#boab meta
battle-of-alberta · 3 months
one thing about being at home with family is i have no choice about whether the hockey is on
no one in this household is a fan of the mustardy khaki oilers shorts U_U
anyone want a friendly wager? if i (and ed) win i dont have to draw the shorts and if i lose i do U_U;;;
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galacticnova3 · 2 years
Fuck hater anon i smite there ass with lightning and hitting every single red light while driving for the rest of there life. What if Magolor had a evil murder imposter(haha just like in a mongooseTM) and not the boab, what would that be like?
Read to charge like to cast spell of eternal lightning and red lights on anon
Anyways that is a fun question! Since I don’t want to just make this theoretical baddie Lon But A Catboy™️ I imagine Magolorn’t would be much more magic focused, as opposed to physically/biologically oriented like Lon. Probably a staunch believer in Lor as an incredibly powerful/influential one-of-a-kind vessel who would want to basically just do RtD again but worse. Being a more magical adversary opens up the possibility of copying the egg’s appearance perfectly(not that it would matter because Lor’s vision isn’t exactly stellar) down to how their soul looks on her scanner. Maybe also mind reading for information. However this plan would fail relatively quickly for two reasons:
1. Trying to seem like you aren’t lying/are trustworthy while also trying to impersonate a habitual liar is a very difficult thing to do, specifically nailing down what exactly would and wouldn’t be lied about, and this ties in to
2. Lor knows Magolor very well at this point and would be able to pick up on minute differences between him and the fake, like which hand he lifts first to shield his eyes from bright light or how close he puts his face to something to smell it
The first thing I thought of in regards to Lor confirming who the real Magolor is was more or less shitpost material, but also reflects how things would probably go down once the two appear in the same place at the same time.
Lor: >… Hm. What’s something only the real Magolor would know… Where is your secret stash of catnip that I know you have?
Magoliar: In the library, in the small dresser between the fourth and fifth rightmost main shelves, kept in a small box just outside of the view of the neutral position of your cameras.
Magolor: …
Lor: >Sweet, that solves two mysteries. Anyways the real Magolor would have tried to talk his way out of answering that.
Magoliar: *starts sweating* No, haven’t we established I’m breaking that habit? Especially at a time like this, when hiding information just sounds suspicious!
Lor: >Me and the real Magolor are working on that, but he still has a ways to go before it becomes second nature to not lie under pressure or if personal enjoyment is at stake. If you want a head start before I take appropriate action in this situation you already missed your opportunity.
Magoliar: …A- *coconut thunked unconscious by one of Lor’s oars*
Magolor: Whew… Glad that’s over! I’ve had enough of trying to clear my name for one lifet-
Lor: >We’ll discuss the catnip later. The Halberd is on its way because I imagine Meta would know how to deal with someone like this, but chances are he’ll have questions for both of us.
Magolor: Oof dangit…
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
(Edward/Edith) BACKGROUND
1.Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
3.What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
4.How do they fit into their “story”?
1. Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
Ed popped out of the ground or washed up on the shore of or was at least found on what is now the Rossdale flats. This is a spot in Edmonton that has been a meeting place and a burial ground for thousands of years, where the river met the site of what is now a modern city and connected it to a much much larger world. This is a controversial place nowadays because settler and indigenous histories and modern lifestyles are all trying to be recognized and we need to figure out how to treat this area in a respectful way and maybe not build ferris wheels on it and whatever.
Ed's childhood was a lot more mobile to the point he'd be almost unrecognizable - I think today his stubbornness and his attachment to the house he bought in the 40s is a surprising contrast. He spent a lot of time moving with the fort as well as moving far outside the fort, occasionally even as far as Red River. He also had a lot of mobility within the fort, which was divided down the middle with a pallisade between the rival companies for the first few decades of his life. I wouldn't call his childhood carefree by any means, but I think ironically he spent a lot less time trying to survive than he does now and had a lot of time off to learn skills and to pursue art, music, dance, etc. He didn't meet that many avatars in his youth so he was less stressed about "catching up" to them.
I haven't entirely figured out where Edith would have emerged from, she might have had a similar emergence near the Walterdale flats on the other side of the river. I like the early connection to the river because I like origin stories with mythological elements and the idea of the river as the closest thing they have to a "mother", and it also parallels the major elements of Cree and Blackfoot creation stories.
Edith is much younger than Edward and grew up in a very different time period (Late Victorian) and thus has very different attitudes. I think she was a lot more demanding, entitled and fast paced as a kid, more business minded, and also much more competitive with both Edward and Calvin. She was also more interested in getting herself known on the national stage and would not hesitate to send angry telegrams or try to take what she wanted. I think nowadays she is technically "retired" from all the hustling she did in her youth and is mostly just coasting and enjoying the fruits of her labour as much as possible.
3.What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
Ed I've introduced as working for the City basically as "Mascot", but I haven't thought extremely deeply about who actually knows who and what he is. I think by default the municipal governments grew up "around" the avatars; there's room for them to slot in but whether they think of it as a useful position or an archaic relic is up to the individual.
