jangmi-latte · 2 months
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
been loving ur mcyt preferences, and was wondering if you would do one where reader has insomnia???
I take medication for it and i got took off it for a break UGHH. anyways luv ur writing and take ur time plz:))
ooooo okay!! ; and thank you thank you, I appreciate it 🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; insomniac/night owl
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, & quackity
warnings ; language, sleep paralysis, jokes about OD'ing (melatonin)
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genuinley feels so bad bc the second he closes his eyes, he's passed the hell out
he'll try and stay awake with you though and wait for the melatonin or just sleep in general to kick in
"if you're too tired to work, then don't. go back to sleep, don't worry about it"
compares you to tubbo 24/7
will bring you cherries and some milk because natural melatonin ❗️❗️
sometimes he'll try and stay awake with you and turn a movie on and he'll just pass out on your shoulder
you'll walk into his stream after sleeping until like 5 in the evening and quietly wave with a groggy look on your face
he laughs (in a very lighthearted way dw)
"y/nnnnn I know you're tired but we gotta go before we miss it"
"I'm coming, I'm coming"
you're basically just a night owl, like his personal guard dog lmao
he'll joke about it a bit too, how you're protecting him in the dark from the monsters 😭
honestly same
you'll both be up all night and sleep all day
you can go a solid two days without sleep and start tweaking and he'll basically have to rock you to sleep like a baby
"shhh, it's okay. just relax, listen to the rain"
jokes about you overdosing on melatonin as well 💀
"Oh nah, the sleep paralysis demon is gonna get me if I sleep"
"so I have to sleep but you don't have too? mkay pal"
if he can't sleep while you finally are, he'll actually cook for once in his life
and he'll save the leftovers for whenever you wake up
he genuinley won't wake you up unless you're gonna be late for something LMFAO
he gets it tho
this dynamic you got with him, 🔛🔝
he can and will stay up all night with you
mostly plays video games with you in hopes you'll get tired that way
which works a bit
does insane amounts of research, gets you eating all sorts of natural melatonin before bed and even gets you like children's melatonin gummies 💀💀
"do you have a sleep paralysis demon? are you just scared to sleep?"
"I just cannot sleep, I just toss and turn all night, I swear to god"
one of those people to do endless amounts of research to try and help
"do you wanna go to the doctor and get a prescription or something? maybe it'll help"
tweeting/posting about dumb shit you do at night
"y/n made a whole loaf of bread overnight someone send help"
"tell me why I woke up this morning to my partner staring into my soul holy shit"
also feels rlly bad that he can't help you
also brings you cherries, bananas and milk for natural melatonin in hopes it'll help a bit
will genuinley take you to a doctor to get you a prescription or something
also tweets about the shit you do while he's asleep overnight
"guys y/n picked up crocheting overnight wth"
"love when my partner wakes me up at 5am for breakfast because it was going cold 🥰 (they started cooking at 3:30am)
he can't stay up too late most days, he's a busy man
he feels so bad if you're sleeping through the whole day, he barely ever wakes you up bc he knows you're tired
"love, go back to sleep, you were up all night, I'll call you in sick, don't worry about it"
he strays away from od jokes when you're taking melatonin gummies/pills but sometimes he just has to say it
if you have a sleep paralysis demon as well, yk damn well he'll find his way into your dreams and beat the bitch up
if you can't sleep but he can, he'll just hold you and hope that you'll sleep soon
you'll usually sit there and play with his hair and admire him til you gotta get up and do something
like ranboo, she puts in endless research of just trying to find things that might help you
she feels so bad
especially when you're sleeping all through the day and feel groggy as hell 24/7
if you have a paralysis demon she always reassures you that she'll beat it up for you next time it comes around
anything to make you smile bro
she's so sweet about it, if you're sleeping she makes sure to keep it quiet because this is one of the rare chances when you're sleeping
if you go multiple days without sleep and start tweaking out, she'll comfort you to sleep, doesn't matter how long it'll take
"It's okay, honey. it's okay, just focus on the rain sounds outside"
dedicated a whole kinda calm music playlist to help you sleep/relax yourself
finds it so funny when you do shit during the night to try and entertain yourself and it's the most random shit
like you'll go out and feed stray cats, accidently steal a shopping cart, fight the air and record it, etc
sleepy on stream hugs >>>
"well good morning, sunshine. its seven pm"
"bro how do you not sleep"
if you got a sleep paralysis demon.... oh it's over for that mf
tweets about the dumb exhausted shit you do
"how do I turn y/n off at bedtime? I'm tired of waking up to see them staring into my soul"
"I love waking up to breakfast (I've been woken up at 4am for the past 2 weeks help me rn)"
thinks it's funny and sad at the same time when you start tweaking after not sleeping
"bro, go to sleep, cmon, it's okay, you're fine" as he's trying not to laugh at you
literally stuffs you with melatonin around 7:30 to see if it'll help LMAO
even talks on stream about how he's gonna fight the demons and pretends whoever he's fighting w is one LMAO
loves when you walk into stream all groggy and tired because he can finally spend a little time w you
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hotnbloodied · 9 months
Yan!Zhongli X Chubby Baker Reader
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
TW: Kidnapping, imprisonment, unhealthy relationships.
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5AM; it was time to wake up and start your work day as a baker in Liyue! Bakeries are the best way to start the day in Liyue, the varieties of baked goods and with the combo of a tea to start the day there’s nothing better here! You were one of those bakers that worked at a popular bakery owned by your uncle. The staff was all related to you in some way, but unlike them you were a little more on the heavy side. You always joked that it’s because you have a bond with your bread and that’s why it tastes so good!
It was around 6AM when one of your siblings and a cousin came in for their shift at the counter. Your sibling yawned before saying good morning and your cousin started putting on their uniform. There weren't many people in the morning time but some people take freshness seriously so there were a couple of regulars. One of them being a tall man with an otherworldly aura around him at times. Zhongli was his name and when he saw you he always tried to make conversation with you. Of course you didn't think too much of it, that’s how regulars are after all.
It was one particular morning where you stepped outside the store to take a break, another baker was on staff so you could afford it. It was when you noticed the tall figure getting closer. “Oh [y/n] I don’t see you out like this often,” he says. “Yeah, just feeling the heat of the oven more than usual this time,” you said with a smile. “Is something bothering you?” You blushed, he got it right on the nose. “Actually, my parents have been nagging me on finding a spouse soon.” The man in the brown formalwear twitched slightly, “is that so?” “But I spend all my time focusing on the shop that I just don’t think about anything else you know?” “I see.”
You sighed deeply, “hey, maybe you can help me find a spouse. You seem to know a lot of people. Got anyone looking to date?” Zhongli stiffened before a smile came across his face, “well, I’m single, maybe I can interest you in dinner sometime?” You looked at him slightly bewildered. There was no way that a man with the caliber of Zhongli who’s got it all in looks and knowledge is asking you in all your fluff right? Is it a joke? “You can’t joke with me like that Zhongli,” you said with a light hearted laugh. A dangerous glint came over the man’s eyes before disappearing as fast as it came. “I’ve been meaning to treat you out to dinner anyway, as friends?” You looked back at him, “that sounds good!” “Are you free tonight?”
Later that night you were over at Zhongli’s place of residence. Apparently, he was a great chef too! “Wow Zhongli, you’re a man of many talents,” you praise him after the two of you had dinner. “Thank you, I also happen to be a man of many secrets,” he said with a straight face. You didn’t know if you were tired from work today or if it was the food coma but you were getting drowsy. “Um, I should probably get going,” you stumbled a little to get up from your chair. “Oh my, are you okay?” “I–”
Everything went black and the next time you woke up you were on a bed in a windowless room that just looked like any other room but you were shackled to the bed. “I see you are awake,” Zhongli said with a smile as he entered the room. “Is this a prank?” You asked, a bit shaken. “Of course not my love,” he sat on the edge of the bed looking at you with clear obsession in his eyes. “Why are you doing this?” “It’s because…!” He yelled suddenly causing you to flinch. “You were about to go to someone else,” he grabbed your wrist, “and I won’t let you. You’re mine.” “L-let’s talk about this!” His face darkened, “the time for talking is over. You had your chance.”
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of-dragonss · 2 years
Oh! May I request a copia (popia or cardinal your pick!) cuddling with a reader who’s got chronic insomnia? It is 5am for me and copia cuddles sound amazing rn :’)
i am the designated ghost cuddle/comfort fic writer nd i’m not complaining 😎 also my first copia request aahh!! i hope i do him justice with this :’] also i mention Terzo bc the past papas are alive in my head. I WANT TO BE HAPPY!! so au where no one is dead basically if you squint. oh, and copia is the little spoon. you can’t change my mind
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵
— copia (popia) x reader
summary: two sleep deprived, love sick fools cuddle.
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Sleep has never come easy to you. You were always awake for long periods of time. Sometimes you’d nap but it wouldn’t be for long. Only up to three hours. Sometimes four if you’re lucky. The ghouls try to help you sleep from time to time. Usually it involved bringing you into a big nest of blankets and soft pillows in their den where you’d be the middle of a giant cuddle pile. The warmth of their bodies seemed to work into lulling you to sleep at first. But you’d wake up only a few hours later, unable to fall back asleep.
Sometimes you’d sneak off into the halls after everyone has gone to sleep to make yourself busy. Be it catching up on your readings in the library, or getting a head start on your chores for the next day that was slowly approaching.
Other times, if you weren’t with the ghouls, you’d lounge in one of the common rooms with the tv on low volume watching reruns of shows or movies.
As you were right now, cuddled up in a cozy blanket fit for the colder months, cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of you as you watched The Nightmare Before Christmas on low volume only you could hear from your spot on the couch as to not wake anyone at 3 in the morning.
The only people you’d suspect to be up right now would be the Ghouls on occasion. You’d never though Copia would be wondering the halls at this time.
“Y/n?” The sound of his heavy accented voice startled you as he poked his head from the door way.
“Papa! I’m terribly sorry if I woke you. I’ll go back to the dorms.” You quietly panicked as you got up from your spot on the couch, embarrassed to be seen by Copia of all people. Truth be told you’ve always had a thing for the man since he came to the Abbey. Before he was appointed to Papa.
“No no, you didn’t wake me!” He chuckled quietly, also seeming to panic as you began to clean your spot. “I have trouble sleeping, you see. So I thought I’d take a walk around. I didn’t expect to find you up though.”
You smiled shyly, feeling your face warm up. In embarrassment? Yes, but also at the attention he was giving you at the moment.
“Ah, i have trouble sleeping, too.” You two have talked now and then in the past. Short conversations, pleasant ones too. You accompanied them on tours as your were a stage technician. Always reassuring him and the ghouls they were fantastic on stage. But you’ve never been alone with him before like this.
“Do you mind if I join you?” He asked, hands clasped in front of him, he wore his red zip up hoodie, paired with his red sweatpants and black t-shirt. His usual casual clothes.
“Um, yes! Of course. I was just watching a movie.” You felt like your were sweating from how hot your face just got from that one simple question. “Here.” You quickly sat on the far right end up the couch, leaving the blanket in the middle. “You can have the blanket if you want. I know it’s cold.”
Copia sat down in the middle, blanket in his hands as he smoothed it out to its full length. “I do not want you to go cold, tesoro. Please, let’s share, yes?” He lifted it up for you to join.
“Oh, um. Okay..” Your voice trailed off at the pet name he called you. You didn’t know much latin or Italian but you’ve caught a few words here and there. Mostly from Terzo who likes to flirt with anyone around him. Scooting to your left, joining Copia in the middle of the couch he draped the blanket over your lap, smiling at you as you made eye contact.
You were sure you’d die of heat stroke by the warmth of the blanket, your knitted sweater, Copias body heat and the furious burning blush that spread down your neck from your face.
You restarted the movie and silently sat in silence for about five minutes until you felt Copia lean closer to you, head dropping to your shoulder, which startled you a little, jumping in your spot.
“Oh, I am so sorry, amore!” Copia sat up straight again, hands tightly clasped together in his lap. “I did not mean to intrude your personal space!”
“No, it’s fine! I just didn’t expect it. You can, uh, cuddle with me. If you’d like! That is!” Satan, can you embarrass yourself more tonight? You felt like you were on fire. If the gates of hell opened up right now under you, you would gladly go in no questions asked.
“I would like that!” A big smile appeared on his face, eyes squinting adoringly at you. You smiled back at him.
“Hold on.” You said as you hurried back to the right side of the couch, nestled between the plushness of couches arm and the decorative, but comfortable, pillow supporting your head and back. Opening you arms for him to join you, Copia wasted no time in nestling practically on top of you, back to your stomach. You wrapped your arms around his torso. He draped the blanket over the two of you once more, grabbing your hands in his large ones on top of his stomach under the blanket.
Smiling to yourself in complete bliss, you focused back at the tv that was still playing the movie. And a few short ten minutes later, you heard Copia let out soft snores as he snoozed away. You knew you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep soon, so you’d just enjoy the weight and warmth of Copia for now.
A soft knock was heard at the doorway to the common room, you looked over and saw Aether and Sodo who were smirking at you. Aether making kissy faces your way. You rolled your eyes at them and stuck out your tongue playfully, careful not to make any movements.
The two chuckled quietly before waving at you as they left. You sighed, looking down at Copia, gently giving the top of his head a kiss, before paying attention to the movie once more. Eventually falling asleep to your favor.
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soranihimawari · 3 months
Fondly Yours
Delayed Sakusa x Reader (sorry Omi!)
Pairing: Sakusa x friend!reader
Word Count: TBA
Warnings: none? Mentions of injury (reader: head// Sakusa toe stub)
Reader is fem!presenting
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The first time you met Sakusa Kiyoomi, you were out on a coffee shop delivery. The MSBY had asked for a coffee run early in the morning from your family ran shop. Regardless, you were on the morning delivery rotation and weren’t prepared to take a volleyball to the noggin.
“Oww,” you rub your head after you spilled the last coffee all over the court floor. Number 15, the outside hitter steadies you and he snaps at his setter who accidentally hit the ball to go astray.
Funnily enough, that’s how your absurd friendship began with the popular outside hitter began. You two hung out every other weekend and one hang out led to a party invitation which led you to a year later where you find yourself.
“Oh c’mon, Atsu,” you whine. You’re all gussied up in your dress blues (your military casual formal wear from when you were [and still] employed with) and you wait on the blonde setter comes out of his room.
“You look sharp,” you say.
“Was it yer idea to have a ‘formal’ for Omi’s 30th?” Atsumu says fiddling with his cuff link.
“Yes,” you laugh and roll your eyes. “Because you all wanted to see me in my old dress blues. Gotta remind youse guys I make a wonderful lady.”
“And who you trying to impress huh? Cause lord knows if Omi didn’t fall fer yer ass ya would be having his birthday party at his penthouse!”
Atsumu’s typically a loud mouth and an instigator of saying rumors that may or may not be true. You raise your eyebrow at him and play it off, but given the heavy hitters in your shared core memories with the man of the hour being told second hand by his closest confidant on the team, you realistically… freeze. Blushing three different shades of lock and peach color. You momentarily gain your motor skills back as you find yourself being escorted to the ride share with Atsumu holding your arm.
Hours later, at the private area of the speakeasy lihnge you’re in, you are all cozy nursing a whiskey smash cocktail next to a very socially drained Sakusa Kiyoomi. Surely there are snacks scattered on the table, gifts—intimate toys and other wise too are haphazardly littered as well—too are noticeable in the dim lights. Here is something not many people know about a tipsy now 30-year old broody volleyball player: he becomes very affectionate. Like a neighborhood feral cat become docile as he rests his head against your shoulder. You hold his hand and give it a squeeze whispering a birthday greeting on top of his curls and you see his lips curl into a small smile.
Yes, you may have an unconventional start to your friendship, but knowing how Atsumu was right, you push that aside the moment you enjoy your privacy away from the rest when said 6’3” volleyball player presses his lips against yours soberly at 5am. The rest of the party is a blur until you recall his team allows you to watch over their more than tipsy friend. You go home with Sakusa to his place, holding him upright as he limps due to stubbing his toe earlier at the speakeasy’s low table before leaving. You help him undress halfway, no belt, no silk button down in bed, and you decide after he falls asleep to go to sleep too right next to him.
That’s how you find yourself nose to nose with him in the dawning hour. His lips suddenly on yours calling you, “pretty” and his mumbling woke you slightly and you, garnering your senses to realize not all of Atsumu’s tale was a lie, you cup Sakusa’s face and kiss him back.
“Sakusa fuckin’ Kiyoomi,” you curse under your breath with a warm groan when he kisses your neck next. “You do that again and ‘m afraid you might need to show me what else that mouth can do.”
“Gladly,” is the last thing you hear before humming an acknowledgment of said dare.
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foolnamedjoey · 7 months
Amy walks out of her bedroom and stops in the kitchen where Sonic and Silver are sitting at the table with papers, history books, and Sonic’s pile of chip bags and soda cans.
“Sonic, Silver! Just so you know me and Shade are going downtown. A new shopping center opened up!” Amy declares, smiling.
“Huh? Is that why Shadow woke up at 5 in the morning?” Silver asks.
“Don’t remind me. Also, you guys didn’t invite me?” Sonic says, leaning his head forward, clearly joking.
“Oh please. You hate shopping.” Amy laughs.
“Aaah, you caught me.” Sonic dramatically sighs and leans back in his chair.
Silver snickers and Amy rolls her eyes and smiles.
