#I just hate Islamophobia so much and I hate terfs so much and it just isn’t surprising the two overlap
philsmeatylegss · 11 months
A huge underlying view among many terfs that frustrates me beyond belief is Islamophobia. I have seen countless of posts from Terfs using the stories of abused Muslim women as an excuse to say the whole religion is oppressive and sexist. I have seen so many posts about how hijabs and burkas are oppressive and women who choose to wear them are working against women’s rights. They often imply that most of, if not all, Muslim men are violent in the name of religion. They fail to make the obvious connection between the fact that there’s a huge difference between fascist governments using Islam as an excuse to oppress women and actual Islam and Muslims. Ofc women should have the right to chose if they want to be religious, if they want to cover up, if they want to take on a submissive role. No one is denying that. The reasons those rights are taken from women, often in the Middle East (which is what terfs often reference), is the fault of the government, not the religion. Yeah, there are abusive men who will use Islam as an excuse for their actions. Just like there are Christian men who will use Christianity as an excuse for their actions. Same goes for pretty much all religions. People covering up their abuse under the guise of religion is not limited to just Islam. It happens in most religions. It’s happened pretty much since religion started.
It’s just so ignorant and out of touch and you know they have never spoken to a Muslim person. If they did, they would know Muslims are the same as Christians and Jews and atheists and so on. It’s not some evil curse. It’s a religion that mainly focuses on peace. And to demonize it, using the horrors women have faced as an excuse is just so messed up. Most people on the internet haven’t realized there’s a big difference between a religion and people using that religion as a coverup for their shitty actions. The existence of governments using Islam to persecute women is because of bad people, not Islam. Terfs just want one group of people to be declared bad so they can blame everything on them. They claim to want to protect all women, and then condemn an entire religion. They talk about horrid treatment of women and blame religion rather than the perpetrators. It’s a very common belief a lot of them hold and I never see it mentioned and it just really pisses me off.
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hero-israel · 7 months
So probably not as serious as a lot of other stuff people have been talking about on your Tumblr, but I’m noticing a couple of people on the right use the arguing back and forth about the current I/P crisis to make unrelated digs at various unrelated bugaboos right wingers have about leftist culture. I’ve seen several people pontificate about how the campus pro-Hamas demonstrations are a result of “wokeness”, people’s second attack against JVP’s Capitol protest (their first of course being that several JVP members are Reconstructionist rabbis aka “not real Jews”) being “I bet all of these people have pronouns”/assuming they support various left wing causes that a plurality of American Jews who disagree with JVP about I/P probably support, I swear I saw someone using the massacre on Oct. 7th to make a TERF argument? And this is besides the Islamophobia/anti-Arabism that one might suspect from that crowd. It’s gross
It is very fair, and long overdue, to point out that we are past the point of an ironic "So much for the tolerant Left!" joke and are well into the "So much for the antifascist, Nazi-punching Left!" reality.
But yes - that can easily get gross if people start to position identity- and rights-based issues more associated with the Left as being automatically stupid and disqualifying.
Despite what the memes and infographics say, antisemitism is not a set of politics only The Other Team can have. It is a human failing and cruelty like domestic violence or child abuse, that anyone can display. That includes LGBT people and it also includes TERFs and transphobes / homophobes (Hamas and the Ayatollahs high on that list!), white supremacists and BLM chapters. Because this is Tumblr, a major segment of my feed consists of LGBT Jews defending themselves from LGBT antisemites.
Something I struggle with, a lot, is that for the most part, people are not morally consistent and don't even attempt to live as though moral consistency were important. Going "Gotcha!" on a hypocrite makes for a good text post (and it's probably 40% of all my posts here) but it isn't going to stop anyone in real life. The heart is not a court of law, people hate whoever they want and make up the reason later. It just... feels especially snotty and poisonous when the self-professed Inclusion And Tolerance people turn out to be just as 6MWE as the 8kun types who spread racist memes and revenge porn. Both sides hate us, but one side pretends not to.
Don't cut my throat then tell me it's raining.
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tigerbears · 11 months
Hello there!
You can call me TigerBear. I’m a 20s something trans-girl who's only been on tumblr for almost a year!
I mostly just do reblogs, and just random stuff but I'll also post links to my fanfics so keep an eye for that! (Only been one so far, but lots of folks seem to enjoy it xD)
Expect my fics to mostly be UT and DR fics... Same with posts.... Just a lot of UT/DR related reblogs and post, but you'll also see a few posts related to other games I like or things that catch my fancy. (E.G, I've reentered the doctor who fandom after like 4-5 years)
Aiming for the blog to be SFW/Minor friendly but y'know, still and adult and stuff. Might reblog stuff with swearing.
Guess I can talk about some things about myself.
I’m a trans-girl lesbian who goes by she/her pronouns.
I'm also neurodivergent (autistic specifically) so if I act differently/misunderstand things that's why. I'm sorry my brain just be running differently.
I’m likely suffering from chronic Asriel and Noelle brain rot. I want goat boy to get a happy ending and love the trans Noelle head-canon. Shipper of Suselle (Susie/Noelle) and Dessriel (Dess/Asriel). (Oh and of course Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne) but I'm not obsessed with the pair like Suselle and Dessriel. Alphyne's still cute though!) Also opened asks! (but don't really know what I'll do with them, and don't expect quick responses, especially bc I’m the shy type of trans-femme.)
Standard DNI:
transphobia/TERF beliefs. homophobia or queerphobia in general. exclusionary towards enbys, transmascs, transfemmes, aro & or ace, intersex, or other folks/identities. transmed/truscum, and other gatekeeping/invalidation stuff like that.
racism. xenophobia. Islamophobia. ableism. or other forms of discrimination like that.
Religious fundamentalist, Militant Atheists, or anyone cant respect other people's religious/areligious beliefs.
(Its ok to criticize religious people that are being bigoted/harming others, or parasitic cults abusing and leaching off of their members though. Just don't interact if you say stuff like "All religious people are mentally ill" or "all people of X religion are bigots/terrible".)
If your posts look like that of a p*rn bot I'll likely block you.
Also, while I don't really care about shipping discourse and stuff, if you don't tag your anti-[ship name here] posts with something like "anti-dessriel" or "anti-suselle" (or any anti-tag equivalent) I'll likely block you, especially if you only use the ship tag without anti-shipname tags.
