#I didn't even like. Color this one I am brain empty today
kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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I accidentally named these files Sky X Family which I think it fitting for a Self Insert that’s dumb as hell.
Lil’ info:
Works in spy inelegance, just a rank or so above Franky
Also works in a library as a cover
Exclusively calls Franky “Franklin” to his annoyance
Has been in love with Franky for years and very blatantly says so, but Franky thinks he’s just trying to be annoying and doesn’t ever take it seriously
Franky thinks of him as a little brother (they have the same-ish age gap as Yor and Yuri)
Was a massive crybaby when he was younger, has sense becomes rather unemotive
Constantly catches Franky off guard with a kiss, followed by “You owe me a soda”. Franky thinks he just doesn’t understand how the Jinx game works and gets mad about it every time
The first time Anya tried to read his mind there was literally nothing to read, leading her to the conclusion he’s an idiot (she’s right)
She calls him Stupid Head, to match Franky’s “Scruffy Head” nickname, though she gets scolded for it every time (not by me tho)
Because of his blunt nature and inability to lie, Franky usually has to cover for him when it comes to their spy work
He tends to stumble into information which annoys Franky to no end
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kokushibouthings · 1 year
It was his birthday, so you felt like giving him a present today...
Content: tomura shigaraki smut, sexual themes/adultery performances.
Side note: I think I'm getting the hang of tumblr...?? A little I guess.
You have not had a single idea pop up in your empty, slow processing brain what to give your villain crusty skinned boyfriend as a birthday gift at all. Its hard asking the LOV members since all of them are doing some weird shit or always say, they're busy... Toga recommended a new hoodie or a pair of new red shoes.
But you gave up and just asked the public since you have quite a few followers on this app everhell..
It is pretty easy to gain followers there.
Anyways you write a question asking what you should gift your boyfriend on his birthday. Just after a few minutes there are already loads of comments...
-------: "maybe a game or something lol, alot of boys like that."
----------: "How about sneakers? Maybe even airforce shoes."
------: "Cologne perhaps."
The very same recommendations keep repeating over and over... And it was too quite bland for your taste, you feel like every single of their recommendation is wrong but you don't even know either what's the right gift anyway.
Until... A very recent comment pops up.
-------------: "maybe yourself. romance is needed these days lol."
Isn't that dabis acco ...– oh whatever. Doesn't matter. This recommendation sounds...
Oddly right? ...But how would I even be able to do that? It feels humiliating whenever I think of it...
I have a flat chest and only my thighs are the best part of me... Wait what?
why am I thinking about that type of romance... Well maybe shigaraki would like it? I suddenly feel like cringing.
But would he...?
Might as well find out.
You get ready to head out, borrowing one of shigarakis black hoodie...without him knowing.
His hoodie fits oddly almost perfectly on you.
Lifting up your hood, and going down the stairs.
There are quite a lot of people down stairs..
You make your way outside trying to remember where that shop is for lingerine and socks.
You arrive at the place.
And god it is fancy and there are a hell lot of stuff outside... You didn't even bother asking about shigarakis favorite color beforehand.
Yes... You don't know his favorite color. Is it that shocking? Its not like he'd even try telling you,
You decide to go with black and red.
you look for some stuff for...a few hours.
Youre finally back... And its almost night time too.
Finally youve made it up the stairs as well.
Heading up to your room tiredly.
You also decided to buy a Nintendo switch for him figuring he would like it.
Twisting the door knob open to see shigaraki on your bed, reading a book..
"Uhm...shigaraki, why are you in my room?" He notices you, turning his head and dropping his book on the bed sitting up.
"Where have you been?" He asked. "..uh. Buying something for you." You knew he would ask this.
"Let me see." He stood up, and noticed the hoodie on you...
"Is that my hoodie? I've been wondering where that one went. I thought one of the LOV members stole it so I punished them all since none of them confessed at all..."
You froze, with the nintendo in your hand handing it to him... "What's in that other bag?" He turns his eyes to it, nervously hiding it behind your back..
"Cmon let me see." He keeps turning his head side to side but you just keep covering it from him.
He gives up, shrugs, and leaves with the Nintendo switch.
This bitch ain't even give a thank you. WOW.
You try the things you bought on, and you didn't decide to buy any undergarments at all...
It was just a bra with ribbons on the center of the npples, and black and red striped socks.
You looked at the stand mirror, before flushing slightly red at the thought of him seeing you like this. But you take it off immediately changing into PJs for his birthday tomorrow..
It was his birthday today, and it was 4 PM.
He came into the kitchen seeing all of you guys.
Dabi, Mr. Compress, Toga, and Twice. All with gifts in hand... Expect you.
"Where's your gift, Y/N?" He asks looking at you, up and down.
"Oh.. I'll give it later." "Was the gift in the bag you were hiding yesterday?" He walked to the counter, while asking you.. "Secret." You got slightly embarrassed..
Toga notices the awkward atmosphere and ignores it, "here's your cake, shiggy!" She said excitedly, placing it on the counter top.
Dabi lights the candles with his blue flame. And he almost hit the actual cake...
"This feels like a waste of time." You hit shigaraki in the neck and tell him to blow the candles out already
He does as told, but does it in an obvious annoyed manner... By scratching his neck you already knew he was annoyed or ticked off.
You excuse yourself to your room, walking to your room to get ready for your gift.
Shigaraki grabs onto your hand, with one finger lifted... "Where are you going..? Its my birthday." He said in a tone that makes you feel guilty ...—
"I'm going to get ready for your gift, meet me in my room at 6 PM." His head slants to the side confusingly, and his hand on his neck scratching himself.
"Oh my, shigaraki. Doesn't that sound like something..~~ PFFT." Shigaraki turns his head to dabi, frustratingly saying he doesn't understand as you walk out of the kitchen.
Meanwhile, you get ready in the freshly washed stuff you got yesterday.
Just wrapping a blanket around yourself scrolling on your phone waiting till 6 PM hits. You post another thing saying..
"Happy birthday to my boyfriend.. ~"
And god you felt like cringing shortly after.
...time skip
You hear knocking on your door, looking at the time and noticing its already 6 PM.
You sit up with the blanket wrapped around you, telling shigaraki to come in.
He comes in the room, closing the door behind him. His eyes scan the room looking for your gift.
Then setting your eyes right on you.
"...And? Where is it?" "Where's what?"
"My gift..." Saying it again in a tone that makes you feel guilty again.
You frustratingly turn your head to the side, telling him you are his gift.
"I am your gift. Idiot." You exclaim harshly at him..
He eyes slightly widen, before turning back to normal then taking steps towards you. Sitting on your bed with you.
"I don't get it...?" He says scratching your neck instantly responding turning your head to him..–
"Well unwrap me." "...???"
He shrugs but does it either way.
The blanket falls on the bed, with his eyes scanning you, from head to toe repeatedly.
You wait for him to move like an inch, or at least react...
Its been 10 minutes, and he just keeps looking at you. You can notice the faint crimson blush on his face... but you're getting very impatient.
"I'm not a fucking museum, tomu." Exclaiming it harshly, making him stop and say something.
"Oh right...just wanted to enjoy the view. But if you're my present, I can do anything I want." Moving his mouth to your ear, feeling his breathing down your neck..
"can't I?" Whispering those words to you in an obvious malicious intent..
You don't respond.. So he assumes its a yes.
He tells you to get on all fours, doing as he said while he positions himself behind you.
Taking off his shirt and unzipping his pants not bother to even take it off entirely.
His length was 7 inches, with instead black pubic hair instead of his hairs current hair color, his tip was a light coral color..
He position it at your entrance without any lube nor a condom on.. Noticing that you immediately try to say something towards him ...—
"Wait... wait!! tomu..— A..aa." You gasp out feeling every inch of his hot length, also being interrupted by his instant thrust tightening up..
"God damn, your cunt is so fucking tight. Speaking of which...did you already just cum?" He looks at his length, inside of you with liquid leaking out of you.
He was so sloppy with his thrusting. Slow but rough thrusts hitting your G-spot everytime..
"F.. –fuck tomura!!" "Nngh..~" "Aa..aah! T..— tomu n....oo.." Crying out his name countless times begging for him to stop, it hurts, but it also hurts in such a fucking good way... You could feel his rough hands on your waist, with a finger lifted.
You could feel yourself on the edge again, and noticing he bit his lower lip knowing he was about to cum anytime.
"Fuckkk...fuck.......fuucckyess.." He kept repeating those same words, over and over again..
"Fuck... Fucking take it, slut!" He yanked on your arms, letting out an absurd amount of load inside of you. Feeling like your about to pass out..
I have to keep fucking saving this on repeat 5 times, fix this shit Tumblr..
anyway I'll show myself out bye.. 🚪🚶‍♀️
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ferris-the-wheel · 2 months
Posted 4/17/24
So yall know how I'm a pretty avid writer (you probably didn't know that but I am; I aspire to be an author one day), so I have come here today to share with you some examples of my writing style and some random things I came up with by using a one word or sentence prompt generator.
All of these were created by me using my own brain so even if you look them up as quotes or whatever (in the scenario where you don't believe I actually wrote them), you will not find them :)
Warning: this post is really fricking long TvT
1. (Prompt word: Rain)
It was cold. Wet. Absolutely miserable. How did it end up like this? What had happened to end up here? It circled under the strong wooden beams above it as rain assaulted the already water-covered ground to its left. But the rain didn't care, relentlessly slashing the ground with its force. It watched the rain for a moment with a curious light in its eyes. Finally, it sat down, not caring to stand anymore. Not willing to live in such a cruel fated world that had cast it aside like dirt.
It felt its heart beat slowly, so slowly, then it quickened, as though a frightful thought had made it wish to run, escape from its own body. And such a thought had indeed entered its mind. Will its demise surely be here? With nothing but the muddied ground and withered leaves beneath a rotting bridge, would they be its sole companions until death came to receive its lone soul from its own lifeless body?
2. (Prompt: Write about someone eavesdropping on a private conversation)
He shouldn't be doing this. Only bad things come to those who don't do as they should. But he was curious, like a moth to a flame that would inevitably become burnt by its warmth as the creature strayed too close. His heart raced, panicked at the moment when he would become discovered, for he knew there would be no solution, no excuse, that could explain why he sat there, lurking, listening silently to a conversation from a wine cabinet, crouched like a cat behind the crisscrossed wine shelves.
3. (Prompt: Write about someone in a dream)
The girl heard a voice in her ear. She turned but... there was no one there. Just a vast plain of emptiness, of a clearness that refused to be understood. Her mind seemed to think that it'd be unwise to attempt to comprehend it, an offense to one unseen but always watching. But yet, she found herself thinking. What could this place be? As though her own brain had betrayed her impertinence, she found herself falling, feeling as though she was a ball being bounced about by a small child. Yet despite this, she fell straight and downward into another, further unknown that promised fear to the heart of the one who dared question its existence.
She found herself falling forward, but as she blinked, she realized that someone stood beside her. Her mind, numb from sleep, began to slowly awaken. A voice reached her ears, not as hollow and soothing as the one from the unspoken place. This voice seemed so harsh and jagged compared to the ethereal one that had spoken silently into her ears, no words being said but her mind knowing what it meant.
The sharper voice spoke again, but she could not understand its words. Her tired mind managed to fixate on the wall in front of her, wincing at the bursts of color, so different from the place of nothing, yet the wall was made of plain wood. A hand shook her shoulder, so she turned to look at its owner, hoping to see the nothing again, but her hopes were cruelly torn away upon seeing a woman instead, a look of what seemed to be concern on her face.
4. (Prompt: In an attic)
He found himself amused by everything nowadays. Trapped in a small, dingy attic, slowly dying of a disease that no one had even heard of. The old fool below leisured about, drowning away his sorrows of losing his only son in a bottle of some odd mixture of alcohol. But yet, his son had not died of the disease, because the disease was only in the drunkard's own head. But oh, his son was dying, not of illness, but of starvation. Starvation does funny things one's head, the son realized. It messed with your mind.
He supposed that he never felt very amused before, so everything became something of amusement now that he could feel his own mind bending and snapping, each day becoming more unbearable. Yet he beared it, for reasons unknown to himself or to his father, who came up once every morning to see if his child had perished yet, only to disappear down the steps upon seeing he had not.
5. (Prompt: A sad song)
She was singing that sad old tune again. The girl watched her mother sit, staring off into the darkened forest, a haunting melody falling from her lips. There were never words to this song, but perhaps that would have made it more bearable. It used to be a comforting lullaby. Now it greeted her every night in her nightmares.
6. (Prompt: Mom's always telling me to come straight home)
Mom's always telling me to come straight home. It's a well-known rule amongst those in town: don't be caught outside after dark. Bad things happen at night... I should have followed that rule. Most children questioned that rule, but followed it nonetheless. I was different. I wish I hadn't been as inquisitive, as curious, as daring... The lone thing that holds no form, that wanders the streets at night, waiting, watching, for something to move. Even animals know to remain motionless, because it knows when you move.
I didn't see it coming until it was too late. It made no noise as it approached, nor when its teeth closed around my throat. Now I wander as it does, unable to speak, unable to feel, unable to warn those who did as I did, and sneak out at night to prove the rule wrong. That nothing bad happens at night. Because bad things do happen at night. I am one of them.
Ooooo, maybe you guys should start giving me writing prompts and I'll write a short (or long) kinda story thing like these :O I'm also going to continue to post these little short things as well when I come up with them. Not on long posts like this one, I was a bit excited lol
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beetlesau · 1 year
Chapter 8, long overdue and unedited.
"It's a flower," you stated matter-of-factly. You were sat in the middle of an empty parking lot, picking at the weeds that grew between the old cracked pavement.  
"I know what a flower is, dummy." Bakugo scoffed as he threw the small bloomed weed at your head. He stood and dusted his pants off before holding out a hand to help you stand as well. 
"Well, you're looking at it like it's foreign to that brain of yours." you followed his lead, but in protest refused the helping hand.
"What is your favorite?" he barked suddenly, eyes boring into yours.
"Wh-what?", the aggression of such a simple question threw you off, "My favorite flower? I don't know if I have one... Actually, does cactus count? Wait, no. I mean they do flower, but--"
"Nevermind." he rolled his eyes. 
"So rude! I guess the Violet? Simple, colorful, smells decent." 
"Nice conversation, Bakugo. Can we go back noooow?" you moved anxiously to face the direction of his old neighborhood. 
"No," he grumbled. "All day in the cold house and got sick from it." he grabbed the back of your shirt to hold you from stepping further away. 
"I didn't get sick! I just couldn't feel my fingers after a while. Besides, we got the house cleaned and prepped, right? Worth it?"
Bakugo grunted in disapproval. 
It had been at least a month since that night he shared the sadness he held over his mother. Since then, a lot has happened. He helped you set up a perimeter of fencing, wrapping a few houses with the least amount of damage to them. Cleaning out each one, making sure the floors were stable, and the beds were in decent shape. The cabinets were filled with cans of food you'd collected on long tiring trips back and forth with a tin wagon. Not that the Dead had any interest in eating at this point still, but you were determined to be prepped for anything. 
You and Bakugo had just finished setting up an additional house the day before. He noticed you were getting a bit sluggish and pale. The last straw was when he saw you shivering when you thought he wasn't looking. He kicked you out of the house and now today refused to let you anywhere near the project houses. 
The houses were for the Dead. It was your idea that the best way to help them was to give them what they no longer had. A home. A reason to feel alive again. 
You did your best, often overexerting yourself, until he pulled you back each time, forcing you to give him some of this responsibility. 
You had your own house set up, although outside the perimeter. You'd decided living in an apartment with a large hole in the side of it was not as cool as it seemed. It took a good three days to move all of your trinkets and junk.
Bakugo insisted you be outside the fence, safe from the Dead, but still within his bedroom window's view, under his watchful, annoying, borderline obsessive, protection. 
You knew it was for your safety, but you could see all the changes going through the eyes of your new friends. 
You chose the Dead that were all trapped on the bridge to start with. Your long-standing self-appointed friends. After the task of getting them from point A to point B, Bakugo led them inside the new gated community. Alone with you, they were unresponsive, still seeing everything through hungry eyes. But, with Bakugo by your side, they seemed to just... sense something. You couldn't tell if it was... fear? of the absolute death glare, he'd give them if they even so much as looked at you with mouth agape. Or maybe it was the way he stood by you. He was not a weak-bodied Dead, nor weak-minded. You wondered if they could feel the strength that emanated from him. You noticed it more and more every day since enacting your rehabilitation plans.  
He was kind of... amazing. 
And caring.
And as he learned to talk again, you understood him in more ways than just language. 
On more than one occasion, you found yourself staring at him. Which seldom went unnoticed by the firey blonde, considering he was staring right back. 
It was impossible for even the longest Dead to not notice that kind of connection, it would seem. 
You'd never been so impatient about anything in your life. Things were exciting for once, a rare thing. 
But here you were today, following the orders of your co-captain, to get some warmth from the great outdoors, take a deep breath, and talk about flowers. 
"Ugh, fiiiine. Well, what are you making me do next, warden?"
"Hmm. Good question. We need more firewood. You are a baby and will freeze to death at night." he looked off in the direction he intended to head, not so much as a hint of acknowledgment that he'd just insulted you. 
"I- Fine. Aye-Aye, Captain! let's get some firewood." you began to dramatically march off the way he was looking before he grabbed your shirt collar again, pulling an exaggerated yelp from you. 
"Hey, what gives! I'm getting your stinking firewood-"
"Hold my hand," he stated blankly.
"W-what?" you were suddenly a bit too warmed by the Sun. You gulped, perhaps you misheard him.
"I said, hold my hand. I don't want you running off, or falling, or getting into trouble, or leaving my sight." he carried on just enough to make you scream.
"Agh! OKAY! Shut up and take my hand then!" he made you feel less embarrassed right away, you'd do anything to make him stop teasing you so relentlessly. 
You whipped up your hand, making quick gimme motions like a child. 
He smirked. 
And just like that, you were embarrassed again. 
"WHY are you making that face, Bakugo?"
"It's nothing. Let's go." he brushed past you. 
"Well, now I don't wanna." you paused, suddenly the most shit-eating grin creeping on your face. You turned your heel and ran as fast as your unathletic, clumsy figure would take you. 
"EH!? NO!" you heard him yell, but didn't stop.