“Anyway– where’s Shadow? We’re leaving in a few.” Amy asks.
“Eh, bathroom.” Sonic shrugs and leans back forward to snag a soda.
Amy walks past Sonic and Silver to the hallway.
“Shadow?” Amy calls out.
Shadow responds, “What.”
Amy walks down the hallway and stops at the bathroom entrance.
“What are you doing?” Amy asks, leaning on the door frame and smiling.
Shadow stays silent and stares at Amy as a curling iron starts burning his quills.
Amy looks confused for a moment “Shadow! The iron!” Shadow fumbles with the curling iron and drops it in the sink.
“Damn it.” Shadow curses. Amy laughs and walks over next to Shadow.
“C’mon, we’re leaving soon. Let me help.” “You really don’t have to, Rose.” “I insist.”
Shadow rolls his eyes as Amy grabs a brush to brush Shadow’s fur out.
“Soo- why’d you wake up at 5am?” Amy asks as she brushes Shadow’s head.
“To get ready.” Shadow says bluntly, and Amy lets out a soft laugh.
“Sure, but you can’t possibly be spending hours getting ready! Not even Silver takes that long!”
Shadow chuckles, and Amy puts the brush down and hands Shadow his jacket.
“I just care more about what I look like more than Silver.” Shadow says, taking his jacket back and putting it on.
“But he has white fur! It’s so much easier cleaning your black fur compared to his white.”
“Well.. I also have skin care and dye to do.” Shadow mumbles.
As the conversation continues, Shadow and Amy start walking back to the kitchen.
“That stuff’s your’s?! No-way, I thought that was someone else’s!” Amy laughs and pokes Shadow’s side.
Shadow waves Amy’s hand away and grabs one of Sonic’s chip bags. “Like who? Sonic with his unkempt quills? I think not!”
Sonic tries to grab the bag before Shadow, but fails and scowls. “Hey!” Sonic yells.
Shadow chuckles, “Calm down, you know it’s true.”
Silver looks up from his paper to Shadow. “I think Sonic’s quills are pretty well-kempt.”
Shadow sighs and walks to the living room. “Not a word, Silver.”
Amy grabs a soda and sits down on the couch in the living room.
“I mean- well-kept.” Silver corrects.
“Pft. Thank you, Silver. At least someone respects me…” Sonic says in a dramatic teasing way.
“Who said I respect you?” Silver asks.
Amy chokes on her soda and laughs. “Alright- okay- see you later guys. Shadow, c’mon.”
Shadow and Amy wave goodbye to Sonic and Silver. They wave back and as soon as the door shuts Sonic looks over at Silver. “C’mon man, you did me that dirty?” Sonic raises his hands in question. “Well I don’t respect you!” Silver says, smiling. “Shut-up!” Sonic laughs and shoves Silver’s shoulder.
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stardewremixed · 1 year
First Kiss with Harvey
@nectar33n requested Harvey first so here goes. I’m not sure if you wanted canon or non-canon or if you wanted a female or male or nonbinary Farmer. I’m going with canon/female Farmer. I wrote a freakin’ novel so spoilers... haha! Once I started, I couldn’t stop. Hope you don’t mind. 
It was the morning of the surprise. Harvey set his alarm for 5am. He knew the Farmer was an early riser, but he wasn’t sure how early. The night before he tossed and turned in bed. He was nervous. Not because of the height of the hot air balloon ride, but because he hoped beyond hope that today would be the day. Today he would confess his true feelings to the Farmer, the woman who stole his whole heart. 
As a doctor, Harvey knew he could not survive without his heart. Logically. If she rejected him, he wasn’t sure how he would survive, except that he wanted her to be happy. And then it would be awkward at two thousand feet above ground if she said no. 
Argh! Harvey had been paranoid about missing his alarm, and so he woke up at a half past four. It was much too early, but he slipped his glasses onto the bridge of his nose. Laying his head back against the pillow, he tried a self-soothing technique that had worked for years. Deep breath in. Hold. One. Two. Three. Four. Exhale. 
After ten more deep breaths, his heart rate slowed. Still, when he tucked his arm behind his head, he saw only five minutes had passed. The time mocked him, the little red digital light aggravating his brain. Grunting once more, he resolved to get up, and mustered strength to swing his legs over the bed, one at a time. 
It was too late to take it back. His invitation. He scribbled a note on a piece of memo paper from his doctor’s pad, asking the Farmer to join him right before dawn for a surprise. If he went back now, he would look like an idiot. He already felt stupid staking out her place to make sure she was in for the night before he timidly slipped the note in the mailbox. 
Perhaps he should have thought it through more and used pretty stationary. Like the kind she always slipped in with her homemade jar of pickles. His heart always skipped a little beat when he saw a fresh jar waiting for him outside the Clinic in the morning. A sign she was thinking of him. 
Or when she dropped by on blustery afternoons to bring him coffee, always when he was fading the most. The little hearts she drew on the cup sleeve brightened his days and mindset. Somehow she just knew he needed a pick-me-up. It was a sixth sense. As a man of science, he didn’t always trust the mystical, what others described as “gut feelings.” And yet, Farmer made him want to believe in a deeper connection to the soul, and to a Higher Power. 
Farmer always checked the mail first thing. He liked that about her. She had her routines. He had his own. Predictable, and yet open to surprises. She shared with him once. With that same little head-tilt and charming smile that could sweep a man off his feet. Or in Harvey’s case stumble over his own two feet. He winced as he tripped into the bathroom and flicked on the light, wishing he had the sense to slid his toes into slippers before padding around in the dead of night. 
Reaching for the shower handles, he turned the water to scalding hot. The heat would relax him. He liked it to feel like a sauna. His apartment above the office was modest, small, just big enough for him. No space for a bathtub, but he didn’t mind. He was usually in a hurry. Harvey yanked his black tee shirt over his head. The mirror was already fogging. He stared into the glass after wiping away some of the steam. His eyes looked tired. His hair was wild. And he could have sworn he saw a wrinkle near his forehead. 
Perhaps he was selfish to ask her to be his girlfriend. She deserved someone younger. Someone who could keep up with her endless energy. Someone who wasn’t so preoccupied and could help out more around the farm. He wasn’t a “spring chicken.” He hoped the age gap wouldn’t bother her, and he assured himself that it never had before. She even confessed once that she was attracted to older men after one too many pale ales at the Saloon. 
Removing his pajama bottoms and boxers, Harvey stepped into the shower before he changed his mind. He was older, but he was no slouch. He worked out once a week with the ladies - good cardio at Caroline’s studio. And he took walks once a day all over the village, sometimes twice a day if he was facing a particularly challenging medical problem. Sometimes Farmer joined him, and he grew to like her company. No, he ruffled shampoo through his hair, he grew to love her company. 
Even with doctor-patient confidentiality in a tiny town where everyone knew everyone, Harvey could still vaguely discuss different issues he faced. She listened intently, engaged in the conversation, offering an encouraging head nod or smile as needed. He could tell she liked to listen to him talk, even when he felt like he was rambling. Her eyes shone. 
Harvey puffed his chest out a little with pride as he soaped up, thinking about his mother’s insistence that he take vocal lessons as a teen. Learning Latin for mass (which helped in medical school) and singing tenor (for the ladies) paid off. His patients often said he possessed a soothing voice and kind bedside manner. Or one very special lady. He smiled to himself as he stepped from the shower and wrapped himself in a towel. 
A half hour later, dressed, everything packed into a picnic basket, Harvey padded over to his kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. Even the particular brand of beans reminded him of Farmer. She grew a coffee plant just for him in her greenhouse so he could have his favorites year-round, and roasted the beans with the help of Gus at the Saloon. Her thoughtfulness knew no bounds. 
A steady rap at the door downstairs startled him. Harvey glanced at the clock. Almost 5:45 a.m. He had checked the paper so he knew the sun would rise at ten after six. Was she early? He plucked his cell phone from his shirt pocket, but it did not reveal a text message. Harvey slid into his familiar brown loafers and walked downstairs. 
His eyes widened with surprise to see his elderly neighbor standing on his doorstep. She was bundled up warm in her typical red coat and the pair of black leather gloves her husband George had purchased to help her poor circulation. Her smile told him he had nothing to worry about, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Is everything okay with George?” he asked, stepping aside so she could step into the clinic. 
George was one of his most temperamental patients, and frequently didn’t listen to his advice. It had taken almost two years for George to trust Harvey as a doctor. And even then, he grumbled about asking for help. 
“Yes, yes,” Evelyn said. “He’s still sleeping like a log. The machine you suggested though does cut back on his snoring. I barely hear it anymore.” 
She removed her gloves. Harvey nodded. 
“I’m glad it was useful for him. How can I help you?” 
“I saw your light. And I was up anyhow.” 
She reached into her bag, revealing wrapped hot bread. Freshly baked. Evelyn told him she often rolled doughs when she had trouble sleeping. 
“I thought,” her blue eyes twinkled. “You and the Farm Girl would appreciate this.” 
“How?” he ran a hand through his hair. “...did you?” 
She smirked. “I’m not psychic, Doc. I just know you. And you were running all over town this past week making special preparations for a ‘special’ date with a ‘special’ someone.” 
Harvey’s face relaxed into a smile. “Oh I was that obvious?” He chuckled ruefully. “I guess, I was.”
“Relax, Doc, she’s going to say yes,” Evelyn said, reaching up to tap his shoulder. “After all, you’re quite the catch.”
At her words, Harvey felt his cheeks grow hot. Evelyn meant well. She truly was a “Granny” to the entire town. He managed a meek “thank you” and waved, watching to make sure she made it back to her home across the square. When he saw her residence light turn on, Harvey returned inside the clinic. Reaching for his coat, he buttoned up, grabbed his basket of goodies, and tucked Evelyn’s bread inside before stepping back out. 
A quick twenty minute jaunt up the hill, Harvey reached the railroad crossing in no time. His heart felt light, even if his stomach felt full of knots. Evelyn wished him well, but could she really know the Farmer would say yes? As he was twisting the toe of his shoe in the dusty ground, wondering if he would “chicken” out, Harvey heard a gentle, familiar voice calling to him. 
Instantly, he felt his shoulders relax. He turned to wave at her, then wondered if he was grinning like an idiot. If he was, she didn’t seem to mind. She walked toward him briskly, smiling brightly herself. Today she wore a soft green blouse and jean skirt, matching jacket, and her famous knee-high brown boots. As she drew close, he could even tell she had applied makeup - a little mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Perhaps even a light lip gloss. His heart skipped two beats. She always looked good, no matter what she was wearing, but he could tell she made an effort for him. 
“How’s my favorite doctor?” she asked, reaching his side. 
“Good, and you’re right on time,” he cleared his throat, hoping she couldn’t sense his nervousness. 
“Oh for what? What is this surprise?” she inquired, eagerly, rubbing her hands together. 
Without thinking, he reached over and took her hands in his own to warm them. He grimaced, almost immediately regretting it. His palms were sweaty. She would know he was anxious. 
And yet, she looked up at him, surprise registering in her eyes, but her expression was welcoming. “Oh thank you. I should’ve worn gloves.” 
“You can wear mine,” he offered, starting to remove them one at a time. 
“No,” she grinned, shaking her head. “This is better.” Her fingers interlocked with his, and she squeezed gently. 
He straightened and cleared his throat again, knowing with almost certainty that pink had breached his cheeks. “Look here it comes,” he pointed to the sky. 
His anxiety levels skyrocketed as he realized this was the moment as the hot air balloon descended into the open field. However, her excited grip around his fingers and the look of pure joy on her face made him so happy. Harvey wanted her to be happy. 
“Are you surprised?” 
“Oh my! Yes!” she exclaimed, temporarily releasing his hand to clap her own. “But aren’t you afraid of heights, Harvey?” 
YES! He wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. It wouldn’t exactly be manly. And he would never live it down. His heart pounded wildly. The way she said his name, with kindness and concern, helped him catch his breath. Harvey somehow managed to express himself, sharing about how he wanted this to be special for her as she had never ridden in a hot air balloon before. And he had seen the ad and knew he just had to surprise her. She was always doing things for him, going out of her way, and he wanted to repay her consistent kindness. 
Marcello, their guide, gave detailed instructions about where to stand, how to operate the balloon, what to do in case of emergencies. Harvey had stayed up nearly all night three nights in a row last week researching rental companies with the highest safety ratings. He muttered this, and to his dismay, the Farmer heard, but she just smiled and told him how much she appreciated his thoroughness. 
Harvey offered her a hand as they stepped into the basket. He thought his heart would leap out of his chest. Her grip was reassuring. She didn’t let go until he was securely in the basket and by her side. She flexed her fingers and he realized perhaps he had been gripping too hard. 
“Oh sorry,” he mumbled. 
“No, it’s okay,” she said. “I am happy to be here with you, and I know you’re nervous. To be honest...” she tilted her head to the side. “I am too.” 
“Really?” he hated how his voice squeaked. He cleared his throat and repeated. “Oh really!” 
“Yes, but I’m excited too, like...” she grabbed his hand again and laid it against her chest around her left breast. 
He flushed, realizing this was the closest he had ever been to them. 
They both said in unison, and then laughed awkwardly. He dropped his hand quickly, feeling it improper to linger, even though her heartbeat felt nice. 
“You ready?” she asked. 
He gulped and nodded. “Yeah, I’m determined not to let my fears hold me back. I want to experience this with you.” 
“Me too,” she nodded. 
As they lifted off the ground, his jaw dropped open and his eyes widened. This was really happening. They had left the safety of earth behind for the unknown expanse of the sky. He couldn’t take it back now. He coughed and rubbed his jaw a bit, hoping she thought he was trembling because of the cold and not fear. 
“I’ll... uh... try... not to get scared,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair, and flushed hard, realizing he said the words aloud.
“Wow... you can see so far into the Valley already!” she exclaimed. 
He had squeezed his eyes shut during take-off and ascent. Nervously, he released his hands from the sides of his head. In the distance, the sky faded from black to blue to a soft purply-pink. 
“I thought I’d be scared too,” she shared. “But then I saw this view and relaxed.” 
Harvey wished that was all it took for him to calm down. He held the sides of his head, feeling like his heart might burst through his temples.  Then he remembered that he forgot the basket of breakfast... 1700 feet below. Could he be any more absent-minded? His fears... (or was it her hand?) had distracted him. He swallowed, thinking about her hand.
As if on cue, she looked up at him.
 “Here,” she reached for his hand once more and squeezed. “I promise I won’t let go.”
He could kiss her. He wanted to. So badly. But he wanted his pulse to slow down first so he wouldn't trip into her mouth. She always knew just what to do or say to make him feel at ease. A kiss wouldn’t be appropriate yet. We’re not even dating really. I need to tell her how I feel if I can bring myself to look at her. 
“Harvey?” she said, her voice sounding worried.
He squeezed his eyes open and looked down, but the terror flooded right back in. Before he could stop himself, he closed the few feet between them and dropped into her arms for a hug. A hug was okay. Right? This is okay? I’m okay. I’m okay. I’m okay. He repeated to himself.  
“You’re more than okay,” she whispered. 
He almost wondered if he actually heard her right. Did he actually say “I’m okay, okay, okay” aloud? “Wha? What? We’re up so high,” he gulped. 
He felt so dumb. A man of a his age unable to handle heights, clinging to the woman he wanted to be his girlfriend like he was a baby. She’s gonna think I’m such a wimp. He felt dismayed. He could handle blood, guts, puke, sweat, and all sorts of bodily fluids, but heights? Why did I think this was a good idea? 
“Harvey?” she lifted her arms to hug him in return. 
Whether intentional or not, she was stroking the back of his coat. 
“I wanted to impress you with this, but look at me!” he exclaimed burying his head in shame on her shoulder. “I’m a trembling coward.” 
“Harvey?” she repeated his name with such tenderness. “You’re not a coward.” 
“I’m not?” he pulled his head back, shock registering in his eyes as he connected with her gaze. 
He saw nothing but admiration there. 
“You’re definitely not. Harvey, I’ve seen you rescue injured people from rock slides and descend into unstable mines to pull out lost hikers. That’s not cowardly. That’s really brave.”
“What? I... uh...” he stammered.
“And you dove into the sea to rescue those little kids who got swept away by the waves during a sudden summer storm. You didn’t stop to think about your own safety. You just took the plunge.” 
“I... I... guess I did. You helped too. And you frequent the mines way more often than I do. You have more than enough bravery for the both of us.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Doctor Harvey. You do a lot of things that most people wouldn’t because you care about your patients and about the safety of the lives of those around you. It’s a really admirable quality about you,” she encouraged sweetly. 
“You do such nice things for everyone too, like helping bring supplies to the Shadow People camps deep in the underground. That’s really brave. It’s part of why I like you so much,” he continued, and bit his lip, trying desperately to stay focused on the sky in front of him rather than the slowly disappearing ground below. “I’m just not sure...” 
“And today you planned this romantic surprise for me even though you are clearly terrified of heights.”
“Romantic?” he squeaked.
She furrowed her brow. “Oh am I misinterpreting?” 
Harvey squeezed her hand. “No,” he managed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Don’t let go.” 
She leaned into his shoulder, not only returning the hand squeeze, but wrapping her other arm around his from the side. Her hair smelled like jasmine. They stood side by side, and little by little, he felt his pulse slowing. He began to enjoy the peacefulness, the quiet of the air, the coolness of the breeze against his cheeks, the comfort of her presence. 
“I think I can enjoy it now,” he said after a few minutes of silence as he tried to think of what to say next. 
