#I had a coworker who decided he was going to clean the fish tanks on our undeniably busiest day of the year (vet clinic day)
secretariatess · 2 years
Apparently a video of a Starbucks worker has come out where they’re complaining about working an eight hour shift, twenty-five hours a week, and they’ve only got four people (one called out) working the floor and it’s super busy.  And they filmed it while still at work.
I get there’s a lot about work culture needs changing so there’s more balance, but that’s ridiculous.  I even saw someone try to defend it, saying there were only four people working.
I get retail and customer service sucks, and I get that it gets busy, and that people can be really rude.  But four people on the floor is doable.  It does require, however, having a work ethic and finding a rhythm.  Heck, I was at a college with a Dunkin that would have about four or five people on the floor- and it doubled as a Baskin-Robbins.  Guess how busy that place got after convocation (a thrice weekly thing involving almost ALL the students and ending just about lunch time).  Yeah, probably sucked.  But they were able to do it.
Scheduling more people to work isn’t the answer.  You end up putting too many people on the floor, and then the company ends up paying people to do nothing, or worse, just get in the way of things.
The answer is getting a work ethic.  Unfortunately, as much good as my generation and the next are trying to do in changing work culture, from what I see, it’s brought on not by actually setting boundaries, but rather the lack of a work ethic and lack of care for fellow employees.
And to Christians, I say this is wrong.  Paul said that in whatever we do, do it for the glory of God.  Can we honestly look at our work and say we’re working at a standard that would be for the glory of God?  Or are we focused on how we don’t like our job, and the injustices of it that we’ve resorted to doing subpar work instead of setting clear boundaries?
The busyness sucks.  Dealing with rude and upset customers sucks.  But it sucks even more when you’re working with someone who has no work ethic and doesn’t care how it impacts the rest of the team.  So the people like the Starbucks worker lose my sympathy.
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
Reddit user u/Adrian0091 posed the question, "What's the dumbest thing you've seen a coworker do on the job?" The thread quickly filled with jaw-dropping, eye-roll-inducing stories of workplace chaos. Here's what people shared:1."I worked at Chick-fil-A, and the kid in the cow costume decided to walk over to the nearby Walmart and ride bikes around while still in the costume. The manager called and was like, 'Hey, do you know your cow is riding bicycles around in our store?'"—u/hubertcumberdale4202."A dude once photocopied a slice of pizza. We found cheese and stuff inside the machine for weeks. It was pretty funny, though."—u/LinusMeindl Ribeirorocha / Getty Images/iStockphoto3."I worked with a lot of hazardous chemicals. I had a coworker who was notorious for being on his phone. We had to use a pump to put a hazardous chemical into a tank. The problem was that you couldn’t look at the destination and pump the pump at the same time. Someone had to pump, and someone had to watch. So, I specifically asked said coworker to not look at his phone this ONE time. The tank overflowed and spilled the chemical everywhere because he was staring at his phone. It took hours to clean up."—u/BigTiddyOstrogothGF4."A guy superglued himself to the component he was fixing twice. The second time, he was showing us how he had done it. Then, he superglued his eyelids together — all within half an hour."—u/floydie1962 Aalexx / Getty Images5."I saw a tattooist I worked with tattoo 'Laugh now, cry ladder' across a guy's chest. He was let go. A few years later, a guy came in with 'Warior' across his upper back in bold letters wanting it fixed. Same tattooist."—u/hurrythisup6."My coworker blasted his music, not realizing the jack wasn't connected to his phone. He thought he was hearing it from his earphones. Our CFO, whose office is near our department, came marching outside to the employee floor and shouted, 'Who the hell is playing that?' Someone had to get his attention. We couldn't laugh at the time, but it was really funny later that day. The song was 'Low' by Flo Rida."—u/junerlegion Wwing / Getty Images7."The general manager, who was new to the company, walked in and told all the women they weren't qualified to do their jobs. Sacked instantly."—u/p4ttl19928."I watched a woman with long, acrylic nails fish a raw chicken breast out of the marinade bucket with her bare hands, drop it on the grill, wipe her hands on her apron, and move to grab a fist full of lettuce with the same bare hands. She did not understand why this was a problem. She did not finish her shift."—u/gwart_ Milorad Kravic / Getty Images9."I asked one of the new kids to stack the shoe department. Easy, but a bit boring. I showed her what to do: stack by brand, then size, with bigger at the bottom and smaller at the top. She decided to organize by the color of the boxes instead because it looked prettier. It took me hours to fix that mess."—u/Lizzy_Of_Galtar10."I worked in the kitchen, and one of my colleagues forgot to put oil into the oil fryer, and he turned it on without noticing it. A fire shot up, and he stupidly put water on it. You now what happened next: bigger fire. Luckily, there were no injuries and just some black spots near the fryer wall."—u/PT4rd Jtyler / Getty Images11."I worked in a restaurant that had a large mixer for baking. Imagine the KitchenAid one, but five feet tall. I watched one guy hang on to the mixing paddles while another guy turned on the mixer. The guy holding the paddles was thrown across the kitchen."—u/DriedUpSquid12."A coworker of mine was fired for using his cellphone in an electrically classified area. The cellphone wasn't explosion-proof, not to mention that there were no cellphones allowed on the floor. They gave him a warning the first time, and the second time, they walked him out. The worst part for him was that his wife found out he was talking to his girlfriend. Twenty years down the drain. As we liked to say, he fired himself."—u/big_d_usernametaken Anita Kot / Getty Images13.
"They told the manager on duty, 'I’m not the one eating it, so why should I care?' while the manager was trying to explain to her how to correctly prepare a customer’s food."—u/2gecko198314."They put a bunch of freshly-sharpened knives into a sink that was full of soapy water and didn’t tell anyone. Another coworker got, like, five large cuts on his hand while reaching in to start cleaning dishes."—u/WillardFist Rapideye / Getty Images/iStockphoto15."In the late '90s, I was a custodian at a New York City public school to pay for college. One of my coworkers accidentally spilled about 15 gallons of gasoline in the school parking lot. He didn’t want to get in trouble for spilling that much gas, so he thought the best course of action was to burn off the gasoline. Of course, gasoline burns with huge billows of black smoke, so he panicked and tried to put out the fire BY DRIVING HIS CAR OVER THE GIANT PUDDLE OF BURNING GASOLINE. The fire department showed up within minutes and saw him doing donuts in the giant fire. They spent a whole hour screaming at my coworker about how stupid he was."—u/-Words-Words-Words-16."I watched a coworker of mine at a Pizza Hut (1976) clean off the food prep counter with a gross floor broom. He came into work after doing a hit of acid. The kitchen was open, so people at the tables could see the food being made. Someone saw him and yelled out to the other customers, and people started walking out. The place cleared out. Once the manager figured out what happened, he fired the guy on the spot."—u/big_d_usernametaken Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty Images17."He opened a Skype window (yes, this was ~10 years ago) and started messaging me to talk crap about a person who was in the same call as us. He forgot he was sharing his screen."—u/zyygh18."At an old warehouse job, on this dude's first day, he offered the general manager a cup of Hennessy he was drinking out of. I've never seen someone get fired faster."—u/TheShadowDemon247 Dny59 / Getty Images19."Back when I worked at a pizza place, we had a new guy that lasted only a couple days because he said he couldn't poop without smoking a cigarette at the same time. We found out after he clearly smoked a cigarette in the bathroom."—u/PupEDog20."My coworker took his girlfriend through a secure area of the airport to bypass screening before their flight. The airport was locked down, they were both arrested, and, of course, he was fired."—u/Weary-Writer758 Grandriver / Getty Images21."In high school, I worked at a Chinese restaurant taking orders and bussing tables. Another dude I vaguely knew from high school got hired there. He was a nice, popular dude, but he didn't have much common sense. Within his first two weeks, he went to make himself some food (we were allowed to do that to a certain extent), and he dropped some wontons into the deep fryer. When he decided they were done, and as we were having a conversation, he just REACHED HIS HAND into the oil to retrieve them. I don’t think I even reacted for a moment or two, and then rushed forward. He somehow ALSO didn’t react for a moment or two before pulling his hand out and yelling out a cartoon-style 'YEEOUCH!' He went to the hospital...and quit the job."—u/CwAbandon22."He cut his hair at the bar. He was the bartender…"—u/Express_Let8362 Chris Windsor / Getty Images23.'Without any hesitation, this guy swallowed his joint to avoid detection as the manager came around the corner. The manager still smelled it, and he ended up failing a drug test and being sacked, so it was all for nothing in the end."—u/Ok_Bottle_879624."Another employee put the wrong cream and sugar measurements in a cup, and once they realized their mistake, they threw the contents of the cup into our ice bin and started over."—u/HighQuality_H20 The Real Tokyo Life / Getty Images25."On his first day, he wore a shirt that said 'leg rest here' with two arrows pointing to his shoulders."—u/Ech0shift26."At one of my previous jobs, a guy thought it was a good idea to scratch his head with a hot glue gun.
He had to shave his head. Another guy at another place was working with some drugs (pharmaceutical wholesaler company), and a bunch of powder spilled from one of the broken packs, and he thought it was a good idea to blow on it to clear it. Thing is, we work with narcotics and cytotoxic drugs, among others, so that could've potentially caused harm or even death (if it was fentanyl, for example)."—u/1921Zeljo Andrii Zorii / Getty Images/iStockphoto27."I worked at Lowe’s. A guy got fired for driving the forklift to McDonald’s across the street to get a Big Mac."—u/BurghFinsFan28."We had a sales assistant pry open a container of copier toner and try to pour it into the machine. Everything was covered in fine black powder, including her."—u/FlowerGi1015 Thanasis / Getty Images29."A junior developer once sent me a chat message in his native language. I did not know what it said, but Google Translate is a thing, so I could see that he was saying some very unkind things about me. I did not let on that I knew; I just replied with '?.' He was very apologetic and said it was intended for someone else. He was obviously hoping I did not know what it said. He asked me to ignore and delete it. I saved a screenshot instead."—u/FansForFlorida30."Someone did donuts on a forklift in front of the store and the store manager, all about 10 feet from customer cars and people. I have never seen someone get fired so fast."—u/CaucasianHumus Mint Images / Getty Images/Mint Images RF31."A couple contractors were given the job of testing large screen monitors that had been returned. They decided the best way to test them was by watching porn in a corporate environment. The best part of all was that they put the monitors up on a shelf, so they could be seen at quite a distance."—u/frito12332.And: "She was a receptionist and sat at her desk right outside her boss's office while reading a self-help book about dealing with awful coworkers. She'd ignore anyone who came up to her until she finished what she was reading, including the president of the company. She would go downstairs to 'file,' but would either very obviously take a book and snacks with her, or would take her purse and leave the building for a couple hours without telling anyone. Also, she'd spend hours a day 'filing' three documents. She wasn't smart enough to hide it from anyone either. You needed a key to enter the file room, and she'd leave it in the lock, which was a huge issue with confidential info (it was the legal department). There were stacks of files piled on the floor all the time because she couldn't understand how to file in alphabetical order. When she got called out, she was mad at people for 'disrespecting' her, and then she rage-quit."—u/totally_tiredx3What's the dumbest thing you've ever seen a coworker do? Tell us in the comments!Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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deja-you · 4 years
times new roman | headcanons
t. jefferson x reader
profiles | part one
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A/N: This isn’t another chapter, sorryyyyy. i promise i’m working on it, but then this popped into my head and here we are. so this is all stuff that Thomas and y/n would do as a couple. we’re not quite there yet in the timeline of TNR, but we’ll get there. maybe. 
+ Thomas and Y/n love having movie nights.
+ Thomas always wants to watch old classics: Casablanca, Singin’ in the Rain, Citizen Kane, you name it. He likes old movies, old cars, old music. Y/n teases Thomas for having such dated taste. 
+ “Okay boomer.”
+ “For the last time, Y/n, I’m not a boomer. I’m only five years older than you.”
+ Y/n does most of the cooking. Not because she’s a woman and the kitchen is ‘her place’ or anything like that. One time Thomas made a ‘gourmet’ meal of macaroni and cheese. With a twist. The twist was adding alcohol.
+ “Adding alcohol makes everything better.”
+ No, it doesn’t. Y/n doesn’t let Thomas anywhere near the kitchen since the Mac ‘N Cheese Fiasco of 2020. 
+ Y/n only buys superhero or Disney princess band-aids. She’s very proud of them.
