#I had the spirit soundtrack on blast
screechingcrow · 3 months
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Wild Horses
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radiofreederry · 8 months
Dorothy's Top 5 Games of 2023
2023 was a remarkable year for gaming. The number of major, high-quality releases was truly astonishing, both in the AAA and indie scenes.
2023 was also the year I started leaning more into gaming as a hobby, beginning to do Twitch streams in April. Because of this, I thought I'd go through a few of the best games I played this year, and talk a bit about what made them so enjoyable. Consider this my "games of the year" list, like I know so many people are going to be doing this year.
My list is reflective of my own preferences and tastes; I tend to play a lot of RPGs, action-adventure games, and platformers, so you won't find a lot of fighting games or shooters in contention here. Feel free to comment or reblog with your own list - you don't have to write little essays about everything like I did, but it'd be fun if you did!
Honorable Mentions:
Pentiment (Obsidian Entertainment): Released in November 2022, but didn't play until this year. One of the most gripping and original RPGs I've ever played.
Persona 5 Royal (P-Studio): Released in October 2022 for Xbox, but I've been streaming it and having a lot of fun with @lakemojave and others.
Katamari Damacy Reroll (Namco): Released in 2018 for Switch, but played it for the first time this year and had a blast.
And now, the list proper.
Fifth Place: Hi-Fi Rush (Tango Gameworks)
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There was a sort of game prevalent in the sixth generation of consoles which doesn't exist much anymore outside of the indie space. These were bold, bright, games which were unapologetically "video gamey," and wore their medium on their sleeve. Playing Hi-Fi Rush, I felt as if I was Anton Ego eating the titular dish in Ratatouille, and being transported back to that forgotten era of gaming. Hi-Fi Rush is stylish, hilarious, and deliriously fun, mixing the rhythm and action genres to create an experience unlike anything else currently on offer in gaming.
With addicting timing-based combat, a killer soundtrack featuring a suite of certified bangers (such as a cover of "Free Radicals" by the Flaming Lips, one of my favorite bands), and a delightful cast of colorful characters, Hi-Fi Rush carries the off-beat spirit of games like Jet Set Radio and Viewtiful Joe in its DNA, and had it been made 20 years ago, I do not doubt that it would have an animated adaptation airing on Kids WB.
By evoking the spirit of a bygone era while remaining utterly unique, and by virtue of its slick presentation and impossible-to-put-down gameplay, Hi-Fi Rush manages to punch far above its own weight and snag fifth place on my list.
Fourth Place: A Highland Song (Inkle)
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A Highland Song came out of nowhere at the tail-end of the year and forced me to completely reevalute my game rankings. It is one of the most delightful and charming games I've ever had the chance to play, and has managed to do what I thought was impossible: create a roguelike experience that I actually want to see through to completion.
A Highland Song does this through its emotive embrace of the Scottish Highlands as a setting, with those ancient hills acting as both the main antagonist and a stalwart companion in main character Moira's journey to cross the mountains and reach her uncle's lighthouse by the First of May.
The Highlands are your dear friend. They will provide you food, shelter, and the tools you need to complete your journey. The Highlands are your worst enemy. They will deny you a safe haven when you're exhausted, out of energy, and being soaked through by torrential, bitterly-cold rain; they will give you tools long after you've passed the point where they would have been useful. The hills will preserve you. The hills will kill you.
It is in these contrasts that A Highland Song shines. It is a game about finding yourself, and pushing forward in the face of impossible adversity. There is an indescribable joy to spending days in-game exploring a section of the Highlands, trying to find the way forward, and finally running through one of the game's rhythm-based sections, triumphant Celtic folk music blaring in your ears as you finally find your way. All the while, Uncle Hamish's warm, fond recollections of Celtic folklore and Moira's descriptions of her family life make you want to push on, to learn more about this magical place and the people who inhabit it.
You will not make it to the sea in time in your first run through A Highland Song, nor likely your second or third. Yet each time Moira passes through the mountains, you learn more about them, become more familiar with the slopes and pathways that carve through these lands that are older than time. You will stumble, you will fall, and then, eventually, you will make it to the sea by Beltane.
Third Place: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo EPD)
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How do you follow up one of the most important and well-regarded games of the 2010s, improve almost everything about it, and even correct its flaws? Tears of the Kingdom manages that and then some. The direct sequel to 2017's Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom follows that game's version of series lead Link through a melancholy journey through a world ravaged by unnatural weather, blight, and time. Link is himself nearly torn apart by the corrupting influence of returning series antagonist Ganondorf (voiced in this installment in fine fashion by Matt Mercer), and the hastily replaced arm granted to him by the sage Rauru grants him new abilities, which replace and improve upon the ones he possessed in the last game.
With these new powers, the game becomes a truly open sandbox. Link is able to build almost anything with his Ultrahand ability, and the Fuse ability not only virtually eliminates the previous game's major flaw, its weapon durability system, by allowing the player to turn virtually any weapon top-tier by properly leveraging fusion materials, it also creates a resource management loop that discourages being stingy with strong resources - since they can be used to create very powerful weapons. Meanwhile, the Ascend and Recall abilities open new avenues in traversal and speed up exploration through Tear's of the Kingdom's massive map, which not only uses the previous game's world map as a base - with lots of altered and added locations to signify the passage of time, including a host of explorable caves - but more than doubles it by also adding floating islands in the sky and a dark, hostile undergound below.
The intense focus on exploration, not to mention some of the best dungeons and bosses in Zelda history, make this a game I had genuine trouble putting down at times as I sunk hundreds of hours into it, as I always felt like there was something new to find around the next corner, or some new treasure to find deep in the underground. Tears of the KIngdom is a masterclass in crafting an open world experience, and easily secures a spot in my top five. It only places so low on this list as a consequence of some blemishes on an otherwise extremely polished and technically impressive product - specifically its story and progression, which feels too much like retreading the structure of Breath of the Wild and not enough like it's blazing its own trail.
Second Place: Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red)
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Let's get this out of the way first: Cyberpunk 2077 originally released, infamously, in late 2020 in what was essenitally an unfinished state. However, with its 2.0 update that fundamentally restructures how the game is played, as well as the massive Phantom Liberty expansion dropping this year, I feel comfortable regarding this game as a 2023 release.
I didn't expect to have Cyberpunk 2077 on this list. I certainly didn't expect to see it so high on this list. And yet, here it is. I went in with almost no expectations, and came out with one of my favorite games of the year, and one of the most thoughtful RPGs of the decade. Cyberpunk 2077's great strengths lie in its richly detailed game world and its extremely strong writing, both of which impressed me beyond any preconceptions I may have had, especially given how the game originally launched as a broken, buggy mess.
Cyberpunk 2077's Night City is as fully realized a game world as I've ever seen, brimming with detail and things to both see and do. It is incredibly immersive, and I often found myself forgoing the game's fast travel system in order to simply cruise the moody, neon-soaked streets on my motorcycle as I sped from one gig to the next, taking in little details like the ethnic enclaves in different districts, or how infrastructure differed in poor areas compared to rich ones.
Cyberpunk 2077 tells a story about struggling against impossible odds, and finding hope and beauty in a hopeless and ugly world. In a future where capitalism's atomization and hyperindividualization rend the flesh of society at-large, the life of protagonist V is enriched through the human connections they are able to make as they race against time to save themselves from the biochip in their head eating away at their existence - a piece of technology stolen and then impulsively inserted during their first big job, a job taken in pursuit of the ephemeral and ambiguous glory that comes with being a legend of Night City. Their deteriorating condition throughout the game, and the ever-present acidic commentary of rockerboy Johnny Silverhand, serve as constant reminders of the folly of chasing such impermanent glory.
Whether it's Johnny's former bandmate Kerry, whose insecurities lead him to ostentatious acts of violence and destruction, or Judy, who has suffered loss after loss and desperately tries to find a situation she can control and someone who won't use or leave her, my journey as V centered around finding these connections, and using them not only to save V's life, but preserve her humanity. These themes carried through with the Phantom Liberty expansion, which explores such topics as freedom, survivor's guilt, and governmental corruption and exploitation, and features a delightful turn by Idris Elba as a weary government agent burdened by regret. There are plenty of bombastic setpieces, cleverly-written quests, and moments of intense action, but the things I think I'll always remember are quiet, intimate, human moments, from sitting with and comforting a girl whose girlfriend just killed herself, or meditating with a monk who has no ulterior motive but to bring V a rest in the midst of a grueling situation.