To tell her how he felt. He wasn’t a poet like Elliott or a songwriter like Sebastian and Sam. He didn’t have the adorable chickens she loved like Shane did, but he did enjoy a good fried egg every once in a while. And he definitely didn’t have the physique of the semi-pro athlete like Alex. He wasn’t the most eligible bachelor in Pelican Town. That alone nearly prevented him from planning this surprise for the Farmer today. He needed to stop comparing himself to others. He conquered this fear. He took the step into the basket and managed this far. Maybe he could manage the next step too. 
“Oh... this is incredible,” he laughed nervously. “I think I can even see Mayor Lewis standing in town square.” 
“Where?” she asked, leaning forward a little. 
Without thinking, Harvey yanked her back to his side. He wrapped an arm around her, and snuggled her against his chest protectively. He couldn’t see her face because he was blushing hard. Why did I do that? He opened his mouth to speak when she suddenly shushed him. He frowned, only momentarily, but then saw what captured her attention. A flock of geese flying in a V flapped in unison by their balloon. It was a majestic sight against the backdrop of the rising sun. Oh! He found the courage to speak from his heart. 
“Uh... Farm Girl?” 
“Yes, Doc?” 
He gulped. “Uh... we’ve known each other for quite a while now and uh...” 
It’s now or never, man. Times almost up! 
“I...” he could feel the sweat pouring down the sides of his face, even if it was cold at altitude. 
She gave him the sweetest smile he had ever seen. Her eyes were full of admiration, encouragement, and dare he hope? Love? She leaned forward, removing any semblance of space between them, placing her hands against his chest. He felt a lump in his throat where the words were stuck. 
“I... love... you too,” she whispered, finishing the words for him. 
With two hands firmly placed on her upper arms, he leaned down, closed his eyes, and kissed her for the first time. Her lips were sweet, slightly chapped from sun and wind, but she tasted like... strawberries. His favorite fruit. He wondered if that was intentional. His senses grew hazy as he heard her sigh “finally” and he nearly lost all control. Her hands found their way behind his back and she pressed her torso against his, and his own hands slid further down her arms and around her delicate waist. He could hardly believe this was happening. 
“I’ve... loved you... for so long,” he managed between kisses. “I... never dreamed...” 
“Neither did I,” she said sweetly, reaching up for his neck, pulling him back to her lips eagerly. “I’ve wanted to kiss you... for so long.” 
“I...” he couldn’t think clearly. 
She was showing him new heights. His kisses deepened. He nearly forgot where they were as he continued with fervor. She seemed to enthusiastically return his desire, matching his speed and intensity with her own. Her legs brushed against his, and he felt weak. It had been so long since he felt this way, if ever. His knees threatened to buckle under the fog of passion, but he pulled back first, as the gentleman in him realized he needed to do something first.
“Will you... be... my girlfriend?” Harvey wanted to make it official. 
“Yes, will you be my boyfriend?” she asked, her eyelashes fluttering happily. 
Harvey never expected to feel so touched by hearing those words. “Yes.” 
He sealed his answer with a kiss. “Yes,” he repeated. 
“I love you, Harvey,” she sighed dreamily and leaned her head against his chest once more. “I am so happy right now.”
Harvey felt tears prick the corners of his eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to swat them away, as the heights still unnerved him and he didn’t want to let go of her. He didn’t want to let go of her ever. He calmed himself with a deep breath or two before replying. After a tender kiss to the top of her head, he said, “Me too.” 
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Unorthodox (PART II) (Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Kazansky!Reader)(+ IceMav)
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Word Count: 9812
TW: Parental death/funerals, mentions of a marriage of convenience, institutional homophobia, alcohol consumption, possibly swearing, NSFW CONTENT AT THE END (for once I decided to actually go graphic so just be warned, may or may not be badly written, unsure) There is lots of fluff and lots of angst here- some based on my own experiences.
AN: Enough people wanted a part two that I wrote one. Idk how it got this long, but I really went in for the IceMav stuff and I couldn't help but make it super sweet with them. It just felt right. Writing this ended up in me reading through the entire F-14 Tomcat's flight operations manual and spending an hour picking music because I wanted to do another one with a bit of a diegetic music thing going on. So...
Enjoy! (Requests are open, feedback and replies are really needed! I wanna know what you guys think of what I write! I adored reading what you thought of Pt.I, special shoutout to @teacactusworld and @cowboybarbie cos I loved reading what they thought!)
It didn't take long. She was glad about that, she hoped it meant less pain and stuffering if it just happened quick. Just a couple days after Pete had visited.
Bob had texted her that same night after he dropped her home- he couldn't have waited if he'd tried. She felt like a giddy teenager getting the message. She'd not stopped talking to him since- for three days, flirting and talking and slowly pulling details from eachother.
Until now. Now she hadn't thought about her phone once, or work or anytime outside of their home.
She woke up in the morning and her father wasn't at breakfast.
She didn't say anything, just shared a look with her Mom over the heads of her younger siblings.
She didn't sit in her usual place, she just felt herself go pale. She knew it was coming, but it still hurt.
She waited until she was out of the kitchen to break into a sprint down the hall. The study door was locked- empty then. She half lept up the stairs to stand in the hall and see, through her parents bedroom door, her Papa laying in bed.
This was a man who had gotten up at 5am everyday since he joined the Naval Academy at 17.
It was now nearly 10.
She knocked on the door and he looked up. He didn't smile. How could he smile at his daughter when her face was smothered in fear and pale shock?
"Baby girl?" He coughed out the words, as fried and cracking as they were now.
"Papa." She spoke and walked in. She felt like a little kid and it was awful.
Immediately she wanted to call Pete- tell him to drop everything and get here. But her Dad didn't want that, she knew. He never wanted anyone to see him like that- if he could have kept all of them away, he would have. But especially not Pete.
She sat at the edge of her bed and images of her Dad when she was little- when he seemed barely 20 something, tall, strong and muscular- looking young enough to be her brother, not her Dad- flashed before her.
He was 27 when she was born. He met Sarah, had (y/n) and they married in the space of year. Just after TopGun.
He had told her before, that he'd always wanted kids. That she was his absolute dream.
It wasn't long after she was born that he started rapidly climbing the ranks- he wanted more kids, for sure, but her Mom was already struggling to cope with moving all round the country with a newborn, so they waited a few years.
So she was a Daddy's girl. She was Pete's girl too- in those years he was around increasingly.
No matter where they were, Pete would turn up. He'd be in the house- she remembered being a toddler, one of her earliest memories, was of her Dad and Pete.
When she thought back on it, she remembered going to see him too- her Dad and her would drive, or fly, cross country, just the two of them, to visit Pete. Those were good memories, he was a good Dad. He was patient and kind, he lived for his kids.
He rarely missed a parent teacher conference, a recital, a game. He wanted, needed to be there for it. He did whatever he could to be there. No matter how much of his own down time he'd miss, how much he'd have to catch up on, how far he'd have to travel for something that was really and ultimately trivial- he did it. He had to.
She remembered those early years, with just them- fondly. When her Dad walked around the house in boxer shorts and dog tags, a piece of toast in his hand and her, tucked under the other arm, in a diaper, giggling.
She remembered hazily those days, just before school age. She remembered her Dad, and Pete. Back then, she was either with her Dad or her Mom. Not both. She knew they'd been through a patch- sorta seperated for a while. That must have been then.
Pete seemed to always be around then.
Her Dad and Pete practically lived together- when they weren't working overseas. She got handed off from one parent to the other at airports and at the front door of the house as they swapped in and out.
Him and Pete- young men who didn't look like they should have been in charge of a kid, and yet they managed it in their own 'bachelorish' way.
Pete was good with kids because he could make them laugh and they liked him- he played a bit rough but always kissed grazed knees better and snuck a few M&Ms or some other candy to her behind his back when Tom wasn't looking. It only took Pete to ask once (or occasionally bribe) to get the kids to do anything. He always knew how to talk to them.
Tom was the affectionate, soppy Dad - he'd chase her round the house and catch her in a flurry of tickles and kisses as she squeaked and laughed. He'd sit with her in his lap, both with Tootsie pops in their mouths, on the floor and watch cartoons. He demanded a kiss on the cheek everytime his little girl left his side. He learned how to do her hair, and obliged when she wanted to but butterfly hairclips in his.
She'd sit on Pete's knee as he sat on the counter in the kitchen and her Dad cooked their meals. It was Pete who picked her up from preschool when Tom couldn't. They'd take turns taking care of her when she woke in the night- rocking the little girl back to sleep or sitting with her until she did by herself. They all three had to brush their teeth together at night or she would kick up a fuss and refuse to do it. If Pete was getting her dressed for preschool in the morning, he'd let her pick what she wanted to wear, and he'd carry her downstairs (she's a clumsy Princess and Pete, as rough and tumble as he is, refused to let her just figure out that you can't run down the stairs at 60mph and expect not to fall, on her own, or just hold her hand or something like Tom did. She was too precious for that) to the kitchen to present her to her Dad in the most insane outfits. Tom always dressed her smartly and neatly and always pressed her clothes with as much care as he would press and tidy his own dress uniform. It was Pete who was the panicky one- if she got so much as a paper cut his heart would absolutely stop and if she cried over it; it was all just over. He hadn't felt the anxiety and adrenaline like that ever- even when Bradley was a baby (but that's because Carole and Nick were such natural parents and so deeply calm). Tom was just a pick up and carry on type- he had figured out the whole 'if you don't react like it's a big deal, they won't either' thing. He always just brushed her down and kept going- held her hand and fixed it. He was a fixer.
The longest she stayed with her Dad was a month and half- before he was shipped out again. The agreement with Sarah was that she would go and stay with her own mother whilst Tom was home, he'd look after (Y/n), and the rest of the time, she'd be back in the house with the baby.
(Y/n) remembered vividly being in her Mother's arms to say goodbye to her Papa and Pete, surrounded by all the other Pilots' wives and kids and families. She'd sobbed and screamed and reached out for them. She was too young to understand what was going on or why, she just knew her Papa was leaving her behind and she didn't want him to go. So she clung on to her mother and cried her eyes out.
It was a chaotic time really- confusing and stressful for all of them, though it wasn't all bad, the good times were some of the best.
That didn't last long though. Whatever had made her parents split, they resolved. She'd never dug deep into that issue to find out why they'd split. She guessed the stress of a new baby and her Dad being there and then not being there all the time.
Over the years, Pete was still highly prominent in her life, but not as he had been in those months. Her parents became a force to be reckoned with, a proper team and when she looked at them: there was a deep love there, deep respect and admiration.
And now after all these years, more kids, more chaos and trouble and good and bad. Here was her beloved Papa, a man who she ate froot loops with at their dining table before her first day of school- her in pigtails and a little pink pair of corduroy dungarees and him (as he always seemed to be as a young dad) shirtless- both grinning from ear to ear and laughing at nothing because she was just so excited; a man who consoled her when her own marriage (which she had done on a whim and without telling anyone) broke down after barely a month; a man who made beards out of bubble bath; who for the love of God flew fighter jets for near enough 25 years! A man she wanted to walk her down the isle and be the first to hold his grandchildren. She'd always thought that wasn't much to ask but here he was. And she could do nothing but get used to the idea that he wasn't going to get to do that.
Here he was. In bed, weak, frail and tired. He wasn't even old yet. He wasn't even mandatory retirement age yet.
She held his hand and said nothing. They both knew what this signalled. They both knew how rapid it would be now.
What the fuck could she say? What was she meant to say to her perfect Father as he lay there fading away? She'd known this was coming but it still hurt. She couldn't have even tried to prepare the words to tell him. She just wanted to tell him she loved him. Because she did and that seemed the most important thing. She loved him and was proud of him- his work, his life, his achievements. She was astounded by him, respected him and adored him like she'd never adore anyone else. She didn't know how he could be such a good Dad and a fighter pilot and then Admiral and never ever fail at either job. He'd never let her down. Not until now.
She wanted to be so angry that she was being left behind, that his body could give up on him like this when he was such a sharp mind, when he was so clever and he'd always eaten right and stayed fit. She wanted to slap him round the face and tell him he was a fucking idiot, of course he wasn't dying, just get up and work like normal and pretend it all wasn't real. But it was. And it was unfair to be angry, not now. She knew she had all the time in the world to be angry later. But now she just wanted her Papa. In whatever form he was in.
Through the day she sat with him. They talked and her siblings did the same, even her eldest brother, who was 3rd year of college age now, curled up into his sister as they sat with their Dad. She put her arms around him and cradled him like when they were small, and they held their Dad's hand.
Everyone knew Tom Kazansky didn't have favourites. He was highly professional and moral. He didn't have favourite children and he loved them all equally. If anything happened to any of them he'd rather have flung himself in front of a train or off a twenty story building than just let it. Yet- her- his first born. How could he not favour her somehow. When she wasn't just his baby girl, when he was sure he'd never felt love until he'd seen her, when she had been there for so long that he knew he'd had no life before her, when she had been their baby girl.
In the evening he seemed dazed, very tired and less sure of what was happening around him. She expected it was a mixture of things, but mostly from the painkillers he was being given.
By the morning he was just confused, fidgety- he'd always been a fidget but this was an anxious fidget. Her Mom had been up with him all night, as he slept and woke in fits and starts. He just wasn't sure quite of where he was, he knew he was in his own bed- but he didn't seem to recognise it, he knew everyone's name but not necessarily who they were to him. Not all the time. He just- he was hazy on things and that was hard when just a day or two before he was as sharp and witty as ever. That was the one thingthing that'd he'd always had through this illness- his mind. And now at the last second it was slipping away from him.
That afternoon, as she sat with him, (y/n) noticed him glancing toward the side of the room. It was the first time they'd been alone- her Mom was taking care of her other kids and the siblings were scattered around the house- some of them too nervous to sit for too long with their Dad, others too distraught.
"What you looking at?" She asked softly.
"Is (y/n)- is she in the crib?" He asked in reply as he moved his head to see, his voice weak and crackled. He seemed to still understand he was ill and couldn't get up.
(Y/n) looked over to the spot where he was staring.
"Did Pete take her downstairs?" He asked again and looked at her.
"Yeah, he did." She nodded. He nodded back.
"I really love them. I love em both." He spoke. "They're the loves of my life, Sarah." In his haze she looked exactly like her mother and that's who he believed he was talking to. He closed his eyes again.
She understood then- lots of things.
She looked up and saw her Mom in the doorway.
They shared a look and her Mom nodded.
"I know, Tommy. It's alright." She spoke as she sat by her husband with a somber smile.
By the third morning he was gone.
It was like he'd waited for everyone to be asleep. It was the kind of thing he would do.
(Y/n) stayed quite calm throughout that day. She was suddenly quite numb to it all.
She and her mother worked through everything they had to- he was taken away to be prepared for the funeral, people were notified, they all consoled eachother.
Eventually it was just her and her Mom sat in the kitchen. Each of them had poured out a glass of good whisky (on the rocks) to drink in their husband and father's honour.
"Mom?" (Y/n) spoke quietly, resting her head on her shoulder.
"Yes baby?" She answered, taking a deep breath.
"Papa..." She began to speak and had to pause to get the courage to continue the question. "Him- and Pete?" She stopped and her mother needed no further prompt.
"Your Dad and Pete, baby-" Her Mom spoke gently. "They were in love." She looked at her daughter. "I didn't know it when we met, when we had you- even when we got married." She shook her head but a smile lay on her lips. "But Pete was there before me, he was there with me, and he would have been there after me."
"How did you-" (y/n) started to ask, but when she thought about it- it couldn't have been more obvious.
"I just knew it. And he admitted it when I finally asked." Sarah spoke.
Then the first tears slipped down (y/n)'s face. She quickly raised a hand to her eyes and wiped them away.
"We'd been married just over a year, and I felt so stupid" The older woman chuckled and hugged her daughter close. "But he wasn't cold- he never denied me anything, he was perfect- except for that the love he had for me wasn't what he and Pete had and I could see that." (Y/n) just nodded.
"I couldn't just have the marriage annulled- the grounds for that would have had your father and maybe even Pete dishonourably discharged. I was angry but I couldn't do that- that was too wrong. We didn't really have the money to divorce- so we just-"
"Mhm- I stayed with my Mama at home when your Dad wasn't away and when he was I stayed at the house. It meant you didn't have to travel so much and we didn't have to see eachother. And- before I left, I told him, 'Tommy- You gotta understand I'm not making you choose and I'm not angry that you love him. I know you love him, and that's why you gotta be with him, I'm angry because you did it behind my back, you couldn't just say it."
"What happened?"
"Well- that time was probably the closest they had to being a proper couple. You know how Pete is when he flies, the trouble he gets- your Dad bailed him out but he ended up overseas and that was what sealed it." Sarah sighed. "What they wanted they weren't gonna get- not back then. The Navy- it wouldn't have tolerated that relationship. They wouldn't have tolerated it for an Admiral especially, which, of course, your Papa became. Maybe if it were now- if things were different-" Sarah shook her head. "It was sad- I was still angry but we decided not to go it alone. We were still friends, and I realised that he could love me too. I knew it wasn't the same, but we both got what we wanted this way. We were best friends and that's all we needed. Pete was always going go be there- and every time he visited your Dad would ask me if I was okay with it. He'd go and sleep with him in the spare room, and he'd ask then too- and how could I say no? I wasn't spiteful, how could I not recognise that your Dad had a big enough heart to love his family and Pete and that he couldn't really be happy without him?" Sarah smiled. "I know most people would think that's crazy- but we made it work. We couldn't have been happier, all of us." She looked at her daughter, watched as her eyes sparkled with thought and greif and as she began to feel all mixed up.