I don't care if you hate a ship that I love, (i may make posts defending a ship/debunking arguments against it without targeting anyone individually), but generally if you hate a relationship I love I don't care. I just don't want to see anti-suselle posts tagged with just "suselle" because I'm following that tag to see anything but anti-suselle content. Just do the basic thing and tag your anti-ship posts that's all I ask.
I used to be pretty loose with blocks, and prefer to only do that in extreme circumstances (basically only if like, p*rn bots, explicit NSFW blogs with untagged nudity, or blogs run by TERFs and other phobic weirdos) and I honestly want to stay that way, but inadequate tagging is a new block-able offense.
Here are the tags I use for my own stuff.
#reblog For all the posts I reblog.
#queue For all the posts in my queue (which are just reblogs)
#posts from tigerbear's tumblr (Or) #my posts (Or) #tigerbears posts Stuff that's from me (or reblogs which either have comments.) Pretty much "tigerbears posts" is going to be anything past the 25th or 26th of April 2024 (because I'm not going back to change all of my past tags.)
#tag that are like posts from tigerbear's tumblr Basically similar to posts from tiger bear except their reblogs and the new content is only in the tags.
#Upsetting-Triggering For the very few posts/reblogs that are potentially upsetting, E.G talking about stuff like wars or LGBTQ+ rights being stripped away, general transphobic stuff, ect. (I usually come to tumblr for escapism, so if you feel the same way add it to filtered tags so you at least get the warning pop up before seeing it)
Here's the link to my YT channel even though I've so far not posted anything!
Here's my AO3 too! Even though so far I've only posted one fic!
I also have a pronouns.page
Anyway I hope you enjoy my blog!
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queerasaurus-rexx · 5 months
i just think it's really funny how laughably bad radfems and terfs are with feminism.
like, even putting the rampant transphobia aside, modern radical feminism is the only school of feminist thought where misogyny is not only allowed, but expected. only, radfem misogyny flies under a different flag; looking out for women.
women only exist to be oppressed, so says radical feminism, and any woman who denies that is worthy of mockery and derision. the oppression of women is only to be complained about and used as a springboard for hating men. a woman who dares try to use her power to strike back with the tools available to her is lumped in with the other 'bad women' because women using the tools they are oppressed with to fight back is actually just feeding into the patriarchy.
radfem ideology sees no way to change the status quo, because despite how much they claim to want to destroy the patriarchy, they seem to enjoy their perpetual victim status. just ask one to explain why they never discuss how women help uphold patriarchal structures. there is no serious interrogation of this; several radfems have literally told me women will eventually 'figure it out' so it's not worth discussing.
radical feminism says it stands for all women, but radfems routinely go out of their way to mock, slut shame and belittle a class of women they have deemed an acceptable target: 'liberal feminists', which has come to encompass pretty much any feminist who disagrees with them.
in the eyes of the radical feminist, women are not capable of perpetuating misogyny because all womanhood is equal. the two pronged struggle of racialized womanhood that women of colour face is discussed for lip service, but i have yet to meet a radfem willing to interrogate her own place in the social hierarchy in relation to women of colour. to a radfem, sex is the primary axis of oppression women face. to a white radfem, the world is just as dangerous for her as it is for a black woman.
and heaven forbid you ask a white radfem to unpack her own racism. islamophobia and anti-brown racism runs rampant in radfem circles. this one is very contradictory too - muslim women are poor, brainwashed women who must be saved from their oppressors, but also simultaneously educated enough to ALL be radfems.
and this isn't getting into how utterly biased they are regarding pretty privilege. conventionally attractive women get a pass; women who do not fit this mold must secretly be men in disguise. you see this all over twitter and tumblr. how they lament that the 'tras' have made them so paranoid they see any woman with a square jaw and broad shoulders as a secret man in hiding.
if you are this lost in the sauce that you don't even trust the women you claim to want to protect, you are not a feminist, you are two degrees shy of a qanon conspiracy theorist.
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nyx-fey · 3 months
For simplicity I will be referring to my character as squid-dude and using they/them in the rules list, but they have many nicknames (no actual name yet) and they use just about any pronouns because they are an extension of me and are just as gender fluid as I am.
Will be updated in the future if need be.
1. Please do not introduce squid-dude to lemons! They will be terrified ! This is a sfw blog and I want to keep it that way- They will happily accept hugs, pets, and forehead kisses though.
(If I am working on a /nsft project I will gladly talk about it in depth in my soon to exist /nsft side blog. They will only be vaguely referenced in a sfw manner here)
2. No hate! You will make them sad. Squid is pro LGBT+, BLM, feminism, and honestly any movements that try and combat systemic oppression. They believe everyone should be able to live as they wish so long as it's not hurting others!
3. NO HATE!!! Putting it twice because squids do not believe in hurting others! Squid-dude is anti-TERF, anti Palestinian genocide, anti war on Ukraine, and anti-nazi!
(do not try using current events to justify your islamophobia or antisemitism. That is a horrendous thing to do when war crimes are being committed on children in the name of colonialism)
3. Please go easy on the Politics! Squids can only understand so much! He does love talking about good news though! (This is 100% only for my own benefit, I can only stand to think about the dangerous mess of my countries politics, and the actual genocides going on right now for so long before it sends me into a doom spiral. I know it's selfish, because there are people right now who don't have the ability to step away from what is happening to them. But I also have a really hard time believing that anything I do online will have any positive effect in stopping the rampit suffering we are seeing unfold right now. It is not a brand of hopelessness that I can stand to dwell on very often.
I swear I am boycotting and donating and writing representatives and protesting in real life- but I really, really need a place where I can pretend that the real world doesn't exist for a bit and it's with squid-dude. Do not mistake my silence on this Tumblr blog specifically as a passive complacency with current events- please)
4. Squid-dude doesn't like fighting! They have a soft little body and would do terribly! They will not get into fannon discourse with you because fandom is supposed to be fun! (But they will talk to you about the things they like if you are nice to them)
5. Please be nice to squid-dude! They are trying their best! Using any slurs around them will get you kicked off the beach! (You will be blocked)
6. Squid-dude doesn't want broken robots rusting on their beach! Spam bots will be kicked out!
7. Squid-dude has many tentacles, but they can only write so fast! They will try to answer your ask as soon as they can, please be patient with them!
8. Squid-dude loves horror and spooky friends, but don't go making messes on their beach! Keep it sfw and don't do excessive gore!