All that to say that while I had a lot of fun with the gameplay, the game world and the writing were what made me fall in love with Cyberpunk 2077, what will likely keep me coming back to the game on replay, and what landed it at number two on the list. The only reason it didn't end up at number one was because there's just one game I played this year which impressed me just that much more - and even then, it’s a thin margin.
First Place: Baldur's Gate 3 (Larian Studios)
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Here I must confess not only have I never played the original Baldur's Gate games - early works by BioWare, a company whose work I generally respect - I had until this year never touched Dungeons and Dragons or any ancillary media. Total blind spot! Never even saw the movie this year! I'd played plenty of tabletop, but never any DnD.
What a treat, then, to be introduced to the world and mechanics of DnD through such a game as Baldur's Gate 3. This game glistens with careful and thoughtful design, and proves the vibrancy and potential that still remains in the classic CRPG style. Baldur's Gate 3's great strengths shine in two major areas, which I will go in more detail about now.
Firstly, the game offers a truly remarkable amount of freedom to the player in allowing them to resolve a situation in a myriad of ways, emulating the flexible nature of tabletop storytelling to an extent I've rarely seen in the video game medium. Want to defeat a boss that's giving you grief by running up to him and shoving him off a cliff? Sure, that works! Want to stealthily surround an enemy camp with explosive barrels and then cast fireball? Ok, go for it!
The other side of this coin is that the game permits a lot of flexibility in permitting the player to truly fuck up royally, while keeping the narrative going and not forcing them into a game over because they "played wrong." Took too long to save some gnomes from a cave-in? Too bad, they suffocated to death! Allowed an important NPC, whose spell was protecting a community from a curse, to be defeated in battle and captured? Tough luck, all those people have died a horrible, agonizing death! It's your fault! Now keep moving. In Baldur's Gate 3, all of your decisions, good or bad, have consequences, and you have to live with them.
Baldur's Gate 3's other great strength lies in its character writing. Every major character, and many minor characters, are written with such depth and nuance, with varied motivations, backstories, and moral alignments, which the player can both influence and be influenced by. Notable standouts include Astarion, the cynical vampire whose acid tongue is a defense mechanism to not let anyone get too close and who delights in thumbing his nose at others and seeking power for himself, but who can be guided towards a more empathetic and caring place; and Shadowheart, the cleric of the dark goddess Shar who finds herself torn between what she sees as her duty to her goddess and what she knows deep down to be the right thing to do.
Every character in Baldur's Gate 3 has a story to tell, and they're all good ones. That alone would land it on this list, but combined with the astonishing freedom it allows players and its infinite replayability rocket it to the top spot. Baldur's Gate 3 is my game of the year.
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loopy777 · 5 months
AtLA Book Water Soundtrack Review
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You all know how we've wanted this soundtrack for years and suffered through such explanations as 'the original sound files probably don't exist anymore.' Thankfully, Avatar Studios has seen fit to re-record the music of the first season with a full orchestra, as part of what I assume is a media blitz meant to build hype for the live action Netflix remake. But we all know that remakes, even in music, often don't live up to the original. So, how did it turn out?
(Er, the soundtrack, I mean. The Netflix thing hasn't been released yet.)
With a sigh of relief, I can report: It's great!
Thankfully, the sample track didn't turn out to be indicative of the entire album. The composition of everything else is pretty faithful to the original versions, as far as I could tell. In fact, the overall sound is pretty close to my memories of the original music, despite the use of a full orchestra to record this version- with the exception of the drums, which in the HiDef sound files I downloaded sound fantastic and successfully make my floor and walls shake. (I make no guarantees about what you get if you listen to streaming, mp3 files, or the vinyl disks. This is why I pay a premium for FLAC files or CDs.) I loved turning up the volume and getting blasted by the classic Avatar theme in glorious orchestral quality.
Plus, some tracks are vastly improved by these recordings, while also being true to the original. The best example is the Northern Water Tribe entrance music, which I always thought sounded a bit chintzy and repetitive in the original track (but I admit my opinion might be colored by the poor quality of the recordings we have access to). The new version has a much fuller sound and enough variation to justify the length. I suspect this might come down to which of the original tracks used real instruments and which had to rely more on synthesized sound.
I suspect, though, that the vocals on this album are all the originals, and that's why the Koizilla music makes the chorus less prominent; it probably couldn't be mixed together with the new orchestra without sounding bad. In most cases, that's not a problem, but I do mourn that the Kozilla music doesn't sound quite right. But, on the other hand, Mako's singing has never sounded better.
The album has all the music I'd expect of a soundtrack for Book Water. The Fire Nation, Kyoshi Island, and Jet all get good suites that showcase their themes and music, something that just doesn't exist anywhere in the original recordings. The famous stuff -- the opening theme, the Avatar State, the 'into the sunset' peaceful music, the Agni Kai, Aang's antics, the full "Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall" tune in both full instrumental form and with Mako's singing, and of course the ending credits -- is all here. The season finale is heavily represented, but that's appropriate as those episodes got a lot of new music and all of it is great. And if you've only been able to content yourself with the fan-made soundtracks we've had to piece together over the the years via promotional releases and episode rips, there's some good stuff here that you might never have heard by itself before, like the fun bit of music for June.
And because I'm compelled to nitpick, I'm a bit annoyed by the order of the tracks. I like to listen to soundtracks in chronological order, and while that kind of thing isn't really feasible with something as long and repetitive as a television series season, this album does a serviceable approximation with its order- except for two weird cases. The Blue Spirit introduction comes after the music for his escape with Aang, and the music for the encounter with Koh comes after the music for Aang's arrival in the Spirit World. I assume this is because it makes for a better hi/lo/fast/slow sequence as part of the overall, but I would have preferred the order of their presentation in the cartoon.
So, in conclusion, this is the soundtrack we've wanted all these years, and everyone should stream or buy it or at least pirate it in enough numbers to raise eyebrows. I want the other two books done this way, and I think we as a fandom deserve it, despite some of the fanfic I've seen you people write. ;)
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Hello ! How are you ? 🖤 Do you think you could write headcanons for the Ghouls going to karaoke (pleaaaase) ? I just had this thought of them absolutely having a blast while singing Bohemian Rhapsody (don’t ask me why 💀😭)
omg your brain is *chef’s kiss* i love this idea!!
also i got a little carried away so i do apologize for that y’all 😭😭
- The ghouls are allowed one sort of fun outing to town per week
- Copia is required to chaperone but he’ll let them pick what they want to do and where they want to go, he just goes along to supervise
- To keep everything fair, the ghouls get to write down one idea each for what they want to do, they put the ideas in a hat, and draw one each week until they’ve done everyone’s idea
- On Friday night the pack gathers around the hat and Cirrus pulls a slip with the words “Karaoke bar” on it
- So karaoke it is
- On Saturday night all 8 of them and Copia pile into one of the ministry’s van and off they go
- They enter a mostly empty little karaoke bar and get a private room for singing
- They also order a bunch of drinks
- Swiss insists on going first and gives a very unique rendition of No Hands
- Dew and Sunshine cheer him on of course
- Cirrus and Aether absolutely kill their choice of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
- The others can’t help but give Mountain an amused glance every time his name comes up in the song
- He is very much not amused
- Cumulus goes next and sings Halo by Beyoncé so beautifully that Copia rethinks her being an Air Ghoul because she HAS to be part siren
- “Show off” Dew jokingly mutters when she’s done but Rain slaps him on the arm anyway
- Sunshine decides she wants to sing I Won’t Say I’m In Love from the Hercules soundtrack and gets Swiss and Aether to be the muses
- They do the little dances and everything
- Like i’m talking full on movie accurate choreography
- Rain and Mountain seem sort of reluctant at first but once they realize Disney songs are an option they are all for it
- They do Under The Sea from The Little Mermaid, Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, I’ll Make A Man Outta You from Mulan, and more
- Aether cuts them off after they sing The Bare Necessities for the second time
- After Dew has one too many margaritas (he drank 6) he BODIES Rap God by Eminem and Tap In by Saweetie
- When he starts singing CPR by Cupcakke Copia knows it’s time to go
- “But youuu haven’t sung anything yet Cardi!” Sunshine drunkenly points out from the couch where she’s leaning all of her body weight on a fast asleep Cirrus
- All the ghouls turn to Copia with nods of agreement
- “I— eh, eh-heh. That is true. I suppose one more song wouldn’t hurt.” Copia agrees
- He wanted to do Piano Man by Billy Joel but that wasn’t an option
- So he goes with Bohemian Rhapsody
- And boy was that a choice
- As soon as the ghouls hear the intro they get so hyped up
- Copia sings the intro and verse 1 and 2 by himself
- Dew and Aether vocalize the guitar solo but it’s really off pitch
- The ghouls join in verse 3 and they all do the high pitched voice
- They do the little call and response with Copia
- Sunshine, Rain, and Cumulus song the “Let me go” part and the other five ghouls sing the “We will not let you go” part
- When it’s all over they end up super giggly and in high spirits
- Then they got kicked out because Dew got too excited and lit a couch on fire
- But it was an overall 10/10 experience
If you read all of this to the end, you’re a real one! Also does anyone know of that tiktok with that group of boys wearing like navy blue bedsheets as togas and lip syncing to I Won’t Say I’m In Love cause that’s exactly what I imagine Swiss and Aether doing while Sunshine sings. Someone please know what I’m talking about 😭😭
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labellefleur-sauvage · 5 months
Hi, it's me revealing myself at last.
