#and avery is like o_o WHAT IN THE WORLD ?!
dollyprincessollie · 2 years
Ollie, jokingly: And remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me.
Avery: Won't be a problem.
(Some time later)
Avery, waking up in a cold sweat: There's a problem—
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haootia · 2 months
hi!!! hi hi!!! do you have the images for your dream puzzles custom cassette on hand (if you did print it) O_O? i like making custom cassettes too, and i'd love to use your images for one for 3d virtual buddies if you'd be okay with that!!! :-)
yes i do :] under the cut are ready-to-print pngs but if you want to customize anything here are .kra and .psd files with the layers intact. the krita version is strongly recommended because i know it has the right layer blending modes, the .psd Should still work for the most part but if you're using a different program it might not have the correct layer mode options (i like using some wacky stuff like implication and xor which i know for instance gimp doesn't have.)
not included here are the sale price $1.00 tag and the happy face sticker because those are real stickers from the real world, you will have to source your own. also i would highly recommend using an xacto or something to cut holes for the spindles on your cassette case of choice, i had intended to use a hole punch on mine but none of the like three or four hole punches at my partner's house had a long enough reach so i ended up just stabbing the spindles through the paper like an animal which is why it looks kind of janked there. but we stay silly.
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the way i did this is to line up both these images so they share one long side so they fit on a normal 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, then once printed i folded it up using the handle of a butter knife as a bone & scotch taped the other edges together.
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i didn't take process pics but hopefully this explains it. in my opinion this is probably the best way to do it besides printing it double-sided to begin with (which i can't do on my printer bc the photo paper has to go through the rear tray) because you don't have to glue anything. glue gets wrinkly and gross even if you're really really careful with it. scotch tape #1 forever. speaking of paper i printed these on some matte photo paper i found in my craft room out of the package so i don't know what its official Paper Stats are but i doubt there's anything that would really mess up the picture unless your printer is evil (not impossible.) the folding panel makes it a liiiittle thick for the case but i managed to squeeze it in there. if you go without the extra panel and just do a normal C card, which you may want to do if you're only doing 3DVB and not also HIRF, i think it will be no prablem.
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the side labels are designed for avery 5198 templates with some generous overbleed but even then it is hard to line them up perfectly. i tried scanning the sticker sheet in with some pen markings to try and get it exactly on but even then they were still off. just give it your best shot i guess.
all the graphics are taken from the dreampuzzles twitter & website (except for the background of the exterior side flap & interior panels which are just processed versions of random pics i had on my computer lol) , i've been considering making a lyric booklet to go along with this and that will probably have some original fanart which i will release free 2 download, etc.
THANK YOU so much for the message, i think this is a really fun hobby and i hope more people get into it. it's so awesome to have a homemade physical copy of your favorite music especially if it's a custom mixtape or the artist doesn't have official physical releases. ummm i took a really long walk today and i'm very tired so i shan't pontificate any more on how cool cassettes are, enjoy the images ^_^
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morfinwen · 4 years
Nate's answers made me think he definitely needs hugs and blankets (but is he incorporeal?). I'm not very familiar with Avery and Elarin or their worlds, but Anders does sound VERY important to Avery, and Elarin sounds like she has quite the backstory. o_O 
Wow, i really hate that replying to replies isn’t a post anymore.
Short (... short-ish) overview of the plot for Knights of the Old Republic, the first game:
There’s ... a lot of wars in Star Wars history, and the game starts in the midst of what later is known as the Jedi Civil War (~5000 years before the original trilogy), which happened shortly after the Mandalorian Wars, which itself started a mere 20 years after the Exar Kun wars ... Thankfully, we can safely ignore Exar Kun at least.
Mandalorians started attacking planets outside Republic space, eventually moving in on Republic space. The Republic decided to fight, and asked the Jedi to join them. The Jedi Council said “no”, but two young Jedi disagreed strongly with that decision. They were known as Revan and Malak. They led a contingent of Jedi in joining the Republic war effort, gained leadership of a significant chunk of the Republic army, and helped enormously in the defeat of the Mandalorians -- Revan particularly was a strategic genius. After the war was over, Revan and Malak and the part of the fleet loyal to them disappeared from known space, claiming they needed to hunt down the last of the Mandalorians. A few years later, they returned as Darth Revan and Darth Malak, and started conquering the Republic. They, and the Jedi that had followed them into the Mandalorian Wars, particularly targeted the Jedi Order, which led to people calling it the Jedi Civil War.
The game starts a little ways into the JCW, about a year after Darth Revan was caught in a trap by the Republic, betrayed by Darth Malak, and presumed dead. Your character is a new soldier in the Republic Army, assigned to help the young Jedi Bastila Shan, whose powerful talents are a big part of the reason the Republic is still standing. You are discovered to have strong Force abilities, get a crash-course Jedi training (which you take to remarkably quickly), and are placed with Bastila on a super-important mission to find the source of Malak’s seemingly infinite starships. Eventually it comes out that the reason you’re so good at Jedi stuff and have those super-convenient visions is you are actually Revan. You were only mostly dead after Malak turned on you, and the Jedi rescued you, gave you fake memories, and hoped that this time you’d stick to the light side.
It’s actually a really well-done reveal, in my opinion. Revan never speaks in flashbacks, and wears a face-concealing mask. Your character can be male or female, so no one explicitly refers to Revan using he/him or she/her pronouns at any point, but you never notice. 
I’ve talked a bit about Avery’s history here, but unlike Elarin, her entire universe is original to the Dragon Age video game series, so it’s harder to sum up. The shortest version is, when Avery really loves someone, they become incredibly important to her, and Anders is not only her romantic partner, he reminds her in many ways of her late father, whom she idolized. It’s not the healthiest relationship, in-game or in meta, but considering everything that the two of them have to deal with, that’s kind of unavoidable.
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