9. Sometimes squid dude needs a break! And they will return to the ocean to takes naps at the bottom of the sea floor! (Sometimes I can get overwhelmed by nothing in particular and may close my ask box, it will be temporary I promise)
10. Squid-dude loves meeting new people but mean strangers can be scary! (If someone is being a problem anonymously I will turn off anonymous asking)
11. Squid-dude is not required to answer your ask if it makes them uncomfortable! They will hide in their shell instead!
12. Have fun! Spend time with squid-dude whenever you want! They don't follow a human sleeping schedule! Ask them about their collection of things, what they're working on, see their drawings, or just sit on the beach with them! They likes to be pet, given treats, taken on adventures, and just generally interacted with!
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ex-terf-anti-terf · 2 years
hi! i’m also an ex-terf… before i became a terf, i id’d as a non-binary lesbian for a year, and then i became a terf and dropped that id. i was very hateful and i had a terf twitter acc with 500 followers. however, i did openly use he/she prns bcuz i was still extremely dysphoric. some terfs hated me for it, but other dysphoric terfs were fine with it. i used to cry on my priv acc (with 70 followers) about how dysphoric i was and how i wanted to id as genderfluid but that contradicts terf ideology so i can’t do that. however, along with my dysphoria getting worse after becoming a terf, online terf spaces are extremely racist and islamophobic and that was my last straw. i’m african and muslim and i was constantly dealing with racism and islamophobia from white, european, christian terfs. they would constantly use my struggles to “own the TRAs” but it was clear they didn’t actually care about us biwoc. they dominated terf spaces. they’d claim terf is a slur that is bad as the n word or that trans women do “womanface” which is as bad as blackface. i deactivated my terf acc and i felt so free. it’s a very hard feeling to explain. i could finally id as my correct gender while also being able to agree with some radfem points. so now i’m openly an agender(flux) lesbian. i just wanna say that i really appreciate ur blog.
Yeah, I haven’t had much opportunity to talk about the racism piece on here, but goddamn is it real. I’m a white-passing indigenous woman, and some of the things TERFs told me about indigenous people — thinking I was white — was really horrible. And the way they blatantly disrespect 2S folk and their significant cultural + gender identities makes me fucking sick.
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nientedal · 4 years
So, the JKR bullshit.
She has published one book with a dangerous, unstable trans lady trying to kill the protagonist. Now she has announced another book, this one featuring a serial killer cis man who dresses as a (muslim!) woman in order to stalk his victims.
(What the fuck muslims have to do with all this, I don't know. The scenario wasn't fucked enough so she added Islamophobia to the mix, I guess? Hey, great job, JK. Really knocked this one out of the park.)
But like, she's been going on for a while about this whole "trans women are scary - oh I mean, er, men? in dresses? men in dresses are scary! Trans women are cool though, totally, except I don't actually think they're women at all even if they are trans and not just confused." And I have been sitting here sort of vibrating with rage about this, but... I've also been very confused about just how hard she seems to be pushing. She's obsessed. I don't get it. How does one person go this hard on their hatred whole still denying they hate anyone? How does that not cause any cognitive dissonance?
Well, I went back and read the essay she posted back in January, and a few things jumped out at me, but what I think everything boils down to is: "I'm scared of men due to past trauma and I believe my fear is justified. Also, I don't think people can be trusted to know their own realities." (but I think the latter point may be a red herring; or, if genuine, it takes a serious back seat.)
She mentions an "avalanche of emails and letters...which were positive, grateful and supportive...from a cross-section of kind, empathetic and intelligent people...who’re all deeply concerned about...dangers to young people, gay people and about the erosion of women’s and girl’s rights" after and while the Twitter stuff went down. Also, she says one of her early "cancellations" was due to her following (and contacting) Magdalen Berns, a terminally ill lesbian feminist and "a great believer in the importance of biological sex, [who] didn’t believe lesbians should be called bigots for not dating trans women with penises."
So basically - she was already casually bigoted on a bunch of fronts (that much has been evident for a while), but on trans issues specifically...she opened herself intentionally to the TERF community, and they supported and empathized with her in a time when she was being harassed and re-traumatized on Twitter. She said in her essay that she believes we're living in a more misogynistic time than ever before. It's evident that she feels her fears are being confirmed everywhere she turns, and instead of asking "am I right to be afraid?" she's saying "because I am afraid, there is something to be afraid of."
This passage is, I think, the meat of it:
Tumblr media
She tips her hand when she says "any man who believes or feels he's a woman" instead of "anyone who says they're a woman." She claims to fear cis men who lie & take advantage, but she does not think trans women can be trusted, either.
Lack of trust is a running theme throughout the essay, by the way: she believes that without a long and arduous pre-transition vetting process, no one - not even trans people - can really be sure a person is transgender. They'll want to detransition, they'll regret their decision, lose their dysphoria, they're autistic and confused, they're girls who want to be boys to escape misogyny. Blah blah blah trans people can't be trusted to know their experiences and shouldn't be allowed to decide what kind of care they need.
And I'm pissed.
But yeah, this is where that book is coming from. And the really hilarious (read: infuriating) thing about this is, she has completely fucking ignored the fact that if a cis man wanted to hunt women while dressing as one, there was already nothing stopping him. He could do that in the 1960s, the 1880s, 600CE, 5700BCE, whenever. No one is standing at the bathroom door checking to see who's got a vulva and who doesn't. Men can and do assault women in bathrooms already, without ever dressing up as one. Jo? Hey, Jo? Men don't need to dress up in order to hurt women. You absolute goddamned moron.
Anyway. She's scared and trying to justify it, and I get that, I really do, but it's not helpful or rational and writing this nonsense is not going to make her feel any better. It's only going to hurt people. I know she has been abused and assaulted and that maybe makes her vulnerable to her fear and to the suggestion that she's right to be afraid, but - wow, I'm ever so fucking sorry - I do not give a rat's patoot. She has preemptively burned every ounce of goodwill she might otherwise have received from me. She didn't deserve what happened to her, but she needs to reevaluate her trauma and get better therapy; she is holding the world responsible for the fear that lives inside her, the fear she can't let go of, and she is hurting people. In this case, she was met with what she saw as abuse and instead of just saying "I don't deserve this level of vitriol, but wow I seem to have pissed off an awful lot of people; maybe I'm missing something," she ran to look for why she might not deserve it (no one deserves abuse, ever, full stop; looking for a reason you don't deserve it only implies that circumstances exist under which you would deserve it) and why everyone yelling at her might be Wrong and Bad and Abusive. And then, just to be sure, she invented a reason that fit her fear and wrote a book about it to prove her fear was real and rational.
