Mnemosyne (Yuu 2? You two!!) She's actually based on the fact I've haven't really gotten to indulged in stuff like this in years ;; it's kinda odd to get back into oc x canon when the last time I've done that was maybe what? 5-6 years ago??? She's the epitome of a nerdy and dorky teenager with a heavy media based interest.
In a sense, Yuna is my love letter to all those teen girls from the early 2000's who were so lovingly shameless with the content they made for the media they loved (●^o^●) she probably has made a LOT of self insert fics (definitely a very famous x reader author on a fanfic site)
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Nyx is Yuna's best friend!! She's kinda the contrast to Yuna, being a known cosplayer on Instagram since Yuna and Nyx comes from our world.
She doesn't get involved with the twst world itself but she's incredibly important to Yuna, since she was the one who would always encourage her when she thought she couldn't do something.
She's best known for her cosplays of Azul and Jade because, though her reasoning to frequently cosplaying Azul is because of Yuna who adores him (and the fact Nyx wants nothing more than the person she loves to be happy)
Yuna and Nyx's story are heavily intertwined even though Yuna is stuck in twisted wonderland and Nyx is back home in our world.
Vicus & Arena
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I haven't gotten around to drawing them yet (still stuck in dress up game prison 💔) they're twins based on the glass slippers from Cinderella!
Vicus is named after the Latin word for quartz! Since clear quartz bares a resemblance to glass and quartz itself is used in the making of watches (a reference to the limited time Cinderella had to spend at the ball)
Arena's name comes from the Latin word for sand since it's the main component used in making glass. Her name also greatly resembles the name Aranea, which means spider (since when safety glass breaks, it creates a spider web effect inside the glass)
The twins have a very complicated family relationship, their blood father left passed, to which their mother got remarried. But then her stepfather turned out to be cheating on her with his mistress. They got divorced and compromised by separating the twins as both parents stilled loved the children so dearly. Vicus stayed with his mother while Arena was taken in by her stepfather and mistress.
To put it simply : theyre long lost twins! They were separated at age 4 and reunite as second years albeit they clash in terms of personality
Vicus goes to RSA, he's sweet, a big believer and a bit clumsy. He's always helping people and taking care of others. He doesn't seem to care much about his appearance and yet is always so well dressed (his reasoning is simple, his mother taught him to)
Arena... Well much like her family, everything about her is complicated. She attend NRC despite it being an all boys school. Why you may ask? Her stepmother's bargaining of course. Her home life wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly intimate either.
Her stepfather is never at home, always on a business trip and her stepmother whom while did love her was strict and in her mind knew what's best for her daughter. This cause Arena to grow with the mindset she has now today, "to be the best of the best, better than everyone else, better than the me before."
For obvious reasons, she's been placed in Pomefiore and greatly admires Vil. Many people mistake her admiration for romantic interest, but in truth Arena simply wants to be like Vil.
Unlike her long lost brother, Arena is snarky and at times a bit self centered. She has no time to interact with strangers and people who are lesser to her much less unworthy of her presence, only circling herself around strong and powerful figures like Vil and many of the Dorm and Vice Dorm leaders.
Knowing that, she's definitely jealous of Epel. Why choose someone who seemed so unwilling to work for Vil when she's right here?!?! She'd do ANYTHING. to be closer to Pomefiore's queen, even if it meant getting her hands dirty
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artistlara · 3 years
*taps mic* heyyyy fnf selfshipping/self insert community, do I have your attention?
Yes you, i see y’all :)
Humbly asking for your fnfsona/self-insert and your f/o in fnf🙏 (image/post for how ur sona/self-insert looks like is highly recommended)
Am I gonna draw them? Maybe, mayhaps
EDIT: HAHA GUYS UHM,, there’s already a ton of reblogs (more or less 10 ppl) so i’m gonna have to close this, ty for submitting your sonas+f/o’s tho!
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sachlockk · 7 years
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Storyboard-style practice! Because I need to get into animation Univeristy and I miss my s/o help me please
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dyketubbo · 3 years
intro post (cleaned up a bit.. again!)
basic summary: my name is dyke/eyez/circus/mask/whatever you wanna call me, im a minor, im nd and a qpoc, i use any pronouns but he/him (and dont like masc terms, including bro, dude, guy, lad, stuff like that), and im apart of a system.
dni if youre against any kind of minority (includes racists, terfs, truscum, queer exclus of any kind [yes, even mspec lesbian exlus], etc etc), support ccs like schlatt uncritcally/actively like him, are nsfw, ship irl ppl (even ones that are okay with it), do x reader stuff with ccs, truth ccs at all, believe fiction doesnt effect reality/are a pro shipper/anti anti, or dont tag triggering things like zoophilia n stuff. dont be romantic or sexual towards me at all, and dont talk about touching me w/o asking. also dont interact if youre fine with those kind of ppl and actively interact w them (only exception to that last one is if you interact w ppl who like cc!schlatt, idc about that as much as long as theyre critical of him)
i like benchtrio the most but keep up w/ everyone best i can and like analyzing and drawing. im really sensitive and kind of an asshole so. bare w/ me if i lash out or am too much or something.