You may have gotten a head start, but you knew there was no way you could outrun him.
It was just a joke. 
You didn't know what would happen. 
But you triggered something unintentionally. 
As you run, you could already hear him gaining on you. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end as he was within arms reach. You set off your quirk, just enough to go unseen for a moment as you made a sharp turn and doubled back, towards the piles of wood Bakugo intended on gathering. 
Unfortunately, as clever as it was, it was not enough to throw him off. 
You gained only a second more before he was behind you again. 
You couldn't see him, but you could hear him. He didn't seem right. His breathing was ragged and animalistic. You no longer felt like you were playing a game. You felt like prey that was in the midst of its final moments of life. A hand grabbed your arm and you were thrown off balance and hit the ground face-first. You could feel the sting on your lip before tasting the copper tang that filled your mouth. You'd busted your lower lip but that was the least of your worries. 
In no time you were flipped over and pinned. 
The way he looked. It was like you were seeing him in your room for the first time again. It was feral. Your running must have triggered a desire he'd been fighting all along. 
This time you had your hands free just enough to push against his chest, your knuckles white from your grip on his shirt. You weren't strong enough to hold him long. 
"Bakugo! Bakugo! Bakugo!" your voice cracked and strained as you screamed again and again. Hot tears blurred your vision before running down the sides of your face. 
"Not like this. Not like this, Bakugo." your terror was not for yourself this time. This time thoughts of Bakugo afterward flooded in and suffocated you. He'd be alone. He'd be angry at himself. He'd never get over this. This isn't something he deserved. It's not something he asked for. 
In your last-ditch efforts, you silently prayed for him to forgive himself. Then, before he'd gotten down to your level on the ground, you pushed yourself up to meet him, taking his mouth to your own. 
You could feel his lips as you desperately tried to claim them before his teeth claimed your flesh. Your torn lip fills the space in your mouth with blood. He was still for a moment, his brain processing the movement. 
His arms snaked around your back, fingernails hard against your skin it felt like he was trying to tear into you with his hands alone. 
But then they kept wrapping, and the touch became lighter. Kinder. 
His tongue lapped at your lip before taking it again between his. One second it was about the sensation of blood filling his mouth then it was all about you. 
You could feel his tears falling to your cheek as he began to sob. 
"I'm sorry. Dammit. I'm so sorry." he held you like you were made of gold. 
He rocked back and forth with you as one, every breath an apology and a curse on himself as you both wept. 
"Bakugo." you sniffled. "Katsuki. You stopped. You did it. God. fuck. That was so scary." you laughed and cried at the same time. 
"I'm so sorry," he muttered, unable to meet your eyes. You knew how much pain he was in. You could feel it like it was your own. 
"Can we go home, Katsuki?" you were exhausted. 
"Katsuki," he repeated.
"Yeah, that's you. Is it okay if I call you that?"
"It's more than okay. I'm sorry. Yes, please. Let's get you home." he was shaking. 
He stood, pulling you up with him. 
Neither of you was ready to move. And you weren't ready to let go of him. He didn't seem to mind. 
"Do you hate me?" he whispered. 
"No. I don't think I could if I tried."
"I guess we should... talk about what happened just now?" you sighed. 
"Yeah... uh, maybe later?" he laughed humorlessly. 
"Are you embarrassed for once?" you looked up at him.
"Embarrassed for almost eating you?" he scrunched his brows.
"No. For kissing me."
"WH-wh, what! You kissed ME!" 
"No. I mean, I did. But I was in a panic. What's your excuse?"
He turned a faint shade of pink. 
"Wait. Your face." something new. 
"Katsuki, your face is pink. You're blushing!"
"You really are sick. Seeing things?" he lifted a hand to feel your forehead for a fever. "I can't be pink I don't have any blood flow. You know, Dead."
"No, I'm serious. Look at me."
"Stop messing around, come on let's get ba-" Katsuki coughed. Clearing his throat he stopped in his tracks. He looked as though a shock had coursed through him. He held his chest, profusely coughing. 
"Katsuki? What's wrong!?"
Katsuki suddenly fell over, unresponsive. 
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ambrosialips · 10 months
I'm feeling sadness, a sort of sadness that feels empty. I haven't felt like this in ages, I'm not sure why I'm feeling like this current,but I am. I don't know what I should do, embrace these feelings, sure, but I'm scared that they'll linger for longer than they should.
Today I took a walk and listened to some music. I think it helped a bit with these emotions. I'm glad that I was alone, I'm glad that I saw trees. I regret not picking plumps from one of them and eating them in my way to the store. I bought highliters, the colors on the barrels seem to appear dull. I kinda feel like those colours . I hope they'll be more vibrant when I'll use them. This walk , the one I took this morning made me feel a bit better, just a moment. I feel sad and empty again.
Today, half an hour ago to be more precise, I got my results for my language proficiency exam. I scored more than I thought I would, surpassed the level that I was aiming for. That made me happy, but the excitement kind of washed off. It washed off enough for me to avoid answering to people congratulating me. I feel sad and empty again.
I think I might take a nap, ages ago when I was going through depression naps seemed to help a bit. There's something comforting about being unaware, unconscious of your thoughts and feelings. The numbness and blankness that overfills your mind right before you fall asleep, and right after you wake up is comforting. I think I might take a nap, but I'm afraid that once the blankness disappears , I'll feel sad and empty again.
I think I'll draw a later today. That always seems to work. I've started loving batman again, it feels like I'm healing little me by watching the cartoons and movies (the animated ones of course, live-actions don't exist) and reading DC comics. It's a sort of healing nostalgia that I didn't think I'd feel, I didn't read comics back then, yet, it feels comforting on an inner level. I think I'll draw him happy with one of his sons, probably Damian. I like Damian, I like that he hurts like me.
I'm feeling sadness, and I haven't really felt this kind in a long time. I don't know if it's because if my parents or some hidden cause that my brain chooses to hide from me. This time it's not the type of sadness where I don't like myself. I feel a bit too dissociated from my own person to feel that currently.
I don't like my parents, and I feel guilty saying that. I think I love them, but I don't really like them. I don't think they like me either, but that's fine because that makes us even.
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aya MASO
Is that dream? Or is Ciel's experience only limited to severe Dja Vu as Alois said?
Disclaimer: Kuroshitsuji and it's character belongs to Toboso Yana. I do not take any profit.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: It's like Dèja Vu
Chapter Text
Here I am, stranded in a strange and unfamiliar place.... Surrounded by people who call them 'Union Leaders'.
Sometimes when I go about my activities, suddenly everything disappears...
And I'm back to my normal life.
When I say this to my friends, they just say that I got Dèja Vu...
Maybe it's true, but everything I went through seemed to have really happened, and the bruises I got from 'there' still linger on my body...
How could it be is this Dja Vu?!
There must be something unrealistic connecting me and that 'world'... And I'm sure of it!?
And it happened again to me, like today...
During lunch break--
A young boy with a small body, big eyes and dark blue color, which is shaded by thick and thick eyelashes, gray hair and thin reddish lips, walking with light steps towards the school canteen which is located behind the school. This young man named Ciel Phantomhive, a 16 year old teenager who can be said to be very cute and sweet among teenage boys his age.
“Ciel Phantomhive! Hey, Ciel!?” someone shouted his name in the corner of the cafeteria. Ciel turned his head and saw a young man who was two years his senior waving at him. The young man had dark brown hair that was cut into a messy shaggy, pale skin, gray eyes, and thin build.
“Oh, senior Robert, what's wrong?” asked Ciel who was now standing in front of the young man whose full name was Robert Villain. While the one who was asked just showed his special grin towards the 'beautiful' teenager in front of him.
Robert patted the empty seat next to him, signaling Ciel to sit beside him. A moment later, Ciel had sat his bottom on the hard wooden chair.
"What's wrong seniors?" asked Ciel once more. Robert turned and handed several DVDs in front of Ciel. Ciel's brows furrowed faintly.
'What does it mean? DVD—' Ciel thought to himself. But her tiny hands grabbed some DVDs from Robert's hands which had been hanging in the air.
"What is this?" asked Ciel who had begun to be overcome by his curiosity. Robert chuckled softly, then he replied "Keep my promise back then, Ciel."
"Huh? Promise? What promise?" Ciel was even more confused thanks to the unsatisfactory answer that came out of his senior's pale lips. He then folded his arms in front of his chest and stared intently at the young man in front of him, as if looking for an answer between the two pairs of gray-sliced ​​eyes. But, nothing. He didn't find any answer.
"Haha... well I'll tell you about my promise to you," he continued, then accompanied by a crisp laugh.
"Good, tell me quickly so I don't die of curiosity senior Robert," said Ciel.
Robert gave a small smile. "Okay Ciel, don't you remember about the band I told you about?" he asked. Ciel nodded slowly. In his heart he cursed himself who was given a memory that could be considered quite weak even though he was actually the type of person who would throw UNNECESSED AND USEFUL MEMORIES FROM BRAIN MEMORIES –it was still his habit until this moment—
"Hfffttt... a band called Sinful Butterfly (1) Ciel," Robert said patiently while shaking his head which caused his earthy brown hair to sway.
"Ah! That band!!” Ciel patted his forehead lightly. Robert nodded.
“Well, the DVD that I gave you is a DVD that collects 2 albums from Sinful Butterfly, their daily activities, and their preparation before the concert. This is all I give you, because a few days ago you asked me with a pitiful face, "explained Robert at length.
Ciel looked away. Still feeling hurt because Robert taunted him with the word WONDERFUL.
"Okay, thank you very much senior Robert and get a girlfriend quickly—" Ciel stood up then walked away while humming leaving Robert who was covered in black aura.
I flipped through the DVD that senior Robert had given me. The DVD cover is great, at least that's what I think.
I was stunned when I saw one of the song titles from this band. Dendalion— (2) like a familiar name to me. But, I still don't know what it means.
A promise that brings you to death
Binds you until you can't move....
Dendalion— A
promise is a spell you can't take back
No matter how hard you try
It's all in vain
Red blood dripping on the petals of the edelweiss flower.. Has stained the
flower's white color
Dendalion— An
eternal vow wrapped in regret
That will continue to haunt you...
A terrible curse word
"Hey kid! What are you doing there?!” someone with very small, slanted eyes shouted at me furiously. I gasped, then looked left and right. Surprised to find me sitting in a corridor that is quite large and wide. Don't forget to wear ivory white clothes and pants with earth brown color. And it's definitely not my clothes.
"Hey!" The person then walked towards me with wide strides. I was stunned.
"You're talking to me?" I asked, a moment later I cursed myself for asking him like a fool.
The man frowned in confusion, then hit my head with the broom handle—which came from nowhere—it was hard. I groaned and held my head which was starting to throb. Unlucky. Search for this guy.
“Of course I'm talking to you, stupid boy! Now hurry up and change into something more appropriate and come to the Assembly Hall! The Guild Leaders have been waiting for you," he said. I nodded slowly then froze in place.
'Union Leader? Could it be that I am in this strange 'world' again? God—' I thought.
“Hurry up or I will hit you again!” he shouted again. I hastily walked away from him. My brain is spinning very fast. Suddenly my body hit someone. I looked up and found a woman with a beautiful and beautiful face looking at me gently. His skin was white as pale as marble. Her silver hair flowed freely down her back to her hips. Her eyes were silvery irises with silver-colored eyelashes that framed her beautiful eyeballs. Her lips are thin with a peach-colored lipstick that makes her like a princess from a fairy tale.
"Are you okay?" he asked in a voice as sweet as a harp. I stuttered then nodded slowly.
"Looks like you're new here, then let me show you," he offered—friendly. I followed his every step so soft.
"If I may ask, what is your name?" he asked softly.
“I am Ciel Phantomhive. Just call me Ciel," I replied.
“Nice to meet you, Ciel. I'm Ivvy Hacvlav, please call me Ivvy," he replied without looking back.
“Um… if I may ask, where am I now? I've been in this world many times, but never this long…” I asked.
“This is Scirronyverinne, Ciel. You are in a world that is a barrier between the human and demon worlds,” he explained.
what sciron? Why is his name so hard to remember?
But wait! Devil-? The limiting world? What is this! Is this some kind of April Fool's Day joke? If so, it's really not funny anymore!
Ivvy caught the confused expression on my face. His slender fingers were now stroking each strand of my gray hair gently. My eyes are perfectly rounded, my cheeks are more or less red because of his actions.
"Ah! I almost forgot Ciel, you said you've been here many times didn't you?” he said. I lazily nodded.
“You know the reason why you've been in this place so many times, Ciel?” he asked in a mysterious tone. I gulped and said yes.
"You'll find out later Ciel," he added. Suddenly his steps stopped at a two-leaf gold Mahogany door which was approximately 3 meters high. He slowly pushed the door open, a dazzling light burst from inside the room behind the door.
"Please come in Ciel," he said. I obeyed his words then walked into the room.
Ciel had already left the room with a different appearance. Now he was wearing a white tuxedo wrapped in a golden robe whose length swept across the tiled floor that he was now on. Her tiny fingers were wrapped in silk gloves that matched the color of her tuxedo.
"Does this look weird on me, Ivvy?" Ciel asked Ivvy who was standing just a few meters in front of him. Ivy shook her head slowly.
"No, it suits you very well," he said with a friendly smile.
“Thanks for the compliment, Ivvy,” Ciel replied. Ivvy then turned around and walked rather quickly. Ciel jogged to keep up with Ivvy's footsteps.
"Where are we going?" asked Ciel.
“To the Assembly Hall, Ciel,” Ivvy replied without taking his eyes off her. I don't know how long Ivvy and Ciel had been walking in this majestic corridor that didn't even show its end. From time to time Ciel wiped the sweat from his forehead slowly.
“Is the Assembly Hall far away, Ivvy?” asked Ciel who was still wiping his sweat. Ivvy turned and was surprised to find Ciel who was already panting and was now leaning his body against the brick red wall.
"You're not strong enough to walk far, are you? Even though we've only been walking for 5 minutes,” Ivvy said while rubbing Ciel's back gently. "Hah? 5 minutes? For me, we've walked for more than 2 hours,” complained Ciel to which Ivvy responded with a gentle smile.
"We just turn right Ciel," said Ivvy trying to calm Ciel.
“Hah, alright...” Ciel answered then stood up and walked after Ivvy who had already walked ahead of him. There was a turn in front, then Ivvy turned Ciel still following him from behind. And they came to a large two-leafed door that was almost 5 meters high and was black in color. To the left of the door was an emblem with strange inscriptions and intricate carvings on the edges.
Ciel furrowed his brows. He couldn't guess the meaning of the writing, it didn't seem like human language. Because he had never found writings like this anywhere in the world.
"This writing is written in Bbningcvers and Quantestao, Ciel, and the meaning of the text is the Assembly Hall of Guild Leaders," explained Ivvy who caught the confused look on Ciel's sweet face.
Ciel scratched the nape of his neck that didn't itch. There was something that tickled his heart, about those Guild Leaders, but he didn't dare say it. He was too shy and scared.
"Come in Ciel," Ivvy coaxed. Ciel nodded then pushed open the large door slowly, causing a small creak from the hinges of the rarely greased door. Inside the white-painted room, there were 7 people wearing oversized robes, each sitting around a table made of rubies and emeralds, their eyes were now on Ciel who was standing in the doorway.
One of them said something in a language Ciel didn't understand. They said while pointing at Ciel. And Ciel was uncomfortable with that.
"Quet eva vien des mennerounghre A tte mon va—" one of those wearing glasses with silver frames said with an unfriendly expression.
“Ves del a vanmprro neits que minglha!” this time a well-built man with brick red hair stood up and pounded the table. Ciel stepped back.
"Doninghre a mennerounghre A mon otherts," the moss-green eyed man told everyone not to argue. The others were silent and sat quietly. Ciel's heart was furious. He stepped back step by step.
"Calm down Phantomhive. Well, can you come over here?" the man asked. Ciel stuttered, then turned around and nodded slowly.
The man then stood up and shifted a chair made of Diamonds and Sapphiere then told Ciel to sit down. "Have a seat, Phantomhive," he said kindly. A faint smile formed at the corners of his lips, making him look like a sculpted statue of the maestro, Michael Angelo—only he had a soul. Her long, golden hair framed her beautiful face.
Ciel sat up in a huff. Now he was being watched by seven pairs of eyes staring at him as if interrogating an inmate at a court. Cold sweat continued to drip from his forehead.
“Alright, let's first get acquainted with Ciel Phantomhive. My name is Ivan Van Troopheringh, I am the Supreme Leader of the guild in Scirronyverinne,” the man named Ivan introduced himself to Ciel. Ciel smiled awkwardly.
“I'm Baron Scluthesvy, just call me Baron. I come from the valley of immortality, southeast of the city of Scirronyverinne,” the darker-skinned and short-haired man called the Baron introduced himself.
“Hmm— You can call me Ilvinne, but my full name is Ilvinne de Marchropst. I am an advisor to Queen Vhinx of Assertzlha. Nice to meet you Phantomhive,” this time the man with grayish blue hair who spoke in a friendly manner. Possible.
“I'm Rone Xenghliusz,” the brick red haired man introduced himself without taking his piercing eyes away from Ciel.
“Ciel Phantomhive, introduce me to Mivette Rosevert del Marionette,” a woman with long brown hair—even touching the floor made of blue crystals—smiles sweetly. She was the only woman in the Guild Leader.
"I'm Irish Cooper. Just call me Irish," the man with dark blue hair introduced himself while taking a sip of his cigarette. She is very sweet and beautiful for a man like her.
"I'm Albert Mookeliquexz, nice to meet Phantomhive," and lastly the tall, skinny man shook Ciel's hand briefly. Ciel looked down. "Your hands are too soft for the hands of a Phantomhive boy," Albert laughed crisply without knowing Ciel's face was already reddened with embarrassment. Yeah, he's embarrassed you know that right?
“A-ah, yeah… I-I guess…” Ciel responded to Albert's joke just now with a blush that adorned his cheeks that were soft like china silk.
“Phantomhive, do you know the reason you were summoned to this Hall? And the reason you're constantly in this world, but then disappears and it's as if all that's happened to you is Dja Vu?” Ivan asked with his beautiful face reflecting the beautiful gleam of Ruby from the table.
'How could he—' Ciel thought, wondering. In the end he nodded slowly.
