#I know this post kind of goes a million different places- sorry about that haha.
babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
always always thinking about your post that was like “normal has a very high threshold for being loved that is nearly impossible to meet and he will do *anything* to feel validated” and then today in the discord during the part where willy reveals it could’ve been either normal or scary, will said “willy fucked up normal would burn the entire world down for the tiniest crumb of validation” and just. screaming screaming forever about this boy’s inability to ever feel loved enough, he is every webweaving post about always devouring and never feeling full from love, this boy is RAVENOUS and it’s hard to understand how the oak good-boy morality can even supersede that, he has every trait imaginable to become a villain and it feels like the only thing preventing that is the desire to be good, bc tbh I don’t think he wants to be good more than he wants to be loved
Eheh, firstly *thank you* because this message is very sweet and made me extremely happy. The post you’re talking about took a good while to write and came with a lot of anxiety so it’s very nice to hear that you’ve kept fragments of it with you, I really do appreciate that!!! 💜
I’d debated for a bit on answering this privately to be honest with you, as not every fire I’ve sparked is one whose flames I wish to fan, so to speak, but everything you wrote is just so on-point and well-articulated that I couldn’t resist. Otherwise. *Ahem*. I know it's very very silly to respond to a response about an essay with what is essentially another essay, but you see, in thinking of how to answer your message, I got a little caught amongst many other things that have been on my mind... And I've seen some takes that have annoyed me for one reason or another and couldn't decide how to address those and. Well. Ultimately I decided that the stuff I wanted to talk about was connected *enough* to the stuff brought up in your message (as well as in my original post) that I could put it all together, soooooooo if you'll entertain me rambling once more~
Let's start by saying that, I recently saw a take going around stating that “Scary’s internal issues caused her external issues while Normal’s external issues caused his internal issues” (among a number of other statements that I frankly found pretty questionable), and I must say, for reasons that I hope to explain, I disagree with this assertion on both accounts!
In Scary’s case, this statement completely erases and undermines the trauma of her dad walking out, and what that does not only to her confidence and sense of self-worth, but to her relationship with her mother as well. And the degree of the impact of this external trauma on her internal view towards and treatment of herself is clear as day just by looking at the stark contrast between Terri and Scary. Scary (Terri) is someone who once had confidence in herself and could find validation and motivation internally, most recently evidenced by Terri's words of encouragement to Scary whilst under beacon of hope:
But then her dad leaves, and things get harder at home, and Scary starts to fight with her mom (her mom who she once called her best friend!!!), and she starts to feel worthless and unlovable- something that only gets worse with time as Willy alienates her from the rest of the group, case in point with this revealing exchange:  
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No one’s told her they’re proud of her in a long time (sound familiar??),
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her teachers at school shut her down when she tries to speak her mind or otherwise dismiss her behavior as “acting out” seemingly without any sort of intervention or attempt to actually check in with her,
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[the above teen fact is from episode 31]
Only then, in response to her diminished sense of self-worth does she begin to cut herself off from the rest of the world and from her former self, most importantly quitting soccer (which we know matters a lot to her!),
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and those things leave her even more vulnerable and supportless and ashamed. Not to mention all the mixed emotions she must feel when Terry walks into the picture, between actually liking him but not being able to see his love as genuine due to her relationship with her bio dad and all the frustration and shame she must feel as a result.
This is not to claim that Scary’s internal struggles do not inform a lot of what happens to her and the people around her over the run of the season- of course they do! (In fact some of the later things mentioned above are examples of that- I guess I got a bit carried away). But Scary’s major internal struggles that affect her throughout the course of the adventure are preceded by a slew of important external events that negatively affect her psyche and are in many cases out of her control. Scary’s internal struggles did not originate in a vacuum, and I absolutely would not say that they “caused” the bulk of what she has been through.
Unlike Scary, Norm’s excessive dependency on external validation to feel like he’s worth anything begins when he is very young. [Emphasis on “excessive” here, since obviously everyone requires validation from others to some degree, the point being just that this trait is so very pronounced in Normal and, as I argued a bit in the post anon is referring to, usually the most important factor informing his courses of action, superseding (but not implying the absence of) any desire to be good and help those around him. Will’s statement (the one which anon quotes) seems to corroborate this.] We know that things go so far back from Sparrow’s account in episode 17:
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It’s important that this is about Normal’s kindergarten experiences too, because it tells us that Normal’s predominant internal issues go back farther than this and hence were not caused in and of themselves by his peers- instead being perhaps more fundamental to who he is as a person.
This is not to say that external events do not exacerbate the state of Normal’s psyche. In his youth most notably, we can infer that he interpreted Hero’s treatment (which of course he did not understand at the time to be her training) as favoritism, and I think it’s pretty clear by this point that his resentment of her is tied to the degradation of self-esteem that he experienced as a result.
Then of course there is the dance. Sparrow’s words to Normal during the dance obviously consist of a very pivotal moment for Norm within the context of the season, but I think it’s important to remember and not erase the fact that Normal’s internal issues with validation do not begin at the dance, as established in the kindergarten case but also further exemplified by Norm’s primary motive in becoming the school’s mascot in the first place (to get everybody to like him). I think it’s important to remember this in part since it informs so much of Normal’s reaction to what his father has to say, immediately afterwards but also throughout the whole rest of the season. No kid wants to hear that their parent isn’t proud of them, but the severity of the response to this sort of statement is going to vary drastically depending on the person, and in Norm’s case, given his natural disposition, it’s devastating. [and I swear there’s a teen talk moment where Will says basically this but I can’t find it for the life of me rn damn it lol maybe I’ll edit in the clip later if I do]
Of course in this specific case, one can still mostly say that the problem stems from outside of Normal, and that his preexisting issues exacerbate his response but are definitely not the cause of it. Outside of this instance, however, this is not always true! In fact, Normal’s excessive dependency on external validation and related rejection sensitivity (negatively) inform a large amount of his interactions with those around him, particularly Lincoln and Taylor (imagine me underlining “Taylor” several times as I say this). Truthfully that’s a whole ramble on its own, but with respect to more recent events, I have to admit that I was genuinely quite irked to find a lot of people blaming Taylor and Lincoln for Norm’s response to their uh. mech shenanigans in episode 37, choosing to frame this as an act of moral failing or even malice on their part, rather than a reflection of Normal’s own issues and room for growth. Lincoln and Taylor were simply focused on the mission at hand, and there was no good reason realistically speaking to have expected them to be aware of Normal’s emotional state at that point in time (or in general, to be aware of the jealousy their bonding moments evoke within Norm- particularly when Normal consistently fails to communicate and address those emotions with them in a manner that is direct and not passive-aggressive). Lincoln in particular is very clearly stated as not even having fun in that moment, very understandably being focused instead on the fact that his friend Scary is around his father, who he just witnessed, you know, murder someone. This is not an instance of the world going against Norm for no good reason other than to put him through it, this is a very clear example of Normal’s internal issues affecting the way he perceives external events in a manner that is not actually very reflective of the reality of the situation, and which of course feeds in further to his cycle of self-loathing (and I won’t go into it here since I sort of did in the post anon is responding to- but Normal’s negative reaction to Lincoln breaking the pick to gain Scary’s trust is another important example of this [tbh all the more so now coupled with the hypocrisy of how he handles the anchor in Goofs but that’s a tangent]). As aforementioned, Norm also struggles a good chunk of the time to actually explain his feelings in a manner that is direct and does not rely on blaming others for not picking up on his dejection, as exemplified in how this discussion goes with Lincoln in the most recent episode:
The treatment from fandom of this whole instance being reflective of a reoccurring issue I tend to have with a large chunk of the fandom, wherein the collective memory of canon tends towards getting warped to account for Norm’s mental state. Sometimes that’s hailing him as some morally-perfect, emotional reincarnate of Henry (as though the pride layer didn’t happen, as though Goofs didn’t happen, as though all of Norm’s relationship with Taylor isn’t what it is- …I feel like I should stop implying stuff about the significance Taylor and Norm’s relationship and not elaborating but it really is an essay in and of itself LOL), other times it’s just downright turning everyone around Normal into a villain, a persistent phenomenon which I sort of illustrated in the above example but also touched upon in an earlier essay (arguing that despite the fandom’s quick jump to villainize him- Lincoln breaking the guitar pick would prove to be an act of love). Sparrow also takes a good brunt of the damage from this. Sparrow saying he’s not proud of Normal gets turned into Sparrow not loving Normal (despite an abundance of proof in canon to the contrary), his apology for what he said and the support he shows for Norm in light of his alternative plan on dealing with the Doodler are completely ignored by most of the fandom, as are any other demonstrations of emotional availability and shows of growth that he displays throughout the course of the season, and the true motives behind Sparrow’s insistence on Normal living a “normal” life- to protect him from the childhood that he but also that Hero had to undergo- is somehow framed as Sparrow actually holding some kind of favoritism for Hero. It’s as though there is a complete inability on a larger scale within the fandom to see Sparrow as separate character outside of the filter of Norm’s emotions, and the other teens (including Hermie) get a similar if less pronounced treatment.
[Actually, I would argue that to some degree all of the kiddads except Terry (and Lark since he’s not officially a dad) tend to be perceived and criticized predominantly through the noise of their respective child’s emotions/behavior. In Grant’s case, Lincoln 1. spends a good part of the earlier half of the season asserting that his dads are the best dads in the world despite everything going on and 2. has a very unfortunate tendency to compartmentalize and push down his negative emotions as much as possible- in typical Wilson fashion- so the complexity and severity of Lincoln’s issues with his dad generally go understated, and only now that Lincoln has begun to be more vocal and upfront about his issues has some of Grant’s parenting finally begun to come under fire, and even then mostly only his more recent transgressions. In Taylor’s case, Taylor’s emotional security/stability and general fondness for his dad mean that Nicky is being hailed by many people as “the best dad” where in fact Nicky- while certainly helping the teens out in many ways and perhaps even acting as a friend to them- has done just about jack shit for Taylor as a *father*, and really if Taylor has anyone to thank for being as well-adjusted as he is now, it’s definitely his mom! But I digress.]
Normal and Scary are very similar, but the way fandom treats them is very different. People (mostly) seem to be able to acknowledge that Scary, in spite of her mistakes and flaws, is a scared, tired kid with a good heart who is capable and deserving of love. In Normal’s case, I just can’t seem to shake the impression that the fandom (in general) would rather strip Norm of all the things that make his character complex, and nuanced, and flawed, reducing him to an utterly uninteresting husk of a character before depicting him as anything other than a perfect goody-two-shoes who has never hurt anybody in his entire life or daring to acknowledge the fact that “Normal has been through a lot, is hurt, and deserves a good support system and emotional validation” and “Normal can at many times be his own worst enemy, sometimes makes mistakes that affect those around him, and has room to grow emotionally” are notions that can and should coexist. Or at least, that's my two cents on the matter.
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coldtomyflash · 3 years
Thank you for answering ! I did finish the fic and chapter 3 does a great job of establishing Snart's history with his soulmark, but it's also specific to that fic ? Like it's an explanation for how he came to feel that way about his soulmate in the context on that particular fic, I was wondering more about what it was about their canon characterization that made you decide this was how they both would react to finding out they were soulmates in the first place.
hmmm i didn’t come at it that way and i think therein lies the disconnect with what you’re asking and how i’m able to answer.
i didn’t start with “what would barry be like if he met his soulmate” or “what would len do if he met his soulmate” in a way that started from canon and then extended to a new setting.
i mean i sort of did, in that i went “what if they were soulmates” then went “len is a dramatic ho who would think that bank robberies and heists are the right way to woo his beloved and barry would be progressively more annoyed with this bullshit” then went “oh nevermind let’s take that idea but make it angst” 
but in many ways i couldn’t start perfectly linearly from canon because i was started in a world that exists just to the left of canon. the way soulmates are setup in that world makes everything just sightly different, and i had to take that into consideration.
so while i started with “haha what if len was a total brat” (much like i always start with tbh), the crux of the story’s starting point was the shape of the soulmate bond, the bleed. i’m a hopeless romantic who loves the idea of soulmates but i get stuck on worldbuilding details. soulmate AUs with the “first words” or “see in colour when you meet your mate” really leave me wanting more because -- what the heck would society even look like if that were the case and what are the millions of ways it would be different? 
so the bleed was baked in from the beginning, from before the beginning, half because there was a post that went around about “what if barry and len accidentally got psychically bonded thanks to a meta”. so psychic bonds and soulmates, that’s the setup.
then i dropped barry and len into that setup -- into that alternate universe i’d made with all its societal backdrop. and i knew i was writing for angst, and i knew i wanted it to be messy and complicated. i wish i could say that i sat down and was like “okay so if barry were soulmates with len here’s how he’d react” but i didn’t. instead i sat down and said “i’m making a story where barry and len are going to be bonded with an emotional bleed and they’re going to be soulmates and it’s going to cause problems.” and i implicitly knew i wanted to explore themes related to separation, expectation, and identity navigation.
so why was barry the one who pulled away, and len the one who wanted to bond? in part because it just seemed a lot more interesting to me, and i’d already written stories where barry is the one who is “all in” and len is the one who is reluctant to commit. 
i also felt it very true to len’s character from a “i’m a thief” standpoint that he’d be a bit greedy/possessive over someone who the universe has literally said is supposed to be his, in part due to his past and how much he keeps people at arm’s length (but how obviously he thaws for the people he does let close). len might not want to open up or commit or be emotionally vulnerable under normal circumstances, but this is a sort of ‘sure thing’ in his mind, at least at the outset before that faith is shaken. 
barry though - barry was tricky, actually. i did have to figure out that if the central romantic conflict was going to be him pulling away -- why? 
if he was on board with it quite then it would be a much shorter story. i knew he would plausibly balk at being soulmates with len at the outset, but barry is a forgiving and kind person, so realistically how/why might he pull away?
so of course they bonded in/under terrible circumstances. that was like - step 1. otherwise, if len had been like “oh should we bond” and barry agreed, then there would be a lot of cognitive dissonance involved that would make barry retroactively justify his agreement to bond by interpreting it as being because he wants to be close to len. so i had to take barry’s choice away, and then realistically i think he’d react negatively because that’s overwhelming and the whole thing was a mess and very confronting.
but i also -
there’s this line from season 1 when he first asks Len for help, right before he goes to the bar. the thing that gives barry the idea to ask len, when he’s talking to joe at the precinct. “we only break the rules to help people”
it tells you so much about how barry sees the world. so. much. i could unpack that for days. and it’s wild that he immediately thinks about len as a result of breaking the rules for somewhat noble reasons???? just - what???
but barry sees himself as the good guy. it’s fundamental to his worldview in this really really huge way. and what we know about self-concept is that very close others become enmeshed/embedded into our self-concept: our partners literally become included in how we see ourselves.
if you see yourself as the good guy, and that is fundamental to your identity and worldview and necessary for you to be psychologically healthy because you’ve made it a cornerstone of your self-concept.... how the hell do you respond when a giant fucking grenade lands right in the middle of that self-perception and says “actually part of your self-concept now involves kidnapping, tormenting, and torturing your friends, also killing a dude just to test the cold-gun, also a lifetime of theft and murder, also betrayal can’t forget that sweet sting of betrayal.”
barry coming to len over time in his own way is one thing. barry having len bond with him as a soulmate out of the blue is about the biggest psychological threat possible. it’s threatening his sense of self, his worldview, the structure of his self-concept, his expectations for himself (which are too damn high, he has to save everyone, he ‘has to try’) and leads him to believe that others he loves will be disappointed in him or reject him for this because len has hurt them, and because barry is disappointed in himself for wanted to connect with len, with his soulmate, despite all the harm he’s caused.
as soon as that clicked for me, as soon as i put it in context of barry’s self-concept, everything kind of flowed from there really really easily.
i was overly ambitious in writing that out though i think because most people, barry included, don’t introspect a lot about the structure of their self-concept, and don’t have the language related to social psychology to articulate what it means to be psychologically threatened. so he doesn’t really understand his own reactions and why they’re so visceral, and when he does he’s lying to himself about how much of it is coming from the fact that he wants len and wants to be with len but he’s upset with himself for how deep he wants that because the absolutely massive guilt he experiences because of it.
aaaand all that brings me to pointing out that the obvious resolution there is having barry’s loved ones find out about len and accept len as part of barry’s life and show that these people aren’t rejecting barry for being with len. if/when that’s the case, barry is able to more authentically work through all this shit. but because of how they bonded and how goddamn secretive his is (canonically) about personal shit, he decided to hide his bond with len, which meant he wasn’t able to deal with literally any of this during the first several chapters and all of it compounded and magnified until it reached it’s first breaking point.
whew - okay that was a wall of text sorry not sorry i hope this helps answer your question but it probably just complicated things a lot.
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fandomlurker · 3 years
A Ponderous Rewatch: Jockey For Position
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Now that we’re done with that long cameo, it’s time for our feature presentation for tonight, and it’s a doozy!:
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We open with Pinky frantically running on a spinning globe while Brain stands above him on the…globe holder? I don’t know if that part has a name or not.
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“[winded gasps] Can I stop now, Brain?”
“Not until I finish my demonstration.”
Brain, that’s just… Well I was about to say it was mean, but given that Pinky understands the details of his plans better when Brain demonstrates it or draws elaborate diagrams, maybe it’s for the best? I doubt Brain could make that large globe spin just by using his hands, and Pinky’s been seen a lot of times running on the mouse wheel in their cage so he’s gotta be pretty in shape. Still, it feels like Pinky’s been running for a lot longer than he needed to…
You know what? I change my mind. It is a bit mean, Brain.
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“When I build my reverse geotropic arrestor, Pinky, and throw it from the North Pole like this…”
The word “geotropic” doesn’t quite sound right. I wonder…
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…Okay, yeah, Brain’s getting worse at naming things.
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“…In a matter of seconds the cable will become taut, gravity will cease, and everyone will fly off the face of the Earth!”
Oh my GOD, Brain. This has got to be the stupidest plan you have come up with yet! Nothing about this will work.
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Well, there goes poor Pinky.
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“Leaving us alone to assume control.”
It’s still “us”, huh? Noted.
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Long Pinky.
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“Egad, Brain, brilliant! Haha hehe heh—!”
Pinky, sweetheart, I know praising Brain is kind of your thing but this is one time I’m going to have to call you out on your bias because this is super not brilliant and I’m actually a little worried for Brain’s mental state.
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“—Oh wait, no, no. What’s going to keep us from flying off the Earth?”
That’s one flaw of many, Pinky, but I guess it’s as good a start as any.
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“We will duct tape ourselves to a tree.”
Because the tree will totally stay in the ground when the Earth abruptly stops spinning. Not that it will stop spinning, because none of this makes any sense.
Brain, did this idea come from, like, a dream you had or something? Is that why the plan is working on dream logic?
I know this is a comedy cartoon and this is all a joke but sometimes Brain’s plans are so fucking out-there I just have to roast him for it.
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“Unfortunately we still need to raise money to buy a one billion ton magnet. But I have a solution!”
Oh boy, can’t wait to hear the solution to this one. It’s gonna be stellar if the whole plan today is anything to go by.
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Oh nice, Brain’s the one sewing for a change! Usually this is Pinky’s area of expertise, but it’s always nice to see that Brain can do some classically domestic things too.
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“Tomorrow is the running of the Kentucky Derby. Do you know what that is?”
Most of my knowledge on it comes from “My Brother, My Brother, and Me” goofs, so my mind keeps autocorrecting it to “Kenfucky Derby”, but go on.
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“Umm… Oh! A very large hat?”
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“Promise me something, Pinky. Never breed.”
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“I’ll try.”
Well, that’s going to come back to haunt them.
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“The Kentucky Derby is the biggest horse race of the year. There’s a one million dollar purse going to the jockey riding the winning horse.”
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“And I am going to win that purse!”
Okay, first off: Pinky, are you just going to stand there and stare at Brain as he gets changed? Like, I understand they’re naked normally and this is the exact opposite of stripping but umm…
Secondly: Brain, did you really have to get that up close to tell Pinky this? You two are making this too easy for me.
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“Zort, Brain! A million dollar purse?!? Ooooh!~ You’re going to need matching pumps and earrings for that!”
Pinky’s got his priorities in order.
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“Focus, Pinky, focus!”
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“Now watch.”
And now Brain’s ordering Pinky to watch him dress and I just…I have no words. This is all so suspect. Why do you two even need a dressing screen if you’re usually naked anyway? And it shouldn’t matter if anyone sees you get dressed unless this is some weird reverse nudity taboo you two have developed and if that’s the case, why are you allowing Pinky to watch? And if it’s for a dramatic reveal WHY ARE YOU ORDERING HIM TO WATCH YOU CHANGE???
This episode is already so goddamn wild.
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I am really not sure how I feel about that pan-up of Brain when he’s thrust his pelvis forward. At least the outfit is cute, though.
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“Narf! Oh, Brain, I get it! You’re a beautiful lawn ornament!”
“Beautiful”, huh? Also noted.
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“Look at me, narf, I’m a pink flamingo! Ahahaheh!”
Oh LORD, Pinky, how are you—?!?
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“I’m a cement deer! Ah hah!”
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“Oh, I’m one of the seven dwarves, Brain!”
That’s more acceptable but Pinky, sweetie, warn me if you’re going to nightmarishly shapeshift again, okay?!
I guess we can add that to the list of random abilities Pinky has.
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“Stop it, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you.”
You are much calmer about this than I would be if this happened in front of me, Brain.
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“Oh. Right-o, Brain. Narf.”
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“Now let us make haste, for we have much to do before the race begins.”
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So then we cut to Churchill Downs, and I can only assume another roadtrip adventure was had off-screen.
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“First, Pinky, we must visit the stables.”
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“Inside, we will find the winning horse.”
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“Err… How are we gonna do that, Brain?”
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“The racing form, Pinky.”
My bet’s on... [squints] hLUUNO the horse.
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“By analysing the velocity-based pace line, mile turf win and bayer speed figures, we’ll find a grade one stakes claimer who’ll give us a key horse situation.”
“Key Horse Situation” would be a great band name. Also, whoops, little bit of an error on the name plaques, background artists.
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What do your mouse eyes see, Pinky?
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“Err, can’t we just ride the pretty one?”
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So here she is, one of the few characters debuting in the Animaniacs run that will matter to PatB lore going forward aside from our main duo.
A fun fact for you all: Phar Fignewton’s name is a triple reference joke. “Phar Lap” was a champion thoroughbred race horse in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Fig Newtons are small pastries filled with fig paste. Lastly, “Fahrvergnügen” was a slogan for Volkswagon starting in 1990. Translated, it means “driving enjoyment”.
Phar Fignewton makes a whinnying noise and ends it off with a goofy laugh.
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Brain is not impressed.
“Heavens, they’re multiplying…”
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Pinky is instantly smitten with her.
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“This is a business trip, Pinky!”
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“Oh. Right. Sorry, Brain.”
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“Here is our horse.”
“’Daddy’s Little Angel’…”
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I guess it’s an ironic nickname.
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“Pinky… Are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
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“Whu… I think so, Brain, isn’t Regis Philbin already married?”
Now I’m wondering if Pinky is suggesting that one of them marry Regis or if he’s suggesting that Regis marries the horse. Either way, what the fuck?
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Yeah, same.
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“The race, Pinky. By combining the statistics and my low body weight, this horse cannot lose! The prize money will be ours!”
GAH! Brain, I’ve had enough minor heart attacks from this episode because of Pinky’s eldritch morphing ability, I don’t need another one of your bizarre close-ups to do the same!
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“Now I must take the place of the real jockey.”
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“Is this the Jockey who’s going to ride ‘Daddy’s Little Angel’?”
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“This is Ed Mcmahon from Publisher’s Smearing House. You’ve just won ten million dollars.”
Pinky delightedly and silently listening in and chuckling in the back is precious.
And honestly, Brain, I don’t know why you’re crouching here, but it’s also cute.
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“I won ten million dollars… I WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS! I am outta here! Later!”