currently we have small intros of us per member on a page (/systemstuff) but dyke n grass will talk the most (mostly dyke). ty for reading, i hope you have a nice day and if its late for you, feel free to go get some rest. if its daytime, go eat!! or hydrate if you havent.
follows/likes and stuff will come from @/cottonskittles, reblog/like spam is ok, i dont care how people interact w me or my posts as long as they dont breach my boundaries, i think thats it but feel free to ask questions if u need clarification. more stuff under da cut
hi howdy just some more in depth stuff
im bad w tone so like. if you make fun of tone indicators or think theyre unnecessary/annoying (unless talking about excessive use/people using them as an excuse to be mean n stuff) probably dont interact w me because while i can interpret messages w/o them my own tone is often unreadable so i use them for the sake of others
story wise wise i usually look for benchtrio stuff, but i also try to keep up with everyones lore! theyre all important to the story in some way :]. however due to the themes surrounding them c!dream and c!schlatt make me uncomfy, and i only receive secondhand info abt the torture stuff bc its uncomfy too. also im personally critical of c!techno and i know that esp bothers a lot of ppl so yknow. warning to stay away this blog might piss you off
dni wise dont be a bigot. if youre against minorities of any kind fuck off, dont follow if youre nsfw or make nsfw content of childrens media, uhmm for personal sake regarding themes on the dsmp remember to like. tag cult stuff, drug use (esp underage), zoophilia, pda, and cannibalism if ur gonna follow me. tyyy. also dont follow if ur uncritical of some of the things various ccs involved have done (this is vague bc i know theres misinformation on dream and techno specifically but theres still shit thats actually been done and of course uh. the whole schlatt situations), and generally dont follow if you outright like cc!schlatt (c!schlatt likers r fine). like im not gonna make a big deal out of it but i will at the very least softblock because he makes me. really uncomfortable. you can interact n stuff just dont follow. dont interact if you use the new pan flag its gross and ugly and i dont agree with why it was made. and dni if youre a pro shipper (even if its to cope- find better coping mechanism thanks im a survivor and it makes me relapse to even think about pro shipping, actively romanticizing pedophilia, incest, age gaps, etc in media and then pretending like its just shipping discourse is Fucking Disgusting and i hate it), and dni if you like genderbend stuff it makes me uncomfy
also this is specific but if youre nonblack and weird about aave i will fucking murder you. n if you make suicide jokes please at least tag them. if you tell people to seriously kill themselves or joke abt "do a flip" or w/e or find that funny then dont interact w me at all
non dni wise w/ boundaries dont use masc terms for me, dont like.. talk about kissing me or flirting with me or anything, dont call me smart or a good person (just a personal thing. you can use synonyms if you really want), ask before talking about touching me, i have mirror touch so when people describe physical touch in any way i can feel it and thats uncomfortable. dont call me a liar, anddd dont make too many sexual references w/ me. keep it to the level thats like, present in beeduo streams but dont talk to me about kinks or anything even as a joke. finally make sure to tag things w /p if you mean it platonically around me, its for comforts sake. feel free to talk or message or ask for other socials or whatever idc about any of that
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thatsss all for now. i do analyses ig, also art. have a doodle of my sona to tide u over under this paragraph. sorry for rambling, im not good at summarizing my thoughts and i have a lot to say. ok thats all thank you if you got this far and read it all i rlly appreciate you /gen. i was milfsmp but i didnt want to take the chance that someone would call me milf as a nickname
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dollyprincessollie · 3 years
I’ve seen your sonas and I know they have glasses but I just imagine you as keiji so that actually surprised me 😭
though im also curious to know if ur mental image while reading my posts is keiji opening a laptop, typing stuff like this, and hitting post bc that is SENDING ME
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also someone should draw/edit keiji wearing glasses i bet he'd look h o t
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vanibear · 3 years
you can draw my sona if u want!!! :DDDD
:O yes i needed smth to draw n i really really liked ur design!!