“You are a special child, Phantomhive. You are a child born on the night of the Full Moon during the bloody tragedy in the Weizminhtonh Valley 1000 years ago,” explained Mivette with a graceful smile still plastered on her beautiful face.
"Eh? I-me? Then what has I got to do with the war in the Valley?” Ciel asked with a slightly scared face.
“The prophecy says that someday there will be someone who will wipe out the Demon Nation from the face of the earth, and that person is the person who was born on the night of the Full Moon when the bloody tragedy of the Weizminhtonh Valley occurred. And the person referred to in the prophecy is you, Ciel Phantomhive,” Ilvinne explained with a meaningful smile.
"B-but I was born on December 14th, and about the Full Moon you told me it's true, I was born on a Full Moon night," Ciel protested, indicating his displeasure at the joke the 7 people were making to him.
“Yes, and it coincided with the bloody tragedy of Weizminhtonh Phantomhive Valley,” Rone chuckled softly. He smiled scornfully.
"And one more thing, the blood that flows in your body is not ordinary blood," he paused for a moment before continuing. “That blood can allow the inhabitants of the Demon World and Scironyverinne to live eternally and have power over the Angels in the heavens and the earth if one of the two worlds gets you. Plus, you will become a weapon of mass destruction if you fall into the wrong hands, Phantomhive,” explained the Baron as he stared at Ciel intently. Ciel got goosebumps.
“And if that were to happen, then the human world and the Scirronyverinne would perish and disappear, leaving no trace behind. Therefore, if you can control your power well, you can live for years in the Scirronyverinne and return to the human world without anyone knowing that you have been gone for years,” Albert added.
“That's why Phantomhive, all of us here need you. And we also have a teacher who will teach you how to control your extraordinary powers," Irish said as he occasionally took a sip of his cigarette.
"So... that's the reason?" asked Ciel. Everyone in the room nodded in unison.
"How, do you agree?" this time they asked again. Ciel turned his face away, looking thoughtful.
Before he could answer the questions of the 7 Guild Leaders. He had returned to his normal world. Sitting in the cafeteria holding the Sinful Butterfly band DVD. He no longer wore the tuxedo and his big troublesome-looking robe and was no longer sitting in the Assembly Hall accompanied by 7 people who said they were 'Union Leader' Scirrony—I don't know what it was called. Ciel was able to breathe a sigh of relief. At least, that's what he thought.
'All of that, feels like Dèja Vu only more lively and real to me' thought Ciel.
"Why you Ciel?" asked Alois, worried.
"I was sitting in that room. The 7 people sat around a table made of rubies and emeralds. The floor is made of sky blue crystal, Alois… You believe what I just said, right?” Ciel started babbling incoherently.
“Ciel, you were just a dream, you had a really bad Dja Vu,” Alois commented, briefly patting Ciel on the shoulder.
Is that dream? Or is Ciel only experiencing severe Dèja Vu as Alois said?
I don't know— everything was still so hazy and hazy in Ciel's shadow. Like a thin mist that falls when the rain has stopped. Thin... and foggy.
To Be Continue—
Chapter 2: Bloody Night 1
It's very strange, if the one who caresses and kisses you is a man you don't know, right?
Kuroshitsuji belong to Toboso Yana. I do not take any profit of it.
Chapter Text
07.20 p.m. In Angelina’s House
"Ciel! Come on down and have dinner, I've prepared your favorite sushii," a woman's scream echoed in the two-story house. The woman had irises as red as blood. Her hair is short and red, as well as her lips which are polished with dark red lipstick.
Meanwhile, Ciel did not heed the call of the woman, or as Angelina Burnett is usually called. She remained curled up in her thick, warm blanket. Earphones were attached to the gray-haired youth's ears. Every now and then he nodded his head, enjoying the music that flowed from the earphones that entered his senses of hearing.
Angelina was furious, her call still did not get a response from her beloved niece. As a result he immediately trotted to Ciel's room which was located on the second floor. And knocked on the door.
Ciel remained unmoved. The sound of music that began to dominate his mind made him fall asleep. Her rosy lips began to sing each line and verse of the song Beautiful Moon sung by Sinful Butterfly.
Look at the sky, dear
The moon is shining brightly...
They are shine just for you...
You know, I can’t say ‘I Love You’
Faintly, Ciel caught someone's deep yet subtle voice. The sound seemed to produce its own waves in Ciel's brain. The voice seemed to anesthetize him in the dark, starless night sky.
Slowly, but Ciel wasn't so sure. He saw a man with jet black hair, as dark as night. Her hair gently waved in the wind. His skin was pale white—like a vampire. His eyes were bright red like lava. His face was handsome—more handsome than the average human. His body is towering and athletic. The man smiled gently at Ciel. Ciel felt his face starting to heat up now.
Then he pulled out the earphones that had been perched sweetly in his ears forcibly. He grunted in annoyance. Her tiny lips pursed. And that seemed to make him even cuter and... sweeter.
“CIEL PHANTOMIVE! OPEN YOUR ROOM DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT UP!” Angelina shouted at Ciel in her fierce voice—like a hungry lioness. Ciel gulped. He thought he had made his aunt so angry that she screamed like that.
Hastily, Ciel got off the top of his comfortable bed. Then walked towards the door, turning the doorknob slowly. And a punch landed on Ciel's head.
"Ouch! Why did auntie hit me on the head?” asked Ciel with an innocent face. Angelina gave her death glare before she walked away leaving Ciel still clutching his throbbing head.
“Sigh, this auntie,” Ciel grumbled as he descended the stairs.
Ciel shifted the chair and sat his ass on the soft chair. He took a piece of sushii and dipped it in the soy sauce, before swallowing the nori-covered food in his mouth and chewing it slowly.
“How was your school, Ciel?” asked Angelina who had come out of the kitchen with a few pieces of yakiniku and a small plate of wasabi in her hand. Ciel swallowed his sushii then said "Hmm...as usual, nothing special aunty,"
Angelina sighed softly. "Auntie hopes you'll have a girlfriend and bring her in front of her," said Angelina. Ciel's navy blue eyes widened, he coughed. Seems to be choking on Angelina's words just now.
“Cough! This aunt, I have no intention of looking for a boyfriend," Ciel responded to Angelina's words just now with a reddened face. Angelina smiled faintly. He placed the yakiniku and wasabi on the table and took a seat across from Ciel.
Ciel grabbed a piece of yakiniku with his black chopsticks, then dipped the roast in the gari. And put it in his mouth. Chew it slowly and swallow it.
"Auntie just changed professions to become a Japanese chef," Ciel said as he took two pieces of yakiniku. Angelina blinked. Then smirked.
"Why did you suddenly tell aunt to change Ciel's profession?" asked Angelina who was a little confused by her nephew's words. Ciel shrugged his shoulders.
"There's no special reason aunty, it's just... Auntie's cooking is really good," said Ciel. Angelina blushed at her nephew's words just now.
"Come on, quickly finish your food," he said with a smile. Ciel nodded and quickened his chewing.
And that night, he spent chatting and joking with Angelina. The aunt he loved very much.
Morning, In Midwick Senior High School
I walked down the corridor to the park located behind my school. My hands are holding two books that will accompany me when I'm alone in the park. Yes, I really like being alone in the park. Every break, I always make time to come here. Whether reading a book, listening to music or just relaxing because of the lessons that make my brain tired.
But not this time, I want to draw the face of the man who suddenly appeared in my imagination that night. My mother, Rachel Phantomhive, had an extraordinary talent for painting. And that talent passed down to me. I'm a little proud of it.
So, I found a comfortable place and started scribbling a pencil on a blank sheet of paper. I tried to remember his face while still scratching the tip of my pencil on the sketch book.
All I can really remember is the color of his red eyes—as red as the sky at dawn. And her beautiful face framed by her dark black hair. I don't know for sure but what is clear, he is really handsome. Like an angel but as cruel and cold as a devil.
I can't believe there is a human being so perfect as that man. When I got the image, his red eyes met my dark blue eyes. I was like being sucked in a dark and deep dimensional pit.
Suddenly a beautiful black butterfly flew around me. I was stunned and then tried to touch the unique butterfly with my pale hand. However, the butterflies became numerous all of a sudden, forming a shape resembling the shape of a human body. Close to each other and finally formed perfect. I rolled my eyes. Can't believe it.
Now standing in front of me is the person I was drawing. The man was wearing a black sleeveless shirt, revealing his slender but muscular arms. The black jeans were perfectly attached to his long legs, the pants were full of pockets and zippers that weren't all closed, on his right thigh a black cloth was wrapped around his calf. Both legs wear boots which are again metallic black with golden patterns on the edges. One of his pale hands was wrapped in a black glove that did not cover his long, thin fingers.
He was standing not far from me. His body towered with red eyes framed by long, curly black eyelashes. Half of her face was covered by her black hair that hung down. His red lips curled into a mysterious smile.
I couldn't take my eyes off her and continued to trace every line of her very beautiful face. I just realized that the black butterfly had disappeared, and changed into this beautiful and handsome creature.
"N... who are you?" I ventured to ask after looking at him for so long. He didn't answer my question but smiled instead.
"Why are you here?" I asked again. Again, he smiled. I clicked my tongue. And go back to the work I was doing.
"You," he finally spoke. Oh good.
"Hmm?" I asked without taking my eyes off the sketchbook. A moment later he was sitting next to me. I flinched. I felt him keep staring at me and my movements. Honestly, I don't like being looked at with such intense intensity.
The corner of my eye caught the movement of his hand. Before I could react, his strong hands had already imprisoned me, my eyes were perfectly rounded. I could see his long, thin fingers reaching out to touch my cheek.
My heart is beating very fast. My breath catches, my face must be red by now. I can confirm that.
Now, he has grabbed my chin and brought his face close to mine. I close my eyes. A second later, our lips met.
He kissed me very gently, I unconsciously kissed him back. Enjoying his soft lips—like an addiction in itself for me. Our kiss is getting hotter and hotter.
Every now and then he licks my lips, making me let out a muffled sigh. His hands gripped my waist tightly, bringing my body which was actually smaller than him into a warm embrace. And without realizing it, now he was kissing and licking my neck. He kissed and sucked the skin of my neck, leaving a red spot there.
I gripped his shirt tightly while biting my lower lip. He stopped and tilted his head towards my face with a mysterious and perverted grin plastered on his handsome face.
"S-stop..." I said in a very small and low voice. I did not dare to look into her beautiful eyes but kept a million mysteries.
He ignored my request just now, and kept doing what he was doing—licking and kissing my neck.
It's very strange, if the one who caresses and kisses you is a man you don't know, right?
I let go of his arms from my body, taking the distance between us and taking as much air as possible. I looked at him, angry, confused, annoyed, and... embarrassed. Everything mixed into one.
"Why did you do that?" I hissed. He glanced at me briefly, without giving any answer.
I glared at him. I want to punch that beautiful marble-like face. And took back my first kiss that had been stolen by him. He caught the look on my face that was half pissed off at him. But, he did not give a reason why he kissed me earlier. I swallowed all my nagging.
"Why?" he asked flatly, almost expressionless. He asked the stupid question with a very flat face. Damn it. He should have known that I was being irritated because of his impudent behavior just now.
"..." Not answering his question, I again scratched my pencil on the scribbled paper. Silence. The man in black next to me just silently watched me, not at all intending to apologize for his behavior. I was about to throw my fist into his face before he spoke.
"I'm Sebastian Michaelis. My full name is Sebastian Lucifer Alexander Michaelis, but you can call me Sebastian… Ciel Phantomhive,” he explained.
I was stunned, how did he know my name? I didn't even tell him.
"You're surprised, because I can know your name?" he asked as if he knew what I was thinking.
I nodded and looked at him. Waiting for an answer to come out of her red lips. But I don't think I'll get that answer, because as soon as I blinked... I was already in the Assembly Hall and wearing that fancy tuxedo.
"Hmm, back to this place," the man stood beside me while looking around.
Uh? So, he can come here...?!
Sebastian stared at the whitewashed room flatly, while Ciel stared at Sebastian in disbelief. He didn't know that anyone other than himself could come to that place.
"Long time no see, Lucifer," Ivan was the first to greet Sebastian.
"Hm," Sebastian replied nonchalantly.
The Baron chuckled softly, then said “How did a devil like you come back here again?”
"Just ask this kid," he replied coldly. Ciel stuttered, then glared at Sebastian. All he stared at was coldly staring back at him.
“I didn't bring this person! I also don't know why this person is here!” Ciel protested while pointing at Sebastian's face. There was a moment of silence. “And again, why did the Baron say he was a Devil?” he asked then.
“Because he is a Devil,” Mivette replied with one hand supporting her chin.
“That's right, he's a Devil from the Sinful Butterfly caste… the highest caste in the Demon nation,” explained Rone without taking her eyes off Ciel.
“Sinful Butterfly? That's… like the name of a band… ah, yeah! That's the name of a band that's on the rise in London!” cried Ciel.
"Yes indeed, and I'm the vocalist of the band," said Sebastian.
"Ha? S-so, all the members of that band… Devils?” Ciel asked, his face starting to look pale.
"No, the only devil in the band was me," Sebastian answered simply.
"Well, Michaelis-san should sit down first, we'll explain the matter to Phantomhive," said Albert while taking a chair made of Topaz and Amber.
Sebastian took a seat between Ciel and Ivan. His red eyes focused on the Ruby and Emerald table. Everyone in the room communicated with each other through their gazes. Except, Sebastian and Ciel were busy with their own thoughts.
“Phantomhive,” Ilvinne patted Ciel's shoulder lightly. Ciel stuttered then turned to Ilvinne.
"E-uh... what's wrong?" he asked, awkwardly.
"You are okay?" Ilvinne asked again. Ciel nodded slowly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he answered, quietly.
Ivan cleared his throat, everyone in the room didn't make any sound. "Well, now I'll explain everything to Phantomhive," he said calmly.
"Explain quickly, because I'm not the patient type Ivan," said Ciel impatiently.
"Well. Phantomhive, did you know that you have the ability inherited from your mother?” he asked. Ciel nodded slowly.
“Your mother, Rachel Phantomhive is a noble from the Land of Assertzlha. He has psychic abilities in addition to his ability to read other people's minds. Besides, your father, Lord Vincent Phantomhive is a King of a great empire that exists in the Rezvronth Dimension, he has the ability to teleport with just a wink. All their privileges passed down to you, Phantomhive. That's why you can move here quickly and can see the shadow of Lucifer's face by accident,” he explained without realizing Ciel's face had turned red. Sebastian gave a mysterious smile.
“And as for Lucifer, he's a demon who got our exception. Supposedly, he was a being that we had to exterminate, but he rebelled against his own people and chose to fight alongside us. Even so, we must remain vigilant, after all he is still a devil who can turn around at any time to attack us," added Irish who had lit his cigarette.
"Where are my father and mother now?" asked Ciel with teary eyes.
Everyone in the room was shocked when they saw Ciel's expression, including Sebastian. Ciel sobbed, crystal clear beads falling down his white cheeks.
“Calm down Phantomhive, your parents are still alive and in good health. Now they are in Moyveniree, a remote town in Scirronyverinne,” Mivette hugged Ciel's frail body, trying to calm him down.
"They deliberately left you, so that your existence would not be detected too much by the Devils in the human world," explained Ivan. Silence. "But, from the news that I recently received, some of them already know your whereabouts." he continued.
“Those devils will definitely harm those around you, Phantomhive. Moreover, tonight is the night of the Red Moon...” The Baron added. His expression looked uncomfortable. His facial muscles were stiff and tense.
“Night… Red Moon?” Ciel asked, confused.
“Yes, the night of the Red Moon is the night where the Devils from the lowest to the highest levels search for the souls of weak humans and that night, special-blooded humans become the main 'reward' of the hunt for human souls. Not to mention, that night the refinement of the Demon nation's black magic took place,” explained Ilvinne.
Ciel swallowed hard. He could not imagine, that he would be the main 'reward' of the terrible hunt that would be carried out by the Demon nation.
“But, you don't have to worry, Phantomhive… we've already sent someone who will take care of you in the human world,” Rone said without taking her deadly gaze from Ciel. Ciel felt something stuck in his throat at this moment.
“N-don't bother… I can take care of myself,” Ciel refused gently.
"He's come all the way, Phantomhive~ please accept our kindness~," Irish said with a wink. Ciel got goosebumps.
Suddenly, the door of the Assembly Hall opened wide. In the doorway, stood a young man with disheveled pale blond hair, slanted eyes and light gray eyes, holding a shiny black sword with a human skull engraved on the tip.
Sebastian's ruby ​​red orb went wide as soon as he found out who it was. "You..." he hissed.
“Matt Viszhornt, you have arrived. We've been waiting for you.” Ivan stood up and walked over to Matt. His long robe swept across the blue crystal floor, following his slender footsteps.
"It is a great honor for me to undertake this important task, Sir Ivan." Matt bowed his head, saluting Ivan.
"You don't have to go overboard like that, Matt." said Ivan with a small smile.
"I should pay my respects to you. You are the supreme leader of all the guilds in Scirronyverinne, while I... I am just a Black Assassin which means, I am your subordinate, "explained Matt.
"Alright, you won. Well, the person you have to look after is there," Ivan replied while pointing at Ciel.
Matt rushed over to Ciel who was sitting rooted to his spot. After arriving in front of Ciel, he knelt down and took Ciel's hand then kissed the back of his hand. Ciel's blue eyes rounded perfectly along with the pink hue that graced his cheeks.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Ciel Phantomhive," Matt said softly. Ciel gasped at the word 'Lady' that just slipped from Matt's pale lips. The guild masters tried to hold back their laughter, while Sebastian gritted his teeth, holding back the anger that was coming out of nowhere. Jealous. Possible.
“Err— I-I'm a boy, not a girl...” Ciel corrected, a tinge of red still on his cheeks.
"Ah! S-pardon my impudence, Sir Phantomhive! I deserve to be punished for my mistake this time!” Matt exclaimed in embarrassment as he took his distance and bowed. He repeatedly apologized to Ciel.
"Ah, I have no right to punish you for what you've done earlier, after all you don't know I'm a man, do you?"
Matt nodded — embarrassed. Ivan burst out laughing followed by everyone else in the room—minus Ciel and Sebastian. It turns out that a Black Assassins who are known to be cold and serious can be embarrassed and embarrassed in front of a sweet young man like Ciel.