Her fear is real, book or no book. But it is not rational. If a man wants to prey on women in bathrooms, he can do so right now. If someone begins to transition and goes "hey wait this isn't for me," that's on them. That's nobody else's lookout. That is not her fucking responsibility to worry about or gatekeep.
And let's get something straight: I'm not saying this is Twitter's fault for yelling at her. I am not saying she deserves sympathy and a free pass. I'm making an observation about what I think she saw and reacted to. Twitter didn't give her that reaction; she reacted all by herself; she's a racist transphobe who refuses to entertain the merest notion that she might be a racist transphobe, and that is on her!!! She's fucked up and she's bound and determined to fuck everyone else up, too. I am ALSO not saying this is a recent development or totally unforeseeable; she wrote plenty of shitty shit into Harry Potter too, including but not limited to:
Cho Chang's name
Someone infected with a thinly-veiled metaphor for HIV intentionally infecting children with it
House elves: slaves who enjoy being enslaved
The Gringotts goblins
The entire Wizarding world treating sentient non-humans as lesser beings and...never really questioning this. Some of the characters think that's a bit fucky, but the narration is just kinda fine with it.
So like, I am absolutely not defending her or calling for sympathy towards her! She was already merrily skipping in this direction with her fingers in her ears, chanting la-la-la, and has been for a while. But the above points could be examples of unthinking, unquestioning biases and prejudices, if only because they aren't the point of those novels the way "men r scary!" seems to be the point of this one.
I don't think she was radicalized then the way she seems to be, now. I guess that's what I'm trying to say.
Unfortunately the one thing JKR has been consistently good at over the years is never admitting fault, ever; I am CERTAIN people tried to talk to her about those things, and I am certain she did not and does not care. Also, her pen-name, Robert Galbraith, is a direct reference to Robert Galbraith Heath, one of the fathers of conversion therapy; she is not acting in good faith, here.
But yeah. If you're wondering where the hell all this particular nonsense is coming from - here it is. My take, anyway. It is coming from her fear of men, plus her total inability to entertain the idea that she might be wrong about something. She's scared of men who want to hurt women and she sees them everywhere she turns, and she sees trans women as an opportunity for wolves to wear sheep's clothing. And she will never, no matter how polite we are, revise that or turn away from the comfortable world she lives in, where she's afraid but always right.
So we might as well just keep screaming. The louder you are, the harder it is for bigots to talk over you, and speaking softly to bullies has never stopped any bully I've ever met. And I do not know what to call someone who picks Robert Fucking Galbraith as their pseudonym except a bully and a bigot.
As for what else to do about it...I don't know. I don't know that there's anything that will actually get results. Writing to her publishers and distributors might help. I saw one post that suggested we all hype this book up so the publishers print more copies, and then we don't buy them, causing a giant loss. That makes sense enough to me but I'm not sure how to swing it.
I really don't know. I'm just angry and throwing my two cents into the void, here. I was angry and confused before, so I went looking for answers, and now I'm just fucking angry. I don't know if that's better, but it is what it is.
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crushed-crucifixes · 3 years
Ronnie || 22 || she/they || lesbian || atheist
Welcome to my religious trauma blog, babes ❤
So this is just a side-blog where I vent and reblog some anti-religion stuff that I feel is too much for my main. I like/follow back with my main blog @wuhhluhhhwuhhh and I write books and poems about how much I hate christianity more on @bottleofspilledink and I'll be reblogging my very blasphemous and gay works from there onto here!!
I'm not here to debate with believers.
I'm not here to talk about or bash other religions like Islam or Judaism as I have not come from those religions and don't want to accidentally perpetuate islamophobia or antisemitism.
|| DNI ||
Transmisogynists/TERFS/Transphobes are not and will never be welcome here and can fuck off.
Pedophiles are the scum of the earth and can fuck off.
If you're just here to proselytize and try to "save" me, then you can fuck off.
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skykids · 3 years
bolded words for reading ease. mobile readers, scroll quickly if you don’t want to read discourse content.
it turns out my thoughts are not as baseless as i thought before, and my stance has changed somewhat.
as always, terfs, panphobes, biphobes and the like, do not interact.
later, i have found that there is a reason some people from other sexualities (Eg. bi) are not comfortable with the pansexuality label, because it is not flawless and has some transphobic and biphobic associations. im still not sure whether how hostile those panphobic people are, as ive only seen callouts and admit that i made the first post without realizing the full meaning of panphobia, but it seems a bit more understandable to me now why some people bear a grudge to pansexuality. however, although you can’t free a label completely from its origins, as the common saying goes, let people attach an identity to themselves if they want. furthermore, what is not ok is reblogging a pro pansexuality post just to make fun of it and show hate. it is ok to call out a sexuality and discuss its problematic roots, not to intrude pro spaces (excl downtrodden stuffs like pedos, of course, which is for another day).
[update: from reading around i am fully against panphobia, despite its roots i would like to be aware of. they (panphobes) are more unreasonable than i initially thought.]
but sky community, there is much to do better. despite a panphobic 15-year-old, this is the only thing i agree with them. the community’s love and non-inflammatory approach is the reason i admire it so much, and i trusted it to handle social issues and discriminations (as the mods on discord were socially aware) until i came upon the drama. if handled in excessive or deficit, the love and tolerance can come with hiding and sweeping serious discrimination issues under the rug. it could be what happened with comparing vault elder’s headwear with a toe, which i assumed was mere humor with everyone aware if islamophobia, and luckily the word “toe” was filtered in a response. respect and love also mean not tolerating the intolerant. holding someone accountable if they are threatening to the community is different from disrespect and hate.
in the end i still trust these panphobic people to learn. some of them are still young and they have learned some labels and the harms in some of them, which is honestly really impressive. i trust that they will grow in the future.