He also has the additional responsibility of capital of the province and I feel that his role there is even more rigid and archaic because it was built in the image and tradition of British parliaments, so if he has a role or a title it's largely symbolic and something that he could easily get kicked out of the room if he breaks form. I think he prefers sitting in the gallery as a private citizen, ultimately, when the space is being used by humans. (Related but there's a room set up for mock debates for school groups and I like the idea of the avatars meeting there and having heated debates that ultimately mean nothing, haha)
Ed is also a member of numerous clubs and organizations that have sprung up in the last half-century in the wake of the 1967 centennial and the rise of the internet that parallel existing human organizations. (For example, our Mayor was chair of the Big City Mayors caucus and thus Ed would parallel that authority). (There's also new organizations of prairie municipalities springing up in the wake of the provincial governments constantly getting in their way lol)
While Edith might fall into a loose organization of "former municipalities", she no longer carries official political weight and exists purely out of spite. She will take charge or take over for Edward in the cases where he has to be in two places at once and she does keep up on local issues, but she's also much more direct and combative when she does. She doesn't bother making other people feel comfortable and will verbally slice and dice people up if she doesn't agree with them.
Her actual day to day life is very mysterious and she always seems to have a full event calendar despite giving the impression of living an indolent, hedonistic lifestyle. While Edward is the reluctant leader, Edith is the unofficial leader who people might follow because of her (terrifying) personality rather than her title. This doesn't exactly make either of them good at leadership.
4.How do they fit into their “story”?
Because of my context/lived experience and resulting bias, I obviously of course think of Ed as the main character of the story. However, Edith is a closer reflection of the bit of the city I actually grew up in - if history had turned out a little differently she probably would have been the main character xD;
Instead Edith is kind of a foil to Edward in a similar-but-different way to how Calvin is a foil to Edward. I think Edith represents the side of Edward that just wants to go apeshit (which mostly means the ability to abdicate all responsibility but immediately be able to run back, pick it up and bludgeon someone with it when needed).
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cracknoir · 2 years
I want to know more about how Jimmy befriended Kayleigh, Frankie, and Jack.
ax me a question.
so just up top, i don't actually know what a meta is but im picking up the vibes that basically i just ramble about something which as we all know is RIGHT up my street so here we fucking go
I have to say, this is subject to change, but listen, you're not always best friends with someone straight away. That's not to say you're enemies just cos you don't know each other, but i guess my point is jimmy met jack and frankie and knew them before he considered them ride or die. Frankie took his little brother to america after Jack got out of a juvenile detention center, see jack bottled someone at a football game -- it was essentially an accident, as much as something like that can be.
I think Jack thought this would be a fresh start, but when he got to america, he hated it.
Frankie was in a bit of a different situation, see, Frankie was in fuck it mode. he'd just lost everything, and was lying to jack telling him he was on the run from mobsters when really his alcoholism had torn his marriage apart.
Frankie got in with Elizabeth, Elizabeth sold a metric fuck tonne of drugs out of her apartment block, she had her own heavies, and while she wasn't exactly a "gang" she was associated with a few. She was very much the connection between street-level and the more organized stuff going on in the city, Frankie had worked for Arthur Thomson (or maybe an analogue for him, feels weird to throw in one random real gangster but this is a meta - i don't know if i would ever write about this stuff outside of something like this), so he knew generally how to schmooz his way up the ladder relatively quickly, and had previous connections in america due to his time there in idk, the 80s or something, i'm not saying he'd been to america but maybe the other way around - this is where it all gets a bit hazy, this is the sort of nuts and bolts of the situations.
POINT IS when jimmy entered the situation he was only like maybe sixteen, jack was seventeen and the roles were very much reversed at the start - i'm sort of getting ahead of myself but jack very much thought he was looking out for jimmy, despite jimmy doing some crazy stuff. I know he doesn't seem it, but jack can fucking scrap, he's not really a weapons man -- sure, he WILL shoot, but the way jimmy and jack worked together was very much mafia style, that's to say close-range doing someone in in their car kind of deal.
SO jack was down, missed his old life, and frankie had been saying he should get out more. Jack sold drugs too, so would sometimes come with frankie to Elizabeths. So, Jimmy, Jack and Frankie had all sort of met, in that kind of "oh, this is my friend who happens to be in my house while you're here" "hi hows it goin" way. i know, i know, you're probably thinking jesus boab, you've written a thesis just to say "they just been knowin each other", but listen, my point with this is like, some people might have mad stories of how they met their best friend, but i bet a vast majority are kinda like this.
They grew closer after a party, only minorly, Jimmy would buy weed off of jack, stop at his house, the two would talk -- and this is important, because jimmy didn't talk to many people back then. Frankie liked to pretend he'd adopted Jimmy, and honestly with Jimmy's unhealthy obsession with father-figures you'd think it would be a match made in heaven, but even when he was a kid Jimmy would sort of push back against this -- assert his dominance, sort of put frankie in his place every so often if he was being a dick, especially when it came to women. Listen, i can't rightly say Jimmy's an ally to women in any way shape or form, but frankie's worse.
The night everything went down, and Jimmy killed Elizabeth, he hid out at jacks, the two did coke and talked the whole night, wide-eyed in jacks kitchen, smoking an unhealthy amount of cigarettes and weed going over and over and over and over what happened the night before. Jimmy put a hole in jacks wall, and instead of going nuts, jack shook jimmy's hand.