“Okay, now you and Lucifer will be tasked with protecting and guarding the Phantomhive from the attacks of the Devils who will attack on the night of the Red Moon. You understand?" Ivan asked. Sebastian and Matt nodded at the same time.
7.20 p.m. In Central Park London
Ciel, Sebastian, and Matt are already at City Park. The lights are twinkling, making the scenery in the City Park very beautiful at night. Coupled with the night sky that is only lit by moonlight, it makes people feel at home for long in the City Park.
“Matt, keep an eye on the surroundings, I will keep an eye on Ciel. And let me know if you see anything suspicious, understand?” Sebastian said without taking his eyes off Ciel who was buying a cold drink.
"Yes I know." Matt answered as he took out the black sword slung around his waist.
"Mom look at that! The color of the moon is red, ma'am!" a small child said while pointing his index finger at the night sky. Sebastian and Matt looked up at the sky and saw that half of the moon was already a deep red—as thick as blood.
“Sebastian, quickly get Sir Phantomhive out of here!” exclaimed Matt, who had mounted his stance, ready to fight.
Sebastian galloped towards Ciel. His lips cast some black incantations, and a silver sword with the headdress of the dragon Viazmunth—one of the nine strongest dragons and belonging to the dragons of destruction and destruction—appeared suddenly.
The moon was completely dark red. From the sky descended an army of demons with their black wings. As they flapped their wings, the sky rumbled, making a deafening booming sound. Their eyes flashed red and filled with murderous intent.
Some of the devils had ugly faces. Their faces were ulcerated, melted and some were even shapeless, their teeth black and protruding inches from their wide mouths. Their claws are large and sharp, so capable of tearing and crushing their prey, their bodies are covered by thick hairs and make them look scary.
"Ciel!" shouted Sebastian. Before Ciel could turn his head, his body was already off the ground. Soaring in the air—with his palms and head resting on the broad chest of the man who carried him dancing in the sky.
"What is it?! Don't make me panic!" Ciel protested.
Sebastian looked at Ciel intently before speaking. "Don't scream. The devil can hear you,” Ciel widened his eyes. His mouth is open. But not a word came out. Carefully, Sebastian hid Ciel under his wide black wings.
“I'll cover up the aura of your existence,” Sebastian interrupted the gray-haired teenager.
“…Why do you have to?” Ciel asked, the look of confusion clearly etched on his face.
“Because… the hunt has begun… Ciel,” he replied. Ciel's hair grew, he tightened his grip on Sebastian's shirt. Cold sweat started to trickle down his forehead.
“I-I… I'm scared,” Ciel said, his whole body shaking.
"That's why I'm here. I'll protect you,” Sebastian said and flew past several skyscrapers while still holding Ciel.
Suddenly, a group of devils from the Icus caste blocked Sebastian's path. They had smelled Ciel's blood, and it made them unable to resist their killing urge to kill Ciel immediately.
"Don't look, Ciel." Sebastian said and wrapped his arms around Ciel's body. Ciel nodded weakly as he put his little hand on Sebastian's body and hugged him tightly.
Sebastian swung his silver sword in the air, and instantly several devils who were not far in front of him were split apart. Horrible screams and howls echoed, foul-smelling black blood splattered and hit the clothes Sebastian was wearing, along with Sebastian's beautiful movement that slashed the demons without touching them.
I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's body. My eyes are closed. My lips are tightly shut. There was a terrible scream and shriek from the Devil which Sebastian finished off. The fishy smell of blood immediately hit my senses, making me nauseous.
I was really scared, too scared. Why did I have to be born in this world? Why does everyone have to protect me? Why should I be a burden to others?! Even people I don't know have to go to the trouble of protecting me! Why? Is my existence in this world so important that everyone has to protect me?
Without realizing it, tears started to roll down my cheeks. The tears kept flowing I couldn't stop them. Even though Sebastian was the one who stole my first kiss plus he wasn't someone I knew. But, he protected me with all his might, I owe him so much.
"Ciel?" Sebastian's soft voice floated softly in my ear, he stroked my gray hair gently.
"Yes?" I asked back, my hands still wrapped around his burly waist.
"You can open your eyes now," he said. Slowly, I opened my eyelids, and…
Everything made my stomach churn. How could I not, the pieces of devils were scattered here and there, some of the pieces of the body were charred from burning, and black, foul-smelling blood was seeping out of the body pieces. Spontaneously, I covered my mouth with both hands, holding back the churning feeling in my stomach. I don't want to throw up my whole guts here. It's a shame when someone sees your weakness, isn't it?
So, to ease my nausea, I took some distance from Sebastian and walked to the edge of the roof. Close my eyes, and fill the cavity of my lungs with oxygen as much as possible. I stole glances at Sebastian, unexpectedly our gazes met, I couldn't bear to stare at him for too long… then I looked away.
"You knew it yourself, didn't you?" he asked, his tone different from usual, more cold and sinister. Makes me cringe a little.
"What?" I asked back.
“Tonight is the night of the hunt for human souls, this happens once every 493 years. And tonight, is the 1000th night since this hunt was first carried out. All humans of special blood always die in the hunt, but I won't let that happen to you, Ciel,” Sebastian explained, he looked at me intently and… deeply.
"Not for the second time," he continued later.
Before I could ask Sebastian that, a pair of sharp claws gripped my arm. I struggled, trying to free the grip from my arm. But in vain, the more I struggled, the stronger his grip became.
Slowly, my body was brought up. I saw, Sebastian galloped towards me and tried to grab my hand. Tears rolled down my cheeks again. I'm too weak to fight, I can't do anything. I'm a useless person. I'm just GARBAGE!
"Sebastian!" I lament. I want him to save me. That's all I'm asking for for now.
"Ciel!" He stretched out his hand, about to grab me who was getting further and further out of his reach.
Please… save me, Sebastian.
To Be Continue
Well-- I have actually published this fanfiction since 2013, and as usual, on ffn ^^"
I don't know what inspired me to make a fantasy story which, according to readers of this fanfiction, is very similar to one of the anime.
Thanks for dropping by and reading ^^
I am also pleased if anyone gives suggestions and constructive criticism.
PS: for the demon caste, maybe I will tell you in the next chapter.
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casspricot · 2 years
My mind resonates within a storm
To be honest, I don't know really where to start. Well for once, I apologize whoever is reading has to go through all of this writing…even if nobody is reading this, I just needed to let it all out. Sometimes, I look upon my window as each day passes by with lingering trauma in my head still. That's just something I guess that never goes away. There's no breakup between you and trauma. It just, it just lives with you. Sometimes it doesn't affect your mind as much but then at the same time it does. Looking past in my life as a teenager, I'd experienced one interesting ride of high school years. When you grow up, you'd think you would mature from it all and know how to make the proper decisions. Yet as I sit here and type this, I feel so dazed and confused. I feel as I am supposed to be this influential figure to many others but yet I can't take care of my own feelings. I know I should prioritize myself sometimes but, I don't even know how. I fixed myself to be better this year, I promised I wouldn't fail everyone. I know I didn't fail but why does my heart feel so empty? I'm not alone but why do I feel like this? I look around, I see so many great people in my life but I just feel so selfish. I don't feel loved. Sometimes others don't mean to hurt me but they do. I act like I feel nothing and that it doesn't affect me but it does. On the inside it's killing me. It's like my heart is eating apart at my brain. Just why did they have to do such a thing? I never harmed anyone. I'm a human too right? Why must I feel so pathetic? All of my common sense has practically been kicked out of the window because of how intrusive my thoughts are. I'm not the same girl as I was. As I go to bed lately I envision such an alternate reality for myself. I'm longing for something that doesn't exist. Not like a new start, but a reality that's already fit for me. I can imagine the nights being so colorful despite how dark and intrusive my thoughts are. I can imagine myself being so happy in it, not having to care about whether or not someone loves me enough to treat me well or not having to care about money. Ignoring all society's judgements... Just music ringing out of my body. Yesterday was hard. Today is even harder.
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dior-and-dietcoke · 2 years
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18+, DUB-CON, groping, public sex, degradation, getting caught masturbating, implied exhibition and oral, baji calls you "little lamb", rough sex, choking, spitting, readers skin color is not mentioned, MDNI
Baji bullied you, but you still had a little crush on him..and baji also has a little crush on you but he hates that you both were in relationships, and when he catches you humping the edge of his desk he won't try to hide how bad he wants you
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baji was bad at expressing his emotions, and he had a crush on you. a big one.
he didn't know how to tell you, so he just talked to some friends who knew you, and that's how he found out that you have a boyfriend.
he didnt like that
and baji took his anger out on you. bumping into you with his shoulder making you trip and fall, he would also drop something in front of you if you would bump into him and say “you bumped into me.” to which you would stumble over your words trying to apologize “i-im sorry- i-” “yeah, yeah. you didn't fucking see where your dumb-ass was going, will you pick that up for me now?”
he basically just did that to see you bend over and see your ass. sometimes he would also just grab it in the process of you picking his things up, taking it out of your hands, and whisper with his deep voice in your ear “better watch out next time, little lamb, yeah?” and give you a smack to the ass before he left.
on very few occasions if he saw you with your boyfriend he waited for you to be alone again, drag you by your arm and trap you in the male bathroom with him, locked the door, and made you take his thick and heavy cock down your throat while his friends watched. you would whine and grab at his pants desperately gasping for air when he began to slap it on your face. he would just laugh and scoff at you “pathetic slut, can't even take cock without gagging and choking, or am I just too big for your filthy whore mouth, hm?” he was so mean!
but you did enjoy those parts, it really soaked your panties whenever he would do that, and you didn't even mind him humiliating you not just in front of his friends but making you go into your class with his cum still in your mouth, waiting for him to tell you you can swallow it. it really turned you on for some reason, the only thing you were bummed about was when he would walk in the halls with his girlfriend clinging to his arm, (she wasn't even really his girlfriend. she was just some casual fling that he was fucking when he was bored and was way too clingy.) push you and then leave without grabbing your ass or even making you get on your knees while he pulled your hair and made you apologize to him.
and you don't know if this was just your empty and horny brain or if you always saw him pitching a tent in his jeans, whenever he would be around you.
today after classes were over, baji forced you to do his and his friends’ cleaning duty, and you did, obviously. you were all alone and almost done till you got to baji’s desk. you knew it was his cause there was Grammarly incorrect writing (that even you could catch) all over it. it weirdly smelled like him.
and immediately you got horny. you walked to the door, making sure no one was around, closed the doors, and walked back to his desk. you looked at it and already felt embarrassed but the feeling of being ashamed didn't overtake your horniness so you just sat on the edge with just your clothed cunt pressing against the edge of the table and began to hump it like a bitch in heat.
unbeknownst to you, baji was still in school to wait for you to finish cleaning, he decided he should maybe finally ask you on a date. baji thought that would be the perfect time to ask you, I mean you were all alone and didn't have his cock in your mouth. he pushed the door open “are you done yet brat-” 
you jumped up and off from his desk, you looked down and saw a little pool of slick on it, baji really didn't know how to fucking to react. so he reacted the only way he knew how. be mean to you.
baji started walking towards you and yanked your hair back, making you look up at him “I fuckin’ knew it, you’re a dirty fuckin’ slut” he grinned and let his face come closer to yours ‘till his breath fanned against your quivering lips “humping my desk like a whore, don't you have a boyfriend for that?” you gulped and your legs began to shake at his words 
“or could it be that he ain’t fuckin’ you right?” the hand that was yanking your hair was now on your neck, that oh so perfectly fit in his big and strong hands “answer me, little lamb.” his face softened a bit and so did his voice but not his grip.
“i-i-” your stuttering annoyed baji so he slapped you across your pretty face “speak clearly.” he demanded “mhh..need you, k-Keisuke” your whining was always music to his ears, and hearing you beg for him hardened his cock even more 
“you need me, huh?” his grip on your neck went to your nape and pulled your body closer to his “close your eyes, lamb” he muttered as his gaze softened even more and just as you did as he asked and thought he would kiss you
“ah!” he turned you around to slam you on the desk, lift your ass and rip your panties apart, exposing your bare ass and pussy to him 
“aw, my little lamb is so wet because she humped my desk” he scoffed grinning and spanking your ass harshly “ke-keis- ahh!” a loud smack rang through the classroom followed by your moaning “can't remember allowing you to use my first name.” your eyes shot open “I'm so-sorry baji-AH!” this smack was even harder and louder. “that's not what you call someone who is above and older than you.” you tried to remember what to call him correctly 
“s-sir..” he smiled, being pleased with your answer “so your brain does still work, huh?” his rough hand began to pull at your roots again 
“But I can change that” he whispered against your ear lobe before delicately biting it with his sexy sharp teeth that he always flashed you whenever he would bully you. “aahnn, s-sir!” you whimpered and clawed at his desk while he pressed his prominent bulge against your ass 
“ya would like that? ya want me to turn you dumb?” he huffed out as he was grinding against you, obliging you to moan out loud “ya gotta answer with words, not sounds. I didn't turn you into my dumb pet yet.” baji growled, his voice was so deep and guttural, almost like a wolf.
“yes sir! I would like to-that!” you whined as your need to be filled up by your dangerous and hot bully grew bigger with every second that passed. Your plump ass involuntarily wiggled against his grip and erection. Earning yourself a harsh slap across your ass that will most likely leave a bruise
"Dont fucking tempt me, little lamb" he pushed you further onto the desk, placing your leg on it to get a better view of the mess between your thighs
"Unless you wanna be crawlin' outta here" you whimpered at his Dominant and dark tone "u-uhm..no, sir. I wanna be your good girl!"
Fuck, do you even know what you were doing to him? Baji's pants began to feel way too tight and his heart was pounding so hard against his chest he thought it was going to jump out.
"Yeah? You wanna be my good girl, lamb?" He smiled against your ear "y...yes.." baji was so surprised at your quick submission.
"Then you will take me raw and whole, right? Let me fill that pretty cunt up and make you mine?" He growled again as you heard him unzipping his pants and then felt his warm, heavy, and fat cock make a lewd wet slapping sound as it landed against your soaked pussy lips. "Ahh~" you whined "y-yes! Wanna- wanna be yours!"
Baji immediately prodded his tip against your hole after he heard your consent and bullied his way through your wet and tight warmth till he was in all the way, and his tip brushes against your cervix ever so slightly. "Shh..that's a good pussy-such a good, nasty hole ugh-"
Bajis growl was so guttural and dark, it made your pussy clench down hard on him.
Make him chuckle and suddenly snap his hips against your ass a single time before pulling your hair and making your teary eyes look up into his dark ones. "You're such a dirty slut for me, ain't that right." You started to whine and moan when baji suddenly rolled his hips against you in a wave-like motion and dragged his hot and hard cock drag across your overly sensitive walls "s-s-sir! Please faster mhngg!!" Your pathetic crying Was so adorable that he wanted to spit in your face, and he did. Baji puckered up his lips and spit a glob of spit into your pretty face "ahh!"
And don't think he didn't feel your slutty pussy tightened on his cock. "Dirty bitch.." he scoffed begore doing exactly what you asked. He might not seem like it to you, but he would do anything you tell him and just because of your stupid pretty face.
"Nhh- aaaah!!" Your moaning was so pornographic and pretty, is he really fucking you this good? Because he pretty much feels the same as you do. The lewd sounds of your disgusting sopping wet pussy, skin slapping, your sobs, and heavy breathing made him feel like he could cum any second and propose to you on the spot.
Your cries were getting louder and your brrathing became more rapid, signifiying that you were about to cum. "Ya gonna cum? Gonna cream on my cock and make a mess, yeah?" Your clit throbbed, feeling so neglected "s-sir! M-my clit!" You babbled as spit ran out of your useless mouth.
"Yer so needy, ya know that?" He huffed out and began thumbing your sensitive bundle of nerves. "Y-yes! S-sir, I feel so good- ah!"
Baji was getting impatient and didn't want to wait any longer for you to cum, so he just flooded your pussy with his hot n sticky cum "fucking take it, yeah..just like that..ugh" leading to some of his load squirting out of your pussy and making it drip down his length and your thighs as you came as well.
"Ah-ahh!! F-f-feels so good!! AH!" Baji waited for your pussy to stop throbbing and clenching before he pulled out and slapped your greedy pussy "AHH!"
he turned you around, making you stand on your wobbly legs and squishing your pretty cheeks and placing two fingers in your mouth to pry your lips apart and spit in your mouth "What do you say after someone gives you somethin'?" Baji asked as you obediently swallowed his spit "th-thank you!" Your dumb, fucked-out smile was so heartwarming to him
Leading to him suddenly smiling so softly at you "good girl." He whispered and then kissed your pretty and wet lips "k-Keisuke?" You asked hesitantly "hmm?"
He hummed, seeming actually interested in what you had to say.
"W-will you go out with me?" You asked enthusiastically with your sparkling up at him and hitting him right in the heart.
"I-i-" this is the first time you saw baji stutter or seem flustered "i..would like that.." he mumbled and taking your hand.
You smiled happily but then realized something "what about the mess?" To which baji just shrugged and pulled your panties up "let someone else clean it up or somethin'..or I'll just let the mess you made on my desk stay there." He grinned up at you before getting up and taking your hand again.
"Where should we go?" He asked you, rubbing his thumb over your smaller one.
"Mhh..can we go to your place?.." you asked looking all cute and embarrassed. "Don't tell me ya wanna get fucked again!" He complained as a pretty pink hie painted his cheeks.
He's so soft now! You loved it.
"Pleaaase!" You grabbed his arm and pressed your cheek on his shoulder. Baji rolled his eyes and sighed "greedy fuckin' pussy..but let me see you break up with your bitch of a boyfriend first!" You nodded and smiled happily "okaay!"
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Groceries (Might Guy x Reader)
Pairing: Might Guy x Reader
Word Count: 2723
Warnings: very minor angst, food mentions (TW for EDs)
A/N: Hope you enjoy! I've been so thirsty for Naruto characters recently it's not even funny
Also, this was originally two parts but I've combined them into one so let me know if the transition doesn't work!
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Growing up in Konoha you always felt safe. You knew there were experienced shinobi there to protect you. As a little girl, you would see them walk down the streets and watch in awe as they passed by you.