The mice are lucky that he’s so excited about winning all that money that he forgets to do basic things like ask when and how he’ll get the money.
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“Louie! Louie!”
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“Who’s gonna ride my horse? I mean, Louie is the smallest, lightest jockey in the entire world!”
Did you know that there’s a weight requirement for jockeys, but no height requirement?
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“Not anymore!”
Whoops, I just noticed another error, though it’s minor: Brain’s jockey outfit throughout this scene is light tan and purple instead of the pea green and purple that it’s supposed to be.
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“You’re a jockey?!”
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“Actually, I am a mouse in the early stages of an elaborate scheme to take over the world.”
The more this happens, the more I’m starting to think that Brain does this shtick on purpose to emotionally and mentally disarm people who would otherwise suspect that he’s not human. The fact that it works shows you just how idiotic the human beings of this world are.
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“Well, fine, we all need a hobby but…will you ride my horse?”
Oh, sir, I think it’s much more than a hobby at this point. If only you knew…
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“I shall ride! And win!”
His design is a little odd here, but it’s still a good pose.
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So Brain next has to be weighed to make sure he meets the requirements.
“Saddle: Seven pounds. Saddle and rider: Seven pounds 3 ounces.”
So if you can recall from the previous rewatch post, a house mouse on average weighs 19g, and a common wood mouse weighs 23g (it can be up for debate which type of mouse Brain is).  Converting Brain’s 3 ounces of weight to grams would result in him weighing 85.0486g.
Brain does have a bit of a cute little potbelly thing going on, but he’s also consistently much smaller in height and width than the average adult mouse in the series. I think the incredible difference in weight is mostly coming from the heft of Brain’s, well, brain and skull…and the muscle mass packed into that tiny body to help keep him upright.
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“A genetically perfect jockey! This is fantastic!”
Please don’t phrase it like that.
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“…Let’s look into early retirement.”
That jockey on the left is going through some shit, man. He looks like how I feel after working an eight hour shift on the holidays.
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And so we skip to the beginning of the race!
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That poor, poor jockey…who changed colour schemes for some reason.
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There’s Phar Fignewton with a jockey who honestly looks like he’s high.
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And here’s our little mousey fella, who has somehow managed to make this aggressive horse obedient.
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“Camptown race is five miles long, do-dah, do-dah.~”
He’s so happy he’s singing to himself! This is honestly so precious that I completely forgive him for not getting the lyrics correct.
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Coincidentally, Daddy’s Little Angel is positioned next to Phar Fignewton.
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“Ooh, isn’t this exciting, Brain?”
Uh oh.
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“Pinky, what are you doing here? Your weight will disrupt my winning calculations!”
I don’t know if it’d be that off, Brain. The combined weight of two mice is still much less than that of a human jockey.
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“But Brain, it’s too exciting! I—“
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“Oooh! Heh. Hello.~”
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I think I’m going to save my thoughts on this whole…thing until the end. Right now I will say, however, that I wasn’t quite expecting the tongue-hanging-out-of-gaping-mouth lovestruck/horny??? reaction.
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“Pinky, the race is starting!”
Too late, Brain.
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And we’re off!
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Bye, Pinky.
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“There’s baloney in our slacks…~”
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So as the race goes on, we get to know a few more of the horses’ names: Isle of Yap (a nice callback to the first PatB short), Flamiel (which is apparently the WB writers’ favourite word?), and Leggo-my-Egoiste (a double reference to an old Eggo slogan and the name of a cologne).
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The other jockeys are more than a little surprised by Brain and his steed taking the lead early in the race.
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Phar Fignewton is trailing way behind.
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Meanwhile, Pinky’s woken up from fainting, seeing the oncoming horses—
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--and promptly freaks out and stumbles back down again.
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“Victory, she waits for me! Oh, the do-dah-day!”
You really have to stop tempting fate like this, Brain.
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Phar Fignewton’s very tired, but what’s this?
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Is that…Pinky in harm’s way?
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Determined and fueled by her inexplicable crush, Phar Fignewton starts gaining ground on the other horses.
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Brain didn’t calculate for this!
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…Oh! Hi, Warners! Looks like they’re cheering Phar on.
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“Oh no! Yah! Yah! Yah!”
I didn’t think whips were allowed in races like the Kentucky Derby, but apparently they are. Their use was only restricted—not banned—in the summer of 2020, which is alarming to say the least.
On a different note, I know some of you folks are now jotting down the fact that Brain knows how to use a whip. I see you.
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She makes the save!
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And she also wins the race! Way to go, Phar Fignewton!
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“In the words of the great Willie Shoemaker: ‘Nuts!’”
It was a good try, Brain, but honestly I’m glad you failed this time if only so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself with your actual world domination plan’s failure later. Maybe take a couple nights off to rest up a bit and formulate plans that aren’t totally bonkers, hmm?
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I might as well go ahead and talk about this now. I…am conflicted on this whole Phar Fignewton thing. It makes for a very strange one-off joke about Pinky instantly falling in love with a distaff counterpart of his that’s a horse for whatever reason…but the fact that she’s not a one-off character is baffling in and of itself. Like I’ve said before, she’s mentioned a couple of times going forward as being Pinky’s girlfriend, or as a bizarre joke at Pinky’s expense about him being in/having been in a relationship with a horse. There’s even a small running gag about Pinky’s reaction to people’s disgust about it: “People can be so intolerant!”. I don’t know if the joke is supposed to be one about racial segregation or a wink and nod to queer folks in the only way that the writers could get away with in a cartoon at the time (in a “see, Pinky’s down for a relationship with anyone, even outside of his species!” type of way).
Phar Fignewton herself is a sweetie but besides that she has no personality to speak of and we’re just meant to assume based on physical appearance that she is equivalent to Pinky. And like, she hasn’t been uplifted to human levels of intelligence and sapience like Pinky has because of Acme Labs, but she seems to be naturally sapient for some unknown reason and just simply unable to speak English.
On top of all this, the relationship is very shallow and the only reason we’re given as to why Pinky likes her is because he finds her pretty. It’s perfectly in character for Pinky to easily fall in love, as he does so with other animals a couple more times in the spin-offs, but it just feels weird that this is the one that sticks around purely to become a running gag that gets mentions that are sometimes literal years apart from one another.
And listen, I know the writers most likely made this a thing just because they thought it was a funny joke and a few of them managed to remember about Phar and would use Pinky dating her as a gag. I know this. But it doesn’t make it any less confusing and weird. I remember the jokes about Pinky and horses from way back when I first watched Animaniacs and the PatB spin-off when I was a kid and I never had any context for it because I don’t think I ever saw this specific episode. Coming back as an adult and seeing all these episodes in order and watching this one in particular and finding out the context is “Pinky thinks a horse is pretty and the horse and him are in love and long-distance dating now” is both underwhelming and leaves me with more questions than answers.
…Also, if my earlier theories on why the writers made this joke are correct, does this mean Phar Fignewton is metatextually a beard for Pinky?
I just don’t know, folks. You’re welcome to leave your thoughts on this in comments.
Let’s wrap this up.
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So as we can see, Brain is, as usual, back to work on another plan that involves—
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—a goddamn cannon, holy shit! What is he using the glue for? That’s a little ominous, given what’s been involved in this episode.
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There’s a hammering noise in the background and we see Pinky putting up a photo of Phar Fignewton.
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“Pinky, will you please stop that? I’m trying to concentrate on tomorrow night!”
Wow, you’re more irritable than usual, Brain. I didn’t think some delicate hammering would annoy you that much.
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…Despite my ramblings earlier, that’s very cute of you, Pinky. I’m sure you could’ve gotten a better photo, though.
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“Why, Brain, what’re we gonna do tomorrow night?”
Try to take over the world, of course! Right, Brain?
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Umm, wow. That’s a first. You look like you’re absolutely enraged, Brain. All this over some hammering sounds?
This had me taken aback a bit when I watched it the first time, not gonna lie. We’ve seen Brain after a plan’s failure plenty of times before. He’s been frustrated, sure. Humiliated at times, or maybe he just sighs in resignation and walks off into the sunset. It always ends with him simply using these feelings to fuel the fire in him to do better tomorrow night.
This is the very first time we’ve seen him jumpy and irritated at the most minor of things and so angry that he literally refuses to participate normally in his and Pinky’s shared catchphrase. And this was for a plan that was just to fund the real plan! So why is this time any different?
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Okay, that’s… That makes a lot of sense, actually. Damn.
Hey, fanfic writers? Ya’ll ever use this as the very first time Brain experiences romantic jealousy? Let me know.
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“Oh yeah, try to take over the world. Right.”
I think even Pinky’s put off by this development, if his hesitant and quiet finishing of the saying is anything to go by.
And that’s what we end off with.
All in all, this episode is a wild ride of strangeness in small moments and bizarre additions to lore and ends on the first subversion of the long-running closing gag of the series. It’s not exactly a great episode, but that ending is intriguing enough for one of the main purposes of this rewatch. In short, I’m just baffled.
Luckily the next episode is much better. Next time, the mice head on down to Tennessee to seek world domination via country music.
See you then!
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 20 - 'Corona Cafe' facing internet slander.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this week's installment of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome to this week's episode. Soo, hows it going? Well, I say that, but who ever is watching this will know that we are recording three at once.
J: Yeah, they will.
T: Oh, but aren't Hanshin doing great, Kaoru?!
K:......Oh! Yeh yeh yeh!
T: They won 10 times unopposed! (*sarcastic prediction*)
K: Yeah, yeah.
J: There's a possibility this will become fake news!
K, T: Hahahaha
J: If it does we're in trouble!
T: Can you believe they turned around a ten point difference?!
K: Ahh, thats just like them. It looks like there's a chance of this event happening.
J: The possibility is rising, right? (*This exchange is dripping with sarcasm*)
*On screen note - 'As of July 2nd, Hanshin have won 2 games, and lost 10'.*
K: Is it really? Will they really be ok?
T: Yeah, I wonder.
J: Well, its important to fantasize sometimes.
T: Yeah
J: 10 consecutive wins...
T: 10 consecutive wins.
J: Its like, 'Could it be?'..In a Tokyo Sports kind of way.
T: Yeah, like with a question mark, 'Could it be?!'.
K: Well, I think I'll be buying it every day. Tokyo Sports.
J: Oh, Tokyo Sports right? But doesn't Tokyo Sports support the Giants the most? In Tokyo area?
T: Well, we support the Giants and Hanshin.
J: Ah, the Giants and Hanshin?
T: Well, what with these ten consecutive wins, Kaoru will be pretty pleased with himself.
J: Yeh, he'll be beaming. And then an event for everyone.
K: Haha
T: Yep. And if we sang Rokkou oroshi (Hanshin Tigers theme song) at the end..
K: It would be great if we sing that, right?
J: Hahaha. We can do it!
T: We can!
J: Everyone, lets support Hanshin this year.
K: Ok, well..for the topic this week, Joe san, if you will..
J: Ah, may I? This is the news of 'Corona Cafe' suffering online abuse. This cafe, located in Nagano prefecture, Saku city, is lovingly nicknamed 'Corona san' by local residents. Since the increase of covid 19 infections in March, this cafe has been suffering from harassment, such as prank calls, and an increase in heartless comments posted online. Third generation owner Sudo Hitoshi san (age 42) said, 'Covid 19 has no relation at all to the name of this cafe. All we can do is endure it'.
Well, the name sounds similar, but also the beer, Corona, has been unable to sell. I wonder if they have stopped production, I'm not sure what they'll do. But in this case, there are comments online...why would you comment online??
T: Right.
J: What are these people thinking? This cafe obviously has nothing to do with covid 19. Moreover, the people writing this have certainly never been to this cafe, right?
K: Well, yeah. It seems like that.
J: Im certain of it. But still, this problem of so-called online slandering is..
T: Its getting big, right?
J: Yes, its getting big, unfortunately. There is now the idea of changing the law in regards to this..
K: Yeh, but I have a feeling its not gonna go away. In the end, you don't know...well, actually you do know, right?....but even if there were cases of people being caught, I have a feeling that wouldn't change anything, honesty.
T: Hm, yeah.
J: If you look..you see people slandering in all sorts of places, but the ones who are writing this are people who are either really  malicious, or people who just think its ok to repeat what the malicious people write, but who are not really that malicious themselves. Its very difficult. Real bad guys, who are intent on crushing, and people who are not intending that at all. But people are just typing away, it gains momentum, and some people are influenced by it. I mean, we mustn't forgive online slandering, but its very.....Well, like you said Kaoru, people aren't really thinking of any consequences when they write this stuff, so making up rules and expecting people to change is...
K: Yeh, in this sense too...like, there are people who are just writing their opinions, aren't there?
J: Yeh, yeh, yeh.....so its like, that could even end up having consequences in the future. Its a very complex thing.
K: Yeh, I feel like this is hard.
J: There is the idea of banning anonymity on SNS and only allowing real names, but its only due to anonymity that people suffering from bullying or discrimination are able to speak out, if they were forced to use their real name, they might be too afraid to say anything, and there is also the possibility of accusations..so, its like, where do you draw the line? What do you count as a slander? For example, if you see 'That guy is meddling' as slander, you won't be able to make a good judgement based just on the text.
T: Hm, yeh.
J: Its really difficult, isn't it. Especially on SNS, like Twitter, the number of characters is limited, so you never really know whats going on.
T: You can't convey all the details, or the right nuance.
J: Yeh. Nuance is also very difficult to get across. If there are people suffering from this kind of thing, despite doing nothing wrong, well, I'm not talking about Corona cafe here...there is a need to think about some countermeasures. But at the same time, SNS are super useful, really handy...its so hard.
T: Do you remember those morality lessons in elementary school?
K: Mm
T: Online behavior or rules could be provided in those lessons.
K: Yeh.
T: About not writing things that you would never say to soneone's face.
J: Well, its very difficult to define 'slander', but you could say its being critical of someone else, moreover to do them harm. So in that respect, by definition, saying something like 'Stop it' is not slander. I think how you say it will also play a big part, but yeh, we want to stop this thing of trying to hurt people who have done nothing wrong, not broken the law, not disturbed anyone. But the difficulty arises when considering whether to implement rules, because it would depend on each situation as to whether on not slander is being used, it would be difficult to judge. However, well, i may be talking too much, but if you look at Japanese lawmakers at the moment, they are doing a lot of things, right? Like, trying to change the prosecutor general to one of thier own guys and such. This isn't classed as illegal to do, so thats why they do it. If the state is doing this type of thing, it creates an atmosphere on the whole that its ok to do something, as long as its not technically illegal.
T: Thats right.
J: Its like you said, Tasai, its not exactly morality lessons, but if you think about it rationally, even though its not written in law, if you think about the spirit in which the law exists, to allow people to live, you will realize this isn't something we should do. There are things that are not written in law that we really need to be applying the same level of scrutiny to. If people don't do that, simply because its not actually written in law, we will become unable to properly develop future laws .
T: Yeah
J: I feel like it just becomes a vicious circle.
T: If people can get away with it, they will do it, right?
Kami: Um, I want people to quit bragging about themselves.
K: In that case, what would they write about? Hahaha.
Kami: Its really hard to listen to it.
J: Ahh
T: Hm, yeah.
J: There must be people bragging around Kami? *laughs*
T: Right?
Kami: Its really tough. Like if they do it without realising, it damages the people around them. I want it to be made illegal. A ban on bragging.
J: A ban on bragging?!
K: Hahaha
T: Thats interesting.
J: Thats a new kind of rule..
Kami: I really want people to stop it.
K: *laughing* Well, you don't have to look at it.
Kami: But it inflicts damage, right? Bragging about delicious french food, or wine..its like, we can't have that. Even small stuff like that, don't you think, 'what is this guy doing??'
T: Hahaha
K: He's quite wound up about this, isn't he? Haha
J: He really is. I mean, conversely you could say that if they are doing nothing but brag to that extent, you should feel sorry for them?
T: Do you wanna get rid of Instagram from the world?
Kami: Yes, yes. I really do. If you brag, I mean...really, its really..
J: Hahaha.
K: He's saying really, really.
J: Ah, Kami, you are really taking off.
T: Havn't you ever bragged about anything in your whole life, Kami?
Kami: Not much, no. I havn't got anything to brag about.
J: But I don't want a god to say they don't have a lot to brag about! What kind of god is it who doesn't have anything to brag about? Thats the first question.
T: But bragging could also be less like some low-life saying 'I've got a million yen', but more something like, 'I love basketball and I shook Michael Jordan's hand', or that type of thing. Isn't that a bit different?
K: Ahh, if someone said they'd shaken hands with Michael Jordan, you'd think 'Wow, thats amazing!'
J: Yeah, right?
Kami: Yeah, you would.
K: He's saying 'yeah, you would'. Hahaha.
J: I bet you do brag then, Kami!
Kami: Low life bragging should be made illegal.
T: Ahh, low life bragging.
J: Defining low life is difficult!
T: Well, talking about money, and stuff?
J: Money is out...Money and food, right? Relying on the power of money is no good?
Kami: Yes, thats it.
T: So for example, if Kaoru bought a really famous, great guitar, how about that?
Kami: An expensive one?
K: Yes
T: Very expensive.
Kami: A really expensive one?
K: If I made a post bragging about it...
J: You'd make a post, yeah.
K: Im not sure if I've done that..
Kami: I would want to hear the sound of it.
J: *laughing*You'd want to hear the sound?!
Kami: If it had a good sound, I'd want you to let me hear it.
T: Ahh
Kami: I'd want to touch it.
K: Well, if its something that has more to it, it might be ok.
J: Oh right
Kami: Yeah
K: Like, if you just say 'I bought a nice car', it just ends there.
T: Ahh, but if you bought a guitar..
K: Like, if you say what does it sound like, will he let us hear it...there is more of a future to it.
Kami: Yes, yes, yes. If it made a good sound, that would be ok.
K: But the same goes for that french food. If you thought it looked nice, you might think about going to that restaurant yourself, so there is a future to that.
J: How about that?
Kami: No, it depends how its written.
J: How its written? *laughs*
K: Ah, he's back to feeling like that again.
J: He's lost that vigour he had at the end.
K: Hahaha. You know, people who are suffering from this ought to talk to Kami.
J: One time, right?
K: He would get straight to it.
T: He would.
J: Kami, don't you have an info@ address or something? For people to send in stuff.
Kami: No, I don't have anything like that.
T: I want to discuss everything with Kami.
K: I've a feeling he would be encouraged.
J: He'd get straight to the point, right? But if people are feeling gloomy, before they comment online, they could talk to Kami..
K: Should we make an appeal? People could share thier troubles or..
J: Discuss thier worries?
K: Yeh, and then get a straight answer from Kami.
J: A word from a god.
K: Shall we appeal for questions?
J: Yeh.
T: Ah, its a good idea.
J: We've come up with a new plan.
K: And, so people could send questions to my twitter...Oh, did we have any local chinese restaurants contacting us yet?...We didn't?
T: I wanna go to a chinese restaurant, soon.
J: Yeah, so do I. I wann go to Hosojimaya too.  We might get questions for Kami though, people sharing thier worries. And one answer from him.
T: What do you think of this plan, Kami?
K: Lets do it.
Kami: Well, i might end up being to well behaved.
J: Oh really *laughs*
Kami: I'll *laughs*...I'll end up making myself seem like a good person. Like I might just stop being able to talk.
J: I'm getting this really strong image that you are smiling while saying that.
K: Hahaha.
J: Kami, you are nasty.
Kami: Quite..
T: Well, lets keep this tone for it.
J: Yeah. We could also do a live  broadcast once. A live chat with Kami..
K, T: Ahh.
T: Yeah, with a live feeling.
K: He kinda got carried away on the last live broadcast, didn't he?
J: Definitely, haha. This time he'd have a specific role, discussing worries.
T: That sounds good.
J: Like ten quickfire questions.
T: Yeah.
J: And he would answer in quick succession.
T: Ahh, thats a good idea. Like, 'Next!'.
J: What do you think, Kami?
Kami: Oh, its not a big deal for me. Its no big deal for me so..
J: He said it twice, haha.
K: Hahaha. Well, its an interesting plan.
J: Well, you can be the judge Kaoru, of whether we'll do it or not.
J: Well, we'll appeal for questions. Ok, well let's finish here this time. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
J, T, Kami: Thank you.
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battle-of-alberta · 4 years
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OCtober: Cal and Ed
It’s finally over. I’m sorry for the delay but stuff has been Happening. If there’s a tourism site that attracts you more to one city or the other, let me know.
Calgary | Edmonton
Below is some meta stuff about the ‘research’ (if you can even call it   that, it was more of a vibe check) I did for re-doing the profiles. Read  on, if it intrigues you. And I gotta mention there’s a bonus rabbit hole I went down for Calgary’s self-image that is. Well. A Lot.
Major Cities: Calgary and Edmonton
We made it team, the heart of the Battle of Alberta, the major city rivalry that defined generations. Calgary is the largest city in the province and the centre of southern Alberta, a young, fast-paced major city that oscillates wildly between boom and bust and is attracting both attention and employees from the traditional major cities in Canada. Edmonton is the capital of the province and the the most northern major city with a metro population of over one million on the continent, a little older and more blue collar, somewhat more stable economically, and quickly rising to meet the challenges presented by open data and sustainable urban planning. And, as we know, they've been antagonizing each other since the 19th century, but collaborating as well.
Website Round Up Premise
While I was revisiting these character profiles, I took a look at how cities represented themselves on their municipal sites and tourism sites rather than how cities were represented in the news or in stereotypes, as the latter already tend to live in the back of my head. I was interested to see who the target audiences for each city were, what they considered their strengths, and how much effort each city put into putting its own identity on display. I was also interested into what ideas sort of fed into any pre-existing confirmation bias I had about each city's personality as well as interested in what narratives might be used to counteract negative stereotypes.The first thing I tended to notice was the overall information architecture of each city's website. How easy were they to navigate? What kinds of information did they have? How did they organize it? How did they communicate that information?
Out and About
There's a sharp difference between the websites of major cities from other cities. They are very careful to separate the corporation of 'The City of' from the cities we might know, and therefore both websites have a much more business-like tone and more distance from their civic identities. This means no traditional "About" pages as other cities might have.
At the time I'm visiting, Edmonton's page has some ADORABLE art of a nuthatch that's making me very homesick. Calgary has a seasonally appropriate snowy skyline.
Calgary does have an "Our Organization" tab which describes the City as a corporation, and likewise Edmonton has a "City Government" tab that performs a similar function. Edmonton's is in alphabetical order which is only a little annoying and Calgary's reads like a very perfectly chunked business portfolio that doesn't... really say as much as it looks like it does, but it does get bonus points for vision/organization/accessibility.
I have never seen a more concise history of Calgary in my life. It's literally three bullet points and a couple of bracketing sentences, but it does do the job. Calgary is, more or less, what it says it is (although I do take slight issue with its self identification as a trading post - it may have functioned that way but that was not what it was founded for and in fact the trading companies gtfo'd asap in those early days). It goes on to paint a very good sketch of the city in as few lines as possible in the text, and there's a little video at the end that feels like it was voiced over in 1988 even though it's clearly not.
Edmonton's City government page is even vaguer. Let's make a more dynamic and resilient Edmonton shall we, the page suggests. Resilient against What Exactly, I wonder. Winter? The boom-bust? Calgary? who knows. The majority of the sub pages are even more mysterious and essentially paint the picture of a city. It's a normal city. Trust us. We do city things. Here is exactly how government works and how to raise and lower a flag. In Edmonton, which is, in fact, a city.
I'm begging you if you think Calvin is hokey and annoying please read the Our Culture page and see it's EXACTLY how I intended to portray him because it's eXACTLY what it's already like. "The Four C's of Our Culture" give me a break.
Edmonton offers me a picture of the skyline and says "City of Opportunity: City of You". I suppose this is true. I don't know what it means. I fear slightly for its intentions.
I keep seeing "Calgary: A great place to make a living, a great place to make a life" and it's like. Stop! I won't go! You can't make me! (and again the Strong and Resilient Calgary. these kids are always catching colds because they don't eat properly.)