+ Thomas finds this out when he gets a paper cut while reading at Y/n’s apartment. She thinks he’s being dramatic, but he insists paper cuts are the worst. Regardless, Y/n comes back with two boxes of band-aids.
+ “You want Ant-Man or Cinderella?”
+ “Those are your band-aids? Why am I dating a child?”
+ “If you’re going to make fun of my band-aids, I’ll let you bleed out.”
+ Madison and Hamilton both tease Thomas for his Cinderella band-aid at work the next day, but he wears it as a badge of pride now. 
+ Washington gives Thomas the whole “if you break my daughter’s heart” speech, but secretly he loves Y/n and Thomas as a couple.
+ One day at work, Washington overhears Thomas make a “that’s what she said” joke.
+ “That’s what who said? I know you did not just make a sex joke about my daughter, Jefferson.”
+ Thomas melts where he’s sitting and wants to die. Alexander wishes he had brought a camera to film it all. Y/n hears all about this when Thomas gets home and can’t stop laughing. 
+ When they’re out in public, Thomas always likes to have his hands on Y/n. They’ll walk hand in hand. Thomas will wrap his arm around her waist, or while Y/n is talking to one of her friends, he’ll sling his arm around her shoulders and rest his chin on her shoulder. 
+ Although Y/n thinks it’s too much, Thomas will often buy her expensive gifts. She’ll come home to find a bag on her kitchen counter with the pair of heels she was eyeing in the store the other day or a statement necklace that reminded Thomas of her. 
+ His eyes light up (and Y/n could swear he drools a little) when he sees her wearing the items he bought for her. 
+ Y/n likes to wear Thomas’s old college sweatshirts from William & Mary. He’ll complain about her stealing his clothes but they both know he loves seeing her in them. Unless she’s only wearing his sweatshirt. Then he’d be happy to see her without it.
+ “Y/n Washington. Take that off.”
+ “How about you come over here and take it off for me?”
+ He does.
+ Yes, he decided. She looks much better without the sweatshirt. Y/n looks her best when her hair is all messed up and she’s sleeping soundly next to him in his bed.
+ Thomas makes Y/n coffee in the morning. He memorized just how many creams and how much sugar she likes the first time she told him. 
+ Y/n likes to watch Thomas play his violin in his magenta bath robe on Saturday evenings. It’s the highlight of her week. 
+ Y/n thinks Thomas’s apartment is lacking something and decides he needs a pet.
+ “I don’t need a pet. I don’t want a pet. They take too much work to take care of.”
+ “What about a fish?”
+ “I’m not getting a fish, Y/n.”
+ He gets a fish.
+ Thomas names the fish Monticello but he just calls him Monty. Monty is Thomas’s pride and joy, he carries pictures of his fish in his wallet and shows him off to his coworkers every chance he gets.
+ “No one cares about your fish, Jefferson.”
+ “Fuck you, Hamilton. Henry Knox asked how Monty was doing, for your information.”
+ After a week, Thomas decides Monty needs a bigger tank. And some plants. And a little sunken ship to play in.
+ Y/n finds Thomas cleaning out Monty’s fish tank when they were supposed to be going on a date.
+ “Are you really choosing a fish over me? I can’t believe it.”
+ She can believe it. She’s really not that surprised. 
+ “He needs me, Y/n!”
+ “And I need food. Come on, let’s go get something to eat. I’m thinking sushi, thoughts?”
+ “How dare you.”
+ Thomas takes Y/n out to Broadway shows. He has wealthy and famous clients, so he ends up taking Y/n backstage on multiple occasions to meet the casts of the productions.
+ Y/n completely fangirls over every actor she meets and Thomas apologizes on her behalf. But he doesn’t complain when she asks him to take a picture of her and the actor. 
+ She belts out the songs from the show all the way home, and Thomas can’t help but watch her with a smile. 
+ Y/n swings by the office on Wednesdays and they go out to lunch together. 
+ “Do you think I can order off the kid’s menu?”
+ “I can’t take you anywhere, can I, Y/n?”
+ But he takes her everywhere with him. Charity galas, business trips to Seattle, home to Virginia to meet his family. 
+ Thomas’s family loves Y/n immediately, and his sister’s seem to like Y/n more than they like Thomas. His sister’s take Y/n out for a girls night. They talk about all his annoying habits and stories from their childhood. 
+ At night, they’ll spend an hour in bed reading before they actually go to bed. Y/n wears reading glasses, and Thomas doesn’t know if she really needs them or if she just wears them because she knows he thinks she looks hot in them.
+ When the lights turn off, Thomas will pull Y/n to his chest and let the sound of her breathing rock him to sleep. 
+ When Y/n thinks Thomas is asleep, she’ll whisper “I love you” into the cotton of his shirt. 
+ He hears her. 
Tags: @dovesgrangers @lovelymrvl  @wiffle-snuffles @thisistrashperson @comingupwithacoolnameishard @wordvomit-foryourmind @newtonslawoffuck @isharemydeathdaywithfeanor @i-know-i-can @imperial-martian @fangirling-central @dannighost @ateliefloresdaprimavera @justahappylilblog @fanfic-addict-98 @a-hopeless-fan @and-claudia @nicolemelton @youtxbemusic @reidcult @eirenism @fantasy-of-fiction @iamsuperconfusedallthetime-dead @a-midwinter-night-dream-86 @rycbar-221b @bethanymccauley @fanworrior @gggamingz @nemesis729 @ibeaesthethicc  @yodas-padawan @sabbrriiinnaa @micaiahmoonheart @beautifulfound @moondustmemories @ct-salad @teenwaywardasgardian @bj-is-a-graduateof-julliard @ruebx @katierpblogg @speedypartyducksuitcase @fangirling-central @idkkbaleighh @ballerinafairyprincess @spn-pogues @gryffin-claw @elegantbutedgy @1elysium @sierraisnotreal @ssanjuniperoo @collectivefandom @lilbabyhoneypot @lunariasilver @justcallmemama
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
if ur still taking them... 28 pyroscout 🥺
pyro tf2 said trans rights and scout tf2 said disaster bi rights and the team said queer rights and that’s what’s up, sis. (warning for discussion of past transphobia and other queer issues)
#28: First kiss.
It wasn’t that Scout was all that surprised to have Pyro end up as basically his best friend. He’d secretly been hoping that he’d get to be friends with a few of his coworkers when he’d taken the job, and Pyro was pretty close to him in age and shared a few of the same interests as him so it wasn’t unreasonable to expect to get along. It was just…
Maybe it would be more accurate to say that it was a little bit of an honor.
They hung out in plenty of places—watching TV or playing card games in the common room, hopping into a car and heading into town to watch the latest movie once or twice (or like eight times if they both really liked it), sometimes out back to start a bonfire or something for the hell of it.
But Pyro’s room tended to be his favorite hangout location of theirs, because that was the only place where they were okay with taking off their mask and suit.
Pyro had tried very hard not to make a big deal out of it the first time they’d unmasked in front of Scout. He’d been confused about what they were doing unclasping the bottom of it, since they didn’t have any food with them or anything and that was the only reason they usually did that—to sneak bites of food beneath. But then they shucked the whole thing up and over their head, shaking their head to re-orient themselves, sending their hair—he’d never thought about what Pyro’s hair had to be like before, how had he never thought of that?—bouncing around their face loosely, half-flattened but clearly very naturally curly. Pyro had to take a moment to fish something else out of their mask, a cap of some kind, probably to hold their hair down, and they clearly were trying very hard to avoid eye contact, nervous.
Scout, for once, was at a loss for words, mouth flapping in a way that was probably pretty similar to a fish for something like thirty seconds straight.
“Hey,” he finally managed, pointing at his own face where assorted freckles dotted his cheeks. “We match.”
Pyro glanced up at him, a little startled, then barked a laugh, and it sounded so much better when it wasn’t muffled. They hesitated a few more moments before they pulled off their gloves as well and set all of the newly-shed pieces of uniform down on their cluttered desk, fidgeting severely. “I guess so,” Pyro confirmed, and Scout had never noticed before that they had a very slight accent, too light for him to pick out what it had to be. “I’d never, I couldn’t tell before. With the…”
They pantomimed something up near their eyes, words stalling on them. It took Scout a few seconds to get what they meant. “With the mask?” he asked for confirmation. They nodded. “Oh. Huh. So it’s kinda like your first time seeing me too, huh?”
Pyro laughed. “I guess so,” they repeated, scratching at their stubble self-consciously, or maybe just because they finally could, and then Scout made an effort to both just move on with the rest of what all they were planning on doing when they hung out and also with not staring too much.
The jump to stripping off their suit as far as the tank top and thick-but-tight sweatpants they wore underneath was done a few weeks later when Scout had demonstrated that he wasn’t planning on saying anything, and he was only a little surprised by the plethora of burn marks and scars dotting their skin. He’d noticed an awful lot of scars all over Pyro, and he figured it was probably from when Pyro had been working as a mercenary before Mann Co., something he was aware had happened but hadn’t been able to coax Pyro into talking about. But it was nothing heinous, nothing that he figured warranted a full-body suit to hide it.
He tried to work out how exactly to ask Pyro why they wore the suit without being weird or rude. Luckily, he didn’t have to.
“I appreciate it, you know,” Pyro said one day unprompted, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. They were sat a foot or so apart on Pyro’s bed and drawing, Scout sketching out a dramatic rendition of a particularly funny pose he’d seen the enemy Sniper land in when he died and Pyro apparently drawing yet another unrealistically bright technicolor landscape.
“What?” Scout asked, glancing over at them, more obviously than he’d been occasionally doing the whole time they’d been drawing together. They tended to do this really adorable thing where they stuck their tongue out a little bit when they were concentrating, and Scout had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from smiling every time he saw it.
“That you don’t…” They hesitated. “…I dunno. That you don’t try and guess, now that you’ve seen me.”
Scout tilted his head. “Huh?”
Pyro’s gaze flickered to him and back down again almost too quickly to see. “You keep… not calling me anything,” they said. “Except for dude sometimes, but, you call everyone that anyways. That you still try and use “pal” or “buddy” instead of “man” or “lady” or whatever.”
Scout blinked.
Admittedly, there had been a good month or two right after he joined the team where he didn’t know how to refer to Pyro, and had just gone with using “he”, figuring it would be the less offensive assumption for someone in a mercenary career. Then at some point Engie finally sat him down and explained things to him, and after about a week of stumbling he finally got in the practice of using “they” and other words that weren’t particularly for a guy or girl. He couldn’t say that he really got it in a lot of ways, but he’d worked hard to learn the rules on how to be polite, because he figured he owed them that at the very minimum, if nothing else.
“What do you mean?” he asked after a second.
Pyro turned the marker in their hand over and over again. “Back before I started wearing the suit,” they started to explain, gesturing loosely at the suit in question, laid down on the chair at their desk like a deflated second Pyro (and admittedly sometimes scaring the shit out of Scout when he forgot it was there and noticed it in his periphery). “I would try and tell people I worked with that I wasn’t a guy or a girl, and they’d say sure, whatever, who cares, as long as you can kill people. But they’d look at me and start referring to me as a guy anyways. Sometimes a girl, but not usually. And only as… as neither, or both, or whatever, when I corrected them and maybe for a little while after.” They scratched at their stubble again. It was getting longer, and they’d probably shave pretty soon, if Scout knew them. “And it’s just… I always wondered what it was. I’d try and go clean-shaven all the time, wax, I wore makeup once or twice even to try and balance it out, but all that did was make them refer to me as a girl more, or look at me weird. I couldn’t seem to find the middle. So eventually I just put on the suit so nobody would… get hints anymore.”
Scout frowned, but didn’t know exactly what to say. “That’s the fuckin’ worst,” he decided on.
“I know, right?!” Pyro gushed, as if the dam had broken and they were finally allowed to feel mad about it. They sighed hard, pushing their hair out of their eyes, even if they just bounced right back into place a moment later. “They always respected me professionally, but what’s it take for a person to get called the right name, y’know!? Did they want me to wear a stupid t-shirt with instructions on it!?” Another sigh, then they looked up at Scout with those deep brown eyes of theirs, the ones that flooded Scout with an inexplicable sense of comfort. “And I guess I just wanted to say thanks. For not… I dunno. Being weird.”
Scout nodded, hesitated. “So I’ve been doin’ that right?” he asked suddenly, unable to stop himself.
Pyro smiled at him warmly. “You’ve been doing great, probably the best job anyone’s ever done,” they assured, and Scout knew his own smile was probably goofy and stupid looking, but he couldn’t bite it back.