I'm sure you were able to guess (but maybe you didn't) but I had such a great time writing a fic for you this year! You were such an amazing person to play Santa for and I'm so glad I got to know you better this year!
In the spirit of teasers, I figured I'd give you one last sneak peek before you see the gift. I know you're not a big music person, but I'd figure I'd give you one of the songs I listened to while writing (this and the whole witcher soundtrack).
Hope you have a great rest of the holiday season.
I’m so sorry I missed this in the bustle of the last few days but thank you again so much for such an amazing gift! I had a blast getting to know you and even though I’m not musically minded like most, I absolutely listened to and love your song selection. I can definitely see how it inspired you, for which I am so so happy and thankful!
Thank you again so much for everything!
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More than two miles long and 1,142 feet tall, Uluru, the red sandstone rock formation in Australia’s Northern Territory, wows travelers during the day.
But now, a new night spectacle Wintjiri Wiru illuminates the darkness adjacent to the monolith in a way that reveals Indigenous culture while dazzling with high-tech sound and lights.
“Humans are drawn to light—just think of how compelling sunsets are,” says Melbourne light artist Bruce Ramus, who designed the work in collaboration with the local Anangu people and Voyages Indigenous Tourism.
Wintjiri Wiru is just the latest offering—and newest technology — in the tradition of son et lumière (sound and light) shows, grand public spectacles projected on to (or close to) historic buildings and natural wonders.
These mash-ups of pageantry, culture, and art are experiencing a boom fueled by digital advances and tourist sites looking to attract visitors after dark.
Here’s where to see the latest shows, plus why visitors love these “virtual campfires.”
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How did sound and light shows start?
Paul Robert-Houdin created the first sound and light show in 1952 at France’s Château de Chambord.
Music and narration played while slide projectors splashed colored lights on the 16th-century palace.
“We had the feeling that a new way of discovering and understanding monumental heritage was perhaps being born,” one observer wrote in Le Figaro newspaper.
The concept was a hit.
“Standing in the dark and being immersed in sounds and images creates a sense of enchantment,” says Jane Lovell, a professor of tourism at Canterbury Christ Church University in England.
In the following decades, other storied sites harnessed that magic, such as the Red Fort in Delhi, India, and Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
“There were captive audiences for these attractions, so the efforts were minimal—just light up these beautiful things that already existed,” says California light show producer Ryan Miziker.
Early technology was expensive and bulky: sofa-sized slide carousels, finicky stereo speakers that malfunctioned in bad weather.
The storytelling, if mostly historically accurate, could be clunky and lecturing.
At Egypt’s Pyramids at Giza, the still-running circa-1961 show features the Sphinx “narrating” a lofty spiel about ancient life as murky colored lights wash over the monuments.
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How tech took over light shows
“Son et lumieres started out as pretty rudimentary things—a castle would be lit up and a soundtrack would say, ‘this tower was built in 1592,’” says Ross Ashton of London’s Projection Studio, which designs extravaganzas for attractions from Welsh castles to Indian fortresses.
But by the 1990s, innovations in video, lasers, and audio meant creators could screen riveting, mind-bending shows.
“Digital video changed everything,” says Miziker.
“We had software to do 3-D mapping, which takes a round object like a globe and flattens it, or wraps any structure in overlapping, blending geometry.”
Sound evolved, too.
“Bells, spoken voices from different directions, or a fireball rolling, you can layer sound up, so it feels like a tapestry,” says Projection Studio’s sound artist Karen Monid.
Today’s sound and light shows are like mini action movies screened on historic buildings or natural wonders.
San Antonio’s The Saga wraps the 18th-century San Fernando Cathedral in sound effects (mariachi ballads, cannon blasts) and painterly images (folk dancers, renderings of the Alamo) to tell the story of the Texas city.
In Jerusalem, Israel, the ancient Tower of David has two night shows, one on city history and the other about the biblical shepherd-turned-ruler that gave the site its name.
Wintjiri Wiru harnesses LED lights, lasers, sound, and 1,100 drones to recount a legend from the Anangu, who consider Uluru sacred.
The show depicts mala (wallaby-rabbit) beings battling a gigantic devil dog spirit.
“Combine light with sound—in this case Anangu songs and other effects—and it’s like the desert is speaking,” says Ramus.
Other projects are more abstract, such as the new Aura Invalides show at Les Invalides in Paris, which fills the grand interiors of the historic military monument with surreal rays of colored light and outlines architectural elements in laser graffiti.
“People move around within the building, making it more like a 360-degree immersion than something didactical,” says Manon McHugh, a spokesperson for Moment Factory, the studio that created the show.
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Why travelers love spectacles
Experts think people are drawn to these shows for their sense of wonder and spectacle.
“Sound and light shows are like fireworks—it’s impossible to look away,” says Miziker.
"Since audiences are sitting in the dark, there’s cognitive dissonance, with the atmosphere almost becoming its own entity,” says Lovell.
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Plus, in this age of Instagram, sound and light spectacles make ideal selfie backdrops or video ops.
“When Moment Factory started doing shows, we didn’t want people to have their phones out,” says McHugh.
Now, other digital production studios build in elements like photo booths to encourage participants to share their experiences.
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How sound and light shows help tourist sites
Sound and light shows can be expensive and time-consuming to design.
(Wintjiri Wiru was developed over several years and cost $10 million.)
But many tourist attractions and cities are willing to shell out.
“They produce new income streams,” says Ashton. “People normally go home at night, but if you sell them a ticket to an illumination, they’ll come back.”
Many sound and light experiences in public, urban spaces — outside cathedrals, on city halls, across skyscrapers — are free, but paid for by cities to give visitors an excuse to stay an extra night.
“We used to think of tourism as a daytime activity, but there has been this tourist-ification of the night,” says Andrew Smith, a professor of urban experiences at England’s University of Westminster.
“Now cities want to attract people and keep them in town. It’s a commodification of the night, a way to extend economic and cultural activity.”
Studies indicate that these shows might even make city downtowns feel safer. “It starts to dematerialize the buildings,” says Ramus.
“You just see the lights, and our cities become transparent. They feel gentler.”
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
What are your top 5 Elvis movies?
hi nonnie- why must you hit me with such a hard question? jk, i love it and i love you.
Blue Hawaii • amazing, show stopping, spectacular. this movie has a special place in my heart bc it was the first one i saw when i was younger and idk, it makes me feel suuuper nostalgic. chadwick has my heart and any old movie set in hawaii makes me happy. ☀️
King Creole • i mean, how can you not love this movie? i wanna put danny fisher in my pocket and carry him around with me everywhere i go. no but seriously, elvis did an amazing acting job in this one and i love the chemistry he had with carolyn jones and the soundtrack is just *chef's kiss*.
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It Happened At The World's Fair • i can watch this movie over and over again and never get tired of it. mike edwards is the love of my life- he has my whole heart. it's just such a fun, feel-good movie to watch and i adore the scenes with sue-lin. (she was the First Lady of Hawaii from '97 to '02, how cool is that?)
Girls! Girls! Girls! • i was thinking of putting girl happy in this spot (also a movie i love very much), but ross carpenter? i love you so much, pls call me. he is just so.. so.. so... *screams in pillow*. this movie is just so much fun to watch- like world's fair, i can watch it a hundred times and never get tired of it. my stepdad gifted me the movie poster bc i love it so much. 💗
Fun in Acapulco • LISTEN. THE MOVIE'S SOUNDTRACK IS SOOO GOOD AND THAT'S A HILL I WILL DIE ON. if you ask me to get in your car, this is the first album i will blast- it's just so fun and good to dance to. the movie is also so much fun and raoul is my spirit animal fr.
Change of Habit • i know you asked for 5, but i'm giving you one more, because this movie deserves a special mention. i feel like this role was absolutely perfect for elvis and he did an amazing job as dr. john carpenter. this movie gave me big early 70s vibes tbh and i enjoyed it very much. the plot was good and i learned that i love love l o v e elvis wearing converse. the ending was a little bittersweet tho, in terms that we never got to see elvis in more serious roles such as this one because he did it amazingly.
