#I have SO MANY IDEAS this was a whole epiphany
naivesilver · 8 months
hmmm I'll give you a lot of options with this one and say anything of your choosing off the 'questions starters' for lies of p? 😊
Listen. There are SO many characters I love in LoP - the boi himself, Romeo etc. But do you know who I will ALWAYS go to bat for? That's right, it's Eugénie 💞💞💞 this is inspired by my absolutely batshit first run of the game AND its "Free from the Puppet String" ending, thanks
Question Starters
"Do you feel alright?"
Eugénie doesn't expect the boy to come look for her because, frankly, she doesn't expect to be the person he needs, right now.
Not that there are many people left, honestly. Sophia is gone. Geppetto is gone. Antonia is wasting away to nothingness, and Polendina is an ever vigilant shadow by her side, as helpful and devoted as he always was. If there weren't a thousand and one things Eugénie can and must do to keep herself busy, she wagers she'd be going insane at the moment, what with the world falling to pieces as she speaks.
Still, fixing things is her job and her vocation. Perhaps taking a hammer and some boards to the walls of Hotel Krat might be a slight misuse of it, but weapons and machinery - that she can still do blindfolded, so when the boy comes and wordlessly holds out his legion arm for her to inspect, she accepts it without question, clearing some space on her cluttered worktable and turning on the nearest lamp. She might not be Mr. Venigni, but that doesn't mean she's useless, thank you very much.
He remains silent as Eugénie pokes and prods at him, but that doesn't faze her - he's a quiet one, this guy, always has been. She's plenty used to having to fill the silence herself, and heavens, does she need to, presently, with the doom and gloom still hovering over their heads. "It's not doing too bad- you took good care of it, you know? I just need to replace a couple springs in here."
No answer, which is just typical. What's not typical, however, is the way he seems to freeze at the words - Eugénie lifts her head from her work, pushing her glasses up to squint at him, and finds him staring vacuously ahead, all tense and curled up on himself, the other arm tucked in the folds of his coat. "Do you- are you feeling alright?"
It wouldn't be unheard of for him, to be hiding some sort of injury or- or mechanical damage, she guesses. He seems the type to avoid drawing too much attention to himself, especially at a time like this, with their generous host dying a painful death and after what Geppetto tried to make him do. Eugénie is quite ready to bully him into getting a check up, personally, but before she can conjure up a good scolding he pulls his hand out, dropping something on the table between them.
It's not blood, or grease, or, God forbid, a metal plate from his chest. Instead it's a pair of leather gloves, wonkily stitched but brand new, clearly never worn before. Eugénie chokes out a gasp, despite her best intention - she recognizes those gloves, because of course she does. She made them, after all. She made them for Alidoro, long before he...before they...
"Where did you get these?" She asks, breathlessly. "Why do you have them?"
Once again, she gets no reply. What she gets, instead, is the legion arm pulled out of her weak grasp, almost guiltily and still half-opened, and a weak, low voice whispering: "I'm sorry."
"I don't understand. Why- what happened?"
"I lied to you. Alidoro never...he said they were rubbish, but I knew it would make you upset, so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"Oh. I see." Eugénie glances down at the gloves again, feeling a small shiver run through her like a drop of icy water. She is a solid, practical woman, she's always thought, but these things look as dark as a bad omen, right now - the betrayal is a sharp stab in her chest, but then again she should have gotten used to it by now, shouldn't she?
"I guess I should have seen it coming," she hears herself say, distantly, forcedly light, as though it came from someone else's mouth. "He was never as nice as I'd remembered him, once he got here."
"That's because he wasn't the real Alidoro." He hasn't raised his voice even a smidge, damn him. Eugénie has to strain to hear him, and yet she feels as if paralyzed, hypnotized by what he has to say. "The real Alidoro is dead. That man killed him for- for gold. He'd been lying to everyone about his identity, for months."
"How- how do you know that? When did he tell you?"
"After the Alchemists' attack, I- I wasn't looking for him, but he was in the path, and he was cowering, and- and then I killed him."
Where earlier he was as still as a slab of stone, now he's shaking like a leaf, a full-body tremble that goes from his hair to the tip of his shoes. His face is crumpling into something that might be fury, or shame, or even just realization of all that's fallen on their shoulders; if he was capable of crying, Eugénie thinks he would be, by this point.
"He called you a stupid girl," he continues, and he's never sounded as hoarse as he does now, nor as emotional, far from any other puppet she's met before.
"He lied to you and- and he said you were the reason why he told the Alchemists about the hotel, and I know he was just a coward, but he- He did all that for money, and he couldn't even be nice to you. And he used me. I- I shouldn't have done that, but I'd seen the hotel and I was so angry-"
He won't meet her gaze, but Eugénie simply stares at him as he trails off all the same, hands folded in her lap. There is a cynical, logical part of her that tells her that she should be angry, horrified, even, at all these lies and tall tales, at a friend of hers killing a man out of pure frustration, like a rabid dog. This is what she would have done, no doubt, before Hotel Krat was destroyed.
But Hotel Krat is in shatters around her, and all she can think of is this boy, this angry, fragile thing that isn't fully human and yet isn't a real puppet anymore, who's had to watch his father die after being forced to make many a terrible choice and still wanted to come clean about what he did in the name of caring for her, as though that was the worst mistake of his life. As though it had been the last straw who managed to break his back, even after Simon Manus did his worst to get the same result.
She could be giving him any of her usual witticisms, right now. Instead, she gets up, slowly and without a word, and steps around the table to get closer to the boy, wrapping her arms around him.
He startles in her grasp, stunned, but Eugénie doesn't let go. He smells of gasoline and decay, and this is hardly her preferred method of comfort, but all of it only makes her hold him tighter, and for a split second she almost forgets who's actually holding who upright, in truth.
"Thank you for telling me the truth," she whispers, low enough that it doesn't echo, even in the hotel's cavernous, suddenly too empty arched galleries.
"And- thank you for trying to spare me, earlier. I know you only wanted to make me happy. It's not your fault that any of this happened. You were just trying to do the right thing."
There is a lull of silence, one that seems to stretch for decades. Then, haltingly, the boy lifts his arms and clings to her, the motion feeling nearly desperate, like a child begging for company after a long, dark nightmare even if the chandeliers above them are still burning sun-bright. He doesn't stop shaking, but it seems more focused, almost, true relief instead of simple rage.
And all throughout that Eugénie holds him, waiting for the moment to pass, watching those small, blasted, handmade gloves just lay there, innocently, mockingly, amongst her beloved tools.
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mysticbewitched · 10 months
Back To Basics: Conscious Manifestation
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A wild epiphany dawned upon me the other night, and it opened my eyes to a whole new perspective as a conscious manifestor..
It made me realize a very important truth that we as a community need to turn ourselves back to the basics of understanding conscious manifestation. We must remind ourselves the true meaning of manifesting and what it truly means to be a conscious manifestor.
~ Part I: Basics of Conscious Manifesting ~
"Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it and you will." - Neville Goddard
I have noticed that too many people in this community have completely forgotten what it means to live your life as a conscious manifestor.
When you (as a manifestor) make the decision to consciously manifest a certain desire of yours, there's not any shred of physical evidence in front of you. This is why the whole entire concept is called "manifesting" in the first place.
As a conscious manifestor, you simply manifest for the chosen desire to materialize in your physical reality. The term manifestation means "-to turn something from an idea into a reality."
When you manifest a desire, you are conjuring your ideal entirely from within. It always comes from *within.* Never without.
When you manifest, you are only conjuring your manifestation from your inner mind, and then it becomes inevitable for your intended manifestation to appear in your "external world."
Even though your desire manifests in your physical reality, you first had to conjure the creation *from the inside* to bring about your desired changes.
Manifesting is entirely about your inner state of mind.
Your primary focus should always be your inner state of mind, forget about the evidence of your senses in front of you. All that matters is your own perception of yourself as a conscious manifestor.
Instead of turning to search outside of yourself and fixating on your circumstances, *you must satisfy your hunger for your desire from within.* The impatient hunger for your desire has to completely die.
Walk by faith in yourself as a manifestor and accept the fact that your desire is already an accomplished fact.
*It all comes from within.*
~ Part II: As Within, So Without ~
Your only opponent in the game of conscious manifestation is *your own mind.*
"If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact." - Neville Goddard
Have you ever heard of the phrase, "as within, so without?" That is our nature of manifestation at work. You can never ever manifest anything from outside of you. In fact, there is absolutely nothing outside of you. You are the operant power of your reality.
Everything you see in your reality *comes from within*. It all started from within your inner state of mind and became your experience in the flesh. You are the creator and you always have complete control of your entire reality. To be a conscious manifestor means to be aware of your own power and your true identity as the creator of your experiences. Conscious manifesting means to leave victimhood behind and completely take charge of your experiences from the perception of your true self-awareness.
Conscious manifestation is all about manifesting whatever you desire *from within* without having *any* evidence on the outside. Too many people seem to lose sight of this important understanding.
Since you are the creator and the ultimate master of your own reality, you are living your life from the confident disposition of rewriting your story and deciding your experiences before they can play out in front of your eyes.
You are the author of your story and you are determining your ideals before they physically happen. This is how it truly goes and this is what you must understand in order to master conscious manifestation as a deliberate manifestor.
Let's turn to witchcraft as an example for a moment. When witches perform a spell, is there any proof of their manifestation in front of them whatsoever during the process of performing their spell work? Absolutely not. That is why they perform the spell in the first place.
Another question to ask yourself: What are witches doing when they perform a spell? The witches are in the midst of *consciously manifesting* their desire. They are commanding for a certain change to manifest in their reality. After the spell work is complete, their manifestation still hasn't shown up in front of them, but in their inner state of mind: they remain confident and unmoved in their faith.
Now really think to yourself for a moment here.
Do these witches spiral and fall apart?
Do they doubt themselves?
Do they throw a fit about the circumstances happening in front of them?
Why would they ever need to worry? Witches are strongly aware of their power and they already know how the story is going to end. Their desires have already been declared and they confidently expect for their manifestations to arrive.
Are witches ever searching for results of their manifestation outside of themselves? Oh, hell no. Do you honestly think these witches give the slightest care about how the physical state of their reality ever looks? They don't care at all. Their faith in themselves are stronger.
Witches are so confident in themselves as conscious manifestors that instead they laugh in the face of their circumstances. They recognize that their manifestation is inevitable. It is a done deal and they believe in their own power. Nothing can shake them.
Witches are aware of their own power as badass manifestors, and they truly believe in themselves. They are natural masters of conscious manifestation and their own craft. So, what kind of attitude do witches hold when their spellwork is complete? They remain completely confident in their own abilities, and they know the desire is already fulfilled. *it is done*.
Your inner state of mind is the priority, and it's all that matters since you are the creator. You are the author writing your own story.
In order to successfully manifest anything you want with ease, you simply view your world from the self-confident perspective of accepting the fact that your desire is now already fulfilled and you persist in that confident attitude of accomplishment. Your manifestation is inevitable to come to fruition.
Manifestation always *comes from within*. This is meant to be easy and you were never meant to struggle.
You are able to easily accept your desire as a done deal when you truly understand that you are the master of your reality, and the creation is finished. You will know this to be true without a doubt from your own experiences of practicing your ability to manifest.
Your only job as a manifestor is to stay strong in your faith and persist from the perspective of understanding that you have already achieved your desire. Your desire will manifest.
Persisting from the mindset of the wish fulfilled comes easily, and it becomes an enjoyment when you truly realize that you are the one in control. You are the one with the power.
You are one with your desires as the creator of your reality.
This is how conscious manifestation truly works. Too many of you are approaching the concept of manifestation completely backward, and your perspective needs to change for the sake of your success.
Do you want this to be easy? or do you want to keep struggling?
You must take a step back and understand that the manifestation game is never about trying to change "the outside." It's all about understanding who you truly are.
Conscious manifestation has nothing to do with trying to manipulate the whole world in your favor.
It's about realizing that *you are reality.*
As the operant power, you hold the ultimate authority to decide what you will experience. You simply give yourself whatever you desire *from within* and enjoy relishing in the fact that it is done.
You are meant to satisfy the impatient, incessant hunger for the desire by simply recognizing that whatever you want is already yours because you are the creator. There's nothing more to do.
Too many of you are so focused and fixated on the physical aspects of conscious manifestation when you are skipping the most important step to bring your manifestation into your reality. Accepting your desire as a done deal *from within.*
Why does physical aspects matter when you are the only one in control and missing the whole point of manifestation? The only thing that truly matters is solely your faith and belief in yourself as the operant power. Nothing else matters.
The manifestations reveal themselves in your reality when understand this: there is only changing *yourself.* You no longer feel the need to try to change the world when you stumble upon the realization that you and your "external reality" are one. There is only yourself to change.
Change your perception of yourself as a manifestor and this game becomes utterly easy.
~ Part III: Manifestor's Mindset~
"Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are." - Neville Goddard
You need to understand that you cannot come to the table of conscious manifestation with victim mentality. It's all a matter of mindset in this game, and the only way to be successful with ease will always be changing your mindset. There is no other way around that. You cannot escape from the inevitable.
~ There is no one and nothing to change but self. ~
You either believe that you are a helpless victim in your world or the operant power with complete control over everything in your reality.
Do you want to truly take control of your own life and manifest absolutely anything you desire? Completely drop the "woe-is-me" victim mentality and realize your own power. You are an incredible creator with limitless power. Don't you realize that?
If you want success in the conscious manifestation game, you must step up and embrace the incredible, infinite power you are. Embrace it with confidence because only you have the power to change your own life. Nobody else can do it for you. In your reality, you are the only one in complete control of every single aspect. You are the CEO.