"Why didn't we know?" She asked after a moment. "What- was he ashamed? Or?"
"No- he wasn't at all. Papa was confident and stubborn- you know that." Sarah laughed a little and wiped another tear from her daughter's face. "We just wanted everything to line up for you kids. You kids knew what everyone else knew, that your father and I loved eachother very much and that your father and Pete loved eachother very much. The nature of those relationships, everything else, didn't really matter. It wasn't a lie. I suppose we just didn't want to confuse you- and we didn't want anyone to know. You know what kids are like- they blab." She laughed again.
(Y/n) nodded. It felt like all the pieces were falling into place. But now her heart was heavier and ached harder for Pete. She also greived that she could have known her father better- understood him better maybe. And yet, equally, she was glad that, though maybe unusual, they'd stumbled across a way of loving that worked, accommodated the world they lived in, the work they did and the others relationships in their lives. She supposed it didn't surprise her. She was happy that they had been happy.
She was sure she loved her Pete even more than she ever had before- to know that he brought so much happiness and love to the man she adored, whom she idolised and had always been her best friend. It was like some relief washed over her.
The first time she broke down in tears was after the funeral. She nearly broke when the same day that he'd passed, the Navy sent a couple people to retrieve all the confidential paperwork and files in her Dad's office- they apologized profusely and said they'd have waited if they could have, but he had so much sensitive information on active projects and missions that they couldn't risk it. To give them credit, they were very careful to be tidy and sensitive to personal possessions and files- which they backed up onto two harddrives and gave to Sarah- deleting it off of the PC they were taking away, to be returned once they'd recovered everything they needed and wiped it. But watching all of these things leave the house was like taking away pieces of a man who they already felt they had so little left of. But still- it wasn't till after the funeral.
It had been lovely. The weather was warm, and bright. It was attended by many and it was warming to see the pilots her Dad had flown with, mentored, admired, be there for him one last time.
She looked across at Pete. She hadn't seen him so brushed up for a long time- and like her, he was remarkably calm.
When all the pomp and ceremony was done, and finally it was all over- she half flung herself at him.
She said nothing, and he didn't care that she would crumple his uniform. He just wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes as she sobbed into him. She held on so tight- fistfuls of fabric which tugged everytime she breathed. He didn't care. He felt the same. As people passed by them, trying not look at the picture of greif carved in front of them, neither of them cared.
Pete kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek there. She felt him tense and hold his breath as he tried to hold together, and then shake as tears finally broke the surface.
Sarah ushered her other children away as the gathered party moved slowly and somberly through the cemetery in the low sun and toward the transport. Some of them talked amongst themselves, some of them stayed silent. There were tears and some shared happy memories with eachother. But (y/n) could only crumble in Pete's arms, and he realised that there were only three people in his adult life now he'd cried in front of. Goose, Ice and his baby girl.
She was his. There was no doubt. For all her life he had been there and never was he going to leave. He'd watched her grow up- he'd been her other Dad. He supposed he'd never thought of himself that way- but she sure had. She was theirs. She understood that now. She understood why her Dad and her and Pete had always seemed a natural family- why he was so present and why, her mostly, but not just her, all of her silblings too, responded to him. Why did he fit so well into that role.
Because he was supposed to be there.
And now they were all missing a great big chunk of their lives.
She pulled away for a moment.
"Pete?" She whispered and looked up at him with a matching tear stained face. She thought she'd be able to speak a bit louder but what came out was meek and uncharacteristically unsure.
He looked back at her and saw the little girl he recognised, but torn up to ribbons behind those big pretty eyes of hers.
"Papa loved you." She spoke with a crack in her voice and all choked up.
Pete nodded.
"I know." He whispered as he pulled her back into him, enveloping her in his arms. "He told me plenty." She just nodded and her sobs became audible choked cries. "I loved him too. More than anything." He continued. "More than Penny, more than flying- nearly as much as I love Bradley and you, sweetheart." How his voice was so soothing even when throttled by tears and angst she didn't know. It always had been to her.
She held on tighter and tighter, feeling like she was going to go lightheaded with how few breaths she could take through her sobbing, and Pete continued now to allow tears to pour down his face.
It took a good while for them both to soothe. But it was a needed release of emotion that neither of them had had the chance for yet.
Finally (y/n) stood back and almost went to just scream, but she couldn't. She just looked up to the clear, cloudless sky, still clinging onto her Godfather's sleeve like he was going to drift away or try and leave her. Nothing would have taken that man away then.
She breathed and Pete held her hand, and she felt his shake.
"It's not fair." She spoke.
"No." He tensed his jaw and ground his teeth. "Not at all." He spoke, wiping the tears from his cheek.
She looked back at him, her lips pressed into a thin line. She sniffled and paused for a second before then looking down the slope.
Pete put his arm around her shoulder and she leant into him. Slowly they walked toward the others as they climbed into various modes of transportation.
The venue for the wake was suited to that expected of an Admiral- it was the bar room of an upmarket hotel in town, and it was a weirdly nice atmosphere, a few 80s tunes playing above the chatter.
No-one expected it to be as nice as that- but there was something therapeutic about being surrounded by people who were there because they had good memories and great respect for someone she loved.
The place was filled, even more people than could make it to the service had arrived for the wake, and everyone had something nice to say. There was no pity or tears (apart from her Mom, who had got talking to Ron Kerner, aka Slider, about something or other they'd gotten up to in the Academy- and they'd laughed so hard she'd cried) which was nice. There were smiles and fondness and everyone knew it had to be that way because if you'd met the man once, you knew that Kazansky didn't require pity and though he was tactful and serious at work, the moment he was off duty, he had something sly and witty to say, something to joke about. He had a kiddy sense of humour.
God, it was nice. It was soothing and relaxing and (Y/n) and Pete were the last to walk into the place with it's plush carpet and moulded wood panels and sparkling light fixtures. It was a celebration of his life, not an occasion just to miss him.
"Right- let's get you a drink, then we'll get you talking." Pete smiled and held out his arm, which (y/n) nodded to and hooked hers through.
They leant on the bar and eventually ended up with drinks in hand. In the interim plenty of people approached and shook her hand and when she smiled- sensed it was genuine and she allowed them to tell her what a wonderful man her father was and how they knew him and such. She thought she might have disliked that, but she found herself very proud of how many people clearly held her father very dear and enjoyed his company or were simply honoured to have worked with him. Not a single person was there purely for duty or obligation. (And she and her mother over the following days would receive many messaged of regret that various people couldn't attend.)
(Y/n) turned against the bar and leant back, scanning the room. Her eyes were less red now and her cheeks less stained.
To one side of the room she saw Pete's students, all dressed to the nines in their dress uniforms. All on best behaviour but fairly relaxed and talking amongst eachother.
She was proud of them too. They looked so smart, and everyone knew they were the best of the best. They were there because there her Dad's pilots. He,'d known each one of them inside and out, their skills, flaws and talents just from paperwork and crossed wires. He picked those men and women as the best of the best and believed in them.
She smiled as she watched them.
Over the past days she'd all but forgotten Lieutenant Floyd. She'd thought lots about him- partially as an escape and partially because she already knew how much she liked him and she didn't like to think that she'd not get to bring him home to her Dad.
It was a weird time to be thinking about a romance, and maybe it was just the emotionally charged atmosphere but she couldn't help it.
She let her gaze stop at him without thinking, and was only shaken out of it when he looked back at her.
She held it for a moment before fully realising what she was doing and where she was, she felt her cheeks flush with heat and looked away.
Pete laughed, his eyes darting between the pair.
(Y/n) put a hand to her face and felt the frankly searing heat of her cheeks, she smiled sheepishly and took a deep swig of her drink.
"You're that taken by him, huh?" Pete asked. She looked to him and didn't need to say anything. It took him by surprise, the look he saw in her eyes.
"Wow-" He exclaimed but under his breath, in a sort of whisper, taken aback by it. "You really are..."
"Pete!" She spoke in a hushed tone, with an embarrassed laugh. "I've been out with him once- I barely know him."
"Yeah. You can change that-" Pete encouraged with a grin.
"Oh my god-" She laughed, almost tempted.
"What's this?" A voice came from beside her. She turned and found her Mom on her other side of her.
"How are you, baby?" She asked, placing her hands on her daughters shoulders in that motherly, directorial way that Mom's do, and kissed her cheek.
"I'm alright Mom-" She spoke, with a little smile. "Are you-" She began, but her Mom just nodded.
"Pete?" Her Mom softened and moved to embrace the pilot, who reciprocated with a smile and a sigh.
"Sarah." He spoke, breathing her name like seeing her was a relief.
"You're- you're holding up?" She asked as he pulled away.
"(Y/n) and I are keeping eachother going, I think." He nodded and smiled, looking past Sarah and to her daughter.
"Good. I'm glad to see it." She spoke and turned to see the direction that they'd been looking as Pete turned and ordered a glass of wine from the Bartender for Sarah. "Oh-" She laughed. "Your 'non-pilot'?" She smiled.
"God- even you know?" (Y/n) wanted the ground to swallow her up.
"Of course I do- your Father always told me everything." She grinned and glanced at Pete."Well, almost always." Pete gave a breathy laugh and shook his head, handing her the glass. "Thank you-" She spoke gently before sparking back up into a perkiness. "Actually- that reminds me." She began to dig through her purse. "Just a moment my lovelies." She smiled and pulled away from the group as Pete and (y/n) watched curiously.
"Oh my god- Pete? What is she up to?" She laughed and shook her head, clinging onto his arm and resting her forehead on his shoulder to hid from the embarrassment. No matter how old she was, her parents (all three of them) would manage that.
"Lieutenant Floyd?" She spoke quietly and he turned. (Y/n) watched him turn from his conversation and answer.
"Yes Ma'am?" He spoke politely and stood up straight.
She just smiled and held something out to him.
"Thank you, Ma'am." Bob spoke, slightly unsure looking down at what he had been handed.
Sarah winked and nodded, walking away with a little laugh.
She walked past her daughter and Pete and shared a mischievous look with the pilot, which clued him in to what was going on.
Pete just laughed and shook his head once again.
She watched as he opened what looked to be a small envelope, he'd stepped away from the others for a moment.
He looked terrified as he opened it.
He looked up at (y/n) with wide eyes.
It was Rooster that first noticed his expression, and walked to him, peeking over his shoulder.
He immediately laughed, loudly, attracting the attention of his fellow classmates. He slapped Bob on the back, but he was still frozen up. The same reaction was garnered from the others as they gathered around him.
"Bobby?" She spoke, with a concerned expression. She stepped forward and slowly he began to walk across to her, weaving through the throngs of people in the middle of the room.
"Bob? What's wrong?" She gave a confused smile as he got close. He stood close to her, just inches away and looked down at the note in his hands. He pushed it into hers and watched her read it.
You're goddamm lucky you're not a pilot.
Now Maverick isn't just keeping an eye on your flying.'
Underneath was her father's distinct signature and the paper bore his letter head. The handwriting was slightly shaky, but still clearly her father's.
He put her hand to her mouth, and smiled.
She looked up at him, before putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him down as she leant up- kissing his cheek softly, and then quickly a peck on the lips for good measure- just to snap him out of his mini-trance.
His expression softened as she pulled away and he stayed stooped for a moment before straightening up. Then he seemed to breathe, and she gave a breathy laugh which Bob returned.
Pete leant around her and took the note from her hand. He read it and smirked. That was so typical. One last chance to playfully embarrass his kid, frighten the life out of one of his daughter's potential boyfriend (because of course he was a protective girl-dad) and give Sarah and Pete a good laugh. That was just like their Tommy. It was just like Ice.
Suddenly, as Bob looked down at her- he couldn't not smile at her, he realised how close they were standing, he towered over her and his heart was beating like a steam train. He couldn't bring himself to move away and her hand had trailed down from his shoulder to rest on his chest.
He looked at her, wearing a black silk slip dress, which was simple and suited the weather, and she looked beautiful in it.
"How are you doing?" He spoke, more seriously now. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt doing this at her father's wake. That felt odd- even with her taking the lead. He feared that she was just- that he might be a distraction.
"Fucking shit- my Dad just died." She smiled. He nodded.
"Yeah." He broke their gaze and his smile faded. "Makes sense."
"Makes me kinda cold, huh?" She laughed.
"Huh?" Bob looked back up at her, surprised.
"Kissing a guy I barely met? At my Dad's funeral? Some people would say that was pretty cold." She looked up at him. He didn't seem to know what to say. "But- he was 'Iceman' after all. 'Ice cold. No mistakes.'" She grinned, and suddenly Bob caught on.
"No mistakes?" He allowed himself a little smile.
She shook her head and gave a little laugh.
"Come on- come talk with me?" She asked with a little tilt of her head.
He nodded, placing his hand on the small of her back and guiding her to a quieter section of the room.
He looked great in his uniform, she couldn't help but think it. He was sweet and she was attracted to him, there was no two ways about that.
She enjoyed the featherlight touch of his fingers on her back, it almost made her twitch. Her stomach fluttered, and she glanced up at him as they moved and he placed himself between her and those he was navigating them around.
He was a gentleman, and she suddenly couldn't take her eyes off of him. A little smile graced her lips as they finally broke from the crowd.
The room had a grand staircase which lead up to a gallery, which lead in turn to the corridors to the rooms and such, and had more tables and couches than were on the periphery of the main bar floor. It was some of the only clear space, so it was where they perched, a few steps up, they sat down, her closest to the banister and him on the outer side.
From there, (y/n) looked out across the room, she saw plenty of people she recognised.
Bob watched her every move, every twitch of a finger, every tightening muscle and every dart of her eyes from someone to him. He liked how her lip curled as she thought, or saw someone that gave her a hit of nostalgia.
"You like your job?" She asked him, as she looked out, leaning back on heels of her palm, her fingers frustratingly close to brushing against him.
"Yeah- I love it. More than anything." He spoke softly and honestly.
"Mmhm-" She mused, a touch of a smile on her face as she finally turned and locked eyes with him. "My Papa did too. It's a thing with you aviators. I think you'd all stay up there forever if you could."
"Yeah-" Bob nodded and smiled. "I think so." He shifted to face her a little more. "You ever been up there?"
She smiled with a fondness and her eyes sparkled bright at the question.
"Yeah- not for a long time, and not in anything special but- My Dad took me up a couple times, Pete too. It was like nothing I've ever felt." She smiled. "Pete tried to teach me a few times, just in something small and hobbyish, but I never stuck with it and got my license. I probably should have- I enjoyed it."
Bob smiled.
"Maybe it's a good thing- My Daddy told me to stay away from pilots too." He laughed and (y/n) grinned.
"You're slicker that you make out to be, Lieutenant Floyd." She smirked, leaning just a little closer.
He chuckled and looked at her with a soft and admiring gaze.
"I doubt it." He spoke quietly, so she could scarcely hear it over the chatter of the room and the music.
(Y/n) pulled him in, though the distance between them already wasn't far, by his uniform jacket, hooking her fingers under the fabric and between the buttons and tugging gently- he complied and didn't hesitate to allow his body to move where she wanted it to be, following the pull of the fabric. There was something hungry in the kiss she gave- as her fingers stayed looped in his uniform, but now they weren't moving him, her knuckles instead pushed flat against his shirt and as he breathed in, the fabric, as well fitted as it was, constricted tight over them.
She seemed to breathe that kiss, it was hungry, but it was also calm and gentle. He indulged in it, as if it were the first and last and he'd stolen it.
"You can doubt it all you like, but actions speak louder than words, Bobby." She whispered as she pulled away for a moment, her chest heaving up and down with the adrenaline of the moment- she was terrified he'd reject it, though it was unfounded fear.
He was next to dive back in. The first kiss was hers. This was his- he found one of his hands had come to rest on her thigh, and the other was still by his side. He moved it to her hip, feeling the soft and hard contours of the flesh and bone there, through the slipping silk fabric. The other he used to steady himself, taking hold of her forearm that was hovering by her side and not holding on to him, and pulling it in to him a little, his fingertips pressing into her skin like she would disappear from his grip.
He didn't drink, but tasting the whisky on her lips was like heaven- the sweetest thing he'd ever known.
When he finally pulled himself from the kiss, she seemed entirely dazed, in a happy way. Her cheeks were flushed with heat, as were his.
She looked away, almost shy. How this man made such a confident woman this way, she didn't know, but she liked it.
She didn't care that it was almost certain that everyone in the room had noted what they were doing, and probably disapproved considering the scenario. She agreed it was strange, but the heart wanders like that. Her Father clearly didn't live his life with the opinions of others often in mind- he was considerate and wise, but confident and secure. Why shouldn't she follow that lead?
Bob seemed lost in thought for a moment, before standing, walking down a couple steps to be at rough eye level with her as she sat, and held out his hand to her.
"Would you come with me?" He asked, quietly.
(Y/n) said nothing, just took his steady hand and stood. He once again held her close into him as they moved through the people, no-one much paying attention to them.
"What are we doing?" She asked in a whisper, curious.
"I'm taking a leaf out of Captain Mitchell's book." He spoke, as the edged past people in the crowded room.
She laughed and said no more. She liked this side of the man, she sensed he didn't often show it.
Quickly they were outside, breathing the fresh air from the sea.