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wehrwolf · 1 year
so this week I flew across the country by myself to see my favourite band in the entire world. practically nothing went amiss. I had random interactions with lovely people. my hobbling faith in humanity has straightened its spine a bit? I’ll be cringe about this below because I want to remember, let’s have some positivity for once.
I hate that I like nissan rogues, I know the transmissions are dogshit. rented one for a day to avoid dragging luggage all over hell’s creation. sound system fucked hard. LOUD paul barker. ate hella steak, eggs and pancakes at pancake chef near seatac. alright alright alright. 
killed time before hotel check-in, visited lakeview for brandon and bruce lee, ended up perusing the cemetery with a multi-talented guy from LA for about an hour swapping perspectives, observations on the human condition and tombstone critiques. glossy black crow perched on an equally inky granite headstone embellished with a huge cross - oh my goth, bro. eric, I’m sorry your cat died, you are rad and I will try to find your music online. be water, my friend.
the fashionable gentleman who checked me into the hotel was a sweetheart, down with skinny puppy, name dropped wax trax, awesome taste in rings.
dipped out for coffee, asked directions from coffee-holding stranger in glasses to make sure I was headed the right way. ran into him the next day in my new hoodie post gig, he mentioned how he used to work at a record store in edmonton, sold records to cEvin. what? insane.
seattle has too many hills, someone should do something about this. but very walkable. always move confidently with purpose, shoulders back, mean mug, look like you want to curb-stomp god. never appear lost.
found a 24 hr cafe near the kurt cobain twin tower / frasier obelisk that served a mean breakfast and was blasting tunes at 9:30am. several compliments on my filthy rat nest hair. what is this fever dream? unwashed hair is in. pancakes are my passion.
wandered to the paramount to get my bearings, saw justin by the tour bus and that metalworker ephraim dude’s sick rusted-out mad max’d honda cr-v. meandered around for the rest of the afternoon before skuppy-prep time. incredible roast beef horseradish sandwich. cool and good.
hung out in the GA line for a while, no VIP this time, wind picked up and it was pretty cold for a may evening. ended up next to a tough looking dude during the show, chatted a bit, he was a kmfdm roadie for a few tours. said his best puppy show was new orleans, I can only imagine. he reminded me of wez from the road warrior. thank you R for the gum, it gave me a second wind.
the paramount theatre is something out of a golden fairytale, gilded to the gills. generous stage for alien abuse. fantastic acoustics. reminds me of the hippodrome. I relished irving plaza’s intimacy but the paramount was my favourite venue.  
I will never tire of seeing lead into gold. soundtrack for slowly asphyxiating in a warm tar pit but make it erotic. thank you paul barker, long-legged light of our lives.
no surge/mosh at this show- if so, I didn’t notice. the energy was on point. denver had some choice dumbasses in the crowd, no such issue here.   seattle mirrored silver spring imo, excellent all around.  I made a brief, wonky post touching on this but in denver ogre was still obviously uncomfortable. that made me feel fucked up... and quiet afterwards.  this time around he seemed in great spirits, tons of energy, spinning the mic around a bunch, writhing all over the place to thwart tormentor!dustin (our boy is flexible). everyone was going wild, we all yelled ourselves hoarse. got to use their A setup with the big projection sheet. justin and cEv on risers.
side note: big love to matthew for his crowd engagement and bubbly enthusiasm this entire tour. honestly he comes off as just a literal cinnamon roll of a guy and the tour diaries have been a real treat. at the end he reflected on otherness and a need to be kind to one another in an unkind world, which really oddly summed up my seattle adventure... and the general vibe of skinny puppy’s unique fans (as others have mentioned here far more eloquently).
also real talk does ogre do belly dancing or something BECAUSE jesus fucking christ man he makes my mind literally fucking blank with all that fluid gyration absolutely knuckle dragging cave woman looney toons wolf beating the shit out of itself with a hammer feral. he knows what he’s doing too, god bless him. there were gals behind me that just started SHRIEKING like it was beatlemania, fucking ogremania with every slutty little hip movement (”go daddy gooo”). also like... cock grabbing causing me irreparable brain damage. then he legit straight up purposefully spit/drooled and it was just... super hOrny NOT like... mouth trauma symptom salivation (I hope? oh god.) his spit makes me insane. ok.
this was the first time I had the pleasure of hearing god’s gift (maggot). we were graced with smothered hope at earlier shows... so I think I basically experienced everything الحمد لله رب العالمين screaming. they ended with candle again, huge plus. ogre practically pranced off the stage after the encore. everyone came back out together for a heartfelt round of goodbyes. no concerts have moved me like these puppy gigs. I am so thankful, down to the marrow. there are probably other details but I have slept ~two hours in the past 48 so...   ✌️👽
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rumalumasuns · 13 days
Lout of the Count's Family Zine - Sample #2: Lost in a Child's Paradise
Hope everyone's doing well! This post is to promote a pay-what-you-want charity zine related to Team One from the webnovel/manhwa Lout of the Count's Family I had the pleasure to write some pieces for. Please check it out!
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“Team Leader! You can’t just run off like that!” said a panicked company worker. Roksu ignored him, storming off from the meeting room he just came from, his pursed lips and crossed brows showing his great ire.
The worker, apprehensive of what the heads of the company would say, tried to chase after Roksu, widening his steps for a chance to catch up, but to no avail.
“Too bad. Tell the higher-ups that today is my day off. If they don’t let me have it properly, I’ll quit,” said Roksu as he walked out of the organization’s building, his long tan coat flowing behind him.
He couldn’t believe he was called in for an “urgent task” that could’ve been easily handled by any other team at a lower level than his own. It was his day off, for goodness sake! He was supposed to be picking up his niece from daycare, not dilly-dallying with any sort of menial task, especially on this important day.
Once he reached his company building’s parking lot, Roksu got into his car, closed the driver’s door with a loud SLAM, and secured his seat belt. His phone connected to the Blacktooth speaker of the car, starting to blast an old movie soundtrack he found in the MeTube playlist of the original Kim Roksu. 
Although the music somewhat calmed him, Roksu was still annoyed by the earlier encounter with the company worker, so he aggressively drove out of the lot, his brows furrowed and his grip on the wheel tight.
While driving to the daycare, he received a call from Sohoon.
“Team Leader, did you just leave the building?”
Roksu groaned. He knew that concerned tone meant Sohoon was going to nag at him for being rude to that random worker. So, he used his secret weapon.
“Please, dongsaeng-ah. I’m kind of busy at the moment. Can I call you back later?”
There was a long pause on the call before Roksu heard a flustered huff from Suhyeok’s end.
“Heh heh… d-dongsaeng?… Jeez, Team Leader. You… Seriously, you have to tell me more about this later, okay? Minah sunbae is also gone... Why am I the only one working today? :(”
“Thanks, dongsaeng-ah. See you later,” replied Roksu, smiling amusedly at his subordinate’s whining.
With another huff, Sohoon ended the call.
Even though that short call lifted Roksu’s spirits a little because he got to tease Sohoon, Roksu was still a little bitter and quietly complained to himself about how he was going to be late as he drove faster to his destination.
Eventually, a one-story pale yellow building came into Roksu’s view. In the space in front of the building was a large yard with patches of grass surrounded by a painted white fence. From the yard, high-pitched shrieks of laughter were heard as little children were playing games like soccer and hopscotch. Outside the gate, other guardians were also picking up their children, walking hand in hand with them to get to their cars and go home or another destination.
Roksu double-checked his bag to make sure that he brought his wallet and ID. Having one annoying inconvenience was enough for the day. He didn’t want another problem at the daycare with some random daycare worker thinking he was a threat or kidnapper. It wasn’t his fault that his dark clothes and height made him look scary to the children. Though, that was a story for another day.
After parking safely in front of the daycare, Roksu slowly got out of the car.
“Uncle Roksu!!” shouted an excited high-pitched voice.
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Did you enjoy it? If you want to read the rest, please check out this link here if you haven't already! For more details, please check out @passingrecords
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starshapedmorgue · 2 years
hii!! may i request general dating hcs of annie in modern au! readers pronouns are she/her! have a nice day!!
hello there! thank you so much for requesting! here are some modern! au annie headcanons! <3
pairings: Annie Leonhart x Fem! Reader
warnings: none!
Talking Is Hard 
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In the modern world, away from titans, you meet Annie Leonhart at an animal adoption center and immediately hit it off. 
you tell everyone it was love at first sight but she tells them she knew you were the one when you continually visited the center to volunteer.