“Thanks,” he said, having to look away, and Pyro laughed.
“And, I dunno. There was also this weird thing where I tried to date for a while and people kept not taking me seriously, then one day someone finally gave me a shot but got all weird and just straight up asked me what equipment I had on the second date and it was the worst.”
“I mean, none’a their fuckin’ business is what unless they’re asking if they should pack a condom,” Scout scoffed.
“Right!? It just sucked because most people would say “oh, I’m just into girls” or try and like, swing it as if I’m a guy and therefore it was totally cool, and only twice did I find someone who would go for whoever and one got weird about it and the other one is the person I took on two dates. Only person who ever gave me any real respect about it could only go on one date with me, and she was only cool because she kind of had some special circumstances going on too, then she had a contract abroad and we had to cut things off. And I just—I dunno. I wish people who went either way would… I dunno.”
“Hey, I fit that bill, and I’d totally date you,” Scout said, and then realized what he’d just said out loud.
Pyro was staring at him openly, mouth a little agape. They tried to start talking twice without success before finally managing it on the third attempt. “You’re bisexual?” they asked, a little surprised.
Scout immediately began backtracking. “I mean, I, I dunno,” he said quickly, looking away, face on fire, “I, it isn’t like I’ve ever really even gotten to date any, anyone but a couple girls and stuff, and, I, thinking and doing are kinda two different things, and y’know, labels and, and…”
They raised an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, yeah, I think I’m bi,” he finally admitted. “But you can’t fuckin’ tell anyone, got it? The guys already get all up in my grill about callin’ me gay all the time and, and Medic asking when the coming out party is and, and Sniper going all “what’s with the pride meeting?” and shit like that, I just, I don’t need any more of that fuckin’ nonsense, okay?”
“You know half of them do those jokes because they’re not straight either, right?” Pyro asked flatly.
Scout blinked. “The Doc and Snipes are gay?” he asked, surprised.
Pyro gave him a look.
“…Okay, I guess that’s, that tracks,” he admitted. “But—how many, who all’s…?”
“Far as I know, just Medic, Sniper, Heavy, and Spy, and those last two are also bi or something like that, and I think Demo doesn’t really swing any way,” Pyro said. “You really didn’t know? I thought they were pretty out about it.”
“Nobody tells me anything!” Scout said defensively.
“That’s fair. But… I dunno, I’m obviously not gonna go out and break out the news with confetti and streamers for you, but… I think they wouldn’t really care,” Pyro shrugged. “If anything they’d just try and wingman for you more.”
Scout thought about that for a while. “Man, what are the odds that we’d get a goddamn queer collective out in the middle of a fuckin’ desert?” he asked suddenly.
“Have you maybe considered that the people who’d go out into a desert away from civilization might be queer people trying to be more themselves where they can’t get as much backlash?” Pyro suggested.
“…Shit. That makes a lot of sense actually,” he admitted.
Quiet for a few seconds. “Let’s circle back around to that part where you said you’d totally go for someone like me,” Pyro said suddenly.
Scout pulled his hat down over his face, feeling it go red again. “Shut the fuck up, dude,” he protested, annoyed at how whiny it came out. “I didn’t mean to say it out loud.”
“Do you think about making out with me a lot?” Pyro asked, tone clearly teasing now, and Scout groaned.
“Oh my god, shut up,” he muttered. “I come out to you and you just start fuckin’ bullying me? That’s the play?”
“Duh,” Pyro laughed, and pinched his cheek, making him flush further as he batted their hand away.
“I’m just sayin’ that you’re good-looking and funny and anyone would be lucky to date you, okay?” Scout finally said, trying not to let more embarrassment flood through his voice.
That got Pyro to grin sheepishly, picking up their drawing again. “You’re sweet,” was all they managed to reply with, quieter now.
“The sweetest guy on the planet,” Scout agreed, picking up his own drawing as well, and Pyro elbowed him in the ribs, making him squawk.
He ended up coming out to Engie offhandedly during their lunch break about a week later, and he only even managed it because Pyro was sitting and eating next to him, their knee pressing into his own and bringing him enough comfort to broach the topic. Engie was immediately supportive, and ended the conversation with a pat on his shoulder and by saying he was proud of him for having to courage to say something.
That gave Scout a burst of confidence, and he ended up dragging Pyro around for the rest of the day as he came out to other teammates as well, first Demo and Soldier right after battle (Soldier needed an additional few moments of explanation but overall they were both glad to hear the news), then Medic and Heavy where they were sitting playing chess in the common room (once Heavy got past the language barrier, he offered Scout a solemn high-five in solidarity, which he accepted gratefully). Sniper was reserved for the next day, outside where he was setting up the grill to take his turn making the team dinner (he was a little awkward for a moment, clearly a bit confused and not having expected anyone to come talk to him, but once he caught on to what Scout was saying he offered one of his rare smiles and a few supportive words). 
Oddly enough, Spy was the one that made him the most nervous for reasons he couldn’t pin down, maybe partially because he didn’t bring Pyro along, but he probably handled it the most easily, treating it as no big deal at all, simply pausing for a moment before giving a flippant “Alright. Was that all, mon ami?” and shooing him back out of his smoking room shortly after.
“Look at you,” Pyro said appraisingly when he showed up to hang out in their room, clapping him on the shoulder, clearly noticing the fact that he was practically glowing.
“Didn’t even get beat up or shoved in a locker,” he said cheerfully.
Pyro looked at him for another second or two before they finally just swept him up in a hug, squeezing him almost too-tight in their excitement. “I’m so proud of you!” they exclaimed softly, and he returned the hug, burying his face in their hair when he became sure that he wouldn’t get in trouble for it, surprised and delighted by how very nice it smelled. Vanilla-y and a little coconut-y, warm like everything else about them.
It was only through the combination of circumstances—riding the nervous high from being newly-out for the first time in his life, and being all wrapped up in a hug with his best friend, and his nose being greeted by the smell of the very appealing shampoo they apparently used—that he got the exact level of confidence to do what he did next. They pulled away from the hug finally to look up at him with that same proud smile, and he leaned down and kissed them square on the mouth.
It was three or four seconds before he pulled away again with a tiny, almost-inaudible little smeck. He smiled down at them, feeling the wildly spinning combination of euphoria and fear and excitement and apprehension and thrill and terror swirling around in his chest. Their lips were slightly parted, and they stared up at him with wonder. If he ever drew the moment, he would probably draw Pyro’s pupils in the shape of little hearts, the way they were looking at him just then.
“Oh,” they said breathlessly, and laughed a little. “So you were serious when you said you’d go for someone like me, then?”
Scout laughed, couldn’t stifle it, rising up through his chest alongside his heart. “Yeah, duh,” he said, voice tinted a little higher than usual.
“Well shit, then get back down here,” Pyro said, and tugged on his shirt, and he readily obliged.
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Tiny Mer!Sanders Angst pt. 8
Part 7 to a story based on @secretglittersauce‘s tiny mer!sides angst prompt. Logan gets re-homed, and we meet some new characters.
 Check my reblog for links to the previous parts.
Also!!! Happy Birthday to the wonderful, amazing, totally talented @justanotherpurplebutterfly! Very convenient for me that you were born at the start of MerMay, haha. Enjoy some tiny mer boys just for you! <3
Remy gave a yawn, tiredly running a hand through his hair before fumbling to get the store key out of his bag. With his sleepy state it took a couple tries before the key fit into the lock, and a couple more before the key actually turned. The bell tingled as he pushed the door open, alerting the various creatures to his presence. A cacophony of animal calls greeted him, all eager to share their story and get their food.
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming.” Remy waved them off, heading to the back to throw his apron on. He finished off his starbucks drink, refilling the travel mug with the break room coffee. Remy grimaced at the taste, noting that his boss must have used up all the good coffee the day before that Remy usually kept stocked. Guess his boss would have to die for that.
“Alright, who’s hungry?” Remy asked, coming back into the main floor. The answer was, of course, everyone. Remy began with the selection of puppies, hoisting a large bag of dog food with a grunt and pouring it sloppily into bowls which the pups consumed eagerly. Next was the cats, meowing incessantly until their bowls were filled too.
Remy continued his rounds, making sure every creature’s food and water levels were correct. As he went Remy also did his necessary maintenance duties, cleaning everything from parrot cages to frog habitats to keep up sanitation.
“Excuse me.” A man wearing a tweed jacket with pink hair called for Remy’s attention. Remy finished his work, setting aside the shovel he was using to scoop up hamster fluff.
“What’s up, doc?” Remy asked, pushing his hands on his thighs and standing up.
“Ah, clever bugs bunny reference.” Picani’s eyes glinted happily behind his glasses. “Excellent. My name is Emile Picani, and I was just wondering if this establishment carried any supplies for housing...tiny...er, merpeople?” Picani gestured with his hands as though unsure of the terminology.
“Oh yeah, I know mers.” Remy snorted, grabbing his coffee. “We used to have four of them here, I was in charge so I know all about them. Aisle four is what you want. This way.”
Remy led Picani down the aisles, heading back to the aquarium section. On the way to the supplies Remy paused to look in on the only tiny mer left.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” Remy greeted, smiling over his third morning cup of java. The mer ignored him, choosing to continue to sulk under its rock. Remy frowned. Most of the food from the day before continued to float at the top, uneaten.
Remy scooped this up, sprinkling a new layer of fish flakes on top. As usual these went ignored. Remy sighed, gesturing for the customer to follow him further.
“Is that how they are meant to behave?” Picani asked the employee with the name tag ‘Remy’ as they walked.
“No, that one has just been really depressed lately.” Remy admitted. “Anyway, here’s what you want.” Remy began pulling supplies off the shelves, everything from cleaning tools to basic sustenance. “This is the one they’ll eat. If you give them this they won’t touch the stuff. I even had one splash me in the face. Several times, actually.”
“Noted.” Picani gave a nod. “Mine has already attempted the same maneuver.”
“Oh really?” Remy gave a chuckle, leading him back to the counter to ring up his purchases. “What are the odds…”
Remy thought back to the dark blue mer, and then his thoughts moved on to the rest of the gang, remembering fondly how much trouble the whole group had been. With Red slamming into things and Teal swirling up a storm, there had always been activity in aisle 4. Now it was so...quiet.
Remy found himself actually missing them. Of course, there was still the purple one, but Remy hated just watching the tiny sulk there day after day. That mer desperately needed to get out of this pet shop. Maybe he’d come to life again with a good owner.
Remy waved goodbye to the pink haired man after the transaction was complete, heading back to check in on said mer once more. As expected, it hadn’t moved an inch. Remy sighed, taking the clipboard off the wall to check the schedule.
“Oh, looks like you’re going on sale, little guy.” Remy noted. It made sense. The mer had been in the shop for quite a while now, so store policy was to drop the price. Remy went to the back room, looking for the sale stickers. It seemed his coworkers had helpfully hidden them away in a filing cabinet behind the fridge...for some reason. Remy rolled his eyes at their incompetence, taking a sharpie and scribbling the price down.
Sticker in hand, Remy returned to the tank, surprised to find a man actually looking over the mer. The man didn’t notice Remy yet, and seemed to be talking to himself as his eyes eagerly drank up every inch of the purple tailed fish creature.
“Oh, bill’s going to love you.” His voice came out almost as a sneer, a lisp formed by a few missing front teeth.
“Who’s bill?” Remy said conversationally, taking a swig of coffee.
“My baracuda.” The man answered.
Remy’s coffee made a sudden reappearance as he spat it out in surprise. Remy wasn’t the only one who had a reaction to this response. Eyes widening, the mer for once stopped sulking, deciding instead to try and hide itself behind the stone structure. The man chuckled at this fruitless behavior.
“How much for the lil’ snack?” The potential customer asked, turning now to face Remy.
“Ah…” Remy froze, feeling the sale sticker still clutched in his grasp. He shouldn’t care about this, it was the circle of life after all. No one else wanted this mer. That’s why it was going on sale in the first place. Perhaps this was supposed to be the purple one’s fate, just to be bigger fish food. After all, it wasn’t Remy’s job to question why people wanted fish; he was just there to sell them.
“...he’s not for sale.” Remy answered, crumpling up the sale sticker in his fist.
“What? Why?” The man frowned at this. “Why the hell do you have the darn thing on display then?”
“Because someone bought him earlier in the day.” Remy explained. “They’re coming back tonight to pick him up.”
“This is outrageous.” He growled. “I refuse to be a victim to such false advertising.”