Despite everything you had seen in terms of violence, you still felt safe in the Leaf Village. There had been some tense battles, but the leaf shinobi always prevailed.
It was a day more peaceful than most as you made your way down to the store. You only needed a few things, but with the nice weather you decided to take advantage of the day instead of waiting for the grocery list to get longer.
Smiling, you walked into the store to the tune of children laughing and birds chirping. It was like you were in a movie.
You made your way down the aisles, picking up the items you needed as you went. Milk, eggs, noodles, and more went into the small cart in your hands as you browsed. Lost in your own world, you didn't see the other cart as it came around the corner at the same time as your own.
The carts crashed into each other, you and the other person with them. It almost winded you, both from surprise and the force of falling into the cart.
"I am so sorry!" You explained, looking up to the man you found in front of you. Luckily, neither of your groceries seemed to have sustained much damage. You found yourself surprised to be met with the most gorgeous dark eyes you had ever seen.
"It's no problem!" Said the man, flashing you a confident smile with a thumbs up. "No damage done."
You felt a hot flush rise to your face, but thankfully the man didn't seem to notice.
"Thank you," you said in a fluster. You weren't sure what you were even thanking him for, not yelling at you? It was then that you took notice of his outfit, especially the band around his waist. "Are you a shinobi?"
The smile stayed ever-present on his face.
"Yes I am! A jonin of the Hidden Leaf Village!"
If you had just half the enthusiasm of this man, you think you would be running on empty in less than five minutes. Hearing he was a jonin, you were impressed.
"Well, thank you for all that you do," you offered, moving to continue your shopping.
Although your interaction was brief, you couldn't stop thinking about it as days passed. Something about his eyes, and his confidence, drew you into him. You tried to brush it off, seeing as it was such a simple interaction, but it was impossible. Even trying to tell yourself that he didn't remember you wouldn't work; there was still a part of your brain that would never quiet down.
You had never minded being a civilian in Konoha. Sure, when you were younger you had thought about being a konoichi, but those were just the thoughts of a child. You never pursued it. You were happy with your career, teaching young children in subjects other than jutsu.
Despite your happiness, you began to wish that you had gone to the academy. Then you would have been able to find the man who was plaguing your thoughts. Even after that, you might have been a real option for him. You knew shinobi tended to mostly be interested in other shinobi.
You didn't know why it upset you so much. You didn't even know the man's name, and yet you were sad that you might not be his type. Feeling a bit pathetic, you found yourself in need of another grocery run. Trying to ignore the thought that you might see him again, you made your way to the store.
Sadly, at least for that persistent, gremlin part of your brain, the trip was rather uneventful. At least, until you found yourself in front of the produce.
You were trying to eat healthier, but it was hard. It wasn't that you didn't like your body, you just wanted to feel better in your own skin. As you stood there pondering, a male voice scared you from your thoughts.
"Excuse me."
You turned, disappointed to see a man with silver spikes instead of the dark bowl cut you had hoped for. You mumbled a sorry, stepping out of his way.
"Careful Kakashi," boomed another voice, "I'd keep your distance from that woman's cart if I were you."
Now that is the voice you had been hoping for.
As you turned, the tall man immediately caught your eye. You blushed at his words, remembering your initial encounter. The other man, Kakashi, looked at you with confusion. He grabbed what he needed before walking away, leaving you and the other man alone.
"So what brings you back here?" He asked. Normally you would have thought of this as awkward conversation, but your heart leapt at the opportunity to talk to him again.
You sighed, "I'm trying to decide what I want. I wanted something healthy but I didn't want to just start grabbing vegetables."
"Then you're in luck," he grinned, "I'm somewhat of an expert. Try some blueberries, they're a superfood." He grabbed a package, placing them in his own cart. "They're on me today."
You tried to protest, but he wasn't having any of it. You made your way through checkout, paying the rest of your items before meeting back up with the man.
"Thank you," you told him, looking back up at his deep eyes. Pausing for a moment, you realized something. "I don't even know your name! How could I thank you for buying these before me without even learning your name?"
The man chuckled, extending his hand out to you.
"The name's Guy," he said loudly, shaking your hand. "Would it be crazy to ask for your name in return?"
You blushed as you grabbed his hand, his grip firm yet his hands soft.
"Y/n," you told him. He smiled.
"That's a beautiful name." His words did nothing to help calm the blush on your face. You were sure he knew exactly what he was doing to you based on the color of your cheeks alone. Suddenly Guy grew rather sheepish. "I know how this is going to sound, but would you want to come by my place sometime?"
Your eyes widened. After all this time wondering what this man was really like, he was just the type to invite you into bed with him immediately? Admittedly part of you was curious, but you weren't stupid.
"Excuse me?"
Now it was his turn to blush.
"Well I know how that sounds," Guy said quickly, trying to get his words out faster than he could think. "But I just meant to make you dinner. I could show you how to cook some vegetables so that they aren't all that bad."
Immediately you felt bad for assuming the worst, offering him a small smile.
"I would like that."
He smiled back at you. Guy gave you his address as the two of you decided on a time before parting ways. You couldn't help the giddy grin that covered your face as you walked home. Your date couldn't come fast enough.
In the days leading up to your date with Guy, it was all you could think about. You told yourself that was fine, since you were obsessing over him already. At least now you had a reason to.
The day was finally here, and as the hours ticked away you found yourself growing more nervous. Deciding what to wear was a challenge in itself. Did you want to try to dress up nicer, or would that be too much? Yet at the same time you worried dressing too casual would give him the idea that you weren't as interested as you were.
You tried on just about everything you owned, settling for a dress that made you feel pretty. It was fancy enough to make you feel like you were trying, but still casual enough that you would be comfortable.
You looked at the clock, seeing that you still had ample time before you needed to leave. Sitting down, your mind wandered. What would tonight be like?
in your mind you ran through a myriad of scenarios. If you didn't like the food he cooked, you would have to just stomach it and hope for the best. Based on what he told you at the store though, it seemed like he would know what he was doing. Still, you worried that something would go wrong.
Above all, there was a bigger question ringing out in your mind. Would he try to kiss you? And, would you want him to?
The seconds turned to minutes as you pondered, the minutes turning into hours until it was time to go. You collected your things, making sure to grab any and all essentials before you left. You had already told your friends who you would be with, going as far as to give them the address should anything go wrong. Guy seemed like such a nice guy, but you could never be too careful.
Locking the door to your apartment behind you, you set off. It was early in the evening, and the sun was just beginning to set in the sky. You were thankful you wouldn't have to walk in the dark. You knew there were plenty of shinobi around, hell, you were even meeting one right now. But even then you felt uncomfortable walking home alone at night, surrounded by darkness.
It was a shorter walk than you anticipated, and before you knew it you were at his place. Taking a deep breath, you reached up to knock on his door. It seemed like a nice enough part of town, and his place itself was well-kept especially considering how much time you were sure he spent on training.
You heard Guy's loud steps make their way to the doorway, pausing on the other side before the door swung open. His usual confident smile was on his face, but instead of moving his mouth into words he just looked at you. You felt yourself growing red under his gaze.
"Hello Guy," you said softly, looking up at him.
Guy had been making the same amount of preparations as you, if not even more. He planned the meal out carefully, even practicing it the night before to make sure it went well. He had spent more time than usual perfecting his hair, making sure not a single strand would be out of place. He had even thought of exactly what he wanted to say when he opened the door.
Hello Y/n, he would say as he smiled at you. You look more beautiful every time I see you.
Sure, it was more forward than he had been with you before. This was a date after all, and he wanted to make how he felt about you clear from the start.
That plan went right out the window when he saw you, your sundress captivating him. It looked so cute on you, and at the same time there was something about it that sent a wave of tingles between his legs. To put it simply, he was speechless.
He knew he should say something but he couldn't, enraptured by the way you looked in his doorway.
"Hello Guy," you said to him. That sweet voice of yours would drive him crazy someday, and he knew that. He loved hearing his name fall from your lips, hoping it would be far from the last time. Everything about you made him fall for you more.
Despite his thoughts about your voice, your words were enough to stir him to action himself.
"Hey," he said.
Really Guy? He thought to himself. You're the Blue Beast, a strong shinobi. And yet all you can say to a woman is 'hey'?
You giggled at him, and he felt a smile creep onto his face.
"It's good to see you again," he continued. He decided to dial back the forwardness, realizing he had already kept you waiting outside for too long in his daze. "Come on in."
You followed Guy into his home, taking in the delicious aroma filling the rooms.
"I don't know what you're making," you stated, "but it smells amazing."
Guy beamed with pride, ushering you over to the kitchen.
"It's my favorite." He told you. "A spicy, vegetable curry."
Thankfully, you didn't mind spicy. In fact, you enjoyed it. Your mouth watered, taking in the sight and smell of the food in front of you.
"Actually, it should be just about done." Said Guy, stirring it all for a final time before putting it onto beautiful dishes to serve.
He had already set the table, candles and all. He pulled the chair out for you, pushing you back in as if you weighed nothing. He sat across from you, and the way he smiled at you made you weak in the knees. It's a good thing you had already sat down.
You wasted no time, digging in. And it was delicious.
"Oh my god Guy," you said in near disbelief at how good it was. You could see his expression perk up. "This is amazing!"
"I'm glad you like it," he chuckles, eating his own.
The rest of the meal went off without a hitch. You talked about your job and his, bonding over your love for your respective students.
"Maybe sometime I can come watch one of your training sessions," you mentioned. "I would love to see you teach them."
Guy smiled, "I would love that." The sincerity in his tone took you by surprise. While you knew he was never joking with you, there was always some sort of bravado to his speech that now was missing.
You helped him clean up despite his protests. You told him that if he cooked, you would at least clean up. It was only fair, after all. You scrubbed the dishes, oblivious to the way Guy was looking at you.
He never would have admitted it to anyone but himself, but he was falling in love with you. He had no problem picturing a life with you. Coming up to you at the end of the day, sharing a meal together. He wanted everything that life would bring him.
"Well," you said, finishing up, "I should probably get going."
"Let me walk you," insisted Guy. "A lady such as yourself should never walk alone at night."
He offered his arm to you, and you accepted it with a shy smile. You could feel his prominent muscles under the fabric of his outfit, and you could feel your face growing warmer. You were thankful for the darkness for obscuring your face from him, hoping he couldn't tell.
He could tell.
As the two of you made your way back towards your own apartment he would flex his muscles every so often, loving the way your face would flush. A couple of times he timed it right so that you were speaking, making you stutter.
The walk ended much earlier than either of you would have liked it to. Suddenly your heart started racing. You could answer your questions from earlier clearly.
Would he try to kiss you?
You sure hoped so.
Would you want him to?
You paused in your doorway, letting go of Guy's arm. You looked up at him, flashing him a genuine smile.
"I had fun tonight."
He reciprocated your own expression with a smile of his own, "me too."
You both paused for what seemed like the longest second in the world. It was as if he was building up the courage to actually go through with what he wanted to. He cleared his throat.
"Y/n, may I kiss you?"
You nodded your head and he lowered his lips to yours slowly. As you pressed your own lips to his you couldn't help the gasp that escaped them.
That's a sound I'll keep replaying... thought Guy.
He pulled away sooner than you would have liked, but he was a gentleman.
"I'll see you soon." Guy ended his sentence with a wink, sauntering off as you went to go inside.
"I can't wait."
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 08 / all for us
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summary: levi decides to walk you through his garden on a rainy day. you didn’t think that you’d end up having another antagonist though.
note: oh my god, i am deeply sorry that this took such a long time. i’ve been way too busy to actually sit down and get into the mindset of this book. i’m so sorry.
word count: +2.4k
taglist: @voltairelesecond @baelo80 @the-sun-baby @uniquepickle @ascybous @messyhairday-me @stupid-stinky @saturnalya @megumitodoroki @kouyume @quacksonlover81 @gipumaur @morgana-olson @yourodangoatama
warnings/notes: cursing, creepy gestures, fluff, slight confusion, unedited, let me know if i missed anything
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RAINDROPS pelted against the glass of the window gently, the sound echoing throughout the quiet room that is your bedroom.
today, levi had decided he would just spend his time with you in the comfort of your own room, holding you in his arms while he lazed the day away.
you, on the other hand, were having none of it. and by none of it, i mean cuddling. it wasn't that you didn't want to cuddle with levi, in fact, you enjoyed a lot! but, the rain outside your window was far more important in your eyes.
there was nothing exactly specific about the rain that entrapped your attention, just that it had been so long since you'd been in it. so long since you've been outside even.
but you'd never ask to go outside, the answer was already plastered onto an invisible wall inside of your head. so instead, you'd just look whenever you would get the chance.
and it didn't go unnoticed, it was actually quite obvious. you didn't care however, it's not as if erwin or levi were going to change their mind, so why worry at all?
but seeing the way your eyes sparkle at the sight of the rain gather in puddles outside, levi felt himself being convinced.
he huffs annoyedly, he just wanted to spend the day in your arms until erwin was home. he wishes it didn't rain. but even so, he begrudgingly gets to his feet and trudges to you. you look at him with a smile, hand reaching up to point at something that only you could probably see.
"we're gonna go outside for a bit, sick of watching your desperate face," he puts his hands in his pockets while staring at your widened eyes.
you stare at him for a minute, slightly creeping him out, before you even really react. you swing your arms around his neck and thank him profusely, a wide smile spread from ear to ear whenever you pull away from him.
"you're not going out in your nightgown though," he points to the silk white nightgown that ends at your bruised knees.
you follow behind him happily whenever he walks into your closet, shuffling through the different clothes he's bought you.
"you're not wearing light colors, it's too muddy outside, and if you were to get stains on you, they'd ruined beyond repair," he mutters, grabbing a black button up with bishop sleeves.
he hands it to you, gently taking your hand to lead you out of the closet and towards your dresser than held your clothes. he settles on a forest green skirt that ends just a few inches above your ankles, and then he grabs a bra for you.
"strip," you don't complain, only heat up and oblige.
his back is turned whenever he flings a black bra at you, obviously avoiding the sight of your body to help you maintain your decency. even if he did bathe you sometimes.
you hurriedly slip the bra on and levi finally decides to look at you again. he helps you button up your shirt along with the cuffs, nagging at you quietly as a husband would do for their wife. he lets you step inside the skirt on your own, which has you coming to the realization that there are built in pants that separate the air from your panties.
levi scoffs at your untucked shirt, tucking it into your skirt with fondness dripping from him. he sits you onto the stool of your vanity, which no longer has a mirror, and sighs. he picked up a brush, running it carefully through your hair to avoid any tangles that would tug at your head.
when he feels you're decent enough, he holds a cold hand out for you to take into his own. you accept it with glee, skipping behind him when he guides you through his estate and to the back door that leads to his garden.
"i need you all to clean up that table in the center. put those big umbrellas under it and dry it off with towels. then leave towels by the umbrella so i can wipe it down if it gets wet again. make us a light lunch, nothing too big but definitely not small. (name) and i are going to walk around the garden together until you all are finished or until we're ready to eat," levi's so quick with his words that it has you reeling with confusion, but his workers seem just fine with his speed and are already starting to complete the task given to them.
he holds a smaller umbrella in one hand and your hand in the other, opening it above the two of you as you step outside the door. your shoes click against the stone walkway just as thunder booms in the sky. you flinch and chuckle, pulling your hand away from levi to link arms with him.
he guides you along the garden, only explaining certain things if you had questions. the silence mixed with the light pitter patter of the rain soothes him, heavy eyes fluttering sleepily.
he's immediately awake whenever you squeal excitedly.
there was a marble statue of the goddess, themis. her scales were elegantly balanced between her fingers while her blindfold hung loosely around her eyes, other hand on the hilt of her sword that pointed to the ground.
"that was a reward for erwin at his office. i make sure to clean it myself every once and a while," you look to him, admiration mixed with confusion displayed on your face as you contemplated the meanings behind not only the goddess, but her statue as well.
you decide to keep quiet, slightly tugging levi to come closer to the statue so you can examine it more closely.
your eyes are shining whenever levi looks at you, and he feels like you're the sunshine in the midst of this pouring rain.
he looks down at his shoes silently, brushing away his cheesy and sappy thoughts. he feels stupid. not once had he felt this way towards anyone besides tall blonde men with blue eyes, but now he was feeling this way towards a woman. to say he was confused was only scratching at the surface.
he knew he'd liked you when he met you. you were quick witted, outgoing, and kind-hearted, not to mention gorgeous. but it's not like he wasn't sexually attracted to women at the time, he definitely was. he had never just felt romantically for women, not once in the entirety of his pitiful life.
but you're so docile and levi likes that. he not only likes it, he cherishes it.
for now, he'll entertain the thought that he might be bisexual, pansexual, whatever title makes him feel comfortable. if he can fall for you, then there's a chance he can fall for other girls.
levi hasn't even realized he's zoned out until you whine at him. you're lightly tugging on his hand to venture further into the garden, and levi's heart swells. you had an opportunity to leave, whether you even knew it or not, yet you chose to stay and wait for him. you had even snapped him out of it.
he lets out a huff before he stares to guide you around the garden again. he can't wait to take a nap after this.
"are you ready to eat yet," he grumbles, tugging on your hand to get you to stop walking.
"is there anything else left to see?"
"nothing that will look good in this weather," he scoffs.
"then, yes, i'm ready," and with that, he's leading you to the table his workers had been ordered to set up.
when you two arrive, you realize that the table was sat under a white hexagonal kiosko that had vines and flowers wrapping around the support beams. the table was covered from the rain, confusion clacking your brain at why levi asked for a big umbrella.
he seems pleased at seeing the table though.
"how long did it take for petra to realize," levi asks whenever he helps you sit down.
"not very long," the man said, and you recognize him from that day in bath with erwin.
you stiffen at the eye contact, looking down at the table and the empty plates that sit upon them. you feel his stare linger on you and your body, specifically your curves that were hidden underneath the button up shirt levi put on you. this kid gave you the creeps.
"i'll be back with the food," he says and walks behind your chair, fingers brushing against the back of your neck.
you swallow down your disgust, looking to levi to start a conversation.
"levi, wh... what's that boy's name?"
eyebrow raised, he responds, "his name's archie. why do you ask?"