While she’s shy and quiet, you are the opposite, loud and talkative.
It worked. You talked and she listened.
She loves your bubbly spirit but at times, she hated having to wait for you to stop talking to an old friend you ran into at the grocery store
Grocery hauls. You both enjoy them due to how domesticated it feels. One pushes the cart while the other reads off the list of items to get. 
let’s talk about favorite places for dates!
In the first few months of the relationship, you both went out on malls dates, coffee dates, exclusive dinners, etc. Those were fun but they didn’t satisfy your needs for something more meaningful.
When things became serious after a year after, you silently agree over time that you’d both rather prefer a night in. A homecooked meal, a movie, and snacks were what she looked forward to every week.
If either party felt spontaneous enough, she or you would grab an old picnic basket and travel to the nearest park or rural area for a date.
you have an annoying habit of rubbing your freezing feet against the warmth of her body. She scolds you but secretly enjoys the contact even if she has to sacrifice her own warmth.
Every year for her birthday, you gift her a box of donuts, flowers, and a heartfelt card. She hated parties, get-togethers, anything big so you opted for something small like this and she appreciates it more than anything.
for your birthday, she likes to keep it intimate like booking tickets to an art show or taking you out of the state on a little road trip. She wants you to enjoy your day.
Annie was never really into celebrating holidays because they brought along bad memories and feelings but over time, she learned to enjoy them because of you. Whether it was Christmas or Halloween, you always had the energy to decorate the house/apartment from the inside and outside. 
By far, Halloween is her favorite holiday to spend with you. You weren’t surrounded by family or friends so she gets to have you all to yourself, occasionally. I say occasionally because you force her to go to parties in matching costumes. 
When you feel overwhelmed for any reason, Annie finds that simple late-night car rides help you get through the high emotions. She holds your hand, rubbing circles on the back while the other is glued on the steering wheel. 
Even though she does this, you prefer driving e because Annie tends to go over the speed limit, by a lot. 
Karaoke is a special thing between you and Annie. In the car, in the shower, or while cleaning, you both love to serenade the other or just straight-up blast the high school musical soundtrack (she will only admit she loves the series on her deathbed) there is a singalong.
Annie has no filter. You find out when you’re showering and she barges in, kiddie in hand, and begins showering with you. Screaming, you cover your figure with the shower curtains.
“Stop screaming, I’ve seen your boobs before.”
You ignore her for the rest of the day but it does become a daily occurrence that you become accustomed to.
You don’t know how but you eventually get matching tattoos with the short blonde.  
the permanent ink is in the shape of a simple frog with a cowboy hat. She has one with a fedora decorating its head.
Annie Leonhart knows she’s in this forever when she watches your peaceful form, arms and legs shooting out in different directions,  sleeping.
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itsrainingfeathers · 3 years
As my dear mutuals and followers probably noticed, I finally watched s1 of Netflix!Witcher.
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What I liked about it:
- Jaskier. Just. Jaskier. I wasn't sure about him at first (bc as I've previously stated, book!Dandy is my one true love) but he's so great. And relatable.
- Roach and the other horses (and the donkeys, too. Can't forget the donkeys.)
- Geralt being a horse girl
- The songs!! Especially Toss A Coin and Her Sweet Kiss, but the others were fun too.
- Henry Cavill's acting in that scene where the striga tears Geralt's throat open. The wide wide eyes and stuff. (I wasn't too excited about this Geralt at first but now I quite like him.)
- Book!Geralt is said to have an unpleasant voice, and while the voice Mr. Cavill is doing in the show isn't entirely unpleasant, it sounds off enough in my ears to be considered a plus
- Yennefer's dress in ep8 was gorgeous!!!
- and so was Tissaia de Vries
- and Pavetta
- and Sabrina
- and Coral (glad they stayed loyal to the books and took all her limbs)
- and not only Yennefer's dress, but the rest of the costuming, too
- the shots of Geralt and Renfri + Geralt and Yennefer kissing/with their faces close to each other and the light behind them were so pretty
- that music change when Geralt and Yen decided to do the horizontal mambo in that collapsing house in episode...5 I think??
- All the fun banter, jokes and humor in general. If I'm going to watch a guy have his intestines torn out I'll want something to laugh at, too (or someone. For example, Jaskier).
- The balance between said fun banter, jokes and humor, and all the dark, sad and cruel scenes and themes. It reminded me so much of the books and I'm so glad they got it right with the show.
- the general atmosphere and visual look of the series
- Ciri's cloak!
- Ciri's screaming parting the earth and stuff. That was cool af
- the feathers in the Nilfgaardians' helmets
- that couple that bough magical Viagra from Yennefer (not the couple themselves, per se, but said magical Viagra. A fun scene. Yes I have the sense of humour of a 15-year-old boy what about it)
- Geralt dragging and carrying Jaskier around in ep5 (though that did take away some of the drama and seriousness of the situation)
- The soundtrack!!!! Especially the main theme (Geralt of Rivia). I Am In Love
- The intro of ep9 was so fucking cool
- all the extraordinarily badass swordfighting scenes (with dramatic swishing hair)
- at least one (1) witcher pirouette!!
- that "black eyes from potions"-thing!!!
- Geralt breaking the floor with Aard in the striga episode (can't remember the number rn)
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What I didn't like about it:
- They really did something to Ciri's character huh. Where's the wild and stubborn Lion Cub of Cintra? Who is this bland ass sack of flour?? A doppler??? Is she like that when she's older???? (I mean yeah she did steal a horse and do some banshee screaming and stuff and was obv very brave in a hellish situation but still. I really hope she'll have more spirit in s2)
- Renfri wasn't that great either. She didn't have that sharp edge she has in the book (idk if this makes any sense but whatever). Not enough hatred towards Stregobor I think.
- And she wasn't called Shrike a single time. Why.
- And what was that conversation between Stregobor and Geralt in ep1?? It was weak. Weak! (Yeah yeah if they had every single detail from the books in the series each episode would be a two-hour-long movie but I'm still salty about it)
- Jas could've been at the very least a bit more horrified about the elves breaking his lute
- Give Jaskier A Hat. He Needs A Hat. I Know He Gets One In S2 But Still.
- With all the time jumps, I'd have been so lost had I not read some of the books.
- I imagined Geralt to be just a bit more...grimy. And to have a much less fancy armor and stuff. But I guess a witcher must have top-notch gear if he plans to stay alive, and it's nice to be somewhat clean. I personally think the armor looked the best in that episode with The Edge of The World (ep2??)
- The bulky shoulder pad things (I'm sure they have a proper name but can't remember it rn) on said armor. Personally I think it looks much better without them, like in that gif in the beginning of this post. (Ofc he needs to have his shoulders and arms protected but anyway)
- the entire design of Geralt's armor wasn't my favorite either, but it seems a lot better than the ridiculous tiddy armor in the s2 trailer
- Also: don't get me wrong, the leather pants look nice, but they don't seem to offer too much protection from, say, monster claws or teeth like in ep9. Maybe some armor plates would help? There's big veins in the legs, after all. (Yes yes he needs to be able to move freely and has to be quick but I said what I said)
- Why were some of Henry Cavill's wigs curly/wavy and others straight? Does Geralt own a hair straightener? Does Jaskier own a hair straightener that Geralt borrows occasionally? I have questions. (Update: it is mentioned in Baptism of Fire that Dandelion occasionally, not straightens, but curls his hair. Do with that information what you wish)
- That Mr. Cavill had to dehydrate for the shirtless scenes. No actor should have to risk their health like that just for the sake of some unrealistic eye candy.
- The Brokilon storyline was so boring. So, so boring. And I didn't like how they had Ciri and Geralt first meet at the farm instead of Brokilon (and that hug sort of came out of the blue when they hadn't actually met before. It was a cute scene tho).
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Though that is quite a lot of criticism, I really enjoyed the show! I'm actually glad that I didn't get to watch it sooner bc waiting for s2 is already difficult enough. Can't imagine having to do this for 2 years lmao.
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helnjk · 4 years
Dancing Queen - F.W.
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Fred Weasley x reader 
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: Somehow, the Weasley twins have discovered ABBA. Shenanigans ensue. 
A/N: hi! I got this idea because I was listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack & I just love the serotonin boost it gives me HAHA! hope you enjoy though. my requests are open so don’t be shy! & let me know if you want to be added to my taglist xx
ABBA was no secret to the muggleborns and halfbloods of Hogwarts. It wasn’t uncommon either to find CD and record players in the dorms of these students, many not wanting to use the school’s old and outdated gramophones.