So kayleigh came in later, and i'm not gonna lie, is underdeveloped in the whole backstory regard. i have a really good grasp on her character, and i'm not gonna lie, i find her kind of boring to rp because of how little conflict she herself has going on. this is getting really fucking long and i'm only just touching on kayleigh. wild. anyways my point is she knows what she's about, she's sort of the mother of the group, the heart, and as much as i'm saying i find her boring to rp she actually gets quite a lot of play in the first draft of the novel i wrote, im not saying she's at all like marty mcfly but like what i mean is some characters are static, some don't have arcs, at the point i pick up in the story on the mAd TiMeLiNe she knows exactly what she's about. So this is just all explanation for some really boring backstory which is just "she decided to move to america bc apparently her brothers were doing well and moms dead so whatever", she came over, and while during the sort of mafia years she was definitely apart of the CREW that did JOBS, that was never what she wanted to do. idk especially with the scottish characters they're not like movie characters they're more people i know. i know girls who, and it may just be because of the utter ineptitude of us blokes, are basically mothers. now these girls can party as hard as the boys, they can scrap, but there's this added layer of i will look after you if you need to spew. im literally just talking about empathy but as a boy i can tell u that shit is rare, you gotta coax empathy out of us. while jack is jimmy's best friend, he's not too bright, kayleigh however doesn't steer jimmy wrong. she tends his bar, she's happy. she was always a good friend to zoe too. everyone was, and that went a long way with jimmy. she was one of the only ones who repeatedly tried to get zoe clean, but she was never a pushover either. Jack, Frankie, they would give her money sometimes because they didn't understand the way kayleigh did.
if u cba reading all this basically: jimmy jack and frankie started hanging after they all partied together and then kayleigh joined in for the banter
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gradinagabico · 4 years
Fabo - 25ml
Fabo – 25ml
Preparat pentru legarea mai bună de rod la: fasolea pentru boabe ; mazăre; bob; linte; bame; soia etc.
Mod de lucru: la utilizare Fabo se va dilua cu apă în proporție de 2 % (20 ml de Fabo la 1l apă) , cu soluția astfel obținută se vor efectua 2 tratamente prin pulverizare fină pe plante. Primul tratament se va face la începutul înfloririi iar al doilea tratament se va face la înflorirea în masă.
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infopubro · 4 years
Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie zdrobeste tot ce prinde
Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie zdrobeste tot ce prinde
Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie 6008144, Putere 1500W, 35.000 Rotatii, Viteza Variabila, Cutit 6 lame, Bol Tritan, Capacitate 2.5l, Protectie Motor Impotriva Supraincalzirii
[su_button url=”https://l.profitshare.ro/l/7051899″ target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ center=”yes” size=”5″ radius=”20″ icon=”icon: shopping-cart” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button]
Continut despachetat Pachet – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie este un aparat profesionist pentru mixat si macinat smoothie-uri, supe crema, creme tartinabile, sorbete si inghetate.
Viteza de 35.000 de rotatii pe minut a cutitelor fac din acest blender o bestie care toaca tot ce prinde. Blenderul are un motor puternic de 1500W dotat cu viteza variabila si protectie impotriva supraincalzirii. Vasul are o capacitate de 2,5 l si este realizat din Tritan.
Blender-ul este dotat cu 6 cutite care nu sunt foarte ascutite, adica pot fi atinse fara sa te tai, dar care toaca cu usurinta, mai mult prin zdrobire, inclusiv seminte si nuci de toate felurile.
Cu acest blender poti realiza cu usurinta smoothie-uri in care pot fi adaugate seminte si nuci care sunt macinate fin. Am folosit aparatul la facut sucuri cu boabe intregi de struguri (inclusiv samburii). Dupa un minut la viteza maxima, boabele de struguri au fost tocate fin impreuna cu samburi. Am obtinut un smoothie fin care continea toate ingredientele benefice aflate in samburi.
Despachetare Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Imediat ce observi cutia mare in care este impachetat blenderul, realizezi ca inauntru se afla un produs serios. Cu siguranta acest blender nu poate fi numit o jucarie. Modelul achizitionat de mine are culoarea “cappuccino” (crem). Consider ca este cea mai frumoasa culoare din gama G21 Perfect Smoothie, urmata de culoarea maro inchis.
In cutie gasesti strictul necesar: partea inferioara a aparatului, vasul (cana), capacul cu dozatorul, un cilindru spatula pentru impins ingredientele in timpul functionarii si un manual de utilizare insotit de cateva retete.
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Continut Pachet – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Continut despachetat Pachet – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Blenderul are cu un aspect retro si este fabricat din materiale de buna calitate. Un lucru pe care trebuie sa-l iei in considerare, inainte de cumparare, este faptul ca Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie are dimensiuni mari in comparatie cu blenderele de uz casnic clasic. Corpul motorului este mare si greu, cu o amprenta pe masa de 27,5 x 24,0 cm, iar impreuna cu vasul montat deasupra are o inaltime de 54,5 cm. Aoparatul vine dotat cu un cablu gros suficient de lung care ofera suficienta libertate pe blatul de bucatarie
Personal nu consider dimensiunile mai mari ale blenderului ca fiind un dezavantaj, din contra, imi inspira incredere ca aparatul este stabil, profesionist, durabil si puternic.