“Gurl, then leave.” Remy rolled his eyes, pointing to the door. The man looked ready to spit in his face, but with only minor grumbling he stormed out the front.
Remy looked at the purple mer, finding the creature was staring back at him. Remy clearly couldn’t let it stay here any longer. If that man came back, Remy would be in hot water for lying to a customer. Not to mention, there was always the possibility that someone with the same intentions could come in on a day when Remy wasn’t working. The thought made his stomach churn.
“Guess you’re coming home with me, buddy.” Remy said, his mind made up.
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jpat82 · 6 years
Wade Visits Hotel Holland
So daughter requested 28 & 40 with Wade the duck and Tom Holland, so just to clarify this is a different you and y/n then the one in the other Wade the duck stories, hope that makes sense.
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28.) did you just.. hit me with a water ballon?
40.) there's over seven billion people in this world and you are the only one I'd die for.
Tom Holland walked up the steps to his house, a heavy bag swung over on shoulder, travel tank in the other. He fought to get his keys out of his pants pocket, as Wade impatiently stood next to the door staring up at him. He managed to unlock the door, allowing it to open, duck waltzing in as he usually does.
“Alright, Wade welcome to hotel Holland.” Tom said, walking over to the kitchen counter setting Sherbert’s travel tank down.
Tessa came bounding into the living room as he shut the front door, skidding to a stop as she eyed the slightly featherless bird. Wade ignored the dog as he waddled around slowly his head swiveling and flicking, taking in his new surroundings. The canine took a step towards the bird, tilting her head as the bird walked over and sat down in her dog bed.
“Tessa, your going to have to share for a couple days.” Tom stated, opening the bag that the senior Tom had given him.
Hiddleston has decided to take his girlfriend on a weekend getaway and Holland was overly excited to have the honor of watching their pets. He set the notebook on the counter that they had provided for the fish and duck. Instructions on feeding, bathing the duck, how to handle him Incase he became unruly. Tom figured he could take a look at it in a little while.
He pulled out his phone, going straight to Instagram. He flicked it to live stream.
“Hey guys!” He waved, smiling brightly at his phone. “I got a couple of new housemates for the next couple of days. I’d like you to meet, Sherbert the fish.”
He turned the camera to face the aquatic creature, instantly the pale orange beta swam up to the front of the tank. The animal flared out his gills, his fins spread out showing his true beauty.
“Awe, I think he likes you guys.” Tom chuckled before turning the camera back to face him. “And I want you guys to meet Wade. He’s a cheeky little bird.”
Tom walked around the corner of the kitchen island, going over to where he had seen the duck last. However Wade was no longer in the dog bed to his dismay. He spun around, his eyes went wide and he almost dropped the phone he was holding.
Tessa was laid in front of her water bowl, the one Wade was currently roosting in, giving him the most pathetic stare. The avian guest was completely oblivious to the animals plight, somehow slowly spinning in circles. Water pooling around the base on the floor as the duck leaned back, stick his beak in the bowl and splashed some out.
“Wade.” Tom sighed, holding the phone back up so the people of instagram, wherever they may be could see what was going on.
Tom turned off his phone, setting it on the counter before turning his attention to the duck. Bending at the waist he reached down lifting him out of the water bowl, Wade’s feet kicking wildly as he began to squirm. Somehow, the annoyed duck flipped Tessa’s water bowl over with a perfect time ninja chop from his partially feather covered wing.
As the Tom managed to wrangle the duck a knocking at the door was going on at the same time. Tessa perked up, jumping from her spot to go bark at the door. Tom set the bird back down to go get the door, deciding he’d clean up the water in a minute.
When the door opened you saw your friend slightly dampened and cover lightly in feathers.
“Well, that’s a new look for you.” You giggled, greeting Tessa as you usually did upon entering.
However this offended the duck, in Wade’s opinion he was top duck, he made a beeline straight for your unsuspecting form. It wasn’t till the smack on your ankle, feathers floating in the air following by a loud quake did you realize your mistake.
You turned suddenly and looked down at the duck who was currently staring up at you. Bewildered you looked to your friend.
“Uh, Holland, when did you get a... duck?” You asked, seeing as how the bird was mostly featherless in his current state.
“I’m petting sitting for the other Tom and his girlfriend. Y/n, this is Wade the duck.” He smiled, the duck shifted his weight giving you an intense stare down.
“Hi Wade.” You said kneeling down to greet the duck, the animal raised his smooth head giving you one more look before waddling off. “Did I just get snubbed by a bird?”
“Maybe? He’s a funny little thing.” Tom watched as the bird decided to inspect the rest of his current roost. “What’s up?”
“Well, you said you wanted to have a barbecue when I talked to you yesterday.” You shook your head.
“Oh yeah!” Tom perked up, walking to his back deck, you following behind him. And behind you waddled the bird, his head flicking around.
Tom got the grill going as he filled you in on the things going in his life. You shared things had been going on yours, not forgetting to leave out the drama going on with work. Let’s face it the trouble your one coworker caused was quite entertaining as long as it wasn’t happening to you.
You had excused yourself to the bathroom, since the last time you were around your friend you hadn’t forgotten the prank he pulled on you, claiming the ice bucket challenge. Not that you knew he was going to dump a bucket of ice cold water on you, cause usually participants knew what was going on. So needless to say you pulled the red water balloon from you pocket, snapping it over the nose of the faucet and began to fill it.
Once filled as large as you could you tied it off and came back out. You held the jiggly item behind your back, trying not to giggle. Tom had his back to you flipping whatever it was he had decided to cook this even. You hurled it at his back, the ballon exploding on impact.
“Did you just.. hit me with a water balloon?” He asked, pivoting to face you.
“Payback for the bucket of ice.” You grinned back at him, crossing your arms.
“Alright, I’ll except that for now.” He nodded his head smirking. “Grab is some plates, yeah?”
“Be right back.” You replied, going inside to grab the items plus some cutlery.
Tom dished you some food and himself, you both walked over to where the long bench and table were. Tom sat down and just as you were about to sit the duck managed to jump in that spot and nestled down, daring you to move him. You looked over your friend, eyebrow raised.
You sighed setting your plate down and reached for the duck who was hunkering down further. Just as you gingerly placed your fingers under the small creature he decided to ninja chop at you, feathers flying off his body. He nipped at your wrist, making a weird hissing sound.
“Okay, looks like I’ll sit on the other side.” You chuckled, giving up.
You and your friend enjoyed the evening, conversation flowing easily. The duck did finally manage to warm up to you after you read through the notebook Hiddleston had provided, detailing that when introducing Wade to new people make sure they feed him a bug or two. You bid your friend goodnight after helping him get the duck into his nightshirt. One Tom Hiddleston’s girlfriend had knitted for the duck, resembling a spider man outfit.
As Night was coming to a close, Tom was laying in bed, Tessa on his right, Wade curled on his left. He smiled to himself contently.
“There are over seven billion people on this planet and you two are the only ones I’d die for.” He said softly before flicking off the light. Just as the man was starting to doze did the duck start snoring.
@kitkatkl @devilbat @octobermermaid @ajosieface @10robins @instantnoodlese
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imunsavy · 7 years
Captured Tails - Part 1
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-Part 2-
Pairing: Bts x reader
Genre/Warnings: Mermaid!au, fluff, angst, mild violence
Summary: You had been working at the same waterpark for some years and you thought you had seen it until the new park attraction opened with a new kind of sea creature that no one had ever seen before.
(credit to original owner of gif)
(A/N This is a two-part story so check out @rapmoniepapi to find Part 2)
It was busy today, with the sun beating down on the back of your neck. You navigated the heavy flow of crow to get to the smoothie cart where there was already a long line of people needing something to cool down.  There were live shows going on. You could hear your best friends voice loudly cheering and laughing as he introduced varying animals which he had all named. He had been the one to send you to get drinks, for after his show. The park was pretty neat when you entered. There were rides, restaurants, gift shops and of course, the large tanks which held some of the most gorgeous creatures. The park was considered one of the largest ones in the country but yet it always seemed filled to the brim with people. While waiting in the line you could hear the two girls in front of you talking loudly "We’re missing Taehyung's show!" One complained and you watched with interest suddenly. "I know! He's just so ugh and funny too! I'd kill to meet him." The other replied. They continued their conversation about your friend as they walked off and began their journey to Taehyung's ongoing show. You entered into a staff room where other coworkers could get in or out of their wetsuits, shower so forth.
You waited for Tae's show to end while quietly sipping on your sweet drink. The uniform you were currently wearing was a bright blue tank top with a pair of shorts were a darker blue. You donned a cap to keep the sun out of your eyes. You always hated the uniform but it did keep you cool and it also meant you got sunburned constantly if you weren't careful, unless you were down below which is where you worked mainly. Down below was the indoor part of the park. You went to some stairs and suddenly you could see straight into every tank. The rooms were dark so you could truly focus on the creatures but light enough so you could read varying facts or use directions. There were little rock pool tanks with starfish or sea plants that you could touch but you had to be very gentle. It was always your favorite moment when you would see children's eyes light up as they got to touch a starfish. You did love your job but it didn't mean you agreed with it. If it were up to you, all the animals would be released back into the wild.
Taehyung's sudden entrance distracted you from your thoughts. He had already taken the top half of his wetsuit off and part of you couldn't help but watch the water drip down his front. He shook his wet, bright red hair before beginning to dry it with a towel. "Here ya go Tae Tae, your weird fruit smoothie." You handed him the smoothie and watched as he took the lid off and take big mouthfuls.
"Hard show?" You asked while sipping again on your own drink He shook his head with a grin "never is."
Taehyung kept you alive when days were boring or too alive. His personality was perfect for the job and he loved it. He shared the mindset of wanting to release the animals but money was money and you both loved sea creatures. "You heard Jackson got bit last night at the gate?" He asked while starting to get dressed.
The gate was something the park used to filter the water between the ocean and the parks water supply so the fish that needed salt water had it readily. Recently a new tank had been placed right by it, so the ocean water was filtering right into this tank. Jackson was the parks onsite repairman and a bit of a show-off. “He came in this morning brandishing these bite marks, claiming a shark got him. I saw them and it ain't nothing more than an eel at most." He joked.
You chuckled at Taehyung. "Weird. I heard about a couple of the staff getting their toes nipped recently while being near the exterior as well, it is probably just some fish though." You played off before finishing your drink.
Taehyung nodded and chucked his, now damp, towel in the laundry bin and the two of you left the room. “Okay we have to go help Namjoon with a tour, uh the sharks need feeding as well as the penguins." You listed off the jobs as you both headed to the staircase that led to the down below.
"Also Marty hasn't been feeling well, so there's a doctor in today checking on him and they want you to help with transporting him to the med area." Marty was Taehyung's stingray, so he wouldn't even hesitate to help out. The medical area was just a small little area where they could do medical assistance on animals without too many issues.
You made it to where Namjoon was standing at the tunnel entrance which went into the shark tank which held some nurse sharks and other sea creatures. Namjoon was probably the smartest person you knew. He knew everything about everything especially when it came to marine life. He led tours, taught class trips and was just general help around the park. "Hey you two, so Tae I'm sure you know what to do at this point and Y/N please join me." He had the cutest smile you had ever seen, even next to Taehyung's. Maybe it was the dimples.
Marty ended up passing away that day. Taehyung was very upset and decided to just go home early. He said goodnight to all the animals before giving you a kiss on the temple and pulling you into a tight hug. He didn't mean to cry in your embrace but it was always hard losing a friend even if in some peoples eye's it was just an animal. You stayed back later than usual to help Namjoon make sure everything was clean and ready for the next day. "Hey Joon, just gonna check the gate and make sure it's locked." You called over to your tall friend who was cleaning up a small mess.
You got to the gate and climbed onto the rocks that surrounded it so you could check the control panel. You could tell it was locked from where you were so you began to retrace your steps when you heard it. You looked out into the sea which was getting dark due to the sky getting darker, the sun barely sitting on the horizon. The voice was soft, melodic but you couldn't help but feel relaxed. You had no worries anymore. You let your feet dip into the water as you began lower yourself further and deeper into the ice cold ocean. You didn't mind the cold when that voice kept you warm, at least from the inside. You were far away from the rocks when the hand wrapped around your ankle and yanked you roughly downwards. You made no noise as the song was no longer playing out loud but still in your head. You let your body be pulled into the dark water. You weren't down for long because when Namjoon grabbed you and pulled you up, you still had plenty of breath left in your lungs. You wiped your face as reality hit you rather quickly. "What the fuck." You breathed out as the cold penetrated your bare skin.