(Y/N) in particular loved to listen to the CDs she would bring from home. They never failed to lift her spirits after a particularly bad day or when she was feeling a little bit more homesick than usual. Being a muggleborn in a whole new world did tend to get overwhelming at times, but her music helped her a lot. 
Being friends with Fred and George, of course, meant that they were bound to find out about her love for muggle music. 
The first time they discovered her music stack, they had burst into the Gryffindor girls’ dorm rooms, excited to tell their friend that they finally figured out a way to get past the charm that was meant to keep boys out. At that time, (Y/N) was listening to the Backstreet Boys and the twins didn’t particularly find it very interesting. Still, it was new information they filed in the back of their heads. Their friend had cool muggle music and a cool contraption that played it.
Their most recent discovery, though, divided the whole school into two. It was either they loved (Y/N) for introducing ABBA to the twins or they hated her, there was no in between. This was because Fred and George made it their mission to sing any and all ABBA songs as obnoxiously as possible, all day, everyday. 
“Honestly dear, you couldn’t have introduced them to any other muggle music?” Professor McGonagall sighed as the twins entered the Transfiguration classroom one morning.
Since it was early, Fred was merely singing the lyrics to Money, Money, Money under his breath. It had almost been three weeks since their introduction to the band and any semblance of ABBA was enough to get their head of house slightly irked. 
(Y/N) grinned, almost unapologetically, “Sorry, professor. I was just listening to my CD when they asked me about them! I didn’t know they’d get so into it.” 
It was no secret that once the Weasley twins got into something, most of Gryffindor would follow suit as well. One day, after a particularly smashing Quidditch game against Slytherin, the twins had decided to throw a party in the common room. 
Of course, no one wanted to play anything but ABBA. What’s a party without ABBA anyway?
A little bit too tipsy on the firewhiskey and unashamedly, the whole common room yelled in delight when the first chords of the next song began to play. 
(Y/N), loving the energy and the vibe of the room paired with the lovely floating feeling the liquor gave her, swayed her body to the beat of Dancing Queen. All around her, her friends laughed and sang along, moving in time with her. 
Though, despite the cluster of bodies around her, she could feel someone’s gaze on her. 
Over in a corner of the room, Fred nursed a glass of firewhiskey and kept his eyes locked on the girl who held his heart in her hands. When she made eye contact with him, he simply winked and sent a smirk her way. 
Heat flooded (Y/N)’s cheeks and spread across her neck and chest. If it weren’t for the alcohol in her system, she would have shied away from his flirty stare, but she had some extra courage in her today and held his gaze. 
He nudged his head, signaling for her to come closer, and she did. 
“Hey love,” He drawled, the second she got close enough for him to hear her, “Nice moves, dancing queen.” 
“Thanks, you know I love to put on a show,” She teased, leaning against the wall and turning to look at him. 
“Aw love, for me? I’m flattered,” He teased, throwing his arms around her shoulders. 
(Y/N) blushed at the confident way he just did everything. Having had a crush on him for so long, she still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he would just casually throw around platonic affection like that. Still, her head was fuzzy with alcoholic courage and she took the opportunity to lean into his side. 
“I’d do more than just dance for you, Freddie,” She blurted out, not realizing what she was going to say before she said it, “I mean-I just,” 
Fred just tipped his head back and laughed a genuine laugh. (Y/N)’s blush darkened and her insides churned even more, oh god. 
“I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight, love,” He said, “But I’ll keep that in mind.” 
“You will do no such thing!” She protested, slapping her hand lightly on his chest, “I don’t even know why I said that, let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything.” 
Somehow, Fred’s arm slid from her shoulders to her waist without her knowing. He took this opportunity to pull her closer to him and basically make her swoon. 
He placed a finger on her lips, “It’s alright, (Y/N), nothing to be embarrassed about. I’d do more than just dance for you, too,” 
The absurdity of what he was saying made her giggle, and alright, it might have been the firewhiskey too, “What’s this conversation gone to?” 
Fred chuckled along, not easing up his grip on her waist and looking straight into her eyes, “I’m trying to tell you that I fancy you, you dork.” 
Suddenly, the ABBA blasting in the background seemed to fade away. (Y/N) could feel her pulse quicken and her breath hitch. 
“You’re joking,” She muttered, trying to pull away, “And you’re drunk.” 
“I haven’t drank anything except the contents of this one glass all night, love. You’re the one who’s still a bit wobbly on her feet,” He said, “C’mon, we’ve been friends now for years, you know I wouldn’t joke about this.” 
“I-I-” She stammered, her mind racing, “I don’t know what to say Freddie.” 
“I don’t think you need to say anything.”
As if in slow motion, (Y/N)’s gaze locked on Fred’s as his face inched closer to hers. Her eyes fluttered shut just as she felt his lips press against hers and butterflies seemed to explode (could they even explode?) in her belly. 
It was a soft kiss. No one moved too hastily and there was no move to do anything more than share a simple peck. It didn’t matter, though, (Y/N) felt as if her heart was about to combust. 
When they broke apart, Fred shared a dopey grin with her. She couldn’t help but giggle at how this weird conversation played out. 
“Bold of you to assume I would kiss you back, Weasley,” She said, leaning her head against his chest, trying to calm her beating heart.
“I think it turned out quite well, wouldn’t you, dancing queen?” He retorted.
“Yeah, I think it did.” 
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rothjuje · 2 years
How was your Christmas?
Just saw this 🙈
I wanted to post several times throughout winter break but between getting ready for the move and going to bed early there just wasn’t any time. Sigh.
Christmas was fun! Justin, who was anti-Christmas for our first 7 Christmases together, felt the holiday spirit this year. He wanted to make a gingerbread house from scratch, realized a couple hours in it wasn’t going to be easy, and went out and bought not one but two gingerbread house kits. (Although, to his credit, he did eventually finish it and we decorated a massive gingerbread house for date night several days later.)
I took the twins on a walk so he could do a kit with Alyssa, and then we switched. It was so fun. I blasted Fergie and Gwen Stefani (my college soundtrack) and we had a dance party and decorated and ate candy and it was just one of those carefree, joyous moments.
We also opened some small gifts, looked at lights, and ate Chinese food.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, anon ❤️
Oh! Justin also surprised me with one of those Bonne Maman advent calendars because I was so jealous of my friends’ haha. It’s been so fun opening a new jam everyday! The flavors are perfect and I’m obsessed.
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vicecityhq · 2 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY THEY REMIND THEM OF: velvet gloves, rose petals, the purple rain soundtrack . With a slight resemblance to YANG JEONGIN of/the STRAY KIDS.
last name, first name: Soh Nuri alias: Baby realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Earth age: 23 gender: Male preferred pronouns: he/him species: Faerie occupation: Dancer at Cache sexual orientation: Gay any associated/owned businesses: none
skin color: tan eye color: brown scars: none piercings: back dimple dermal piercings tattoos: none hair color: Naturally light pink but dyes it different colors abnormalities: none horns/ wings/ etc: wings transformed form: iridescent wings with intricate black detailing sprout from his back.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
SAVVIES: sex, dancing, manipulating
Powers & Abilities: Empathy, Energy Manipulation, Absorption, Energy Barriers, Energy Blasts, Supernatural Condition, Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting, Spirit Physiology, Illusion Manipulation, Intangibility, Possession, Telekinesis, Teleportation.
Traits: +confident, - selfish
date of birth: 11/24/1998
date of death: N/A
crime record: Petty crimes such as theft in high school. Drug charges that disappeared
Soh Nuri was born to a loving mother and father. He was the youngest of four and was doted on by his whole family. The Sohs came from a very modest upbringing. The matriarch, Soh Jimin, was an educator. She lived to teach and her children were her life. Soh Kyungsoo was a man of few words and he was very well respected in their city. He’d been a police officer since he was in his mid twenties. The community held him in very high regard. Which was why it was such a shock to everyone when Nuri began to get into trouble. 
It started with little things. He skipped classes and smoked cigarettes under the bleachers. Then it became hidden drugs found in his bedroom. Sleeping with random guys and sneaking them out of his house at random hours of the night. He found out in his teens that he was attractive. He realized that it was easy for him to manipulate guys into giving him things that he wanted. Worked smarter not harder. 
It wasn’t until after he graduated that he started working at Cache. Dancing was something that he thoroughly enjoyed. The adrenaline that coursed through his body was almost as good as the high he got from the cocktail of drugs he went through on a weekly basis. For Soh Nuri, sex, drugs and money were all he worried about. He had his regular clients who loved to throw their money at him. Some wanted sex. Some wanted him to hang off of his arm. He was willing to do just about anything for the right price. 