This is all about believing in yourself and living confident in your abilities to manifest anything you desire for yourself once you finally realize that you are the only one in control.
Your confidence in yourself as a manifestor is all you need for easy success and this all lies in your conception of yourself.
You must wake up from the grave of the victim mentality and realize this important truth. You need to cultivate some serious confidence and faith not only in yourself but also in your own abilities.
Change your perception of yourself and walk by faith in your power. You are all that you need.
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Drafting the Adventure: Dungeons Without Walls
I love the idea of dungeons, but there was a significant portion of my life as a DM where they didn’t feature in my games. While Pathfinder and 5e provided a great framework for character building and tactical skirmishes that I could build story on top of, neither was really great when it came time to detour into a  dungeon. My players tended to get confused when we headed out to plunder the local ruin or cave system, spending a lot more time figuring out where they were and what they should be doing than actually doing anything. 
The problem as it turned out was limited information.  I had a picture of the dungeon in my head/notes but I couldn’t telepathically infer that to the party, and the back and forth questions where they tried to orient themselves within my mental labyrinth ate up a lot of session time prevented us from attaining that snappy pace that every table needs to keep the players invested.
Recently though I had an epiphany about overhauling exploration in d&d, and wrote up a whole post detailing how you could build and run wilderness adventures the same way you could a heist or a murder mystery. Because I was already writing a series about dungeon design it didn’t take long for me to realize that this exploration overhaul was 100% applicable, and could solve a lot of the delay and confusion my players usually faced on their next trip underground.  Spoilers: it worked amazingly.
 The key to this overhaul was giving my players enough information to see the dungeon as a sort of abstract checklist, and then giving them the power to investigate and check things off that list in whatever order they wished, when they enter a new level of the dungeon they get a new checklist to fill out which still keeps that sense of exploration. Folk love checking things off lists, and I as a dungeonmaster love it when players engage with the content I’ve spent so much energy creating even if it’s only poking their head in the door to realize they want to run away as fast as possible. Likewise, designing the dungeon this way let me tackle much larger concepts without having to sweat the details of filling up every little room as I would have to in map-centric design.
To summarize my exploration mechanic as It applies to dungeons:
During Design: After you’ve got the dungeons’ major concept, you divide it into unique “zones” (essentially what might be levels in a regular dungeon) with an interconnected theme, mechanic, or threat.
Each zone has a number of points of interest, which can be anything from trails to follow, odd sights they might investigate, to full complexes of rooms that you’ve mapped out. You don’t need to map out the points of interest otherwise, they sort of float abstractly within the zone 
When players enter a zone, they become aware of its name and general descriptor, as well as how many total points of interest are in that zone. They also become aware of some points of interest immediately to serve as landmarks and give them a direction for their exploration, but most remain undiscovered until they venture off the path and start checking out their surroundings. Hidden among these points of interest are the doors that lead to zones deeper within the dungeon, encouraging the party to explore in order to progress.
During Play: When the players enter the dungeon, one player is appointed as the surveyor, who’s job it is to keep track of the zones, fill out that checklist, and check things off when the DM tells them that they’ve fully explored a point of interest.
Rather than needing to be aware of the exact room layout, the party just need to know what zone they’re in and what options are available to them, Because this information is delivered in the form of a checklist with empty spaces, the party know exactly how much of the dungeon they’ve explored, what’s left to explore, and when they’ve cleared out an area.
Lets take the image above as inspiration. Say the party is trying to make it up to the tower, you can easily see a progression of zones and maybe imagine a few to go alongside them:
Ruins & Foothills: The first area, filled with the remnants of an ancient civilization. Picked over by looters and now a home to all sorts of wildlife,
Mountainside: The obvious next goal, but locked off behind a challenging climb, Filled with hazards that threaten to knock the party back down to the foothills if they’re not careful
Caverns: Secret area accessible only if the party explore a cave on the mountainside, or make a beeline towards the old aqueduct landmark in the foothills, realizing it might be easier than the climb. 
Spire Foundations: The door connecting to the foothills is guarded by a complex puzzle and arcane ward, but the party might be able to sneak in through the caves where erosion has caused a breakthrough into the cellars.
Spire Peak: High among the clouds, the party’s prize is somewhere here.  Access to the upper sections of the tower are guarded by a territorial sphinx under arcane compulsion, though the party might just be able to skip that fight if they figure out the riddle to make the portal mirrors work in the foundations.
Trying to design all this by pencilling it in on a gridmap would take weeks, to say nothing of the headache it’d cause you trying to make things fit together and fill up empty space with content. Designing it first as a sequence of zones and then filling those out with interesting fights, puzzles, and encounters is the work of an afternoon or two. Likewise, its easy on your players: five zones with six to ten points of interest is far easier to tackle when you can make a checklist and see how much progress you’ve made, despite the fact that the area they’re exploring is quite vast. 
I hope you find this as useful as I have, and if you need a more concrete example of how it might work, don’t worry, I’ll have one of those for you in the coming days.
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linnorabeifong · 6 months
I Physically Can’t Get This Idea Out of My Head
How many people actually know Lin got her scars from Su ? I was rewatching the Zafou episodes and I don’t think Lin ever explicitly mentioned Su giving her the scars. So none of the krew knows. So I get why her anger doesn’t look justified to them and why they would pressure her to make up without that context. But I so badly want them to discover it. I want to see their reactions . I want them to see photos of Lin before she was scarred. How would their perceptions of Su and Lin change ? Would they be more empathetic towards Lin ?
Additionally I don’t think Su’s kids know the truth. Opal really loves her aunt I imagine she would be quite angry if she found out and while Lin’s bond with her nephews isn’t explored in the show ( which it should’ve been I want to see her play power disk with Wei and Wing, and praise Huan’s art and have a heart to heart with Baatar) I think they’re also attached to her and would be upset.
Further how about the air kids, Lin seems quite close to them and they’re all very curious. They’ve probably asked her several times before. Did she lie to them to protect her sister ? Does she give up and tell the truth one day ?
How about Kya, Bumi and Izumi ? Were any of them actually there when it all went down ? Did she tell them ? ( I don’t think she would it seems painful for her to talk about ) How would they react to the truth thirty years later?
Also I think Toph has the capacity for empathy. I think she’s ignorant to the full extent of Lin’s injury and that’s why she was so apathetic about it and just wants to move on. She’s blind. She never saw the bandages or saw how deep the scars ran, how large they were but if she did would she have acted differently? I think so. Sure she’s neglectful but she’s not a monster. If she actually felt the scars I think she would’ve comforted her daughter. She would’ve been more mad at Su. In her eyes Lin has a little scratch and Su was an accomplice in a crime. So if course she thinks Lin is overreacting. In her eyes sending Su away for being an accomplice is a crime is proportional to the harm done. She thinks Lin’s anger is just her being a square and normal sibling bickering. If she knew the whole truth maybe she would’ve punished Su more and made her make it up to Lin somehow.
( does she even know that Lin has a scar afterwards? Does anyone mention them in front of her ?)
and Lin would never let anyone touch her scars ever so how is Toph supposed to understand? How can she without feeling them ?
More thoughts about Toph: Raising both of the girls while being blind must’ve been difficult. Think about it she can’t see if their clothes get stained, can’t see if they have a bruise or see if they’re crying. So much of communication and understanding is nonverbal. She misses out on so many social cues and so much visual information. On top of being blind both her and Lin dislike physical affection.So all they really have left is verbal communication and both of them are too emotionally stunted and prone to bottling things up to ever say what they need to. Let’s be honest Toph isn’t a great listener either so she probably doesn’t fully realize/respond to what Lin is trying to say. Lin may be better at writing out or drawing her emotions but Toph wouldn’t be able to read what she wrote or see her visual work. Lin would have to learn braille and sit down and write in it to get her mother to understand which I honestly don’t believe she has the patience or desire to do. Nor do I believe Toph has the patience or desire to sit down and read all of that. ( Does Toph know braille ?) They can’t communicate with each other properly. There are so many barriers. Of course their relationship is strained. While it may not be wholly Toph’s fault it has produced a huge impact on both of her daughters that none of them can address.
An epiphany : LIN IS A SILENT CRIER. She doesn’t sob. Are you following me? Rewatch the Zafou episode if you don’t believe me . Nonverbal - audio communication ( I don’t know if there’s an actual word for this) doesn’t happen between them. Lin isn’t vocally expressive. She doesn’t cry out loud or scream or make any other vocalizations when she is in physical or emotional pain. She may grunt in some of the fight scenes but she isn’t loud. Think about when she got her bending taken. Probably one of the most physically and emotionally painful moments of her entire life. In that scene she didn’t make a single sound. Or the reverse she got her bending restored a huge moment of relief she didn’t laugh or make any other sounds of joy. She just thanked Korra. Lin is silent . Toph can’t hear her.
In conclusion communication is everything and everyone of them needs therapy.
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@teddybearbutchh and i might have just worked out something whilst we were screaming, once again, about This Face:
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because it's practically obscene, right?! aziraphale you need to rein it in, babes, now is not the time-
-but the thing is why aziraphale makes this face which, arguably, is relatively anomalous when compared with other faces he's thrown at crowley when crowley isn't paying attention.
on one hand, you could take it down the horny route - the look is certainly heated enough (the eyes, the heavy breathing, the gulp) - and consider that aziraphale is suddenly struck with the 'epiphany' that if crowley is an expert on love... does that include all aspects of it? 👀 possibly. but it's likely more than that:
aziraphale demonstrates in s1 that he (im not including other angels in this empathetic superpower) is able to feel ambient love - and it's indicated similarly that crowley cannot. there have been theories - that i somewhat subscribe to - that aziraphale can't detect crowley's own love "for the same reason people in times square can't see America.", but it's equally plausible that crowley as a demon cannot emit love... either way, it appears to be a revelation on aziraphale's part that crowley might... just might... feel and understand love on a fundamental level
this is also fresh out of ep2 when aziraphale is toying with the idea to hold a ball for nina and maggie, to make them fall in love like They Do In Jane Austen... and yet, now, he's considering whether he could do the same for crowley? now that he 'knows' that crowley feels/understands love, he can unleash all of his own at this ball, and they'll swan off into the sunset because now they can (with complete disregard for everything else going to shit around him, bless this little eldritch horror)
this conversation, as robyn💕 pointed out, is post-"our shop/car" conversation. could it be, from aziraphale's perspective, that crowley has possibly been picking up on aziraphale's hints all along, that aziraphale wants to share his life with crowley - and the vice versa - and that if he confesses properly to crowley, crowley might just accept it? and want the same?
this is only reinforced by this Look being sandwiched between crowley being hesitant about giving aziraphale the keys, and then immediately afterwards chucking them at him like its nothing... crowley must trust aziraphale, must accept and reciprocate at least some part of what aziraphale is trying to tell him; his efforts aren't for nothing. these two have never communicated anything like this verbally - for many different reasons - and why stop now, when aziraphale's actions seem to be doing the trick?
it would further, theoretically, explain why aziraphale is not only in such a good mood going up to edinburgh (sure, he's off to go play miss marple too - the dream) - he's literally going to go solve this whole mystery like a cool detective, come back, send gabriel off on his merry way, confess properly to crowley like he deserves, and then they can get started on the rest of their lives together
it also gives some justification as to why aziraphale feels it appropriate to change the colour of the bentley; we know it's a manifestation of his love for crowley, but this gives it even more depth. he's so excited! he gets to come back and hold a ball - they'll do some formal dancing, crowley will realise that he's completely misunderstood aziraphale, and that aziraphale is actually deeply in love with him! works every time apparently!
look, The Face could be something of nothing - but its nonetheless really interesting when you consider that aziraphale's sudden enthusiasm for the ball might have been encouraged by this line in particular; that crowley's bluff might have just been the undeniable green light, as it were, that aziraphale was waiting for.
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hittos · 2 years
𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐒. 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.7k words 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: light degradation, dub con, blackmail, Gojo is a Pervert, taking inappropriate pictures without consent 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Upon finding out Gojo has been taking upskirt pictures of you, you are forced to make a deal to get him to get rid of them
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If you knew that The Satoru Gojo was obsessed with you, you wouldn't have come to school with no panties today.
It was common knowledge that you were a bit of an airhead, never really paying attention to your surroundings and it’s gotten you into quite a bit of trouble through the years from almost being ran over countless times to getting attacked by curses that should not have been able to even get close to you and not noticing the many, many, many times Gojo was taking upskirt pictures of you.
You could’ve actually gone your whole life never knowing how often he does this to you had he not straight up confessed. In a way. 
You sighed in frustration as you turned the corner of the somewhat obscured spot in the gardens, Gojo asked you to meet him in, “you know we can’t miss class without a good excuse, you’ll get us both kicked out” you angrily cross your arms over your chest, highlighting your cute tits.
“I know, but I need to show you something and it couldn’t wait” he smirked knowingly at your confused face, his eyes ogling your figure behind the safety of his pitch black glasses, “what is it?” you warily inched closer to him as he pulled out his flip phone.
“Look at this” It took you a minute to realize what you were even looking at and as soon as you had the short lived rush of epiphany, the horror quickly coursed through every last crevice of your body, numbing it within seconds. The words died in your mouth as his slender finger brought on an onslaught of pictures of your butt clad in different colored panties in each one. Some were standard cotton panties, others were promiscuous thongs that got swallowed by your pussy lips and butt. He even had a few of your chest with the outline of your nipples visible through your shirt. One after the next like he’s been collecting them under your nose for years (and he has) before finally the phone displayed the very last picture he took. The very worst one of all.
You stared in shock as you saw a picture of your completely bare pussy in the phone of your classmate, not sure what to do or if there even is anything to do, he is the Satoru Gojo after all. You had a million questions running through your head, but the will to ask none. Why would he do this? And more importantly, why would he show you this?