Informatii producator produs – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Corpul motorului este dotat cu 4 picioare aderente de cauciuc care ofera stabilitate aparatului in timpul functionarii. Sub corpul motorului se gaseste o siguranta pentru protectia motorului, ceva ce nu am mai vazut la blenderele casnice. Panoul de comanda are un aspect retro. Aparatul este dotat cu doua butoane mari, tip clapeta, unul pentru pornit-oprit si unul pentru functia “Pulse”, iar in centru se afla o rotita tip potentiometru pentru reglat viteza. Deasupra se afla un suport de cauciu pe care se aseaza cana si care absoarbe vibratiile din timpul functionarii. In mijlocul acestui suport se afla angrenajul metalic care pune in miscare cutitele vasului, iar intr-o parte se afla un buton de siguranta care impiedica pornirea aparatului daca vasul nu este asezat ferm deasupra.
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Panou comenzi blender G21
Suport vas din cauciuc
Angrenaj metalic bloc motor
Baza aparatului si picioare de cauciuc
Vasul aparatului este realizat din Tritan transparent (Tritan Copolyester), un plastic rezistent la zgarieturi, socuri si diferente mari de temperatura. Capacul vasului este de culoare neagra cu o bordura de cauciuc, pentru o fixare ferma, si un dozator transparent. Blenderul vine insotit si de o spatula care poate fi folosita atunci cand trebuie impinse ingredientele spre cutitele blenderului.
Vasul este dotat cu 6 cutite de calitate fabricate din otel inoxidabil. Cutitele sunt montate pe un angrenaj metalic care se conecteaza direct la angrenajul metalic de la baza aparatului.
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Angrenaj metalic pentru cutite
6 cutite din otel
Capac vas cu dozator si margine-cauciuc – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Capac vas cu dozator detasat – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
Blenderul este foarte usor de utilizat. Vasul se aseaza deasupra bazei fara a fi necesara o fixare prin rotire. De la primele utilizari am remarcat ca asezarea vasului nu este intotdeauna cursiva fiind necesare mici miscari de rotire stanga-dreapta pentru a gasi pozitia corecta. Motivul pentru care vasul nu intra din prima in suport este pentru ca sistemul de angrenare metalic este fix pentru a nu permite jocuri mari in timpul functionarii. Axul cu dinti de la cutite trebuie sa nimereasca intre dintii de la axul motorului. La acest lucru mai contribuie si faptul ca siguranta pentru pozitia corecta a vasului este prost conceputa dupa parerea mea, incurcand si mai tare pozitionarea rapida a vasului pe suport.
Singurul dezavantaj al acestui blender este faptul ca motorul puternic vine impreuna cu un zgomot mai puternic. Din fericire, comparativ cu alte blendere casnice, acest zgomot este produs in cea mai mare parte doar de motor, nu de vibratiile componentelor, si nu dureaza mai mult de 30 – 60 secunde, timp cat este necesar pentru aparat sa macine totul foarte fin.
Aparatul se intretine usor cu o simpla laveta umeda. Vasul de tritan se clateste foarte usor cu apa, imediat dupa ce a fost folosit, inainte ca resturile alimentare sa se usuce pe peretii acestuia. Daca este necesar, peretii vasului se pot spala cu un burete si putin detergent de vase, folosind partea moale neabraziva.
Caracteristici tehnice Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie:
[su_expand more_text=”Citeste mai mult” less_text=”Ascunde continut” height=”300″ hide_less=”no” link_color=”#ad0303″ more_icon=”icon: arrow-down” less_icon=”icon: arrow-up” class=”recomandari-coloane”]
Putere motor: 1500 W
Viteza variabila (RPM): 10 000 – 35 000
Culori disponibile: verde, rosu, alb, negru, cappuccino, maro inchis
Capacitate vas: 2,5 l
Vas rezistent la temperatura: -40 °C – 120 °C
Siguranta supraincalzire
Dimensiuni: 27,5 x 24,0 x 54,5 cm
Greutate: 5 kg
Punctele pozitive si negative pentru Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie:
[su_row class=”recomandari-coloane”][su_column size=”1/2″]
[su_list icon=”icon: plus-square” icon_color=”#008000″]
35.000 rotatii
Vas din tritan usor, rezistent si simplu de curatat
Siguranta supraincalzire
6 cutite
Viteza variabila
Toaca fara probleme seminte, nuci si ingrediente uscate
[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″]
[su_list icon=”icon: minus-square” icon_color=”#d90400″]
Ocupa mai mult spatiu comparativ cu un blender de uz casnic
Cana este foarte inalta facand dificila spalarea ei intr-o chiuveta standard cu o cuva care nu este adanca
Dace este folosit mai mult de 30 de secunde caldura de la motor se transfera prin cutite la compozitia din vas
Motor zgomtos
Extragarantie 2 Ani pentru motor – Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie
G21 Perfect Smoothie este un blender profesionist pe care producatorul il recomanda cu incredere atat pentru uz casnic cat si pentru juice baruri. Aparatul este recomandat in special raw veganilor care doresc sa prepare tot felul de bauturi, smothiuri si pireuri care contin radacinoase, seminte sau nuci. Aparatul are o viteza variabila intre 10.000 si 35.000 de rotatii/minut. Blenderul zdrobeste toate tipurile de ingrediente, uscate si umede. Aparatul vine insotit de o grantie de 2 ani pentru vas si 4 ani pentru corpul motor. Aparatul are un raport calitate/pret bun, comparativ cu alte aparate similare.