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queernuck · 4 years
Who Is Mayor Pete?
an interesting phenomena surrounding that post that criticizes the supposed homophobia of backlash to Mayor Pete on grounds of how difficult it is to read him as gay, how much he comes across specifically as an assimilationist, as an example of what exactly many of us hate seeing in that community, is that there is a certain way that it resonated with TERFs which I think is important to consider. it taps into a great deal of rhetoric around the way that transmisogynist violence is enacted, how the creation of hostility in communities to ideas of queerness, faggy-ness, how the sanitization and creation of a fetishized notion of butch/femme culture has been a project of so many TERFs unfortunately, the way all of these converge into the yearning for the exact image that Mayor Pete fits: one of an incredibly assimilated, boring figure which refuses typical libidinal flows, who almost reads with a kind of sexlessness that dovetails quite nicely into the sort of policy goals that he most typically holds.
while discussing him as a Republican is perhaps not quite accurate, the way in which he is reminiscent of a recent letter to the editor where a gay man talked about how the transition from Obama to Trump impacted him little but a transition to Sanders (he fears) would ruin him due to his career as an investment banker, Buttigieg typefies this idea, the archetype of the successful gay man who has rejected all of these signifiers of gayness, who has divided himself cleanly from any kind of notion of “queerness”, of faggish tendencies, who almost more closely resembles an embodiment of the sterility and structural prescriptivism that “homosexual” would imply. He is not violating any sort of taboo except insofar as his violation thereof affirms the mirrored process: in becoming-gay, Mayor Pete does such in a way that affirms the mirroring of that process in the dominant subject, is part of a series of desiring-machines through which the libidinal flows of numerous Democrat voters may be actualized. For many, the idea of Mayor Pete as Their Gay Son is a kind of fantasy, a point in the questioning of why their own children cannot manage to just be “normal”, cannot have jobs in finance or join Naval Intelligence or become mayor of South Bend.
There are many men that outwardly appear like Mayor Pete out there, and I can hardly blame them. However, just as Mayor Pete is not Pete Buttigieg, is rather a kind of second-order simulacra intended to relate to other candidates and to voters in a certain fashion, they resemble him only in that they have these rather carefully constructed personae which they use in order to gain the advantages that apparent assimilation brings with it. In their real lives they may be fathers and husbands and have relatively normal, “basic” tastes but at the very least, if they are sexually active even with only a single partner, they violate at least some kind of taboo and become an unsuitable subject. The hate the sin love the sinner ideology is very much prevalent in ideas of even a married gay couple, where the idea of two men being married to one another and having a happy, fulfilling sexual relationship is itself revolting. 
When one throws in various different scenes and communities such as PNP/Chemsex, leather, even simply going out to the wrong sorts of parties or gay bars, and what is seen as a kind of salacious and enticing possibility for heterosexuality is now a condemnation, is too much for being a violation of far too many taboos at once. That some gay men have open marriages is an indication of degeneracy. This is true, as well, for many trans women: simply enjoying sex, having sexual partners, is seen as a sort of unsuitable deviance, as part of an inherently sexual identity and moreover the reduction of trans women to fetishes, the notion that we cannot exist at all except while evoking kink, that us, gay men, lesbians, bisexuals are all constantly evoking sexuality through mere existence even when heterosexual identities are allowed to imply or mimic our own while being outwardly validated, being understood as separated from these behaviors.
A comment that particularly sticks with me from this cursory (but rather unsurprising) investigation of transmisogynists getting angry about the idea that Pete isn’t Queer Enough is an insistence that one does not want to share community with “the BTQ, you are freaky and not in a good way” as one person put it. Going beyond the usual “drop the T” rhetoric, the concentration on just lesbian and gay identities is a kind of reactionary turn toward using taxonomy and ideological fetishism to create notions of what our community should be rather than looking at who it has been, who we have found solidarity with, and moreover why this solidarity is so important. The way in which Mayor Pete most openly seems a figure of heteronormativity is not in being happily married, especially given that so many happy marriages and engagements I know of consist of two people who would be marked deviant just by their identification. It lies, rather, in the same kind of turn of separation and separatism that so many transmisogynists generally and TERFs more specifically accept as part of their ideological positioning, are eager to use as part of maneuvering into a position of accomplishing the most important parts of their ideology. 
The reactionary red-brown alliances one sees TERFs willing to make (that is, if they were even really all that red to start with) are hardly accidental, and do little to advance the causes they supposedly stand for except through empty signification of a progressive simulacra of the reactionary ideology they support. The aforementioned discussion of a sort of fetishization of butch/femme identity is the means by which reference to an imagined past, one which includes these roles and imagines lesbian bars, spaces, identities is so often cleansed of any meaningful history, any connection to radical politics beyond being left-wing by the liberal standards of the current Democratic party, any kind of actual look at how and why communities of LGBT commonality were formed and realized and lived and continued and developed to this day, is used as a means of recapture for transmasc identity in order to affirm the biological determinism that their ideology necessitates. This turn is used to insist on trans men as something lesser, something denatured and not to be understood as a “man” while trans women are absolutely, ontologically men in a sense that can never be changed, that persists as the kind of marker which ignores any experience of transness in order to instead whip up a false frenzy of ideological maneuvering against vulnerable women. The conservatism of clinging to particularities of past expressions of “butch” and “femme” rather than looking at how they deride current and contemporary communities which contain plenty of butches and femmes, which contain other expressions of gendered performativity, which navigate the tensions of the sexed body through these performative creations of identification and shared space within, and most of all how many of these spaces are ones where liberation is seen as shared, as including justice on grounds of fighting antiblackness, supporting antiracism, intensely personal accounts of anti-antisemitism and anti-Islamophobia and anti-Xenophobia action, a paradigmatic antifascism, opposition to colonialism, a philosophy of anticapitalism, how vital the turn against assimilation therefore is, that the idea of assimilation as a whole involves abandonment of these ideals and instead an acceptance of the very structures that Mayor Pete most ardently advocates for, is what makes him so frustrating.
His prominence is defined so much by his assimilationism not because he is a relatively boring person with a husband. That describes plenty of people who still at least passingly validate the necessity of how LGBT histories involve anticapitalist struggles, who may themselves hold these views. There have always been people like Mayor Pete: they were the landlords driving up rent in Greenwich Village during the AIDS Crisis. They were the ones saying that bills could only pass if they dropped protections for trans people. He is a representation of the way that so many politicians only turned to supporting gay marriage when a certain arbitrary threshold was crossed by public support for the idea. The way that criticism of Mayor Pete as a politician who holds incredibly reactionary views, who has presided over violent police action and brazen codification of antiblackness within police work, who willingly joined a colonial war machine and uses that as part of his sales pitch, one who will defend the interests of capital to his dying breath as part of his campaign, one who somehow manages to propose a more cumbersome healthcare plan than Obama’s ultimately ended up being, this is the kind of candidate we have at hand. 
And he is fucking awful.
