#I am so out of practice for trad art
pileofsith · 1 year
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Dedra and Cereal xoxo
A cursed sithmas gift for @hegodamask! Forgive me... I had to...
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myrmica · 1 month
doing lineart in mspaint is the perfect middle ground between the problems that arise from the infinite maleability of digital art (stressful) and the permanence of traditional art (stressful). the simple act of doing my lines in ms paint has made art faster, more fun, & way less daunting. i kind of wish more complex art programs had a custom layer cap you could set for a file or something
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scorpiothesaint · 4 days
Hi! Thanks for the reblog! 🤗 You mentioned being into writing that explores the "meta part" of fanfic - YES!! Are there other people who do this/fics you can recommend?
yes indeeeed. below are works surrounding this topic i've really enjoyed over the past decade:
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell [link to NPR review] this came out when i was finishing high school + starting to get disillusioned w HP (for story reasons & 'the author is Unforgivably Shitty' reasons lol) so i was very intrigued with how this book worked as a metacommentary abt HP (seriously, it felt like the book was deconstructing a lot of the issues fans had with the o.g. canon) while being a cute fantasy in its own right. i haven't checked out the sequels yet
New Waves by Kevin Nguyen [link to LA Times review] i read this a year or two ago and enjoyed what it had to say about online vs IRL friendships, grief, hustle culture, and creative identity.
running after two hares by chaparral_crown on ao3 this is probably my favorite fic of all time. no exaggeration. i have the whole thing printed out on 200+ pages of copy paper bound with comically large binder clips. and it's not even finished! there's this fanon concept called HEU (Hannibal Extended Universe) where people consider all of the different characters that the main actors played outside the show (in other shows, film, etc) to be connected to the showverse. for some reason i've never been able to suspend my disbelief enough to get into a lot of HEU content. i'm picky about fic just as i am with any other creative writing i engage with -- i have been for most of my life. THEN. i come across this author's insanely popular HEU fic, and i've read non-HEU stuff from them before that i adored, so i figure 'why not' ... and this 'crack treated seriously' quickly became one of my fav things ever. the prose alone is so masterful. and it's such a DENSE read, like, you really gotta slow down to appreciate all the introspective asides and jokes and commentary about the text (show) and metacommentary about how unusual pairings thrive, inside and outside of fiction.
Starsky & Hutch Virtual Season [link to Fanlore wiki] i got into S&H fandom in 2012. i remember how intrigued i was at the concept of the Virtual Season, which had its heyday a decade before i got into the online fandom. this kind of fan activity is the precursor, imo, to stuff like people calling installments of their webnovels 'episodes', the concept of a 'dream season' (ex: how hannibal ppl talk about how season 4 would play out if the show hadn't been cancelled), etc. people weren't just writing serialized fic, they were cultivating a really unique Experience
Shipper's Guide to the Galaxy (has not updated their channel in years but has such a huge backlog of thoughtful content about the relationship between media and its fans, including entire segments dedicated to fic recs)
Fionapollo (discovered them recently! i used to watch a lot of art commentary channels that preceded this one, and i'm obsessed w this channel because they focus more on the philosophy of creative practice & cultivating community between fans and media, rather than feeding into toxicity for views. they cover negative topics sometimes, yeah, but not in a sensationalist way at all. super refreshing)
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edenlarkspur · 2 years
Tattoo Apprenticeship Commissions
Hi everyone! As some of you know, I started my tattoo apprenticeship a couple months ago. I’m very excited to have a career in art. If any of you would like art from me to help fund my supplies and gas (I do a lot of driving) I am opening commissions again!
My Art Nouveau commissions start out at $100, and increase with complexity.
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I would also love to take on any tattoo designs (digital or traditional) in any style, as I need the practice. I’m currently having a lot of fun with fine-line illustrative and Neo Traditional, but I’m up for them all. Pricing depends on design, but will likely be $30-$60. Here are examples of my Neo Trad designs
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I also have an Etsy shop that I’m going to try to restock soon, for some more affordable art like stickers, prints, and jewelry.
Since the apprenticeship keeps me so busy, I’ll start by opening just 3 slots for the art nouveau and 5 for tattoo designs. If you’d like to commission me for something not listed, such as character sketches/design, feel free to message me about it!
As always, nothing is expected, but everything is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read!
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studioboner · 1 year
Hi! I actually am wondering about trying watercolors for the first time but feel a little anxious haha.. how you go about drawing on the paper with confidence? Like, watercolor paper isn’t exactly cheap. I think I got the cheapest one avaible from Canson but still the anxiety is real… do you pick very light pencils like 2B so you can sketch veryyy lightly, or before sketching on the paper itself you do a planning sketch in another paper?
Im asking this cos I really love your art and it’s so cool that it’s mostly traditional! And the way you draw Tails is too adorable and consistent while being in your style, it always feels like you have confidence when you draw him.
oh i think this is gonna be a long one
all in all?i have the same anxiety as you. but i've confidense that i can make something good sometimes, but not that i will get it right every time. So i keep trying, but heres some stuff that helped
a warning though, i keep going on and on in this reply and can get pretty negative at times
my watercolor paper i use costs 2 dollars and has 20 sheets so that's 10 cents per sheet. which i feel helps with my anxiety... it's the canson multimedia block too, 140 msg .....
watercolor sketchbooks i'd find online were around 80 or more BRL, and then 20 BRL shipping.... that's 20 USD in total...
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but a block of this plus getting it binded costs me 4 USD.....so i think that one [price] helps alot lol.....
as for the confidence.....
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i've had enough time to do quite a bit of trad art, specifically ink and watercolors so im USED to the material and now quite as scared to "mess up" as when i first started it.... [hint, i still am] this is one example of a sketch page, they vary in size, and how "done" they are... i dont really worry too much about maintaining a rule of "everything in this sketchbook must be fully rendered " bc it ended up stunting my creativity
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i did try the "sketch it onto a sketchbook and then pass it to watercolor paper" approach and tbh...? not really my thing... i've found that to me the first sketch always end up being looser than when i pass it on... i'm always more focused on getting the flow, composition and pose there than i am getting the right details or right lines or colors etc....
like this one, im more happy with the sketch, it's mroe dynamic, mroe fun
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i DO sketch stuff on cheaper paper first when it's for trad art commissions though, just bc there i HAVE to make sure the client is getting what they asked
and i do use 2b pencils AND a "soft lead" mechanical pencil, btu tbh it's mroe bc of the feeling of it on paper than for the look of it...
here for example you can see the circle i used to have a basis on where tails would be.. i didnt erase it as i continued painting bc tbh it was just the sketch. i ended up liking it tho
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i actually got quite MAD and angry at myself recently bc i noticed how much my sketches were looser in the sketchbooks when i did try the passing onto watercolors thing and i had a full on discussion with a fellow artist about daring myself to be bolder in the future, it has been working well
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I sadly have to say though, that figuring out how to build confidense is more of a personal journey, and i cant claim that what worked for me [trusting my first sketch] would work for you.....