Bob lead her to his pick up and opened the door, in one swift movement he pulled her gently to face him and put his hand on her hips and lifted her up onto the drivers seat, facing him still. He was a fit guy, and bigger than her, so it wasn't difficult. Her heart skipped a beat as he did, she wasn't used to anything like that.
He placed his hands on her knee and thigh and looked up at her, frozen for a moment.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, an innocent sparkle in his eye, as if what he had just done and where he had put his hands wasn't surely one of the sexiest things that happened to the young woman in her life and hadn't set her aflutter.
"Yes." She laughed at him.
He didn't hesitate to give her a quick and tender kiss, much more ferocious than he had done when they weren't alone. He pulled away with a distinct smile and didn't move as he watched her expression. She enjoyed it profusely.
"Can you grab my phone from glovebox, please?" He asked, and she took a moment to recover from the kiss before she understood what he said.
She nodded and leant back, holding onto the back of the seat for support, opening it as required, before returning to face Bob, who hadn't moved a muscle, his hands still placed strategically on her.
She handed it to him, and he gave a smile.
"You can shuffle over." He spoke gently and she nodded again, and swung her legs around, moving over to the passenger seat with relative ease. He closed the driver's door again as she did and the turned, walking a few steps along the truck and leaning back on it. He put the phone to his ear and spoke very briefly to someone over it, before climbing in and starting the engine. The radio kicked on as he did so.
They said very little as he drove, just shared little glances. He hummed along to the music, thrumming his fingers on the wheel as drove, a sweet smile layed on his lips, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. He didn't usual do shit like this, but she inspired it. She deserved this side of him- the one that bypassed the awkwardness and melted into such a deep fondness and affection.
He watched him. As she had now done so often- he was beautiful. She really thought so. She just admired him, his honey sweetness and she knew how intelligent he was.
Finally he turned off of the road, he turned through an open gate in a chainlink fence- immediately she recognised the place as a small private airport.
She looked to him, a grin on her face- still unsure of what he had planned.
He pulled up outside a hangar, and turned off the ignition. He got out and walked around to the passenger door, opening it and once again offering his hand to her. She took it, as she always would, and stepped out.
He closed the door behind her, as she walked a few steps out on the concrete, she looked up at the hangar and then to him. He let nothing on and just smiled.
"Close your eyes." He told her, his voice dreamy and smooth and she did with a giggly laugh.
She heard the sliding of the hangar door and felt his hand in hers, leading her forward.
"Okay- look." He half whispered.
She did, and her eyes adjusted to the change in lighting.
"Woah-" She exclaimed and stepped forward.
Before her was one of the old F-14s. She recognised it immediately.
"Oh my god- Like my Dad flew?" She spoke in a hush, walking up to the nose of it and placing her palm against the cool grey metal, admiring the scratches and dents still in it, presumably from it's active days.
She looked back at Bob with a little breathy laugh, stunned.
"Bobby!" She breathed his name, her eyes bright and excited. He stood back and watched her stunned expression and smiled.
"It's not just like what your Dad flew." He spoke quietly, his voice still echoing around the otherwise empty hangar.
She looked at him and her eyes set in an expression of recognition. She stepped back and walked alongside the jet, looking up at it.
Below the seam of canopy, sure enough.
"Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, Ron 'Slider' Kerner-" She gasped. Her breath hitched as she just stared at it. "I never even knew it was here." She whispered.
"It's not been here long, just a couple years. It's part of a private collection, I met the guy who owns it a few years ago. It's not quite taking the Admiral's daughter out for a joyride, but I thought you'd like to see it. Today especially." Bob explained softly as he walked to her. "It doesn't fly at the moment, but your Dad logged over a thousand hours in these things. Most of them in this."
(Y/n) turned to him, and wrapped her arms around him.
"Thank you." She spoke softly, leaning her head on his shoulder. He returned the gesture, placing an arm around her shoulders and one on her arm, as they both looked up at the machine.
They spent another hour, circling the aircraft, noting every detail of it.
Bob knew everything about the planes he flew in, and almost everything about this one too- (Y/n) knew plenty but, hearing more was a dream. Her Dad didn't tell her much, complying with his separation of his work and domesticity.
She kicked off her heels to climb up and see inside, which she seemed to do in half a second and nearly gave Bob a heart attack as he turned to see her and she was suddenly scrambling upward.
She'd done it before, as a kid she'd been down to the base and seen these planes plenty, she had been familiar with them. She stared in, and then pulled away, searching for something that she recognised, which she found. She remembered, just about, how to open the canopy (which someone must have shown her how to do as a kid).
It took a bit of strength but she did it, she stared inside, leaning in and taking it in with complete awe.
She sighed.
"I wish he could have gone flying one last time." She spoke quietly. "He missed it. And then eventually he was too ill." She shook her head but still smiled. She turned to Bob who was stood by her, cautious that she might fall, though she was by no means unsteady. "He'd be glad to know his baby was being looked after." She laughed.
Bob looked up at her and met her gaze.
"Every day for the rest of my life..." he whispered to himself, truly under his breath so she couldn't hear.
After a while, they stepped back. (Y/n) sighed happily, glancing back at it once more, before stepping out. Bob pushed the hangar door closed again.
He turned and saw her looking out at the sky, the sun hanging low, threatening to begin to dip below the horizon.
"One last thing to do." He spoke and she turned her head. She tilted it, a soft expression in her eyes and smiled at him- her cheeks dusted red and strands of hair swaying across her face in the late evening breeze.
She couldn't have looked more beautiful, her dress, pulled by the breeze, showing her figure, her body relaxed, just one hand clasped around the heels that she hadn't put back on. In this light she could have worn anything though, and he would have only been human and still fallen in love with her in an instant.
He was sure he couldn't breathe anymore as he watched.
But he still moved.
They got back in the pick-up and he pulled it around onto the tarmac of the runway.
He stepped out, grabbing his flight jacket from behind his seat, where he kept it.
She followed his lead and walked around and alongside the truck before he caught her up.
He did so quickly after though, and placed the jacket over her shoulders.
"The breeze gets cold." He spoke as he did, and she turned and kissed his cheek quickly, with a candid smile.
He unlatched the tailgate and let it open, before, once again, lifting her up onto it as she held his jacket over her shoulders.
She laughed as he did so and then hopped up next to her. She immediate curled up into him, and he put an arm around her, soothing into the moment.
They watched as the sun painted oranges and reds and pinks and purples into the sky. (Y/n) clung onto the young man, resting her head on him and feeling his fast pulse. Hers was just as rapid, and she felt like she had fallen into a dream.
It had been a weird day, her heart ached from it. She missed her father, deeply, and yet what she had seen today just made her glad that she had had him as her Papa. She knew more about him, his life, heard more love and fondness than she had ever known was possible. She was proud. She knew the greif would hit harder sometime, maybe over and over, but tonight she had a feeling that it was all okay. She knew that he wasn't suffering any longer, and that he had left, in the wake of his life, a blessing to carry on. She knew that he had known love, stronger than anything, and that no matter where she continued this life or who with, she would discover her own version of it.
"I like you very much, Lieutenant Floyd." She spoke, looking up at him. His grip on her tightened slightly as he returned the look. "And I'd like to kiss you. I want you."
"Yes Ma'am." He whispered.
He seemed to melt at the words, giving a small nod that allowed her to press a tender kiss to his lips. One that he returned, and which neither of them wanted to end.
Slowly, her hands drifted to his chest, allowing the jacket to slump off of her shoulders.
Her fingers found the buttons of his uniform jacket and undid them.
She pulled back and looked at him, questioning if she should continue, she felt almost shy about it but he nodded and pulled her back in.
She slid it off of him, and then did the same to his shirt, moving her kisses to his jaw and neck until they became sloppy. Already he was hard, and he pressed his fingertips into the flesh of her hips and waist, leaning his head back as she kissed him- giving small, breathy, sighing moans.
His hands pulled slightly at her dress until they found the hem. Then he ran his fingers across and down her skin, until he reached the lace of her underwear.
It was then that he placed his other hand to the small of her back, guiding her downward, taking over, kissing her collarbone and leaning over her.
Soon their hips were grinding together, she could feel his erection, but he backed off for a moment as he tugged at her underwear just a little. His fingers skirted across the band of them, and then dipped beneath it, finding immediately the correct spot and rubbing circles.
She placed her hand on the back of his neck, gasping a little at the sensation and shuddering as it continued.
It wasn't long before his fingers were replaced by his thumb and were instead pulling through wet folds. He pressed hungrier kisses to her breast bone and inserted first one finger then another as (y/n) ran her hand through his hair and let out a sweet little moan that only encouraged him.
He moved his kisses back to her lips, enjoying every vibration from each moan that escaped them, feeling her chest heave up and down, all his doing. Especially as she closed her eyes and sunk into orgasm. He felt her clench down on him and a series of shudders run through her. He smiled as he kissed her and only pulled away when she was done.
She breathed out and the look on her face was like a dream, glossy eyed and wet lipped.
She looked up at him, and there was an ecstasy in his eyes already. She pulled him back in, nibbling at his jaw line as he withdrew his hand and unbuttoned his pants with it- she helped him pull at them as they shared a shaky, giggling laugh and a smile. She brushed his hair from his face where a few strands had fallen, and pushed his glasses back up his nose- neither of them bothered about removing them.
He tugged once again at her underwear, pulling them all the way down. He used one arm to steady himself and placed the other hand on her lower abomen, her dress he lifted over her head before it slipped down.
She trailed her fingers down his muscular body, admiring it as he adjusted his position a little, before locking eyes with him and fluttering her eyelashes at him. Her own hands then sat at his collar, as he entered her infatuatingly and calculatedly slowly. Each movement from then on was strategically planned to capture her in her entirety. He made her twitch and whimper and her breath hitch, he gave the occasional needy moan.
She grazed his back with her nails as tension built in them both, she twitched her hips in just the right way and pressed her forehead into the crook of his neck- making him move his hand to the back of her head, tangling in her hair and then trailing down her neck, feeling every shiver and movement she made.
"You're something special-" He whispered, turning his head slightly and kissing her temple. "My god- you're something special." He spoke again against her skin- his voice shaking and his breath warm. Hot release enveloped his mind and gasped a tight and rasping moan.
"Bobby-" Was all the words she could breathe out before she was rocked, the sensation traveling through her body, heat radiating from her core and shaking her.
He lay down beside her, an arm still firmly around her, and they both lay dazed for a moment. A smile grew on her face and she let her head lay limp on his shoulder.
Tears slipped down her face after a moment, which Bob noticed as they dribbled hot and onto his skin. The hormones that flooded her body, ravaged her emotions.
Immediately he was alarmed, turning his head to see her and cupping her cheek in his hand.
"Are you alright?" He asked quickly, his eyes shining with concern and his lips pressed into a line. She nodded and laughed, placing her hand on his. Still he was worried he'd done wrong. "You're sure?" He asked again.
"Yes-" She spoke nodding, sitting up and wiping her eyes with shaking hands.
He did the same and pulled the flight jacket they'd been layed on back over her shoulders so she wouldn't be quite so exposed, as he did she leant into his chest.
He put his arms around her and breathed slowly. She let her arms snake around him and nodded again. She sighed and matched the pace of his breathing.
They stay like that for a few minutes before she pulled away and looked up at him. They shared a glad smile and curled into eachother. She looked up at the stars slowly emerging in the darkening sky.
When neither of them showed up until the morning, the Lieutenant was in severe trouble for missing curfew and technically going AWOL.
(Y/n) pulled in some favours and got him off the hook and could only laugh at the parallells of it all.
It was that moment that she decided she must have been in love.
@thespeeder @fangirlinc @inglourious-imagines @gh0strr @idfkwhyimhere4357 @dempy @luckyladycreator2 @fantasias-creativebubble @tipsykeen @daughterofthereaper02 @mg1327
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mqrylou · 1 year
Impossible love…
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Autor’s note: hey, it’s my first time so please be indulgent ;( + English isn’t my first language so sorry if I made some mistakes
Warning’s: age gap, a bit smut but not really
Pairing: Na’vi recom Miles Quaritch X Na’vi female recom
Context : so ur parents worked at the RDA, they had quite an important post and where good friends with Miles Quaritch. U used to spend a lot of time at their work place and sometimes even with Miles when you where younger. Because of that, when you were old enough you decided to work there, mostly to satisfy ur parents. You joined the military squad with the help of Miles Quaritch since you had spent a lot of time there and where quit good .But your deepest secret was that you kinda always had a crush on Miles Quaritch, but you always pushed back this felling since he was way to old for you.But everything changed when the two of you became an avatar and had the exact same age (20y) .(Btw you never really supported the actions of the RDA but you wanted to please ur parents so bad that you never really cared ).
Hope you will enjoy :) !
Soo let’s just start with the beginning (when they become na’vi).
You have just woken up from a 6 year sleep lol. Got ur self adapted to your new body, even tho it was weird being in a 2,50 meter body and looking like a cat . You were a bit lucky because turning into an avatar didn’t affect ur beauty , in contrary to Fike or Brown. You looked like a cute little kitten, plus you were much shorter than the other members especially Quaritch who was almost 3meters .
Anyway. It’s morning u woke up (again lol ) at 5am, got ur self ready and went out to get breakfast with the others team members, u were quite exited since u will finally see everybody , especially your colonel ;). Once there , you are stunned of how amazing Miles look,you didn’t expect him to look this hot , and judging by how he looks at you , you know he is felling a similar felling . But anyway, you seat at the table eating your breakfast like everyone , catching up with everyone, bla-bla-bla
You can’t get ur eyes of Miles, butterflies flying in ur stomach and face turning red as you are sat right in front of him , but try to control ur self, then u just zoom out… thinking about what he can do with those long ass fingers…. Then you hear an loud clap ! , making you jump , you realise it’s Quaritch looking straight into ur eyes . You feel everyone eyes on you , u feel so intimidated that u just say « if u will excuse me . » and leave the table. Everyone looked confused but u just felt ashamed of ur self… even tho ur body’s had the same age it still didn’t felt right. You rushed to your bedroom and cried ur heart out, how could you be so disgusting, it wasn’t even a man your age… even if he technically was ur age you knew he would never want to be with a girl this young. It was an impossible love….
Then suddenly you heard a loud knock from the door, ur ears tilted and you wondered who could it be ?
«I know u are in there » you heard Colonel deep voice
« and I can hear you fucking cry » he said with a little chuckle.
« GO AWAY » you said with a broken voice
« What seems to be the problem sweetheart ?» with a calmer voice he said this time
« I don’t want to talk about it..»
Then to your surprise the door slid open? U didn’t know the colonel could have access to any bedroom? Anyway, the colonel walked straight to you with a worried face and sat on ur bed next to you
«What is it baby girl? You know you can tell me anything »he said it nicely but still with an deep voice
«i know… but honestly you are the last person to who I wana talk about it, sorry…»
He’s brows furrowed looking down at you
OHH GOD HE WAS SOO DOMINATING BUT SWEET AT THE SAME TIME, the tears that were flowing down my lips now where flowing down my iner thighs !
«don’t be sorry it’s ok, I understand . But you know this turn on my curiosity even more »
GODD hearing his deep voice didn’t help a bit ! Then he sucked hardly the air in his nostrils as a confused expression formed on his face
«WTF is that smell ??»
«UHHG I don’t know? »your legs closed firmly hopping to stop ur slick from smelling
«cough*…we got a meting in 30min don’t be late sweetheart »
Your face turned soo red as he left you just felt too embarrassed to what just happened, u sure weren’t going to look him in the eyes for a while now , to scared that he understood…
You wanted his dick so deep in ur pussy…but gosh you couldn’t masturbate you didn’t have time you first needed to clean this messy face…You wore an flowers smelling deodorant hopping that it will cover up the smell of ur wet pussy…
Ohhhh what an unlucky girl u are because na’vi have a wayyy more developed smelling ability and girl they will notice it ;)
Sorry it’s not really interesting but wait for part 2 ! If you are here for the smut you will get some but not too much(for the moment 😏)
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lolanoelle · 1 year
One Drunken Night - Part Three
You had been back in Hawkins for a little over a month now and things were going great. You had gotten a job at the daycare and as a plus to that, you did not have to pay for Ellie to attend. It had decent benefits and pretty good pay for such a small local business. Eddie had been coming over a couple nights during the week and mostly every weekend to hang out with you and Ellie. You would make dinner, watch movies and play with your little girl. Wayne had even joined you guys for dinner a few times and had gotten to know Ellie. You visited your grandma every few days after getting off of work to check in on her and see if she needed anything. There was a particularly fun day that came to your memory where Eddie had insisted you go with him to pick out a car seat for Ellie for his new family man car that he had gotten for pretty cheap from the shop he worked for and fixed up himself. You went shopping together, got lunch and took Ellie out for ice cream together afterwards and she got to test out her new seat in daddy’s car, which is what she called him now. You were surprised by how quickly she had grasped the concept that this man who just recently came into her life was her father, but they had an immediate connection and their bond on grew the more time they spent together.
You were sitting on your couch in the early morning on your day off. It was around 5am and you just couldn’t force yourself to sleep in anymore. You had made yourself breakfast and a warm cup of coffee, which you were now enjoying while flipping through a silenced tv looking for the weather report for today. There were still a couple of hours to go before your daughter would usually wake up and you were enjoying the quiet of the early morning and listening to the birds outside your window. The quiet was interrupted by a sudden noise coming from your front door that made your heart race. You walked over to the door and opened it to see Eddie with a panicked look on his face. He was still in his boxers and baggy t-shirt he had obviously worn to bed the night before. He had one hand over this chest and the other resting against the door frame, leading you to believe he jogged the short distance over to your trailer.
