#islamophobia ment
sotiriabellou · 2 years
just yesterday night a 16 yr old kid from the muslim community in west thrace,greece was attacked and brutally assaulted by like 20 guys who called him "κωλοτουρκε" (fucking turk? something like that) and threatened to kill him "next time".all of that happened near the kids neighborhood like his own mother found him beaten when she was returning home.this is genuinely so fucking awful i hope those guys rot in jail.the rise in nationalism and fascism in the west those past decades is so fucking mortifying it feels like we're constantly taking more steps back i hope nothing like this happens ever again
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xiaofiaan · 2 years
arguing with my mom about morality when it comes to money... Yikes
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sillybert · 3 years
as much as i understand making fun of christians for using their religion in order to defend themselves when they're horrible people being "anti-religious" is really fucking dumb and you should feel bad.
yall will seriously make holocaust jokes and mock muslims but when ur faced with being told ur anti-semetic and Islamophobic youll be all like "im not a nazi im anti-religious 🥺🥺🥺💔" as if that makes it any fucking better.
also making fun of christian people who have done nothing wrong is very cringe-idiot-core and if you do that you need to shut up.
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sheepgirlwizard · 3 years
ive been introduced to the wacky world of islamophobes where apparently... there is at least some people who think that in muslim cultures smiling is seen as a show of sexual attraction... so muslim women are discouraged from smiling apparently...
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skyphile · 4 years
[ ok after doing more research and referring back to what i know from being Indian myself, I can finally articulate why I had a gut discomfort about the cute puppy being welcomed into the home video even if at the core it is absolutely wholesome and i think it's the kind of subject that is serious and needs to be addressed ooc
it is very important not to conflate religious and specifically hindu Indian culture as a representation of All india
not wanting to get into this debate, but religion has its merits and when practiced with the true goal of caring for one another without arbitrary discrimination, it is a good thing, and the puppy video is definitely wholesome as heck
and for ppl who are Indian like me and graham are, but are growing up in places where our ancestry is seen as foreign and weird, seeing content like that feels validating and wonderful, bc it is wholesome and should be treated as that!!
but unfortunately it is also disneyfied to the point where by hailing hindu religion rituals and culture as the indian paradigm erases all the absolute bullshit that happens in the actual indian country and is a product of imperialism, colonialism and white people fucking up the places they occupy, and then those in power taking advantage of that
its why the caste system is still alive and other religious groups like Muslims are still oppressed, to the point where performing that kind of ritual for a dog is seen as acceptable, but they'd never allow it for many people who live in their own country. it lends credence to people like their prime minister m/odi who is basically trying to "cleanse" the country to uphold the hindu ideals when India is sooooo much more diverse than that
so this is to say that it is still is a cute video, and im glad we can take comfort in small things from our shared culture. but especially to the non-indian ppl watching and especially white ppl who are just OOOO DIVERSITY FOR COOL WOKE POINTS, be mindful not to equate all India to its hindu people, remember that there is Always way more diversity than you think and if you are curious and delighted by certain elements of a different culture, that should be your cue to go look up what else is there to learn and if you are getting the whole story or just what they want you to see
just on Islam in India there's a huge jumping point right here
anyway sorry for the text wall, ily all if u have any questions I'm happy to try and answer or we can find the answer together if I don't know!]
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skykids · 3 years
bolded words for reading ease. mobile readers, scroll quickly if you don’t want to read discourse content.
it turns out my thoughts are not as baseless as i thought before, and my stance has changed somewhat.
as always, terfs, panphobes, biphobes and the like, do not interact.
later, i have found that there is a reason some people from other sexualities (Eg. bi) are not comfortable with the pansexuality label, because it is not flawless and has some transphobic and biphobic associations. im still not sure whether how hostile those panphobic people are, as ive only seen callouts and admit that i made the first post without realizing the full meaning of panphobia, but it seems a bit more understandable to me now why some people bear a grudge to pansexuality. however, although you can’t free a label completely from its origins, as the common saying goes, let people attach an identity to themselves if they want. furthermore, what is not ok is reblogging a pro pansexuality post just to make fun of it and show hate. it is ok to call out a sexuality and discuss its problematic roots, not to intrude pro spaces (excl downtrodden stuffs like pedos, of course, which is for another day).
[update: from reading around i am fully against panphobia, despite its roots i would like to be aware of. they (panphobes) are more unreasonable than i initially thought.]
but sky community, there is much to do better. despite a panphobic 15-year-old, this is the only thing i agree with them. the community’s love and non-inflammatory approach is the reason i admire it so much, and i trusted it to handle social issues and discriminations (as the mods on discord were socially aware) until i came upon the drama. if handled in excessive or deficit, the love and tolerance can come with hiding and sweeping serious discrimination issues under the rug. it could be what happened with comparing vault elder’s headwear with a toe, which i assumed was mere humor with everyone aware if islamophobia, and luckily the word “toe” was filtered in a response. respect and love also mean not tolerating the intolerant. holding someone accountable if they are threatening to the community is different from disrespect and hate.
in the end i still trust these panphobic people to learn. some of them are still young and they have learned some labels and the harms in some of them, which is honestly really impressive. i trust that they will grow in the future.
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the-dracologist · 5 years
If you even THINK about...
No. Stop right there.
