#Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset
gofitnesspro · 1 year
7 key differences between having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset
7 key differences between having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset
Growth mindset versus a fixed mindset: When it comes to personal development and success, the two most influential mindsets are the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. In this blog, we will discuss the seven key differences between having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. Introduction to Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset The growth mindset is based on the belief that skills and…
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serenityquest · 1 month
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Going From a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset
Lesson #1: growth is not linear. You will not improve drastically overnight. As I’ve stressed this before, things take time and consistency and concentration.
A fixed mindset is basically a belief that the person you’re born as - your intelligence and talent - are fixed. They cannot be changed, no matter what.
Science has shown that this is not true. It’s 100% possible to get smarter over time and with dedicated effort.
This is what a growth mindset is - believing that you can be better over time, and that your current level of intelligence and talent is temporary.
People with fixed mindsets are insecure, and it shows. Fear of failure; taking constructive criticism to heart; feelings of jealousy when someone they know is doing well… we’ve all known a person like this, and been this person ourselves at some point in our life.
Growth mindset is therefore the opposite but the effects are as grounding; it can help battling anxiety, depression, burnout issues, behavioural issues and so on.
I understand that a lot of you don’t have people in your life with a similar mentality of personal growth. I’m therefore reopening my Discord. My followers can meet, connect and help each other out.
Now, how does one transition from a fixed to a growth mindset?
Here are some things I think could help:
1. Detaching yourself from the definition of failure
If you’ve already decided the outcome of a certain situation without even trying, then you’re still stuck in a fixed mindset. Things like “there’s no point in me applying for that job because I don’t have the skills and I won’t get it anyway” - applying for that job wouldn’t hurt, even if you don’t get it. Stop limiting your opportunities that you never know could actually work out. A growth mindset person will always try to make most of the opportunities they have.
2. Not getting attached to any outcomes
Don’t get attached to favourable or unfavourable outcomes. When something goes well, have gratitude in your heart but don’t let it get to your ego. Life is about constantly learning. Don’t get attached to compliments and don’t get disheartened by criticism.
3. Actively working on yourself
You can learn a language at any age. You can start learning how to dance or sing or ride a horse at any age, if you’re doing it for the pleasure of learning (getting into competitive stages could be challenging if you’re not young). Someone who works on themselves has a growth mindset.
4. Stop self depreciating yourself
If I see one more IG bio that says “I’m so boring uwu” I will literally throw hands. Stop talking shit about yourself. Classic fixed mindset case. It’s childish and people pleasing behaviour.
5. Stop the comparison game
Stop resenting the people around for the good work they do in their life/ if their life is easy. We all have our challenges, whether we show them publicly or not. The more you work on your inner peace and inner self, the less you’ll feel the need to compare yourself to someone else. Jealousy is a disease and a sign of a fixed mindset.
6. Appreciate and thank yourself for being you.
If you’re nice to your mum, siblings, friends when they need your support… you can be nice to yourself too. Growth mindset does not come from berating yourself.
7. Recognise mistakes and take accountability
Admitting that you’re wrong is never easy. However, I’ll always have respect for someone who can admit that they messed up, rather than someone who will make up stories to justify their antics.
8. Provide yourself with at least 3 productive self-care hours a week
Self care here doesn’t mean skin care or hair care. I mean brain care. You feed your brain good things that it needs to stay calm and ever-growing.
These could include: brain games, mediation, a hobby, watching an educational documentary, doing a short online course, reading… anything that’s good for your brain.
9. Stop being a chameleon
Have you ever met those sort of people who will do anything to fit in? It could adopting that group’s mannerisms, thought processes, opinions… now, to an extent, that is normal and subtle. However, when it starts going too far to a point where you can’t be yourself anymore, thats a problem. In my opinion, that’s an example of not being able to practice your growth mindset publicly.
Privately, you may be growth oriented - but it needs to reflect in your words and actions. If you’re holding yourself back in doing certain things because you’re afraid of what other friends will think of you, you need better friends. Embrace people who have a growth mentality.
10. Using social media for better purposes
I made a separate Instagram account where I only follow educational stuff - think history, geography, arts and architecture, science, tech, business - and absolutely no people. It’s my way of using social media to ensure I learn more. Social media may be the devil, but you can be smart and alter it to your purposes, to give you that kick that you need to educate yourself.