“You’re quite the bold one today, aren’t you?” he smirked, ignoring the look of disbelief and defeat etched on your features, “so are we gonna do this or what?” you shot him a confused glances with your teary eyes, “Oh, don’t play dumb now, you want me to fuck you. That’s why you came here without panties on, right?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you yelled at him, the culmination of all the repressed words stuck in your throat, “you think I had any idea about this?”
He chuckled darkly, frustration beginning to set in, “I know you’re not the brightest, sugar, but there’s no way you’re dumb enough not to have noticed all these years”
“I didn’t, though, I really didn’t notice” you finally released a much needed sob. A silence, save for your sniffles, filled the space as both of you tried to process the new information, “It was a stupid move not to wear panties, you could’ve flashed someone, I mean you know we fight at odd hours” he chided halfhartedly.
“I am not going to flash anyone, Gojo, I’m smarter than this” he snorted sarcastically, “Oh because you’re so known for being smart”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“This ditzy, young schoolgirl act isn’t cute, y/n and it’s not fooling anyone” he started, “If you’re so smart then how come you haven’t noticed your shirt is sheer? How come you didn’t notice all the pictures I took of your underwear? How didn’t you figure out that everyone is nice to you because you practically flash them everyday?” he chuckled again at your aghast face, “you haven’t noticed how every student and teacher wants nothing more than to bend you over the nearest desk and fuck you till you’re sore?”
“You’re disgusting, everyone in this school is fucking disgusting” you stomped your foot, ready to storm away, “ and I want you to delete these pictures from your phone” he shrugs casually, “I’ll do it if i’m properly compensated”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Didn’t you hear me?” he tilted his head, “Everyone in the school wants to fuck you, I can make a fortune from selling these pictures” he grinned like a sleaze, “not that i need it, but i think it would nurture my entrepreneurial spirit”
“Satoru, you cannot show these to anyone” you demanded through gritted teeth
“Oh relax, nothing they haven’t seen before” he teased, much to your embarrassment, “but as I said i’ll get rid of them if you properly compensate me”
“Fine” you yelled in frustration, “you win, how much do you want”
He grinned manically, “we both know you can’t afford what these pictures are truly worth, but you know, if you let me have the real thing, it will devalue the pictures” he brushed his hand through your hair mesmerizingly, “so what do you say?”
It’s not like you really had a choice here. If you didn’t do this, your name would be tarnished forever and you’d probably have to drop out from Jujutsu Tech entirely and probably leave the country and live in shame for the rest of your life. You nodded hesitantly, which was all the confirmation he needed before he laid you down on the grass and flipped up your skirt, revealing your coveted cunt. 
Gojo smirked to himself as soon as he saw your pussy glistening with arousal, “Aww you like being used for your body?” he asked as he rubbed tight circles around your cute clit. Your face suddenly got unbearably hot at his comment causing you to mumble a shut up, which reached his ear, “whatever the lady wants” he grinned before fumbling to remove his uniform pants.
“There’s no way this is going to fit inside me” your eyes widened as he unsheathed his dripping cock from the mess of fabrics, “there’s only one way to find out” he dismissed your concerns, not wasting any time before lining up his angry red tip with your wet hole, “promise I’ll be gentle,” he consoled before finally pushing in.
You screamed at the slow invasion, his massive cock brutally stretching out your tiny pussy. He was only halfway in but you already felt ready to explode from how intensely he’s stuffing you, “deep, d-deep. Please, It’s too deep” but Gojo only smiled sadistically, every mewl and scream out of you only stroked his ego further, “you can take it, bitch” he emphasized his insult with a few more inches inside your stuffed hole, “by the time I’m done with you, your pretty pussy will have been molded around my dick perfectly.
By the time Gojo finally bottomed out inside you, your body was already spent from the intense stretch, but there was no time to let you relax or adjust since class would end in less than 15 minutes and it would defeat the whole point entirely if someone saw you two fucking in the gardens.
His hips strutted back and then came crashing down in quick succession, your sobs only made him want to go faster, he never would have guessed hearing you cry would be so hot to him, but crying just makes your pussy feel warmer and every time you hiccup your abused hole tightens around him. Anyone would rather have you crying around their cock, if he’s going to be honest.
Your poor pussy aches from being pounded by a cock a size too big to fit inside, but all you could do was lie back on the grass, keep your legs open and bide your time till you’ve paid your dues. Though, you would be lying if you said that it didn’t also feel good. The way his precum slicks against your gummy walls as his hot tip bullys the confines of your cervix, subconsciously looking for the optimal place to blow his load inside you to maximize his chances of getting you pregnant.
It only occurred to you to warn him that your womb is unprotected when his badgering cock had already fucked your ability to talk out of your feeble body. You hated how cocky he looked as he abused your pussy, you wondered how long he had dreamed of getting you like this or how many times he fucked his cock in his fist while looking at the obscene pictures he took of you.
There was no build up to your orgasm, it snuck up on you all too suddenly, leaving you howling and shaking at the intense wave of euphoria hurtling through your body. His didn’t come too far after yours. The pressure from your spasming hole finally made him spray your insides with his sperm, the fatigue setting in for the both of you.
Gojo pulled out after both of you relaxed from your highs, his cum rushing quickly after him.
“Delete the pictures now” you demanded as you readjusted your clothes and brushed off the grass clinging onto the back of your sweaty thigh, “I’ll delete some of them now” he fished for his phone from his back pocket, “what do you mean some of them? Delete them all. That was the agreement”
“No,” he interrupted, “I said letting me fuck you will devalue them not make them worthless” one glance at the look on your face and Gojo knew to turn on Infinity before you actually lunge at him, “so how long before you delete all the pictures”
“I don’t know” he shrugged, “until there’s no more pictures to delete or until I get bored of fucking this sweet pussy of yours, though I doubt that will ever happen” he pocketed his phone again before turning to leave, “You should hurry though, graduation is right around the corner”
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nofomogirl · 5 months
One of many roots of ineffable husbands' misunderstandings
There are many reasons why the S2 finale took us by surprise so much, and one of them is that we gaslighted ourselves into believing that Aziraphale and Crowley understand each other on the deepest possible level.
They don't.
Because they never talk. Not openly. Not about things that really matter.
I'm sure they've made a plethora of accurate observations about each other over the millennia, yes, but at the same time missed just as many things and formed just as many wrong assumptions.
We know that now.
For the last five months, we've been collectively shattering the illusion (most of us, anyway), and today I wanted to add to that noble effort. Something occurred to me while I was working on another post and I think it deserves to be its own thing rather than a sidenote in another lengthy meta.
It's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but here I go.
Crowley doesn't actually understand how Aziraphale makes decisions.
I was rewatching season 1 to confirm some things for my next analysis, as one normally does, and I had a minor epiphany about the scene where Aziraphale agrees to get involved in stopping Armageddon.
Let's recall how it went.
Crowley started listing things Aziraphale would lose along with Earth, and things he would have to endure in Heaven.
Aziraphale rejected his idea and tried to leave.
Crowley hooked Aziraphale back in by inviting him for lunch.
Crowley let Aziraphale enjoy his meal and relax.
Crowley bought himself more time by inviting himself over for drinks.
Crowley started giving more examples of things Aziraphale could enjoy on Earth that he wouldn't have in Heaven.
Crowley went on a rant on how nasty Armageddon would be.
Once more Crowley described just how miserable Aziraphale's life would be after Armageddon, for eternity.
Aziraphale cracked and admitted he didn't want Armageddon to happen. However, he insisted he could not disobey God's will.
Crowley pointed out that it might be God's plan for Armageddon to be prevented, that Aziraphale's duty as an angel was to stop whatever the demons were planning to do, and since right now they were planning to bring about Armageddon, he should stop that.
Aziraphale finally agreed and shook on it.
Until now I never questioned that it was a masterful temptation by temptation master Crowley and every stage was purposeful and absolutely necessary to achieve the final goal.
First Crowley made Aziraphale really want to prevent Armageddon and then helped him reframe the situation in a way that would allow the angel to do what he wanted. He gave him an excuse. A plausible deniability.
But what if that wasn't it?
What if what Crowley was actually doing was taking one approach after another until something finally worked? What if Aziraphale didn't really need any softening or priming, and Crowley had just wasted a whole day on ineffective tactics because he didn't know what would do the trick until he finally chanced upon it?
The more I thought about it the more convinced I was that that was the case, and right now I can't believe I was clinging so tightly to the idea that Crowley knew what he was doing with Aziraphale.
Because if he really did understand his angel as well as I used to believe, why would he be so unsuccessful at reaching him when it mattered the most?
A popular interpretation is that in those crucial moments, Crowley simply lacked time, and convincing Aziraphale always required time. When time was lacking Crowley's finesse was useless against the angel's stubbornness, so he failed.
I can see how that makes sense, but as I've said, personally, I changed my mind.
The interpretation I'm suggesting is that Aziraphale never needed all that much time to be convinced of something. It only took Crowley so much time because he was pushing his buttons blindly until something worked. Because he didn't know what the right one was, and when he had only one chance he would always push the wrong one.
So, how does Aziraphale make decisions?
He chooses what he thinks is right.
Yes, it can get rather complicated. On the one hand, he is heavily indoctrinated, and it impacts his judgment. He can just embrace the most ridiculous piece of celestial propaganda on occasion and stick to it stubbornly. On the other hand, we know that his sense of right and wrong isn't really tied to Heaven or even God. We know because we've seen choices he'd made in the Job minisode.
But while it may not be easy to predict what Aziraphale will deem right in any given situation, the fact remains that this is what it comes down to. This is what ultimately informs his choices, especially the big ones, and the most effective way to persuade Aziraphale to do something is by proving to him that it would be the right thing to do. Or that the other option wouldn't.
I don't think Crowley realizes it. And there's a good reason why.
A great many choices aren't about right and wrong. They're just choices between two equally neutral options. Sometimes two equally ambivalent options. Either way, not really moral choices.
The problem with Aziraphale is that while he's managing perfectly fine small morally neutral choices, he's not very good with big ones. I believe that he expects all big choices to be moral choices and he has trouble making them when they're not. I've seen quite a few posts here arguing that Aziraphale is incapable of choosing his own happiness for its own sake, and I wholeheartedly agree.
And Crowley doesn't understand it.
He's not that far off the mark when the choice really is a moral one. When he was trying to convince Aziraphale to the Arrangement his arguments were about how the end result would be the same, ie. how it wouldn't be wrong. When he was trying to convince Aziraphale to kill Adam, he was pointing out how it would save everybody.
But when the choice isn't inherently a moral one, he doesn't understand why it's difficult for Aziraphale.
And in the most dire situations, he doesn't understand he could maybe try and go this route.
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amatchinwater · 2 years
Push it till it Breaks | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Once you realize you have feelings for your best friend, Eddie, you can't make yourself say the words out loud. Not even when you notice he has feelings for you too. So you tease the hell out of him in hopes it will make him snap. Probably shouldn't have done in in the middle of a Hellfire meeting. Well, you're certainly not complaining if it gets you Eddie.
Warnings: 18+, there's fluff if you squint, angst, explicit sexual content, spanking, hair pulling, fingering, multiple orgasms, p in v sex, unprotected sex (reader on pill), squirting, come as lube, Master kink (Eddie is the Dungeon Master, it makes sense), dom!Eddie, use of pet names, aftercare is offered but reader wants round 2 first, degradation (whore/slut), flashbacks, drug use,
Words: 6199
a/n: thank you @yourdollydreams for the request! I had a lot of fun with it! I tweaked it a tiny bit to rather teasing Eddie in a turning him on sense, she also tries to push his buttons to make him lose control. I hope that's okay! There is a scene with that, but it's not the whole premise because this ran away with me.
Requests are open, I'll take Steve and Steddie too! Send some, if you'd like! Masterlist
Not my gif!! Credit to creator!!
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You’re not really sure when it happened, to be honest. There doesn’t seem like a set time that you really started to have feelings for your best friend. You can absolutely pinpoint when you realized you’d had feelings. But the realization came with a minor epiphany that they were far from a new development. Simply that your brain had caught up with your heart. Among other things. 
Eddie has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. You’ve lived in Forest Hills Trailer park, three lots down from him, ever since you were born. Wayne had gone to school with your dad and they both work at the plant together. So, most of your days were spent with wide brown eyes and heavy music. Over the years and the confusing puberty time period, you’d assumed he’d want to not be best friends with a girl anymore. 
Some archaic belief nagging at the back of your brain that you’d grow apart, that guys and girls can’t be friends. But that couldn’t have been farther off base if you’d tried. Nothing can trump the connection from years worth of playing on the same playground. Sharing lame jokes that make you both wheeze with laughter. Parental figures working nights, leaving the slightly older boy in charge of looking after you both. It’s a bond that you just can’t break. 
So yeah, somewhere along the lines, you fell for Eddie “the freak” Munson. It’s a little annoying. Not in the sense that you’re pissed it’s Eddie you want. You just wouldn’t have wasted your time kissing so many frogs in hopes of a prince if you knew that you could have Eddie. What’s annoying is you want to know when it happened. The idea of things creeping up on you doesn’t sit right. God, the day you realized, you acted like such an idiot too. 
“What are we watching tonight, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, sparking up a joint where he sits on the couch, shirtless, sweatpant clad legs spread. The light glow from the lamp in the living room paints Eddie in a soft, golden hue, enhancing his relaxed features. All you can do is watch as he lets the smoke spill out of his mouth before inhaling it through his nose. Your eyes fixate on the trail from his plump lips, licking your own. 
What the fuck is going on with you? 
Why are you staring at him like a creep?