It's time, practice, trial and error....
OH, one thing though that DID help me. is:
-There's no art wasted, even if it doesnt turn out how you wanted it, you still learned something.
-Makins these personal art/fanarts isn't some school paper you have to hand it to be graded and then not get it back. You can re-do a piece as many times as you want until you get it right! I have quite a queue of pieces i plan on re-doing in the future bc i didnt like the first ones i did. im not perfect on confidence and i get scared of fully committing to drawings alot, many of them are pale not for choice bc bc i got scared of making my art too saturated and overworking it
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i am about to get negative now so stop reading if you dont want to see that.
HERE NOW i's a alot of pieces i made that im unsatisfied with and plan on re-doing one day: too dull, simply way too watered
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which led me to make THIS piece and do better colors
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i hATE the way i did the lineart here. it's boring, the anatomies are wonky. it's a good concept but i didnt excecuted it as well as i wanted. but this piece has made me just go and try inking MORE so i could make up for it
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which lead to this piece here eventually
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This one here.... the colors look so muddy it just makes me SAD, bc i had been so scared to use high saturation that i went with the muddier colors by choice, if i had allowed myself to experiment i wonder how happier i'd be about it
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which led me to make THIS piece with softer in value and more saturated colors
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The colors and blending of this one are too soft and not bold enough for what i had envisioned it, i made it as fanart of a friends fic and it made me feel like i failed my friend and insulted her fic when i finished this. I dont think the piece looks bAD, mind you. i know it looks cute. and good even. But i had such high hopes for it.
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which led me to make this one
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THIS ONE OH MY GOD HOW I HATE IT. sonics expression is SO creepy hes like a horror movie weirdo , honestly not my best work when it comes to anatomy
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so i've been doodlin sonic now and then as practice so that i could make this one eventually
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The perspective on knuckles could be better and the characters look out of place on this scene, the background is ok
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but in this piece here i was able to get a better harmony between colors, background and whatever sparse linework i threw in
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Theres so many more haha but i'll stop for now....
Dont get me wrong i dont ACTUALLY think those pieces are HORRIBLE horrible,,,, i see the flaws in them yes, but theres always something i like too, and i know people like them, and that people wont throw away a whole piece over one small detail that in the end doesnt even affect the overall thing....
i've just been getting into the headspace of "ok. at least this one is done, onto the next"
plus the whole thing i told you of realising my first sketches are looser....
sorry im not too good at talking about this and my points arent very clear, i dont think this is going to be quite the help you expected it to be because the truth is that the struggle with your art is soemthign that doesnt go away no matter what skill you have...
at times to me it feels more like a mentality practice than skill, reasurring myself that it's ok to get it wrong and try again, etc etc....
i used to go to therapy and one of the things we talked about was my perfectionism, how i used to be so scared to mess up a piece. that i wouldnt even start, and wouldnt draw for months. this has been going for years now and hey i've gotten better.
but..... yeah im in the same boat as you.... except mine is no longer just about the paper quality!
Sorry this got so personal now, i hope that this hasnt killed your hopes on getting better at the anxiety. it does get way better haha... trying to force your brain to not judge yourself so harshly is half the battle in my opinion, the practice of drawing is the other half....
good luck i hope you have fun painting, i know i do, i love the process even when i dont like the result, good night and thank you for the question
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smreine · 1 year
Whilst I am working on some Difficult Business Stuff, I have decided to prioritize babying my emotions, stress management, and self-care rather than getting any words written.
It's a good part of my book to take a break. I've crossed 260,000 words on the manuscript, and my progress has been steadier than at maybe any other point in the draft. I am going into some really emotionally heavy stuff that is complicated to portray as I want. A breather here is good.
My fear of finishing the book is turning toward excitement, because I think that I'm going to have fun editing this book for, say...another year? Ha! I just keep thinking of subplots I want to add and scenes I'd like to execute more dramatically.
Editing in generally gets exponentially harder as a project gets longer, but I've been working on this book for so long that I've done a few editing passes on the earlier parts. The task should be fun more than crushing. (I love editing TBH)
At some point I need to write up the standard short synopsis / long synopsis / general pitch and ask my agent to see if anyone in the agency will co-agent me for fantasy. My agent is a saintly angel. She picked me up for thrillers, though, and she doesn't do fantasy. But chances are good I could at least talk to someone else in her agency about this book's potential in the trad market and decide if I'm just going to self-publish as usual.
Even though it should end around 300,000 words, I would really prefer to publish it as one big honko book that you could use as a weapon of self-defense. And I also need to think about whether that makes any economic sense whatsoever. I can't sell an individual ebook for more than 9.99, period, and I wouldn't sell many copies at that price point; at best I could do 6.99 in this market, which at 70% royalty is like idk I refuse to math right now $4.80? It's gonna take four years to finish this book, all told, and I'd need to make this book work harder for me than that, basically. Series are far easier to market and far more lucrative.
AGH. I just don't WANT people reading it like a series! It's one book! I could keep it that way if I made this book exclusive to Amazon or another subscription program where I'm paid by the length of reads. I am personally morally opposed to this. Also I have a lot of existing readers who use other vendors and they'd be sad. I actually feel more okay with compromising my morals out of practicality than I feel okay with putting my book out of reach of loyal readers.
barf. god. these kinds of capitalist calculations near MY ART BABY are part of the reason I left publishing for so long. Anyway, that's still Later Sara's problem, but Later Sara is drawing nearer. My enormous anxiety around this is exactly why I'm going to step back a bit from writing to work on the anxiety.
