#Gut Brain Health
cutfield1 · 2 years
How To Boost Your Brainpower With 3 Supplements
Without adequate levels of B5 you will not experience the benefits of usingprecursorstoAChlikeAlpha GPCandCDP-Choline. See the main niacin review for prevention of niacin flushing and preferred forms to use to prevent liver toxicity. NAD also converts to NADH which is the primary carrier of electrons in the transfer of food from your diet into energy. A student can opt using this brain supplement during their examination time. However, this does not mean that the students who use this supplement will get “A” grade in their examinations after using this supplement. This supplement is also considered as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. What this means is that the consumption of this supplement helps in preserving acetylcholine. Acetylcholinesterase plays an important role in breaking down acetylcholine, which is regarded as the most prominent neurotransmitter in the human brain. Take a look at our buying guide below for some helpful tips and things to consider. The brain function, memory and other ingredients are made up of several natural herbs and plant extracts which are commonly used in Asian and Indian natural medicine. These have been used to improve brain function for thousands of years. Although a winner on the TV show Shark Tank, there are better nootropics to choose from. There are several B-vitamins, which assist in overall brain function and recovery. There are 2 types of amino acids, l-glutamine and l-tyrosine, which are both active in cell and tissue recovery and maintenance. Even something as simple as a short walk in the afternoon can make a major difference in your overall energy levels. This supplement essentially comes handy for brain development, brain nourishment, healthy brain cells and also neurotransmitter formation. This is said to be a compulsory brain supplement if you are looking for superior brain performance. Whether it’s due to your job, anxiety over the state of the world or burning your banana bread again, stress is bad for you, especially when prolonged for days or weeks. Stress creates harmful chemicals like cortisol which are linked to weakened immune systems, high blood pressure and brain fog, so try to manage your stress with mindfulness techniques. Another nootropic you’ve likely heard of before is omega-3 fatty acids, namely EPA and DHA, which are critical for proper brain function and development. It’s considered so effective that it’s sometimes prescribed as a medication in Europe. Brain C-13 Reviews recommended dosage is50 to 200 mcg daily and can be taken on an empty stomach. It protects the patient’s brain against free radical damage and toxins while promoting new brain cell generation. Avoid taking vinpocetine on an empty stomach since it’s absorbed up to 100% better with food. Vinpocetine’s ability to protect the brain from degeneration makes it a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s.
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peakturnip8 · 2 years
The Best Vitamins To Increase Brain Function
However, that forgetfulness, trouble focusing, confusion, and an overall reduction in your mental clarity can be frustrating, and it can disrupt your everyday life. Brain C-13 Review include reducing the harmful effects and inflammation that causes brain damaging and raises levels of acetylcholine and dopamine. Adaptogenic have this ability to calm a stressed mind and also increase energy flow without acting as a stimulant. This helps the brain get more oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to the brain. It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, with researchers theorizing that this may be due to its antioxidant properties that protect your neurons from damage. It supports all functions of the grey matter, including general cognition, motor skills and emotional regulation. Anthocyanins work as potent antioxidants, helping to protect your brain cells from toxins you're exposed to in your diet or environment. One brand that caught our attention for providing this supplement is Toniiq. The company takes pride in their 600mg capsules providing the highest quality of resveratrol you can find. Better yet, they are ethically sourced and cultivated using an extraction process that ensures a 98% purity. While it’s not 100%, it’s a big stretch as other brands that produce resveratrol tend to contain 50% or less purity. It's a smart and clean brain supplement that has been fine-tuned to provide you with the levels of energy that you need. The supplement combines multi-tasking nootropic ingredients that help in promoting peak performance even under extreme pressure. The plant-based capsules are very easy to swallow and are infused with prebiotics too, which will aid in better nootropic uptake into the bloodstream by supporting your gut health too. It is ideal if you take the capsule with a source of dietary fat – something like milk, or a nut butter if you're vegan, or you can take Performance Lab MCT oil as well. It won’t make you drowsy, but can improve your quality of sleep. It makes you more resilient to stress and helps quell anxiety. L-theanine raises levels of several key brain chemicals — serotonin, dopamine, and GABA — to promote recall, learning, motivation, and positive mood. Kennedy D.O., Stevenson E., Jackson P., Wishart K., Bieri G., Barella L., Carne A., Dunn S., Robertson B., Forster J., et al. Multivitamins/minerals modulate cerebral blood-flow and whole-body energy metabolism during cognitive tasks of graded difficulty. Morris M.S. The role of B vitamins in preventing and treating cognitive impairment and decline.
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eatclean-bewhole · 7 months
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Set your day up right! I have been enjoying these breakfasts by EatingWell, with my own twist on them. I hope they inspire you to try something new. If you're bored with what you eat, it's time to switch it up! What does your breakfast look like?
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SpaceDogs was allegedly started because someone was trying to ship adam TOWERS with nigel and everyone played a game of telephone and got confused. don't get me wrong i love spacedogs but ADAM TOWERS AND NIGEL. GUYS!!! THE POTENTIAL
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obsob · 2 years
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i never post my jus black n white of these so. here is the pencils for a lament for icarus redraw!! im excited to colour this. nothing gets me going like a warm colour palette 
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labratboygirl · 8 months
trying 2 step away from a fandom my brain is still actively hyperfixating on is much harder of a task than i expected
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loislaina · 6 months
one thing i find people rarely talk about regarding trauma is how utterly *old* it makes you feel. im 34 and mentally/emotionally i feel like im a thousand years old most days. (other days i feel like a tall child but that's probably beause the trauma happened in childhood, my inner child acting out the past or whatever). physically i have very little energy, and almost zero motivation. there are days when i don't eat or sleep or even go to the bathroom unless i really need to. these symptoms have gotten better as ive healed but im still not up to a hundred percent, and there's no way i'll ever be the same person as before. but that last part is okay, because being alive means inherent change, and we all change as we grow... its just that some of us change in more severe ways sometimes
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existennialmemes · 10 months
God being alive is just absurd,
like mechanically speaking.