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nightcoremoon · 6 years
Callout post: me
lying, manipulative, hold grudges, constantly paranoid, would absolutely 100% check out a teenager if nobody was looking because "it's a harmless crime", liar, cycle through idealization and devaluation, 'sick of fat people trying to be the next civil rights issue and making it that much harder to get civil rights for people who are ACTUALLY oppressed like gee idk poc and muslims and the mentally ill and queer people', frequently fantasizes about committing violent acts against people I rationalize they deserve it including family members, untruthful, attention whore, pedantic AND pretentious, tells lies, doesn't believe in one sister's claim of sexual assault (went to smoke weed with the alleged perpetrator), UNAPOLOGETICALLY AGAINST ASEXUAL EXCLUSIONISM (LITERALLY FUCK YOU DUMBASS FOURTEEN YEAR OLDS WHO SHRIEK THAT QUEER IS A SLUR, SHUT YOUR GODDAM FUCKING WHORE MOUTHS YOU DUMBASSES AND GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE OR READ A BOOK), would absolutely punch a child over an insignificant internet argument, secretly sought out sexual pleasure from two friendly seemingly platonic encounters with two girls I just met within twenty four hours, overreacts to the slightest provocations and has bitches at or vagueposted at several people who did not deserve it, has used mental illness and physical handicap to evade trouble from being late for work because video games and laziness and excessive sleep, has spent maybe a thousand dollars on fast food in 2018 alone, evades bills for medical care from an actually great clinic, lying sack of garbage, gave up on calling out family's bigotry and is now an accessory to prejudice, despises terfs predominantly for their refusal to fuck me because of being trans and yet meanwhile would not engage in sexual relationship with another trans woman or cis man unless reeeeeeeeally drunk, can and will blame being sexually assaulted as a child which probably didn't even happen because I don't think I remember it, unabashed furry, probably as addicted to video games and masturbation AND LIES as I almost was to alcohol, pretended to have almost been an alcoholic just to "win" facebook arguments about addiction, doesn't give a fuck my dad almost died from heroin JUST because he's a *little* homophobic and racist and classist and xenophobic because of a christian upbringing, would literally fucking murder him if he EVER PUTS HIS HANDS ON ME AGAIN, only slightly depressed because of laziness and a lack of drive and ungrateful to my family because hey they didn't kick me out for being trans so HEY THATS SUPPORTIVE ENOUGH FOR SOME OTHER PEOPLE SO WHY CANT I BE HAPPY WITH THAT, legitimately salty about ~the friendzone~ and just makes fun of incels because everybody else does, takes the moral high ground for not being a misogynist even though I don't deserve a pat on the back a lap dance and a blowjob for not hating women, overly sensitive about stupid things, thinking about faking having a trigger warning for more discourse credit, HUUUGE ASSHOLE to men I deem unattractive for no other reason than every single ugly fat guy I've ever met has been an asshole, rationalizes it after the fact because they eventually say something shitty because all men are terrible, probably a little bit of a cisnormative misandrist because trans men tend to be much better people, finds trans men attractive (specifically and significantly more so than cis men) so must clearly be fetishizing them, relatively okay with people referring to me as deadnamed and the wrong pronouns so probably just lying about being trans to everyone including myself, not 100% okay with the hijab for 'no reason other than all organized religion is evil and opposed to its mandate and the shame it forces on many women in many situations the exact same way I'm opposed to no sex before marriage and wives being subservient to their husbands and treating women as property in the torah and quran alike because ITS ALL BRAINWASHING' so is clearly not unlearning islamophobia and doesn't want to let that go, hypocrite because I believe in the basics of judeochristianity
and loathe atheism and atheists entirely because their smugness and smarm literally sets my blood pressure through the roof of what is safe and normal and yet claim to hate all organized religion, mansplains yet gets so pissed off when other people mansplain to me, judgmental of other cultures because they don't have the exact same values that I have, james gunn apologist, talks and talks and talks about anarchosocialism all damn day but would beat the shit out of a coworker for leaving me to do things because they're lazy because "any job worth doing is worth doing well" and other capitalismisms, literally couldn't give less of a fuck that his mother is dying because people die but it's no reason to make my life slightly harder and making me work hard when I work because BOO HOO MY LEGS HURT FROM THE LITERALLY MOST MILD CASE OF MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY I COULD'VE BEEN BORN WITH, hasn't actually performed real suicide attempt ever but still claims to have done so to attain sympathy that may result in physical affection, countless other shitty terrible things that yeah I recognize are bad but CANT SEEM TO CARE BECAUSE I HAVE DEPRESSION... WHICH IS THE WEAKEST FUCKING EXCUSE IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE GODDAMN WORLD
I am not a good person, okay?
I just pretend to be sometimes.
I'm sick of doing it, I'm sick of trying to do well and earn people's approval by doing and saying the right things only to just be ignored which is a step up from receiving many anons that hey, never actually told me to kill myself, but did take my words out of context to paint me as a racist. I am not the kind of racist who would vote for trump and march with the kkk. that is one of very few good things I can say about myself. but I'm an arrogant, violent, and angry opinionated perverted manipulative judgmental lying asshole. I'm not a good person. I have let myself fall so much and I deserve to be alone. my only connections to people were built on personal gain and I swear to myself that I do love them but those feelings fall away in direct correlation to how much they interact with me. I could love you to the point of obsession and stalking and one month later be completely and totally disinterested. I'm a bigot who pretends to not be bigoted and just parrots what other people say not because I believe it but because it's the right thing to say, and I only say what the right thing is to say because whenever I say a good thing something good will happen to me and if I say a bad thing something bad happens to me. it's all just self preservation, nothing else at all. but now I'm at the end of a road of just trying to do good and I'm alone. out of the only two friends that I can really say that I have left, one is far away and trapped in a guilt spiral that I caused by being too clingy, and the other has been behaving in a way my mind has decoded as defensive around me which makes sense as I have been very... the best way to describe it would be the way a dudebro incel interacts with any person who possesses a vagina/breasts but sneakier. in both relationships I've pushed my own wants and desires in extremis... I can't for the life of me recall the last time I have ever offered something in return other than my own company or paying for a meal at a restaurant or I guess transportation. and instead of sex I just want them to express even the slightest bit of intimate platonic physical affection towards me but that's still a lot to offer someone who has clearly expressed the existence of a sexual and maybe something near the realms of romantic in one of the cases physical attraction because for this aspec it's practically the same fucking thing.