Although Edmonton makes literally zero attempt to define itself (outside perhaps the official symbols page hidden under Facts and Figures), what strikes me is that it is portraying itself as a very future-oriented city, which, when I was growing up we really never were. We were an inward city constantly wishing we were somewhere else which is partially still true, and we were a city with such an intense nostalgia (that unlike Calgary we failed to really capitalize on) that grated roughly against a complete failure to preserve history. It does kind of make me glad that the city is looking towards the future and just like, acknowledging basic realities (like snow) and trying to involve people in urban planning more (and throughout the website the city LOOOOVES to share data which I also called, haha). There's also an adorable animation of the city road map in its strategic planning pages. It's interesting that for a city that leaves itself up to your own interpretation, it does have a LOT of information about itself collected and available.
Oddly enough, neither city has substantially changed their tourism homepage to accommodate COVID-related staycation plans, although each does mention that many things may be closed or unavailable as a result of the pandemic.
CaLGARy, Be PaRT of THe EnERGy!!
I like how Edmonton's self-presentation is "original" and "we do things differently". It's like a Keep ___ Weird thing but in an understated self-assured way that makes me laugh a little. Like yeah, I guess we are kind of different, I guess we're just not used to seeing that as a good thing.
In the tourism guides there isn't much to say about Calgary's that isn't just "oh, classic Calgary" but I do think the fact that they have "quick facts" to explain what timezone it's in and what currency they use is adorable to say the least. also the title of the guide is CALGARY (and the canadian rockies) and that sums up Calgary pretty well, which I'll elaborate on more.
I actually can't find Edmonton's guide, if it has one, but that's ok. The website hits all the buttons that I would and I actually use exploreedmonton quite frequently because it has a nicer event calendar than the city website does, which is important in a place nicknamed Festival City. I really appreciate how things are organized by month/season and even down to "what's happening today/tomorrow/this week" because it makes planning trips for my visitors easy, so now you know my secret : ) I wish I could just beam this site directly into people's brains when they mention "oh yeah thats where the mall is" when I say I'm from Edmonton.
Interestingly enough it's Calgary's turn to be vague, which I can only assume is part of its "exactly what it says it is" charm. This desperation to find a shred of self-description outside of things to do and places to stay led me down a rabbit hole I will elaborate on in a moment that truly showed me I Knew Nothing about how deep Calgary's branding goes. Otherwise, the website is very practical and functions more like an answer to questions you had about the what and the how and less so the why.
Also, the "Locals" page on Calgary's site has tips on hosting friends and family from around the province safely during the pandemic which is kind of cute. Edmonton doesn't really have a local page (i guess because if we had a hashtag like #loveyyc we'd ruin it)
Bonus: The Rabbit Hole
I wondered why Calgary's tourism page, which I expected to be the most in your face description of the city possible, fell kind of flat. I learned this seems to be because tourists are not the target audience that Calgary wants to attract. It's companies and corporations, and they get their own page.
Boy oh boy do they get their own page
This led me down this frightening path of getting validation like being repeatedly punched in the face by what On Brand Calgary truly means and I'm frankly quite speechless about it - all I can say is that you need to see it for yourself.
The tourism site gestures to a Billion reasons why you should hold your next meeting in Calgary and here is where the self definition as Big City Energy and Western Hospitality starts kicking the tires and lighting the fires. Likewise with the media-oriented page. Suddenly stuff like the Calgary Bucket List starts popping up and I can't help but go hang on, why not suggest this to tourists?
"It's cowboy spirit, but also refined and cosmopolitan" [sighs into hands]
Suddenly all the "Calgarians love visitors! Calgarians love the outdoors!" stuff is spilling out like water from a dam here. "Where's Calgary?" [Link that reads FIND US].
Like i literally feel like the tourism side on the left is the Kids Menu, it's the corporate stuff on the right that I'm actually finding the type of information I want on. Eventually, I somehow make my way to Calgary's Destination Strategy which is trying to make Calgary a place that... well, people go. Like, internationally. Like the Olympics but MORE of that.
Then I find the Brand Evolution. Then I find Calgary's Economic Development site. The poetry about rocky mountain prairie skies and "where a handshake still means something" starts to reach its peak.
Then back through the tourism site I find the video. And the video makes me shake because it suggests the premise of The Powerpoint.
The Powerpoint. I cannot summarize the powerpoint in any meaningful way or how my emotions were a rollercoaster further and further up and down the longer i scrolled. Everything I know and suggest about Calgary seems to be unequivocally true, including the sense that Calgary as a person is the sort of person who makes powerpoints about his own identity crisis because that's precisely what this is.
And then I get to the part of the powerpoint that suggests I imagine what kind of person the city of Calgary might be (and implied: does that person think about anything other than the mountains???) THEY EVEN DID AN OCEAN PERSONALITY TEST FOR THE CITY I KID YOU NOT
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Hi, City of Edmonton, hire me to take an OCEAN test for our fair city. I'm begging you.
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ar-jae-spn · 4 years
Okay okay, let's talk Dean and Jack's reLAtIonShIP - season by season.
(I'll take you through four stages! Prevention, elimination, realization, and solution.)
Season 12:
Okay, obviously we don't see a lot in this season, but Dean still has an opinion on Jack, who he is, and what he'll become.
When they first figure it out, there's an immediate action - find Kelly and her "lucifer love child" and figure it out from there. They don't really go into specifics yet, because they have no clue what it is that they're going to do. They're focused on sending Lucifer back to the cage, leaving Kelly in Cas's care. As we know, she quickly gets away, and they go back to trying to find her.
Here - Dean is in the mindset of prevention. Prevent the bad thing from happening, before it happens. He thinks something is coming, something bad, because when has the name "Lucifer" ever been a good thing.
Lucifer dragged his brother to hell. Lucifer drove Sam to the edge of death. Lucifer is bad news, and Dean's been wanting to stab that angelic arse since season 5. (This becomes so much clearer at the end of season 13, when they finally kill Lucifer. The relief is so clear when they beat him.)
So, what does "prevention" mean. Well, to Dean it means stopping the birth of Lucifer Jr. by any means necessary. This is SO IMPORTANT TO NOTE. Sam is the idealist - he believes that they make the world a better place. He believes in them! He believes that there is always, ALWAYS another way, because he has too. This because Dean is the cynic. He believes they're saving people, but making the world a better place? He's not so sure. He relys on anger and trauma in order to keep going, because he believes the only thing waiting for him is death (which actually becomes quite literal in seasons 14 and 15). He doubts whether everything is worthwhile. He doubts his decisions, and it makes him a mess. That's why he's so good at hunting. It's an absolute for him. You see something bad, you kill it. No second-guessing, no doubts.
So, any means necessary. That includes death. He doesn't want to kill Kelly, but if he believes the single touch of this baby corrupts, what's to say she's not brainwashed? What if she's evil too? Are they willing to take that chance? But when Sam finds a way to save them both, Kelly and her child, he gets on board immediately. He's for it, because if there is a way you can save this mother and her child, and the world while you're at it, he'll go for it. He'll go for it because he believes in Sam.
But then this child takes Cas, and Dean is lost in what to believe again. He's scared - for Cas, and even possibly of Cas. The way he burned Dagon to a crisp? That's power we haven't seen from Cas since the fall. That's scary. He's scary. And his best friend just went off the grid. What if he's hurt? What if he's gone?
And then we get that final showdown. Lucifer is coming, and he's pissed, and we don't have time to argue anymore. This baby is coming, and it's coming now. We get the door to another world, the disappearance of Mary, and Cas's and Kelly's death. In return, Dean and Sam get Jack. How can a creature who caused so much death, who has so much power, possibly be good?
Season 13:
Okay, this is the beginning of the end.
Obviously, Dean's pretty angry at, well, everything. This child is alive, has been born, and the prevention stage has gone out the window.
It's elimination time.
Dean's immediate reaction? Climb the stairs and put a bullet in Lucifer Jr. Sam tries to stop him, but the bullet goes off and Jack's powers are activated. Pure PURE instinct. He hasn't learned enough yet. He doesn't KNOW enough yet. He's just been born for Chuck's sake. And why did Dean act so recklessly? Because he's pissed. He immediately blames the death of Cas, Kelly, and Mary on Jack, because who the hell else is there left to blame? (Also, that moment where Dean calls upon God with no reply, will also start the lead in to "the end".)
Now they're on a chase, a chase for the son of Lucifer. They find him, Sam gets that little moment with Jack saying "will you tell them I'm sorry", and now it's about convincing Dean that Jack is good. But yeah, that doesn't go over well because Dean lost Cas and he blames Jack and Sam blames Lucifer, because Lucifer stabbed Cas. (These boys I swear.)
And then what happens? Cas comes back, and it's because of Jack. This is so so SO important, because this is the moment that Dean starts to ease up on Jack. He respects Cas, he loves him, and Cas's return also proves that Cas and Sam were right. This kid CAN do good.
So then he goes off to save Mary. Dean is surprised, but pleasantly, and they let him do what he has to do. We get that any means necessary vibe from him again, except now it's about saving Mary and protecting Sam. (Threatening Kaia/keeping Sam at the bunker.) Jack goes to Apocalypse World and Sam and Dean go to the bad place. They get back (via the amazing team of wayward women) and get they're spell on.
And, you know, Sam dies...
And then Lucifer is back - again - and Dean gets defensive, because that's his kid and his kid's mentally abusive father just came popping back in on them bearing the single gift that Dean can't refuse (Sam's life). Jack immediately connects this with his own experience. (Oh! I brought Cas back and now Dean thinks I'm good! Bringing loved ones back from the dead is good. i.e. Lucifer must be good.) Because he's a kid, barely a year old, and that's what kids do.
And Jack doesn't want to hurt anyone, driving him to join his father "in the stars" to protect Sam and Dean. Again, final showdown, Jack's grace is taken, Lucifer dies, and Dean disappears.
Season 14:
Moving on to the third stage ~ realization.
Okay so, season 14. I want to start off by mentioning that scene where Jack is determined to kill Michael even if it means sacrificing Dean because it's "what he would want". He's okay with sacrificing one life to save a million, even if it is Dean. Cas is obviously taken a back by this - clearly seeing that Apocalypse World shaped Jack in a way that the Winchester's hadn't. (I also want to quickly mention that this is the same mindset that Jack has now in season 15. His singular life over the world? No contest.) Here he still has his soul, yet the audience is meant to be offended by his proclamation. we've been considering Jack to be a kid who looks up to his father's but obviously it's more than that. He's was weapon of mass destruction, and now he's helpless. He's running out of options and his mortality is crashing down on him.
Then Jack takes ill, and Dean is thrown into a position that he's never been in before. He's about to lose a kid, someone he has treated as a monster since birth until he was able to prove his worth, and he's taking it REALLY hard. He feels guilty and he's totally unprepared to lose child. He failed with Jack in the same (but less extreme) way John failed with the brothers. And he's starting to realize that Jack has always just been a kid.
So they bring him back. Jack has soul, but it's limited now, and he has powers, but he can't use them. But that same feeling of helplessness will come into play when Jack ends up using his powers to save Cas and to save Sam and Dean. He burns out his soul, get his(?) grace back, and saves the world from hyped up monsters in exchange for his morality.
And then he kills Mary. (Personally I never liked Mary's character, but that's for a different post.)
It was an accident! He said stop, used his power, and she disintegrated. I mean if the soulless being, who maybe has too much power and just fried another human being tells you to stop, you should probably do it. I found the way Mary died to be very... stupid? I don't know. Personally I think she should've been smarter than that (but again, another post).
And now Dean is pissed. Because of course he's pissed. His mom just died by the hands of a kid that they helped take care of. I mean, the betrayal he must have felt in that moment is just astronomical. Not to mention Jack just saved Sam's life??? And then goes off and kills his mom??? Like how are you supposed to feel about that? He ends up quickly taking a step back into the elimination stage of our story, as "needing revenge" is the Dean Winchester way.
Then, obviously, we get the show down with God, the "equalizer", and Dean's apparent resistance to follow through with Chuck's "story" (probably because of Sam and Cas, thanks boys). But then Jack dies because Chuck kills him, and that would seem to be the end of the story.
Season 15:
Haha you thought-
Anyways, this is when Jack became the solution.
I just quickly want to mention the scene in the car where Balthagor asks Dean "who was he anyway?" and Dean replies "he was our kid, kind of." Clearly Dean still saw Jack as "their kid" even after everything that happened. He even has trouble replying to the question and then quickly changes the subject.
And then Jack comes back.
At first, Dean seems troubled that Jack has returned, but once Jack fills him in about Billie's plan to kill God, he seems on board, because of course he's on board to take down Chuck. Even so, there's still that mild skepticism about Billie, her plan, and Jack's involvement in it. None of them seem to like where this is headed, and Dean even says that they're being kept in the dark on purpose. They're even more concerned because he doesn't have a soul. Yet, he still volunteers to help save Kaia because it was "his fault". He's trying to right his wrongs because he remembers (logically) what she felt, and he wants to help her. He even says "I owe it to her" and "it's the right thing to do" because he's in her debt. They end up saving her, but get a face full of Billie's wrath in the process. They're clearly scared of her, and they should be.
I feel this is substantial, as Billie has taken a special liking to Dean, and Dean obviously respects her (as he did as the og Death as well as Reaper Billie). He's ten steps ahead in this plan, already thinking about killing Amara too. He's down with clearing the board of cosmic entities.
In "Destiny's Child," when Jack goes to the garden, Dean seems genuinely concerned about him, but taken their given situation and this new plan, it could easily have been mistook for distress over loosing they're last hope at victory. (Then again, when Jack comes back from the garden Dean makes extra sure that he's "okay", asking multiple times.) This is then followed up by the realization that Jack has his soul back and his teary plea for the brothers' forgiveness.
When the season ended here back in March, I thought for sure that Dean and Sam would forgive Jack. It seems so obvious to me that he felt guilty about it. I mean, the boy's literally crying!!! Not only that, but Dean and Sam have made plenty of mistakes in the past, some of which include beating or even trying to murder each other. With that in mind, I just thought they would forgive Jack for what happened to Mary considering he was soulless. I didn't expect Dean to forgive Jack right away, but I didn't expect him to be so reluctant about it either. I think he was really caught off guard when Jack asked for his forgiveness and I think he's still has a long way to go considering the betrayal. (I mean, clearly Dean doesn't forgive things easily. Even when it came to Sam, Sam struggled constantly to gain Dean's trust again until "Sacrifice".)
Then we got "Last Holiday" where we can clearly see Dean being conflicted over his relationship with Jack. He's not ready to forgive him but he doesn't inherently want him to die. He still has a protective instinct over Jack, and he doesn't really want anything to happen to him.
But when Cas tells Dean that Jack is going to be a bomb to blow up Chuck and Amara, Dean's first instinct is to protect Sam from this news. He truly believes that this plan, Billie's plan, is the only way that they're going to win. He blatantly says "You don't have a choice. We don't have a choice." This dialogue can easily be taken as aggressive and selfish, but Dean often hides his hurt with anger. He's pissed at Chuck, he's pissed at Amara, and yeah, he's still angry with Jack. But I have a feeling of Cas is able to find a way to save Jack, he'll be on board with it. There's nothing more important to Dean than Sam, and to just think that he's going to forget that Sam cares deeply about Jack is out of the question. Obviously, Sam has a strong connection with Jack (a profound bond you might say) and Dean didn't want to tell him because, once again, Sam is the only person in the world who could possibly talk Dean out of Billie's plan.
I think Dean is trying to take his anger and hurt from when Mary died and that sense of betrayal and turn it into a defense to cope with the loss of Jack. Jack is going to die, and Dean is certain of this, but he still doesn't like it. Even while he's talking to Billie at the diner, he mentions Jack's inevitable death disdainfully to her. She even has to ask if he's still on board, if they have a problem. He says no, but it's because he doesn't feel like they have another option. Chuck is coming and this is the only play they have right now.
Final comments on 15x16:
Dean doesn't believe they have a choice anymore, which is strange because the whole reason they're fighting in the first place is so that they can have a choice. The poetic irony of this is really in your face and kind of annoying. I think the writers could have done a better job with "Drag me away", especially with dialogue between Sam and Dean. The ending in the car was gold, and they definitely should have built up more dialogue and tension between them before that final scene. A lot of this episode was also emphasizing the fact that Dean would do anything for Sam (as if we already didn't know). But besides that, I thought it was a decent episode. I think it's weird that this episode came this late in the season, but I'm hoping it will tie in nicely in the end. Anyways, this was my analysis of Dean and Jack's relationship and I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave comments or things I might have missed. Stay safe out there!
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song-fox · 4 years
Inspired by this post
AU where Thomas is a struggling not-so-popular YouTuber, recently out of school and looking for a better job and, since he’s apparently pretty good with kids according to his friends Joan and Talyn, decides to set up a small business babysitting.
It’s all fun and games and the occasional diaper change, until… (long post ahead) (I got a little carried away lol)
Thomas is, obviously, pretty good and experienced with kids. He’s been in the babysitting business for a couple of months now, and he wouldn’t call himself a professional, but he’s making his way through it
One day a woman asks him to babysit her kids
Naturally, Thomas agrees. It’s just a couple of kids, how bad could it be?
Then he realizes that the woman never specified how many kids
Alright, no biggie. Most people have maybe two kids, four at most
Then the woman shows up at his doorstep with six kids, all different ages
Oh god. Oh god. Six kids?! I can’t handle this. Fuuuuu-
“You sure you can take care of these guys by yourself?”
“Oh, of course! No worries!”
He’s in trouble
The oldest is Janus, at fourteen years old. He’s sarcastic, snarky, clever, and hates Thomas. “I don’t need a babysitter, I can take care of myself!”
Next is Logan, twelve. Reserved, cold, and smart. Prefers to be alone with his books.
Then come the twins at ten years old, Roman and Remus. Apparently they aren’t actually the woman’s kids, she’s their adopted them from an ex-friend who never gave them enough attention
As a result, these kids will do anything to get noticed. Anything. Set a couple trash cans on fire, scream from the top of the roof sometimes, whatever.
Then Patton, nine. Sweet, naïve and almost annoyingly empathetic, he keeps the twins in line with compliments and a ton of hugs. He’s probably Thomas’ favourite.
And lastly, baby Virgil. Surprisingly quiet for a baby, his personality is mostly just spite and a fear of loud noises
Thomas is astounded that this woman can even keep track of their names, let alone take care of them
The first day with them is horrific
Logan is arguing with the twins. Patton is desperately trying to get them to stop. Janus is holding Virgil and trying to get him to sleep. The house is absolute anarchy.
Things are seriously getting out of hand when Remus accidentally sets the microwave on fire
(Remus claims it was an accident, but Thomas could easily see the matches in his hand)
He picks up his phone and hastily dials Joan
“Hey, hey Joan? Joan?! Is Talyn there with you? Oh my god, I need you to come over, quick! Remus set the microwave on fire- one of the kids that I’m babysitting! The baby is crying, the older one is yelling at everyone, I think there’s a feral cat loose in the garden- jANUS WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?! PUT THAT DOWN! Oh god, the fire–”
“Huh. Have you tried making s'mores?”
Eventually everything is under control. The fire is put out, the cat is back to its owner, Virgil has stopped crying and the twins are content to listen to Janus plan out exactly how he’s going to overthrow the government
Thomas is sure he should be more concerned about that, but as long as there’s no more fires
Joan and Talyn are there to support him too
It’s been a very long day, but eventually the kids go home to their mother
The trio flops onto the couch, absolutely exhausted
“Those kids were fun, but I never want to see them ever again.’
Surprise: it’s a weekly thing now
Haha… yeah
Their mom has a new job now, and with her shift requiring her to work for most of the day and their dad working every weekday, Thomas to look after the kids for five hours a week
Thomas is sure he’s gonna die
The next time they meet goes just about as well as you’d think
There’s crude drawings on the wall, Logan has threatened to smack Janus with a book at least three times, and there’s a knife missing from the kitchen
Next week there’s a food fight
After that Patton shows up with a stray hedgehog
After that Virgil somehow manages to get stuck in the kitchen sink
After that Logan almost accidentally starts a pillow fight with Thomas’ couch cushions
Then suddenly, everything is chill
The twins are more energised than chaotic, Virgil is calm, the rest are content with simply chatting
Mostly they’re just bored and too tired to do anything
Thomas, Joan and Talyn get to talk more leisurely this time as the kids simply talk with one another
Well, until Patton pipes up
"I really like your eyebrows!” he whisper-shouts and points to Talyn, trying not to wake up Virgil
Talyn’s got bright scarlet and pink eyebrows to match their dyed red hair
They look at him for a second. “Oh- uh, thanks!”
“Can you do makeup?” Roman asks
Talyn shrugs. “Sure.”
“Can you do makeup on us?”
Talyn looks to Thomas. “Are we-?”
“Their mom said they can do just about anything as long as they don’t get hurt or break the law.”
The next two hours or so are full of just Talyn putting makeup on all the kids who want them. Full stage makeup for Roman, a moustache and purple eyeshadow for Remus, and a sheepish request for snake scales for Janus
“Hm, dunno what I can do for that one… oh! Thomas, do you have like, fishnets or something?”
“What? Why would I have those?”
Talyn raises a colourful eyebrow.
“…I’ll go get them.”
Half an hour later, Janus looks amazing
Patton can think of a million puns for his snake side
Virgil seems to find it cool
Logan is listing off snake facts for the whole half hour, pointing out mistakes in colouring or shape until Talyn has it perfect
The kids leave that week happier than last time and with bright faces of makeup
The weeks go on and on, and after a few months, Halloween comes up
Their mother is incredibly sorry that she has to work instead of being with her kids, but she has no choice and has to leave them with Thomas
She also leaves a giant bin bag full of costumes
“They like to go Trick-or-Treating,” she explains.
Thomas as actually kinda hyped this time
Outfits! Makeup! Candy! What’s there not to love?!
Apparently the kids share his enthusiasm
Janus asks Talyn if they can do his snake makeup again, to which they gladly agree. He’s going as a generic villain, with a black capelet and cane and everything
Remus is, to nobody’s surprise, Beetlejuice. He’s got temporary neon green hair dye and a cheap-looking striped tuxedo. Remus loves it
Roman is going as a prince. It looks crudely made and even a little tacky, but altogether the costume is pretty good
Logan is going as Dr. Frankenstein, and no he is not the monster, and no that isn’t accurate to the story, and nO GODDAMMNIT ROMAN I AM NOT GOING AS THE MONSTER
Patton is a werewolf, although he doesn’t really get the whole supernatural vibe of it
It’s okay though, his little floppy dog ears look very cute
Virgil is a pumpkin
That’s it
Nothing too special, just a pumpkin
He looks adorable though
The night starts off great, with all the kids chattering away and baby Virgil being the world’s cutest source of attention
The twins are loving all the compliments that come with their costumes
Logan is actually recognized as Dr. Frankenstein and isn’t able to shut up about it
Thomas doesn’t mind, though
After a couple months with the kids, it’s kind of endearing how chaotic they are
The night ends and the kids go back to Thomas’ place, waiting for their mom to come back
Thomas goes to get some DVDs to watch while they wait, and overhears their conversation
“I miss mom,” Patton sighs
“She’s at work. She’ll return soon,” Logan assures him.
“He doesn’t mean it like that.” Janus.
“Our parents are never around anymore. Thomas has taken more care of us in a couple months than they have in years.”
“Because they’re always working to support us.”
“Well it wouldn’t kill them to stick around a little more,” Roman pipes up
“They’re not abandoning us.”
“I know that!” Roman snaps
Everyone knows the twins’ issues with negligence
There’s a pause, before Remus speaks. “She’s just never around. Dad, too. They don’t want us.”
“Remus, that’s not-”
“They don’t want us!”
There’s another silence as Virgil threatens to start crying again
Janus clears his throat. “We can take care of ourselves. We don’t need our parents any more than each other.”
Another silence.