Thoughts are just that. Thoughts. They say absolutely nothing about who we are as a person. It’s what we say and what we do that matter.
Remember a few years ago, when there were a bunch of reports of Muslim women getting their hijabs pulled off by Islamophobes around the same time? Well, one time when I was on the bus, with a video about those incidents fresh on my mind, a woman wearing a hijab sat down in the seat in front of me.
Did I think about reaching forward and pulling her hijab off? Well, I must admit that I did, in the same way a person standing on a high ledge might think about jumping.
But what did I say and what did I do? Absolutely nothing, that’s what! I just quietly continued whatever I was doing on my phone like a normal person.
Did I think about committing an Islamophobic hate crime? Yes, yes I did. Am I an Islamophobe or a criminal? No, no I am not. How is this possible? Because I chose not to act on those thoughts.
Sometimes, our thoughts can be out of our control, but that’s okay. Not having control of your thoughts doesn’t mean your thoughts control you.
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poobit · 3 years
“marital rape is a really real concerning aspect in this country.” doesnt mean “so all the men in this country should be actively dehumanized and be left to die even if i have no literally no proof they are married or abusing anyone” like do you see how fucking insane and racist you sound like, these fucking events really brought up the ugliest apeshit talk ive ever seen
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markets · 3 years
my mom absolutely ripped me a new one while i was getting ready for dinner with my friends because she didnt like how i looked made islamophobic comments about my friend the entire way home and is now yelling at the rest of my family. Damn shawty you are going to make me kms fr😂 My mom theres no one else quite like my mom etc etc
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tendercoredyke · 5 years
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dialoguelostloop · 7 years
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astis and holly from you can only use your own for the 6 souls survey! you can get the template here!!!!!!!
please read my faq page! (tl;dr version: dont use my art for icons/graphics/whatever without getting my permission beforehand, dont tag as kin/me/whatever pls)
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toxicbolts · 7 years
there was something i realised the other day and that made me sad
like, i was just minding my own business, taking a walk bc i had to do groceries or something, and, i saw this kid playing. 
a kid playing, nothing out of the ordinary.
but there was this old woman looking at him in a weird way as if. she was uncomfortable by him. and as i asked myself why, i realised. the kid was black.
a part of me kinda understands being surprised when you’re that age, since we come from a fascist dictatorship and immigration wasnt... wasnt really a thing. almost all people were white, thanks to our history of erradicating what wasnt catholic, even people like myself lost their heritage (in my case, very obviously jewish bc of my surnames) bc of the racist/xenophobic politics since the middle ages. people of colour weren’t common, obviously, they were scared of our government. and not without reason. only rromani people managed to survive visibly
but it wasnt surprise what i saw in that woman. it was anger. anger at a child only bc they existed in the same time and place as here. anger at a literal child. not that it would be acceptable if it was against an adult, but against a child makes it somehow even worse.
i felt sad. like, i dont know if the kid had realised, but it was possible. i wondered how many ppl had looked at them like that. i wondered how many times they have felt wary of strangers that looked at them weird. it’s unfair.
i walked near them for a couple of minutes, it was kind of a coincidence since we had to take the same street for a while. i made sure, tho, that the woman was far away from us. 
i remembered my grandma’s sister, that told her grandkids not to play with “that black kid” that lives in my mother’s hometown.
if anyone tells you racism doesn’t exist in europe, they’re lying. xenophobia against other europeans is a thing, but racism does exist and it’s growing as right winged parties arise. fucking punch nazis, dears. make these people afraid
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deermouth · 7 years
i had this weird dream where one of my roommates (who I like and trust irl) turned out somehow to be a blatant islamophobe and like, it had never come up before? and we were hosting a ton of ppl at our house fsr and I just told them to gtfo and they left
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megagallade · 7 years
yeah I think “people that are overly dismissive of religion as a whole” would’ve been a better bulletpoint bc with prayer I could defos see someone being offset with that due to religious trauma and that isn’t really their fault
meanwhile I haven’t seen anyone who loudly proclaims that religions are Actually Cults and other nasty shit that wasn’t genuinely evil
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wallywestisfine · 7 years
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tfw literal fucking Nazis comment on ur random post??
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pretty-in-pristiq · 7 years
I am so tired
Im tired because i was raised muslim, but not religious, and am suddenly being forced into being religious. im tired because both my mental illness and my bisexuality has contributed to my lack of faith in the existence of a god. im tired because my homophobic parents who think gay people are inherently wrong and disgusting expect me to pray to a god that i dont believe in. im tired because my country's muslim community uses the religion as a reason for homophobia and transphobia. im tired because people are blaming muslims for terrorism. im tired because my muslim mother said that the end of the world is near when she learnt that same sex marriage was legal im all states in the us. im tired because muslims are being murdered and assaulted for their religion. im tired because lgbt people are being assaulted for their religion. im tired because my mom thinks it was right that a prophet of god asked for an entire country to be levelled with the people in it all dead because they engaged in sodomy. im tired because religious groups keep using their religion as an excuse for their bigotry. im tired because trump is planning on banning anyone from muslim countries from entering the us. im tired because the neighbouring country to mine, which is a muslim country and has a majority of people of my race have rules that gay people can only be portrayed if they die or repent. im tired because gay sex is still criminalised in my country.
i think i have a bit of a right to be tired.
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