Magazine recomandate de unde se poate achizitiona blenderul:
[su_row][su_column size=”1/1″ class=”recomandari-coloane”]
eMag, Altex, CEL, PcGarage, evoMAG
Alte blendere recomandate:
Blender Philips Avance HR3655/00
Blender Philips Avance HR3655/00
Philips Avance HR3655/00, Putere 1400 W, Viteza variabila 35.000 rpm, Capacitate 1.8 l, Culoare Inox/Negru
[su_button url=”https://www.emag.ro/blender-cu-mixare-in-vid-philips-1-8l-1400w-metalic-hr3752-00/pd/DVLQGJBBM/?psid=7057727&utm_source=profitshare&utm_medium=direct_link” target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ size=”5″ radius=”20″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: shopping-cart” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button][/su_row]
Blender Bosch VitaBoost MMMBH4P3W
Blender Bosch VitaBoost MMMBH4P3W
Bosch VitaBoost MMMBH4P3W, Putere 1600 W, Viteza variabila 45.000 rpm, Capacitate 2 L, Culoare Alb/Negru
[su_button url=”https://l.profitshare.ro/l/7057837″ target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ size=”5″ radius=”20″ icon=”icon: shopping-cart” center=”yes” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button][/su_row]
Blender Vitamix PRO 750
Blender Vitamix PRO 750
Vitamix PRO 750, Putere 1200W, Viteza variabila 434 km/hr, Capacitate 1.9 l, Culoare Inox/Negru
[su_button url=”https://l.profitshare.ro/l/7057906″ target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ size=”5″ radius=”20″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: shopping-cart” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button][/su_row]
Blender Heinner HBL-1500BK
Blender Heinner HBL-1500BK
Heinner HBL-1500BK, Putere 1500W, Viteza variabila 40.000 rpm, Capacitate 1.5 l, Culoare Inox/Negru
[su_button url=”https://l.profitshare.ro/l/7057918″ target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ size=”5″ radius=”20″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: shopping-cart” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button][/su_row]
Blender Tefal BL936E38
Blender Tefal BL936E38
Tefal BL936E38, Putere 1500W, Viteza variabila 45.000 rpm, Capacitate 2.9 l, Culoare Argintiu/Negru
[su_button url=”https://l.profitshare.ro/l/7057928″ target=”blank” style=”stroked” background=”#ad0303″ size=”5″ radius=”20″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: shopping-cart” text_shadow=”px px px #000000″ rel=”nofollow”]Vezi pret si detalii produs[/su_button][/su_row]
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Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie zdrobeste tot ce prinde Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie zdrobeste tot ce prinde Blender G21 Perfect Smoothie 6008144, Putere 1500W, 35.000 Rotatii, Viteza Variabila, Cutit 6 lame, Bol Tritan, Capacitate 2.5l, Protectie Motor Impotriva Supraincalzirii…
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Portia zilnica de Energie intr-o Ceasca de Cafea
Portia zilnica de Energie intr-o Ceasca de Cafea
Fructul de Cafea sunt niste fructe rosii ce le asemanam cu niste cirese. In aceste “cirese” de cafea gasim de regula doua boabe (seminte).
Cu toate ca este cel mai tranzactionat fruct din lume, oamenii nu-i acorda destula atentie si o trateaza cu brutalitate. Fermierii o vad ca pe o munca zilnica pentru existenta, nu ca pe un rod foarte valoros.
Nu exista un produs natural care sa aiba mai…
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jts-12volt · 6 years
4WD Storage - Roof Net Large
4WD Storage – Roof Net Large
Internal Roof Net or Soft Cargo Barrier Net (900 x 1100) Fit up under roof lining, secure to grab handles or similar. Ideal for pillows, jackets and other light bulky items needing to be stored away from dust and moisture.
Everyone enjoys hassle-free trips and the Roof Net Large gives you one less thing to worry about. The net ensures that all your gear is secure and safe within the cabin of your…
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CAFEAUA PERFECTĂ - Cum o preparăm?
CAFEAUA PERFECTĂ – Cum o preparăm?