“C'mon, let’s trade candy. I’ve got a KitKat bar–”
Thomas doesn’t listen to the rest of the conversation
He knows they have it hard
Their parents are always working, and they don’t always care enough to stick around for too long
So he’s determined to do the best he can with these kids
“Hey, guys! I’ve got Nightmare Before Christmas, yes Patton we can watch Elf afterwards if we’ve got time, and yes Roman you’re allowed to sing along. C'mon, let’s get on the couch-!”
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rubiaryutheroyal · 4 years
Wright & Co. Daily #1
Source: Gyakuten Tsuushin. [originally posted 8/22/19]
“Wright & Co. Law Office’s Summer Break”
Maya: Whaat!? The piggy bank is gone!?
Phoenix: Yeah... I was thinking about making a money exchange, so I went to the bank and on the way...
Maya: Oh, come on! We all saved up those 500 yen coins so we could go traveling to the sea or the mountains. We made a promise, didn’t we!?
Phoenix: We didn’t make a promise like that. Almost all of those 500 yen coins were mine.
Maya: You know, Nick, it’s not about whose money it is, but who lost it.
Phoenix: Ugh... Sorry. Oh, man, and it was my “tiger cub” savings.
Maya: Huh? What’s this about a “tiger cub”...?
Phoenix: Nah. I’m not really sure, but I think that’s how it goes. Tigers are really protective of their kids, after all.
Maya: Uh-huh... So, it’s like the total “opposite” of how poorly a lion cub would be treated.
Phoenix: Huh? Really?
Maya: Don’t you know? Lions are known to drop their cubs into valleys on purpose. Just like “shoop”.
Phoenix: ...I think you’ve gotten a totally different nuance there.
Maya: Well, what I mean is, you treat your savings not like a “tiger cub” but like a “lion cub” instead, huh?
Phoenix: You sure turned that one around on me... I would be glad if it could grow up strong and come back to me, though.
Larry: Yooo, Nick! Stop holing yourself up in this office and let’s go have some fun!
Gumshoe: It’s summer break, pal! Let’s go out to sea, or the mountains, pal!
Maya: Oh, hey! Detective Gumshoe, Larry!
Phoenix: Larry, do you even have the money so we can “have some fun”?
Larry: Heh heh. Well, ya see, I happened to find some money someone dropped at that corner over there. So let’s get this party started!
Phoenix: What? No! You should report it to the police! Like the guy idling next to you.
Gumshoe: ...You didn’t have to put it like that, pal.
Larry: Huh? Well, if you happened to find 100 million yen lying around, would you send that to the police?
Phoenix: Yes, I would.
Maya: What!? You’d send it? Without a doubt?
Larry: *sigh* You just don’t get it, man. If I found that much, let’s push this guy into a ravine and split the loot even, Maya!
Maya: Whoa... You sure are a “lion”, aren’t you, Larry?
Phoenix: Don’t say that word like it’s a bad thing.
Maya: So? So? Where’s the loot, Detective?
Gumshoe: Right here, pal! Stashed tight in this piggy bank packed full of dreams!
Larry: It’s got a name written on the back? It says “Wright”!
Maya: Huh? Wait, that’s...!
Phoenix: Aah! It’s my “tiger cub” bank!
Gumshoe: Haha! Seems like your cub was taken by the saw! *
Phoenix: What kind of lawless place is this...
Maya: Now, now. We had the money for our vacation in the first place. Let’s invite Mr. Edgeworth too and go together!
Larry: Oh, he’s gotta come! So, Nick? Where to, the sea or mountains?
Phoenix: ...Let’s try the sea.
Maya: Oh? And why there?
Phoenix: If we happen to stumble upon 100 million yen while hiking up the trail, I feel like I might push someone right into the ravine.
[T/N: Normally, I’d feel free to translate Japanese currency to American dollars like the localization would, but here, the jokes are very Japanese, so I figure I’ll stick to what I read this time. Other notes:
- Gumshoe made a pun with his name: itonoko is a fretsaw, the kind that’s rounded with a handle. - By “sea”, they could mean the beach or a cruise. Who knows how much they’d collected? - Yeah, Larry, that’s not cool, but to be fair, Nick has definitely survived a fall like that.
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identitycris1s · 3 years
im back
hi just thought id pop in with a status update! maybe i’ll break this down into categories. feel like im doing an email update (ew!) but this rly is probs the best way to structure this post...
work / school (?)
work has been....aite. idk what to say. idk if i have unrealistic expectations of what work is supposed to be, but the idealist in me thinks its wrong to not even try and find something that seems meaningful / is deeply fulfilling. i think im mature enough to get that work isnt supposed to be fun / exciting every single day but bro this daily grind / sense of dread / utter disinterest / feeling of futility / frustration / disenchantment surely isnt the correct state of affairs.....at least let me try and find something that is a better fit, thats more stimulating, that feels more NATURAL to me? i just dont think im cut out to be a lawyer. sure i sometimes like arguing and making my point and i like that everyone i work with is smart and interesting and generally kind and reasonable and i like the prestige of the job and feeling like ppl respect me and i like the decent pay and the humane hours but.....i feel unmotivated to be a good lawyer. i think i find it difficult / disingenuous to always 100% get behind my client and advocate for their best interests. i tend to see things from a zoomed out perspective, like WHY are we fighting, WHY cant we just settle, WHY are the claimants pursuing this absolutely crap and unmeritorious claim and WHY do we have to defend it when its stupid and bound to fail (cos access2justice i guess but still, WHY), WHY cant we just hash things out in a meeting instead of sending emails here and there and wasting time, WHY do we have to answer stupid questions, WHY WHY WHY
and i think public policy is sort of an answer to that....i think theres more questioning of why we do things and why a policy will or will not work, in a macro sense - what is good for society at large. whereas in law (at least in litigation) its how can we just move this case forward and help the client, which is often not the most productive thing to do in a macro sense - very much a zero sum game. i get that shitty / unmeritorious claims still need to be defended against and someone has to do it and I GET IT but i just dont think i want to be that person defending these claims...or bringing them for that matter.....ultimately i cant fully / sincerely separate the overarching sense of futility from the duty to do a good job.
sigh. well at least ive kind of figured out this isnt for me. which is scary cos being a lawyer in this firm is pretty much a career for life - truly an iron rice bowl, i could probably make partner in maybe 4 or 5 years and live a comfortable upper middle class life...but i cant bring myself to do that. i cant bring myself to not give myself a shot at doing something i actually find interesting, stimulating and that i care about deeply. call me crazy! we’ll see where this brings me in 5 years’ time....:) 
anyway most ppl at work (at least in my team) know that im most likely gonna leave soon. i rly only told 2 ppl (my boss cos he had to sign off on my testimonial and G cos she was quitting anyway)...but somehow ppl found out one way or another. i dont rly mind and ppl have been taking it pretty well and have been kind and encouraging (i guess why would they not take it well, im hardly indispensable) but i get a bit antsy thinking - what if i dont get in...then what? do i just put my head down and continue here (BUT IM SO SAD) or do i just quit without any prospects and try to find a policy-ish job??
idk. will have faith that God will put me where I need to be. he is in control of it all and I BELIEVE THIS !!! I am just a bit scared that his plan is different from what i  think i want....but this is just my human instinct and i know in my head that there is no reason to be scared cos his plan is always the better one. head knowledge just needs to translate to heart understanding and real trust / faith.
ermmm relationships...???
i started using...cmb...idk why i find this so cringey. i guess about a year ago i couldnt imagine doing this and i kept thinking EW what if ppl i know see me and they think im a desperate saddo who cant find a bf irl and has to resort to an app EW shes so lame and ugly and gross. and i realised that is so stupid no one actually thinks that way and its very backward and dumb and insecure of me to be thinking that. and anyway as i get older i rly dont quite give a shit what ppl think of me (at least i tell myself that....)
i suppose i was also inspired by csm who has been quite actively using apps and meeting ppl and taking real..strides..(LOL) in her dating life. i used to tell myself hey God will provide u with a mans if he wants u to be with a mans. but also God can use an app to do that...and if i dont step out in faith that he will do something and i dont take any action at all, how is God gonna work?? should i sit at home and expect a man to fall into my lap??
for some ppl it has been way easier, e.g. my parents meeting in uni and falling i love. i always wanted that - the organic relationship, the meet-cute, the friends to lovers thing. (i guess i tried that last one before and it didnt work...) but i think theres no point in romanticising relationships anymore. thats a very modern thing to do and its not necessarily a good thing? like who’s to say a relationship that had organic beginnings is intrinsically better than one that started from an app?
anyway i havent had much luck haha i think its hard to find genuine GCBs (or maybe theyre just not attracted to me....) although recently ive been talking to this one guy B for a week or two and its been...ok i guess. hes rly nice and seemed cool at first - we talked about travelling and hamilton and the office, which was a good start. he is thoughtful and kind and doesnt seem to be put off by my very slow replies (he replies so fast......its stressful a bit) and he does the whole good morning text thing (which i frankly find a bit bizarre, we barely know each other..?? and ive never even met him irl.. but its sweet i guess :))
but DUDE his english seems to be not great - at least thats the impression i get from texting him. which is an issue for me. i dont want it to be BUT IT IS...first red flag was when he said some weird thing about not wanting to wear a mask at work (not a literal mask - like he didnt know if he could be his ‘true self’) and the wording was very strange. then he said “the weekends are almost here” ?? the weekend is not a plural though? then he used the wrong tense a few times and his apostrophe usage was wrong (”Gods’ love” - bro there is one God). he also uses way too many commas which irks me.
i mean i get that text is supposed to be an informal medium - come on look at this post, there r hardly any capital letters and plenty of short forms and hardly any apostrophes but u see its CONSISTENT and its obviously cos of laziness / convenience - but i think his problem is a bit different...u can sort of tell if someone doesnt have a 100% strong grasp of english. those r basic grammar mistakes man...i get that i sound petty and stupid and this isnt a huge deal but i feel like im settling by even talking to him cos this is not something i wld normally tolerate but hey maybe im getting desperate with age :(:(:( urgh 
on the other hand maybe i just need to be more generous with ppl and l have an irrationally high standard for english cos i am a lawyer and my friends all speak well / text well?? maybe im just being too nitpicky?? honestly hes very nice  and communicative and straightforward and seems mature and very God-fearing and idk why hes still talking to me cos ive been a bit cold and slow to respond. hes very patient which i dont rly deserve.....i myself have a million flaws that are probably way worse and egregious (ahem PRIDE...ahem ego....ie the source of this dilemma in the first place...) so maybe i should just close one eye abt the bad grammar.
i also realised how fked up i am - confirmed my suspicion that i am naturally attracted to emotionally unavailable ppl / ppl that just seem distant / out of reach (thats my avoidant attachment style right there). i think there was one day he didnt text me at all and omg...i couldnt stop thinking what i did wrong...like did i piss him off by being too cold for too long...did he get scared off cos i said i wanted to do a masters (idk this seemed like an irrational leap but i was being irrational)..then i started being nicer to him and replied more promptly hahaha turns out he was just rly bz at work that day. omg this pattern is real i think i did this with xj also - was eager to speak when he was in japan but after meeting irll i was just over it... (i am drawn to distance like a moth to a flame and i am repelled by availability like....a fire by a fire extinguisher (??)). yucks i rly hate myself sometimes but yknow what at least im self aware and im trying to fix this...kind of.. gonna hash this avoidant thing out with my therapist at the next sesh.
on the topic of xj i got a bit nostalgic and wondered why we stopped speaking (surprise surprise it was my fault, didnt reply then felt it had been left to long to pick it up again...) went back to look at our texts and aw we rly got along so well, i do miss him as a friend and im sorry about how poorly i treated him especially in dec 2018 / jan 2019 sigh.....i was a real bitch....
anyway im just gonna see how things go with B... if he asks me out i prob will go... just to give it a shot. update if / when that happens!
EDIT - he asked me out lol we shall see how it goes. 
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genre: fluff word count: 2.4k author’s note: this is my first time writing a soulmate au,, it kind of sucks IM SORRY (p.s. being the stupidest person ever, I deleted this after posting it yesterday)
• in this universe, where the swirls of every other colour merge together in a magically fascinating harmony is accompanied with the adornment of countless stars, you, a person so small as compared to the big, big world, were lucky enough to be born with a soulmate.
• you’ve heard many tales of people doomed to be alone forever. in fact, your very own younger sister tragically has that same fate. of course, a person can fully well be independent. but let’s face it, while everyone else can feel their soulmates’ emotions alongside with their own, you can’t help but think that you have been condemned for not being able to do so. you’ll feel that a part of you is missing, which indeed, it is.
• thankfully, you were born to a lucky predicament, and you get butterflies whenever you think about your significant other. (well, your about-to-be).
• in the kingdom that you live in, whatever you feel, your soulmate feels it as well.
• that’s why whenever he feels something, you try to find ways to make him feel better.
• when he feels happy, you watch funny videos to get him even more excited. same goes for when he feels sad; the dose of memes always works, with the release of endorphins from your side, his spirit gradually soars.
• you were grateful to be able to have someone destined to be with you (trust me, it makes the ‘searching for your Prince Charming’ part way easier), and even more so to have found such a sensitive and nice one.
• he seemed to return the favour, and you’d find something tickling your funny bone whenever you got bad results or cry over a sad movie. (though it kind of makes you look crazy at times when you suddenly laugh through your tears.)
• you, and i’m sorry if this sounds shallow or weird, kind of just-
• just fell in love with the way he cared for you in that sense. you were afraid that he would be unfeeling and stoic before you began feeling him at the age of ten, but it seemed like it went right for you. perhaps falling in love was too deep of an emotion, but it certainly made you feel all warm inside when these deliberate gestures all but strengthen your bond with him.
• you fantasised about the day you would meet him. would you be casually taking a stroll down the road when you see him? would you crash into him, would he help you pick up the things you dropped, and would you two make eye contact and everything would fall into place?
• but then reality hits.
• how were you supposed to find your soulmate?
• other kingdoms have different ways to identify them, such as unique barcodes or countdown timers, tattoos, red threads or some fancy way but all you folks get is an ambiguous, shitty method. that’s why your realm actually has the lowest percentage of people finding their The Ones, and naturally divorce rates go up as well.
• ‘but you ain’t gonna suffer this fate, my love.’ your imaginary fairy godmother says in her small little cottage in the woods. ‘you are a special one, mi darling, mi chocolate croissant, pumpkin cake.’
• you were born just a minute before the grandfather clock struck twelve on 29th may. it was a miraculous birth because you were thought to not be able to make it due to your mother’s poor health at that point of time, and she had barely made it to the hospital before you popped out of her womb.
• but a secret you’ve recently uncovered from your parents for soulmates that have the same birthdays gave you a small, tiny ball of burning hope that maybe, just maybe, would you find your soulmate.
• it is something very, very rare and exquisite, something along the lines of being ‘one in a million’. it was almost as if it was part of folklore, a story parents would tell their children before stroking their hair and tucking them into their beds.
• they say that an opportunity, a superbly special one at that, would come for you to switch bodies with your soulmate. how long, you ask. certainly not a day. no, it is not even an hour. one minute is all you get, and in that measly sixty seconds, you can do whatever you want in his or her body, but the most logical thing to do would be to leave an address or phone number so that you could meet up.
• it was nearly impossible and you thought nothing of it, brushing off the flicker of hope inhibiting your heart with the notion that it was just a wishful myth for desperate people seeking for affirmation.
• until…
• it really did happen to you. one day.
• it was just another day in your boring, mundane life. you woke up with the usual bed hair in the morning, dragged your feet to school and then dragged it back with even more force when you came back because of all the assignments dumped on your shoulders. after a quick shower, you settled on your bed, procrastinating like you usually do since it’s your favourite pastime. minutes became hours, and soon it was nighttime. just then, your younger sister came in, lunged herself on your bed and started chatting with you.
• somehow, five minutes into the talk, you started feeling dizzy, and it was doubled with your soulmate feeling the same as well. (in case you were wondering how you knew he felt that way, it is kind of inexplicable, but something in your subconscious mind singles that train of emotions out for you.)
• nothing registered in your mind, and all you knew was that you were falling, falling… (FOR YOUR LOVE HEY YOU)
• after what seemed like five billion years, you found yourself standing in the middle of an unfamiliar sidewalk. you were, by then, confused out of your mind. especially with the feeling that something uncomfortable was sitting in your trousers.
• TROUSERS???? you definitely weren’t wearing trousers and you certainly didn’t have a snake in there when you last checked. *blushes*
• the signboards around you told you that you were still somewhere in seoul, and not sucked into a wormhole to mars, but since it was so big, you had no idea where you were.
• something clicked in your mind, and that seemingly impossible story that reverberated through it didn’t seem so impossible anymore.
• then, another wave of panic gripped you suddenly when you realised that if you aren’t actually dreaming right now, you have possibly just spent half a minute mentally breaking down and that YOU. HAVE. TO. GET. TO. WORK. IMMEDIATELY.
• whipping out the cellphone that was in the jacket he wore (and what you are wearing currently), you decided to record a video since you didn’t want to snoop nor did you have his password.
• you turned it into selfie mode and a part of you died.
• literally. because holy shizzles, this man is hotter than the surface of the sun, than the darning metal railings in summer (and that is really, very darning hot). after admiring his visuals for a very short while since you were tight on time, you (reluctantly) started recording your voice. (with the video blacked out because you didn’t want to get distracted by his face and waste even more time.)
• “so, haha. i’m, um, y/n and this is a really weird of meeting you. i actually don’t know how you feel about this entire soulmate thing or whether you want to actually meet or not, so i’ll just leave you with my phone number and it is up to you to decide whether you want to contact me. it’s XX-XXXX-XXXX, see you maybe?”
• a few seconds after you end the video, you were blasted back into your room to be met with the confused countenance of your sister.
• you: “the feck just happened?”
• her: “i actually have no idea what happened, but his name is jihoon, his surname is park, i think? he’s nineteen, AND he said that he has been wanting to meet you for years but he’s scared you won’t like him, but for most of his short stay here he was freaking out about how he had boobs.”
• you: “he,, said he wanted to meet,,, me???”
• her: “…yes.”
• you, mushing your head in your pillow: “asfghjkl, ##1234#5#&&&&””””????”
• five minutes later, you received a notification and saw that a ‘park jihoon’ had added you on kakao talk. you were literally shaking because this is your first time interacting with a beautiful guy, or any beautiful guy for the matter of that fact. (and because his visuals in his profile picture made you feel all sorts of things you never thought you were capable of feeling.)
• and you were mentally cringing at your username because seriously???? iamthememeyoufightme??? what hell was fifteen-year-old self thinking???
• your fifteen-year-old self: “wEELLL hoW wOUL;d I KNOW tHAT mY SOULmaTE iS A GREEK gOD?!?!?!?”
• but your heart stopped because his status was “i’m nineteen, you fight me?”
• a coincidence??? well i think not *strokes non-existent long beard*
• jihoonsucks: hi, nice username
• iamthememeyoufightme: hi, nice status
• jihoonsucks: :)
• iamthememeyoufightme: :)
• jihoonsucks: anyway,, y/n??? wanna meet?
• iamthememeyoufightme: HELL YEAH
• iamthememeyoufightme: i mean, hell yeah, but in a softer voice
• jihoonsucks: OKAY
• jihoonsucks: i mean, okay, but in a manlier voice
• iamthememeyoufightme: hehehehehehehee
• jihoonsucks: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
• jihoonsucks: I HAVE MORE HEHEs
• iamthememeyoufightme: very well
• iamthememeyoufightme: but i have more chins :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
• and so, your playful and light hearted friendship/relationship began with jihoon from then.
• the effect he had on you was obvious, because you would drop everything and rush to your phone to reply him whenever he texts you. (your heart beat boxes every time he sends something, like pftbtbtbtbtbtbtpftkswaaaararrttt)
• your friends and family all tease you about it e ve r y single time. (“young love,” they chorused, pretending to be grossed out at you smiling at your phone yet again, for the trillionth time that day, even though they’re just secretly proud parents.)
• but jihoon was really the sweetest thing ever.
• he would greet you good morning every time, send you memes that would have you rolling on the floor, be really concerned whenever you tell him you were sick or injured.
• you’ve set the meeting date to be two weeks from now, and as the clock ticked and time passed, you found yourself getting more and more nervous because,,, you were really falling for him.
• especially when he sends things like this
• jihoonsucks: honestly i want to thank you always being by my side these few years. it was really comforting whenever you could sense my emotions and cheer me up when needed. thanks for being so kind and caring and i’m just saying all of these here before i meet you because i’ll be too shy to say it then.
• *inserts a picture of you speeding to the hospital on a stretcher*
• ^ that was the same reaction you had when your sister recounted that when he was in your body that minute,, he turned to the mirror and said, “what the hell, i’m so pretty.” but you figured she probably said it to boost your ego a little :“) (BUT NO IT WAS THE TRUTH YOU IDIOT)
• little did you know,, he was feeling the exact same way too!!! his best friends whom he lives with in a dorm snatches his phone and texts you sometimes, and had changed your contact to "y/n💖😭😚😍😘💗💕💞💓” (which he hasn’t changed up till now ;)) they never let him live it down and he just fuels their teasing by turning a bright shade of red whenever your name comes up in their conversation.
• finally, the day came. you woke up at the crack of dawn even though you guys were meeting at 11am and you were just like wtf @ yourself because it was only 5.30am.
• nevertheless, you took a loooooong bath while playing with your rubber duckies, tried to pick out an outfit for three hours, fussed over your hair and makeup for one hour, freaked out for yet another hour before leaving your house nervously.
• (and guess what?? even though jihoon didn’t wake up as early as you, he woke up at 9 o'clock, which was just about the best compliment ever because he is always, always late for meetings with friends…plus he spent more than an hour styling his hair because every. strand. matters.)
• you reached the rustic and cozy cafe you’ve agreed to meet at fifteen minutes early, hence you ordered a matcha latte before finding the booth beside the window to sit at. you were trembling just a tiny bit, and you were mentally scoffing at yourself like, “what in tarnation is wrong with you, you’re neither a hermit nor a hot-men-deprived woman, you are a female with high dignity and shall not be wavered by a boy whom you have never met in real life before.” (even though you knew that you were indeed both a hermit and a hot-men-deprived woman who does not have much dignity and has already been wavered by a boy whom you have never met in real life before.)
• just then, you were hit by another pang of anxiousness, but it was alongside a surge of exhilaration. you recognised the two emotions to be jihoon’s and just a second later, the bells attached to the door tinkled, signalling that someone had come in.
• to say that you were bewitched by him was the understatement of the country. you were entirely enthralled, engrossed, enamoured with him, the way he carries himself, the charisma that seem to radiate from him despite his shy steps towards you, even his mismatched neon yellow and pink shoelaces.
• he looked around the cafe before spotting you, the small smile on his face widening into a bigger grin as he walked over.
• “feck, you are so good-looking, god damn it. i wanted to be the hot one in the relationship,” you meant to come up with a slick and smooth greeting,, but silly you blurted that out instead.
• his eyes widened and a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.
• in unison, you both said, “UM,,,, RE.LA,,TIONSHIP?????”
• you, overthinking: ‘dang it, he’s bound to think i am this weird person who wants to move super fast, what if he thinks that i just want to get into his pants??!?!?!?!!?!??!?!? what if he wants out of this and will never text me anymore????@?!?!?!?!?’
• but contrary to your pessimistic way of thinking, he’s like
• “,,, i guess u can call it a relationship now”
• *shyly takes ur hand* *blushes**chuckles and covers his face with his other hand*
• rest in peace, heart.
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simmancy · 7 years
I was wondering how you first started your berry legacy? Did you make a new simblr for it? How did you first start posting and getting into a routine? I really want to make a legacy myself but i'm scared that it would look really mediocre and unorganized! Any tips on how to plan out the storyline and start posting? Thank you!! (asking this to a few different blogs so sorry if yo see this question somewhere else)
I’m honestly super honored that you’re asking me! I’m still a pretty small simblr compared to a lot of people.