"no reason. i think i've seen him around the house before," you shrug and idly play with the silverware on the table.
levi doesn't believe you, but the day has been too good for him to ruin now. you both talk sparingly while waiting for archie to come back, mostly talking about the new tv show you got levi to start watching and what he thinks about it.
the two of you turn your heads when you hear the sound of footsteps. you see erwin with archie following behind him with a tray of three plates, erwin holding an umbrella over the two of them. a soft smile sets on levi's face when he sees him.
"what are you doing home," you smile whenever he steps under the roof of the kiosko closes the umbrella.
"i was thinking of you two all day. it got so bad that i called a client by your guys' names," he chuckles, leaning down to give you a kiss on your head.
he does the same to levi while you giggle at his sentence. he sits down in an unoccupied chair, hand laying itself on your thigh.
"you can't just keep taking off, erwin," despite the slightly bitter sentence, levi's face is content.
archie places the plates in front of erwin and levi in silence, then to you. his arm brushes your own, and you can't help but get that weird feeling in your tummy again.
"thank you," you say to him quietly, flipping the fork between your fingers.
he just hums in response and walk away from the three of you again, sly smirk on his face. you ignore him, starting to eat the grilled chicken salad with slight confusion.
it had been over three months since you'd even had a fork in your hands. the feeling felt foreign and it felt as if all memory of how to eat with a fork washed away. the realization made your stomach ache, a dreadful look in your eyes spreading across your body. you swallowed down the huge ball that brews in your throat, hands trembling.
erwin and levi stare with pride swelling in their chests while tears swell in your eyes.
since when had you become so dependent? were you not just taking care of pieck and her cat when she was sick months ago?
you take a deep breath, adjusting the fork to make it comfortable in your hand. you try your best to eat with loose muscles, but the stiffness in your bones have practically turned you into wood.
erwin turns to you, sickeningly sweet smile on his face, taking the fork out of your hand and gathering food for you. he feeds you, just as he has done before, fingers gently touching your jaw as if he guided your chewing.
a warmth fills the ball in your chest, and deep down inside it makes you sick. you chew slowly and listen to levi and erwin's conversation, which consists of erwin's workday and how you've refused to cuddle with levi this morning.
you lay on the living room couch with your head in erwin's lap and feet in levi's. a crime documentary plays on the television, something erwin seemed excited about. he looked too cute to deny.
erwin's fingers run through the locks of your hair lovingly, only ever pulling them out if they start to tangle. levi's watching the documentary with a bored look on his face, thumb rubbing random patterns into your ankle. you're not exactly paying attention to the documentary, only zoning in whenever erwin points something out or whenever levi lets out a scoff.
you start to sit up and stretch, the urge of going to the bathroom taking over you.
you feel embarrassed whenever you ask, "can i go to the bathroom?"
"yeah, just go to the one in your quarters," levi's answer is immediate. he really must not like the documentary.
you pad over to the bathroom, listening to the pitter pattering of your bare feet against the dark hardwood floor. you walk into the opened door of your quarter, yawning obnoxiously and throwing your arms into the air. maybe you should've cuddled with levi this morning.
you go to the bathroom quickly, the thundering of the sky making you nervous. it would've been different if levi or erwin were with you.
you start to walk back to the living room, eyes focused on the flickering light that illuminates the large hallway. a particular loud clash of lightning and clap of thunder has you jumping into the air, house barely rumbling.
your body crashes into a chest, which you immediately grab onto, instinctively. you start to apologize to the person, obviously thinking that it was erwin judging by the height and broadness of the chest.
but when you look up, you're looking at the emerald green eyes that belong to archie. your words get caught in your throat and you feel yourself pale.
"i-i'm sorry," you stutter, immediately backing away only to come to the realization that you're already a few feet from the door to go back into the living room.
if you crashed into him, that means he was walking towards you. but the only thing ahead of the two of you would be—
would be your room.
dread drenches you, head to toe, sweat forming on your forehead as the room starts to feel a little bit fuzzy.
"wh-why were you in my room," you struggle to even get the first syllable out.
"levi wanted me to check for something in there," he shrugs nonchalantly, but you're not convinced.
you smile shakily and nod, rushing to the living room to get away from him. you try to think positive even after all the staring and subtle touches.
but it still leaves a pit in your stomach.
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writteninkat · 3 years
v - you look pretty stupid
word count: 1,657
"today was a fairytale"
Bakugou lets you pull him to a carnival the just opened, something even his mom hasn't visited yet. He look around, clicking his tongue at all the extras screaming and laughing. He then looks at you beside him, features softening at how your eyes sparkled and how your smile grew even bigger as you took in the view of all the rides.
He feels this unfamiliar feeling of his chest clenching- he suddenly felt a little out of breath and his palms began sweating as well as his tummy doing what felt like flips.
"'Suki! I wanna try that one first!" You point at the teacups that soin ariund but Bakugou doesn't miss the name you call him. He pulls his hand back, oulling you along with him. "Suki?" He asks, raising a brow.
You mentally face palm yourself at your mistake, writing down a mental note to bang your head against the wall once you got home.
"Ah-" You avoid his gaze, "That slipped right out, I didn't know where it came from." You chuckled nervously. "Sorry for that, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again-"
You look down at your wrist when you feel his hand tighten around it as he listens to you talk. He looks to the side, glaring at nothing. "I didn't mean- You can just-"
When he stops talking, you see the tips of his ears turn the faintest red, making you smirk. You lean towards him, tilting your head to the side to get a better look at his face. "Do you want me to call you that nickname, Katsuki Bakugou?"
His eyes snap at you and the soft look he had on just now is immediately replaced by an annoyed and angry one. "Of course not! Why would I want you calling me that?! It sounds stupid and-"
"Alright, alright." You laugh it off, "Let's just go enjoy the rides, alright? Suki?" You wrap an arm around his, not giving him a chance to reply as you're pulling him to the booth where you get your tickets for the teacup ride.
The both of you sit down, and you couldn't stop smiling in excitement as your heart pounds against your chest. It was a feeling similar to a while ago before the activity started but you anticipated this more.
"Hey dumbass, stopping grinning like that you look horrifying." Bakugou- no, Katsuki says, smirking as he spreads his arms on the edges. "Well excuse me for being so excited!" You squeak the last part when the ride suddenly starts off roughly, your body flying to the nearest thing, more like person beside you.
"Shit!" You yell, placing a hand on Katsuki's chest to try and push yourself off of him but the ride is throwing you towards him, aoinning the two of you in the large teacup.
"Hey dumbass! Get off of me!" Katsuki growls and you can't help but laugh, finding the entire thing hilarious. You lose your strength, letting the ride throw you against Katsuki, your side pressing up against him as you laugh loudly.
Katsuki thanks whatever is up there that you couldn't see the mad blush across his face right now. He's furrowing his brows and glaring quite forcefully as his arm slowly wraps itself around your shoulders.
I'm just making sure the idiot won't fly off the damn teacup. Katsuki reasons with himself, getting even more irritated at the fact that he thought he had to reason with himself.
The ride comes to an end and you're still laughing your butt off, feeling quite lazy as you step out of the circular ride. When you misstep and start falling to your right, Katsuki quickly scoops you in his arms, saving you from any embarrassment or injury.
"Thanks Suki." You laugh, letting him lead you off the elevated place as he quietly grumbles to himself. You continue pulling him towards different rides, may it be short roller coasters, long roller coasters, high roller coasters or wet roller coasters where they spray you with water as you come down from the hill.
By the time you finish with the rides, your stomach is growling and Katsuki is pulling you towards a tokoyaki and karaage shop. He sits you on the bench beside it which gives you a beautiful view of the river as the colorful and pretty carnival lights reflect on the dark waters.
"Dumbass." He calls, handing you your serving as he takes a seat beside you. You pull your feet up, sitting cross-legged on the bench as you happily eat your food.
"Carnivals in Japan are much more fun." You say, smiling up at the sky full of stars. "They're also prettier."
"But aren't there more rides in the US?" Katsuki asks, munching on his own fold. You shrug your shoulders, "Then I guess tonight was more fun cause it was with you." Your eyes widen at your words and you feel your body physically stiffen at them. You blink a few times, trying to think of a good excuse.
"Did you just confess to me?" Katsuki smirks, looking at you sideways to which you narrow your eyes at. "Can't I have fun with a guy without him misunderstanding it?" You roll your eyes playfully as you continue eating your food, as you feel your heart about to punch your brain.
Katsuki eats his food aswell, but not after frowning at your words. Misunderstanding? Am I simply misunderstanding this?
"What kind of stuff can I buy here? You know, as a kind of souvenir?" You ask, standing up and extending an empty hand at the blond. He looks at your open palm with a raised brow before you motion your eyes to his now empty food carton. He stands up, huffing as he takes yours to throw both of your trash himself.
"My mom likes to buy fans. But I personally like getting keychains." He leads you to a booth where they sell multiple stuff; keychains, hairpins, fans, even kitsune masks just like the one with your costume.
"Hey Suki." You call him, pulling him out of him choosing a keychain for himself. He looks up at you, eyes widening as you tuck your hair behind your ear, showing him a pretty sakura themed hairpin you have on. "Does it look good in me?"
Katsuki's eyes are wide, his pupils dilated as a faint blush appears on his cheeks. There's that damn feeling again. His palms are sweating, his heart feeling like it's about to beat right out of his chest, his stomach is doing somersaults and his breathing is irregular.
"Pretty..." He mumbles, causing you to raise a brow?
"You think I look pretty?" You tease, laughing before you take it back. Your smirk disappears when you see him slowly nod a little. You raise your brows as you feel your heart pick up its pace.
He thinks I'm pretty-
"...stupid. You look pretty stupid." Katsuki covers himself, looking away. You roll your eyes at him, putting the hairpin back where you took it and taking a sakura themed keychain and fan instead.
"Ass wipe." You mutter at him before bringing your stuff to the counter, paying for it.
The two of you walk in silence together, you're busy looking up at the stars to notice the stone in front of you, causing you to trip. Before you fall to the ground, Katsuki pulls at your wrist, saving you from the fall. A thick feeling of deja vu goes through you as you jut your lower lip out into a pout, trying to recall when this happened last.
Ah, the teacups.
Without even realising it, the two of you reach your apartment building. You look up at it, the growing feeling of not wanting to leave the angry blond's side getting heavier by the second.
"Get in already, dumbass." He motions his head towards the building, usual glare in his eyes. You turn around, smiling at him. "Hey thanks for tonight. You really helped my homesickness." You say, turning back around to walk inside your apartment building.
Before you get in, you look back at Katsuki who's still standing there, making sure you got in the building safely. You wave a hand at him, earning a middle finger from him as you chuckle and enter the place.
The warmth of your apartment was nothing compared to the warmth of being with the blond tonight. You felt so at home, he felt so right and everything felt so nice this whole night.
As you stripped to wash up before going to bed, a paper bag falls off the pocket of your uniform's vest. You pick it up, pouting your lips as you open it. It's the sakura hairpin you tried on a while ago. How'd it get here? You don't remember buying it and you don't remember Katsuki giving it to you- no, he slipped it in your pocket when he saved you from the fall earlier.
Clever guy.
You put on the hairpin, snapping a photo of you winking at the camera with your head turned to the side a little to show off the adorable hairpin attached to your hair.
you: *image attached*
you: thanks for the hairpin suki ;)
you: thought you said i looked pretty stupid?
rubies: no i didnt
you furrow your brows.
you: nu uh. you said i looked pretty stupid a while ago
you: you think i look like an idiot with this hairpin on -_-
rubies: you forgot the comma
rubies: dumbass
You tilt your head to the side, feeling the wheels turn in your head before the lightbulb finally lights up. Now you got the message. You smile, widely, feeling your face heat up and the butterflies in your stomach go crazy as you recall him in that moment, just staring at you, completely awestruck.
"You look pretty, stupid."
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hearts4-robin · 3 years
# flying colors - Katsuki Bakugo
# genre - fluffy angst
# pairing - Katsuki Bakugo x y/n (no specific gender)
# warnings - yelling, swearing, inappropriate words, intense arguments, crying, anxiety, trauma, panic/anxiety attack
# ages - Katsuki Bakugo: 16 - y/n: 16
# authors note - I hope you like this short story (: let me know if you like it and send in some requests! <# this story haven't been read through and English isn't my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes etc.
# - Thursday - 01.46 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had forgotten what you were arguing about. But it was heated. It was horrible, the yelling from your boyfriend was driving you crazy. He had just came back from another late extra practice and he had been lacking on giving you any attention. You got that you were both hardworking students but you missed the tingling feeling from when he'd hold you close at 2am while discussing why Mineta is a total asshole.
"You never talk to me anymore!" You voice almost cracked as the words left your mouth. Katsuki's frown sunk deeper, his vein in his neck starting to pulse faster. "Maybe I don't want to pay attention to you, y/n! Ever thought about WHY I always practice so late?" he snapped back. You could clearly see how he was holding back his anger. "Well- no, I haven't-" the thought struck you like one of Kamanari's shocks. "Are you cheating on me?" Katsuki's eyes widened as he watched tears prickle up in your eyes. "What-, no what kind of boyfriend do you actually think I am?" He was yelling. On the brink of screaming at you. "Clearly one who avoids me! Avoids my company! If you're so sick of hanging out with me, why don't you just go right ahead and break up with me?" Now you were yelling too. Holding back wasn't a thing anymore. You watched as Katsuki's hands started releasing small explosions as I his eyes turned darker. You couldn't tell if it was in disappointment, anger or sadness.
"Now why would you say that! Huh? Why?" He was screaming, a hidden growl and sadness under his voice. "Because it's how I feel, Katsuki!" you frowned deeper as your nails dug into the palms of your hands, creating small moon-shaped marks. "I don't care about how you feel, y/n!" You immediately felt a sting of pain in your chest as you watched your boyfriend clench his fist and walk past you and into his dorm room. Well aware that he just woke up half the for building, he slammed the door shut. You covered your mouth with your hand as warm salty tears started streaming down your cheeks. How could he say that to you?
"y/n-chan?-" You looked up, snapping out of the daze you had fallen into. The worried face of your fellow classmate, Eijiro Kirishima, appeared from his bedroom door. "Are you okay? I couldn't help but overhear you and Bakubros argument." He stated as he walked out the door and closing it, revealing himself in a fated red sweatshirt with a big 'Crimson Riot' over the chest and a pair of black pajama pants. You shook your head no at his question as he walked towards you in his big slippers. He frowned worridly as he allowed himself to wrap his arms around you and pull you into a hug. You let out a low sob before you buried your face in Eijiros chest. "H-He doesn't ca-care-, he doesn't care a-about me anymore!" You clung onto Eijiro as he rubbed your back in soothing circles in hope of calming down your mixed feelings. Your chest hurt, your throat was sore and your head was pounding in a quick pace.
"You know Bakubro-, he's not always easy to handle. He won't tell you but he really does love you. He cares for you a lot, y/n." Eijiro looked at you as he lowered his arms around you. You looked at your red haired classmate before he looked towards Katsuki's bedroom. "Give him three days alright? If he doesn't do anything, dump him. I know it sounds harsh but that's the rule I've lived after and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. Think about it." You nodded at his words before wiping your tears off your cheeks, even though you knew they'd be back as soon as you'd close your bedroom door. "Good. Sleep well dude! I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Don't stay up too late!" Eijiro grinned cheekily as he waved at you. He closed his door as he disappeared behind it. Your lip quivered as you slowly walked to the elevator. You weakly pressed the button to summon the elevator. Stepping inside after the doors opened with a low 'ding!' you leaned against the wall. You pressed the button to your dorm floor before the elevator moved slowly. You rewinded the whole argument in front of you, everything passing like flying colors with all the wrong shades.
The elevator once again let out a 'ding!' before the doors slit open. Sniffling, you walked out of the elevator with your head down. "Young y/n."
You looked up with slightly wide eyes as you heard Mr. Aizawa speak. "M-Mister Aizawa-" You got cut off by his stare. It told you everything. You bowed before walking to your room. "I'll go to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up." You sniffled back a few tears before you closed your bedroom door after you. Letting out a small sob, you feel onto your bed. You felt absolutely miserable. You felt horrible. The pain and guilt in your chest had spread to your stomach and you felt sick to the guts as you broke down in tears again. After almost 6 months with Katsuki as your #1 wingman and your boyfriend, hearing his words hurt you. 'I don't care about how you feel, y/n!'
Those 8 words burned in the very front of your brain while you tried to sleep, escape from the aching pain.
# - Thursday - 05.30 a.m. - U.A. Class 1-A dorm building - #
You had been wide awake for the past 30 minutes, distracting yourself by getting ready. Brushing your hair, getting dressed in your uniform and doing whatever was left to do. Your appetite was small, but your stomach still craved some food. You opened the door and stepped out, rubbing your tired eyes. You followed the other few classmates on your hall to the elevator.
“Good-morning y/n…” You looked to your right to see Ashido yawning, dark circles under her eyes. “Good-morning Ashido-. Didn’t you sleep?” She leaned back and stretched her arms, her shirt rising a little as the elevator continued moving down slowly. “Not much-, Bakugo was throwing around with stuff all night! Mr. Aizawa had to tell him to keep it down and go to bed. Nobody knows what’s going on with him right now.” She yawned again after finishing off. A little sting poked you in your chest as she spoke before the elevator let out another ‘ding!’. The door opened, revealing Katsuki, Izuku, Tenya and Eijiro at the table. You and Ashido walked towards the table, and both sat down. You sat down beside Tenya, as far away from Katsuki as possible, which was odd. Very odd. Katsuki was frowning more as usual before he angrily got up from the table and violently grabbing his tray of breakfast. You avoided eye contact at all costs. You looked at the tray of food Tenya had pushed towards you. You looked up to see everybody at the table looking at you with various different expressions. Worry, confusion and awaiting. “y/n… What happened?” You looked at Tenya as he spoke. You poked to your food, the appetite you had earlier suddenly disappearing. “Nothin’.” You mumbled before standing up, holding your tray with weak hands. You left the table to the kitchen.
You froze in your tracks as you saw Katsuki in his usual black shirt with the white print on. He was holding his empty tray in his hands as the unfinished food was thrown in the nearest bin. He glared at you before tossing the tray on the counter and leaving the room. You looked after him, tears prickling and threating to escape from your tear-bags. You placed your full tray on the counter before walking back to the common area. Those moments that felt like hours in the kitchen was just a few minutes. Within those minutes, Katsuki had left the dorm and just about everyone else was up and eating. Walking towards the shoe racks, you picked up your shoes and slipped them on. You stepped out the door, already feeling the early morning cold from December. You stepped onto the road leading towards the school and started walking.