Cum se prepara o cafea buna, la ibric, in casa, la aragaz? (cafea macinata sau boabe, cand se adauga cafeaua in apa, cum si cat se fierbe, etc.)
se cumpara boabe de cafea, de calitate buna, gata prajite si preparate, si nu varsate, ci bine ambalate, pentru a se pastra aroma;
daca aveti de unde, cumparati chiar boabe verzi, pe care le prajiti acasa, dupa gust – le faceti mai prajite, sau mediu,…
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oferteproprietari · 7 years
Espressor automat Panasonic NC-ZA1HXE 1550W 1.4L 15bar Argintiu la numai 3169.0 lei
Espressor automat Panasonic NC-ZA1HXE 1550W 1.4L 15bar Argintiu la numai 3169.0 lei
Preț Redus de la  3359.0 RON la  3169.0 RON
Automat 1550 rezervor apa: 1.4LCapacitate rezervor cafea: 125g Cafea boabe 15 bar Oprire automataFunctie de dozareFunctie de fierbere Mod incalzire: Eco/Standard/Asteptare Programe espressor: Espresso crema coffee cappuccino latte macchiato lapte fierbinte apa fierbinte Rasnita de cafea integrata Rezervor de apa detasabil Setare grad de macinare Sistem…
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battle-of-alberta · 5 months
How does Ed feel about the other capitals? Does he get along with any of them ?
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ahhh it's one of those "left it in the box for Over a Year" asks [slides into press conference of excuses mode]
the reason I had trouble with this one was partially just admitting to myself that I'm never going to personify every city in Canada, it's not my goal, but mostly I wanted something that only featured Ed because other oc creators come and go and sometimes break your heart and I didn't want something featuring someone else's ocs that would age poorly. I do have my own ocs for Whitehorse and Halifax and I have some good friends willing to lend me their ocs for others, so you may have seen them on the blog/s on occasion (and may see them again).
So, I tried to consider the relationships as simply as possible in a way that would be true for any potential oc that came along as kind of a "baseline". I tried to be as general as I could for that reason. I tend to base Ed's feelings off of a combination of personal experience, history, politics, and just general vibes that I get. This might change or become more elaborate depending on the personality of the character in question, of course.
Victoria, for example, is personal for me since my immediate family lives there, so while there is a bit of political and economical tension on one hand, the joke about being mistaken for Calvin is because everyone in Vic immediately assumes anyone from Alberta is from Calgary (and will completely forget even if you tell them repeatedly you're from Edmonton). The territories are personal to a degree too since I was born up there and therefore obsessed with that history from a young age, though I think sometimes Ed has a higher opinion of them than they have of him lol.
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battle-of-alberta · 2 months
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if you follow my main blog you likely already know we had to cancel the red deer trip due to the snow warning. when will we have the opportunity for red deer redemption? when???
anyway she'll have to get along without us for a little longer, but the good news is I am back on the ground in the wild rose province and I can finally set aside some time to start tackling the asks in the box I wanted done months ago. Hooray! Ideally, I'd like to post something once a week, but I have a major project I'm piecing together for work that may get in my way. A lot of the asks that sunk to the bottom of the box are also somewhat research-heavy compared to the lighter ones I tried to knock out earlier, so they may take more time than I anticipate.
Overall, it's good to be back and I'm looking forward to experiencing my second spring of this year now that I've escaped Vancouver Island :)
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battle-of-alberta · 5 months
Has anyone been involved in public/political scandals? Are city people at risk of causing those kinds of issues ?
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I sat on this for a long time trying to figure out how to answer it as simply as possible, and part of the reason i struggled was the visuals and part of it was having to establish officially how "public" the characters are.
Obviously I can stretch the boundaries depending on the comic, but I think generally it's kind of like "it's not private knowledge, but they're not celebrities". Smaller town avatars might be more well known because it's harder to be immortal in a small town, but I think in bigger cities its a lot like how people here don't really care about their local reps or city staff unless they're somewhat politically aware/active. You wouldn't necessarily recognize them on the street or know them by name or title unless you interacted with them often enough.
Since it's unclear what avatars actually "do" or are "for" and they each have their own approach to their citizens, I think it's kind of just a small circle of "in the know" people even though it's not really a secret. Thus, political scandal, while it could happen, isn't really something they seek out (and wouldn't be as high profile as say, a mayor or premier scandal, and we have seen how quickly those seem to become meaningless in the current political climate.)
This all said, in Ed's case at least, there would be some efforts to keep him away from the public eye if something were to happen.
This next ask is a little tougher so it's under the cut!
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I don't want to make the asker feel like they crossed a line, I just want to explain why it's a line I'm not gonna cross! Hope this doesn't come across as anything but reflective and conscientious, haha. I know I make tasteless jokes on occasion (see: body count and mac's visit) but uh obviously I don't want to make any definitive claims on something like this that will lock any one character into something more serious.
(Here is the source of the budget stats, you'll see there's several cities that are smaller than us with a bigger percentage as well :T;; )
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battle-of-alberta · 6 months
This question is for the artist; if the albertans could meet you do you think they’d like you?
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yeah, no <3
re: ed's name, back in ye olde IAMP days circa 2009-2010 when I first posted their designs to the forum, there was a big interest in city rp's etc and i wasn't really prepared at all since, yknow, i like to mull things over for years and I was also being very obstinate about shipping since it's not a lens i usually approach things with. For a while they were just known simply as "Ed and Cal" while I pondered surnames for them.
Calvin was easy, I was able to both pay tribute to a historical figure and create a nice sounding alliterative name with McCall.