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paxtoon · 3 years
Ref sheet for my persona
So uh hi wasn't expecting to post on here again,
but @stale_pringles posted his part on here and I thought I should as well, these are our sonas for an au called "2 Jews in a room bitching" where we basically share an apartment and it's chaotic as fuck
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Rich's part Long ass description General Full Name: Sara Reason for name: yes Nickname: Saretta Cotoletta, Sarita, Princess, Kitten, Babes Reason for nickname: first 2 only for friends the rest is Ali 👉👈 Age: yes Sex: female Gender: girl Place of Birth: Italy Birthday: 19/06 Currently living in: southernItaly Species/Race: hooman Ethnicity: Italian Sexual Orientation: bi-curious, demi ace Social Status: lonely Relationship Status: dating <3 Appearance Body Build: plum Height: short, 1,48m , 4'9 ?? Weight: no Skin colour: white Hair style: short, irl long Hair colour: brown Eye colour: brown Distinguishing Features: I'm boring- heart ahoge Preferred Clothing: pink aesthetic shit, soft Accessories: idk- Health General health: shit, 2 hospital check ups a year Posture: bad Any physical illnesses?: technically? It's more of a problem/syndrome I guess idk it's in the name Any mental illnesses?: I'm not gonna self diagnose✨ Take drugs?: unicorns Smoke?: daddy Mental/Emotional State Mental age:?? Act before thinking/Think before acting?:actings to much before acting Emotion-wise, generally: a roller coaster Conversation Way of speaking: hype, high pitched Common conversation starter: Swears?: ew bitch why the fucking fuck would I do such a bitchy thing Made-up words?: uhhhhhhh Made-up language?: daddy Likes/Dislikes Likes: cuddles, soft aesthetics, good omens, Hamilton, falsettos, 90's movies, Italian stereotypes, my friend, soft behaviours, stuffed animals, friends, dresses, big ass glasses, dark humor, unapologetic humor, inappropriate humor, uhhhh, pink, cozy stuff, cute dates, being warm, feeling protected, making fun of my friends, you guys 👉👈, SALMON❤❤❤❤ Dislikes: pedos, loud noises, people that don't accept opinions, "i know it all" People, punishments, strong bdsm, bdsm in general like I respect you if you're into that but personally it makes me uncomfortable, power dynamics, inequality, Trump, Richard, fish, racism, claiming something without proof, crying, I really hate crying, Americans- JK I LOVE YOU ALL- Hobbies talking to a wall, drawing Habits Picking, scratching my shoulders, imagining the worst case scenario Strengths/Weaknesses Strengths: good at comforting, I'm nice 👉👈 Weakness: a whiny bitch Skills/Abilities Dr a w Education/Intelligence Education: great IQ: dumb EQ: dumb Secrets Yes Fears Everything- Being left alone Confrontation Claustrophobia Future Death Swinging chandeliers Sticking ur phone out the car Bees and swamps Dreams/Goals Live in England and marry my cutie Views/Opinions on... Government: fuck it Religion: atheist but I love hearing Bible/any religion's stories, they're super interesting!! Economy: not a clue Technology: it ruined everything Favourites Food: meat cannelloni, crudo all barese Colour: pink, yellow, light blue Animal: dog Number: 3 Holiday: my birthday Season: winter Time of day: early, really morning like 3 am Thing to watch: animatics or just soft music videos Movie: Mr poppers' penguins, into the spideverse, Aladdin Show: good omens, clone high Type of art: cartoony tradigital Genre of music: soft love songs Genre of literature: fan fiction, comedy Genre of shows: love- Genre of movies: funny History Short insomniac Personality Short insomniac, inappropriate, immature, wants freedom, hates punishments/consequences, anxious wreck,,, a Jew in a room bitching 😳 Relationships Family: @/sh3llysh00 , @/ryenne-is-bored , @/sahara-jj , @/buttercupfrog S/O: @/justanali, my beautiful knight 💘💘💘 Friends/Allies: the Mario squad :) Quotes "Friends by choice, daddy by case" "Anyways I have 3 penises" "You're making me feel like a bottom" "Daddy~" "NOT THE BIBLE KINK 😳" Trivia Very useless
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angryshipping · 4 years
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Recently the blog reached 100 followers (WOOO, imma still make art for that lol) and January 12th was when I first started self inserting myself in the show, 4 years ago :D
So for this special date, I decided to start a mini even that anyone who has a sona or self insert for TMNT can participate! The week doesn’t have a specific date so don’t worry if you want to do this later or now, it doesn’t matter! For those who don’t know, a self insert is when you insert yourself into a show/book/movie/etc. And interact with the canon characters in there! :D Your self insert can be literally yourself, interpretation of you (like you but w/ colored hair or w/o glasses or however you see yourself), an anthropomorphic animal or whatever you’d like! (Personas, fursonas, etc.)
Here are the prompts: Day 1: Your sona! (Who are them?) Day 2: Best friend (Draw you interacting with a canon character that would be your BFF in the series!) Day 3: Worst Foe (Draw you interacting with a canon character you hate/dislike in the show or that would be your enemy) Day 4: Your crush (Just draw you and ur crush because I love ships/ If you don’t ship urself, them draw u being the cupid and help ur BFF getting laid!) Day 5: Species swap! (Are they human? Mutate them! Are they a mutant? Turn them into a human!) Day 6: Role swap! (Are they an ally? THEY ARE A VILLAIN NOW! A villain? Nah man they are besties) Day 7: Draw your sona in a specific verse style! (Mirage, 87’, 90’, 03’, 12’, 14/16’, IDW, Rise)
I’m creating the #TMNT Self Insert Week hashtag for this post so we can follow each other! Feel free to tag my blog if you do it!
And reblog so more TMNT fans get to do this! :D Let’s build a self insert community!
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