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bog-horse · 1 year
Saw you talking about a Bella Sara oracle deck in an ask and I’m super interested in knowing more about that :0
yeah absolutely! idk how helpful my response will be but i'll try!
basically, the bella sara cards already come with little phrases/sayings on them (of the positive #girlpower variety), so that's why i ended up going with an oracle deck basis instead of something else like tarot, where i'd have to assign cards individual meanings. they've already got the little fortunes (???) on them, so might as well work with it!
my deck is made up of 98% cards i've had since childhood, so ymmv. i have a pretty large collection, but the only cards that actually ended up in my deck were ones i'd had for a long time and had been used. however, i have intentions of filling the deck out more over time as i buy specific cards second hand (i'm actively trying to collect the rest of the ancient lights series and i'm probably going to go for the native lights next). right now in the deck i have 93 cards, which is just a "measure with your heart" type thing. they'll probably get rotated in/out as i get new cards that i connect with more or whatever. the upper limit for me will probably be "i can no longer comfortably hold these cards to shuffle them" lmao i cut out all the duplicates in my deck, except for a few of the same horse with different variations (i.e., thunder, thunder from the ball series, and carousel thunder, or foil/non-foil cards), but those may get cut in the future, because they still have the same phrase, just different art (and so different vibes, maybe?). i haven't actually done a reading with the deck yet, so i'm still working out the kinks haha
i also cut out any non-horse cards, although i am considering adding in the Sara, Goddess of Horses card i have for funsies, even though i don't have any other human cards in the deck.
i'm also using cards from a variety of series, not just one specific one, which offers a larger pool to draw from as far as phrases go. i can't say it's especially "complete" like a trad orcale deck might be, but i like what i've got so far.
what makes this such an interesting and fun deck is that it's 100000% just do whatever your heart desires. it makes it super unique to each individual, and really fun to set up, and then you can break it apart or trade cards out or add cards in as much as you want! it's very customizable and individual. you and i can both make oracle decks from the BS cards and have two wildly different decks, just depending on what cards we have and which ones we wanted to put in our deck.
i'm not sure how helpful this answer was, but if you have any specific questions or want to talk more about it, feel free to send another ask or DM me! i love talking about my practice with people :)
edited to add: if you can’t handle the super gooey, cutesy, #positivity phrasing in your fortunes, it’s probably not the deck for you — but if you’re familiar with what the cards are already like and what the sayings on them are and you’re good with that, then it’ll probably be okay. and if you get tired of a specific card you can just retire it from the deck :)
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infisonicosm · 1 year
Hi! I’m so excited for the ships!
Okay, so this could get long. Bear with me, please :)
My name is Jaclyn, but close friends call me Jax. I’m 25, and I’m a bartender and aspiring musician and tattoo artist. I work nights, I’m a bit of a night owl (and an insomniac but that’s not applicable lol). I’m 5’4”, petite/slim build, fair skin, blue eyes, dyed-black (with a weird accidental ombré teal blue on the ends) 70’s shag that’s way too long (collarbones-ish?). I have quite a few tattoos and piercings (nostril, septum, multiple ear piercings; a blackbird across my sternum because of the Beatles, a hunter s thompson quote on my ribcage, a floral/fauna sleeve dedicated to my home state, pirate ship and mermaid on left leg to start an ocean sleeve, patchwork sleeve in American trad, etc etc). Usually wearing all-black, pretty standard t-shirt or tank top and jeans paired with vintage military combat boots, paired with a leather or denim jacket.
I try to eat clean, am vegetarian, but also like to veg out. I try to keep things moderate. I do suffer from a Redbull addiction, however (lol). I workout a couple times a week, I do kickboxing and occasionally go to a yoga class or do it at home. I can pack a pretty good punch if I have to—and I could share some stories lol.
I’m pretty quiet, personality-wise. Really guarded (lol) so I can come off as standoffish but once I get comfortable around someone, I open up and can be a bit of a ball-buster. I have a really sarcastic, dry, even crass sense of humor. I swear like a sailor—unfortunately, even more so in inappropriate situations. I’m stupidly stubborn, opinionated to the verge of argumentative, brutally honest (I refuse to sugarcoat anything), but also pensive and decently conversational—I really enjoy talking about the deeper sides of life and have the tendency to spur on debates or the like when in trusted company/close friends, given that I withhold my opinions unless I know they’re going to at least be given a chance. My love language is quality time tied with words of affirmation, I’m a Cancer sun, and an INFP myers-Briggs type. I like to describe myself as bone-cuttingly realistic with tints of pessimism (if you squint) (lol).
I really enjoy reading, currently rereading Slaughterhouse Five and up next is Dave Grohl’s autobiography. I enjoy drawing with charcoal when I’m just sketching for leisure, but when I’m drawing to practice my skills or working with second skin, I can sit at my desk for hours, researching different styles and techniques. Same thing with music. I’m really polishing my craft with guitar right now, and trying to teach myself at-home production, as a singer-songwriter. I’m a novice drummer as well, and have years with the keys under my belt on top of that. I’m almost entirely done with an EP that I’m hoping to independently release by the end of the year. I also like to go on runs when need be, and I love to travel. If I could get paid to travel while working, that would be the absolute best option for me. (My dream is to buy a van and just like…travel around the states, sightsee, tattoo and play shows. Suuuuper realistic, but hey, it’s the dream.)
I love all types of music, but really love the 90s and have been on a grunge kick as of late, but I’ll really listen to anything under the umbrella of rock, to be honest. Lightning Crashes by Live, She Talks to Angels by Black Crowes and Motorcycle Drive By by Third Eye Blind have all been heavily in my rotation lately. I adore concerts, and feel the most alive while in attendance or preforming. I just have a deep appreciation for art in general, but music really does it for me.
Hopefully this wasn’t too long, once I got started I just didn’t really stop? Anyway, I apologize! Look forward to seeing who you think would be compatible with me (lmao) :) thank you!
Oh this was a hard one! I jumped around as I read through this but ultimately I think I would ship you with Danny!
Jax is such a kickass nickname I'm JEALOUS.
You sound like the type of person I would like to see him date. I'm all for Danny having an alt GF/Partner.
Danny would enjoy your taste in music as I feel he likes a wide range of things as well. He would be over the moon to show you new bands to listen to! You would be his go to person to just relax and be normal. I feel Danny would also enjoy a quieter personality compared to the extroverted ones he's dated before. He doesn't have a lot of silence in his life so I feel this would be crucial for him.