Namjoon began pulling you to shore, he was so worried about you. He had come to make sure everything was alright when you were gone for a while. He had just seen your head slip under the water and so he had leaped in without a single hesitation to go after you. He was just pushing you onto the shore when the most excruciating pain ever rippled up from his leg and into his back. He choked out a scream as his body began to be dragged back into the water. He saw your terrified eyes on his own and worried it might be the last time he would see them. As his body was halfway back into the water you suddenly snapped into action and grabbed his arms. You refused to let go, digging your heels into the sand Eventually what had ahold of Namjoon's leg just let go and Namjoon was flung on top of your body. You genuinely thought it was a shark but you were surprised when you looked down and only saw a small bite. It was bleeding quite heavily so you helped Namjoon up and took him to the E.R. On your way out of the park you couldn't help but notice the new posters being put up for a new attraction.
Jungkook had seen you from miles away, smelled you from miles away, he had seen a girl like you on the boat and felt anger rise in his gut. He promised his hyung's he wouldn't do anything without them but he was furious and guilt-ridden over what happened just a few days ago.
Jungkook was out collecting pearls and Jimin had joined him to help carry his findings home with him. They were swimming quite peacefully. Everything was so calm that Jungkook started humming which turned into singing. Jimin loved his enchanting voice and even hummed along with him while Hoseok just floated around, watching them. All their heads snapped up when they heard the boat coming from a while away. Jungkook began to swim straight towards it. He had seen something shiny hanging near it and he wanted it for his collection. Hoseok was watching very carefully and had even stopped floating and was moving closer. Jungkook grabbed it and felt a sharp tug, whatever it was, was hurting his hand. He began to panic and thrash around as it began to pull his arm upwards. Jimin had acted the fastest and just as the net was being dropped, he had managed to get the hook out of the younger boys hand. Hoseok clung to Jimin's hand to somehow help him stay in the water but it was no use as both boys were lifted up and out of the water, onto the boat. Jungkook had watched in horror as his two best friends, his brothers vanished. He had only managed to see the back of a woman as the boat drove away. Until it was a dot in the distance.
He began to panic. He tried for a while to swim after the boat but lost the electrical trace of it and was now lost himself. He had managed to find his way back while tears were leaving his eyes, even if you couldn't tell. He found Yoongi first. He was eating a fish. "They have them." He said using bubbles and a collection of strange sounds.
Yoongi stared at the younger before pointing a webbed hand upwards towards the surface. Jungkook nodded furiously. Yoongi let go of the fish and torpedoed off to find Jin, the oldest one of the five. Jungkook was left alone again. He began to scream into the water. He swam up to the surface as if he could miraculously see the boat but there was still nothing.
Jin led the boys on a long journey towards the land where the strange creatures lived. Jin reckoned that this is where they would be. Jungkook could only hope. When he would appear on the surface, he could hear desperate calls to him and it caused him to get even angrier as time passed.
He had easily lured you in. He watched you swim. It was weird and you couldn't seem to breathe very well under water but he didn't care. He was mad. Yoongi had caught the smell of you when Jungkook had scratched you and had become frenzied. He had seen only a leg sticking into the water and flopped the top half of his body onto the wet sand too aggressively begin pulling the beast back to where Yoongi planned to rip him to shreds but just like the other time with the other beast by the rocks. Jin had stopped him and allowed the beast to escape onto dry land and the three mermen vanished back into the depths.
You had told Namjoon to not come in the next day but he had been told by the boss that you both had to come in, no excuses. You had met Namjoon in the down below where your boss was waiting for you both. "You two definitely took your time." He grumbled causing you to roll your eyes.
It was as if your boss hadn't even seen Namjoon's leg that now had bandages wrapped around it. "Anyway's a new attraction starts today, hence why I brought you into the gates open. However, they aren't being obedient so you can’t feed them. Taehyung is in charge of that." He ranted.
As you listened you sometimes wondered why he owned the park but then you would remind yourself how much money he made off it. "What's the attraction then?" Namjoon inquired calmly looking into the empty tank next to you both.
You remembered the sign you had seen last night as yourself and Namjoon moved closer to the tank to look inside. As you looked around you couldn't see anything at all. You turned your head to the boss who was looking as well with a slightly panicked expression. The face that suddenly appeared in front of your face made you jump while letting out a small scream, the boss seemed to have a similar reaction as he had jumped back a meter from the tank while Namjoon just held his ground and barely blinking. The man in the tank began to laugh revealing his teeth, Namjoon noted how only some on the bottom were sharp and then four on the top beside his two front teeth. He figured he needed them considering how limited their food supply was. He didn't get a chance to examine them further because the boys smile faded when he saw how unfazed Namjoon was. He moved away from the glass wall then back to the bottom of the tank once again. "Didn't you say them? Where's the other one?" Namjoon asked.
You moved back to look into the tank, waiting for another surprise but it never came "See this why it doesn't deserve food, I want them to understand that only when they listen that they can eat." The boss explained while maintaining his distance from the tank.
"How could they possibly understand that? They probably don't even speak English." Namjoon asked once more getting quite frustrated with his boss.
You placed a hand on Namjoon's forearm to calm him down which seemed to work. He looked down at your hand and couldn't help but smile at the small gesture. "Doesn't matter. The things will get it eventually. There is a second one so find it." He ordered before stalking off.
You rolled your eyes at the grumpy bastard but you decided to focus on finding the second fish person "I feel bad for them yknow." You mumbled as you looked around more before giving up.
Namjoon nodded "I agree but there's nothing really we can do, I just can't believe they’re real, I was waiting to see some evidence of like an oxygen tank but by the looks of it the whole thing is real." He remarked casually.
You hummed in agreement before moving to the signs surrounding the tank to read about the two boys in the tank. Namjoon followed suit so he could read over your shoulder.
Taehyung had been sitting by the edge of the tank with various buckets beside him, "Hey you two, I don't know if you can understand me, or even hear me but I have food." He spoke to the water before chucking some fish in.
There was no movement so he reached into the other bucket to grab some seaweed and dropped it into the water. He sighed when there was again no reaction. He was about to move away when a young man's head appeared from the water. Even Taehyung could admit how gorgeous he was, the boy's blonde wet hair stuck to his scalp, his lighter eyes boring into Taehyungs darker ones. Jimin stuck out a hand to Taehyung with a smirk, Taehyung was enthralled. Jimin opened his mouth and used his siren powers, he began singing and had to fight down his laughter at how willingly Taehyung just got into the water. Jimin was going to get out of this tank using this handsome boy and he couldn't care less. Taehyung plunged himself into the cold water and watched as the blonde boy dipped below the surface beyond Tae's view. He felt a hand grip his wrist and tug on it hard enough to pull him under but his body felt like a puppet so he just vanished into the cold water where he could see the boy again holding his wrist.
You were standing with Namjoon as you read signs when he turned you to face him "Hey Y/N I just wanted to ask you something," He gulped as nerves entered him.
You smiled up at him "What's up Joon?" You asked.
He chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck "Well there's this restaurant nearby that's really nice and well I was just wondering if you-" He paused slightly when he saw you weren't staring at him "Tae?" You had breathed before your eyes grew wide and you sprinted off without another word.
Namjoon turned around to see Taehyung being dragged deeper into the water, Namjoon ignored the throbbing in his leg and followed you. You didn't wait for Namjoon and dove into the water, swimming after Taehyung with an arm stretched out. The pressure and water made your eyes sting but you still managed to grab ahold of Taehyungs hair before grabbing his wetsuit with your other hand. You couldn't even tell you were crying but the merman could. He stared straight at you as he swam up to your level, baring his fangs to try to intimidate you but you were too caught up in saving Taehyung who had since fallen unconscious. "Please." You mouthed at the blonde man.
Your tears weren't visible but Jimin could sense them and he had a weak moment, he started pushing Tae up towards the surface where Namjoon pulled him up to begin CPR. Your lungs were burning at this point so when you got to the surface you gulped in the clear air before coughing slightly then swam to the edge of the tank and resting your head on your arms as you tried to relax despite the possibly murderous creatures swimming beneath you. When Tae coughed up the water within his lungs Namjoon helped pull you out as well. You climbed over Taehyung. Your tears now mixing with water droplets on your face. "Taehyung open your god damn eyes right now." You ordered.
Your lip was trembling and your cheeks heated up with anger. His eyes opened slightly and it caused you to let out a sob as you collapsed on his wet chest, "Oh god you idiot." You choked out as you felt his arms wrap around you.
He chuckled lightly before sitting up with you still in his arms, you were tempted to hit him but you were so thankful he was alright, "You were told not to feed them, you should have listened we don't know enough about them." You scolded into his chest.
He nodded before tensing up causing you to pull away. "What the fuck is going on here?!" A loud voice boomed from above you.
You pulled away so Namjoon could drag you both onto your feet but you were too scared to look up from the ground. "I gave you all specific instructions and this how you handle them? You three have got to be the most incompetent employee's anyone has ever had, so now I have to bring in help because apparently, you lot can't handle it. All of you cleaning duty now!" He barked causing all three of you to scurry off.
Taehyung went to get changed and checked out by the first aid team before he joined Namjoon and yourself. While you and Joon were still alone he turned to you as you were picking up rubbish "Hey Y/N don't worry about it, I can do your half, you go take a break, you deserve it." He stated happily.
You shook your head but he refused to take no for an answer and pushed you away. You headed back to the merman tank with purpose fueling every step. You couldn't forget those sharp teeth but you wanted to talk to these two men. You approached the top of the tank. Thankfully, due to the incident, the display had been put off again by a day or two so you wouldn't be interrupted by anyone. You crossed your legs and splashed the top of the water then waited for the blonde mop of wet hair to appear. You were about to give up when the boy slapped two webbed hands by your legs and pushed himself up and out of the water so he was directly in front of your face "What?" He snarled.
You flinched more out of surprise than anything from him suddenly appearing but you weren't that frightened of him anymore. You stared into his eyes, they were a pale blue and his pupils reminded you of a cat slitted pupils but the longer you stayed there and stared at him, they morphed back into the normal circular shape that you were used to seeing but they were dilated. "Why?" You responded to his question with another question.
He let out a series of squeaky noises which caused you to blink in utter confusion before he realized that you couldn't understand him. He sighed before trying again "You take me, my brother." He snapped, trying to remember the English he had learned from overhearing conversations.
You remembered Namjoon's earlier comment about the language barriers so you decided to simplify what you would say. "My friends and I, we didn't take you. That suit man took you. We don't want to see any creatures that don't deserve it in here. I...I am sorry that it happened to you two." You explained slowly to him.
He eyed you up for any hostility but saw none "My name is Y/N." You introduced. You wanted to get mad at him for hurting Tae but you couldn't blame him. He had been taken against his will and shoved into a small tank to be stared at.
He pushed himself cautiously up onto the concrete by you, so you turned to face him as his tail stayed in the water. "Jimin and Hoseok." He mumbled.
You smiled "Please know that my two friends and myself, we don't want to hurt you." You explained once more.
He nodded "Your friend had uh food? Could we?" He asked quietly feeling even more like an animal for having to ask.
You nodded "Taehyung will bring your food very regularly for you." You explained and brought the buckets from earlier closer to Jimin who tipped them into the tank and watched as the live fish swam around while the seaweed and other small things floated to the bottom. "We can add more live creatures if you enjoy hunting." You explained once more and Jimin just replied with a nod.
"I am sorry about, Taehyung? He apologized quietly while testing out Taehyung's name.
You nodded "He's fine, he got bitten by a seal once I'm sure he'll be fine." You joked lightly which caused Jimin to even smile.
He lifted his arm and pointed to some large scars "Shark." He said to you which caused you to take his arm gently in your hands as you examined the scars, he had never had a human touch him ever with such tenderness. "What kind?" You asked as your fingertips lightly traced over the marks which caused him to shudder slightly.
"Great white but he was just upset so I forgave him." He barely whispered to you because of how anxious he was off his language abilities.
You smiled at the sudden tenderness, "I've never seen one in person, don't think I want to." You chuckled.
He smiled feeling warmth in his body as he watched you. "My friend is uh me but a shark." He explained while gesturing to his tail.
The smile just wouldn't leave your face now, "I get it, maybe one day. I have to back now but I'll come back later." You stood up gently while Jimin dunked himself back into the water.