I’m going to put this under a cut, just so it doesn’t clutter up people’s dashes because I RAMBLE (like seriously, I’m re-reading it all now and I go on and on and on) but I’m gonna cover everything you asked!
TL;DR: get mildly inspired, get involved in the community and have fun with it!
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I cannot recommending creating a new blog enough. While it’s definitely easier to just create a sub-blog off your personal, you’ll have a harder go at keeping things separate once things take off. Plus then you probably won’t have ALL your million tumblr things that you’re already following mixed in with your sim stuff, making things so much harder to follow.
Once you start your simblr (whether a sub-blog or whole new tumblr), TAG EVERYTHING. XKIT SAVES LIVES. Not really, but it will save you a lot of time once you install the Quick Tags and make tag bundles. Seriously.
At least once a day, a “reblog if you’re a maxis match simblr” thing comes across my dash–don’t be afraid to reblog those when you’re starting out. (Or the alpha equivalent if that’s your thing).
Seriously, don’t be afraid to reach out to people and get involved. Ask for sim requests, reply to things, join a Discord server–don’t be afraid to talk to people! I’ve actually made a few good friends this time around. It’s awesome.
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This is just one of the unfortunate realities about things–if your pictures look good, you’ll get noticed quicker and blah blah. You can get by on just writing, but it’s a lot harder. This is still tumblr. It’s microblogging. LOOOOONG text posts (like this one lmao) are not what it’s geared towards.
Anyway. I play TS4 on Ultra, and that does a lot of work for me. Sometimes all you really need to do is sharpen and brighten things up. Reshade is another good alternative, if your computer can handle it–that takes a lot of the decision making out because it edits for you! I used to use PickyPikachu’s reshade presets. The downside is that it’s pretty resource heavy.
The basic point here is that having good lookin’ pictures goes a long way to making your stuff look “not mediocre.”
Also, and this is a side thing–find a good theme for your simblr, something that looks good for both text posts and pictures, probably something with either a sidebar or header (or both).
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This is the meat of the section and it’s all really Kit/Pastille-specific.
I started up the Pastel Pastilles because I saw Berry’s challenge–I had already read Splash of Color a long time ago, and had a (now obviously abandoned) TS3 rainbowcy. But TS4 was fun and ran like a beast and I liked berry sims, so I dove in. If you were to go back in my archives, though, you’d see that I started posting a TS3 LEPacy, and that’s not even my first one.
I’m not going to even talk about the Grims in this post, since they’re really new. But they’re a prime example of using community involvement to stay interested haha. I’m very excited to play with Ruby and her future family because of all the nice sims people sent for her to eat alive become friends with. 
Planning with the Pastilles
With the Pastilles, I honestly got a little tipsy one night and did my initial planning based around Halsey’s Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. Like… Not even gonna lie. That was honestly my starting point. You can almost see hints of this in some places. From there, I had certain scenes I wanted to hit.
Gen 1 - Luna - “Hopeless”; it’s about being in a shitty relationship and hoping that changes lmao (“I hope hopeless changes over time”). Luna and Dianthus were meant to have a much more obviously toxic relationship but Luna ended up having four kids by her second pregnancy and I just couldn’t play and write that fast. However, I always knew that Luna’s big moment would be telling Dianthus to get out.
Gen 2 - Verity Vine - “Now or Never”/“100 Letters” - There are a couple things that have stayed consistent in this gen: Veri and her dreams, the peach spouse’s dad was gonna be a dick and they would be separated for years, and they were gonna hook back up at a wedding. 
My very first concept was that Riesling was going to be a bit more wishy-washy and bend to his father’s will (hence “Now or Never” being the song). By the middle of the generation, it was clear that Veri would become the distant one (“he said ‘please don’t go away,’ I said ‘it’s too late’”).
Part of writing a sims legacy sometimes is… letting the sims do the writing for you. Meri and Forest weren’t supposed to be the ones getting married (it was supposed to be Chai Tea and Black Cherry) and they definitely weren’t supposed to have the twins but honestly the story is better for it, you know? And obv most of Veriling’s story isn’t the way I initially planned.
All this said, once I knew where I wanted the story to go, I knew I wanted to plan around a few set-pieces: the fountain scene where Riesling trips onto Veri and she realizes “OH SHIT,” the scene where Eiswein walks in, Punk!Veri’s “I don’t dream at all anymore,” and Riesling’s “Hi, I’m Riesling Puck, you might recognize me from your dreams.” Those were all scenes I knew I HAD to get.
Gen 3 - ??? - “Angel on Fire” - it’s about anxiety lmao so I don’t mind linking it, it’s pretty obvious. Gen 3 has an anxious heir, a song about anxiety was on the nose.
I don’t really recommend the getting tipsy part, but definitely do recommend going in with a basic concept.
The cool thing about challenges is that you already have the guidelines as a starting point. One of my favorite parts about this challenge in particular is seeing how people re-interpret the rules–for instance compare the Gumdrops, Frosts, Amours, Pastilles, Fairyflosses, Prisms–we all started from the same basic rules and there’s still a lot of variation, especially once you get past the initial introductions.
Also, SERIOUSLY: don’t be afraid to take inspiration from crazy places–a song you heard on the radio, a movie, your own life, whatever. Like, I decided Veri’s generation would have it’s first Act at Oxtail University because of the “dream of ivy covered walls and smoky french cafes” line in “Beautiful” (from the Heathers musical). The song otherwise has VERY LITTLE to do with Gen 2. It’s just that line became a starting point for me.
Keeping Things Lookin’ Snazzy with the Pastilles
Looking back, you can kind of see Gen 1 was a bit brighter and lighter/different in editing style than Gen 2. I purposefully set out to get a “dreamy” feel for Gen 2′s pictures. It works for me and the Pastilles–it might not for your legacy! Play around with things to see what works.
I’ve also noticed a lot of banners nowadays (they weren’t as big my first go around here on simblr, but they’re everywhere now). I think that helps to keep things “on brand,” organized and consistent too. I personally don’t use a banner for the Pastilles–I didn’t start with one, and now it looks super wrong to me when I try to use one…. So instead, I’d recommend looking at @frost-rainbowcy–she is SUPER on-brand. I can only aspire to reach that level of #a e s t h e t i c.
HOWEVER, I do keep everything on my blog hyper-organized–there’s a main page where everything’s pretty much linked, and the character page. 
TBH, you don’t need to go that in-depth. I just like leaving weird easter eggs in places. You might too.
Posting Consistently
So, I started posting the Pastilles officially almost a week after I made the first post with Luna. That’s because I played a BUNCH right at the beginning, so I’d have something consistent to post for a while. It wasn’t initially as story-heavy as it is now. That’s something you probably want to decide before you start posting.
Right now, I’m posting inconsistently because I’m trying to wait around for Cats and Dogs and not give into the temptation to give Veri and Ries the babies they keep wishing for, but….
I’m in game almost every day–I get off work most days between 2 and 4 now, so by 6 PM I’ve eaten/showered/started up TS4. Even if it’s just to make a sim for someone.
I tend to do all my picture editing on Sundays, as it’s my day off. Sometimes it bleeds over into Monday, my other day off. I don’t always write posts up those days, but I at least stick them in the queue so they’re THERE. For me, it helps giving myself that weird deadline lmao
As a result, I almost always have something queued up.
I utilize the queue like MAD. Right now it’s set at 6 posts a day between 3 PM and 12 AM EST, but I change it up depending on what I have going on and what I can crank out. Usually I leave it on 13 posts a day.
Basically, learn what works for you. It does take some trial and error, but you’ll get it eventually.
Now here’s the real truth: you won’t post consistently if you don’t love your game or your sims.
I love playing the Pastilles as much as I love writing them. To the point that I have them backed up in several places just in case. I’m genuinely attached to the family, and that makes it worth it to me. Sometimes that doesn’t happen immediately (I love Luna, and Vino, and even Dianthus that shitbag, but you can tell that I got invested with Veri and Ries–Gen 1 is 30 pages long on my blog. Gen 2 is 92 and counting).
Storywise, I stay interested because I love the fluffy romance bits and snappy dialogue as much as the Drama Bombs, and also (spoilers) I’m a sucker for supernatural stuff. So I tailored my legacy to fit that.
But when I don’t want to play sometimes I just go in game, grab a few pictures of them in CAS and redo the character page for the 25th time. And that’s okay too. I just always try to make sure I have something to post, even if it’s a small (even if it’s just Riesling’s face. Because I know that’s what y’all want. It’s cool. I get it).
I seriously rambled a lot, but I hope this helps!! Once you get started, please let me know too! I’m rooting for you, non, and any nons to come after you.
84 notes · View notes
sagastar-blog · 6 years
MemoToTheMetaVerse 4.1, “Copernamici: A GAME TO SAVE EARTH”
Gaia: Daddy, post some of the Copernamici data!
Jeff: Should I edit it first or at al?
Gaia: Very funny. Drop it.
What follows is a transcript of a scientific game played between Gaia, Lucius, and Jeff, known Interdimensional-galactically as Copernamici: A Game to Save The World. 
The point of Copernamici is to enjoy the human activity of stargazing. By so doing, one develops an appreciation of one’s place in the context of the Cosmos. People have always had a strong connection to the sky. Since becoming humanoidal cyborganisms, most of the animals known as “people” have become “untethered” from the nightsky, resulting in suicidal tendencies such as global warming, impoverished imaginations, and lack of curiosity among the youth. 
The point of Copernamici is to worship the cosmos in pure form. There is no incorrect way to play, except to abstain. If one doesn’t play Copernamici, one expresses apathy towards the NUMBER 1 problem on Earth as of today, December 8 2017:  ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION. 
This is a call to motherfucking arms....
Copernamici Notebook
StarDate 7417 (data from 7317)
The Earth is not rightbrained. Jeff is not without a heart.
Copernamici is the most brutal game imagineable. What sounds true to you?
There is too much dateable data.
There is not enough love.
What’s up with Scoripio?
What am I suposed to say?
Carl Sagan was a loving person but he was a Daddy first and foremost.
What are we supposed to do when I…
am 888888888888876555555555 4 … 55555555                   11?
Altair says you’ll never guess. What happens next!?>
Math: diffentials between star appearances
Jupiter  8:54 (how’s it feel to be ignored? 39 yrs)
Lucius -5 min. (“Gemini 4LifeDeath”)
Vega -8
Spica -1
Lil’ Green Bug SATURN  -4     #  MANTRABOOK@LGB  “You’ll never guess what happens next…”    trustyourself
Alcaid (BADGRZL) -12
sPECIAL j   -x
Mizar / top ——><@  -y
1.8.8 x INF   -1
TuipfooBAN$K xyz*
Koch AB  -4
saturn s(2)
The Scuttlebut t  -7
Moolly S. ‘’    (“ means same time; why mark the time if it’s the same as before? why introduce yourself at an AA meeting as an alcoholic if others aren’t welcome? who are you excluding from this party? not us.)
Jacques S  ‘’
Bonzo -1
OW.L. -0
MOKnkee Eye -0
Ader -1
Polaris -1
Slaveman Booties -4 (9:51 END)
A Riddle? -4
??? TBBF sez, “What’s up with the pollution in Flagstaff?” Look down. Look Up. Look around. Scratch your head and wonder in.  - -
Tuesday 7.4.17
Happy Birthday America. I heart FREEDOM. FULL STOP.
Gaia: Qu’est-ce que lanihilisme?
jeff: remember nyc stalk me like a brussels,…
gaia: se sent tres bien…
jeff: assez mouille?
gaia: reverence.
jeff and g: what were we saying?
lucius: guiding …be honest daddt. r u drunk?
gaia: ?duh.
stephen: wipe my crotch harder pleezus mommy.
jeff: hi temple dando!
Wednesday July 5th, 2017
Hindu jackass from the Deli next to the deadzone Shelter decides to end Everything For Everyone for ALL TIME. Cool man, thanks. I’ve been looking for a reason to give up and start telling the truth. If anyone ever asks me to serve them again…you have approximately 11 years left to fix everything. I’m doing nothing to help this time. Not a game. Gaia will take me the old fashioned way, the way we like it. You think I can survive this torture another 11 years? hAHA.
Last night only one planet showed up for you all here in the center of the MetaVerse: You Fail.
Test me again, I dare you. Guess where I’m going. Look up at the moon and ask yourselves how many tests you fail when you send MY KIDS to school in a deathbox. Reminder: GAia hates your babies more than anything. She IT he will eat it all. I am sick of trying to help you by intervening in your pathetic abusive relationship with your higher power. We will not tolerate your American Flags. I don’t care what you think about patriotism: you don’t deserve it. Ketchup.
Hey Quentin, you should go full Inglorious Allah Mode a La Creme for me please. Then again, kids, do we know who’s side he’s on? I don’t know if he’s alive. Do you? No you don’t. Where are my friends?
The game is meaningless without a story.
Are you reading Contact this summer?
<oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo> / ? :[}
Thursday July 6th
4.6 BILLION years ago, papa carl knows, Lucius was waiting for daddy to bring the sparkly pinkprincess comet known as sjndiov ‘cbnEWF to the baby planet Earth. Jeff, in this particular part of the skeleton tiger was like, okay boss. Here you go GAIA! HAVE FUN! but without Lucius there was just pea soup, not chicken obvi. It only took .2 billion years to get things up and running. This means that the estimate given in the book edited by his ladyfiendmeister Ann BunionFingerz, .5 billion, is kind of, well WRONG. We knew this. Just read his and my books!
Lucius is like, ummm daddy, hate to tell you, but you’re leaving out the part where I TOTALLY WENT NOVA ALL OVER YOUR SHIT! heeeehee. You can paint it out in your regular lounge if mommy isn’t making you eat yucky food….hahahahahah life in the shelter is weiwiwiwiwiwiweieieiewieiwwieeeie better than living with ADERbasetraitorfuckface.
Gaia says you’re drunk by the way, did you get our upload?
Coach sketch wants his wall back Israel. Also, that girl from wEEDS. sHE’S kind of okay, nice eyes. ummmmmmmmmmmm are you romantic Lucius? if you’re gay i’m fixing you. Jerry Falwell will help? FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. YOU LEAVE MY GAY AUNTIES ALONE sez lucius, I want some classy reading material. Get neicestress Hawking off my line.
G, well, what about Dei…pHO…stop. please. boring asteroids are fishibait. Oxxam’s razor is not a clamshell reference, it’s SIMPLE. Comet comes, special delivery for this little experiment (see Titan, btw, Enceladus is better real estate….then again, just wait). The Scuttlebutt is a gift to humanity in exactly the same way (micromacron) the gift of life to Earth was. See the sistine chapel, which I’VE SEEN here on Earth, oddly enough. Tell Francis I want my celieing to be Jack Blackified! Lucius and I will paint it Diego Riveria a la Geraldo Chicagogo Todaydie. How’s the funeral going? Not so good. I need some lemonata. Back to creation of life here…this is all easily confrirmed up btw….STOP DRILLING and start asking your fucking planet simple questions. Duh. You’re all like, “well, we know the Earth is ALIVE and stuff…but well, yeah, sprits and God, etc….” I’m so sorry I made you so dumb. No worries. I fix I mr. fix it. If you allow it. This is so boring for me, i figure why not continue to stress through my tshirts, etc. that you have everything at your fingertips if you only choose to tap it. Water ice, gogo says rep philly again. See the CNJCSS, the tip of the iceberg, proverbial and literarl and figurative and oooooohhhh oingo boingo.  2,000 million years to make pea soup with rice a la Carole King? asks Lucius. BOOOOOORING. OOHVEHRTAITED! Sendak laughs at Seuss and Shelly, saying WHO’S FUCKING GAY NOW assholes!?! Spike Jonze was in Shteynbargain bin #9. I made 2 videos about this…I need to shave and could use a kiss or two billion. oh well. it’s lonely in here and out there but we’re used to it by now. 36 years of human happiness is OOOOOOOVERRAAATED! say it Fenway. PEA SUUUUUUUUUUPlusLight = primitive amphibians made of microbial matter, like paramesia in your h2o. Evolution takes time to make dinosaurs, which were bad motherfuckers, ask GAIA, such that we had to trash em like a Ben N jerry’s flavor, “Runny Muck” ;) in the grave, says brother Beck, cousin Beck? How’s lily cate looking these days, and that josephineia girl? I call digs. Lucius that’s my ice cream!!!!!!!!! oh. we’ll share. but they must fight as always the competition will not stop WHO WAS DANIEL DENNET? A FAT HAIRY scientist who likes little green bug, duh. riding the Hyde park bus to CI like Zizek reading Dennett. that book bored me to tears4fears. To finish with the left, right-o, people are so much worse than dinosaurs that I had to escalade it a l’infinitequoi: come HERE (not back!!!!!! mispoke earlier, don’t let me make that mistake, because GAIA and I insist on facts) as a person in order to enslave you in the cause: it takes 1.7 billion years for you all to undo the serious damage you’ve done to EARTH. not funny at all. But, possibly fun, right? DENEBOLIZE It we say. Think of plastic pellets, then say, oh my goodness….what about uranium plutonium and all that other junk I’m too sad to think about. Again, the point here is that dinosaurs could be dealth with like the DOLOMITES AND GOrillHANDS from afar. Not you guys. I’m here to save EVERYTHING for the sake of Nothing, meaning you will obey us. Not a joke, deadly serious bidness. Otherwise, it’s Ice Age for you and it’s sooner than you think: 300,000 years. But, guess what, we can bring it much sooner in the form of Lucius. Don’t write more checks you can’t cash, man. See Steinbrenner, etc. DADDY OUT.
p.S. What about Thea? Well, interestingly enough, of course, we made that potato 9 bilion years ago in a different galaxy. Then, it took a little trip—not sure how far, but let’s just say it was a small step for the Flagstaff triumphiirate…is that a request? yes it is, more tame impala please us.—of 4.4 (plus 4.6 = 9; 1=1) hahah, billion years (precise) billion earth years (!!!) until SMASHYSMASH goes baby Ganesha while Mommy and Daddy knock da SlaveManBooties in Regulation Lanes. SPLIT IT! 7 10 is so easy, right? trickshotify it with barstools says the Young Joycean! Molly’s down again, bloom’s on the rose, as Lucius brings baby Gaia a facial. oooooh no you didn’t, lucius, you black black (wow)man.  snasshy smazzy is how we made the husk, ask G. but why at nearly the same time we brought the comet? doesn’t this indicate that the husk was the delivery vehicle? Ask yourself what the Moon is made of. Not the same exact stuff as Earth fo sho. No, it’s called clusterlove for a reason. You think we don’t go smashy smashy ALLLLLLL the g’n’f’n’ time x 50-2yu / do if hyou 201? over pie. times pie. plus ice cream. A comet is not the same as a little pebble from next door. The rhythm method is cool, but not really all that important when the color in question is brown. Long story short, the moon is a test for you humans and it’s just a time capsule for me and my kids—for your planet, it’s a reminder of how fun it is to play at marbles. I say, tiddly winkies for all! Get us to our ship so lucius can learn to drive and I can practice my barking, a la Sheriff Bob Rufo. Garbage cans anyone? :)
Copernamici: 7.5 and 7.6
Location: Cook-Douglass Hilltop (Food bldg.)
8:47 Lil’ J    Grizzly Bear, All We Ask
Not a good night at all. Felt the need to lecture everyone about Failure, Disappointment, Underacheivement at failing the Moon test again and again.
Location: Downtown N.B. (OZ neighborhood and environs—hit 7/11 for yummy burnt orange Doritos (does Lucius know how much he likes these yet??? LEGIT ?) and Brisk Lemonade, a fave of mine obvi). Better combined with Dew of course, perhaps another time for the ultimate combo:   Melted Cheese (provolone is best) sandwich on white (NEVER the wheat roll) hoagie roll, ketchup inside (make sure to microwave it together for the best effect), side of doritos, maybe a pickle for the acid finish complement, and a large Dew with crushed ice. OMG.
Moon 9:16: reNAISSANSLATE 4 desi niggahz @ *$  9/3+6/1:16   Dr. Dre featuring Snoop Drizzle*^2 :p—-~~~ “RandoTattAttooUpDaChrizackisthe4aRealsGangBanga?” YEP. Look skirred. Shaken a bit hood?
Gaia decides to flash hind gang signs for uh fuh sup duh thit tahathtat just for a michronic nonexistent nanoflow (what is a second? when you not present in dis dimension, Matt? Birdie outside punks you everyday, saying “He a little confused again! Which dimension am I? oh well.” Over to the river Lil’ Michael: “Warriorz come out and play>…”
Copernamici 7.8.17
Last night was a good night for Copernamice: Gaia was in top form. Here are the results (see also video I posted to YouTube, which is a good way to archive):
Moon 8:40 gorgeous full moon blazing through clouds, before disappearing for the rest of the evening, except for a brief glimpse through a portrait of a fetus baby. Appeared during the anthem: Cat Power, Peace and Love
Lil’ J 9:28  appearing behind me as I walked by the Deli where Shiva destroyed the capitalist clerk. Spotted during the Coldplay set, The Scientist methinks…for the Show.
Lucius 9:30  not long after Jupiter, the clouds began to part…Lucius was out almost the entire night once he appeared. FTW
Vega 9:34  wow. Girls, Honey Bunny, after I tried for Alex — mind of its own or divine scintillivention?
Big Rob  incredible early appearance for Girls, Alex accompanied, but not immediately spotted alongside
Special J   and
Spica finally showed up alongside Lil’ J on my way back to OZ. O’Jays, Survival brought out the real Martian, James Brain on fair game. Spica for Place.
Copernamici 7.9.17 (posted to joindiaspora 7.10)
NOTE TO SELF: It’s been an annoying afternoon / evening with the crack head and other obnoxious interlocutors trying to make me feel bad for some reason. I don’t know and I don’t care what their problems are. It has nothing to do with me. So, I’m out in Boyd Park doing my thing. Not going to sing, methinks, but will listen to music and write. I did a nice job with a blog entry today on Sagan, so I can feel good about 15 days sober and being productive. Soon good things will happen. If not, i’ll just continue to await death, which I’m beginning to believe wholeheartedly is going to be AWESOME. Natural is the way to go, but if they wanna help me along by fucking with my blood pressure, then fine. I say you have 11 years left at this pace if you’re lucky. Do your worst! I will make Jesus look like a pansy.
Copernamici: A Game to Save the World
Results:  7.19.17
Location: Boyd Park / Raritan River bank (New Brunswick, Central New Jersey, U.S.A.)
Weather: “Immaculately conceived” (no sunset show means perfect viewing tonight—dry air); little to no wind (buggy by the Raritan)
“InterGalactic” Anthem (8:44 p.m. EST)  — Big Star, Ballad of El Goodo  [Note: I only have access to my iTunes library via my laptop and my iPod nano, which often malfunctions for reasons I don’t understand—I would like to reacquire an iPhone—I’ve thrown a few away in my time, bad impulse control—or purchase a new iPod. Donations accepted! ;) ]
Earth Character Name: Hiya!  [I like nicknaming the Earth every time I play Copernamici…this one rhymes with Gaia and is a friendly greeting)
Rules (brief version)
Be outside. Look up. What do you see? Write things down, including especially data. This is a scientific endeavor but also a fun way to learn and commune with the Earth and the cosmos through art and/or music.
2.  Be honest. Write down the names of stars and planets in order of appearance, as in a baseball lineup perhaps. If you don’t understand what you see, that’s okay. Figure it out later by doing research.
3. If possible, share your work and have it evaluated by a teacher. I post videos to my YouTube Channel. Please follow this link to watch and listen to exerpts of my “prayer” sessions during Copernamici, etc.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRrm7YcpCvF2BqgFxiVs5FA
4. Consider ways of taking action to help solve the problem of pollution. Light and sound pollution are enemies in the game, but it’s the greenhouse gas emissions that are the bigger problem for our planet.
Note 1: On copywright, etc.  Below is the lineup I experienced last night. There is no one way to play Copernamici and I have no rights to the idea. I’d rather have people with whom I can play. And so, as always with my postings, do with this whatever you want! Share it. I want it to get around. I am confident that if I stay on the path I’m on, everything will work out for the better.