“Eds what’s the matter?,” You asked concern lining your voice.
“I need to check on Ellie. Can I check on Ellie really quick?,” He responded in a raspy, panicked voice.
“Yeah of course, come in,” You said stepping aside and letting him into your house. He walked to what used to be your old bedroom and slowly opened the door and entered the room. You followed behind him watching as he crouched down beside Ellie’s butterfly decorated toddler bed and softly stroked her hair. He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, careful not to disturb her sleep and turned to exit the room. You carefully shut the door back behind you and got a good look at his face, seeing relief washed over it.
“I’m sorry. I just woke up from a dream where she..,”He started but couldn’t find it in himself to finish the sentence. ,” It just felt so real I had to make sure she was alright. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay Eds, I completely understand.,” You say comforting him. You walk to the kitchen and get out a mug to pour him a cup of coffee. You also find a pre made muffin that was more dessert than breakfast and offered both items to him, which he took graciously. ,” After I had her, I was up every couple of hours putting my finger under her nose to make sure she was still breathing. The older she has gotten, the less it happens, but I still got get her from her own bed every once in a while and put her into my own just so I can keep a close eye on her for the night. It’s just all part of the experience of being a parent. You love them so much you can’t help but worry about them constantly.”
“You mean this is gonna happen again??,” He whined with a piece of muffin in his mouth.
“More than likely,” You said sympathetically, not wanting to imagine what is must feel like to get a few years worth of anxiety in such a short amount of time.
“I don’t know how you managed this on your own. I’m lucky I can come over here and have you for support,” He said taking a sip of his coffee and rubbing his hand over his eyes. A tinge of guilt ran through your veins when you thought about that fact that you both could’ve had support from each other this whole time. You motion for Eddie to sit next to you on your couch and he obliges.
“How about I make you a copy of the key for here? That way any time you want to check on her you can feel more than welcome?,” You suggest. Eddie snatched your coffee cup from your hand and set in down on the coffee table with his. You were confused before he put his arms around you welcoming you into his embrace.
“You have no idea how much I would appreciate that,” He whispered, not wanting to let you go. You relaxed into his touch.
“You are such a great dad Eddie. Ellie is so lucky to have you,” You breathed into his shoulder. You both slowly pull away from the embrace. Looking into his eyes, you’ve never felt more at home, except for when you’re looking into the matching eyes of your little girl. He gazes down at your lips and you return the favor. You both slowly start to inch forward, almost closing the distance between you when the shrieking of the phone makes you jump apart. You quickly get up off the couch and wipe your now sweaty hands on your pajama pants before answering the phone.
“Hello?,” You answered quietly, taking a glance towards Eddie who was now indulging himself fully into his muffin and washing it down with coffee. ,”This is she.”
Eddie looks up at you when you suddenly drop the phone. You hurriedly pick it up and hang it back up and look at Eddie.
“Can you stay here with Ellie?,” You asked, tears starting to well in your eyes.
“Yeah I can, what’s the matter Y/N?,” He says, crossing the room to stand by your side.
“She should be waking up soon, she likes oatmeal with strawberries cut up real small and honey and she likes to drink milk with it for breakfast. I’m gonna go get dressed and I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?,” You responded to him, avoiding his question altogether. You make your way to your room and throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and slip on a pair of sneakers. You don’t even bother checking your hair or brushing your teeth before you hurriedly leave the house. You hop in your car and make the familiar route to the nursing home.
Ellie had woken up about 20 minutes after you rushed out the door and walked into the living room calling for her mom.
“Mommy had to leave baby, but daddy’s here and I’m gonna make you your oatmeal okay?”, he said picking the little girl up and embracing her. He was worried about you and holding her definitely helped. Even he couldn’t deny that Ellie greatly resembled him, but what no one ever seemed to point out was that she had your eyelashes and that she had the same expression you had when you were too tired to speak. You both furrowed your brows the same way when he did something that slightly annoyed you. That you both liked to lay your head in the same spot on his chest when hugging him. He slowly rubbed the toddlers back, comforting her as she was still tired and obviously was confused as to why her mom wasn’t here. He set her down in her booster seat and got her oatmeal prepared and set it in front of her. He sat down beside her and watched as she took sloppy bites of the breakfast.
As the morning progressed, Eddie found himself glancing down at his watch every few minutes. It felt like hours had passed. He was in no way ungrateful that he got to spend the morning with Ellie being completely clingy to him, but he was worried about you. By the time noon rolled around, he found himself getting antsy and really craving a cigarette, but there was no way he could do that with Ellie clinging to his body. It seemed like an eternity had passed when the phone rang. He gently put Ellie down beside him and made his way across the room like you did before.
“Eddie?,” You cried over the other end of the phone. ,” Can you come pick me up?”
“Of course Y/N. Where are you at?,” He asked.
“I’m at the nursing home. Grandma passed away this morning,” Your voice trembled and he felt like his heart was breaking into a million pieces.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible.,” He replied. You thanked him and hung up the phone. Ellie had already eaten lunch and was starting to pass out on the couch as it was just around the time for her nap. He called Wayne and asked if he could come over and stay with Ellie as he described the situation to him. Wayne got there and eyed Eddie’s outfit, but figured this was not the time to comment. Eddie followed his gaze and realized he was still in his sleepwear. Eddie thanked Wayne and ran across the trailer park back to his home to change into more appropriate clothing. He hopped into his car afterwards and drove to meet you at the nursing home. He quickly made his way into a parking spot and jogged up to the entrance. He made his way down the familiar hall to your grandmas room and when he made it there, he felt like he could fall apart seeing the scene in front of him.
You sat in the chair beside your grandmas bed and held onto her favorite sweater crying into it. He made his way over to your side and squatted down to be level with you. He put his hand on your knee gently to get your attention and when you realized he was there, you threw your arms around your best friends neck and cried into his shoulder.
“She was getting better after her accident, I don’t understand what happened,” You choked out.
“I know honey, I know.,” Eddie comforted you stroking your hair. ,” At least she lived a long life surrounded by one of the most loving people to ever exist.” Your grandma was well into her late 70s and never lived a very problematic life.
“They said she passed peacefully in her sleep at least,” You sniffled as you responded.
“That’s the best way you could expect for anyone to go.,” He sat there comforting you for a while longer until you felt like you didn’t have any more tears left in you. You slowly made your way to stand up and he followed suit. He wrapped his arm around your lower back guiding you into the hallway.
“I’m sorry but I just couldn’t drive myself home. I don’t even know how I made it here alive,” You looked at him bashfully.
“Don’t apologize. I would rather you call me and have me pick you up anytime if you feel you can’t make it home on your own than get into an accident.”, he said reassuring you. He led you out to his car and got you into the passenger seat before going to use the pay phone stationed outside of the entrance to the building. He called Wayne, and Wayne assured him that he could look after Ellie and feed her a suitable dinner while Eddie tended to your needs. He had already called into work whether he would need to stay or not, just so you could have the option. Eddie got off the phone and climbed into the drivers seat of his car.
“I know you probably haven’t had the chance to eat since this morning, so I am going to take you to get some greasy comfort food and we can either eat it in my car or we can eat it inside a dingy diner with trashy waitresses. Your pick.”, Eddie explained to you. You gave him a weak smile and eventually decided on getting cheeseburgers and fries with milkshakes and eating them in his car in comfortable silence. It had been a long time since someone doted on you, when your number one priority was always Ellie. You had already finished up your cheeseburger and fries, letting a few sniffles sneak their way in between bites. You were now sipping what was left of your milkshake and looked up to see Eddie watching you with concern in his eyes.
“Thank you for everything today Eddie,” You said, tears starting to well up in your eyes once more. ,” I really don’t want to have to go back to that nursing home and get my car tomorrow.”
“Give me your keys,” He said holding his hand out. ,” I will have Wayne give me a ride there later and pick it up for you okay?” You scoot closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you,” You replied, looking forward at the sun setting over the parking lot you were currently residing in.
“What are best friends for?”, He replied.
2 weeks later
You were getting yourself and Ellie ready for your grandmas funeral. You wore a simple pair of black slacks with some dress shoes and a black dress shirt. You were brushing Ellie’s hair in the bathroom when you heard the front door open. You heard steps coming in your direction and Eddie appeared in the doorway.
“Daddy!!,” Ellie exclaimed as she jumped out of your grasp and ran over to him to give him a big hug. She still didn’t completely understand what happened to Grandma. She knew that she was gone, but with her being at such a young age, she didn’t quite why.
“Hi baby,” He said as he scooped her up and plopped her on his hip. He looked at you sympathetically ,” How about I drive you both there?”
“I appreciate it Eds.,” You said graciously accepting his offer. You look at the picture in front of you and it calms you seeing two people you deeply cared for being here for you on a difficult day, even if one of them didn’t know she was bringing you comfort.
“Are you ready to head out?,” He asks, still holding Ellie.
“Yeah,” You respond. As you walk out the door, you grab the back pack that holds all of the essentials you needed to get Ellie through any public outing. You sling it over you shoulder and climb into the passenger seat of Eddie’s car while he straps Ellie into her car seat in the back. You finally make it to the funeral home and step out of the car.
You made it through the service barely holding yourself together, but you made it. The next thing you knew, you were back in Eddie’s car, following the hearse to the graveyard where your grandma had already chosen her burial plot next to her late husband. Once there, you all stood around the plot, saying silent words and soon the tears were rolling. You were focused on the small group of people attending her funeral when you heard a disturbance coming from behind you. You turned around and your breath hitched in your throat.
“Hey I heard the old bag hit the bucket. D’you know if she left me anything?,” Your mom stumbled, obviously strung out on something. She was disturbing the peace of your grandmas funeral and before you could stop yourself, you walked over to her and punched her square in the nose.
“GET OUT OF HERE YOU SELFISH BITCH! YOU NEVER FUCKING CARED ABOUT ANYONE UNLESS IT WAS GOING TO BENEFIT YOU IN SOME WAY. IF I EVER SEE YOU OUT HERE AGAIN, ILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING ARM, DO YOU HEAR ME?!?,” you screamed at the most childish 50 year old you had ever met. Eddie had passed Ellie off to Wayne and came and grabbed your arm, gently pulling you back towards him, speechless. You realized then that Chief Hopper was eyeing the scene and you would most likely be getting in trouble at your grandmothers funeral. But he just shrugged his shoulders and grumbled out a “I didn’t see anything.”
The rest of the night was spent back at the trailer park. Eddie had lit a fire for the small group of people who were sticking around, sharing heartfelt stories of your Grandma.
“Eleanor always made the best cookies. Every time I would stop by, even if it were just to check in to see if she needed anything from the grocery when I went, she would always make sure I left with a handful of cookies,” Wayne smiled as he shared the story. Ellie had since fallen asleep as it way past her bedtime and you were having a beer sitting next to Eddie around the fire. You were so lucky to have a small knit group of people to share these memories with.
The next couple of weeks were spent meeting with lawyers, going over your grandmas will. She had some nieces and nephews that were living, but she left her entire life savings to you. You were completely shocked with the amount that she left behind. She was always a frugal person growing up, and now you know why. In her will it said that she wanted to make sure that you could buy a home for you and Ellie. Even after her life had ended, she was still taking care of you. You shared the news with Eddie and he seemed to be happy for you.
Sitting on the couch in his house with Wayne, Eddie was met with the harsh reality. Your grandma was the whole reason you came back to Hawkins, and now that she was gone and had left you money to buy a house, you were most definitely going to go back to Tennessee. He had just started to get to know Ellie and he was completely in love with her. He couldn’t imagine being in a different state than her. He smoked a cigarette as all of this pondered through his mind. Wayne could tell his nephew was deep in thought as he didn’t even notice the knock on his door. Wayne answered the door and a little set of feet came barreling towards Eddie. He noticed and quickly put the cigarette out in the ash tray beside him and waved his hand in front of him to disburse the smoke. This was it, you were bringing her by to see him before breaking the news that you were leaving him behind yet again.
“Wanna take a car ride with us?,” You asked in the doorway of the trailer, watching Eddie’s face for a response while Ellie climbed onto his lap. He nodded his head and followed you outside. It was starting to be late afternoon and the sun would be setting soon. As he settled into the passenger seat of your car, he decided he was going to confront you. There was no way he could go without Ellie, or her mom, again.
“You know, I know that you are probably going to leave Hawkins now that there’s nothing holding you back, but I really think you should reconsider. Ellie has Wayne here now and I think she would miss out being spoiled rotten by him. We’ve never even gotten to spend Christmas with her, or help her pick out a Halloween costume. I’ve missed out on enough of her life and I don’t to anymore. Hell, I’ll even pay for all the groceries you guys eat from now on, and I know you two can eat a lot no matter how much you fool people. You’ll never have to fold laundry again.,” Eddie rambled. You chuckled over at him but didn’t respond. His rant continued, talking about how he wanted to be there to embarrass her in front of her friends and comfort her when she’s sad. He ranted so much that he didn’t even notice when you brought the car to a halt. ,” Y/N say something.”
“Get out of the car Chatty Cathy,” was all you said in response. He gets to of the car confused and starts back up on his rant.
“I think it’s really great that you’re laughing about all this when it’s a serious matter. I love Ellie and, .. I can’t lose her,” He said crossing him arms over his chest. You walk up to him and grab his chin with your hand and gently move his head towards the house with the sign out front that now says sold across it.
“We’re not going anywhere,” You said staring at him waiting for a reaction. Before you knew it, he had hugged you so hard that he picked you up off the ground and was spinning you around.
“My turn daddy, my turn,” Ellie said starting to pull at his pant leg. Eddie set you down and picked Ellie up spinning her in a circle. She squealed at the sudden movement and begged for the motion to be repeated again and again.
“Okay goob that’s enough,” You said as you grabbed her hand as Eddie set her down , “ Let’s go show daddy our new house.”
You led Ellie inside and Eddie followed closely behind. It was a house that wasn’t too big, but not too small either. It was the perfect size for your little family. So perfect in fact that you had to ask Eddie an important question.
“Now the house has 3 bedrooms. Since you made it so clear in the car that you couldn’t miss out on anything ever, not even if Ellie takes a shit (he rolled his eyes at that), I was thinking maybe the third bedroom could be yours. I figured it would be easier between our two schedules for us to both get to spend quality time with her. It’s even got a garage if you and the guys wanted to switch up your practice space occasionally.,” You walked through the house showing him the kitchen, the bathroom, the master bedroom which was totally yours and he better not even think about trying to steal it from you, the backyard where a swing set for Ellie would fit comfortably. The living room and the decent sized garage were next and last but not least (what really sold you), the basement that was finished and had a premade play room from the last owners for your toddler to enjoy. “ Just think about it Eds, you could totally host your DND games down here. Soooo, what do you think?,” You said looking at your best friend.
“I think Wayne’s finally getting his bedroom back,” Eddie said with a huge smile on his face.
@teriolan-blog @applepiewithbacon @corrodedcoffincumslut @stokleycienna @plk-18 @1paire2vans @blueberry—lemon
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twisted-lover-boys · 9 months
Hi, everyone. I’d like to make an announcement. It’s a very personal one and not in the good way…
TW: Abuse (physical & emotional), talk about running away, PTSD/Anxiety attacks, throwing up, violence & death threats, etc. Viewer discretion is advised
So, the past 72 hours have not been the best. If you’re new here or don’t remember, I hate my dad and over the last 3 days, he’s gotten worse.
Me, my mom, and my sibling all have depression and we all hit a massive slump once school stared up again. Our normal chores weren’t getting done at the regular speed, but it was a slow progress nonetheless.
For context, my dad doesn’t work and sleeps all day and expects to be treated like how any mysoginistic man wants to be. When he woke up (10pm-ish), he complained to my mother about how our chores weren’t done and how the “house was a mess” (mind you, it wasn’t that bad).
My mom told him that if he didn’t help around the house, he had no right to complain. That’s when everything started. My dad threatened to kill my mother and physically hurt her by throwing glass and other hard objects at her.
She feared for our safety and took me and my brother (my sibling was sleeping at a friend’s that night) and took us to our grandma’s. Normally, we’d stay there for an hour or two but not this time.
My dad threatened to kill my mother and all three of us siblings (which he normally doesn’t do). He threatened to break our stuff and even kill our cats. All this over some chores that have been slower than normal. Mind you, he knows about our depression, anxiety, PTSD, and neurodivergent tendencies, he just chooses to ignore them since “this generation is lazy”.
My mom had ran away for a while, leaving me and my brother at my grandma’s. After a while (around 1AM), she called me. I could only describe her as hysterical. She was talking about running away, leaving behind our lives in my current state and either moving across the country or hopping over to another one.
That’s when the panic set in for me. My anxiety and (unmedicated) PTSD skyrocketed and I ended up locking myself in the spare room my grandma had and threw up. Everytime I heard my mom cry, I felt fear and had the need to throw up and I still don’t know why. But I didn’t like it.
My brother also did end up having a PTSD episode (mind you, he’s 11 and is not in therapy or has any medication since he’s “too young” in my parents eyes) but he didn’t throw up like I did.
It was like this all night. My mom talking about running away (with or without us) and threatening to call the cops (my dad was arrested 3 time in the past for this same issue) while my dad threatened to kill my mother and occasionally us (he stopped after a while and started just focusing on threatening my mother).