Ed was a lot harder, I thought about paying tribute to one of the famous five since I wanted to acknowledge women in history... and since I was spending a lot of time around Emily Murphy Park during undergrad at U of A, his name ended up coming from there. Something that I later regretted, of course, but it's been a dozen years and it feels too late to change it. As I've mentioned before, I did think about giving him a Ukrainian surname but the issue with living in Edmonton is any Ukrainian surname is going to either be someone you knew from school or a hockey player or something, lol.
I didn't think about Sinclair until like, the last few years as I was reading a bunch of early Fort Edmonton history; it's something that refers to one of the founding families as well as the strong Scottish/French influence from those days. Buuuuut it seems like a lot of work to change when he's lived in my head so long with this name. I guess we'll see what happens.
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battle-of-alberta · 8 months
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It's that time of year again! Please spare 5-10 minutes to answer a few questions about yourself and your experience with @battle-of-alberta so that I can make it even better! As always, feel free to skip any of the demographic questions you don't feel comfortable answering, I do not collect or save any personal data and all responses are anonymous. You do not have to follow the blog to answer, but it probably helps!
[ Fill out the survey here! ]
[ Check out last year's results ]
Responses will be collected up to and including September 30th!
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battle-of-alberta · 7 months
Battle of Alberta 2023 Survey Results
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It's that time again. Previous surveys can be found here for 2022, 2021 and 2020 for your reference.
We had 18 respondents to the survey. The average BoAB reader is female, around 24-25, and Canadian. Over half of respondents identified as Albertan, which is again increased from last year. Of those that have lived in Alberta, most of you have lived in Calgary followed by Edmonton, Lethbridge and Banff.
Read on for some graphs, notes, and responses...
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Much bigger proportion of men this year than last, howdy fellas! :)
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I'm always meaning to extend the ages out a bit more than I have been, there's a very slight increase this year just based on averages from years previous. Curiously enough there is a very even split between those in the 19-30 rage this year that I don't typically see. As possible, it could just be that some of you are aging and reaching a new category.
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A smaller category for international folks and a bigger category of North Americans than previously - I'm always worried whether I should focus more on making this blog more accessible to non-Canadians and I feel that I've been failing on that a lot, for which I apologize. Thanks for your patience!
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The Albertan category continues to grow this year, and it's also worth noting that the "Never heard of it" category has disappeared this year. Well, I suppose those who hadn't last year have heard of it now? I hope. : );
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Calgary has finally surpassed Edmonton in this ranking, which I suppose was only a matter of time as it is the more populous city. Can't believe all the Lethbians are moving to Calgary jk.
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We have some more variation on travel this year as well, a couple of you cited Drumheller specifically and I believe one person mentioned Slave Lake as well. Naturally, the big cities and mountain parks are in the lead. And tsk tsk, no the Calgary airport doesn't count (though it is certainly Calgary flavoured in my recollection) :^)
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Little change in the proportions here, just less of you admitting you know me which is fine :^)
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Lots of shifting here with art steadily at the top. There's been a drop off in politics and stereotypes and a rise in not being alone in Hellberta, which I imagine might have been somewhat related to wanting to forget the election this year.
One of you mentioned not remembering following the blog - this might have been my error because I did reblog the survey to my other blogs since I'm in the habit of doing so. It's entirely possible you coincidentally followed one of my other blogs for something else but ended up inundated with the content on this blog anyway, since I tend to self-reblog quite liberally.
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Illustrations beat out Asks for top spot this year, current events taking another hit. I'm glad you guys enjoyed Jasper's introduction and my travels so much! Someone also mentioned the timeline which was very kind, the only reason it wasn't on the survey was because I had already published the survey before the timeline!
I also realized for the second year in a row I don't really have a name for what one respondent described as "local flavour" posts that are directly inspired from my travels and day to day, and thus I don't exactly have a tag for it to make it easily findable. I will consider whether it needs a name and if I have a good one.
I also screwed up slightly and listed the Bison ask as the only one of its category rather than introducing "Parks Pass" as its own category, so this is something I'm going to reflect on for future surveys as well.
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Historical events plummeted from the top spot this year in favour of gag comics, and again I definitely get the need for more lighthearted stuff as all these compounding crises are weighing on us. I feel like that's definitely a direction I've already been leaning in, even with those things that do relate to current or historical events.
(but yeah, I am still thinking about the otome game even though the pace is slower than molasses right now)
For other: there's still some interest in Special Powers and Cloud Minding there, so I will definitely consider how to continue them if possible even if it's not on the horizon right away.
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This was a new question this year to replace "Projects". While I'm a little sad at the high number of you guys who use mobile only, I understand. I just feel frustrated because I learned how to make webcomics before mobile was a thing, and I still struggle with proportioning my comics for scrolling and legibility and I'm constantly worried that I'm doing something wrong (so of course I am always scrolling my own blog on my phone and nitpicking).
The other issue is that some pages of the blog including the vision, FAQ, etc. are inaccessible to android users (like myself) which is also annoying. But it's the way of the world and I can't fault anyone for it, I can just do my best to be aware of it and try to learn and make decisions accordingly.
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Calvin stayed steady in the lead with the same number of votes, but I'm shocked and amazed to see Red making such gains this year! The rest of the votes were a little more egalitarian than last year, although sacrifices were made (poor Eleanor!)