My ability to feel joy significantly depends on the functionality of the microbes in my intestinal tract, and I'm sorry but this is a
bullshit system
and I demand to speak to the Devs
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ficklecat · 7 months
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pistachios ❥ all essential amino acids, brain function, gut health, weight loss
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maaarine · 10 months
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Le Journal des sciences: Dépression : le microbiote intestinal communique avec le cerveau par le nerf vague
"De plus en plus d’indices pointent vers un rôle du microbiote dans les troubles psychiatriques, l’anxiété et la dépression, mais pour l’instant chez l’humain il s’agit de corrélations.
On sait qu’une dysbiose, donc un dérèglement du microbiote est associé aux troubles dépressifs mais cela ne dit rien du lien de causalité, qui est la cause et qui est la conséquence.
En revanche chez la souris, on en sait davantage, notamment parce qu’on peut les étudier dans des conditions stériles.
Une modification de la composition du microbiote murin entraîne des changements comportementaux et cognitifs : des troubles de l'attention, de la perception, de la mémoire, d’interaction avec les autres congénères et des symptômes dépressifs.
Et oui, les symptômes dépressifs s’observent aussi chez la souris.
Pour explorer un lien causal entre microbiote et dépression, ces scientifiques ont induit un état dépressif chez ces animaux par de petits stress chroniques, avant de transférer le microbiote de ces souris dépressives à des souris saines.
Résultat, le transfert de microbiote suffit à déclencher des troubles dépressifs et cette information passe par un lien physique qui est le nerf vague.
Entretien avec Eleni Siopi maîtresse de conférence à l’Université Paris cité.
Elle est l’autrice principale de ces travaux menés lors de son post-doctorat à l’Institut Pasteur et parus dans Molecular Psychiatry."
Eleni Siopi:
"Nous avons vu qu'il existe une voie anatomique directe qui lie les intestins et le cerveau, qui s'appelle le nerf vague.
Le microbiote intestinal a accès à ce nerf, il peut influencer l'activité de ce nerf vague.
Nous avons constaté que le microbiote perturbé par le stress chronique induit une augmentation de l'activité du nerf vague chronique.
Cette suractivation du nerf vague est suffisante pour complètement perturber la neurotransmission au niveau du cerveau.
Pour vraiment prouver ce lien entre microbiote, nerf vague, et cerveau, vous avons effectué une vagotomie.
Nous avons constaté qu'en dissociant les intestins et le cerveau via la coupure du nerf vague, les souris ne sont plus déprimées suite à une inoculation avec le microbiote perturbé.
Cette étude permet d'envisager des stratégies thérapeutiques alternatives pour soulager la dépression.
C'est important de souligner qu'il n'y a que 30% des personnes traitées avec les antidépresseurs qui ressentent un effet bénéfique, donc l'efficacité n'est pas du tout satisfaisante.
Bien sûr, on ne peut pas couper le nerf vague chez l'humain, mais on peut montrer que le bien-être du nerf vague est important pour notre sommeil et respiration.
La prochaine étape serait d'identifier s'il existe comme des protéines ou récepteurs qui soient spécifiques pour le nerf vague et qu'on pourrait utiliser pharmacologiquement pour agir spécifiquement au niveau de ce nerf."
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jaynovz · 1 year
According to my mood tracking app, the longest I have gone without writing since I started up again in Jan 2021 was ten days in a row, which was when I was in GA for xmas during the last two weeks of Dec 2021...
The overall effect on my mood when including the writing activity is pretty high, in a positive way, based on the data.
All of that to say that my current depressive slump as a result of facing the fact that I may have finally hit a hard wall of burn out, after two years of intense output?
...well, it makes sense lol.
#thoughts#personal#depression#mental health#i desperately need a break i know i do my brain is spinning out ans having difficulty even starting on concepts/stories#but also... writing is the center tower of my support structure it's what I do to unwind and make myself happy#i anticipated some amount of this uhh feeling gutted and empty after break up au was over#but i didn't anticipate this fucking weird limbo inbtw of being burnt out and unable to write but ALSO unable to find joy in other things??#my brain doesn't want to read it doesn't want to play video games or do art or pursue a different hobby#it's not latching onto any non pirate things despite me pspspssing ans throwing other content in front of it#like I'm TRYING#with 1899 with Sunder with Disco Elysium etc#it feels like shit frankly#and also a lot of the pirate ppl i started this journey with have also gotten tired or moved on completely#i just am absolutely CONFOUNDED that my brain is finding zero joy in even rotisserie chickening pirate stuff#who am i?#god i hope it's just a little slump and I snap out of it#cuz i am thrashing like a fish in a net trying to figure out how to make ny brain happy#what's the magic formula#and the brain fog is still here so like i would LOVE more distraction from IRL shit#i can use my friends to produce joy to some extent right now but it's limited#bc im also Still Tired so doing the Jay Thing of trying to fill needs and thus feel useful has a hard limit#reminds myself im not just an endless battery#anyway im desperately trying to find heathy coping and not ooze all over everybody but it's fucking hard#venting#i find it hard to talk to my therapist about this which maybe means i need a new one#just another Thing to do
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inthroughthesunroof · 6 months
Well this looks like a big deal. Not anything approaching a cure, not yet, but a very important loose thread for unraveling the mystery that is long covid, chronic fatigue, the gut/brain connection, and maybe eventually depression.
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 month
Avoiding caffeine on an empty stomach is also ideal for hormone balance, for those with a compromised gut, and for those with anxiety.
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