We weren’t able to go home until 5AM, and my mother didn’t even get to go inside. She slept at my grandmother’s before coming back the following morning. And things still weren’t good. Even as I’m writing this, I’m still in a massive bout of anxiety trying not to break down.
I’m not gonna ask for a place to stay or move to (actually, my boyfriend has that handled in case things went south), or money, or anything else. My siblings and I, my belongings and property, and my cats, are all fine and my mother is trying to heal. My dad is out of the picture (and the house) right now.
I know this isn’t something I normally post, but I wanted to update ya’ll on why I’m absent and why I probably will be for a while.
This blog (and the Obey Me one (@devildom-lovers)) will be on an indefinite hiatus until I get better and the help I need. But thank you all so much for the patience.
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quodekash · 6 months
this time on fluffy guynawa fanfic dot points: what were they doing during the “several months later” time skip?
they played a bunch of soccer together
they DEFINITELY had a LOT of bathroom interactions bc I refuse to forsake bathroom boyfriends
let’s say, after the “I’ll be a shooting star that makes your dreams come true” (😭😭😭), they go to the bathroom to clean up cos like they fully punched each other, and it leads to a very tender scene with emotional music as they dab each other’s faces with tissues (man I love the cheesiness of bl scenes /gen), and its interrupted by someone who walks in just like needing to go to the bathroom (extra points if it’s Tee, or that guy in the red jersey who was sitting between them in episode 9, or auto and/or max)
yes I’m aware that that scene wasn’t in the time skip but shut up I couldn’t think of anything else for the bathroom
another time they just get drunk for some reason and once again end up throwing up in the bathrooms together <3
they got together at least once a week to just stare at the stars (most often on rooftops, but occasionally just lying on the grass or something), waiting for a shooting star (and every single time they ended up bickering or falling asleep, and JUST missing the star)
and they SAID they were watching for a shooting star so that they can regularly wish for guy’s leg to be healed, and these get-togethers are DEFINITELY not dates. They continue to use this as the excuse even when guy’s leg is fully healed, “just in case it flares up again”
the first few times they did this they sat and craned their necks up at the sky to try and see the whole thing
one time guy fell asleep on nawa’s shoulder
so then after a while it ended in them lying on the grass and looking up, or lying down on the rooftops. often they would lie like with their heads next to each other with their bodies facing in opposite directions (if you don’t know what I mean by that, they’re lying like this !¡) and it would lead to a LOT of tender staring and looking at each others lips and awkwardly looking away and back at the sky, holy shit these guys are hopeless
these bitches have to get to school early in the morning (like 5am) for soccer practice (unless they didn’t have soccer anymore in the several months later but shut up I decided they did for the sake of fluff) so several of these definitely-not-dates ended in an “accidental” sleepover cos they fell asleep and then woke up to realise they needed to GO
at some point they would go to kang’s house (or just. somewhere) to hang out with kang and sailom (and sometimes also the squad), but guynawa would always be mysteriously left alone to watch a movie together or something  
kangsailom would very frequently leave because they needed to study or just to go make out or some other reason. I think it’s like half-intentional when they leave
Whenever guynawa were together and hanging out with anyone in the group, max and auto ALWAYS schemed together (or sometimes alone if one of them wasn’t there for whatever reason) to get guynawa alone together. 
Whenever pimfah is with the group, she helps auto and max with this (and let’s be honest, she’s more successful alone than the rest of the group is with joined forces)
Napdao definitely gave them a group assignment to do together at some point
When they’re hanging out with the football team, the ENTIRE football team, INCLUDING the coach, does everything in their power to get guynawa alone together lmao
coach would make them do extra practice together because “nawa your catches are getting sloppy, you need to stay back after practice to improve. Guy, you stay back too to help him” or “guy and nawa, you’re always arguing, you need to work on your team building skills. I want you to do practices over the weekend so that you learn to trust each other more and stop bickering”
They would always do what coach asks, but very “begrudgingly” (they’re both actually thrilled to be spending more time with one another, but obviously they’re not gonna make it SEEM like that, they’re gonna be giving a “let’s get this over and done with” attitude all throughout)
that’s all I came up with but I’ll almost certainly be back (I have many more fluffy guynawa fanfic dot points sitting in my notes app, so just you wait)
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pricescigar · 6 months
The Bodyguard pt5
John Price X Elvira Wolff
Summary: John Price poses as a Shadow Company soldier alone, infiltrating to retrieve Elvira. Making their grand escape into the forest.
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“Thanks to Valeria willingly… Helping us, one of her men managed to get you spare shadow clothes. Once you're in there, you're on your own.” Duncan explained the situation to Price. “Sorry, we can't help you.”
“That was the plan.” Price Replied. “I'll be fine. She'll be fine.” His tone was reassuring.
“I'll just let Ulrich know he'll get his goddaughter in no time.”
Price messaged Ulrich through a burner phone, he updated him as much as he could. He'd rather be overly cautious just in case.
"Got a lead in getting Elvira back, will send you our location when we're at a safe location."
. . .
This was all a mess. Still stuck here in this damned Cell, bruises all over her body. Shit food, shit accommodation. Shit entertainment too. Nothing good about this shithole. Shadow Company doesn't have any taste or any hard feelings at all, don't they? Elvira mentally and physically, was a hard person to break. Poor girl had been through many things a person shouldn't go through, but life has a “funny way” of forging a path.
With Graves constantly yapping into her ear like a dog, constantly asking…
“Where's your godfather?” 24/7, non stop. It was beginning to annoy her, but Graves found it more amusing with how angry. It was almost laughable to him.
Hell Graves was beginning to grow more impatient day by day, the day arrived for Elvira to be transported to Ashika Island, all they got to do was escort her to the airfield which Graves knew was going to be a lot of effort. Judging by Her stubbornness, he didn't know whether Price had his men or not, waiting to be ambushed.
Around 5am the Cell door that held Elvira in the small cramped room was opened, a shadow soldier stepped inside going towards her. Elvira woke up, seeing the soldier. Why was he here so early in the morning? God knows…
“Ugh, you again? Fuck you I'm not going anywhere!” Elvira protested, when she tried to bolt out of the door to escape from him. He knew what she was going to do anyway, she was too predictable sometimes.
The soldier quickly wrapped an arm around her, keeping her closest to his chest, the other covering her mouth.
“Hey, hey… Look, it's me.” The voice sounded familiar, it was no one other than the other her bodyguard’s voice. Price.
Elvira's eyes widened slightly, god she felt relieved. She made sure not to overreact too much, in case anyone else was going to overhear them.
“Listen to me.” Price started speaking. “You're going to have to play the Prisoner role a bit longer for me, love.” His hot breath tickled her ear.
“When I take you to the car, two Shadow's will be in there… One shotgun, one back seat… You think you can knock him out?” Price asked softly, his voice now a whisper. “When I turn the vehicle off route, that'll be your chance to knock out the man next to you.”
“Nod for yes, shake your head for a no.”
Elvira quickly nodded her head, with that Price gently patted his shoulder and uncovered her mouth. With that he put the handcuffs over her wrists, but it wasn't too tight. She let him do what he needed to do and she was guided out of the room.
Outside of the prison – Finally a breath of fresh air, Graves was nowhere to be seen. Price wasn't concerned. He'd deal with him later, getting Elvira out was far more important. As he said, Price was in the driver's seat, one guy beside him and another next to Elvira in the back seat.
“Never seen her so silent.” One shadow commented. “What did you do to make her quiet newbie?” He questioned looking at Price.
“Stern talk.” Was all he said.
The doors closed and the cars set off, driving off one by one. There were only three vehicles driving. Two at the front were full of shadow soldiers. The last contained Price, Elvira and two guards as well.
The car drive was fairly simple, Price in the driver's seat was following the other cars. He looked up at the rear view mirror to check up on Elvira. Elvira didn't know when she was supposed to knock out the soldier next to her, yet her cut told her to be ready for anything. And she was right.
Price swerved the car off road as it went into the forest dirt track, Elvira quickly kicked out the soldier that was next to her with her elbow. The soldier that was next to Price put up a good fight, a couple of times he nearly lost control of the car. Due to him fighting off the shadow, and trying not to crash.
Elvira grabbed the shoulder putting her arm around him to try and choke the poor bastard. Putting him in a headlock.
“Get off of him you stupid Bastard!” Elvira hissed using her strength to choke the soldier.
“Shit-” Price slammed the brakes seeing a deer jumping by unexpectedly, the tires screeched. After they unexpectedly stopped.
"Fuckin' deer..." He cursed to himself.
By that time the soldier was dead, Elvira pulled herself off of him as she sighed leaning back on the back seat.
“We need to get out of here. They're bound to track the car down.” Elvira explained. “They might have a tracker on it.”
Price nodded in agreement, he got out of the car. Elvira did as well, standing beside her once more.
“Can't leave any dead ends.” Price got a C4, throwing it against the car. At a safe distance the car exploded, after that the two quickly ran since it caused such a loud noise.
“We need to go, the other cars are bound to come back for us now. Go in the forest.” Price said. He took off the shadow helmet and patch. Throwing both of them into the fire, keeping the bullet proof vest on for protection and keeping the firearms he obtained.
Elvira ran with Price in the forest, trying to keep up with the pace that he was running. Despite how much her legs ached, she ignored the pain and kept up with Price. They did a good number on her, with all the bruises and cuts.
“There, look! A barn. We should take shelter there.” Price said as he quickly went towards the door, he opened it for Elvira so she could get in first.
Elvira used the last bit of her strength and ran inside the barn. Price took one last long look at their surroundings, no one was around. No one seemed to have followed them…
Price went inside the Barn, closing the wooden door behind him. For now, they would have to ranian here, until it was safe enough to even think about leaving.
[ Pt 6 ]
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Mikasa Ackerman relationship, vibe & various ~
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Moody, quiet and reserved on the outside - a beautiful complex puzzle of emotions on the inside; Mikasa Ackerman is one of the most loving, loyal people on the planet. If you land her affections, you’re one hell of a lucky person.
Mikasa in an AU is most certainly a vegetarian or vegan, she’s far too aware or “woke” as the kids like to say these days, of her surroundings and loves nothing more than to silently protest against animal cruelty and other ethical concerns.
Random headcannon here, but whether it’s her superior Ackerman genes or whatever, Mikasa has the softest skin you’ll ever have the honour of touching. Seriously, it’s like satin silk and cotton. Also her hair health is out of this world.
Ideal Dates
Mikasa is pretty reserved, so somewhere quiet would be her ideal location for getting to know you better. Not the movies, or a crowded restaurant, but somewhere with low volume where you can talk easily.
Getting close to Mikasa is only for the patient. And not the; “I’ll be patient until I’ve had enough” type. It takes months for her to open up her emotions, never mind her body.
So if you have the energy, tenderness and open mindedness then you deserve her undying love, because believe me it is undying. Easy come, easy go. Mikasa is the epitome of extreme solid relationship foundations.
When she can relax around you more you’ll see more and more of that gorgeous, yet rare, smile. But the closer you get, the more it appears. A picnic in the park with her in a beautiful sundress would be the scenery where she realises, maybe you’re not just going to up and leave like everyone else seems to do.
Sharing ice-cream, milkshakes and fries are a common occurrence, so don’t be one of those douches who refuse to share food. It’s adorable when she boops your nose with an ice-cream finger, so just deal with it.
Modern AU
Mikasa is an active person, so she would be into sports such as soccer, basket ball or whatever activities are going on around her area. She has a liking for tennis as she gets to eat strawberries after, as in the English Wimbledon trope.
Mikasa also takes martial arts lessons with Annie, they bonded pretty well over it in an AU. We still never see who is better than who though, unfortunately. Connie has a theory that if they ever clashed fists, the universe would unfold in itself and reality would dissolve.
Since I mentioned earlier that she is most probably a veggie, Mikasa relies on power packed protein bars and shakes for her energy in her active life. She is one of those who wakes up at 5am for a morning jog too. It helps bring her clarity and it supports her mental well-being.
She has social media but rarely posts anything. She lurks sometimes but the apps aren’t opened often.
Mikasa can get jealous but it’s only before she’s not feeling stable in where you two lie. If you’re just starting to see each other, she can turn into the green-eyed monster pretty easily. But once you’re going steady, since she wouldn’t ever share herself with someone who 110% deserves her, she would have total trust in you. But that doesn’t mean she still doesn’t get annoyed if someone tried it on with you.
Uses milk soap. If she’s vegan and not just vegetarian, she uses this man-made honey scrub. Both smell so good.
Has a soft spot for kids, so you’ll likely see her volunteering for a children’s charity or taking baby sitting jobs.
Oh boy.
Okay so, with all that waiting and the sheer amount of emotion that now pours from you both for the other, the first time is so mind-blowingly explosive, it won’t last two minutes.
She’ll cum pretty much from you playing with her breasts. Mikasa’s erogenous zone are these gorgeous, soft breasts. After so much kissing and hand-roaming after wanting you for all this time, her panties are soaked through. Her face will blush and she’ll squirm under your mercy, pleading for you not to stop as she sobs your name and clings onto you for dear life. You and you alone make her feel this good as no one ever has before. You have much exploring to do.
Tight. Oh, so beautifully tight.
Light pink, neat and just perfect. Tastes sweet too.
Amazing stamina, can ride you for hours. One of her favourite things to do is slowly ride you into the night as you softly play with her breasts. She’s been needing you all day and now she finally has you.
Your name frequently leaves her lips in moaned whispers, her eyes begging for you to somehow hold her even closer.
Intimacy girl. She likes sex best in private, cosy places.
Loves to please you. She’ll perform oral sex on you as much as you’d like. You deserve it, after all. You waited about a year for her to open her legs.
I would say Mikasa is sort of vanilla when it comes to sex but certainly not in a boring or negative way. She adores slow, passionate love-making with you, being raw and vulnerable with the person she loves.
Service / praise kink. Make her feel cherished, loved and adored and she'll have you in her heart forever. Compliment her, shower her with affection and she'll more than want you in-between her most intimate area.
She can praise you too, but she's just shy with it and its difficult for her to find the words she needs; just be patient, she'll get there.
Anything to do with her breasts. She's recently discovered (with you) that she can orgasm from breast play alone, so anything to do with those is a yes.
Cockwarming. Pushing yourself deep within her and praise her lovingly will result in her cuming even without you having to move.
Mikasa is one of the most caring people you’ll ever meet. She loves being held close after sex, falling asleep as you whisper how much you love her and how you’d do anything to protect her.
If you gave her an amazing smashing, once she’s back down to earth she’ll massage your sore muscles, which usually only ends up in her somehow sitting on your cock/strap again.
Mikasa is a feeder. She will never see you go hungry. Food after sex for her King/Queen is a must.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 10/10
Affection 8/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 10/10
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sir-subpar · 1 year
Gotta Ask- Mayzuke oneshot
Summary: Mayday spends weeks planning a special date with Zuke. The question is- What's the occasion?
Under the cut!
"Remember Zuke! It's in two weeks!" 
"Yeah, Friday, right?"
Mayday nodded with a big smile on her face as Zuke checked the calendar, specifically the day Mayday circled in red and drew a smiley on. It didn't say anything other than "6pm".
"Sooo are you gonna tell me what we're doing that day, or…?" 
Mayday pressed her index finger on his lips, subsequently shushing him. 
She shook her head, still smiling.
"Nope! It's a surprise!"
Zuke had no idea what to expect. Anytime Mayday had a "surprise", she meant it. They've been together for years and somehow she still found new ways to catch him off guard. In a good way, usually. It was one of the things he loved about her, honestly.
He liked to think he was a patient man, but this "surprise" did have him a bit on edge. Not because he was afraid for himself, or because he didn't trust May, it was just… he wasn't sure.
May had been acting weird lately. It was almost like she was worried about this thing she planned more than he was. She was determined not to let him know anything. 
Zuke lost track of how many times he walked in while she was on the phone with someone, only for her to abruptly end the call as soon as she noticed him. Or for her to hide something from his line of sight just before he could make out what it was.
She was away from home more often than not, coming home late at night, leaving early in the morning.
Yes, morning. Mayday. Waking up and leaving the house at 5am. Willingly.
Zuke didn't even know that was possible. Before this, she always woke up at, like, 11am. Mayday wasn't a morning person. 
Until now, apparently.
It was starting to freak him out a bit. 
It was worrying to see her so.. Stressed. 
To see her stressing herself out, and absolutely forbidding Zuke to help out. Even a little bit.
Once again, he was home alone. Well, maybe not entirely alone, Ellie was there, after all. But he was still worried.
The alligator was laying her head on his lap, the both of them on the couch. 
He scratched Ellie's scaly head, earning a purring-like sound from the happy reptile. 
"May's been out a lot lately, huh? Wonder what she's doing."
He spoke to the alligator, which only huffed in reply, clearly not caring about anything that wasn't related to being petted at the moment. 
He was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the familiar sound of Mayday's phone ringing and buzzing.
What the-? She… left it here? She must have forgotten it.
He gently pushed Ellie away, the alligator made her displeasure known with various loud huffs.
"Yeah yeah, I know Ellie, but I gotta get up. Sorry girl." He murmured sweetly. Ellie already lost interest and retreated to her room in the sewer.
 Zuke stood up and stretched, multiple joints popping from not having moved in a while.
He followed the sound of Mayday's ringtone to the kitchen, finding it resting on the counter. She probably forgot it when she ran out in a hurry that morning.
He thought about just letting it ring, as it probably wasn't his business, until he saw who was calling.
The contact read "DK West".