The faerie lived a life where he felt that he didn’t care to fall in love or any of the fairytale stuff. If it happened it happened but he wasn’t on some quest to find his Prince Charming. He was on a quest to live his life to the fullest, doing whatever he wanted. He didn’t believe in rules unless they were being broken. 
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Nuri sighed, looking at the officer. "I was not there. I was at work. I made hella tips, tonight too." He smirked, leaning forward. "I'm sure you have better things to do than to sit here questioning an innocent man." He examined his manicured nails and looked around. "Maybe we should get my father in here? I'm sure he'd love to see me. I haven't seen him in a while."
At the mention of his father, the cop sat up straighter. "No need to bring your father into this. How about I just send you out with a warning?" Nuri grinned and shook his head. "No, I think I'd rather have my father involved. I really don't appreciate being questioned about things that I would never do." He said with a pout. "No, I don't think we need to involve him. How about we just forget that this even happened?" Nuri shrugged. "I mean, I do have to be at work. So, maybe we can brush this under the rug."
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muffledcries · 3 years
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Jahmil French (July 29, 1991 – March 1, 2021)
We worked together on Soundtrack, and every single time you entered the room we all felt it get brighter. You were shiny, magnetic and so so kind. RIP and fly with the angels Jah. – JENNA DEWAN Really hate that this is real. @JahmilFrench you will be missed my friend. Thank you for your talents that pushed me, your energy that kept our little family on @soundtracknetflix glued together. I’m happy I was able to get to know you. Our work together def made an impact on me & You and your Mom felt like family back home. Today and everyday we will remember you and continue to be inspired to live and be great for you. Rest In Peace Jah. – CHRISTINA MILLIAN Honestly been at a loss for words since I heard the news. This doesn’t feel real. Jahmil, was one of the most talented actors I’ve ever worked with. One of the funniest kindest people I ever met. The life of the party, every room he would walk into he would always be dancing and making people laugh and smile. Too many good memories. Thank you Jahmil. Rest In Peace King. – AJ SAUDIN Heartbroken over the loss of our friend Jahmil French. We started on Degrassi the same year and I’ll never forget the day I met him. Jahmil was so full of energy and absolute joy to be around. The video on the last slide is how I always think of him, always dancing. He was such a special person and I’m so grateful for the memories we made. I still can’t believe it. Gone way too soon. He will be so missed by us all. – ANNIE CLARK My heart is so heavy.. Truly one of a kind. Rest In Peace. – CRISTINE PROSPERI I’m sick with the news of Jahmil’s passing. He performed Dave with such sensitivity and thoughtfulness and could make me laugh so easily. It was a pleasure to work with him and he will be missed. This is a real loss. Rest In Peace. – STEFAN BROGREN Jahmil had such talent and charisma that it would have been intimidating were he not also a real gentleman. He would show up to my house-parties with a crew of dancers and they would elevate the mood immediately. When life got messy he would handle himself with grace and levity. He was precocious. And his love for music (and dance) was contagious. He showed me Section 80 by Kendrick Lamar, made me appreciate Drake’s Houston sound… Wish I’d gotten the chance to catch up with him one more time, hear where his mind/dreams were at. – SAM EARLE Jahmil, your talents and energy will never be forgotten. One of the best smiles with the most beautiful soul. Jahmil, you will always be such a bright light in this world. – SARAH FISHER This one really hurts. Jahmil French was a truly kind soul and one of the most talented actors around. He inspired me with his confidence and support from the first day we met and will continue to do so forever. Thank you for everything you gave to this world through both your art and your humanity. Rest In Peace my friend. – CRAIG ARNOLD Much love to the entire Degrassi family on this difficult day. It was a complete honour to write for and work with Jahmil, an incredible actor and talent gone way too soon. – RAMONA BARCKERT An extraordinary talent and a bright light on and off screen. Rest in peace, Jahmil. – MICHAEL GRASSI So sad to hear about the passing of Degrassi cast-member Jahmil French. An endlessly talented & charming performer who was always fun to write for. Last time I saw him, he was nominated for a CSA for his work in the movie Boost and I was certain he was only getting started. RIP. – MATT HUETHER Jahmil was always such a kind person. My heart is heavy for him and his family. Thanks for all the good memories Jahmil, you really had an impact. I’ll cherish all the fun we had dancing at basement parties all those years ago. Still in shock. Jahmil will be missed. He was an integral part of the Degrassi family and certainly a huge part of my degrassi days. He always wanted to make people laugh and smile, a true joy to be around. Rest in Peace. – CHLOE ROSE Rest easy, my friend. Your talent, kindness and shining bright light will never be forgotten. – JESSICA TYLER Wanted to pay my respects to an incredibly kind, funny, and talented individual; Jahmil French. One of the first people I met on Degrassi, he immediately made me feel welcome. He disarmed you with a smile and his confidence and energy was infectious. You’ll be missed, brother. – DYLAN EVERETT Jahmil was one of the most gifted and effortless performers I’ve ever met. His vibrant personality lit up the room. Rest easy my friend. – MUNRO CHAMBERS I am heartbroken to hear about the loss of Jahmil. Jahmil was an extraordinary talent and a bright light on and off the screen. He was a joy to work with on Degrassi: The Next Generation. He brought an authenticity and burst of life to every scene he was in and infused his character ‘Dave’ with an airy lightness. Off screen Jahmil would always make me smile. He will be deeply missed. – LINDA SCHUYLER My heart goes out to the entire Degrassi community., but particularly of course to those who were closest with Jahmil. We have lost one of our own. Jahmil was kind, intelligent, extremely talented, and just a wonderful person. He was also of course an incredible dancer, and since I am the exact opposite we had a running joke that I had taught him all his dance moves. When I would completely ineptly do the Moonwalk, Jahmil would cheer me on, while everyone else would beg me to stop! RIP Jahmil French, your soul and presence are sorely missed. – STEPHEN STOHN A sad day for the Degrassi family. With a heavy heart I thank you for all the times you made me laugh, taught me dance moves, and gave me confidence as Adam. Thinking of all the memories we shared on and off of set. - JORDAN TODOSEY Thinking of Jahmil French & the entire Degrassi family today click here for the full post - LYLE LETTAU This one hurts me deeply. When I found out yesterday I refused to believe it! I wouldn’t except it and to be honest I still don’t quite believe it’s real. I love you and the energy between us was always genuine. Working with you was always a blast and you were always the coolest man in the room. Till we meet again my friend. – CORY LEE Terribly sad to hear about Jahmil’s passing. Whether I was his scene partner, or just a viewer, I was in awe of his sheer talent. A room was brighter because he was in it. A true performer, a great guy and a huge loss. #RestInPeace – JUSTIN KELLY I’m so shocked and saddened to hear this news about Jahmil. Jahmil was and is such a kind, fun loving, hilarious, full of life, hard working and professional person. He was my first real scene partner on a series I got to be a series regular on. I remember the day my agent sent me the casting for Degrassi. It said I would be playing Dave Turners love interest. So the first thing I did was pull up the good ol IMDB machine and find out who Jahmil French was. The same day as my audition a few mere hours later I got the call that the role was mine (pretty rare in this industry) I went in to do my fitting and thats when I met Jahmil, Spencer and AJ for the first time as they played an iconic trio on the show. They were all super friendly and nice to me and made me feel very welcomed to be joining the cast. I was nervous and 15 at the time. Jahmil was the integral glue that held the circle together and its would lead to an amazing friendship that I got to have with Spencer. I had only been slated to do 3 episodes on the show but I believe it was the on screen chemistry Jahmil and I had that lead me to stick around for longer. Jahmil always had a smile on his face. I would come in at 5am for our call to do prep and be so tired, but there he was hanging out in the green room dancing so full of energy and life. Jahmil LOVED dancing and he was really good at it too. And I’d ask him “How do you even have this much energy this early LOL” and he’d just laugh and smile. Any time we went down to block he’d be word perfect on his lines, hit every mark and bring such an amazing professionalism to the set it was mesmerizing to watch. He played every scene with a new beat that always kept it interesting and fresh. Jahmil was and still is such a kind hearted dedicated person who eventually really went on to flourish in his career and he will be deeply missed. Heaven really gained a new angel today, Rest In Peace and say hey to all the other pals up there. Spencer and I will pour one out for you - ALEXX BENOIT Rest in peace my guy. An amazingly talented actor who had such a presence on and off screen. – DEMETRIUS JOYETTE Jahmil was such a wonderful person to be around. so funny, so charismatic, so talented. and my god he loved his work. I’m devasted. Sending my love to his friends and family. In a year full of grief, it’s hard to comprehend how there can be room for more. And yet. Jahmil French was an incredible person, so full of talent and passion for his work. He lit up a room with his energy and dance moves. An easy smile and a natural charisma. He will be so missed. My heart is broken. I feel strange, announcing these things I wish I had told him more often. Reached out more often. The regret is acute. He deserved his flowers when he was here. I hope he knew how much love & admiration there was for him in this world. – AISLINN PAUL One of the most talented, kind hearted, funny spirits I’ve had the pleasure of building a friendship with. Jahmil is an icon. My love for him runs deep. Jahmil you will always hold such a special place in my heart. Thank you for being one of the most talented, compassionate, kindest, funniest friends I have. You were so loved. I’ll miss our dance offs. #Bhandurner forever. Jah literally won the title of most competitive goofball. What joy he brought to my life and to so many. So grateful for memories and deep convos with you, beautiful angel. Blessed that we got to be part of a big dysfunctional family together. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. I just hope you knew how loved you were. I learnt so much working with this talented dedicated soul. Please send a prayer for his soul to go directly toward the light. – MELINDA SHANKAR Such a beautiful soul & a light to everyone around him. Rest in Paradise Jahmil. – JOELLE FARROW This moment will live in my mind forever. A beautiful soul, thank you for the years of memories and laughter. You’re a light my brother and I’m so happy we got to experience this crazy life together. I’ll always remember you dancing down the halls of the green room. Rest In Peace. – LUKE BILYK I’m devasted. My man, I swear I was just thinking about you not even a few days ago when I was making my new demo reel, watching all the old Degrassi episodes. So talented. So unbelievably wise beyond your years. You made one of the best times of my life even better. I’m so crushed. I should have called you. I dont deserve to miss you as much as I do now. I would always say my favourite actor on the show was Mr. Jahmil French. I would always watch his parts when going thru Degrassi material to either study my tech or to cut demos or whatever else. Not 4 days ago was I daydreaming about making some kind of new production with all of those talented people. My hearts broken. – DANIEL KELLY Jahmil was always the brightest light in the room. Smiling, dancing and making all of us laugh till we cried. Rest In Peace you beautiful soul. You will be missed… - ALICIA JOSIPOVIC This is absolutely heartbreaking. While I never worked directly with Jahmil on Degrassi, our paths did cross a few times. All you needed was 5 minutes with him to realize what a beautiful, talented, bright soul he was. My sincerest condolences to his family and loved onces. Rest In Peace Jahmil French. – ANA GOLJA Shocked & saddened to hear of Jahmil’s passing. Loss of such a talented and bright soul. Rest in Power cuz, I’ll pour one out for you, am so wishing this was a dream. – JAJUBE MANDIELA I join thousands of people around the world thinking about Jahmil today. A beautiful, joyful person to be on set with, truly intimidating on the dance floor, an all-around wonderful person to have known, gone just way, way too soon. Sending love to everyone who loved him. Jahmil, I hope you feel it too. – CHARLOTTE ARNOLD I didn’t know Jahmil very well, but in the few times we met, he was so explosively kind, charismatic and truly interested and invested in every interaction. I immediately felt accepted and got a sense of the deep compassion that so many others had expressed was within him. The impression I had always stuck with me and from all I have heard he was such a beautiful and loving person, the special kind that makes everything a little lighter. Thank you to everyone who has been sharing stories of their time with him. Sending love to Jahmil and all of you. – ERIC OSBORNE Jahmil was such a special human. A long-time acting student of mine, & my mentee. He was fearless and brilliant in his pursuit, and I’m so sad we won’t get to see more of his gift. I’m so grateful to have crossed paths with him, and I wish him eternal peace. – SALVATORE ANTONIO So sad to hear of Jahmil’s passing. He was so kind and so funny. I’m glad I had the chance to know him. You will be missed. Rest in Power Jahmil. Gone too soon. Will never be forgotten. – TAYSHA FULLER Even though I only worked with Jahmil for a little while he made a truly lasting impression. I remember when I first came back to set as Tori and I was incredibly nervous those first few weeks, but Jahmil was so welcoming and treated me and the other new cast members like we’d been a part of the cast the whole time. If he gave you a compliment or even said something as simple as “it’s so good to see you” you knew he genuinely meant it. It seems like a small thing but it’s hard to find that kind of authentic honesty in most people. He was an incredibly talented actor and always such a positive energy on set, and I’ll remember him for all those vibrant moments. Rest In Peace. – ALEXA STEELE This smile. This spark. This spirit. Jah I am missing you from this earthly plane we all love you. – MEGAN FERGUSON there never seems to be enough time… I don’t know if words can describe someone like Jah. He really was too special for this world. A true artist to his soul. I was lucky to call him my friend. Rest in Peace and Power Angel. you will be so dearly missed. – PAUL JAMES I guess I thought if I refrained from making a post, it would ease some of the pain.. but the more hours that pass, the more it sets in heavier. JAH. Mi familia. My brother. I am crushed. I have believed in you since the moment we met, and it makes me smile to know the feeling was 100% reciprocated. The purest soul. Always himself no matter WHERE he went. It takes courage to be that way you know? To have that strength. From Antigone to degrassi, to LA to NY you had EVERYTHING in you to shine. All the power, all the talent, all the intelligence the drive, the fearlessness. Your smile made me smile. Sweeterman jah, I miss you so much already. – SHANICE BANTON Dance on, old friend -through the clouds. I will see you on the other side. click here for the full post – SHANNON KOOK
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fujianvenator · 2 years
house of the dead remake thoughts
THEY DIDNT FIX ANY OF THE TYPOS FROM THE SWITCH VERSION LMFAOO like obviously that wasnt make or break for me but MAN LOL it was an Experience seeing “anty-aliasing” and “happend” like come on man did you guys not have the budget to turn on spell checker in google docs
sound design and foley is absolutely delicious. its got proper effects for each environment (reverb for large areas, there was some gunshot echo even) and u can FEEL the impact of each bullet. i noticed it had proper ricochet foley for every material too (it sounds different if u hit metal vs rock etc) even the footsteps have proper foley for whatever ur stepping on and ofc the gore sound effects were fuckign great they sound really juicy
gun gameplay is fucking fantastic with a mouse n keyboard i dont have a switch coz im fucking poor but it seems like such a better experience than the dogshit gyro controls everyone was struggling with on the switch version. outside of an actual lightgun a mouse is the best option to play games like this so who fucking knows why they released it on the switch before the pc. THE AUTO RELOAD FEATURE IS ALSO SUCH A LIFESAVER
THE GORE. i loveeee taking chunks out of these fucking things just blowing their heads off seeing their entrails spill when you blast their torso watching their fucking arms fall off n whatever its fucking great. i love that you can keep unloading your mag into them even after they fall down its so fun
new ost is obviously nothing compared to the original but ofc i dont blame the music team for this they tried their best to capture the spirit of the original even with the legal hurdles they had. im gonna install one of the mods to replace it with the original soundtrack and see how it changes the experience
THE LIGHTING IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE SWITCH VERSION. its way more atmospheric and honestly captures the kinda gothic feel a lot? the lighting on both hangedman fights is especially delicious
the issue from the switch version where the textures were garbage and everything looked like it was covered in petroleum jelly is mostly fixed i believe? i cld see the fabric texture on rogans jacket really nicely after magicians fight
MAGICIANS FIGHT TAKES TOO FUCKING LONG. I HAVE BORDERLINE CARPAL TUNNEL AFTER FINISHING THAT SHIT. hes way easier to hit than in the first 2 games but i feel like that takes away the fun of it :( the death animation on him is fucking great tho it really looks like the fire inside of him is like bursting out that shit was so much better than what they did in all the other games
a lot of enemies in general take way more bullets to kill than their counterparts from the original game which is kinda bullshiet. and sometimes they keep attacking you even when their head is blown off like. ok thanks. that sucked
the animation on the enemies was pretty great for the most part but man. i miss chariots waggle dance. that was where the challenge of hitting his weakspot came from plus it was motion captured instead of animated by hand in the original! but i do like that they had the hermit fucking fall on its back and its legs curled up like a real spider that was hilarious. but the animation on the scientists that u have to rescue SUUUUCKS its so. stilted like babys first blender animation
THE CUTSCENES WITH ROGAN WERE SO FUCKING GOOD. it actually made me think Ok yea this guys cool and kindof a badass im pretty sure the animation budget went to him instead of the rescue npcs 💀
overall i enjoyed it who is fucking surprised of course id love it. chariot my boy in my heart forever
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