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
This isn't rly winx related as it is about me and my process of getting into winx
This is q a long post w alot of rambling (+ some old artwork) so feel free to skip!
On the note of me drawing Brandon for 2 years, here's my first drawings of Brandon.
I got into Winx in late 2019 when my friends were discussing nostalgic cartoons.
I didn't really have a deep connection with winx, at least not as much as some hardcore fans have.
I watched it sometimes as a child, but my memory is v poor. The only thing I can rmb from the show was how Stella earned her enchantix.
Funnily enough, I also rmb the comic where Bloom & Diaspro get stuck in a dragon volcano together. My only memory of Brandon is a specific moment from a book where Stella got amnesia & forgot her date with Brandon. He waited 2 hrs for her to come :(
I was bored and the specialists design inspired me to try and draw them.
I had too much fun drawing them, and apparently decided I liked Brandon. Then I just spiralled from there.
(Yes I used to be a traditional artist. And then I got an ipad. I should attempt trad art again, but I am v out of practice)
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The late 2019 date does not really correspond with when I started watching winx. I only started watching the winx show in about late 2020/early 2021.
I somehow managed to keep my interest in Brandon purely by reading his wiki entries for more than one year. Which is actually kinda amazing. His power. I hadn't even watched the show yet but I alr love him.
Late 2019 when I hadn't watched the show yet was also SOMEHOW the first time I developed an interest in Briven. Yeah. It still lives on 2 years later.
Enjoy the old drawings of Briven from my sketchbook.
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I'm honestly kinda amazed I've sustained interest in Winx till now, considering how I often switch fandoms v quickly.
The community still never ceases to amaze me with their talent, for writing & art alike. I was honestly surprised that the winx fandom was even alive when I first entered.
Hopefully, I can continue to contribute to it in whatever little ways I can :^)
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pussypilled · 2 years
willingly making a new blog in 2022 is like my nineteen year old nightmare lol
- my name is long so call me ark
- age is private bc i'm unknowable also i know better than to provide meat to the masses
- i like old movies for the ego wank
- political book reccs are always welcome, more so if they accompany a personal review bc it helps me see multiple pov
- bratz and monster high dolls are a reoccurring fixation of mine
- occasionally scenery and art + a lot of fashion bc no matter how much the industry and capitalism has corrupted fashion it is still a form of expression and art imo
- not a fan of new age spiritualism or watered down wicca. mostly bc of the obv cultural theft from people who have no idea what they're dealing with but also bc a lot of you guys are awful.
- i AM a fan of jewish folklore & practices, and irish/celtic folklore & practices, as well as brujería bc i was semi raised w it
- cozy stuff is fun: sewing, baking, cleaning, gardening cooking, diy-crafty things. but not like in a stepford trad wife way.
- comic fan, dc & marvel as well as others. superhero movies too like the mcu as well (unfortunately) but i remain loyal to sky high as the Ultimate choice.
- yes i am fanfic trash. yes i wanna insult and rant about shitty fanfics here but DON'T GO INTO THEIR BLOG OR AO3 AND TELL THE AUTHORS. this is just to vent and if i wanted the author to know i would've told them. don't be another goodreads snitch. yes i am also a fanfic author so i know how shitty it feels for people to insult you abt your writing which is why i'm not doing so directly. no you can not read any of my written fanfics. ever.
- this is a safe space for hater bitches so don't come to the mean place then get upset it's mean
- anyways looking for accounts to follow so if any of these interests or tags seem appealing to you then round em up pardner we got a rodeo to go to... or whatever tf that metaphor was supposed to be
- i do not promise following or interaction‼️ bc you might actually suck‼️ and i don't wanna force myself to keep up w you but i do swear not to like harass you or some bs ‼️‼️
(will be continuously updating w whatever info i feel like needs to be put here or taken down ig)
~ comment or like so i know to check you out ~
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claricevrs · 2 years
My Thoughts 1: N95 and the Climate
Kendrick Lamar's "N95" was a perfect artistic rendition on my thoughts of the current socio-political climate and here's why.
Kendrick Lamar released his fifth studio album on the 13th of May this year. Apart from being a big fan of his work, I've always appreciated his lyricism even though I wouldn't consider myself a "rap connoisseur" per se.
I could write an entire post about the album as a whole. People certainly have opinions on Kendrick's writing of "Auntie Diaries" that I feel are willfully ignorant - especially from a journalistic point of view. But I digress. The album itself is clearly the representation of the thoughts of someone who has gone through therapy and done the work - which is much more than many people who go to therapy can say.
My Thoughts
"N95" is the title track of the album without a doubt. It's the only one (at the time of my writing this) with a music video, it's the most impactful, etc. It's no surprise it's the song that stood out to me the most (other than "We Cry Together") in the entire album.
Obviously, like in every art form, there are many interpretations to be taken from "N95." To me, it held a hope that people will understand what I've been thinking of and living through the past two years.
I'm not the only one, I'm sure, to feel like the current socio-political climate of the world is unsustainable. Everything and everyone around us, in social media, in movies, in TV shows, in music, has been perpetuating the same idea: I'm part of this group and if you aren't drinking our "Kool-Aid," then you must be a rival.
For the past few years, I've been trying to challenge my own perception of the world. How should I act? What should I say? How can I adjust my behavior and speech in order to fit in with the most desirable group? Do I even fit in there? These questions plagued me for many more years than I can remember.
I've always tried to fit in with a certain group, trying to find my tribe. However, it wasn't uncommon for me to jump between "bubbles" even when I was trying to box myself in so much. It was only in recent years that I have come to appreciate and accept the "gray" I live in.
In many of the lyrics of "N95" I can see the plea for understanding. Something that a lot of people, although they may preach it, won't practice. How is it understanding to cut people out of your life if they don't agree with a political stance of yours?
I'm sure Tumblr is probably not the best platform for me to be saying these things. People may read this and immediately label me an "enemy" because the words I say may have been spoken by one of their "enemies." It doesn't matter.
To be blunt, I'm not writing this from a left-leaning or right-leaning perspective. That kind of stuff doesn't appeal to me. I'm writing this as a person who has skated on the outskirts of labels my entire life - someone who has never felt they fit in anywhere completely.
Some of the lyrics that called out to me the most:
"Ventin' in the safe house"
I'm no stranger to this. I'm doing it right now. Although my name is on the screen, there is no other indication of who I am as a person other than what I tell the Internet. That's a double-edged sword, isn't it? You may do anything for the aesthetic, but how different is it when you're out there in the real world?