"y/n! Wait up!-" You looked behind you, seeing, once again, Eijiro running towards you while clumsily putting on his shoes. "Eijiro?..." You voice was sore from barely talking this morning. Usually, you get along with Tsu and Ashido pretty well, Yaoyorozu too.
Eijiro caught up to you as you both started walking. "Did you hear Bakubro yesterday?" He looked at you, adjusting hid headband. You shook your head. "No. Ashido told me about how Mr. Aizawa had to stop it." You were mumbling, you never mumbled around people like Eijiro. "Hm.. He'll get better. How are you feeling today? Did you get sleep yesterday?" You both reached the front of the school. He opened the door for you as you, once again, shook your head. "Hard time falling asleep?" You nodded at his question as he walked in behind you. "Do you need to talk about anything? I suck at advice but I'm always here to listen!" You nodded, smiling a little bit. You truly were grateful for people who checked up on you like Eijiro did. You both entered the empty classroom.
"Where's Bakubro?" Eijiro looked around, frowning in confusion. "I think her went for a walk or something like that. I don't know, he didn't tell me..." You dozed off as you sat down in your seat. "Tenya should be here soon." You stated as Eijiro sat down, leaning back in his seat. "Tenya is so manly! Taking responsibility to keep the class in line!" You nodded as Eijiro continued to ramble about manliness. Soon, the class was filled up, even Katsuki had shown up.
You were laid over your desk, looking up towards Mr. Aizawa as he spoke. Another practice day. The costumes slid out the wall, everybody standing up to grab their case with their costume.
# - Thursday - 08.27 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"Wow, y/n! Did you choose a new color scheme? It matches Bakugo's!" You looked down at yourself as Ashido, Kamanari and Tokoyami admired your new costume. You nodded at their questions. "I did. I don't know if he likes it." You were mumbling again. Kamanari opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Cementoss.
"Alright, everybody. Pair up in two and try improve your quirks." Everybody nodded and paired up in two. Mezo walked up to you, kindly asking if you wanted to pair up. You nodded as you both walked to one of the platforms. Using you quirk, you made your way up to the platform along with Mezo.
# - Thursday - 10.58 a.m. - U.A. Gym Gamma - #
"T-Ten-... Tentacole-..." You crouched forward, your lungs hurting as you gasped for air. "I-I need a break." Mezo immediately stopped his movements as he noticed your shaking limps. "y/n? Are you okay?-" He runs to you, helping you sit down. "Shit..." Your head started spinning as your breathing became uneven. You could feel Mezo's multiple arms wrap around you to support you.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN WE'RE FIGHTING, SHITTY HAIR!" Eijiro looked away from you and towards Bakugou who was flying towards him. He quickly shielded himself and hardened his arms. "WHAT'S SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU CAN'T LOOK AT ME?" he screamed as he dodged one of Eijiro's hits. He looked away again, Bakugou taking his chance to land a hit on Eijiro. "y/n-" Eijiro fell back as he kept his eyes locked on your small form being supported in Mezo's arms. "y/n? WHAT ABOUT HER?!" Bakugou was furious, letting out all the anger from the night before. He looked around, finding it weird for shitty hair to talk so much about you. His eyes widened as he saw you, knowing what was happening to you just now. He quickly took off in a run. "Y/N!"
You looked up weakly, seeing Katsuki flying towards you. "Katsuki..." You let out a small cry as you tried calming down your breath. Your vision started blurring. "y/n! Squidward get away from her!" Mezo knew better than to talk back. He looked at you before slowly letting go of you as Katsuki ran to you, gently picking you up and into his embrace. "Are you mad?! What the fuck happened-" He didn't look worried but you knew he was. The glint in his eyes showed it. "y/n- breathe. Did you drink and eat? Of course you didn't- you left as soon as you saw me, you little dipshit." He grumbled under his breath as the others started to notice Bakugo screams fading. He picked you up and jumped down, running towards a place to put you down. Cementoss approached you both but you vision was failing you right now.
"What happened?" He looked at the two of you. "She's having a panic attack. Water." Katsuki sat down with you, holding you close. "I'm sorry, firecracker-. I shouldn't have said that-" He held you closer as Cementoss walked out to get you some water. "It's okay-" "No shut up. It's not. Don't fucking say anything." He growls at you as he sits down, leaning against the gym wall and laying you between his legs. He ripped off his big hand gear and threw them beside you both before propping you up against his chest. "Breathe. Breathe you dumb-ass-" he took a deep breath as you tried to follow his breathing pattern. "It's okay. I got you. I won't let anyone, not me either, hurt you." He was whispering now, gently caressing your arm. Cementoss returned with a bottle of water. Katsuki quickly grabbed the bottle and ripped the cap off before gently helping you chug down the water. "We'll wait till lunch. Cementoss, the time." He looked at Cementoss. "It's 11.47. Lunch is in about 15 minutes." Katsuki nodded before he looked back at you. You were blinking slowly, your breathing back to normal now as he lowly talked to you.
"It's okay. I got you. And I'm not letting go of you again, never."
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sun-daisies · 2 years
on today's episode of "why do men":
this same man has come in multiple weeks in a row, I think he's one of the bartender's friends. but he keeps sort of chatting me up which I mean is fine whatever everyone does that when you work in food service it's a funny lil game you play where we're all a bunch of actors making small talk out of nothing (and as a recovered introvert who really does not know how to small talk, I play this game VERY well) but anyway we were absolutely slammed today and I was the only one on so im running around like crazy and this man comes in and sits down and ive got like armfuls of empty glasses and beer bottles that im trying to wrangle and my brain is in a million directions and this man decides to compliment my hair (I didn't hear him at first, I have shit auditory processing so I had him repeat himself oops) and like I've got some fun lil braids in today so im like whatever thank you I make some sort of stupid joke about it, whatever.
later on I finally am done with everything and I sit down to roll the silverware. I'm at the end of the bar, I felt like spreading everything out and not working cramped on one of the high top circle tables, but this man is sitting a couple chairs away from me. he had made some comment last week about "oh, they don't hire anyone to do that for ya? that looks like a pain in the ass to do" and so this week he kind of laughed and was like "back at it again?" and when I played into the joke (as I do) he asked to try doing one and wouldn't really take no for an answer, so I handed him one and ran through how to do it thinking he'd be one and done.
he proceeded to continue rolling silverware after I politely told him like "hey, I got this, relax and enjoy your drink," cracked some joke about how "the princess is so much better at this than I am" (which ew wtf dont EVER call me that again" and asked me AGAIN how old I was, if I lived nearby, if I worked anywhere else, etc etc.
I just- idk man the pandemic did some crazy shit to some ppl I guess.
my fav part is that the first time he asked me how old I was it wasn't a question. I'm famously someone who looks really young - I'm short, small, I have long hair and a very youthful face ig idk, but people consistently think im in my teens. he looked me dead in the eye and thought I was 26 (which like, no, he didn't, there's no way. because someone else piped up and was like "I was gonna ask if she was even allowed to serve alcohol")
anyway, moral of the story is "why do men." that's it. just "why do men."
bonus: I had a table full of old men and one of them pointed out one of my tattoos and when you are a small girl with tats and an old man notices that, it goes one of two ways - they either have some sort of sexist comment about it or they wanna show you THEIRS. this man goes "is that a color by number on your arm?" and when I sort of laugh and go "nah, I'm gonna leave it just line work" one of the OTHER men pipe up and go "I've got a huge one on my back, wanna see it?"
if we remember correctly im amazing at small talk and have never missed a beat in my life, im practically a stand up comedian. so my dumb ass is caught so off guard that I hesitate, and sort of stutter out "uhhhh maybe not here"
I just- I hate myself jfc
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topsytervy · 3 years
Not The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ has a thing for you. Unfortunatley, it just isn't the right time.
Word count: 1,929 (give or take. did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mention of cheating, drinking, drug use (weed), swearing, not proofread so probably spelling mistakes, I think that's it.
Quick rundown because I have more of these than usual cause this one is slightly more descriptive of the reader (aka you): s/c = skin color, e/c = eye color, h/l = hair length, h/c = hair color, h/t = hair type (curly, straight, etc...)
Me somehow breaking out of my Rafe phase for a minute to write something JJ related? Yes, I am just as surprised as you are.
JJ lounged in the hammock in the backyard, drinking his third beer of the night with a book next to him. This was a routine for him at this point. While you were out with your boyfriend, he went into the backyard to drink away his sorrows and stayed up until you got home to make sure you actually got home.
The nights when you texted him that you wouldn't be coming home, opting to stay at your boyfriends instead, were the worst for him.
If you asked JJ, your boyfriend was an asshole. He never liked him and probably never would. However, you were his best friend and roommate since you both graduated from high school so whatever made you happy was fine by him.
It just sucked that he wasn't the one who made you happy the way your boyfriend did.
JJ often found himself mesmerized by your beauty. Your beautiful (s/c) skin and (e/c) eyes often entranced him which usually caused you to nudge him.
"You good?" You'd ask.
"Absolutely peachy." He'd grin.
After all, How could he not be peachy with you around?
He noticed the way you'd play with your (h/l) (h/c) (h/t) hair mindlessly when you'd be focused on a movie or the way you picked at the skin around your nails when you got nervous.
JJ sighed as he crushed his now empty beer can and reached for another that sat in the cooler next to the hammock.
"Woe is me," he whispered, popping the tab of the new can.
He brought the can to his lips but pulled it away when he heard the front door open and close which caused a confused expression to cross his face.
He didn't hear a car pull up and drop you off like usual since your boyfriend often picked you up.
"Y/N!" He called, hoping that you'd hear him and that it was actually you and not an intruder.
He grew quiet as he heard faint footsteps from inside and the sliding glass door slide open.
"Yeah, it's me." You answered.
Your voice was barely above a whisper which caused JJ to turn his head to face you.
"Come join me for a drink." He waved you over, not being able to make out your face in the darkness.
You shuffled closer to JJ and the faint glow from the solar lights you guys had casted upon your face. JJs face dropped at the sight of yours.
"Oh my god. Y/N," JJ immediately dropped his can on the ground.
The contents spilled onto the grass as he took in your appearance.
You eyes were red from crying, black smudges of mascara on your face and your nose was slightly red, more than likely from the irritation of you constantly wiping it on your sleeve.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked as he pulled you into the hammock.
"He's been cheating on me." You whispered, your voice hoarse as you laid on him.
He took in a sharp breath and his arms tightened around you. "How do you know?"
"He left his phone at the table when he went to the bathroom and I answered it. Before I could say anything a woman's voice came through and said hey baby. When I suggested she had the wrong number since this was my boyfriends phone, she said no this is Brett's number and that's when I knew."
JJ rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.
"I am so sorry Y/N." He whispered.
You shrugged, feeling numb.
It was quiet for a few minutes before you noticed the book next to him. "Whatcha reading?"
JJ took an arm from around you and grabbed his book.
"A book of Edgar Allan Poe's works." He answered.
"Can you read to me?" 
JJ nodded as he opened the book. "Want me to start from the beginning?" 
"You can if you want." 
JJ flipped to the first page. "The Cask of Amontillado." He began as you made yourself comfortable.
After half an hour, JJ stopped and looked at you. Your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open. JJ smiled as he made himself comfortable in the hammock. You looked so peaceful and he wasn't about to risk waking you up just to try to get you in your bed. 
He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next morning, you woke up with a small headache and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, I made you scrambled eggs with cheese and those ham cubes you like along with some bacon." 
Your head turned towards the voice and you saw JJ walking over with two plates of food, setting them on the patio table that was placed a few feet away from the hammock. 
JJ walked back inside as you stood up and walked over to your breakfast. You stretched as JJ came back with a bottle of apple juice for you and a beer for himself, pulling out his chair before sitting down.
"I was thinking since neither of us work today, we could steal the HMS Pogue from John B and go out on the marsh. Just the two of us. smoke some weed, drink some beer. You know, the usual." The blonde suggested, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth as he did. "Hell, maybe even just stay out there the entire night. We'll pack plenty of food.“ 
You stayed quiet and forked some eggs into your mouth before reaching for your apple juice, attempting to open it. After a few unsuccessful attempts, JJ held out his hand and you gave the bottle to him. He opened it with ease and gave you the bottle back. You took a drink before returning to your food.
Technically, he wouldn't be taking the pogue without John B's permission. He had talked to John B about taking it after a call this morning, telling him what had happened. John B had said the boat was all his for the day and all JJ had to do was to let him know when JJ was planning on confronting Brett so he could get a few punches in.
"So…me, you, and the Pogue out on the marsh?" JJ asked again.
You sighed. " I don't know, J. "
"Okay, I know that last night was rough and I'm 100% sure Brett will get what's coming to him, but today is about making you feel better and I know theres nothing you like more than chilling in the middle of the marsh with a joint in one hand and a beer in the other, maybe some swimming beforehand." He saw you thinking about it and knew you were leaning towards yes so he drove it home. "Plus you like sleeping under the stars and you're always napping on the boat. Why not combine them?" 
You bit your lip, the idea tantalizing.
You nodded. "Okay but don't be all mad cause I'm all mopey." 
"I won't. I'll be fishing while getting high with my best friend." 
" I thought JB was your best friend?" You smirked.
JJ placed a finger to his lips and sent you a wink. "Shh. Our little secret." 
You sat on the blanket-covered floor of the HMS Pogue, a joint being passed between you and JJ as you sipped on a beer and ate the abundance of food JJ had brought with.
It was hours later, darkness had fallen and the stars had come out.  JJ had stopped at The Wreck to order a shit ton of food before you took the Pogue out and paid for it all despite you offering to pitch in for half.
"Oh no no no. Rule #1 of friends supporting a friend whos been broken up with: the one who has gone through the break-up doesnt pay for anything the day after."
"Oh yeah? Who made that dumbass rule Maybank?" You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised.
"Uh, I will have you know JJ Maybanks Rules To Help A Friend Through Heartbreak is a number one best seller." JJ shot qt you.
"Oh yeah. I bet that that fake ass book is raking in all the fake ass dough and your signing plenty of fake ass boobs at your fake ass book signing." You nodded.
"Actually, the fake ass bookstore that is holding my fake ass book signing doesn't allow boob autographs. Something about it being inappropriate apparently." He grinned.
You took a bite of your sandwich as you passed the joint to JJ. 
"You know what JJ?"
He hummed in response as he took a hit off the joint.
"This was really nice and I had a really great time today." You grinned.
JJ smiled, happy that the smile was back on your face. " I'm really glad Y/N/N. You know you deserve this, right?" 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer before taking the joint back from the blonde.
"I'm serious, Y/N. You deserve this and way more. You deserve someone who can give you everything you need and want." JJ scooted closer to you.
"If I deserve everything like you say I do, J, then why wasn't I good enough for Brett." you whispered.
JJ took the joint from your hand and placed it in the ashtray he had set on the floor before moving next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body into his side.
"It's not that you weren't good enough for Brett, Brett wasn't good enough for you. He's a damn fool for letting you go. I've heard Kooks like Topper talking about how bad they want to date you. If a Kook wants to date you, a pogue who hangs out with me who every Kook hates, that means you're a pretty remarkable person." JJ told you.
You felt yourself smile at his words. "You always know what to say, J. Sometimes, I wonder why you haven't used that intelligent brain of yours to woo yourself a girIfriend."
 JJ scoffed at your words.
"I'm serious JJ. You are so much smarter than you think you are. Both streetwise and bookwise. You read me Edgar Allan Poe last night as if it was your first language and didn't even stop to ask me what any words meant like you usually do around the others. You shouldn't hide your smarts, J. Smart you is way sexier than dumb you." JJ felt himself blush and you ruffled his hair as you turned your body to face his. "I wish you let everyone else see the JJ Maybank I see."
JJ sighed. "I don't woo any girls with my words cause it's either not the right time or not the right girl." 
"Come on JJ. You're 20 years old and you mean to tell you haven't met one girl you didn't want to be in a long term relationship with?" You asked through a mouthful of sandwich, hand covering your mouth.
"I never said that." 
your eyes widened as you swallowed your food and took a swig from your beer. "You like someone right now!" JJ rolled his eyes. " Oh my God. Maybank, spill! What's stopping you from going after her?"
JJ took the blunt from the ashtray and took a long slow drag before turning his blue eyes onto your e/c ones. "Like I said, not the right time. I have to wait until I think she's ready for a relationship."
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years
heyo shrimpy!! sorry for the late response,, i got busy with exams lolol first, how are you today? :D Is anything good happening to you? enjoy your vacation btw, i hope you have a lot of fun! ^^ second, hmm finding your artstyle? that sounds even more challenging than improving for me, ngl hh- I don't know why but reading your answer made me think of a chibi dazai eating a nice burger... sounds cute,, I'm sure your drawing turned out amazing :D it's always a bliss noticing your art getting better, makes me want to draw more ^^ somehow, you drawing in a cuter art style makes you more adorable,, lovely doodles filling the empty pages,,,,
imagine dazai catching you doodling him with cute little hearts around the page,, and as his lips curved upwards a mild shade of pink dusts his cheeks, admiring you a little bit more before walking towards you quietly, wrapping his arms around your neck from behind. your frame stilled against his loving embrace, the pencil in your hand dropping on the concrete desk, your lover's lips close to your ears... his warm breath hit the back of your ear, kissing it in the process.
"I didn't know you drew me so much, gioia mia~¹" his sweet, teasing voice gently made its way into your eardrum, with you shivering afterward. his soft, umber locks brushed against your tender skin, the warm temperature his body radiated comforting you. your cheeks were probably red by now, and you were certain he already noticed. after all, when does he not?
clearing your throat, you comfortably positioned yourself, closing your eyelids slowly before speaking.