He waved at you so you waved back before heading towards the staffroom to see how Joon and Tae were doing since they had probably finished their cleaning duties. You were walking down the hallway with a stupid smile on your face. Jimin was truly kind when he opened up more than before. You were passing by your bosses office when you heard him talking and decided to eavesdrop on him. "Yes the buyers will be coming soon, I'm gonna charge double for both and then just go get some more." You heard him whisper. How much more blatant could he be.
You were so shocked, you nearly got caught by the asshole so you scurried into the staff room before he came out. You saw Joon and Tae eating their lunch, both lighting up when you walked in but dropped when they saw who was directly behind you. "Right, you three. The afternoon tour is a large class so Namjoon and Taehyung are in charge and Y/N....You can go clean the freaks outer glass before the display opens tomorrow." He ordered.
You all nodded. You sat down to eat but your boss refused to leave and just watched you so you ate quickly before hurrying to the tanks, grabbing the cleaning supplies on your way there. Your boss followed you the entire way. The area had been closed off to the public so everything could be perfect for the next day. You were super conscious about the eyes watching your every move but tried to forget it. "Yknow Y/N I think I'm a bit rough on you." His voice carried over to you.
You paused your cleaning briefly to take in what he said, expecting an apology but you were more invested at Jimin playing around inside the tank as he blew bubbles much like a dolphin would. But as much as he and Hoseok played with them you were sure Jimin knew you were there because he kept looking at you. Suddenly you felt a hot breath on the back of your neck which caused you to stiffen up "But I feel you like it a bit rough, am I right?" You swallowed hard at the disgusting statement.
He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, pushing you against the glass causing you to flinch in pain "Sir please don't." You breathed while moving your head so you didn't have to look at his disgusting face.
He chuckled before pressing closer to you "C'mon, don't be coy." He breathed into your ear.
Your eyes began to burn and that familiar pain in your throat from trying to hold back your sobs came rushing in. He roamed his hands over your body before the glass beside you shook loudly with a loud bang. You turned your eyes towards the sound to Jimin with his hands pressed against the glass, he pulled his fist back and punched it. Despite the water, it didn't slow down Jimin's fist which collided with the glass so violently the thick class cracked. His pupils were slits, his teeth were bared in an aggressive manner. As he clawed furiously at the glass the boss backed off, "I'm not dealing with you anymore you little shit." He spat at Jimin before turning on his heel and leaving you to slide down the glass. Jimin swam to where you were, his demeanor softened as he lightly knocked on the glass to catch your attention.
You turned to face him forcing yourself to smile and pressed an open palm to the cool glass "Thank you." You said to him.
He nodded watching as you got up to tell maintenance about the crack before quietly heading to the staff room, ready to go home at this point. You bumped into Taehyung and Joon who were also ready to go home. One of them usually walked you home or sometimes both but you just wanted to be alone. Taehyung was tired from the long day so left you and Joon alone. Since Namjoon could tell something was wrong with you he wouldn't let you leave his home. You explained everything to him and began to break down as you talked, he was quick to wrap his long arms around you. "Hey, Hey it's okay, this won't go unnoticed." He comforted but you had cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
When you had awoken Namjoon was still holding you carefully in his lap "Joon?" You asked tiredly.
He looked down at you and blushed at seeing you were awake "Oh Y/N, Hey, you fell asleep so I just thought I'd uh well I thought you would be more comfortable uh let's get you home." He rambled while lifting you onto your feet.
He had begun to walk away when you grabbed his wrist to stop him before pulling him into your arms, hugging him tightly. He smiled brightly and hugged you back "Cmon I'll piggyback you home." He whispered then lifted you onto his back and carried you home.
You went straight to bed and Namjoon slept on the couch with no arguments. When you woke up you were calm, as it was your day off, so you felt like you could relax. When you got up to look in the mirror you weren't surprised by your puffy, red face. You could remember the previous day vividly and it haunted you but Jimin's soft face popped into your mind and you felt at peace once more.
The smell of coffee and breakfast drew your attention away from the mirror so you headed downstairs to see Namjoon making some breakfast. "Joon I love you but please don't burn my house down." You joked playfully.
His eyes snapped up to yours as he processed what you said. Did you love him? He was going to say something before he had to mentally slap himself to remember that you probably saw him as nothing more than a friend. He forced a smile on his face "It wasn't anything that I haven't made before, don't worry." He joked back.
You smiled and sat down at the island counter, you ate the food he gave you quite happily. You remembered what happened yesterday, "Joonie we can't let Mr. Natsume take them." You stated firmly.
He leaned against the counter sipping on his coffee. “I know, its easy enough to do, we just have to get the gate open and they could literally swim out but the gate is password protected not to mention got a heavy lock on it to keep it shut." He explained while you listened intently.
You nodded "Yeah and only Mr. Natsume has it and he's in his office 24/7. We’d never be able to get it off him." You grumbled.
Namjoon thought on this for a while as he sipped his drink and while you ate. "Well, the park is closed today right? Why don't we go today? We could try at least." He offered.
"I think we should also go check out the gate today by the beach," You brought up, "If we can't get any of the keys I say we try to break it open also the Boss says that there are more merpeople maybe they can help." You mentioned.
Namjoon nodded "Let's eat and then let's get onto it." He declared and you nodded once more as you both ate in silence.
It was overcast when you got to the empty park, even if it had been open you doubted anyone would have come. You entered the park to surprise surprise see Taehyung feeding the animals "Taehyung are you serious? Do you sleep here?" Namjoon spoke up to the young man.
Taehyung laughed and paid you two no mind "Say's you two, the park is closed whatcha doing here?" He asked while approaching you both.
"We want to let the merpeople go, so we are gonna try to get the gate open." You explained
Taehyung's eyes opened wide as he shook his head, “Wouldn't risk it, not today at least. There's a bunch of businessmen around the tank." Taehyung insisted.
You grumbled, “Looks like we are going to the beach first, Taehyung come with us we are going to look for Jimin's friends," You spoke before concluding, “Then we get that fucking code." Taehyung's eyes squinted at you "Cmon language." You found yourself laughing as you rolled your eyes at his statement.
The three of you headed to the beach where the rock formation led to the gate. The water was particularly rough so you all had to be careful but when you slipped your ankle got cut on a jagged rock which caused you to wince as blood dripped down into the water. Taehyung grabbed your upper arm and held onto you. “Y/N Look out!" Namjoon yelled.
You looked at Namjoon as a pale webbed hand grabbed your bleeding ankle. You slipped on your ass as you saw the other arm shoot out of the water and onto the rock. Suddenly a face rose out of the water and you nearly screamed at the toothy grin that was connected to the face.
Jimin's smile flooded your memory as the memory of him watching you. "My friend is uh me but a shark." He had explained while gesturing to his tail.
You never got his name but when you saw the dorsal fin this was hopefully who Jimin was talking about. He had a long row of sharpened teeth that were inching towards your legs, "I know Jimin! Please don't!" You yelled out as you felt the teeth scratch your leg as Taehyung and Namjoon watched on pure shock and horror.
His pitch black eyes met yours "Jimin." He snarled, "Where?" He pulled himself out of the water and slowly onto your body to further intimidate you.
"In there." You pointed behind you as Yoongi hovered over you.
Yoongi looked where you were pointing "Bring now." He replied.
"We can't but we are trying and we need your help." Namjoon finally spoke up flinching when he was met with the shark's black eyes.
Yoongi tilted his head as he tried to contain his anger "The gate separates us from them so we need to get it open." Namjoon explained.
Yoongi looked at the gate and slowly slid back off your body and into the water where you saw two more faces appear.
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amymmiv · 4 years
Todoroki x reader
Cream and Sugar. Chapter one.
A Todoroki Cafe AU Fanfiction
Chapter one- Strawberry Blonde
The coffee shop wasn't very busy today, just the usual humdrum of the people coming into the shop and enjoying the smell of coffee. The sound of the door opening breaks me from my thoughts and I look up to see a familiar face, a girl with short brown hair and fair skin that is dusted with pink.
“Oh, Hi Uraraka. It's good to see you in the shop again. Did you bring Deku with you today?” I ask. Uraraka and Deku were regulars in our shop, they even got together in our shop.
“Yeah! He will just be a minute. It smells good in here and you're just as cute today as you always are.” Uraraka smiles at me.
“And you're just as sweet as always.” I remark back. “What can i get you today?”
“ Hm, I think today I will try the caramel frappuccino and Deku will have a Vanilla iced coffee!” She says.
“I will have that right out for you.” I say as I nod my head. I begin to make their coffee as I watch Deku finally walk into the shop and take Urarakas hand as they take their seats on the couches in our cafe.
I finish up their drinks and doodle little animals on the side of their cups before calling out Urarakas name and handing her her drinks. She takes them and begins to head back to Deku before turning back around.
“I totally forgot!” She says. “I recommended this cafe to a friend! I love it so much and he likes quiet places so I went ahead and told him about this place.” She says before giving me a wink and quickly going back to where Deku was sitting to continue their date. I chuckle to myself before turning and continuing my work.
The day finishes with nothing eventful to note.
“Hey, Y/N! Do you mind closing down the cafe tonight? I have somewhere to be today!” My manager begs.
“Yeah! Of course!” I say.
“Oh my gosh, you're amazing!” She says before rushing out quickly. I giggle as I watch her leave before beginning to clean the cafe up.
I heave a sigh of relief as I look out at the clean cafe before me, I smile at my work and gather up my stuff and the keys to the cafe before leaving and locking up the shop on my way out.
“Shoot! I forgot I walked to work today.” I mumble to myself. “I guess it will be fine if I walk home.” I turned and looked worriedly around at my surroundings before biting my lip and began to walk towards the direction of my house. I could periodically hear the sound of yelling from an area I couldn't quite make out. In my town, this was common at night but typically the pros took care of it quickly. I begin to walk faster, desperate to get to my apartment before anything too eventful could happen. I can see periodic fire and ice popping up in the distance and my nerves were put to rest with the thought that the pros were already on it.
I arrive at my apartment and quickly enter it as I breathe a sigh mixed with relief and exhaustion before plopping down on my couch.
The tranquility didn't last long because my cat decided to wail, alerting me that she was hungry. I pull myself off of my couch and feed her before changing into a tank top and short shorts and drifting off to sleep.
Todoroki’s POV-
“Great job Todoroki.” Ochaco says as I hand over the villain to the police.
“Thanks.” I reply.
“So, do you plan on going to the cafe I recommended to you? There is a cute girl who works there and she's single.” Ochaco notes.
“Thanks, but i have no interest in a relationship.” I state blandly.
“Aw, are you sure?” She continues.
“Yes. I am going to go ahead and head home. Do you guys have the rest of this?” I ask
“Yeah, thanks for the help!” Deku says before waving at me as I leave.
I arrive at my apartment and waste no time getting out of my hero costume and into sweat pants and a plain white T shirt before crawling into bed.
“What a day.” I mumble as I stare at the ceiling before rolling over and drifting off to sleep.
I am awoken to the sound of my phone ringing and sunlight shining through my open windows. I peer at the time. 7:00. I look down at my phone and read the name sliding across my phone screen and scowl.
Dad is calling!
I roll my eyes and despite not wanting to pick up the phone, I do anyway.
“What do you want?” I sneer.
“Shoto…” He says, I can hear the sadness in his voice and my face drops.
“What's wrong?” I say quickly.
“It's your mother.” He says “She passed away this morning.”
“What's the cause.” I say harshly.
“We don't know.” He says solemnly
I immediately hang up the phone and get up and pace around the room angrily. A shout erupts from my mouth as I collapse on the floor. I can feel hot tears run down my face and quickly wipe them away. I lay there for a while cursing my dad because I know this is all his fault, if he hadnt put her in that stupid hospitol she owuld be fine and I would be able to call her and talk to her. This is all his fault. I know it is. I hate him. I can hear my phone ring and I pull myself off of the floor and walk over to it.
Fuyumi is calling!
I take a quick breath and will my voice to stop shaking before picking up the phone.
“Hey Fuyumi.” I say quietly. I can hear the sniffles on the other side of the phone and I can feel the anger rise to my face again.
“Shoto..” she starts before choking out another sob.
“I know, it's going to be ok.” I assure her.
“Make sure you get some rest and I'll stop by later to check on you.” I say.
“Okay.” She says in between her cries.
I hang up the phone and the anger comes crashing back and I quickly get dressed and shove my phone in my pocket before quickly leaving my apartment and closing the door behind me.