"Where the hypocrites at? What community feel They the only ones relevant?"
I've been there too. I went from the left to what I would call "right-curious" and this is what I saw most commonly-replicated in every bubble I saw. To me, this isn't about one community in specific. It's every one of them that thinks they're the ones with the worst, most dire situation.
Be it the trad-wives who believe their children will be corrupted by a sex-positive society (which, lol, the United States? k) or the trans community criticizing Dave Chapelle's Netflix special and his past jokes.
I'm not saying they're not relevant concerns - all of them. But it is hypocritical of a group to look down on another group's suffering and expect others to not do the same to your group. Your expectations come from your values, and if you don't uphold your values to everyone, not only the people you like, then how strong is your moral code, really?
"What's your life like? Bullshit and gossip."
I am also a big appreciator of bullshit and gossip. I love watching reality TV as much as the other guy. But when we act like the characters on those shows do, then it starts getting a little complicated, doesn't it?
It's unhealthy and unrealistic to expect people from outside of your knowledge to act like they:
a) Know everything you know; b) Agree with everything you agree; c) Act like you would act.
There is so much about this album and Kendrick that I love. Like I said, I could write so many posts about therapy, relationships, the state of the world, toxicity, understanding, etc. But as I've told people I recommended this album to, if there's one song you have to listen to, it's "N95."
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slasherbastard · 3 years
Hi im so so sorry to bother but I was wondering if I could maybe get a match up?? It nots that okay I understand! But I am a girl, I'm 5 foot and I'm pretty pale and slim, I dress in a mix of trad goth and nu goth style, I love horror and all things spooky, I pratice witchcraft specifically the "darker" side of things, I love wearing large platforms and doing really cool makeup ans wearing a lot of jewelry, again I really love horror especially horror movies, I like both guys and girls as well, I'm really quite and keep to myself when I first meet someone but I do try to talk and conversate, I have a bit of a short temper and sometimes I can be mean Unintentionally when I really tired or anxious, I love sleeping and I nap a lot, I love to joke around and talk about everything and anything, I love rock, deathmetal, and goth music, I am constantly dying and changing my hair from super bright colors to dark ones, my hair is short and cut like ramona flowers hair, im a bit loud and clumsy sometimes but I'm also sometimes really quite and sneaky without trying and there's no in-between, I am a horrible procrastinator and I easily forget things, I love video games and art, and my hobbies include reading, writing, gaming, reading tarot cards and my craft. My favorite color is purple and I am deathly afraid of bugs and spiders. I love cats and rabbits and all animals that are Tony and cute and I have a horrible habit of drinking sodas and leaving then halfways finished and staying up to ungodly hours of the night and then complaining about how tired I am the next day. Thank you so so much again!!
I’m gonna apologise every time I post a matchup because I’m taking forever to do them so sorry!
I pair you with
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Asa Emory and Nancy Downs!
(gif credit: loo-nuh-tik and diablito666)
Nancy isn’t really used to seeing other people who look like her so when she first saw you she just knew that she had to be friends with you and then suddenly you were dating. She loves your whole get go, the music, the style, the hair, your love for witchcraft? You’re both so similar that it’s a bit spooky (haha see what I did there? Sorry), she’s actually glad that you like the same things as her so she won’t feel the need to hide anything from you. She would melt if she caught you wearing her clothes, even one of her necklaces. Also she might steal some of your clothes - it’ll get to a point where neither of you will be able to tell who originally owned which shirt or pair of shoes. Practicing witchcraft with her is one of her favourite ways to spend time with you!
Cuddling and watching horror movies. Do I need to say more? These two LOVE cuddling with you and watching horror movies. Another thing they love about you is your art, they both think you’re so talented and anything you draw gets either hung up or kept somewhere safe, same goes for your writing, they’ll want to read it no matter what it’s about. They both seem like scary and heartless people but they’re not, especially around you since you’re their weakness. Asa and Nancy are both new to videogames, they’re aware of them but they’ve never had the time to try any out. Nancy would love the silent hill games while Asa probably wouldn’t be too into any games, maybe Bioshock? 
Nancy has a short temper of her own and although she doesn’t really know how to control herself most of the time, she knows a few tricks to help calm herself down at least enough to not want to fill someone’s house with bugs and snakes which she’ll offer to you if you’re ever upset (the tricks, not the bugs). Again, they both seem scary and heartless but if anything or anyone is bothering you then they’ll help out no matter what. Asa would be the type to “dislike” the idea of having a cat but imagine this, late at night while he’s grading test papers or maybe even passed out from overworking himself, cuddling up with the cat and gently snoring. But Asa does have two dogs so if you did get a cat then it’d have to stay away from those two. Meanwhile Nancy would be over the moon - but she’d definitely want a black cat because why not. 
The only problem with Asa is that he loves insects and spiders and he collects them (he does study them so there’s no surprise there). He might try to help you with your phobias but if it doesn’t help then he’ll try to keep that side of his work away from you. I feel like Asa is the type to leave little post it notes on your bathroom mirror with messages like “water the plants” “I love you” and “go to sleep early” neatly written on them before he goes to work. Sometimes Asa will try to force you to go to sleep but then when you deny his request and stay up until 4am, he’ll roll his eyes when he sees you yawning and struggling to stay awake at breakfast the next morning while telling you off about going to bed late.
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whitemageyuna · 3 years
Hey I really need to practice my traditional art more, please feel free to send small art requests or suggestions to my inbox or to here!
I am currently out of work and my drawing tablet is shattered so I have no income and I'm hoping to maybe open up some trad commissions to help raise some money and also get a new tablet to hold me over until I'm back at work!
Requests can be sfw or not sfw, thank you! 💕
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bookcoversalt · 4 years
Hi! Out of curiosity, may I ask who gives the final approval on things like a book cover? Issues like the colour of the skin could sometimes be handled with a single slider in photoshop, the artist wouldn't even have to do that much to fix their errors. Of course, they should keep the descriptions and races in mind - but if an error occurs, someone should be there to let them know and make them fix it, no? Thanks for an answer!
The answer, as with most things in publishing, seems to be “it depends”. 
Disclaimer that I don’t work in publishing, so this is educated extrapolation.