Shaking yourself out of whatever the hell that was, your gaze snaps to the two boxes in your hands. “Um,” you swallow thickly, trying very hard to get your brain to read the words printed in front of you. “Stuck between The Shining and Carrie,” you fumble out. You’re about two seconds away from actually slapping yourself. 
You’ve never acted like this around Eddie before. You’ve seen him without his shirt on more times than you can count. Hell, you went with him to get both chest tattoos and the headless bat he has on his ribcage. The two of you have been friends long enough that you’ve both accidentally walked in on the other while changing, so the fact that his thin sweats do nothing in hiding what’s underneath shouldn’t be a surprise either. 
Laying an arm over the armrest, Eddie narrows his eyes to protect them as the smoke coils up from another drag. “So you just want to mentally fuck me tonight, got it.”
Warmth burns your cheeks at his words, freezing your frame still. The instinct to fire back that you wouldn’t fuck him singes your tongue. “I-” That’s not something all that weird to come out of Eddie’s mouth, nor your attempted rebuttal. So why in the hell did it send a shock down your spine like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you? You’re not even high yet, so there goes that excuse. 
“I’m just kidding, babe,” he says, ashing the joint before leaning forward to hand it to you. “You know you can pick whatever you want,” Eddie says, your shaky hand taking the rolled paper from him. 
Inhaling deeply into your lungs, you hold your breath, hoping this will knock some sense into you. Or rather, knock enough out that you don’t have to think about what’s happening and why you’re being so fucking weird. “The Shining it is, then,” you say on the exhale. Putting the tape in, you go back over to the couch, handing the weed back before plopping down on the couch beside him. Without a second thought, you throw your legs into his lap like you’ve done countless times before, settling into the corner of the couch as the movie starts. 
Not missing a beat, Eddie’s free hand comes to your legs, running along the bare skin from your pajama shorts. Your breath catches in your chest feeling the warmth of his hand on you. Cold, chunky rings doing nothing to hide the searing heat blazing your flesh. His hand never goes more than a few inches above your knee as you hand the joint back and forth. But the way his fingers glide across the small portion of thigh he does touch lights a fire inside of you. 
You’re not even paying attention to the movie. The images flashing on the screen, but the only thing you can focus on is his fucking hand. You didn’t even realize that he was trying to talk to you until his hand grips your thigh, shaking it a bit to get your attention. “Huh?” You whip your head to face him.
“I asked if you wanted the last hit,” Eddie repeats himself, holding the roach your way. 
The question might as well have been a slap in the face the way your heart tightens in your chest. Suddenly every single thing makes sense to you. The way his hand has you so bent out of shape. The way he inhaled shooting straight to your core. How he always lets you pick the movie, or the music, and always offers you the last hit. Everything that your best friend does for you wrapped up in a tiny little bow. Why every little thing about Eddie is so noticeable and intense tonight. 
You fucking like him. 
You were so startled by his mind fuck comment and couldn’t say that you wouldn’t because it’d be a fucking lie. Subconsciously, you knew that you wanted to be with Eddie before your brain had even had a moment to process the information. 
Son of a bitch.
“I- uh,” you clear your throat, his eyebrows raising at you in waiting. 
“You alright?” Eddie asks when you still haven’t answered. 
“Great!” You say a little too chipper. “Um, I’m good,” you shake your head, waving at the burnt paper, “you can have it.” 
Eddie’s eyebrows pinch, like he knows something’s off. But he doesn’t say anything, which you’re grateful for. He only nods, taking the last hit and snubbing the remnants. After doing so, he curls his arm around your shoulders to bring you closer to him, allowing your head to rest on his shoulder. Meanwhile your heart is having a field day in your chest. 
So, yeah, it became pretty obvious to you that you felt some type of way about Eddie. With noticing everything about him, you started to realize that everything you liked about Eddie, he did for you. Playing your favorite songs softly on his acoustic when you had trouble sleeping. Coming over in the middle of the night when your bathroom sink broke and fixing it for you. Giving you rides everywhere because the thought of his best friend walking somewhere was ridiculous to him. Letting you decide what you were doing on days he didn’t have Hellfire or practice. 
Each and every time you’d offered to do whatever he wanted to do, Eddie would hit you with a ‘I wanna do whatever you want, princess,’ or something of that nature. And the pet names. They’d never stopped. Princess, babe, love, sweetheart. You name it, Eddie’s more than likely called you that. It wasn’t until the day that after a weak attempt to fill the Eddie sized hole in your heart with someone else only resulting in heartbreak did you realize why he always called you sweet names. When he told you that you were too good for the asshole that cheated on you all of a month into the relationship.
‘Babe, you’re perfect and if he can’t see that, he’s a fucking idiot that doesn’t deserve you,’ were his exact words. But it was in the way he held you close to his chest, peppering kisses in your hair while he rubbed your back that it hit you. 
Eddie liked you too. 
Your best friend wanted in your pants but he was just too much of a gentleman to say it outright. You’re not blind and you’re far from stupid. And to be frank, it’s not like Eddie doesn’t have warmth pooling in your gut with the smallest of actions. Maybe, in some backwards sort of way, you hope that over exaggerating your own feelings for him will let Eddie do what you can’t seem to do. Have the courage to make the first move. 
So rather than put your big girl pants on and talk about it, you teased him. The way he stuttered his words when you’d asked if he was an idiot then too was well worth it. 
But once you’d started to tease him about it, you didn’t really know how to stop. It’s become this kind of rapport you share. Him subtly hitting on you while you push it too far to get him to crack. It’s just that he hasn’t cracked. Eddie is like a stone fucking wall when it comes to his resolve. You’d thought for sure the day you’d gotten him to pop a boner class that he finally would’ve said something. 
Except that he didn’t.
You two were talking about some potential date with Jason Carver. One you’d never say yes to, mind you. But still. Word had spread that after the jock’s friend hurt you, that he wanted to swoop in and save the day. You’d rather make out with a viper.
“A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on, sweetheart,” Eddie scoffed under his breath. 
You roll your eyes, while he’s not necessarily wrong, that's probably exactly Jason’s hopes and intentions, it only lets his jealousy show. “What’s the matter, Eds?” You drop your tone, honey sweet, “would you rather it be your shoulder?” You ask, knowing good and well he’ll get the insinuation. 
“Pfft, anyone is better than Jason, babe,” he says, fiddling with his pencil. “Besides, last I’d heard,” Eddie leans over, “Carver doesn’t know shit about pleasing a woman in bed.” But the sneer on his slips does nothing to hide the meaning of his words. 
“That so?” You meet him the rest of the way, placing your hand above his knee, “tell me something, Eds.” You slide your hand up his thigh, squeezing as you go, and Eddie stills, tension locking his shoulders while he holds his breath. Just as you’re about to reach the inseam, you whisper, “do you know how to please a woman better than Jason?” You make sure to add an extra layer of sugar to the jock’s name, really lay it on thick with Eddie. “You think you could please me?” You tease, reaching your destination and feeling the hardened bulge in his jeans. 
Eddie jolts out of his stool so quickly, he nearly knocks it over, mumbling “bathroom,” to the teacher scolding him for his outburst. 
All Eddie did was excuse himself to the bathroom and acted like nothing ever happened come lunchtime. Like he didn’t rub one out in the middle of school because of something you’d said. It was kind of infuriating. Sure, you weren’t exactly thinking he’d jump your bones in the middle of a crowded classroom. You don’t even know what you were expecting. Some other kind of a reaction than that.
An acceptance. Some kind of affirmation. 
An agreement that he in fact could take care of you. That he wanted to. Just like you so desperately wanted him to. You’re running out of ways to tease him that aren’t just throwing yourself at him or walking into his room stark naked.
“I need your help,” Eddie’s voice startles your head out of your locker as he leans on the one beside it. 
“Fuck’s sake, Munson,” you clutch your chest, heart hammering from how hard you were yanked from your thoughts. “Are you trying to send me to an early grave?”
He only laughs at your anxiousness, “never! I like having you around too much, princess,” Eddie grins while you shove the last textbook into your locker. 
Closing your locker, you wink at him, “always knew you had the hots for me, Eds.” 
“Fuck off,” Eddie playfully swats at your arm, making you giggle. 
You’re confident in his feelings for you. But when it comes to the actual act of opening your mouth and telling Eddie how you feel, you clam up. And you’re honestly a little worried that with how long you’ve been teasing him about it, Eddie might not believe you if you said it in earnest. That you were playing some trick. If only he knew that you mean every word. So all you can do now is hope he breaks since you’ve dug yourself into a hole you have no idea how to get out of. 
“What did you need help with?” You lean against the lockers, facing him.
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest, “Mike thought it’d be a good idea to get the flu.” With a huff, he presses on, “and I’m not about to get sick for one and cancel the last meeting for Hellfire before break. So, I was hoping” he reaches over and taps your nose, “you would come by as a stand in?”
“Yeah, why not,” you say. It’s been a bit since you’ve played. He taught you how when you were kids, but never got as into it as he did. Helping him plan his campaigns however, that was pretty fun. “Are you still on the Cult of Vecna? I’d hate to be accused of cheating,” you remark. 
“No, we finished that a few weeks ago,” Eddie smiles, “if the dice treats them kindly, the party will be taking down a succubus tonight.” 
“Do I have enough time to shower and change first? Gym kicked my ass today,” you tell him. 
Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulder like you didn’t literally just tell him you think you smell. “Of course,” he says, leading you towards the exit. “Gotta grab you an official shirt first anyway,” Eddie weaves through the mass of students making their way to the bus or their cars. Reaching his van, he opens the passenger door for you. As always, waving his arm out with a bow, “M’lady, your chariot.” 
“Thank you, Eddie,” you kiss his cheek, “always such a gentleman.” Even hopping in your seat, you don’t miss the way he tries to hide his blush behind his curls. 
Getting in the driver’s seat, Eddie blasts the mixtape he made for you all the way to the trailer park, not saying a word until he pulls up outside your place. Opening your door, he jabs a thumb over his shoulder, “I’m gonna go grab the shirt, be back in a few, okay?” 
“Sure thing, handsome,” you pat his chest, boots hitting the grass. Batting your eyelashes at him, you saunter towards your front door. 
Biting away your giggle at pushing his buttons once again, you narrowly miss his grumbled speech under his breath. “...be the fucking death of me.” 
Passing through the kitchen once inside, you see a note with a twenty on the counter from your dad. Telling you he had to leave early today, but to get yourself something to eat for dinner. Shoving the money in your bag, you make a beeline for the bathroom. You all but tear your clothes off in your haste to get clean, scrubbing yourself harder than necessary. But you really fucking hate gym class and were forced to participate today. 
Satisfied that you only smell like your shampoo and favorite soap, you wrap your towel around yourself and head to your room to get dressed. You have half a mind to just stand there and wait for Eddie to come back. Wondering if you being in nothing but a towel would finally let his instincts take over, throw the gentlemanly attitude in the trash and just take you. But, he’d asked you for your help and knew he would be angry with himself if he missed Hellfire. 
You want Eddie, that’s a fact. But you don’t want to prevent him from doing the things he loves. So you quickly get dressed. Grabbing a pair of wide fishnets and a short, black and red skirt and your boots. Choosing a dark red, lacey bra and panty set to match. It’s only when you start digging through your drawers for a shirt that you remember you’re supposed to be wearing a Hellfire shirt tonight. 
A wicked grin splits your face, an idea forming that you simply can’t turn down. Not bothering to put a shirt on, you sit on your bed with your bra covered tits on display, leaning back on your palms to wait for Eddie. Your front door opens and nerves settle in your chest. What if he freaks out in a bad way?
“You ready, princess?” Eddie’s voice floats through the trailer, his footsteps making their way to your room, “sorry it took so- fuck.” Eddie’s words slow to a halt when he sees you displayed on your bed. “I- um, sorry,” he covers his eyes with his free hand, burning red cheeks beneath his palm. 
“It’s okay to look, Eds,” your voice saccharine even to yourself, “promise I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that, of course.” 
“Put this on,” Eddie unceremoniously tosses the fabric in your general direction, successfully covering your chest, “we’re gonna be late.” 
“What’s the matter, Eds?” You tease further, standing up and putting on the Hellfire shirt, tying it behind your back so it doesn’t cover your skirt and exposes some of your midriff. Hearing the rustling of fabric, his hand falls from his face, expression stern. It warms your core in the most delicious way possible. You can’t help but push him harder, getting in his space, “can’t handle seeing a girl wearing a bra? Or is it me that’s doin’ it for ya?” 
“Keep acting like a brat, babe,” Eddie warns, an inch from your face, pointing at you, “and I’ll put you over my fucking knee. ‘Kay?” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond, smirking at the red tinge of your cheeks before walking out of your room. 
That shuts you up real quick and you follow him outside to his van.
As much as you wanted to poke and prod at Eddie on the way back to school, you didn’t. It wasn’t in fear of him putting you over his knee. That sounds amazing. It was the hard lines on his face as he kept checking his watch. The way he would groan and his fingers would fidget on the steering wheel at every red light you hit on the way there. You kept quiet, bobbing your head to the music, being good so that Eddie could get to his friends on time. 
Did that stop you from uncrossing your legs when his hand found the gear shift in hopes he would reach over to place his hand on your thigh? No, no it did not. Did you get what you wanted? Also no. Annoyed with yourself for not pressing him further, you didn’t even notice you’d gotten to school until your door was yanked open. Eddie’s palm up in offering to help you out of the van. 
You sat at the Hellfire table where everyone had their sheets, notes, and dice set up to play, dutifully listening to the recap of their last session. It wasn’t hard to keep up with, and you really think that if you all work together properly that you’d be able to kill the succubus. Gareth joked that he could just seduce it, win her over so that no one had to fight or die. 