I walk in attempts to blow off some steam. I have no idea where I'm going, I just walk. I walk until I eventually stumble across a small cafe.
This is the cafe that Ochaco told me about. I heave a heavy sigh before entering the cafe.
Readers POV
I can hear the sound of the door opening and peer at the person entering, he was a tall guy with half red and half white hair that ran down to his mid back he also had a scar over his left eye he was wearing a thin black turtleneck shirt and a simple pair of jeans, however what really caught my eye was his clenched fist and how angry he seemed.
“What can I get you today?” I say as I beam at him.
“One black coffee.” He says harshly. The tone in his voice confirms my earlier deduction.
“Name?” I ask.
“Shoto.” He states blandly as he gives me a harsh glare as if I should have already known this.
“I'll have that right out for you.” I say, keeping my cheery tone.
I watch as he quietly goes and takes a seat in the corner of the cafe and watches the bustle of the streets outside of the cafe.
I turn to my coworker and ask if I can make this coffee to which she agreed. I quickly begin making his coffee and finish up by writing his name on the cup and doodling a quick sun with a smiley face.
“Shoto!” I call and he turns to look at me before getting out of his chair and trudging over to where I'm at and I hand him his coffee, he inspects the doodle on the cup before raising his eyebrow at me in a questionable look. I can quickly feel the blush come to my face in realization that I had doodled on his cup without thinking.
“Oh shoot, i'm- im sorry. I normally doodle on the cups and most customers like it so i kept doing it but i forgot to ask you if that was ok.” I stutter. Shoto cracks a smile and chuckles and for the first time I had actually fully inspected him up close, he was cute and his smile was so genuine.
“That's ok, it's cute. I like it.” He says before turning around and taking his coffee to the table he was previously sitting at. I watched him for a little, it wasn't long before the angry look had come back to his face. He would periodically look at his phone and grit his teeth in anger before looking back out the window. I looked over at my manager and got permission to go on break a little early.
I quickly hang my apron back up in the back and go back out to the cafe and approach Shoto.
“Do- Do you mind if i sit here with you?” I ask, mentally cursing myself for stuttering. He gives me a confused look before nodding his head and I take a seat across from him. We sit in an awkward silence for a moment before I break it.
“I noticed you were angry.” I say quietly. He looks at me with a piercing gaze before nodding his head.
“It's nothing to be concerned about.” He says flatly.
“Oh. Well, if you wanna talk about it, i'm open? I know this is strange coming from a complete stranger.” I say. I gave him an awkward smile, this was a bad idea. I don't even know what i'm doing. Shoto sighs and steals a quick glance out the window before turning back to me.
“I'm not having a good day,” He says.
“I'm so sorry to hear that.” I say as I give him a sympathetic look. “Oh! I have an idea, how about I tell you a joke?” Todoroki gives me an amused look at my childish behavior.
“Hm, how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?” I say with a bright smile on my face.
“How many?” He asks.
“Tentacles!” I say as I giggle at my own joke. I can see him struggling to hold back laughter, he eventually gives in and releases a chuckle before looking back up at me.
“That was so bad.” He says as he smiles at me in amusement, to which makes me feel good and I smile in victory.
“Does that mean you want another joke?” I ask.
“Not at all.” He says playfully.
“Well that's too bad.” I reply stubbornly. “What did the fish say when he ran into a wall?”
“What?” He says
“Dam.” I reply before bursting out in laughter. Shoto does the same.
Todorokis POV
This girl was something else, she had a really bright smile and she was surprisingly pretty. We sat and talked to each other for 30 more minutes before she peeks at her watch.
“Oh crap, my break is almost over.” She says. I wasn't ready to face the world again but I knew it was about time I did.
“Um, can I give you my number so that maybe next time you're not having a good day, maybe we can hang out?” She says as she twiddles her thumbs. I give her a soft smile.
“Yeah, I would like that.” I say as i hand her my phone, she quickly types in her number before sending a quick text to herself.
“There! Now I have your number.” She states proudly. “I have to go back to work now, text me if you want to, or call me, I will do my best to pick up.” She says before giving me a small wave and retreating behind the counter. I think I like it here.
I heave a sigh and gather my things as I head out the door, reality all came crashing back down to me. The reality that had disappeared when I had talked to the girl from the cafe. My mom was gone and it's all my dad's fault.
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notsoguiltykpop · 7 years
Fish Out of Water pt6
Humans are weird, and when you get the chance to get to know one and understand them better, you take it. But there are rules about interfering with human affairs, and breaking them might come at a higher price than you were willing to pay.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Reader x Yoongi
Mermaid Au
Fluff, humor, maybe some angst? Not much though.
Warning: This chapter contains partial nudity. It isn’t really a big deal, but thought I should warn you.
Had someone warned Yoongi two weeks ago that he would soon fall for a mermaid, he would have laughed for several reasons;
1. Mermaids were fictional.
2. Even if they were real, why would one talk to him?
3. What would he have in common with a mermaid anyway? Probably nothing, so it would never work out.
Even now the thought was preposterous, but there was no doubt in Yoongi’s mind. You were very real, and he was falling head over heals for you.
There was something about the care-free way you walked, the wonder in your eyes, the way you smiled at him, and the way you believed in the goodness in people that made him feel like his heart might just stop.  
He wished he could tell you how he felt and get it over with, then he would know if you felt the same--though, he had no idea what he would do if you did; Could humans and mermaids date? But he felt that telling you would just further complicate your already complicated life, which was something you didn’t need right now. 
“Earth to Yoongi.” Jimins hand waved in front of Yoongi face impatiently. “Hellooo, is anyone there?” 
Yoongi swatted Jimins hand away, frowning at his friend. “Alright, sorry. Stop.” 
Jimin folded his arms. “You’ve been staring into that glass for the last ten minutes. Minah was starting to think you’d gone catatonic.” 
Yoongi had remembered to come into work that day, and while he knew he should be making it up to his coworkers for disappearing the day before, he was having a hard time focusing. His mind kept wondering back to you--did you eat lunch? Jungkook had the day off, was he being nice to you? Were you bored? You told Yoongi that morning that you were going to try to talk to your father today, had you heard back? How would you hear back? He was fairly sure mermaids didn’t have home phones.
“You’re doing it again.” Jimin sighed. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“I’m fine. I just... Need some air. I’m going to take my break early, okay?” 
“You haven’t done anything though!” Minah called after him, but he was already heading for the door. He knew he was being unprofessional, but he needed a moment to clear his mind.
Why humans kept food alive in a tank to save for later, you had no idea. You wondered briefly if perhaps they were hoping for the fish to grow so they would have more to eat, but it still didn’t make any sense.
“His name is Harvey.” Jungkook said as you tapped on the glass experimentally. “Seokjin has had him for years. Like, since he was a kid, which makes that fish ancient.”
Naming food was never a good idea, but you figured it didn’t really matter. Seokjin was nice, and really good at cooking, so you didn’t mind if he was a little odd at times.
“Oh.” You watched the fish swim back and forth, staring at you with its big round eyes.
“Do you like fish?” He asked, and you glanced up at him. He had promised that he’d buy you ice cream if you beat him at the video game he taught you how to play, and you had won five times in a row. You decided that Jungkook owed you much more than ice cream, but weren’t sure what yet.
“Yes.” You said thoughtfully, turning your attention back to Harvey.
“Have you ever been to the aquarium?” Jungkook asked. In all honesty, he didn’t know what to make of you, but he knew he didn’t mind your company. Not to mention, if you were a friend of Yoongi’s, you couldn’t be so bad. Jimin had made it clear that he thought otherwise, but he was known to be a little paranoid. 
“No, what’s that?” You stood, your eyes still fixed on the fish. You were hungry, but figured it wouldn’t be very nice if you ate the snack Seokjin had been saving since he was a kid. 
“It’s where they keep fish for people to look at.” Jungkook explained. “There’re all kinds of sea creatures--even sharks. They have this one glass tunnel you can walk through, surrounded by water and fish... It’s almost like being under water with them.” 
“Huh.” You thought about it for a moment. “Wouldn’t watching them just make you hungry?” 
Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. “You’re a little strange, you know that?” 
“So are you.” You shrugged. You had wasted enough time that day already, you needed to eat and then try to contact your father--though how you were going to do that, you still weren’t sure. 
“Seokjin just texted that he’s picking up food on his way home--do you want anything? I’ll pay.” 
“Soup.” You said thoughtfully. It was something you knew you’d miss once you returned to the ocean, so you wanted to enjoy it as much as you could while you still had the chance. 
“You’re acting like you’ve lost your mind.” Jimin had followed Yoongi under the pier, where the older boy sat in the sand with a sigh.
“Maybe I have.” Yoongi muttered. He didn’t seem to care that his uniform was getting covered in sand, that it would get in his shoes and socks and chafe all day. “Or maybe not. Does it matter?”
“You’re not making sense--you haven’t made sense for two weeks, Yoongi.”
But Yoongi was only half listening, his eyes following something shiny floating in the water. He wasn’t sure why he was sitting there really--maybe he was looking for answers, or maybe he just really liked the ocean. 
“All you’ve talked about, thought about, or cared about is this girl who showed up out of nowhere. Maybe it isn’t my business. But as your friend, I’m asking you to reevaluate your priorities.”
“Priorities...” Yoongi murmured, letting out a small laugh. “There is so much more to this situation than you have any idea, Jimin.”
“You could tell me, then.” Jimin sat next to Yoongi, kicking up sand as he did so. “You could tell me what’s really going on. You could trust me.” 
Yoongi nodded slowly. “How about you try trusting me, first?” 
“Seokjin.” Jungkook yelled up the stairs. There was confusion in his voice, as well as a little panic.
“What?” Seokjin yelled back. “Why do you always wait until I’m in the middle of something to ask me questions?” 
“Just. Come here.” 
Seokjin was not at all happy when he walked down the stairs, a rag in one hand and cleaner in the other. “I was in the middle of cleaning the shower--not that you’d know anything about that--so this better be good.”
Jungkook just pointed to where you sat on the couch reading a book. At first, Seokjin didn’t see the problem. When he did, he shoved Jungkook around to face the other way. “Quit looking, pervert.” 
“I don’t think she minds.” Jungkook said, though his cheeks were bright red. “She spilled soup on Yoongi’s sweatshirt so she just... Took it off.” He shrugged. 
“Okay.” Seokjin said slowly. “Okay. I’ll talk to her. You... Go in the kitchen or something.”
Seokjin walked around the couch, sitting down on the coffee table in front of you. He was very purposefully not looking, and the book you were holding covered most of your top anyway.
“Hey...” He said, and you looked up from your book. 
“Hi.” You blinked. 
“What were you and Jungkook yelling about, you’re so noisy...” Taehyung walked into the living room, a mug of tea in his hand.
“Taehyung--” But Seokjin’s attempt at warning him was too late. He chocked on his tea before quickly trying to compose himself. 
“Did I miss something?” He asked after a second. 
“Out.” Seokjin pointed to the door before standing, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch, and dropping it around your shoulders. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, your eyes suddenly full of concern. “Did I do something?” 
“No! No.” Seokjing tried to think of how to explain this to you, since you clearly had no idea what was going on. “Where you’re from... Do you not wear tops?” 
You shrugged. “It’s optional. Like wearing jewelry.” 
“Okay.” Seokjin really needed to think of something to say other than just ‘okay’. “Here it’s more of a... Social norm to wear one?” 
“Why?” You asked, your head tilting to the side, and the blanket falling slightly off one of your shoulders. 
“Because... I don’t know.” Seokjin shrugged. “Why don’t you ask Yoongi when he gets home. For now, lets find you a shirt.” 
You followed Seokjin up the stairs, past Yoongi’s and all the other boys rooms, and up a small, narrow fight of stairs to the attic. 
“I don’t know why I didn’t think of it until now.” He said as you followed him, making sure to keep the blanket around your shoulders. Human dress customs were weird, and pointless, but you supposed you should try to fit in as best you could--not to mention, Jungkook looked like he was going to die, and the last thing you wanted was to accidentally kill Yoongi’s friend. “My aunt kept everything my cousin ever wore, and she’s about your height so something in here should fit.” Seokjin pulled out a box, brushing off the dust from the top. 
“I’m sorry.” You said suddenly. “I didn’t mean to make anyone uncomfortable, I just--” 
“Don’t be sorry.” Seokjin cut in quickly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it should be Taehyung and Jungkook apologizing for being pervs.” He pulled a light blue cotton dress from the box as he spoke. “This should fit.” He held it out to you. “And you’re welcome to anything else up here--it’s just going to rot sitting there, it might as well be used.” He gave you a smile before heading back to the stairs. 