"u-uh, yeah. I, uhm-"
"and they're so well done, my darling! I assumed you were an artist since you always brought a notebook and pencil with you, even in our workplace, but I didn't expect you to draw me... I am flattered, my belladonna~ your artstyle mirrors the way you are... cute!~" your brain couldn't take in his words, and yours were stuck in your throat. all that was left was a stuttering mess whilst you shakingly turned around, with your lover chuckling at your adorable reaction.
dazai could now definitely see how your cheeks gained color, the redness painting them well. noticing your alerted gaze and trembling, he raised his hand to hold your warm cheek, caressing it with his thumb. although your quivering didn't cease, he took a note of how your eyes widened for a second before calming again. his smile broadened as you leaned into his touch, your timid orbs avoiding his loving ones. unfortunately for you, he had other ideas in mind.
and so, he leaned closer.
your eyes snapped back at him, his nose almost touching yours. a small gasp escaped you as you attempted to form a sentence, but failed to do so. the man in front of you only beamed at your reaction, his heart melting at how adorable and lovely you were. he was truly fortunate to have a loving, caring, understanding partner such as you.
he really loved you and cherished you with all of his soul.
"osamu! y-you're-" and before you could say anything else, the brunette gave you one last loving look before closing his eyes...
and placed his lips against yours.
your eyes bulged out from your sockets as a small shriek left your throat, but was immediately muted by your beloved's kiss. your flustered state couldn't comprehend what was happening, but the warmth of your chest was so overwhelming, you couldn't help but hastily press your lips back against his, tightly closing your eyelids to enjoy the moment more...
smirking, dazai stopped for a brief moment while you whined in protest, but he quickly soothed you while shifting his hands to grip your chair, gently twisting it around. you opened your eyes again to understand what he was doing... and regretted it as soon as you saw his smug look, while he caged you between him and your chair. you glanced around stunned, the dulcet shade of rosé overlapping your already flustered profile. shakingly, you looked up and met his calmer and haughty orbs again, making you gulp as your heart rammed in your chest.
his smooth, defined face was all you could see, and if it wasn't for your panicking mind, you were sure you could observe him for hours. you felt so open under his narrow, shadowy, russet orbs as if you were an interesting book he was very invested in. that fierce, intense way he observed you with, only made you shyer, and you shrank on your chair... which wasn't the best move, you thought, since he cornered you more than before, and all you could do was watch him from below, too red to do or say anything.
his low chuckle reverberated through the room, and a small drop of sweat rushed down your embarrassed face as he towered over you, devouring all of your sweet, lovable expressions. his smirk widened as your pupils shrank, bending down to your level once more. he tremendously wanted to pick you up and place you on the king-sized bed, while you desperately clung onto him and whispered his name, trying to evade his all-seeing gaze... but held himself back to tease you more.
after all, you looked so delicious right now...
"o-osamu..." your needy, wobbly voice brought him back from his little daydream, shaking off any other thoughts he had in mind... all that mattered now was you. humming, he got closer to you, both of your faces millimeters away. if he was trying to kill you, he was doing a great job at it. the smile never left his mouth, and you could feel the confidence seeping through him... his breath hit your lips as he exhaled making you freeze on the spot.
"hmmm? what is it, my dear? do you perhaps need something?" he asked, already knowing what you wanted and needed. but hearing you spell it out for him... it was a bliss.
you nervously exhaled, feeling the warmth in your cheeks rise as if you weren't blushing enough. not brave at all to face him head-on, you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, looking down as you did so. dazai screamed internally at the cuteness with all the courage you had, you shyly told him...
"p-please osamu, i-i need you..." and that was all he needed. chuckling, he stared at you with a wolfish grin, pleased to hear those words coming out of your lips.
"then... let me take care of you, amore mio~²"
your sketchbook was long forgotten that night, but dazai did make you "sing" some sweet songs for him...
¹ = means my joy in Italian, the ask from Sofi sparked something within me 😶 dazai giving you Italian pet names sounds perfect-
² = my love, once again, in Italian- hh
first of all, my vacation is going well! i enjoyed going out and riding some rides, plus took a nice shower and now i am relaxing in my bed, hehe.
second, it's truly a bliss to see my own artwork improve over time! it makes me extremely happy. also, i love the idea of dazai eating a burger, that's adorable. i have been wanting to doodle dazai a lot lately; probably cause he's just so adorable to me and he's absolutely breathtaking, hehe. it's nice to fill up the empty pages and just letting your mind flow as you draw.
third... OH MY GOD. READING ALL THAT WHEN I WAS IN LINE FOR MY RIDE MADE ME SO FLUSTERED UNDERNEATH MY MASK. AND REREADING IT ALL OVER AGAIN MAKES ME SO ASFJFSOXMSK 😳🥺💘 it was so, so sweet of you to write all that! please, dazai speaking pet names in another language truly sounds like him. not to mention, the fact that he was so flirty and he's such a tease from how you portrayed him, my heart is fluttering. and the very end though. oh my. 🥰🙈 goodness that really made me so blushy, hahaha.
thank you for taking your time to write that. it always warms my heart to read these and wow, omg, you just really wanted to fluster me today, did you? ASHFIAOZNA thank you so much for this. my heart... i have no words. it just made my day so much better too, haha. bless your kind soul, i loved reading it all 😭🤍
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triplethreatsonic · 3 years
Triple Threat Drabble: The Stranger
Here it is, the drabble I said I’d share with you guys! I’ve done a sort of hybrid thing with this where there are one or two images integrated into the text that are basically like comic panels. (think Diary of a Wimpy Kid but hopefully more classy.) So make sure you pay attention to them as you read! 
Also, this is a work in progress. So please don’t judge it too harshly :) 
Hope you guys enjoy this! 
Sonic was not a slow eater. He hadn't been one as a child, and at age seventeen he certainly wasn't one now. The hedgehog rarely spent more than a few minutes to inhale his food during lunch period. Today was no different— after making quick work of the cafeteria's lasagna, Sonic had pushed his plate aside and was now settled with his left leg comfortably draped on top of his right, one hand fiddling with his shoelace. 
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Across the table from him sat his friend, Knuckles the Echidna. Knuckles, who was one of the slowest eaters Sonic had ever seen, still had half his meal on his tray and was gradually picking away at a small bunch of grapes. "Probably." His eyes stayed on his hands as he smiled. "I don't think it'll be too bad, though; I'm looking forward to the history paper."
Sonic smirked. "I bet you are. I wonder what you'll write about this time. Maybe"—he cocked an eyebrow—"the ancient echidnas?"
"How'd you guess?" Knuckles smile widened as he dropped the now-empty grape stem onto his tray. Then he sighed, stretching his shoulders back. "I doubt the library has any new books on the topic, though. Seriously, they need an upgrade."
“Man, you're telling me. The other day, I—!" Sonic's thought was suddenly cut short.  If you had asked him what he'd just been talking about, he probably couldn't have told you. 
"No way..."
Something, or rather someone, had caught his attention— someone on the opposite side of the cafeteria, who had just sat down at a faraway table perpendicular to Sonic's position. 
It was a male hedgehog— that much was obvious. Looking at him, Sonic could make out his dark jeans, white t-shirt, and thin red-and-black striped flannel with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. The stranger sat, seemingly in silence, listening to a white female bat sitting across from him. 
None of this was what made Sonic stare, however; it was his quills.
Their coloring wasn't necessarily unnatural for a hedgehog, but it was certainly unusual. They were black, the top of each quill traced by a long red stripe. Sonic had never seen anything like them. 
Except that he had-- several times. He'd seen them in his dream. 
"Hey, Sonic! You ok?"
Knuckles words yanked Sonic out of his trance and back into the buzzing world of the lunch room. "Wha—? Oh, sorry man. Heh, guess I kinda zoned out for a second."
"What were you staring at?" Knuckles turned in his seat to scan the room behind him. 
"Nothing!" The word flew out of Sonic's mouth much quicker than he would have liked. He quickly brushed it off with a shrug. "I just remembered something I gotta do before lunch is over. I'd better run—see you later, alright?"
Knuckles looked like he didn't quite believe him. "What do you gotta do?"
Sonic’s face smiled as his brain racked for an answer. "Uh, homework. Never ends, am I right?"
Now it was Knuckles turn to smirk. "Heh, right." He picked up his mini milk carton and took a swig. "Well, good luck. I'll see you in fifth."
"Later, Knux!" Sonic grinned and picked up his tray from the table, keeping his movements casual as he made his way to the garbage cans. Behind his calm exterior, however, Sonic's mind was racing. It was a coincidence. It was a weird coincidence. But that's all it could be, right? Just a really weird, off-putting coincidence that meant nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. 
So why was he so antsy all of a sudden? 
Frankly, Sonic didn't even know why he had left Knuckles in such a hurry with that dumb fib about homework. What was he hoping to do? Was he planning to talk to the Weird-Coincidence Guy? 
Well… it wasn't the worst idea. 
Sonic's eyes flicked upwards from his tray; the black-and-red hedgehog was easy to pick out now that he knew he was there. Sonic's hands moved automatically, scraping his plates as he kept his eyes fixed on the stranger. The white bat across from him finished her sentence, waved, and then left, walking out through the cafeteria's main double doors. The black hedgehog watched her leave, a soda can held tightly in his hands. He barely moved at all.  
Sonic dropped his plate unceremoniously into the designated bin. Now that the idea had entered his mind, he couldn’t shake it: he had to talk to him. As nonchalantly as he could, Sonic began weaving around chairs, backpacks and tables, gradually making his way to the strange hedgehog. 
He was practically on top of him now. Sonic stopped walking, the black hedgehog a mere four feet ahead of him. He was facing away, hands still holding that soda can. Without so much as a second thought, Sonic smiled and said the first, most natural thing that came to his mind: “Hey!” 
What happened next was the last thing Sonic had expected. The black hedgehog turned at his voice, saw him, and froze. His face paled and his eyes went wide. Something like an electric shock seemed to go through him, and the can in his hands crunched.  
Brrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiing! The five-minute bell shouted rudely across the cafeteria, startling them both, and they were drowned in a wave of standing students. The black hedgehog was instantly blocked from view as three hundred teenagers, Human and Animal, began gathering their things and preparing to leave for classes. 
“H-hey, wait a sec!” Sonic tried to see past the masses of knees and elbows, but quickly found that to be useless. He wasn’t one to give up easily, however; in seconds, Sonic had jumped onto the nearest table and was craning his neck to see over the sea of heads. Where could that guy have gone so quickly? Suddenly—there! Sonic barely caught sight of striped flannel as its wearer ducked around the corner of an adjacent hallway.
"Hey, dude, wait up!" Sonic was down in a flash. After shoving his way through the crowd he sprinted into the hall just as his target ran left down another. He called after him. "Yo, black hedgehog!" It became a game of cat and mouse as they chased each other down seemingly countless hallways and past endless classrooms. Sonic was fast on the track—the fastest in the state, in fact— but somehow this guy kept eluding him with all his constant turns. 
Sonic finally whipped right around the ten-billionth corner only to come to an abrupt halt— the hallway ended just twenty feet in front of him. Sonic looked over his shoulder, then back at the dead end. He was positive this was the direction the hedgehog had dodged... so where did he go? 
"Hello? Uh, you down here, man?" Sonic slowly walked forward as his question echoed in the empty hall. "I just wanna talk for a second."
Then out of nowhere a blur of movement slammed into Sonic's chest, smashing him against a line of lockers. Sonic's breath was knocked out of him, and it took him a second to realize what had happened: standing there, with his forearm crushing Sonic’s ribs, was the black hedgehog. His eyes were mere inches away from his own. They were a bight crimson— to Sonic's astonishment, the color he expected them to be— with a ferocious, wild expression in them. There was also the depth of something that Sonic couldn’t quite name. 
"Why are you following me?” he demanded. 
Sonic’s hands flew up like a man held at gunpoint. "Woah, dude! Chill! I'm … I'm sorry!” It was still difficult to breathe. "I'm just… I just wanna… wanna talk!"
They stood there locked in place for a moment, both hedgehogs panting. A minute passed, and gradually something seemed to shift in the black hedgehog's eyes. He glanced downward at the arm that pinned Sonic, then back up at the hedgehog's face. Then he backed a few paces, his hands lowering to his sides. 
Sonic pushed himself off the lockers and rubbed his chest. "Wow, you hit hard! You play football or something?" He gave the guy a smile. "Sorry. I probably really weirded you out back there—I said hi, but then the bell rang and you ran off and—"
"And you chased me." The hedgehog's voice was deeper than Sonic's when he spoke, with a sharp edge to it. The guy looked close to graduating— frankly, with his stern face, he barely looked like he belonged in high school at all. His arms moved to cross in front of his chest. "What do you want?" 
"Uh..." Sonics brain suddenly froze. In that moment he realized that beyond his first hello, he hadn't actually thought of what he wanted to say to this guy. "I… I'm not sure. I just wanted to say hi, I guess." 
"Well, um... aw, shoot, this sounds really stupid now." Sonic's smile turned sheepish. "I wanted to talk 'cause… you look kinda familiar?" 
Other than a slight eyebrow raise, the black hedgehog didn’t move. His voice dripped with contempt. "Where on earth would I have met you before?" 
"Heh, funny you should ask." Sonic shoved his thumbs in his pockets. "Uh, how long've you been at the school?"
"Three weeks." 
Sonic did a double take. “Wait— really? Like, it's your first semester? But… you look like a senior." 
"Oh, I dunno... I guess thats just kinda rare, you know? New seniors? I'm a junior, myself." Sonic smiled, but the black hedgehog didn't flinch. He cleared his throat. "Well, anyway… You really do look super familiar to me. It's kinda freaky, actually."
The dark hedgehog's eyes narrowed. "And why would you say that?"
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Sonic wasn't sure what reaction he'd been waiting for— maybe a good laugh, if anything— but it certainly wasn't what the black hedgehog was doing now. His shoulders hitched, fingers digging into his forearms. Even more surprising was his face; it had that same haunted look Sonic had glimpsed before— back in the cafeteria, right when the stranger had first seen him. 
And then all at once it was gone, replaced by the earlier scowl. "That's ridiculous.” 
Sonic’s hand dropped down from where it had been resting behind his head. “Um… yeah. Yeah, it is.”
They stood there in a heavy silence. The black hedgehog drummed his fingers against his arm. “Is that all?”  
Sonic stared back at him. “… Yes.” 
The other hedgehog looked at Sonic a moment longer, annoyed expression unchanging. Then with a ‘hmph’, he turned away abruptly, walking back towards the hallway through which they had come. 
Sonic watched him leave. He felt the urge to say something, but nothing came to mind. Well, that was weird. What had he been expecting though, really? The whole reason for him talking to the guy was weird to begin with. It was funny; though Sonic was usually very confident around strangers, this whole conversation— which he himself had initiated— had made even him uncomfortable. 
Sonic began to turn the in the opposite direction to head to his own class— only find himself staring at the dead-end hallway again. Whoops. There was only one other way to go. 
The black hedgehog’s ear perked as footsteps echoed behind him, and he turned his head sharply. Sonic’s hands shot back up in the air again upon being caught. “Sorry, ignore me—my class is this way too.” 
The stranger glared at Sonic a moment, then turned back and kept walking. Sonic waited a second, allowing for some space, then continued on behind. 
There was almost no other sound as the two of them made their way down the hall. Sonic slipped his thumbs back into his pockets, trying not to look at the stranger. Eventually, he let his eyes drift to the back of the hedgehog’s head. What was up with the guy, anyway? He sure was a tough nut to crack— tougher than even Knuckles had been when they’d first met, and that was saying something. This guy refused to be warmed up in any way, shape, or form. Sonic had nothing to work with here, and it left him at a loss. 
Eventually Sonic couldn’t stand the silence anymore. “Hey,” he ventured, “sorry I got on your nerves back there."
If the other hedgehog heard him, he gave no sign of it.
A few more seconds passed. Sonic took a breath. "I probably shouldn’t have bothered you. It was kinda silly to say anything at all, to be honest. I probably wouldn’t’ve, either, if I’d only had the dream once. It's just weird, you know? ‘Cause I don’t even know you, but this guy that looks exactly like you is in the dream every single time, along with that other hedgehog—”  
“I don’t care!” 
Instantly, the black hedgehog was in Sonic’s face. Teeth bared, fangs showing, a threatening finger nearly stabbed Sonic in the eye. “I’m going to say this once, Blue Hedgehog. I don’t care about your dreams. I don’t care if I was in it, or that white hedgehog, or you, or anybody! And I’m tired of hearing about it.” 
They stood there a moment, with Sonic for once in his life standing perfectly still. The black hedgehog’s finger lowered as he growled. “Are we clear?” 
With the finger out of his face, Sonic slowly straightened. Ok, talking more was definitely not going to take any tension out of the air. He opened his mouth to give a simple reply. 
Then something clicked. “Wait... How did you know the hedgehog was white?”
The scowl on the stranger’s face faded slightly, the air seeming to still. “What?” he breathed. 
“The other hedgehog,” said Sonic, "I never mentioned what color his fur was.” Now he leaned forward, studying the stranger. He met his eyes. "How did you know it was white?”
The stranger gave no response. The blood had slowly drained from his face, leaving it ghostly pale as his mouth hung open wordlessly. 
Then suddenly his face clenched, and a hand jerked out to slap Sonic away. “Enough!” 
He dashed off. It took Sonic a second to recover from the unexpected shove. “Wha- Hey, dude, wait!" He sprinted around the corner ahead. "Where are you going—?!"
The black hedgehog was gone. 
Sonic stood staring blankly down the empty hallway.  What the heck? Thoughts swirled around his brain—half of them were questions, and the other half were answers that didn’t make sense. He leaned his left arm against the rough brick wall next to him. 
Had “white” simply been a guess? A stab in the dark? Was that the color everybody thought of when they pictured the average hedgehog? 
Or did he know, too?
Another blaring brrrring! from the bell startled Sonic out of his thoughts. “Aw, shoot.” He was late for chemistry. He took off at a sprint. 
A few minutes later, Sonic would come rushing through his classroom door. He wouldn’t remember that he needed to grab his textbook from his locker until he was already inside. No excuse would be given when when his teacher scolded him, declaring solemnly that being the school’s track star did not justify him arriving late to class. Later, when everyone was paired up for experiments, Tails would ask him where he’d been; cutting it close was normal for Sonic, but arriving seven minutes after the bell was not. Sonic would hesitate a moment. Then he’d give his best friend a smile, ruffling the fur on his head. “It’s not really important,” he’d say, “no worries. Let’s just get these reactions done.” 
Hours later, in dark of his bedroom, Sonic would still be thinking about that black hedgehog. 
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