The way Eddie rolled his eyes at the suggestion sealed the deal. 
This is how you’re going to get what you want. If you couldn’t tease Eddie to the point of snapping, you’ll poke the metaphorical bear and piss him off enough to.
“I think you should do it,” you say, placing your hand on Gareth’s shoulder leaning into him, “I’m sure you’ve got what it takes, big guy.” 
You miss Dustin’s muttered, “oh, shit,” and Jeff’s wince. 
Eddie’s hand falls to your thigh under the table, squeezing just enough to equally hurt and feel amazing. “Forget what I said already?” His eyes have darkened and have a glint to them that makes you crave. You know exactly what he’s talking about, but shake your head anyway. He juts his lips, giving you a curt nod and his hand vanishes. “You cannot seduce a succubus,” Eddie explains, playing off his question like it was meant for the group and not you. “She will see right through your bullshit attempt and kill you twice as fast.” 
“Come on,” your voice drips honey, rolling your eyes, ignoring Eddie to face Gareth and stroke his cheek with your finger, “Gareth’s more than attractive enough to pull it off. Aren’t you?” You coo, pinching his reddened cheek. 
You feel a little bad, using Gareth to get Eddie pissed off enough to do something. But at least you’re not lying. Gareth, objectively, is attractive. So what’s a little boost to his ego to get you what you want going to hurt? Nothing. 
“Is that really your course of action, Gareth the Great?” Eddie grits, pointing to the set of dice in front of the other boy. Brown eyes wild and his tone not even trying to hide his annoyance.
Furrowing his brows, Gareth contemplates his options, before holding up a finger and turning his attention to the rest of the group. Wanting their opinion as to whether he can actually do this or not. A conversation you’re not allowed to be a part of when Eddie’s hand grabs your thigh again, jerking your legs open and you closer to him. 
Your wide eyes meet him where he’s leaning in his throne to whisper, “you really want to be put over my knee that badly, babe?” 
“Oh, Eddie,” you purr, guiding his hand farther up your thigh, “don’t threaten me with a good time. Because all it sounds like to me is weightless threats. Why don’t you do something, Eds?” 
“Watch it,” his free hand comes up, ring clad finger pointing at you again, “keep it up and I won’t care that we’re mid session. Understand?” Eddie’s getting close and your nerves are buzzing in delight. That some part of him is accepting your advances. But the fact that he’s still trying to contain himself only eggs you on more. “Careful, princess.”
Is that so? 
Settling in your seat, you smile sweetly, “I understand, Master,” teasing his role of Dungeon Master. You smirk at the way his hand tightens around your thigh. You know what the bandana in his pocket means and you were hoping that he did too. The way his mouth pinches into a thin line only confirms your hopes. “I promise I’ll be good,” you say, lying through your teeth. 
“I’m gonna do it,” Gareth declares, happily oblivious to the conversation that just occurred, startling you two away from one another, leaving your thigh cold. “I’m gonna roll a charisma check, gonna try and woo her with my drum skills.”
“For fuck’s-” Eddie scrubs the irritation from his face, “go ahead. Don’t expect this to be easy,” he growls, “perfect twenty or you fail and I get to watch her eat you.” 
No matter what happens after Gareth lets the die fly out of his hands, you’re certain of one thing; you’ve got Eddie now. Time to make him crack. The die hits the table, bouncing a few times before rolling to a stop. Lifting from your seat, you peer over to the other side, giving Eddie a perfect view of your ass. Hearing him groan, you lean further, seeing a golden twenty on the sleek black die. 
“See, Gareth,” you plop back down in your chair. Reaching over, you run your hands through his curls, “I knew you had what it takes to please a woman.” You really hope throwing that line out that had gotten Eddie so worked up last time would be what it takes to make him lose control now. 
“Well aren’t you-” Gareth’s words are cut short from Eddie’s throne skidding across the floor from his force to stand. Silence falls after the screech. 
“Get up,” he states. When you don’t move, he drags your chair out from under the table. “I warned you,” he seethes in your ear, bending to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. Your squeal is ignored by everyone at the table when Eddie’s palm smacks your ass. “Have fun fucking a succubus, Gareth. We’ll be back,” Eddie doesn’t bother looking over his shoulder, heading for the exit. 
You look up at the group, hoping one of them will help you or get Eddie to calm down, but they don’t. Jeff is only hiding his smile behind his hand as he shakes his head. Mike looks uncomfortable, not surprising. Dustin winces, awkwardly waving at your retreating form. Lucas mutters something under his breath that you don’t catch. Not even Gareth saves you, too strung out on the fact that he’d rolled perfectly. Because unbeknownst to you, everyone in that room knows of Eddie’s feelings for you. Your blatant teasing hasn’t gone unnoticed by any of them, they’re honestly surprised Eddie didn’t yank you out of the room the first time you touched Gareth. 
Throwing the door open, Eddie doesn’t say a word as he carries you down the hall, trying door handles until he finds one that’s unlocked. Halfway down the hall, he’s successful, pushing that door open just as hard as the club’s. “You know,” he huffs, yanking the teacher’s rolling chair out, “I tried to be nice.” 
He sets you on your feet for the two seconds it takes him to sit down before pulling you over his lap. “Eddie,” you try to scramble up, only to be slapped on the ass again.
“Quiet,” Eddie orders, situating you until you're positioned properly, one arm holding your lower back to keep you in place, the other hiking your skirt. “D’you think I’m stupid? Fucking with Gareth to get a rise out of me. Thought I wouldn’t notice?” He asks, spanking you again when you don’t answer. 
“Not stupid, Eds,” you pant, the sting warming your exposed skin, the thin lace doing nothing to hide the discoloration from his palm. “Just very fucking stubborn,” you correct him, with a breathless laugh. “Can’t take what’s blatantly offered to you.”
“That so?” Eddie rubs your ass, gripping the plump flesh before slapping it again. He dips his hand, running his fingers over your clothed folds, chuckling at the wet patch. “Aww, so wet already? Only a slut’s pussy gets wet from just spanking her. That what you are? My little slut?” 
You moan, “yes,” arching your back to try and get more contact to your aching pussy. 
“And she’s desperate too,” Eddie coos, speaking about you as if you’re not even there. Yanking your panties down, he ghosts his fingers against your slit, “I bet it hurts, hmm?” Eddie slaps both sides of your ass, hard, making you cry out and grip the chair and his legs. “I bet it does,” he kneads the flesh, “being so needy over so little. Don’t worry,” his shoves two fingers inside of you, you don’t know if you screamed or moaned, “Master will take care of you, sweetheart.” 
His voice oozes faux sympathy and your eyes roll back as he brushes that sweet spot inside of you instantly. “E-Eddie,” you moan, trying to meet the thrust of his fingers. 
Yanking you up by your hair, Eddie removes his fingers, slapping your ass. The wet digits make it sting even more. “Call me that again, and you’ll be biting down on your soaked panties for the rest of the night. Got it?” 
“Yes,” you grunt from the angle. Eddie only pulls your hair harder, making you wince, “yes, Master.” Your hair is released and you gasp, falling back to his leg. 
“Good girl,” he praises, sinking his fingers back inside, building your orgasm at twice the rate. You’re a moaning mess in his lap, writhing and ready to snap. “I shouldn’t let you cum for being such a brat before,” Eddie considers. “But fuck, babe, I wanna hear the way you scream when you cum.” 
He doubles his efforts and your eyes roll back, moaning wantonly. “Fuck,” you gasp, warmth spreading through your core like lava. Hot and thick. “Please, please- fuck,” you cry out, a harsh slap to your ass, hightening the sensations in your cunt. 
“Might put those panties in your mouth anyway, princess,” Eddie curls his fingers again and you’re sure you’re going to black out. “Wouldn’t want the rest of the group to hear how much of a whore you are. Ready to fall apart before I’ve even got my dick in you. Come on,” Eddie groans, his hard cock pressing against your stomach, thumb dipping to circle your clit, “show them what a good, little slut you are for me, baby.” 
Static washes over your limbs, a loud, broken moan falling from your lips and you gush. Squirting all over Eddie’s fingers, thighs shaking through your orgasm. Your eyes screw shut, Eddie not stopping the thrusts of his fingers, the coil winding inside of you faster than you knew it could. And before you can even say it’s sensitive, or too much, your walls flutter around him as you come again. Your head grows fuzzy from the intensity of two in such quick succession. 
“That’s my fucking girl,” Eddie growls, pulling his fingers out. You can hear him sucking them clean, “fuck, you taste good.” Helping you up, he bends you over the desk, hearing his belt unbuckle, his pants sliding down after. “Ready?” Eddie asks, rubbing the tip of his dick along your cunt. 
“Please,” you gasp against the cold wood, hands splayed as you turn your head, “please, Master. Need you.”
“All you’ve ever, ever had to do,” Eddie accentuates his words with harder rubs to your folds, “was ask.” Proving to you that had you properly opened your mouth from the beginning that you could’ve been doing this much sooner. “If it’s too much, I want you to say red, understand?” You nod, trying to push back onto his dick. But he pulls farther away, rubbing your hip softly, “I need words, baby.”
“I understand, Master.”
“Good girl,” he praises, lifting the back of your shirt to place a kiss on your spine. Finally, his cock pushes inside of you, the stretch eliciting a lewd moan from your mouth. 
“Oh my g-god,” you gasp out a throaty moan, the fullness of your walls stretching you so perfectly. All you can think about is where you’re connected. His cock full hilt, the hand bruisingly holding your hip and the other rubbing the swell of your ass. 
“Not god, baby, just me,” Eddie chuckles darkly, slowly pulling back to just the tip. Dragging himself inside your pussy in teasing strokes, going only halfway back in to pull back again. “So tight, baby, fucking perfect.” He lifts your leg up until your knee is resting on the desk and then he slams into you deep, provoking another scream. “That’s right, let it out, pretty girl. Scream for your Master.” 
You grit your teeth, the constant ramming of that spongy spot inside of you leaves stars behind your eyelids. “Fuck, fuck,” you gasp, moaning as you try to push back to meet his thrusts. 
Eddie wraps his hand around your throat, pulling you up until you’re flush with his chest, free hand groping your breasts. “Sound so pretty,” he groans in your ear, thrusting faster and your eyes roll back. “Gonna come again?” Eddie asks, leaving your breasts to circle his fingers around your clit. “Soak my cock, baby.” Throwing your head back, you scream incomprehensible sounds, your orgasm rushing through you and splashing all over his dick pumping into you at a startling pace. “This what you wanted? Hmm? Wanted me?”
“Yes,” you croak, vocal chords going through it with the way you keep screaming from his efforts. 
“Prove it,” Eddie says, swiftly pulling out to sit back down in the rolling chair. Grabbing your hips, he helps you straddle his lap. “Show me how badly you’ve wanted me, princess. It’s your turn to make Master feel good,” Eddie guides his dick back inside and you sigh, feeling him back where he belongs. 
“Wanted you for so long, Eds,” you whine, out of breath and very fuzzy. You hold his shoulders for balance, bouncing on his cock. 
His brown eyes soften only just, the hands holding your waist tenderly rubbing the skin. “Me too, princess,” Eddie says, grabbing the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss. You melt into it, grinding against his cock, putting pressure on your clit in a way that has another orgasm bubbling under the surface. You can barely think, let alone breathe when Eddie mutters, “gettin’ close, babe,” helping you grind against him faster. “Can I come inside? Mark this perfect pussy as mine?”
Resting your forehead against his, you nod, not trusting your voice. You’re on the pill, something you can absolutely tell him later once you have the proper functions to do so. For now, “p-pill,” is all you can manage. At least, you think you said it. Your throat certainly made a noise. Whether it was an actual word is up for debate. He’s doing a wonderful job making you cock drunk and you never want to look back. 
Eddie chuckles, wrapping both arms around your back to hold your shoulders, thrusting up into you with sloppy, hard movements. “That’s my girl,” he moans, pounding into you and just when you think you can’t take it anymore, that the burn of your orgasm won’t be more than a tease, your walls clench and you come again. Eddie following you soon after, “fuck, baby,” moaned from him lips, his cock burying deep inside of you as the warmth of his cum spreads inside your pussy. 
Panting and struggling to catch your breath, Eddie carefully pulls out of you. One hand rubs softly on your reddened ass, the other tracing shapeless designs on your back. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asks, all the tenderness in his voice returned, wrapping you in the best kind of warmth. “What do you need?” Eddie asks when you don’t answer, leaning his head back to try and get you to look at him. 
Barely opening your eyes, you half nod your head, mumbling, “just you. Always needed you,” you smile sleepily. 
“You have me, babe,” Eddie places soft kisses on your lips, coaxing your head down from the clouds. “I think you have for a while now,” he laughs under his breath. 
“Took you long enough,” you huff, opening your eyes enough to properly see him. 
“Maybe, if you realize you like me,” Eddie chuckles, out of breath from both of your efforts. “Don’t tease me so much that I think you’re just joking, just say something.” 
Sitting up, you give him a mock salute, “yes, sir,” with a dopey smile. 
His fingers dig into your hips, “what was that?” It takes you a moment to sift through the haze in your brain to notice he’s not angry, his hard cock digging into your ass. But you bite your lip once you understand what he means. “Say it again,” he grinds you against him, your eyes fluttering shut with a sigh. Lifting you enough to prod at your pussy, Eddie repeats, “call me sir again, sweetheart.” 
The tease gets to your head as much as it does your pussy, “please, sir,” you whine, trying to get him inside of you again. 
“For you, princess?” Eddie sinks you down on his cock, the sinful sounds of both of your cum making you moan, “always. Now be a good girl and come so that I can get you home and take care of you, yeah?” 