The beach was practically empty when you finally made your way to it--which was part of the reason you waited so late in the day. You didn’t want people to ask questions about why you were talking to the water.
The dress Seokjin gave you fit nicely you thought, and gave you a lot more freedom to move than Yoongi’s over-sized shorts and sweatshirts--not to mention, it was a lot cooler. 
You half slid down the dunes to the shore, walking out to the waters edge, careful not to get your new shoes wet. 
“All right.” You said, hands on hips. “You’ve had some time to calm down, lets talk.” You knew your father was listening--he had to be. But there was no response, and you sighed. “You made your point. I get it. Now when can I get my tail back?” Still nothing. 
You rolled your eyes. “Right, the silent treatment is sooo mature, dad. Very Sea-King of you.” You tried not to panic. This was fine. He was just taking a while to decide what he wanted to say, that was all. 
Then you saw it. A glass bottle, buried in the sand. “Please be what I think you are...” You said to yourself as you made your way over to it, pulling it out of the sand without too much difficulty. Sure enough, there was a message inside, and you uncorked it quickly. But when you emptied the contents into your hand, you also realized that your mother’s necklace was in it. 
“Not a good sign...” You thought, but tried to stay positive as you unfolded the note.
“Dear cousin,
I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I had no idea he would take your tail--I never would have told him if I thought he’d go that far. I know there is no way for me to make this up to you, but I thought you might want your mother’s necklace. It always used to cheer you up when you were little.
I am so sorry,
You looked at it for a long time before looking up at the sky. This wasn’t good. Wonho wouldn’t have dared mess with your stuff if he thought you were going to be back in a week, which meant your father was still mad. Slowly, the fact that you really might really be stuck on land for an entire year sunk in, and you gripped your mothers necklace tighter. 
You weren’t alone, you reminded yourself. You had Yoongi.
The restaurant on the pier was packed when you walked in, people pushing and shoving to get inside, and then complaining loudly that there wasn’t a table. 
“Table for one or two?” A girl asked you, holding a pen and paper. “There’s a wait, but I’ll put your name down--”
“I’m not here to eat.” You said quickly. Really, you weren’t sure why you were there. You knew Yoongi was working, and there wasn’t anything he could do to help you right then anyway. But you weren’t quite ready to go back to the house just yet, either. 
“For the bar?” The girl asked, and you shook your head. “Sorry, but why are you here, then?” 
“I uh...” You glanced around, seeing a glimpse of Yoongi behind the bar. “I’m here to see Yoongi, on his break. But don’t tell him I’m here.” 
The girl shrugged. “Alright, but it’s going to be a while until he gets a break at this rate.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, not wanting to hold up the waitress any longer, but asking anyway.
“She means we’re slammed, and we’re all going to be lucky if any of us get a break before close.” Jimin said as he passed by. The hostility that you had noticed the previous day seemed to have dissipated somewhat, though you had no idea why. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You asked, but the girl disappeared as you spoke. She walked over to a counter where someone had just put a plate, yelling “TABLE FIVE!” at the top of his lungs. You watched as the servers brought plates to various tables, seeing that Jimin was right--they were packed, and there weren’t nearly enough servers working. 
As you watched, Jimin tripped. It was something that was bound to happen as packed as the whole place was. But food went flying, and customers started yelling.
Figuring you didn’t have anything better to do, you walked over to the counter with the man who was yelling table numbers. “Where does this one go?” You pointed to a plate, and the man gave you a look. 
“Table nine.” He said, turning away once more. 
“Where’s table nine?” You asked the girl from before, nearly running into her as she reached for a plate beside you. You finally noticed her name tag--Minah.
“There.” Minah pointed, looking confused, but also like she wasn’t going to argue. 
“Thanks.” You called over your shoulder as you carried the plate over. 
“I’ve been waiting for my lemonade.” A man complained as you set the plate in front of him. 
“I’ll be right back with it.” You smiled. 
The night carried on like this, with you finding ways to help and before long, Jimin and Minah were both instructing you on what they needed done, and the other three servers were too busy to notice. 
Finally, at twelve thirty in the morning, a half hour after the restaurant was supposed to close, the customers had cleared out enough for everyone to sit down. Jimin collapsed into a booth, waving you over as he counted out money. 
“I know I shouldn’t have gotten involved, but--” You stopped when Jimin held out a stack of green paper. “What’s that for?” You asked. 
“It’s your cut of the tips. Thanks for helping out. It was a little weird, but I’m not going to complain.” 
“Keep it.” You shook your head, pushing his hand away gently. 
“My god my feet hurt.” Yoongi grumbled, walking over to where Jimin sat. He did a double take when he saw you, his eyes widening. “What are you doing here?” He asked in bewilderment. 
“Saving our butts from getting yelled at all night.” Minah said, walking over. “You should give her a job, Min.” 
Yoongi looked from you, to Jimin, and back to you. “I’m confused.” 
“I’ll explain on the way home.” Jimin said as he stood. “I’m exhausted.”
You walked in silence as Jimin explained that you helped, and also pushed for Yoongi to hire you. You didn’t see what the big deal was--under the sea, you helped if someone needed it, but on land, it seemed that wasn’t done very often. 
“Wait, what were you doing there in the first place though?” Yoongi asked you. “And where’d you get the dress?” 
You sighed. “I was avoiding the house. Every time Jungkook looks at me, he goes all red Seokjin scolds him.” 
Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks. “Wait, why?” He asked, and Jimin looked between the two of you briefly before shaking his head. 
“I’m going to walk ahead, you can catch up.” He said, though Yoongi wasn’t really listening. 
“How was I supposed to know humans can’t walk around topless?” You asked, walking past Yoongi down the sidewalk. “It’s not like it makes any sense.”
“Topless?” Yoongi echoed. 
“I spilled stuff on your sweatshirt. And it was too hot anyway.” You explained. Yoongi could only hope that it was just Jungkook who had been in the house at the time, but he had no such luck. “Jungkook and Taehyung kind of freaked out, so Seokjin found this dress in the attic. It’s pretty, right?” 
You did a little spin, and Yoongi suddenly couldn’t help his smile. “Everything looks pretty on you.” He said. He was going to have a very long talk with Taehyung, Jungkook and Seokjin when he got home, but for now, he decided not to worry about it. 
You took his hand in yours, pulling on it to make him walk faster. “Hurry up, Jimin said there was ice cream in the freezer. He’s going to eat it all!” 
A/N Omg it’s been a while! Was this too lame? Probably. But I don’t care, I felt like writing extremely fluffy fluff. Thank you for reading! I should be back soon <3 Let me know what you think! <3 <3 <3
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thestaticghost · 7 years
((I am sorry, I must vent about this shitty roommate. I tried not to, but I am frustrated.))
So, I’m gone for an entire fucking month, right? One whole month for my roommate to take care of the apartment and the animals. Should be fairly easy, especially since he got a vacuum and there are my cleaning supplies under the sink. And because the most high maintenance pet I have is Chase, who is a dog. He’s had a dog before. This one is smaller.
Nope. I come home a minute before he does and the AC is out. He claims it went out while he was at work, but I have a tough time believing him because of all the fans around and because of how long he let his toilet go without being fixed (I yelled at him when he started using my toilet and my toilet paper, but it was like a month). Okay, fine whatever. There’s a dead plant in the windowsill, with dirt all over and a random (empty) dog poop bag? Uh...okay. At least my plant Steve is alive. 
Dining room table has a box for a bulb and a pizza box on it. I ask him if it’s the same pizza box from before I left. IT IS. He fucking set it aside and put it back out, as a joke. Meaning there was an ant lure in the apartment for a full month. Plus Chase has shit in the living room, making me think he didn’t take him out this morning because he always poops in the AM. Oh and Chase is greasy. Even though I said to give him a bath. Okay, great. It’s not like I’m paying you out of my currently tight budget to have taken care of my dog.
Roommate leaves at this point, having been home for a total of ten minutes, and I hang out, not unpacking because the maintenance guy is coming to look at the AC. While dude does his thing, I go to get a drink. The calendar has the month erased but not the days. The koolaid pitcher is out, clearly cleaned, and there are some dishes piled up in the sink. Okay, weird. I touch the fridge. THE HANDLE IS GREASY. I open the fridge. THERE IS FOOD ALL OVER THE SHELVES. Also, there’s like nothing to drink. The water pitcher is almost empty, even though you’re supposed to refill it every time you use it. I assume for half a second he ran out of koolaid and didn’t bother getting more because grocery shopping is not his strong suite. Nope, there’s koolaid. Looks like he’s used exactly none of it since I left. And the pitcher is empty, though refilling it is another rule key to keeping the system going smoothly.
The countertops are greasy, with dried spots of what looks like bean juice on both sides of the kitchen. There is dirt around my fish tank, showing he didn’t move anything when he “cleaned”. The top of the trashcan is disgusting. The sink, what I can see of it, is dirty. The top of the microwave is dusty, the inside plate is disgusting, and it looks like a power surge hit it and he never bothered fixing the time. And there’s little shot jars of whiskey with residue in the bottom of them. Is he seriously trying to get ants?
Maintenance guy leaves. My digestive system is shot after a month of fast food, so I go to the bathroom. Shower curtain is spread, so there’s a positive. I decide to peek inside, thinking of showering. The bottom of the shower is dirty and there’s orange buildup from soap residue growing bacteria. Great. There’s only one bathroom with a tub, so I know he’s been using mine. Oh, and there’s a dead moth and spider on my sink. 
There is now dirt on the carpet, but I can’t remember if that was there when I first got in or if it was tracked in. In my bedroom, whom only my dog should’ve been in for more than five minutes, there’s this random slice of wood on the floor, but other than my mess from using shit and moving back in, it looks decent.
At this point, I’ve already messaged roommate, and he’s all “well obviously I missed some spots so what’s up” like the entire apartment isn’t a missed spot. He claims he’ll clean when he gets home, and I linger, determined to get my drink before I go and start unpacking or cleaning. IDK what to start with. But where’s my boner cup? I stuck it in the dishwasher before I left, and it’s been a literal month. He must’ve done the dishes at this point.
Oh and did I mention he didn’t know where any of my cleaning supplies were? I asked about paper towels and wet wipes. We’re out and he gave me a shrug emoji, saying his borrowed baby wipes from his mom. Did he wipe the apartment down with fucking baby wipes? I have yet to ask, dreading the answer. I don’t even use my cleaning wipes for more than quick fixes or touch ups that I don’t want to waste the time filling the sink for.
It’s in the dishwasher. He ran the dishes before he left for work. So either he’s not done dishes for an entire month, in which case how, or he’s let someone use my boner cup. Which for some reason is the final straw. He already uses my rainbow cup, having basically claimed it for himself, but fine, whatever. He doesn’t have that many cups, so he can borrow one of my favorites. But the boner cup is mine. It’s tantamount to someone using any of my vampire dishware without asking. Oh, and I found the burnt out reptile bulb from earlier, sitting on top of a menagerie of supplies I have yet to sort through on top of my dog kennel.
So I just leave. I take Chase and I go to work to buy the kitten some wet food and cool off. Vent to my mom and a coworker, get my new schedule (I’m opening all the time now boo I hate opening we open at 7 fucking AM). Once my chill is back, I go and unpack. I take my shoes off and while transporting some stuff to the kitchen discover the floor is just as disgusting. What the absolute hell.
Decide I won’t clean, see if he lives up to his word. Pass out around 7 because I don’t sleep in hotels well, wake up at 8:30 to see a message from roommate’s mom about the kitten I’m adopting and how I’m apparently getting her tonight? No. Once again, roommate fails to communicate jack with me.
What’s funny is if I stay in Huntsville past the end of this lease and me finishing training (I may transfer to a salon who actually follows policy if I feel here isn’t working out and I don’t want to finish my degree), I was thinking of saving up to buy a house in the next three years. And, he’s gonna still need to rent and stuff, so I had been thinking of offering to rent out a room to him if he didn’t have a place to go. He doesn’t know this, obviously, because I decided to keep the thoughts to myself until closer to time. But this sort of shit has me second guessing myself. I’m not the cleanest person, but this is seriously a dealbreaker before he even realizes it. As it stands, when the lease is up for renewal in April, I may be able to afford an apartment of my own, and if things don’t improve at least a little, I may leave him to dry and get my own place.
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