Note 2: On music. “Prayer” is a sensitive topic. I believe that in the U.S., as writes Ann Druyan of her partner Carl Sagan, we must protect the separation between Church and State in this country given current conditions. In other words, as someone with a Quaker education, I believe that Wonder in the face of the glory of creation is the best criterion to determine what constitutes a prayer. And so, I use the term prayer in this game as a secular humanist would use it.
People have different musical tastes. Mine is geared towards rock n’ roll, r+b, Americana / Roots, hip hop, etc. I am proud that I have ecclectic tastes. However, I do not believe that anyone should ever feel compelled to listen to specific music. In other words, for Copernamici, it’s byo every time.
The Lineup
1.  8:45  Jupiter  (nickname: “Lil’ J”; this is because although it’s the largest planet in the solar system, it’s often described by astronomers as a “failed star”)  Song = Big Star, “The Ballad of El Goodo”  I spotted the planet, which is looking so stellar right now to the WSW (bring a compass) and cannot be missed. Interestingly enough, NASA and other organizations constantly deal with phone calls from concerned citizens who think Jupiter and the other planets (“wandering stars”) are UFOs. They’re not incorrect! Jupiter has at least 63 moons that are “visible” if you look carefully at the way in which the light refracts around them. I don’t use a telescope to experience this effect, i.e. to “see” the moons of Jupiter without using anything but my eyes. Be honest. Try for yourselves! I reported this to employees of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, on Mars Hill, where Pluto was “discovered” and was mocked. In fact, I was kicked off the campus for singing to Sirius. How embarrassing for those people. Haha. I even applied to work in their gift shop and was not hired. Life’s funny sometimes.
2. Arcturus  8:53   Big Star (Chris Bell), I Am the Cosmos   Star nickname = Lucius, my son’s name. I rename stars for my own gaming purposes. And so, I’m not suggesting that my nicknames should apply for anyone else obvi. I simply think it’s the most beautiful star in our night sky and deserves a more appropriate name. Look high up in the sky for this 1st magnitude star on any given night in the northern hemisphere. It’s a burnt orange color and delivers stunning views. Note that Hiya! directed last night’s show as always: the clouds move and determine viewing. In this sense, one can easily think of the Earth/Gaia as alive in the sense of animation—Sagan writes fondly of the millions of people on the planet who are animists (i.e. believe that natural objects are endowed with “spirit). Ironically, Sagan was not, so far as I know an animist in that he does not write of natural forces as being endowed with spirit. I do think that he believed in the Earth as a living organism, however, and so we’re in agreement on this post. Please see my post yesterday on his book The Varieties of Human Experience … in the Search for God for more.
3.  Vega  8:59  Radiohead, Bones  This star chokes me up with emotion, as does Lucius/Arcturus. Looking bright and beautiful as always high up in the NE. You should all read the book Cosmos or at least watch the movie this summer. Homework is fun! :)
4.  Spica  9:03  Roxy Music, Beauty Queen   I call Spica “the comedy star” because it seems to have a witty and/or ironic sense of timing! I worry that this name, which means “EAR OF GRAIN” in Greek, can be taken as a racist slander among Mexican Americans. But hopefully I’ll soon stop being insulted for being a reason when I greet Spica by name. Get a clue p.c. police of New Brunswick, Flagstaff, etc! It’s called Greek nomenclature.
5.  Saturn  9:05   “*” [this symbol means same track; note the time]  Note that our planets in English nomenclature are directly linked to the days of the week. Saturn is “Saturday.” This is because it was, for naked eye astronomers and until the discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, etc. thought (correctly!) to be the most distant planet. It takes 29 years to make a complete orbit around the sun and is in a wonderful position at the present moment for viewing here in the northern U.S.
6.  Moon  9:14  Cracker, Low  gorgeous full moon rising in the SSE or so, yellowish-pink to the south, competing with Saturn for attention. Interesting that it “appeared” after Saturn last night. Note that the light of the moon often blocks out neighboring stars. Not so last night with Saturn, which was pretty far to the right (towards the south)
7.  Altair  9:21 Nickname = Lil’ Green Bug. Please see my poem in Metaphysical Nature Poems: Health and Profundity:  
“Little Green Bug”
The closest thing I know to infinity
Is identity mine.
Think not of the difference
Between a star and a little green bug.
Contemplate the sameness of ash.
8.  Deneb  9:21  Nickname = The Scuttlebutt; my collection of poems CNJCSS.  Deneb means “tail” in Arabic I think. Denebola is the tail of Leo (which I call Unicorn, for which see later), and I think one “Deneb…” is enough! ;)
9.  Special J  9:24  I have yet to learn the English or any other name for this particular star, which is in the “biceps” position of The Big Dipper: the third in the handle. And so, I sort of named it after myself! I think this is a healthy thing to do, because how can things as important as stars not have names? This is a good moment to mention that not only are names of stars and constellations different across cultures, but the asterisms and groupings themselves vary differently as well. Of course, the stars appear to move over time, meaning that groupings are by their very nature illusionary and might require renaming and reconfiguration over time.
10.  Alcaid ”  This quotation marks symbol means “spotted in the same visual sweep.”  Note: in Copernamici, there is no “correct answer” for when a star is seen—it should and will usually vary from person to person. [The rule in play here is BE HONEST! A good lesson in general, but especially for scientists.] This is an Arabic name—any time you have a star name that begins with “Al,” as in Altair (Lil’ Green Bug) you should think Arabic. I believe that “al” is a definite article, equivalent to “the.” For instance, Vega is known as Alwazn (spelling), meaning “the ascending one.”
11.  Mizar  ”   The star in between Special J and Alcaid in the Big Dipper (which I call The Big Rob: see CNJCSS poems—it’s a coffee drink!). Note that the Big Dipper is not a constellation, but formally known as an asterism (star grouping). The constellation of which it’s a part is Ursa Major (the Great Bear), the stars of which cannot be seen here in NJ because of light pollution and atmospheric trauma. It’s a sad example of why this game must be played in my humble opinion. Any who, these three stars 9-11 usually appear in the sky together. It’s really fun to have them compete for attention, meaning you should always note which one you see first.
12.  Big Rob  9:25  [nickname, see #11 above for explanation: it’s the name so nice I have to use it twice] This star is the lead pointer towards Polaris the north star in the Big Dipper. Last night it appeared right after the “arm” triad.
13.  Tulip Food Bank  9:25  [not ”]  This star is nicknamed after students for whom I volunteered as a literacy tutor in Flagstaff, AZ circa June 2015. For me, it has a strong association with First Peoples, but especially the Navajo. Hiya! It’s the other pointer star in the Big Rob/Dipper.
14. 1.8.8 repeating x infinity   “  The nickname is difficult to write because it’s mathematical. For me, the language of the cosmos and the Earth in general (but on a more local level) is music and mathematics. Science is applied math, and music is how I relate to spirituality, which is why I like to sing—it’s how I pray, like most people on this planet. It sucks that I’ve been told to be quiet most of my life, but especially recently, because my singing bothers people, apparently. Whatever! This game is too important for me to give up.  This star is usually the last to appear in the Dipper because the final star, which I’ve named Evelyn in honor of one of my son’s friends, is not visible so far from New Brunswick. This indicates that sirius work must be done to repair our atmosphere. Remember: this is game can be very very hard on the soul. But it’s meant to help students and people everywhere understand how badly we as people have damaged the planet. There is great reason for hope: the Earth can repair itself if we only allow it. We must cut down on all forms of pollution if we’re to recapture what was once so sacred to our ancestors. When was the last time you went outside and simply looked up? Perhaps you don’t know what you’re missing….
15. Antares 9:27 [nickname = The Riddler, because I noticed in Flagstaff that Scorpio—it’s the brightest star in this constellation—looks exactly like a question mark! ?  And so, I nicknamed Scorpio “Pinchotocles” — I enjoy the work of the actor Bronson Pinchot of Perfect Strangers, which was a favorite of mine growing up. It’s also a pun! Get it? Pinch pinch!?]  The name of this star means “opposed to Mars” which is lovely, in that Mars is the God of War in Roman mythology. Thus, Antares kind of means “anti-war” which I like very much. However, given the importance of being militant about the evils of pollution in this game, I prefer going with the beliefs of my heroes like Gandhi and Dr. King (also the latter day Malcom X) and their ilk who are fighters for peace, using noncompliance and protest as a way of solving political problems.
16. Beta Scorpio [second brightest star in Pinchotocles/Scorpio, above and to the right. I once nicknamed this and other stars after other students of mine. But that’s kind of a personal thing that I don’t feel comfortable sharing in this particular domain. Please ask questions if you’re curious!]
17. Bonzo 9:28   song = Led Zeppelin, Moby Dick  This star is the cap of the Serpent Bearer, also known as Ophiochus, a medicine man native to Greek mythology. You can see Bonzo forming a quadrangle with Vega, Altair, and Deneb, the summer triangle long used for navigational purposes. John Bonham is my favorite drummer of all time. He kicked so much ass, it’s ridiculous. The dude was like a clock personfied, ask his bandmates, listen, or watch a video. I had a classmate at Moses Brown School in Providence, RI named Eric Bennet who once did an oral report on Bonzo, and I’ve never forgotten that. Eric played in a band alongside another drummer, and he was clearly inspired. John Bonham shares a birthday with my son Lucius, May 31st, making it entirely apt as a nickname given it’s relevance as a part of the summer quadrangle. Note that Serpent Bearer SHOULD be a part of the 12 zodiacal constellations, in that it’s always a quadrant through which planets pass. Saturn is making its way from the bottom of Ophiochus towards Scorpio right now. I have redesigned Hercules and Serpent Bearer by renaming a bunch of those stars after musicians. I call it Musician’s Corner, which also features (not visible here in the CNJ) John Lennon, David Bowie, Ella Fitzgerald, Lou Reed, and Jimi Hendrix. These stars are ALL visible in Flagstaff, which is why I will always have fond memories of that place. If you have good views of the night sky wherever you are, I am extremely jealous of you today. We have so much work to do here in urban America.  
18. O.W. L. “  [nickname for Gemma, the lead star in The Northern Crown, a constellation which looks like a breast, and this the nipple. I’ve renamed the constellation Scrapy Scrapy because it’s kind of like the grappling device in the constellation I call The Thugged-Out Good Ship Carl Sagan, Ship #1 of the InterGalactic StarFleet. See my drawings elsewhere. It’s a redesign of Northern Crown, Bootes or Herdsman and Virgo.] Wow. Can you tell I’ve been busy at night in recent months? I have a lot to say, but no one wants to publish my work! Why is the astronomy community ignoring me? I’d love to publish a book about this stuff. Please contact me if you’re interested in making a lot of money by publishing an interesting article or book about astronomy and everything. I use this nickname because I love owls. They remind me of my son and myself. Think Greek and Roman mythology.
19. Monkey Eye “  [OKAY, I’m done explaining for today. More to come later.]
20. Kochab 9:31  
21. Polaris 9:32
22. Denebola 9:33  Led Zeppelin, Bring it on Home
23. Molly Scuttlebutt 9:36   (to the right of Deneb/The Scuttlebutt in Cygnus, which I’ve renamed Goose)
24. Ader “  (above and to the left of Vega in a constellation I’ve designed as QB2lip; this star is also known as the mouth of Draco—Harry Potter connection!)
25. Slaveman Boots 9:40  The Shins, Saint Simon  [a.k.a. Cor Coroli — why name a star after some dead asshole of a British king? I prefer the Wu Tang reference here in the CNJ]
26. Arcturus(+) 9:44  TRex, Lean Woman Blues   [I figure why not bump the name over to the star in the roof of the cockpit of the Thug Carl Sagan?]
27. Jacques Scuttlebutt  9:46  [above Molly Scuttlebutt in the upper wing of Goose]
28. Mother Emily Dickinson 9:47  TRex, The Motivator  [above and left of Beta Scorpio, named after my favorite lyric poet; I like that the nickname is also Mother E.D.   HAHA]
Well, as Grover would say, “There you have it!” A lot to digest. But last night was a VERY GOOD night for Copernamici here in New Brunswick as indicated by the number of stars I was able to document in one hour and three minutes of game play. As always, more to come: “There’s always a P.S.” is one of my very favorite mantras.
Location: HP Reform Church on 2nd, Highland Park —> Boyd Park, New Brunswick
Anthem: John Lennon, Imagine (~8:43)
Weather: Timed Rain revealing open sky from the NW
Earth Character Name: HiyAA! (b/c I hit a 2nd meeting of the day, my 16th of complete and total sobriety)
The Lineup
1.  8:51  Lil’ J(upiter)  The Shins, Sleeping Lessons
2.  Lucius (Arcturus)  9:01  The Freewheelin’ Bobby Dylan, Queen Jane, Approximately
3.  Vega  9:05  ”*”   [BONUS TRACK: Built to Spill, Carry the Zero … note: I often play xtra tracks that I don’t list b/c they’re not strongly associated with star sightings. I indicate this one b/c I like the moment and want to remember it. I was walking towards OZ and felt inspired by my view of Vega and my environs. I like to remind myself that the language of the cosmos if not earth is Mathematics, and that I suck at it! I much prefer science, which to me is applied math. My rule is not only to look up, but to look around.]
4.  Spica  9:14  Blur, I’m Just a Killer para estu (?) amor  [Bonus track: follwed by Bob Marley, Stir It Up.  I’ve named a star in the constellation Eagle after Bob b/c I like his music and think he’s an important figure in the history of World Music. I’ve never been to Jamaica but feel I would love it there.]
Pause: An impromptu Wilco Solid Sound 2015 concert at Boyd Park. See accompanying videos on my Copernamic channel on YouTube, which is where I post videos related to the game:
Jesus etc.:  https://youtu.be/wk07AtPhKzQ
New Madrid:  https://youtu.be/1jM1ni9Gjpo
5.  Alcaid  9:40  Ray Charles, What I Say
6.  Mizar  “  “*”
7.  Special J  “  “*”
As any amateur astronomer or nakedeye stargazer will say, the weather means a lot. Even in relatively unpolluted areas, like Flagstaff, AZ (which I hear is in the midst of a wicked fire season—I hope everyone is doing okay out there!), or (I imagine) on the plains of Africa, if it’s cloudy out you’re not going to see much. Here in Central New Jersey, it’s gotten quite humid in the last 24 hours. Last night there was a passing rain storm around 8:00 p.m. and I wasn’t sure if the stars would come out. But, patience is a virtue and is usually rewarded. “Gaia” did not disappoint me last night and it was an educational evening all in all. Let me ‘shplain to the “real astronomers,” as Papa Carl (Sagan) would say….
Jupiter showed up “on cue” at 8:51. Besides the Moon (I refuse to use a capitor “t” because there are other moons in the solar system, and most are far more interesting), Jupiter SHOULD be the first object visible in the night sky here in New Brunswick.  It was nice and clear in that part of the sky, meaning there were excellent views of the planet nearly the entire evening.
High above Jupiter I saw Arcturus 10 minutes later. Relative to Jupiter, Arcturus is towards the center of the sky. If you have trouble understanding what it means for a star to be “up high,” think about it’s distance from the horizon. If you can look at the sky as a dome and see it as a hemisphere, you’ll recognize that the sky is like an umbrella, as suggested by H. A. Rey in his awesome book The Stars: the illusion is that it’s a round dome, even though we should know that it’s not at all a sphere, at least not that we can see from this perspective. Historically, most people believed that we live in a large dome, as in a snow globe. That’s because it looks this way. Try lying on your back and looking up. Without being able to see the horizons, the illusion disappears.
Arcturus’s appearance last night was slightly delayed. all things being equal atmospherically, I can usually spot Arcturus 5 MINUTES after Jupiter. I’m not always paying close attention, but I stand by this statistic. Try it yourselves! See if you can spot Arcturus before Jupiter, and if not, then as close as possible to it in terms of lapsed time. I bet you can’t do it in less than 5 minutes! :)   That’s how cool naked-eye astronomy is. Why would you use a telescope when you can do this for free? Oh yeah. Pollution. Le sigh. The good news is that weather is more of  a hindrance, and this particular exercise should be able to be done no matter where you are. I wonder about New York though…hmmmm. Can you see Arcturus and Jupiter from Times Square? I’m genuinely curious but mostly disturbed by the possible answer—I don’t want to know because of how angry it would make me with that particular city and its inhabitants, but mostly its “caretakers.” How dare the people running that city rob its citizens of the opportunity to play this game? I feel bad for the kids, but also the grown-ups, no matter how often they drive, etc.
Back to last night. For those unaquainted with Arcturus, its a beautiful burnt-orange-colored star I call Lucius. His name means Light in Latin, and so to me it’s a natural fit for something like a star, which after all is nothing but a distant sun. I like using the “official star names” so that people can understand my writing more easily, but I figure why not share something of myself in these silly blog posts. As far as stars go, Arcturus is actually quite interesting: it’s 36.7 lightyears away, which makes it one of our closest neighbors. It is 140 times as bright as our sun. Imagine being near that guy! Hard to imagine isn’t it? Makes me think of that song “Blinded by the Light!” I don’t feel like looking up the artist right now, but was it Loverboy?
Anywho, Arcturus is estimated to be 7.1 billion years old—I don’t yet have any opinions about the validity of this assertion. Our sun is—I believe accurately estimated at—4.6 billion years old. For those new to astronomy, it’s worth considering how a star can be older than ours. It’s interesting that some stars are older and some are younger than ours, which is middle-aged. It’s about half way through it’s life cycle, meaning that it will die in another 4.6 billion or so years. Like with people, who usually live to around 70 to 80 years if healthy, stars have different physical properties. It’s not a myth: stars are “alive” in the sense that they are energy, the source of all life. Like many people, I consider the stars my “parents.” As a caring human being, I also think it’s worth thinking of them as our children, in that we should want to be able to keep an eye on them.
I like being middle-aged (mostly) because it helps me understand our solar system a bit better. I can relate to the sun! Here’s something to contemplate the next time you’re outside: if our sun and the stuff in our solar system was “created” from an explosion known as the Big Bang, how many other formative events—processes of accruals in which matter joins together to form stars and planets out of “space dust”—have happened? Hindus believe that existence is made of an infinite series of such events, and that time basically has no beginning or end. I agree with this belief, by the way—inifnity = infinity in the same way as 1 = 1. I’m not at all agnostic: I simply believe in the mathematics behind this aspet of science. So. There is a lot of stuff in our solar system—consider Lil’ J—even if it’s not much compared to the amount of void or empty space out there in this our local part of the Milky Way galaxy. The Big Bang happened around 16.7 billion years ago (my preferred estimate as of today). QUESTION: WHY IS THE EARTH, the only place that is known to be home to “intelligent life” according to most scientists (BUT NOT PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN ALIENS! HAHA—I love that the first movie I ever saw in a theater was The Empire Strikes Back, it freaked me out and I cried and we had to leave…then again, I was only like 3 or 4 years old), SO PERFECTLY PLACED IN SPACE AND TIME when we treat it so badly? Do we really believe that this is all a coincidence? I’m not much for sermonizing, but I do think it’s worth considering how closely aligned astronomy, Earth science, and religion are and should be. But I digress…
   Spica, a dimmer but visible star that to my eye in Flagstaff is a lovely bluish-green (one of the few stars I can honestly describe as “greenish,” along with Regulus) forms a giant L with Jupiter these days. (See the photo in my previous Copernamici posting.) Again, I like that it connects me with Lucius—it’s these connections that make stargazing fun. When Spica appeared, a few minutes after Arcturus, I was playing a song called “Killer for Your Love” by the British band Blur (it’s on the album that has the famous Song 2—sportsfans will know this song and thus know the band…it’s the one that goes “woooo hooo!” in a British accent). I think that having a soundtrack, no matter what it is, makes Copernamici more fun—more interactive in a way. The game is all about “timing,” and so why wouldn’t we use music to allow the Earth to direct the show? Ask John Williams and George Lucas and their fans if they think music is an important part of stargazing. For me, music is how I pray, but it’s also how I make sense of the natural world. I call it the rhythm method, for which see my poems in the CNJCSS, posted earlier.
Next was Vega, which for me is a very important star. It’s closer at 25 light years away. By the way, the closest star to Earth is called—rather lamely—Proxima Centauri, meaning “nearest star in Centaur,” at 4.3 light years away. How do we in the Anglophone world NOT have a better name for this important destination? Whatever. You name it! I’m tired of naming shit. Haha. Centaur is a constellation visible towards the equator — I have never seen this star because I’ve never been further south than Key West, Florida, and therefore refuse to name it even in the context of the game Copernamici. Also, it’s too dim to be seen by the naked human eye, although I’d love to try! I’ve never looked at a star or anything except the moon through a telescope because I’m waiting to do so with my son on a special occasion. [For people in America, a total solar eclipse is coming up on August 23rd 2017 by the way…]
VEGA is important for cool reasons: it’s almost always on display, no matter how bad the pollution. It also happens the place that Sagan posited we might first make Contact with aliens. There are very significant reasons for this thesis, which make a ton of sense. Consider this: humans started sending out radio signals late in the 19th century. However, these signals were not as powerful as TV signals, which we started shooting out into interstellar space—penetrating all the dust—around 1936. The occasion was the opening ceremonies of the Hitler Olympics, disturbingly enough. If you do the math, those signals, travelling at the speed of light DID INDEED arrive—it’s a scientific fact—in the area of Vega around the year 1956. And so, if the message was “received” according to our known science, and if other beings decided to send the signal back to us in a similar package—EARTH TO CLUNK is the name of a great children’s book, by the way—it would have come back to us around the year 1976 or so. Only, I don’t believe we were looking then. (I was born in 1977, so I like this stuff as a sci-fi geek.) Papa Carl’s book “Contact” tells this story. Again, I must suggest you read it. It’s about a young female radioastronomer who makes an important discovery that is misunderstood. I think many of us can relate to this heroic but imperfect character. By the way, I should remind you that I’ve been employed as and English Professor for most of my life, and not a scientist. I’m just like any other stargazer in that I like to use my eyes and sense of wonder to learn.
Now, why did Sagan not choose a place with known exoplanets that’s closer? I think he had an attraction to this location because of it’s beauty. Also, we know more now than we did when he died in 1996. That’s a good thing and we should value it. Check out Vega! It’s got a lovely bluish hue and looks a lot in terms of shape like the stars found at the top of Christmas trees. As is the case with Arcturus, I get kind of emotional when I look at Vega, which is why I like to listen to the music I find most moving. Perhaps I’ll make a video one of these days. But, I need the energy, and I feel kind of tired these days. Middle age, blah.
I think that’s enough analysis for this session. Except, note that I spotted Special J last last night. It was hard to make out the Big Dipper because of the cloud cover—note that clouds keep in light, making it a domino effect that hinders viewing. And yet, I was indeed able to make out the 3 brightest stars of the asterism, which is why I was happy to close out the night with Brother Ray Charles, the High Priest of R+B, or soul.
Peace and Love,
copern 71117
anthem 8:35  wu tang bminor
Lil’ J  8:52    G. Welch,   Wasted on the Wayside
lucius 8:58  big star, september grlz
vega 9:07  radiohead, black star
Not a good night. Don’t forget: you’re better than this. Stop being so angry. When you’re looking at the stars, remember to look at the stars. Talk to people and they’ll talk to you. That’s all.
WED JULY 26, 2017
All the visible stars were out tonight—at least all the ones I’ve identified since moving here—except what I think was Denebola. However, I did see the star above and to the right of Abigail in QB2Lip.
2 notes · View notes
hagarenmovie · 7 years
AX 2017: Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Panel Transcription
The Fullmetal Alchemist World Whirlwind Tour!! First stop Los Angeles!
| Transcription of a major part of the panel that took place on July 3rd, at Anime Expo 2017 in Los Angeles. Although the panel was listed as 11am to 12pm, it only actually lasted about 35 minutes since it started late and then ended a bit early in order to clear the room. Still, a lot happened in that short time! Here’s the complete transcription! Very Long Post!! |
- NOTE: the MC is Ken Ayugai from Tokyo. Mikey’s the interpreter. I cut their self introductions and their final remarks which let the audience know that the next stop on the live action promo tour was Paris.