You probably won’t be making it back to Hellfire as your hips start to roll again. 
But at least you’ve finally got Eddie.
taglist: let me know if you'd like to be added 💚
@only4wakingup @decadentpaperduck @ruinedbythehobbit @wolfhrdds @live-the-fangirl-life @imnotsiriusyouare
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tinyfantasminha · 6 months
Have you thought in Javic having kids hcs/designs or do you prefer them to be child free? Sorry if it bothers you, I was wondering it because Jack and Vic kids would be super cute, I'm 10005% sure. If not then do you have any married life Javic hcs you like?
I'm gonna be honest that for a LONG time I was reluctant on making fankids since I was never really comfortable with them overall
But then. Suddenly I had an epiphany. I was like ''eh I'm going to brainrot in the shower and see if anything comes out of it'' and then I started thinking. And I was like ''this is cute actually, this isn't so bad'' and then I started rotting more and getting attached to the idea and AND,,,,,,,,
This is Ami Howl
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Autistic and selective mute, she will only speak to her parents (even so, very rarely)
Whenever she wants attention (wants to be fed/is feeling scared/lonely) she will howl like an actual wolf pup
Socially anxious around other kids and prefers to play alone. It takes a while for her to be fully comfortable around someone
Is a bit possessive with her things and likes to show them off (you can look at her blanket and her kiddy chair but you can't touch it)
She loves playing outdoors, but you need to keep an eye on her or else she gets too stimmy and might run off imagine a puppy with the zoomies
She's a kisser!!! loves kissing her parent's faces to show affection
She gets random needs of affection and gets very upset when she doesn't get them IMMEDIATELY (getting picked up, petted or kissed)
Gets grumpy easily when she doesn't get what she wants but also gets distracted fairly easily and quickly (ex: if she's upset about something give her a cookie and she will be happy and forget what she was upset about)
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Domestic HCs
Ami is very clingy with her parents and likes to do practically anything with them!! Like sitting on Vic's lap as they watch tv or playing with Jack
Jack obviously encourages his toddler to be physically active, so he often takes her to parks so they can do some outdoors activities. Many times he had to chase her down when she ran off
Jack probably huffs his chest proudly to say how he will be the best husband and father but once he has to change a soiled diaper for the first time he sees his whole life flashing before his eyes (he sheepilishly asks Vic for help but she refuses to and says he needs to figure it out on his own,,)
Jack is very supportive but he's also clumsy. He's bad at handwork that involves dressing Ami up or changing her diapers (the clothes are too tiny for his big hands, as he says) so sometimes Ami will be dressed up with clothes turned inside out and Vic has to fix it (Jack gets better overtime)
Ami gets jealous of her parents sometimes. There are times when she wants the affection of one parent and gets annoyed when they're giving more attention to their spouse instead of her (ex: wants to be clingy with Vic but Jack is always around her so Ami will growl at Jack. She gets sassy too)
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twocrows · 6 months
God man, feeling some type of way about fear no mort.
Just Morty having such a good idea of what Rick’s fears would be to the point that you can’t tell that they aren’t real.
Thinking it’s this whole epiphany about Rick and seeing the way that Rick and Diane would have been (I’m honestly inclined to believe that that’s the way Rick in love and without grief could be because he *loves*. God, he does.) but then finding out that actually the whole thing was about Morty was such a punch in the gut, especially that his worst fear came true.
I’m so happy that Morty got a focal episode and it was so interesting to dive into his fears, my one wish going into it was that it didn’t just focus on Rick’s fears and I absolutely got what I wanted and a lot more.
Just ough. Great finale. Several dead, many injured, emotional damage.
Rating is a tentative: Amazing/Great
(I haven’t quite decided yet)
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One of my first Steddie fics was Steve going punk. I have a lot of feelings about Punk!Steve, so I am really pleased to see the fandom getting excited about it.
I was thinking about an Au in which Max discovers The Runaways & has a sweeping personal epiphany, gets into punk & starts playing the drums. She loves how cathartic it is, also that it's to loud for anyone to talk to her.
She starts teaching Eleven too as she learns. It turns out that once she's been exposed to the idea of making music, El has a gift. She picks it up with with an almost supernatural ease. Eventually they want to start a band, its the summer after 8th grade. Eleven switches to bass, bc she can, they recruit Erica who was absolutely scandalized to hear that no one knew she played piano & guitar. But they had a small problem when they wanted to do gigs. There was only one place, the hide out & they were extremely minors. In order to play, they had to have "a responsible adult".
There was no way any of their parents were gonna work for that duty.
Steve was the obvious answer to their problems. When he said he wasn't gonna spend every weekend sitting in a run down little bar, they offered him a spot in the band... which was a little unconventional but it was punk so whatever and actually Steve was perfect for a front man. He could talk to the crowd right? (Steve does not love the idea but sure fine he could do that maybe)
The thing is, these kids have worked so hard to make this happen, Steve can't actually say no... & If he was being totally honest with himself, he kinda loved being included. So he says yes to being a vocalist, co-vocalist.
He encourage them to also yell if they wanted... Erica has immediate ideas. The band progresses surprisingly well. When they decide they're ready Steve easily books a gig. Max & Erica are both massively annoyed it was so easy for him when it was their band and idea. But whatever they have their first gig planned
They argue about the name of the band for so long they have to emergency name it the weekend before the show so they can put up flyers. Max & El wanted to call it Mommy Issues, Erica had gotten really into X-Ray Spex & wanted to call them The Wrex. It got a little intense.
Steve in desperation suggested Cherry Rex... because it referenced The Runaways song Chery Bomb, and had the aesthetic energy of The Wrex & X-Ray Spex
To his shock they actually agreed on that.
Their first gig was on a Monday, to nobody but one very belligerently drunk guy who might have passed out in his booth. Of course they expected that more or less. It was more ok then they thought though, the girls had a blast... and actually so did Steve.
A month or three later and they'd slowly worked up the live band tenure and were getting their first Friday night slot. There would be four bands, two punk, two metal; Boondock Boyfriend, Death Vision, & Corroded Coffin. Cherry Rex were playing the opening spot being the newbies. Steve thought Corroded Coffin sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't figure out where from. He wasn't to worried about it though, he was here for Cherry Rex.
Getting the parents permission to take the whole party to a borderline dive bar (he left that part out) had been one of the most trying experiences of Steve's young life, but in the end he got it done, and everyone was super excited.
Eddie always came early on the nights Corroded Coffin played, he liked supporting his fellow musicians, many of whom had only played parties and basements before they could get in here. It was a point of pride for him to not be a snob about it. He supported anyone and everyone who wasn't a bully or a bigot.
This weekend they had a whole new band, playing. He'd heard that it was a group of preteen punk rock girls, so of course the rock bros were grousing. He would have none of that though. He remembered when he first got into music as a preteen, the way it let him process feelings he was to scared to otherwise. He would definitely be there for their first weekend gig
So imagine his surprise when he finds Steve Harrington on stage. He introduced everyone Max on drums whom Eddie recognized from around, as well as her maybe? girlfriend?, who's name was apparently the number Eleven, on Bass. And Erica, who actually exhuded rock and roll energy, on guitar. Steve called himself their token adult. He spent half the time singing, but also dancing, sometimes being hype man for whomever was singing that particular song.
He was wearing a Hawkins High Tshirt that he'd scrawled The King is Dead across in Sharpie. Also light wash jeans, which Eddie had laughed about at first, but when he cut them off at the knee while they were still on his body, during Erica's song about self reliance, identity, and D&d... and he had fishnets on under them? He was completely won over. They were pretty good...and Steve Harrington, a punk? He was genuinely so fucked. So so fucked
(does Vecna & the upside down exist here? I don't know)
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fudgelling-away · 8 days
You are my favourite sans person, so i wanna ask you, what do you think his singing voice would sound like??? I don't know if it would be similar to his speech which I imagine is like a deeper baritone sort of thing, OR, he's one of those dudes who sounds drastically different depending on what he's doing.
he's sexy either way though🤫🤫
I've been thinking about this ask for the past several days 😳
That is such a sweet thing to say!!! Thank you for telling me this, I appreciate you reaching out so much!
To answer your question, I think Sans would be very skilled in modulating his voice.
I imagine him being an expert in communication - that means not only having an uncanny ability to read your face like an open book, but also being able to masterfully control his own expression and the message that his voice and his body language send.
(note: this has nothing to do with controlling emotions, that's a whole another topic)
That's also why his ability to lie is straight up scary. This man could sell you the most otherwordly ideas in a believable way and you would never know.
Sans is scary. The power he wields IS scary, and I do not mean piercing bones. He's one scary little cookie and I love him so much-
Also, isn't it amazing that he never uses those talents to abuse others? We as the Players commit atrocities and treat the in-game world like our playground. There are also all these other characters who misuse their strength and influence in a destructive, careless way. And on the other side there is Sans. Intelligent, powerful, both in battle and in soft skills.
He is so- ah, you know what I mean?! He could, but he doesn't! He's got all the abilities necessary to become the scariest predator ever seen, and he chooses not to.
But I digress.
HAVING SAID ALL THAT, I think he would be a very good singer in his natural vocal range.
As I have mentioned before, he can read you very well. That means he recognizes each tiny change in your voice. In the game we can also see the way his text speech changes, many times, in different ways. It, of course, is not THAT important - we are discussing headcanons anyway ♡ But I really like that about him, too.
I don't see anything stopping him from using all that knowledge and talent to sing well (if he wanted to).
I'd love to share with you who is my voice for Sans, but I can't. He actually is a singer. I have never seen him linked to Sans in any way whatsoever, so I really don't want to put his name out there.
But that's such a good voice... Oh man...
It's deep, of course, but with a totally unique timbre. I have never heard any voice similar to it, and it's so... It's so pleasant to my ears! It's smooth, and ahhh I can't explain it. It has got that special something... Those undertones that feel and taste like SANS. That relaxed, though positive and attentive manner of speech. Ah. I am obsessed with it.
And I have found it by a total accident. Several months ago I was driving, minding my own business, there was radio playing in the background, and at one point they started to play an old song from the 1980s.
30 seconds in and I'm like, oh shit. No.
1 minute in and I am starting to sweat.
no no no-
That was an epiphany.
The feeling was euphoric.
sans sans
I have no memory of the rest of the drive, but THAT VOICE.
I came back home. I looked up the radio station on the internet. I checked what they played an hour earlier.
And I found out who it actually was.
Immediately I went searching for some recorded interviews and yesss, there they were, perfectly available on youtube...
I spend a couple of hours every week listening to those interviews while I am working or drawing. That voice is ingrained in my brain now. That's my Sans' voice.
I am so sorry I can't show it to you.
--------------------------- Let me know what YOU think! ♡
I love to read different headcanons and ideas.
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athousandbyeol · 9 months
discussion #12 (only friends): lightness and darkness as prominent motifs, subtle sensuality, obscured intimacy, and the idea of 'seeing' each other through different senses [episode 5 recap]
goodness. what an episode.
honestly, there are so many beautiful things happening in episode 5. so many. it feels like a fever dream. a literal dream. it's surreal.
this episode really highlights the softness— the fragility of topmew's love and their overall dynamic when they've finally stripped themselves naked from all the facades they've been wearing from the start of their relationship until this point.
subtle sensuality, obscured intimacy and fragile softness
the sheer softness. the soft touches. the hand holding. the i'm willing to do anything for you. the loving gazes. the sweet smiles. the i love yous. promises were made. walls were shattered. they're finally on the same page.
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so much is going on, but we're seeing their interaction in pieces. the close-up shots, the focus on their faces, hands and gestures, everything is just so intimately done and wonderfully executed. i can't express how breathtaking these shots are. it feels so inclusive. as if it's just them and no one else. but we, as the audience, are meant to see this in fragments because (i believe) we're supposed to view this scene from mew's perspective.
in a whimsical and crazy manner (that i can't explain eloquently), we are in mew's shoes, and we're witnessing the moment he falls for top— mew finally coming to terms with his feelings for top. and everything is just so soft and delicate and fairytale-like because this is mew's idea of falling in love, of love itself— genuine, secluded, tender, just two people and no one else.
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the shyness is still there, but it's also welcoming. and the part when they undress exudes warmth, happiness and playfulness. i would say, there was a very profound giddiness wafting around the air between them. additionally, there's also trust, something both of them have been teetering about for god knows how long. it's honest and raw, and they're very nervous (mew, especially), but it's okay. they have each other, and that's all that matters.
and i personally love how their making love scene is subtle and not explicit. it fits so well with mew's character; reserved, somewhat shy, and values sex as something sacred and pure. so this is very important to mew, and he wants it to be special. it's not for our eyes to see. despite them doing it near those see-through glass windows, it juxtaposes the fact a portion of mew's love for top and his virginity is only for top to see. not us. mew is willing to show bits and pieces of his love and sex life, but not all.
and it also illustrates top's respect for mew's likes and dislikes. it's different from when he did it with boston (both in public places) because it was just sex and nothing more. sex out of lust, hopelessness, anger, betrayal. but mew is not sex. mew is love and respect and happiness and forever. top truly treasures mew. his breaking point— his weakness.
lightness and darkness
again, i want to applaud forcebook for nailing the blind dinner scene. i'm just so in awe i stopped breathing when the whole scene unfolded.
the connection, the whole idea of not seeing— relying on their senses— the throwback to episode 1 when mew said, i can read people well, and top remembered, and that made mew feel special, only one— he finally believed he's the only one in top's life. so wonderfully done. hands fumbling. fingers intertwining. and that part when everyone faded, and it was just them, and there's finally more light— while we (the audience) knew it was supposed to be pitch black— but it was a moment of epiphany for mew— he knew top was the one. he loved top now. he believed it.