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wisterianwoman · 9 months
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Your level of resilience will determine whether you feel worthy and capable of your goals and dreams, or unworthy. Failure is inevitable; it is how you choose to respond to failure that will determine your outcomes.
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syadhira · 1 year
Mengenai self-blocking, tentang kalimat "aku memang orangnya begini". Dont blame yourself for your incompetence.
Semua orang memang punya sifat buruk mereka bawa dari kecil, tapi itu bukan suatu pembenaran untuk mereka gk mau berkembang dan menjadi lebih baik lagi. Sarannya, bukan rubah sikap mu, tapi rubah dulu pola pikir mu. Bukan kamu gk bisa, itu namanya kamu gk mau.
- Tulisan seseorang hafidzahullah
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mindsetshift · 1 year
There are several common mindset flaws that can affect people, including:
Negative self-talk: Negative self-talk involves the tendency to focus on negative aspects of oneself and one's life, leading to feelings of anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem.
Fixed mindset: A fixed mindset is the belief that abilities and traits are fixed and cannot be developed or improved. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a fear of failure.
Confirmation bias: Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms one's existing beliefs or opinions, while ignoring evidence that contradicts them.
Black and white thinking: Black and white thinking involves seeing situations in terms of absolute, either/or categories, without considering shades of gray or complexity.
Catastrophizing: Catastrophizing involves overestimating the likelihood of negative outcomes and imagining worst-case scenarios, which can lead to anxiety and fear.
Victim mentality: A victim mentality involves believing that one is powerless and that outside factors are responsible for one's problems and failures, rather than taking responsibility for one's own actions.
Procrastination: Procrastination is the tendency to put off tasks and responsibilities, leading to stress, anxiety, and missed opportunities.
It's important to recognize these mindset flaws and work to overcome them. By developing a growth mindset, focusing on positive self-talk, seeking out diverse perspectives, and taking responsibility for one's own actions, individuals can cultivate a more resilient, positive, and productive mindset
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bigmoneyvision101 · 4 months
Differences Between a Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset: Rachel Pedersen's Guide!
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boogieboba · 2 months
this is going to be stupid and vague but:
something is happening for the first time in 5 months and I shouldn’t have said yes to this thing but now that its here i feel like shit and it’s actively going to make tomorrow the worst day of my life.
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rosaliecolimagarcia · 9 months
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Change your mindset, change your life.
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bambinification · 2 months
I'm not really self conscious about being a system with a lot of alters anymore. Like, it's not even that I "split easily" all things considered; it's that so many of my alters Feel like rough drafts that are then re-split into newer, more improved versions of that alter. And each one of those alters is still distinct as it's own person; it's not really a "this is Jasmine, and this is Jasmine with a cooler hat" situation.
It's just. Why do you keep making new people. Why can't my alters just character-develop into being the "new and improved versions" I end up getting? The answer is I've never been able to learn how to be a person because of this disorder, on top of the fact that the real world and the real character development my alters go through back all of them into a corner where they Can't develop in the direction "the brain" wants them to. Splits happen because the brain senses a deficiency that can't be filled by current alters. And the unfortunate thing about being a person is just that there are some things you can never grow and develop and learn to do. Even with therapy. Even with growth mindset. For Alter A, "getting to a point where we can be exposed to our triggers and not react" is a possible recovery goal. However, for that same alter, "getting to a point where you actually Like your trigger and are capable of reenacting it for fun" is not. That's NOT a "fixed mindset;" that's a realistic understanding of my limitations.
Growth mindset or not, there is a finite amount of change a person is capable of doing in their lives, Especially when they're severely traumatized or in some way disadvantaged. I just wish everybody knew that.
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valdetselimaj · 2 months
Mindset Matters - Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Welcome to one of four posts on mindset! The human experience is a lot. We have to deal with so much with every waking moment. Waking up, going to work, traffic, construction, family, health, bills, relationships, breakups, housing, finding purpose, etc. The list goes on and on (and on and on). The most wild part: We don’t have control of any of those things. They are going to happen, usually…
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makemebetter · 3 months
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Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
Having a growth mindset over a fixed mindset can significantly impact your approach to learning, challenges, and personal development. In this blog, we will explore the differences between these two mindsets and discuss practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset in various aspects of life.