Typically, the designer and/or illustrator creates the cover [or cover art] under the supervision of a CD or AD (creative director or art director) depending on the hierarchy of the art team. The list of people who have input or give direction on this, not just at the final stage but through the whole process, include:
- The marketing team/ sales
- The book’s publicist (is this considered distinct from marketing? I don’t know)
- The author
- The editor
- Print production team or liaison (for the physical output + finishes)
- The author’s agent
Factor in potential assistants or mentors or bosses getting involved or the author’s blogger friend in their group chat dispensing advice (✌🏻), and we start to understand How Bad Trad Pub Covers Happen, other than designers making poor choices: that’s potentially a lot of cooks in the kitchen. Other than the author, agent, and editor, whether or not these people have read the book or just received blurbs/ descriptions seems to vary by company and imprint and book and whether or not Venus is in retrograde. Anecdotally, the editor may override marketing in terms of definitive decision-making if they have the clout/ seniority within their imprint to do so and feel strongly about it, but I don’t think that’s usually the case. Some authors have “veto power” or required consultation on the cover written into their contracts, but that can mean lots of different things in practice, and typically they don’t get much say over the final direction. (Being a published author is an exercise in Choosing Which Hills To Die On, and [insert literally any element of your cover] is one of many.) So I really don’t imagine that finalizing a cover involves a definitive final check by a designated person so much as a process of gradual soft approvals until the files get packaged for the printer and the intern pulls the latest jpeg off the server to upload.
So at least the way I understand it, there’s not one person to point at for why the whitewashing got through. If the AD/CD didn’t know any better, the editor should have flagged it, but maybe the editor is hands-off the process or forgot that detail or was out that week, and marketing didn’t read the book or get specific physical character descriptions, and so on. The author, if they noticed it, may have decided not to say anything for any number of social and professional reasons. Or maybe someone did notice and brought it up and the art team decided that it wasn’t that big of a deal and the timeline was just too tight to do anything about it. (to be clear: I disagree, it IS a big deal; I am not making excuses or endorsing these scenarios, just giving examples.)
You’re right, darkening or lightening skin up marginally is an easy fix, and that it didn’t happen given that, presumably, a whole team of people had eyes on it (it’s a PRH imprint, so it’s not like this was a tiny indie publisher), is embarrassing. But most industries, publishing included, are actually just a bunch of messy group projects in a trench coat, and when things go wrong or slip through the cracks..... that’s part of why.
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midshipmank · 4 years
i wanted LWJ with a motorcycle & somehow ended up with this librarian!LWJ & art student!WWX au
LWJ is a librarian at a public library 
WWX met LWJ when he returned some books 3 months late
LWJ looked at him all judgy like “these are 3 months late,” & WWX promptly became obsessed 
WWX is now a much more responsible library user, mostly because he’s there all the time
but listen he’s not great at focusing in the library, that’s why he doesn’t even use the one on campus. so now he’s his usual amount of restless + distracted by LWJ
trying to figure out how to make a move 
meanwhile LWJ is just like “do not throw crumpled pieces of paper through the air”
some of those crumpled pieces of paper are failed sketches of LWJ
one day WWX stays all the way to closing because LWJ PRETTY OKAY? also he has an art theory paper due pls don’t talk to him about it
so anyway he’s there when the library is closing & LWJ is like “leave”
so he goes :((( but he’s so late LWJ practically follows him out 
is when WWX discovers that that pretty white & blue motorcycle that’s always parked out front?
that’s Lan Wangji’s 
he absolutely loses his mind
all of his friends know about his ridiculous librarian crush by now & they all make fun of him for it
but anyway, the poor boy has it bad
he’s like “A-Cheng, you don’t understand, he could step on me & i’d thank him. actually i think i need him to step on me.” 
JC is like “i did Not want to know that”
meanwhile WWX is bemoaning the fact that he ever became a responsible library user
“how am i supposed to interact with him. i can’t return books late anymore bc i’m always there! what would my excuse be? & he’s already explained how to use their database to me 3 times, i can’t keep looking this dumb” 
JYL is very gently like “maybe just ask him out?” 
“but he doesn’t like me! i committed library crimes! i have to get him to like me first!”
then WWX sees a flyer in the lobby asking for volunteers. there’s gonna be an event in the kids section! for some special reading day! who tf knows, WWX doesn’t care, the point is, he’s good with kids. that would probably be appealing to LWJ. right? right? WWX really doesn’t know. LWJ is so hard to read. on the one hand, he’s the most tight-laced & responsible person WWX has ever met. on the other, he has a very sexy motorcycle. WWX doesn’t know what to do with that
but okay he has a plan
he calls up WQ & goes “can i borrow A-Yuan”
he already babysits A-Yuan every week, so it’s not that weird right?
WQ is like “i stg WWX if you are going to use A-Yuan to attract hot guys like in that movie with the people who love dogs....”
& WWX is like “i would never use A-Yuan like a dog! WQ do you even know me!” 
he gets A-Yuan, barely
anyway, he gets to the library ready to read to a bunch of kids & gets side-eyed by a lot of parents, but he still has fun!!
LWJ is, unfortunately, not the librarian supervising the event, but he is reshelving when WWX is off reading duty & A-Yuan gets the zoomies
ie, zooms right into LWJ’s legs
LWJ is, surprisingly, good with kids. WWX may need to marry him. he somehow manages not to make a complete fool of himself after this revelation
in fact, after this interaction, WWX thinks he may actually have scored some points with LWJ. he’s elated
he’s building all these elaborate future schemes in his head when suddenly he gets a call from Auntie Yu
she wants to know why his grade in his art theory class has plummeted. 
oh right. that class. that class that’s taught by that professor who hates him & that he honestly can’t understand a word of & honestly he hates art theory, he’s good at art, why does he have to take theory too? 
Auntie Yu lets him know in no uncertain terms that if he doesn’t improve his grades by the end of the semester, she will stop supporting him—it’s bad enough that they let him go to art school after he flunked out of his business degree anyway 
so—fuck. fuck. 
WWX throws himself into the redo paper he manages to beg off LQR. he has 3 days & he’s gonna make them count 
the first day goes well, if by well you mean that he raids the art section of the library & works himself until closing & tries desperately not to look like he’s dying in front of LWJ
day 2 goes........similarly, except he falls asleep at his desk & doesn’t wake up until LWJ tells him the library is closing, which? wtf? LWJ usually wakes him up when he falls asleep in the library. WWX has been asleep for hours. 