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they're seeing through each other, and forcebook acted out this temporary 'disability' very well! from the movement of their hands, the hesitation, the fear, but also the trust they have for each other: insane.
and it's also interesting how this scene played so much with light and dark. it explains the idea of mew and top in a state of vulnerability where they couldn't see, and with one vital sensory down, of course, they'll be more careful/cautious of their surroundings. in this state, i assume, is when their feelings are the most raw. somehow, i perceive this scene as a portrayal of honesty. since they couldn't see anything, it pushed them to rely on each other, to trust one another, and this brought out the best of top or the real top (mainly), and it was the awaited moment for mew.
all this while, mew needed that confirmation. he wanted to be assured that top was the one, but it didn't come as easily since top constantly toppled the trust he built. but here, mew broke his own walls by accepting those feelings whole-heartedly. sadly, i also believe this will cloud mew's judgment in the future. love makes a person blind; that is mew in the future episodes. he'll punch ray, his best friend, for spewing shit about top, his boyfriend, the person he loves most. but we all know it's going to be ugly as their first confrontation begins afterwards. it must have something to do with top finally telling the truth. //i'm preparing myself for the emotional whiplash next week offers.
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side note: kudos to p'book and p'force. their acting here is very convincing. they made us believe they were really in the dark and couldn't see anything. i'm just so proud of them. i really am :')
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and i love that they're in the light when mew accepted his feelings for top as something more than just an experiment— this notion of falling in love that had been playing in his head finally came to life. and it wasn't overly done, in my opinion. there weren't pink hearts or love emoticons or anything per se— but the slow-mo, the bright light (amid the supposedly dark dining hall), and the idea of 'seeing' each other through the darkness— a gorgeous illustration of falling head over heels for someone. and it's insane how in this scene it appeared as if they could 'see' each other— they're looking at each other, and not through each other. it somehow indicates mew's ideas of who top is, are completely gone now. this is top in mew's eyes. this is the top mew loves— in the dark, in his truest form.
speaking of that...
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it's so amazing how top is now in the dark (masked by the shadow) when he was always in the light. i look at this scene as top finally showing the real him. this is top— in this darkness— no longer hidden behind the confident mask— this is the top mew likes, and this is the top he wants mew to see.
light, in top's world, is attention, fame and reputation. so, to see top in the dark, bare and stripped of all those qualities that fed his ego, from the faces of top mew was never fond of, is liberating.
and it's mew on the spotlight now. he's shining, and this is how top sees mew— he's always the light in top's world.
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i can't form coherent words. the light and dark as the prominent motifs in this scene, are so perfectly shown in my opinion.
side note: this light and dark metaphor is also evident in episode 2 when top shares his trauma with mew. however, top was still shone by the light more than mew. it's because top's feelings weren't as deep as now, but he was slowly opening up to mew. and vice versa. mew was in the dark because even when they talked about top's fear, mew was doubtful. yet, there were rays of light on mew's face (towards the end) as they lay on the sofa and slept the night away. again, reaching equilibrium.
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these topmew scenes in episode 5 took my breath away for good. it was an excellent portrayal of intimacy, honesty, shyness, happiness, truth and love. i haven't been that speechless and mindless since moonlight chicken and a boss and a babe. a big round of applause for forcebook (and of course, the directors) for this. i'm so proud of forcebook. i'm just, so proud.
i'm so excited to see mew and top break each other's hearts starting next week. and i think by then, we'll see more of forcebook's incredible acting (it's p'book's time to shine, i reckon), and i'm buckled up for the emotional damage they're going to put me in.
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (i) | 4 (ii) | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12]
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antianakin · 8 months
Sorry if this isn't the kind of thing you want asked, you can ignore this if it isn't.
But in a no Palpatine AU, let's say Anakin matures just enough to realize that Jedi life isn't for him and leaves the Jedi Order. What do you think he'd do with his life after leaving? And do you think he'd stay friends with people like Obi-Wan?
This is totally the kind of thing I want asked!
Okay, so, the way I see it, there's two options for this AU.
Option 1: Everything stays the same up through TPM but Palpatine like slips on the stairs before Padme arrives on Coruscant or something, so he doesn't become Chancellor and never meets Anakin.
Option 2: Palpatine died before TPM or just never existed, and so the events of TPM go radically different or just don't happen at all, which has a lot of ripple effects on the entire storyline.
I think Option 1 is probably the scenario you were imagining with this ask, and it's the easier one to answer, so I'll do that one first.
I think Anakin could really mature a LOT via the Jedi lifestyle, actually. Anakin in TPM as a 9 year old is a genuinely kind, compassionate, sweet kid who seems to just want to help people and has a somewhat child-like naive idea of how that would actually work in reality. Living as a Jedi without the intervention of Palpatine telling him he can't trust the Jedi would allow him to really benefit from all of their lessons. He'd learn to be more than just mature, he could learn real mindfulness, he'd learn to let go, he'd learn to be at peace with the world around him and with who he is and what he was.
I think Anakin could leave at a few different points, but I usually assume that in this kind of situation, Anakin would leave probably shortly before he gets Knighted. Because I think Anakin would have benefited so much from the Jedi's teachings that it would feel wrong to him to take those oaths, knowing that he doesn't truly mean them and can't truly commit to them. But he stays as a Padawan as long as he can because he does LIKE a lot of things about being a Jedi and the longer he stays, the more he can learn. If Obi-Wan and the Council trust him to be a Knight, he can trust that he's probably gotten about all he can from the experience and it's time to move on. He might not even entirely consciously REALIZE that he's doing this until the moment comes and he has that particular epiphany that he's just been waiting for that validation to know that it's okay to leave.
And in this scenario, there's probably no Darth Tyrannus, either, and likely no Separatists, so there's nothing putting Padme's life in danger which means Anakin and Obi-Wan probably don't end up coming back into her orbit before Anakin leaves the Order. There's no secret relationship of any kind. But on Padme's end, this means there's no WAR and a lot fewer difficulties in the Senate probably which might mean she feels more comfortable stepping away from being a Senator than we know she does in canon.
As for what Anakin does after he leaves, there's SO MANY options. A lot of people assume he'd go into engineering, which is valid. It'd be a pretty easy job to pick up after leaving, maybe on a ship that needs a mechanic on the crew or something so he gets to travel around a bit. He could be a pilot, get a ship of his own and get some kind of piloting job. He could just go into racing I guess, although I feel like his time as a Jedi and his desire to help people would keep him from making that a whole career.
My favorite option though is that he goes back to Tatooine to try to do some abolition/grassroots work out there. It'd be really interesting as a parallel universe storyline if one of the things he actually ends up focusing on when he goes back to Tatooine is learning to understand the Tuskens better and trying to build a better relationship between the Tuskens and the settlers. I think he'd obviously focus a lot on the slavery issue, but it'd be interesting if the Tuskens got folded into that at some point, too. Maybe that work eventually leads him into politics and back to Coruscant and the Republic Senate at some point and that's how he gets back in contact with Padme. Or maybe Padme leaves the Senate and starts working with grassroots organizations herself afterwards and ends up remembering her time on Tatooine and deciding to go there to help and that's how they reconnect.
This also allows Anakin to reconnect with Shmi who, if we take into account the deleted dialogue that implies Palpatine and Dooku were behind the capture by the Tuskens that led to her death, is alive and well and doing just fine on the Lars homestead. So not only does Anakin get his mother back, he gains an entire step-family along with her. Anakin and Owen might butt heads occasionally, but they do love each other and consider each other family. Anakin and Beru get along SWIMMINGLY, much to Owen's irritation. Maybe the Tusken connection happens via his family and their struggles with the local tribes.
And in this AU, there's no reason he WOULDN'T remain friends with Obi-Wan. It might be a more "Jedi-like" friendship in the sense that they don't necessarily see or speak to each other super often, but they share an unbreakable bond from the years they spent together as Master/Padawan and do reach out when they have the time or are in the same area, etc. There's no attachment, no obligations or expectations that either of them has to live up to, just... compassion and friendship and respect.
And this brings us to Option 2 which runs into a lot more speculation and can go any number of ways.
If Palpatine dies prior to TPM or just plain doesn't exist at all, this likely means that the events of TPM don't even happen. So whether Anakin ever even becomes a Jedi is completely questionable and if he does, his route to becoming one could be radically different which would impact the kind of Jedi he becomes and his relationships to both Padme and Obi-Wan. It's entirely possible he'd never even MEET Padme until he was either fully a Jedi or had left the Jedi, so whether he'd end up in a relationship with her is completely up in the air. He might not even be into her depending on what kind of person you assume Anakin and Padme end up becoming in this particular AU. Maybe Obi-Wan doesn't become his Master. Maybe Qui-Gon DOES become his Master because he doesn't die on Naboo and survives to the end of Obi-Wan's apprenticeship. Maybe Anakin stays on Tatooine and when Cliegg comes along, he frees both of them and Anakin grows up a Lars for a while and meets Beru and joins her in abolition efforts. Maybe he becomes a celebrity via the podracing gig and this gets him enough money to leave Tatooine to pursue a career doing something else. Maybe Quinlan is involved in discovering Anakin since he's halfway canonically on Tatooine at the same time as Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
Option 2 is kind-of a free for all, take your pick sort of option, so it's a little harder to definitively answer your questions about what he'd do and how his relationships would end up.
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mseirtaku · 2 months
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Me watching travesty that was Kung Fu Panda 4.
Under 'read more', I have my full (unsolicited) thoughts on the fourth film - warning, I don't have much good to say about it 〔´∇`〕;;
So... I'll start with the positives, because honestly, I do love aspects of this movie.
Any scenes featuring Li and Mr. Ping are the absolute highlights of this film. Love them, ship them, hilarious chemistry between them. I'd watch a whole film dedicated to just them.
Though not as funny as the previous films, it’s genuinely funny, like, some jokes are deadass hilarious. (See above for example lol)
Genuinely, the main villainess, the chameleon, has such a cool design and Viola Davis provides such a good voice for her. The animation whenever she transforms is so cool.
Jack Black as Po is just so charming, you can't help but find Po so likeable.
For what little we saw of Tai Lung, he was a treat to see.
Great animation, lovely scenery, love the little animation flairs during the action scenes
Alright, now time for the negatives... Which unfortunately there is a lot of. I’ll go step by step and build up to the bigger picture I’m trying to visualise here.
The Kung Fu Panda
Po’s character arc was pretty much complete at the end of KFP3, when he has his epiphany and finds that his true self lies in not restricting himself to one label, but by embracing everything that makes him Po. His identity by this point is very well realised. Unfortunately in KFP4, the tacked on conflict of him needing to retire the Dragon Warrior title and choose a successor just… Doesn’t make sense for his character at this point. Not to mention, the movie repeats a joke ad nauseam where no one knows who Po is, or of his adventures, jokingly chalking it down to a ‘regional’ tale. You’d think the literal saviour of China would be well known. The world-building feels so much smaller for it. Unfortunately, this movie is very determined to undermine the impact of the last three movies, all to prop up the wisecracking and super cool shitass Awkafina character. Sorry, not sorry, but Zhen is a terrible character just for that reason alone. If Kung Fu Panda wanted to pass the torch down, Tigress or even Tai Lung would have been a much more compelling option, seeing as both were telegraphed to be potential Dragon Warriors in the past. Speaking of…
Tai Lung
Man… The trailers got my hopes up that KFP4 would feature a long awaited redemption arc for the OG villain of the KFP films. Instead, he’s delegated to a cage for half his scenes, and received the barest minimum of character arcs in the finale. Granted, he was still entertaining to watch, but he was totally under-utilised.
To continue the topic of identity, the film missed the chance to ask this: “Who is Tai Lung without his kung fu?” All his life he’d been raised with huge aspirations to become the best kung fu master, and to eventually gain the dragon scroll (which he was denied.) In KFP4, the chameleon summons him from the spirit realm, and drains him of all his kung fu skill. Therein lies the missed opportunity for a compelling character arc, now that he’s been cast out as a supposedly useless body into the real world. And who better to help him figure out his identity other than Po himself?
I could go on forever about the various fanficy rewrites and plot ideas, but I don’t want to let this get any longer. So I’ll talk about one more topic.
The Chameleon
I love her design, I love her voice acting, but compared to Tai Lung, Lord Shen and even General Kai… She’s simply a weak villain. (Too small to learn kung fu… Really?? With characters like Mantis and Viper who deadass exist in the same franchise???)
‘I’m the Chameleon! I do nothing but change!’ holds such potential for a far more interesting backstory. Instead of being rejected for her size, suppose that it was seen by many king fu masters that she simply didn’t possess a true spirit of a kung fu warrior. As explained in this film, their abilities are harnessed in the spirit/soul, not just the physical body. Perhaps she didn’t want to work for those abilities properly. She wanted the easy way forwards. She didn’t want to put in the proper time and effort to become a master of the craft. Spurred on by what she sees as rejection, she learns sorcery to take on any number of identities of kung fu masters. So many identities she could use to fool herself into believing she was someone talented and gifted in the art of kung fu. But it’s only a lie she tells herself. And so, she takes the drastic action, and decides to start summoning these masters from the spirit realm. But even as she slowly grows in power through the course of this film, maybe a strong sense of imposter syndrome starts to set in. These powers aren’t truly hers - what value does a carbon copy of something original have? Nothing. She never properly worked for them and made them her own.
Anyways. I’m almost done writing.
Quick fire round of criticism;
Akwafina’s shitass character
Furious five just tossed aside except for a non speaking cameo. Tigress got done so dirty - if there are gonna be like three more films, they should have been about her
The goofy-ass way he was attacked and then thrown into the cage, the disrespect lol
Li (the victim) and Lord Shen (the genocidal maniac who destroyed his village and killed his wife) somehow existed in the same space and did not get into a conflict.