He couldn't help but tense up at that.
Why was his brother calling Mayday of all people?? 
Sure, he and his bro were on better terms now, and Mayday got along a little bit with him, but as far as he was aware, the two rarely talked. Especially when he wasn't there.
The phone stopped ringing, timed out at the lack of response. 
Ok. Sure. West calling May was a bit weird, but it was probably nothing too important.
Zuke shrugged.
Just as he turned away to walk back to the couch, the phone rang again.
Once again, it was West.
Okay. Now he had to know what was going on. 
Zuke picked up May's phone, tapping the green icon to answer and holding it to his ear.
"Iah! Missy! Where you been? Why you no answer my texts, eh? You still want the-" 
"West?" Zuke interjected a little too quickly. 
There was a gasp on the other side.
"Z-Zukey! Brotha! What eh.. Why do you have little Missy's phone?" West sounded nervous, clearly caught off guard by Zuke answering the phone.
"She left it here at home. Why?" Did West know where May was running off to?
"O-Oh! Don't worry about that! It's nothing. Later Zukey!" 
"Wait, West-!"
"Aaaannd, he hung up. Great."
Zuke was a little tempted to check May's texts to see what West was referring to, but decided that would be too much of a breach of privacy. Not to mention, she recently changed her phone's password lock, so even if he wanted to, he couldn't.
He sighed.
Guess he just had to wait until May came home.
Zuke stirred awake from his nap as a familiar scraping noise reached his ears. He sat up on the couch, realizing he dozed off while watching TV. He could hear the manhole cover above him being opened and closed, and he heard someone coming down the ladder.
Looking behind him, sure enough, it was May. He glanced at the clock, 9:00 p.m. at least she was home earlier this time.
"Hey May."
She jolted when she heard her partner's voice call her name, but quickly recovered.
He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart seeing her be startled by him. 
"Hey there Zuke! Just a sec!"
She bolted past him, closing the door to their shared bedroom behind her. Zuke tapped his foot patiently.
A few minutes later, she emerged, dressed in comfy clothes.
She plopped down on the couch next to Zuke. A tired huff escaping her lips.
Seeing her up close, Zuke's chest tightened at her condition.
Bags under her eyes, red face, like she'd been running outside all day. Her hair was barely held up in its usual braids and ponytails, the majority of her golden locks sticking out every which way.
Zuke gently put a hand on her shoulder, she gazed at him with tired, half-lidded eyes.
"May… please. I know you're putting your all into… whatever. But try to slow down a bit, okay? You're running yourself ragged."
He pleaded gently, wrapping his arms around her.
She yawned.
"M'fine Zuke.. 'S all done.." She mumbled into his neck. "Mmm… sleepy.." She murmured almost inaudibly as she started drifting off. 
Zuke let her stay there. He gathered her in his arms, and laid back with her on the couch. She snuggled into him, laying her head on his chest. It didn't take long for her to start snoring. 
He rubbed her back. He had so many questions, but.. He'd wait for her. She clearly needed this.
As the days went by, May seemed… anxious, to say the least. But she still wouldn't tell Zuke anything.
Just two more days.
The days came and went. The day Mayday had planned was here.
To start, she dressed up a bit more than usual. Not super fancy, but still a little more formal than her usual style.
Zuke couldn't lie, she looked lovely.
She wore a red dress that reached just above her knees, a black leather jacket, and sneakers. Because she'd "rather die than wear heels". As she's said in the past.
He also noted that she had her guitar at the ready. The one Tatiana gave her. He brought his drumsticks just in case.
Seeing May dressed up made Zuke feel the need to do so as well. It was hard to decide what to wear since he still didn't know where they were going, but he tried anyway.
He settled on wearing a button up shirt, a black jacket, and wore his nicer pair of black pants and shoes. 
May led him to the Ellicopter pad. They both got in the vehicle, and May cheerily yelled out to Ellie. 
"Okay girl! You know where to go!"
The blades of the copter whirred to life, and they lifted off the ground, flying over the beautiful neon lights of Vinyl City.
Zuke watched the ground below. Still wondering where they were going.
They flew a bit outside of town, and he noticed that they were approaching the beach. The evening Sky lit up in Hues of pink and orange and dark blue. The scene before them became more clear as they got closer.
It looked like a venue of sorts. 
Soon they landed a bit away from the scene, but it didn't take long to walk towards it. Stepping onto the beach, he could finally get a good look at everything.
To put it simply, he was in awe.
Tables set up with decorated candles, string lights hanging along the palm trees, a show stage with spotlights was set up, ready to use. There were little food carts and grills off to the side, emitting quite frankly delicious Aromas.
Strewn about the scene where statuettes that he usually recognized were made by Eve. Many of them had a sort of ocean and heart theme. 
There were quite a few people here as well. But he realized that the majority of them were people he and May knew.
Yinu and her mother were on the stage, piano at the ready. Eve was seated by Tatiana at a table, she appeared to be sketching something or other while they talked. Sayu's team were chatting by the food carts.
And, to his surprise, even West was there.
Speaking of, his brother quickly noticed them, and yelled out to gain the attention of everyone at the gathering. 
He bounded up to the two of them, while the others seemed to scatter to do various tasks.
"Ewah! Zuke! Missy!" He slung an arm around each of them. "Glad to finally have you two here! So, Zuke, what do you think?"
Zuke paused, still amazed at the sight before him.
"This is… amazing." He breathed.
West beamed.
"Well you have the little missy here to thank for it. Was her idea, after all."
He let go of the two, allowing them to focus on one another.
"May.. Is this what you were working on?" She smiled and nodded.
"I had help, but yeah!"
Her orange skin seemed to glow under the string lights and her pink eyes beamed at him, elated.
"There's more, but first, let's grab some grub!" She cheered, grasping his wrist and pulling him towards the various foods available. After they both got a plate of food, they sat across from each other at a table to eat.
"Mayday, this is… thank you so much, but what's the occasion? You went all out on this."
She averted her gaze, red dusting her cheeks. "I'll explain later. Promise." 
Zuke nodded.
They spent some time eating, but it didn't take long for Yinu to start playing songs on her piano. Music elevating the mood even more, May stood and walked around the table, until she was within arms reach of Zuke.
She extended a hand to him.
"At the risk of sounding super cheesy, wanna dance with me?"
Zuke couldn't help but laugh a bit, but he took her hand nonetheless.
"Sure, if you promise not to throw me into a table again." 
May responded by swiftly elbowing him in the side and pouting as she responded with "Hey! That only happened once!" Which only made him chuckle at her antics.
He put one hand on her shoulder, and held the other. May used her free hand to hold his waist. 
He followed her lead as they stepped in various directions, she spun him every now and then.
He looked around and saw a few others dancing too. Nadia was doing one of her graceful interpretative dances to the piano tunes. West appeared to be trying to join her, and failing, much to Zuke's amusement. (Yeah, they were on good terms, but that doesn't mean that he couldn't laugh at West embarrassing himself. Besides, West should know that flirting with Nadia wasn't going to work.) 
He snorted when Nadia elegantly spun and kicked West resulting in him falling on his ass. 
May raised a brow at him, "What are you laughing at?" She quizzed. 
Zuke leaned in to whisper into her ear, "Turn around." He chuckled. 
May, curious, guided their dance until they swapped places. Now able to see what Zuke had been. 
She snickered when she saw DK West attempting to imitate Eve's movements, her ears perked up when Zuke whispered again. "Wait for it.." He murmured.
She kept her eyes on DK and Eve, after noticing Eve getting progressively more annoyed at DK's antics.
Eve glared intently at DK as he continued to (poorly) copy her.
Then suddenly, she swept his leg and he fell with a loud -THUMP- and she sauntered off. 
May howled in laughter. She buried her face into Zuke's chest to muffle the sound of her laughing and occasionally snorting. He could feel the vibrations of her laughter reverberate through his chest. Like her joy was being poured into him.
Eventually she freed herself from Zuke's torso. 
They put their foreheads together, smiling softly as their eyes met. Their dance slowed as the rhythm of Yinu's song slowed.
Now that they were moving at a more leisurely pace, Zuke focused on Mayday.
Her eyes were closed, temporarily concealing her pink flower-like pupils. The string lights above and around them gently bathed her in a warm glow. 
Then she opened her eyes, her beautiful, warm eyes, and smiled. 
1010 was right, her smile truly was radiant, and could leave almost anyone stifled. 
"I can't believe we're actually doing this." May laughed.
Zuke, too, started chuckling. "I know. Never thought you'd be the type to take me slow dancing."
Mayday spun him, then they returned to their previous dance. "Yeah, well, it's a special occasion." She playfully shrugged.
Zuke raised a brow at this, a smile plastered on his face. "Still building up the suspense, huh?" 
Suddenly, she yanked him at an angle, and before he knew it, she dipped him. 
Her face so close to his, her arm keeping him from falling, hell, the smirk and the mischievous look in her eyes, all made Zuke flush. His face a deep shade of blue as he looked up at her wide-eyed.
"You bet!" She winked.
They danced for a little bit longer, but eventually had to stop as Zuke's legs started acting up. Sharp stabbing pains shot through his leg muscles. Damn legs always failed him at the worst times.
Before his legs could give out entirely, May helped him sit at a table and made sure he was ok. When he reassured her that he was fine, and had his medication at hand, she smiled and stood tall.
She turned to face the stage, made eye contact with Yinu and her mother, and nodded.
Was that a signal?
"Stay here, okay? I'll be back." She instructed, distracting Zuke from thinking about it further.
She smiled at him, but her smile had… changed. Zuke wasn't sure, but she suddenly seemed kinda… nervous?  
Once again, a distraction appeared to prevent him thinking about it.
He felt the weight of the table bench shift slightly, he turned to see a familiar pink and white face.
"Hey Nadia." 
"Hello Zuke."
Though she wasn't smiling, he could tell she was glad to see him. He was glad to see her too.
She eyed him. Her green perceptive eyes scanned him top to bottom. 
"Are your legs pestering you again?"
He sighed and nodded in defeat. 
"Yeah, it sucks. I was actually enjoying dancing too."
She hummed.
"Do you need anything?"
"Would you grab some water for me?" She nodded and retrieved a glass of icy water.
He took his pills and washed them down with the cold drink. Good thing he didn't leave them at home.
"Thanks Nadia." He smiled gently. She only nodded.
A pause hung over them briefly. 
"I noticed your sculptures, they're nicely done. I haven't seen you do anything nautical themed in a while."
"Yes.. The pedest- er, Mayday, requested them. She did.. attempt to help make a few with me, however… that proved to be.. Not very helpful." Nadia's face twisted into a frown.
Zuke chuckled. He could imagine May probably breaking some sculptures while trying to help. She tended to be a magnet for chaos, if not the cause of it.
"It was… kind of her to try, at least." Nadia hesitantly added. Clearly she still had trouble getting along with Mayday, but she was making the effort.
Zuke chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds like May. Speaking of.." He glanced around. Still no sign of her.
"Do you know what's going on with her? It's not like I don't appreciate all of this or anything, but she's been acting… off. Jumpy. It's like she's nervous, or something."
"She's fine." Nadia almost snapped, her response so quick and certain Zuke was stunned into silence.
Nadia sighed, and put a hand on Zuke's shoulder. "She is fine, I assure you. Just… try to enjoy yourself. It's what she wanted for you. Don't let all of this," she vaguely gestured at the environment around them, "go to waste."
Zuke sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I just worry about her."
"Of course," Nadia reaffirmed. 
Before they could change the subject, the stage's speakers rang with Mayday's voice.
"Hey everyone! It's time!" She exclaimed.
As if it was practiced, the other guests took their seats at a table of their choice, and Nadia moved to sit with Tatiana.
Which left Zuke alone at his table.
Looking back towards the stage, Mayday adjusted the microphone stand, as Yinu prepared her piano behind May.
She scanned the area, and her eyes locked on Zuke. Her face lit up, and she pointed at him.
"Zuke! This is for you!" She proclaimed.
His eyes widened, and a blue blush tinged his green cheeks.
May looked back at Yinu, the girls nodded to each other, and their song began.
Rock and classical mix in an elegant energy as May's guitar strums along with Yinu's piano. A combo Zuke never expected from his partner, moved him so quickly, yet so gently.
The music swayed him into a trance, all else faded, it was just him, the music, and May..
Flourishes of warm orange, gold and pink.
The beat swelled up and dropped down, he closed his eyes, taking in the high energy harmony. A mix of familiar and new.
Mayday's radiant energy and warmth, but also her softness. 
It soared above all else, carrying him with it. The guitar got louder and louder. He could feel the song was going to end soon, doing one last swing up. Louder.
He creases his brow, it sounded closer. He opened his eyes to see May playing Kul Fyra's guitar right in front of him. 
The music elegantly dropped and faded out. Quiet pulled over. 
May smiled at Zuke as he gazed at her in awe. Her smile was gentle, loving.
"Zuke.." She slung the guitar by its strap to rest it on her back. She stood directly in front of him, leaning forward slightly.
She gently took his hands in hers. Her flower-like eyes locked with his ruby ones. Her warmth seeped into Zuke's skin. "You have been… the best partner I could ever ask for. You're calm and cool, but also passionate and smart. You stood by my side, even when no one else did, you forgave me when I didn't forgive myself.."
He felt her squeeze his hands, his eyes still wide. Her voice wavered.
"You never made fun of me when I did something strange or silly. You understand my love of rock better than anyone. I learn so much when I'm with you.. I.." She took a breath, "I love you so much, Zuke.."
"I love waking up with you, I love playing music with you, I love doing shows and hearing you drum away.. I want to do this with you for the rest of my life. My life is just… better when you're in it."
She took a deep, shaky breath. Her hands pulled away from his. He almost reached for her with his eyes welling up, but he stopped himself. Barely.
She reached into her jacket pocket, and slowly got down on one knee.
Zuke's breath caught hard in his throat, and he held a closed fist to his mouth. His vision blurred a little.
Mayday pulled out a small box, holding it delicately in her hands, and looked back up at Zuke, her own eyes welling up.
She opened the box, revealing a ring. A clean silver band with an emerald centered on top, and two smaller rubies on each side of the emerald. 
"Zuke.. Will you marry me? Be my bandmate for life?"
Zuke's eyes flooded with tears, he was unable to hold them back. Overrun by sheer joy, he nodded. 
Mayday beamed. "Y-you will!?"
Zuke lunged forward, practically tackling her to the ground in a hug.
"Yes! I'd love to!" 
Mayday and Zuke wrapped their arms around each other, and their lips met, both shedding tears.
"I love you."
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dratoba · 1 year
im bored so i'm starting a series called
Have you ever wondered what the golden guard has had to deal with? Well i'll help you with that! At around 5AM everyday Hunter wakes up and gets ready for work. However, Today he woke up to the sound of pounding on his door.
"GOLDEN GUARD! HELLO?! GOLDEN GUARD!" Hunter woke up almost immediately and got out of bed "IM GOING IM GOING" He quickly ran to his closet and got changed into his golden attire.
"THIS IS URGENT" He ran to the door almost slipping on his own cloak. Hunter opened his door to find one of his personal scouts "Misha? What's wrong?"
"COVEN HEADS. KITCHEN. BELOS" Hunter sighed. Of course it was something to do with the coven heads. "Aright Alright lets go" When they got to the kitchen Hunter saw abomination goo, fire bees, and plants coming out from under the door. "Alright i'll take it from here thank you Misha"
He whined then opened to doors to chaos. "CUT IT OUT" "STAY OUT OF IT" "YOU ALMOST HIT ME!" Hunter was too tired for this. It seemed Darius Deamonne and Terra snapdragon got into a fight. Unlike Terra, Darius had partners in this. Eberwolf the huntsmen and Raine Whispers.
Raine played the part of the peace keeper but still helped dodge attacks. Eberwolf played the part of the all bite no bark. Terra played the part of the "I will stop at nothing". Darius also played that part. Hunter played to part of the "If these idiots don't shut the fuck up right now there will be issues"
He rolled his eyes under his mask "the Titan is testing me.." he muttered under his breath "ALRIGHT CUT IT OUT" With all the chaos no one heard him
"Of course.." he again muttered under his breath. The exhausted teen knew what he had to do. He grabbed his staff and used his famous magic fist. It was put between Darius and Terra. They all stopped and look at the masked boy standing at the door way.
"Oh look it's the little flower" Terra snapdragon with her stupid nicknames. Hunter HATED nicknames more than anything. "So I see you guys have been having an awesome morning! Wanna know how my morning has been goin? I woke up to grown adults acting like children." Darius rolled his eyes
"so early in the morning and already starting with the sarcasm." If only he understood how tired Hunter actually is. He ignored the comment and continued. "What started this?"
"The big tough guy is actually just a big softy"
"I wouldn't put it like that-"
"Don't start with me Snapdragon because I will NOT hesitate"
"DONT." Hunter immediately stepped in knowing this would all start up again if he didn't. "Terra what do you mean?" The elderly woman sighed (Everyone loves sighing if you couldn't tell) "I'm saying he has a soft spot and when you hit it he colapses"
Wow, The big tough coven head having a soft spot? Who would've thought. Hunter decided to tease him about it later, for now he's gonna get these 2 to part ways. "Ok uhh...How about we never talk about this again. If any of you do I will talk to the Emperor and we all know he is not a merciful man"
Eventually the 4 parted ways and went on with their days but you may be wondering. What exactly did Terra say? She insulted the golden guard 3 times. 3 times is all it took to make Darius upset.
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