## Understanding Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
A **fixed mindset** is the belief that one's abilities and intelligence are static and cannot be significantly changed. Individuals with a fixed mindset often avoid challenges, feel threatened by the success of others, and tend to give up easily when faced with obstacles. They may see effort as fruitless if they believe that their innate talents are the ultimate determinants of success.
On the other hand, a **growth mindset** is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Those with a growth mindset embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see the success of others as an inspiration. They understand that effort is the path to mastery and that their intelligence and talents can be cultivated over time.
## Embracing Challenges
Individuals with a growth mindset view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. They understand that facing challenges can lead to the development of new skills and the enhancement of existing ones. Instead of shying away from difficulties, they actively seek out opportunities to stretch their abilities and push past their comfort zones.
To foster a growth mindset in your own life, it's essential to reframe challenges as chances to learn and improve rather than as insurmountable obstacles. Embrace the opportunity to develop resilience and creativity in the face of challenges, and recognize that the process of overcoming obstacles is often an essential part of personal and professional growth.
## Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Another key aspect of a growth mindset is the ability to view failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a definitive endpoint. Those with a growth mindset understand that setbacks and failures are an inevitable part of any learning process. Instead of being discouraged by failure, they use it as an opportunity to reflect, learn, and adjust their approach.
To cultivate a growth mindset in the face of failure, it's important to adopt a constructive and resilient attitude. Rather than dwelling on the disappointment of a setback, ask yourself what you can learn from the experience and how you can use that knowledge to improve in the future. By reframing failure as a valuable learning opportunity, you can develop the resilience and adaptability essential for a growth mindset.
## Celebrating Effort and Persistence
A growth mindset places a strong emphasis on the value of effort and persistence. Instead of attributing success solely to innate talent, those with a growth mindset recognize the role of hard work and dedication in achieving their goals. They understand that sustained effort and perseverance are essential for mastery in any area.
When striving to cultivate a growth mindset, it's crucial to celebrate the process of growth and development rather than solely focusing on outcomes. Acknowledge and praise your own efforts and the efforts of others, recognizing the importance of dedication and persistence in the pursuit of goals. By valuing the journey of improvement, you can develop a more resilient and motivated approach to personal and professional endeavors.
## Conclusion
In conclusion, embracing a growth mindset over a fixed mindset can lead to a more resilient, motivated, and adaptable approach to learning and personal development. By recognizing the potential for growth and improvement through effort and perseverance, individuals can transcend limitations and achieve greater success in both their personal and professional lives. Cultivating a growth mindset is a journey that requires conscious effort and self-reflection, but the rewards of embracing challenges, learning from failure, and celebrating effort are truly transformative.
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tapan4evr · 3 months
Don’t worry about what people say behind your back, they are the people who are finding faults in your life instead of fixing the faults in their own life.
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frombehindthepen · 4 months
Embracing a Growth Mindset
Embracing a Growth Mindset #ContinuedLearning #Persistence #Perseverance #Goals
Image Credit: RDNE Stock project “I learned that learning truly is a skill … and that by continuing to learn to this day, I can compete and get ahead of most people because the reality is, most people don’t put in the time to learn … and that’s always given me a competitive advantage.” -Mark Cuban Do you embrace a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Each of us has the opportunity to improve some…
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gailgoodwinnow · 4 months
The Archetype of Failure
Failure is the sum story of knowledge plus skills equals experience that over time time, develops wisdom.
Failure is inevitable. You can’t escape this story. A fixed mindset discourages learning because it avoids making mistakes. It protects the ego from failure. In a fixed mindset, you avoid taking on challenging tasks or learning new skills because you fear making mistakes. If a person believes their intelligence is fixed and cannot be developed, they tend to shy away from a difficult project at…
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lyftup-today · 4 months
Fixed mindset vs. Growth mindset. Which do you choose today?
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"Fixed mindset vs. Growth mindset. Which do you choose today?" ⎯ Lyftup.today • https://lyftup.today/quote/001-fixed-mindset-vs-growth-mindset/
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