I also want to note that there's no direct correlation between living in Calgary and voting for Calvin, interestingly enough.
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Jasper's first year of life has left you all thirsty for more, I see. But uh, I really dug my own grave with Sherwood Park as my joke answer, hey...? I guess you will have to meet Marion soon enough (which means I have to actually picture what she looks like and put that on paper instead of just drawing the Eye of Sauron)
Eleanor, the Paranormal Squad and the Nyo! characters are climbing up this year as well.
Someone actually suggested other towns such as Vegreville, which made me chuckle a little. As I've said previously, my goal is not to create as many characters as possible but to focus on developing the ones I have in front of me, and I'm not interested in personifying any more small towns at this time. That said if I had to pick a design for Vegreville...
why not this guy? :^)
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I'm not picky though, they could be a lady too.
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The magpies won this year, hooray! I will put out some extra peanuts for them from you guys.
Now to address some of the comments...
Let's start with the recommendations! Thank you so much for your suggestions, I hope you don't mind me sharing so we can all take advantage. They're all new to me, so I'd like to check them out as soon as I'm able :)
In terms of artists, I'll put in a recommendation for Amelie Patterson! She's an alt-pop singer/songwriter from Banff. I don't know if she fits the "vibe" of Eleanor necessarily, but she definitely has some good songs! I assume you're probably aware of the documentarian Dan Olson (https://youtube.com/@FoldingIdeas) but if not, he's made an eclectic mix of video essays with rather good quality behind them! :D visit Chunk'd in Calgary (it's in Kensington), they sell kinda expensive but absolutely life-changing cookies Have you ever visited Fort McMurray?
To answer this last one directly, no, not yet: I'm waiting a bit on that one because apart from Northern Alberta being constantly on fire during travel season lately, we are hoping for some progress on Highway 686 between Fort Mac and GP to make the Northern Alberta trip a little easier. Also hoping to save up some money so pals from up north can show me around a bit too :)
The lack of an Unknown-N/A mark for opinion makes it less welcoming. I was shared a link to your blog, and yet, I didn't see an easy to read pinned "What to Expect / About… et cetera" so I don't know if I want to follow or block - that's much more in depth.
I'm going to be real with you, though I have no idea if you have any intention of reading my response or not or if you have already moved on, this response is somewhat unprecedented for me and I would be lying if I said it didn't keep me awake at night for a bit.
I'll set aside my bruised ego for a moment just to thank you for making me aware of some of my own blind spots and assumptions. Though it is not explicit and in fact I might have even been unintentionally misleading when I advertised this survey, I assume a certain level of familiarity with or at least curiosity about my work for survey respondents. However, there is no requirement to fill it out, regardless of whether you can answer the questions or not. It never occurred to me for this to be intended as a 'welcome' survey for visitors or potential readers, but more of a year in review.
I can't make any comment on who sent you my blog or why, but I do feel somewhat on the defensive from your response. Not only do I have a pinned post that links to more in depth about pages, but one of my main projects this year was to revamp it to be more accessible and easy to read than previously, so I can't help but feel a little stung that either it was not findable or not easy to read for you.
I'm not in the habit of self-marketing to complete strangers and I've racked my brains trying to come up with an alternative explanation for this amorphous thing that I've been building these past few years, but the choice between "follow or block" rather than "follow or leave" sounds to me like something I cannot resolve in my response beyond the following, and I apologize if this comes across as rude:
If you're not into weird drawings of anime twinks with varying levels of homoerotic tension that just happen to represent personifications of cities in this weird, beautiful, frustrating province and my own evolving understandings of them as both characters and as places, maybe this blog isn't for you. It's one part idealised vision, one part shenanigans, and one part coping mechanism. Maybe someone else could describe it better from the outside (lord knows as an ask blog, a great deal of the blog is somewhat dependent on reader contributions).
If you're looking for a bumper sticker that would encapsulate enough of my political views to decide whether to block me, you'd have to drive pretty close to read the paragraph starting with "well i absolutely voted for notley because i'm willing to settle for what amounts to a centre right pro-pipeline party if it means a snowball's chance in hell of avoiding certain death from the bigots and conspiracy theorists continuing to flock to what passes for the conservatives these days... etc etc", well, there it is and certainly there is a queer, satirical bent to political views espoused on this blog, though I try to think of it as a "break from the bullshit" because otherwise I wouldn't get out of bed let alone pick up my pen.
I can't provide much more than this in terms of "what to expect" because, as the survey indicates, the blog is always changing according to my time, energy, and mindset and who the heckaroonie i think I'm speaking to at any given time. If you stuck around long enough to read this, thanks.
the parliament of magpies would have won if they'd ACTUALLY BEEN THERE.
I try to keep results as anonymous as possible but Maybe If You Came Over at a Different Time that isn't Balding Season they wouldn't be so shy! :)
you're good
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Let's end on this one, thank you :) and thank you all for responding this year, I hope things can look up for us a little in the new year despite all the political bullshit, the cost of living and the goddamn constant fires. I learned a lot this year and was able to travel a lot too, and I hope I can continue drawing inspiration from this silly project for a while yet.
See you, Space Cowboys.
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