& also he looks like a wreck, which is not cute
he flees from the library only to find that the bus is going..... going......... gone
fuck. he doesn’t have a car. 
he’s staring down the road after the bus, trying to figure out which friend with a car is available for him to call when he hears someone say “Wei Ying?” behind him
it’s Lan Zhan.
how mortifying. 
he tries to laugh off his situation, but LWJ gets this set expression on his face & says, “i will give you a ride home” 
& WWX is like kinda definitely freaking out because this was not how his first ride on LWJ’s sexy motorcycle was supposed to go. WWX had a plan. he was supposed to be flirtatious & ask LWJ about his bike & then LWJ would offer to give WWX a ride & they’d go all around the scenic parts of the city & when they stopped WWX would be all flustered & breathless & he’d wobble getting off the bike & maybe fall into LWJ & maybe—
okay so his plan was more like a daydream, but at the very least, he wasn’t supposed to look like he’d spent the last 48hrs out of the sun, drinking unhealthy amounts of shitty coffee, wearing a ratty hoodie & art-grimed jeans. like, they’re not even grimey in a cute way
but LWJ is insistent & WWX is weak, so somehow he ends up on the back of the bike wearing LWJ’s helmet with LWJ telling him to hold on tight
he’s half-convinced he’s fallen asleep on the bus stop bench & is dreaming the whole thing
but soon enough, it’s over & they’re stopped outside of WWX’s shitty student accommodations
he gets off & is trying to awkwardly thank LWJ when LWJ says, “you’ve seemed upset these past 2 days”
“ahaha, yeah, i’m just writing a paper”
“for an art theory class?”
WWX is like ????? but then he remembers that LWJ knows what books he checks out 
“yeah. it’s a redo actually. professor Lan hates me.” he forces a laugh. why did he say that. being hated by a professor is not cute, especially not to sexy librarian LWJ. 
“my uncle has high expectations,” LWJ says. 
WWX brain short circuits. 
“your uncle???” shit shit shit Lan Qiren is LWJ’s uncle! LWJ’s uncle hates him! he has no chance now! 
WWX wants to die
LWJ looks considering, then says, “it is my day off tomorrow. if you would like, i can help you with the paper.”
WWX is already the least cute, most pathetic version of himself he’s ever been in his life. he says yes. 
so they meet up at the library the next day & WWX apologizes profusely for making LWJ come into work when it’s his day off. he promises LWJ endless free coffee from the coffeeshop he works at (even if he has to pay for it himself—he doesn’t tell LWJ that part). 
LWJ is way too nice to him & also manages to explain this school of art theory in a way that?? sort of?? makes sense?? though not in a way that makes WWX like it. but LWJ seems neutral about it, so at least he’s not trying to get WWX to agree with it. 
but anyway, WWX manages to pull a passable paper together & in the process LWJ reveals that he’s noticed WWX sketching in the library a lot more than WWX realized, and that he likes WWX’s art. 
WWX is lightheaded
he stares at LWJ for a while & LWJ looks at him & says, “Wei Ying. you should be typing.” 
WWX gets the paper done by 5pm somehow. somehow! he sends it off to LQR with a groan of relief. he’s so tired his bones are aching, but he looks over at LWJ, art theory & citation king, who of course always looks perfect & beautiful, & goes, “i could kiss you.” 
instead of “i don’t know how i’m ever going to thank you for this,” which is what he thought he was gonna say
LWJ’s eyes widen slightly & his ears go red. WWX wants to smack himself in the face. he wants to eat his words. he wants to crawl into a cramped dark place like a disgusting little mole & never see the sun again.
then LWJ says, “have dinner with me first.” 
WWX gapes at him. LWJ looks back, ears still red but eyes steady. 
“okay,” WWX squeaks. 
they go to dinner. WWX still feels like trash, but they end up having a rousing discussion about art & WWX learns all about when LWJ studied art history in undergrad & how he actually doesn’t like the kind of theory his uncle teaches (“but you’re too good to ever tell him that,” WWX teases. “....most of the time.” WWX laughs in delight.) 
LWJ reveals that he brought an extra helmet today, in case WWX needed a ride again. WWX is embarrassed & pleased & wants to marry LWJ again. feeling foolish, he leans into LWJ flirtatiously & suggests they go for a ride—just for the view. LWJ looks at him so long his knees turn to jelly. then LWJ says, “mn.” 
they make out on some scenic ridge somewhere
the end! 
other things about this au:
WWX does digital painting mostly, his ideal job is illustration/comics; he has a instagram/patreon he uses for art commissions (some of which are pornographic—LWJ catches him sketching in the library one day, early in this tableau. it does not go well.) 
his instagram/patreon is mostly anonymous. it’s not that he minds people knowing he draws explicit stuff sometimes, it’s that he doesn’t want Auntie Yu to find out 
he draws LWJ a lot
not explicitly
(at least not until he’s got a life model and LWJ’s consent)
he’s not at the library 24/7. he has a coffeeshop job, classes, studio time for non-digital art, A-Yuan, and friends. but he’s at the library a lot.
this is undergrad for WWX, but he’s non-trad. he flunked out of a soul-sucking business degree in his first go at undergrad & was on pretty shaky ground with the Jiang family for a while. then he sold some of his art & Auntie Yu said they would support him through art school if it was the only thing he was good at. kinda stung, but at least he doesn’t have to pay tuition.
he’s desperate to prove he can make it as an artist
when anyone asks LWJ about his bike, he says he got it because it allows him to weave around traffic. yes, there’s more to it than that, but no he won’t go into it. (this entire au formed because i found out WYB rides motorcycles professionally & went, “wow that’s hot.” we have no thoughts here.) 
WWX did not have to try to make LWJ like him. LWJ liked him. & while WWX might not have gotten his ideal first bike ride, you better believe LWJ got his. he daydreams about scooping WWX onto his bike & riding off into the sunset
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thewitchofthewind · 4 years
What kind of witches are there, and how do I know what kind of witch I should be?
Hello anon! These are really good questions to ask when you’re starting witchcraft and I am happy to assist!
Answer under a cut bc this is a long one! 
What kind of a witch should I be?