and I've manipulated them to attain this goal. at this point my shit brain has considered just fucking going to town on my wrists with a razor blade to draw sympathy so that I'll get a hug or something beyond just a simply hello/goodbye, and finding a way to induce tears to concoct a sob story to reach the same end result, and one time very briefly via threat and intimidation so you can clearly see that I've gone far too into irredeemable territory. I've been playing and replaying cry of fear because it's just too similar to my own issues and the first ending where he just kills everyone he loves and then himself... I see me in that ending. and it scares me so much more than the sprinting screaming twitching one hit kill chainsaw guy ever will. I don't want that to be me, I want to change something, but I just can't get the help that I need. I had hoped to go for a domino effect, where if I could be cuddled for like five minutes or something, I'd have the energy to be more hygienic, which would make me feel capable enough to take on two jobs, which would get me the cash flow I need to pay my bills and take care of my hormones, which would put me in the headspace necessary to effectively use psychological help, which would let me get over my illnesses and actually become a more successful person instead of the pathetic husk I am here in non-fantasy land.
but that won't happen.
I'm just sitting here in the dark angsting about how nobody will touch me in a way that would produce oxytocin, and it's making me so sick, so physically sick, that it's affecting my brain too. I'm in pain, nauseous, vengeful, spiteful, paranoid, judgmental, and lonely. I'm stuck and I can't even kill myself because my mind wants me to stay alive and suffer through all of this because "oh it gets better" people have been saying that for well over half of my life. I was six or seven years old when I asked my mother to kill me, and that same level of desperation and bitterness has only gotten worse as time goes by. when does it get better? I'll tell you when it gets better, after I'm in prison or comatose or forty five years old with a cane and bad eyes and high blood pressure and lung cancer from all the secondhand smoke I've breathed in my life. when my life is over, that's when it gets better. I DONT WANT THAT. I WANT A NORMAL FUCKING LIFE RIGHT NOW. I WANT NORMAL FRIENDSHIPS AND A NORMAL HOME AND A NORMAL EDUCATION AND A NORMAL CAREER AND A NORMAL FAMILY. or at least I want someone to hold me and make me feel like I'm not so horrible and broken that I can't be touched.
but that's too much to ask for.
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virginiadre · 2 years
my dash keeps getting filled with white-people-do-this complaints so much and i'm sitting here baffled at how a majority of you have turned a blind eye to the virtual growth in asian conservatives ganging up with terfs and even western right wing supporters just to bash leftists/liberals. "i hate woke people/world doesn't revolve around america/trans people are [insert inappropiate remark]/feminism is a stain on the divine feminine/islamophobia is a made-up term by moslems/n-word isn't a slur in our country so we'll say it anyways even if we KNOW it's wrong" are becoming way too common in the non-american centric intermet spaces. any nuance and termanology used in english to define bigotry is exceedingly getting shut down since ....well a number of reasons.
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queeranarchism · 7 years
TERFs, Biphobes and Acephobes
Although they differ in levels of intensity (TERFS being more organized with more or a long history of violence) when you look at their theories and behavior TERFs, biphobes and acephobes have a lot in common. 
“I face all the oppression ever”. They all have a very simplistic image of how oppression based on gender or sexuality works and deny the possibility that it is possible for sexuality to be multifaceted in which one aspect of your sexuality is cause for one form oppression while another aspect of your sexuality means that you do not have to deal with another form or oppression. The ‘I can not have cis privilege because I’m a woman and I’m already oppressed for my gender’ and ‘I can not have monosexual or allosexual privilege because I am gay and I’m already oppressed for my sexuality’ is pretty much the same shit. 
“You have all the privilege” As a counter attack they all state that the identity of the people they have (bi folk, ace folk, trans folk) is not real and that thus the real identity of those people is a very privileged one. They ignore the experiences of actual bi, ace and trans people and make up a fictional narrative in which trans women have male privilege and bi and ace people have heterosexual privilege regardless of the constant stories by the people themselves about the shit they face for being bi, trans and/or ace. 
“I am more oppressed therefore I am right” They believe in an oppression olympics in which having the most oppression points makes you right. As a result they believe that if they can just convince people that they are more oppressed than the people they’re fighting, that status of most-oppressed with magically make all their writing true and all their bullying justified. 
“Individual trauma justifies my violence against whole groups” They all use individual  real or fake stories of violence (preferably sexual violence) to prove that all bisexuals/aces/transwomen are horrible people. They believe these individual stories justify their violence against whole groups and they use the emotional weight of the story to avoid being held accountable for their shitty opinions. So they’ll go “A ... raped me once so all ... are horrible” and they will throw a huge tantrum if you dispute the second part of that statement, claiming that you disputed the entire statement. 
“We were safe before you came in here” They believe in a magical perfect concept of the ‘safe space’, be it a womens space or an lgbt space, in which violence does not exist until the dangerous enemy enters. This of course overlooks the fact that most of us already real with racism, ableism, islamophobia, fatphobia, etc in these so-called ‘safe spaces’ and they were only ever truly safe for abled, thin white people. 
“Solidarity is a commodity of which supplies are limited”  They see a group asking for safety within an existing movement (a movement they were already always part of but were exiled from in the past) and they get defensive, instead of seeing an opportunity to extend solidarity. They pretend that when we include new people into our struggles, something is lost, as if our movement is a finite territory. They speak about ‘stolen terminology’ and ‘invaded spaces’ when in reality nothing was lost and all that happened was that one more group now has a place where they feel safe and words that help to describe the oppression they face. 
This is a first look into how these three groups often use pretty much the same tactics to justify being shitty bigots. There might be more similarities and there are obviously differences too, but I think these similarities are worth talking about. 
There are other aspects, like purposely misreading posts, that I think are not so much a feature of these 3 groups put more a feature of anyone trying to defend a hateful bigoted view at all cost. 
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pointless--nonsense · 7 years
Every emoji
Okay everybody this is super long I’m sorry!!
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone? ~ if I said then it would no longer be a secret hahaha
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? ~ all of my friends (internet and irl) because I just love them so much
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? ~ Eevee because I love that name and I love the eeveelutions
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? ~ oh boy um first of all Tr*mp would be in jail and Bernie would be president, gender neutral bathrooms would be everywhere, and college/university would be way less expensive and adorable for all
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? ~ all I can remember is that someone tricked me into going on a roadtrip to the beach and when we got there I realized I had nothing besides my phone with me 😂 plus Lilly Singh was there and she convinced me to stay lol
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? ~ I love everything about her she is amazing and wonderful and I miss her so much!!