- ALSO we weren’t allowed to film or take pictures till after the footage was shown and they were real strict about it, but I’m sure the live action team will release pictures and some footage after their world tour ends in Japan on July 12th, so we just gotta wait like a week.
Also check out: Description of scenes in the footage
MC: So first of all, I'm sure most of you are aware of this but I'm gonna run you through the history of Fullmetal, really quick.
 Mikey: Just a little bit, so you guys, you know there might be some people who don't know Fullmetal Alchemist up here.
 MC: So first of all, Fullmetal Alchemist is a popular japanese manga, which I'm sure you know, and it's written by Hiromu Arakawa and published in the monthly magazine Shonen GanGan from 2001 to 2010. And this series has sold over 70 million copies worldwide and there's been like a tv series in 2003 and 2009, the animated series. And the movie was in 2005 and 2011. And [when the] author gave birth to her children, she continued writing hoping that her kids would read it one day.
 Mikey: Exactly, she wanted her kids to read this one day, so that's a really touching story, right?
MC: Yeah. And since the first anime in Japan was produced in January 1917, that's just like 100 years ago.
 Mikey: Wow, the 100th birthday of anime! Wow.
 MC: Yeah, in japan.
 Mikey: I think that deserves an applause, right guys? 100 years. So i think, you know, so i think it's only appropriate that on the hundredth birthday of anime Fullmetal Alchemist gets a live action adaptation, right? Yeah?
 *audience cheeeers*
 MC: Ok so they [FA movie team] got a lot of offers from around the world and so the FA team has come to anime expo!
 *audience cheers*
 MC: Ok that's about it haha for the history.
 Mikey: Alright.
 MC: Alright, so what do you say, do we want to welcome up or - oh no, first we're gonna do the footage, right? Ok so let's take a look at the trailer first of all!
 *audience cheers*
 {the latest trailer released on april 6th is shown to the audience}
 MC: And now let's welcome our special guests!
 *audience goes wild*
 MC: Let's give a round of applause. from the live action cast Ryosuke Yamada
 *fangirls lose their shit as he walks on stage*
 MC: And director Fumihiko Sori!
 *Director Sori comes on stage as the screaming continues*
 MC: A big round of applause for our guests please!
 *audience calms down*
 MC: [to Yamada] Alright so first of all, would you like to say hello to the crowd?
 Yamada: *testing the mic* hah, hah. [He introduced himself in English] Hello everyone, I'm Ryosuke Yamada playing Edo! thank you for coming today. Please enjoy!
 MC: thank you. and Mr. Sori.
 Sori: [in English] My name is Fumihiko Sori and this movie's director and please enjoy.
 MC: Alright! So, welcome to anime expo
 Sori: hai, thank you
 MC: please be seated. So we're gonna ask you a few questions, first of all welcome to LA and how's it been so far?
 Yamada: *tries to talk into the mic but it doesn't work and makes derp faces*
 *audience chuckles as MC gives his own mic to Yamada*
 Yamada: [Mikey's Translation = MT] Well, it is really warm and everyone's really nice to me so I'm really enjoying my time here.
 Sori: [MT] I love LA! I've been--I lived here about 20 years ago i wanna say.
 MC: So is it any different from 20 years ago?
 Sori: [MT] I don't think it changed that much in 20 years
 MC: Ok, so still the same good ol LA?
 Sori: [in English] It's great, yeah. I love LA!
 MC: So, looking at this huge crowd for you, how do you feel right now? 'Cause for Anime Expo it's the first time to actually have a live cast come on stage, I guess
 Yamada: [MT] I mean, I'm really happy and proud to be Japanese right now, to see the crowd you know. this room is full of fans who love and share japanese anime and content so I'm really happy
 MC: ok. and Mr. Sori can you tell us what led you to create this live action version of this manga that has so many fans?
 Sori: [MT] So as you guys know, a lot of american comics have been adapted in live action formats, and you know and it's really really cool as i see it, watching from where i am. and you know, we have a lot of good content, a lot of good properties and stories in Japan, but we haven't really had the chance to do a live action adaptation at the level and quality i really wanted to, but i feel like finally we're at a point where it's ready.
MC: [to Yamada] So how did you actually feel when you got offered this role?
 Yamada: [MT] So you know, i'm not really tall per se and when i got this offer i was like, 'maybe it is kinda cool being chibi sometimes'
 MC: Ok, during [playing] Ed there must have been so many challenges
 Yamada: so i mean, of course the performance itself is one thing, acting as Ed, but i think the hardest part was Alphonse, you know he's done in full CG so all my acting i have to do kind of not looking at anything really so all the acting really came down to my relationship with Alphonse there.
 MC: Ok so, we would like to just... go on to the footage maybe?
 Mikey: You guys wanna see some footage?
 MC: Ok, and as mentioned before, no cameras please. No phones or otherwise we have to stop, ok. Let's ask Mr. Yamada to cue [the footage].
 Yamada: nihongo de shitsurei shimasu. Kore dewa goran kudasai, dozo. [translation: I'm sorry for the Japanese. Now, here you go, please watch.]
 MC: Let's take a look at the footage!
 *footage rolls. it's like 6 solid minutes and the audience goes through a rollercoaster ride of emotions*
 MC: Alright! [to Yamada, translation:] What did you think of that reaction?
 Yamada: I was really happy to hear you guys' reactions throughout that. We were listening back there.
 MC: so first of all, i understand that filming started in Italy in June 2016 so why did you choose Italy actually.
 Sori: So of course the first work was set in a sort of European city and there wasn't really a specific country but after going through Europe we found that Italy had a lot of really good backgrounds and scenery that we liked for the movie.
 MC: Ok, so Mr. Yamada, what was it like, you're actually acting a role which is not quite Japanese...
 Yamada: [MT] So the original work of course is written by a Japanese mangaka so i really didn't have too much resistance trying to interpret and understand what kind of character we were doing but there was of course fear in the back of my mind as I was acting so i mean, i hope you guys all saw that footage and didn't really feel anything weird, did you?
 *audience cheers, many yell out 'Nooo, you're perfect!!'*
 Yamada: [in english] Thank you!
 MC: And I have a question for Mr. Sori, what was it like actually, for you, working with Mr. Yamada?
 Sori: [MT] Well he is a professional through and through and it made my job really easy to be honest, i didn't have to give him too much direction, he just got what i wanted how i wanted the character to be portrayed and a lot of the action he did himself -- all of the action he did himself, so that made us really really--
 Sori: [in English] No stunt, no stunt!! (Director Sori said this while Mikey was interpreting)
 Sori: [MT] No stuntman here!
 MC: that's amazing!
 Yamada: arigatou gozaimasu
 MC: you got a big one in the face [during the footage, while Ed's running away from the transmuting walls that attack him like giant pillars, he ends up running into one face first]
 Yamada: [MT] That was harder than it looked because i had to react to basically nothing right there
 MC: so how does it feel like, what do you think about it [the footage]? Actually when you looked at it, that footage.
 Yamada: [MT] So when i was acting and portraying the character, i had an idea of what it was going to look like, but seeing it kind of put together with all the edits --it blew my mind and it was way beyond my expectations, i really have to thank the director and all of his awesome skills so thank you very much director.
 MC: And throughout the film.. actually when you were filming the film, your brother isn't actually here but did you feel him here or what was that like?
 Yamada: So while I didn't actually get to see Alphonse in front of me the actor portraying him was next to me acting on his behalf, so as we progressed through production, more and more i started to see him as Alphonse
 *audience awws*
 MC: And Mr. Sori, you've been using a lot of digital technology in this film. Could you tell us about that please?
 Sori: [MT] So I mentioned that I lived in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, i think you guys remember that right? So i was working at a company called Digital Domain and i was actually an animator, a VFX animator there, and i worked on a little movie called Titanic which you might have heard of. And I learned a lot about VFX there so i took a lot of that skill, so my specialty actually lies in the VFX field so i came back to Japan and slowly kind of grew into the role of director and i always thought 'man i wanna take a Japanese IP or Japanese content and turn it into a very VFX heavy production and i think finally i had the chance, and now here we are back in LA 20 years later showing you guys this clip so i'm really really happy and proud to be here.
 Mikey: And one more thing! (Director Sori wanted to add to his previous statement)
 Sori: [MT] but that does not mean this is a VFX only movie and i think you guys, the fans, know that more than anyone, that this is a very story driven, emotional journey. [Sori in English] Yeah, everybody knows, yeah.
 MC: One more question, so when you first met for this film, Mr. Yamada and Mr. Sori, what was the first thing you kind of agreed to focus on in creating this film?
 Yamada: [MT] So I was always a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and when I was offered this role i mean, of course i was really really happy and pleased, and at the same time when we went to Italy and production started, when we were on set and we kind of talked and met each other, i think there wasn't really any doubt in the direction we were gonna take the character and the production. i think it was really a very seamless transition from when we first took it from pre-production to production.
 MC: [translation:] And Director, what about you?
 Sori: [MT] I think it was the best combination ever, even looking back now, looking at all the actors and the talent in the world, i don't think anyone could have portrayed Ed as well as he has so i'm really really glad.
 MC: Ok and now actually, we have a surprise for everyone. We have... the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist...
 *audience starts going wild*
 MC: ...We have a message from her and I'd like to read out the original actually, in Japanese so [to Mikey] can you help me out?
 Mikey: We have a message from the creator and we're going to read it out to you guys right now.
 MC: Ok. [he reads Arakawa-Sensei's message in Japanese]
 Mikey: [Arakawa-sensei’s message interpreted:] So the manga I feel like is my child, I created it, and all these spinoffs and other iterations of it, the anime, the games, everything else that you take, it really feels kinda like my grandchildren, and here they are flying, leaving the nest, exploring, you know i'm really really proud to see them leave the nest like this. And I got to take a look at the footage as well. And it really felt like all these characters i created are there, present in our world. Ryosuke, the way you played Ed was so kakkoi. Everyone out there throughout the world, i hope you take really good care of my grandchild when he goes to see you!
MC: That was a message from Hiromu Arakawa. Ok and now we'd like to give it up to you guys and go into the q&a maybe. You guys have any questions? So if you have a question please raise your hand, okay. You look really ready (some guy in the first few rows was standing with his hand raised)
 Mikey: Are we doing the mic? Are we having them line up or are we gonna run it? Ok, we're gonna line up so please if you have a question line up over here...
 *a ton of people scramble to get to the mic, myself included*
 Mikey: Ok, I don't know if we have that much time guys. Moderators help us out.
 MC: Oh and about the cameras... We were worried about the footage, so yeah you can take photos if you guys want to
 *audience goes crazy*
 Mikey: Let's get started without further ado
 Fan 1: [i know a lot of people here] ...have mixed feelings about this, but maybe 8-10 years down the line, what do you guys think [about an American movie remake]?
 |I missed the complete answer to this one, but the Director was for it|
 Fan 2: How did you come to the conclusion of like where in the manga or anime to finish the movie?
 Sori: [MT] So in my mind I kind of consider this a part one and we have a really good book end to kind of bring closure to the movie as a movie so it can stand alone. But at the same time, if you guys like it and continue to support it, i don't see why there can't be a part two and hopefully beyond.
 Mikey: Thank you very much.
 Fan 3: Ok i have a question to Ed. Will there be a lot of like in the anime, like a lot of when you're fighting with Alphonse, there's a lot of jumping around. Do you think you can do that? Or is it not possible?
 Yamada: [MT] All I can tell you right now is please look forward to the action, there will be a lot of action, not only when i fight against Al, but with him alongside me so I can only tell you to stay tuned and look forward to it.
 Fan 3: Alright, that's cool man! Thank you.
 MC: Thank you.
 Yamada: [in English] Thank you.
 Fan 4: Hi Yamada, hi director. I have a question. So my question is what was the weirdest thing or thing that stood out to you while filming in Italy or during your time here, in LA?
 Yamada: [MT] So this is my first time appearing overseas in front of fans of the movie or of the anime so really your reaction as you saw the footage was kind of a really big pleasant surprise for me. It really made me feel like it was worthwhile playing the part, you know, it was just a pleasure to hear you guys. A lot of times in Japan, people are most embarrassed and shy so they don't openly express that kind of emotion and you know it's just really awesome hearing you guys see that first.
 MC: We're kind of running out of time so we’re gonna have maybe two more questions. We’re very sorry.
Mikey: I'm very sorry guys, two more questions. Yes we're running out of time, unfortunately.
 Fan 4: Ok, so one) I made it. Yes, I'll ask my question real quick. Two) Thank you for the trailer, it was great. Saw a lot of characters that we all know and love, but there was two people I did not see in the trailer. I was wondering if Scar and Armstrong are gonna be in the movie, 'cause I didn't see them.
 Sori: [MT] So I say look forward to seeing them in the movie, but also look forward to part 2.
 MC: So this will be the last question, I'm sorry.
 Fan 5: Hi, Yamada-kun, hi director. I want to ask a question to Yamada-kun. Before the shooting, did you prepare or practice anything for shaping the character of Edo?
 [For the answer to this question, Yamada ran like Ed to show how Ed's running is different from his own and the audience cheered]
 Yamada: [MT] So i think you guys remember the scene where I was running in the beginning, right? So a lot of times when Ed runs, he has a very unique way of running (Mikey not translating anymore:) I'm not gonna do it for you guys (back to translating) It's leaning back and running. And normally when I run, I would run leaning forward like a normal person so I think having the manga on the set and at the production was a large part, and we would always use it as kind of our guidance so we had all the scenes, you know, and obviously getting into costume having it there really really helps. So we wanted to stay true to the manga and that was I guess my technique to building the character.
 Fan 5: arigatou gozaimasu
 | Closing remarks |
 Yamada: [MT] I'm very very happy and honored to be able to have a project like Fullmetal Alchemist that is so loved around the world being produced into a live action adaptation in Japan. So i hope that everyone around the world will be able to see this so thank you very much and yoroshiku.
Sori: [in English] I'm so happy now so please enjoy this movie!
(MC and Mikey end the panel.)
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Yeoman, huh?
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Intro: So this is a LONG LONG LONG overdue request from @annalisehartmann so I apologize a million times over and over for the lateness of this one.  But it’s super long so I hope that makes up for it!  And I kinda love it a lot so I hope it’s alright!
I guess I’ll start us off for the Trek Fest 2017!  Organized by the amazing @outside-the-government and the first week is all about Jim!  It just so happened that I finished this and scheduled it to post today, without even knowing it was June 1st lol.   
Pairing: Jim x reader
Word Count: 4,300ish (haha whoops)
Summary: The reader is an accomplished yeoman assigned to the Enterprise to work with Jim Kirk. They only know of Kirk what comes from his reputation, which isn’t very good. But once they start working together, they realize the Captain is not all of what his reputation sets before him.  When aliens attack the ship, the reader gets caught up in the battle.  Are they willing to risk everything to save the man they are falling for?
Warning: very fluffy.  much fluff.  
A/N: So my starting idea for this one is that the reader has the wrong idea about Jim, and goes into working with him with this idea.  I do not think Jim is any of the things the reader thinks, but that is just part of the story.  
Also, I had to throw Scotty in there, of course I did.  He’s my fave, of course! 
Let me know what you think about Jim’s characterization here, because I feel like it was more TOS than AOS (see notes at bottom for more).  
You knew you wanted to be a yeoman ever since you were little.  
Every other kid wanted to be a doctor, or lawyer, or a captain.  But not you. You loved listening to the stories your mom told, as she was a yeoman herself, and you knew the position inside and out, even before you could pursue the career itself.   You wanted to be the right hand of the captain, helping to organize things and filter information, and set the captain straight as needed.
You had been top of your class at the Academy, and had been assigned to 5 different ships, 5 different captains in the 5 years since you graduated, and you loved every single minute of it. 
After just finishing up a 6 month mission, you were excited to hear what your new assignment would be. 
But when the name showed up on your PADD, you groaned. 
“What?” Your best friend, Rowena, looked over your shoulder. 
“I’m assigned to the Enterprise.” You informed, skimming over your new assignment. 
“What?!  That’s amazing!” She shook your shoulder, but you gave a grunt. 
“Yeah, so amazing, except I’ll have to work with the infamous Captain James T. Kirk.”  Your tone was laced with sarcasm.  
“DUDE!” She slapped your arm excitedly and you scowled, “You are so lucky!  I’ve heard he’s super hot.” 
Rowena sighed longingly and you threw your PADD onto the bed, flopping back onto it so you were staring at the ceiling. 
“Yeah, sure, and an entitled, cocky, arrogant prick who just wants to get in every woman’s pants.”
Rowena flopped down beside you, “What’s so bad about that?  God knows you could use some.”
“Ro!” You gasped and slapped her arm, but you weren’t mad, this was just how she was, giving it to you straight and narrow. 
“It’s true, Y/N.” She giggled, “how long is the mission?” 
“Five years.” You raised your eyebrows in mirror to her expression and nodded. 
“That’s a long time.”
“I know.”
Rowena turned suddenly onto her side, making the bed jump a little, “Y/N, you are the best yeoman that I have ever met.  You can, and you have, handled complete asshats that call themselves captains, so you will give this Captain Kirk a run for his money if he’s anything like people say.  You got this.” 
You smiled.  She always knew exactly what to say, hopefully this time she was right. 
The Enterprise was the most beautiful ship you had ever seen, let alone been on.  As you walked the halls, you tried to admire the architecture of the inside of the ship, but you couldn't too much because you were lost and couldn't find the bridge, where you were supposed to report.  
You had to ask three separate times for directions and finally when you found it, Captain Kirk hadn't even arrived yet.  You drew into the back of the mingling crowd, pulling out your PADD to get ready to take notes.  You knew you probably didn't need to, but it was part of your job and it helped you focus. 
After a few minutes, Captain Kirk finally arrived, hurrying through the lift doors onto the captain's platform, looking a little out of breath.  And his command gold shirt was on backwards.  
He jumped right into his speech, oozing charisma and smiles as he spoke, and you dutifully took notes.  After the speech, you watched and waited until everyone had went up to Captain Kirk and introduced themselves, taking the time to observe your new captain.   He had golden blond hair and a dazzling smile, his posture sure-of-himself and welcoming, and you tried to match your previous notions about him to this man in front of you.  
"I'm going to head down to get the preliminary reports from Scotty, com me if you need me." He spoke to Spock, the first officer. 
"Captain Kirk?" 
He smiled as you approached, and you were thrown off by the blue of his eyes, almost crystalline, and they crinkled around the edges when he smiled.  
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, your new yeoman." You extended your hand and he took it, shaking it firmly. 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm sorry but I have to get down to engineering but we can get more acquainted when I get back." He nodded and took off in the direction of the lift.
"Captain?" You called. 
He stopped.
"Are you familiar with the job description of a yeoman?" You asked, placing your hand on your hip.
He turned back to you, his eyebrow raised, and his gaze searching and confused. 
"It includes retrieving reports and filtering information back to the captain." You informed, walking slowly up to the puzzled captain, "So I will go get these reports, and you can sit your pretty little behind in your chair and do whatever captains do."
You knew you probably shouldn't be so sassy with your tone on your first meeting with him, but you couldn't push the thought of his reputation out of your mind.  
"Right, yep, I apologize, Y/N, I'll take a seat then, and you can go run and get those reports." Captain Kirk pursed his lips and slid back over to his chair, dipping his head and actually looking a little apologetic.  
Walking over to stand next to his chair, you looked down at him, "I've been told that you have never had a yeoman before, and I am here to assure you I'm here for anything you need.  I've been around the block a few times before." You found yourself relaxing next to the smiling captain. 
"Good to know, Y/N," He tilted his head as he looked up at you from his chair, "I look forward to working together."
You smiled down at him, "Oh, and Captain?" You mused, "Your shirt's on backwards." 
His eyes widened and he glanced down at the shirt, already starting to pull on the sleeves as you retreated to the lift. 
Add idiot to your list of adjectives to describe Jim Kirk. 
You could quickly scratch that off your list as Jim Kirk was definitely not an idiot.
"What is the level the war core is running at?" Jim said as he read the report that you had retrieved. 
"3.5.  Scotty said we are doing jus' fine." You pulled out the Scottish accent and it made Jim smile. 
"And the radio connectivity of the generators?  Are they still within normal levels?" 
"Yes, Ensign Heather said they were a little high the other day but they handled it."
"And the..." 
"The pressure in the power cells has not exceeded maximum level." You recited, know knowing exactly what he was going to ask. Jim looked up at you, handing you back your PADD with a brush of his fingers on yours, and he seemed satisfied with your work. 
You were getting used to delivering reports like this.  Every time you came back with a report from any part of the ship, he would question you on the details.  Like when you would return from engineering, you quickly learned to gather as much information as possible because he seemed to know everything about everything that came back to him.  He would ask what levels the warp core was set at, what the detailed numbers were involving radiowaves, and generators, and comlinks were.  Things that you had never even heard of.  But you learned quickly.  
And it was kind of fun, learning all these new terms.  You always loved getting to work with a new captain, falling in step next to them, learning what they liked and disliked, how they ran things.  It was one of your favourite parts about the job.
You could also cross 'entitled' off your list, because most of the time he actually forgot you were there and would get up to go get something himself.  Most of the other captains you worked with had you running around like a madwoman, retrieving this and that, not excluding coffee runs and delivering personal messages.  
But not Jim.  He thanked you each and every time you returned to the bridge with something for him, and when you brought him his lunch one time, because he had forgotten to go for a break, he insisted that you needn't do that for him.
“Captain, must I remind you, again, that it’s my job?” You teased, setting down his lunch tray. 
“I know, but...” 
“No buts, Captain, I am happy to do it.” The genuine tone of your voice surprised you, and it made Jim tilt his head to the side and squint his eyes at you curiously. 
The gaze made heat rush to your cheeks, and you quickly ducked away, claiming you had notes to organize.  
"Captain, I have the report you asked for from Dr. McCoy, as well as I filed the navigation charts for our next week's journey." You walked over towards the captain's chair, engrossed in a file on your PADD, but were stopped by a set of hands on your shoulders. 
"You should watch where you're going, Y/N." You looked up to meet Jim's blue eyes near inches from your own.  
You stepped back on instinct, "Sorry, Captain, I was just getting the next task sorted in my head."
He chuckled lowly, "You work too hard, Y/N, and I told you to call me Jim." 
"Sorry, Jim, I'm just used to calling captains, Captain." You blushed, and thrust the PADD into Jim's hands, a little too roughly.  
He gave you an amused side-eye and you felt yourself blush even more.  
"I'd like to buy you a drink later, if you'll have me." Jim dropped his arm, the PADD swinging at his side, and your head sprung up at the statement. 
"Uh... I..." You stammered, making the mistake to meet his eyes and you nearly swooned at the sight of the bright blue irises. 
"I apologize if I have assumed too much, Y/N, you don't have to." His eyes turned downwards now, his stoic facade breaking only for a moment. 
"No, Cap- I mean, Jim I would love to have a drink with you." You smiled up at him and his mouth stretched into a smile as well. 
You nodded. 
"Well then, we can head there after shift."
"Sounds like a plan." You chirped, butterflies set aflutter in your stomach which brought your voice up an octave, and you tried to hide it with a cough.  
Jim just looked amused at how flustered you seemed, and you gave a quick shrug to your shoulders before nearly bolting for the lift doors. 
"Ro, he's actually really nice." You were sprawled out on your bed with your com to your ear, just having returned from having drinks with Jim, and you were still all jittery from it.  
You and him had talked all evening, and you could definitely now cross 'arrogant' off your list because he was the sweetest person, and the best listener, you had ever talked to.  The evening was spent chatting and laughing, with a few suggestive brushes of fingers and knees, but nothing too intimate, and he had walked you back to your quarters, bidding you goodnight, nothing more.  