So, in order to know what kind of witch you should be, what you have to do is check in with yourself, deep inside of yourself, and feel what things you personally connect to the most. What things resonate most with your spirit so to speak, what makes you feel most in your own element? when you find something like that, that is something that it is likely you’ll be able to do magic with more easily than other paths. 
Although!! you can honestly do any kind of witchcraft that you want, with very little exceptions! So if you still aren’t sure which you’d like to do based on what you vibe with, you can just pick one that sounds the most interesting to you and try it out. There’s no harm in experimenting!
There are a few exceptions to this of course. Some cultures and practices are closed or open by invitation from members of that culture only. If you don’t belong to these cultures, you should not under any circumstances try to take their practices. It’s disrespectful, it’s potentially dangerous to meddle with magic that isn’t meant for you, and in some cases it is just not likely to work.
Examples of closed culture witchcraft to stay away from if you don’t belong to that culture and heritage already include voodoo, hoodoo, and santeria. 
Also worth mentioning that you can pick as many kinds of witchcraft to practice as you’d like! The one thing i’d say is if you’re going to do that, treat it like you would treat joining clubs or hobby groups for example, or honestly really as you would treat making any other big change in your life: start with one or two, and then once you’ve comfortably adjusted to having those in your life, explore another one if you want to– don’t pick 5 or 6 and try to get into all of them at the same time because you will wind up pulling yourself in too many directions at once. 
Additionally, if you really don’t want to devote yourself to one or a handful of kinds of witchcraft only, you can be something of a jack of all trades instead! eclectic witchcraft is the undeclared/liberal arts major of witchery, it basically means you dip into a little of this and a little of that and haven’t devoted yourself into any one kind of witchcraft or another, and that’s valid too!
No matter what kind of path you choose to follow, though, starting here is a really good point!
Types of witches/witchcraft
Okay, so now that you have an idea of how to pick (or not pick) what kind of witch you’d like to be, let’s get into what’s out there, yeah? 
i’m gonna go ahead and preface this by saying these lists are NOT all-inclusive because there are AS MANY types of witch and witchcraft out there as there are grains of sand by the sea and i simply cannot cover them ALL, but this should be a helpful place to start! please keep in mind that i mean these descriptions only as a jumping off point for you to gauge what you might be interested in! there is so much more to all of these than just what i’ve written here. half the fun of choosing a new path is study :3
☆ cosmic 
cosmic witches use the energy of the cosmos to practice their craft. subsets of this type of witchcraft include lunar witchcraft (witches who connect with the energy of the moon), or solar witchcraft (witches who connect with the energy of the sun), but you can be a cosmic witch without picking between those. in addition, many witches, especially theistic (god worshipping) witches, may choose to devote their practice to a specific planet or selection of planets. cosmic witches might also choose to  be good at and study astrology. 
☆ divination
divination witches channel energy to predict the future. some can also predict the past, present, or alternate timelines. subdivisions of divination witchcraft include prophetic witchcraft (witches who have honed their ability to have visions to make predictions), cartomancy (the art of reading cards to make predictions. popular card choices are tarot cards, oracle cards, and lenormand cards, but some witches just use playing cards or even make their own cards) scrying (the art of looking into something to assist in making a prediction. some witches will look into a mirror, or a pool of water, or a crystal, or a flame. there are many many ways to scry. some versions of scrying involve pendulums, and their motions),  tasseomancy (the art of reading tea leaves to make predictions), and rune throwing (the art of casting stones with runes carved into them (rune stones) and reading them in such a way to make a prediction), or throwing the bones (similar to rune throwing, but in place of rune stones the witch throws a collection of bones and reads how they fall to help make a prediction.)
☆ Faerie 
faerie witches work closely with the fae in their craft. while i personally greatly respect the fair folk, much in the way one respects a powerful foreign dignitary, or an open inferno, i do not have personal experience in working closely with them, and as such cannot describe what that might be like. however, i felt it would be unduly rude of me to leave them out, so of course i did not.
☆ hearth
hearth witches do magic for the home. their altar is often on the hearth of their home if their home has one, hence the name. subsets of hearth witch include cottage witches (cottage witches often grow their own food and some of them keep bees, they work towards independent stability as much as they can, and weave their witchcraft into that) and kitchen witches (kitchen witches use cooking and food to convey their magic. a kitchen witch might make a tea cake imbued with luck, or a latte that guarantees a successful day at work.)   
☆ hedge 
hedge witches work a lot with liminality. they often live on the edge of town, or between a town and a forest or between a town and a highway or near a crossroads (it is thought that their tendency to live near the edge of town is where the term hedge witch comes from, as towns were often lined with hedges.) hedge witches practice a lot of spirit work and/or ancestor work, as well as they may be practiced with astral projection and/or lucid dreaming. hedge witches are also known for being good with herbal remedies, and healing magic.
☆ nature
nature witches get their energy and magic from nature! there are lots of different subsets of nature witch including green witches (witches who use their magic to help the environment) forest witches (witches who get their energy from the forest. some forest witches also engage in scavenging for magical components), weather witches (witches who get energy from and use magic to influence the weather!) plant witches (witches who use their energy to grow plants, and use plants to help them in their magic), and garden witches (witches who grow all of their own magical components, similar to cottage witches but a different vibe.)
☆ ritual
ritual witches don’t do much everyday magic. they connect best with their magic when they’ve cast a circle and have something to chant, have candles lit, or are doing something else that require ritual and routine and focus. there are rituals and spells for every subset of magic, so this describes more a mode of magic use that someone may be more comfortable with than a type of magic itself.
☆ sea
sea witches draw their energy and magic from natural bodies of water, like oceans, lakes, and seas. some sea witches have more of a connection to one body of water than another, some sea witches can work with all water whether it’s inside of an ocean/sea or not. sea witches are likely to collect sea shells, do bath magic, and visit the shore as often as they’re able to. 
☆ sigil 
sigil witches create little designs called sigils to invoke their magic into the world! sigil magic plays very well with other kinds of magic, since a sigil can be made to carry any kind of intent you’d like. people who use sigils to carry out their will are often very visual, creative, or linguistic people. sigils are also versatile in that you can draw a sigil on practically anything and use practically anything to draw one with.
☆ traditional/trad
traditional witches, or trad witches, are often witches who have inherited the craft from someone in their family. trad witches often have a mentor who teaches them the ways of magic, and they often know a lot of folklore and a lot about local magical components. 
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