Why does Kai still exist in the spirit realm? I thought he was literally skadooshed to be extra double dead lol. Like spirit literally eradicated
Akwafina’s shitass character
The villains bowing to Po feels super unearned given how under-utilised they were. I can see it working, just not in the plot we got in the end
Po’s character feels weirdly dumbed down, it’s hard to put my finger on it
Fart joke :(
The innocent and cute but secretly psycho baby bunnies are the definition of anti humour. They’re so fucking obnoxious and cringey
For some reason, the character designs of new characters feels super incongruous and out of place.
The Dragon Warrior isn’t an inherited title, it was given during a time where China needed a hero. Why does it need to be passed down?
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That’s all I have really. Sorry for straying so much into fanfiction territory, but it’s an integral part of my criticisms. I could honestly write forever, but I mainly wanted to share this silly redraw of the Tai Lung meme using Lobster and I’s silly Kung Fu Panda Hetalia gijinka crossover AU nonsense lol
If you read this all the way to the end, congrats! And sorry - I never do long text posts like this lol
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angelwoozi · 1 year
hello bb freya!!! hope you are doing well <3 request for a little fluff? woozi having a crush on the reader realizing that he definitely fell harder for you than expected and how he goes about that information? maybe a lil ~confession~ action
forget me not | ljh
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pairing ; jihoon x reader
rating / genre ; sfw // friends to lovers, fluff
summary ; your bestfriend has an epiphany, and maybe it's something related to you
wc ; 2.7k
warnings ; swearing, alcohol usage, soonyoungie the wingman
note ; elle this is such a cute request!! thankyou for sending this in! this also me self indulging so bare with me aagh. unedited! i am so late, and also this is very light and cute. also, thankyou @heartkyeom for proofreading this and saving my ass 😭
aw masterlist
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Jihoon likes to believe that love doesn't come easily – especially to him, someone who likes to call himself an npc (non playable character) who only talks when he is spoken to.
But maybe in all this he forgot that even if love doesn't come easily, he could fall in love, very easily in fact.
That's how he has fallen for you, and the realization was so strong that he had to step back and contemplate for a whole minute. "Maybe it's not love." "Maybe it's just a crush." "Maybe I am way too lonely." "Maybe I am drunk? – No, I haven't drank." "Maybe I need sleep."
So that's what he had done. He had slept on his feelings that night. But come morning and his mind had started whirring again. 
He wonders when did he even fall this hard for you? He always knew he liked you. Like, you've been his friend for so long, there's only so much time he needs to realize his crush for you. But no, this was not a teeny tiny teenage crush. This was a feeling that was crushing his heart and making it grow again whenever he thought about you.
Falling for you has been as easy as falling asleep. And even though sleep doesn't come easily to him, your dreams do, and he cherishes them as if they were the only thing in his possession in the whole world. 
He sees you in technicolor, through rose tinted glasses of love. It is soft and dreamy, the way your face lights up whenever you do something you like, the way he can see stars in your eyes whenever you talk about one of your many passions. Long ago he had decided your laughter is his favorite sound. It brings him joy, it brings him comfort. And then he had got to know you more and he had decided everything about you is his favorite. 
The curve of your nose and the slightest of your smiles. The eyes which look like they have a vast ocean of knowingness, kindness held in them, your passion and your strong willed nature. Yes, he loves everything about you.
And now he doesn't know what to do. Maybe he should inform you? Just to get the weight off his chest, he thinks.
"It's high time now, Jihoon. What? Are you going to sit here wallowing for your whole life?" Soonyoung speaks up, breaking Jihoon out of his reverie as he stares at him wide eyed.
"You know?" 
"That you are in love with Y/N? Dude, everyone and their mother knows this." He laughs and takes a sip from his soju.
"Do they know?" Jihoon gulps as he asks this.
"I don't think so."
Jihoon visibly relaxes at this, but not for long as Soonyoung speaks up again.
"But I think they have an idea. I mean c'mon, you both are completely head over heels for each other. Just kiss and end this depressive episode of yours."
"B-both?" he coughs and sets his drink down, completely blanching at Soonyoung's statement, but also with a blush creeping up his neck.
Do you love him too? Wow. He is a fool for thinking so. Why would you love him? 
"Fuck off Soonyoung." he slurs and gulps his glass down.
"You know what? Get your eyesight checked. Or maybe take off these big ass glasses of yours and look.'' Soonyoung says and turns away from Jihoon, sulking in all his drunken glory.
Jihoon rolls his eyes and goes to the balcony, with his unfinished bottle in his hand, and too many thoughts in his mind. What if soonyoung is correct? What if maybe you both should just fess it up to each other? But for one, he would rather be your friend than be nothing to you. 
Because what if he gathers the courage to say it to you and you don't feel the same? 
Will you break the friendship too? 
God. He needed sleep. And some less alcohol in his system to function.
He closes his eyes and breathes in a good amount of the stale air filled with the smoke and stench of the city. Fucking hell, maybe he is ready to fess it up to you.
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He actually needed someone to inform him that drunk decisions are not valid. Never. Yet even Soonyoung was an infant who loved buffoonery. And he planned a hangout for the three of you.
The cafe is old, with worn out furniture and scribbled walls. It looks rickety and used, but it's the one which you three used to frequent since the beginning of high school. And now eight years later, you are here again.
Jihoon was a bit caught up in his studio and reached the cafe late, nerves on an all time high. 
Should he raincheck? No that would be rude. 
He wants to meet you, yes. But what the fuck is Soonyoung up to? The thought of that guy makes him excruciatingly concerned and he almost sprints to the cafe, should he feed you with terrible truths about jihoon's feelings before he could.
That would be so embarassing.
Your head shoots up the moment the door opens and a beautiful smile graces your features when you see an out of breath Jihoon scrambling to reach to your table.
"Did you run a marathon?" you ask and Jihoon wants to say he'd run anything for you, but he stands in front of you instead, with an embarrassed grimace.
"Hello." Idiot. Who is she? A stranger? Why the fuck are you greeting her like that? he thinks.
You don't seem to mind it though, as you scoot inside to make room for him. He settles down gingerly, trying to avoid your eyes. He isn't usually like this, no. But today he has a weird feeling, and he chalks it up to soonyoung looking at him sheepishly.
Can this guy be more obvious? 
You are talking about some of the latest changes your boss made at your new workplace, quite ecstatically, but Jihoon can't will his mind to stay in one place. It's racing faster than the wind, thinking about what will happen if he opens up his heart to you. He is also distracted by the way your face lights up and eyes glimmer, the way you look at him as if he has hung up stars in your sky.
Soonyoung chats with you, matching your energy and Jihoon looks at him warily, not able to trust him at all. He wants to go away, go home. Soonyoung keeps on glancing at him with a mischievous glint and he thinks maybe that's enough for the day.
But he knows he can't leave so soon, so he stays. At a point, after your order is served, he thinks you two have inched closer, but he doesn't think much about it – still reveling in the closeness.
He feels like a teenager all over again, especially when your eyes find him each time you laugh. It's like you are sharing a secret laugh with him, and his heart grows a garden of flowers at that, you watering it with your happiness.
He starts talking after a while, and completely misses the fact that he had to stay alert and keep Soonyoung in line. As he finishes up his sandwich, he realizes his mistake, albeit belatedly, but still he does.
"Why don't we take a walk in the garden? I saw some fresh blooms while coming in." Soonyoung says and Jihoon stills with his glass of water halfway to his mouth. Suddenly his throat is parched, as dry as the Sahara and he gulps down the whole glass.
There's a garden just beside the cafe, where you used to go after school, to talk about everything and nothing, while walking around and enjoying the flowers. You used to tell him about the flowers, the types, the kind of care they needed – and he listened to you intently, soaking up all the information like he had to write a paper on it.
Soonyoung knows how much that memory means to him, how much he cherishes it and that little shit just suggested something which you will never say no to. It will also allow him an easy escape, which Jihoon knows he wants. 
"Oh, yes. It's been so long since we've gone there." you pipe up and Jihoon's shoulders sag. He should have known. With his eyes set on Soonyoung in an unsaid battle, he hears you call his name.
"What do you think? Are you coming?" you look at him with an expectant smile, but your eyes say nothing. It's like you don't expect him to come, and his heart breaks that you would feel like that. That he'd ever say no to you.
"Yes." he quietly says and your eyes crinkle by the edges, as your smile grows a little.
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There are bees. He sees insects hover over the flower bed, the rows of color covering the expanse of the garden and his mind buzzes as you don't even think twice before going near them.
He follows you like a tail, and ends up lurking at the edge of the flower bed as you bend down to caress the petals of a certain blue flower. He doesn't know the name, but he knows that he will soon. There's only so much time before you break your happy silence.
"It's a forget-me-not." you say and he smiles. It's so apt, because he doesn't think he can ever forget you. His eyes follow you as you bend down to pluck a small flower from the bush.
As soon as you had entered the garden, Soonyoung had picked up a call and vanished, saying something along the lines of how his assistant choreographer fucked up at work. He had gone away before Jihoon could even say that he didn't have an assistant.
You straighten up, with the flower held in your hand, your grasp around the small stem. It's with a small demeanor that you look up at him, eyes not meeting his, and settling on the rim of his glasses. He furrows his eyebrows as he calls out your name.
"Y/N?" that's when you open your palm to show that you had plucked two flowers. You slowly take his hand and place one forget-me-not in his palm, with your eyes on your touching hands.
You used to always pluck flowers at the garden back in the day, and give them to your friends. You also gave them a lot of information about the said flower, telling them how you liked the scent and the colors. But this time you are quiet, and Jihoon gives you a confused smile as he twirls the flower in his hand. 
You still don't say anything, and with a content smile, you turn around and start walking, skirting along the edge of the field. It's after a while that he realizes he hasn't moved, and he quickly jogs to catch up with you.
You are again playing with a flower, this time a periwinkle – but you don't give one to him, and he wonders why? It's equally beautiful as the forget-me-not. He always thought you liked to give the flowers you found interesting. He shakes his head at that thought. Why is he thinking so much about something so trivial?
You drone on and on about the periwinkles, but stop talking when you come across another set of blue flowers. This time Jihoon knows them.
"Morning glory, right?" he says and you laugh.
"You know?"
"You have talked about them before." he shrugs and moves forward, not realizing you have stopped, frozen at the spot. It's after a few steps that he turns back to find you still there, staring straight ahead.
"Y/N, c'mon. Do you wanna pluck them too?"
You shake your head, "You listened to me whenever I spoke about these flowers?"
Jihoon furrows his eyebrows and walks towards you, "Of course I did. I always do."
He says that because it's the truth. He knows he can easily write a paper on all the flowers in this garden, just because of you.
Your eyes find his when he comes to a halt in front of you, and there's a pained smile on your face, which he wishes to wipe. It's like a movie when the breeze flows and your stray hair comes in front of your face, him instinctively tucking it behind your ear. His hand lingers there for a while and your smile doesn't seem so pained anymore.
"Do you know what these mean?" you whisper as you open your palm to show him the forget-me-not you previously plucked.
He shakes his head and brings his own palm up too, revealing the flower. He thinks he is functioning on auto-pilot, following you like a puppet and doing things he doesn't know. He even speaks with his eyes on your hand.
"I don't think you ever told me."
"They mean respect." you begin and he smiles. He does respect you a lot, and he knows you respect him too. You have never stayed back from letting him know how much you admire him, But it's when you continue that he snaps his eyes to your face, "They also mean love. True love."
He feels himself go still. Scarily still. 
He wants to speak, but he thinks he will stutter. 
He wants to hug you, but he thinks he will fumble. 
He wants to kiss you, but he thinks he will crumble. 
Do you mean to say-
"I'm in love with you." you quietly complete his thought and his mind goes haywire. He thinks he stands there, staring at your eyes, for an eternity. Because when you call out his name, he hears you in a haze.
"Huh?" he says and sees as you malfunction to follow up.
"I, you love me?" he asks and you nod.
"Yes." you don't look at him and continue rambling in a small voice, before he can even open his mouth,"I know you don't, and it's okay. I just couldn't keep it in me anymore. It's been so long. I just hope we don't break our friendsh-"
"I love you too."
You pause, and stare at him wide eyed. He is breathing heavily, like he was rushing to say these words. And he was, because god knows how long he has loved you. It's like a weight has been lifted from his chest, and he can breathe freely, love you freely, without needing to hide.
"I love you too, Y/N." he repeats, with a leveled voice and you blink.
"Oh my god." is the only thing you say before rushing into him, wrapping your arms around his torso and hugging him. He laughs and hugs you closer, butterflies swarming in his chest.
He feels as if finally he has reached the shore, after a long journey. After making friends with the water, and still yearning for land. He breathes you in, and then sighs, with his eyes closed. This is what home feels like. And he'd be damned if he went away from the shore again.
"Finally. I felt like I was being held hostage with my feelings." you mumble into his clothes and he sighs out a 'same'. Because he knows the feeling. He has felt that feeling.
He opens his palm and sees the flower sitting prettily. His smile gets bigger, eyes crinkling and heart turning giddy. This is adorable, you are adorable.
"Do you think Soonyoung planned this? Did he know?" you ask as you look up at him with a sheepish smile.
"He did. That fucking bastard." he shakes his head and you both laugh in the breeze.
"But I'm glad. Because finally I have you." he admits and you roll your eyes as you hug him again.
And now his feet are grounded, mind is clear, and heart is settled. As he has you in his arms, his world is complete and his home is vibrant. As he has you with him, he is calm, he is content, he is everything he never truly was.
He is happy. 
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© angelwoozi.
-- feedback of any kind will be gladly appreciated :D
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