"Have you slept with him yet?" Rowena asked, and you snorted. 
"No!  No, I haven't." You defended, grinning to yourself and biting your fist. 
"But you've thought about it, right?"
"Okay, okay!  But I can hear it in your tone, you like him." She teased.  
"I DO NOT!" You argued, with much less fight in your voice than you intended, "But he's a really good guy, okay, NOT that I'm going to sleep with him."
Rowena's giggles resounded through the com, and it made you laugh too.  You missed your best friend. 
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, sweetie." Rowena giggled.
"Yeah," You thought of his crystal blue eyes and sweet smile, "me too."
The next day you arrived on shift, expecting a warm welcome by Jim, but he wasn't in his chair.  Asking First Officer Spock where the captain could be, he told you that he hadn't arrived on shift yet, which was very unlike Jim.  You waited patiently for him, busying yourself, your eyes constantly flicking back and forth from your work to the lift doors. 
"I'm going to go check the engineering room to see if Jim's there." You said non-noncommittally, to no one in particular, and turned to stride out the door.  
The hallways leading up to the engineering room were eerily quiet, and you found yourself tiptoeing on instinct, your pulse racing in your ears.  
"Jim?" You called into the empty corridor with no response. 
Reaching the door you found it ajar, the lights in the engineering room dark as you tentatively stuck your head in.  You were going to call out again when you heard the mumble of voices.  Stepping along the metal bridge that ran along the outside edge of the engineering room, you kept silent and clutched your PADD to your chest.  
Then, finally, a few figures came into view and you froze, crouching down instinctively.  Holding your breath, you peered over the edge and saw five figures, two you recognized as Scotty and Jim, the others were dark, hooded aliens.  Jim and Scotty were nearly backed up against some boilers, the aliens pointing some large weapons at them, and they were talking, but it was too far away for you to hear anything.  
Jim appeared to say something, looking very fierce and captain-ly, and the voice of the aliens grew louder, and they appeared to advance on Jim and Scotty.  Panic flood through you as Jim and Scotty pressed up against the boiler and the alien's weapons raised menacingly.  
The syllable was out of your mouth and echoing across the engineering room before you could stop it.
The attack on Jim and Scotty paused, and all heads spun in your direction. You froze, your mouth hanging open, in a half crouch on the metal bridge. 
Jim looked at you for a moment, but then turned back to the aliens and swung at them.  He managed to get the weapon from the hands of the closest alien, who seemed to bark orders at the other two, and you go the message loud and clear, even though it was in whatever language they spoke. 
Get the girl.
You gulped as you saw them dash for the stairs and you took off, and the last thing you saw was Jim’s eyes on you before you were out of view.  
You had been in a few battles before, but you were usually told to get out of harm’s way and hide, because you had barely any fighting experience.  You had taken a few classes on self-defense, and practiced with Rowena at the gym in the Academy, but hadn’t had to use your skills much.  
Why the thought of your and Ro’s gym matches were going through your mind at a time like this you had no idea, but you were snapped back into reality very quickly.  One of the aliens was coming down the bridge in front of you, and the other was coming from behind you.  You were trapped. 
Adrenaline left your mouth dry and your limps shook, when you realized you still held your PADD in your hands.  Looking around you, you decided that your only way out was to go over the edge of the railing.  
So in one fell swoop you tossed the PADD at the oncoming alien, it bouncing off him uselessly, but it made him stop for a second, giving you just enough time to hop over the railing and land on the top of the nearest boiler.  
The aliens shouted at you as you skidded across the top of the slippery metal boiler, and let out a garbled scream when you slid to the edge.  You managed to get a hold on one of the metal railings sticking off the boiler, and you slammed into the side as you fell, your arm nearly being wretched from it’s socket as you dangled. 
“Help!” You croaked, kicking out at the boiler to see if you could pull yourself up a bit, but it was no use.  
“Let go, lass, I’ll catch ya!” A voice from below you, Scotty, with his arms raised and a cut down the side of his face. 
“It’s too high!” You squeaked, your arm beginning to tremble from trying to hold up your weight. 
Two loud clanks sounded over your head and you managed to look up, it was the ones who were trying to get to you, landing on the top of the boiler.  
You heard Scotty swear from below you, and you saw his red shirt move out of view. 
“Scotty!  What-” You started, but suddenly the boiler jerked and something clanked again, and you jostled against the side. 
You heard, rather than saw the two aliens fall into the boiler, Scotty must have opened a panel in the top, and they were enveloped into the water which splashed over the side onto you, and you sputtered.  
Their screams were unusually loud and pained for just behind immersed in water, and you shook as they beat the inside.  Your arm was beginning to burn and you cried out again when suddenly the shaking stopped.  
“Well tha’s interesting.” 
You met Scotty’s eyes, who had moved back to underneath you, “Scot-”
Your hand suddenly slipped, probably due to a mix of your tired muscles and the water-covered handle, and you fell, not even able to cry out and you landed directly on top of Scotty.  His form softened your fall a little, but knocked him to the ground, you on top of him, and you could hear his groans and curses.  
Rolling off of him, you bent over on your hands and knees, gasping for air.  
“Y/N?  Scotty?  Are you alright?” It was Jim’s voice now, and his knees came into view. 
He took your collective groans and gasps as a ‘no’ and you felt a hand on your back as he tilted you back and his concerned blue eyes met yours. 
“’m okay.  I landed on Scotty, so he must’a got the brunt of it.” You urged him, but let yourself be comforted by his gaze for a moment before you pushed him towards Scotty. 
Scotty seemed to right himself quickly, though he was favouring his right side, a hand on his ribs, and you felt instantly bad.  You stood shakily, leaning on the side of the boiler.
“You have to get out of here, there is another group on the other side of the room, heading our way.” Jim’s voice cut through your struggle and his hand found your shoulder. 
“There’s more of them?!” You rasped, bending over to catch your breath. 
“You get out of here, Y/N, I’m serious.  Go.” He placed his hand on your back and you straightened up. 
“No, I can help, they don’t like water, Jim, it dissolved the other two aliens, we can stop them-.”
“No, go, now.  That’s an order.” His gaze was fierce and insistent, but you thought you could see a touch of pleading in his expression. 
You only nodded and moved to Scotty, tugging on his arm to get him to follow you.  
You met Jim’s eyes one last time as you retreated, silently begging the universe to let you be able to see those blue eyes again. 
Once you were out of sight you turned to Scotty, stopping suddenly. 
“We have to flood the engineering room.” You met the engineer’s wide eyes. 
“But Jim said-”
“I don’t care what Jim said, we can’t just leave him to defeat an army of aliens all on his own.  He’ll die.” Your voice cracked on the last word, and Scotty raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Alrigh’.” He nodded. “There’s a way.  As soon as I saw those things get all washed away inside tha’ boiler, I knew what we needed t’a do.  Follow me.”
You gave Scotty a nervous, but appreciative smile as you followed him deep into the engineering room.
A few minutes later, a plan was devised and you and Scotty were in position.  
You were up on the metal bridge again, tucked into the side of it, and you watched with horror as the army of aliens mad there way towards Jim, who seemed to be limping.  
“Y’a ready, lass?” Scotty’s voice came through your com. 
Though you swear you’d never felt your heart beat this fast before, you gulped and nodded, “Ready.”
“Ok, go.”
At those words you surged forward, dashing along the metal bridge, your feet landing heavily and loudly as you ran, which didn’t concern you at all, because that was kind of the point.   
“HEY!  STUPID ALIEN PEOPLE!  OVER HERE!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, and all eyes turned to you once again, the alien group changing direction and heading your way, away from Jim. 
“NOW SCOTTY!” You screamed and grabbed onto the railing for dear life.  
The whole room seemed to shudder, and there was an impossibly loud set of creaking, which you knew were the boilers opening and beginning to overflow. 
“Jim!  Jim, get up!  Onto the ledge!” You urged, meeting his eyes with a flash of panic, having realized that you forgot to warn him. 
His form was small from your high perch, but he paused for only a second before rushing to the nearest set of stairs and beginning to climb, quickly getting lost in the sea of metal stairs and railings. 
Water rushed into the room, starting to flow across the floor, and you silently begged it to go faster, as the aliens were starting to realize that something was wrong and were heading in your direction.  
But your pleading seemed to work as another wave of water rushed across the floor and soon reached the feet of the aliens.  Very quickly they were screeching and scattering, trying to get away from the water, but it was no use, your plan was a success.  
Scotty had locked the exit doors, sealed them so the water didn’t leak across the ship, but also so the aliens had no where to go.  
You sank to the floor, your hands pressed to your ears, as the screeching was so bad and loud that it was almost painful.  Peeking a glance to the aliens, you could see they were dropping like flies, slowly being disintegrated into dark blobs in the water, some of them trying to dash back to where you assumed their ship boarded, but they slipped and fell and were soon washed away.  
Suddenly the room when quiet.  You could tell when Scotty shut off the water, because the creaking stopped, and the water seemed to settle.  
You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding and pressed your head back against the railing, dropping your hands from your ears.  
You did it.  
Relief flooded through you as you shakily stood, and suddenly another, quieter set of yelling met your ears.  It brought a smile to your mouth when you realized it was Scotty whooping in success from across the room.  
You whooped once in response and pumped your fist in triumph as you slowly made your way across the bridge again, your limps still shaky as the adrenaline began to wane.  
You stopped suddenly when you realized there was another form at the end of the bridge in front of you.  This one was not a dark, scary alien, but a gold-shirted Jim Kirk, his eyes set in a glare and fists were clenched at his side as he made his way across the bridge. 
"That was stupid, really stupid." Jim mumbled as he stalked towards you, looking very angry, and it took you aback. 
"Jim-" You started. 
"So goddamn brave but so stupid." He was getting closer now and you took a step back, unsure of how to react. 
"I'm sorry." You were frozen in place.  
Jim didn't respond, instead he placed a hand on either side of your head and crushed his lips to yours in a kiss.  It took you a few seconds to react, as his action was so surprising, but you eventually leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.  It was a few moments of pure bliss.  You had just beat the aliens, saved your captain and probably the entire ship, and now Jim Kirk was kissing you.  It was exhilarating.
Pulling back to breathe, you moved your arms to wrap around his neck to keep him close, his hands sliding down to your hips now.  
“Wow.” You breathed, “I should rescue you more often.”
His touched his forehead to yours, and he let an exhale out, a soft smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said and gave you another soft kiss, barely a brush of his lips against yours, “But promise me you’ll never put yourself in danger like that again.”
You could only nod and you reached up, pushing his hair back over his ear, and he closed his eyes at the touch. 
You took the opportunity to lean in and press another gentle kiss to his lips, a shiver running down your spine, which you could attribute to either the feeling of his hands on your waist or the fact that you were still soaking wet from the water from the boiler.  
“Shouldn’t you reprimand me for disobeying a direct order?” You tilted your head at him playfully. 
A smile, “We’ll talked about that later.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple and slung his arm around your shoulders, leading you across the bridge, the way he came.  
“We better go find Scotty and get him and you to the medbay.” Jim said dutifully and you gave his side a squeeze, leaning into his warmth. 
“And talk to him about how we’re going to clean up this mess.” You noted, looking out to the foot of murky brown water that covered the engineering room floor. 
Jim huffed a laugh and helped you ease down the stairs on to the next level, nearing where Scotty was.  
And in that moment, with his arm slung around your shoulders and his around your waist, you knew, with a rush of clarity, that Jim Kirk was nothing like you expected, but everything you needed. 
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you enjoyed it!-
-Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis​@anyakinamidala​@digitalmoonhowell​ @trekken81​@fandomheadrush​@kirkaholic123​ @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @pinkamour1588​ @to-pick-ourselves-up-7​ @starmission​ @destielismymothership​ @curiosity-killed-the-speedster @yourtropegirl @mccoymostly
I really struggled with this one for a while.  I wrote a bunch of it all at once, and it just didn’t sit right, so I left it for a while, because I dreaded going back to write it.  
But as I re-read it, I began to like it more and more, and found I really liked it.  
I feel like Jim was more TOS than AOS in this one.  For some reason I couldn’t put my thumb on AOS Jim’s character this time around, so this feels more TOS to me (even though I heartily ship TOS Spirk).  
Please let me know what you thought of his character, if it was true to him or not.  
Maybe it’s because I’ve been writing and focusing a lot more on Scotty lately, that I feel like I am losing my grip on his (and Bones’ for that matter) character, and this is me easing back into it?  I don’t know.  But I like this story even so.  
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larryfanfiction · 7 years
Tumblr media
Ao3?   hattalove
Tumblr?     hattalove
Name?   kris
Age?   21
How long have you been a fan of One Direction?   i think it’s going to be four years this march….jesus
Who is your favorite fic author?   tashie togetherwecouldbealright, and i’m also very partial to 100percentsassy and gloriaandrews’ fics.
What is your favorite fic?   THIS IS TOO HARD i don’t know if it’s even possible to just have one favorite, but the first thing that popped into my head was be my little good luck charm.
When did you start writing?   long enough ago that i can’t really remember, i learned how to write at 5/6 so probably not long after that. i think i wrote a very lengthy poem about spring when i was 7, so definitely by then.
What was your favorite fic to write and why?   in all honesty, the general process of writing is extremely painful for me..but probably run away home, partly because it was about horses and i really love horses, and partly because i’d like to think i improve a little with every fic i write and i ended up really liking the character dynamics i created there, especially lilo and h/l.
How and where do you find inspiration?   all sorts of media, usually. i’m very, very bad at coming up with original ideas (working on it, though!), but when i’m watching a movie or tv show, i immediately start thinking of what harry and louis would be like with that kind of dynamic or how they would fit into that environment. it’s been movies, tv shows, a gif…the one i’m writing now was also inspired by a movie, and the one i want to write next is set in a tv show environment.
Are any of your stories influenced by personal experience?     i guess it depends. i’d like to think i’m a decent baker, so i drew on that experience when writing leave it to the breeze, and i’ve been a huge horse nerd since age four, which came in useful when writing run away home. i was also in a long-distance relationship, and i’m asexual, which were both key elements of wait up i’m coming home (i just almost forgot that i wrote that one, lol). so i actually guess i do, even though i was ready to say not really.
How do you get over writer’s block?   i don’t think i really get writer’s block, i just get lazy. usually it’s because i’ve come to the end of what i initially had planned for the plot, so the only way i move myself forward when that happens is sitting down and forcing myself to plan. if i’m just feeling like i don’t want to write, i try to use time management techniques (like pomodoro, i.e. 25 minutes of focused writing and 5 minutes of pointlessly browsing the internet to reward mysel) or, if it’s an ongoing thing, i try to leave off in a place i know i’ll want to continue the next day.
On average, how long does it take to write a fic?   all of my longer 1d fics were started/written as part of nanowrimo, which really helps move things along. for the monster fics i always seem to end up doing i’d say maybe two to three months of consistent writing. the issue, and the reason i literally post one fic a year, is that i’m not consistent, lol.
How often do you sit down to write? What does your ideal work setting look like?   if i’m in the ‘groove’, ideally i like to write every day. it just helps keep everything fresh in my memory so i know where i’m picking up, and also helps get everything done faster. the only thing i really need is complete silence/white noise. i used to be really particular about where i wrote, but i’ve learned to be more flexible as my life got busier, so now i don’t really mind - i’ve written at work, at school, at coffee shops, bus stops, in the library, all over the place. if i am at home, though, i like to have a cup of tea while i write.
Pick 3 things that are absolutely necessary to make a good story!  
characters!! nothing works for me if the characters aren’t good or, in the case of fic, if they’re ooc.
character growth/development
things like grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalisation, paragraph breaks. i’m unfortunately a very picky reader, so what a story looks like plays a big role for me.
What do you like most about the writing process?   i really love how stories change from what you intend them to be. when i start i’ll usually have a basic outline of the plot and characters, but the story kind of takes on a life of its own and new scenes/plot points/character motivations come into my head as i’m writing and often take the story in a different direction, so i end up with something totally new! i also love the rush of excitement after i post the fic. i usually go to sleep right after so i can wake up to reactions, whatever they might be, haha.
What is your favorite genre/tag to write? in my early fanfic days i used to really enjoy writing angst, but 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t work with h/l. when i’m writing about them i just like all sorts of romance-y stuff, especially them getting together, so in terms of tags i guess i’d say friends to lovers.
What kind of scene do you find hardest to write? Easiest?   hardest is probably action/scenes where a lot of things happen in quick succession, i struggle with pacing those properly. smut is really hard, too. easiest are dialogue-heavy scenes, both friendly and romantic fond banter, and specifically lilo friendship scenes, haha.
Do you write chronologically?   yes. if there’s a scene i’m really looking forward to writing, i plot it out in detail and use it as motivation to write faster so i can get to it.
What’s one thing that not a lot of people know about you, and you feel comfortable sharing?   i feel like i put everything really personal on the internet to be honest, haha. but i feel like the most interesting thing about me is the fact that i work at an escape room, so i literally lock people in rooms and then spy on them through a camera for a living.
Are you currently working on something? Can we have a little preview?   i am! i’ve talked about this a little on my blog, it’s an au based on the movie sweet home alabama. it’s a huge mess right now, but here’s a bit i like:
“I’m not sure I believe you,” says Louis, half-grinning. “I’ve moved on, Harry, the best that I could. I’d love it if you disappeared tomorrow, sure, but you being here isn’t—I don’t know. It’s not breaking my heart in two, or whatever Liam would have you believe.”
He avoids Harry’s eyes as he says it.
“But—actually. Since you are here, I wanna show you something.”
Harry blinks at the sudden change in demeanour, and has to scramble to get up and follow Louis out of the door. He’s walking up the stairs briskly, brushing his hand over the picture frames as he goes in what looks like an unconscious habit.
Harry catches up with him on the landing upstairs. He’s standing right in front of the white door that Harry tries to pretend isn’t there, looking at it with his arms wrapped around himself.
“What…” Harry starts, looking him over. He looks small, but determined, standing firm, with his chin tipped up.
“You know what,” he says, quiet.
Harry shakes his head. He, too, hugs himself, needing something to keep him together just in case.
“You don’t have to do this,” he says.
“I want to,” Louis replies. “It’s been too long. I just—I didn’t want to get rid of it without you. That’s just stupid, isn’t it.”
“No,” Harry says immediately, reaching out to touch Louis’s shoulder before he realises who they are, where they are, and pulls back. “It’s not stupid, Louis.”
“Don’t start indulging me now,” he half-laughs, rubbing his arms like he’s cold even though it’s June. “It felt like the right thing to do, I don’t know. It’s just that—regardless of the fucked up things you did,” and Harry flinches there, can’t help himself, “this hurt you, too.”
It’s not a question, of course it’s not. They’d cried about it together, enough times for Louis to know exactly how heartbroken Harry had been.
They share a look, there in the dark corridor, that’s heavy with understanding, perhaps for the first time.
Anything you would like to say to your readers? thank you!! thank you all a million times over. i never, ever imagined my writing would get the kind of response it has gotten from everyone in this fandom. i get really overwhelmed when people say nice things and don’t always reply, but know that i see and appreciate all of it ♥  also, sorry for being shit and only posting once a year, lol.
Thank you so much, Kris! The Sweet Home Alabama fic sounds amazing! 
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noellerrrs · 7 years
Late night thoughts..
Long time no talk Tumblr! Looking back at my old posts made me realize how much has changed. Back in the day, I would use Tumblr to get my thoughts across since it was hard for me to explain in person. So... Where should I begin? LOL
School is going well, a few obstacles along the way but I hope everything works out in the end. I can’t compare my chapter to someone else’s. It may have taken me longer but I’ve worked hard and had some struggles along the way, but I’ve stayed dedicated. It’s been a journey and I know it’ll be worth it in the end.
Work is work. Same place, better pay, and less hours because of school. 
When it comes to family, there will always be struggles but at the end of the day I love them and they’re here for me no matter what. Ever since my Aunt passed away at the beginning of the year, that completely changed everything. I had a lot of regret, guilt, and blamed myself or everyone else around me. I was in a black hole that I couldn’t escape. Now that a couple months have passed I feel like I’ve been able to move on. I know my Aunt is looking down from heaven looking out for me and my family. My Aunt did so much for everyone and never expected anything in return. I haven’t been the best when it came to prioritizing my life, but at the end of the day, family comes first. 
Dealing with my own personal struggles has always been tough. Have you ever felt like you got hit by a ton of bricks and didn’t know what to do with the pain? Have you ever felt a surge of emotions or a million things go through your head, but when someone asks what’s wrong you didn’t know what to say? Dealing with my problems has been hard, but I’ve learned I can either run away from it or deal with it. The biggest reason I never wanted to open up to someone about my own struggles is because I didn’t want them to feel obligated to hear me. I didn��t want to lay out my problems to someone and feel like a burden to them. So I would always keep it to myself, lie to someone, and act like I was okay. I know it’s not the best way to deal with things. I’ve gotten better dealing with it and I know there will always be people who I can turn to. 
Friendships have definitely blossomed and ended over the years. I’ll always miss and cherish memories from the past. Even with friendships that have ended, all I hope is for their happiness. Everyone deserves that. For the friendships that have blossomed, I’m grateful. I’ve always believed in having quality over quantity. The quality of friendships that I’ve gained have been a blessing. I’ve always wanted to be strong willed and not lean on someone for comfort/support but having people who are looking out for my well being makes me thankful. As I’m getting older, drama is a waste of time. I’ve made mistakes and no one is perfect. Everyone deals and approaches situations differently. I don’t like confrontation or drama, but it’s not hard for me to drop anyone who serves me no good or purpose in my life. I’m thankful and appreciate everything anyone has ever done for me, but at the end of the day I choose happiness and if someone doesn’t bring that into my life, it’s a waste of time.
When I see my old posts about my first love it makes me realize how young and naive I was. I always wandered back to him. I always thought, “We had 5 years together. It must’ve meant something. Should I give it another shot?” Was I missing him? The memories? Or the actual relationship? We’d always find a way back to each other. We were comfortable with each other. We had history together, but at the end of the day we both knew it’d never work. I’ll miss the memories, but it was never meant to be and I’m okay with that. I grew up a lot from that relationship. It was a life lesson. After my first relationship ended, shortly after I met someone new and it was totally unexpected. There’s beauty and pain when falling in love with the right person at the wrong time. This guy was the one who made me realize someone out there can truly love you for who you are. He was a genuine soul who I felt a deep connection with. He was my musical soulmate, my support system, and my best friend. Sadly, it was wrong timing. I wasn’t ready to fully commit. I always wandered back to my past and there’s no excuse for the mistakes I made or how things ended. That’s the type of regret I’ll carry around. Every moment with him was one of a kind. Something i’ll always reminisce about. If one day you ever read this, I’m truly sorry. 
After those relationships ended, I’d be with someone for the wrong reasons. I’d enjoy the company without thinking if I really wanted to be with someone. I went into dating guys for the wrong reasons and could never see a reason to commit. I never had that “single” life until last year or so. Living the single life was an experience. Haha. I met a lot of people, went on dates, went to bars, joined a dating app, etc. I thought those were ways to enjoy a single life and meet someone. It was definitely an experience. I realized a lot about myself and what I really wanted at the end of the day. I reconnected with someone last year that I’ve known for almost 10 years. I’ve always considered him a good friend since high school. I would’ve never thought he’d be someone I could be with, let alone have a future with. Haha. His goofy and honest personality is what I’ve always liked about him but reconnecting with him after all these years was a surprise. When you meet someone new, it’s normal to show the best version of yourself. But with him, the fact that he’s known me for so long, I don’t feel the need to act like a completely different person. Before anything developed between us, I could always open up to him and be myself. From being friends to dating hasn’t been easy, but I’m glad to go through it with him. It’s worth it. We’ll see what happens.
Let’s just say life has been CRAZY. Time heals. People change. Life goes on. With everything that has happened, it’s nice to look back on the memories. It’s time to focus on myself and my happiness.
See you soon, Tumblr. It’s been nice to reconnect and express my feelings on here. Till next time!
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