😘 talk about your crush or partner. ~ I have so many crushes at the moment 😂 lol let’s just say they are all cute and way out of my league lol
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back? ~ Depending on the situation tbh. Like I’ll only bring out the attitude if they deserve it, but if it is not worth my time I would just walk away
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!) ~ My ability to be smart yet soooooo dumb all the time, I guess I can keep a conversation going but I’m so boring, and how I have no money yet I still online shop like I am rich 😂
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it? ~ I am scared of so many things so it is hard to choose just one. But I try to overcome my fears by being forced into situations and if I don’t completely shut down it was a success lol
🎁 what never fails to make you happy? ~ Watching my favorite Disney movies, and baking treats for my friends
💙 what annoys you about some people? ~ When people are ignorant. And when they think their opinion is right and they won’t listen to anybody else with a different opinion because they are too scared to hear what anybody else has to say because maybe they are wrong
😤 do you get angry easily? ~ No not really, I’m a pretty chill person for the most part I guess
🐇 what do you always daydream about? ~ This will sound cheesy but usually just going on cute dates with people because I’ve never been on a date and I want to experience that one day lol
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? ~ How food is made and produced (animal rights), I would impeach the president and elect Bernie Sanders, and I would repeal any and all laws against transgender people using whatever bathrooms they want (and I would make everywhere change to gender neutral bathrooms)
✈️ what is your dream city and why? ~ Oh boy that’s hard… umm I used to say Seattle but lately it is Toronto because Canada seems pretty cool, but I also really want to travel back to Alaska because that was super fun (I know that’s not a city lol)
☕️ talk about your ideal day. ~ Hmm it would be at Disneyland with Tricia because those are always so much fun
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert? ~ Totally introvert 100%
💧 when was the last time you cried? ~ I bottle up my emotions so I don’t cry until I explode which hasn’t been for a while (I know that’s bad and I’m working on it kind of haha)
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment. ~ Hey There Delilah by Plain White T’s, Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez, Lullaby by Front Porch Step, All Time Low by Jon Bellion, and How Far I’ll Go from Moana
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why? ~ probably flight so that I wouldn’t have to pay for gas or expensive plane flights anymore haha
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say? ~ You will learn how true friends act, and these people are not your real friends. And keep in touch with your middle school friends because those are real people who actually like you. And don’t go to college where it snows because you will hate it 😂
💚 who are you jealous of and why? ~ Skinny people because they can actually find clothes that fit and aren’t embarrassed when they shop with friends (I’m not really jealous just petty haha)
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why? ~ Intelligence so that the schools would pay for my education
🙊 what are you ashamed of? ~ That the ignorant people surrounding me run their mouths without knowing any real facts or information and talk based solely on judgement and opinions
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? ~ I know English and a tiny tiny bit of Spanish. I am learning ASL and I want to become better with my Spanish. I also want to learn Mandarin
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? ~ I want to be Katara’s best friend
☁️ talk about your dream universe. ~ Refer to 🌻 and 🌠 plus all animals in shelters and pounds would have owners and global warming goes down and better education systems are in place
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? ~ I’m going to tell my friends I love them and I will clean up the house for my mom so she doesn’t have to stress about it
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why? ~ Either a dolphin or a hawk so I can explore the sea or fly and see the world from the air
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike. ~ I hate racism, homophobia, misogynists, feminists who aren’t intersectional, islamophobia, transphobia, TERFs, and other people/things of these natures
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately. ~ Hahahahaha everything
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now? ~ I wanted to be a chef and now I want to be a nurse
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods? ~ Icecream and Starbucks fraps get me every time 😂😂
🍑 what are you obsessed with? ~ Hmm right now it is politics and online shopping but it changes all the time haha
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed? ~ On the outside I am pretty good at hiding the stress but on the inside I am screaming. I can handle stress well in my opinion and usually I try to find out what is stressing me and either fix it or end it all together
😪 what are you sick of? ~ Cis white men
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker? ~ No not at all
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have? ~ I hate any and all fast food (including in n out 😂), I also hate pasta and rice (I love bread though lol)
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person? ~ It depends on the day. Some days I think I’m good, but most days I feel like I’m a terrible person haha
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies? ~ I used to play softball and golf, but now my hobbies mostly include baking, watching Netflix and YouTube, and online shopping
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself? ~ Does it count if I was singing Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride in the shower?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it? ~ Oh boy it’s hard to pick just one.. but I think the worst has to be that I can be selfish at times. Especially when protecting myself from getting hurt by other people, I tend to be selfish and just push people away before they hurt me so that I can protect myself, but that in turn hurts the other person
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored? ~ I cannot doodle at all I have no artistic talent in any sort! I color when I’m bored though haha
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? ~ The economy. If I could open my bakery/café without the hugeeee chance it will fail I wouldn’t be going to school to become a nurse
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you? ~ INTJ and I think it suits me because I am introverted, intuitive in situations, I think more than I feel, and I judge rather than perceive
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? ~ Selena Gomez, Zendaya, Lilly Singh, and Dwayne Johnson are my top 4 because I feel like they use their platforms to stand up for what is right and they also empower people to do the right thing and be better people
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person? ~ On the outside people would say no because I act like a stone cold bitch, but when you get to know me you realize that yes I am emotional and I feel things very deeply lol
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them. ~ I don’t know quotes off the top of my head but my favorite books are Looking for Alaska, The Fault in our Stars, and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help? ~ I sit in my room and try to distract myself and usually that doesn’t work
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? ~ Knowing that I won’t feel like this all the time and maybe tomorrow I won’t feel as bad
🌍 which country do you live in? ~ USA
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words. ~ Lazy, boring, and a hopeless romantic
🐵 which quotes changed you? ~ Nothing stands out to me
💭 do you keep a diary? ~ I keep a journal
💫 who inspires you? ~ Refer to 👑
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why? ~ Yes yes yes because I just believe lol
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like? ~ Lazy, could be considered “athleisure”, comfortable
🎬 what are some of your favourite films? ~ Lilo and Stitch, Moana, Up, Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Grease, Hairspray, Elf, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory? ~ Going to Lake Casitas and/or Pismo Beach every year
🐱 what’s your dream pet like? ~ I want a couple Pit Bull Terriers
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be? ~ That’s so hard!!! Maybe Lilly Singh, Remi Cruz, Zendaya, or the Rock
Thanks for the super long ask lil bee 💗🐝
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